Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2 , 185) ) ! ) .
Business in the Wheat Fit Stagnant , Fric ;
Oloie Lower.
Ctirii Stonily Karl- , Turn * 1Vrnl <
lijllvn \ I limn of Wliont ,
I.CMvrr OntN Ylrlil
> vlli ! Corn.
CjlIICAOO , Dec. 1. Wheat , depressed bj
a poor cash demand and a bearlfh Moderi
Miller report , cloned weak , ' , c off fron
Wednesday's close. Corn weakened will
w'hcat ' , closing * jo lower. Oats closed \i \ <
lower. Provisions closed a trllo higher.
At the opening today the wheat derlver
a bit of stendlne t from the light dellverle :
of Ihe contract article about 250.CNM ) bu.-
the strength of Minneapolis nnd roporto
damages from the fly In Michigan ,
opened a shade over Wednesday nt
f9Hu nnd early touched 70r. Business was
fitagnant nnd the market turned speedily
wenk upon the receipt of n dlsvnuragliiM
Modern Miller report and the lack of out-
plde domand. The llaur trade was reported
anything but satisfactory , the weather gooil
for full planted crops und the frost said tc
have killed the Hessian lly. The sliinu
thus started wa. bonstcd along , us many
stop orders wore touched , thus putting eon-
s.derablc long wheat on the market. May
; : iXRcd down to ( il(1iti9r. ! | closing -7(0 lower
at tile. The failure of McUord & Co. In
New Vork had little effea hero. Clear-
nncoN wenK2HVi ! ( bu. Local receipts worr
70 cars , 2 < graded contract ; Minneapolis ami
Dliluth reported 929 oars" , n .ilnst 740 cars
last wccl : nnd l.isn u year ago. Primary re
ceipts were I.UW.IOO bu. , compared with
1.1S2.600 last year. Now Vork reported SiJ
loads tnkon for export.
Corn was steady early on alleged bullish
weather and light receipts * , turned weak ,
depressed by the heaviness of wheat and tea
a degree by the McCord failure. Deliveries' .
In view of the small stocks , were liberal at
about 750.000 bu. Local receipts wore 2H
lars. Clearances wortS3U.UX ) bu. , primary
locolptH , 4.12KHI bu. May sold from : ! 2'4C ' Io
.T Je , closing % e down at 32' ' e. Trade was
EOW ! ,
Oats yielded with corn. Trade was' light
and the May riinge only UP. Deliveries were
lOO.UJii bu. , a smalt amount , which Indicate *
a let up of the demand. Western offerings
were limited , but the seaboard demand *
wore poor. Cleat uncos wore 17.001) bu. , re-
telpts here. IKS cars. May ranged from
S.1$4C to 2lc , closing 'io down at 2.V-4e.
1'rovlrlons were steady , supported by a
light supply of bogs , higher hog prices and
n good demand from products. Offerings
were small. The market was dull nnd tlue-
timtlons wore narrow. May pork sold from
19.55 to J3.GO , closing 2'i.e ' hlghrr at } 9.57',4 ' ;
May lni-fl from J3.30 to J.l.-li'/j and closed a
shade up at $5.30ii5.32' ! ; May rlbf > from Jo.10
to { 5.12'.4. ' closing 2',41i5e higher at $5.10.
tSstlmntecl receipts tomorrow : Wheat , SO
ears ; corn , & 50 cars ; oats , 300 cars ; hogs ,
21,000 head.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
Articles ? Open. | Illsh. | Low. | Close. , Wed ,
Wheat j |
Dec. fii'vei ' ff ler.UftH
.May. 70 C.S'i , , ( il I ti.l'X
Corn- i
Dec. 31 30Vkl savdi
Jan. 3132V : . W-fi',4 |
May. 32V , 32V1J
Dec. 22V' , |
May. 24
Doc. JS 00 JS 05 jsco . JS O2',4l J7.971.4
Jan. 9 15 9 45 , 9 37'A ' " | 912' * ! ! ) 40
May. 9574 ! 9 60 9 55 | 9 57' 9 8 j
Pee. 4 Si 4 S7' ' ? , t S2K.I " I S- I VIVi
Ian. 5 12'4 R 12' ' f 5 10" | r i2'4i ' 5 It )
May. 5 3214 5 32'A ' 530 5 32V4 , 5 M
" ' 1
"D'CC. 4 SO 4 S5 4 SO 4 S3 | "
Jan. ' I 95 I 4 TO 4 97U | 4 U2V"
May. 6 12' , < . D 12 H ; 5 10 r 10 i r. 071,4
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
! ' ! . OUR Weak : winter patents. J3.45JJ3.5j :
straights. J3.0003.25 ; clear , W.005T3.15 : spring
specials. J4.00 ; patents. J3.0iKf)3.50 ) ; straights ,
$2.SOfi3.10 ; bakers. J2.10 < g2.49.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , 5S6ic ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , .Wic : No. 2 yellow , " ( lv.
OATS-No. 2. 23623Uc ; No. 3 white , 21'/2@
251 tc.
IIYIC No. 2. GI'XsC. '
UARLEY No. 2 , 3S'4'R43'.4c. ' '
HEBDS-No. 1 llaxsced , JU9 ; No. 1 north
western , $1.3 ! ) ; prime timothy , J2. 15 ; clover ,
contract graclo. J7.75fl7.90.
PROVlSIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. . J7.C3W
9.50. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , JI.EOg5.07'A Short ribs
Fides ( loose ) , J4.SOI(5.15. ( Dry salted shoul
ders ( boxed ) . J5.37V4Q5.50 ; short clear sides
( boxed ) . $3.15 5.25.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
basis lntrh wines , per si I. , J1.23'/ ' .
SUGARS-Cut loaf , J5.70 ; granulated , J5.1S.
Following are the- receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour , bbls . 23,000 13,000
Wheat , bu . 71,000 22.WO
Corn , bu . 1SI.OOO 273,003
Oats , bu . 230,000 SOO.OOO
Rye. bu . 2,003 1 , < X > 3
Barley , bu . fil.OOO S.WM
Oil the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was llrm ; creameries , lti(26c ;
dairies. 16j22c. Cheese , steady ,
Kggs , steady ; fresh , ISc.
( tiiotntlnun for the liny on Vnrlnna
NEW YORK , Dec. l.-FLOUR-Rccclpts.
26,693 bbls. ; exports , 24,893 bbls. ; weak and
lower , but oven concessions failed to at
tract buyers ; Minnesota patents , J3.S5g-4.00-
Minnesota , bakers , J2.3503.10 ; winter patents
J3.53f3.SO | ; winter straights. J3.3jgs.45 ; wln-
fiS.OO ; winter low grades ,
"our' casy :
* U093.2u ; choice to fancy. J3.3083,55. Buck
wheat Hour , easy at $2.23Q3.33.
imCKWHI5AT-Qtilet at ( iOQ61c c. 1. r.
UOUNMKAI Enny ; yellow western. SOc ;
city. .Sc : Urandywlne , J2.2M < 2.33.
RYE Weak ; No , 2 western , 59c f. o. b
' 1 ' " 1.0- ' / ? ew Vork car lots-
Qulct ; feetil"K ) OVj | 41c c. i. f.
fto. b. alloat to sirrlvo ; No. 1 hard. Dliluth ,
nc f. o. b. alloat to arrive ; No. 2 red , 70 0
clovator. Options opened easy. % o decline ,
following' lower cables , 'but ' soon recovered
owing to a good foreign demand and ad
vanced > ic. This was succeeded by a reac
tion under favorable Argentine crop reports
nnd Hews of a big lo 1 grain trade failure.
Thn i-lnxo wnu weak at iSfflo ' " from
nllnrv 1tH'.rm > ) r , . .I
* i-J'il , VlisriVUi IVTtW *
CORN-Rcceipts , 271,323 bu. ; exports , 78 -
9S7 bu. Spot , weak ; No. 2. 39&C f. o. b.
afloat , and 38-Xc elevator. Options opened
steady nnd unchanged , but developed weak
ness under liquidation and sympathy with
wheat In facp of a big export trade. Closed
weak Utfi'io net decline ; .May. 3SU53S 9-16c ,
closvd. SSVic ; December closed , 3S'ic.
OATS Receipts. il'S.SnO bu , : exports , 1,515
bu. Hpot , qulot ; No , 2. SOc ; No. 3. 29'.4c ; No.
J white , 31e ; No. 3 white , SO'/io ; track , mixed
western , 30J/3U- / . Options dull and weaker ,
HAY Steady ; shipping , C5ft75c ; good to I
choice. SOfiS7Ho.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice.
1S90 crop , lie ; 1S97 crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop
10TCI3c ; Pnclilo coast , IS9G crop. 45jCc ; IS97
crop , nominal ; 1WS crop , Hiillc ; Pacific
coast and state , ISM ) crop , 12JJ13c.
HlDKS-aalveHton , 20 to 25 Ihs , . I9o ;
Texas dry , 21 to 30 lb > > . , He ; California , 21
to 25 llw. . 21Ue.
LKATHKR Klrm : Hemlock sole. Buenos
Ayres , 251723Vic ; acid , 2uj25.c. !
PROVISIONS-Heef. steady ; family. J12.50
4113.00 ; inefs , J10.5057 12,00 ; beef hams. J2I.OO
( IJ25.00 ; packet. Jll.Mft 12.00 ; city , extra India
moss , J21.00fiM.lO. Cut meats , easy ; pickled
bellleu , J5.76t7.00 | ; pickled shouldors. ROOft )
(1.25 ( ; pickled hams. } S.OOti9.00. Uiril. easy ;
western steamed. J3.37'i ; November. J5.37H ,
nominal : retlned. riulot ; ronllnunt , J565 ;
South America , J6.23 ; compound. $3.37
6.60 , Pork , rleady ; mess , t9.Wiia.75 : short
clear. J10.50012.00 ; family , Jll.60f-n2.00. Tal
low. steady ; city , 4c ; country , -UUHKc.
RICK-Steady ; donn-wtlc. fair to extra , 6
li o : Japan. 54ilOc.
METALS Business In metal * on the local
exchange hung II ro all day and nt the close
'buyers and sellers alike were disposed to
await further developments a. the west nnd
abroad before making decided moves. The
light Blocks of spot Krad caused that metal
In hold : i llrm relation to the rest of the
llHt , otherwise the market was destitute of
fiuturv. At the cloxp the Metal exchange
culled pig Iron warrants negleetud and noinl-
PH < : hike copper dull and nominal at $17. M
t(17.25 ; tin dull at J27.5DJi27.75 ; lead , rnot
hcnrco nt JI.'OfH.&O ; spelter dull at.Wit \
4.50 , The brokers' price for loud U JI.I3
nnd for copper JlT.OOti 17.25.
City CJralii nnd
KANSAS Cm' . De . 1. WHBAT- -
comber , til * e. May , C55 c , cash , No , 2 hard ,
Hr ; No. 3 , 01i le ; No. 2 red , 7V372c (
No. 3 , < 8fe ; receipts , for two days , 6 !
CORN December , 26ttc ; May , ZSHe ; cash
No. 2 mixed. ISc ; No. 2 white , 2Jc ; No. 3
OATS No. 2 white , 25140.
RYKo. ? . 2 , 47'4e. '
HAV'holce timothy. J9,60t59.00 ; cholct
prairie. * 7. ( VR7.5o.
HECKn TS-Two days-Wheat. ) K.W
nil. : corn. I5.4ti0 1m. ! oats , 7,000 bu.
SniPMl < JNTS-Two ( daysl-WI-eat. 9I.5W
bit. : corn. S8.4i - ) bu. ; oats. 8.000 bu.
Cn iilllliiii of Trnili * nml UunlnUonn on
Snn ( > < - nml Fnnrr Prnilnrp.
Ei GS Itr-c-clpts light ; market flrm at ICc ,
DIUiSSKD POITLTRY-Cholce to fancy
ttirknys. lOr ; chirks , 8c ; geese , Sflic : chick
ens , ( VJ7c ; hens , G',4c ' : roosters , 4JJ5c.
LIV15 POULTRY-IIens. Gc ; spring chick
ens , W4c : old and staggy roosters , "c ;
ducks , ind geese. Aft Clio ; turkeys. ? ( ! i9c.
HP'mSH i'ommon to fair. Me ; eholce , 1fl
ff17c ; separator. 25c : gathered creamery , 22
PIOKONS-Llve. ppr doz. . 75c.
VEALSChoice. . 9c.
OAMB 'Vrnlrie chickens , per doz. , JS.COJJi
fi.CO ; quail , p'/r doz. , Jl.30Jil.50 ; mallards.
J3.WP3.23 ; Hue wing teal. J1.75 ; green wing
teal. J1.2nW1'v60 ; mixed thick * . J1.60JJ2.00.
OVHTE118 Medium , ix-r can , 18c ; ntnnd-
nrd. per can. 22c : bulk standard , per gal. ,
$1.25 ; extra selects , per can. 30a ; extra.
selects , per . nl. . 11.60 ; New York counts ,
per _ cnn , 37e ; New York counts , per 100 ,
HAY Uplanci. eholco. J6.50 ; midland ,
eholce. Jfi ; lowiland , choice. J5 ; rye straw ,
cholc-e. J.1.60 ; NVi. . " , corn. 27c ; No. 3 white
oats , 22',4v ' ; crac\kod oorn , per ton , J12 : corn
nnd oat , chopped , ' per ton. J12.50 ; bran , per
ton , J13 ; shorts , per ton , Jll.
HWKET POTATOES Per bbl. , Kansng ,
tt.23 ; Jersey s , Jl ; large * t > bls. , Nebraska ,
"i'OTATOES-1'or bu. . choice. axffSSc.
CRANBERR1KS Cape Ood. J6.00f6.50 ;
fiincv Howes. J6.WC57.00.
ONIONS Retail way , yellow , 65c ; red , 75c.
CICLKRY-Per < loz. . 20&40o.
TURNIPS Rutabagas , per lb. , IVJc ; Cana
dian. 1 ' 4071 Mr.
CABBAOE Per Mi. . l',4c ; Holland seed ,
1J2C. .
U'A'PERCtlKSS-I'er 16-cit. cases , Jl.GO.
MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box , 50c.
1--IUUTS. .
APPLES Choice wt torn shipping stock ,
J2.73fl3.00 ; Joiiathajis and Grimes' golden ,
Jt.OOfl.l.r.O ; Now York stock. J3.60ff4.00.
CSKAPES C'jillfonila Emperor , J2 ; Cataw-
l > a . per small basVct , ISc ; Malaga grapes ,
per 'bbl. ' . J7.5ft0S.50
PEARS Western varieties , J2.BO.
ORANGES .Mexlt an. per box. J3.75g-4.00 :
California navels , ] * -r box. Jl.
LEMONS - California fancy , J4.751TG.OO :
choice California. J4.i ff..50 | ; Jtegslna , J5.00 ®
HIDES No. I croou hides. SHc ; No. 2
green hides. 7 > cNo. ; . 1 saJteyl hides , lOo ;
No. 2 salted hides. 9e ; Nt > . 1 veal calf , S to
12 Ibs. . 9o : No. 2 veal calf , la to 15 Ibs. . 80.
1. 4e : No. 2. 3 e ; rougli. 2d ; whlto greasp.
2-Q3Ue ; yellow and brown grease , 2H@3c.
HONEY Per 21-scctlcji cai'e. J3,25 ( ? 3.50
NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. . Jl-
shell barks. JI.25Til.35.
FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box.
fl.15 ; California carton , per 10-lb box , J1.25
MAPLE SUGAR-Pcr lb. . De.
St. IOIIN | ( ; rnl ii anil Provision * .
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 1. WH.SAT LowerNo
2 red cash , elevator. ( ! 7c ; track , 69S71iic ;
December. 66e ; May , 70fe ! , ; No 2 hard. C6
StSc ; receipts , 22,972 bushels.
CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , SOc ; track 31c-
Di comber. 298c ; Jlay. SO c.
OATS Ixiwcr : No. 2 cash , 23 c ; track.
24'Xjc ; December , Sn c ; May. 24 c No 2
white. 27e.
RYK I/ower at 61c.
I-'LOI'R Dull , easy but unchanged.
SEEDS Timothy , J1.90@2J5 ; flaxsecd.
steady nt $1.31.
KRAN Dull , lowerj sacked , cast track.
HAY Steady to flrm ; timothy ,
WIHSKY-Steady , $1.231.4.
PROVISlONS-Pork : Steady ; standard
mess , jobbing , J9.00. Lard : Firmer ; prime
steam , J4.W1 ; choice , JI.92H. Dry salt meats , i
boxed shoulders , none offered ; extra shorts.
J5.25 ; clear ribs. J5.50 ; clear sides , J5.621A.
Bacon , boxed shoulders , none offeredPX -
tru shorts , J5.75 ; clear ribs , JG.12 % ; clear i
sides. J6.25.
METALS Lead , JI.47& ! Spelter , dull at
POULTRY Weak : chickens , S' iSfic ; tur
keys. ry > e : ducks , sijijifiitc : geese. " 5V4c.
RECEIPTS-FIour , 2,000 bbls. ; Wheat , 23-
000 bu. ; corn. 9S.OOO bit. ; oats , 5S.OOO bu.
SIIIPMKNT8 Flour , 6,000 bblK. ; wheat ,
13,000 bu. ; corn , 39,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu.
HiiUor. KKK nml Chccnc Market.
Steady ; fancy western creamery , 27c ; fancy
western prints , CSc.
EGGS I rm : Tresh nearby , 2lc ; fresh
western , 2-le : freah southwestern , 2Jc ; fresh
ioutiiern , 20c
-elpts , 4,370 pkgs. ; flrm ; western creamery.
! 3fl'J7c ; Juno creamery , 22Q25c ; factory , 1B14 i
CH'EESE Receipts. 3.952 pkgs. ; strong-
small , September , 12 Q-13c : finest , October , !
? rn. ungraded , nt mark , 14fi20c
Creamery. 21JC5c ; dairy , 18c. |
EGGS Weak : demand comparatively
light ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , '
firsts , lc ( ! dozen , cases returned.
ST. . LOUIS , DM. l.-BUTTER-FIrm ;
: rcamery , 23f(27Vic ( : dairy , 19Q2ic.
KGGS Quiet at 17c.
? rcamcrlcs , 1626c ; dairies , 16022C ,
IIvcriool Grnln mid I'rorliloiiR.
i rod western , steady , 5s 7V4d ; No. 1 north-
'rn , spring , f > s 10V4d ; futures Pteady ; De-
ember , 5s 6d ; March , Ss 9Hd ; Jlay , 5s
% .
CORN Spot. American mixed , new , flrm ,
Is 44d ; American mixed old , llrm , 3s 4d ;
'uture.i steady ; December , 3s 6d ; January
mil February , 3s 5Ud.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , steady
it 7s.
Receipts of wheat during the last three
lays , 117,000 centals , Including 82,000 Ameri-
; an : receipts of corn , 205,900 centals.
PROVISIONS Shoulders , square , flrm ,
! 2ei ( id. Tallow , Australian , In London , dull ,
: : > a 3d.
MlnnrnpollN Wheat nnil Flour.
Ktoro : No. 1 northern December , 61H8 >
fiUic : May. ( KHirCS' c ; July. 67c. On track :
No. 1 hard , CSc ; No. 1 northern , 63c ; No , 2
northern. Ulc.
FLOl'R-Flrst patents. f3.40Q3.50 : second
patents. J3.20OT.30 ; flrst clears , J2.20W2.30.
BRAN Unchanged.
Toledo Market ,
TOLEDO , O. , Dec. 1. WIIEAT-ActlVS ,
lower ; No , 2 cash and December , C7c ; May ,
72ic ! asked.
COUN Dull , weak ; No , 2 mixed , 3U4c.
OATS-Uull ; No. 2 mixed. 23Hc.
RYE Ncclectcd.
SEEDS-Clover. actlvo : prime cash and
December , J5.4Q ; March , J5.55.
Stool.'N In Store nt Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL , Dee. l.-Followlntr are the
stocks of breadatuffs and provisions In
Liverpool : Flour. 140,000 clicks ; wheat , 2-
297,000 centals ; bacon. 14,000 boxes ; hams ,
l.&OO shoulders ; eggs , 300 boxes ; butter , 2,200
pkgs. ; lard , 30,700 tierces prime western nnd
975 tons other kinds.
MIMvnukof Rriiln MnrK'ct.
Ho : No. 1 northern , C6c ; No. 2 northern ,
HE Steady ; No. 1 , B5 sc.
BARLEY-lo lower ; No. 2 , 43c ; sample ,
34f42c. |
Pcorlii .llnrkct.
PEORIA. Dec. l.-CORN-8teady ; No. 3 ,
31e.OATSLower : No. 3 white. 23JT231JC.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of J1.23 !
for tlnlshed goods.
niilntli Wliciit Market ,
DULVTH. Doc. l.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard
cash , C3c : No. 1 northern , cash , file : De
cember. U.c : May , 67io : July. 6SHc ; No. 2
northern , tS'-jjc ' ; No. 2 spring. 6Sc.
Ilonr ! ! AVoo ! itlOHtmi. .
BOSTON. Dec. 1. WOOITho Boston
Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will uy of
the wool market : The London public ealfs
continued the level reached ut private sales
with an advance of 15 per cent since the
last auctions. Dollar wool has coino In
Boston for the llrst time slnco 1SSI. A lltui
of Tni'munlan sold this week nt Jl the
ic-oured pound , The pcarclty of merino wool
lit ) over the world Is sending Canadian
users of South African wools to this mar
ket and everything cheap In the shape of
Iho hurry and ddfoctlvo tinds a ready pur
chaser In the exporter. Some short Ores ° n
goes abroad thl wePk nt a scoured cost of
tiOc Tim heavy stocks left here from the
glut of 1R ! > 7 have prevent ! * ! the market from
rlH n relatively a high ns foreign markets ,
but the rltn Is w'fi fi"iiKh when gpecula-
tora la ono munth realize profits an they
I have thl week on scoured A. sit
perllno. lOc tier pound , Oregon nni
| unwashed , with a smnrl demand for tiuar
I tor and Missouri three-quarter-bloodp. havi
Irreaped. . Sales for the weak art' ll.Jtll.Or >
pounds domestic nnd 767.0DO foreign , a tola
of 12,078.000 pounds for this week , ngn'.ns
a total of 12.352,000 pounds last week and <
total of SM'fi.OX ' ) pounds for the correspond
Ing week laft year. The receipts to ilnti
show nn lner i o of ! Vvi,02l pounds domofltl
nnd a decrcafe of 20,820 pounds foreign fron
last year.
-\Vltnt riimiKP" Occur Arc CntiNeil lij
1'rofeniiloniil O'torntlotiN ,
NEW YORK. Dec. l.-Tho Mock mnrke
today was a narrow and colorless affair
Professional operations were rctponsihli
J for whatever movement took place am
changes on this account were not wel
maintained owing to the desire of the pro
ferslonnls to close up their contracts in
once. The organized buying of the trunli
lines and some other stocks which was It
evidence In the earlier part of the weel <
seemed to be entirely discontinued , nni :
these stocks reacted on pront-taklng. Now
York Central sold with the right to sub
scribe to the new stock Irene deducted fron
the price. There were sales of these rights
nt from 4'j , to 6'j , . Union Paclllo and Northern -
ern Pacific showed same Ptrength and then
was an attempt to advance onio ot the Iron
nnd Bteel stocks , which proved only partly
successful. Some of the specialties'puffereil
from bear pressure , notably Sugar , Brook
lyn Transit and the other New fork trao-
lion stocks and the tobacco stocks.
( ondltlon ? In the money market were re
sponsible for the dullness In the stock mar
ket. The advance In the Hank of England
rate from 5 Io 6 per cent was not unex
pected , but was a conllrmallon of n disa
greeable anticipation from the stock mar
ket point of view. It Is necepled ac nnllll-
eallon of the Hank of England's policy tr
hold control of the open money market with
the purpose of keeping up rates , so us to
attract funds to txmdon for the future
needs of that market. Including the coming
annual settlements nml the requirements
of the government for the South African
war expenditures' .
Sterling exchange both here and In Purls
hardened In response to the conditions In
London , where , however , the money rate
reacted slightly from yesterday's level. The
rate for money In New York did not rlsn
above 6 per cent. Preliminary estimate- )
make It evident that tomorrow's bank rtate-
ment will relied a still further Improvement
In the condition of the bank ? , but the gain
In cash resources will conje wholly from
KUbtroasury operations , on which account
thp banks have gained J2.9TO.OOO. Including
bond redemptions nnd receipts on account
of gold deposited at Interior points.
On the Interior money movement by ex
press , on the other hand , the banks have
suslnlned n net loss of over $200.000. Re
ceipts from the Interior have fallen off over
$300.000 , while the fihlpments to the Interior
have Increased nearly $250.000. The net gain
nn last week's movement had aroused hopes
thaf the long expected reflux ot funds to
this center hud ut last set In , but this
Wtek's figures show that the interior de
mand Is still unsatisfied.
The bond market was quiet and prices
were shaded In the majority of Issues. Total
Mies , par value , $1,340.0(0. United States
bonds were unchanged In the bid prices.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : "The markets
here were slightly busier today than they
have been recently , but the tone was Ir
regular. Toward the end It became harder
an an nncontirinod rumor that Klmberle.v
had been relieved. Consols * moved up ' ,4.
( Vmerlc-ans opened hard , then waited for
New York. The close was at about the
opening level except In Erie llrst preferred
ind Chesapeake & Ohio , which were strong.
1'ho French still bought Spanish 4s , Call
noney was In good demand and hills freely
lealt In. The bank lent small amounts at
i per cent , but did no discounting at that
ate. The copper fortnightly statistics show
supplies 239 tons. "
The following arc the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
today :
Atchlson 23""Tcxas' ' & Pacific. . 1SV
do pfd tio'i Union Pacific . . . . 50 %
Baltimore & O. . 751i do pfd 77 > 4
Canadian Pacific. 94',4 Wnbnsh S'h
Canada So 53 % do pfd 23
tfties. & Ohio . . . . Ill .Wheel. & L. K. . . 11
[ Jh'.cago O. W. . . . 14M.I do 2d pfd. . . . 30
' . , 13. & Q 133V4 Wis. Central . . . . 194 !
L'hlcago. I. < t L. . 17 AdamiExpress..112
do pfd 60'.4 Amer. Express..145
riv'.cngo & K. I . 93V4 U. S. Express. . 4S',4
Chicago & N. W.16S iWells-Fargo Ex.32.
n. , R. L & P 113141 Amer. Cot. Oil. . . 3S',4
a C. C. & St. L. 63Vi ! < 1 ° Pf < l 93
Colo. Southern. . . fi'/i Amcr. Malting . . I04 !
do 1st pfd. . . . 48 I do pfd 41
do 2d pfd IS'v Amer. S. & R. . . . 4'i
Del. & Hml on..1204' ' do pfd 904
Del. L. & W 16Si'Amer. ' Spirits . . . . '
Denver & -R. G. . 20V do nfd 17
do pfd 74'i Amer. Steel H. . . 4714
Erie 12 1 do pfd 85
do 1st pfd. . . . 37'i Amnr. S. K. W. . . . 19'i
3t. Nor. pfd 176V4 | do pfd 95
Hocking Coal . . . . 18'i Amer. Tin Plate. 3lli
HockingVallov. . . 31J do nfd St'i
Illinois Central..115V. Amer. Tobacco..117 %
towa Central . . . . 13 % do nfd 141 !
do pfd 58 Anne. Mining Co. 44 ,
K. C. , P. & G. . . . 10 Brooklyn R. T. . ? 5 %
Lake Erie & W. . 19 % Colo. Fuel & I. . . 51 %
do pfd 80 Con. Tobacco . . . . 41 %
[ , ako Shore 206 ' do pfd 92'A
L. ( N S5U Federal Steel . . . 62 > < < 1
Manhattan I , 1C3Vi do pfd S1H
Met. St. Ry 192'fcOpn. Electric . . . .121 I
Mex. Central 13 Glucose Sugar . . . EO'/i '
Minn. & St. L. . . . 66 ' do nfd 99M- '
do pfd 7514 Intr. . Paner . . . . 2tU
Mo. Pacific 4S f , do pfd fii'i i
Mobile & Ohio. . . 44'Laclede " Gas . . . . SO ;
Missouri , K. Sc T. 13 NuMonal Biscuit. 45'4 i
do pfd 39 do pfd 9"
S' . J. Central . . . .122 ( National Lend ' "
'N. ' Y. Central..111 * ! , do pfd
Norfolk & W 20V , National Steel . . 4S' '
do pfd 70 i do pfd 94 ;
' Y. Air Brake.lt7
S'or. Pacific 56-M N.
do pfd 77 % Nor. American. . . in :
3ntario & W. . . . 25'i Pacific Coast . . . . W
3re. Ry. ft Nav. 42 I do 1st pfd. . . . Sfi
do pfd. ' 76 I do 2d nfd. . . . 65
Pennsylvania . . . .1M Pacific Mnll 46H
Rending 20'A People's Has . . . .1U"
do 1st pfd. . . . 5SV. Pressed Steel C. 58
do 2d pfd. . . . P.O do pH. . . . . . . . Mil !
Rio G. W 4 ? Pullman. P. .
do pfd S9 Standard R. ft T. 1" l
31. L. ft S. F 10H Sugar 1S5U '
do 1st pfd. . . 71'jl do nfd IIS3 ! i
do 2d pfd. . . . M TV-mi. Coal ft T..iiv %
St. L. , Southw. . . 12- T. S. Leither . . 12
do pfd 31" do pfd 7 i
31. Paul 12C ' . H. Rubber 47
do pfd 17.1 do pfd linn ]
U. P. & Omaha.117'- ' Wester * ! Union. . . 874
? o. Pacific 42SJ Ronubllc T. ft S. . 711
Jo. Railway do pfd 70K.
do _ pfd. .58ft P. C. C. & St. L. 72 %
York MonijMnrUe * .
NEW YORK. Dec. 1. MONEY-On mil.
closed steady nt 5 { < 6 per cent ; last loan ut fi
per cent ; prime mercantile paper , &V&9G per
nci iM business In bankers' bills nt ) l.r > " , i r
4.S6' ' , ? for demand and at JI.SO1T4.S1 fir
sixty days ; posted rates , J4.f2'/i ' and JI.S7 ,
confmorolnl bills. M.SOH T .FO'4. '
SILVER-Ccrtincalos , BSV4i59Hp ; bar..r.9e ;
Mexican dollars , 47Ue.
BONDS Government , steady ; state ,
steady : railroad , easier.
The. following nro the closing quotations
on bonds :
U. S. 2s , rep 102 TM KT3tT. 4s. . . 9T"
do 3s , TOR 109V , N. Y. C. Is 112'4 '
do coupon KKWN. J. C. pen. Bs..12014
do new 4s , reg.132 % No. Carolina 6s..127
do coupon 132 % No , Carolina 4S..10S
do 4s. reg 112V4 Nor. Pac. Is lie
do old 4s. coup.113',1 ' do 3s 6IV58
do 5s , reg 11H { do 4s 10J
do 5s. coupon..111V4 N.Y.C. & Ht.U4s.KfiH
I f ) . of C. 3s 65S..117W Nor. & W , c. 4 ( . 9294
Ala. clnsn A 110V4 do cren. 6s 13 >
do clam B Ill Ore. Nav. Ists . . .1M
do class C 101 do 4s 103'A '
do currency . . .ion Ore. 8. L. 6s 129
Atch. gen. 4s 9S % Oro. Sh. L. c.Ss.114
do adj. 4s Bl i Reading gen. 4s. .
Canada So. 2 . . . .ir > 7 iR. G. W. Is 9 i
dies , ft O. 4tys. . 9 % St.L. ft T.M. e.Bi'.1f ' 14
do 5s 1161.4 St.L. ft 8.F.B.6S..125
"J. ft N. W. e. 7S.143 Rt. Paul eon 171
do 8. F. dob. 5s.l07 St. P. C. & P. 1S.120H
Chicago Tor. 4s. 9S do Ds 120V ,
D. ft R. G. Is 101 i So. Railways 5s..109
do 4s 9 < i IP. R. & T. Cs .
K. T. , V. & G. 1S.103U Tenn. now net.3s. 91
Erie gen. 4s 71Vi "Tex. & P. Is..112
K.1V. K- D.C.H7fi . do 2s 5t
"Grn. 13 > c. ES..111 ( Pnlnn PaelHc 4B..10I
G. II & S. A. OsJIO'.i.Wnhiifft In lll'i '
do 2 105 do 2s 101
H. & T. C. Bs..111'i West Fhoro 4s..113
do con ol fia " 0 \V | . rent ml 4s. . 9" > i
Iowa Cent. ls..1'2 Va. Centuries S6
K. C. . P. & O. is. do deferred S6Si'
La. new cons. 4s.jon'i Colo. Ko. 4 Si'
L. dN. . mil. 4s. . WU So. Pac. 4s. . . S3
M. . K. & T. iii. . . 70 '
Offered. "Ex-Interest.
Nrw York -Mining StocUx.
NEW YORK. Dec. 1. The following
are the closing quotations on mining
stocks :
Chollar 20 Ontario 800
Crown Point 20 Ophlr 110
Con. Cal. ft Vn..l73 Plymouth 10
Dead wood 6' ) Quicksilver 200
Gould ft Currle .10 ? tlo pfd 750
Halo ft Norcross. 41 Sierra Nevada . . 40
Home tnke 650il Standard 20
Iron Silver 50 Union Con > u
Mexican 52 'Yellow ' Jacket . . . 15
Fore-Ian I'lniiiiclnl.
LONDON. Dec. 1 American railway
Kharrs were fairly actlvo nnd steady , but
somewhat restricted owliitf to the settle
tnent. The t-loolng tone was steady. Thi
iimount of bullion taken Into the1 Hank o
England on balancp today was
Hpanlsh Is. CS. Gold pn mlum quoted a
lltn nos Ayren , 132.BO.
PARIS. Dec. l.-Prlres on the bourse to
dny were Inaotlve but tlrm. Spanish I
. were In active demand Inter. Brazilian
I wore strong. Rio Tlntos were agitated nni
j there was largo buying on the rumor Mm
Klmberley had been relieved. Kafllrs wen
firm. At 4 p. in. : Three per cent rente'
loof C,7'4e ' for the account. Exchange 01
London. 2fif 2sp for chocks. SpnnUh Is. 69.
HERL1N , Doc. I. Prices on the boiirsi
opered quiet , but became llrm. Korelgi
seeuritles hardened on western advices
Americano were steady , but Canadian Pa
elflca were dull. Mine shares were strong
Kxcluinge on London , Slim 45U. pfgs. foi
FRANKFORT , Dee. l.-On the bourse to
day prices were llrm , especially for locals
There wore largo buying orders.
VIENNA. Doe. l.-On the boursp todaj
prices were firm , the speech from tin
throne being well received.
MADRID. DPP. 1. Spanish Is closed to-.lnj
! t .1.60 ; gold was quoted nt 26.05.
BUENOS AYRKS. Dec. 1. The cole !
quotation today vns 132.40.
lloMtin .Slock nnolntlottn.
BOSTON. Dee. i.-Cnll loans , RViJiT pel
Pont : time loans. Mi6 per pent. Olllela' '
! closing of slocks , bonds nnd mining Blocks ;
'A. ' , T. & "s. Frrrrr22jvdo pfd.TTTrrrran
I . ilo pfd ( Hlvifl. . Cenlral . . . . 19' '
Amcr. Sugir 1514'Dom. * ' Coal S2'
' , , io pfd 118V do pfd fiiu
Bell 'lelephoiio..Ki6i,4 Alohlson 4s 97' ' , (
Boston Alb'y.,250 lAdventuro 6'/ '
B ( 'ton ' Klevntpd.101 Alloitez Mln. Co ; .1 '
Bo'ton & Mo 2niv , Atlantic y
C H. & Q l.Wi1 Boston & Mont..320
Kd. Elec. Ill 2K Blltte & Boston. . 70
Gon. Electric . . . .1:91 , Calumet Hoc..765
I do pfd ixi Centennial 21
I Federal Steel . . . f,2 Franklin 17' <
1 d < > pfd sit. , Humboldt li-j
Mex. Central . . . r. Osooola so
Old Colonyjo7 Parrot 1.1
Old Dominion . . . yt Oulncy 150
Rubber 471. Panta Fe Copper. 7'5 '
Un'on ' Pacific . . . . , - . ' Tnmarnek 211
Union Land 3 Wlnona
End nfd..115 Wolver'nes ' 41 > 4
4l'4Utah ' Mln..i 36
London Stock ( tiiotntliinii.
LONDON. Doe. 1.-4 p. m.-Clos-Ing :
Cons. , money . . .102'Hi N. YrCentral -.143'i
consols , nect . 102H Penm-ylvnnla . . . . 70'i
l anadlan Pac. . . . 97 'Rpadlng ' . in-v.
Lrlo . . . . . . . 13-n NO. Pacific pfd. . . 79
do 1st pfd. . . . 35H Atchlron . 23 %
Illinois Crntrnl..H8iiGnincl ! Trunk . . . . 7'i
Union Pac pfd. . 79 Louisville . S7 %
Ot. Paul omn VJ lz7Ti _ _ 'Aliacoiida ' . 97U
. - nt 'i'1 ' 'icr ' ounce.
4Uf5 ! : ier cult.
" ' ' "R 'ollnt ' '
hr"7nf < ' ' " < open market
, ,
fir Phort bills is f.Hfjo-H per cent ; for three.
months hills , S ftS per cent.
llnnk ( ' .
CHICAGO. Dec. l.-Clearlngs , J2J.609.011 ;
? lnli cs' . .32,2tnposted \ exchange , JI.S23
' . ' .i , f X. ) orlc exchange. 40c discount.
SI. LOI IS , Doc. I. Clearings , ? i1.032.3S5 ;
nalanccs , J505.76S. Money , 2f8 per cent ; New
> 1' r'0cl " "count bid. 25c asked.
IIALTIMORE. Dec. l.-Clearlngs
. , J3.729-
742 : balances , J490.872.
- ' ' DccI'CIearlngs , $18-
432,03i , ; balances , $2,614,91(5. (
Cniiilltlon of tinTrcnniirr. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. l.-TodaVs state
ment of the condition of the' treasury
snows : Available cash balance , J2S6,2&6,439-
gold reserve , J239.74I.905.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK , Dec. l.-Tho rather iinset-
° "J1 ! ° / .I' ' ' " C0ti ° " mnrktt ( iurl"K
t in fo r ' { thp wcck '
in nu' ? savp wn > toclivy
to a feeling of
great confidence in bull cir
cles and pronounced nervousness among
the short contingent. The market opened
steady at an advance of 5Ti8 ( points and
inherent " ; ? ' ? ° l > t"lnff showed considerable
strength on demand from both
sides , prompted mainly by bullish cables
from thp English market and plenty of evi
dence that the crop movement would be
very | gin. After going off 4fio
3 > mpathy with a sudden down-turn In Liv
erpool the market recovered the loss and
scored market ! additional acH-ances on very
nctlvo general buying , In which the foreign
element , southern Interest and Wall street
figured conspicuously. Rumors that the
market was honeycombed with stop orders
for a small nlateln type failed to under
mine the confidence of room traders or to
Instill courage In the bear crowd , which
made practically no resistance to the on
ward rtiPh of price * . Private cables stated
that the EngJIslrmarket had been advanced
nn a scare of shorts to cover and heavy
bull speculation , which In turn had grown
nut ot news from unquestionable sources
Io the effect that the crop outturn for the *
reason bid fair to reach ICSP than estimates
l > .v members of the various cotton exchanges
called for. A further diminution in stocks
ibroad , nervousness among foreign splnneru
311 account of meager supplies of raw ma
terial and reports from representatives In
the bolt that holders of cotton wore enter
taining most arbitrary Ideas and refusing
to sell anything like last sale prices added
to the firmness In Liverpool. The market
: Iosod steady at a net advance of
OCT. J7.01.
rail- demand , unchanged to l-32cl higher ;
American middling , 421-32d ; good middling ,
l1V32d ; middling , I ll-32d : low middling.
! 5-32d ; good ordinary. 331-32d ; ordinary ,
! 25-3id. The sales of the day were 10,000
iiales , of which 1,000 were for speculation
ind export , nnd included S.900 American.
Kecelpts. 6,000 bales. Including 6.600 Amerl-
? an. Futures opened steady nnd closed
Fairly steady at the advance. American
middling , L. M. C. , December. 4 13-64d sell-
HI ; December nnd January , 4 ll-61d buyers ;
January and February. 4 9-6ld sellers ; Feb-
uary and March , 4 S-61d sellers ; March and
\prll , 47-C4d sellers ; April and May , 4 6-64d
( oilers ; May and June , 4 4-il7it ( | S-64d buyers ;
Inno and July , 4 3-64JTI 4-64d buyers ; July
ind August , 13-Gld sollerf ; August and Sep-
ember. 45(4 ( l-64d sellers' ; September and Oc-
.ober , 3 50-641(3 57-6U1 value.
Steady ; sales , 3 , . . . . bales ; ordinary , 6'/ic ;
rood ordinary , 6 ? c ; low middling , 7'4c ; m'.d-
lllng , 7'j.c : good middling. 7 ll-16c ; middling
'air. Sc. Receipts , 2,040 bales ; stock , 333-
69 bales. Futures Pteadv ; December , $7.l0 !
ilcl ; January. J7.2SQ7.23 ; February. J7.31J/7.32 ;
March. J7.3I07.35 ; April. J7.35fo7.37i May
7.3DS7.40 ; June. J7.407(7.42 ( : July. J7.42f(7.4l (
Vugust. J7.26fi7.23 ; September , J6.8406.SS ; Oc-
obo.r , J6.C9ifi,73. .
ST. 1XJUIS , Deo. l.-COTTON-FIrm ; no
ales ; middling , 77-16c ; receipts , 10,33/i / bales
ihipments , 9,195 bales ; stock , 100,152 boles.
London AVoo ! Auction.
LONDON. Dec. 1. The wool auction pales
wore resumed today after n two days' re-
CCBS duo to fog. The offerings numbered
13SO. > bales nnd were In the main good.
New clip Rlvor Relna stock was offered.
H was bttter grown , sounder and In lighter
condition than for years , and this , together
with a fine selected lot of Queensland and
Port Philip greaoy , brought out the keenest
nil around competition. America secured 600
bales merinos and crass-brcds nt fancy
prices , The attendance was large. Follow
ing arc the sales ;
Now South Wales , 2,400 bales ; scoured , Is
1'/id(02s ' ( 6d ; greasy. Sdflls 6d. Queensland ,
3,100 bales ; scoured. Is /di2s > 7d ; greasy ,
9'-dfils ' 4' > .d. Victoria , 3,900 bales ; scoured ,
9df(2s ( 6Vid : greasy.fis ( r. ' d. South Aus
tralia. 300 bales ; greasy , Is Hdfrls ivest |
Australia , 500 bales ; scoured , Is lidwis 10id { ;
greasy , Sfdld. New Zealand , 2bOO bales ;
scoured. 6HdJ71s 5d ; greasy , 5d ( ls Hid. Capo
of Hope and Natal , 400 bales ; scoured ,
Is Ddfi2s 6d ; greasy , iwttle Id.
OIL CITY. Dee. l.-OILS-Credlt bal-
nncos , $1.61 ; certificates , Jl.fil bid for cash ;
shipments , 131,241 bbls. ; average. 82017 bbls. ;
runs. 211.962 bbls , ; average. S7.932 bbls.
LONDON. Doe. l.-OILS-Calcuttn Iln-
nccd. spot , 41slQi4d ; linseed. 21s 9,1.
LIVERPOOL. Dec. l.-OILS-Cottonseed ,
Hull refined , November nnd April , flrm.
17s Cd.
Spirits of turpentine , steady , 47HiilSc ;
crude turpentine , quiet , tl.WTi2.KO. Rosin ,
linn. $1.02V4 1.074. ! Tnr , steady. J1.40.
NEW YORK , Dec. l.-OILS-Cottonseod
oil , strong ; prime crude , 27o : prime yellow.
32ti32t-e. ( Petroleum. llrm ; Philadelphia nnd
Baltimore. J9.GO ; Philadelphia , and Balti
more , In bulk. J6.95. Rosin , firmer ; strained ,
common to good. Jl.i5tll.40. : Turpentine ,
Ciillfiiriilii "Dried l-'riittn ,
DRIED FRIMTS-Ruled quiet and feature
less on account of warm weather and lack
of demand. Stfam evaporated apples , com
mon. 6T(7c : prime. 7i(7sic ( ; cholco. SiiSVSc :
fancy , Siii9c. California dried prunes , 3V4
tf SV4o per Hi. , as to slzo and duality. Apri
cots , Royal , 15o ; Moor Park , ISfilSc.
Peaches , peeled , 20J22e ? ; unpeeled , 7hf(3c. (
Snjrnr Mnrki-l.
upon kettle. 3 l.l6 ! 3Tic : open kettle , centri
fugal. 3',4fi4'ic : centrifugal , plantation
er.inuUitPtl. 49-16o ; rwhlteu. 4H1T49-1CO. yel-
lows. SVl' o ; seconds 2T fi4e
MOLASSES Very strong , open kettle 31
541c ; centrlfucal , K < f33Ci syrup ,
Bef Cattle in Good Demand and Soiling n
Strong Prices.
HORN MKMV Still Kurllier Advnncr nni
Trnilc In AolM e PPIIN Arc ( 'lenrctl
ICnrlj l.nrnrCattle Itrerliitw
.VextVcek. .
Receipts were : Cattle. HOBS. Sheen
Onirlal Monday 3Mi2 4.74S 1.4S
Ofllelal Tuesday 4.3G1 ll.Oul 3.21
oniclal Wednesday . . . . 2.36 ? 11.781 1. &
Olllclal Thursday I.6SI 7,740 lu <
Olllclal Friday 5tM l.M
Five days this week 15.019 41,02.1 S.63
Same days last week 17.62 41,93 ? S.1I
Samp days week before. ,2.72s 41.931 16,14
Same three weeks 'agolvo5S ! ! ! 3.isi ! > S 2 > , 'i
Average prlcr paid for nogs tor the las
several days with comparison ? :
| lS9iTlS38.TlS97.lS9S.lS'J5.l ) | | | |
Nov. l 4 Oil 3 531 3 29 * I 3 421 4 441 6 9i
Nov. 2 4 Oil 3 431 3 41 3 27 | 3 44 4 (5 ( 5 'J
Nov. 3 4 04 3 47 3 43 3 301 4 39 6 U
Nov. 4. . 4 0.1 .1 51 3 43 3 311 3 33 * Si-
Nov. 6. . 3 52 344 3 21 3 r > 4 41
Nov. 6. . 4 01 3" 217 3 36 4M > SSI
Nov. 7. . 4 0 > .1 3 23 3 45 < 55 5 Si
Nov. S. . 4 * 62 1 Mi 3 45 4 42 5 St
Nov. 9 , . 4 3 151 3 411 3 2S 3 .19 4 2' ' 6 '
Nov. 10. 4 0.1 | 3 17 3 31 3 2 4 41 : , s :
Nov. 11. 1 02 3 43 | 3 321 3 171 3 39 67 :
Nov. 12. 3 44 3 3S 3 221 3 15) ) 4 43
Nov. 13. 3 91 331 3 23 3 441 4 f > 4 | 5 6
Nov. 14. 3 92 3 41 3 25 3 451 4 44 | b 0
Nov. 15. 3 90 3 35 3 27 3 4t > | 4 37 5 6
Nov. 18 3 St 3 35 : t 31 3 is V5 4 45 5 41
Nov. 17. 3 87 3 3f 3 32 ! 3 11 4 48 | C 2 !
Nov. IS. 3 35 3 32 3 14 3 41 I 0 J
Nov. 19. 3 29 3 31 3 1C 3 39 4 61
Nov. 2i ) . 3 SS ; 3 34 3 13 3 42 ; 4 551 5 3 :
Nov. 21. 3 SO 331 3 15 , 3 42 4 371 B Si
Nov " 3 sa 3 37 3 39 I 3 3 $ 4 41 | &
Nov 3 S5 3 44 3 27 3 24 V1 4 26 5 II
Nov 3 XI 3 4f 3 27 3 21 I 49 53 !
Nov 3 77 ] 3 33 3 30 3 16 3 46 G 3 (
Nov 3 23 3 24 3 50 4 S3
Nov 3 76 3 43 4 30 5
3 2S | j O fcU ! U 1u t tiv
Nov 3 7.T 3 20 I 3 32 | 3 37i 4 40
Nov ' ' ' 3 3 13 ni i ! i
Nov. 3 < Ji . . . 3 71 3 21 | 3 27 3 3 < i | 3 10 | 4 39 | '
Dec. 1 | : i 741 , 3 S5j3 23 | 3 19 | ,4 , 41 | B9J _
* Indlcales Sunday. Holiday.
The ofllcial number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry C
O. & St. L. Ry
Missouri Pacltlc Ry 12
Union Pacific system 13 13 3
C. K N. W. Ry 2
F. , B. & M. V. R. R 16 27
C' . . SI. P. , M. & O. Ry S 1 1
B. & M. R. R. R 33 11
C. , B. & Q. Ry 5 9
K. C. & St. J 1 3
C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , east 1 1
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west 2 . . 1
Total receipts 98 SO 7
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co S3 609 . . . .
G. H. Hammond Co ' 250 7S5 . . . .
Swift and Company 13S 1,2.10
Cudahy Packing Co 737 1,319 717
Armour & Co 1S2 1,273 63
Cudahy Pack. Co. , K. C. . . 261
G. II. Hammond Co. , K.C 461 . . . .
R. Becker & Degan 501
VnnEunt & Co 37
Lobmnn & Co S7
W. I. Stephen 16rt
Hill & Hnntzlnger M
Huston & Co 26
Livingstone & Schallor. . . . 6S
Hamilton & Rolhschllll. . . 77
Other buyers 217 . . . . S3 : !
Held over 37
Totals 2.SS7 5,077 1,631
CATTLE Only a fe.w cattle were reported
In the yards this morning and 'none that
were very extra. The. market was In good
shape , the desirable beef cattle selling n
llttlft stronger. During the last few days
benf steers have been gradually strength-
piling and the market Is now fully 25c higher
than last week. At present prices the de
mand is necessarily limited nnd anything
like a bie run would have , a tendency to
depress .the market.
Cows and heifers were In good demapd nt'
tlrm prices and the limited offerings
changed 'hands ' , early In the morning. The
cow market has been gaining in strength
during the last few days and the market
on that kind of cattle is now 15fi20c higher
than last week. Common and Inferior kinds
have not shown as much advance as the
more desirable kinds.
Stockers ) and feeders were very quiet to
day , owing to the fact that it was so near
Wie end of the week and values were weak.
Speculators were not expecting very much
country demand for the balance of the
week and hence were not very eager buy
ers. Representatlva sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 920 $3 90 14 1212 4 75
4 1000 3 90 23 1258 4 SO
10 1075 4 00 32 125G 5 15
1 730 4 25 20 S95 B 20
2 810 4 35 9 1313 550
18 1233 4 45 20 1110 5 60
21 1062 4 70
70 1109 5 00
00COWS. .
1. .1030 2 50 3 1146 3 10
2 950 2 65 14 762 3 15
C 855 2 70 1 910 3 30
4 855 2 70 3 lOlfi 3 30
19 913 275 4 1057 3 35
2 780 2 75 11 1134 350
1 830 2 75 4 775 3 60
2 1102 275 19 907 3 50
4 1015 285 2 1155 350
3 102B 2 90 2 1050 3 50
4 1047 290 8 887 3 60
1 S20 2 93 45 1049 SCO
2 1025 290 8 1140 3 60
2 975 3 00 1 S80 3 65
1 1140 II 00 11 1072 3 83
1 970 3 00 15 1049 390
4 1142 3 10 4 1117 3 90
4 1032 3 10
1 630 300 24 833 415
5 044 370 1 560 450
17 1011 4 03BULLS.
1 730 2 25 . . , . S70 3 50
1 1320 250 1 1270 350
1 1GSO 2 63 1 1250 3 CO
2 1140 3 00 1 1420 3 65
2 1045 3 15 1 1280 3 85
1 1810 1 25
1 4CO 3 00 1 870 3 S5
1 6SO . " .00 1 710 340
7 C77 315 3 7M 350
1 840 3 30
260 3 50 1 120 6 25
1220 275 16 13.52 470
1300 3 50
. . . . CHO 3 50 24 737 4 15
1 MO . .7.7 20 785 415
3 775 375 GS 775 4 - > n
2 SCO 4 10 37 filU 4 31)
ti COWF 1)68 ) 3 SO 3 steors..1273 450
13 cows 1053 380 Scows 91G 300
7 feeders. . 645 3 00 1 bull 940 3 25
1 cow 950 3 25 25 feeders. . 743 3 45
26 feeders. . S9S 3 S5
XI stk civ. . . 335 470 KSmkclv. . . 333 470
BSTex. str. 759 3 ffi 77 feeders. . 651 4 40
CO feeders. . Sll 4 10 3 feeders. . Sll 3 75
32 feeders. . SGI 4 05
Hd Kellcv-Ncv.
10 cows , . . ! > G8 3 00 irOcows 968 3V )
J. n. Kennedy Idaho.
IS bulls. . . .12SG 2 75 25 feeders. . 9SO 4 35
Mrs. Owens 8. D.
S steers. . .1067 400 Scows 920 353
C. 1C. Howard-8. D.
36 steerp. . .1291 403 22 steers..1190 420
18 cows. . . .10S2 3 45
HOGS As was expected , the run of hogs
today was light , lees than 100 cars helm ?
reported In the yards. The market , how
ever , was In good shape , values being strong
to 2' ' < , e higher than yesterday , and the trade
was fairly actlvo at the advance , iiuyorrf
were out early and wore evidently wanting
the hogs at current prices , so that prac
tically everything was sold In good season.
It will bo noted from tin sales below thut
the hogs today sold largely at t3.1S > tft3 75 ,
whllo yesterday over half of all the hogs
sold at $3.70 or below. Representative sales :
SHKKI' There were not enough sheep o
( any kind In thp ynrds to mike a market
1 Thn few loads on sale brought about tin
I same old prices.
Quotations : Oood to choice fed wethers
I JI.1MM.35 ; cool to eholce grass wethers
JI.OOlJi.ifi ; fair to good grass wethers. J1 Wl
. 100 ; good to i-holce fed owist. J3.SOfl4.oO ;
1 fair to ceod tftewo \ . J3.fjOIT3 75 ;
good to choice grass ewe . J3.Xifl3.40i
, fair to good grass < wo.i , $ ! ! 00 3.25 ; good tf
| choice native litinln. J5.251T3.SO ; good t (
oholco western lambs , Jl.7./nii. ( > 0 : fair tc
'Rood western lambs. Jl R01T4 ( Vl ; fo > del
wethers. JS S5f3.75 ? : feeder vearllnfs , J3.75T1
3 ! > 0 ; goml to choice feeder lambs. JI.25WI.35 ;
fair to good feeding lambs. { 1.004.25 | ; feedei
ews , JJ.2ofJ2.75. lU'prpsenlntlve sales :
No. AV. Pr.
" > cull ewes 77 $225
3 cull wethers P7 3 rn
Sculls vi aim
251 mixed 113 t 12ij
122 fed western wethers SI 4 20
123 wethers * 4 TO
17 wetherri fl" 4 30
17S wr-stern fed ewes wethers S3 4 SO
41 western fed lambs fi-1 525
Cluilcc Cntllc l'"lriii , ( Hliorx Strnd ;
! fiiwi Ai'tlvr nnil HlKln'f.
CHtCACSO , Deo. l.-CATTt.K-Choco. | cat
tle llrm. others opened steads' mid closed
10)25e ) lower ; blltchori' stock ami canners
nlxiut stinristockerH ; and feedern , ( inlet
and ejuiy ; gootl to choice , f5.iniT.OO ; poor to
medium , JI.K . " .2) ; mixed stockers. J3.X ( if
3.i'0 ; selected feeders. J4.15ifi4.r ; good to
vholce i owe , W.fiOTi 1.50 : heifers. J3. ' , lfiO.BO ;
annTs , Jl.7j'i/3.n ( ) ; bulls , J2.tOITI.25 ; calves ,
ll.rtTi7.f ) > ; fed Texas bi'fves , Jl.0y i5.23 ;
gias-s Texas steers , J3.:51fl.20 ; western
ranee.'jo-'ves ,
MOOS Active and steady to uc hlsher ;
good < -parince | ) ; mlxe , ! and butchers , J.75ifr !
1.00 ; treed to cholci , lieavy. J3.S07i3.S7i. ' . ;
rough heavy. J3. iTi3.7.V. .light , J3.75fi3..l5 ;
bulk of sales. J1.S < Vi3.S7' ' .
SHUKP AN'D r.AMIJS Market Htrong
and active ; lambs weak to lOc lower ; na
tive , wethers. Jl.KVri'1.75 : Inmbs , M.WVjin.f.5 ;
western wethers. Jl.00ft.50 ; western lambs.
$3.X ( > fifi.fiO.
HKCKIPTS-Ciittle. 1.500 head : hogs , IS.CC'O
bead ; shetp , 12,000 head.
XIMV York | jtv > Slocl.- .
NRW YOniv. Dec. l.-BKKVES nocelpts.
' . ' .Sfll head ; market active ; steers llrm to 10c-
higher ; bulls and cows , firm ; steers , Jl.75ff
B.M ; oxen and Htagf , J3.15tio.00 ; bulls. $ : .50fi >
4.30 ; cows , JI.70f(3.nrt. Cables quote Ameri
can cattle lower nt HViftlZc peijh. . ; ri--
frlgerator beef lower at ] 0c per lb. ; exports
today , none ; tomorrow , 4S9 cattle , 75 sheci
and 1,300 quarters of bnef.
CAl.VES-Hocclpts , 3)ii head : steady
veals , S5.00179.01 ; grasner.u , J3.00tT3.75 ; year
lings. J2.fi2i-6iH3.00.
SI1BICP AND I AJinS Receipts , 10.S1
bead ; 2SV4 cars on sale ; sheep weak : lamb
lower ; common to choice sheep , $2.25ffl.fiO
lambs , J5.00fr5.90 ; Canada lambs' , J5.SOfio.90
culls , J3.75ffll.00.
H'OGS Receipts. 5,197 head ; half a car on
Bale ; slow at J4.0554.25.
S . Ion IN Mvc Stuck.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. l.-CATTLE Receipts
2KK1 ! head. Including Boo head Texans ; mar
ket active , strong and higher ; native ship
ping and export steers , J4.90iiiB.75 : dressec
beef and butcher steers , $ I.155.50 ( ! : steeM
under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.005I4.50 ; stockers and feed
ers , J2.40 f4.50 ; cows and heifers , J2.00J7I.CO
canners. J1.50S2.50 ; bulls. J2.405T3.25 ; Texas
and Indian steers , J3.50fj4.90 ; cows and
heifers. J2.75Q3.95.
HOGS Receipts , 9,600 bead ; marke ]
opened 5c higher , closed easier ; pigs aiu
lights. $3.nOff3.95 ; packers , jt.S5a3.90 ; ;
butchers , J3.90fil.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,200
head ; market strong ; native muttons , Jl.OOfi
4.25 ; lambs , J4.50Q5.CO ; culls and bucks , J2.00
( § 3.00.
KnnnnH City Live Slock.
celpts , g7Cp natives , 330 ITexans ; choice cat
tle about steady ; common grades , slow to
lOc lower ; heavy native steers. J5.00iJE,90 ;
lightweights. $1.73S5.S5 ; stockers and feed
ers. J3. : jr4.75 ; butchers' cows and heifers ,
J3 20fri.75 ; canners , J1.EOQ3.10 ; westerns , J4.0 (
< i7-4.SG ; western fe-edcrs , J3.20JJ4.50 ; Texans ,
HOGS Receipts , 10,470 head ; good. snapp >
mnrkdt at an advance of 5c ; heavy and
mixed. J3.72Mi03.80 ; light , J3.75JJ3.SOj pigs ,
SHEEP. AND LAMBS Receipts. 720
head ; good general demand at recent ad
vance ; Iambs , JI.C5ff5.35 ; muttons , J3.50if3.90 :
stockers and feeders , J2.f T > ! .CO ; culls , J1.50 ®
St. JoRCiih l.lvc Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Dec. 1. ( Spe
cial. ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts , 2,600 head ; market
steady to lOo lower ; natives , Jl.0005.50 ;
Texas and westerns , J3.40JI5.50 ; cows and
heifers , J1.75J(4.50 ( : bulls and stags , J2.000
4.75 ; yearlings and calves , J3.50iTr4.75 ; stock-
crs and feeders , $ : i.005T4 25 ; veals , J4.507.00.
HOGS Receipts , 4,400 head ; market 2' '
ic higher ; all grades , J3.72Ur73.SO ( ; bulk of
sales , J3.7r fi3.77'i. '
SHEEP Receipts , none ; demand strong.
Slock In
Following are the receipts at the four
lirlncipnl western , "markets " for December 1 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2,733 Bfl90 1,617
Chicago 4.500 1S.OOO 12,000
Kansas City 7.030 10,470 720
5t. Louis 2,9(10 ( 9,600 1,200
Totals 17,163 13,760 15,5 7
CofTc < * Market.
NEW YORK , Dec. l.-COFFEK-FIrm ;
opened nt a decline of from 5 to 15 points In
sympathy with weak European cables , but
later recovered from the break on demand
From shorts and active support from the
nulls , based on good spot demand , light
Brazilian receipts , encouraging Brazilian
; abluH and an Increasing warehouse move
ment. A flurry of realizing- carried prices
lack In the last hour. The market closed
iteady , 5S10 points net lower. ' Total sales ,
i9.750 bags. Including : December , J5.75ifi5.lsO :
March , $5.9508.05 ; May. J0.1flf/B,20 ; July , Jfi.15
ii,25 | ; August , J0.25 ; September , Jfi.30fili.40 ;
3e.tobe-r , J .40ifi,45. | ( Spot , Rio , steady. Mild ,
i tea ill' .
SUGAR Raw and rellned , ntcady.
\ < -\v York Dry fiixiilfi Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK , Dec. 1.- DRY OOODS-Reg-
ilar prints have advanced ' 4fic ( ; sales of
no pieces have been made at Providence ,
> ut no business reported at Fall Ulver
loavy brown sheetings and drills quiet ,
but prices arc maintained. Four-yard
sheetings advanced ; blenched cottons In
strong demand ; some medium grades ad
vanced Vtc : denims , > /Ai- higher In leading
nakes ; other coarse colored cottons against
iiiyers ; prints arc generallv withdrawn
from sale for the moment until agents de
cide upon prices ; ginghams advanced Ue In
Ino dress styles ; burlaps , quiet and barely
Shoennil l.cntlirr IlevliMr.
CHICAGO. Dec. l.-The Shoo and Leather
Review tomorrow will nay : The packers
re holding the market strong , although .n- '
rlnslo quality of the tak'toff Is doler'-
riitlnsr at the rate of fully c H monfh
The demand for hides I * well Hustnlned and
he supply Is not sufllcient. As long as thin
ondltion prevails there can be I'ttle hoiu
or lower prices. Native stcfrs wore ro'ld
t 14e , Texas ut ISViV , Colorado steers aid
randcd cows at 12c and heavy and
atlvo cows at
'nrrinv MnrKln 1 > > - Wlilcb n .111111 „ ' „ „
Hr.Uriiiul lrli ! ! iAVon. .
A high treitlo bridge more than a quarter
of a mlle long , supporting the single track
of the Nickel Plato railroad , spans the
valley of Clrand river , cast of Palnwllle.
O. 'Jim bridge Is a little wider limn the.
dlstarco between thf rails , reports the
Cleveland Leader , and the ties arc placed
eight or ten Inches apart , the "meo be
tween being open to the river below.
A young man who crossed recently had a
thrilling experience on the. bridge. Ho had
Jtmt passed the center when a fast train
rounded the curve boh'nd him. As the en"
glno whistled ho quickened ) iU pace. With
every step the train watt riiPhlng nearer
and there was not n m.imont to lose.
Onct the young man stumbled and termed
about to fall , but quickly regained his
balance and liurr cd on. As he reached
the place for which he hud started the
train was close behind ami IKhad' just
I 'pie to swing hlmpolf over the Hide of the
bridge as the locomotive thundered by
The ends of the ties were sllpnery wltli
srease ( roni dripping axle-boxes , and hln
fet Dipped wide an ho left the trade.
Ills right hand , stretched blindly on' before
him touched a round iron bur bracing two
P'TlH ' of the bridge , and with a grin like
I hut of a drowning man hU fingers clasped
urouna It. Ior a inotnent ho swung In
empty space In another his left hsnd ,
had found n place bw de hid right and
his ffpt townee ! the welcome- edge of a
brncp below. With bleeding llngcrfl dutch-
Ing the slender Iron Imr that vibrated .
widely from side to side , moments secmcrt
houi .
At last the train passed and the young
man was able to climb t-lowly to the track
above. Unnerved by the trying experience ,
he lay tar n moment stretched itcross the
rails , nnd thru rising to hs ; feet , with
danelifd face and unsteady limbs , made
his way to llrm ground.
KIT/HI till I.I'JU'S All HOW WOl'M ) .
AII Incident ' of lllx I'nrUclpntlon In PlulHn In TCMIS.
It has often been noticed that whenever
Oencrnl Kllzhugh Lo'r visits the White
House he stops to have a chat with Captain
Loelllor , who stands guard at the presi
dent's private ollloe nnd the cabinet room.
This Is generally nttrlbul'-.l to Lee's pleas
ant way of treating everyone , but It has
another origin.
* Before the civil war , relates the Boston
Trni'scrlpl. Lee was a lleutir.nnt In the old
Sec-olid cavalry , afterward reorganised as
the Flfili. Loelller was a troopqr In this
reclment and later non-commissioned
olllcor. His company was oiii of the two
which were engaged In a sharp light with
the Klowa and Co'mnnche ' Indians ! n the
cimmnron potinlry ! n Texas In IK9. The
Irdlans had taken refime In a narrow ealion
which could not bo otitoml only from ono
end an.l there hail thrown up a formication
of logs , from behind which they poured
n he' , lire Into the troops. The character
of the canon was suoh that the horTB of
the cavalry were nseloys and they were
left outside- , the nun advancing on foot.
Only a few of the Indians had tlrearmp.
the rest using bow and nrrows. llnd the
Indians been n well armed as they have
b on In latpr wars the loss of the whltei
would have been very large ; as It was only
four or live soldlcis were killed , though the
Indian loss amounted to nearlllfty. ; .
A charge WHS made upon Hie log fort and
Lei' , wOio was a d ishliis olllccr and a
wonderful favorite with his men , was the
llrst ono to svale the breastwork. The
arrow * -.vcro whlzzln ? all about him and
OINV struck him In the lireasit. Inlllctlns a
very ugly wound. As be f ( II the confusion
was so great about him that the arrow was
pulled out of his flesh and thrown to the
ground imong other arrows , whole nnd
broken , so that no one could tell afterward
whether the head had mnalncd In th
wound or boon drawn out with the stick.
It was imiiosflblc , therefore , to say how
serlou-Ov 1-e Jin it been hurt and he was
carried at onci to the re r , where n litter
was improvised of saplings-- and boughs. Hn
was iald 11:1011 : this , which was swung be
tween two horses , and thus bo was carried
back to the wngon train , a distance of moro
than 150 mllcf tliroujili a roucli country.
Probing Kiowod that the head of the arrow-
bad rortunntrJy been drawn out and In
due time good nursing put the lieutenant
on hs feet again.
This In an incident In Leo's career which
Is apparently kn. > wn to very few. It Is of
Interest , also , that thi old Second cavalry
had for Its colonel Albert Sidney Johmiton '
and for Itr lieutenant colonel Robert E. Leo
and that llni-doo of "tactics" fame and
Oeorge. H. Thomas worn ( wo of Ita majors.
The captain of the company in which Kltz-
hugh ] < ee was llrst lieutenant was Klrby
Smith. Loetller served with rredlt In the
union army during the civil war , was given
his Whltc-i House detail by President Grant
and wn- appointed by President McKlnley
as "military storekeeper1' In the regular
army with the rank of captain.
urrcLn SAM'S
Cough .Medicine . , f
Like Undo Sam's Country , I *
The Best In the World
20e at all Drug Storoa.
The Tvornt cn e cnn lie cured by n >
UK MitKiiet I'llo Killer. GunraiitccJ.
11.00 per box I y mull.
Wentcru Depot , OmubH , Web.
cl FOR
If your t ctem Ii derltnllnx )
by dlscoio or cxccstr * w
caneaveyou , Abletpcclal.
isU ttudy your cute.'t \ \
tend rtitKiitft otul ofpltonrt
< on approval , Ilctum nt our
oxpt-n.'M ' ) K not fcatUfnclory.
Wo trutt your lionor. No
- C.O.D. fraud. Fulll iHonna-
, F. Jtion under plain teal , free.
who Is physically perfect , pos e e nn nbun.
ilnuce of vital force and Is usually mcctbsful
in business aud happy iu home ,
build men up Io this condition , make the
For sale by Kuhn ft Co , , or Waldron A
JAtJES . BOYD & 00 , ,
Telephone 10 ! ) . Omaha , Neb
wlrti. to Chlc-nci n . itw Tore
John A. Wurtc A Ob