Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1899, Page 11, Image 37

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    November 20 , 3800. OMAHA ILLUSTRATED IHSJiJ. 1 1
IK. entra I
V Life onio or
Surpassed all companies in vol
ume of New Business to assets
in 1898.
Why ?
Because it issues a 20-payment
contract at about ordinary lift ) rates of
other companies , f mranteoliiK to return -
turn at the end of 20 years every dollar
paid. Interest rate in 1893 , O.G7 per
cent. Death rate , 0.75.
A , R. EDMISTON , GenM Agent ,
415UccBldg. , Omaha.
The fidelity Mutual Life
Insurance Company
of Philadelphia , Pa.
President. Mnnnsrcr ,
244-246 Bee Building.
A strictly mutual , profit sharing com
pany , with an existence o 21 years. Poll-
clcs up to date ; values liberal anil guaranteed -
anteed In contract. Conservative Interest
assumed on the now basis of 3 , ami 3 %
percent. Through the limitation of expense
of management ; and liberal anil equitable
terms and rules , the Insured Is guaranteed
maximum protection at minimum cost.
All kinds of B ° Ucles Issued , from Term to
Endowment Insurance.
Drop us a line to come and show you our
liberal contracts.
, Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company
Of Philadelphia , Pa.
The PENN la purely MUTUAL. Insur
ance Is furnished at exact cost. Its fac
tors mortality , Interest and expense have
all been highly favorable In this company.
All policies are absolutely NON-FORPE IT-
ABLE for reserve value , the latter being
applied to "EXTENSION" "
or to "PAID-
UP" as may bo desired. Its policies are
free from technicalities and are INCON
TESTABLE for any cause from date of
Issue. Cash and Loan values after three
, years.
Send for "The How and The Why" wo
pay the postage.
C. Z. Gould , Agent ,
432 Dec Uulldiiij ? , Omiiliii.
Surety on Bonds
Assets Over $4,000,000
BONDS for employees of Banks nrid
Mercantile Houses , Public Ofllciuls
and in all judicial proceedings.
H. A. Wagner , Special Agent ,
WRITE for rates on the Combined Term
and Renewal Option Policy Issued by the
Provident Savinys Life Assurance
Society of New York. ,
It affords the largest protection at lowest
cost and guarantees options of special value
to thft assured. Over one million dollars
per month Issued on
during past two years.
Assurance in Force Over
WANTED Lady and gentlemen agent * In
Nebraska and Iowa.
M. F. Rohrer , Julius Meyer , Gen. Asts.
607 and COS Bee Building , Omaha , Ne > b.
The Royal Union Mutual
Life Insurance Co ,
offers best contract to agents. Room 10
Commercial ( National Bank Bulldlnsr.
A. L. WIOTON , Vice Pros.
W. H. WIGTOJN , State Jf&noger.
. .Law and Mercantile Collections. ,
llofor to Any Hank or Jobber
In Oinuliii.
201-2-3 l.'Irst Niitlmml Hank Itulldlnir.
B hv ir I M. Wullm-in. I't. ami ( Jen. M r.
Is a. Caw and Collection Agency , and col
lects all kinds of Indebtedness on commis
sion , with a correspondent and attorney In
every city In the United States. This
company Is managed on business princi
ples. Send your noted and accounts to
tn floor Karbach Block , Omaha.
W. U , OllliBN , l'r ildeut.
Familiar Nebraskans
at National Capitol
( Continued from Tenth Page. )
without estate when ho was a mere led
living In Iowa , his birth state , and con
sequently he hud to hustle for a living from
early years. He served as a farmhand
several years during the farming season
and occasionally attended -the country
schools In winter. He graduated from
Parsons college , Fairfleld , la. , In 1885 , mov-
ng to Nebraska In that year to take a place
n the faculty of Hastings college. All
ils political life has been realized in No-
iraskn , having represented the Fifth Ne
braska district In the Fifty-fourth congress.
Since assuming theauditorship for the
Treasury department ho has passed upon
moro and larger accounts than any officer
n the history of the country. Mr. Andrews
s a student , the habits of study formed
as a boy standing him in gcod stead now
hat he is a part of President McKlnley'a
oniclnl family.
William 'H. Michael , chief clerk of the
State department , has enjoyed confidential
elatlons with many of the nation's leading
non of the past quarter of a century. Ho
amo to Washington from Grand Island ,
where the nt ono time edited the Timea of
hnt city , to take the place of clerk of the
enato committee on printing and compiler
of the Congressional Directory , cnado va
unt by the death of Benjamin Porley Pooro.
Colonel Michael Is a wounded soldier with
a record for faithfulness and gallantry of
vhlch any man might be proud. Ho has
icon an ardent republican all his life and
md Elaine been elected president would
mvo been appointed United States marshal
or Nebraska , as bo had the endorsement
f the entire delegation of that state. Ho
jecamo chief clerk of the State department
under Secretary John Sherman and has
opt It through Secretaries Day's and Hay's
dmlnlstrntlons. Michael was born in Ohio ,
vhlch may account for his present position ,
or Ohio and Indiana seem to have the blg-
cst pull with the administration BO far
is lucrative places go. But these are not the
nly Nebraskans by any means holding
csponslbla positions hero In Washington.
The War department has several bright
oung men from Nebraska , In the postofllco
cpartmont there are others , and If a
Nebraska colony could bo organized In this
city I have no doubt that a hundred actlvo
Nebraskans could bo Induced to sign the
rolls. All of which comes of being In
touch with the administration.
A Letter from
Edward Rosewater
OMAHA , Aug. 21 , IS99.
John Steel , General Agent Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Co. , Omaha , Neb. :
Dear Sir I have yours of the 19th Inst.
giving results on my policy No. 192,047.
This policy is a 30-year endowment with a
10-year distribution or semi-tontine period.
Issued September 2d , 1SS9 , at the ago of 49.
Annual premium ? 477.00.
I aim now offered several options of set
tlement , one of which-is cash :
Reserve guaranteed In policy. .J2.478.GO
And surplus 1,885.43
Total cash value $1,363.93
which , should I surrender the policy , would
have given mo ? 10,000 Insurance from ago
49 to ago 59 for $406.07. That the cash
value should bo over 70 per cent In excess
of what the company guaranteed ton years
ago , and $139.93 more than the estimate
you gave me when you took my application ,
Is a surprise to me.
I have for many years carried the largest
amount of llfo Insurance of any citizen of
Nebraska , and hold policies In nearly all
the loading companies. But the North
western has on this , as well as other policies
I hold In your company , given me by far
the best results.
I attribute your company's success largely
to Its superior nnethod of Investing its funds
and careful selection of risks.
Yours very truly ,
Call on or address John Steel , 238 Bee
building , for sample copy of our now policy
' the most liberal and flexible policy Issued.
Grandma's Thanksgiving
Boston Herald.
City people toss their heads ,
N1 talk crbout thcr fancy ( spreads ,
Erboiit ther banquets all so line ,
\\liero toasts are drunk with simrklln' wine.
Jhoy tell of service nice 'n' slick.
N orders brought at double quick.
N they kin have 'em if they wish.
But give mo a peed ol' country dish
Don't seem like so long ago ,
Slncp thro * fields or drifted Know ,
All bundled up In shawls 'n1 scarf * ,
With merry Jokes 'n1 rlngln' laughs
Wo rode to Grandma's by the score
N' flljo would meet us at the door ,
Klnfolk. wandered far and wide ,
Turned up then ter nil ther hide
rh old brick ' ' '
oven snnp'd 'n' roared ,
Cooking good things for th' horde ,
Turkeys Bluffed 'n' chicken pics ,
Such a slcht for mortal eyes ;
Cookies white 'n' dimpled round ,
Biscuits Jest a trine browned :
Bverythnir ! waa nice 'n' hot
When they hod th' table sot
All the family wuz .there ,
I'rom squalling lmbc to whitened hair ,
N' then some others used ter be ,
lirrkoned In th' family tree ;
R\V \ / " " " * because bo hnd no folks ,
N Jnbez Brown for craokln' Jokes ;
N' everybody got his fill
In that old farmhouse on th' hill
Jim Gibson brought his fiddle down ,
HP that married Nancy Brown ,
N Charlpy Gray , that studied books ,
One er th' daughter * liked hs ! looks :
Allim a place for "Jockey" Foss ,
A mnrster feller with a IIOBB , .
'N' Snulro Jenks , with manners bad ,
Would call around 'n' join th' glad
No Htylo was at that homely feast ,
'N' fashion counted not th' feast ,
Good , honest folks , with simple ways.
With laughter lengthened out the ( lays ;
"rwtit help yeraolf ter nil In sight ,
From turkey down ter biscuits light.
But not till Grandpa , bowing low ,
Would offer up n solemn , slow
That was forty years ago ,
'N' many a winter's drlftln' snow
Has circled 'round th' old homo place
'N' vainly sought a familiar face ;
Most all dead ' '
are 'n' laid away
Who gathered there that winter's day ,
But o'er th' graves th' snowdrifts sing
A glad 'n' Joyous offering
% fl
V ll
The Great Physician Cures a Victim of Weak
Lungs After Her Family Phys
ician Failed ,
America's Famous Specialist Will Send You the
Free Treatment , Which Cures Con
sumption , Weak Lungs , Catarrh and All
Pulmonary Diseases.
Dr. Slocum , whoso countless mii.iclea
In the treatment of diseases of the
lungs anil head arc attracting wllo at
tention throughout the counti ) . ilo-
clorcs that fully 30 per cent or nil the
deaths duo to the existence < ' { the
consumptive bacilli In the eyMem can
bo positively prevented by his now
Overworked men and women whoso
lungs are weak and debilitated can bo
speedily restored by the Slocum treat
ment , proof of which la furiilnlieil by
thousands of reports constant ! ) com
ing In.
One of Uio moro recent restorations
Is that of Mrs. Marian Crossley of Mt.
Carmel , 111. , who writes :
"Over a year ago I contracted lime
trouble , besides suffering U'rrlbly
from cfttarrh. I grew steadily worso.
until I wns an Invalid. M\ family
physician tried everything , but his
treatment accomplished nothing. I
finally resorted to patent mtvllclncn ,
but they nlso gave mo no relief. Al
though only fortyfour years old , yet
I won unable to retain my strength
and the outcome waa very dark.
Finally I rend of Dr. Slocum'a suc
cess and sent for his full course of
medicine. The effect was wonderful ,
for I only used half the quantity
before I began to get well. It was
not long before my catarrh disap
peared and shortly after my lungs
became strong and well I wns cured.
Today I am as well as ever and can
never say too much for Dr. Slot-urn.
Dr. Slocum urges every sufferer to seek perfect health.
Cold weather seizes upon tlio weak spots and the only proventatlvo Is good health.
Those sensitive lungs need now strength , thceo hollow cheeks need healthy nosh ,
which can only bo obtained by the Slocum treatment.
If you are not robust your system will succumb to disease. If your present troubles
are not cured , the disease will cat Into your very life like a cancer , but the euro IH not
difficult If you go about It right. The Slocum treatment nmkre you strong by killing
the germs and enabling nnturo to throw off dioeaso. It heals the raw , Inflamed surfaces ,
stops the formation of unhealthy mucus and allays Irritations.
Four distinct preparations are employed , each a wonderful specific In Itself. Together
they never fall and will cure , as ( statistics how , the following : Consumption , Lung
Weakness , Asthma , Catarrh , La drlppo and Us after effects , stubborn CoiiKlw ami Colds ,
Bronchitis and Throat affections , wasting away , Pulmonary troubles and Tuberculous.
Editor's Note The above Is a genuine offer made by America's foremost medical
specialist In pulmonary and lung diseases , and wo urge every reader of The Omaha
Bee who Is afflicted to send for the free treatment , because wo know the proposi
tion to bo an honest one. It should also bo your pleasure to notify all suffering friends
of this great offer , and thereby bo Instrumental In restoring them to complete health.
It Is a pleasure to do our part In the good work.
To further demonstrate to the world the vuluo of his discoveries Dr. Slocum has
nrrrangcd to send out at once several thousand moro 1'MHSia ' full course "treatments " ,
consisting of the four preparations , to all who wrlto for them.
Simply address Dr. T A. Slocum. 9S I'lm. . Street , New York , N. Y. , giving yn r
express and poMofllco address and stating that you read the announcement In Iho
No matter how maiiy discouragements you liavo met with , Dr. Slocum will euro
y °
Uif In need of expert u.lvico. . Dr. Slocum will thoroughly dlugnoeo your troubles frco
of charge , and tell you how to get well qululcly.
Try us
On Advertising Cuts
The only place in town where half-tones are made.
Best equipped plant in the west-
Western Engraving Company ,
Tel. 2512. Bee Building , Omaha ,
IS. ZAIIIUSKII2 , Auent. J. II , COW(1111 j , Bliuinicrr.
MANUFACTURERS Elevator Repairing , Hydraulic , Elec
AND JOIiKERS OF tric and H.ind New Cables , Cups ,
MACHINERY Valves Repacking , Etc.
1501 , 1503 AND 1505 JACKSON STREET , OMAHA , NEB.