Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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ion SM.I BY u oniiiuiyri PBIU sot. no wmu
When others lau consult
op MEN
Wo guarantee to cure all cnses curable ot
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nightly 1'mls.slons , Lost Manhood. Hydrocclo
Vcrlcoccle , Gonorrhea , Olcct , Syphilis , Strict
ure , Flics , Fistula and RecUil Ulcers and
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Alen.
Consultation free Call on or address
119 So. Mth St.
The vornt cimc cun lie cured by na-
ln , MiiKitct File Killer. Guaranteed.
$ ! . < > ( > per box by mail.
WeHtern Depot , Omnhn , NeJ .
Nature's ' StrengthtorWeak Men
If you suffer from any weakness peculiar
to men ono of the disorders , the direct re-
cult of youthful Indiscretion or excesses
In later years the
very worst possible
Ihlni : you can do Is
Is to put drugs Into
your stomach. The
medicines all doctors
use for these diseas
es morphine , daml-
a n a , cautiarides ,
ttrychnla , phosphor
ous , etc. are deadly
poisons they stimu
late or deaden they
cannot cure. There
are a great many
more drug wrecks
than alcoholic
> S wrecks. I r.m telling
you the truth no oat
cun deny It. I offer
you the only natural
remedy for all weak
men and women "
I absolutely tuaran-
tee a permanent cure
where tbo Electricity
U applied by the
greatest of remedial
You get Electricity by treating with mr
Belt In Its purest form. There Is no possl-
-ble chance for It to injure you. It does not
btlmulato. It must strengthen. To cet Boofl
results from Electricity , you must have con
stant application several-hours at & tlrao.
You cannot do this with the lotteries used
In doctors' offices. It would heap you away
from your business. My Belt does not bother
you n bit and yoU c n work , ride , Jump or
mn with It on. I have known for many
yearn that Electricity waa the greatest cura
tive agent that would ever toe known. I do
not elvo drugs nt all now. I could make
more money If I did. It does not cost any-
thlnu to write a prescription. I devoted a
jood ; portion ot my Ufa and money In per
fecting my Electric Belt. I do not promise
It to euro you I guarantee It. The prices of
y Belts are within tbo reach of all the af
flicted. You can rest atsured my Belt will
not burn or blister you , as do nil the other
Itliida of Electric Belts. U has soft , silken ,
chamois-covered spoil no electrodes that en
tirely do away with tbo burning. They can
bo renewed when worn out for 75 r.onta no
ether belt can bo renewed for any prlco.
Guaranteed to cure Boxual Impotcncy , Lost
Manhood , Varlcocelo and all Sexual Disor
ders ; rotore shrunken or Undeveloped Organs -
gans and Vitality ; euro Rheumatism In any
form ; Kidney , Liver and Bladder Troubles ,
Constipation , Dyspepsia. Female Complaints ,
etc , ,
Call 'at my office If you live In the city ,
U out of town , write me , 8acrcdly"confl.
dentlal and I will send you my symptom
'blankR ' , books and literature. My lilectrlo
Suspensory for the various weaknesses of
HIPII FRKB to every male puchaeer of one
rf my Belts. Consultation and odvlco with-
' r-st Hold only by
Company ,
Koam * 2O nnd 21 Doacla * IllocU ,
Ifbrx totb. nud Uodifo Strnet * .
BelUf th&t D. E. Thomp-on Will Become a
Resident of the Qato City.
Sin j Mi ntiil Olillinni Kile Ilrlct In the
Snprrntc Court In the IiiHiirnnco
Cniic of Cornell AKnlimt
LINCOLN , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) The ex-
elusive announcement In The Dec Sunda >
morning of the organization of a new flro
Insurance company by D. K , Thompson has
led to a , dent of speculation In this city as
to whether Mr. Thompson will make his
future residence In the state metropolis
Mr. Thompson said recently that he had
not decided to leave Lincoln , but It Is gen
erally believed hero that ho will locate In
Omaha nn soon as the new company Is or
ganized nnd ready for business. Ho recently
disposed of his Interest In tbo Farmers' nnd
Merchants' Insurance company nnd has , dur
ing the paat few months , unloaded many o :
bin Interests In this city.
It Is announced on good authority In Lin-
coin that Mr. Thompson has a contract with
the government In connection with the con
struction of a railroad , Just where this work
IB to bo done Is not known , but It Is pos
sible that the rumor originated from the
report eomo time ago that Mr. Thompson
had completed arrangements for the con-
etructlon of n railroad In Mexico , to connect
his coffco plantation with another railroad.
This property In said to bo bringing In u
large revenue for Its owner nnd Us value
will bo largely enhanced by the construc
tion of the proposed railroad.
The official election returns have been
received at the secretary ot state's office
from alt counties but Scward. This county
la expected to report within the next two
clajs. The canvassing board will meet No
vember 27.
F. O. Hamer , candidate for judge In the
Twelfth district , has certified to the ( secre
tary of state that he spent $140 In the In
terests of his candidacy during the cam
paign. W. W. Wood , candidate for a sim
ilar position in the Fifteenth district , spent
$18.32 , and R. L. Kcester , In the same dis
trict , spent $108.
Cornell ARnlimt Poynlcr.
Attorney General Smyth nnd W. D. Old-
ham today nied In the supreme court a
eeparato brief In the case of Auditor Cornell
against Governor Poynter , which will bo sub
mitted to the court tomorrow. The brief
is a short one and contains the theory of the
legal department of the stnto concerning the
constitutionality of the Weaver act. The
attorney general In his brief says the case
la not a contest between the executive
branch of the government and the legislative
nnd judicial branches , but that it is a con
test between two of the executive officers
for the functions assigned to them by dif
ferent legislatures at different times. The
attorney general's conception of the net in
controversy is that it is on act complete
within itself , that Us title fairly expresses
the Intention ot the legislature in Its pass
age nnd that If there bo any defects In the
detail of the law such defects were not the
inducement that led to the passage of the
act , and that the act as a whole should bo
Attorney General Smyth has shown no die-
position to take an aggressive part in the
Insurance case and the brief filed today Is
an evidence of unwillingness to defend the
Weaver law In behalf of ttie governor. Only
a few new theories arc advanced and the
brief closes with the assertion that In case
of doubt every possible presumption , not
directly nnd clearly Inconsistent -with the
language and subject matter , should bo made
In favor of the constitutionality of the act.
Greek Letter Fraternity.
Zetaprovince of the Phi. Delta Theta college -
lego fraternity has just closed Us annual
convention nnd the delegates from the dif
ferent chapters over the west have departed
for their homes. The presence of the visi
tors In this city livened things up in univer
sity and social circles. Numerous enter
tainments were given In their honor and the
ball st the Lincoln hotel Friday evening
was by far the swellest social event of the
season. Zeta province Includes fourteen
chapters and delegates were In attendance
from Wisconsin , Minnesota , Illinois , Mis
souri , Kansas and Nebraska. Phi Delta
Theta Is one of the strongest of the college
fraternities and the Nebraska Alpha chapter
stands especially high in this city. For
several years the chapter has occupied a
handsome residence on S street , near the
university buildings.
The convention opened Thursday morning
with an address of welcome by Dean Sher
man of the university. In the afternoon a
tea was given in honor of the visitors by
Mrs. W. G. Morrison ? formerly Miss Tnkoy
of Omaha. She was assisted by about forty
members of different university sororities.
Friday afternoon tbo Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority tendered a reception at the homo
of Mrs. L. C. Richards in R street and In
: ho evening the grand ball was given by the
local chapter in the Lincoln hotel. Satur
day morning the Delta Gamma sorority gave
a breakfast for the visiting fraternity men
and the members ot the local chapter In tholr
apartments In Inglestde. A banquet at the
Lincoln hotel Saturday evening terminated
[ ho social festivities In connection - with the
convention. Most of the delegates remained
over until today.
Supreme Court Cimcu.
Several cases of more than ordinary Im
portance -will bo submitted at the next sit
ing of tbo supreme court , which begins to
morrow morning. Among these are the
case of Paxton nnd others against tbo State
of Nebraska , tbo appeal of the old Hartley
bond case ; the case of Auditor Cornell
against Governor Poynter to test the
Weaver act , nnd the case of the State
against the Home- Insurance company , in
which Is Involved the right of the state to
recover tbo money paid by Insurance com-
mnlcs to Eugene Moore and which he falloJ
o turn Into the etato treasury.
The Lincoln Ministerial association , nn
organization composed of nearly all of th
llvlncs of the city , has under discussion the
subject ; "Tho State of Religion In Lin
coln. " So far the discussion has been de
voted to the Sunday phase of the question ,
the ministers taking the stand that Sunday
newspapers are productive of no good and
hat the custom ot publishing church no-
tecs In the Sunday editions of newspapers
should bo discontinued.
Rev. Mr. Hlndman of ( he First Presbyte
rian church preached before a largo congre
gation yesterday on the subject ; "Should
'olygamlst Roberts Hold a Scat In Con-
tress ? " He took the negative of the quea-
lon and criticised Roberts for having four
vlves. Two Mormon elders who have been
n the city for the past few months en
deavoring to get converts to their faith
were present and at the close of tbo sermon
both stood upwhen the pastor asked all
who were In favor of seating Roberts to
rise. The minister said he was glad they
were present nnd that they bad heard what
ID said. The Mormons roado no reply. The
ncldcnt created a sensation.
York Church CnlU n 1'nntor.
YORK , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) The
. 'rrsbyterlan church has Issued n call to
lev. Dr. J. L. Countermine of Atchlson ,
Kan. , to become Us pastor. Dr. Counter
mine was here recently , In Kansas , Dr.
Countermine ranks high as a clergyman.
The York Electric Light company has en
larged Its plant by purchasing larger en
gines , dynamos and Increasing the capacity.
The company contemplates an all-night
Dcniacrnln Mrrt nt Lincoln In
the Unmtloii of DU
the Spoil * .
LINCOLN. Nov. 20. ( Special. ) A meet
ing of prominent democrats was held hero
this evening In the Interests of , Leo Herd ,
man ot Omahn , candidate- for the appoint
ment of clerk of the supreme court and
state librarian. There Is n growing feeling
among the democrats that the populist cnn-
dldato for the position should be defeated
nt any cost and the meeting tonight was for
the purposeof dlscunslng the best means
to bring about this result. Edmlstcn has
been growing In favor among a certain class
of fuslonlsts during the past few days and
the flght promises to be n waim one. The
democrats are after all the positions they
can get nnd the populists are determined
to defeat them If possible.
Denton Maret came down from Omaha
this morning to take a hand In the scrimmage -
mage and It now transpires that he has
been promised the position ot secretary to
the University Hoard of Regents In order to
glvo Hcrdman a clear track for the clerk-
chip. This has also caused the populists to
rlso up In Indignation , for It means that
nnothcr very Important position will fall as
a reward to n democrat. J. Stuart Dnlcs , the
present sccrctnry of the board of regents , Is
one of the most popular officials In the In
stitution. Ho has been In bin present posi
tion since the earliest days of the university
and has n better knowledge of the details
of the business of the Institution than any
other man. *
Friends of the newly elected regents of the
university tonight emphatically denied the
report that Denton Marct had been promised
the position of secretary ot the board , but
It Is generally believed that a demand will
bo made upon them to have him appointed
to that position.
Among the prominent democrats who mot
tonight were I. J. Dunn of Omaha , F. J.
Morgan of Plattsmouth , E. C. Thomas of
Seward , C. J. Smyth and E. P. Smith of
Omaha and W. D. Oldham of Kearney.
One Scheme hy Which I'onocrntu
Snnreil nepiilillonn Voter * .
NORTH LOUP , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
One of the means by which the popocrats
carried the state nt the last election wna
revealed by one of their henchmen In this
township , who has more zeal than discre
tion. The township of North Loup , which
for years has given a republican majority of
from six to twenty votes , at the late elec
tion gave nlno majority for Holcomb. The
popocratlc authorities obtnlncd n list of re
publicans who It was supposed might be
Influenced into supporting the head of the
ticket first. Thirty republicans In this town
ship were listed nnd then a committee of
six was appointed and each man of the com
mittee was given five names , with instruc
tions to win over at least one of them to
vote for Holcomb. No effort was to be made
to get votes for any other candidate nnd the
result shows that the scheme worked to a
charm and that Holcomb was elected by
republican votes.
The commlttecman who gave the Informa
tion days that every township In the state
was worked In the same manner and as ho
showed the list in his possession , fully one-
half of the names wore marked with a cross
to indicate those who had pledged them
selves to vote for the head of the popocratlc
November Sennlon of the District
Court II ear I UN nt Alntntorth.
AINSWORTH , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) The November session of the
district court for Brown county opened this
morning. Judge W.rH. . Westover presiding.
There is a light docket. Today was taken
up In civil cases , 'but tomorrow morning the
celebrated Jay case will come up for trial.
This is the case of Ed Jay , charged with
stealing a span of horses from the Dell Cat
tle comnanv. Witnesses nrn horn fmm Vni.
ley and Cuoter counties and everything Is In
readiness. It will be hotly contested , the
prosecution being represented by M. F. Har
rington of O'Neill and the defense by C. C.
McNlsh ot Fremont. -
Following this trial will come the cases
of several persons Indicted for gambling and
whisky selling at the Juno term of the
district court , which had a grand jury at
tachment. Altogether this promises to be
the most interesting term held In Drown
county for several years.
Iloliemlnn Who Llvcil Xenr Miirslilnml
Cntd IHif Thront Trltli n Ilnzor.
MARSLAND , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram ) . Frank Kaura , a Bohemian
farmer who resided three miles southwest
of this place , committed suicide yesterday
by cutting his throat with a razor. Kaura
recently purchased n farm about six miles
rom his home. Kaura was quite well-to-
do. Ho leaves a widow and four children.
Family trouble nnd financial reverses are
said to bo the cause. Coroner J. T. Samp
son held an Inquest today. The funeral will
ako place tomorrow.
Pnvrneo DlNtrlct Court I'oatponeil.
PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The November term of the district court
or Pawnco county , set to meet November
20 , has adjourned to December 4. on ac
count of unusually heavy docketa In other
parts tot the district. The local docket Is
ono of the lightest In the history of the
county , consisting of only thirty-seven crlm-
nal and ono civil caee.
Corporal Turner Irwln of the Twelfth
Jnlted States regulars is In Pawnee visiting
his parents. Irwln served In the Spanish-
American war , taking part In the battles
of Santiago and San Juan , and afterward
aking part In tbo Philippine campaign ,
Two Ocpum-iit't'M nt Winner.
WISNEtt , Nob. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
< ohn Roberts , nn employe of George N.
Adams , nnd who Ihes four miles eouth of
own , cnught his right hand In a feed
grinder this morning , cutting the big finger
completely off and crushing the index finger
William Glanbeers , an old settler living'
five mlos ) southwest of town , suffered a
stroke of' paralysis yesterday. He is now
very low and the chancco for his recovery
are few.
Cuttle Thief UreiiUH Jnll.
NELIOH , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John Wllty , the man being held for
ho t.hoft of twenty-three head of cattle from
luffmnn & Rollins about two months ago ,
> roko jail this morning about 10:30. : A better
line for the escape could not have been se-
octed , a n dense fog hung over the city ,
making It Impossible to BCO more than two
docks. At this time , 10:45 : , a pceso is being
ormed for his capture. A reward of $50 is
SyrliuiH Lecture nt Iliimlioldt.
HUMHOLDT , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
\t the opera house n lecture on "Occultism"
was delivered by Or. P. S , George of Lincoln.
AC the Presbyterian church at tbo same
ibur Rev. David and wife , natives of Syria ,
olked in the Interest of the orphans' homo
n their country.
Mrs. Anna Woodcock of Wymore filled the
Methodist Episcopal pulpit Sunday morning
and evening In the absence of tbo regular
lIornrthlevi'H In I'lntte County.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Horsethleves ore again at work In this
county , Thomas Hill , n prominent farmer
living two miles north of Monroe , lost n
fine horse and buggy from In front ot n
More In Monroe Saturday evening. Descrip
tion cards have been sent out nnd a reward
of $50 has been offered for the apprehension
of the thieves. A couple ot strangers , who
came Into the town a couple of hours before
on a freight train , nro suspected of doing
the work.
iiiinl SiifTrnnc Convention.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The women suffragists of Butler nnd ad
joining counties will hold their nnnunl con
vention In the Methodist Episcopal church
In this city Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. Severn ! prominent speakers from
other states nro advertised to bo present
nnd a largo nttcndanco Is expected.
High School Cnilet Corpit of Girl * .
KEARNEY , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
A company of cadets has been organized
by forty-eight of the high school girls nnd
In n ehort time they will nppcnr on the
streets dressed In their full blue uniforms
with soldier caps. The boys ot the high
school organized n company two months
ago and are now In full uniform.
Sidney Land onice Examined.
SIDNEY , Neb. . Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Colonel A. K. Green , Inspector of
government land offices , was here today nnd
carefully examined the local office. He spoke
well of Receiver Matt Daughcrty and Regis
ter Harris nnd found the office In splendid
shape. The office Is now pnylnc the maxi
mum salary , $250 n month.
ArrcMt Follow * n Ilorup Trnde.
BEATRICE. Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Charles Grant , a resident of the West Side ,
has been bound over In the sura of $200 on
n charge of obtaining property under false
pretenses. The trouble grows out of the
recent purchase of a horse from him by
W. B. Mayer , who Is the complainant.
Itnliin All Dny In Culhcrtnnii.
CULBERTSON , Nob. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) The continued dry spell of the
past three months was broken by n fine rain
which has been falling since early this
morning. The ground is thoroughly soaked
and it is still raining.
Iteceptlon to n Mnnlln. Hern.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Lieutenant Arthur Kavanaugh , who wan
with Dewcy at Manila , arrived In the city
yesterday. Everything Is In readiness for a
big reception in his honor.
Shrievalty Cnndldnte Content * .
CULBERTSON , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) J. M. Crews , populist candidate
for sheriff , has contested the election of John
II. Brown , republican , who was elected by a
majority ot nine.
Itnlii nt llrnily Inland.
BRADY ISLAND , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) Rain commenced falling hero
yesterday and continued for several hours.
About ono and a half inches fell. The
weather is very warm.
( lunll HnnterM Do 'Well.
BEAVER CROSSING. Neb. , Nov. 20.
( Special. ) Quail hunters Infest the fields In
search of the favorite game of the state.
Mqny large strings have been reported.
Sprcnilu tiluc 'Wildfire.
You can't keep a good thing down. News
of It travels fast. When things are "tho
jest" they become "the best selling. " Abra
ham Hare , n leading druggist of Belleville ,
O. , writes : "Electric Bitters are the-best
selling bitters I have yet. handled In my 20
years' experience. " You know why ? Most
diseases begin In disorders of stomach , liver ,
cldneys , bowels , blood and nerves. Electric-
Jitters tones up the stomach , regu.
atcs the liver , kidneys and bowels , purifies
the blood , strengthens tbo nerves , hence
cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up
.he entire system. ruti''ftew ' , life and vigor
fate any weak , sickly , , run-down man or
woman. Only CO cents. Sold by Kuhn &
Co. , druggists ; guaranteed.
YnnUton County , South Dakotn , Han
o Wonder Where Treas
urer Pctcrnon Hnn Gone.
YANKTON , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
County Treasurer A. W. Peterson of
Yankton county is missing. He left the
city lost Thursday afternoon , ostensibly for
Gayvllle , at which place ho has failed to np-
> ear. Nothing has been heard of him since.
Its bondsmen , who have become exceedingly
uneasy , are engaged In Investigating his
> ooks. It Is not yet known whether there
s a shortage or not , but the anxiety of the
londsmen would indicate that they be
loved there is.
Much Excitement and $200 Damage nt
Ynnkton Afiylnm.
YANKTON , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A small conflagration at the hospital
or the Insane last night was caused by the
cxplcslon ot a lantern in a closet In one of
ho wards where bottles were kept contaln-
ng benzine and kerosene. The fire created a
good deal of excitement , doing damage to
bo amount of $200.
Michael Magner , George Carey , Will
Walsh , George Brown and Hoancgger broth
ers have been arrested on warrants follow
ing indictments , charging them with running
games of chance In the same building where
liquor was sold. Three other Indictments
have been found for selling liquor without
a 'license.
Will Be Tried In ftclirnnka.
CHEYENNE , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Klnch McKlnney , who was arrested
at Laramle yesterday on his release from
serving eight years In the state penitentiary ,
was brought here today by United States
Marshal Sadscll. Ho was given a bearing
before judge Rlner , who ordered his re
moval to the district of Nebraska , where he
will be tried for obstructing the United
States mall.
\oted Criminal Itelenned.
LARAMIE , Wyo. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Klnch McKlnney , a noted criminal , who has
been In the Wyoming penitentiary for the
lost eight years , was released today. He
was nt once rearrested by United States
Marshal Hadsell and will be taken to Ne
braska to answer a charge of robbing the
United States malls , an indictment having
been found against him by a United States
grand Jury.
South Dakota State Tlmher Sale.
PIERRE , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) W. A. Prather of tbo state land de
partment has gone to Charles Mix county ,
where ho will offer for sale dead and down
timber on Etato lands under the provisions
of the law of the last session.
J. D. Bridges , editor "Iiemccrat , " Lancas
ter , N. H. , says ; "Ono Minute Cough Cura
Is the best remedy for croup I ever used. "
Immediately relieves and cures coughs ,
colds , croup , asthma , pneumonia , bronchitis ,
grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It
prevent * consumption.
lluln , Followed by Fair nnd feeler In
Central nml Kimtcrii I'orllon * nf
\elirnnliii for
WASHINGTON. Nov 20.-Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday :
For Kansas and Nebraska Fair In west
ern , rain followed by fair and cooler In cen
tra ) and eastern portions Tuesday ; Wednes
day fair ; northeaeterly winds ,
For Iowa and Missouri Rain and cooler
Tuesday ; Wednesday fair ; nortbeaatcrly
For South Dakota Fair Tuesday ; cloudy
and warmer Wednesday ; variable winds.
Half a Dozen Dead as the Result of Sunday's '
Emnshup ,
AK " < 1 Pn ltrr Sprint * llic liny llrntnnn-
tna Illfi Son'd SnU l'nl - Cor-
uncr'n Iiiiiicnt | to He
Held Toilny.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. 20. (
Telegrnm. ) Ono of the four Italian ! ) Injured
In the terrible nccldrnt < ic tcrdny on the
Omaha railroad near llumbbldt , now In the
hospital here , Is very low nnd not expected
to recover. Another will recover If unlocked
for complications do not set In. The other
two will recover. The list of dead Just ob
tained Is as follows :
The first named la an American nml the
remainder Italians.
Sad scenes have been witnessed today
around the undertaking rooms In Hits city
where the mangled bodies lie. An old man ,
whoso 15-year-old son was ono of the killed ,
notwithstanding the vigils of the night ,
spent the greater part of the day nt the
undertaking rooms. His grief wns Incon
solable. Not until completely exhausted
was It possible to lead him away.
Search of the bodies by officers for money
nnd valuables resulted In discovering n wal
let containing $100 In cash. It was In a
leather pockctbook beneath the underwear.
On the body of another was found $80 , while
on a third was $60. Much Interest centers
around the coroner's Inquest tomorrow.
It Is difficult to sco how Engineer Gcrmcr
of the construction train can bo blamed tor
the accident. Upon rounding the curve
13 r atom an J _ , W. Harris saw the handcar
with the men on It and signaled Engineer
nermcr to stop. The engineer Immediately
applied the brakes , but could not prevent the
train striking the handcar then abandoned
nnd left on the track. The construction
train was going only about six or eight miles
an hour. Had the cars which turned over
and crushed the workmen been loaded In
stead of empty they would not , In the opin
ion of railroad men. have loft the track at
The four more seriously wounded In the
hospital hero are alive this evening.
Mail Who SQJ-N He In from loiva 11 c-
conien Suddenly Iitnuiic nt
PIERRE , S.D. . . Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A man giving his name as J. L.
Duncan , who came hero from Aberdeen Sat
urday , went suddenly Insane at the Orancl
Pacific house Saturday night and rushed
out without dressing. Ho visited several
residences asking for protection , declaring
that a man had been killed and ho was
being hunted for the crime. He was taken
to jail by officers and his clothes secured
for him. He Insists on remaining behind
the bars and , while appearing all right on
any other subject , declares there Is a dead
man at the hotel. He eays he lives In
[ owa.
Indian Chief * 11 em n I MR Honored by
ilic Town IVnmcil for Him.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Advices from Moody county are that the
remains of Ishtokohaba , or Sleepy Eyes , a
sub-chief of the Sioux , have been discovered
and removed to Sleepy Eye , Minn. , for in-
erment. The city received Its name from
he chief. An aged Slsseton Indian , Red
Eagle , who Is known to be 90 years of age ,
rendered valuable assistance In finding the
jurying place of the chief , taking the
searchers to the very spot , some distance
lortheast of Wllmot , S. D. Affidavits of wit
nesses of the dlslnterment were procured.
The people there will erect a monument over
the last resting place of the Indian chief
on the site where his band had n village.
Sleepy Eyes died In May , 1859. During his
Ifetlmo ho was at all times loyal and
riendly to the whites and In the early hls-
ory of Minnesota performed many deeds of
a friendly and helpful nature for the sel
I'nrk Improvement * nt Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special )
The park committee of the city council has
decided to recommend the Improving of the
orty-acre tract In the Dayton quarter , which
was set aside for park purposes when the
city acquired tltlo to the land. An artificial
agoon , lake , bridges and trees will be
among the Improvements. It Is quite likely
an artesian well will bo. sunk In the pork.
Judge Garland has granted a temporary
njunctlon against the Building and Loan
Association of Dakota , located here , restraln-
ng the officers from disposing of the re
maining assets for a nominal sum , as It was
reported they Intended doing. A receiver
will also be appointed by the court. Many
of the stockholders have not been satisfied
with the way the affairs of the association
were being conducted.
A term of United States court will open
n Aberdeen next week when several im
portant cases will be tried. The most im
portant one of the docket is the somewhat
'amous cattle case , known as The United
States against Nine Hundred and Forty-ono
Head of Cattle. Captain U P. Howell nnd
mrtner , Mr. Hlnemnn of Illinois , are the dc-
'endants in the case. The charge Is made
; hat the cattle were greatly undervalued
when they passed through the customhouse
on being driven Into this country from the
British provinces ,
of Cnltle mid HorncH.
BELLK FOUJICHE. S. D. , Nov. 10. ( Sps-
clal. ) The cattle shipping season la about
in school ? Then you have
often heard them complain
of headache ; have frequently
noticed how they go about
in listless indifferent
a , way ,
haven't you ?
does grand things for such
children. It bringsa healthy
color to their , cheeks ,
strengthens their nerves , and
gives them the vigor that be
longs to youth. All delicate
children should take it.
See. < nd $1.00 , all druggUts.
SCOTT U DOWNE , Chtml t"Hew York.
( Free Oure For ien.
A new rrmrdr whldi quickly curei leiutl wr'kneM.
rtroc le , nlchtemUiloni , pmnatim dlKlnrge. rtc , ,
nd rnlortI tlio orirani to , Irenctb * n < l vigor , Dr , L.
W , Kn pp. l Hull DulMlnv , IXIroll. Jlkli. . irladly
xndi free the recolpt of tlili wonderful lfm 1y | u
fcidtr Uiit eur/ weak mm uuycui * fcJuuelf ut Loiuii
Fresh Green Leaves of the Tnsmatiinii Blue Gum
Tree Used ns a Base.
A Perfect Skin Healer and Delightful , Refreshing ,
Cleansing Toilet Article.
The first tikln nml toilet soup over manufactured by the new proccffl Is proving a
revolution to soap users , nml It HB not ufprlslnR when you remember that heretofore
It has been thought Impossible to MA KB no.ip without fnts , jren e. oil or alkali , they
having been the base of ALlj soaps from limn linmcinnrlnl. What n delightful change
It must be , Iheu , to have ixt your command n snap free from these Ingredients , nml mndo
from the fragrant preen leaves of the Tasmnnlan nine Oum Tree , thcso leaves being
acknowledged by the mcdlcnl profession aathe most harmless , a well as the most pow
erful germ destroyer nnd skin purifier known. A bath with Hyomel Antiseptic Skin
Soap Is simply delightful. It leaves the skin soft , cool and refreshed , Imparting to It
the penehllko bloom of health.
It Is guaranteed to cure all diseases of the skin.
Hyomel Antiseptic Skin Soap In sold by nil druggists. 1'rlce 23c. Ask them for a
sample cake or send a 2-ccnt stamp for I ostnge nnd wo will mall one to you.
TIIH K. T. HOOTIl COMPANY , Ithncn , N. Y.
. . . . . .
lli. * i ( iV1 .A " ! U
When Klectrlelty fulls to euro , when medicine falls to euro , go to the Stnto
Klectro-.Medlcal Institute nnd let Its Electrical and Medical Specialists PROVE
to you that liy their combined electro-medical treatment they can euro you
even when all else has fulled.
In seeking treatment , Hie following ( lunllflcadons should bo taken Into
consideration ; Ability , experience , skill and an established reputation for HE-
IJAH1L1TY ! All of which are possessed by the specialists of tills institute ,
and arc necessary for the successful and satisfactory treatment of any
The State Electro-Medical Institute
liy Their Combined Electro-Medical Treatment.
IWCrHf RIEDUflllQ MCM I < est RIIDTIIHC Cured by thor ! now method
VVCftft ; nKnaUUO mCSa vlnor IlUrlUnE : without knlfo , truss or do-
nnd vitality ; weak and shrunken organs ; tontlon from work a painless , sure and
shattered nervous system , caused by over- permanent cure ,
work , excesses and self-abuse , resulting In
weakness of body and brain , night omis
sions , the , dizziness ,
losses In urine falling
memory , lark of confidence and ambition , organs . and glands treated with unfailing
pains In the back , loins and kidneys , and BUCCC3J.
other distrrrMng symptoms , unllttlng one DISEASE OF THE RECTUM -
for business or pleasure. Our special sys
tem of treatment will cure YOU. Restore Fistula. Piles ( hemorrhoids ) . Internal or
your physical and sexual health and make protruding , Itching : , excoriations , etc. ,
you once more a man among men no mat positively cured without the use of knlfo.
ter who or what has failed. CTflUAffU Uattarrh , uloeratlon and
OIUIriHlltl dyspepsia , Indigestion
weakness , pain and fullness after eating ,
Syphilis nnd all diseases of the blood benrtburn. etc.
promptly and thorouRhly cured and every AM , DISEASES OP WOMEN'most suc
trace of the. poison eradicated from the sys cessfully treit l and promptly cured by
tem forever , restoring health and purity. this Combined Electro-Medical Treatment.
RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA I Our Electric Belt for weak men and wo-
QUICKLY CURED. BLADDER , KIDNEY men Is tbo beat and strongest on earth.
TROUBLES A SPECIALTY. | Call and examine. Free.
I' you can not call at the office , fully describing your symptoms ,
and ytVu will receive In plain envelope a scientific and honest opin
ion of your case arid a book of valuable Information free of charsc. Write for a
"Guide to Health" today.
Olllee HourH From 8 n. m. to Kp. in , Sunilnyi ) , 10 n. in. to 1 i > . in.
State Electro-Medical Institute.
Permantly Located , I3O3 Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
The only Electro-Medical Institute in the city.
over for this year. It is estimated that the |
otal receipts for the shipments of cattle and
lorscs for the year will amount to $3,000,090 ,
which Is about the same as last year. There
were less cattle shipped this season , but
more horses. The price paid for cattle and
lorscs was higher this year than last. Belle
Fourcho claims the banner for cattle ship
Ineeiidlnrj'H Worlc nt PcrkliiH.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , ' Nov. 20. ( Special. )
Considerable Indignation exists nt Perkins ,
Bon Homme county , because of the work of
an Incendiary who the other night set fire
.0 the residence nnd buslners place of O. A.
Westover , a prominent resident and business
man. Threats are made that If his Identity
s discovered ho will bo severely punished.
IlitlMvny Iliilliln a Illn : Mbrnry.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
hallway company has completed a CO.OOO-
; allen reservoir for water , which has been
constructed nt the head of Spring creek. The
roundhouse and the two depots will bo sup-
Dr. H. H. Haden , Summit , Ala. , saya : "I
think Kodol Dyepepsla Cure is a uplendlJ
medicine. I proscribe H , and my confident
; n It grows with continued use. " It dlgesti
what you eat nnd quickly cures dyspepsia
and indigestion.
IIOWELL'S IIIIs the soot. A
trial will convlnca
the most skeptical
of Its superior
merit. ( j
your glasses
ore skewed or pinch you como
In and we will adjust them , no
charge for such pleasantries in
that nor for examining the ojeo
Our charges are for furnlohlns
the proper1 eye helps but U i
charge Is Just right You will
say as much.
Leading Scientific Optician * .
1408 Farnam. OMAHA.
Readen , Y/riten / an Rithmatio
Arc npt the only ossonllnls to fit a
young woman for life Health Is far
morw Important than tlioso thiTc 1) rex
It. .Shoomnn IH doliif , ' IIH ! host to pro-
Horvo the health of every Hvhool girl by
lilting tholr foot lo our norfwt Hlnipo
foot form , wet winter weather Bhopu
The new common sunse bread lees
Wo recommend this shoo an the one
shoe thai will glyc t-utlxfiirtlon lo both
the parent and child Initial In every
way to our colebraleil 1BO Hhoc.s
bl/.cs are ? l.W-ChIlda ) slzca
Drexel Shoe Co.
Omaha' * Uv-to-data Bba * Ba
Holiday Suggestions
We open a display of holiday designs
In picture framtT novelties that are a
revelation ( o this community Nowhere
under one roof In the eastern art con-
IITH mn our display of art novcllloH bo
found -All Kiimmer wo were at work
collecting and manufacturing tills col-
loclon ! For variety and quality we
have no equals Von will llnd an end
less selection of etchings , cngravlngH
and platinums from Kngllsh publish ,
ern , fae similes frnm I-'rance , water
colors and paintings from Ilaly , as well
as InmdiedH of American publications
Del your framn orders In early they
must have time , and we will , as usual ,
not disappoint on deliveries.
Music and Ail. 1513 Douglas.