Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TTirTtSDAY , 2 , 1800.
Extraoidiaary Opportunity to Bny Tip-to-
Date Olo&ki and Millinarj ,
ZTlie nennlt of One of 1U Gronteiit
nnil Ilent PiircliimcN Kvrr Mndc
by Our Xc v York Ilnycr
on Snlc Toilny.
$35.00 VELOUR JACKETS AT $6.08.
BO new styles , pure * silk vclour Jackets
plain or elaborately trimmed with cut Jet ,
collar and edging of beaver , Persian lamb
or real marten , all sizes , 32 to 42 , to sell
thorn out quick , cholco $6.98.
$25.00 long , tight-fitting paletot or New
markets , In tan or dark colors , on sale at
$10.00 GOLF CAPES , $4.08.
Largo assortment of now golf capes Just
received , plain goods with plaid scalloped
runlet , on sale at $4.98.
Exceptional bargains In Persian lamb
cloth Jackets , silk lined throughout , In all
Blzcs , at $4.98.
$2.50 WAISTS , 98C.
Strictly all wool black flannel waists , all
Izcs , on sale nt S > 8c.
Jet crowns , metal ornaments and buckles ,
marked to sell from 15c to 35c , go at Ic
Thousands of fancy feathers , wings , coquos
etc. , at Cc a bunch , regular price 25c to COc.
20 dozen EOc crushed felt hats , nil ready
to wear , In blue , brown , castor and gray ,
nt 19c each. Just the thing ( or school.
Largo felt , tarn crown hats , trimmed with
tolack velvet , wcro $2.00 each , now 50c.
40 dozen etltchcd foil shapes , In all the
now popular styles and colors. Have been
coed sellers at $2.25 , Thursday's price 98c
200 tailor-made hals all ready to wear.
Including turbans , round hats and street
liats , all stylish nnd pretty , at $1.49ould
l > e cheap at $3.00.
Ready-to-wear stitched felt street hats ,
trimmed with laree birds and silk velvet
nnd ornaments , every ono marked over $5.00 ,
cholco for $3.98.
In order to make Thursday a big day In
our millinery department TVO have selected
350 choice hata from our pattern room , rang
ing In price from $7.00 to $12.50. They arc
divided Into two lots and will be sold at
$3.98 and $5,00. Such marvelous values you
seldom sec.
N.V. . Cor. 16th and Douglas.
No Delay in ISxperlcnccd In Tcarliiij
Down the Grcntcr Amcricn
The north winds blow chilling blasts
ncroea the exposition grounds yesterday
but this did not prevent the wreckers from
commencing their work of destruction.
Shortly after daylight scores of drays drew
up at the wagon gates of the grounds and
In half an hour the dismantling commenced.
IA11 day long teamsters were engaged In haulIng -
Ing the exhibit * * down town to the owners
or to the warehouses , where they -will bo
Btored untl | shipped to the factories from
which they came. On the grounds It was a
perfect bedlam and hundreds of men wore
engaged In tearing away booths , wrecking
email buildings and starting the exodus
which will continue until the last article Is
removed. The telephone people were the
first to begin the work of destruction nnd
'before noon they had all their Instruments
removed and most of their wires down.
They were followed closely -by the electric
light people , who had a large force at work
removjnE lamps , wires and switches.
Along the Mfdway , with the exception of
H cpuplo of saloons ) all the places of atmiso-
mcnt wore closed and men were engaged In
tearing down and preparing the contents of
the buildings for shipment to other points.
The strange people and the freaks who have
onnoyed and amused the crowds during the
last season were not In evidence , most o !
them having left the city or sought cheap
boarding places downtown.
Along the Grand court the owners of the
brick pavement commenced tearing out their
material and before noon a section moro
than a block long had been removed. Noth
ing was done with reference to tearing down
the main buildings. Manager Phillips of the
Chicago Wrecking company , the purchaser ,
lias his offlco on the grounds and Is engaging
largo numbers of men , who will bo set nt
work as soon as the exhibits are out of the
'buildings , which ho expects will be before
the end of the week.
For a few days an admission fee will bo
charged to those who desire to enter tha
grounds , This Is done for the purpose ot
keeping the crowds out that they may not
Interfere with the men engaged In removing
the exhibits. After this has been accom
plished the fences will bo torn down and the
people will bo permitted to pass over the
Krotinds as they please. About the first
thing that will be done In this direction will
be to open up Twentieth and Manderson
The Indians are likely to leave for their
bomes within the next three or four days ,
or at least as soon as the matter of trans
portation can bo arranged. An agent of the
government Is here now and has them In
charge. Ho will accompany them to their
agencies. For the present they are occupy
ing their tepees an the Bluff tract , entertain
ing vlBltni's and trying to sell articles that
they bavo manufactured during tbo summer.
n'oiina Man Uhnrncil wHh Complicity
i In Holiln-ry of Stockiuuii
\ Si\euiiey of Wilbur.
'Albert ' J. Doran of South Omaha , charged
rwlth complicity In the robbery of Joseph B.
Sweeney , a young stockman from Wilbur ,
who on October 0 was robbed of $500 , has
teen released on $1,000 bond , tbo eurcty ,
Michael 'Donovan , qualifying before Judge
Baxter In the county court.
John Crystall was arrested on this cbargo
almost Immediately after the robbery , but
two others who were eald to have been im
plicated , made their escape , Dornn was
picked up a few days ago , and It is said
that the officers have a tangible clue to the
[ whereabouts of tbo third member ot the
party. Dornn denies that ho 'tiad anything
to do with the affair. When the cases are
called In the district court Sweeney will re
turn to Omaha to assist In the prosecution.
J. I ) . Bridges , Editor "Democrat , " Lancas
ter , N , II , , ays , "Ono Minute Cough Cure
Is the best remedy for croup I ever used. "
Immediately relieves and cures coughs ,
colds , croup , asthma , pneumonia , bronchitis ,
grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It
I. prevents consumption.
Dr. Bridges' olllco , 315 McCaifiie block ;
tours , 9 to 10 , 1 to 3 ; telephone , 616 ; resi
dence telephone , 401.
Another lllir IlullilliiK.
Another of Omaha'u prominent jobbing
' ( firms the Lee-Glass-Andrcescn company
having been forced by reason of Its ex
panding business to enlarge the capacity of
itii plsnt , will soon begin the erec-
illon of a ecvcn-story buildingI32x
332. at Ninth und Harney streets. Plans
have not sufUclently matured so that officers
of the company are willing to cUsouia the
matter , but that the erection of the bulldlnf
wjll ubiiolutely bo nccomnl rhed within a
rvery rhort time U an established fact.
HScVnnli line-en Xoiv B * .
Our New York buyer shipped us In a
largo Invoice of English Torchon laces bought
for spot cah nt a mere fraction of their
coat. Not a yard worth loss than 15c and
tip to 35c a yard. Thursday at one price
only 5c.
Mcns heavy camels hair shirts and drawers
regular 98o quality , at 45c. Men's heavy
all wool phlrts and drawers In Jersey ribbed
nnd flceco lined , worth $1.50 , at 7 , " > c.
Chlldreni ilecco lined underwear at lOc ,
15e , and 20c. Children * nil wool Underwear
at 25c , 30o and 3Sc. Ladles' flno Jersey
ribbed vests nnd pants , the regular 35c
quality , at lOc. Ladles $1.00 combination
suits at 40c. ladles' $1.00 corsets at 49c.
BOO dozen mcns heavy wool fleeced lined
shirts , regular 75c quality , on nt lo Satur
day at 2Gc.
Some special bargains Thursday.
8-t hemstitched tablecloths , $1.95.
8-10 hemstitched tablecloths , $2.35.
6-4 lapeetry table covers , C9c , would be
cheap at $1.00.
Chenille etand covers , 39c , reduced to 15o
each ; Turkish toweli reduced to 2 > 4o each :
18-Inch wide glass checked toweling reduced
to 3V4c yard ; Cfi-lpch wide cream damask
only 19c yard ; 70-Inch wtdo cream damask ,
worth COc , on salo' at 35c yard ; 2 cases flno
and heavy white crochet spreads , large
stzo and hemmed ; a bargain at $1.50 , on sale
nt 05c each ; 2V4 wide sheeting , tomorrow
only 12 < c yard ; yard-wldo cambric , Thurs
day only Be yard , worth lOc ; yard-wldo
Wenched muslin , 4V c ; hemstitched pillow
cases only 12V4o nnd 15c each ; new Hue nt
Turkey red and Indigo blue table damask ,
Just opened , the BOc grade , on sale 40c yard ;
22-Inch wldo Barnsly all linen bleached tow
eling , worth 20c , on sale nt 12V4c yard.
Council Agrees < o Tnrn nnlniieea of
Wnrd Allotment * Uncle Into
General Fnnd.
At a special meeting held ycstorday
the council acceded to the request of Comp
troller Weathers that the balances In the
ward allotments bo turned Into the general
fund for the benefit of the city laborers , who
would otherwise have had to wait until
next year for their October wages. The
amount thus made available Is J1.6SO. The
members practically refused to do this
Monday In committee meeting , but Mount
Introduced tbo resolution this morning and
secured Its passage.
The contracts for.tho Woolworth avenue
paving and curbing were referred bacli to
the committee on paving and sewerage.
At the suggestion of Slayer Moores a com
mittee consisting of Lobeck , Burmoater and
Mount "was appointed to draw up resolu
tions regarding the death of ex-Governor Al-
vln Saunders. It was also ordered that city
offices be closed during the "progress of the
funeral and that the flag over the city hall
be hung at half-mast for a suitable time.
Mayor Moores transmitted the resolutions
of respect to the memory of Martin White
adopted by the flro nnd police commission
and they were made a part of the proceed
ings of the council by being ordered spread
upon the journal.
City Attorney Connell recommended that
the city settle the , claim of Frank Green for
? 225 on account of a loam lost by driving
Into the Cumlng street sewer ditch for $100.
At the solicitation of City Engineer nose-
water , who attributed the accident to
drunkenness on the part of the driver the
matter was referred to the committee on
A bazar for the benefit of St. James
Orphango at Benson will open In the roof
garden , Sixteenth and Harney streets , Mon
day evening , November C , and continue two
Announcement ! ! ,
For perfect detail as to scenic equipment
of an elaborate character , -with costumes of
brilliant hue and splendid texture , Messrs.
Primrose & Dockstader's Big American Min
strels are famous , and the ontlro program
which they are presenting declares It to bean
an entertainment of superior quality as well
as quantity. The Big American Minstrels
will be seen here at Boyd's theater on Sun
day and Monday , commencing with matinee.
The Trocadero Opera company Is making
many new friends with Its presentation of
Jakobowskl's opera , "Robert Macalre , " this
week. Every member of the cast Is credited
with an Individual hit , and Mies Marie
Greenwood , who was specially engaged for
this week , Is already a favorite. Next week
the company will present Flotow's opera ,
"Martha. " Miss Greenwood will remain one
more week , and will be heard In the title
role , and , with Miss Annie Myers , now a
prime favorite In this city , a performance of
merit may be antlclpatedi
The most costly single attraction ever of
fered by the Crelghton-Orpheum theater will
bo the famous Hungarian Boys' Military
band , which will begin a week's engagement
next Sunday at the matinee. This
hand is composed of fitly boys
who have received a musical education al
most from their Infancy. It Is claimed that
It Is the most handsomely uniformed band
In the world. This week's program nt the
Orpheum Is an excellent one , and Is drawing
crowded houses at every performance. There
will be a matinee for the women and the
children on Saturday , and little Arnold
Qrazcr and La Petlto Hazel , the dancers ,
have Invited all the women and children who
attend to come on the stage and have a chat
with them.
If you go cast on the
Daylight Chicago Special.
Leaves Omaha 7:45 : a. in.
Arrives ' peorla 6:65 : p. m. ,
Chicago 925 ; p. m. same day ,
Good connections at Chicago
cage for all points east.
Sleeper , diner , chair and
library cars.
IBO2 Farnam loth and Mason
Stroot. Streets.
Phone 25O'Phono 3IO.
( ! O Cnxpn MlnccllnncittiN 11 ry Onndn In
Trntmlt from A civ York to Portlnml.
Wrecked In railroad Rtnashup.
Sold by the railroad company claim agent
n Chicago and bought by Boston Store ,
Without regard to cost or value
This purchase consists principally of
1,000 dozen men's and boya' gloves and
mittens ,
800 dozen Indies' yarn fascinators.
400 dozen men's , ladlea' nnd children's un-
Icrw cnr.
370 dozen ladles' nnd children's hosiery.
1,100 dozen ladles' nnd children's yarn
400 dozen whlto nnil colored handker
75 dozen ladles' corsets.
2 cases velvets nnd dress trimmings.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas ,
Jcs.Mo Lawrence , who conducted the Bos
ton luncheon on the oust Midway nt tlic ox-
iiosltlon , has ( lied Injunction proceedings
ngnlnat the exposition mnnnKonictit to pre
vent confiscation of fixtures and ctvsh
drawer. The petitioner nlloKes thnt the
management took chnrgo of her cnnh reg
ister , dhhes , tubles , etc. , nnd she prnvs the
rourt to Issue nn order rcstrnlnliiK the de
fendant from further Interference nnd Tor
restoration of whnt HIP snts forth to bo her
rights by contract. Tlio petitioner wnn the
lessee ot luncheon privilege- the grounds.
.Tin : . .
has Inaugurated new train service and re
duced the time of THE OVERLAND LIM
ITED , TRAIN NO. 1 , between OMAHA ,
Omaha and Los Angeles , FOUR HOURS
Only 57 Hours
IlntTct SnioUlnu
nnil Library Cam
vrltli Itnrbcr Shop.
* Elegant Pnlncc Sleeping Cars.
' DliilnK Ciim
Clmlr Curs.
1302 Farnam Street.
nogular Price. Our Prico.
USr 1711 U'liltc Hone Sonn , i-nUo. !
15c If. & H. Bonp , for cleaning 9o
60c Hlegpr' ? Imported Soup C9o
Zoo box (3 ( cnkes ) 12nn. Violet nnd Hut'
tcrmllk Soap , box > > lOc
60o cake Society Hygiene , , . . . .29c
EOc Kirk's Juvenile Son ] ) , box 2."c
25c Uuby 1'enrl Tooth Sonp Ho
Vine Cocoanut Oil I'cr dozen 25c
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Trj Chicago and East
Hot Springs
and Deadwood ,
1401-1403 FARNAM STREET.
always alive to the wants and expectations of our custom-
rs WQ made preparations far in advance of the. closing of
; he Exposition to receive at that time a shipment of nice ,
new , fresh , clean goods , for our trade. Realizing that our
ustomers appreciate early winter styles , Vje.iare now prepar
ed to give you the&handsomest ( and
latest things known to cloak and fur
manufacturers. Thursday we will
close out what we have left from the
Exposition sales at af saving to you of
40 to 60 per cent.
Women's tailor-made suits , jackets
slk ! lined skirts porciilino lined and A QO
interlined ; would bo cheap at $8 , price Ht rj
Women's man-tailored suits , box
fronts and tight fitting styles , lined
with Winslow taffetas , velvet collar ,
new habit skirt , percaline lined
throughout a suit worth
up to 820 on sale' at
Women's handsome man-tailored
suits in browns , blues , and grays ; ad
vertised by others in this . _ _
city for § 25 on sale at 10. UII
Women's all wool Kersey jackets , silk lined throughout ,
velvet collar , trimmed with pearl buttons
on sale at -
200 women's Jackets In boucles , caterpll- Ladles' black satin' waists with corded
that front , new cuff , now sleeve O * y
ars , Kersey and friezes ; Jackets wo
jought and will sell at 50o on the dollar ; not
Ladles' 'black ' satin waists , made of Skin
ot ono in the lot -worth less than O QO
tf.i/O ner's satin guaranteed for -wear , A QO
. sale hero at
; on at only tt.O
Again with pleasure "we announce that we Infants eiderdown cloaks , In iblues , pinks ,
lave received a shipment of our f 10 Jackets. and cardinalsjThlbet trimmed , worth OQn
They aro'beautles and come In alii ff \ ( \ $2.00 for * /OL-
well worth $15
olors and arc ' Ladles percaline , underskirts in black and
Ladles' slllc'underskirts , extra wldo ; two colors , fleece lined throughout
uffles worth SV.OO-i-on sale O > y K worth $2.00 for
at - * * ° ' * * Ladies' fleece lined wrappers , ruffled yolte
100 ladles' high class sample -waists 4.98 and trimmed with two rows of braid , i
rare bargains at . t.J/O deep flounce , at , each
1 lot of ladles flannelette wrappers , wellmnde , COc.
EXQUISITE MILLINERY The most stylish and dependable millinery at popular prices.
On Welnesday , November 1st , wo will place on * ale our entire stock of
Pianos now on exhibition at the LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING , also a large number
of Pianos rented to conccejlonalrcs and exhibitors at HALF their regular value ,
and other well known mokes are Included In this great money saving Bac.
§ 600 Pianos are offered for $400
§ 500 Pianoa are offered for $300
§ 400 Pianos are offered for $200
§ 800 Pianoa are offered for $ 150
Four new Uprights , rented only five mouths , $138 , $140 , $158 , $172 ; worth
double the money.
We carry the largest stock of Pianos In the west and quote prices and terms
that fairly outstrip all competition. Call and be convinced.
Pianos to rent , $3.00 , $4.00 and $5,00 per month.
Organs aud Square Pianos at your own price. Write for catalogues , prices ,
terms and bargain list. Satisfaction guaranteed cr money refunded.
Schtnoller & Mueller
Steluway & Sons Representatives , 1313 FARNAM SI ,
, O O O O&O O O CC C > < K > * C Oa KTOQ O OC O O I
§ Children's ' Ladies'
Cloaks Collar
, Collarettes ,
_ Children's school
reefers , braid 'TWOULD ' BE WEARINESS collnrotto Ulaok cony , , with 10-ln
trimming , box deep.storm collar ,
front llnocl with fancy
To recite the whole story about one-tenth of the silk , worth S3 , for
things wo have to offer you and you wouldii't '
$1.25 read it. J3ut yell \ read this little price list that
o we have arranged for Thitrsday won't you ?
Women's Clothes.
Women's New fall Coats-
Swell , double breasted box
front effects , line quality ,
in black or blue , nicely
tailored , worth elsewhere
no less than $7
our price
Woman's New fall Coats-
Fine quality Kersey , in
black , blue or tan , silk
lined , double breastednew
and nobby this Siime coat
brings elsewhere no less
than $9 ,
our price only. .
Women's fine Quality , Home
spun Tallor-Made Suits-
Double breasted , tight fit
ting silk lined jacket , skirt
percaline lined , finished
throughout in a most careful -
ful manner , this same suit
is selling elsewhere
at $12.50 ,
our price
Girls' Winter Reefers
In blue , brown or green ,
braid trimmed , large , sail
or collar , worth , . , .
$3 , for Jpl-VU
Women's Cony Collarette
With astrakhan yoke , fancy
silk lining ,
worth § 3.75 , for
Women's New fall Dress Skirts
Women's dress skirts , made
of good quality cloth , in
blue or black , water proof
and velvet bindings , nicely
lined , skirts that sell around
town for $2 and $2.25 , on
sale in our new
Suit Department
Wo know we have the best stock of
cloaks In the city of Omaha made of best
cloths best linings best styles best Un
shed , and at prices no higher You'll say so
oo , when you have looked Our ALL lined
cloaks nt $5.00 are a surprise to all who
O < J them When we say ALL LINED we
mean sleeves as well as body lined Our
flno Kersey coats alt fllk lined at $7.50 , are
as good as sold In some places at $12.00 Wo
iavo clonks at $10.00 , all satin lined , equal
o the ? 15.00 ones that eome sell come and
1510 DoiiRlns St.
Chap Season Here.
Not the parlor chap , but the ono when the
skin begins to roughen , the face takes a
reddish tlngo and the fingers feel sore and
crack a little , Please remember wo carry
everything to relieve the above troubles.
50c Hind's ' Honey of Almonds 40c
. ' 5o Kureka Cream 20c
2Go Witch Hazel Cream 20o
25c Krostllla. 20c
23c Espy'a ' Cream 20c
50c Milkweed Cream 40c
2oc Roscleaf Lotion 20c
25c Paty Cold Cream 20c
OUR OWN Cold Cream , per ounce . . . . lOc
Rosewater and Glycerine , per pint . . . . BOc
Tincture Denzoln , per ounce lOc
Cocoa nutter , per ounce 10o
J. A , Fuller & Co. ,
Cut Price Druggists ,
14th and Douglas Sts.
Is the motto wo follow Incessantly. Flrat-
clues material and skilled labor are neces
sary to produce the purest nnd lliieat lager
boer. Wo have every facility ; brewery un-
approached ; perfection In appliances ; men
isltli experience that has thoroughly quail
fled them , and use the finest Bohemian
( Imported ) hops and cclccted malt ; all under
eupervtsion of one who has spe-nt a life
time In the buslnctut ; thoroughly up-to-date
In every particular ,
Is the purest old-fashioned lager beer in the
market today. Try a case.
Tel , 420. 1007 Jackton Street.
The Douglas County Battleship ,
Scaled bids for the purchase of the Battle
Bhlp , ut the Exposition , will be received by
the secretary until 3 o'clock p. m. , of Nov.
Cth. The right to reject any and all bids
la reserved. Address ,
O , W. JIKItVEy , Sec'y. , Omaha.
Special I
Special ! !
Special ! ! !
We are going to oiler
you for Thursday 200
Women's Hats , that are
worth 75c , $1.00 and
$1.50 for
35c 45c 65c
The collection is com
plete in every respect all
new stock. Contemplated
changes to enlarge this de
partment calls for more
room and calls for more
advertising and we're go
ing to give you the benefit
by offering you
' Fall Millinery
At one-half and less than
millinery stores will ask
you. These hats are all on
the first floor plenty sales
people to wait on you.
Don't forget the price
35c 45c and 65c
Women's Shoes
If the shoo dopnrtrnontvoro a
sleepy spot and you slow to pick n
bargain , uo woilld not have thought
to put In 1,000 pairs of aslnsrlo shoo
atone tlrno. They arc $2.60 ; they
are worth $3.50. They arc-wolt
solos on tha medium or mannish
last and there's ' the turn solos. It's '
just as you llko aa to o fitting Is
our forto.
A Woman's Shoe-
That most stores got $8.50
for , is hero in our women's
shoo department for almost
one half the shoe is kid
with or without vesting
tops , box calf or plump
vici , latest style ,
Women's Cushlonette Shoes
With heavy extension soles ,
mannish last , cushion innersole -
nersole , every pair guaran
teed , real value
$5 , our price. . .
Wet Weather Shoes
For school , made of kan *
garoo calf , plump soles ,
made to give the best of
service and sold to you
with that understanding ,
Si to LH , $1.20 ; 12 to 2 ,
$1.40. The stump orator
"points with pride , " tetc. ,
and so do , we to our fa
mous , worthy , growing
shoe departments.
Men's ' Underwear.
Fancy gray , covered seams , coed
weight , real value 50 < " > C- ,
coats , our nrlco OOw
Elastic ribbed , most comfortable un
derwear you over worereal A Cjf ,
value 75c , our price rftOL/
Sanitary wool shirts and drawers ,
fine qiialjty , nicely vnado f SL * i
worth $1 , hero per Rarmontvf Ow
Derby ribbed , flno quality , soft
finish , ribbed ankle , real
value 81.25 , our price
1 Wodenrful
S Bargains in
Winter Shoes ,
Ladies' Overgaiters seven but-
; ons high , made of black felt
clothworth 50con sale at 18c
Ladies1 Warm Slippers bea
ver felt cloth with all felt
soles and linings , regular 75c
quality at 38c
Ladies'1 Felt ffaust Slwpers
with fine fur trimmings , very
flexible , turn soles , worth
$1.50 , on sale at -98c
Ladies' Felt Lined Shoes laced , and kid foxed , with beaver
felt cloth tops , regular § 1.75 valued , our sale price . . . . $1.19
Ladies * Fine Legffinas line Jersey cloth , extra length , regu
lar price § 1.50 , sale price ' 98c
Ladies' Fine Welt Sole Shoes in the famous Brooks Bros. , Ro
chester make , made of the best vici kid , cork filled insoles , the
latest mannish styles , in all sixes and widths , a to e , regular
$4 and § 4.50 values , on sale at $2.98
Metis Overffaiters Qxtrn length , 10 buttons high , made of
good beaver felt cloth , worth $1 , on sale at 50c
Men's ' Box Calf Shoes in heavy winter weight , tan and
black , with extra heavy soles , double stitched and extension
edges , regular $3.50 values , our sale price $2.50
Established 12 Years in Omalia ,
Got our prices before having worlc
done elsewhere ,
Bailey , the Dentist.
3rd Floor , I'uxtoii Wk