Packers and Jobbers of Provisions , Dressed Beef , Sheep and Hogs , CURERS OF THE FA/YIOUS / STAR BRAND OF HAMS , BACON , LARD AND FANCY SAUSAGES. A PARTIAL V1I-W OP ARAIOUR'S SOUTH OMAHA PACKING HOUSE. The building- course of construction , 180x220 feet , jind eleven stories high , will l > e the Largest Single Cold Storage Building- the West. [ HERE is no more appreciated n Christmas present than Good Reading Lamp with the Welsbach Burners. Cost % cent per hour for 60 candle Price , $1.00. light. The very best light for the eye. Call at our office and examine the beautiful Drop Lights we carry. Omaha Gas Prices according to Street J224 Farnam , style of lamp. OMAHA , NEB , THE DIRECT LINE --TO - ST. LOUIS Kansas City , Little Rock , Fort Smith , Memphis , The Famous Ho.ilth And all Points East and Pleasure Resort HOT SPRINGS , ARKANSAS and Southwest Kor Descriptive and Illustrated Pamphlets , Hooks on the Different States , Map Folders , etc. , call on or write the General Passenger and Ticket Agent at St. I.oms , Mo. , or T. O. PHILLIPPI , T. F. GODFREY , A. G. F. & P. Agt. P. & T. AEI. W. C. BARNES , T. P. Agt. NEW OFFICE. S. E. COR. 14TH . AND DOUGLAS STS. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL KY. Co. ? ytf ! MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO Trains heated by steam and lighted by electricity , with electric light in every berth in sleeping cars. Best of service on dining cars. Baggage checked from residence to destination. | CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1504 FARNAM STREET , F. A. NASH , General Western Agent. . . . . . . . R. J. AITCHISON. A B. COOK. CHAS. P. SOUTHARD. 1 r ; j HARD AND SOFT CHARCOAL , GOAL AND KINDLING , COKE. WOOD. 1614 Farnam St. Phones , 268 and 3 I 9 , Old Settlers Canadian Sap Produced from Canadian Maple Sap by Omaha labor and capital. A trial \vill convince you of its merits and justify your supporting , by your pat ronage , a home industry. We expect your favor through the merit of our goods. FARRELL & COMPANY , Syrups , Preserves , Jellies , Jams , Omaha , Neb ,