THE OMAHA DAILT BEE : SUDAY. "yOYEMBER 20. 1800. I1USINESS CHANCES. r 11 - . - - . . _ _ _ ' r - - T r i Y - WAGES , accounts and bad dents of nil Kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State ments nnd remittances mailed weekly. Highest commercial and bunk reference } . OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , suite BII , First National bnnk building. 'Phone. 2551. Communicate with us and wo will sand a reliable rolleotor for your accounts. j. I-Oil SALE or tr.ido , first-class newspaper Printing o-itnt. lob press , type , etc , Ad dress t : W , White. Onawn. Iowa. 1-.M3 BUSINESS chance , a. ( rood , clcnn stock of dry Roods nnd clothing In peed condition : owner will exchange for farm or city .property. Wo have hardware , drugs , pro- ccriosand merchandise tit nil klmK Write " Merchandise Broker. 606 KarhncMgjj'k ' * 4. STOCKS of eracbrlep. 825 X. Y. Life. j ( ) FOR BALK. K good clean stock of drv Roods notions nnd shoes In a good rail road 'town of llvo thousand In western lown ; no trade entertained. Address P fi7. Boo. , Y M178 I'OH $ ALE , newspaper In town of TOO ; cir culation BOO : will poll chcnp If taken at once ; will stand Investigating. It. E , Crls- man , Leigh. Neb. Y-M2M 27 * FOIl BALEmy half Interest In the Crete Herald , one of the best paying news- pnpofrs and Job ofllccH In Nebraska. Nor man Jaclcyon , Crete , Neb. Y M231 TUB NEW SNOW ciruRCH COMPANY , , Law and Collection Agoncy. Knrbach block. Attorneys nnd eollfctors In every 'county nnd city In United Stntri. Send In 'your accounts. No charge unless collec- ' tlons made. Notary In office. Legal papers drnwn. W. It. Green , president ; p. R. Glover , secretary Y-258-SO WANTED , to lease. ' furnished hotel , by nn experienced hotel man. Box 51.1 , ' lAvoca , Iowa. Y M326-1 * If .YOU want a fine location for milling , /ir grain business , address M. , Lock Box \ $ . Oberlln , Knlis. Y 325 26 cash will buy n nice advertising In Council Bluffs. Address , S 6 , Y 323-26 * , JlO for $1 Fortunes In stocks ; Invest $ > to i$100 and get $1,000 for $100 sure ! safe as a bank. Rfed & Co. , 129 S. 5th St. Phila delphia , Pa. Y-322-26 * 20 to 6fli per cent paid monthly on your ' ( die capital , safe and sure a * n bank , which only allows you 5 per cent per year. Rend for our booklet explaining full piir- 'Jli-ulars free. National Investment Co. , 167 Dearborn. Chicago. Y 321-25 * noLD-COPPEU ! The surest way to own n weld or coiwr mlno Is to go to headquarlrrs. Write for ' Information. Our inlno.i nro In Alaska. Highest * references. Alaska -Mining Bureau , Sknirwnv , Alustkn. Y PROFITS in stock1- , wheat nnd cotton , " Mackey's Modern Methods Mike Money. Wrlto for our .free book. C. E. Mnckey & Co. . 29 Broadway , New York. Y BUSINESS-chance. Wagon factory wants locnt'on und hustler as mamiper. Address , It. W. Tlmms , Indianapolis , Indiana. Y 320 26 * DO YOU want to know how J100 earned In , 'n year $747 ? Then drop us n postal nnd wo will send you our Dollars and Sense , 'booklet ' , explaining . In detail the only feasible plan of jnnkliifj n large and sure .Income by n small Investment ; dividends --paid every two weeks ; principal and nc- . , orued earnings can be withdrawn on demand - mand , safe at government bonds ; four year of unbroken success ; hlghem bank , commercial nnd customers' references. The Combination Investment Company ( Incorporated ) , Rlalto Building. Chlcaco. v Y 357 20 * WM WANT-a representative In each county to negotiate n high class Investment. Those having talent for the business can imlke $500 per month. AddrfHP , Chns. F. . TiiiiBitott , Chamber of Commerce , Chlcaco , ' i lll ; Y 3BS 26 * STOCK of groceries amounting to $1,000 ; store building with flats above renting nt $225.M per mo. , for $3,500.00. on leased ground. lea ? ? running for 5 years : stock nnd building can bo bought for $0,500.00 ; $2,000 citsh , rial , good real estate ; location is. close In on best retail street In Omaha. . . W. H. Gates , 618 N. Y. Life. Phnne 1291. _ WANTED , to trade good California fruit . .4'farnv and cash for stock general me-r- fhandlBf. P , O. Box 11 , < I , City. Y-J21 26 f8.000 > DRY GOODS nnd clothing , novt on the .Bhclvee und open .to Inspection ; will take ( some-cood real estate. John Hodnur. Box ' - 114 , City. Y 120 26 I AM not Hick , neither . -have I too much business that I cannot-tend to It. but for $1,000 cash I will sell Htenm laundrv. with trndo clearing from $100 to $400 a month. Also half Interest In two businesses clear ing -from ' $75 lo $300 a month. You need -tho money to talk to me. Then r wilt give you the privilege of mv- homo ono ' month free of charge before Investing , so .you can find out my words are true. .Fifteen miles from Omaha. Address S 19 , Bo. < . Y 132 26 * ' * " FOIl EXCHANGE. , EORSALE. OR EXCHANGE for eastern 1 Nebraska farm , stock of general merclmn- and-groceries. Box 29J , Geneva , Neb. ' " . . -y - / WE. have" " a clear farm in Thayer county , -Nebraska , at 1 > npres to trade for cloth- 'ing ' - ' - . " ' 04 ami , , furnishing' goods. Box' , VHebrpn-'Neb. ; " Z-327-26 * HAVE good Dakota land for groceries or tthoo flock. . Box 114 , City. Z-423 26 HAVE two good farms to exchange for 1m- ; 'proved" vacant city property. Box 114 , . 'Ulty. ' Z-423 26 VOll SALE-REAL ESTATE. SNAPS In real estate : mority to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. . 314 S. 15th street. RE-163 'HOUSES. Ipts , farms , lands , loans ; also nro Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE339 .77" T FOR SALE. $476.00s FOJt lots on Ames A venue , ono ' 'ilock west of 24th St. . also $350.CO for corner lots nnd $270.00. for Inside lots bo- tweim * 5th and 26th Sts. . one block south of Ames Avenue. Small cash payment aEOKGE & COMPANY , 1601 Farnam st ! RE-MO 15-23 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see s ; A7 * Bread well , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. f. - ' RE-M104 1105 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside buslnesT i' ' property on market , uailaco , solo agent ' ' , , ' RE-M152 / 33V4' acres , three miles north of Florence 'ill In timber ! will cut between 400 and 500 corils ot wood : for il.230. j,88.aBe 8t- * a w.-pndrw . ? , . > The Byron Reed Co. , 213 S. Hth St. RE-567- FOR SALE , my elegant home , 2020 Webster St. : small amount down , balance same as rent , if desired. Address C. D , Blbb'ns ' Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash ' RS-M266 Dec ? FOR SALE cheap , largo nouso and lot , eait 49 feet-lot SS. block 10. Kountzo & Ruth's addition ; rents for $ i3.oo per month , but would bring more by making few repairs Price. $2.500.00. G. B. Tzschuck. care . ' .Qpialm Bee. RE-SJ5 T.-ROOM house and fiill lot u7 nortlT mm .of.clty.Mienr car line , $40.00. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So , Hth , KU 239-10 A BARGAIN-Four acres. < 0th and Pacllio ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail , 'road , S2.500 : easy terms. McCague T _ . VtUinent Co. . 1506 Dodge. RE-969- . HFNRY B. PAYNE , 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDo" Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance RB-U7 COTTAGES , residences. Patterson , 205 N N. Y. Life. RE-M423 RANCH LANDS-Bt-ent torMna | n "coio" i ado and Wyoming. C. E. Wantlond , J02J 17th St. , Denver. Colo. RE-M469 Dec. fi ALL brotforty of the Nebraska Savings nnd Exchnnco'Brtnk Is for ale at ft reasonable price. Would like offers at once upon the following , which Is Very desirable ! Twenty acren on Dodge , street pavement , near Dundee. . . . . _ , Fifty-nix acres adjoining Pries Lake. Two Hoilses. sputhweH corner isth and Dorcas , llrut-chUs condition , Southeast corner Park Avo. nnd 'Hickory , Wm. K , Potter , receiver , 15th and Farnam ! RE-39. FOR BARGAINS everybody goes to S. A , Broadwell , 601 N. Y , Life Bldir. Bldir.REMI05 RE-MI05 EO i ACRES clear for city property * 15ia Davenport. RE-M095 D25 7o AC'IlETon Q utrcct. South Oninha ; will i > ell cheap. J , H. Bherwood. _ 43 N. Y , Life. RE-M3S8 27 KOlt SAIK Itn.Vb ESTATE. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE , Payne , Harder Company. Wo offer as among our best bargains for this week the following properties , everyone ono of which we can recommend OB good Investments. 764 A ten-room house , all modern , CD-foot lot , cast front , very sightly and deslrn- ble location and close to business , near 32d and J streets , South Omaha , for the Bum of $2,000 ; owner Is In poor health nnd must sell nt once. 1095 A seven-room house , 41-foot east frontlet lot , good collar , city water , small barn , flnc shade trees , property In pooA condi tion , located on 24th street , near Ames avenue , $1,500 ; terms reasonable. \Wl \ A six-room house , city water and gas , good cellar , south front , beautiful , sightly location , good neighborhood , near ? .Sth and Dccatur streets , Jl.BOO. 901-In Walnut Hill , fine eight-room , nil modern house , excellent neighborhood , one-half block from car line , south front , .property In splendid condition nnd Is of fered this week for the modest sum ot $3,500 ; reasonable terms. E3S On California street , near Hnrney St. car line , new six-room house , all modern except furnace , desirable locality , good neighborhood , south front. $2,100. If sold this week. This Is a anno. VACANT PROPERTIES. We have three fine south front lots on Mnnderson afreet , near 27th , which we nre authorized to sell for $275 each on casv terms. This , for n bargain , cannot be bent In the city of Omaha. On .11st nve. , near Dodge St. , is a fine 60-foot lot , very desirable , which can bo pur chased for $2,200. This also Is vorv cheap. On 28th Bt. , near Hickory , we nre author ized to sell a good , sightly 50-foot lot for the sum of $600 , one-third cash and the balance nt 6 per cent. This should betaken taken at once. For further particulars Inquire of Payne , Harder Co. , 1st floor. N. Y. L. Bide. RE-M2 26 LOOK nt 2708 Capitol Avc. , 7-room frame cottage , nearly new , on lot 60x133 feet , south front. Price. $1,400.00. This U a bargain. Byron R. Hastings , 212 So. 14th. Re-935 $1,200.00 BUYS n 6-room cottage , north 28th nve. ; newly pupored and painted outside and In ; $300.00 cash , balance monthly. W. L. Selby , 331 Board of Trade.RE RE M230 28 .l.ROO.OO . BUYS 9-room house , 4922 Capitol ave ( Dundee ) : good repair ; newly papered and painted ; $300.00 cash , balance monthly. RE-M229 26 SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1,150 for house and full lots on 10th street. nc r Brownell Hall. $3.600 for 8 rooms , east front , Lowe nve. $2,500 for 2 houses and large corner lot near Hanscom park. $1,200 for nice corner near Hanscom park. $750 for 22 acres peed land near Waterloo. JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. RE M213 3 A LARGE llFt of houses and lots to sell on monthly payments ; terms easy. W. H. Russell , 616 N. Y. Life. RE M254 26 FOR SALE , bargain , 15-room hotel Norton , Kan. , all furnished and doing a good busi ness ? ; turn off customers every day ; reason for selling , poor health. Call on J. H. Parrotte , Douglas Blk. RE M256 3 WELL located lots , clear , to exchange for Improved property : will assume. Fruit rnnch in southern California (90 ( acres ) , 50 acres bearing fruit , clear , to exchange for Improved Omaha property. I. N. Hammond mend , 20th and Lake Sts. RE-M262-2T BARGAINS IN VACANT LOTS. $275.00 , on Templetoii street , near 21th. $400.00 $ on Davenport , near 35th nve , $250.00. In Walnut 'Hill , near car line. $1,300.00 , near Farnam and 33rd streets. $1,700.00. on Park avei. . facing park. GARV1N BROS. , 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-382 26 BIG BARGAINS. Wo have sold the 100 feet , east front , on 37th St. . adjoining Mr. Wattle's residence , which we advertised last week , but have another 100 feet on the northwest corner of 39th nnd Dodge St. . Just ns good a bargain , n corner lot and south and east front. Thin is the most desirable corner left In the West Farnnm district and we ar cojiftdpnt that this property will be sold very soon. For Information call upon R. C. PETERS & CO. , Exclusive Agents , 1702 Farnnm St. . Boo .Bldg. RE M378 23 FOR .SALE . , bargains In small residences. S. A. Broadwell , C01 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-JM407 $7.500 WILL buy 4 houses and large lot 6 blocks N. W. of P. O. . rents. S130.00 ! this price for quick sale. Strineer. 634 Paxton block , RE 384 M" BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. The laws of New Hampshire compel sav ings banks in that state to sell , no matter at what price , after five years' nossnsslon. all real estate which they may have ac quired. We have several such pieces of real estate that must bo sold before Janunrv next. Good 6-room house and full lot. nnvcd street , nil paving taxes paid , onlv $1,000. 7-room house und full lot , good location , only $750.00 , S-room house nnd 2 Iota In Monmouth Park ; make an offer. 7-room modern residence nnd full lot on Hiirnoy street , $1,800. 7-room house nnd full lot. paved street , imvlnc tax paid , $1.250. Brcnnan Love Co. , 219 So , 16th St. Tel. 1264 RE-2B ( 26 WANTED , correspondence with rinercJinivts that would Ilko California homei Avoid the told weather nnd prolong your life. E. C. Chnpln , Minneapolis , 'Minn. ' RE-331-26 * $150 FOR lot 60x127 feet , with front on Mnndcraon. east of 28th Ht. $1,400 for 39xSO fetit , east of 617 Pacific st. ; paving paid ; near 'Union ' depot , $2i50 for 6-room modern cottasre , near 32nd and Davenport u s. ; rental $252 per year. $1,500 for 7-room house , lot 33x132 feet , within 4 block * northwest of postofHce. $6,600 for four frame stores , flats obovti ; rental $1,020 per year ; paving paid , $1,500 , for 330x166 feat , within 4 blocks of court house : 10-room modern frame house ; less than $50 per front foot. JOHN N. FRENBER , OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M413 30 W. II. GATES , 618 N. Y. Life. "Phone 1294. 8 rooms , modern , at 2218 Grant st. ; a good , honest , wtill built house ; cellar under whojo house : bricked up ; large barn ; full lot ; cheap at $2,750.00. 7 roomB , barn , C132 Emmett st. , 100 feet front , $1,250.00. C rooms , gnu. sewer , water , lot 60x127 , 2321 Patrick nve. . $1,630.00. 7 rooms , 3 blocks from car line. $ SOO ; $100 cash , balance monthly. B per cent Interest. 100x127. vacant. N , E. cor , 27th and Wool- worth. $1,3M.OO. 88x126. N. W. cor. 24th and Wlrt. $1,550.00 , \i \ aero ground , with good cottage , large barn , hen house , etc. ; raspberries , straw- berrleH , blackberries , cherries nnd plUms ; 3 blocks from car line. $1,400.00.RE379 RE-379 28 NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A. Broadwell , D01 N. Y. Life Bldg.REM400 RE-M400 AN exceedingly well built , east front , now , nil modern , -room house , iinlshcd In oak , laundry , barn , West Farnam district ; owner leaving c4ty. 634 Paxton Block. RE-328 26 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE , 260 well Improved - proved Iowa farm for houce and lot In Omaha , I have about 100 Improved farms ill I own within CO miles of Omaha , $2000 to $10.00 per acre , In nlzu 20 to 500 acres. Call or write for description * . I've got line list ot dwelling houses In price $300 to $10.000. Lymnn Waterman , N. Y. Life Bldg , Telephone U9.2. RE-330 26 IF YOU have a bargain to onVr la estate fee S. A , Broadwell. 501 N. Y. Life bids. RE-M403 20 LOTS In blks. 17 and 19 , West Omaha , to. Farnam , bet. 35th and < oth ; agiihHlt * 'H ; permanent sidewalk * . R. C. Patterson , uole art. , 306 N , Y. L. RE-Mi ) ; / ' FOIl SAMS REAL I3STATH. THERE arc several properties now offered for sale In Omaha on which the p'urchaser would make a profit of some thousands of dollars nsi soon ns the title Is conveyed the difference between what the property In worth and what the owner Is compelled to sell it for. It's Just that difference- that has made many a fortune in Omaha ; there never was so good a time to take advantage of It ns now. Our Judgment of what property Is really worth ns compared with the asking price hai been tested enough times by Investors to be trusted now. FOR EXAMPLE. Wo nro asked by a western estate to sell four honestly built modern dwellings , renting for nigh $1,600 a year , nt a figure that will pay you 10 per cent on the In vestment. The location nnd accessibility are the very bcPt , with asphaltum paved streets all around. $15,000 Is the asking price , which represents Just about the cost of the Improvements. Wo will recommend a further whittling down of the price by n thousand or two , nnd It nn offer ot that sort Is accepted the investment will pay you close to 10 per cent net. This prop erty has been under our personal observa tion since the Improvements were com pleted , some seven years now , nnd we unhesitatingly - hesitatingly recommend it as a good thing. .The terms ot purchase are easy. DENNEY. 524-3 Paxton Block. Tel. 2100. n.E-370 28 LOST. LOST , pair of rimless spectacles ; reward. L. L. Vnnnatta , 1406 S. llth St. Lost 3 60 26 * HOTELS. METROPOLITAN , 12th and Douglas st. , Omaha , Nob. $1.00 to $1.25. ' hone 2 . TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNK traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnam. 36J Dec. 16 NICKEL PLATING. BASE BURNERS , lamps and chandeliers replated. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. 191 STABIMEIUNG AND STUTTEIUXG. CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Rarr.go Bldg. 183 BICYCLES. NEW nnd second-hand bicycles at halt price. Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol avo. OSTEOPATH * . JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y. Life Bills. , Alice Johnson. D. O. . ladles' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , ostcopathlst , mgr. IS ? M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. . 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1387. 189 HOUSES WINTERED. GOOD stables and good cire. Phone 1054. J. W. Phelps , 207 N. Y. Life. M 874 Janl7 * PAWNDIIOKERS. JEFFERSON Scjuare Loan Office. 418 N. 16. 170 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommoda- 1ns ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug las. ISO UIUDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S bird store. 1503 Leavenworth. 608 PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th. Tel. 2039. 772 Deo. 25 SCIIOOI , OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 1S2 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2210 Davenport. 505 D-9 TICKET I1ROKERS. CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln , 1505 Farnam. 'Phone , 784. 358 RAILWAY TIME TAIII.ES. CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 6fil. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 129 ; Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . , . a 5:40 : am (111:55 : pm Chicago Passenger . a 4:15 : pm alO:10 : am Eastern Express. Dea Molnes , Mai-fahalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East . a 4:65 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fust Mall , Chicago to Omaha , . a 2:43 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am Fast Mall . . . . . . . . 8:30 : am a Dally , b Daily except Sunday. ICHICAGO 5r ! PAUL ; Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office- , HOI Farnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot. 15tti and Webster Sts. Arrlve' Twin City Express ( for ' Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis * . . . a 0:00 : urn Omaha Passengrer . . . . . . . a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux LClty , Ponca , Hurting-- " " Suny. [ FREMONT. ELKHORN 1 & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line ' -General Oftices. nam Streets. Street. Webster Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwpod , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm n 6:00 : pm ' Wyoming , Casper ana Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pin Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exe er and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgrc and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:25 : am Fremont Local , . . , . , c 7:30 : am a Dally o Dally except Sunday , o Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. e dully except Monday , . _ CHICAGO , MILAVAUKEE & /cf < a _ sPdul ( Railway City /MuiVAiwrr ' ! cket " ' " " -J501 Farnam ' ' ; //n.'lWA 'ictl ' Street. Telephone. 2S4. Do- pot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. 629 , Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chicago & Omahu Ex. . blloo ; am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City & De Molnea Express . , , . . , . . .bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pm a Daily , Lb Dally except Sunday , SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TEN POINTERS AHOt'T THE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING DEPARTMENT of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , LOCATED OVER BOSTON STORE , 16T1I & DOUGLAS STS. . AND OWNED AND OPERATED BY UOHRBOUGH BROS. FOR 15 YEARS. No. 1 It Is n model which others vainly endeavor to copy. No. 2 Its principal Is not onlv n court re porter , but a teacher of lone experience nnd recognized ability. No , 3 U supplies the lending business houses of Omalm , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs with .steiionranhcrs. No. I It now uses 50 typewriters , nearly every ono of which is new. No. 5 H is the onlv shorthand school In America which provides Its students with the finest copyholder ever dovhcd. No. 6 It has over 1.BOO ox-students west ot the Mississippi river holding luerntlvo nnd responsible position * , and whose annual earnings amount to more than $75,000 per year. ' No. 7 It has always tnkcn the lead ! n methods and docs the most thorough work. No. 8 The following business houses nml firms have been supplied with steno- grnphcrH recently : Cudahy Packing Co. Thomas Baker Co. Stull Bros. Armour & Co. Remington Typewriter Co. Omaha Automatic Gas Co. Stnto Electric Co. Chicago Wrecking Co. Attorney , South Omuha. Hnoth Packing Co. Crawford & Co. Rome Miller. Chicago & Milwaukee Railway. Brndstreot & Co. Santa Fe Ry. , Topekn , Kan. Union Paclllc headquarters. Kllpatrlck , Collins & Co. , Medicine Bow , Cox-Jones Commission Co. , South Oninha. HosenbaUm Bros. & Co . South Omaha. Oscnr MI11 < mp Co. ( two. ) ' National Biscuit Co. New York Life Insurance Co. Omaha News Co. C. . U. t. lly. , Horion , Kan. Job office , Bro\vn block. Rev. Qulvy , McCnguc building. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Charles Williams Real Estate Co. Hicks & Co. , Newport , Ark. No. 9 The following students were sent lethe the above-mimed parties nnd many of them are getting from J50.00 to $00.00 per month : ( Por. ) Ida Turner , ( Per. ) James Norton , ( Per. ) Elizabeth Chavcy , ( Per. ) Alma Bailey , ( Per. ) Nellie Mooney , tFcr. ) Ed Cnlland , ( Tern. ) John Burnett , ( Per. ) Elizabeth Chnpln , ( Per. ) Eliza Cnmm , ( Per. ) Edith Hannn , ( Tern. ) Alice Hamilton , ( Per. ) W. D. Jones , ( Per. ) James Nethery , ( Ptr. ) J. F. Powers , ( Per. ) E. A. Miller , ( Tern. ) Ora Norton , ( Tcm. ) Tom McKeon , : ( Per. ) Gayle Shlpman , ( Por. ) Mies Phillips. ( Per. ) Theresa Harrington , ' ' ( Per. ) Sue Condron , ( Per. ) Teressn. Harris , ( Per. ) Ellen Hcnsle , ( Per. ) Theodore Henry , ( Tern. ) Rose Moneak , ( Per. ) Mnblo Cast , ( Per. ) Thomas Camm , ( Per. ) Clyde Foote , ( Tern. ) Mne Bero , ( Per. ) Lewis Jones. No. 10 This school has a more systemat ical nnd practical method of teaching "touch typewriting" than nny other school In the United States. Our teach ers orlKinated the system nnd other schools by the score are Inquiring about it. They must adopt it or become back numbers ; for this method of teaching has come to stay. The business men of Omaha will hereafter give touch opera tors the preference , for they are the best and can turn off more work In n day than the sight operators. It will pay any ono to call and see how we have revolution ized the old method of teaching. We can show you operators which will astonish you. Several of the leading schools In the east have adopted our method of teaching touch typewriting. Some of the largest schools In Now York , St. Louis and Chicago are now using It. Wo will start a new class In typewriting the first Monday In December. If you are going to become a stenographer It will be wlso to attend a school whoso stu dents nre sought by business men , whose teachers are not charlatans , whoso methods nre progressive and up-to-date and whose opportunities of placing you In a position , when ready , are flrst-clnsB. Catalogue , four lessons In touch typewrit ing and an elegant specimen of penman ship free to anyone. Call at the college or write ROHRBOUGII BROS. , OMAITA , NEBRASKA. 371 26 A. C. Van Sant'a School. 717 N. Y. Life. 179 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 18th & Douglas. 177 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal , Bee Bldff. 178 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col- lege. Boyd's theater. M 154 COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , 16 & D'glas 190 PIANO TUNING. PIANO tuning. $1.60. E05 Sheely Block. 46 DS * FURNITURE PACKING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 183 11AILWAY TIME TAI1LE. SIOUX CITY' & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Offices , United States National Bunk Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth -TV , , , . oml Farnam Streets , Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele- Ehonc , 561. Depot. Tenth and Mason t reels , Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato & St , Paul , Minneapolis.a 5:50 : am a 8:15 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 55 : ! pm all0n ; pm Sioux : City Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 : pm a. Daily. BURLINGTON & MIS- sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" -General Offices , N , W , Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 Fnrnam Strict. Telephone , 250 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive , Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Cole rado. Utah. Californiaa 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , BlacK Hills , Montana & Pugec Sound a'4:2-3 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local n 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Foot Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:35'am : Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 6:35 : am a Dally , KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burlington - ton Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street. Telfl phone. 250. Depot. Tenth and Mafon StreetsTele ! - Telephone - phone , 310 , Leave , Arrive Kansas City Day Ex..a 8:50 : am n 6:45 : jmj Kansas City Night Ex..aIO15 ; pm a 0:30 : am i St. Louis Flyer for St , ' Joseph and St , Louisa 455 ; pm all16 ; am a Daily. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Rallroad-'Tho Burlington Routo"-T oket Office , 1E02 Farnnm St. Tel. . 250. Depot , Tenth & nnd MOHOII Streets , Tele phone , 310. Arrlve' Daphlcago Spe- ' c fal . . . .a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 50 ; > pm a 8:05 : am Chicago Express a S30 ; am a 4(6 pin Chicago & St. L. Ex.a 7:43 : pit a 805 ; am Paclllc Junction Locnl.alO:43 : am Fait Mall a 2:45 : pm a D.ily. ) W A B A S H RA1LROAD- Tlcket Office. 1415 Farnnm Street , Telephone. 895. De- pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Expres , . , , , .a 4:50 : pm a 8:85 : urn a Daily. | GOLDEN HOLE IN THE CRfljJSD1 Tins of Fay Dirt in n ( Java in the Oasoato Mountains , WEIRD TALE FROM PASCO'S ' SAfto DUNES Floor mill Hoof Llncil ullli Prrelml * .Mrdtl How tinllolr lVn Konnil. Ktplnrpd mill KM ColitiMltN ril. ( Copyright. ISM. by S. S. MrClure Co. ) PASCO , Wash. , Oct. 31. Have > ou , gentle - tlo reader , over walked six miles "over a skid road In the Cascade range of mountains In the state of Washington ? If you have , I afti euro It must have been long years ago , because otherwise you would not be gentle , but wild , for walking over a skid road In the Casrndcs has n tendency to make n sucking dove wilder than a hen with four teen chickens. lo ) you know what a skid road Is ? Not an ordltiary skid road , but a Cascade range skid road , No ? Well , let mo explain , A skid by the dictionary definition , Is a log or timber laid lengthwise onhlch heavy ar ticles may bo transported ( or "skidded" In the vernacular ) and a skid road should there fore bo 0110 * somewhat similar Iu effect to an ordinary railroad ; but Cascade range skid roads are not constructed according to other plans and th'a logs are laid crossways of the road nnd at Intervals of , sny , five to six feet. The roadbed Is unadulterated mud , nnd the logs frcen ten to twelve Inches In di ameter sink Into this about six Inches , so that the horses dragging the usual skid sleds , long , slender , low-runnered affairs , may stc ? between them and keep the mud thoroughly soft and well-churned. On a new road , that le , one made In virgin soil , this process usually establishes a depth of from ten" to twelve Inches of mud , and ns It rains more or less every month In the west- above trcea and torrents nnd skids and mud tonercd the gray-rocked gan teeth ami needles of the Cascades , the roughest moun tains on earth , We reached the Golden Tunnel camp In Salmon basin at 11 o'lock , alter three hours of steady but slippery going , and there they shoncxi us dinner , ' close at hand , and far up the mountain , at the head of the basin , a tiny black line across a field of sno.v , which they told us was n part of the trail leading to the cave of gold Htelf , Indis tinguishable on the face of a gigantic ell IT , which seemed to rise straight up to the sky. Hut It was the cave of gold v > c had como to tec , far caves of gold nre scarce except In books of fairy talcs , nnd we wore not to deterred by a little thing like nu Impossibility , so as teen ns we had eaten \\o took our alpenstocks In our tumls nnd began to climb. For a half mlle \\o fol lowed a skid trail , till It suddenly stopped at nu ore dump , and then wo went cquaro out upon n huge rock slide nnd picked our way carefully across for nearly a quarter of a mlle to a tangled thicket , beyond t which wcro moro rooks and then a field of Let me stop hero long enough to say that these lock slides , whllo ordinal lly safe enough , arc often the most serious danger of mountain climbing. As the numo Indi cates , they are slides of reck which do not seem to come from anywhere but have nl- wnys a greftt supply of rocks of all sizes , as If nature had made their particular lo cation her rock dump , Intending to make a fill across the valley , but never getting fur ther than the foot of the mountain. Those rocks on nn Incline of15 degrees , will Ho quietly reposing until an unwary foot starts one rolling , or n gun shot or even a shout , jars ono from Its place and then woo to the unlucky climber who Is out on the elide , for ho must be nctlvo indeed If he escapes bruises or n broken limb from the boulders which como bouncing and jumping and ( lying down upon him. These slides do not become moving masses as are ava lanches sweeping everything down with them ; they are merely covered \vlth loose stonca which come rolling down by twoes or threes or tens or scores as the dlsturb- for all ths ! rock was rich In the precious metal. They were taking It out In tin buckctfula nnd sending It down the moun tain 2,600 feet on a wire that looked Hko a silken gcesamer swung over the valley , with shining buttercups dancing down Its length , ( Ivor Two Million * InSlulit. . The cnve was In fact tie more than a great hole , worn by the weather In a vertical strip of this grainy , soft rock , 2,500 feet from top to bottom , wedged In between the granlto vails of the mountain" . How long It had steed them open-mouthed , breathing In the air of the hills that was wearing out Its tissues , before some curious and advent urous prospector had noticed It nnd climbed to Itn ccrlo no man could sny , nor did any man care to waste time In vain calculations , for the s'oft earthy rock that It contained held golil , nnd gold was what men sought , regardless of how or wlun It came. All about us. to the right and to the left , over our heads nnd under our feet , trodden there like common dirt , was this pale gray crumbling - } ling stuff , in some places almost brown , and wo looked at It as critically and toswd It about ns one might toss potatoes In a patch. Yet itaa rich in gold ; testa had proved that Its vnluo varied from flO to $10,000 a ton nnd thcro was 70,000 tons of It In tight In the mountain , worth on nn average $30 a ton. Probably nowhere else In the world Is there such a cave and when Its lucky find CM hnvo opened Its treasures to the light and dropped Us wealth from the clouds to the coffers of earth , n etory will bo told of the riches of the Cascade range as the people of other times told the tale of Qolconda's glory and still further back the poets sang of the waters of Pnctolus that dripped golden drops from yellow sands. We did not linger long In the cave , for the shadows wcro coming down between the lofty mountain tops and once moro laying our hands upon the richness every where , Just to say we were in touch with wealth , we took ourselves awny and started on our downward course. There arc those who prefer to ascend a mountain , and It Is no doubt less Jolty to the human nnat- omy than Jumping from crag to crag Ilk * ENTRANCE TO THE CAVE OP GOLD , AND THE VIEW PROM THE INTERIOR. orn Cascades , thla mud never has the. water sufficiently squeezed out of It to coavc It , Into dust. To add still further to tl pedestrian's pleasure the skids are alwaj kept well-greased to facilitate the passage of the sleds , and if the walker can keep his feet under him , when ho most needs them there , then Indeed is he an expert. Why lot rldo on the sleds , you ask ? Well , If you should see one o'f those sleds sliding from ono side of the road to the other and switching around like the cracker of a whip you would not ask the question. Wo might , have gone on horseback , but there were no horses except such as were otherwise en gaged , BO wo walked. We rose 1,000 feet In walking the six miles too , nnd that did not make our task easier or our burdens lighter. ' But wo were bound for a cave of gold in the mountains and who thinks of effort with such a dazzling goal before him ? Oil it ItocU Slide. , The trail they call' any kind of a road a "trail" Irf this country except the rail road led through such tremendous forests as are not to be found anywhere In the world except on the Pacific coast. 'TJic ? great trees , growing so closely together that there was not a limb for a hundred feet , as straight as masts , rose upward to the light , their enormous trunks almost making a wooden wall along the trail , Hero and there some ancient patriarch had fallen and on its recumbent trunk grow giants a hundred feet In height. Somewhere off In the fast nesses wo coijld hear the rush of a tumbling torrent over the greatboulders and n mlle RAILWAY TIME TA ! IE. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLand - and & Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Office , 1323 Fnrnam Street , Telephone , 428. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets , Telephone , 629 Leave Arrlve' > Des Molnes and Dnven- ' port Local a 7:05 : nm bll:35 : am Chicago Express bll:15 : am a Slo ; am Chicago Fast Express.a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : nm St. Pnul Fast Express.a B:00 : pm bll:33 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spga. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 4:2-3 : pm Des Molnes , Rock Island - and nnd Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 5:50 : pm C010 ? . ? . & . ? ? * ? . ? F1y. ! ! > * 6:65 : pm a 9:20 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC--THE - OVERland - land Routo"-Gcncra ! Olllces , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnnmm Streets. City Ticket onice. 1302 Fnrnttm Street. Telephone , 310 Depot , Tenth and Mason BtreetP. Telephone , C29. Leave , Arrive The Overland Limited.a 8:50 : am a 7:20 : pm The Fust Mall..a 9:00 : nm u. 3:30 : pm The Colorado Special.all5o ; pm a 6:35 : am The Portland Special..a 8:60 : am u. 4MO pm Lincoln , Beatrice and StromssurK Express..b 4:3j : pm b 1:00 : pm Pacific Exprepa a 4:2a : pm n 6:35 : am Columbus Local b 7:30 : pm b 0:30 : am South Oniulia Pass. Leaves , a 10:15 : a. m , : 3:03 : p. m. ; U 4:10'p : , m. Arrives , 10:45 : u. m. ; b 3:10 : p. m. ; b 5:25 : p. in. Council llluffs Local Leaves , 5:50 : n. m. ; 7:15 : n. m , ; 7:50 : a. m. , 10:15 : n. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 3UO p , tn.i 5:25 : p. m. ; 0:53 : p. m. ; sn : p. m , ; 10:30 : p , m. Arrives , C:20 : a. m. ; 7:50 : a. m. ; 10:15 : a. m , , 11:30 : > a , in. ; 3:03 : p. m , ; 4:10 : p. m. ; 6:55 : p. m. ; 0:30 : p. m. ; 8:50 : p. m. ; 11 'a Daily , b Dally except Sunday. [ 'OMAHA ' & ST. LOUJS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas city & Eastern Jlnllroad "Tho Quliicy Route" Ticket Of- lice , 1115 Farnam Street , Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth iinii Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express , , . , .a 4pO : pm a : Kansas City nnd Qulncy Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC' HAIL- road Crnernl Ofllcc-s nnd Ticket Olllcen Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas Sts. ' Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Bts , Telephone , ' " ' . . . . Leave. Arrive- St. Louis , Kansas & Neb , Limited a 2:30 : pm al2:55 : pm K , C-St. L. Expressa 8:50 : pin a 5:50 : am Nr.brunlia I/octil via Weeplric Water , b 6:03 : pm a 9:45 : am a Dally , b Dafly except Sunday. I'fliico may bo ; and also unlike the avalanche , ' 'ey may occur a half dozen times a day , 1 id are therefore a constant menace. - lluril .Mountain ClIuiltliiK. Beyond the rock came the snow and there was a big crevasse In It which necessitated a trip down the mountain to get around it , and then moro rock nnd moro enow nnd we struck the real climbing. Hero we stopped to look down the valley upon a double line of mountains , clear cut against the sky , In places again cutting the white clouds like epear points and presenting a magnificent beauty of mountain scenery which I have not seen excelled outside of the Cascade range. The trail leading up from the snow was narrow and soft , hedged in by thickets whoso limbs and branches aided greatly In climbing , and after enough of it to make us almost forswear the gold standard nnd ncippt free silver , or hay , or oats , or gar- dpn eass , wo came up over a rock slide onto a hogback , a narrow ridge of rock stuck onto the mountain side at Intervals with no other apparent purpose than to make the climbing moro dlfllcult , and had our first view of the cave of gold. It was far above usiln the face of the cliff , 'but In plain eight , and wo went on and on , up and up , till wo reached the tents of ihe miners , hung there like the nests of blids among the pine trees that fasten their roots among the rocks. "What a tremendous climb It was ! Three hours of constant going and yet , when wo looHed down and down to the camp where wo had dinner It seemed scarcely a stone's throw away. But wo were tenderfeet and the veterans who greeted us as wo stopped to take breath before the- final climb laughed at us. They had prospected over all thcBo mountains and our climb was nothing to speak of ; they told us , too , of how only the day before ono of their num ber , weighing 180 pounds , had had his leg broken by a rolling rock and eight of them had carried him down the trull wo had Just como over and delivered him safely In the valley. But afterwards those who had carried him told us that It was the most difficult and trying mountain work they had ever undertaken and that the suffering of their helpless burden was piti ful as they swung him around jutting crags , lifted him up and down the cliffs and clipped and fell with him over the rugged rocks and along the strep Inclines , holdIng - Ing the litter with ono hand and clinging to roots or branches with the other , In ( lie Cnviat Ciii111. Up in the final crags wo went at last and then wo stood in the very mouth of the cave of gold and looked outward Into the blue distance stretching far away below u and before us upon a whole world ready and will ing and waiting to undertake any hazard , to undergo any hardship If It may , to sccuro the precious metal stored hero by nature'a own hand. But the ehlno of the yellow gold did not dazzle our eyes , nor were wo ntruck speechless with amazcmant at the wondrous wonlth about us , On the contrary - trary , wo didn't tco anything much , but the peculiar geological formation of a cave In the face of a mountain not otherwise cavernous and It was just a dark Inside as cavca usually are. Wo looked about us for tangible proof of the tales that had been told to us and wo began to net aoldo the romance that always hedges gold as divinity doth a king and get at the practical aide of things. What \V9 had found was a cave seventy feet high at Us entrance and twenty odd feet wide , extending back Into the darknrsa for fifty feet op more. Its aides were the hard rock of the mountain , but Ita locf , Ho Jloor and IU back was a grayish white granular culotanco , a crces hi appearance between line clay and spoiled cheese , and no eof ( that a ( pick could bo stuck into It anywhere. ChmikH o ! It had fallen doiyn from the 'tool and aldcH as If decay were far gene In Ita.vork . of disintegration , On thu floor of the cave this clay or "rock , " In the technical , had been crushed Into a granular dual that could ho shoveled out. Back some distance the cove forked and In the two apartments thus formed the men had made beds and wcro literally Bleeping in chambers of gold , a mountain goat , but I am fully convinced for my own part that If I could get to the top of a mountain by turning it upside down that would most assuredly too the way I would take to get there. How we. did como down that mountain ! Carefully' ' enough over the rock slides , but by leaps j nnd bounds where the trail was soft , and ] when wo struck the snow what a toboggan , , slldo it made with the reinforced scat ot a pair of corduroy trousers for the toboggan. ' Not every man In the United States , was enjoying a slide In snow twenty feet deepen on that October day and It was almost a temptation to go back again and take an other , but wo resisted and hurried on to camp , where we stretched ourselves on the cots In a tent nnd for the first time wo realized that even the search for gold could not bo followed as wo had followed It that ( lay without making the searchers tired , nnd very tired. That night we slept In a tent on which the rain fell softly , but wo needed no lullaby and so sound was our sleep that not oven a dream of wealth came to disturb us. The next day wo walked that six miles of skid again , going away from the gold that waited In tbo mountains' for other hands to carry it away , and the walking was confounded rough. Labor VroulilvH. Charles L. Conlno of Kansas City , secre tary-treasurer of the national organization , of leather workers , arrived In Omaha yesterday - terday In response to the teletrram sent him several days ago 'by the striking- har ness nnd saddle makers of the Murks Bros , establishment , nnd , together with a com mittee ot the union , was In conference wltlfe the linn of Marks Bros , yesterday afternoon ; " trying to reach an adjustment. It develops that the laying oft of thoimen nt the Klopp-Bartlett printing' establish ment Friday WHS duo solely to the fact that the firm had nothing for them to do. A portion of the force was at work yester day. CO.\MJI1IAIITI13S. A New York Judge has refused a divorce to a woman whoso application was based on the fact that her husband had failed In business nnd become poor , accompanying the refusal with a cutting rcbuko. London Truth reports that the queen of the Netherlands Is practically betrothed to 1'rlnco William of wled , but that the en gagement ID to bo knpt a secret as yet , TJiuro will bo no olllclnl announcement for some tlmo , because Queen Wllhclmlna has decided not to marry until oho has passed ! her twenty-first birthday , In August , 1901 , When Prlnco Cantacuzcno and his wife , who was MIBH Julia Dent Grant , crossed1 the Russian border the other day they were driven to their estate , where the peasants along the road welcomed them with the anoint custom of the land , the offering of bread and salt , Arches were erected along the roads and the tenantry bore the prlnco to the castle on their shouldt-rH with Hum- ing torchcH lighting the way. In memory of the wedding of his daughter , Ijitdy Margaret Prlmropo , ixird Rosebcry has placed a sliver-gilt altar urons and pair of vases In Westminster abbey. On the cross nro live inedullons , on four of which. In relief , are the figures of St. Peter. Ht. Edward the C'onfcxnor , St. Margaret of Scotland and Lady Margaret , mother of Kim ? Henry VII. On the fifth Is un ap propriate Inscription In Latin. An extraordinary advertisement was printed In the New York papers recently , ratting forth that "Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meyers of CC East Ono Hundred and Six teenth street announce from tiio date No vember t that their on , Hurry J , , recon siders the ungnKemcnt to Miss Tlllyo Lester of 1235 West NorrlH street , Philadelphia. " and asking- Philadelphia papers to iileuuo copy , ThlH Is u now fad In the matrimonial lino. When questioned about It Mr. Harry said that ho had supposed hn wan In love with Miss Tlllyo , but ufter a visit which the Lester family made to the Meyers family ho ' 'reetudlud the case" and decided ho was not and concluded to call It off. It Is rcporttxl from 'New York that Nahan Pranko nnd MHB | Anna Braga have been quietly married , greatly to the surprise of their friends. Mr. Pranko , who U famous a * a viollnlHt and orchestra leader , hag a way of tmrprlHltiK people in a matrimonial way. ThlH 1 tils third marriage. Not many years UKO ho startled Now York by eloping with Miss Cornelia Anna Kuppart , daughter of the mllllona'ro brewer , MNS | Ruppert'H family had offered violent op- IioHlfloii to the match , but Binperxlfted , and the wedding wan finally celebrated by the mayor of 1'uterron , N , J. Mrs. Fronko died In December , WM , and not until she wi ; on her deathbed did her parents finally become reconciled , Miss Drnga , thu newr bride , had been an actrexn of Homo prom inence , IIUV'HK appeared for several seasons In emotional and chart ) tcr parts.