1G TIIE OMAJIA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 2G , 1809. j/i i'/j. .TV/ * / AN EVENTFUL NIGHT. BY CLARA PARKER. ( Copyright , ISM , by S. S. McClure Co. ) When Drown saw that I bad been Inter rupted lie , too , cnrao to my Bide , nnd the pair grouped themselves about me , and Blared nt me , expecting , nnd with reason , that , now I had been given leisure for thought , lucid Ideas must 'begin ' lo flow from me , while , In reality , had I boon tapped for speech at that moment , I must iiavo , babbled forth mere scraps of the per plexing chaos with which my mind was reel ing.Was Was the girl Insane ? Was It my duty to hand over the Httlo crumpled confiding note to tfio stern , dark man besldo mo ? Never ! ( Whether the girl was Insane or not , that fcoto' was mine. It Insanity had been Its Inspiration , some reverent hand muet deal fwlth Us own folly. If not Insane what then Iwas/oxpectcd / of me ? Why was I warned against the dog beneath her window ? Could It bo that she actually meditated a theatri cal flight ? If so , where were the needed ladders ? What was to bo done with the ' Hog ? "And low do you tlnd her , sir ? " broke In Mrs. Hosklns cheerfully. "Pretty bad , bln't she ? I had a nlcco once that was took" the same way , nnd wo was upwards of three days a-glttlng her to scnso things. If she would only take a. little natcral sleep now. " Her words came to mo like an lusplra lion. "Blessed bo thy wagging tongue Ilosklns , oh , long may It wave , " went up m mental shout , whllo outwardly 1 said n fc\ grave things about "nerves" and "monta pressure , " which seemed to hit the mar Bomchow , for my listeners did not Jeer me but on the contrary looked reasonably 1m pressed. "To apeak candidly , " I exclaimed boldly mhllo I was groping for words as though grappling with a foreign tongue , "I fca congestion of the ncrvo centers , but I can" ibo sure. There Is nothing more Illuslv than thtfso symptoms. However , I shal Klvo'her a quieting powder , and In throe o tfour hours Iwill bo able to tell exactly foow'tnuch wo have to fear. " My proposal , which Involved a long stay a iho .house , was not pleasing ; that much could gather from the frown upon Brown's dark" face , but It excited no suspicion , and With a faint gleam of hope glowing at my heart-1 : took the water which Mrs. Hosklns "was " still holding , and , after pouring out hal tot It , with a great show of caution , man- nged , .while apparently mixing It with the contents of a small black bottle which fimclled like varnish , to drop Into It half a chocolate of cream which I nimbly ex tracted from a bon-bon dish on the table nt which I was working. Indeed , I , fel rather shocked nt the light-fingered dex terity' I suddenly developed ; It seemed to Indicate an aptitude for questionable prac tices anything but encouraging to con template. They seemed to expect that I would ad- tnlnlster my own medicine , but after cov ertly" , rinsing the candy about as long as 1 Idarciiln my guilty effort to dissolve It nni color ! the water a respectable brown , ] handed the glass sternly to Mrs. Hosklns. 1 had no right to touch tho-Impulsive girl who liad fj&rown herself on ray honor under the false impression that I must be some peace ful old fellow with marriageable daughters nnd oil that , though how .sho could have ex pected any such antiquated party to climb nboutjHhrough windows and toy with blood hound I could not. nor cannot yet con ceived However , her Innocent blunders had nothing to do with my plain course of duty , eo I looked on with what grace I might rwhllo-'tho clumsy Hosklns lifted upon her nrm the slender figure nnd forced my harm less doao between the scarlet lips , devoutly praying the whllo that the candy had all dls- eolvcd. Very neatly did the patient do her part. Not even a professional artist could have put to shame her.restless Impatience , the drowsy opening of her eyes and tbclr.soft closing. "Wo must have the room perfectly quiet now , " t sal'd. "Mr. Brown , would it be possible for mo to hnvo the use of a room next to this for an hour or so ? The trouble with my tooth has used mo up badly , but what can I expect ? When one chooses the Ilfo of a physician be chooses a dog's life , let him bo clover ns he will. And then look at the thanks bo gets. Let him drag a man out of hla grave clothes nnd It's Providence that gets the credit , but let the man die nnd how quickly Providence Is let off scot free. " "And yet a doctor's fee Is not a bad thing to have In one's pocket , I imagine , " half laughed , half sneered my companion. "But como below with mo nnd wo will have them eot us .out some lunch. " As may bo Imagined , all this talk had not been carried on In the sick room. Gradually ' wo had' drifted out Into the hall , nnd stood there , lighted dimly by n lamp which Mrs. . Hosklns carried. 'Of ' course I know I must { not go below , though the suggestion of lunch f avna tempting , Indeed , so I still held to my ' ungracious bluster. "You are very kind , " I unit ] , severely. "But I must get my boots off and cover up warm. Wo physicians need Bomo cnro , though our patients seem to doubt It. However , " I added , more gra ciously , "I might pick at a little cold moat , if you would send It up ; that nnd n glass of nvlno wouldn't bo nt all bad. " "You shall have 'them Immediately , " said Drown , "But lot us say n boltlo of wine Instead of a. gloss ; and , by 'tho ' way , sir , do you know that'I ' have iicgledtcd to get your namev JIow very strange you must think mo , " and ho paused , whllo his foot was ( actually , raised to go nnd leave mo In peace , to send that fatal broadside back into my $ haky breastworks. What under heavens was I to say ? Whait Bid I know of his knowledge of the people In the city , where I was almost n total ctrangcr ? "Well , well , " 1 exclaimed , with a hollow laugh , " -this Is droll , certainly , but I took It Lazy Liver "I have bruit troubled n treat deal tvllb a torpid liver , wlitch produces constipa tion. I found CASOA11ETS to l > o all you claimer ( or them , and secured such relief tlionrst trial , that I purchased another supply and vrai com pletely cured. I shall only uo too glad to rec ommend Cascarcts whenever tlio opportunity U presented. " J. A. KUITH. 920 Susquohauna Ave , , Philadelphia , Pa Pleasant. Palatable. 1'olent. Tatto Good , no Good. Ncvor btckcn , W cnkcn , or Gripe. JOc. tte.Wo. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . IllrtUi DtnuJj C f > i Ctltno , Kc lft l. V rt. KO JO Tfl DAft Sold nncl ininrnotredbr a" drug. KU-TU'BAU gins to UVJii : Tobacco llablu for granted 'that ' your servant had ex plained. " "I have not seen htm , " with the short reply , and , Hosklns moving forward nt that moment , ' 1 stood revealed to the sharp eyes of my host Inall < tno glare of light which the small lamp could boa Fit. "t am Dr. A. , of whom you have perhaps heard , " I said , boldly , setting flre to my ships with an unfaltering hand. "I sup posed that you had sent directly to me. " "I am something of n stranger here , " was tbo evasive reply , nnd with n long look nt mo he wna gone , leaving mo In n state of feverish uncertainty ns to whether 1 was unmasked or not. Gladly now would I have entered the sick room alone , on some pretext or another , In hopes of a last word of explanation , but the slow-pacing Hosklns was ever at my heels , and to nil my suggestions thnt the young woman should bo left entirely alone and that Hosklns herself might take some sleep whllo I kept watch , she brought forth the same rambling argument. "A quilt In n chair and me In It couldn't be In any ways disturbing to one moro accustomed to com pany than to bo without , " she exclaimed , nmlnbly , until 1 gave up , fairly worn out. I took possession of the room assigned to ino as soon ns a lamp , a flre and n neatly jJCt lunch table had made It ready. Once alone Inside that room , tfco door shut on all Intruders nnd brought before the bar of sober Judgment , I felt that a straight-Jacket was all I lacked for n fully equipped mad man. Yet , condemn my folly as I would , I felt no deslro to retreat. Even then I might have crept down stairs , on some pre text or other , have slunk" from the house nnd made off without much chance of detec tion. But there I sat , turning over nnd over ngaln every project that presented Itself to my feverish fancy for carrying out the scheme of the crumpled note , which I now boldly consulted. Consult It ao I would , however , there was nothing moro to bo got from It than that I was expected to help a perfect stranger , a young girl , apparently confined to her bed with a eerlous Illness , to rise from thnt bed nnd bolt through a second-story window , guarded by an ugly bloodhound , out Into a freezing night , In the care of a single man , of so reckless a character that he hod , earlier In the evening , hidden himself In an Inno cent man's carriage , killed that helpless man , taken his belongings , and was now foisting himself upon her notice under an assumed name. A black outlook , I was forced to admit , nnd don't mistake me by Imagining I made light of the painful cir cumstances. I deplored them deeply , but what would , you have had ? Had the lady been plain reason might have spoken with a louder voice , or , at least , Its faint piping have been listened to , but ns It was , I merely decided by the time my lunch was finished that If anything was to be done I must Immediately set In action eomo one of the many operations neces sary. sary.Hosklns ? What was to be done with her ? And then , from all that I could recall of her , personality beyond her loosely balanced tongue nnd the fact that she wna large and dark , one Httlo thing came back to mo which brought mo to my feet , a hopeful smile struggling with the swollen melancholy of my features. She had a very red nose , which might result from a disordered stomach and might not. Very softly I opened the door of ray room , for I had no wish to disturb the slumbers of the rest of the household , and very softly I tiptoed to the door of the elck room , which I found standing a few Inches ajar , on ac count of the heat , I surmised , for I could 'eel the hot air fanning ray face as I peered n cautiously before entering. Kvorythlng was quiet. The bed I could not sea plainly , but before the flre , which was blazing brightly. Mrs , Hosklns sat lean- ng back comfortably In a huge rocker , while lor feet , In reckless disregard of the laws of grace and decorum , \vero hoisted upon a second chair , where they had slid from the- red woolen blanket which had been wrapped about them , nnd confronted me as I approached preached , huge nnd motionless In their gray voolen casings , like eentlnels before n sleep- ng city , for Mrs , Hosklns was sleeping. But even an I eaw If and moved back with my leart thumping violently at the swift hought that before waking her that word of explanation , I might , as my right , de mand , could bo spoken , she started poev- tihly awake. "Lor1 a mercy , " she muttered pettishly , ler eyes glaring at mo wild nnd bleared j but she followed mo willingly enough when beckoned her Into the ball , where we might talk without disturbing our patient. " \Vtta she took any way that you heard ? " ho asked In a hearse whlaper , her mouth working with an abortive yawn , "I'm trou bled with luflamlng of the lids , an' set nostly with my eyca ehut. It's more sav- ng on 'urn ' than classes , besides being more handy. " " 1 have been thinking over nil possible auBoa for this attack , " 1 exclaimed with the absorbed air of a medical fanatic , "Has ho young woman been in the habit of drugging neraelf ? Docs abe ever use opi ates of any kind to make her sleep ? nnd 1 glared at the woman ns sternly ns the limited use of my right oyc would ndmlt. Her wile were fogged with sleep and otlrred slowly , but after staring duly nt mo for n moment , eho brightened visibly , evidently fired with the hope of answering me and get ting rid of me. "Yes , sir , " she answered eagerly , "sho do sometimes ueo a powder , hn' tt'a often an' often 1'vo told her 6h6 hadn't or tor ; but eho's that stubborn nnd set , you'd hardly believe It , when oho gcte a notion. " "She has come left ? Bring them , " I said fiternjy. "I shall sift thla matter to the bet tom. " "Upwards of n dozen , I should cny , sir , " and with a step heavy with sleep shd moved away , returning after a few moments with a small green box In her hand. "These are "urn , " eho said , giving vent to a mighty yawn which had been convulsing her since eho started from her sleep. "You look nil used up , " I said , fastening a professional cyo upon her. "You need something to < brncc you up , Have you noth ing In there that you can take , a little wluo now or oven n drop of straight whisky ? " Ah , I had not been mistaken. Her eyes lighted greedily , and then were overcast with helpless resentment. "I haven't a drop of nothing , " she said sullenly , "Mr. Brown Is not of the thoughtful kind and makes no reckoning of the wear and tear of being broke of one's sleep ns n Btlddy thing. Them that goes to bed regular , " she nddcd , morosely , "can Httlo estimate the nccda of them thnt must set awake * In their hours of rest. " "That Is very true , " I remarked austerely. But I shall have a word to say about that tonight. I can't have you wearing out sud denly Just when I may need you. Walt hero for a moment , " and , highly gratified with my clover trick , I took the box of powders and hurried back to my room , where , after pouring out a liberal gloss of wine , I stood debating whnt next. On the box I read , "Miss Brandon. One powder every hour until relieved. " So my young friend's name was Brandon. "Until relieved" that meant , of course , until she should fall asleep. But surely If one powder was pre scribed for so dainty nn Invalid , nt least double that dose should bo allowed for the great , robust creature I had Just left , and , hastily shaking In the contents of two of the folded papers , I rushed back Into the hall where my victim was awaiting me. With what pleasure and self-congratula tion did I watch her drain the glass to Its uttermost dregs ! Then we separated ; she going her way to fall asleep , as I told myself , Insldo of the next five minutes , anl I mine , to gloat In secret over the easy victory I had won. Five minutes I waited In restless inaction and then felt tempted to go and view my work. But there was no hurry , nnd taking a chair by the flre I had determined to wait patiently for an other five , when the sound of shuffling steps in the hallway outsldo brought mo to my feet In vague alarm. Had my fraud been discovered ? Had Dr. A come back to life and followed me ? My hand flow to my pocket , where It grasped a small penknife , my solo weapon , when the door opened and In walked Mrs. Hosklns In a state of feverish excitement. She was carrying a box in her hand , a blue ono this time , nnd she flung it down before mo with a most disrespectful display of ill temper. "Them's the sleeping pow ders , " she snapped , laying her hand upon her head with a reeling motion while I stared nt her In lively horror. "But how Is one to tell , with wrltln * worse than them as can't lay claim to be no scholards ? Lor' help me , them spirits went straisht to my head , " she went on. "Which Is rightly your hand , sir ? " snatching vacantly Into the air beside me. "You look to have a dozent. " What had I done ? In the name of mercy of what had I given a double dose to the poor creature ? Wildly I turned over In my mind all possible poisons and their anti dotes ; milk , oil , whites of eggs , all danced before me. Women , sometimes , I had heard , took dreadful things for their com plexions. Was there to be a second corpse on my hands that night ? And yet , once more , It had not been my fault. Rushing nt the tottering woman , I got her Into a chair , gazing at her as I did In such an agony of fear lest she drop dead In my grasp , that she took the alarm herself , and , making certain that death was near , turn < nl "I FELT nATHEIl SHOCKED AT THE LIGHT-FINGERED DEXTERITY I SUD DENLY DEVELOPED. " such a greenish white that , without reasoning whnt I was about , I seized another tumbler of the spirits nnd dashed It down her throat wlth ficnrccTy moro caution than I would have" used had I pitched It Into the- kitchen drain. Fear of her Immediate death , that and that only , was my motive In stocking her thus heavily with strong liquor , and what followed cannot bo laid at my door excepting In the form of nn unmerited accident. Yet I understand there are those who do not take the same view of the matter , At first the poor creature , choked , which I will admit w.as my fault In that I forced the liquor on her eo abruptly. I was sorry for my awkward zeal nnd aided her to the best of my power to jegaln her breath , patting her violently upoii"tho back , while her gurg- llne , though deep , was low. But once she had passed this stage I saw what the second glass bad done ; saw reason leave her eyes and glvo place to a silly stupor ; saw and flung a pillow upon the floor , to which she shambled and sank down abbllng. "I'm feeling very comfortable , thank you , " she gabbled , as I strove to drag her farther from the lire , "but my head ain't what It should be. Too much setting up of nights has done it. " But I heard no more. Fleeing my second victim , I hurried across the hall , to tap as light as a feather against the door of thn sick room , though , had my own ears been all I cared to reach , tbo loud thumping of my heart at that moment would have equaled the booming of any cannon. As though my timid knuckles had touched some hidden spring , the door responded In stantly , nnd through n slight aperture n wisp of dark hair waved and the gleam of n flno eye shone on me , as a whispering volcp naked mo what I wanted. "U Is I , " I faltered , Idiotically , forgetting that I had as yet no Identity with my qucs tloner beyond the rather vnguo one of a medical man. "I'm the doctor , you know , ' I added , huskily , my tongue refusing me tbo service of n glib He. "Oh , " with a most delightful Inflection nnd the door swung nn Inch or two farther open , but In place of accepting thla friendly advance I skulked back into the shade of the unlit hall like Bomo sheepish assassin , "Where Is Mre. Hosklns ? " came In the same- guarded whisper. "Look out for her. She may bo in hiding somewhere. She does that lots , and then dodges out. Oh , she's Just horrid. " "Sho won't now. She she's asleep , " I faltered. "I gave her something some of your powders , " but no sooner had I uttered the words than I repented my confession. What If , after all , It was not the wine whleh had affected her ; whit if even then she was breathing her last. In Eonia horrid death agony ! The thought was sickening. "Oh , oh , how awfully clever ! " And there was a sound as of eoft hands beaten to gether gently. "But the dog ! " was the next dismayed exclamation. "They've let him out again. I heard him champing about down there Just n moment ago. Oh , you may depend on it , we can never get out if ho Isn't done away with. " I had forgotten the brute , nnd I muPl confess , that but for the gleam of thnt fine eye , which had grown plainer and developed Into n pair , J should .have , felt much vexed nt the reminder. If I could only glvo him ceptlon seized me of affecting to bo Just on the point of leaving the sick room , when my visitor should como up. It was well , though , that the darkness of the- hall concealed my guilt-stained features , or the mcre.it child must have detected some mischief brewing , "Is thnt you , doctor ? " came In a growling whlupcr from Brown , while a firm , cool hand seized mo so suddenly I nit but shrieked , eo shattered was my self-control , "What In the nro you up to anyhow ? It sounded as though n pair of you were danc ing the minuet. I thought nn order for quiet was given. " "And so It was , " I managed to say coldly , ns n man without humor who feels himself affronted with a Jest. "But I hope that docs not Interfere with Mrs. Hosklna heat ing flannels at my orders for your nleco now that her fever has suddenly left her. Brown gave n soft whistle. "To bo sure not , " ho said with more civility. "I In tended no disrespect , I assure you , but kindly nsk Hosktns to toe-nnd-hccl It In her stocking feet hereafter. " "Sir ! " exclaimed I irritably. "I'm a wretched sleeper , " ho explained , coming hastily back to dignified discourse , "nnd HosUlns should know It. I can't Im agine how she had the temerity to go crash- ng about so. " Shivering like a wind-swept rccd , I waited for him to demand thnt ho should sec his niece , or call for the disgraced Hos- clng , but these trials were not laid upon me , for now with a restless yawn ho left me , after n mild hope for the further Im provement of his nlcco , and when the last ichocs of his steps had died away I crept > ack to the room I had left nnd stood trcm- illng there for some moments before I could > o certain that he had really gone , with no usplcton to bring him creeping up those talrs ngaln. HER FEET IN RECKLESS DISREGARD OF GRACE ' -AND DECORUM WERE HOISTED UPON A SECOND CHAIR. sleeping powders ! My ear hearkened pain fully for the slightest souilJ from the room I bad left. "Oh ; I think we can manage the dog all right , " I said lightly , while not the faintest plan ns to how I was to make good my words suggested Itself to my mind. In the mood I then was I could have strangled any beast with my naked hands and relished the ddtalls of the task at that. "Oh , how awfully clever you are , " came In an admiring gasp from behind the half- open door. "But If you're going to shoot , please let mo know before you set the gun off or I shall be sure to scream. I al ways do. " "I shall not ehoot , " I said , with a patience begot of the flne eyes and fluffy hair. "It wouldn't do , you know. The noise would " "Why , to be sure ! " with a soft little laugh. "It would make a mess of every thing , but you see I'm so stupid. Goodby , now. I'll get dressed nnd be all ready , " and the door shut gently In my face , leaving me standing nlono in the darkness , gaping help lessly about me. "All ready , " she said. I could have laughed aloud , but that I felt more Inclined for tears. All ready for what ? Well , I could not Improve matters by standing there , so , with a reluctant step , I turned to reenter - enter the chamber I had left. What should I see ? Some horrid , staring corpse ; some miserable , frothing object all but gone , yet with strength left to rise nnd curse mo ? If eo , goodby , even to flne eyes and soft , dark hair. I had stood n great deal that night , but there were limits , I felt , to my endurance. With a sinking heart I pushed the door open , only to Jump back In hysterical amaze ment. The woman was afoot again nnd babbling foolishly ! What was to bo done ? How gladly then would I have , exchanged her for the corpse I had so dreaded to see ! There was Httlo sense In whnt she said , but I made out thnt she was looking for Miss Brandon , nnd I managed to quiet that cry by tolling her Mlsa Brandon was asleep and must not bo disturbed , nt the same time tearing about In search of something to do with her , while she trailed at my heels with dog-like devotion. And then her intoxication , If such I can call It , began to take alarming forms , which preyed * dreadfully on my conscience. Her vision grow shockingly distorted , and what with her resolution to follow mo about , and the number of mo she sqomcd to see , she was forever taking Imaginary walks with me In parts of the room whore I was not , talking as readily to any piece of furniture ns to mo , and never flndlng out her mistake unless she happened to run against me , "Heavlngs above , " she would whisper hoarsely to n toll dresser by the window , I can't rightly make out , doctor , how It Ifl you como to bo so leggy nil of n suddlnt ; " nnd then to the wnshstand , as I chased her here , "glvo her natcral sleep , doctor , glvo her natoral sleep , and she'll pull through somehow. I've said It before , an' I say It now , sleep IB whnt wo need , nnd plenty of It. " It was a shameful situation , nnd what was worse , I distinctly heard steps below. The creature's babbling tongue had started some one awake , 4Wlth a desperate hand I Jerked open the next door to me , and when I found It admitted me to a small , dark closet I did nolj hesitate. "Miss Brandon la In here , " I hissed In the woman's ear , snatching her frantically by the nrm. "Go In and Ho down besldo her , It will keep her quiet , nnd then you can have your sleep out. " She obeyed mo In the same dog-like man ner In which she had followed me about , and although , In the face of this docility It seemed a brutal net. I turned the key se curely upon her , feeling an almost murder ous thrill of satisfaction no her murmuring died away In the denser stupor into which the confined air of the place plunged her. And none too noon did those muttering * cease , for I now distinctly heard steps mounting the stairs , with evident care not to tread too roughly , Not daring to meet any questioner where I then wan , I rushed softly into the hall , where the happy con : For ten mlnufes'I , waited wblld the' house was silent as the , grave. Not a board creaked.- not a curtainrustled. . Then , draW- Inr offmy shoos , I made , softly across to a window which I reasoned must look'out upon the plage where the ferocious bloodhound lurked. Inch by Inch , like a trained house breaker , I raised the sash , my heart stopping dead still at the- faintest creak , then rushing ! on with congestive Jerks at nn easy slide , until finally it was propped up at a height to admit of putting out my head and shoul ders. Cautiously I peered forth into the dark ness , for dark it was , with only a star glim mering here nnd there , and nothing but faint outlines of the Jagged mountain peaks showing themselves against the sky. The air was keen nnd cold , and the ground cov ered with a skim of hard , dry show. A nice night indeed for people to be launching themselves from second-hand windows nnd taking to their heels through unknown frozen districts ! "We'll end up at the bottom of a canyon with a fractured bone or two for company , " I muttered as I let my gaze roam despond ently about. , "There's the dog sure enough , " ns my eyes , becoming moro accustomed to the darkness , made out n moving , black body on the snow beneath. It Is one thing to look down at n dog from a second-etory window nnd another , and quite a different thing , to rid yourself quietly of him. On any other night I should have exclaimed , "Impossible ! " and tamely closed the window. But on this special night my mind seemed fairly lurid with bright thought. I suddenly sped back to tbo table , clutched the napkin from my lunch tray , nnd found that I had not exhausted the gen erous supply of cold meat sent p for my refreshment. With trembling fingers I spread out the contents of the medicine chest upon n chair close by and began In a pur blind fashion to study the different labels. Confusion seized upon my mind nt the first row. How could medical men pretend to understand such gibberish ? My mind had not bocn neglected In my youth , and yet I could make nothing of It. Defeat stared mo In the face , but with a cold , proud smile I counted the number of bottles I had before me. Then with a few bold slashes , I had the meat quartered nnd lying ready to my hand. Thla done and tbo bottles divided Into four different sets and ranged conveniently above ire , my real work began. The first relay of bottles came to mo In the form of powders. I dipped section No. 1 of my meat supply In tbo milk Jug beforn I attempted to BUI car lttovor with as much of my powdery ntulT as I could make hang on , being careful to take a fair amount from each bottle In hopes that In some of them lay the deadly drug I sought. It was remarkable bow much I made that piece of cold beef hold. When not another grain would stick I gathered It up gingerly , crept to the window , took ac curate aim and flung It straight at the feet of the resiles animal. They must have kept tbo brute half starved , for with n plunge and a snap , ho seemed to catch the morsel whllo It was yet In the ulr. But nothing happened ; hln restless walk went on , and Impatiently I rushed back to my ghastly work. This time It was liquids with which I had to deal , and my work wae easier , but how they smelted ! The bouse seemed reeking with their biting fumes , and It was with streamIng - Ing eyes I again sought the window nnd stood with my second prescription suspended over the hazy space below. No need to peer about In the darkness now In search of my rcstlcra prey , The animal expected mo and crouched directly beneath my window , where the light from the lamp showed upon bin gaunt frame , revealing him with his huge jaws distended ; a pretty eight for one who might at any moment bo pitched forth to become his inldnlsht lunch , Out went my second lot. I could see him plainly this time. He met It , his full length from Iho ground , with an appetite perfectly disheart ening. Not oven KM horrid smell fazed him , and down It went with a dreadful champing uound. While completely discouraged , I turned BEFORE DURING AFTER La Grip TRY The World Fa mous Tonlo FOR BODY AND BRAIN Since 1803 , Knilorncct by Mcdlenl Knoultv. immediate lasting efficacious agreeable Sold at All Druggists Everywhere. Avoid Substitutes. This Is an age of education. No other nation en the The Readers face of the globe is so intelligent as ours , And ' > intelligence makes a nation prosperous and We'have luppy. Education gives A young man the best chance in life. The easiest and cheapest way to We hold ! educate yourself and your children , irrespective of Utc schools and colleges , is by having the best current reading In your house. THE GREATEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IS Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. It tells the story of contemporaneous events and Illustrates U with the most artistic pictures. He who reads it every week learns to recognize the counte nances of the noblest men and women In public and In private life ? the appearance of the world's most famous places , and the scenes of the greatest historic interest. LESLIE'S WEEKLY Is a paper to keep on the library table , and to read and reread , and to file away for useful reference. It is read by more families of culture and refinement among the masses than any other paper of its class in the world. It Is the greatest , best , most attractive and cheapest of all American educators. o It Is for sale everywhere on the stands , In the bookstores , on all trains , at IO cents per copy. LESLIE'S WEEKLY , no Fifth Avenue , New York. again to the table. What did Dr. A. kce In his chest anyhow ? Drugs designed solel for the use of teething children ? And ye who could tell ? Perhaps my method mlgh bo bad. I might bo doing up poisons ant antidotes In the same bundle. This time mixed powders and liquids with an Impartla and liberal hand , but It was with only th faintest hope that I gathered up the thin dose , and again sought my post at the win dow. The dog was not there ! Was no there , nor was ho dead ! I could see him see him plainly. If that mass of inovln snow and fur could be a dog. Faint , 'nngr ; yelps rose from the tossing heap nnd m heart stood still. Then , suddenly , as looked , the mass took shape and rose ant ran as nothing dependent on mere legs eve ran before , molting away Into the darknes beyond , with a long , low howl which struck stone-cold upon my fainting heart. "We are undone , " I nil but cried , for tha mournful howl must set even the cock crowing upon their roosts ! Then came the thought that speed might even yet save us for , once outside , who was to follow us ti such darkness , with enough and more than enough of caverns about , into which we might crawl and evade pursuit ? Why wo were doing It at all , and whnt right we had to evade pursuit I had no time to consider as again I fled the room , which was strowi all about with evidences of my Into traffic In animal life. The disordered boxes which had been handed mo by the now helpless Hosklns ; the uncorked medicine phials , nl spoke loudly to mo of my deadly work , anc I could but feel like some beast of prey creeping from Its lair , as I stole out ant closed the door behind mo. This time my knock at the door of the second chamber was less guarded , for my nerves were getting into a horrible state ; but It was not eo quickly answered nnd I was growing alarmed , when It was flung wide open , though very noiselessly , and MUs Brandon stood before me , not dressed In her flowing robes , but In a trim suit of black , such as you might bee a dozen of any day In a. well-dressed crowd , only they would not nil bo so becoming to their owners. Over this she wore a short fur coat. Her hair was tucked away under a cup to match , nnd there she stood , looking so warm , so fresh and smiling that somehow the mem ory of my bandages came back to mo , filling mo with such n sense of deformity and In feriority that I think my bearing took color from tbo morbid abasement of my mind. I know that I held my right hand with one hand while I talked to her , and that , I Shuffled on my feet ns Eho looked at mo , whllo I hit my tongue to keep from crying aloud that I was not the bloodless old dotard she so fondly dreamed mo to be. 'Oh , " she burst out In an excited whisper , as soon as her eyes fell'on me , "you do think of the funniest things ! Now tell mu what ever you have done to that dreadful dog to make him go running about so , scratching things ! " "Did you hear him yelping ? " "I guess that's what dogs do. I was Just sure he'd wake everybody up , weren't you ? " I had been , Indeed , and yet was. At thnt very moment I fancied I could hear Home one-moving , nnd bracing up my manhood , I ppoko decidedly In spite of those things about my Jaw. "Wo must go nt once , " I said , moving Into tbo room with a cat-like step. "Will you bo able to hang on to one end of a blanket while 1 lower you from the window ? " I dared not look nt her whllo I made thlt cool proposal , for I fully expected her to turn pale nnd shrink back ; besides the horrid rid suspicion haunted me that oven should she consent , It would end In her completing my list of victims , and what with the doctor , Mrs , Hosklns and the dog I was sickened of blood. To ray amazement she laughed a delight ful , gentle , Httlo chuckle which made mo long more keenly than over to bury the snuffy old doctor and rise myself to fill lilH shoes. "Oh , how perfectly killing It will be , " she whispered , seeking for sympathy In tha depths of my dull swollen eye. See ! The window Is all ready for us. I wan putting It up when I saw the dog. " Suddenly I started , stabbed to the heart with fresh trouble. 1 had dragged a blanket from the large chair In which Mrs , Hosklns had been sitting and was testing Its strength an best I could , when It occurred to mo that all my outdoor apparel was downstairs , I certainly could not venture out on such a night , not knowing how long I might re main dodging about without some sort of covering , yet I dared not go downstairs In search of mine. "My cap and coat , " was the cry wrung from mo In my distress. Instantly my com panion grasped the situation with smiling composure , " Arc downstairs , " she finished for me. "Of couree we can't think of going to get I will guarantee thnt my Kidney Cure will cure 1)0 ) per cent , of all forms of kidney complaint and In many Instances the most serious terms of Brlgbt's disease. It the disease Is com * plicated send a four- ounce vial of urine. We will analyze It and advise you free what to do. do.MUN'YON. . At all dniRstits , 230. a vial. Gulflo to Health md mrdlcnl nilvlco froo. 15OS Arcli t. . PMla. WHOP * 'MSY PILLS Kor MI cars the only sareand rcllahleFemnle Iloptilntor for AH troubles. Relieves witlilt ays. AtilrugcUts , orliym.lll. I'rltc.S'J .iuMC for"Wonien'i Safe Guard. Wllctt .tlcillcnl Co. , 3 = 9 V. 151)1 ) St. , 1'hlla. . Fa. them , but there are sorao of Mrs. Hosklns' things hero that will do. She's so dread fully big you know , " nnd before I could pre vent her she had dived Into a closet close nt hand , from which she emerged presently , triumphantly holding up to my view a large gray and black plaid shawl nnd one of those many-colored woolen bags known as "to boggan caps. " It was the last straw to ray overburdened vanity ! Wear them ! I could have snatched them from her , flung them on the floor nt her feet and atamped upon them , but for the nddcd absurdity. And then , too , what awkward evidence In the shape of card case , marked handkerchief or other fatal trifle might I not leave In the pockets of my abandoned coat ! Insulted , perplexed and downright nngry , I stood glaring about me , but bcforo I'had voiced my annoyance a faint sound below put flight to all thought of more trilling llscomforts. Some one was moving cau- lously , whether toward us or from ua , to seek or to avoid , I could not tell ; but It de cided mo to hngglc no longer over my ap- > enrancc , good or bad. Laterally snatching he horrible headgear from Miss Brandon , who was tranquilly kneading It Into shape , crammed It down about my carf , feeling a certain savage delight In the self-torture Inflicted. "It will bo warm , anyway , " murmured my companion , with n glance of kindly n-mtise- mctit. which I haughtily Ignored. "Come , " I said , briefly , snatching up the blanket. "Wo have not n second to lose , " nnd I rushed stealthily to the open window nnd Hung out In advance the shawl which vns to servo mo as a covering , Miss Bran- on following me In u state'of what , I could plainly HOP , was pleased excitement. The window was high up from the floor , nnd as wo stopped before It , she looked Into ny swollen eye with n face of Innocent ox- lectntlon. "I can't got up there alone , you enow , " she whlapered , nnd with on almost ludlblo groan I put my nrm gingerly about or fur-clad waist , and the next Instant she \as flitting with her feet outside , holding ownrdn mo her ungloved hands for the lankot. The morbid feiir which possessed mo that Bho was to make my fourth victim vas not lessoned by that moment In which held her In my arms , nnd UH aha grasped j ho quilt with two small white hands nnd ooked at mo with n friendly nod , to tell ) o that she WUH ready for the drop , I felt very partlcln of strength leave my body , "Como back , " I faltered , but she W.OH ver the side , and with desperate hands I lutchcd the blanket. It seemed so short. Hud I miscalculated 10 holght of the window ? I dared not look own no I leaned far out , giving the full length of my arms to the clumsy contriv ance. Suddenly tbo weight left It. Had she fallen ? My cycw sewned glazed as I turned tlu-in downwards. There was a black heap under the snow beneath. Was she liv ing or dead ? Hut now again sounded thnt step below , It scorned nearer this time. It was coining upstairs , coming softly , nnd pausing on each step , an though uomo one had stopped to listen. It had a horrid wound in that gloomy houseami I Boomed to ECO a dark face gliding toward mo , a white hand uplifted - lifted , to hush the very echoes that ho might hear. I had meant to do many things the time for which was parsed. The coaet | door I had meant to unlock It upon the hapless Ilosklns , but now the feet had reached the hall. With a warning hies for my conspirator below , I swung myself from the window and dropped , epeculatlug even whllo 1 fell on the probable length of my Ilfo should tome part of me double up and Mrlku wrong In my mad plunge. ( To bo Continued. )