Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1899, Editorial, Page 24, Image 24

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Contnot Is Signed for Building Btructura or
Sixteenth Street.
Ion ControvrrN ? I * AilJnHteil l > r < !
Itnllrnnilft' Cnnitillnncc with the
, CKy'n llrmnnilN Oilier Strnc-
I tore * Will Soon Follow.
The long controversy over the construc
tion of viaducts ended yesterday nnd worh
on the Sixteenth street structure will be
begun at once. The balance of $20.000 due
the city from the Union Pacific nnd Burlington -
Into the treasurer's of-
ton roads was paid
flco ; the contracts for the now viaducts were
southslder nro assured ol
signed , nnd the
communication with the down-town district ,
The effort to Induce the railroads to pro-
Vldo suitable vladucU nt the main crossings
dates from 1893 , nnd the history of the con
tention Is a long nnd Involved story. In Oc
tober of the present year an ordinance was
passed covering expenses Incurred on 'via-
ductB amounting to $44,907.77. The bill rep
resented the coat of lighting viaducts nnd
aubwayn together with necessary repairs ,
fl'ho share to bo borne by the Union Pacific
nnd Burlington was fixed nt $29,000 , nnd an
effort waa made to collect that amount. The
railroads , howovcr , restrained by Judge
Dickinson's order from proceeding with the
Sixteenth street viaduct , wcro unwilling to
make settlement until the adjustment of the
matter. Now that the order has been dla-
Bplvod the money hna been produced $15,000
from the Union Pacific and $5,000 from the
Burlington. The remaining $9,000 had prev
iously boon paid In.
The representatives of the two companies
have not only signed the contract with the
city for the construction of the Sixteenth
B reot viaduct , but they havenlso let the
project to contractors , and the latter will
put tholr workmen on the ground without
delay. According to the contract the work
must bo completed by July 1 , 1900. It Is
specified that the Twenty-fourth street
structure must bo In readiness In 1901 , and
that on the boulevard the year following.
The total outlay Included In the present
contract is approximately $500,000. The Six
teenth street structure will cost $200000 ; ;
ihoso on Twenty-fourth street and the
Iboulovard about $150,000 each. In addition
there will be necessary expenditures for
subways nnd other Incidentals. The con
struction material will bo Iron nnd steel.
InlcrprctnUon of the Ullilc lir a Ven
erable Scotcliinnii , Who in Cintli-
crliiff Quite a Clans.
A venerable student of the blblo has been
giving lessons In Its Interpretation during
the past week In room 214 of The Dee build
ing , and hns attracted about him qulto a
numerous cities of enthusiasts who are eager
( or a fuller understanding of Its teachings.
A caller at the room one afternoon found
nn elderly gentleman bending over the
rages of an open bible , which ho hold upon
Ibis linces. It was Donald Ross , and ha was
nlone. Rows of chairs awaited coming occu
pants and biblical legends adorned the walls.
A cordial welcome waa extended the Intruder
na Mr. Ross arose to greet him with-a kindly
Emllo playing about the portions of his
physiognomy visible between a tightly drawn
Bltull cap nt the upper extremity thereof and
o , beard of patriarchal color nnd proportions
nt the other. Ho patted the blblo affection
ately as ho responded to a query as to the
nature of his meetings by saying :
"Wo are simply having meetings here
every afternoon at 3 o'clock and CVOJT
evening at 8 o'clock for the teaching of this
Ijook. No , It pertains to no new religion or
now creed there are no new-fangled Ideae
In It simply the gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ. I am a Scotchman , as you have
( doubtless noticed ere this. I was born twice
In Scotland once In the course of nature and
once again In the biblical sense , establishing
my Inheritance of God's kingdom. No , I do
not travel under the auspices of any organ
ization or denomination or nny church
simply under the auspices of the 'Lord ' Jesus
Christ. "
The class has grown until It has been
found necessary to arrange for a larger room ,
No. 106 , on a 'lower ' floor of the building ,
where the Sabbath meetings will be held.
Aiiniinl Mrctliii ; mid Election of Offi
cer * Much Gooil AcuoinpIlHhcd
Dnrlnur the Year.
The annual meeting of the Omalia
brpwh of the Needlework Guild of America
WOH held recently in the parlors of St.
( Mary's Avenue Congregational church.
The garments and articles of household
linen received by the guild this year num
bered 1,131 pieces , which , with $9.32 In cash ,
wero" distributed among the following worthy
Institutions : Clarkson Memorial hoapltal ,
Emanuel hospital , Chlld'-Savlng Institute ,
Methodist hcnpltul , Salvation Army Rescue
homo , St. James orphanage , Creche , Visit
ing Nuracs association , Hurt Street Home for
Children , Bancroft home , Old Ladles' home ,
King's Daughters and nlso to n number of
poor families , whceo needs wcro made known
to guild members.
Mrs. J. W. Von Nostrand was re-elected
honorary president. Mrs. iMary n. Wade wag
ejealcd 'president > to succeed Mrs. Churchill
I'arkcr , who retired from the office , having
nerved two years. Mrs. S. A. Collins nnd
Mre. J. 0. Pallllppl , eocrctary nnd treasurer ,
rcEpectlvely , were ro-elected.
This non-bcctarlan organization has In a
quiet way accomplished much good for the
lipor and suffering of the country , and the
Omaha branch has rendered effective service
to the various charities of the city since Ho
organization a few years ago.
The object of the guild Is the collection of
new clothing or household linen for distribu
tion where most needed , and the gift of two
or moro now articles of clothing or house
hold linen constitutes membership in the
Wo have Just received a fine , new lot of
furniture and have samples ready for In-
.Prices are the lowest.
smvumcK runNiTunE co. ,
14th and Farnam.
niillrunil Mil II Dniil ,
Charles Duxbury , traveling passcnuer
agent of the Hultlinoro & Ohio , with head
quarters In Omuliu , died Friday nlKlit at
the home of tils mother In Cedar Hunlcls ,
la. Mr , Duxbury became 111 some time ago
and went to his home. A violent case of
typhoid fever developed nnd ho was unable
to rally from the ravages of the ilUeiiHo.
The news of Ills death was a decided
Hluick tn Ills many frlcnda among the
Omaha railroad men. Mr , Duxburv has
irmdo Ills homo in Omaha for the last
two years , and by reason of his genial
disposition hud become a genuine favorite
with all of his acquaintances. Prior to
Ills removal to Omaha Mr , Duxbury repre.
Konted the HuHlmoro & Ohio In Kansas
City , and before that tlmo waa with the
Uurllngton , Cedar rtuplds & Northern at
Cedar Rapids. A number of the local
railroad men will Join together In tha
purchase of n handsome Moral offering an
ii token of their deep grief In the death
\ of a friend and fellow worker ,
Money fur Mnmluil'n Olllt'e ,
The United States marshal's olllco yester
day received the expected remittance of
tl3SW > . which will relieve the embarrassment
ito which H has been subject owing to uliort-
ago of funds.
The no-Cent Store Jnmmccl Fnll ol
Clirlftimnn Rooiln.
Come to the Christmas toy store. To buy 1
Yes. Yes , If buying In to bedone. . 13ut come
If Just for the fun of It. We have been criti
cised for using the word "fun ; " wo nrc
criticized for many of the pleasant , human ,
heartfelt , good humored things wo do. Never
mind. Too old to care for such things ? We
cannot believe It the heart may shrivel , but
not from mere age.
Toys that perform nil the human tricks
with which they are incarnate engines thai
run up hill , trolley cars that climb Inclines
almost no end of pleasing things.
Dolls the make-bollcvo people of nlmosl
all nations , 2flc 16 flG or almost any prlc :
between , The most costly ones wo "have
dressed hero dressed as ladles should bs
dressed , nnd as babies should be.
There will not bo nearly enough of these
dolls at 98c 17 Inches high , full Jointed , will
go to sleep whenever you want them to , nnd
yet dressed flno enough for company.
It you have half the pleasure wo think
you should have from this big toy store 1U
existence Is justified , Thle store must always
bo moro than a mere place of selling.
HAIIDY'S , "Tho 99 Cent Store. "
Ilnr FnmUnrc IVorr.
Wo have Just opened up ten carloads o !
furniture recently bought at the lowest cash
prices ever'known.
Sideboards , couches , tables chairs and par
lor furniture without limit.
14th and Farnam.
Cnnl of Tlinnlcn.
Wo tleslro to extend our sincere thanks
nnd gratitude to ithe many friends and neigh
bors for sympathy and numerous kindnesses
extended during our late bereavement of our
mother , Mrs. B. McLane.
MR , D. W. M'LANE.
Have Root orlnt it-
Buy diamonds now. Edholm , Jeweler , op.
P. 0.
ANHOcInted Clinrltlca "Wood Ynrd.
Thirteenth 'and ' Nicholas. 'Phone 1646.
On sale , second-hand oak and plno ; 2-lnch
plank ; also best plno kindling ; hard and
soft stovewood and chunks always on hand
at reasonaLU prices.
Df. Wilson removed to 213 and 214 , Me-
Caguo bldg. Office hours , from 11 to 12 , 3
to E , 7 to S. Phones : Office. 749 ; res'd'nco 772.
Call or address 43 Paxton. 14th and Far
nam , for information regarding any branch
of Molor sy.-.tem Barber colleges. Scholar
ship and free transportation.
Diamond lockets. Edholtn , Jeweler.
Wanted By an old Chicago Jobbing
BOUSO , two etar tea and coffee salesmen
with established trade In Nebraska. In
writing give full particulars as to sales ,
salary , age , etc. Address E. L. 330 , Chicago
cage Tribune.
Elegant set rings at John Rudd's.
Sheridan and hard coal. 'CTe give trading
stamps. Victor White , 1605 Farnam street.
A. D. T. MeEsengers. Tel. 177.
A good suit of underwear for $1.00. Kelley -
ley & Heyden , 16th and Chicago.
Diamond link buttocs. Edholm , Jeweler.
The NortliTvcatcrn Line.
3 ; W a. m , *
1065 | . tn.
4:15 p. m.
4:65 : p. m.
.7:30 : p. m. *
Special limited trains
With Library , Buffet cars , Diner *
Recherche Sleepers , Chair cars.
Note The Northwestern is obliged to run
tar more trains than any other line between
Dmaha and Chicago.
New city offices „
1401-1403 Farnam street.
B. P. O. E. watch charms. Edholm , Jew-
; ler.
AHNOotnteil Charities.
Thanksgiving day Donations of provls-
ons , clothing , shoea , etc. , will be thankfully
received. Our wagon will call on receipt of
i postal or telephone message. Member-
ihlps and subscriptions urgently needed.
Freasury empty. Tel. 1735. John Laugh-
and. Secretary , 1810 St. Mary's avenue.
Wo dye anytnlug any color new method.
? antorium , 14th and Farnam.
Silver novelties at John Rudd's 115 S. 16th.
Sterling silver teaspoons , set , $2.70 up.
John Rudd's , 115 South Sixteenth street.
HOJ-II'H Xmn Clft.
Until December 1 we will give free our
beautiful watercolor with each new dozen
platlno cabinets or larger photos. Special
attention given to pastel , sepia and crayon
Hubermann. Jeweler , absolutely reliable.
Lowest prices guaranteed ; isth and Douglas.
Hess & Swoboda , ilorlsts , 1411 Farnam ,
choice cut flowers and floral designs.
To Hiivo tliu null.
A force of twenty men. working under
direction of the Douglas County Ffsh Pro
tective association , la engaged In Reining
numerous small lakes for the purpose of ,
capturing tlsh to be put In Cut Off lake.
To leave the fish In shallow water means
: hat they will perish. Overflows washed
them out of Cut Off lake. and. while they
survived easily enough through the sum
mer , the approaching winter would kill
DIET ) .
FAIR James B , , November 22 , 1893 , aged
CD years. Funeral Sunday afternoon , No
vember 2fi , at 2 o'clock , from his late rest ,
deuce , 003 Pierce street. Interment , Pros
pect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited.
CONNOLLY James , nired 64 years. Fu
neral Monday morning , November 27. nt
8:30 : a. m. . from family residence , Six
teenth nnd Castellnr streets. High mass
at St. Patrick's church. Interment. St.
Mary's cemetery , South Omaha.
IIOWARD-auy , captain and quarter
master , U. 8. A. , major of volunteer * * ;
killed on the Rio Grande river , near
Arayat , Luzon , Philippine Islands , Octo-
POP tt ItJt'
Interment private ,
At the chnngo of the seasons , fall and
spring , those RHEUMATIC PAINS will
come back. To find relief is the desire of
all afflicted. Wo have a remedy that has
cured more people In Omaha , South Omaha
and Council Bluffs than any other rheu
matic remedy. Wo bavo been selling It
for 11 years and some of the cures have
been remarkable. A lady living in Coun
cil Bluffs waa confined to her bed for two
weeks was cure4 with one'bottle. . An
Omaha lady who had treated with her doc
tor for over a week and getting worse was
cured with less than one bottle.
Sold only by
J. A. Fuller & Co.
Cut 1'ricc Druggists.
N , W. Corner 14tl > aud DoiiKlnn Sin.
Mnrlnn 12. Dlek'n Xcw York Drew-
mnkltiK nntnlillnliinpiit StopU.
Goes on sale tomorrow morning at 0
o'clock sharp
In order that every lady may have an
equal opportunity lor first choice in this
snlo we will commence the selling
Not a mlnuto sooner.
Madam Marlon > E. Dick's onllre stock waa
made up of the most costly nnd elegant Im
ported ellks , velvets , dress goods , laces and
trimmings. 'Her ' unniado robes cost up to
$75.00 and her silks and velvets she sold
as high as $10.00 a yard.
Our prices you will find In our display
ndvortlsemcnt on page 12 in this paper.
Thcso are all such magnificent goods , so
rich , so elegant end perfect , that wo ear
nestly request your attention , whether you
purchase or not.
The eight of such goods alone is an edu
cation nnd treat of Itself ,
Sale starts nt 9 sharp.
CnrloiDlN t
The Shlvcrlck Furniture company In their
new store , Fourteenth and Farnam , have
Just opened Up the largest quantity of now
furniture they have ever shown. Beautiful
goods , and the prices'are surprisingly low ,
Don't fall' ' to sco them before the assortment
Is broken.
Hamilton Warren , M. ! . . eclectic-and
magnetic physician , has moved his office to
769 North 16th street , room 13. Special at-
tcntlori to all long-standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of women and children.
We repair cooks , ranged , neatcra. furnaces.
1207 Douglas , Omaha Stova Repair Works.
Pure 18-Kt. wedding rings. Edholm.
Mr. Butler will give an organ recital at
Trinity cathedral at 4 p. m. today. The
Misses Nebrlska of Plattsmouth will supply
the vocal numbers. These young singers
have lately returned from a course .of study
In Europe and will be heard In this city for
the flrst time In several years.
Alpha camp No. 1 , Woodmen of the World ,
will give their ninth annual ball Thanksgiv
ing night'at Woodmen hall , Sixteenth ami
Capitol avenue.
Gents' thin model 14-Kt gold watches , $20
and up. John Rudd , 115 South Sixteenth.
See our line imported overcoating and
suitings. G. A. Llndoutst , 316 S. 15th St.
Dr. Bridges , removed to 350-2 Bee build
ing. Tel. 1727.
Blank book and magazine binding. A. I.
Root , 1609 Howard street.
Diamond pendants. Edholm , Jeweler-
Have'you missed our Royal Acorn ad
during- the past few days ? You see ,
It has been SO warm that we thought
beat to discontinue for a time : but
that did not stop the sale of the Royal
Acorn a- little bit. We're selllnpr f
more of them than ever before. It '
Is so Q
that you can have a very low fire In
warm weather and a very hot one in
cold weather. You don't have to
watch this stove closclv. It will not
go out even when ( Ire Is very low. If
i you've never seen It , now Is the time.
! John Hussie Hardware Go ,
! 2407-2109 Cuming St.
| "If you buy It of Hussie It'a right. "
Exposition souvenir Free.
At Rluehart's gallery , from November 1 ,
as long as they last , the large bor-k of colored
views that formerly sold at $3.00 each given
with each dozen cabinets or larger pictures.
Not One
Two Days
in the
Week but
This magnificently equipped trnln runs from
Omahn to California ,
I.KAVIXO 8r.O : A. M.
Quicker than any other train or via
any other route ,
CHy Ticket Olllof , HlOii fnriinni St.
X f
Best Dining Oar Service ,
It's Like
lo got those brown-chock rib overall.1 ,
for ; ! Sc ; men's wool socks , Ik- ; blanket
lined duck cents , 7.'c ; men's blue
cheviot suits $2.63 ; llunuel-linec
Arctics , 75c ; Rubber Boots , $2.20 ; fur
overcoats , $3.98 ; extra heavy duel
overalls with double knee and double
seat and pockets buttoned with bmsb
buttons , 755e ; linen collars , TM-c ; bind
overalls Hue ; children's overalls , lOc.
Underwear as low as a Dime. AVoo
pants for'men , 75c ; boys' working shiits
15e ; gray storm ulsters , ? 3.75 ; canvas
leggings , 30c ; blue llaunel shirts -loc
Finer goods proportionately just as
" *
The house that sells GOOD goods for
little MONEY.
The Graphaphone rage has
struck Omaha. Why not come
in and look them over.
Columbia Graphophone Go , ,
1515 } Farnnm St.
Bargains Monday ,
Extraordinary Low Prices on Good Shoes that Will Surprise
the Most Economical Buyers.
Ask to see
the "Ultra"
the Shoe
tor Women.
Ladies' Fine Shoes on Sale Made of
genuine Vici kid , with light turn soles and
silk vesting , eyelet"stays , regular $ J QTT
J.OO values
on sale at ,
Made of fine vlcl kid , with lld tips , exten Lace , with
double extension soles , kid
, heels and tip
Blon soles military wide coin
and wide cola toes , sizes 8
tops regular to 12 , regular $1.60 98c
$3.50 values solo $2.25 shoes at
price. . . .
Made of the finest felt cloths , In red and Lace and button , with turn soles , patent
, with turn soles and fur trimmed ,
brown " " calfskin tips and spring lioeU , Sf \
worth $1.7D every- sizes C to S , regular $1.00 " } fO O
price Y/hero ; our every$1.1O shoes at , , ,
Lace , with heavy single f"j Uce , with eoft kid soles , In black
boles , kid tips , sizes 12 \i f * * O Kan and red , sizes i 'toI , rcgu-
* -r * >
to 2 , worth $1.50 , at - lar COc shoes at
In lace and b'utton , with kid end Lace and congress , good style , In tip or
patent leather tips , worth $1.75 , plain toes , worth
at $2.00 , on sale $1.24
With viarm linings and felt BOYS' SATIN CALF SHOES.
Bolcti , worth 75c , nalo 38C
un Lace , with solid extension sojp3 , sizes 12
at to 2 , worth
LADIES' 600 RUBBERS. two dollars , sale $1.19
, '
on sale at 22c I'rlco
Wo have fittings and EXTltA PARTS for
every SVRINOE nnd ntomlzer mado. There
Is no necessity of throwing away an other
wise good Instrument because some part Is
defective. EXTRA PIPES for Syringes or
EXTRA TIPS for ntomlzcrs can bo procured
of us nt small cost. Also BULBS for
Wrlto for rubber goods catalogue.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go ,
1G13 Dodge St. . Omaha , Neb.
will be worn
atthepfame of foot ball
at Y. M. C. A. Park
on Thanksgiving day
and also at the many
Thanksgiving day din
ners. If yon haven't
bought yours yet , come
in and see the latest
styles in high grade
winter shoes for both
Men and Women.
Nothing more stylish ,
artistic and sensible
has ever been brought
out in footwear than
the winter tans and
a black box calf and
heavy vici kid shoes
we are now showing.
Popular prices.
N. E. Cor. 10th
and Douglas Sts.
We Expect
ihe Remarks
Now ninilcx about us by the 60 pill makers
nrc somfthliiK like this : \ "The jobbers are
KottlnR Mcnry' of Selmefcr nnd nro going
to try ami get Uie goods back tlicy sold
him , Anybody can buy goods llko
Schaefer and never pay for them. It
they do dcmnnd thUr Roods buck how ninny
vnns will it tnko to haul them bnck ? Sup-
peso you follows tnko a dny oft nml conic
up and look through our stock.
.inwley's Curlcno Oc
1'lnaitd'n Kail do Quinine 33 & 7lc !
Porous Piasters lOc
t'nlnes CVicry Compound "no
Hood's Sarsaparllla 75o
Kilmer's Suamp Hoot 75c
Castorln 23c
Duffy's .Malt Whisky S5o
s- sS 75u
Corner Kith lind U lca n.
'ilSS ' 1'0" " rluggcrg-
While They Last
We make the following un
heard of prlccfi to close out
our stock of Sterling Silver
Exposition Souvenir Spoons.
If you want n bargain , como
nnd sco us. If you dou't ,
hand this to your neighbor.
Transmlsslsslppl Spoon ,
$1.BO each , reduced to 50e.
Transmlsslsslppl Spoon ,
$2.00 each , reduced to $1.00.
Transmlsslsslppl Spoon ,
$2.50 each , reduced to $1.25.
Transmlsslsslppl Spoon ,
$5.00 each , reduced to $2.50.
We have a few Sterling
Pin Trays with the Govern
ment building In center , re
duced from $2.00 to 50c.
( ieo , W , Ryan & Co. ,
Jeweler Omahn 10 ! ) . S. 1Jth ( St.
Chicago and East
Si. Paul and Minneapolis
Hoi Springs and Deadwood.
Well kept and cared for. and almost any
human face Is presentable. On tlie other
liand , seed looks , or even 'beauty ' Itself , is
polled by fragmentary or discolored teeth.
Our work is llrst-class and our prices reasonable
enable *
Extracting 25i
Vlfallzcd Air 50c
Teeth Cleaned 7oc
Faffs Philadelphia Dental Rooms
ltil Street.
50c buys a dollar's worth of clothing during the sale of
stocks closed out to us from three of the largest clothing
manufacturers of New York city and Rochester , N. Y. , at just
half their real value.
We have the-whip hand of 00122
petition to this extent. Those
who try to compete wit/2 us 212
quality , cannot touch us in price.
A.nd those who meet our prices ,
cannot supply our quality of
Every man wearing good clothes should know
and see the famous Hart , ShafEner & Marx , fine
suits and overcoats. We have in stock suits and
overcoats at $7.50 to 822.50 , known to all line dressers to be
equal to merchant tailored clothing except price.
Men's all wool cassimere and cheviot suits , worth $6.50 ,
at $3.95
Men's suits and overcoats , worth § 7.50 and $8.50
on sale at $5.00
Men's line worsted suits , and fancy covert overcoats ,
worth $12.50 , at ' . , $7.50
Men's ' new stylish suits , with double breasted vest , and
ine covert and patent beayer overcoats , worth up to $18 , on
sale at ? $10.00
Our very finest suits and overcoats , at $12.50. $15 and
$18 , are equal to the $25 to $40 made-to-order kind.
Extra special Thanksgiving sale of children's knee pant
suits , fine top overcoats and storm collar reefers.
Caps and Tarn ( VShanters.
Boys' golf , yaclit and golf shapes , in navy blue , brown ,
jlack , plaids and gray , at 25c , 85c , 40c and 50c.
Girl's golf and skull shapes in plaids , navy blue and reel ,
at 35c , 40c and 50c.
SHERIDAN COAL lias not raised.
Lump , $5.50 ; Nut or Egg , $5.00 ; Pea
nut , $4.50 ; screened , delivered and
weighed on city scales free of charge.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 farnam St. Tel. 127
A Few Specials
nt the
Plnnud's Kail do Quinine , 3Sc nnd 73o
EOc Dath finishes 25o
25c Shaving Urush. lOc
1 pint cnu Pine Tar 10 :
Chloride Llmo , . . . Co
Castorla 25o
Laxative Iromo-0.ulno ) liic
Carter's Liver Pills 15c
William ! ) ' Pink Pills -too
Ciystal Dew 50a
For your Thanksgiving feast. Then
there's the plum pudding the kind
mother used to make. You'll need a
good wlno or brandy In order to prop
erly prepare It. Then , again , no mat
ter how good a meal you sit down to ,
It will not bo complete without some
Good wine. Hero's where I come' In.
I am quitting business , and In order
to sell out quick have made tremendous
deus reductions on my cplcndld stock
of family wines nnd liquors. You will
have another reason to bo thankful In
the saving by buying from inc.
( Family Liquor Dealer )
S. W. Cor. lltli nml Dodge St.
The Best Made
In this or any oilier country arc ,
made by Win. T. Wood & Co. AVc ,
ure the western agents for these ,
celebrated Tools and -would like to ,
sell you. Write for our catalogue. ,
Sole Agents Wm. T. Wood & Co.
Ice Tools.
1511 Dodge St.
Kodaks and Cameras for
Christmas Presents
Nothing More Lasting
Nothing will give half the pleasure
'or twice the money. We are making
i special sale on all Cameras in stock
it greatly reduced prices , so that every
me can have one for Christmas. Call
ind sco us before purchasing , as wo
inly carry photo supplies nnd have the
argcst assortment out of Xew York.
Country customers send for prices.
1215 Fnrnnin St.
Wholesale and Retail.
A Perfect I
Tooth Powder
The following sworn statement
by the chemist of the Richardson
Drug Co. spunks for itself.
Omaha , Nob. , Nov. 21 , 1899.
To whom It may concern :
This Is to coi-tify that I have tnado a
careful analysis of Dr. Bailey's Cam
phorated Tooth Powder and llnd it
entirely free from any substance that
could bo considered injurious in its use
as a dentifrice , boinf ; uo combined tia to
make it ti perfect preparation , and
should do all that is claimed for it ,
Signed , j. H. LOOMIS , Ph. O.
Chemist for Richardson Drtifr Co ,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 2-lth day of November , A. D. . 180 ! ) .
Notary Public.
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