Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HE fit TVESDAY , DECEMnER 5. 181) ) } ) .
A dvcr ; irmiMitn 7or * 1liini > "column *
n-lli lie taken uiilll la iti , for llir
ovcnlnu dllllou nnil until Hiill ) p. in.
lor iiioriilnu : nnil Rnniln > - oilMloli.
Itnlr * , 1 l-Bo n trnrd flrM liiNOrtloni
3c n word thrrcnfrr. ( NntliliiK lnUeu
tor II-NN ( linn * > ni. fur ( hiIIrut Inser
tion. TlioHc iiilvcrtlMpiniMitM niiiNt lie
rni oonnocittlvi'lj.
Ailvcrtlftcrn , Ity rriiirllnK | n tin in-
liefpil oliouk , cnit luivo ittiHtTt-m ml-
drcimcil lo a nmnlicrcil letter In fnrc
of The lire. AnmviTK HII rtililro eil
will lie delivered tin prcxDiitndiin > f
the uhcclt ii n I j' .
A STBNOaUAPHKH. When you want one-
plcnso call up tlio Remington typewriter
ortlcc , 1619 Farnam strwt , telephone 15i3.
WANTED-A pr-slUtiti by a registered
pharmacist , 8 yearn experience. Address
8 2.1. Bee olllcd. A-4B3 4 *
IXPERIHNCED housekeeper or first-class
took. SwodlBh. S 81. Hoc , A MOOT n *
WANTEDTwe have steady work for a few
good hustlers of irood Imblts and appear
ance5. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 H0" ' " 1'
WANTED , county ngents for every county
In the stale , firmers preferred , for AII -
bur'B llos Food , warranted to cure ail
Jioff dltttiire * . Address Wilbur Sred Meal
Co ? . Milwaukee. Wla. 12- - -
SALESMEN to neil our full line of choice
nursery stock ; a printed guiirnntee that
stock shall ho true to name given to each
c-UBtomer ; wiltc for Jcrms. Mt. Hope
Nurseries. Uiwrencc , Kan. B-M99I PS *
"WE WANT MEN to sell our Minnesota
Krown stock In northrrn Iowa and north
eastern Nchruska ; complete line of hardy
fruits , ornamental trees , shrubs , plants
and evergreens ; men with or without ex
perience , whose present employment does
not pay them In proportion to the amount
of energy th y are expending , should Bet
ncfiiiatnted with our line of work. Address
Manager Agency Department , The Jewell
Nursery Co. , Lake City , Minn , fkjjab-
11 shed In 1E68.V' B-M4S9 D2S
WANTED , medicine salesman agents to
trnvol , country ; pleasant , profitable work.
Marshall Medicine Co. , Kansas City , Mo.
\VE TEACH the barber trade thoroughly
In short time and furnish each graduate
o. with a guarantor ! position at good wages.
. There are more tlian ten barber positions
advertised to ono at bookkeeplnB or Hhort-
h'and. Write for free catalogue and par
ticulars. Western Barbers' Institute ,
Omaha. B-M623
FIRST-CLASS Inside plasterer. SSI. Bee.
WANTED Young man for unpacklnR Roods
nnd helping in store : salary lo\v to begin.
Grand Union Tea Co. B i9j 5
GOOD. ' strong boy Wanted for delivering
Roods. Address. Smith Donehy Extract
Co. , 10th and Leavcnwortb. It i96 b
WANTED Good .dresserr to wear ; our line
made to order clothing : popular prices.
Men & women' * Slothes cleaned & repaired.
Twin City Tailoring Co. . icoa Farnam St.
WANTED , traveling smlcsmnn for complete.
line of children'- ) ! shoes : $150 per month.
Whlto or call room 31. Bachelors' hotel
Jj - jMSO . u
with a commission record of $2,000 to $ IOW
a year. Applicants must give particulars
of line and time ! n which record was
madeto secure recognition. Permanent
liroposltlon 'for right man. AYrlte In con-
, ildence. S 35. BC.O. _ B-M&OJ6 * _
TRAVELING Hiilosinnn. first-class man ,
poqd permanent position. Seth I. lmer ? ,
MO Ramgo 'bldg. B-M79S 5'
WANTED , men to learn barber trade : only
two months required to complete ; will pav
, JJ5.00 weekly when competent ; have 500
positions open Jan. 15th. Como now and
prepare for theixs places. No expense to
learn If you will work for us. Catalogue
mailed free. Molew Barber Chl-
COVRnXMENT POSITIONS ; Ddn't prepare -
pare for nny civil service or' census ex-
njiilmUlon without seeing olir catalogue of
Information. Sent free. Columbian Corre
spondence College , Washington , D. C.
WANTED. 200 girls , 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876.
C 301
? SO GIRLS wanted ; nil kinds work ; J3 to $7.
Canadian Olllco. 1522 Douglas.
C-M1SI D21
GIRL for general housework. 127 So. 23th
street. C M232
WANTKD , good girls with first-class refer
ences for cook , laundry and second work ;
good'wages. Apply Mrs. R. , E. Montgom
ery , G05 Third street , Council Bluffs.
WANTED A' good prl ! for seneral house
work. 415 N. 23th St. C-79I-G'
A GIRL wanted. 315 N. 17th. C-M812 7
GIHL wanted at cure for general house
work. Room 29. 1CI5 Howard si.
j u
JFYOU want your .houses well rented
place them will ) Bcnewn & Co. D 503
CHOICE houses' , cottages , stores. Henry
B Payne. 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1010.
D 505
FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms ,
all modern ; excellent Htable. Bemls. Paxton -
ton block. . D 507
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Pnxton block ,
D 508
JIAGOARD Vnn nnd Storage. 1C10 Cnpltol
Ave. Tel. 1130. D-309
FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city.
The , Q , F. pnyls Co , , 1503 Farnam street.
GOOD large barn for rent In north part of
city. Inquire 2121 Locust. i IJ 103
COTTAGES , residences. Patterson , 305 N.
Y. Life. D-oll
SEVERAL. 38 U. S. Nnt'l Bank Bldg.D512
HOUSES for rent .In all parts of the city.
Brennhn-Love Col , 219 So. 16th Btreot.DE13
8311 BURT ST. , 8-room , fine residence , en
tirely' modern hot water heat ; in good
condition ; will rent to n good tenant for
J2o.OO per month. Omaha Lonn and Trust
Co , , and Douglas. D 5H
HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood. 12.1 N.
Y. Life. Phone 3SS. D-315
CHOICE modern 9-room brick dwelling ,
IHS'J Park Ave. . fronting Hnnscom park ,
{ 10. Inquire J. M. Richards , 1115 S , 32d St.
113 rrAPITOL Avo. . 11 rooms , modern. The
O , F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnum St.
FOR RENT-Flve-room co'tage , 1S10 On-
Five-room cottage. 609 South S3d St. . tlO.OO ,
Five rooms , lower floor , sennrnto entrance.
217 South JSth Ave. . near Farnnm. $10.00 ,
Three rooms at 3122 L.ivenworth , JG.OO.
Woodman & Bay. 2S Barker block.
I/ARGEST list. F. D , Wend , 16 & Douglas.
- , . D-453-D2S
6-ROOM cottage , furnished or Unfurnished ,
modern. SOfl So , 30. D-628 "
B1X-ROOM modern ilati 1112 fi. llth.
BEVEN-RPOM , modern , SUB Chicago , very
cbuyt 7-room. madam ; 552 S. 'JSth. $30 ; 7-
room , bath ; ; S007 Webster : 7-room , barn ,
law yard , 2223 N. mil ; nlso Hats. Ring ,
wait Bros. , Barker blk. D-M6I3
LARGE 10-room modern roHldoirce. This 1s
the finest , house now-for rnni In the west
Farnnm btreot district. Will make nil
necessary repairs to thoroughly'pcasu ! n
Biiltablo tenent who will taku : i leuxn for n
yoar. We will take nominal rental for the
r winter to pet thin house rented , Omaha
Isaun nnd Trurt Co. , Ifith nnd Douclns.
10-ROOM modern dwelling an car line ; best
neighborhood In city ; bath , furnnce. 125.
609 Paxton block , ' D-M755 5 *
T-ROOM modern houKfi 1310 So , 2Sth st . $20.
Tbos. II. Fell , 313 Brpwn blk. D-MH3
'Oil Ui\T IIOtSBS.
FOR JIKNT Mof N. 2Tth rt. . fi-room cot-
t KF , hot nnd cold water , bnth ( cement
reiinr. BBS , line condition. W. D. Mead , Jr. ,
Dell > ne Hotel , D-M'33 5
DESIRABLE 8-room furnished house ,
i cheap ; two cnr lines. Frlsblc , Nebraska ,
I Clothing Co. p 7j7-o *
A HOUSE with nine rooms and nil modern
Improvements. 2112 Lake st. D-fiSO 4 *
I FOR RENT. 3JOI N. 27th St. . C-room cot-
1 tnge. hot nnd cold water , bath , cement
I cellnr. gns , fine condition. W. D. Mead ,
I Jr. , Dellone Hotel. D-M733-5
S-HOOM elegnnt apartment" In Normnndle ,
. . rottngo. newly ; fi-room , all-modern
papered nnd In tine shape , $25.fO. Wo hnvo
many others. Payne-Harder Co. , Ut floor
N. V. Life BldR. D-MS01
TWO rooms with bath. 2603 Reefo.
E M490 5 *
FURNISHED rfooms , housekeeping. " 262,1 St.
Mary's. E M401 S *
THREE nicely furnished rooms for rent.
29 Sixth nvc. , Council Bluffs , town.
E-M611 6
THE Columbia. 32 ( ! Broadway , Council
Bluffs ; rooms for rent day or week ; tran
sients accommodated ; everything neat ,
clean and comfortable ; rates reasonable.
Mrs. Minne Dunne , late of 307 Broadway ,
proprietress. Telephone 462.
EVERYTHING heart can wish for nt the
Brunswick , low prices included.
NICELY furnished room for rent , nil
modern conveniences. 2203 J street. South
Omaha. E-M733-9'
SINGLE room , $1. 1712 Jncksqn.
ROOM and board , steam heat. 1613 Hartley.
F M393 DeclO
NICE south room , board , reasonable. HO
Cass. F S23 D15'
NICE rooms , good board ; rates reasonable.
The Ror , 2020 Hnrncy. F M290 9
ROOM and board , $1 & B. 1512 Davenport.
F-M411 D25
THE Merrlam family hotel , 23th and Dodge.
F 516
EVERYTHING heart can wish fornt the
Brunswick , low prices Included.
F-MS09 6
FURNISHED rooms and board. C015 Doug
las st. F-MS05
TWO rooms with bath , 2COT Reese.
G-MI90 ! !
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground Moor , Bee Bldg. I 260
FOR RENT , a ground floor olllce , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for use ot city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
Building. I-2 7
WIDE-AWAKE county agents wanted for
the Automatic Door Holder. Write B. L.
Dart , State- Agent , Hartlngton , Neb.
FOR RENT Brick warehouse , two floors ,
each 60x90 ft ; power elevators ; U. P.
trackage. Apply llaarmnnn Bros. , 1914
S. 20thT I-G51
16TH AND JACKSON STS. . on Jan. 1 , cor
ner - - . torennd basement : $50 a month. In
quire nt the Brunswick Hotel. I 'M810 ' 5
YOUNG man desires to work for board
while going to Fcliool. Boyle's Collecre.
Bee Bldg. Tel. 19S4. 1C 417
FURNISHED room between 21th. N. , nnd
Cnpltol avenue , In private family ; state
terms. Lock box SOS. Omaha. K 774 5 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912-
914 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
ALL'kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicngo Fur
niture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. - 2020.
N 518
WILL purchase n limited number of
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan-
Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N 519
WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee
ple's Store , 16th and Farnam. N 7M2I3
5 CAR loads nt once of furniture. Drop a
card and a man will call. J. Levlne , 304
N. 16th. N-474-D27
6 OR 7-ROOM house. Address R. Thlem ,
1414 N. 24th. N M53D 6 *
STOVES. STOVES ; iio reasonable offer rc-
fUMd. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1490.
WE Btlll have a good line of stoves and
furniture ut reduced prices. J. Lewis , 104
S. 14th Btrcet. O-M7S6 JS
able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1413
Dodse. . O 620
GOOD top buggy for sale cheap. Address
P 69 , Bee. T 1'192
FOR SALE , finely matched team of black
carriage horses. Call at 721 N Y. Life
BldB. Tel. 140S. ' P MS07 6 *
SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Hoyden. Q 521
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman it JIo
Council Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-512
PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om. Bl. Co"
CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog
fence * . Wl Douglas St. Q 523
NEW nnd 2nd-hand sewing machines , reduced -
duced price. II. E. Frcderlckson , 15th &
Dodge. Q52I
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnlon St. Tel. 776.
Plants , cut llowera , boquols , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations
Orders by mall or express promptly filled ,
FOR SALE , a double carriage. Inquire 1820
N , 18th St. Q-M177
FOR SALB-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q-62'j
INDIAN relics ; mounted heads , me Farnam
SAFES-Buy , Boll , exchange. 1H 8. mh St.
HARNESS Lot of good uecond-lmnd liar-
nesp chcnp. Drummond Carriage Co. , 18th
nnd Harney Sts. Q-749 D12 *
2D-HAND safe cheap. Der.'ght , 1116 Farnam.
ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. . Council Bluffs
ADVERTISING calendars , Burkley Ptg. Co.
Q-M7S9 Decl7
FINE Chlckerlng upright piano for sale
cheap , cash or easy payments. Address
P 10 , Bee olllce. Q-613 Dll
FOR SALE , Wilbur's Hog Food In ten-
pound palls , guanmti'cd td euro all hog
diseases or money refunded wlthotit-nrKU-
ment. Agents wanted. Write for terms
and price. Wilbur Seed Meal Co. . Mil
waukee , Win. Q-M765 Decl3
NEW ramoleiiewlnB' machines , J15.Omuhn
Bicycle Co , Q-JM60
KINDLING wood for Bale chean at exposl.
tlou grounds. Inquire nt nlllCQ of Chi-
rnco House Wrecking Co. , telenhono
2361. q-M7S5 9
FAIRBANKS' warehouse xcMea for sale or
trade cheap. Inquire 131S Farnnm.
Q M 0l 6
SKCOND-H'AND sowlncr machines from f2
tin. New S'lU' ' r machines at special
prices. Singer Mfff , Co. , 118 N. 15th st.
Q-MS135 *
. . .
NOTICE , country dealers , Id-hand furniture
ft stoves nt lowest prlcci , carload lots or
f less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Doilge.
MRS. KIUTX , clairvoyant. SOS N.
MMB. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge
S-MS14 6
MRS. DR. HART , palmist nnd clairvoyant.
213 N. 18th street. Hours , 9 to 9.
S M815 S *
MASSAGE AM ) llATn * .
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegnnt mnsstiRo
tub bnths , Arabian treatments , Flnt D ,
703 South 16111 st. T-MCOS G
ELITE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th. upstairs ;
first-class baths , magnetic treatment.
Lady attendants. T M59I 9 *
MRS. BERRY , bnths , massage , magnetic
treatment ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th ,
2d floor. T MI3 D26
NORMA ARLINGTON , 107 N. 12th , late of
New York City. T-M517 D7
MISS DE CAMO. baths , massage ; -expert
attendants. 620 So. 16th , 2d floor.
MISS LILLY from Chicngo , massage , nlco-
hol rubbing nnd baths. 218& North 16th ,
room 1. . T-M478 5 *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , IIS'X , N. 16th.
T-M703 D
MME. AMES , R. 2507 ' S. 13 ; mo-intfe , baths.
T M750 J2 *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bco
Bldg. U-533
SHAMPOOING 23c. hnlr dressing 25c ; hair
nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt ,
1518 Farnam. U-631
DR.ROY , chiropodist ; corns and superfluous
hnlr removed by electricity. R. 12 , Fron-
zer block. U 533
MONHEIT , leading chiropodist. 1518 Far-
nnm , 2d floor. U 536
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17.
SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post , 319'/4
S. 15th. U-533
HOMES for ladles In trouble before nnd
during confinement ; babies adopted , Box
623 , Omaha. ' . U-M793 D14 *
LIEBEN. costumer. , 1313 Howard. Get
catalogues. U MSU
FACIAL massage , 50c ; ' shampoo'lnff , 3oc ,
half off on switches. .Miss Hubbard. 415
McCaguc block. U S35 D16
LADIES , a nice little device for 2o stump.
Write. ' Omaha Specialty Co. , Omaha.
U M813 D15 *
RIBBON hair curlerH , 25c sample , stamps ,
silver ; circulars. Robertson , CO Wnbash ,
Cblcngo. Agents wanted. U M36 ? D25
A SIMPLE cure nnd preventive for
f tld nnd perspiring feet. Send jl. The
Omnlcura Co. , P. O. Box 13S , Minneapolis ,
Minn. ' - U M619 S *
TELL ME , Harry , what are Bnhltters ?
They are a Cu < ban dish , the finest on
earth , Susie. You can get them and.every
thing that's good at the Brunswick Cafe.
U M811 5
$1,000 nnd upwards to loan on improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith
& CO.1320 Farnam. W 53.0
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and lown
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
219 S. 16th , Omnhn. W 540
$100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wend , 16th and Dnuelas
6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros.i 1613 Fnrmrm
WANTED , city and farm loans ; nlso bond *
nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co 1702
Fnrnnm St. , Bee Bldg. AV 513
5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Pnxton block.
WRITE us if you want a loan on your farm
In lown , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 31fi N Y L
$100.00(5.000 ( to Invest through BankernT
Brokers , Promoters ; senil for circular
Investor. ! ? ' Directory , N. Y. W 516
MONEYto lonn on flrst-clnss Improved city
property or for building purposes. Payne-
Hnrdcr Co. , N. Y. Life. W-CI7
5 , EH ( C per cent loans In Omaha , S. Omaha.
W. H. Thomas , 503 1st Nnt. bank. Telf 1013
MONEY to lonn nt 5 nnd 5',4-per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Melklo , 401 So. 15th
" \V-fBO
MONEY- loan pti Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. . 319 South 16th
W 551 { ccnt : also nrlvat ° funds. Chas.
E. Williamson. . W " 519
PRIVATE mojiey ; low rate ; no delay
Gnrvln Bros. . 1C13 Fnrnam street.
W-MI81 D20
MOM31 to lonn on homos ; caifbe repaid In
monthly payments. Conservative Building
nnd Loan Association , 1604 'Fnrnam St.
. W M817
holding permanent positions , on their
° nnlnote , without .indorsement or aocuE
Ity ; Btrlctly confidential nnd nt
Before borrowing see us , ns you will'find
It grently to your advantage ; wo nro the
oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan
company in Omaha. F. W. Truax Vcr
119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th ami Fnr
nam StP. Telephone 2293. X-552
MONEY lonned salaried people holding per
manent position with responulble concerns
upon thelr own names , without security'
easy payments. Tolman , 706 N , Y L Bldg '
f X-557
MONEY to lonn on furniture , pianos
norms , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 403 Knr-
bnch block , 12 to 6:15 : p. m. x-553
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 319 s '
' . X-65S
holding permanent positions on their own
name without endorser or mortgage
EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em
ployer or friends. You can borrow nny
amount and irepay In easy weekly or
monthly payments. Before borrowing see
UB. Omnhn Credit Co. . C. K. Jennings
Mgr. , Suite 623-526 N. Y. Life Bldic
LOANS made to salaried people on thrlr
personal note without security. Rntcs
reasonable. J. W. Taylor. 403 Ivnrhach
block. 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X 550
, _ . - - * - - -I , .
MONEY lonned on nlanos. furniture , horses ,
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker blk
ployed In Omnha. South Omaha nnd
Council Bluffs , holdlnt ; good positions , on
their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST
TERMS , everything private ; money csr
bo paid back In pmall weekly or monthly
payments. American Lonn Co. , Room
601. Bee Bldg. X-560
MONEY lonned on furniture , rlc , blcycli's ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un
known to friends. Omnha Loan Bank. 1416
Farnam , upstairs. X 5-ltl
MONEY lonned on furniture , pianos. Jew
elry , etc.- unknown to friends ; monthly
pavmunts ; half ratrs. Berbers' Loan Co. ,
1403 Farnnm. over drug ptoro. X M720
OM. Com' ) Col , Rahrbough Bros. } S & DVIas {
-ESS '
W'AO'JS , account * find bad debt * of nil
klnd.1 collected. NEVER FAIL. State
ments nnd remlttnncM mailed weekly.
Highest commercial nnd bank references.
OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , suite ill ,
First National bank building. 'Phone
2S51. Communicate- with us nud we will
send n rcllnblo collector for your accounts.
Y S62
BUSINESS chnnce , n good , clean slock ot
dry gooflp nnd clothing In good condition ;
owner will exchange for farm or city
property. We hnvo hnrdwnrc , drugs , gro
ceries nnd merchnndiso of nil kinds. Write
us. Merchandise Broker , 50W Karbnch blk.
Y 683
or whole thing ; big patronage ; now outnt.
Inquire 619 S. 16th st. Y-CI9 Jl
FOR SALE , my half Interest In the Crete
Herald , one of the best paying news
papers nnd Job offices In Nebraska. Norman -
man Jackson , Crete. Neb. Y M231
FOR SALE , n good , clean stock ot dry
goods , notions nnd shoes In n good rail
road town of five thousand In western
Iowa ; no trade entertained. Address P
67 , Bee. Y MLS
Sl.OOO STOCK crockery and glass In good
locntion nnd doing n coed business for
snle chcnp. Inquire 1318 Farnam.X .
TO TRADE , bicycle or sewing machlno for
horse. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 16th and liar-
nev. 7' Mi49 6
TO EXCHANGE , two houses nnd lots on
7th uvo. , near 18th St. , Council Bluffs , for
house nnd lot moro cenlrnllv located. Ad
dress W , Bee ofnce. Council I ! tiffs.
/ , M765 10
SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. JU
Johnson Co. , 3H ti. 16th street. RE 304
H'OUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire
Insurance. Uemls. Paxton blk. HE DCS
1TOR QUICK returns on bargains only yoo
S. A. Broadwell , 001 N. V. Llfu Bids.
1403 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside business
propuity on market. Wallace , solo agent.
RE M152
35 4 acres , three miles north of Florence.
all In timber ; will cut between 400 and
60 > ) cords of wood ; for' $1,260.
Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam ,
half hour's drive , $1,000. ,
The Byron Rccd Co. , 212 S. 14th St.
RE 066
FOR SALE cheap , large house and lot , east
49 feet lot 28. block 10 , iCountzo & Ruth s
addition ; rents for $23.00 per month , but
would bring mor6 by making ffw repairs.
Price , $2,600.00. G. B. Tzrchuck , dare
Omaha Bee. RE 835
A BARGAIN Four acres , 40th and Pacific ;
two blocks from car line , on bolt rail
road , $2,500 ; easy terms. McCntruo In
vestment Co. , 1600 Dodge. RE 567
Real Estate , Rentals'Loans , Insurance.
RE auS
COTTAGES , residences : Patterson , 305 N.
Y. Life. RE-6C3
RANCH LANDS , great bargains In Colorado
rado and Wyoming. C. \Vantland. . 1023
17th St. , Denver , Colo. RE-M469-D-b
ALL property of the Nebraska Savings and
Exchange Bank ! s for sale at a reasonable
price. Would like offers at once Upon the
following , which Is very dtrlrable :
Twenty acres on Dodge street pavement ,
near Dundee.
Fifty-six ficrcs adjoining Pries Lake.
Two houses , southwest corner loth nnd
Dorcas , first-class condition.
Southeast corner Park Ave. and Hickory.
Win. 1C. Potter , receiver , 15th and Farnam.
' ' RE S92
'OR ' BARGAINSeverybody goes to S. A.
Broadwell , 001 N. Y.'Life Bide.
11 Ii " H Oo
EIGHTY acres , clear"for city property.
1512 Davenport. ' ' . ' REM395D25
LOOK at 270S Capitol : Ave. . 7-room frame
cottage. , nearly newji'tm ' lot 50x135 feet ,
south front. Prlce ; " > $1.400.00. This Is a
bargain. Byron R./Jih.ntlngs / , 212 S. 14th.
* " ' RE-033
D-ROOM house and full lot In north part
of city , near car line , $400. The Byron
Rccd Co. , 212 So. llth , RK-23930
In smallresidences. .
FOR SALE Bargains -
_ . . _ .
S. A7 BTSadwolC 501 N. Y. Life Bldf ? .
NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A.
Brcadwell , 601 N. Y. Life BldR.RE -
IF YOU have a bargain to offer In rcil :
ostnto see S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life
Bldg. RE-M103
TWENTY-FIVE choice lots , 3Sth and Har-
noy. R , C. Patterson , sole agent. 305 N. Y.
Life. RE M 0
1138 AND 1112 N. 10th st. Submit offer.
165x1,297 feet , f > acres , fronting east on North
24th at. Price only $2.250.
CO acres about 9 miles from P. O. ; Improve
ments worth over $2,000 , Price , $1,000.
John A. Frcnzer , opp. old P. O.
RE-M779 7
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 permonth. .
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623
Farnam St. Telephone 1234. 574
WE RENT nnd sell the best tvpowrltcrs
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , M12 Put
nam. 5"5
Standard Typewriter and
supplies. 1019 Farnam. 678
THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ,
heaviest manlfoldcr and ruts the finest
Ktoncll. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart. Sneclal
Agent , 31S' < ! S. 15th Ht. , Omaha. ' 577
TYPEAVRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Fnrnum.
A. C. VAN BANT'S Kehool. 717 N.'Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. College. 10th & D'ouglas.
BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ,
Bee Bldg. -672
NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand col
lege. Boyd's theater. M 151
LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator ;
cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R 2 J. Mil-
waukco. Wls. -M9&2 18
DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds of anxious
women ; have never had n single failure ;
longest cafes relieved In two to five days
without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter
ference with work ; by mall or olllce , $2 ;
all letters truthfully answered. The
Mansllold Remedy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. ,
room 014 , Chicago , III. C7D-9'
LADIES. Chlchester English Pennyroyal
pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no
other ; send Ic. stamps , far particulars.
"Relief for Ladle1 , " In letter by return
mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical
Co. . Philadelphia. Pa.
JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllco. 118 N. 18.
EAGLE Loan Olllce , reliable , accommodat
ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug
las. 5S5
METROPOLITAN , ] 2th and DouehiH Sts , ,
Omaha , Neb , $1.00 to $1.25. 'Phono 241.
207 D22
TRUNK traveling bogs. Bull coses. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnum
-362 DIG
MCICI2I , l > l < ATI\n.
BASE BURNERS , lumpv nnd chandellert )
rcplated , Omaha Plating Co. , Bco Bld r.
LADIES' ' Jackets , men's clothing altered ,
latest styles ; cleaned. Max Fogel , 317 s , 17t&
-792 J-3
JOHNSON Osteopnthlp Institute. E15 N \
Life Hldg. , Allcr Jotins-on. 1 > . O . ladle"
dept. ; Gld E. Jnhn.ion , O.tteopitthlst , mgr
M. E. DONOIIfB. IX O. , of Still school ,
i Klrksvllle , Mo. , 001 Paxton blk. Tel. 13f,7.
" "
CURED. JulTirVaughn7"i3TRanigo BM ) : .
Ct'T RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. H. Phllbln , 1R05 Farnam. 'Phono 7S4.
NEW and secondhatid bicycles nt half price.
Louis Fleshcr , 1G22 Capitol ave. -C91
OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homemade
candy , 10c , IBc and 25c Hi. 30fi N. 10th.
G30 D31
supply ; shirt ? , Sc ; dolars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ;
underwear , Cc. 1750 Loavcnworth , Tel. 617
-M519 D14
FRENCH , German , Spanish. $2 per month.
Prof. Chatclaln , 301 Boyd theater. 537
IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2310 Davenport.
-KC5 D9
n.vxci.vo SCHOOL.
MRS. MORAND gives private lessons , waltz
or two-step ; ladles nnd gentlemen , acad
emy or residence. Address 1510 Harney St.
-207 D21
STOCK'S Bird store. 1003 Leavenworth.
GOOD otnhlos and seed care. Phone 105I ,
J. W. Phelps , 207 N. Y. Life.
-MS73 J17 *
PIANO tuning , $1.50. 605 Slioely Block.
-54S DS *
M. S. AVALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 133) ) .
MAH , postal card giving your address nnd
receive valuable Information. P. O. Box
113 , Omaha. M319 Dll
PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low
charscs. C. Sommer , 321 8. 10th. Tel. 2 < )59.
-772 D23
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" General
Otllces. Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th and Webster
_ . Sts. City Ticket Ofllcfc ,
1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 061. Depot , 13th
and. Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis' ! a 6:00 : am
Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson. Sioux
City , Poncn , Hartlng-
ton and I31o.jinfleld..b 1:00 : pm b3:10 : pm
No. 2 Twin Cit > L'fd..a 555 ; pm
No. I Omaha Limited. . . a 3:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally exceot Sunday.
& Missouri Vai : > y Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line" General Olflces ,
United States National
Bank Bldg. , ' Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket ofllce ; 140 ; Farnam
Street. Telephone , 561 * Depot , 15th and
Webster streets. Telephone , 145S.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm
Hastings , York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Seward b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Fremont Local c 7:30 : am
a Dally D Daily except Sunday , c Sun
day only. d Dally except Saturday. e
dally except Monday.
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line"
C.'ty Ticket Office , 1101
Farnam Street. Tele
phone. 5C1. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Str-jets. Tele-
pllone , 623.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 0:40 : am all:53 : pm
Chicago Pd'ssehger a 4:15 : pm alO:10 : ama
Eastern Express. De.i
Jloiiies , MarMmlltown ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pm
Eastern Limited , Chicago
cage and East a 4:53 : pm a 4:05 : pm
Fast Mail , Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am
FaBt Mat ! . . . . S:30 : am
a Dull } : , b Dally except Sunday
Railroad "The North
western Llno"--nencral
OincOB , United States
National Hank Building ,
S. W. Corner Twelfth
, . and Farnam . Streets.
Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele
phone , 61. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
, , . Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mankato &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:50 : am a 8:15 : am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux CIty.a C:25 : pm all:0i : pm
Eloux City Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 : pm
a Dally
sourl River Railroad
"The Burlington Route. "
General Offices , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket
Olllce , 1502 Farnam
Strpflt. Toleplione , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele-
phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive ,
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln. Denver. Colo-
rtfdo. Utah , Callfornla.a 4:25 : pm a 3:65 : pm
Lincoln , Blncic Hills ,
Montana & Puiret
i Sound . , a 4:25 : pm > 3:00 : pm
' Lincoln Local , a 7:00 : pm nlO:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : am
| Denver , C-iltrado , Utah
& California a 6:35 : am
a Dally.
s ph & Council Bluffs
Railroad "Tho Burling ,
ton Routo"-Tlcket Otllce ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
. . , . _ . . . . .
- - . Day Ex..a 8:50 : am a 5:15 : pin
Kansas City Night Ex.alO:15 : pm n 6:30 : urn
St. Louis Flyer for Ht.
Joseph nnd St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm alias am
n Dally.
qulnoy Rallioad-"Tho
Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllce , 1502 Vhrnam SI.
Tel. . 250. Depot. Tenth &
phoneW 8'rCCtSTCle ' >
- - ' - Arrlve'
DiyUg-ht-Chickgo -
cful -.a 0:10 : am
.Chicago . Vcitluuled Ex.a ; ; vm n SiO-3-nm
Chicago Express a 850 ; am a 4:06 : um
, , Ohlcag9 & fc * V. : , u 6:05 : um
I Paclflu , Junction Local.nlO45 ; um
I Fust Mall a 2)5 ; ) pm
a Daily.
Tlcket Oince. H15 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 8S5. De
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streetn , Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express -a 4:30 : pm a 8:33 : am
a Dallv.
itAiMV iv TIMM T-vni.E.
ion.1 . Oenernl onire * and
Tl.-k-1 nUK-M Southeast CorI
fir lUh nnd Douglas Kts.
Telephone , 101 Depot , 13th
nnd Websler Sis. Telephone.
. . Leave. Arrive.
1 St. Ixnil ? , Kansas ft
i Neb. Limited n 8:30 : pm al2:35 : pm
IK. C-St. L. Express. . . a 9:60 : pm o 5:50 : am
Nebraska Local vln
Weeping Wnter b 6:03 : pm a 9:45 : nm
i a Dnlly b Dnlly except Sunday.
1 road Omnhn , Knnsns city
i & Eastern Rnllrond "Tho
Utilniy Rome" Ticket Of-
. lice. 1415 Fnrnnm Street.
I Telephone , SS2. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele-
phono. 629.
. Leave. Arrive.
. Louis Cannon Ball
Express n4:50pm : n 8:35 : am
Knnsns City nnd Qulncy
Locnl n 7:13 : nm n S:50 : pm
/ t4 T * > - . stPnul Rnllwny-Clty
MfillM > i/rr : Ticket oniec , ISM Farnam
/"M'w "f"t Street. Telephone. 2SI. Do-
kj * > ? < , . . / Pot. Tenth nnd Mnson Sts.
itl Telephone. C2fl.
_ . , sl- ' Lenvo. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex n 7:33 : pm n 8:30 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : nm b 3:53 : pm
Sioux City & DPS Molncs
Express blliOO nm b 3:55 : pm
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
land Route" General Otllces
N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnam
Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1303
Fnrnam Street. Telephone. 316
Depot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Lenve. Arrive.
The Overland Limited..n 8:50 : am a 7:20 : pm
The Fast Mall n S:00 : nm n 3:30 : pm
The Colorado Special..nil:53 : pm n 6:35 : am
The Portland Special..a 8:50 : am n 4:10 : pm
, Lincoln , Beatrice nnd
Strnmstmrg Express..b 4:33 : pm bl:00pm :
Pacific Express n 4:23 : pm n 6:35 : nm
[ Columbus Local b 7:30 : pm b 9:30 : nm
South Omaha Pass. Lfnvos , n 10:15 : n. m. ;
3:03 : p. m. ; b 4:10 : p. m. Arrives , 10:10 : n.
m. ; b 3:40 : p. m. ; b 5:23 : p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves , B:50 : a. m. ;
7:15 : n , m. ; 7:50 : n. M. . 10:45 : n. m. ; 2:15 : p.
b Dally except Sunday.
nnd & Pncltlo Rnllrond
"Tho Grent Reek Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Olllec. 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 428.
Depot. Tenth .t Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
„ . . . - , _ Lenvo. Arrive.
DCS Molncs and Daven
port Lornl a 7:03 : nm bll:33 : nm
Chlc-ngo Express bllilfi am a Slo : am
Chicago Fast Express..n B:00'pm : n 1:25 : pm
St. Pnul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:33 : am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. ,
Denver , Pueblo and
West a 1:30 : pm a 4:23 : pm
DCS Molnes , Rock Isl
and nnd Chicago a 7:25 : ! pm a 5:50 : pm
Colorado & Texas Flyer.n 6:55 : pin n 9:20 : am
n Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Proposals will be received for Fleam heat
ing nnd plumbing of the south wing of the
new 11'oune of the Good Shepherd , Fortieth
and Jackson streets ) until December 12 , at
5 p. in. JOHN LATENSER ,
E-D-4-mie-3-t Architect.
( Should be read dully by all Interested ,
as changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending December -
comber 9 , 1899 , will close ( PROMPTLY In
all cases ) at the general postofllco as fol
lows : PARCEL POST MAILS close ono
hour earlier than closlns time shown be
low. Parcel post malls for Germany close
at 5 p. m. Monday.
Trniixntliintlc Mnll.i.
TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , per s.
s. Aller , via Southampton and Bremen.
WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary
9 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per 8. s. St. Paul ,
via Southampton ; at 9 a. m. ( supple
mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per
s. s. Germanic , via Qucenstown ; at 10:30 :
a. m. .for BELGIUM- direct , per s. s.
Noordl'and , via Antwerp ( letter.s must be
directed "per s. s. Noordland" ) ; at 11 n.
m. for NORWAY direct , per s. B. Ilekla.
via Chrlstlania ( letters must be directed
"per s. s. Hekla" ) .
THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE di
BRITISH INDIA , per H. s. La Cham
pagne , via Havre ( letters for other parts
of Europe must be dliectcd "per s. a. La
Champagne" ) .
SATURDAY At 6:30 : a. m. for EUROPE ,
per s. s. Umbria , via Qucenstown ; at 8
n. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s.
H. . Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters
must be directed "per a. s. Rotterdam" ) ;
at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per H. H. AuziiMte
Victoria , via Naples ( letters must be di
rected "per R. s. Auguste Victoria" ) ; nt
10 a. in. for SCOTLAND , per . s. Tamil ,
via Glasgow ( letters must be directed
"per s. s. Tanui" ) .
Printed Matter , etc. German stt-amers
sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter ,
etc. . for Germany , nnd specially ad
dressed printed matter , etc. , for other
parts of Europe. American and White
Star steamers on Wednesdays. Gorman
steamers on I'hursimyit , and Cunard ,
French and German steamers on Satur
day take printed matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are udx-ertlsed
to carry mail.
After the closing or the simplomentary
transatlantic ) malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls era opened on
the piers of tha American , English ,
French and German steamers , and re
main open until within ten minutes of
the hour of sailing of steamer.
Ma I In for Hontli nnil Ceiirnl America ,
1V ! Nt Illllleri. Kit ! .
TUESDAY At S a. in , for BRAZIL , per s.
s. Hevellus , PernamUuco , Bahla and Rio
do Janeiro ( letters : r La Plata Coun
tries must bo directed "p r s. s. Hove-
llus" ) ; at 10:30 : n. m. for HAITI , per B. s.
Prlns Wilhelm IV , via Port an Prince
( letters for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad ,
British and Dutch Guiana must be di
rected "per PrlnH Wilhelm IV" ) ; nt 1 p.
m. for INAGUA nnd HAITI , per 8. s ,
WEDNESDAY-At 7 a. m. for JAMAICA ,
per steamer from Phlladelnhla ; nt 8 n. m.
for BERMUDA , per H. H. Trinidad ; at 0.TJ :
u. m. ( supplementary 10:3'J : a. m. ) for
CENTRAL AMERICA ( nxcept Costa
Rlcn ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per
P. H. Finance , via Colon ( letters for
Guatemala must bo directed "per n. H. Fi
nance" ) ; fit 10:30 : ft. in. I'or PUP.Td RICO
direct , per U. S. Transport Burnsido ( let
ters must bo directed "per U. S , Trans
port Burnsfdo" ) : nt 11 n. m. for PORTO
per s. s. CarncnH , via San -Imm , Curucuo
and Puerto Cnbollo ( latter * for Hava-
nllla and Corthagona , via Curasao , must ,
bo directed "per H. H. Cnni-in' ) : at I p.
ZIL , per B. a. Hubert , via Para nnil
ManaoMi at 1 p. in. for f.'UIIA. Yl'PA-
APAS , per s. H. Orizaba , vlu Havana nnd
ProgreBO ( letters for oth-ir jiartH of MI \ -
ice must bo directed "per H. s Orizaba" ) ;
nt 1 p. m. for MEXICO , per H. . .Muian-
zas , via Tnmplco ( letters must ho directed
"per H. B. MdtunznH" ) .
THURSDAY - 1 p. in. ( supplementary
1:30 : ] > . m. ) for NASSAU , OUANTANAMO
nnd SANTIAGO , per B. B. Saratoga.
FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per
B. H. Orlgen ( letters must bo directed "per
s. H. Orlgen" ) .
SATURDAY At 9:30 : n. in. ( Himplenient-
nry 10 n. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , HT.
ISLANDS , per B. H. Pretoria ( letters for
Grenmla nnd Trinidad must bo directed
"por B. B. Pretoria" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ft > uppln >
mentnry 10:20 : n. in. ) for FORTUNE IS
Alone ( letters for Costn Rim must bn ill-
reeled "per B. H. Alcnc" ) ; ut II n. m. for
BRAZIL direct , per s. B. Raiiusu. vlu
Pornntiiliuco ( letters for North Ilrnzll nnd
La Plata Countries must bo directed
"per H. H. Ruuusa" ) ; nt ) l n. m. for
ClUIA , IKT - H. Havana , via Havana
( IcltiTH must be directed "per Havana" ) ;
nt 11 n. m. for PORTO RICO , pur s. s.
Arkudln , via Han Juan ; nt 1 p. m. for
mid JiARACOA , pvr 8. H. Laucnburg ; at i
1 ii. m. ( mippli'inontary 1:3 : p. m. ) f > r J
PUBLIC , ! > nr B. H. , Cherokee
SUNDAY At S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE- [
MIO.UELON. ler ) dU-amer from North I
Sydney. '
Mall * for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , nnd thence bv steamer , close nt
thlo ollico daily at 6:30 : p. m. ( connecting
close here every 'Monday. Wednesday
nnd Haturdayj. Mails for Mlquulon. by
rail to Boston , nnd thence by tenncr.
cloHo nt thlx ofllco dally nt 8:30 : p. in.
Mails for Culw. by mil to Port Tampa ,
I > ' 'n ' . find UiHicn by Btcumer , closu nt
tills ollico dally except Monday at ' 7 a.
m. . ( thr roiiniH'tlnfr closes nrc on Sunday ,
' WcdneMlny nnd Frldny ) Mnlln for Cub * ,
I by mil to Miami. Kin. , nnd thencn by
! Mentnor , oloce nt tin's ofllco every Mon
, day , Tuesday nnd Saturday , nt "J:30 : n.
' m. , ( connecting closes nrc on Tursany
ntut Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City ,
overland , unless specially ntldresfcd for
despatch by stonmrr clo p nt this offlco
dally nt 2M : n. in. nnd 2:30 : Pm. . Malls
for Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortoi nnd
Guatemala , by rail to Now Orleans , nnd
thenoo by steamer , close nt this oftlcs
dally nt 'M i > . m. . ( connecting close horn
Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd
Guatemala ) . 'Registered mull clojos nt
H p. in. previous day. Reglolerod mall
closes at 6 p. m. second day before.
Mnll * .
Malls for Hnwnll. Jnimn nnd Chlim ,
via San Francisco , close hero dally
nt C:30 : | i. in.u > lo December * 3th ,
Inclusive , ror despatch per e. f > . Cop-
tie. Malls for Hnwnll. via Ban
Francisco , close here dally nt CSO : p. m.
up to December Sth , Inclusive , for des
patch ver s. s. Australia. Mails for Aus-
trnlaslan Colonies ( except West Aus
tralia , which goes via Europe , nud Now
Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) .
Hnwnll nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver ,
close here dally ut 6:30 : p. m. nfter No
vember 23th nnd up to December 9tli.
Inclusive , for despntch per f. s. Wnrrl-
moo. Malli for China , Japan nnd Hn-
wnll , vln Han Francisco , close here dally
at ( ! :30 : p. m. up to December 'Ifith , in
clusive , for despatch per . H. America
Mnru. Malls for Australia ( except West
Australia ) , New Zealand , Ha wnll , FIJI
nnd Samonn Island * , vln San Francisco.
close hero dally nt C:30 : p. m. after De
cember * 9th nnd up to December ' 23d.
Inclusive , or on day of nrrlval of n. s.
Cnmpnnla , due nt New York December
2.1d , for despatch per c. s.
Mails for Society Island , via San Frnn-
clsco , close hern dnlly nt 6:30 : p , m , tip
to December 2iith. Inclusive , for despatch
by Phlp Tropic Bird. Malls for Chlnn
nnd Japan , vln Vancouver , rloso hero
dnlly at Oi.lO p. in. up lo December Ilith.
inclusive , for despatch per e. s. Empress
of India.
TrniiH-Pnclflr mnlls nrc forwnrded to port
of suiting dnlly nnd the schedule of clos
ing Is nrranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous
Postolllce , Now York , N. Y. , December 1 ,
liniooN IlfcnlliMl liy < li Annl-
vermiry of Hln Irn < li.
Seventy yearn IIRO this month , relates
the Rochester ( N. Y. ) Herald , occurred ono
of the most notable events in the early his
tory of Rochester ; In the days when Roches
ter was a slumbering village on the banks
of the Oencsce. Although but one man ,
Sam Patch , lost his life , the valley of the
Gencseo was stirred na it had novcr been
stirred clnco the days of Indian massacres.
November 13 , 1820 , Sam Patch lost his llfo
In Jumping from a scaffold twenty-live feet
nbovo the brink of the CJencsco Falls Into
the abyss below. Ho undertook to Jump
In all n distance of 125 feet.Of course the
whole population of Roch.ster as well -as
the farmers from neighboring villages were
upon the scene. The fame of Patch had
for several weeks been a .topic of conversa
tion among the early settlers. Around the
home fireplace , as well ns the big fireplace
In the tavern , while the settlers elppcd their
elder , they talked of the wonders of the
man from Jersey.
Patch was born In Rhode Island In ISO" .
Soon nfter ho removed to Paterson , N. J. ,
at which place , in 1S27 , ho was seized with
the jumping mania. After giving several
daring exhibition In New Jersey , ho de
cided to try his luck at Niagara Falls two
years later. In October , 1827 , ho jumped
from a shelving rock between Goat Island
anil the gurgllnB waters many feet below.
A few days later he startled the natives
by jumping from the old Kltzhugh street
bridge at dawn. He swam under the water
to a convenient place , where ha had much
amusement In watching several boats
crowded with people dragging for Ills body.
They wcro startled when he called merrily
to them , Joking them for their wasted ef
forts In his behalf.
On another morning ho startled a Roches
ter lad by jumping from the brink of the
falls to the rapids below. If Patch had not
reassured the boy ho would have had half
of the population of Rochester dragging
the water for his dead body.
With such a record it is no wonder that
on the morning of November 13 nil the
muddy roads lending to Rochester were
thronged with people desirous of seeing the
wonderful Jumper. Even If farmers were
unusually busy In securing the last of their
harvests they found time to take n day
or two off in order to' witness the fcata
of Sam Patch. Several boats brought hun
dreds of visitors in holiday attire from
Canada , Oswego nnd Lewlslon. Buffalo ,
Cannndalgua and Batavla were almost de
populated on nccount of the exodus to
Rochester. The few taverns In the city
turned guests away and many had to camp
out over night.
Notwithstanding the raw. cold weather ,
throngs of settlers lined the banks below
the falls. Although Sam said ho did not
feel the cold weuther , he was pleased to
fortify himself with a drink of brandy ten
dered to him by his friend , William Coch-
rane. Several of the spectators contributed
a unique uniform. Dressed In white trous
ers decorated with n black silk handkerchief
tied around his body , eurmounted by n light
woolen Jacket and skullcap , Sam must have
presented a grotesque appearance.
After taking another drink from the flaik
Sam mode the following speech to the thous
ands of breathless spectators : "Napoleon
was a great man nnd n great general ; ho
conquered armies and he conquered nations ,
but ho couldn't jump the Gcncsce Falls.
Wellington was n great man and a great
soldier ; he conquered armies and ho con
quered nations , and he conquered Napoleon ,
but ho couldn't jump the QeneBco Falls.
That was left for me to do , and I can do It
and will. "
Although Sam Patch could jump the den-
eseo Falls when he- was sober , ho oould not
do It when ho felt the effects of the brandy.
Owing to this fact ho mot his death when
ho took the Jump. When the thousands ot
silent nnd horror-stricken spectators saw
Sam Btrlko the water they did not see him
como to the surface. 'His ' descent was BO
unlike his previous efforts , when he ehot
llko nn arrow from a bow , that the specta
tors were certain that be met his doom
when ho reached the v/aler and the Jugged ,
piercing rocks beneath.
The spectators searched In vain for the
Jumper. The torches of the searchers along
the river hank and those ot the searchers
who dragged the river In boats lit up the
river during the long night hours. Amid
the roar of the cataract the sorrowing mul
titude shod tears for the Jolly , good fellow ,
who , llko many others , loved his bottle on
occasion ! ) .
Notwithstanding the rumors that Bam
Patch had been seen alive In Rochester ,
nothing was heard of him until St. Patrick's
day , when Mt body was found In a cake of
Ice near the mouth of the Oentsee. Ills remains
mains were hurled In the cemetery at Ohar-
lotto. Although It had been the ambition
of lilH llfo to jump London bridge , he met
his death In the Gencsee , The feats of Ham
Patch fllloJ the newspapers for weeks and ,
although such poets as Mrs. Slgourney
wrote poeinii dedicated to his memory , no
monument has been erected In commemo
ration ot his feats.
Indeed the event produced a profound Im
pression upon the people of thosn days. On
the following Sunday the preachers 'in
Rochester and neighboring towns couU not
suy enough against the evils of jumping ,
Sonic- even went HO far as Joulah DUacll ,
who told the pupils of Third church Sunday
school thut because they caw the fatal leal )
they worn accessories to his death and were
murderers In the sight of CJod ,
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