Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Gavin selln
WelRbaoh Burtinra at Blxhy' . Tel. 11)1 )
Biidwolncr r. L. Rn.tonfnliH , ngpnt.
rnoilnK , A. K. Rwid , Stl B'wny.
style Holiday pltotnH nt Sclinildt'a
Pictures and frninen , Ainxnnder'a , 3SS B'y
( WenUflo ot1clnn ) Wallnmn , Hfl Br'dwuy
.T < C , Blxhy HUH rBturnwl from Ccntrn
Olt , Web.
ytn. B , 51. Duncan Is reported to bo acrl <
olmfV' 111.
Br.V. . A. OervalB , nstenpaUli 301 ATer
rliinv block , Council Bltilf * .
CSnt your work dune at the popular Eniji'
laundry , 784 Broadway 'Phone 1H7.
Vf. C. Ratep , undertaker , 3S Pearl street
Tijlephoneji ! Olllce , : i" . residence , 33 ,
Arthur I * . 3leveim left y slerdny for tlif
east on bUBlne iH ami wilt bii absent unu
Glirlstmus ;
J. B , Roekufellow , a lead'ng attorney ol
.Atlantic , In , wan In tllo city yesterday
calllnir on frlundo.
flliorldan coal makes a lew ( lame and
clear rtro , but no imolte , soot or cllnkon.
Fenloit & Foley , solo agents.
Mr. and ifri Andrew f * Ornbahi will
Icnvi } this pveniliir for LOM Anuuli" ) . Cal ,
tvhora they expect totpelld tile wlntei
numtliH. *
Albert OoldiUeln of 821 BHltt Mtreet en-
tortalned a ivnnhcr of hl youtiif friends )
aumlay oveuing in honor of lilt * fourtcentii
William Dewey , oaiiKht In tile act of golnn
throilKh a trunk in Charlei H'ullerN TCM- !
deuce Sunday night , had hln cano rnntinuud
In oollcti court yesterday
The regular mpoUiig- Palm Orovu No n ,
Woodman Clrt-li' will bo held this evening.
All mcnibnrt urn rpiiui'ttud to bo presvn : , , m
ollleera for tlio anaiiing1 vnar will be elected ,
Mr. and Mrf Tohu IC.illih and daughter
of BnHton , M.IH who havn been visiting
frlendrt In S\n \ t C'ty and Council BlutTH ,
will leave this morning for 3an FranciMen
Ell Brown , tlio Broadway grocer , lin-i boon
called to Peorln , 111. , by the newt that the
lurjfe retail grocery store of bin brother ,
Kit N. Brown , had been totally destroyed by
lire Saturday nlirht.
Xncharlah Taylor of 1320 Avonue. H l mif-
ferlilff from , i fr.totureil legmint.ilned in .111
accident while worklui ? w'th tbtj piledrlvcr
crew on the Noi-thwesUirn railway at
Quarry. A heavy piling fell oil him , erunh-
inir tliD limb.
.Taeob I * Rlilen a farmer of Cnw ; county
tiled .1 potitinn lu voluntary bankruptcy
yeiterduy in tbu United St.itet dlttrlet court
here. life unsiooured llahliltle.s asgrenate
i 2f .Ki , while hlq isfets amount to S223 , all
of which he claims at exempt.
Prank Walklngton h.m been appointed by
Mayor .Tennlnsri to ill ] the vacancy In the
police fore ? cmiHeil bv the resignation of
.rack Plnnell. Walkinuton has been as-
Hlsned to the night detail and Oeoi'K-e Wil
son ban been trinaferred to the day force.
Colonel .r. T Steadman loft for Do1 * Ifoinei
lust evening , called there hv the death of
.Titdge Woolson of thi' TTnlted States cnurt
Funeral nervlee1 ? will be held In Des Molnes
Wednesday and Thursday In Mount Pleas
ant , Judge Woolson's liome , where he will
be burled.
W. , T. Stonehurner , superintendent of th
Omaha & St. t nils road , with headquarters
at. St.inborry , Mo , win in the city yeator-
< ltiy. Ha suys thu work of improving1 the
roadbed Hetwaen Council Bluff- * and Pat-
tonbura- being- pushed forward as rapidly
.IH possible
II. Mandell and A Fisher , the peddlers
from Omaha , charged with the. larceny of
$4 by "Doc. " G W tongIn connection with
tlio sale of .t barrel of apples , took a
chnnge of veniui yesterday from thu court
of Justice Ferrler to that of Jo-nice Vlen ,
where they will have a. hear'nj Saturday
Paf Oarvey- , charged with stealitiff $11 be-
longlng' to Kd Ionga. . fellow laborer In , i
grading- camp on Northwestern , bad
his cae continued In police court yesterday
to enable him to secure the services oftnn
attorney ! I ong1 , who was under arrest for
being- drunk and Indecent behavior on the
streets , wtis lined $10 Of ) . He inui $21 In h&
possession at the time of hln arrest , so ho
paid th line and secured his release ,
The "Spring- House , " sltuatiM at Broad
way and Union "treet , ami one of the old
landmarks of the city , was completely
gutted by lire at 1 o'clock yesterday
morning : Two horsei In a. small barn ac-
tacbtfr | tn the re-ir of tlio hoime were cra-
mafed. The house was occupied by a Ger
man family , who conducted a small bakery
The origin of the blaze , which started In
the rear of the building , lo not known.
If , D Carbee , who ar one time held the
position of deputy ilsh and game wirden ,
failed to appear In Justice VIen's court yes
terday , when the case In which he IH
charged with selling a. mortgiRi'd cow was
called. Carbee Is believed to have left the
city again and the court ordered Ills bond
forfeited. Carbee by consent of the prose
cuting witness. Attorney Cable , had been
permitted to put up bin own bond of tioo.
The cases brought by the Barber * ' Pro
tective association against rtva of the bar
bers for keeping- their shops open on Sun
day , November M wer continued In the
superior cnurt yesterday until this morn-
Ini ? . "Friendly ' prosecutions for keeping
open last Sund.iy were commenced yester
day In Justice Vlen s court against Eugene
Bratton , Ed Kelly , Fred Flepfer , Fritz
Bernhardl , Robert Bernbardi , John Currle
and F. K Slivers. They , xr set for hwrlng ;
this morn'-nsr. *
J. II. Convay , the plumber charged with
stealing turkeys Snnday night from tin *
butcher shop of ChrU vasrr on South Mam
street , secured a continuance of hi1 * c.i. a
In police court yesterday , as his attorney
waa engasr d elsewhere The olltcers have
secured evidence showlnu whare Convey
oflVr d .six turkeys for sale at a Main street
residence. MIlo Green will bo called to
testify that h saw Convey cut the rope of
n awnlnjr on Main- street with which It
Is supposed li < tied the turknya together
William Bnseman. char e < l with threaten-
Ini ? to do personal injury to C E. Brown , a
farmer In whose aniploy ha had been , gave
htmsalf up to the authorities yesterday. Ha
had A hearing before JusticeFerrler , who
bound him over to the district court under
J2W ( bonds Falling to seeurn a bond he win
committed to the county Jail. It transpired
at th hearlnsr that dnrlnsr an altercation
ov r wag-es last Saturday afternoon EiuN5-
man drew a revolver on Brown and threat
ened to shoot him The weapon wia tiken
away from him by bystanders.
Clark Pcrrler , arri sti < l Saturdav night on
the charscB of attftmptln r to pass , t forced
check at Mstzger's butcher shop , had his
case continued In police court yaaterrtay
morning until Thursday to enable him tn
secure the ? rvlces of an attorney When
arraigned in court h said hla right name
was Clark Perrler and that h'H home was In
White Cloud , Kan He- claimed to bo an
Insurance asrent and suld he wan recently
married In Coru'ordla , Kan To the check ,
whlen he drew on the First National bank
of this cifv. he slsiwl the nam * of O A
Coatep , and whsn taken Into custody ur.vve
thn nnme of John Smith. Ife made several
attempts to riantroy the check while on h'a '
way to thepolke - station but was prevented
by Offlcsr Kd Smith , who placed him under
arrest. Perrler'e hall waa fUfd at $3flO.
M7. Plumbing company. Tel. 234.
Jlrnt Ksfiife Traitxtfr * .
Tbo folTowlnz transfers were ftl d ysfer-
day ln th abstract , title- and loan office of
J. W. Squlr * . 101 Pearl street-
IT. Jtandel and wlf tn W. C Kan r ,
let K , Farrell' * * uMIv of b-loolc 3S ,
town of Nola. o d " f J23
AnWnlo Kaatartr and hmband to Fan
nie Hojrarty. p rt nwV4 3B-77-42 , w d . HO
F , J. u orif Il hert and wifa to
Frank Vi'Wf , nwVi nwVt 13-T5-3S. w d 1.400
Fi J. T > y. frast * * . to Frank Whft * .
lo 2. hlock it , Hixt * ' * xtn ! on , w d. SCO
i Ifetejrson and wlf to ffang
eraon , IIFM ! ' of nr > 4 nwW i > H - !
part nwU nW , 21 And < 4 Vi 23-
- , w d . . . .
lfr : of WllH m and Mary W ai d it-
fopf to J. R. itcPhM o . lot J , W k
3 * . Csntral iuMlv. a c d 34
Ilattle O Hardin and hu hand to
Mm , lot 34 , block II , Central aub-
dir. n c d . . . . . . . .
Total , transfer *
Flrn MlJjourl for ali by Gilbert
N Rutlatad In Hern Nebraska
and ii > wd Jamflu N Caa.vly , jr. .
126 Jfatii jit. Council
1'iir rauli or l.onnrd On.
K. \ \ , SIII3APK A. CO. ,
I I'earl fctreet. Coonoll Ulu f , Ion * .
Oily Gounoil Devotes Consitlernblo Time h
These Corporations.
\nvtli-ircMrra CiiiniidlcMl tit Plunk All
CrnNHliiu-M ninl Hottlc for Iitill-
rlilunl PrniHTl-y nnmiitto1" O <
MVP I.nylni * a Thlnl Tr.-tcU.
The resular monthly seasloni of the oltj
council Monday night was dnvoted In thi
main to the consideration and dlnciiBslnr
ot mattora portalulnt ? to rallroadsi. Aa hai
! been anticipated , tbo nuwly Incarpora ei !
Lake Manawa & Manhattan Beach Rail
road company c.imti bu.'oro thu council ami
asked for purmii'nlon to c.ronq cnrt.iln streult
and avenues In Its extension of thu motoi
company's line to Laku Manawa. Thu ie-
quust waa submltteil in thu form of ihi
following resolution , whlcli , on motion ol
Alderman Casper , was promptly referred
the committed of the whole aftur belim
read by the clerk
Resolved , That consent and permission
hi hereby granted to thn Lake Manawa
, t Manhattan Beach Railroad companv to
occupy , construct , maintain ami oner.ite a
double-track railway over and across tliu
following streets , avenues and allevs In
the city of Council Blnffi' , la. , to-wit.
Across ami along- Sixteenth avenue from
the foot of Main street to .1 point seventy
feet from thn northwest * corner of tbu
Kaunas Cltv , St Jose.plt , t Council Blutta
Railway company's depot grounds and also
over ami arrows Elghtewnth , Nineteenth.
Twentieth , rwentv-Mrtt. Twentv-secoini ,
, TWentv-tHtll
Twenty-third. Twenty-fourth
and Twentv-nlnth .Lvnnues bctwenn the
east line of Sixth street and the we-it line
of Main street or Fourth street , and over
and across all the east ami wast alleys In
blockH 7 , S , K. II and 1 ! ) In Hughes , t Don-
iplmn'H addition to Council Bluffs , fa. .
and said company shall keen and maintain
said crossings in anod condition for pulillc
travel and at tbu grades of said streets ,
avenues and alleys now or hereafter es
tablished ami ill conditioned upon the
pavment bv said company of all damages
resulting to si d cltv and to any person
or corporation by reason of said grant
and a mav bu required by statutes in
such cnsus
This grant to become operative upon thu
tiling with the city clerk of said city ,
within t.-n days from the adoption of this
resolution , the written aeeeptaneu thereof
by ni > td railroad company , anil whun so
acceated the same shall become a. bmlln !
contract between said city ami said rail
road company.
R.'srulnti'M the North-went- .
The report of the committee of the whole
relative to the proprsed ordinance granting
permission tn thu Northwestern railway to
lay a third track on Eleventh street brought
forth a protest against its adoption from
thu company's attorney and a. large portion
of the time of the meeting was taken up
in discussing this matter In ttj reoort the
coiamlttee recommended that tha ordinance
be amended so an to provide that tbu rail
road company should plank all crossings
of streets , avenues and alleys to the > full
width of the street and that the railroad
should first settle with the owners of abut
ting property and that when this was done
then the ordinance should bo passed.
the Northwestern objected
Tho- attorney for
jected to the report on the grounds that
until the ordinance waa passed hia company
had no basts on which to effect a settlement
with the property owners. He suggested
that the ordinance be amended so as to
provide that the company should not have
the right or authority to lay any further
tracka until every abutting property owner
had been settled with Several protests from
interested property owners asking that the
railway ba given no right to lay a. third
track until they had been settled with were
Alderman Casper urged the. adoption of
the report of the committee on the grounds
that ho believed If the railway were given
the right to lay the track under any condi
tions whatsoever , it would proceed todo so
and then the property ownera might
"whistle" for a. settlement of their damages.
Thla Imputation waa warmly resented by the
attorney for the Northwestern , who stated
that the railway was willing to dowhat was
fair and right In the matter and for that
reason had come before the aldermen for
permission to lay tha track. The protest
of the company's attorney , however , was of
no avail and tha recommendation of the
committee waa concurred in by a fall vote
of thu council.
Alter the- Motor Compnnl * .
The next railroad to come in for atten
tion at the hands of the city fathers waa
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company Complaint had been made
by one of the implement linen on Main
street that the motor company In laying
portion. * of track on that street to forestall
the new street car company had torn up
portions of the paving and placed the paving
atones taken up along the curb line , which
had formed an obstruction to tha flow of
water along thc < gutters. The city marshal
waa instructed to notify the motor company
tt > within three days remove these obstruc
tions and to replace all pavement torn up.
la view of the likelihood of the two street
railway companies laying tracka on streeu
already paved resolutions were adopted noti
fying both the Omaha & Council B.uffa
Railway and Bridge company and the Omaha ,
Council Bluffs & Suburban Railway com
pany not to Uy or attempt to lay any tracka
upon any paved street In the city of Coun
cil Bluff .1 without Am paying into the city
treasury the ccat of the pavement between
tha tracks so lal.i and one foot on the out-
si ii a thereof , aa may be determined by tha
eity council.
City Solicitor Wadiworth called attention
to tha ( act that tha time for the filing of a
motion for a rehearing In the matter of the
ownership of Seventh street , between Thlr-
teenth and Fourteenth avenues , had expired
and that aa by the ruling of the ; tuprema
court the thoroughfare belonged to the elt ?
and not to the Rock Island & Pacific Rail
way company , th elty now bad tha right
to tike the n eee ary atepa looking toward
[ he opening of th street to public travel , j
Attar some dUeuMtan the elty marshal was i
( aatrueted to notify the Hoak Utaod railway |
la at one * plaak between lu traeks the ( ull j
* 'i.lth of the atrset and to lay suitable glde- I
valka. I
At thla' point Alderman Atkiun eall d at- !
; ntlon tfl t&e fact that the Oraaba Bridge
in < 1 T rmloal company bad , dauplte tie
nany promUwi of Manager Webtta ; , fall d
o plank its croaelaga er build the itdewatka
> rdred and the city manhal waa likewise
) rd rd to notify the company to do o at
me * or tb work would be done by the U/
ind taxed ap against the tompaoy.
Ahtemua Bronx * * * H bte onitltoenU la
h aentb part of tfce eky bad a valid eom-
lUlat about UM eoodttloaa exlJtlag an Six ,
e * th avftau * . b iwea Main and SJilb , aad
t bu r < ia t the city anarhal w f iilr ct d t
o notify all tb * railroad * having track * I
a at one * plaak b iw * fl Ifetir ralU aad
o bil Id the Df wi ary aide walk * .
W I' BarnKt preentad A claim of | 1S
fit injury tn hi * bf > r * ? which had pur . '
o * thro igh a r en punk rn the j ar'6
Second street Bridge over HiIInil creek ant
the alalmVM rsferrwl tn thn jiullclun
oninmlttM' . Afhr tranwiBtlhi ? snmo orrllnarj
routine tumlness the council adjourned * tc
next Monday night.
Tlcvtilri fur till * Hpnt Hiitini * .
P'ollowlm ? the murtlnn of the council , thi
aldermen held a short gcmlnn an a Bnnn
of Health , to rtnnnlder thn mattnr of placing
the pet hoiiHii in repair. The meeting wa *
called at the limtancH of Mnynr JunnliiRH
who bi'llewd that In vlow of the fnct thai
ca of smallpov bad been reportpd ai
3t irm hnke and other points In the state , flu
city should bo prepared to tnko pratnpi
measures for the earn of any case that ml hl
possibly develop In this city Thn mayoi
also oiiRRestcd the propriety of building i
smalt addition tn tin * housu in which the
attending physician could change , hla gar-
nientu after treating a patient.
City Attorney Wadsworth gave. It as hit
opinion that neither the Board of HnnlCl
nor the city caunc-ll had any authority tn
expand tliu city's money In alther buildluq
a pest bouse or making repairs tn ono In
a case of emoraciicy the cltv could act as
It deemed he-it , hut thu axpeilRa would hav
to be bnrnu by thn cnuntv At 111 * sugges
tion the mayor and committee an police and
health were directed to lay the matter ol
putting the pest house in proper repair before -
fore the Board of County Supervisors.
.ViiniinI Vni-tlou Attrnots n Orovrtl inxl
! ! hlillntr Is .vlMk.
The annual tax salu of delinquent prop-
r-rty was held yesterday by Countv Treas-
vrcr Arm ! and attricted a larsp number of
bidders , with thu result that thu competition
to secure cholco lets wan at times very
keen. Thu usual crowd , with the addition
of sovernl new faces were tn attendance ,
among thu old-timers being A. J Seaman ,
who la a familiar charactnr at all tnx sales
In ithia city and Omaha. Following his
usual custom , be Invested heavily , especially
in delinquent country property
The competition for a. few of the choice
city holdings waa exceedingly brisk ami In
mm liiBtancu a desirable lot waa knocked
down to a local real'estate de.ilur for a ouu-
nillllonth Interest. Another went for a
thousandth Interest and several wore sold
for one hundredth Interests. The Merrlam
block waa knocked down for a aim thou
sandth Interest- , the bidding on this being
very keen.
Thu tax salu this year was about as largo
as liwt yenr and the proportion of country ,
city ami outside town pronerty waa about
the samu. In tliu county there waa verv
Httla delinquent property to go under the
treasurer' hammer , aa the farmers bavo
had a prosperous year and consequently
t.Txes have been well paid up. In three of
the townships Pleasant , Valley and York ,
there was no.t a single delinquent piece of
property while but one township Knox
showed aa many as eight delinquent hold
ings on which tha taxes for 1SOS remained
unpaid. The number of delinquent pieces
in the other townships was aa follows
Waveland , I , Grove , 7 , Silver Creek , " .
Keg Creek , 3 , Wright , 2 , Center , 1 , Wash
ington , .1 , Hardin , 1. Lincoln , 2 , James , 1 ,
Xorwalk , 2 , Hazel Dell , 1 ; Layton , 3 ; Xlln-
den , 1 , Neola , t : Boomer , fi.
In the clity the number of delinquent
pieces of property offered for sale was about
thu same aa last year , owing to- the fact
that 'three ' of the outside additions Cline's ,
Colby's. Walnut Grove and Potter &
George's , the latter in East Omaha , were
in the list entire , making quite an item in
the total number. But for 'these ' three ad
ditions the showing this year would have
been better than last , when It was the
smallest known , for several years.
In tha ito-vns outside of Council Bluffs the
taxes this year were exceptionally well paid
up and there was but little to offer. Such
13 waa , however , was eagerly snapped up
ind practically everything worth having on
ho entire list waa disposed of when Treas
urer Arnd closed hla day's work.
Such remnants aa are left over will be of
fered again at an adjourned sale which will
be held some tlmo in January , the date ot
which will be announced later by Treasurer
Tlirre AVItnesuci Examined anitoth -
Inar "Vnr Rrnntcht to Msrht.
After three witnesses had been examined
af the Inquest over Michael Boyle , killed by
a freight train on the tracks of the Terminal
company Saturday night , an adjournment
was taken until 1 o'clock this afternoon. The
three witnesses examined were C. L , Rankln.
foreman , W C. He.iton , switchman , and
John Mlkesel , engineer Much time was
consumed by Vttorney Galvln , who appeared
for the relative ? of the dead man , In cross-
examining the witnesses , It being his en
deavor to ahow that the railway company
was negligent and culpable in having three
cars ahead of the engine while the balance
of the train was behind.
Practically nothing new as to the manner
la which Boyle came to hla death was
brought out. Switchman Heaton testified
that he saw Boyle on the. track and that be
gave the order to the engineer to alow up.
Boyle stepped off the track and he signaled
again to the engineer to go aheid. When
about twenty feet from Boyle the latter fell
or threw himself across the track. He at
once gave the signal to atop , but although
tha train waa only going about four or flve
miles an hour , It was Impcualble to atop the-
train after Boyle fell In time to prevent It j
running over him. |
Engineer Mlkeaef , in answer to Attorney
Galvin's crosB-examlnatlon , said that the I
three car * ahead of the engine had been
picked up from the Milwaukee and the ten
behind from the Omaha & St. Loula and i
that In order to have had all the cars back |
of the engine It would have been necessary i
to have made a "dropr" which waa contrary
to rules , or elaa to have made two trips
from the Eighteenth street aiding to Fif
teenth avenue.
The funeral will be held thla morning j
it 0 o'clock from St. Francla Xavler'a '
3hureh. The services will bj conducted by
flev Father Smyth and interment will be
In tb Catholle cemetery. The body waa reMoved - | '
Moved to the residence of the deceased at
13U Fifth avenue yesterday afternoon
Company I , I'naiea Itrxolu t Inn * on the
ftfnth of 1'rlvutr Wnnil. i
At a meeting of the members of Com- ,
? any L , Flfty-flrst Iowa volunteers , last
light , the following rsaolutlonj relative to
the death of Private Ed Wood of th company - I
pany wer ? adopted.
C'Ot'NCJI , BM'FFH , la , Dt-e -Sir
ind Mr * E. A Wood ami Family , Avjia.
fi Th m-mb < r of f'ampany T , Flfty-
1r t Iowa. In * p clal m etins to commf-m-
> rat th death of their fclov d euTrra'l ' < .
Kd Wood , wi h to exprMsd their siinr ri1
ind hartfelt aywpathy for hla btra.1
urentit dnd och < * r m mt > Tn of bin f imi y
realizing from th lr o-vn f * lln * < r i 4
now much greater i the burden of y jr
aiuoclatfr ) with him so Intimitr y
n the last eighteen month * , we at a. ,
: lme * found him a. true friend ar.rt eorr
a < J a manly mn and a sod ! ! * > r rr > "
toner of whose country wan ia ( * m ( a I
: eeplog , and though hta early dealt * l---ives
. gap in our rank * that will never b
Hied , we can only f al that he haa f
h * good i.-ht and won
J. Q. AXDBFiaO.V. JR .
Uolnif * In the IJUtrlct Court.
r > i * * four * wa * reicmv&M yc ? r3 ?
; j Juigi Green anl the trial of th * euK of j
ChnrN * TiiniMnnm awitnHt the Onrnbn
Bt-BwltlK itimoctntlon nommencod The WklllM
of M t1innn" was not completed x heti an
adltinniment wiw tnKfn fbr the dhy.
Th a fllBd vnttllbt In the row of the City
or Council Bluffs agnlttta Snmh B. B. Knh-
rer was opnnnd and ws found to ba for Mic
plaintiff , awarding hsr | 1 , IOO and $ H6lfi to
i thu Omaha * St. I nul railway The court
i ordered the latter avvanl set asldo and lu-
ruRtnil it bn made $ nT5.1R , as the jury had
i foiled to take into account Uio amount that
' thu railroad had nxpcmled in putting In
crowing and planking on the property
snitiint till bn onmltmincd bv the city Thu
city IB not fiatliiiwl wlWi the verdlut and
will tilthur appeal ttoo case or ls 5 decllnu
to tttko rho firnnnrt-y anil open up Third
itrest and Slxu cnth aventiu.
.1. A. Oregoiy , the bonethluf , wait
arraigned on tltreo charges , Ho
aiitnred i plea of not guilty to
the charges of steallliK the mule.s
and of attempting to kill Olflcer Albro , hut
took tlmu to plead to the charge of shooting
Constable Hardin MOSB. Ho declined asaln
to anawor whether hu had bwsn Indicted un
der his right nanio.
Jdt ( Huston , indicted on a charge of steal-
inn a coat and nnlr of trowsers from the
Atlnntlo house , admitted his millt and waa
aentcncod to four mouths In thu county Jail.
Jack Shields , charged with robbery and
piiHSlinj a forgud check , waa alsa arralsnud
and entered pleas or not guilty to both
charge : ! .
DroBKinakim ; and plain sowing , room 10 ,
New Murrlam block , COlHs Broadway , op-
' " < colda.
Howoll'a Antl-"KawC cures cnnijha ,
c vr.r. FH-a P vo ;
llofor CUP .ruinD Tfiu-lc on
Itrt-et Hrliltie.
An auuldeut to onu of tliu largo motor cara
on the.'bridijp ' yt > st rdtiy afternoon upset the
rnnninu schedulu tor several hours and de
layed tratllo for nearly an hour The llangu
of ono of the -vheulH brake , causing the carte
to jump thu track. Thu end of the car
.swung atjalnst rho railing of tbu bridge ,
smashing In one of the endgates. The pan-
Hengurs were badly frightened , fearing
thu car was ibuut to plunge Into thu river ,
but nonu were Inllired In any way
Ono of the motor company's big cars ,
No. 17 collided yesterday afternoon ai Fif
teenth street and Avenue A with a wagon
containing C F Jewott and Harrv Stein ,
. Jewett driving and
a 12-vear-old boy. wau
turned onto Avenue A from Fifteenth
street just In front of the motor which was
ansthounil. Tllo car crashed Into the wagon ,
throwing lewett out Jti one side and young
Stein on the other. The boy landed between
the rails on the other track , striking his
head against a tie and Inflicting a deep gash
from which the blood Unwed freely. lewett
suffered a sprained wrlat and a number of
cutrt about t'ho ' head and bniiaes on thu body
They were both taken on the car to a phy
sician and' their Injuries dressed. Thu wagon ,
which belonged to Jacob Stein , the Broad
way Junk dealer , was considerably damaged.
Our Christmas Annual free. Contains two-
step , anng- and atory. Bouriclus Music
House , SI15 Broadway , telephone 4tG ) , where
the organ stands upon the building.
TITO Rlb Broken.
Hanry Beecroft , th veteran expressman
of 100 Benton street had two ribs broken
yesterday mornins by bin wagon backing
against him while lie was unloading some
freight. He wau > removed to his home in the-
police buggy.
Tha Ladles" Aid , society of Broadway
Methodist churca will hold Ita annual ba
zar In Odd Fallows' hall next Wednesday
and Thursday. Dinner and supper will bu
served both days and a large variety of use
ful and fancy articles will been sale.
Davia selu paint.
Licences to wed were issued yeatarday to
the following persona
Nann > and Residence. Agri"
C. t , . Persons , Wauki'K-an , 111 27
Araui'llc Hammell. Oshltosh , Wla y\ \
W A. Fprpuson , Ornah.i 21
Ifaude Vaushaii. Omaha 13
Inmate of nit lovpn Connty Home
s Doorknob nml a.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Dec. J. ( Special
Telegram. ) Mrs. Idz-sie Severa. an aged
woman , an inmate of the county home , com
mitted suicide yesterday afternoon by hang
ing. She tied a piece of string around a
doorknob , the other end around her neck
and , lyln down on the floor , strangled her
self to death.
Cm * * AVTiloh May Innncnrp Movement
to Abolish Connty Vtylnmi.
FORT DODGE , la , Dec 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) At Rolf the superintendent of the
Poehahontas county poor farm , W. A. El
liott , has been charged with cruelty to patients - I
tients He ia accused of horsewhipping iome
: if thu inmates and kickln ? others. Hla cru-
sltlea are said to extend to the women In- j
mates. His trial will occur In January. The j
: ase may hava a bearing on the movement !
to abolish county insane aiyluma. The Board
it Control will aeek to secure anch legisla
tion at the nett meeting of the general aa-
Monitt lyr 1Irrch < tnt AiNlRnx.
MOUNT ATR , Ia. , Dec ( . ( Special Tel
egram ) A. 0 Ingram , proprietor of the
2aah store here , the largest mercantile ea-
; ablishraent in this part of the state , aa-
ilffned hia stock to trustees for the beneflt
> f all his creditors. The trustees are Homar
V. Puller , a local attorney , and ex-Sherlfl
ramea Beard. The liabllitle * are estimated
it 130,000 and tha ajueta at $30,000 Recent
ranafers of the Cash store , Shannon City ,
-nloa county , , and the new atore , all in tha
tell , to local creditors , may be contejted by
ither claimants Mr. Ingram haa been m
lualnesa in Mount Ayr for twenty jreara Tha
'ash store sa e employment to twenty peo-
pis and did the largest bustnfaa of any atore
which ever existed here During the eleven
months of the present year H sold $73 000
worth of goods Heavy expenses i utting of
prices and losses oa poultry shipments are
some of the caaa < M for the failure
"I hare tons It day a-t & tlmu without a
movement of ( ha boweU , not be i.iff able to
rniwe them zeeps br asinz toe water lojtctt. nj.
Chroma ccnatipai ; . T f ir tereo lean placed late
to Wrrlble eonuiiiun Uurtn that time I did T-
crytuin i fcearl of tn oorer toaod anj relief , inch
wis mr u io anr4i J Maa aaio CAhCARtTa I
novfiiavefromcBototar o patu ci a dar and if I
wa rtc'j I would * tva Itu ) J ) t r each mOTement , U
li aea a relief AI uiiti. fc Hr xi
t. Iwtrolt , Mich.
pleaunt Pii t M , r , BP Tste Oood
"Terr1 * - n Wta. i tbrpe I0c ac i
I rt-
Bopntj Sheriff Slain Hear Oroston in
Biecbargo of ffis Butjt
JUII for ' 'nfc lCci 3lnir Tom
WnlHli tin * MwriloriMl
CltESTCW , In. . Dec. J. ( SpMdal Talo-
smm. ) Dopnty ghurlit Tain Walsh wad
Hllloil tHls afternnnn at t o'blnclt by Ofonja
' Williams , a mrnior whn lives two miles
1 aouiu of tmvn , Thn tragc-ily took plaeu un
, Williams' ftirnii
Waimi , in company wun J w iniui'r , urn. .
made .t accnml vinlt to Wllllnma' lloma ti
servo attacJimi'nt papers. Tim tlrst visit :
nmd o.irly in thu mnrnlntf , uiil Williams
cnmu to town niul partially adjusted tlu
disputed points. Hi ; ratnrnud houiu .itnl II
\ on tlln aecaiul vlnlt of tllo olflcur thai
thn Killing occurred.
WllllaniH , after hi > wan placud In Jull. aalil
tliat on Ula way Uoraa Uusaw a Illicit ol
quail anil after hu arrlvud lunnu Uu hml
tnkan hia 31111 down , Intundlni ; to liu thu
qunll. Aa he atcppwl out hit saw W.ilHll
and ITullur. He orduved tlii'in ott hln piutn-
Isia. WalBli advnnciMl , aatln ! Williams to
hi- calm Wlum within tun fuel Wllllama
raiaod hln iun and Hrud. tllo shut pmii'trat-
in Walwli's rl ht tumplo and dimtli result
ing Inataiitly. FuIIur came bnrrli'dly bnuk
to town. Wllllnma arrived anon after in
compnny with a nulKhbiir and di'livurud bira-
ai'lf to the ahorltl.
Tbo olllcura spirited Williams to Oscpola
tonight. Anury niuu uatborcil abunt tbu
Htrcota and duolarationn wura madu that thu
alayur would have huun lynched bad ho buuu
left in tlio Dnion county Jail.
W.ilalt was 2'l years old , alniln antl popu
lar. Hn ! term of ollleu woulil bnvo expired
December 3fl. . WllllaniH la ! 8 years of .lijn ,
h.ia a wife and nlnu chililren. When ho was
removed from the Jnil for safe Iceuplliff bo
said If bu wura given two six-shooters bo
could defend hlmaelf.
mv of PtiyI < > iil Directors of
Y. H. r. V. tti litH.I < U
CEDAR HAPIDS , la. , Due. 1. ( Special. )
A conference of physical directors of the.
Young lien's Cliriatian aaHoclatluna of thu
stain will bu held In thin city December U
for the purpoHu of making arran uniunta for
an annual athletic contest by teama from the
gyninnHiuma of the aimnclatlonH In tliuitate. .
Physical directors will b here from Dea
Molnea , Dubunuo. Sioux City , Davenport ,
Clinton , Aluacatinu. Ottmmv i and elaewbere ,
aa well aa from several of the college as
For a number of yean a feature at thu
annual meeting of the Youni ? Men't Chrla-
tian aasociariona of the atata baa been a
pentathlon contest , which occupied one en
tire day of the state convention. There have
always been live events on the prnijr'im , hur
only such anH < iciatiann were permitted to
porticinnte In the contests aa had three
mnn who could score a certain number of
polnta la flve events.
It Is now the intention to make a pro
gram Jiich IH will Include every feature of
Young Men's Chriatian association .ithtatics.
inatead of restricting it to live events. It is
also proposed to so formulate the rules as
will permit an association to lend Just as
many men or Just as few aa it may aee n't. '
Annniil Statement of the r"onimi- < loa-
. . ern hivtvv a CoinllHon nt
DBS MOINE3 , Dec. t ! ( Special Telu-
Kram. ) The annual report of the railway
commissioners was Sled tcd.iy Prosperity
has been the portion of Iowa railroads dur
ing the year The report showa
Total grasa earnings of all roads , | (8 ( , IffR-
158 , total oporatins expenses , $31,179,771 :
total taxea paid In Iowa , $1 , (15,14 , ' ! , total
number of employes , ,1 , .1S5 , total compensa
tion of all employes , $ IS , iOH,3Sl :
The slffniflcancn of these detaUa arises
from , the fact that the gross receipt. ! repre
sent , approximately. | 3OUOOUO more than the
sroas receipts of last year , and the red let
ter year of IS'JJ ' amon- Iowa roads , that
1,200 more men than ever before are em
ployed , and their wagea are greater by Jl-
200,000 than lost year. It ia true that the.
net earnings of the roads did not reach $17-
000,000 , due to the extraordinary e-jpense of
operating and the heavy taxes The net
earnings , in fact , are lesi than those of the
year 1S)3 ! ) and are little more than those ot
ISflij , when times were comparatively hard
There has been a net Increase on all rouda of
W.OOO.OOO. Several nev , features are intro
duced this year In the form of comparative
tables of unusual Interest. One sho-vs the
net earnings per mile of road ulnce the year
1373 up to the present time. In 1S73 tt.DtiO u
represented the net earnings per mile , in
131)0 ) , n.33t. 5.
Another table compares the number of
employes since 1873. In that year thera
were 13,513 , which number haa Increased to
12,335 in 1339. Wages have increased since
1873 from : fS.129S10 31 to the flgurea of this
year One of the features of the report la tha
table showing the use and non-iue of auto
matic couplers. The Ut of January , 1900 ,
ivary rillroad in Iowa rnuac be fully equipped
with these appliances , and power brakes ,
130.73H cars are now in operation in Iowa ,
m increase of ltfl.873 since 1S73 , yet thera
ire fewer accidents on the roads than when
'ewer cars were In circulation Out of the
: .ira In operation 130,505 are equipped ai
he law requires. In 1SS2 sixteen employes I
vere killed and aeventy-two Injure 1 I
The Polk county eltlzeca' committee for
he suppression of intemperaiii e has ttlud lu
Don't ? lve them tea or coffe ! " Have you
Tied the new food drink . Wii CRAtN-O ?
't la dellciouj and nourUhi ig anil calces
h * place of coffee The more Orafn-O you
rive the children the mora health you dla-
rlbute through their syatema Oraln-O l
nade of pure jrralna. and whan procerly
iri Bared tastes lik the choice zradea of
: offee. but coata about * i aa much. All
; rocers sell It. 13c and ac.
r1 ort with the cAttmiUM'e nf thi city
ell fin'Mim in clmrgs ttif Binws .
They Hint 1I lint" nd s,8 , 0 nnniwi. Ahnut
3.0CO of tlii" * ar mild tn n nnt cnmpptwnt
lOTRt * . Tim H * upon which tHnr arn
dliplloattnna and frauds are ttpiKtlflml. Bf-
nnm of tfiMfl dcf ct all nnmwi am chHl-
Ictigoil and tha petitions prntaatwl. The po-
tltlon wan alrciilMtlttd In an uttart hi bring .x
hrswery hfrc.
Unit..I Htrttv Ulttrlot Juilnv
Awtij ut l > - . > lwlii " . Vtt r it
DBS MOINES , Dec 4.-SWNlal ( | Tele
gram. ) Judm ? John \VwMon f thefe l-
rnlconrt _ dlwl h rw tai aft ro < xm at his
homtf a/t r amny weeks' slckn a , ijrounht
on bv stonracb troubl . He Iwivtw thrve
daUBhters. Mw , Brocks and Grace antl Ruth
Jolin SI in a on Wooteou wad born Decem-
bHP 3. IS10 , at Tenuwando , X. Y Ke gained
all thu advnntj(5ea ) ( of the public schools of
thcao days and attended the Wilson Col-
leslnta Inatltute In that state before remov
ing wltlf his father'1 * ftimllv to towa. Tha
family located at o1lnt Pleasant , where
tliu atibt t of tills article entered the Wes-
luyan Inatliiite .nnl graduated In IStiO
such honora that the dligreo of A. M.
conferred nnon him In 18(11 ( ! . and L.L. D. In
1SIT. ! He was appointed aaalatant puymuatur
of the UnltBil States navy In March , ts 2.
served in thu Atlantlp situadron during1 the
civil war and rcalgnud in December , tS 5.
During that service hu partieliialt-d in thu
naval attarka on Fort Sumtor and Fort
Flaher , N. C. < it ? well .is In othur naval
battlea. During one of these battles the
vosHel upon whluh he waa aervliivnu ) blown
up ami destroyed , the crow narrowly escap
ing from the wreck. After thu war Judgu
| Woolaon reHiimuil thu practiuiof law at
ifoiint Pleasant in ISfii ! anil eontlnued
therein until isai. during whiuh time he
represented that district in the Iowa senatu
fiom 1S7 to Will , with thu exception of tliu
31'salou.n of 18H and 1884. In 1SUI hiau
.ippnlnttMl United States judge for the
Southern district of Iowa and , ln that posi
tion hu was rendering such distinguished
sorvcu that his friends hava been watching
for thu opportunity to urge bin appointment
to thu supreme bunc-h of the United States
.rolm S. WoolHon. federal Judge of thu
southern district of Iowa , waa 57 yuara old.
In 1SII1 hu waa appointed to the feduril dis
trict bench , by President Harrison and baa
nerved since.
Dnultlitu'M * Lzuluu. sulve.
The best aalva In the world for cuta ,
brulsei , aores , nlcorn , aalt rheum , fuvar
eores , tetter , chopped hands , chllblaina.
corns and ill akin eruptions , and positively
cures piles , nr no pay required. It la guar
anteed to give perfect aatisfaction or money
refunded. Pries 25 centa per bos. For
by Kubn & Co
Immediate and Lasting
niarlnni WintM
Prevents Waste
Aids Digestion ,
Braces Body , Brain
and Nerves.
No other preparation , baa evec received
ao m.iny voluntary testimonial. ) from emi
nent people .u the world-famous Mari.uu
Sold by all druggists. Bewtre of Imitations
M.iri.inl & Co > 2 W 15th St. . NI-W Yoric
publish a handsome boolc of endorsements
of emperors , empress , princes , cunllniu.- ) .
archbishops ami other < lisrinjjuislit il per
sonages. Ir H sent gratia and postpaid to
all who write for it.
The Tror'tt case can be curcit by ui" :
Insr liana * * IMle Killer. Guaranteed.
91.1)1) ) per box by mall.
Western Depot , Onm2u > , XeE > .
make ! 3fo 7
woptSa Jlviing %
e Cure BIIIOQS and Kervana Disorders , c
j ) focenu aai33 canu , at druir iCnreH. p
Garden's Condensed MJIf < Co. , V. Y ,
irvcxm SAX'S
Cough Medicine ,
Lilfu Lnelii Sam i Country , lit
Best In the World
23o at all DrutK
HOWELL'S " iis i when all
> i H" ! - - fail ,
r n > nii | m action.
- Sn t id sure.
T'-v 11. 2
Invest Your Money Safe.
Buy a first mrt a3 ne'-tin-r ' - 701 5 pr ; ceat interest
Buy a farm in Iowa or Nebnslu.
Purchase city property in Omaha , or Gnncil Bluffs.
DA "V 39 Peari street-
/ - - i Bluff
have the above investments for sale. Call on or write them
, DECEMBER 4 , the old house of Mueller's start to remove
move their entire stock of Pianos and Organs to their new par
lors , 214 , 216 , 218 South Eighteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
There is still an opportunity to obtain an instrument at a valud
never before attainable. We need the room. Everything must ba
sold. We now offer them at almost your own price. You cannot
make a better Christmas present. Why not call and make arrange
ments with us NOW. Remember NOW is your chance.
All fixtures , including counters and show cases
for sale. Store for sale or rent.
MUELLER PIANO , 103 Main Street ,