NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.-VOIl MIWTIOIV. Davis sells clans. " Bhcrrnden makes photos , (1.50 doz. \Vclabnch burners at Blxby's. Tel. J9J. lludwclscr beer. L. Rosonfcldt , nRcnt. Klegant slylo holiday photos nt Schmidt's. Pictures nnd frnmcs , Alexander's , 333 ll'y. Pr. W. A. arrvnl.1 , rpteopath , 301 Mcr- rlnm block. Council niults. C. IJ. Jncqvicmln & Co. , Joi'dors and op tician ? , 27 South Mnln titroct. \VIntor term at the Western Iowa 'col lege botrlitH Monday , December 4. Get your work donYi at the popular Eagle laundry , 721 Uroadwny. 'Phono lf > 7. W. C. Kstop , undertaker. 2S 1'carl street Telephones : Olllce. 97 ; residence , 33. Kherldan coal makes n larto name and rlcnr lire , but no smoke , soot or clinkers. Fenlon & Koley , solp nKcnts. Mrs. M. I1 , llloiitn of New York City In IIPIO fnr nil PXtPinlnl visit with nor sister , Mrx 13. n. Tnylor of North Muln street. At the mcollnc nf White lUise Heboknh IfulRp this cvenlnc the unntMl election of olhrcrs vlll be hold and u full atlonilunco l < desired. There will be n neclal communication this ovoiilriR of Uluif City Masonic lodge for work In the third dosree. A banquet close of the meeting. \\lll be served ut the William Swan of Hlloxl , Miss. , who hart been vlsltlnp his parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Jlenry Swan of Klfth avenue , left vester- dny for it brief vlilt with relatives In Mal- vern and will then return to his southern homo. The ladles of Palm grove arc requested to mec t In the parlors of Woodmen of the AVorld hull this morning with sewltiK mi- lerlal and lunch. Same program as last meeting. .lark Plnncll. who has filled the position of dntcvMvp on the nls'ht police force , ten dered his resignation to Mayor Jennings yesterday , uhlch was accepted. Charles t'laar has been appointed to temporarily Jill thr place. Thorn will be a "welcome. " meothiK this evening at 8 o'clock In the Salvation Army ball on Uroiulwpy In honor of HrlQndlpr nnd Mrs. Toft , chief divisional olllcers for Iowa ICnslcn and Mrs. Uoods and Secre- lary H'azlott will come over from Omaha to assist In the service. Km ma I.arscn. a young girl about 17 years of nge , who was taken Into custody last Saturday by the police a.\\ \ the request of a brother who lives In Osco , Neb. , was released yesterday from the city Jail. The Blrl's relatives failed to come for her , as they notified the police they would. "Doc" lyong filed nn Information In Jus tice Fprrlcr's court yesterday afternoon , charging a peddler of apples from Omaha with larceny. Uong purchased apples to 'the ' amount of W.50 from the peddler and In payment clalinx he gavethe. . man a J3 bill Instead of a $1 note. Tlui peddler de nied this and refused to return the Jl. V C Kissel died yesterday morning at < the home of his parents , No. 2 Park Entrance - /trance / , of tuberculosis of the bowels , aged 82. Ho leaves n. wife to mourn his loss. The funeral will lie 'held ' tomorrow after noon at 2:30 : o'clock from the family resi lience. The services will be conducted by llcv. M. C. Wadflell of the Broadway church nnd Intermtint will bo In Falrvlew romctery. . II. 11. Johnson , a guest at the Revere house , was up before Poljce Judge Ayles- worth yesterday charged with disturbing the peace on Thanksgiving day of the other boarders nnd particularly that of the land lord. Jt appeared from the testimony that Tohnson , who had been celebrating some what too freely , became dissatisfied with Iho hotel's Thanksgiving dinner menu and f-clzcd the turkey from Its dish , hurling It nttalnbt the wall. Johnson was assessed $10 and costs for his little fun. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tol. 250. Plna Missouri wood for sale by Gilbert Brothers. „ Modern Woodman dance Monday evening , December 4 , at Hughes' hall. Klkn Orcnnlze. A meeting of these interested In the or ganization of an Elks' lodge was held last night at the Grand hotel and a temporary organization formed. E. II. Merrlam was elected chairman and George S. Wright sec retary. The following committees were ap pointed : Finance I-1. A. Buckman , chair man ; August Bcreshelm , I1' . E , Sellers. On arrangements for permanent organization nnd headquarters Dr. G. E. Smith , chair man , G. S. AVrlght , William Moore , E. W. JIart , Dr. T. B. Lacey. The list of pros pective members numbers over 100 repre sentative citizens. K. P. dance , Hughes' hall , tonight. Ad mission 25 cents per couple. Now Ncckbanda put on shirts free of cliargn for regular customers at the Bluff City laundry. 31 North Main. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs , colda. IOO | < | IIK for u Truant Wife. A. S. Nixon of Slionandoah was In the city last night asking the assistance of the jicllco to locate his wife , who , he said , had sloped with a traveling man named Clark. Mm. Nixon , who Is said to be a strikingly Jinndsomo brunette , had been visiting rela tives in Omaha , where Bho met the gay traveling man. A search of the hotels In the city Into last night failed to find the woman or her companion. K , P. dance , Hughes hall , tonight. Wha- ley'a orchestra. 25 cents per couple. Ill-ill ICslnfo TrniiHferN , The following transfers were filed yester- dav In the abstract , title and loan olllco of J W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : CSeorge. W. I.lpo and wife to Nathan 8 , McLean , lot 0 , block \ , Burke'H add to Council Bluff * , q , c. d 100 Trustees of will of John James Dlx- well to J. T. Hart , lot 12 , block IS , Riddle's subdlv , Council Bluffs , q , e. d. ' Emily J. Shubert and husband to Joel T and Kiln Hlndrlcks , part of lots I , 5. 0 and 7 , block 2 , Street's add , w. d coo Total three transfers .f 701 Licenses to wed have been Issued to the following persons : Name and Residence. AEO. Nels Ahlgran , Council Bluffs , IS Lnttlu Klahn , Council Bluffs 34 W L , Evans , Hhubert. Neb 2S 13. Viola Mudgo , Council Bluffs 1 ! ) C B. Halbcrt. Montgomery , la 23 c , P. Ordway. Maploton , la 25 F W. Miller , Hloux City Zii C'atlicrlno Javnnch. Sioux City . . . , "j Thomas Illgglna , Limn , O ' 'I J.oviim.R Anderson. Honey Creek , In SS Reasonable ) amount cf mending done fn' of chargeat the Bluff City laundry , This Is tha laundry that takes good care of your linen. 24 North Main. Aiiiliiliiui Wants nil Ariuorj- . AUDUBON , la. , Dec. L ( Special. ) A movement Is on foot by parties in town which may result In building nn armory. The plan.i arc very Immature at present. There will teen bo no opera house , as Mr. Kiit.sell Inlemla to occupy that room with his enlarged store. If two lota could be bought where they are not too high in price nnd n building put up to meet these wants , especially If company o ( Iowa National guards could bo formed and occupy It ua their armory. It might be made to pay and to supply u need. Negotiated lu Eastern Nebraska and icwti. Jameu N. Cnssdy , Jr. , 120 Main til , Council niufts. FiRElSUR'AHBEPOLICIES BOUGHT Fur Ciiuli or l.unitvil On. 12. 11. hlin.VFIS .fc CO. , 9 rcarl Utroet , Council tltu0 f town. PHI' 11P I O t t IIMPT I\T PirtlT UILAP GAS ALMOST IN SIGHi Efltablishmcnt of a Plant for Its Manufacture to Bo Assured , LARGEST OF FIVE FACTORIES HiRE Conrnru Tlmt In to Pn < In < Iic Knotory lH n Cntlltnl of Three .Million- Detail * of IJcnl. Despatches from DPS Molnca that the Uni versal Fuel company , a Chicago concern , intended putting In a plant In this city for the manufacture of coke and gas has atoused much Interest and speculation In Council Bluffs , especially among the clt > otilclaKi who are at present wrestling with the light problem , and Alderman Casper Is hopeful that It may result In the cheapening of the price of gas. Klllan II. Belbcl , the representative of the Chicago company was expected to arrive In this city yesterday , but BO far he h&s failed to appear. It la under stood that the company contemplates cetab- H.ihlng five factories for the manufacture of coko" in this state and that they will be located at DCS Moincs , Dubuque , Davenport , Ottunuva nnd Council Bluffs. In n recent Interview at the Capital City Mr. Sclbel Is quoted as saying the following concerning the plans of the company : "We have already arranged for the estab lishment of four factories In Iowa. Each ono will have 100 ovens , but we expect to Increase the capacity of the ono at Council Bluffs In a year or two to double or treble the original output. We expect to make the Council Bluffs plant the largest , owing to Its"proximity to Omaha , as we Intend to pipe our gas across the river. The plant In Council Bluffs will give employment to be tween seventy-five and ono hundred men. The five plants in Iowa will represent n capitalization of ? 3,000,000. Wo have exam- Inpd the coal fields of Illinois and Iowa ex tensively and find the kind of coal especially adapted to making coke. We do not Intend to pay much attention to illuminating gas , but will make a specialty of fuel gas and In order to have a demand for this class of gas we Intend to keep the price down as low as possible. We contemplate furnishing fuel gas to factories for not more than 40 ecnta per 1,000 feet and at this price It will bo cheaper than the factories can secure soft coal. Iowa coal as analyzed by our chemists gives from 8,000 to 10,000 cubic feet of gas to the ton. Illuminating gas , If we decide on supplying It , can bo furnished for 60 cents per 1,000 feet. The coke made from the Iowa coal Is so much better for heating purposes that no factory , we believe , will UBO the coal after having once given the coke a trial. " As far as can be learned the company has made no attempt to secure ground for Its proposed plant in this city and none of the city officials have been approached by Its representatives. In order to operate here the company would be obliged to go before the people for a franchise permitting It to use the streets In which to lay Its pipes. This , It IB believed , would be granted , pro vided the company really intended business. Mayor Jennings and other city officials are In favor of encouraging the company to es tablish its plant here and no obstacle will bo thrown In its way. Manager Nichols of the 'local gas company stated yesterday that his company would bo willing to contract to take gas from it at 35 cents per thou sand feet , provided the quality of gas was up to the standard for illuminating pur poses. Special Saturday 5-ccnt sale of sheet music at Bourlcius' Music House. Lots of It is new music and late songs , perhaps a llttlo shelf-wort ) , but as nice as any other so-called "hit. " 335 Broadway , where the organ stands upon the building. Davis Bella paint. STATE SOHOOIi FOR THE IJE.VF. lleport at tlio Ilonril of Control on Condition of the Inntltntlon. The State Board of Control In Its annual report to the governor deals at considerable length with the matter of the reduction of salaries at the School for the Deaf. This action of the board In reducing the salaries of the teachers at this institution was made the subject of moro or less criticism at the time In Council Bluffs. In Its report the board has the following to say on the ques tion : The conditions existing at the School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs wore far from being satisfactory , and while the manage ment of that institution had Incurred nn indebtedness , with the former liberal ap propriations , the board on assuming con trol found the appropriation for officers and teachers' salaries reduced by the last gen eral assembly from $21,000 to $18,000. and the per capita which was formerly paid for four quarters each year had been reduced to three quarters , being a net reduction of 25 per cent , which In the aggregate on actual attendance for the year reduced the support $3,0-11 , making the total reduction for the year $12,611 from what It had been during a portion of the previous biennial period. With these conditions confronting the board It became necessary to adjust the salaries In Hiich a manner that the total amount expended would not exceed the In come , nnd nn examination of the payroll proved that this could bo done without In jury to the school , for In many Instances extravagant amounts wore being paid olll- rers and teachers. The principal of the school was receiving $1,700 for nine months' service ; another teacher. $1,300 ; ono teacher , $1,000 ; one , $ SOO , nnd three teachers , $600 each. A number of these teachers hod In addition to these salaries board and lodg ing ; all the others had dinner nnd horses stabled nnd fed during the day , ut the ex pense of the btato. Notwithstanding the liberal salaries paid teachers the school , after a thorough ex amination by the board , wnp found to be in a very unsatisfactory condition , and the In vestigation nnd evidence secured , of which a full leport was nnulc , proved conclusively that the Iowa School for the Deaf was fallIng - Ing fnr short of the high standard the people ple of the state hart a right to expect. The principal of the school , Instead of superintending the work of the other tench , em , was satisfied to contlne himself to a room with fourteen or fifteen pupllu , and rarely , If ever , gave nnv attention to thu work of other teachers. No teachers' meet ings were held , this being , In the opinion of the principal , unnecessary , nnd as n re mit the most antiquated methods In tench- Ing the deaf were In vogue. , the flfin manual being nurd to a great extent by both tench- erx nnd pupils. Being thus allowed to mnkn signs ns n means of communication , and not required to either spell with the hand or write , except In a limited manner , the pupils proved to be very deficient In the lift ! of the KiiHllsh words and found grout dllllculty In answering the simplest ques- tlonn by written language , A radical change from old methods IIUH been made , salaries were llxed to come within the limit of the appropriation , new and progressive teachers have been secured In place of ( hose who had proved Incom petent , teachers' meetings nru held nnd the latest nnd most approved methods of teach ing the dent are discussed nnd Introduced In the school , The sign manual has been prohibited and teachers and pupils now spell every word used by thu finger alpha bet , by writing , or both , thud securing for the pupils a knowledge of the English lan guage. Lip language Is carefully taught and the progress made In articulate lan guage has been so great that many of the pupils ran read In a manner to be perfectly understood by henrjng people. With the advancement made In the con dition of the school the dietary and care of the pupils larccly Incrcaied , th * Improve ment * of the Kroundi and bulldlngi dur ing the year , which have added largely to the expense. It Is particularly gratifying to be able to report that on July 1 , 1S' ) ! ' . notwithstanding - withstanding the reduced appropriation of $12ftl ! for the year nnd the ndvnnce In price of nearly every article required , tberc was In the state treasury n balance to the credit of the School for the Drtif of J5.22S.K2. AT A KllOXT DOOH. Alioinut Mmlp to IJfMroj' n Cednr HnnlilN Atlnrnry'n Homo. CEDAH KAPIDS , In. , DJC. 1. ( Spsclal Tel egram. ) Two pounds of dynamite were placed under the front door of the homo of Attorney W. L. Cron early this morning and the fuse attached was lighted. Care lessness in attaching the detonating cap to thu fuse Is all that prevented the house bc- ItiK blown to atoms. There Is no clew. Tnrlii-y for Hit * Vptornim. MAIISHALLTOWN , In. , Dec. 1. ( Special. ) Commandant Horton and his aides at the Soldiers' homo provided the members of the institution with a feast extraordinary. It entailed considerable work to provide a big dinner for 625 people , but that Is the num ber fed at the home. The veterans nnd the Indies In the dormitory were treated to n "irkoy dinner with the usual accompani ments , nnd It required 700 pounds of turkey and three bushels of cranberries to go around. In the main building the bill of fare contained turkey and mashed potatoes , cranberry sailce , pumpkin pic , jelly , corn , celery , bread , apples , coffee and milk. In the hospital and dormitory the faro was some what different nnd consisted of roast turkey with dressing , cranberry sauce , jolly , mashed potatoes , pens , tomatoes , potato salad , mince and pumpkin pie , assorted cake , apples , bread , tea , coffee and milk. Content for SlieHir'n OCTIfo. GUUNDY CENTER , In. . Dec. 1. ( Special. ) Contest proceedings have been begun be fore a special court composed of the chair man of the Board of Supervisors and two other persons , ono selected by each of the contestants , for the office of sheriff of Grundy county. J. W. Morrison Is the plain tiff nnd J. W. Pcpperman IB the defendant. Pcppermnnwas declared elected by the Board of Supervisors , acting as a canvassing board of the election , they having found that he had a majority of one. Mr. Morrison feels that he Is not willing to concede the elec tion on so small a majority nnd so has filed his petition for n recount of the votes of the entire county , and feels quite confident that ho will win out and thus make the Grundy county republican ticket straight. Both parties have engaged counsel. The first hearing has been set for the llth day of December. Dciilnl of Itciiortfil Snip. FORT DODGE , la. , Dec. 1. ( Special Tel egram. ) The reported sale of the Minne apolis & St. Louis to the Illinois Central , which has gained considerable credence , has been denfed hero by the attorney of the road for Iowa , R. M. Wright. Mr. Wright unequivocally denies the story , saying there was no truth in It and that the Central Is no nearer securing control of the road than It was flvo years ago. Statement liy Mr. mill Mm. C. Mnildon. SIOUX CITY , Dec. 1. ( Special. ) To the Editor of The Bee : "Feeling that we have been unjustly misrepresented during our trial of the past few weeks we wish to state that our little girl , Lcona , was not out of the house during her Illness , and that we did not know she bad any contagious dis ease , puch as diphtheria , and do not know now that she had. : ; 'MK. AND MBS. C. MADSpN. " Thieves Hob n. Knrnier. LADORA , la. , Dec. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) Ernest R. Gates , a farmer living one mile north of town , woke up this morning $350 shor ! . Gates was about to move to Minnesota seta and had placed the money in n bureau drawer. During the night thieves broke In and took the money from the drawer , within three feet of where Mr. and Mrs. Gates slept. There is no clow. Labor the l < 'lr t BURLINGTON , la. , Dec. 1. ( Special. ) In the bankruptcy cnso of J. N. Byrne & Co. of Burlington , In which the employes claimed wages as preferred creditors and the land lord made the same claim for rent , Judge Shlras of the federal court of Des Molnes decided that labor had a prior claim over the landlord. Slioiillftpri Arrcntcil. ATLANTIC , la. , Dec. 1. ( Special Tele- graim. ) Four mec were arrested today , charged with shoplifting , James Rice , F. S. Parker and two others. Ono was bound over to the grand jury this afternoon and the others will bo tomorrow. They have the ap pearance of experts. Horvethlcf Gc-tn Three Year * . LEMARS , la. , Dec. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) David Techmeyer , ono of the notorious gang of horsethleves operating the last two years in this section , was sentenced nt Orange City this afternoon tb three years' hard labor In the Anamosa penitentiary , Geo. Noland , Rockland , O- , says : "My wlfo had piles forty years. DeWitt'e Wlch Hazel Salvo cured her. It la tbo best ealvo In America. " It heals everything and euros all skin diseases. ODEON OPENSAT ST , LOUIS MiiHlo Hall Unlit After the Idea of nVt > ll-ICnmvii O in n liu Munli-liiM. ST , LOUIS , Dec , 1. The Odeon , which was opened to the public last night by the St. Louis Choral-Symphony society in its Initial concert of the season , Is one of the most beautiful and artistically complete music halls In the country. This music hall Is part of an immense building erected on Grand avenue by W , Albert Swnsey nt a cost of be tween $300,000 and $400,000 , The front part of the building is a nix-story olllco structure having a depth of 120 feet. The Odeon Is in the rear , extending back 150 feet , A feature of the ball Is the immense stage , which Is 118 feet wide and which is arranged so that U can bo easily adapted to either concert or operatic purposes. The seating capacity Is 2,100. Homer Moore , a musician of note , who was connected with the con- grues of musicians at the Transmlsstsslppl Exposition , Omaha , originated the idea which resulted in the erection of tbo Odeoo , TWO COMBINESARE FORMED _ TlircNhlntr Mnchlne ConiiiiinleM lie- conic On i- unit Window filnMH Mnn- ufuctnrprM Opt INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. , Dec. 1. A. A. Me- Kain , president of the Indiana Manufactur ing company , who Is managing the promo tion of the combination of all threshing ma chine companies In the country , returned from New York , where ho has been arrang ing for the transfer of the property of the various machine manufactories of the United States , Ho eaya that the capitalization of the combination will be about $60,000,000. Headquarters will be either at Indianapolis or Chicago. Mr. McKaln will bo the presi dent. PITTSBURG , Pa. . Dec. 1. The Independ ent window gla s manufacturers of the country are In geaeion here for the purpose of forming an association. It was decided to organize under th name of the Independ ent Window Glass Manufacturers' associa tion. The main object of tbu u soclutlou it to maintain price * . ANOTHER CASE OF SMALLPOX Young Man at Corning is a Victim of the Loathsome Disease. AUTHORITIES ESTABLISH A QUARANTINE Governor nnil Adjutant npnprnl On to AVnnhlnuloii to 1'roncnt to Oou- * lOMn'nVitr Clnlnm Ylutim of tinn. DES MOINES , Dec. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) Smallpox has not yet been stamped out of Iowa. The State Board of Health was today Informed that Dean Maltby , a young man at Corning , Adams county , Is a victim of the disease. Dr. McKlvcen of Charlton of the State Board of Health was called to Corning by wire from Dr. Salts , health officer of the town , and upon exam ination found , he says , a real case of small pox. The local Board of Health was called together and established a rigid quarantine at once. There had been several exposures , all of which nro quarantined. The ex posure Is supposed to have been In Storm Lake , whore young Maltby spent a night recently on his way homo from Minnesota. Adjutant Byors was to have gone east to night to present to congress Iowa's war claims , but ho postponed his trip. There are about $55,000 outstanding In claims , about $30,000 of which will have to bo es pecially appropriated. The other $15,000 only waits to bo explained , by the adjutant general before the auditor of the War de partment allows It. The former includes guard equipment paid out of the state war fund and the'rental of the state fair grounds as a camp , the latter about $3,000. The $25- 000 covers $11,000 for transportation of the soldiers , $6,000 lor hospital service and email bills for repairing and cleaning grounds , several boardbllls , etc. It Is not anticipated that there will bo any troub'o In getting the appropriation allowed , but both Governor Shaw and Adjutant General Byers will Interest themselves personally In the matter. The postponement of Byers' trip Is so that he may be In Washington at the same time as the governor , when the latter goes to attend the meeting of the committee appointed by the president to arrange for the celebration of the cen tennial anniversary of the removal of the seat of government to Washington. Io n Travpllne : Men. The Iowa State Traveling Men's associa tion meets here tomorrow in Its nineteenth annual session. II is believed that all the old officers will be re-elected. Important amendments Invplving the ago limit and the secretary's salary will bo considered. The total loescs paid out by the association since tbo organization aggregate $541,557. New members admitted during the. first eleven months of last year aggregated 751 , while this year the new ones number 1,751. Judge Shiras of the federal court today rendered a decision In the long contested case of'thofederal government against Mrs. Catherine A. Davis-Green of Wlnterset , Iowa. The decision is for Mrs. Green. The amount In contest was $1.500. Four ycara ago Charles Fullen , then United States dis trict attorney , brought cult against Mrs. Da vis-Green to recover $1,600 which the gpvernment had paidiher ln. small sums of pension money. Th'cVg'ovornmeni claimed that the pension was obtained by crooked measures. Mrs. DavlS Green had been di vorced from her former hUsband , Jamea Davis , by the decree ofa * law court in Utah. Then she came back to Iowa and married Cyrus Grocn. a veteran of the civil war. Green did not live lone after his marriage and 1iis widow was soon drawing a com fortable pension. Fullen entered a vigorous protest. A Utah divorce , Fullen argued in behalf of the government , was not effective in Iowa. Mrs. Davis-Green's attorneys maintained that a Utah divorce was as good and as binding as one granted in any other state. The burden of proof was on the gov ernment. Falling to prove that the divorce was Ineffective the government lost Its case. Samuel J. Kratzer of Mllroy , Penn. , died at Mercy hospital today as a result of blowIng - Ing out the gas in his room at the Gracfe hotel. Twenty dollars in money , a. trunk check and a watch were- found upon Krat- zer's clothes. The check was over the Rock Island and bad been made out at Omaha. Although parties from whom ho bad re ceived letters were notified regarding bis condition nt once no word has been received from them. Dncklcn'H jirnlcn anlve. Tbe best salve In the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever fiores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corno and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or co pay required. It Is guar- nntced to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For selo by Kuhn & Co. SEVERAL INJURED IN WRECK I.ocnl FrplKht anil n Pnnacnecr Trnln Collide in New Mexico , ALBUQUERQUE , N. M. , Dec. 1. A rear- end collision between southbpund Los Angeles passenger train No. 2 , In charge of Conductor Davern , and a local freight , handled by J. E. Miller , occurred late last night near Islcta , twelve miles south of here , with fatal results. The names of the injured as far as known are : G , Hutchinson of WInslow , Ariz. , badly crushed , will die ; Head Brakemnn Plnnoy of freight train , caught between cars , chest nnd leg'i ' badly pinched ; Conductor Davem , face badly cut and bruised otherwise. A woman passenger whoso name cannot bo ascertained received injuries that required Immediate medical attendance. It Is believed that many passengers were cut and bruised and received other Injuries. Full details are not at hand. A wrecking outfit with surgeons has gone -to the sccno of the wreck. Arc you nervous , restless pale and easily tired ? Per haps the scales can tell you why. If your weight is below your average , that explains it. Scott's Emulsion is a fat- producing food. You soon begin to gain and you keep on gaining long after you stop taking it. For all wasting diseases , in both young and old , it is the one standard remedy. 5oc. < nd $1.00. ill druiiUti , SCOTT i * BOWNt. ChtmiMi. Ntw York. O & © Dr , Sanden'e Elleotric Belt.f After 30 years of success in the treatment of disease by electricity I am pleased to be able to offer my famous Electric Belt on 30 days' trial to any one in any part of the world who is sincere and honest. All electrodes covered. No burning or blistering.Improved 1 Aug. 1 ? last. New and scientific appliances. Cures without using drugs all WEAKNESSES OF MEN. O I will give $1,000 for any Electric Belt superior to mine. Wiih its new scientific suspensory attach ment a pleasant current passes through the weakened parts all night. It cures while you sleep such disorders e ' orders as result from youthful errors'or later excesses. S.OOO CURES IN IS9S. Used by women as well , for Rheumatism , Lame Back , Nervousness , etc. We are the oUlest and largest makers © of Electt ic appliances in the woild. CALJTIOrsl. The new and improved Dr. Sanden Belt can be had onlv at my offices. Those sold by others arc of old date , 20 years ago. Cure yourself and pay me afterwards. My little book , a guide to men , sent free sealed. O Dr. F. G. SANDEN , IBS So. Clark St. , Chicago III. FOR FRAUD IN BUTTERINE I'rlmui SrntciifcM for I'lilliiilcliilila nnil WiiHliIiiK < < m llci-fliiuits t'n- liolil SuiirciiH' Court. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 1. After a legal battle In the United States courts covering a period of over two years , Joseph Wllklns of Washington , D. C. , and Howard lUitlor of this city were today sent to prison to scrvp sentences for violating the law regarding the sale of oleomargarine. Wllklns was recently sentenced to Imprisonment for sK months and to pay a fine of $1,500 and Butler to four months' Imprisonment and a fine of $500. Wllklns and Butler were wholesale dealers In oleomargarine In this city. They were caught In the act of removing the bramlu from packages of the commodity in January , 18)7 ! ) , nnd were- Indicted at the February ecs- Rlons of that year by the United States grand jury , their conviction following shortly after ward. The case was appealed to the United States district court of appeals and was later taken to the United States supreme court upon n writ of certlorarl. The appeals failed In both cases. The case la of national Importance , as WllkliiB and Butler are the first to be sent to prison for violating the oleomargarine lawa. Other dealers convicted of selling oleomargarine as genuine butter have suc ceeded In getting off with the payment of a. fine. TO FREE STOCK OF DISEASE Dairymen nnil Stockmen from Pour State * UlNiMtMM tin * I2rnillcntloii of TuIicrciiloNlN. CHICAGO , Dec. 1. iDalrymen and stock owners from Iowa , Illinois , Indiana and Wis consin met here today to discuss ways and means of eradicating tuberculosis in stock. The question of legislation tending toward the prevention and ultimate eradication of the disease will be the principal topic taken up , and It Is PX pectcd that strong recom- mondatlons , will be made before the ses sion closes. Novel ami Attrnctlvr Ten 2-cent stamps sent to the Mnlt-Nu- trine Dept. , Anheuser-Bunch Brewing Ass'n. St. Louis , U. S. A. , will secure a beautiful pack of playing cards , with face cards rep resenting many of our celebrated American heroes Dewey , King of Hearte ; Sampson , King of Spades , etc. No finer cards are ob tainable , and this novel feature adds to the Interest. Suicide In thu Brie Cnunl. AMSTERDAM , N. Y. , Dec. 1. George Beard , who came to this city three weeks ago from Streator , 111. , committed suicide last night by Jumping Into the Erie canal. Ho was 45 years old. His wife died re cently. Harillii Milii ( li < - rrinillilaio. FRANKFORT , Ky. , Pec. l.-Jiuie W. Gnyle of Owen county was nominated fur congress by the Seventh district demo cratic convention. The nomination W.IH mude on the sixty-seventh ballot. John H. Allen broke the deadlock , which existed U | > to that time , by withdrawing and throwing Ills vote to Gayle. Ini Julian followed , dolnff the same thing , nnd Oayle's nomina tion wnH made unanimous. Quylr a candidate for state auditor before the st.ito democratic convention , but went down with the slate of P. Wat Hurdln at the liHmls of the Goebel slate , Gnylo Is a business man. Shortage of Tiielifirliinlill ICnnwn. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 1. The Investigation of the accounts of Arnold Tuchschmldt , who la now In jail , charged with the embezzlement of $7,00) In government funds , while cashier of the Internal revenue department , Is still In progress. Treasury Inspector Gavett. who said he did not think he could finish the examination before the end of another week , declined to state the amount of the shortage. THERE in ( [ LASS OF PEOPLE Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has been placed In all the crocory stores a new preparation railed GRAIN-O , made of pure prnlns , that takei the place of coffee. Tlio most delicate stomach recelvos It without distress , and but few can tell It from coffee It dors not cost over U as much. Children mav drink It with great benefit , ICcts. and 25 cts. per packaco. Try U. Ask for GRAIN-O. RUTUS AND GET - . YOUR MONEYS 10 * "WORTH JQHNGWDQDWARD&CO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS 1 COUNCIL BLUFFSIOWA IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER , "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. Jas. S. Kirk & Co. , Originators 'f -OK- - - FOR SOAP WRAPPERS make nn unusual offer fnr White Husslan soap wrappers. The soap Is the best laundry soap made and the prizes speak for themselves Just as the soap docs when given a trial. First I'rlri SeiilNUlu .1 M-U.-t $1- . < I < I Si'cniitl I'rI/i Marlon ' Iliir.-He 113.1)11 ) Third Prl/f SiMilNkln Mutt rO ( ) The above jirlzesi are displayed In the show window of IJ. 13. & K. Ilubcrniann , the well known furrier. " , Us S. 15th street , Omaha. Fourth Prl/.o. 1'n.viiblf In CuNh $ IO.OO Fifth I'rlrc , Pn.vable III Taxli lO.H ( ) Slvlli Prirv. I'uyalili- Cntli 1O.OO Svvi-iiUi I'rlzis Pii.Mililf lit CiiNli IO.OI ) KlKliHi Prize. I'ajalilc In CitNli IO.OO Miitli I'rlze , I'll ? able In Cnnli IO.IIO Tenth I'rlxe , I'ayahle 111 Cash IO.OO The above prizes will be given to the women having thn greatest number of Whltd Riibslan soap -wrappers to their credit at 2 o'clock , December 20 , ,1SS3. , Von test open to the women of Nebraska nd those of Council Bluffs , Iowa. Send or bring whatever soap wrappers either you or your friends can secure. No wrappers will be received for this contest after 2 n. in. , December 20. Mrs. 13. H. Glllan , Qhadron , Neb. , hail thogreatest number of of White Russian soap wrappers In the contest ending , ? Jq.vember 30th , 1539. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , 306 S. 12th St. , Omaha. ; eIUJ- * CavUijii"L ! . , l > , . * * _ . I THE TRUE CRITERION IS QUALITY. r BOOKWHEAT'f * Inn iirleeH rule , conueilliiK I'oiiniiery riininiiiiKiic til lie ( lie liexl : POMMERY , 1893 86s to 91s 0. II. Mumm , 1893 7O to 76 Perrier , 1S93 . . . . .05 to 66 Moet , Drut Imperial , 1893 79 3 to 84 3 Lou la Ikiderer , 1893 08 to 74 EINOUQH SAID ! ! < BOOK-WHEAT Ilud your tooth examined within a year ? You know as well as wd do L that it costs less and hurls loss to il have the work done before they ilO got very bad. II'yoiu' tooth don't O need attention you should know it N K and if they do you certainly should. Wo will examtno your teeth free of 4 charge if you will make us a call. 5 . Woodbury , D , D. S. , Council Biuffs , Next to III ! CURE YOURSELF ? Use IJIeU for unuatiir& > illicliaw. luQamuit'louj , Itrltttiiow * or uluralfow ul fuu ( , uu nuiihruuejt. ? alu-i | < , uui * . i.ol atlijc * ( "lit or Hola " " f r * " > ' ln 1 > V ojprm , iirrtald. la - - Cuciu-r itui ou ClilchtlUirliudtih liudtih Ulwsvnd UraiO. " " " Oricln * ! Bed Oalluulue. . Arr , uwajri rvuttlf' LAUUV uk Utuicy'jl ' itrY.tU. ( . r < /.ylrui / / nuollt.r , 'A" "l n | ' u iKlilliiiv lj.t. njmli | i/u / ( . Abrill [ i , rua44 la ittUFi r j > irjl Uri , ; uloi ( oUU > n