213 THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 26 , 1899. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvcrtlentenU ( or tlienc column * trill lia InUcn until IS m. for the crcnliiB cillllnn nnd nntll HiSO p. m. tor in or ii In IT nnd Snnilnr edition. Union , 1 l-2o n rrord tint Inncrtloni lo a ivord tlicrcnftcr. Nothing tnUen for leu * than 'Ma for the flr t lner lion. ThcHc nUvcrtUeinenU tnait tie run coimectiUvelr. Ailvertlnrm , nr reqncitlnK n nnm * tiered check , can Iinvo nnmrcrH nil * drpmcil to n nnnibcred letter In cnro of The Ilee. Atmtvcr * no nddre cil trill lie delivered ou preicutntlon ol the check only. WANTKD-SITUAT10XS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want pna please call up tlio Remington typewriter ofllcc , 1610 Farnatn St. , telephone 1S73. A 933 SITUATION ns bookkeeper or ofllce man eight years' In bank ; peed references , partnership In ofllco business acceptable. Address S 6 , Bee. A-M216 23' GKKMAN lady ; situation to teach children German and English Primary branches : tilfo would assist In household , sewing nnd fancy work ; satisfactory references. Address , Sties P , Box 710 , P. O. , Omaha. A 204 Zi * POSITION by young lady stenographer , xvlth nr without bookkeeping. Address , 8 12 , Bcc. A M36I 2i * POSITION as bookkeeper or general otllco man : sevwi years * experience in accounts , excellent references regarding ubllltj , regularity etc- . Address P 63. ularity , UcA-,70.2 ( . , EXPERIENCED offlco mnn wants respon- slblo portion. P 18 , Bee. A- < i 26 * WANTED , a young married man with good references and experienced as check clerk , assistant bookkeeper and stenographer , desires steady position. Address SIS. Hco office. A M415 2 < * WANTED BIALE HELP. WANTED. Wo hav.i steady work for n few coed hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. 1613 IIoward Bt. WANTED , county agents for every county In the state , farmers preferred , for Wil bur's HOB Food , warranted to cure all hog diseases. Address Wilbur Seed Meal Co. . Milwaukee. Wla. D-M7GI Dec. 13 WANTED , young man to do light house work for tuition. Boyles' Com. nnd Short hand College , Bee Bldg. B M816 BARBER STUDENTS TAKE WARNING ! This Institute Is the only barber school now recognized by the Nebraska- State Barbers' Board and 19 therefore the. only school whoso graduates can obtain a license to barber In Nebraska. Beware of sharpers now working the state claim ing their schools to be recognized by our state board. If you doubt what we say write nnd ask the State Barbers' Board Itself at Room 7G , Burr block , Lincoln , Neb. The Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. Neb. B-M107 SALESMAN to sell our full line of choice nursery stock ; a printed guarantee that Block shall bo true to name given to each customer : write for terms. Mt. H < , pe Nurseries , Lawrence , Kan. B M931 D8 * WANTED , a few more boys with horses to deliver The Bee. Call at circulation dept. between 2:30 : and 4 p , m. B M20G WANTED , 6 good canvassers. Good money for the right men. 1254 Bo. 14th st. WANTED , men to address all corre spondence for any branch of the Mole-r Barber System Colleges to Paxton Hotel , Omaha. Neb. B-M221 N30 * PERMANENT positions for non-union com positors , pressmen and cylinder and job press feeders In Kansas City , Mo. Acl- drere S. G. Spencer , 706 Delaware St. , Kansas City. Mo. B 266 1 SALESMEN to sell patent medicines to dealers ; $100 monthly and expenses ; ex perience unnecessary. Collins Bros. Modl- clno Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere : peed pay. Excelsior Adver tising Co. , SOS East 110th street. New York. 1 B WANTED , salesmen to sell Imported and domestic liquors , principally flne Kentucky whiskies and blends , case and barrel goods , to Jobbers and saloon trade ; good chance to the right man : salary or com- mlpslon. Address R. S. Straden & Son. 69 and 71 E. Water St. , Lexington , Ky. B WANTED , gentlemen and ladles to nil profitable positions with excellent oppor tunity for advancement. Sklllman & Co. , "No. " 616 Vine st. , Cincinnati , O. B WANTED , ruptured men to cure free to prove easy , safe , sure , quick method. Dr , Spelrs , 44 Main St. , Westbrook , Maine.B . WANTED , Intelligent men and women to work for us day or evening at their homes ; no canvassing : neat , steady em ployment ; good pay. Enclose Htamp and we will explain our different line ? of work and prlco wo pnv for each. Stan dard Art Mfg. Co. . 142 West 23rd St. , Dept. 70 , New York City. Solar printing nnd llnlshlng for agents and the trade. Send for trade circular. B SALESMAN wanted In Iowa and Nebraska to sell our nobby tallor-mado cloth'ag ; elegant sample outfit free. Twin City Tailoring Co. , 1603 Farnam St. , Omuh.i , B- WANTED , a physician to locate at Memphis , Neb. A goal point , and will bear Investigation. Address , K. . 'Mem phis , Neb. B-M2SO-27 * RELIABLE man to travel nnd appoint agents la Nebraska ; $12 weekly beside commission and expenses ; permanent. Promotion , 701-2 , 350 Dearborn , Chicago. B 279-2C * WANTED , salesman to sell che\ip clothing , ladies' goods etc. . as sldo lineflt > B. Luke St. . 4th floor , Chicago. "B-278-2G " * GENTLEMAN wanted for a. new linn of signs. Val. Schrolcr Sign Co. , Milwaukee , AV19. B-277-2G * TRAVELING man of standing , regularly on road , wo offer a most desirable side Una salable to wholesale and retail liquor dealers ; quick seller ; sample can ho carrlefl In pocket : largn commission : com munications confidential. The Francis Cropper Co. , 1G6 Michigan St. , Chicago. B-c > 7ti-2G * WANTED , salesman or solicitor calling on farmers .to . handle a horse liniment an u Fldo Hne on commission or salary. 'It Is largely advertised. AVrtlo for particulars. .1. W. Greene & Co. , 330 Michigan Avc. , Chicago. B-275-26 * RELIABLE men to sell our line of high grade lubricating oils , greases and sped- ltlo s ; tMlary or commission. Address ICastcourt Refining Co. , Cleveland. Ohio , B-273-26 * GOVERNMENT positions : Don't prepare for any civil servlco or census examina tion without seeing our catalogue of In formation. Sent free. Columbian Cor respondence ) College , Washington , O. c. B-271-2G .WANTED , salesmen for Nebraska who visit 1ho clothing trade , to carry a side line ; don't weigh over 50 pounds ; bond for samples : ninro money In It for sales men tluiii hlH regular line. Address , giv ing territory and present line , Fedcr , Sll- berberg & Co , , Cincinnati , Ohio. B-272-26 * WANTED , men to learn barbtr trade : 6 weeks completes ; positions guaranteed ; free fare to Denver ; largest college In the world ; ouicr schools not connected ; our diplomas recognized 'by ' ntato bourd : write fnr particulars to Moler Barber College Representative. Crelghton block , Omaha , Wo have no other oillco in Omaha. B-M274 COTTON and woolen mill want traveling men for country trade on commlhslon ; Kprlng line. Frank D , La Latino & Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. B-37U 26 ENGINEERS ami firemen send 10 cents for Sl-pago pamphlcit , containing lint of questions asked by Examining Bourd of Engineers. Geo. A. Heller , Bookseller. St , Louis , Mo. ( Mention Mis paper. ) n WANTED everywhere , luistlera to tack nlgns. distribute circulars , samples , etc. ; no canvassing : good pay. Sun Advcrtls- Inc Bureau. Chicago. B-281 26" WANTED , cylinder press feeder : none but experienced need apply ; salary J.S. Mor ton Printing Co. , Nebraska City. . Neb- SALESMEN. Brown's Tree Paint keeps borers , rabbits , insects away ; tnoncy i maker , easy seller. Globe Chemical Co. , V , Bloomineton , 111. B-337 S6 WAXTBtJ MAI.n fl - SUCCESS IN LIFE depends very largely upon the preparation. THE BEST PREPARATION for ycung men nnd women Is the PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING BOYLES' COMMVllCIAL AND 8HORT- s HAND COLLEGE , Bee Building. THE SCHOOL OF HIGHEST STANDARD Individual Instruction In BUSINESS. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRIT ING , ENGLISH , PREPARATORY nnd LANGUAGE COURSES. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. B-377 S6 * A PARTICULAR DRESSER In each town to nsk their local clothier or to write to KUH. NATHAN & FISCHER CO. , CHI CAGO , for their latest novel lithograph poster It's tree It's worth sending for. K , , N. & F , Co. Clothing Is guaranteed B-33S 26 * WANTED , experienced traveling salesmen to plnco high grade specialty for dry goods and rcneral merchandise trade ; best ol references and bond required ; permanent position to right man. Address Box ( Wi , 'St. Louis. Mo. B-536 26 * LEARN sign painting In "two hours ; goo < ] paying business ; no fraud : samples , In structions , etc. , lOc. City Sign Co. , Springfield , Ohio. B-331 26 * WANTED , whip salesmen ; experienced men preferred ; salary or commission : refer ence must be. Al. 'Bay State- Whip Co. , WestMcld , Mass. B-335 2fl * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Whore they nro. how obtained , salaries paid nnd al ! particulars given free by writing to the National Correspondence Institute , Wash- Ingten , D. C. B-333 2 * SALESMAN wanted , to carry as a side line onthe road to sell to the retail trade three or four of the best soap specialties ; all are good sellers ; paying retailer a good profit and liberal commission to nnlesmnn. Address H. C. S. . earn Nelson Chcsman & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B-332 26 * WANTED , energetic man to manage branch ofllco for established manufacturing house : salary , $100 per month and cxtrti commissions ; must furnish $800 cash and satisfactory references. People's Com pany , Cincinnati , Ohio. B 310 26 * MANAGER wanted for Omaha branch ; Etato qualifications , experience , references , salary , age ; line opening for good man. Young & Co. . Subscription Book Publish ers , 38 Murray St. , New York. B-311 26 * "WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED-200 girl1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 995 WANTED , good kitchen girl. 518 So. 2 th Avc. C-M158 27 ISO GIRLS wanted ; all kinds work ; $3 to $7. Canadian Ofllce. 1523 Douglas. C-M184 D21 GIRL for general housework. 707 South 23th avo. C-M22027 * WANTED , neat second girl. Apply 116 S. 32mt ave. C M226 26 GIRL for general housework , 127 South 25th st. C-M252 ANY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare tlmo n day can make $5 weekly working for us at home ; nothing to sell. Send self- addressed envelope for free sample. Man hattan E. M. Co. , 101 Beekman St. . N. Y. 26 * WANTED , ladles to sew at home. $ S a week guaranteed ; we give bank reference. Reply with stamp , Box 938. Chlcaeo. 111. C-34J 26 * MANAGER wanted for Omaha branch ; state qualifications , experience , references , salary , age : flne opening for competent woman. Young & Co. , Subscription Book Publishers , 38 Murray St. , New York. C 312 26 * COMPETENT clerk , lady. Mexican Leather Store , 1514 Douglas st. C 131 26 * WANTED , good girl for general house work ; two In family. 1515 Georgia nve. C-M399 29 WANTED , a few neat appearing young ladles that are willing to work to take orders for a saleable article ; salary $1.00 per day , paid every evening. Call SOS N. 18th St. , Monday. C 393 2S * WANTED , girl for general housework ; wages $4 week ; small family. 1218 S. 7th street. C-425 26 * FIRST-CLASS hairdresser wanted. Ad dress or call F. M. Schadell & Co. . 1522 Douglas. C33 26 FOR RENT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benawa & Co. D M610 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D-998 FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Paxton - ton block. D 999 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block ' D-997 MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Cap. ave Tel. 1196. D 993 ' FOR RENT Houhes In all parts of city The O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Firnam street D-1000 GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2121 Locust. U-103 COTTAGES , residences. Patterson 305 N Y. Life. D-M429 ' WANTED , nonunion Job printers , press men , press feeders and book binders to send names and nddrespes to Chairman of Executive Committee , Employing Print ers , Omaha. Neb. Will telegraph when tc come. B 23S-26 * SEVERAL. 36 U. S. Nat'I Bank Bldg. D-105 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennon-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street D-lOi FOR RENT. 2113 Capitol ave. , H rooms , modern. , The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Far nam st. D 141 3HOICE modern 9-room brick dwelling , 1339 Park ave. , fronting Hanscom park , $10. Inquire J. M. Richards , 1115 S , 32d st. D-M845 3314 BURT ST. . S-room fine residence , en tirely modern , hot vater heat : In coed condition ; will rent to a good tenant for $25.00 per month. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. . 16th and Douglas. D M303 HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. Phone S88. D-728 3027 CHICAGO , S rooms , modern ; 3007 Web- stcr , 7 rooms , bath ; smaller houses , stores , flats. Ringwalt Bros. , Barker Block. D-M693 HOUSE with nine rooms with all modern Improvements , 2112 Lake. D 236-27 * 8 ROOMS , furnished , central. P 67 , Bee. D-141 D3 FOUR-ROOM house , city water , 1513 N. 19th. D-S93- FOR HUNT DWELLING HOUSES. 0 rooms , modern. 2232 Farnam . . . $10.00 7 rooms and barn. 2215 Karnam 2500 G rooms , 1610 North 21th st 12.00 JOHN W. ROBB1NS , 1SCC FARNAM ST. D-M232 3 FOR RENT Five-room coMage , 1810 On tario street. $9.00. iHve-voom cottage , 509 South 33d St. , $10.00. [ i-jve rooms , lower floor , separate entrance , J17 South 2Sth Ave. . near Farnam. $10.00. Three rooms at 3122 LMVenworth , $5.00. Woodman & Bay , 23 Barker block. D-103 5-r. cottage and barn , 2127 So. 2\t \ , $10 , 36 U. S. Nat'I bank bldp , D-M253 27 FIVE-ROOM cottage , 816 So. 17th. Inquire nt 812. D-M260 27 * 310 North 22d St. , modern , newly papered , line locution. Inquire 301 North 22d St. D-2C3-26 * FURNISHED house for rent ; all modern Improvements , Including hot water heatIng - Ing , near Hanscom park. S S , Beo. D 265 26 * HOUSES FOR RENT J519 Marcy , 5-r. , city water $ fiO 1903 'Manon ' , 5-r , , city water , , . . , , . , . , . . 9.00 2612 Bristol , 6-r , city water 10.00 JS05 N. 25th , 7-r. , city water. . , , . lO.Oi ) 180S i'orby. C-r. . city water , . , , . . 13.CO 1318 8. 23th , S-r. , modern UO.OO 1313 a. 2Sth , S-r. . modern 25.00 2563 St. Mary's , 9-r. , modern 30.CO GARVIN BROS. , 1613 FARNAM. 26 FOR RB\T HOUSES. HENRY B. PAYNE'S BARGAIN LIST. 519-21-2,1 S. 23th Ave. , 10-room all modern houses , nicely papered nnd painted , new throughout , Just ready for tenants. Those urn close In nnd only $25 and $27.50. 816 S. 35th Ave. , 9-room strictly nil modern up-to-date house , splendid condition , half block to car , reduced to $25. A snap. I41 ! ! N. 20th St. , 7-room house , modern plumbing , newly papered nnd painted , $20. 811 S. 35th St. . 6 room nnd alcove , modern plumbing and gar , beautifully papered and re-oiled In all rooms , $20. J5 , S. 26th fit. . 6-room cottage , modern plumbing- and gas , paved street , nice loca tion. $17.50. Vacant December 1. 2212 Ohio St. , 6-room cottage , modern plumbIng - Ing nnd Ban , 1 block from 2 car lines. $20. 150G Canton St. , 6 rooms , city water Inside , .2 blocks from car , reduced to $9. 2725 Parker St. , 5 rooms , good repair , city water Inside , cistern , $10. HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. YWKR. . 421 S. 20TH street , modern houstt of 14 rooms ; flocirn carpeted , good barn ; can make very low rent to good party , lor particulars nnd keys see GARVIN BROS. , 1613 FARNAM ST. D-3SO 26 NICE C-room house , modern. IB5I Sherman five. D-M2SS 27 * 6-ROOM modern house with barn. 1615 Manderson street , $16.00. Knnulrn nt drug store , 1914 N. 21th. Telephone 1516. D-2S7 26 * 9-ROOM modern house , $25. 2561 Douclas. D M2S6 2 * UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping , water , bath , water closet , nrlvato family ; 2 rooms $5 , or 3 rooms $ S. 2622 Caldwell street. D-2S5 26 * COUPLE leaving city will rent cottage fur nished complete for two months to parties without children. Address S 3. Bee. D 233 26 * 4-ROOM house. 2512 North 27th. one-half block from Dodge street car , coed loca tion nnd surroundings. D 2SI 26 * MODERN house , seven rooms , new paper and enamel bath ; ten minutes' walk from P. O. 7-room cottage nnd stable , one block from 20th st , car. Gannett , 504 Brown Block. D-M3S3 27 * STEAM he.it , modern , central , unequaled ; Rcven-room house. Apply Tlzard. 221 North 21th. D M130 2D * FOR RENT , 8 rooms , modern , with barn , 1530 S. 26th St. , $21. 7 rooms , modern , 2209 Sherman ave. . $30. 7 rooms , 38th nnd Howurd vts. . $25. 9 rooms , modern , 563 S. 26th nvo. , $35. Also following small houses : 503 S. : J3d , $10 : 2D2J Franklin , $10 ; 2101 Harney. $15 : 1403 Pierce. $10 ; 1628 N. 21st. $8 : 3327 Spauldlng , $7. Also house and four acres cheap. R. C. PETERS & CO. . 1702 FARNAM. D-373 26 70S SOUTH 38TH. 8-r. . all modern. $26.50. 2427 8. 21st. , 5-r. cottage nnd barn.$10. . 351fi Plnkncy , 4-r. bran new. $5. 2123 N. 13th , 4-r. and bnrn. J7.50. 422 Cedar , 2-r. house , $3. 1807 St. Mary's ave. , store , $10. 3121 Ohio , 4-r. house. $2. 316 N. 41st , 10-r. , all modern , $30. 36 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. D 102 26 A FEW desirable houses for rent cheap ; bo sure and see me before renting. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 3SS. D-M397 27 6-ROOM modern , except furnace , 3102 No. 17th St. , $17.00. Skinner , 606 Knrbach. D-421 26 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOBIS. STEAM-HEATED rooms nnd bath , mod ern conveniences. Call 317V4 North 15th St. , flat E. E M697 26 * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E M116 2S * THE Columbia , 326 Broadway , Council Bluffs ; rooms for rent , day or week ; tran sients accommodated ; everything neat , clean and comfortable ; rates reasonable. Mrs. Minnie Dunne , late of 307 Broadway , proprietress. Telephone 462.E E M157 D20 FURNISHED rooms. with or without board ; steam heat. 2102 So. 35th ave. and Francis street. E M200 27 * TWp well furnished front rooms for light housekeeping ; modern and desirable. 2209 Farnam. E M25S 27 * TWO desirable front rooms , furnished for light housekeeping- . Address S 7 , Bee. E-2S9 26 * 210 N. 25TH' St. , two nicely furnished south front rooms. E M391 2S * TWO furnished front rooms , modern , pri vate family. 2123 California. E 3S6 26 * FIRST floor furnished flat , freshly deco rated , modern , with piano ; housekeeping. 611 North 19th. E-ai427 2S * FURjNISHED rooms with furnace heat. 2310 Douglas. E 429 26 * DESIRABLE room In quiet family to a middle-aged gentleman : conveniences ) modern nnd first-class ; location central. Address 315 , Bee ofllce. E M372 2234 FARNAM ST. , nice rooms for gentle men ; all conveniences. E 391 26 FURNISIfED room , steam-heated , private family , close to South Omaha cars. 610 So. 17th avenue. E 426 2G * FOR RENT , ono furnlPhed and two unfur nished modern rooms. 621V4 S. 19th st. E-116 26 * FOR RENT , furnished bed room for two gentlemen. 23d and G streets. Address H. Bee office. South Omaha. E M414 27 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND DOARD. THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F-107 ROOM and board , steam heat. 1618 Harney. F-M595 DeclO NICE south room , board , reasonable. 2106 Cass. F-823 D15 * FURNISHED rooms and board. 2015 Doug las st. F M2H 27 * ELEGANT steam-heated front parlor , with board , for two. 1903 Capitol avo. r M261 30 * NICE rooms , good board ; rates reasonable. The Rose , 2020 Harney. F M290 9 * FURNISHED rooms nnd board : modern. 2210 Hurney. F 367 26 * ROOM and board , $4 & $3. 1512 Davenport. F-M411 D25 EVERYTHING heart can wish for at the Brunswick , low prices Included.F F 108 26 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS , UNFURNISHED rooms or furnished sulta , modern , heated. 307 N. 25th st.G . G M221 26 * TWO or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping ; no children ; modorn. 2222 ) Burt st. G I2S 26 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES , FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable , Apply R , C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bids. 1 265 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee Building. 1-267 6TH AND JACKSON STS. . on Jan , 1. cor ner store nnd basement , $50 a month. Inquire quireat the Brunswick Hotel. 1 403 26 Offices. $ S and up. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Inquire Room 36 , I01 < 2 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS , send no money , AVe give a $3.75 outfit free and $50 per month to persons who canvass our holiday books. Write at once , J , L. Nichols Co. , Nuperville , 111 , J-M167 27 * AGENTS on salary or commission : the greatest agentf' seller ever produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight ; 200 to BOO per rent protlt ; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In nix days ; another $32 In tun hours. Monroe Mff. Co. , X 16 , La Crosse , WIs. . J-M2I9 26 * AGENTS to sell our cut price Christmas books ; & 0c book , 15u : $1.00 book , 25c ; Jl.W book , 60o : $2.50 book , 7Sc : credit given ; freight paid ; outfit free. Ferguuon Pub lishing Company , 1610 Fifth Street. Cin cinnati , Ohio. J-231-26' | AOKNTS WAST ! ? ! ) . AGENTS stnrt mall order buMnejs ; bl profit ; capital unnecessary ; partlculai free. Dept. 3 , Box 2185 , San Frnncloco Cal. J-M247 26 * AGENTS wanted for special InMallmen work : service paid In cash : no dtllverln or collecting ; ea-By work , big pay ; writ stating experience , books handled , degre of success , etc. , or call at ofllcc. N. D Thompson Publishing Co. , St. Louis , Mo J M213 27 * AGENTS , would $2M per month Interes you 7 Can be made with our perfectc gasoline gn t lamp. Royal Gas Lamp Co Rlalto Build's. , Chicago. J-300-2C * AGENTS , lawful machines for candy am cigars- will double pales , elegant side line $1.50 and $5.00. Jonas N , Bell & Co. , 680 Lake St. , Chicago. J 299-26 * AGENTS , big money with our quick sellers Best proposition out ! something new ; al ways wln . Eagle Supply Co. , Statlo Armour , Kansas City. J-i9S-26 ! * WANTED , ascnts for "History of Afrlc nnd Boer War , " by Dr. MacKcnzle , th famous missionary. Wrltci for circular American Publishing House , Chicago. J 293-26 * SPECIAL agents to travel , advertise , ap point agents and sell our electric belts am appliances : big profits. Eastman Electrl Co. , DCS Molnes > . J-292-2 i * SALESMEN WANTED , $200 a month an nil expenses guaranteed good men ( ex perkaico not ncce-ssary ) selling to dairy men , creameries , farmers and c\-cry owne of a cow , the greatest mechanical wonde of the ncc , H machine for separating but tcr from milk , swcut or sour. In less thu one minute. A child can operate It. It is guaranteed to separate every particle o 'butter ' In granular form from sweet inllk leaving the milk sweet nnd In good con dltlon to iisei for te.i , coffee , making Ic cream or for any purpose except makln butter. Special Inducement In $100.00 cas prizes for your customers. For full par tlciilars address Air Blast Co. , Clnclmmt Ohio. - J-296-26 * $100 MONTHLY , bread boards , metal hot sides ; sample free. F. X. Forphee , Cln clnmitl. O. J-237-26' AGENTS , wo manufacture up-to-date fast selling novelties : Uncle Sam puzzles beauty pins , etc. : sample. . lOc. Anderso iMfg. Co. . Dept. IP , 155 Washington St. , Chicago. J 301 26 * AGENTS , $10 dally guaranteed ; also salar paid good men for appointing sub agent to Introduce new patent Oil Gas Burne. for heating and cooking stoves , ranges furnaces. 'Makes natural gas from coa oil ; cheapest , cleanest fuel known ; n coal , wood , ashes , soot ; easily attached t any stove ; Indestructable , non explosive no competition. Write quick. Perfection Burner Co. , N. 68 , Cincinnati , Ohio. J-295-26 * HUSTLERS , Xmos puzzle , greatest fun maker extant ; $1 to $6 dnllv : 25-ccnt sample plo 10 cents : order at once , Lawrcnc AVright. 42 River St. . Chlcaeo. J-S02 26 * BIG PROFITS. NO RISK ; dozen big book In one ; 4 centuries history ; sells Itself Illustrated ; nothing llko it ; no library complete without it ; exclusive territory magnificent morocco outfit. 50c ; success guaranteed or money refunded. Full par tlculars from History Publishing Co. , 3 Bromfle'ld at. , Boston , Mass. J LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme Yales Health Remedies and Natura Beautlflcrs ; Intelligent ladles can make all the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos slblllties unlimited. Address at once. Mme M. Yale. 189 Michigan Ave. . Chicago. J- AGENTS wanted , 150 per cent profit on ou quick-selling kitchen specialties. Exclu slve territory given. Write for partlcu lars. Illinois Cutlery Co. , Decatur. III. J 343 26 * AGENTS ! either PCX , $25weekly easily made In your city ; 7'lnch hand-patntec medallion of yourself free. Art 'Medal lion Co. , 17 Qulncy St. , Chicago. J-348-26 * MAGNETIC Healers , make big money famous Weltmer method by mall $1C Journal free. Address the State School Carrollton , Mo. J 317-26 * AGENTS WANTED for the new hand painted art medallions. Just the thing fo the holidays ; send for samples , Cham berlaln & Soderwall , 8-1 Adams Street Chicago. J-350-26 * AGENTS -wanted for a necessity for al lines of retail trade ; $3 per day guar anteed. Enswall , 5 E. Washington St. Chicago. J-352-26 * AGENTS WANTED , twentieth Century AVonder : Perfection plater will start you In 'business ' ; $30 to $50 easily earned weekly ; enormous profits In electro-polish Ins cloths ; secret formula , $1 : sample ,10c New Century Mfg. Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J-351-26 * AGENTS wanted for most brilliant and strongest gas mantles manufactured great Inducements to good salesmen. Harrison Mfg. Co. , Rahway , N. J. J-291 26 * AGENTS , lightning 25c seller ; Star Harness Mender ; sold only through agents ; big iiroflts : sample of work free : also other necessities. Columbia Novelty Mfg. Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J-315 26 * AGENTS , our elegant P23-page Illustrated subscription book , "Discovery , Conquest and Progress of the AVestern Hemis phere , " Just the one for the holldav trade that will reap you rich rewards. Con quest Publishing Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio. J 319 26 * WANTED TO RENT. BY GILT-EDGE tenant , location for a legitimate retail business , not smaller than 33x120 feet ; must bo In center of retail district. Address , S 13 , Bee. K-M369-3 AA'ANTED , by man and wife. 2 or 3 rooms In modern house , with board or near first class hoarding house or I'ofo : best of references given. Address S 1612 Far nam. K-M306 27 * AVANTED , 3 furnished rooms for lleht housekeeping for 3 adults. Address S ! ) . Bee. K 303 26 * YOUNG couple wish home for winter In strictly private family ; two or three rooms comfortablv furnished dealred. references given. Address P 61. Bee. K-SD5 26 * YOUNG man and wife and another gen tleman want nicely furnished rooms and board In prlvato family. Will pay well for nice accommodations. Location must be good , not necessarily "close In , " Ref erences. Address T 62 , Bee. K 304 26 * AA'ANTED , by young gentleman , two fur nished or partially furnished rooms within mile of lower business district and con venient to first-claps boarding place : board and room In private family would be con sidered : glvo full particulars and prlco. Address S 16 , Bco. K-118 26 * BOARD wanted , couple with ono child , ago 4 years , in private family preferred. Address - dress , stating full particulars. S 17. Bee ofllce. K-M417 27 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding , 10S STORE your carriages for the winter. A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge. M-M33S 2 WANTED TO IJUY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or email quantities. Chlcarn Fur niture Co. , 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N105 N-105 AVILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-lll AVANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee ple's Store. 16th and Farnam. N M2I3 200 yards ) of dirt at northeast corner of 3Stn Ave. nnd Dodge St , J , B. Mason , 300 S. 17th St. N-269-26 * ' "AMILY cow ; glvo breed and price. S H , Beo. N-366-26 * GET money for your old clothing , shoes , etc. AVe poy bent prices nnd pay you cash. Drop postal or call. Omnhu Clothing Co . 1121 Farnam nt. N-371 20 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. BTOVEfi. STOVES : no reasonable offer re fused. Neb. Fur. Co. . 1419 Dodge , Tel 1498. O-M431 ARE you talking of stoves ? If you are , come to tee our line of 2nd-hand staves. The quality and low prices will astonish you. J. Lewis , 101 B. 14th St. O-M297 Dec. 3 FOR SALE , furniture of 6-room house. Box 114 , City. O-119 26 mil S.Vl.K FUHMTt'RH. J , LEVINE sells 2mMiaml furniture and stoves cheaper than any dealer In Omaha. N. AA" . Cor , 16th nnd Davenport. O-2IO D23 AUCTION of household Roods to the high est bidder Monday. November 27. No. 1722 Capitol ave. , nt 10 a , m. sharp. Combina tion folding beds , upright folding beds , mantel beds , bedroom suits , wardrobes , chiffoniers , hat racks , extension tables , rockers , dining room chairs , carpets , bed- dlntf , dishes , odd dressers nnd couches , parlor suits , etc. One of the biggest sales of the season. Come everybody. Clay Auction Co. O M239 27 * ROLLER top desk nnd other ofllcc furni ture for sole cheap ; good ns now. Ad- drers 8 10. Bcc. O-307 2f FOR SAIK HORSES , WAOOXS , UTC. GOOD top buggy for sale cheap. Address P 59. Bcc. P-192 GOOD two-spring phaeton , hand miulc , newly painted nnd repaired ; condition ilrst class ; can bo seen at Dlllrance I/very , 17th tind St. Mary's avenue. Special bargain. P-M36S-2S * FOR SALE , finely matched team of black carriage horses. Call nt 721 N. Y. Life Bids , Tel. HOS. P-30S 2G * AVANTED , reliable man to deliver nnd col lect ; salary $15 a wetk nnd expenses ; state age , etc. Globe Compiny , 723 Chest nut Stret-t , Philadelphia , Pa. P M339 2S * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SHIRTS to order. Kcllcy & Hoyden. Q 183 PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om. Bl. Co. Q-MS3S FOR SALE , AVllbur's Hog Food In ten- pound palls , guaranteed to cure all hog diseases or money refunded without orgu- mcnt. Agents wanted. AVrlto for terms and price. AVllbur Seed Meal Co. . Mil waukee , AVIs. Q M763 Dec. 13 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me- Conncll Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St. Q 117 FINE Chlckerlng upright piano for sale cheap , cash or easy payments. Address P 10 , Bee ofllce. Q 613 Dll CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas St. Q 112 NEAV and 2nd-hand sowing- machines , re duced prices. H. E. Frederlckson , 15th & Dodge. Q 851 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 Plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly fillet Q-114 FOR SALE , a double carriage. Inquire 182 N. 18th St. Q-M477 FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents a druggists. One gives relief. Q 116 INDIAN relics ; mounted hes-Js. 1116 Farnam Q-115 BICYCLES stored for 25c a month. Phon 1665 Omaha Blcyclo Co. Q 160 SAFES Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St Q-113 HARNESS Lot of good secondhand bar nesa cheap. Drummond Carriage Co 18th and Harney Sts. Q 749 D-12 * ADVERTISING calendar. Burkley Ptg. Co Q M7S9 Decl7 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 1116 Farnam Q-11S ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , CouncI Bluffs. Q-M311 FOR SALE , large base burner for store o ofllce. Aultman & Taylor Mchy. Co. 26 * Q-M205 FOR SALE , new and Pecond-hand sod fountains on monthly payments. S. I Richmond. P. O. Box 577. Q-M24S 1 * BOOKS on Free Masonry , send for cata logue. Sticfel Masonic Book Co. . 2157 Me Micken , Cincinnati. Ohio. O-M309 27 * BUFFALO ROBE for sale cheap. Addre-s Mrs. E. C. ( Burns , Scrlbner. Neb. Q MISCELLANEOUS. GRADERS NOTICE Bids for grading lot north of Immanuel hospital , 31th and Fowler ave. , will be received until the 1st of December ; 2,000 cubic yards , morn or less ; work to be completed before March 1st , 1900. The undersigned reserve the right to reject any or all bids. E. A Fogelstrom , mgr. R 141 26 * FOR $2.00 we will get your wheel , put antirust - rust on. store It for the winter. Nebraska Cycle Co. , Cor. IBth and Harney. N 27 NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. B-119 RANCH TO LEASE : I have a ranch of 1,000 acres , all under fence nnd cross- fenced , 200 acres under cultivation , goot house , barns , cribs , sheds and yards ; gooc grass and plenty of running water. Can be leased by the right party on favorable cash terms If application Is made at once On South Loup. G miles from St. Paul Mrs. E. N. Chadwick. St. Paul , Nebraska. R-M22S 28 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST , s the person who seems to be attracting more attention than anyone else In Omaha at present. lor parlors are crowded dally with people who are ensrer to obtain advice and she Is about the tiuslest person In town , The fact'that she has been In Omaha 3 years and her business is Increasing dally demonstrates her wonderful ability as it Palmist ; no one could remain so long and continue to do business unless they were Just what they represent themselves to be. MMB. GYLMER gives advice on all affairs of life. She tells you how to be success ful In love , business or speculation ; she unites the separated : she locates lost or rtolen articles. MME GYLMER'S advice regarding lawsuits Is simply Invaluable. She has no equal as a prognosti cates Her recent predictions have c rent ( Ml quite a sensation in Omaha and are regarded t > y many as phenomenal. Don't fall to see this wonderful woman ; you will be more than repaid for your visit. Parlors of Palmistry , 1605 Dodge , south side new postolilce. Send $1 and six questions answered. .Hours. . 9 to S ; Sun- ays , 10 to 4. S 112 26 CLAIRVOYANT AND SPIRITUAL ME DIUM MME. PALMER , the occult won der. Permanently located at 1G2J Dodge t Is no't what she has done for others , but what she con do for you. She IB n living connection between the unseen existence nnd this world. She can rend the Inner most thoughts of poulD , see the Past. Pres ent and Future ns In a mirror and by her Mysterious Power can tell how to i vert evil , how to succeed In business and ob tain good fortune , She locates mines , lost friends , etc. oncoming buflncss affairs Pho gives re liable and Important advice and Informa- t'on on all matters of Interest In business transactions , lawsuits , contorted wills , dl- vorces , gold mining , adventures and spec- ho truly predicts the sueresH or failure of new enterprises. If you Intend to make any change , buy or tvll on the Board of Trudo , don't fall to consult her. Her ad vice may eave or make you thousands. Remember your prospects of today may be your fortune tomorrow If rightly under stood , She gives truthful rnvelatlons of love affairs , husbands , wives and lovorfl reunited. If you are In trouble of any kind come and shn will guide anil advise you , with a certainty higher than human power. All business fncred and confiden tial. Six question * answered by mall , 11,00. Parlor reading , thl week only , 50c. Par lors. 1623 Dodge st. S-33S BO MH8. DR. HART s conceded by hundreds of OMAHA'S prominent people to be the most WON DERFUL CLAIRVOYANT who has ever visited the city. Few equal and none ex- cell this remarkable lady , With powers higher than human the vast problem of life becomes an open book , Gives name and description of the one you will imirry , when you will meet and never fullp to unite the separated. Vlns for you the affection of the one you love. Her advice In all affairs of life , busi ness , love , lawsuits , speculations , ekv. are Invaluable. Being living connection be- tueen the unseen existence and this world she can aid you and you will re gret It If you fall to consult her , ax many have ald I would have been a bankrupt but for her. Others , "I owe my life to Dr , Hart , " What nho has clone for others she can do for you If In trouble , f you want to be Imppy consult her without delav , Her long resi dence proves that nlie Is no humbug und the fulfillment of her predictions provo her power. She will slvo readings to the FIRST TWENTY that call for & 0c. Hours , dally and Sunday , 9 to 8. 213 N. 18th. S-10028 ri..ui voYA.\Ts. DR. IiH HAUR1DKN , OCCt'I.T SCIENTIST , CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFI3 READER. PRESIDENT OF POLYTKCHNICAL Col lege of Washington. 1) , O. . demonstrator of therapeutics , metaphysician , theologi cal lecturer , controversial nnd moral writer. MANY IMITATE , BUT NO ONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuit * , Me. , locates mines , burled treasures , cures drunkenness" , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. UNITES THE SEPARATED. NEVER FAILS. to cause speedy nnd happy marriages ; gunr- autcrs suceess In till cases. His parlors are vlrlted by reputable business men anx ious to kno'v the outcome of future Inve-st- nicnts , nnd ladles of high social standing. He has thousand * of testimonials , many from the highest In the land. "Thp power tif Dr , Harrlden Is simply miraculous. " Minneapolis Tribune , "He In able to convince the most skeptical. " -Washington Post. "This man ha certainly supernatural power. " New York World. PERMANENT RESIDENCE , 1707 CR * 5T SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES. PRINCI PAL CITY BANKS. OPEN SUNDAYS. S-392 2G MRS. FR T55. clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th.S305 S-305 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge S-12T ( „ . . . „ . DR' ! ' H.VRIMDEN. CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. MANY IMITATE. BUT NO ONE CAN KQUAL. UNITES THE SEPARATED. NEVER FAILS to CHUFO speedy nnd hnppy marriages ; guarantees success In all cases. BANKS. S-3S3 36 MASSAGE AND DAT1I9. NORMA ARLINGTON , 107 N. 12th. late of New York City. T M617 Doc. 7 ELITE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th , upstairs ; first-class baths , magnoltc treatment. Lady attendants. T M740 27 * MISS DE OAMO. baths , massage : expert attendants. 1615 Howard , 3d lloor , R. 1. T MUSO-DIS MME. MACK , massaco bath. 414 N. 16th. T-M131 D4 MISS LILLY from Chicago , massage , alco hol rubbing and baths. 21814 North 16th ; room 1. T M172 2S MRS. BERRY , baths , massage , magnetic treatment ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th ; 2nd floor. Attendant wanted. T 775 26 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11814 North 15th T MS 10 2 PERSONAL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Boo Bldg. U 122 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dressing 25c. Hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhclt , 1518 Farnam. . U 285 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fren- zer block. U 126 MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 1518 Far nam , 2nd floor. U 286 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1138 N. 17 U 124 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas Block U 873 N28 THE BATHERY. for ladles , 220 Bee Bldg Tel l716. U-159 N29 DR. DAVIS , specialist , 16th and Dodce. U-M226 N30 SCALP and hair treatment. Mme. Post 819 % S. 15th. U-123 HOMES for ladles In trouble before and dur ing confinement. Babies adopted. .Box KiJ Omaha. U M793 D14 ' LIEBEN. COSTUMER , 1313 Howard. Get catalogs. u M8 FACIAL massage , 60c ; scalp treatmenf , 33c- shampooing. 3oc , BOc. Miss Hubbarfl. 415 McCague Blk. U-S55 D16 AN ATTORNEY highest standing will ex change legal services for tailoring. Ad dress P60Bee L M963 D3 H. Y. B. Good position offerea. Remem ber Nov. 25 and Dec. 13. Bud. U 1D3 2S * LADIES , a nice little device for 2c stamp . Write. Omaha Specialty Co. U-MS13 DI5 * ANY lady willing to marry gentleman worth $80,000 , who will give his wife $10- 000 cash on wedding1 day , may t en < l her address to Mr. A. , 833 Climax Office , Chicago. U 315 26 * DISTINGUISHED , handsome , educated foreigner , $18,000 annually , looks for well bred , lovable American wife. Pearson , earn Berger , 615 Lexington Ave. , New York. U 319-26 * AM A widower , good business , have $35,000 , Income $5,000 yearly , want wife for com panion In my home ; no agents need ap ply , Frank , 4714 Evans Avc. , Chicago , 111. U-318 2fi HYPNOTISM Personal magnetism , mag netic healing taught by professional op erators : all secrets given : complete course 38 lessons , at cost ; Illustrated magazine free. Pres. Universal College , 6G8-318 La Salle , Chicago. U 317 26 * AFTER accumulating a fortune , wish to establish beautiful homo and entertain ; seek suitable wife and hostess. Mr. Verde , 138 East 60th St. , New York City. U-316-26 * WEALTHY , unencumbered widower with prosperous 'business ' will appreciate priu'ioiisi penslble wife. "Mr. Howe , " 897 E. 51th St. . Chicago , III. U 313-26 * LADIES Your bust enlarged six Inches ; failure Impossible : harmless : $100 cosh guarantee : proof free. Leonard Medicine Co. . Kansas City , Kan. U-314-26 * FREE : Success In life can only be ob tained through Influence. Will send abso lutely free a 100-page book which explains all the secrets of hypnotism , personal magnetism and magnetic healing. Tells how to cure diseases and bad hnblts , en ables you to win and hold thn love and respect of others. Anybody can learn In a few days. We guarantee success. Write today. Address National Publish ing Co. , Dept. 411 C , Barry building , Rochester. N. Y. U WANTED , books for the Philippines. I wish to Inform the public that I would bo pleased to receive old books , old mag azines , etc , , for the soldiers' libraries which 'nro being established In this and surrounding towns. Send by mall at do mestic postal rates. I will send to every contributor the full value of whatever they send In money , Philippine curiosities or relics of the present war , as requested , Address John W. Stanford , Co. A , Sixth U. S. Infantry , Ilollo , Philippine Islands. RUTTY women and honorable ) men want to marry ; many rich ; lists CdPscrlptlonn , residences ) . 2c , Mutual Exchange , Kan- pas Ptv. ! Mo. U ATTRACTIVE lady Independently wealthy , with sweet disposition , seeks cheerful life companion. "Lonely , " 037 E. filth Street , Chicago , III. U-nil 26 * AUTHOHS , best prices for stories , poems or any work suitable for magazine cr book publication. Scroll Pub. Co. Chicago , III. U-356-26 * OIN our club If you want n correspondent- reliable ; no publicity ; list of 600 and 5-card photos of pretty , respectable lady mem bers , rcalud , 12c , Heart und Hand , Kanfntj City , Mo. U 255-2li 'OUR life can be truly revealed by Astiology. A. H. LIpHcomb , liCHtlami , Va. , writes : "You gave me a reading In 1893. Everything came out ns you pre dicted , " Send lOc and dale of birth for pkotch of your life , L. Thomson , Kansas City. Mo , ' U-354-26 * VANTKD , numcs of ruptured persons ; rend four , you can bo cur l free by the Rational Method , Itutlonal Co. , 314 6th fit. , Hnrlne. Wisconsin , U-S53-2G * UHHON hulr curlers , 25o sample , stamps , rllvcr ; clrcularx. Robertson. 60 Wabafch , Chicago. Agents wanted. U-M3GO D25 'ELL ME , Harry , what ur Banltters ? They nro a Cuban dish , ( ho tlne t on earthBusle. , You can get them and every thing that'H good nt the Brunswick Cafo. U 110 26 KFINED young lady desires acquaint ance of Catholic gentleman with view to matrimony. Cull club olllcc , 201 Douelas Blk. U-330 20 * rnnsoNAi , . SEAVINO of all kinds ; children's dress making a specialty. 2602 Dodco. Dodco.U337 U-337 26 * SUPERFLUOUS hair , warl.i and moles permanently removed by electricity ; con- ultatlon free and confidential : nil work BUarantced. Miss Allcndcr , 1613 Douglas. U-3S9 26 * WANTED , well dressed , nice appearing lady under 40 , to travel with doctor , north In summer , south In winter. Thin Is an opportunity worth Investigating by a lady who has from $600.00 to $1.5iWCO nnd an honest deslro to make moncv ami enjoy life. Give particulars , relation to npo , etc. . In first letter. Address H. M. Adrian , DCS Molncs , In , , for ten days. U-375 2S * MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. H.OOO and upwards to loan on Improved property and farms. Av , Farnam Smith cltj & Co. , 1320 1-arnam. W 135 "MONEY to loan , on Nebraska nnd lowi farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. . 219 S. 16th. Omaha. AV-127 $100 $ TO $2,000. F. D. AVead , 16 i Douglas ' AV-J29 PEU cent loans. Gnrvln Bros. , 1G13 Farnam W 13B WANTED-Clty and farm loans ; niso bonds and warrants R. C. Peters & Co. . { " Farnam St. . Bco Bldg. W is ; S PEU CENT money. Bomls. Paxton block ' W-13S WHITE us If yo want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.YVU ' W-139 ,00.000,000 to Invest through Bankers. Brokers. Promoters ; Bond for circular ! Investors' Directory. N. Y. W-167 MONEY to loan on prut-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Harder Co. . N. \ . Life. W 131 - 5 , 6V4 , fi per cent loans In Omaha , S Omaha ? H. Thomas , 03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 161S ' AV-134 FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chos. E. Wil liamson. W 153 MONEY to loan at B and su pcr cent Omaha property. W. B. Mclklc. 401 8. 15th on W-753 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brwinan-Lovo Co. , 319 South 16th. W 133 FIVE per ce-nt : also private funds. Chas E. Williamson. \V-133 ' PRIVATE moncv. low rate , no delay. Garvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam st. st.W W M1S1 D20 MONEY to loan on homes ; can be repaid In monthly payments. Conservative Building and Loan Association , 1604 Farnam st. W MS17 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity : strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. I Before borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage : we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. V. W. Truax , Mgr. . 119 Board of Trade Bldg. . 16th and F r- nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 141 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horses , cows. etc. J. W. Taylor. 403 Kar- bach block , 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X-M9S6 JMONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 SOUTH 16TH STREET. STREET.X657 X-657 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank 1413 Farnam. upstairs. X 112 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. rft"1 * ' MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S. 13th. X 140 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow anv amount and repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing sea us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennings. Mgr. . Suite 625-620 N. Y. Life Bldg. X M515 MONEY loaned on household goods , pianos , diamonds , watches , etc. , on payments ; no publicity ; lowest rates. Bergers Loan Bank , 1103 Farnam , upstairs. X M720 MONEY loaned on planoa , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Green. R. 8. Barker blIt LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em ployed In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names , NO MORTGAGE : BEST TERMS , everything private ; tniney can bo paid back In small weekly or monthly I payments. American Loan Co. . Room 601 , Bee Bldsr. X-M227 LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without security. Ratci reasonable. J. W. Taylor. 403 Karbaoh block. 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X MOW TYPEWRITERS. for rent , J4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 1CJ WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha . , J United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 ParS nam. 170 r REMINGTON Standard typewriter and supplies. 1619 Furnau. 171- THE Oliver Typewriter , visible . heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. etewart. Special Ase-nt , 318U S. 15th St. , Omaha. 172 TYPEWRITERS , second-hand. 1116 Farnnm 173 MEDICAL. LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator ; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 23 , Mil waukee , WIs. M 003 D18 * LADIES. Chlchestcr English Pennyroyal pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; tnko no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladles' , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa , LADIES Free box mailed. The Periodical Monthly Regulator never falls. New York Cts. Co , , Box 70 , Milwaukee , WI . -35D-26 * WANTI5D TO BORROW. J200.00. ONE year , 10 per cent Interest , real estate security , Address P 66 , Bee. 217-26 * rims. II. 13. & K. HUBERMANN. furriers ; furs made to order and repaired. 118 8. 15th. M-751 N25 SCHOOL. MRS. MORAND elves private lesrons , waltz or two-stop ! ladles and gentlemen ; acad emy or residence. Address , 1510 Harney St , -267-D-2 ! PAPURIIANGISRS. MAIL postal card giving your addrex * anil receive valuable Information. Adrtrees , P. O. Box 113 , Omahit , M 227-Jaii'23 TAILORING. LADIES JACKETS , men's clothlnc , al tered latest styles and cleaned. Max Pocol. 207 8. JTtll. -M225 N30 PHYSICIAN , DR. BHEPARD. 312 New York Life , spe- claltles , catarrh and kindred diseases ; consultation free at oillco or by mail. Literature and Question sheets sent everywhere , JF1 LAUXDRY. OMAHA BTEAM LAUNDRY. City towel supply ; Hhlrte , 8c : collars , 2o ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , Cc. 1700 Lcavenworth. Tel. 17 , M-510 Dec. U