November 20 , 1800. OMAHA TLLtTSTttATlim 151313. "The Bust of Beauty. " ( How to Secure It , ) This Is the tltlo of an Interesting lllus trnted book , which we will mall , scaled ir a plain envelope for the asking. It tells hex ( without the use of drugs ) any lady ma > possess a perfect and attractive figure. Plot Busts nu l Scrawny Necks arc Qulcklj iMnctr- Round , Plump and Graceful. Even the plainest figure can be transform ed Into one of queenly beauty , superb nnr fascinating. Write today , enclosing two cent stamp. Correspondence confidential. Address , 0. PEAL MEDICINE CO. , Cleveland , 0. 313-315-317 S. 15th St. , OMAHA. . . . . . -In Omaha Honor. . . - When you go away Photo by Rlnehart. The Bufcat place to keep yonr vnlnahlcH la with the Omaha Safe Deposit Vaults Snfcn J5 n. year iinil up. ClicNtH , TruiilcN , etc. , Htoreil. ODCII from U a. in. to 5 p. 111. OMAHA NATIONAL 1IANIC BUILDING. Champion Carpet THE "CLEAN GUT" CAKE TIN prevents cuk n from tl < 'MiJr ainl produce u perfect cake. It U iniulu of L > et qualll tin with it lint , tlili knife , pecurel } rlvel e < l In center anil U1 rim Simple and dun able. AuentHHeml I cenHpoBtaReforfri" ; ' anil complete cntalnnue.e ara tliu Inrim-l miiniifariiirerH of J'urr Aluiiiliiiini , hi-otrii driiinif ami 1 In \ \ arK | n ( ) , , ) norlJ. Aililrm * Dupt , 1) N. II018LIIOLU OUITYIOIIk8 , Si lUudolyb bt. , Ulngolll. 'THE ' WIZARD'S ' TABLET1 i These tablets make the only 1 writing fluid that cannot be " removed with acids , Hews freely , takes copy , cheap , permanent - manent ( not aniline ) , send lOc - - seven or. , three colors. EDISON CHEMICAL CO. , P. O. Box 23W. N. Y. The Sultan of Sulu ( Continued from Twelfth 1'nge. ) now discovered tlmt the purple couch upon which \\c had been so carelessly sitting was the royal throne ! When the sultana entered we ruse and stood until \\o hnd been Intro duced to her and she had seated herself. On her right hand was a hlto cotton glove of civilized manufacture , which , to our amusement , she had put on wrong , so that the buttons were on top. It was thus thnt several hours while wo sat silently learning something of a people whoso every Idea was stiango to us and vet for \\hom wo were to bo forever responsible before Goc and the world. I wondered how this llttl two-penny sultan , with an exaggerated Ule. of his own importance , would feel and ac If ho had an Idea of the vastness and powe of the great country whoso emissary wa so patiently dealing with him In his squalU capital of Moybun. There had been noth ing In his narrow existence by which com parisons could bo 111 ado , but England Is n BATTLEFIELD OP MAJUDA HILL. she armed herself against contact with the 'Chii&tian dogs. " The space In the room was so limited that the maids of honor , of nhlch there were two , were obliged to go outside by a back way and climb In the win dow. When the maids had successfully ac complished this feat ( declining by a scorn- ul sniff the proffered assistance of one of our cfllcers ) , the exchange of civilities bo- ween her royal highness and General Bates commenced. The sultana hoped the general vas well , the general hoped the sultana was ho same , the sultana was honored by this visit , etc. The general finally expressed hla wish to wait upon the sultan. The old lady ) egged that he would remember her son's extreme youth and added that the best thing .hat he could do would bo to give him a Ittlo advice. A tender parting now took ilace between us on one side and the old owager on the other. HlH 1'iiliic-o LilKc n Sluuity. The palace of the sultan is about ten min- tes' walk from the village. Harlem boasts f slianties of more elegant construction , hough possibly of less room , for there is more available land in Sulu than in Greater > Tow York. A square board housu with a galvanized roof over part of it , and an ex- enslon at one side which contained the larem , a wall of stones about the whole his was the residence of the sultan of Sulu ! Wo entered the gates and passed by three oldiers In khaki uniforms and red fe/es vho presented arms. These were three of five soldiers that the sultan had brought jack with him from his visit to Mecca , and voro evidently Arabians. Their ordnance onsisted of five rifles , four of which wore f different makes. The entrance to the louse was through a small lean-to shed at no side which led into a room us bare as a barn chamber. The living apartments were bovo. A broad flight of rough board stairs vith a strip of carpet down the middle led o the upper regions. We ascended and found urselves in a largo darkened uimrtment in ho august presence of the Lari Paduka laha Sari Maulana Sultan Hadji Muhamad ainalul Kiram. Ciiinrileil Ity HIM SidilliTN. The sultan was seated in a chair with n ilgh back in one corner of the room , which lad no communication with the outside air. ither scats were ranged before him In a irclo , and directly in front of him was a igli tnbouretto with a marble top. The sul- an's vestments were gorgeous a frock coat f yellow watered silk , a black vest with a old chain festooned across , a white under- hlrt of muslin , flowing skirts and trousers f white gauze and patent leather pumps. A igh fez of some colored material ( served as n undeiatudy for a snowwhlte turban vhlch was wound about It. Later on , feeling ppressod by the heat of this headdrefs , ho qolc it off and dlscloscxl a small white fez loncath , which he wore during the rest of lie conference. The result of the conference is now a matter of official record. Over the discus- ion of one of the articles the sultan lln- ered all the time , that we were there ; it irovlded that ho should' always fly the \merican Hag. Several years ago the sultan ook a Journey to Mecca. This was the vent of his life. On his voyage , contrary o his agreement with the Spaniards , ho flew is own ( lag , Nothing had happened to him. lo felt that it would bo Incompatible with ils royal dignity after making the Journey nee In this independent fashion to appear gain with the American flag hoisted above Ira. "Only once In many years , " said the In- orpreter , "he makes a Journey like this , nd while he is willing to fly the American ag at all other times , he would like to fly Is own flag then , If ho did It once In safety , by not again ? " This waa the burden of all their talk for great word In the east and some one had told him that wo were greater even than that , so ho knew that ho must yield all th.U wo asked ; there was something Infinitely pathetic in the way In which ho clung to the last shadow ot his sovereignty and In dealing with him General Bates was uul formly kind and courteous. ANNA NORTHEAD BENJAMIN. An Engineer of Big Realty Transactions To C. B. Denney , the real estate man , belongs the credit of having engineered tea a successful flnlsh the big trackage deals which have attracted so much attention during the last few weeks ; transactions which represent expenditures approaching the half-million mark. With no "pull" save that arising from a combination of brains , push and honorable dealing , Mr. Denney occupies a front seat In his vocation. This being the age of the C. B. DENNEY Photo by Heyn. specialist , Mr. Denney does not dabble In Insurance , rentals , loans and abstracts as side or main Issues , but confines himself strictly to the selling of real estate , or , to ho more exact , to the selling of Omaha city property exclusively. That ho lb an ef fective worker results prove. Doing busi ness strictly upon a commission basis , Mr. Dennoy has a largo cliontollo who trust him Implicitly ; and having dealt in Omaha prop erty for the last thirteen years , ho lb con sidered an authority upon values , "Such Is our faith In Denney , " said Hon. A. U. Wyman , president of the Omaha Loan and Trust , company , and an ex-treasuior of the United States , "that ho Is always at liberty to como Into our establishment and select any of our property and offer it for sale at his own price , so much confi dence do wo repose In his fairness and good Judgment. " Speaking of the condition of the market and Omaha's prospects , Mr , Denney says ; "Heal estate values have descended to that Interesting stage where people are beginning to figure again , as evidenced by the large number of sales made during the pant year An unprecedented building season is assured for next year , and this , taken In connection with the prevailing prosperity of the Jobber , the retailer and the farmer , together with tbo advent of the three railways headed this way , warrants us In saying that the year 1000 for Omaha will bo a record- breaker In all lines of commercial enter prise. " DO YOU WANT IT HIGH GRADE IMPORTED APAIROFTHEOENUINE KID GLOVES LADIES'$1. 25 FREE OF COST o want to thoroughly It educe to every lady , in the next few months , our w Kumtlno "PRINCESS" nportod high grtulo 81.26Rlovo ; and to do BO wo have hit upon a great advert np schcmo by which wo will give away Bovoral thousand pairs FREE OF ( 'ST in the next few rnontha. Every lady whose tmtno and address wo receive- drat from oaoh eora- % VN r COUPON. inunJty can got our genuine "PRINCESS" $1.2T > Name . . tflovo ( roe of ohargo. Fill out the attached coupon , out it out and mail It to us and you will Street. soon have the "I'RlNCliSS" $1.25 glove. City and StaU , ATLAS GLOVE CO. O > > 644K HAMPSHIRE ST. , QUINCY , ILL , Joseph R. Leltiner , RAILWAY AND GENERAL SUPPLIES Headquarters : or material used by Packers , Contractors , Railroads and all classes of consumers. Complete stock of Goods con stantly on hand at my new store. 1212 Farnam Street. A few of the Important Hems : Railroad Frogs , Switches , Crossings , etc. Blasting Powder , Smoke less Powder , Dynamite. "Manville" Magnesia As bestos Steam Pipe Covering , Hot Water and Frost Proof Covering , Asbestos 8c Sheep Wool Cement , Mineral Wool Asbestos goods of every description. N. & G. Taylor's "Old Style" and other celebrated guaranteed brands of Roof ing Tin. Peerless Rubber M'f'g Go's Packing , Belting and Hose. Page Belting Go's Leath er Belting. John A. Roeblings Sons Go's Wire Rope and Elec trical Wire. J. C. Pearson Go's celebrat ed "Cement Coated Nails , " Telephone , telepraph , street railway and electric light fix tures and appliances , includ ing White Cedar Poles. Alden Speare's Son's As bestine Cold Water Paint. A. I. Root Telephone 1604 Printer , Binder , , Have x ROOT Blank Book Manufacturer t print ; 1609 Howard Street , Omaha. Occident KNOWN AND USED Orient i "i * Typewriter Caravan Creasing the Sahara. ( Prom Original Photo. ) Our information on the typewriter question in general , gained through years of study , is at your service , Write or call. GTID { United Typewriter and Supplies Co. 1014 FAHNAM ST. ( N. V , Mfe Illdur. ) OMAHA.