THE O7UATTA DATI/V BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBKR L , 185)0. ) f On account of the continued mild weather we find that our stock of winter shoes is very much too large I for this time of the year , and for that reason we will give today the greatest bargains that ever were seen or heard of we Prices On AH Fully ten thousand pairs of shoes will come under this head but no matter how great this sacrifice will be TIIK UV CL'T STOCK DOWN. .MUST GOO pairs 300 pairs 200 pairs m { 500 pairs women's lleece Women's ' men's warm 400 pairs ladies' lined Warm Shoes Beaver child's and misses' black and Bedroom worth up Shoes Warm Shoes colored GOO pairs Men's § 2.50 and Slippers to § 2 , in worth § 2.00 in basement Felt Slippers § 3 calf and colt ekin § | { )9 ) on main lloor basement and § 2.50. . , worth 1.25 shoes , all sizes 500 pairs GOO pairs 1,200 pairs Ladies' Storm Rubbers 'JOO pairs 2,000 pairs 800 pairs Ladies winter Ladies' plain and fancv Ladies' ' $2,25 $ Vici Kid small sizes ; 50c kind. . . . ' ' ' weight , Men's black " Men's Rubbers all MEN'S BLUCHER'S and tan winter Men's ' $5.00 $ , $6,00 $ , and $7,00 $ five dollar grade VESTING TOP SHOES Lace Shoes sizes ; the 50c kind in two shades of tan- -very weight new style shoes , made enamel and patent leather , worth § 8.50 to § 4.00 all sizes new styles- Ladies' warm lined & swell regular six dollar shoes to retail at § 4.50 and § 5 00 and tan shoes in narrow Welt Sole Shoes goat go at storm rubbers , worth § 1 , go at regular widths and sizes , at widths AAA , A , B , 0 goat Men's Arties * ] o at 6 Small Women's Oxford 0 ] Tics. worth up tu S-.OO J po at " Ladies' 50c Ovorgaiters tlie real 50c kind. . . . 1C for OUR rgams OURWe desire to attract special notice to our enormous display sale of Saturday in outdoor wear and new evening wraps and costumes , of foreign wraps and cloiks : , liton coats , new tlsht-llttliiK jackets : uul man-tailored walking Milt * . Garments oxec-nt- AVe have decided not to carry over one dollar's eil by Hie lines ! workmen and of superb construction. The entire lot being Riitheml and worth of fall and winter Millinery. In order to oollecti-d by our Instructions. They are ( lie choicest of manufacturers sample lines and come to us direct with absolutely no reserve from the most celebrated ware-rooms. At the bargain „ make them sell faster we have cut the prices much prices quoted below there can be no question of a multitude of shoppers Saturday. Delay means only to miss the choice few. deeper. Saturday will be a day of great HOW TO Kxactly 20 choice SAMPLE COSTUMKS direct from the manufacturer's show bargains in this department. ( ZT7T THIS rooms. There are superb high grade man tailored dresses of camel'sihnlr ( J-JZ I 4 BEAUTI nud beautiful Venetians , and few choice silks anil broad FUL Silver-Plated new eomo figured Fancy Feather ? , Crowns , Pins. Ornaments A Souvenir for cloths. Lined entire with exquisite contrasting silk linings. They have been and Ostrich Feathers reduced from Br | and NOTH IXG. designed and constructed retail . , . . , , to for J75.00 $60.00 and 350.00 your choice loc , U5e and 3oc , only " w Wonlllulvolt Saturday regardless of what they may have cost riui : : About 40 high grade plain MAN A splendid lot of BOX COATS Black Fine Uluck Ostrich Ostrich Plume" Plumes , each , each 25c | Qc Twenty-live With evnry ' cent MADE SUITS of camel's hair , and LADIES' SHOUT JACKETS UUick Ostrich Tips It in bunch each 39c In our I'urchitHu candy Largo Black Ostrich Tips 3 in bunch oh. 59c ami luiioh . close weave Venetian and covert , in black , tan and castor shades. dept Every colored Felt slmpo reduced to 25c iind 5Oc each. Saturday. tight fitting single and double Very heavy silk lining throughout- Worn marked 81.50 to 53.00 each. breasted or fly front and very many with full fur collars. They Ready-to-wear Hats marked down from SO.00 i stylesan ; original § 22.50 are positively § 25 garments. We have all and $7.00 to \ The suit , on sale Saturday at sizes , and they go on sale Saturday at. . . . Large Line of Violets 5c , tOc , I5c , I9c and 25c bunch put up in bunches of 2 to G dozen regular retail price Finest Ladies' NEW HIGH Exceptional Bargains in A fine lot consisting of double sale price. GRADE WAISTS made of Separate Skirts. nearly 300 ladies' seal plush IT * " * * * - * - * Ok f\ Choice and largo assortment utill remains to select from the finest material 30-inches beaded JL riTtllXltJU. the cut has been very deep in Trimmed ffaffTk B ? ffb Souvenir , comprising capes , - deep , , Separate skirts in all colors , Hats as wo have only a short time to oloso ! $ S IB * ing extra heavy quality taffeta braided and thibet fur trimmed thorn out So.OO and SG.OO Hats goon the $2.50 table . . . . ' . . W * WIT XSSfVSNXNSNSS/NS\\S\X\/\i and rich brilliant plaids and large med lined with SHOULD DB W satins , in all the , throughout Ten and twelve dollar Trimmed Hats that were marked i EVERVCOLLECTION ! popular shades , and most up-to-dato block effects. Also some very . A Hats , and _ - silk good quality serge. very pretty patterns Wt V / NVX * ' S 'VN/'W ' > * * ' rf4 workmanship throupout. Also some beautiful black cheviots and which $7 and $8 , go at ' up-to-dato styles , go at FREE " garment regularly very fine French ilanncl waists , now seamless and yokcless Venetians with ap- sells elsewhere at Choice of our magnificent line of imported Pattern Hats for $9.08. Saturday backj cuP' fashionable Unequalled dress hanging pliqued designs. garments. Properly All of $5. Extra special Here is a chance-to get a--$25.00 Pattern Hat C | ClU In with our ovury lunch 3 ! > o department purchase. elsewhere today at 88,80 utdouble . . our price them extra special at . . . . bargain price at JUJA , , ! * * * f * nT Men's $15 and $16 fine Men's Very finest Suits and Overcoats Suits , Overcoats THAT AVKRI3 $10. $1250 AND $15.00 Suits In nil the fashionable colorings These will please the finest dressers who GO AT $7 00. light , dark and medium phadea , In single ire particular nbout the cur and btjlo of Those suits represent some of the neb their coats and yet nro not opposed to biest and newest effects for fall and winter and double breasted styles , embracing the good round savings. This splendid line con wear produced this season. Made from the small plaids , checks , stripes and plan ! col sists of suits In all the swe-llest st\les In finest of strictly all wool Scotch and fancy ors worn by the nobby , up-to-date dres er > gtrlpf-M. mixtures anil pl.iin colors wihlle fusMmereti , meltons and clay worsteds , in regular values $15 to $10 go at ? 10. Over the overcoats represent all the very latent hundreds of patterns , all handsomely and coats In all the very newest smooth and fimooth and rough cftects. with all the style durably trimmed , that sold up to $15 00 go rough effects. Ordinarily they would cost of the llnost made g-aments. Regular J1S.OO at $7 DO. THi : OVKUCOATS are made from $15.00 and $10.00 special today only goods , tomorrow extra line black unclbluo _ kersey and high grade covert Kotli , In the very latest fall and winter styles your choice of tills handsome line today for only Suits Boys' ' OVERCOATS and ULSTERS Boys' Reefers We put on special sale for Saturday a Ages 3 to 8 years , made of heavy melton , 3 to 15 years , $2.50. All wool melton , manufacturer1 ! ? entire sample line of boys' beaver nnd chinchilla reefers , made with chinchilla , astrakhan , etc. , splendidly lined ' Suits 7 IB Knee to L'-piece Pant , ages years , extra high ulster collar warm , heavy lining , irado of ail wool heavy casslmere , brown , and tailored warm , durable and well worth outeldo breast pockets color , blacks blue gray and fancy cheviots , etc , , etc. Not a $3.BO to $4.00 Saturday at suit worth less than $3,00 on sale to or brown the entire lot on sale Saturday day at ( Ages 8 to 15 years , at $2,98. $ ) ARCHIBALD DofenBO Oontinues to Play Hide and Seek with'the County Attorney. JUDGE BAKER DELIVERS ANOTHER REBUKE Court nroluri'H Unit I Inl ron r 'utor Mionltl Ho More nillucnt In ( lie I'ritiinriidoii of 111 * Criminal ( 'linen. If a few more loopholes are left open by the county attorney , ( JcorgoV. . Archibald , charged with stealing $3,000 $ from the Pacific Express company , will In all probability bnvo his liberty without waiting for the formality of Jury acquittal. Prom the very beginning of the trial throe daya ago the county attorney has encoun tered trouble. First It was dlacpvered Just In tbo nick of Unto that the defendant had never been arraigned , and therefore had not had opportunity to plead , Judge Ilaker al lowed that oversight to bo rectified nnd nt tha opening of court yesterday Archibald was arri'lgntd and a plea of not guilty wag entered , Hut another surprise was In store. The prosecutor discovered that bo had failed to list the names of two of hi * most Important witnesses. This Is a formality that should , according to court rules , be attended to be- lor * a case goes on trial. A motion was filed asking that the additional witnesses be nl- lowed nnd Judge Uaker granted the request. Ho took occasion , however , to remind the county attorney that ho should exercise dill- gcnco In the preparation of his cases and that he should not come Into court unpre pared to go ahead with trial. Judge Dakur spoke In language so plain as to admit of no ambiguous Interpretation. Following this Irregularity , fresh trouble was encountered when the defense attacked j the information Archibald nnd filed I n motion to make the prosecution elect which of tbo counts In the Indictment the case late to be based upon. Lengthy argument fol lowed this motion. Only ono $3,000 package was stolen , but the Information charges Archibald with stealing It from the Pacific j | Hxprcss company , from the Klrst National bank and from n bank at St. Paul , Neb. The attorneys for the defense argued that the state mu t settle upon the ownership of the money and so charge In specific manner. The stolen money was being shipped by Pacific express from the- First National bank of this city to the bank at St. Paul. The Omaha bank delivered It to the express com pany and It was stolen while In transit to the railway station and never reached the St. Paul bank > Archibald appeared serenely contented na ho sat In the court room , Ho evidently relishes the trnpk Into which the county attorney falls. The regular attorney for the cxprcta company has entered the case and la making an energetic effort to over come the errore made by the county attor ney. ney.At At the conclusion of the argument Judge Oaker said he would withhold his decision on the point nt if one until he has heard Bomo of the evidence. Testimony was de layed owing to the demand of the defense for the exercise of Its right to chal lenge tbo Jury. This was not attended to at the outset for the reason that the attorneys for the defense hurrkd matters through In the hope of securing the release of thnlr client on account of the failure of the county attorney to have him arraigned for pleading. Many of the juroru were excused and now OIHH substituted. MIIS. MACK WA.VI'S DA.MAOIJ .MOXIiV. SluIN IMnliitirr III n SullirnliiMt Cnr- IIOlllIN ItfyillllllN , Allt'KllIUNNIIIllt. . The damage suit of Mrs , Sadlo Mack against Cornelius Reynolds , a member of the flro department , U on trial In Judge Keysor'n court. The basis of the suit Is an affiaul' alleged to have occurred June 30 , 183S. Thn damage Is estimated at $5,000. The plaintiff sets forth that the defendant made a violent attack upon her and bruised her In a painful manner. She alleges that a big doctor bill resulted and that she suffered much injury , both mentally and physically. The attitude of the defendant Is that ho acted In Keif-defense ; that Siro. Mack wa * making an assault upon Mrs , Reynolds and her Infant child , and that but for his timely Interference they would have sustained scrl- ou injury. Mrs , Mack Is of middle age. An Incident somewhat out of the usual oc curred when the attorneys were questioning the Jury. Dr. Crawford , one of the jurors , won asked If the fact that the- plaintiff Is a woman would prejudice him in rendering a verdict. " 1 shall try and render a verdict In ae- cordanco with the evidence and the Instruc tions of the court , " the Juror replied , "but on the paint involved I am a little afraid to trust myself , for I believe I would Incline toward the cause of the woman. " Subsequently ho modified this gallant tttatomcnt to such an extent that he was ac cepted. The Mncka and ( ho Reynolds were nelgh- boiB and the troubla originated with the feminine part of the two families , it Is ald. U started as a "clothesline fight , " but has now reached the district court. Dnilil Chllilrcn llnlii'iiM The celebrated DoilJ habeas corpus case , wherein llcnjamln F. Dodd seeks to recover custody of hie four children from the Ne braska Children's Homo society. Is on trial before Judge Scott. Three of the children are In court. They arc at present In the keeping of different parties at various points In Nebraska , having been thus assigned by the ( society In charge. The society picked the little ones up when they wcro adrift , but Dodd sots forth that ho Is now able to cure for them. NnlfH of ( lie ConrlH. Judge Powell's court 1 not In session , thuro bojng no call until Monday. Judge Blnbaugh Is back ut lilt ) old'tnund In the court IIOUKO after having dealt out Juwtlco in Hurt county for the last two weeks. Another applicant for dlvorco Is Mary ! ' . Goarhanl. who sue * John H. She ullegos de sertion. They WIT ? married In Omaha No vember U' , 1600. ndrew h Hardlo nan sued l.orctta Muy llp for divorce on the allegation that m.Htrratr'l hU mother Among the pcrllli charges iH that the plalntllf'H 'o'hcr fame to v'slt li m when hi had not seen her in six years and that bis wife re fused the aged wcmnn a pluce nt the din ing talilo. Othir Indignities arc nlso al leged. The Hnrdlen were married May 9 of this year. I.auer Hros. , who wcro brought Into pollen court on the charge of robbing n man named Miller In their saloon ut Tenth nnd Douglas streets , wore found not guilty. Won ! 1ms been received from Judge Car- . , , fwlrrnl court mating that ho will bo hero on December 11 to assist Judge Munger in clearing the doi kctp. If nosMbre , before the holidays.'hi ! | - hnrc Judge Car- land will take tip the law docket. John U. Heath of this city has Illc'd an application In the ollleo of tbo clerk of the United States district court , wheieln he says that he Is n bankrupt. He places his In- lUhlnliifHP nt $2,150.8.and his nt-sots nt Jiia , Including J In cash , all of which ho declares la exempt. The Mutual Jlenellt Ufe Insurance com pany 1ms filed application to have a receiver appointed for certain mntal properly owned by Adolph Slofkon and upon which the In- buranro company holds a mortgage. It la said to be necespary for home onu to lake , charge of the property , keep U in repair. and attend to the renting1. j Mary K. linrgtt hue Illed n motion for u new trial in her damage proceedings against the Omaha Coal , Coke ami IJme company. KMi ) fcue * 'for tti.GGO on account of alleged personal inJurluM while pausing over a sidewalk wlicra iho defendant company had JUHI delivered loal. The case wan thrown' ' out of court u few days ago on the theory that the petition did not stntu facts HUf- ' flclont for cause of action. Matthias Rattler him Illotl answer anil ! croiw bill to the divorce prtltlon of The Ike Battler Hu alleges that Ills nlfc detvrtnd ' him. that she wan fa I till cut ) , that xlio frequently becarno IntoxIcuUd and that he , ' was In many other rctupectti untrue to him. ; Ho trnceti her downfall to the exposition , where , on the Midway , he Hllcgen , she fell In with evil companions , H'e dcnlos her allegation that he ha $5,000 In bank I'avlnu Ccuifrac'l luarili'il. The Board of Public Works opened bld i yesterday to award the contract for 1 500 DOZEN ( On Bargain Square. ) MEN'S ' AND LINED AND UNUNED Go at 10 Cents a Pair. > $1.00 LAUNDERED SHIRTS FOR. 1,000 men's and boys' fine white laundered long , medium and short linen bosoms , reinforced back and front , all sizes regular dollarquality , shirts , for to day at On bargain square. 250 Dozen ( on bargain square ) MEN'S SILK NECKTIES All 50c and 75c kinds all new styles , colors and shapes , the paving of Ames n\cnue from Twnnty- seTOiid to Twentv-llfth Hlrofts The low bidder * wire I'M Phelan , for lirlrk at $1.75 , $177 and $2 pur miuniu yard , for one , llvu and ten jwirs' guaranty , nnd the Grant Paving company , for itHphnlt , nt t7. : ! . The material IH left to the option of the prop erty owners. IL LICIT INDIAN LIQUOfTTRAFFlU IN t'arrlci' On I'XIrn- oii ( In * Oinalin mill Subpoenas Imvo been Issued for Jim Dlackblrd and nineteen other Omaha Indiana to testify beforu the United Slates grand jury next Monday morning relative to the yelling of llrjuor to Indians on the rwiTva- , tlona in Thurston county. > While there has always been liquor cold to the Indians upon the Omaha and \Vliinc- bago reservations the trafllu lias never reached euch an extent an It has during the last fenuceks. . Not long ago Jhe In dians on thcso reservations received some thing like $30,000 in cash on account of claims against the government. Abgut that tmo ( the authorities at Waihlngton rut elf the field deputies in the United Status marshal's office , anil immediately thereafter ' . the "bootleggers" commenced to get In their ] work. They entered the reservation from ; all Hides , many of them having light wagon * , loaded with pint and half-pint bottlce filled ' with the vilest kind of liquor. This Htuff they disposed of to ( lie Indians at $1 per pint. Another lot of uhjle men entered the reservation from Iowa. They came by boat , rowing a row the river and establishing themselves along the hank where they did a thriving business , It IH said that for day * scores of the Indiana have been drunk and that fights have been of nightly occurrence. Whether Indicting ( -,01110 of the dealers In liquor " 111 break up the tnidlc Is n thing that the officials will not discuss. However , they will do the best they win to apprehend and punish the offenders. MIL MEN ARE IN TROUBLE .Slllllnir A ; .loIiiiNiin I'liul Hint ' 1'lu-y lime n "nil runlriirt on llniiil , .Stilling & Johnson , the contrnctors who have been hauling the United States jnall i from the government building to the Mason htrcet depot , have discovered that they have n losing contract. Ileforc the Union Pacific Railroad company moved into Itn now depot these contractors could haul the -tiansfer mall over the tracks and not have to Incur any great additional oxponso. Now they dis cover that In Iraojferrlng the mall from one of the Mawan etrcet depots to the other they have to employ additional men and use extra teutiiH , as all of the mull has to bo c.M'tcd around over the viaduct , a dlslunce of uev- oral hundred > ards. In looking over th lr contract they find that It provides that ox- trus can be- placed upon them from tlmo to time without additional compensation. The paitles having the contract reside at \ \ London , Ky. , twenty mlloa from a railroad station , and have mall contracts scattered all over the country. The party hero In charge will handle the null ( or n day or two , but be Is of the opinion that his employers will have to throw up their contract , for If curried out U will love them thousands of dollars before tbo end of the term ,