THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY , DECEMBER 2 , QRatSAdn 'tPiiCi2d aJul1 Iine of new elegant Silk Scarfs at 20c on the dollar. $7.00 Silk Lace Scarfs , $1.48. $6.00 Silk Lace Scarfs , $1.18. $5,00 Silk ' , 98c. $4.00 bilk Lace Scarfs , 78c. $2.0O Silk Lace Scarfs , 58c , $1.5O Silk Lace Scarfs , 39c. Ladies' Jackets and Suits . , the. bare cost o mnklng. Tomorrow morning nnd the remainder of this week you can get your choice of those splendid Knrments at bargain prices. fnomilhlSi.BltC ! < ' ln kwscyp , montngnncs ami - ' i ' nou with Skinner n satin or taffetnw mnn nn'W'ia&aullrul ' nrllsllc creations , worth Q O , , up to J18.00 , on snlo at only V.V/O lrBnmH tinll0recl Jnckct.s' Washington mills kerseys , strapped seams , pearl buttons. Skinner's satin rj rtd lined ; they are worth $12.60. on sale nt /.VO 200 Jackets in plain kerseys , blues , castors nnd tans flllk llntsd throughout ; they nro worth J10 , e QQ 200 Jnckcts In Persian wools , caterpillars nnd bbucles , silk lined throughout ; worth 19. for . . . 'A Indies' nil wool Suit , Jacket silk lined throughout worth $9 $ , for only 300 nil wool Suits , In colors and black , jackets nil silk lined , Bklrt lined und Interlined , well worth fi no Jlo.OO , for only. : O.VO 300 mnn tailored Suits , In cheviots , Herges. Venetians , . mixtures , single , double nnd tight-fitting Jnckets , new Imblt nnd plentcil bucks , Jacket taffeta lined ( \ no throughout worth * 2U.OO. on sale at V.VJO Furniture That season of the year Is now at hand which Is essentially the children' pc-rlort for i > lcnHurp. nnd en joyment , nnd It re mains with you to 1111 their lives at this tlmu with hnpplncss. We * liavu done our part so fur ns supplying those articles which nre dear to Uie. heart of n child , und now offer for the llrst tlmo In this part ' of the country a Mor ris Chnlr for children Just like papa's. It Is mnde of oak , or birch , mahogany finish , has cushions cov ered In velour , that nre reversible. The back lets down and Is supported with brass rod. The whole for $2.9. ) . This IK a really useful serviceable piece of furniture and Is no toy , cnn be used by children up to 10 or 12 years ot nge. ' The demand tor the cl'oaet sets for hnnglns clothes nwny In n careful manner , has been very encouraging nnd we feel we have Intro duced something that IH needed by many. Tro"B(1.r hangers , c each. Shelf bars. 25c each. Ladles com plete rots , $2.50. Gentlemen t complete sets , $2.75. We have now opened up nAt „ , all kinds At large assortment of ff of pictures nnd frames , mut able for presents. Mednl- llons and pictures at 25c , Sue , DOc and 75e. Fine assortment of chairs , rockers nnd Morris chairs , book cnaea , desks nnd china closets , center tnbles , side boards and buffets. Giveus a call. Notion Specials 25c Photograph Frames , metal finish , something1 entirely new , on sale ' nt COO dozen elegant hnnstltchcd pure linen handkerchief only 1 lot elegant new table covers , beautiful line Just received , new patterns , worth $1.23 for only Book Sale David Hnrum , only 79c. .Tanlco Meredith , Richard Carvel , "When Knlsrhthood Was In Flower , " nnd all the other popular books on sale cheaper than nnywheru else In the cltj' of Omaha. $3.00 JBIbles only OSc. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRAD1 Solvent Trade Expands Out of Proportion I Decrease in failures. BUSINESS PROSPEROUS AND' HEALTH1 Great Advance In Iron Over Year Aw Shlpmcnta ot Hootx ami Shoca u Third I.arKer Than ( , , Hi 180-1. NEW YOUK , Dec. 1. U. G. Dun & Co. ' Weekly Ilovlow ot Trade tomorrow wjll say continue wonderfully large Business nndhealthy. . As the dotnllec prosperous of failures by branches of busIness statement Iness cnnnot bo made until next week , i well to say thnt In four wetiks fall seems been reported amounting to $ ( > , ures have 64S.90. against $5.110,475 In the snme weeki . $12. 1S97 nnd over of lust yenr , W.aiO.lSG In 1S93. Yet the volume 000,000 In lS3ti nnd nlso in by ex umo of solvent tradei represented clearing house : chnnges at the principal lias been for the month 22.5 per cent greate : than last year nnd 40 per cent greater thni In 1S92. Titus the ratio of defaults to bus Jiuws payments wns $2.57 In $1,000 for No vomber. 1893 , nnd $2.75 for U9G und $2.15 to ; 1S97 , but $1.25 for 1MS ) nnd only 90 cents il 31,000 for lt > 99. In many lines the volume o business has been larger than In October notwithstnndlng the extraordinary flood o ( buying ever since the beginning of las AVhent remains wtnk , yielding IVi cent although western recelptw were but barelj half last yenr'H for this week nnd for foui weeks only 21.7l3.eu5 bushels , ngnlnst 33t/02 , 735 last year. The croat decreasein At' Inntlo exports for the week-only L',410,55 bushels , Against 0,123,00 ! bushels , nnd foi four weeks 10,173,735 bushels , ngnlnst 17.3S8. ' S10 last yenr explains much weakness Corn declined 1 cent , with slightly mnallci exports than last year for the week , but foi four weeks 15aV5il5 bushels , ngnlnst 11,179 , ' 0 ! > S last year. The cotton movement has nol changed nliich , but prices gained 1-lGe foi the week , closing nt 7.81 coins , ngnlnst 5.6 : last yenr. The Inrger takings of spinner ; nnd the great demand for goods -have ma terially helped the rise. Cotton goods have remained strong , nil coming forward under contract b > Ing snap ped up quickly , with contract * still unlllieil running Into next year. In woolens n stronn demand continues for dress goods and cot ton warn and all wool cashmeres tend lilgher , but there Is not much change In anen'H wear , nor such a rlso us to Justify the high prlcts paid for wool , Sales con tinue henvy , but largely speculative ami Mlmuluted by the rls In Kondon. The ex citement of speculation lends ninny to over look the fact thnt purchases of goods nre to Bomo e.ttent hindered by the rlso In prlcivt already made. The Iron manufacturer has to meet a greatly In-'rcnsed post of material next year. Prices for 1500 have been llxed at $5.5C for Hest-finer ere ut lover lake ports , ngnliiBt $2,53 last year and $1.23 for non- UWHPincr ngnlnst $3 yast > " * nr , while- coke at t2.7'3 for furnaces , with hl h rail rateH in every state , indicate that iron will not bo made iK xt year as cheaply ns It has liein. Prices of pig still ndvnnce , accord ing to tbo Iron Age , IICEsemer to t'i'i nt Plttslmrg , with very smal 1 trnnrnctloiiH. nnd gruy forge to J.M.23 , iiuatatlons nt other points 'bejiifr unchanxed. Pilce * of uorno tlniHhed products nre fllll yielding us works run out rf orders nnd compete with each other for moru binsInt-Hs , nnd refined Kir In 1'or chatitiK-JlBh nnd Invalid cooltlug. Company's Extract o ! Bee ! Gives Hrenslh and and < Mjf < l ° ' delicate ' ] { , $ eoupa and ucc ; tealnatauuy. OcaulocvflthblueBiguature Special Bargains in the Cloak Dept Lndles' Rnttn underskirts , flannel lined , deep flounce , worth 11.50 , on sale nt only . Ladles' Eiderdown Dressing Sacqucs worth $1.50 , for . Lcdles' Flannelette Wrappers , trimmed with braid , body lined , e ttra wide skirt , well mnde , our rt-gulnr $1.60 wrnp- per , on sale at Ladles' Ulack Satin Waists , tucked nnd corded fronts , worth $6 , to $7 , for only Linens and Domestics Just opened a new line of Damnsk CO Inches wide , Turkey red , white and Indigo blue and white , fast colors , new desirable patterns on sole , 40o yard , cheap at BOc. Special bargain In 62-Inch wide cream da mask , all linen extra heavy , at BOc yard. 21x43 knotted fringed all linen Towels , extra heavy fancy brochct borders , on sale IBc each , big bargain. Full size white Crochet Bed Spreads , 39c each. each.Cotton Cotton Crash , twilled or buck on Saturday only 6 yards for He. On Saturday wo will offer you 25 dozen lOc unbleached Turkish Towels for 5c each. 81x00 unbleached sheets 35c each. Bleached sheets 15c und SOc each. 45x38 bleached pillow cases , 12V4c each. Yard wide cambric , 5c yard. Yard wide i bleached Muslin , 5c yard. You will find some good Bargains Saturday at the Big Store * in remnants of table linen of double width sheeting. It will pay you to look them over. Fruits. New Turkish dates , per Ib. , lOc , B crown layers figs , per Ib. , 12'/4c. Bananas , per dozen , 12c. Fancy apples , Bellflower , Ben Davis or Baldwin , 12c. Now Messina , lemon's , per dozen , 15c. Fancy oranges , per dozen , > $2 uer ton lower at Philadelphia , commo $1 lower at Plttsburif and nlates $3 lows at Philadelphia , with further concession In sheets , because , many -of the tin plat works are now closed. Some of the ire works about 'Plttsburs ' are runnlnc hal time. The shipments of boots and shoes In fou weeks mive been 373.S07 cases , 14 per cen larctr than In 1KT nnd 33 per cent large than In 1804 , exceeding those of other year even more. Hut new business , nlthoug considerable In quantity , shows n marke dccrenso because af the prolonged rise 1 prices , ove-n though that rise has been rein tlvolv lers than the advance in leathei which still contlucs. or In hides , which ha apparently risen again. Failures for the week have been 141 1 the United States , against 231 last year , an twenty-one In Canada , against nlnetee last year. IIIIAIISTUIZRT'S IlEVIBW OF TRADE Price Situation of Notnlila StrniKtl CoiiNlilcrliKT CouilltloiiH , NEW XOnK , Dec , 1. 'Bradstrect's tomor row will say : Warm weather and n. holiday have 1m parted an appearance of Irregularity an fjven dullness to some Hues of dlstrlbutiv trade , completing a month which has bee : on the whole quieter than was the preced Ing month , hut one which still makes satlt factory comparison with n correspondlii ; period u year ago. The price .situation gen . rally In apparently one of notable strengtl in view of these conditions. Farm prod nets , It Is true , notably wheat nnd corn lave been weak and lower on unsMtls factory foreign demand nnd a bearish In luence exercised by Increasing supplies o ; ho former grain. Other cereals ar itronger , however. Provisions have beei ewer , largely on increased receipts of hogs Hit lard has been steady on good expor lemund. The situation In textiles has apparent ! ' est little in strength during tno week : hough raw cotton has suffered from a bea aid In domestic and foreign markets 01 illegcd estimates of heavy ciunntlt.'cs belni iold back , Offsetting this , however , havi jeen ndvlco.s that sales of actual cotton a Liverpool this week arc thq largest of tlv , 'ear. Cotton goods have been very strong md the report of the Fall Itlver mill 'or the third quarter Is conditions . til ) OBt since 1SD2. Woolen goodn have beei itrong also , desplto - . .vorablo weather nnw wool has a train advanced on henv ; rndfng nnd what IH additionally Intcrcstlni irlccs nt the latest London wool rale ap icnr to have gained to a parity with reccn ulvnnces here. Crop damage reports from Brazil have H'oii n moving feature In coffee , which , Ilk : otton , BtnrtcU from a very low price love md with largo stocks carried over fron > revlous years. Tbo price of this stapli idvnnced nearly 1 cent In November. Iron nnd steel ure oven quieter than thcj vere a week ago , and .somo shading o irlceu , more In the nature of readjustment lowevcr , than of weakness , has given ai ippearanco of Irregularity. The feature o ho week has been the agreement upon Iroi ire prices , placing the- price for the com UK ttf-ason , us wnu Intimated In this col mm last week , nt nearly double that pali , t thu opening of the present season. Other motnlH have been fairly linn , point luctuatlon In sympathy with London prlcei icing noted In tin. A mnrke-d tendency to > rani higher prices for hardware Is repartee , t a number of markets. Holiday busineai n tills line- has opened well nnd the pros iect for t'pr'iitf trade lo regarded as en- ouraglng. Coal icmnlns strong' In price ho chief ( llllU'tilty as heretofore being quc.T Icmn of transportation. The Induntrlal sit- iatlon has been rather Improved by th < radical agreement upon n Klldng ! scale yi'tem In the Now Knglnnd cotton manu- acturlntr dlHtrlctn. Some further advances In wages of rail- , -ay employes und of jjlas workers are tf : strikes of coal miners c noted , and some' ave been settled , Wheyt , Including flour , xhlpmcnts for the , -euk aggregate 3.CS9.400 bu , , against 3.CS3- ! 7 bu. lent week , 4S3.939 bu. In the corre- pondlnsr week of ISM , G,4W,9GO bu. In 1S97 , ' In 1S ] nnd IMoU.b bu. In 1&3J. lnc July 1 this season thu export ! ' ot heat aggregate 83,167,943 bu. . ugulnst 96.- W.(02 ( bu , last year and 107 , MS , 030 bu. In J97-W , Corn exports for the week aggregate 4 , ill. . 14 bu , , ngnlnHt 4,149,523 bu. last Week 4,723. . .3 bu. In thlH week a year ago , 635.Euii bu. I 1S9T , 1.7(9,103 bu. In IBM and 1,607,051 bu. i 1S95 , Since July 1 , thin Benson , corn ex * art * uBKrwtate 8ttCC3,000 bu. , against G3EI6- > 0 bu , during the same period lust year nd 61,125,951 hu. in 1S97-93. HiiBliie.i fullurcB In the United States , as mini nt this period , number 171 for the fok , us compared with 202 lai > t week. 21J i tlilr week u year ago , 250 In 1S97 , 3o9 In 96 and 31S In 1S35 , fu'lurtb In the Dominion ot * Gloves Collars Ties and Handkerchiefs China Dept. Ladies , Hosiery , Jgp ShMl China Clips and Saucer ? , Q- , and Corsets kerchiefs * - * per pair Ladles' 25c hose , In black or tan 4-ply nil linen Collars , In nil the * 7lt > ecorated Cnrlsbnd China Cups nnd at new styles. 0.1 * ' ' Saucers Ladles' 35c and BOc fancy hose , Men's SOr ties in nil styles nnd nil OS. ) ecornted Carlsbad China Cream nt the new patterns , nt Ot Jugs The Victoria Glove , In all the new shade * Men's 75c neckwear In nil the Inlest > ecorntcd Carlsbad China I ) . & H. every pair wnrrnntud , the hen | i styles at I'lates glove made too , nl * ' ' hose Men's 2 ; > o wool half > ecoratcd Carlsbad China Brend and Lndles' wool Mittens , nt lOc , at Milk Set , ench 15c and Men's I5c cotton halt hofe , locoratul Carlsbad China Olive nnd Ladles Cashmere Gloves , nt 15c , nt Jelly Dishes 2ic nnd blue Handsz The best Turkey red or - sz Full and largo assortment of Dorningcr A 'full line of the Amerlcnn Lndy Corsets kerchiefs , at - * on sale here. Handkerchiefs. In white nnd . ut gloss. 12Hc 5 ' Lndles' llcectd lined hose , nt lOc , < colored , ut Fine line of vases , loving cups , caudel- 15c and bra and bric-a-brac. Ladles' Cashmere. hOFe , nt 23c 35c ! I Tnt ? : . . & . .r : . . ° ! ? v" ° 8 and Jnrdlnlers from 49c up. Men's Gloves and Mittens ' ln nil sizes 25 ( Ladles' $1.00 Corsets , 50c nnd Pcdolstcl and Tabourettcs from $2.00 up. nt at 'mbrella ' Stools , etc. Ladles $1,00 Gowns , nt Fern dishes from OSc up. ' Lad I to' nil silk hose In black , Men's Underwear and Susplilorcs , fine china , decorated , 3Dc. worth $ -00 , nt French Porcelain Fruit Dishes , all shades , Shirts f cents. Men's heavy all wool fleeced lined shirt Hollow Pint Boats , very fine EC. Extra ! Extra ! Extra ! and drawers that were at . made to"J O - Jl sell at Too , special Tumblers sauce dishes , wine glasses , salt , G Ibs. best grnnulntcd sugar , 13c. Men's heavy wool nnd n > cce.d lined shirt nd peppers , ate. , 3c. nnd drawers , worth up to fl-00 4 r Gc. tOk 3 Ib. cans golden pumpkin , nt . Mixed pickles or chow chow , per qt. , Oc. Men's line heavy all wool shirts and ' 7' r Solid meat oysters , per qt. , 25c. drawers , worth up lo JU > 0 , nt . * lj Meats and Poultry. New Cape Cod cranberries , per qt. , Cc. Men's working heavy shirts Jersey made over , double shirts back , the bes Condensed mlnco meat , luc pltgs. 6c. and front , nt rfBh Dressed Spring Chickens for Shredded cocoanut , ! -lb , , lOc. Men's FlnniK'l ' Shirts , at OSc ' Hand made vanilla chocolates per Ib. , nnd 'o. 1 Hams , sugar cured , ' colored Laundered Shirts wlth.4 Sr for 12c. Men's * * v - . Pork , 20c candy cut rock , clove cushions , pep or without collars , nt for permint cushions , cream mixed , Oc. Ib. Pnllg Best Hraild Lnrd , , Mixed nuts Ilrazll , hazel , almond , English for Walnuts , pecans , etc. , l"ac. Ladies' and Children's 'resh Dressed Ducks on Sale. Itoasted peanuts , per qt. , 4c. Ickled for Plys' Feet , 3 big bunches fresh celery , lOc. Underwear New Muscatel raisins , per Ib. , 7' c. resh Pork Sausage. 7Ac Ladles' 25c Jersey ribbed vests nnd for Now maple sugar , per Ib. , Sc. pants ut Ladles' 50c vests nnd pants , 'heavy ' Jersey ribbed , extra well mnde nt . Children's Jackets Children's wool vests nnd pants nt 33c , SO nnd Ladles' Combination Suits , No store In Western Amerlcn offers such values for the little ones as Hnydcn's nt lo. Kvery garment Is made and trimmed n s If the Mothers thcnifelvcs were watching Lndles' black Comblnntlon Suits , t. QC no operation. Assortment , style nnd cut prpriccs bring us the business. Saturday's worth $3.50. nt Ladles' wool Combination Suits , reg-QQc OC 273 Children's Jackets , plaids , checks and two-toned 14t . -V \ ulnr $1.50 quality , nt bottclca , worth $3.00 , oncsale nt . ' Flannel Night Outing 2GO Children's Jackets , with wide sailor collar , nicely trim' med In blues , browns , grays , -and cardinals , they > y * Af\ at Obc and nre worth $5.05 , on sale nt A.V Ladies' extra heavy Jersey ribbul 300 Children's Jackets , In fancy mixtures , friezes , nnd boucl-s , vests and pants , worth Toe at large sailor collar , trimmed with braid nnd pluln o . * Ar\ O./ cloth , worth $8.00. for 75 Children's Jackets In two-toned bolides , largo snllor col lar , trimmed with button , fur trimmed all around , O.VO O OKI Flantiel Dept. worth $7.00 , for 75 Children's Jackt'ts ' In fine kerseys' , braid trimmed sailor 1 case all wool white Flannel , cheap collar , silk lined in cardinals und blues , worth t. A QO O at 35c , per yard $8.50 , for only and dark Pansy Flan- ' boucle , large sailor O Cfk 2 cases light = ses' Jackets In two-toned 75 mls 7c yard * * J\l neleUe , worth , per collar , ages 14 , 1C and 18 , worth $5 , for only % 200 misses' Jackets In brown , tan nnd blue mixtures , plain nnd ' I 3 cases extra -heavy Outing Flan velvet collars , made up In the verjMatest styles , , Q , nel nt slzee 14 , 1G and IS ; they arc worth $0 , for only , 2 cases rcimnnnts of extra heavy 75 tnleses * Jackets In very heavy Persian wools , In all the shirting , worth 12'ie , per yard . . . . desirable shades , half silk lined , trimmed with six large and 1 cnse extra heavy ticking , worth 8c style , A QQ velvet collar , newest 12 small buttons , with v- * , 12ViC , per yard on sale Saturday for only - Canada for the week number 25 , against : last week , 25 in this week iv year ugo , . In JS9i , 47 in 1S95 und 39 In 1695. IIUAIJSTKEET'S FIXANCIAI- REVIEW A'ot Fnvornblc t Action of Money HiiIlN , Hut Stimulated. NEW YORK , 'Dec. 1. Bradatreet's Finan cial Review tomorrow will say : Monty continues to 'be ' n predomlnattn factor in determining' the character nn tendencies of current speculation in se curitles nt New York. The favorable ban statement , which appeared last Saturday when the Stock exchange had ndjourne out of re5e > ct to the- memory of the lat vice president , had , however , been expecte nnd In part discounted by the Htrengt of prices during the llna.l days of Inst weel The fnet that some mono- had returne from the west nnd Hiat the reestablishment ment of a $8,000,000 surplus over the Ie0n requirements of the banks. In place of Ui dellclt in reserves shown by the- two : irc ceding weekly statements , wns not entlrol due to purchases of government bonds b the treasury , had a favorable effect uio sentiment. Nevertheless , when the markt reopened on Monday. It became npparen not only that speculative Interests , whlo ! had been supporting prices , were Incline to realize on the development of any pub lie demand for stocks , but that whll irtrlngency In the loan market was Improb able , there was still no likelihood of a re turn , to easy monetary conditions. While money Is beginning to return I Ne.w York from the west , the south i drawing considerable amounts , nnd It wn iilso noted thnt foreign exchanges ndvanri'i In a way which save support to the Idtj that gold might be shipped to London Tills tendency was checked by the renewei nnd somewhat unexpected HrmneKS of cnl loan rates , which were only tempornril ; below B per cent , nnd particularly on Tues Jay were ns high n * 8 per cent. The turn IIIR In of Home fairly large blocks " of gov ernments nt the treasury on "Wedncadn- nnd the extension of Secretary GnRo'a of fer. so that the $7.000.000 or so of bond the treasury had not obtained out of t'h < (25,000.000 ( , will be tnken prior to Decem her 23. had , however , a good effect on th tone of the monc-y market nnd nrreated tin ; expectation Mint rales would be nllowec to reach a hlcher level than Is needed ti net us n preventive of gold exports. On Frdny. ! when the mnrkc-t reopened iftcr the. TlmnltKBlvlns 'holiday , with ni idvnnco In the Hnnk of Knclnml rate ii the meantime , exchange was firm nm money wns held nt 0 per cent , a furthc llflncllnntlon for speculative activity belni ipparcnt. The action of monay was , therefore , no Favorable to bullish activity , but the mar -tot found n stimulant In nnathor direr ton. ! Following the sharp advance In 13al llmoro & Ohio securities at the close t > nst week , there wns unusual activity Ii Sew York Central and..more particularly , he > Pennsylvania railroad stocks. The rlsi if the latter to over 140 was nccompnnlcx iy reports of an agreement between tin ' .wn companies just named regarding thi na'ntcnonco of rates and the division n nrrltory where their competition Is llkelj o lead to disagreements. This view of tin natter wa naturally made the basis foi nore elaborate rumors dealing with th ( inssrbH'.tv of closer relations between ill he trunk lines , while one story , wh'cl 'nund Us 'Way ' Into print , was that ttu i'onnsylvnnin bad acquired n controlling In crest In llnltlmoro & Ohio and that a dea lad -consummated by which the Vaiv icrbllt party acquired a majority of the itoclts of the Big Four nnd the Chesapeake t Ohio roads for thti vurpose of conaoll < Mtlntr Kieso two latter. The reported uc- lUlsltlniiH were denied with considerable Miiphnsls , but not before Baltimore & Ohic itock , which hud nt it rut reacted , madE lew price records , the common rising te 9ai and the preferred to S5H. Monthly Cotton Sfiitcinont , NEW ORLKANS , Dec. l.-Secrotary Hfs or' monthly statement shows tin mount of cotton brought Into slghi illrlng November BH 1KBJ12 balt-s gainst 2.352,900 hlft year , 3.319,751 the ear before lust and 1.CI9.05S for the 'amc ' tlmo in 1S96. The movement ! nce September 1 Includes total recclnts nt all 'lilted Slates delivery ports of 3.CC7.73I inles , against 4.277.7SS last year. 3,971,721 nor before last and 3,677,330 In 1S9 < ! : over- nnd by railroads across the M'.sglFidppI , ) hlo and Potomac rivers , SS,032 bales , ignlnat 403.0C4 last ye > ar , 439,270 year before ust and 4M.100 in 1S ! > 6 ; southern mill Ink- iiff. 412,150 bales , ngnlnst 37.5.G70 last your. 51,9Gt year before last nnd 313.464 In 1SOG ; lorthern mill taking. 8)7.1.3 bales , against 92.1V5 lost year und ( s8l.503 ! the year before ntit. Kxports were l,9ifi,222 baler , a de- rpupe undur last saupon of f > 3 : ) . ( > "n bales , nd under the same period year before lam f C00.65bj.leK. . The 8uppfy to date has icen 5,130.279 bales , against 6,868,903 lust ear and 5.427 Gil the year before Se-cretury Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows total of 4.G01.M > bales , against 4.402,039 la week , 4,913,182 last year nnd 4,021,405 tl year .before last. Of this the total of Ame lean cotton ia 3.291,380 bales , against 3,4bfi ' 039 last week , 4,3fillS2 last year and 3,4'j8,4 the year before last. WKEKI/T CLEARING HOUSE TOTAL AtfgrcKntc : ot IIUfiliicFm Triuinnc < e l ll the AHnoclntcil llnnUn. NEW YORK , Dec. 1. The followlii Bradstrcet's. shows tf table , compiled by fc bank clearings at all principal cites the week ended November 30 , with the pel and decrease as con of increase centngo week las corresponding pared with the year : ! * York Chicago I 101,830,8711. . 15 , luJ I'lilludulphla 76,0t2,120 | . J St. Luuls 25b74 , * > 5S | . 26 , Plttsburg I 23,915,7313 , Baltimore 17.021,1371. San Francisco 17,285. WO ! . Cincinnati 12,407,3101 Minneapolis 11.75U.G04I Ktutbus City 170I' ? ° . ? i New Orleans 10,23,015 | Houston 9,767,3931. . Cleveland 8,402,7591 4.5 MB6Ws | . Louisville Petrolt 6,43 : ,99o | . 12 , Gnlveston Bb02,500 | . 41 , Provldenco 6,331,3001. 3 , Indianapolis 4.962,6061. 8. . 9. 4,955,242 Milwaukee Columbus , 0 4,845,200. 7 , OMAHA 4.797,570. C5. 4,487l ll. 29 , St. Paul ib' . Buffalo 4.127.1391. Toledo 1,70S,717 | 8.HI 3,4S2fi73 | . Savannah ' a,33G,4':9l Ilurtford Denver 1,809,2031. . . . .I Ulchmond 2W5,2tSi. ' ! . . . .I Memphis 2-'JiS'SX ! ' 2,107,010 , Wnahlngton Pcorla . I 1,500,3231. . . .i 14 , Rochester . I l,4fi,227l. . . .l 27. New Haven 1.500.806I. . . .i 4. Worcester 1,053,3761. " ' 27 , Atlanta 1.617.0S1J. . . .i 1. 2,913,3081 7.71. ' Salt I.uko City 36 ! Springfield. Mass IU2,5i7 | . ' Fort Worth 1,723.7811 21JJ.I . Portland , Ore lC23,87o | . I St. Joseph 2D30,7GI | . I Los Angeles 1,938.0121 CG.SI.I . Norfolk 1,152,7911 I DCS Molnes 1,079,1M | . . I Nashville ] ,3SO,390I. Fall niver 1,031,0371. Scrnnton 1,301,7031. . tk-nttle 1,509,1121 , 21.8 ! Spokuno 1,111,0111. 30. Portland , Me 99S,203 | . 20. Syrncuso 799,7301. 2) . \Vllmlngton. Del 708,3591. Orand Unplds Sfi7,035l. Augustn , Gn C92.301I. 20. Lowell 439,0l l. 35. Dayton , 0 . 935,5221. I'ncomn 910,3301 29.21. . Sioux City t > 82,51CI. . I o. New Bedford . 325,8821. . I 33. ICnoxvllle , Tonn . 479,119 ! 3.41. ' Topeka 4 > 5S,751 | . 'iii Dlrmlnghtitn . 779,7771 Wichita . 47S.R.rBI 1.9 . . 209,7001. lllnKhnmton ' ' Lexington , Ky . 352,1481. ! ! ! . . ! Tncki-onvllle. Fin . 193,9731. . i Knlnmazoo j ' 7.4 | . \kron 323',700 | 20.01. ? hnttnnoogn 2S9.274I. . I Itockford 111 . I 251,5111 41.3 . Canton. 0 . 178cnO ! . Springfield. 0 . 211,53 , Fargo , N. D . 441,8101. | 24. ? loux Falls. 8. D . 12S.OOII 4.91 [ fastlngH , Neb . 1IVT2SI 4.9'f ' Davenport . IW2fKll. . f fourgstown . 245.3K1. | Uncon . , ! nio.ooov | i vnnsvllle . ' 907.711 ! 119.01 lelenn . I COC35I : ) l.lttlo Hock . i 4H1.fS5l K ) . iprlnglleld. Ill . I 7S.217'K ? aglnaw , Mich . J23.903 ] Fremont , Neb . I 7S.217' ' Totals , U , B . IJl,437.9l5.12fii. mtals outside N. V .1 527.037.01i : . I 10. : DOMINION OF CANADA. HAPA TO HAVE A SUCCESSOR He Will Retire as National Chairman After Next June. HEALTH TO PREVENT HIS SERVING Committccmim I'nync Confirm * the Humor iliiit Uio Ohio Senator \V111 Iletlro After tile Convention. MILWAUKEE , Dec. L Marcus A. Hannn , chairman of the national repullcon com mittee will not accept another term as , [ 'national chairman , although bo will serve j out hlb present term. This much wns ad mitted by Henry C. Payne , national repub- llcan commttteeman of Wisconsin , this after I noon. Tbo statement was made by Mr. Payne when asked about the truth of the rumor that Mr. Hanna would resign. Mr. Payne eayo that Hanna told him ho i would Borvo out his term , but would not ac cept another. His term expires after the noxt" republican national convention , which will bu held In June. Payne nays that Han- na's heultli is such as will forbid his tak ing up the duties of an active campaign. CLEVELAND , Dec. 1 , Uoncornlng the re ports which have been In circulation for sev eral weeks past to the effect that Senator Hnnna would not succeed himself as chair man of the national republican committee , It con bo stated on the authority of Mr. Han- na's most Intimate frleidn ; thnt ho has no desire to manage another campaign and thnt unless very strong pressure Is brought to bear upon him ho will , In nil probability , de cline to do eo. Notwithstanding the published statements that many lending republicans throughout the country are opposed to Mr. Hanna's re- nppolntmcnt OR chairman of the national committee , It Is known that he Is almost dally receiving from Influential party lead ers , representing practically all 'sections of the country , letters to the effect that ho ha * thpir fullest confidence and support and urg ing that ho is the strongest man available for the place. Mr. Hanna'e clcucst friends and the- mem bers of hla own family believe , however , that the condition of bis health Is such thnt he should not under any circumstances assume the responsibility of managing another pros , identlal campaign. It has been suggested thnt should Mr. Hanna decide not to accept a reappolntmcnt as chairman that ho ho mode- member of the executive committee , having personal charge of the campaign finances. This would , it Is pointed out , relieve Mr. Hannu of the arduous duties devolving upon him as chair man and at the same tlmo give the national committee the benefit ot his experience and marked success In raising campaign ( undo. DEN.Y QUAY'S RIGHT TO SIT Mmiihci-u of the. rtMiiiHVlvnnln Deino- vi-utlc Coniiiilttee 'Mi'iiiiirliillze ( lit * Senate. PITTSnURO. Dec , 1. The following me morial , oddressed to the democratic mem bers cf tbo United States senate by the democratic state exccutlvo committee of Pennsylvania , Is made public tonight. It given In detail Us reasons why M , 8. Quay should not bo permitted to ttiko his seat In thn senate : "The democratic executive committee ot Pennsylvania , In meeting duly assembled , respectfully submits the following resolu tions for your consideration against tbo seating of Matthew 8. Quay as an appointed senator from Pennsylvania "A varancy arose on March 4 , 189J , In the Furs ! FurslI Furs ! ! ! The liveliest Fur Department In Omaha. More popular priced furs than any house In the West. A safe plnve to In vest your money In reliable furs. Every one Just ns repre sented. Ladli-s' 30-Inch Beaver Capes , fully guaranteed , worth JIJS.CW. for Ladles' Astrakhan Capes , full sklnsSkinner's sntln&jo en * * * ' * ' only..krJi-v' llnixl and warranted for 2 years' wear for Ladles' Cony Collarette. ' . ten-Inch Cape nnd high iCiill ? storm collar , for . ladles' Astrakhan Collarettes , 12-Inch collar. Skinfcf > . QR ncr'n satin lined , worth Ifi.OO. for only . ipu.-JCJ ' Uleetrlo Seal Collarettes with Pi-rslan yoke C * I QR ladles' trlmme < l with four tails' ' , wor'.h J10.W , for only . . . .M' * - " ' Astrakhan yoke. UJ-jl OR Ladles' Electric Seal Collarcttcf. ? [ > ' * ' < ' - - long tabs nnd ttlmmed with S tails , silk lined , for ' Marten Scarfs , trimmed with S mils C < QR ladles' nnd two Stone heads ; they are worth J3.50 , for only . iVJ } * , zf ' Combination Collarette. , warranted lo wear Ladles' Marten and Electric Sen ! . on < ale nt . ' e" ' Combination Collarettes , Hln-iHc Seal nnd Lad Muffloon silk lined , for onlv . Saturday Sale of Elegant Millinery. . All the latest nnd The top notch of style. onehalf the cany newest effects at about one- " < Sn0 Rrsa -lx new designs In trimmed - , ird ylx miles . to will at once a .pen that med hats stylishly < rlmme < i of taste. They nre very nls of the best the newest mater In all _ hnt but would P P" only ; not n grade * elsewhere nt KO.OO ; your choice IfJ.OO Saturday See them whether you buy or not. are successes of the season The grentwit Tains and Turbans. We hnvo special our a special lot priced for this pale 4.08 at only 22.- , trimmed hats , nil good ty.lca. " , ' , , ! materials ns are K "crnVy-f ! good and f.-W each , hats made to sell at JC.OO - bargain , In 2.98 ( very hnt n genuine * " . ' Saturday's sale nt only A special lot of ready-to-wear hats , pompadours , large line toques , turbans , felt tarns , quill and belt trimmed will bo put on palo Saturday to close them out at one-third their value. Si-o the big bargains wr arc offering in silk velvet ostrich plumes , fancy feathers , bird wings and quills. You save fully 40 per cent by buying your millinery here. Pianos. It seems that a fortunate combination of circumstances enables us to outdo ourselves each succeeding week In our Piano Depart ment. It Is only because we will not handle any piano that wo cannot guarantee to ho a good standard rmko one that will give excellent satisfaction or money refunded. Tl' Chlckcrlng , the greatest piano of the age , In any style preferred. Fischer with over 110,000 In use today. Lester , Franklin , Doll , Behr Bros. , Newby & Evans , and twenty-three other makes. Wo have a few slightly used square pianos at 525.00 , $35.00 and $ 15.00 that are very good values. Write for catalogues. New plnnos for rent. Pianos moved , tuned and repaired. Organs olng at extraordinary low prices. Telephone 16S3. Our prices ore absolutely the lowest , and the terms wo make for you are eo reason able 'that ' it Is very easy for you to pay for a piano. In looking over our stock you will find the best makes in the world , In their most elaborate cases. office of United States senator from Penn sylvania , by the expiration of the term of Matthew S. Quay. "Tho democratic members of the senate nnd house of representatives of Pennsyl vania , unanimously. In connection with al most one-third of the republican representa tives In the general assembly , and repre senting more than a majority of the mem bership thereof , continuously for sevcuty- nlno days and until adjournment voted against the re-election of tbo said Matthew S. Quay as United States senator. Ho failed of an election as senator by the legislature of our state. Whereupon William A. Stone , governor of Pennsylvania , undertook to ap point him senator , notwithstanding the pro visions cf the constitution of Pennsylvania , article II , section 4 , of which reads as fol lows : " 'In case of a vacancy In the office o United States senator from this common wealth In a recess the governor shall con vcno tbo two houses by proclamation ll notice not exceeding sixty days to fill tin same. ' "And the constitution of thoUnltei States , which provides ( article I , sec tlon 3) ) : " 'And if any vacancy happen by rcslgna tlon or otherwise during the recess of thi legislature of any state the executive thoreo may make temporary appointments untl tin next meeting of the legislature.1 " "Wo respectfully appeal to you to opposi the Beating of Matthew S. Quay , not enl ; 'or the legal and constitutional reason ! herein briefly set forth , but nleo benu3 < le Is the head and front of a 'political ma- : hlno'- which has continuously , through the ) fficeholders elected by It , violated the con stitution of our state in refusing to make i senatorial and representative nppolntmcnl > f our state ; that ho has degraded our pub ic life and debauched our clectlonn , ant ! meocd election laws that are but means ol > ractcng ! ! fraudulent voting and counting md has denied the constitutional rights ol ho people of the state to vote for the adop- .Ion of amendments to tbo constitution icccseary to secure the purity of our dec- Ions. "We therefore protest against the appoint- ncnt of Matthew S , Quay as senator from 'onnsylvanla , and request that you oppose ho seating of the said Matthew 3. Qua ) md that you adhere to the precedents am ) instruction of the constitution of the Jnlted States slnco the formation of the mlon of states. " [ ( Oil M'KIXII3Y AMI IIUAIU.KV , let \miir ICi-iitiido 'M Oiov- tin I'ri-Nlilt-nl'H Mute. CINCINNATI. O. , Dec. 1. There Is a novcment on this eldeof the river as well M In Kentucky to present the name of Oov- irnor W. 0. Bradley for the nomination for Mco president on the nott ticket with Me- Clnley. Scon after the ejection of Governor Ivadlcy four years ago there wore factional roublea that defeated Dr. Hunter as the cpubllcan caucus candidate for senator , It s thought tberu will bo no doubt about Centucky sending a oid ) delegation to the cpubllcan convention for McKlnley and iradlc ; ' on the next ticket. Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept. A spcciul price for Saturday. 4 Winter Is a sure thing you will soon have : o have n steady lire now Is your time to nit up your baseburner. We have them. iVe have lots of them. Sell you nn up-to- late stove nt LAST YEAR'S PRICKS. ptn.OO Rndlnnt SU-wnrt , best mndeoc EQ ' " ' 3800 Prize , tfO.Ou Daso'Burncrl tz i- for 20.00 White or Stewart Hot Blast , \ H for (18.00 ( Stewart Oak | JJ * gQ S16.00 Modern'OakVVc-liich lire "pot J 250 114.00 FlofaVbii'k ! 15'lnrh"lVr'p"pot"JQ : il.50 Corar6alV'li-inch"liro"pot" u. for J12.00 Junior Oak , 14-Inch tire pot Q a.4 - for S33.00 Steel Ilnnge , come ) und sec 27.Q5 ' ' ' ' S1S.OO Cns't'cook'very hne' lifer for 20.00 Cast Range , with resevolr , J J. ilG.OO Cns't'Cook , ' waVraiiteiY , for 15.00 Laundry Stoves , Q gQ Send In your mall orders. ANOTHER DARING HOLDUP Two Colored Men Play the Hole af Kootundu mill tOiUvlu Jnclcnou lit tlie Victim. Another daring .holdup . was perpetrated Friday night In front of 1014 Howard street. Edwin Jackson , who lives at 319 South Tenth street , was passing along the street about 8:45 : when without warnltiB a colored man Jumped from the darkncws , throw his arm around Jackson'o neck from the back and another came around In front of him and went through his pocket In a jiffy , getting a gold watch nnd $1.50 in cash. They let him go and took to their heels. As soon as he could get his hand Into hla pocket he drew his revolver and shot after the lleelng robbers , but wns unable to tell whether ho hit them or not. Both men were colored. Jackson snld they came upon him BO suddenly that ho could makeno outcry or help .himself In any way. The matter wns reported to the police station nnd detectives sent out to Investigate. -H itt WorK. Burglars entered the clothing store of R. HlrBhburg , 1321 Douglas street. Thanksgiv ing night by climbing up n rear lire escape to the roof und de-scendlni ; through the skylight. Thei clothing wns found this morning scattered about on the lloor. Five or six suits nnd a number of overcoats were tnken. The showcase ) of jewelry wns nlfo rilled nnd several watches nnd rlnus arc mlsslni ; . The total lomi nmountn to nenrly $150. The mntter haw been plncod In the hands of the police and the pro- proprietor feels conlldt-nt thnt the robbers will bo caught If tliey attempt to mnko use of the property , as it could be easily Identi fied. THE HRAI/l'Y MAH1CET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes day , November ' i : AVnrrimly Heeiln. J. U. Thompson and husband to A. 13 , Ward ot nl , .lot C , block 15 , Highland irince $ 1 Irene Byrne nt nl. to A. .H. . Del- wt.Ilcr , lot l , block 10 , Plalnvlew ndd 700 William Gnslln , Jr. . to O. II. Palmer , f x6i : feet nt point on cast line Thirty-third street nnd ICO feet north of Hickory street 10 B. L. Hcnck to A. G , West , lot 2 , Honck'n Htibdlv 4-30 - South O nuili a Land company to Htilph Nicholson , lot C , block 309 , South Omalm 275 J. 15. George to 15. B. Trnpp , lots 27 nnd 23. Sulllvnn's add 350 K , II. Howland and wlfo to K. V. Schmidt , lot 12 , .block 3 , Houlh Omaha park , G30 G. F. GlBh to F. J. GlBh , eli lot 30 , Hlmebaugli Place 6,000 A H. Grlllln to Frank nnd 13. 13. Wood , lot 9 , ( Morrison's ndd 1,600 C. C. Johnson nnd husband to J. H. Dnnlilx , lot 4 , block 2 , Hamilton sonant 400 C. W. T.vner mid wlfo to C. C. Howe , lot 3 , Tyner's stibdlv 77-3 UllK Clllllll Dl-l-llH. Susan Langdell to O. F. Nelson , lots 18 , 17 and 18 , block 5. linker Placo. . 1 C. 8. ICuutmnn und wlfo to Ameri can Fire Inxuranco company , lot 22 , Fcuron Plueu 100 8. S , Curtis , receiver , to A. P. Jen sen , lot 12 , block 10 , Hedford Place. . CO Sheriff to O. W. Loomls , gunrdlnn , lot 3. block 10 , Parker's ndd 1,200 Sheriff to Henry Cockflcld , lots U nnd 3 , block I , Grnmmercy park COO Totul amount of transfers $12,0X2 ! Ei KI ? Ofe 2A 2 l 2Z &d2fiSlS ! C ? > 45 fcJf 5 FOR NURSING AND GENERAL COOKING , END FOR "BABIES" A BOOK FOR MOTHERS. CONDENSED MBL.K. Bordon'a Condoniod , Milk Co. , Now York