Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1899, Page 16, Image 42

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    1(5 ( OMATIA IXJjUSTIlATED 33EE. November 20 , isoo.
Alfalfa Fields the Gold
Mines of Nebraska
( Continued from Ninth 1'ngo )
superior to corn , which gives too ranch o
the carbonaceous elements. For stock I
the feed yard It makea the host of "roiigh
ness , " as It Is termed , but to pu' on heav ;
fnt and prevent shrinkage some grain Is re
quired also.
H la not alwnjB safe to ptmturc all stool
on alfalfa. Cattle anil sheep are apt t (
suffer with bloat , though hnrecs show nt
111 effects and hogs thrive wonderfully on It
Mori of science are expending much bralr
force In endeavoring to ( Uncover an tint I
toxin , which slmll stay the ravage * ) of chol
era and swine plague , When farmers feed
their hogs more alfalfa and less corn dls- will begin to disappear.
Ornamental UN Well UN UHi-fiil.
Aside from Us usefulness alfalfa has an
aesthetic vnlno , for It Is one of the moat
beautiful of farm crops. Green earliest In
spring and latest In autumn , It Is never at
any time unsightly. To live In the midst
of alfalfa fields In like living In the midst
of a beautiful garden. The blossoms arc
deep purple when they open , but change In
the sunlight to lighter tints , and are deli
cately fragrant. The flowers are very at
tractive to bees and
yield the finest
quality of honey.
Hero IH a picture
of an Ideal Ne
braska farm 01
ranch ; this la a
distinction without
a difference , ex
ccpt that the
former term con
voys an eastern
and the latter a
western Idea :
A comfortable
and commodious
house sot in a
grove nearly sur
rounded by waving
lloldH of alfalfa ,
purple with bloom.
The click of the
mowers Is hoard ALFALFA TWO
and from the MONTHS OLD.
shaded porch one can see the workers In the
Hold cutting , raking and stacking the crop
for feeding through the long winter. In the
distance Is a fleld of corn , sulllclcnt for the
needs of the stock. Two fields of alfalfa are
enclosed by a fence. These are the hog pas
tures ono for the little grunters and their
mothers , the other for these of larger
growth. Iloyond the barns are the cattl
yards , stocked with beautiful Herefords , with
roomy sheds for shelter and racks for abun
dance of alfalfa hay. From these shipments
aio made every winter of sleek animals
grown on alfalfa and finished ovi corn. The
herd has grown from small beginnings and
when the farmer soils a load the proceeds
belong to him , and not to seine ono else.
The ranchman or fanner , whichever you
cheese to call him , drives up In a comfort
able rend wagon anil sits down on the porch
to chat with his wife. Ho has served his
Itmo at labor and earned the right to super
intend while others work. A bee house and
poultry yards are In view. Ono daughter
manages the poultry , another has charge of
the bees. Ono son manages the swluo de
partment , another the cattle. These young
people are not In a hurry to got to town to
work for somebody , nor do they need to
knock about the world to seek a fortune.
The foundations of a fortune are already
laid for them In man's noblest and original
as well as'safest and surest occupation , agri
There are hundreds of acres In Nebraska
which are now used In growing light crops
of corn or which furnish scanty pasture of
wild grasses which would yield glorious re
turns ( town to alfalfa. The sand hills regions
and gravel beds will grow wonderful crops
of this plant. Some of these lands can bo
bought for $5 an aero ; others up to $10.
Capitalists looking for Investments can IInil
none safer than these sandy alfalfa lands of
Nebraska. M. II. DAVIS.
Quaint Features of Life
General Kdward Grady reports that a
farmer In St. Thomas palish , near Charles
ton , , C. , derives an annual Income of $6,000
to $8,000 by silk culture , and that some of
his neighbors get from $800 to $1,000 a year
from tho" same product as n "by-crop" and
" \\lthoiit iieKluetlng other plantation work. "
Derby , Conn. , stops to the head In the list
at novel canons of strlkra. Thirty girls In
a factory there stopped work bocnusu ono (
the employes persisted In eating llmburger
chorao with her lunches , and , as the factory
happened to be rushed with orders , the
strikers won and the llniburger-eherso
luncheon was banish 3d.
A church soprano In New Yorc | has got
a vordlct against a tallroad on the ground
that an Injury to her leg has Impaired her
woith na a singer. If she \\cro a comic
opera artist the Justice of her plea would
bo obvious to all. As It Is. It Is necessary
to explain that she has been a singer In an
Episcopal church , and with ono leg shorter
tlmn It really ought to bo she cannot kneel
gracefully and v ould limp In a procession
of the choir.
Gloves Given Away
A pair of Princess kid gloves Is given away
by the Atlas Glove Co. , whoso advertisement
on another page tollo all about It.
and ItH success In locating Us graduates In positions.
' QRNKllAL INKOUAtATION-Knrollniont last year 10 , " > 9 students. Present enrollment the largest It lias ever been.
mid redeems pvory promise. It Is mi-tiopolltun In character and now lias students from twenty-four states of the Union. Stu-
dMits enter any time , \\ork for board gmuantced. The Winter Term begins January 2. Catalogue and elegant specimens
of Penmanship will be sent free to any onu sending name and address. ROHHI3OUGII BROS. , IGth and Douglas Sts Omaha
$2.50 $
$3.50 $
Patent Leathers
Our "Pull Dress , " the now shoo for v ) ,
men's wear they come In leather or j' ,
silk vesting tops all styles and sizes If
sold by other dealers for $5 and
$0 our price $3.50 Our $2.50 line la a
good value at $3.50 Wo are factory
agents and donate the middleman's
profit to our euetomers.
AVrltc for llliiHtrnteil cntiiloKtii * .
203 South 15th Street. * - "
Nebraska Busimss aid Shorthand- ® | | :
College , Boyd's ' Theater , .
An Institution of high order. Send i S S
catalogue. A. C. ONG , A. M. , President ; * | JT > .
There 15.110 Kodak but the Eastman hoitak YOUR. . . .
Eyes Tested Free by Our Expert OjrticiaH.
i ? For Snap-Shots Ont-Doors.
- -
You arc invited to call and have your eyes examined
For Time Exposures In-Doors. wo make no charge for examination. You may not need
For Flash-Lights at Night. glasses , bid be cct tain about it. Our methods are up-to-
date ; our prices the lowest ; our assortment of frames , etc. , the
, are Omulm agents for all the standard makes
WV larcest ; our service . Wo satisfaction
prompt. guarantee
or vour
back. Wo do
' money repairing. Have complete stock of Gla
. Wo
CLONES , VIVKS , EASTMAN'S KODAKS , Etc. Eyes. Your patronage solicited.
have a full line of supplies. Plates , Films , Cards , Al
bum ? , Developing and Toning Solutions , etc. Free dark Do not patronize truveliny opticians.
room for the ufec of amateurs. Send for our catalogue.
Mail orders solicited. TUB A.LOB c& PBNFOL& CO. ,
THE AJLCXB cfc PJSNFOLsD CO. Leading Scientific Opticians.
C ) I'nritnin St. . O/mi/in. A'ol > . I'nrnamSlraot. o.1111 A. , AV
Braces. Mathematical
Deformity . . . .
Wo have our own factory and make all kinds of .
Braces , Trusses , Batteries , Crutches , Sups - DRAWING PAPER , TRACING CLOTH ,
-s porters , Clastic Stockings , Rubber Goods BLUE PRINT PAPER.
o of All Kinds. & Satisfaction Guaranteed. ARCHITECTS' AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES
Wrlto for Illustrated Outa'oguo.
O// > . 1'nxttni llotfl. 1-tOH Jfiintiii 3.pp. I-ax.on Ho.c , . uos Fliraillll Slrcut ,
State Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Worcester , Mass.
1 HUM liiM'ii In iivtlvu liiislnc-HH ilfy-
llvo years.
- IlolllN $1,111 ( if lllllIIK'HtlllllCll AH-
sets for every $1.000 of liability.
It Million llliloiiilN of SuriiliiM 11 n-
nually or In periods of flve years. Paid-
up policies share In the dividends.
I 1'nj H nil iHillcli-H without ill-lily
on proof of claim.
5 KorfcltN no policy for iioii-niiymviit
of premium.
( t MiiU 'N a contract nliNoliiloly Incon
testable after two years.
7 I'll } H , iiiuU-r tin ; MiiHMiiclniNcttM liiiv ,
cash values of lapsed policies on which
two premiums have been paid , or gives
paid-up liiBurnnco therefor , at the op
tion of the Insured.
8 For further Information udilrcHN
J , W , CRAIG , Gen. Agent.
002 liee Huihling , Omaha , Neb.
A Big Desk at a Little Price
Foronly $4.95
This largo handsome.
solid Oak losk mid Hook-
caao Is a sample of how
much vrocuuglvoTou for
your money , It U 64
Inches hlflli , 80 Inches
wide and nolgus 80
pounds. It U handsome
y polliliod , has a drop
lid with lock , heavy , rula-
Bd carvings , ornainontul
llliiK s nt top mill
n brim rod for curtain.
We guarautao It to ploasu
you and surpass Tour ex
pectation. If it douH not ,
we will refund your money. It Is a
that Bells rerularly for $4.00 to J10.00 ,
ua and the next day we will end you
the D k.
Writ * for our 'Biff ' Catalogue containing
thousand * of itmllar barraJn * In Furniture ,
Hun-leu , Ilarnea , Agricultural Implements ,
eta E verythlnr sola direct from factories
to ooruumer at wholeaale jnanufacturer'a
price * . Write today.
U to 37 Randolph St. , Chicago , 111 ,
Dyeing and Cleaning
The latest improved methods.
Wrlto tor complete catalogue
and price list Special atten
tion to out-of-to wn business.
for a Christmas"
Nothing can bo more desirable than
a beautiful , as well as a thoroughly
lellable piano.
The pianos manufactured by the C.
Somnior & Co. , piano factory , 321 South
10th street , Omaha , Neb. , thoroughly
represent the two above requisites for
a strictly first-class instrument In
every particular.
Wo not only have the highest en
dorsement of every one of the leading
pianists and musicians of Omaha and
Council Bluffs , but also the experience
of a life time devoted to securing the
knowledge necessary to Judge and
make pianos of the highest class.
We are good for every promise wo
mako. Our pianos are fully guaran
teed for 10 years. Wo save you I'loflts
of the agent or middleman of from
$100 to $200. Wo can sell at a very
reasonable pnuo as wo have no exor
bitant rents or silver tongued sales
men to use up your money. Think this
over and give us a call. Wo sliall he
plcasod to show you our goods wheth
er you purchase or not.
Omaha , Neb.
Factory 321 South 10th St.
Tel. 1415 334 Bee Building