Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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A < l > ertlfintcn < ft for thcae colninim
will lie tnkrn nnilt 12 in. for the
cvrnlnit edition nnit until HtilU i > . m >
for .morulnur mill Hunilnr edition.
IlntCH , 1 J-Hc n vroril flrnt Inncrtlont
lo it ivuril thereafter.othliifr tnUrn
tar ICAN limn Src for < lie flrfit Inser
tion. TltcHc nilvcrtUcnicniK nuixt lie
mil eoiiNectitlvcl- ,
Ad\er l rr , liy roctncndiiK n mini-
liercd fclii'cU , cnit linrc nn mcrn n < l *
( Irvngeil In a numbered letter In care
ot The lice. Afi'nfoprH no mltlrnuicil
will lie delivered 011 vrcucntntlim of
the clicek only.
A STENOGRAPHER. When ypu wnnt one
please call tip the Remington typewriter
offlcc , 1010 Farnatn St. , ' telephone 1573.
WINDOW trimmer wants ft position ; .will
do special work. Address O 27 , Bee.
, , , , , . . v A-M2372 *
! All-round man * busami steam HttlnBi
[ rarpcnter , brass ilninhlng. Address O S !
f lice , A M250 2 *
WANTED. Wo liavo Blendy" work for n few
Komi hustlers of good .habits nnd appear-
nncc. C.fF. /dams Co , 10)9 ) Ho\Vard SI
WANTED COO men , to Harvest sugar beets
Apply to 8tandar < vCnUlc Company , Ame * ,
Neb. , 18 miles , west of Omulm on Unlor
_ PttctilcrtUIwnjB M212 N-4
BALEBMAK to H'ell our , full line of eholc.
nursery 'stock ; A printed. guarantee Uw.
stock shall be trim to name glv'on ' to eacr ,
ptislbmorwrltfe ; for terms , Ml. , Hnpc
Nurseries , Lawrence. Kan. B M277 N14 * '
WANTED. 1,000 Rood dressers to wear ou
flno inndo to order clothing ; rtonuln
prices. Men nnd-women'.s clothes clcnnei
nnd repaired. Twin Oily Tailoring Co :
ICOa FaVnnni st. Tel 2537. B-M478 N20
W\NTED , experienced paint salesman t
work on commission bn.sls ; references re *
quired , 121gjrFarnitjn-- B-M032
WANTED A Rood si cad v young man t
clerk In bakery and erinfectlnnery : muss
bo single and give reference. Addres
O. H. Peters , Eagle drbVfe. la.
r : * 'fl > ' * B-M222 2
. ? . i . r . , . , ,
IHiiHtrnttd catalogue explain
teach liarbor trade In olpht weeks
mailed free. Molcr Barber Collecc , .Ch"
cauo , 111. . _ B-M221 N30"
vH WANTED Shoe salesman ; also advertlsln ,
[ s. j ellilrlnutors : satarv. Triumph Informa
(5 ( - ' tlon Coa'-vPiillnff' Tex. B-M216 3'
YOUNG man to learn to bo shipping clerk
Come well recdmrncnded. Smith , Denehy
t Co. , SOI S. 10th. < B 230
WANTED , registered clerk and n young
man who , has hud several , years' "experi
ence In drug business. Schaefer , IGth nnd
Chicago. t , B M22S
, WANTED salesman to soil our specialty as
71 a side line. Best nt references glvon and
v required. O 21 , Bee/ . B 232
COACHMA > , "unmarrled , to care tor team
nnd do special work.- Address O 2R. Bee
OIllcp. , k , . , t B SI2/8 / 3
WANTED , shoe salesmen ; also'advertising
distributors ; salary. Triumph Informa-
A , 'tlon Co. . Dallas , Texas. ' B M245 4 *
WANTED 200 fjlHs. 1521 Dodge. Tfl. S7G.
OFFICE girl. Iltxenbaugh , 60t Wnre block.
' ' , ' - 'C-2700ct31
WANTED-I'lrst cla s coofc. 017'Soutli ISth.
1W ) OJULS wanted ) all kinds worlf ; $3 to 57.
Crfmialtth'/Oftlee , 1522 Douglas.
WANTED , a"girl' for eencrnl housework ;
small family : one who can-fro home nt
night. 1019 Georgia ave. C M193 2 *
f - j * >
l WANTED Experlence'd cook ; als'o laun-
| fi.7"T dress. Good Wrigtfs" 'paid by the month. *
.7"T W. C. A. hotpltal , corner , Sixth avenue
1137 S , 28th. . . S-rnbmi nil modern , neve fur
nace , newly pojiered , in line condition ;
rent $30 per month ; really desirable resi-
5523 Nfcrth 24thtseroom , flat , all light , all
modern , $15.
2227 Spruoo St. , 4 rnoms. down'stalrs , ? S.
S36 S,28lhAve. , , 4 rooms , J10. ,
2612 Climlnft St , , Xrooms , J4. ,
* 1405 South llth st. , S roomn. city water , $10.
1319 North 24th , 15-room * . * 20.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , icth and Douglns.
D 32
IF YOU wnnt jour houses well rented
pinto them with Beimwii & Oo. D M610
CHOICE houses , pottages" . Mores , Henry
11. Payne , C01 N. Y > Life. ' 'Phone , 101C.
< ! „ D-S9S
IIOUSI-JS , stores. Hcmlirr Paxton block.
141D Dodge. Tel
FINE residence , cholcevl6catlon , li rooms ,
nil modern- ; excellent stable. ' Be'mls , Pax.
ton block.i ' D flS3
FOR RENT Houses In all parts of city ,
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1305 Farnam street ,
, , , . , 'D 1000
B-ROOM modern , 3027 Chicago St.$25 ' ; oth
ers. Rlngwnlt Bros , , , . Barkeriilock.
FOR RfENT Five-room cottage,4 1SV ? " ' On-
s * * tarlo. street. $909 , .
I' ' Five-loom cottage. E09 South 33d St. , $10,00 ,
l\ Five rooms , l&\ver floor , separate , entrance.
If 217 South 2Sth Ave. . near Farnam. J10.00.
II Three rooms ut 3122 L venworth , J5.00.
Woodman & Bay. 28 Barker bloeh.
ft' . D-102
GOOD largo linrn for rent. In nprth part of
city. Inquire 212l Locust , U-103
B-ROOM , tlrst floor , modern flat ; barn nnd
yard. 2121 Minimi St. . I D M371
C21j Fnrnam St. . 9 rooms , und barn , $25.
3C.10 North 24th St. ! < ! rooms , $13.
' '
COTTAGES.'residences. , , PuHerpon. 3B ( N.
" '
Y. Llfo. D JI423
TEN-ROOM houe , all modern. 220tl Hnr-
ney St. D-M 27 Nl
HOUSES for rent in nil parts o f the city.
Ilrennun-Lavo Co. , .210 South 16th
FOR RI3NT , 7-room oottnce. furnnce. city
lCliltcrnT ? .trl 2a > C Sherman Ave ,
Wpn ' \Velshana , Asent , 303 S. 17th.
NICE 6-room house , detncheif , all modern
conveniences , 721 S. 37th St.
D-M372 N12
SEVERAL. U. 8. Nafl Bank nirtff ,
HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N.
\ . Lite , Phono. 3SS , D 728
CHOICE new S-room modern Hats fronting
Ilaiifcom park. 'Bemls. Pnxton Block.
JO-ROOSl modern houbo , 2130 Hlnn&y St. , 0.
J. J. Gibson , 5W First Nut. Bk , D-801
" '
FURNISHED , my rescl7nT7Var"the'wTiterT !
J. J.fqi HQii. aM ( First Nat , Ilk. D-802
FOR RENT a brick house of 0 rooms fdr
small family , 'His Cuss" , D-151 1
k rooms , modern , now. 42S N. 41st st. . $20
10-room , modern. 312 N. 22nd Bt. $55. '
8 rooms , modern except furnace. 2110 Call
8 roonip , modern , 1S3J N. 17th st. , $32.
6 rooms and barn , 3211 Maple , IS.
s-room house In good condition , , 2510 Plercq
R. C. PETERS & CO. ,
1702 Farnam tt , Bea Bldg.
' ' , , D-M207 2
I k'sn'h ' 8t' ( 5 room * elt > ' water nnd
25 l8t' . Mnri-fs-nvj ? t. rooms modern , $30. < XL
910 S. 2ifh ayp. . S sooips , city water , nice
yard , $20.00 ,
1008 Mason. 6 rooms , city water , $1000
P-M2I7 B
ron nnjf Housns.
112 N. ISTH , furnished or unfurnished Apply -
ply ShPllon hotel. D-M240 5 *
ron HUNT innMSHKi ) > ROOMS.
J NICE furnished rooms ; housekeeping.
1112 8. llth. E-M3M
S FURNISHED rooms for - for
man and wife. Rent tnkcn In board.
319 N , 17th. E 191
HOUSEKEEPING , first or second floor }
single room cheat ) . 1712 Jackson.
U 75S Novl *
DESIRABLE front room , modern , con
veniences. In private family , to Rdntle-
men. 2303 Uouglnp St. E M7SG
STEAM.HEATED rooms and bath , mod-
prn conveniences. Call 317',4 North .16th
St. , flat E. E MS05 3'
ROOMS * furnished or unfurnished for
housekeeping ; all conveniences. 2601 Dodge
St. E M20S 2 *
ROOM ; for light housekeeping. 257S Hnr-
noy. E M205 6
TWO modern well furnished rooms , pri
vate family. 210 N. 25th st. K-M21S r >
FURNISHED rooms , houaekecplnp. 2C23 St.
Mary's. E-M2I8 ir
ELEGANT rooim & board. 190S
THE Merrlnm f.imlly hotel , 25th and Dodge- .
HOOM and board , $4 & $ , " > . 1512 Davenport.
F 727 N21
609 S.2r > TII AVE , rooms ; private famUy.
A DESIRABLE front room with an alcove ,
also side room adjoining. 212 S. 2oth st.
F M951
THE Schlltz hotel reopened , thoroughly
renovated nnd furnished new ( best roomi
In the city , steam heat , electric light , ele
vator service , etc. ) . offers Inducements In
rateo for the winter. We Invite Inspection
FUIINISHED 1-ooms with hoard. 2015
Douglas. F-M224 3
CIS N. 23UD , two large front rooms and
others ; modern. F 2381 *
610 N. 23RD. two largo front rooms and
others ; modern. F 241 4 *
roil nEvr WM "imxisiiED IIOOMS.
4 ROOMS for housekeeping ; modern. 521
S , 2Gth Ave. G 209 2
FOR KENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Applv H. C. PeteW ft
Co , , ground lloor Bee Bldg. 1-266
FOH RENT , n. ground lloor olUce , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. . splendid
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply n. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
nulldlnp. I-2C7
jlVE agents wishing to make J3.EO a day
write to C. D. .Meyer , Omaha , Neb.
J M409 N1S *
"BEST" gasoline gas lamps ; world's larg
est factory ; agents wanted In every
town. The "Best" I lght Co. . 318 S. 15th ,
Omaha. . , J-M812 N2T
PACIFIC Storage ! and Warehouse Co. , 912-
911 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
VLL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
I in large or1 small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. .Tel. 2020.
WILL purchase a limited 'number of
. , Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan-
Love Co. , 21,9 S. 46th St. N lit
SAFE ; state make , size and price. 1110
Fnrnum. N-M614 Nov. 3
'WANT to buya , strlctly.modern 8-room
house'with lot In select nclshborhood ,
within 20 blocks of postofllcoi price not to
exceed $4,000. Address O 19 Bee. N 9G2
FUIl sewing girls wanted at once at H. E.
Hubermann's , 118 S. 15th stj N M222 2 *
HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture ,
showcases , urns , etc. , In nnv quantity.
1122 North Nineteenth street. N--M242 S
WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee
ple's Store , ICtli and Farnam. N M2I9
BUTCHERS , wanted , n tanking outfit , ca
pacity 225 to 300 gallons ; must be In good
condition ; g've ' lowest cash price and snip
ping weight. E. B. Shaffner. Casper ,
Wyo. N 51244 4
STOVES. STOVES ; no reasonable offer re
fused. Nebl Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel 1I9G.
O M434
REMEMBER J. Lovlne pavs more money
for stoves and furniture than any dealer
in city. 304 N. IGth St. , corner Davenport.
O 500 N-20
ARE you talking ot stoves ? If you are ,
come to see our line of Snd-htlnd stoves.
The quality and low prices will astonish
you. J. Lewis. 101 S. 14th St.
0-635 Nov. 3
CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog
fence. , 901 Douglas St. O 112
SAFES Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S.MSth'St !
B HAAB , Florist , 1843 Vlnton St. Tel. 770. "
Plants , gut JlowerB , boquetf , hall , te ' . \
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
Q 114
INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1110 Farnam
" " "
NEW PSwlns : machines , $17.50 to $25. Re
pairing 'and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co.
FOR SALE , a double Carriage. Inquire 1820
N. 18th St. tj M477
FOR SALE , furnlturo of C-room cottage.
Will rent cottage If wanted , 606 Karbach
Block , Q-MC03
FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for B cents nt
drugglflts. One gives relief. Q 116
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &iMc-
Conncll Diug Co. . 1513 Podgp St. Q-117
"D-HAND safe chenp. Derlght , 1116 Fnrnam.
ICB In car lots. Gilbert Bros. . Council
Bluffs. , Q-M3H
NEW and 2nd-h nd hewing machines , re
duced prices. H , E , Frederlck jn. 15th &
Dodtfp. Q S51
FOR SALE , Phenp. goat ; very gentle : can
bp driven In harness. Apply 883 Siuth
21 t street. Q-M9S2 2
A BEAUTIFUL Klmbull piano , cost. $530 ,
will pell at a sacrifice , Franck's hotel ,
3-1HS N. IGth. room 2. Q-M2I2 8 *
GOOD hard coul heater for sale. Barsn'n ,
J5.00. 520 N. 19th. Q-M2312 *
NOTICE , country dealers. 2d-hand furniture
& stoves at lowest priciH , carload lots or
less , Chlcasu Furnlturu Co. , 1IW-10 Dodpe.
FOR J20J we will ct your wheel , put nntl-
rurt on , stoie It for the winter. Nebraska
Cycle Co. , Cor , 15th and Harncy.
MMU. GYLMER genuine palmist , J605 Dodge
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N , 16th ,
MRS. DR. HART , palmist and .clairvoyant.
211 N , 13th street. Hour * . 9 to 9 ,
S M9S7 2'
MRS , FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th.
\ & --305
DR. LEE HARRIDEN begs io announce
that he lias been called out of the city
on verv iiinportnnt business jinCL will return -
turn Nov. . B-MZJ9 3
MME. AMBS.R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; mAs'nge baths ?
T-M3SI N17 *
MISS DI3 CAMO , vapor arrange baths , mag-
sage , magnetic trentment ; expert attend
ants ; lut-clfisn patronnge solicited. 1615
, H'ownrd , 3d floor. ' T-M 03 N1S
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S',4 North 15th.
LILLIAN HOWAllD. i massage , baths ;
Arnblnn trststment ; attendant. 313'i N.
15th ; flat J. T-M673 N2
MRS. BERRY , bathu , mafsage. magnetic
trentment ; lady attendants , 119 N. 16th ;
2nd floor , ' T 775 26 *
ELITE parlors. 2023 Farnam , upstairs ;
first-class baths , magnetic treatment.
Lady attendants. T-M937 12
MRS. LILY , newly opened bath nnd ma -
saga parlors : b.est In city ; lady , nttpnd-
nnts ; flrst-ctnss , patronage. 2isi N , Ifitli
FACIAL mnssftRe , SOc ; hnlrdresslng. 35o !
flhnmpoolngi 35c , We , M.lfH Hubbardi 415
McCngUe Uldg. . , U-S81 Nov. S
NOTICE to propertyi owners , all requiring
fire escapes , either outrldo orInside , or
automatic , will save money by. calling on
J. J. Derlght & Co. , 111 Fnrnam St.
U M9J7 Nov. 11
VIAVI Is woman's way .to health. 346 Bee
Bldg , ' < U 122
SHOES half-soled , ' 40ci 212N. . llth.
U-M319 NIC
DR. M1TTELSTADT , dentist , 331 Bee Bldg ,
, U MGS5 Nov. 4
BATHS , massage. Mme'Post , 3i9 4 S. 16th ,
4 U 123
PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 113Q N. 17.
* U 121
M. MONHE1T. leading chiropodist , treats all
ailments of feet , both ladles & gentlemen.
Ladles' hnlrdrcsslng. hair goods nnd toilet
preparations. Treatments ot scalp , face ,
hnndqor feat ; 20 years' experience , 10 years
In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In
city. iis Famam ; jnke'elevator ; 2nd floor ,
i * U 12o
DR. ROY , chiropodistcorns ; nnd superfluous
hair removed oy electricity. R. 12. Fren-
zer block. U-126
SHORTHAND dictation Und all kinds of
typewritten wtrk. R. C02 Bee Bldg. Phone
1722. " U M74S N25 %
FREE Absent treatment for the cure ot
disease , unhapplness nnd poveity. De
scribe your cas < e and Inclose 10p to cover
expense of correspondence. L. H. Mudgu ,
Mental Scientist , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
U-9SO 4
PLEATING nnd pleated skirt ? of all kinds.
M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas Block.
U-S73 N2S
THE BATHERY. for ladles , 220 BPO Bldg.
Tel. 1716. U 159 'N23
COLORED children for ndoptlom A boy 4
years of age , , a glrj G.months old nnd an
other girl S weeks old. Child Saving In
stitute. U-M192 2 *
DR. DAVIS ( specialist , 10th and Podce.
U M22G N30
A .MAN , 53 years'old. . desires a suitable
woman aa n wife and hereby Invites .cor
respondence ( in Swedish preferred ) , For
further Information a < ldreSs P - O..BOX
251 , Louisville , ffeb. T U M23C 2' ,
$1COO nnd upwards' to loan on Improved city
property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith
& Co. , 1320 Farnam. W Wi
'MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love , Co ! > ,
219 S. ICth , Omaha. W 127
FIVE PER CENT money on or before'five
yearson Nebraska , lands .and Omaha real
estate. W. B. ' iMelkle , .401 S.-,16thnSt. i - ,
, t * ' ? iW-r-328 f >
7100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , ISth & Douglas.
6 PER.cent loans. Garvln Brps. , 1613 Farnam
WANTED City and farnvloana ; also bonds
and warrants. RC. . Jeters & Co..rl702
FarnwmSt.i BeeUJdg. 1 r , , -W 137
PKR' Bemls Paxton-bloolc ,
. / W-13S
WRITE u > 4 If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or'Mo. > : It will phy
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.YL. :
LOAN9PotterSholes Co. , 310 N. Y * . Life.
2ND mtg. on farms. Prltehurd , 2lfi S. 18th St.
$100t)00,000 ) to 'invest through Bunk-erg ,
Brokers , Promoters ? send for circular ,
Investors' Directory , N. Y. ' \V lt)7
$5000 to nlAce quick. Call If you want It.
M. J. Kcnnnrtl & Son , Suite 310 Blown
block. W-S55
MONEY to loan on tlrst-claf > s improved city
froperty or for bulld'ng ' purposes. Payne-
larder Co. , N. Y. Life. " W 131
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brpnnan-Love Co. , 319 South 16th.
W 132
FIVE per cfnt ; also private funds. Chns ,
E. Williamson , W ly
5 , 5' * , 0 per cent loans in Omahii , S. Omaha.
W. H. Thomas , 503 1st NaK bank. Tel. 1648 ,
WAGONS , ET.C. , "t
You can pay the .motley 4 > a kv4i | any
amounts you 'wish" and at ; any time.
Each payment so made lessens the cost
of carrying the loan.
holding permanent positions on their per
sonal note without endorsement or secur
ity : strictly confidential , and at
Before borrowing- usIB you will llnd
It greatly to your advantage : we are the
oldest , largest and only incorporated loan
company in Omaha , F. ' W . Truax , Mgr. ,
119 Board of Trade Bids' , , 16th und Far
nam Sts , Telephone 2295. X-141
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horse * ,
cows , Jewelry , Duff Green , R. S. Barker blk
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent poBitlon with responsible concerns
upon their own names , without security ;
easy payments. Tolman , 70JN , Y. 3 * . Blag.
, ' X-,147
_ _ _ ' , ,
confidentially , holding permanent posi
tions , on their own name- without en
dorser , mortgage or security of any kind.
Can repay In .easy weekly or monthly
payments. Omaha Credit Co. . Cl , E , Jen
nings , Mgr , , suite & 25-E2IJ N. V , Life Bldg.
MONEY to loan on furniture.- pianos ,
horses , cows , etc , J. W. Taylor. 403 Kar-
bach block , 12 to G:15 : p. m. XV-M98S
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank 1110
FornamJ upstairs , , C 142
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C , F. Reed. 319 S.
13tli. X-146
MONEY loaned on household soodp ,
pianos , rigs , Jewelry , etc. ; easy pay
ments : confidential. i'pople'B Loan Co. ,
room 7 , Qrclghton blk. , 15th nnd "Douglas.
. * X-239
LOANS maijn to suluilecl people , on their
personal note without security. Rates
reasonable. J. \\r , Taylor , 103 Karbach
block , 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X M9&5
ployed In Omaha. South Omaha and
Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on
their own names' ' NO MORTGAGE : BEST
TERMS , everything private ? m ney can
be paid back In .small weekly or monthly
payments. American Loan Co. . Room
( ,01 , Boo Bldg. X-M227
nupply ; shirts , So ; collars. Sc : cuffs. 4c ;
underwear , 6c. 1750 Leaven worth. Tel. 547.
WAGES , accounts and bnd dcpU of all
kind * collected. NEVER FAIL. State-
.ments nnd remittances mailed weekly ,
Hlghpit commercial nnd bank references.
First National bank building. 'Phone ,
2551. Communicate with 111 nnd we vlll
send n reliable collector for your ncr.ojint .
Y M7S4
Is the only company that collects nil kinds
of debts nnd has n correspondent In every
town In United State' ! . Send your nr-
counts to Gth floor , Knrbnch Blk. , W. II ,
Green , President. Y 161
FOR SALE or trade , flrst'Clnss nowspsnor
printing outfit. Job press , type. eto. iVd
Urcis P. W. White , Onawa , Iowa.
BUSINESS chance , a good , clean stock of
dry goods rind clothing In good condition ;
owner will exchange for farm or city
property. We have hnr'dxVnre , drugs , gro
ceries and merchandise ot all kinds , write
ni. Merchandise Broker. 60S Knrbnch blk.
LANOE hotel for rent. Wishing to retire
from business , I will either rent" mv en"
tire hotel or retain the romns nnd rent thti
dining room separate. Hotel Ilrst class
nnd modern In every rcsppct. For par
ticulars call nt premises , COI So , 13th st.
Y M787 2
IDEAL restaurant , doing good business :
reason for felling , ! other business out ot
city. 1022 N. 16th. Y-M200 6 *
GENERAL merchandise stocks In all parts
of Nebraska nnd Iowa for sala nnd ex
change. It you wnnt a trade of. nnv kind
write Merchandise Broker. COO , Knrbnch
block. 55-M302
FOR EXCHANGE , Improved farmsi nnd
town property In central Nebraska for Un
proved South Omaha properly. Write for
list or call on owner ; S. A. Senrlc , Attor
ney , Packers' National Bank Bldg. Sc
Om.ilm. Neb. K 235
FOR SALE , 610 acres of Intid , worth $33 per
acre : will sell tor $21 per ncrc. The Byron
Reid Co. , 212 S. llth § t. ' RE--1G2
trict Eight-room residence , practically
new , large lot , barn , hot water heat , cis
tern , modern plumbing. Will sell at great
sacrifice. Call 106 North 15th St.RE
RE 146
SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L ,
Johnson Co. . 311 S. 15th street. RE lfi
The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. llth St.RE
RE 101
FAR'Xt ' Innds , stock ranches and business
locations In the Corn Belt country.V. .
H. Clements , Lyons ,
IF IT IS South Omaha fea\ \ estate you wnnt
to buy or sell cgmmunlcatc with O'Nell's
Real Estate , Agency. TIE 163
FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modern resU
dencc ; large lot and shade trees ; centrally
located- ; cheapest residence in Omaha ;
part trade considered. Call.or Jiddrcss , If
you mean business , 100 N. , loth street.
UE 166
HOUSES , lots , forms , lands , loans ; nlsb Ore
Insurance. BemK , Paxtqli blk. RE 333
FOR SAUE , my elegant'home. 2Q20 , Webster
St. ; small amount flown , ' balanceMme , 03
rent , If desired , Address- . D. Blbblns ,
Hotel' Spokane. Spokane , Wash' .
RE-M503 Nov. 2 *
FOR SALE cheap , large house and , lot. east
49 feet lot 28 , block 10. Kountze & Ruth's
addition ; rents for 523Ot ) ) icr month , hut
would bring more by making few repairs.
Price , $2,500.00. G. DC , Tzs6huek , care
Omaha Bee. -
A BARGAIN Four acres.vlOth and Pacific
two blocks from car" Jlne , on bPlt rail
road. 12,500 ; . qhsj' terms. .SlcCague In-
vebiment Co. , 1506 Dodge. RE-flgO "
FOR SALE , at a great sacrlllce , good 40
room hotel In South Omaha , , must be sold
J. A , Lovgren , 42 N. V. Life Bids.
. . RE-833-0
( - - -
Real Estate , Rentals. liOahs'Insurance.
A GREAT bargain , ifiMe"property fo
subdivision , good homo * ' .all arouncj , elos
to ( far line , liplongs ttf jnoh-rt.iideVkt , mis |
be sold. M. J. Kenned &j6on , suite. 31
Brown block. - 21 ' V RE-49U
Lots 16 and 17 , Second addition to West
Side. $100.00.
Lot 12 , block 10. Bedford place , $50,00.
North 2fi teet lot 1 , block 3 , South Omaha ,
Lot 3 , Mock 1. Creston , $600.00 ,
Section 33-12-30 , Gave. County. Kansas , $1,920.
Lot Ifi. block 2 , Orchard Hill , pavedstreet ,
. .
Lot 7. block G. Boyd's addition. $250.00. .
Lot 13. block 13 , Central Park. $100.00 ,
Lots 1 and 2 , Park's sub. of 91 , Glse's ad
dition. $400.00.
Lot 1C , block. 1 , Institute Plare , $5000.
GS feet of west % lots 23 and 24 , Beauvalr
Place , $400.00 ,
40 acres Hi miles north ot capltol building
at Cheyenne , S. W. of S. W. 19-14-50 , Lar-
amlo county. Wyo. , $2,000.00.
East 21 feet of west CG feet lot 7 , block 74 ,
South Omaha , Neb. , good building , rent
$10.00 ppr month , $1,000.00.
Lots 3. 4 , 13 and II. .block \Vakely addl
tlon to Omaha , $300.00.
Lot 20. bldrk 2. Baker Place , $15000.
SAMUEL S. CURTIS , Receiver , 1808 Hnf-
ney St. RE-S2S a
BEAUTIFUL east front lot , 120S So. 10th ;
desirable site for modern department
houbo or business. 1411 Vlnton.RES27
RE-S27 5 *
FIVE acres In Bnnl\eld \ Add. , } j ° Ufee , uarn
and large quantity of grapes and fruit ;
very cheap.
Only six lots left in Hamilton Square put of
16 bought last week : Wn offer them at
$350 each and will take not to exceed J150
'In Omahii Savings Bank accounts atfull
facp. value. This. , offer Is good for this
week'onlv. *
> A. P. TUKEr , Board of Trad a.
COTTAGES , residences. Patterson , MS N.
N. Y. Life. ' REM428
LOST , a pair nose glares bet. Bae Bldg.
and Boyd theater. Sat. night ; rewaid If
returned to Bee ofllce. Lost 211 1 *
Lost , brown marten collarette at exposition
Grounds Tuesday evg J3.00 reward for re
turn to C05 N. Y. Life Bldff , Lost 231 2'
LOST , about Oct. 17 , package Ipundry , con
talnlng shirts , collars and ruffu , marked
A. S. B. Finder please return to 415 Paxton -
ton b\ock. \ Lost 231 3
LOST , at exposition , purse containing
money and railroad ticket , Reward If re
turned to Bee Ofllcc. Lostf-M23S 2 *
LOST , black cocker f > panjel , frorn 6$0 S
2&th M. Please return and receive reward
Lobt-JUr.2 3
TVPEU'RITCRB for rent , $1.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.,1025'
Fnrnam St. Teleiihoaj ISM , JW "
WE RENT and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplied In Omaha ,
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , ltl2'Far-
imm. 470
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies ! , 1019 FarnaM. 171'
THE Oliver Typewriter , vlslblo
heaviest manlfolder and cuts the ( Incst
stencil. Tel , 2279. J , S. Stewart , Special
Agent , 318U , H , 15th St. , Omaha. 172
TYPEWRITERS , second-hand , 1116 Farnam
LADIES , ImrmlpBH monthly regulator ;
cannot full , Mr.s , B. Rowan , Milwaukee ,
AVit. MJ40 N10
DR , MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds of anxious
women ; have never had a ulnglu failure ; ,
longext CUBCH relieved In two to flw dav'H
without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter
ference with work ; by mall fir oftce , $2 ;
all letters truthfully unsweied , The
Mu us Hold Rumedv fo . 107 Dpar'horii Bt , ,
room 614 , Chicago III , r S7p < ( t
LADIES. Chlrhester'a Encltih Pennyroyal
pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no
other ; send 4c , stamps , for . .paftlculata ,
"Relief for Ladles , " In Ieter ( by return
mat' , At drugglatB. Chlchester Chemical
Co. PhllndBlnhla. Pa.
BARE BURNERS , lamps und chnndellere
replatcd. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee bkle.
NHW nnd second-hand bicycles nt halt
e. I.oul.t riecchor , 1622 Capitol ve.
1,4 ,
"NKU * whepls. $15 : 2ndhnndvhccls , K up.
Silppllcs & repairing. Omaha Blcyclo Co ,
A. C. ' Van Sant's School. 717 N , Y. J.lfe.
I. liG
AT OMAHA Bus. College , l th & Douslns ,
J 177
LK'S school ; court reporter principal ,
Bee Hide. I"
EFFERSON Square Loan Onice 41S N. Ifi.
2AGLE Loan Ofllcc , reliable , accommoi a-
Ing ; all buslnc * ! * conndentlal. 1301 DollR.
Uis. ISO
JOHNSON , Osteopnthle Institute , 615 N. Y.
Llfo Bldg , , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles'
dcpt.i Old D. Johnson , 'ostcopathlst , mgr.
M. n. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still sohool ,
Klrksvllle. Mo. , C04 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367.
TRUNK traveling bags , suit cases. Trlinki
tepnlred. Om. Trunk Factory , 1200 Fnrnnm.
CREIGHTON'Hall nnd Morhnd's Academy ,
15th and Hnrney. for balls , club and ledge
parties , conventions nnfl nil social func
tions : both halla have been renovated
throughout. Morand , Lessee and Manager.
Dll. SHUPARD , 312 New York Life , spe-
olliltlps , catarrh and kindred dlseaos ;
consultation free nt office "or by mail.
Literature and question sheets cnt
everywhere. 1B1
AtjAMITO Stock Farm , Weit Dodge strpot ;
horses wintered ; largo box stalls ; $6 rier
month ; horses called for and delivered.
Address Clinton H. Brlggs , room 23 ! . Uco
bulldlnc , M-6S1 NO
II. 12. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers : furs
made to order and repaired. IIS S. 15th.
M 751 N23
TRY the Henderson Hotel : board and room
$4.00 per week ; ga ? , steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnam Ste. , . 359
CURED , Julia Vau&hn , 430 Ramge Bldg.
SHIRTS to order fronrl.S& to $3. Kelley -Jt
Hoyden , men's furnishers , ICth and Chicago
CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ;
excursion tickets bought and sold. P.H. .
Phllbln , new locations , 1300 and 1505 Far
nam. Est. 1SS9. Member GT. . B. Assn.
. 356
OM. C6m'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. .
STOCK'S bird store , 1603 Leavenworth. .
PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; , loyv
chttrgfes. C. Sommer , 3il , B. 10. Tol. 2059
f , 772-Dec. 23
DR. MITTELSTADT , room 334 B e building.
M-654 Nov4
IN FAMILIES. Miss1 Sturdy. 221C Daven-
port. . M 679 Nov. 5 *
FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month.
Prbf. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 358
LADIES JACKETS , men's clothing ; , nl-
tpred latest styles and cleaned. Max
Fozel. 307 S. 17th. M225 N30
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331.
aoiiri River Rallroad-
"The Burlington Rbdto"
General OHIcea , N. W.
Corner Tenthand" Far-
narn Streets. . Ticket
omce.1603' ' Farnam *
_ Street. Telephone , -2SO.
Depot Tenth and Maaon Streets. Tei-
phone 310. -
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings ana
McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver. Colorado
rado , Utan. California.a 4:2o : pm a 8:55 : pm
Lincoln , Black HII/B.
Montana & PU jet
Bound a 4:25 : pm aSOOpra :
Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Lincoln I'"ant Mall..a 3:00 : pro alO:35 : are
Denver. Colorado , Utah
& California a 7:30 : am
a Dally.
& Oulncy Rallroad-"Tio )
Uurllncton Route" Ticket
Offlpe. 1503 Farnam St
Tel. 250. Depot Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tel"
phone , 310 ,
clal . a 7:45 : am
Chicago Vestlbulod Ex.a 5.U3 pm a E-05 am
Chicago Express . a 9:30 :
: am a 4:05 nm
Chicago & fit. L. Bx..a 7:45 : pin S b:05 : SS
c Junction Local. , alO:45 : am
Mall . a2:4Bpm :
' reph 6 'Council Bluffs
. "
ton Route"-Tlcket Ot
Io02 Farnam Street. 'IVie
phone , 260. Depot , Tenth
' and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
[ i Kankaa'CUy Day Ex . . , a u:30Vain : 05:45 * : pm
Kansas City Night Ex..alOl5 ; pm a U . SO an
Bt. Louis Flyer fw Bt.
' < .Toieph and St. Louis.a 1:65 : pm aJl:15 : am
nnd & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Island -
and Route. " City Tick-
SUSS * "
? ®
; ; . -v , - - Leave. Arrive.
5i.H.'lK ' i ? ? 1 . S,7ift am W * am
Chicago Express bll:16 : uni a Siu : urn
, Chicago Fast Express.a 50i ; ( pm ? . ? Pm
I Paul Fast , . . 6:00
Bt. Express.a : pm bll:85 : am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. .
i Denver , Pueblo and
J W * t . . . . . . . .a liSOpm a t : s pm
'Pea , Motnes. Rock Isl- H
I and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6S5 : pm
Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6 : < u pm a 8W : am
H Pally b Di > tly except Hunday.
a Dally li Uz"v cxucu : Sunday ,
" "
road-General Office * and
Ticket OHlces Southeast Corner -
ner 14th and Douglua Sts
Telephone , 101. Depot. 16th
und Webster Sets. Telephone
, . . , . . Leave. Arrive.
Et. LouIn-anKsas &
Neb , Limited . , . . , a 3:00 : pm n2:55 : pm
K. C.iBt. L. Express..a 0:50 : pm a 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping : Water 7 b lr:05 : r m a 9:45 : am
ft Pally , b Dally except Sunday.
n.Vll.WiY T1MI3 TAlliS.
A Missouri Valley Hall ,
road "Tho Northwestern
Lne"Ui'nor ! I OfllcM.
United States National
Bank Bldg. , Southwest
Corner Twelfth and For-
nam Otreets. Ticket oinre , 1401
Btroct. Telephone , Ml. Depot. Uth and
Weboter Streets. Telephone , 1453.
i eave. Arrlva.
Dlnck Hills , Deadwood ,
Hot Spring ? . . . , , ft 8:00 : pm a. 6:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casrpo" an !
DoiiKlns d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm
Hftstln s. York. David
City. Superior , Geneva ,
Exeter and Sewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b BM : pm
Norfolk , Vcrdlgro and
Fremont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b 7t30 am blO:25 : am
Llnc6ln , Wahoo and
Fremont . , . . , , / , . .b 7:30 : am hlo:2S : am
Fremont Local . . . . . . . . . . . o 7:30 am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday , c Sun
day only , d Dally except Saturday.
CHICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Rallwuy-"Tho
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket Ofllcc , 1401
Farnam Street. Tele-
phone. &S1. Depot , Tenth
_ _ ind ilnson Streets. Teao-
phone , 2J. i
_ r Lcavs. Arrive.
Dnvllsht Chicago Spe-
clal , a CiO : nm nilJ& : Pm
Boone Passenger b 3:40 : pm blOilO am
Eastern Kvpresj. DCS
Molnci. Mnrshalltown ,
Cedfir Raplda and Chicago
cage . . . .i . .t > .talO:55atn : a 4:03 : pm
Eastern Limited , Chicago
cage and East : .a 4:35 : pm A 4:05 : pm
Fnst Mull. Chicago to
Omaha n 2 : pm
Omahit-chlcngo Special.n 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am
Fast Mall 8:30 : am
a Dal' > yb Daily-except Sunday.
Hlnncnpolls & Omaha
Railway "The Northwestern -
western Line" General
Ofllccs , Nebraska Dlvl-
nion , 16th nnd Webster
. . 6tB. City Ticket Olllco ,
Htfl I'urnum Bt. Telephone , 5C1. Depot , lath
and Webster SW.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( tor
Sioux City.St. Paul &
Minneapolis ) a < : OC am
Omaha rarsensur a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , Poncii ! llnrtlnu-
. ton nnd Bloomrteld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 ! : pm
No , 2 Twin City L't'd..a 6:15 : pm
No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.a
Railroad "The North-
\vcstorn Line" General
Jtllces. United States
National Bank Building.
8. W. Corner Twelfth
. _ , nnd Farnam Streets.
Hckct Olhce. 1401 Farnam Street , Tele
phone , 5G1. Depot , Tenth und Mason
' ' Telephone. C29.
. . Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mnnknto &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:60 : am a S:15 : am
Bt. Paul , M'nneapolls.
Mnnkato & Sioux City.a 5:25 : pm alliOO pm
Sioux City Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 : pm
* Pally.
land Route" Gereral Offices.
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Tarnam
Btreeto. City Tfcket Office. 1303
Farnani Street. Telephone ,
816. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason
Streets , Telephone , 629.
_ , Leave. Arrive.
The Overland Limited.a 8:20 : nm a 7:15 : pm
The Fast-Mail a 8:45 : um n 3:30 : pm
The. Colorado Special..all:55 : pm u Gi.tO nm
The Portland Special.n b:20 : nm a 4:35 : pm
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express , .b 4:35 : pm b 1:05 : pm
Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm n G:30 : am
Columbus Local b 7.30 pm b 9:30 : am
South Omaha Pass. Leaves , b 6-20 a m
a 10:10 : n. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; b 4:10 : p , m. Ar
rives. 11 7:15 11. m. : 10:45 n. m ii t-in . , , .
Counrll Bluffs Local Leaves
- - - i - " , " t" *
- | 4tiJ
a Dally. b..Dally except Sunday.
roau Omaha. Kansas City
& ta.stcrn Railroad "Tha
Qulncy Route" Tck ! t of
fice , 1115 Farnam Street.
Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , C29.
. , keava. Arrive.
Cannon Ball
. , . . , , ? : . . . ? . . . . . , a 4:50 : pm a f > :35 : am
. .u. . City and-Qulncy
Local , a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm
? - , Kallway-Clty
S.lcke > 9/ncev 1501 Farnam
Telephone. 284. Do-
P3t , Tenth and Mason Sta.
Telephone , G29.
rt , Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 7:55 am
Cnlcaco & Omaha Ex..blluO : am b 3:55 pm
Slouc City fr DCS Molnes
Express , bllM am b 3:55 pra
Tlcket Office. 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , S93. De
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telpehone. 629.
Leave , Arrive.
8t. Louli "Canon Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm a 3:33 am
a Daily ,
Bld0 will bo .received up to Saturday , No
vember 4 , for 3.000 feet of stone , artificial
or brck ( sidewalk , 6 feet wide. Address O
23. Bee _ O31 E-M & E 3t
( Should bo read dally by all Interested ,
as changes may oqcur at any time. )
Forolun ntalls for the week endlnc No
vember 4 , 1899 , will close ( PROMPTLY in
.all cases ) 'at the genera ) poitolllce na fol
lows : PA11CI3L POST MAILS close one
.hour , earlier tjian closing'time shown be
low. ' Parcel post malls for Germany close
at S p. in. ' Monday.
Trjuixntlitiitlu Mnlln ,
THURSDAY At 7. a. m. for FRANCE dl-
BRITISH INDIA , per B. s. La Touralno * .
via HaVro ( letters for other parts of
Europe must bo directed "per s. a. La
Touralno" . )
SATURDAY At 4 n. m. for EUROPE , per
s , a. Campania * , via Qucenstown : at S
a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per
B. s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters
must bo directed "pisr B. s. Rotterdam" } ;
a. m. for ITALY , per s , s. Augusto Vic
toria , via , Naples ( lettorn must bo directed
"per s. B. Augusto Victoria" ) .
SUNDAY At 7 a , m. for AZORES IS
LANDS dliect , per B. , B , Peninsular.
Printed Matter , etc. German steamers
sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter ,
etc. , for Germany , und specially ad
dressed printed matter , etc.,1 for other
parts of Europe , American nnd White-
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers ' on Thursdays , and Cunard ,
French and Gorman steamers on Satur
day take piintcd matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are advertised
to carry mall.
After tin ) closing of the supplementary
transatlantic mallx named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
thu plcr.s of the American , Enullsh ,
French and German steamers , and re
main open until within ten minutes of
the hour of. galling of steamer ,
MiillH fur Hiiulh mill Central America ,
IVL-Ht Illlll-H , Ktu ,
THURSDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. B. Waldenslnn ,
from Philadelphia ; at 12:30 : p , m. ( sup
plementary 1 p. in. ) for ST , THOMAS ,
WARD ISLANDS , iper B. B , Pretoria : at
1 p , m. for SANTIAGO and MANS5AN-
ILLO , per 8. B. Bantlqgo do Cuba.
FRIDAY At 1 P. m. lor JAMAICA , per
s. a , JCrna ( letters must bo directed "jer
B B. Erna" ) .
SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for nRAHIL di
rect , per B. B , Buffon. via Pernambue-o ,
liulila and Rio Janeiro ( letterH for North
Brazil und La Plata countries must bo
directed "per H , B. Huffon" ) : ot 7 , in ,
for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per
B. B. Chuticcr ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. in. ) for BERMUDA , per B. B.
Tilnldad ; nt 10 n , in. ( supplementary
10:3U : n. m. ) for t'APE HAITI. PETIT
GOAVJ-J und JEREM1E , per B , H. Andes ;
ut 10 u. in. for FORTUNE ISLANDS ,
GENA. per s , H , Adirondack ( Ietti > rn for
Costu Rica must h directed "per B. n.
Adirondack" ) ; at lOSiO a. in , for HAITI ,
per B , s. Prlns Wlllom V. . vlu Port 1111
Prlnoe , Aux Cayes und Jacmel ( letters
for fur-won , Vcnrzuotu > , Trinidad. Brit
ish and Dutch Cluluna must bo directed
"l > cr H. H. PrhiH Wlllcm V. " ) ; at 11 a. ni.
'for CUBA , via Havana , per 8 , B. Mexico
( letters muHt be directed "per v. B. Mex
ico" ) ; ut 11 u. in. ( supplementary 11:30 :
. a , tn.j for PORTO RICO , via Ban Juan ,
ANILI-A and CARTHAOENA , via Ouro-j
coa , per s. s Cnrnca1' . .
81'NDAY ' At B n , m. for NORTH BRA7.1L ,
per s. o. Flumlnelisp , via 1'arn , Marnn-
Imm and Ccnra.
MalM for Newfoundland , hy rnll to North
Sydney , nnd thenro by ntpamcr , close nt
this olllcfi dally at S.0 p. m. ( ronncotlntf
clo e here every Monday , Wednesday
nnd Saturday ) , Malls' tor Mlnurlon. by
rail to BOKton , nnd tlicnce by steamer ,
close nt this office dally nt S:30 p. m.
Malls for Culm , by rail to 1'ort Tnmtui ,
Fin. , and thence by steamer , close nt
thin otnco dally except Monday nt * i n.
in. , ( the connecting closes urn on Sunday.
Wcdne dny and Pridny ) , Malls for Cutmr
by rail to Miami. Fin. , und thrnco by
Rteamrr , close at thin office evcrv Moh-
day , Tue duy nnd Saturday , at ' iSO a.
in. , ( the connecting clospi arc on Tup'dny
und Saturday ) . Mails for Mexico Cltv.
overland , tinie't * specially nddrpK'Pd for
despatch by steamer , close at this otllco
dally at s:30 : n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malli
for Cosln Rica , Hollao. Puerto Cortes and
Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , nnd
thence by steamer , clone at this olllcu
dally at * .1 p. irt. . ( connecting close her
Mondays for llellr.e. Puerto Cortpz nnd
Ouatfmnla ) . MleRlstered mall clones nt
6 p. m. previous day. ' 'Registered mall
closes nt 6 p. in. second day before.
Ordinary malls for China nnd Japan , via
Vancouver , clo c here dally nt 6SO : I ) , in ,
up to October * 31st , Inclusive , for despatch
per . s. Empress ot Japan. Malls for
China nnd Japan , Via St-allle , close hpro
dally nt 0:30 : i > . m. up to November 2d.
Inclusive , for despatch per p. s. Rlojuii
Mam. Malls for China , Japan and
Hawaii , via San Francisco , close liprd
dallv nt CM : p. m. up to November ith , '
Inclusive , for despatch per o. i , China.
Malls for Hawaii , via San FrnnrlRCo ,
close hero daily at 0:30 : p. m. tip to No
vember MOth. inclusive , for despatch per
a a Australia. Mails for Australasian
Colonies ( except West Australia , wmcn -
got" * "via Europe , nnd Now /-co-1 ,
land , which goe- ' vlu Sun Frnn-t * .
plBCO ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , via
Vancouver , close here dally nt u.SO p. m > , - <
after October * 2Sth nnd up to Novnmbor
llth , Inclusive , for despatch per s , s , , < i
Mlofccra. Mails for Society Island' . vliVa *
San Francisco , clo c hero dally nt G:30 : -
n in. un to November 25tli. InPlunlvo. for.ii1
despatch by ship Oalllee. MallR for Aun-i"
trulla ( except West Autr.xllu ) . New
/enlnnd. Hawaii. FIJI nnd Samoaii Is
lands , via San Francisco , elo" o hero dally
at 0-30 p. m. after November MHli und up >
to November 25th. Incluilve. or on day , *
of arrival of H. s. Campania , due nt New ,
York November 25th , for despatch pets - \ < r
s s. Moaiiu. Ordinary mulls for Chlnui.-
and Jupun. via Vancouver , close hero'\
dully at C:30 : p. in. up to November ' 2Sth.H
Inclusive , for despatch per R. s. Empress
of China. <
Trans-Pacinc malls arc forwarded to port
ot sailing dally nnd the schedule of closIng -
Ing Is arranged on the presumption or ,
their uninterrupted overland transits
Registered mull closes nt
Some of < lic nrnwbncUM < o 1 < Con-J.
iliiuod t'nc.
In the estimation of Prof. J. Vertess , the >
adage , "All Is not gold thai glitters , " ap
plies with special fitness to the attractive
gas acetylene ! The comments of Prof. ,
Vertesa were elicited by an official examina
tion which ho made ot the acetylene plant
which supplies the town ot Veszprlm , la
Hungary. He says the carbide from which ;
the gas Is made Is never pure , but always ;
contains at least twenty per cent of impur
ities. The- effect ot this Is to make It most
difficult to ascertain with any approach to
ncniirnnv whnt return of cas cnn be secured
from a given quantity of carbide. Further
more , the carbide Is so little homogeneous '
that several samples must be tested In t'
order to obtain a mean value. Prof. Ver-v
less rails particular attention to a fact -
which seems little known to many who advocate - ;
vocato the use of acetylene .for . domesticr
lighting. Carbide contains sulphur , phosphorus - /
phorus and nitrogen and It follows that ! _
acetylene will 'be ' contaminated wlthsul- ,
phuratcd hydrogen , phosphureted hydrogea j
and ammonia. The acetylene must , there
fore , be purified to the same extent as Is
coal gas , for fear that its use in closed - "
places might cause serious accidents. But
the greater drawback of all Is that asety- ,
lene burns with a smoky .flame. At fliat ,
the flame Is beautifully .bright and clean- ,
and altogether captivating , but after 200
or 300 hours smoke begins to be formed.
This cornea' from the burners atthlnlng"a-uv ]
temperature higher than that of- the docomf
position of < ho acetylene , and thus the gas * '
la decomposed Into rarbon and hydrogen , A
curious phenomenon Is noticeable in the
ga pipes. Not only do they deposit a finely
divided carbon , ilko soot , but they condense - *
dense a very remarkable liquid , consisting'
ot carbides of hydrogen. These bodies nro
also formed in the generators , whence the *
necessity of using siphons. It Is thus seen
that -the claim that acetylene does not re-
qulro purifying is a fallacy. Prof. Vertess
points out another Inconvenient result ot _ , , ,
the impurities contained In acetylene. When ,
acetylene is .burning in a. closed plwco a ,
sort of fog will often fill the room after a
longer or shorter Interval. The cause ot ,
this la that from the decomposition of the
acetylene in the burner the carbon IR depos
ited while the hydrogen , burns , maucing ino
formation of vatejT vapor , and it Is this , . , *
in conjunction with the ammonia , the sul-
phureted hydrogen and the phosphureted
hydrogen , which produces the fog nnd Induces -
duces the dtetressinfe headache and nausea1 „ , .
so well known to those who have tried , , . , r
burning acetylene In their own houses. r
_ _ _ > Off A
Yankee Tourlut Didn't Propone to Ile
Left Out In iliu Colil , ' '
"Hero at homo bluff doesn't count forW *
much , " said a globe trotter to a Seattle re-i
porter , "but I'm telling you that n good , " "
Btlft 'bluff , with a oheoky American behlnfl '
It , is worth a lot of money In Europe , wnenf
I got around to Nice last year the best ho-it
tola were crowded and I had to take up With "
a small room. On the same floor was a. German -
man who was occupying a suite , though notq
spending much money or putting on anyrt
great stylo. One day there was a great row.
The landlord had naked 'him as a particular" , _
favor to vacate for a newcomer nnd , otp
course , the man didn't propose to be turned/
out. The landlord coaxed and argued nnd .
the German prowled and muttered nnd I followed - > .
lowed them down to the office to BCO how It. .
would come out , At the desk was an Amer- ' n
lean I had run across In Venice a buyer for
a Chicago dry goods house. When the landlord - , ,
lord and the German began to gabbl * la * _ .
chorus the buyer pulled a blank check from t
his pocket nnd reached for a pen and said : ,
" 'All this talk IB ot no use. I want rooms
here. I will buy Hie hotel and select my
suite. Sir , what is your cash prlcu for this ,
' * '
hotel ?
" 'You would buy the hotel ! ' exclaimed the
landlord , os ho throw up his hands in sur
prise ,
" 'Grounds and all , nnd I want it today.
How much a mllllon- three or four ? And
what name shall I fill In on the check ? '
"Say , now , " laughed the tourist , "hut you '
ought to have seen that thing work. The
Gorman bad determined to be ugly about ,
It , but when ho bumped up against a man < f ,
who had aa soon pay four millions as ono ' '
for what be fancied ho felt awed and humbled - , . ;
bled and ready to quit. The landlord flG- . < < t
ured that to turn away such a Croeeus would t
ruin his house , and It wasn't half an hour
before the bluffer was Installed In the suite *
and the Herman was chucked Into a dog ' " "
hole on the top floor. And that wasn't all ,
mind you. When they sent -the buyer a bill
based on his supposed millions be got up J
and threatened < o buy up the town nnd
Mail elx soap factories to running , and they r
cut every Item In two and begged his pardon UJ'J
lo boot. I don't believe that chap had $1,000 , n
to his name , but ho just walked over everything - ' u
thing and everybody for two wccke and It ' -
wa current gossip that be owned the whole -
of Chicago and ft good fiharc of St. Louisnnd , * >
Cincinnati. Nothing but cold bluff which ' | ( .
wouldn't have taken him into an American , } -
dance ball as n deadhead , but H was equal -
to a letter of credit for $1,000,000 over ' 't
there. "
Notice to Movn Out.
That la what you serve on headache wltU 'i
Wright's Paragon Headache Itemed/ . . "