November 20 , 1SOO. OMAHA 1LLTJSTHAT13D lMfl.13 , The New Herman ( Continued from Page Fourteen. ) traveling along on the high rend to pros perity. With the coming of another season Her man people will miss the welcome shade of the many trees which wore gratifying to the eye and a source of comfort to those who stopped beneath their shade. Houses can be built In a day and stocks of goods can bo purchased In hours , but nature Is not eo much of a hustler as the genuine American when ho starts out to show what ho can do. When the necessities provided for another year will eeo this thrifty people start In to renew the work of beautifying the town and the people of Nebraska , who enjoys It. Ho undertaken to Instruct the Almighty. He " "How long would you have a preacher pray ? " "In public , of course ? " "In public , certainly. " "Well , If ho can't round everything np In three , four or five minutes ho'd better use the printed forms. It's considerate , of course , for the preacher to wait till the con gregation has sat down before he says 'Let us pray , ' because people have got out of the habit of either standing up or kneeling down In most of the churches , and , In my opin ion , It's the unconscionably long prayers that have driven them to It. Ever hear Moody pray ? " "Yes. " "Then you must have noticed ho never V JT THE NEW HERMAN MAIN STREET AS IT APPEARS TODAY. have witnessed their gallant struggle against adversity , will wish them all Kinds of suc cess and that they may "All live long und brosber. " Fulfilling His Mission The congregation had been dismissed and the church was nearly empty , relates the Chicago Tribune , but the tall and somewhat angular man , who had sat In ono ot the mld- dlo seats and listened attentively to the ser mon , had had so mueh trouble In getting Into his overcoat that when ho stepped Into the aisle the preacher , having shaken hands with nearly everybody else , was waiting for him. "You are a stranger , I think ? " said the preacher. "Yes , sir , I presume I am. I have been In your church before , but not lately. " "I thought not. I seldom forget a face. I should know you If you did not come again wastes any tlnio In preliminaries. He plungce Into the midst of things at the start , and it sclclcm takes him longer than two minutes to file his petition. Moody , I believe , Is counted a fairly successful preacher " " .Mr. Moody Is hardly what you would call a regular preacher " "Mnybo that accounts for his " "May I ask how the sermon struck you ? " "Well , It was a nice little sermon , a com fortable , reassuring sort of little sermon , well written , read with all the graces of oratory tory possible In a written sermon , the senti ment was lofty , the voice was natural I'll do you the justice to say you didn't put on the 'clergyman tone , ' as if there were any peculiar sanctity in throwing an artificial and unnatural strain on your vocal organs and it was about the proper length. I can't undertake to say how long a man should preach , for that depends on the quality of the sermon. " "You will pardon mo for saying , my friend , r v , THE NEW HERMAN IN THE PATH OF THE TOUNADO. for a year , but I hope to see you oftener than that. " "Thank you. You are very kind. You will not take It amles , however , if I say it's doubtful1 "Sorry to hear that. I hope there was nothing In the sermon to offend you ? " "Oh , I never take offenee at anything. It Isn't worth while. Still , I have some rather poattlvo Ideas about things. I don't suppose , now , that you have the least Idea your open ing prayer was fifteen mlnutea long ? " "You astonish mo. Was It ? " "Fifteen minutes , by the watch. " "That la too bad. If It occurred to you to hold a watch on mo I dare say you didn't join with much heartiness in the exercise , and so far as you are concerned I may con sider that prayer wholly wasted. " "I hope not. I learned a lesson In pa- tlonce , and I didn't yawn , as the brother sit ting next to mo did. " "You were not so absorbed In devotion , then , as to prevent you from untieing the brother yawning ? " "Well. I shouldn't have noticed It If ho had not made such an effort to suppress It. Hut ho couldn't. It had to come. You can't expect an audience to maintain a devotional strain for a whole- quarter of an hour. It's different , of course , with the minister. After ho has fairly" begun , and the fervor of cx- louiporaueous oratory comes upon him. he I that ycu speak with considerable assurance , not to say conceit. " "Oh , that's all right. Don't apologize. I have a younger brother who trlea to preach. I have to talk to him the same way some times. Well , good day. Glad to have met you. " Ho looked at his watch , shook tbo minis terial hand with much heartiness and walked out of the church with his chin held a little abova the level. aiRia S Cnxxls stilprcJ In plain p.ickagc wlll\- oulm.itkslolnJir.ilc contents. nnJ if not FULL perfectly satisfac 4 WHISKEY tory senJ them Kick money we at our will expense refund at unco. your .111J QUART We arc the only d tillers in America shipping Pennsylvania 1'urc Rye to ci sumers direct. Hear this in mind. SCHWEYEB'S PUBE & YEAR OLD $ O 60 3 f f % * * Mk.masi % PENNSYLVANIA RYE WHISKEY EXPRESS The primes old whl.tkey pn . . rlbcil ( or medicinal and general use. 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Absolutely Free to All , This la a fair Illustration o an elegant Silver Plated BUTTER KNIFE AND SUGAH SPOON packed In a beautiful SATIN L.INI2D CASE , that we are giving away to every person who sends UB 25 cents for a six months trial subscription to "CHEEUFUL , MOMENTS , " our 16 page Il lustrated Family Journal. The knlfo und sugar spoon are fully warrant ed triple plate , made by onu of the best manufacturers In this country , and will last a lifetime. We are giving them away to Introduce. "Cheer ful Moments" Into new homes. It Is costly advertising , 'but ' wo must have 100,000 moro subscribers before January 1st , 1900. You could not buy the set In any store for double the amount we ask for a trial subscrip tion. It is a bargain that everyone should take advantage of at oncu. This beautiful set Is very appropriate as a Christinas or other gift. Never before has such n liberal offer been made. Send In your subscrip tion NOW BEFOUE IT IS TOO LATE. Hemlt 25 cents In stamps ( and 8 cents moro to cover return postage ) or 33 cents In all , and the liUTTER KNIFE AND SUGAR SPOON will bo Bent you by return mall , all charges prepaid , and you will also rocolvo Cheerful Moments regularly for six ononths. Address , Ueo. W. W111U , I'ub. , 11U W. Ulait St. , N. Y. City.