Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    hi *
Dismayed Bulls Unload Their Holdings end
the Wheat Market Drops.
Expected ttultre In Liverpool Dne to
nrltlflh Ileverncd l < 'nlln to Mntc-
rlnlUc nndo Siintnlnlnic
Influence I * Left.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. Wheat dropped over
ft cent today , liquidation by demoralized
longs because of unexpected weakness at
Liverpool causing the Mump. The market
ruled 'weak ' throughout nnd cloned with n
loss of IfllUc for the December option.
Corn also suffered from liquidation and
nhort nclllnK and closed ? ic lower. Oats
lost Uc nnd provlnlons from 5 to lOc.
Wheat made a sudden drop of > ,4c nt the
opening and continued on the down crado
throughout the entire session. As the
llttlo strength which charnctorlzcd the
market hero yesterday was In anticipation
of higher quotations from Liverpool to-
military reverses
dny , as a result of severe
In South Af
verses to the English army
rica. the trade became demoralized when
the rcvnrso of that expectation occurred.
There was very little clue at the oponlns
to encourngo Belling , but speculators became
In their enBcrncHS
came so lK-nrlsh that
to llnd purchasers the market Mumped
oft steadily nnd closed decidedly weak
within a fraction of the lowest point
touched during the day. A steady In
crease In local stocks , together with an
excessively slow cash demand , added to
the selling movement during the Into trnil ;
' lower nt GBtf.
ln < r , December opened HS'Hc
Jifoc , sold sparingly at 70c , declined to
CflU and closed with sellers at < SU T6 ! c.
This establishes a now low record for the
December option this year , the
point reached previously being < o. Chicago
cage received 181 cars , twenty-three of
which graded contract. Minneapolis ana
Dulutli got 50S cars , compared with G i
tho' corresponding day a year ago. lotm
wenlern primary recelptH wortl.o&n.oou
bushels , against 1GS5,000 bushels last year.
'Atlantic port clearances or wheat ana
flour equaled 444,000 bushels.
Corn showed considerable heaviness , sym
pathizing with the demand In wheat. A
Black cash demand , an advance In nul rates
cast and n decline In ocean freights were
also used ns arguments for lower prices.
Short selling was the order of the day. un
der which the market yielded steadily until
near the close , when country buying
Blurted a rally. The Improvement was
short-lived , however , ns the bulge only
added Increased vigor to the selling move
ment and the market resumed IW ] own-
wnrd course until the end. necelnts.10
cars. December opened Mr. lower nt 31-s.c ,
advanced to 31 < WniUc. decl nod to 31031 c
mii nlrmoil with sellers at 31'Ac.
I > a Hi-
Dec. 5 10 S 10 5 15
Jan. 5 30 5 y > 525 5 27' 5 32-4
Dcc. I 771,4 477V4 415 4 73 4 82 %
Jan. 4 921/ . ' 4 02V 4 87 4 90 4 95
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Quiet and easy : winter patents.
f3.G003.70 ; clears , $3.2003.30 ; straights. $3.30
< fT3.40 ; spring 'specials , $4.10 ; patents , $3.40T ( >
70 : 'straights. $2.90(33.20 ( ; bakors' . $2.3002.75
WHEAT-NO. 2 spring. raw T7ic ; NO. 3
Spring. 61 i7 < H4c ; No. 2 red. 70071c.
CORN-No. 2 , S2c ; No. 2 yellow. 32Uc.
OATS No 2. 23023V4c ; No. 2 white , 26c ;
JJo. 3 white' . 25025HC.
RYE-NO. sB2V4c. %
SEEDS No. 1 'flaxseed and northwest ,
M.29. Prime timothy seed , $2.30. Clover ,
' PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bfol. , $8.00 ®
S.03. Lard per 100 Ibs. . $5.17 > 405.20. Short
Tibs sides ( loose ) , $4.7005.20. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) . $5.7505.87' . Short clear
sides ( boxed ) , $5.3503.40.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
KSUGAR'S Cut loaf , $5.70 ; granulated , J5.1S.
Following are the receipts and shipments
lor today :
Articles. Recelnts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour bbls 30,000 16.000
Wheat bu7. . .257,000 10,000
Corn bu . . . . . . . W8 000 C72.000
gats , ' bu 474,000 422.000
Rye bu . . . " 10.000 l.COO
Barley , bu : . . 156.000 52,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market wns Meady ; creameries , Io023c ;
dairies. 14@19c. Eggs , steady ; fresh , li@
HHc. Cheese , steady ; creams , lli012Vic.
Quotation * for the liny on Vnrionn
ConiriioilltlrK ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. FLOUR-recelpts ,
80,889 bu. ; exports , 30,242 bbls. ; snles. 9,500
pkgs. ; market ruled moderately nctlvo and
easier In sympathy with the weaker ruling
of wheat and closed dull nnd heavy nt
nomlnnlly unchanged prices. Rye flour
dull : sales , 230 ; buckwheat flour steady ,
BUCKWHEAT Quiet nt GlG3c , c. i. f. ,
New York.
COH-NM'EAI - * Quiet : yellow western. 800) )
62c : city. S0081c : Urnndywlne , $2.300'2.35.
RYE Easier ; No. * 2 western , 64c , f. o. b. ,
afloat , to arrive ; state , , G2c , c. I. f. , New
[ York , car lots.
BARLEY Steady ; feeding , 41t 0 > 43c c. I.
f , , Buffalo.
BARLEY MALT Dull : western , 530COC.
WHEAT Receipts. 74.000 bu. : exports ,
88,687 bu. Sales , 2,525,0(10 ( bu. futures , 200-
POO bu. spot , Spot stendy ; No. 2 red , 75K.C
f. o. b. nilont spot ; No. 1 northern Duluth ,
7K ic , f. o , b , afloat to arrive ; No. 2 red.
73'li' ' , . elevator. Options opened weak nt
a decline of % c and further declined % c
iindfr weak cables , slack export demand.
Indifferent outside speculative Interest and
prospective heavier receipts. There were
n. few rallies on local covering , but the
market was finally weak at about the low
est point , n not decllno of ydirfrc. May ,
7S07S&C , closed , 7S'ic ; December , 7 } * 074T4o ;
closed , 745 o.
( "ORN Receipts. 92.150 bu , : exports. 61S.-
848. Spot woker ; No. 1. 40'4o f , o. b. nlloat
nnd 39Hc , elevntor. Options weak ut u
decline of Uc nnd ruled dull. Bellini ; nr-
rested by a partial reaction nt Chlcairo ,
The early decline wixs duo to weak cabloa
Rnd predicted lureor receipts. Closed steady
at He nominal decllno. May closed 38&o ;
December closed 39ic.
OATS Receipts. 3C.COO : exports , 1G.OOO bu.
Biot | dull : No. 3 white , SO' o , Options nom
inal ; no business.
HAY Dull : Hlilpplns , 65S70c ( ; good to
' cholco , 75H82V5c. !
I'i HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice ,
189(5 ( crop , Co ; Wi crop , nominal. lOiflSc.
I'acinc coast : 1890 crop , 4fj c ; 1S97 crop ,
nominal : U98 crop , llffl4e ; rnclllo coast and
BtHto. 18)9 crop , 12J(13c.
HIDES Firm : QalvcBtan , 20 to 23 Ibs. ,
J7',4c : Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs , , 13c ; Call-
fornla. 21 to 25 Ibs. , 19Wc.
LKATHER Stendy : hemlock sole , Duenos
'Ayres. light to heavywelshts , 24fi2l''O ' ; acid ,
tl l'24V4c.
WOOl/-Qulet ; domestic fleece , 21Q26c ;
Texas. HSilTo.
PHOVISIONS-aioof. stroiip ; family. tll.Oo
* tl2.50j mess , $9.50f/10.00 ; beef hams , ja.OOTi )
& 4.50 ; city , extra India mess , Slti.OOiTn8.GO.
Cut meats , stcmlv : pickled bellies , J6.60fji
700. Hams , * 8.50fiS.75. Lard ousy ; western
B ten mud closed J5.50 ; city , ? 5. 0 : rellned ,
easy ; continent , $5,85. Pork , llrm ; mess ,
J9. ( Kri9.50 : short clear , J10.25Jjl2.Oflj family.
Jll.75fi 12.00.
1'OTATOBS Quiets Jerecys , J1.00il,23 :
New York , Jl.omTl.25 ; Lonir Isliind. J1.12V44 ?
l.CO ; Jersey Sweets , J1,50S2.00 ; southern
uweflts. J1.12M-HT1.2G.
MBTAL8 Weakness waa the leading
characteristic of the local market today.
The depression was .duo largely to an un
favorable average to foreign news and
the dally advices from producing points In
the west. Sellers were disheartened and
offered freely In some Instance * nt the
jower prices. At tlm .close the Metal ex-
clmntro called pig Iron warrants dull ut
S17.QOftl8.00 ; Lake copper paster at J.17.0Q :
tin weak and lower at J30.GO bid and 530.SG
asked ! lead unchanged with $4.60 bid and
Jt.C2'i asked ! spelter dull nnd easy with
$4.85 hid and * 5.00 asked. The brokers' ,
price for lead Is JI.40 nnd for copper 117.00. j
Condition of Trail p nml Qnotntlohn on
Staple nnil 1'nnoy 1'roilnce.
KrsoS-Recelpts liberal : freed stock. IBc.
POl'LTUY Hens , live , 5o ; sprlnp chick
ens , 6Hc ; old and stnRKy roosters , live , 3V4
fHc ! diickd and geese , live , 6J7c ! turkeys ,
live , lOc.
nUTTER-Common to fair , 15c : choice , U
separator , 22y23o ; gathered creamery ,
IMOEONS-Llve , per dot. , 73c.
VEALS-Cholce. c.
OYSTERS Medium , per cnn , 20cs ntund-
nrds. per can. Z4c ; bulk standard , per gal. ,
11.23 ; extra selects , per can , 32c ; extra
selects , per pal. , i.5 ; New York Countu ,
per ran , 40c ; New York Counts , per 100 , ll.SS.
HAY Upland , choice. JC.BO ; midland ,
choice , J8.00 ; lowlano > . cnolcc , KM ; ry
straw , choice , J5.50 ; No. 3 corn , 27c : No. 3
white oats , MHe ; cracked corn , per ton , * 13j ,
corn nnd oats , chopped , per ton , $12.60 ;
bran , per ton. $1.1 ; shorts , per ton , $14.
TOMATOES Per crate. S3ffJC5c.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl , , 12.00.
POTATOES Per bu. . rOSSoC.
ONIONB Retail way , 7075c.
CELERY Per doz. . 20S40C.
PLUMS-Oregon , per crate. $1.00(31.25. (
CALIFORNIA I'EACllES-No ' good ship
ping stock.
APPLES Choice western shipping stock ,
$3.00(33.25 ( ! Jonathans nnd Grimes' golden ,
l3.GOifl.00 ! Now York stock , W.75JI4.00.
GRAPES-Now York , 20c ! California To-
knys , 11.65 1.75.
PEARS Western varieties. $2.25Q2.50.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , J4.BO.
LEMONS California fancy , $4.75(25.00 ( :
cholco California , $1.254.75 ; Messina , $5,00
< 2" > .EO.
BANANAS Cholco , crated , largo stock.
perbunch _ , $2.00Q2.SO ; medlum-vlzed bunches.
, HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 8c ; No. 2creen
hides. 7c : No. 1 soiled hides. 9 c ; No. a
salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs. . lOc : No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 8c.
TALLOW , GREASE. JETC.-Tnllow , No. J.
3&C ; tallow , No. 2 , 3Vic ; rough tallow , IVic ;
while grease , 23Vic ; yellow and brorrn
grease , 21403c.
HONEY Per 21-sectton case , J3.2503.50.
NUTS-Hlckory nuts , per bu. , Jl.OO.
FIGS California layers , per IfMb. box.
51.10 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box. J1.20.
MAPLE SUGAH Per lb. . So.
St. I.oiiU Grnln nnd ProvlnlonB.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 1. WHEAT Lower : No.
2 red , cash , elevator , G9' c : track 7171Hc ;
December , ( B'/ic ; Jlay , 73iJT73Tsc ; . No. 2
hard , C7fiG71/4o ( ; receipts 26,1)9 ! ) bu.
FLOUH Dull and iheavy , but unchanged j
patents , J3.4&5J3.60 ; extra fancy , ? 3.10iJ3.20 ( ;
clear. K.90i33.10.
CORN Lower : No. 2 cash. 31Uc ; track ,
32c : December , 29c ; May , 30'/,5T31c. ,
OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 23'Ac ; track ,
24c : December , 23V4c ; May , 24c. I\o. 2
white , 2SV4027C.
TIY13 Steady at B5c.
ME7TALS Lend , steadv at J4.43 : sneltpr.
POULTRY Steady : chickens , old , 7c ;
young , 77 ic : turkeys , 8@Sl4c ; ducks ,
GiiGVic : ceesc , BHGGc.
SKEDS Timothy seed , $1.902.25 ; flaxseed ,
steady nt $1.2GVSfn.27.
CORNMEAL-Steady at $1.75@1.SO.
BRAN Strong ; sacked , cast track , 63 < 8 < > 4c.
HAY Timothy. strong at $7.0010.50j
prairie , rtendy at $7.50.
WHISKY Steady at $1.2-4.
BAGGING 5T4ifi6c.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , steady ;
boxed shoulders , $5.75 ; extra short clear ,
$5.37' ; clear ribs , $5.50 ; clear sides , $5.G2 % .
Bacon , boxed shoulders , $6.25 ; extra shorts ,
$5.75 : clear ribs. $5.87'/4 ; clear sides. $6.12'/4.
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 tobls. : wheat , 26-
000 bu. : corn , 36,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 6,000 bbls. : wheat ,
49,000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 21,000 bu.
nutter , EtfK nnil ClieoRO Market.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 1. EGGS-Steady at 15c.
Creamerj' . 19Q22c : dairy , ISc.
EGGS One-half cent higher ; fresh Mis
souri and Kansas stock , tlrsts , 14V4'c ' doz. ,
cases returned.
flrm and Vic higher ; fancy western cream
ery. 24V4c ; fancy western prints , 23c.
EGGS Firm and In Jrood demand : fresh
nearby , 21c ; fresh western , 20Vi31c : fresh
southwestern. 19c ; fresh southern , ISc.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. BUTTER-Recelpts ,
1,559 pkgs1. ; flrm : western creamery. 17Q24c ;
June creamery , 17 < g23c ; factory ( lV&@W&f.
CHEESE Receipts , 3,854 pkgs. ; steady ;
large white , 12c ; small white , ! 2413Uc ! ;
large colored , 12j12',4c } ; small colored , J2H
® 12c.
EGGS Receipts , 5,418 ukgs. ; steady ; west
ern , ungraded , at mark , HQlSc.
City Rrnlit nnil Provlnlonii.
cember , G3V6c ; May. 68c ; cash. No. 2 hard ,
B3V464c : JJo. 3 , 60S c ; No. 2 red , 69g70c ;
No. 3. GSilCSc ; receipts. C3 cars.
CORN December , 27&c ; 'May , 23c ; cash ,
No. 2 mixed , 29Hc ; No. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 ,
OATS-NO. 2 white ,
RYE-NO. 2. & 2c.
HAY Choice timothy , $ S.25S .50 ; choice
prairie. $7.0057.25.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 37,800 bu. ; corn , 18,200
bu. : oats. 10,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 69,400 bu. ; corn ,
15,600' bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu.
MItiiicniioIlM Flour nnil Grnln.
In store , No. 1 northern , November , 6Gc ;
December , GS aQffi c ; liny. G9'iJifi9 < 4c. On
track. No. 1. hard. GSc ; No. 1 northern , CGc ;
No. 2 northern. G3 ic.
FLOUR The advance In freleht rates
cast , which went Into effect today. Is ex
pected by millers to largely curtail the
demand for flour. Business was dull : flrst
patents , $3.70Q3.SO : second patents , J3.50 ®
3.GO ; flrst clears , J2.BOQ2.GO.
Ijlvrpool Grnln nnil Provision * .
T.IVERPOOL. Nov. l.-WHEAT-Spot ,
steady : No. 1 California , no stock. Futures ,
dull ; December , 5slOd ; ( March , Gs ; May ,
Cfl Ud.
CORN Spot , American mixed , now and
old , quiet at 3s Cd. Futures , steady ; De
cember. 3s 7d : January , 3s C d.
PROVISIONS Bacon , clear bellies , dull at
SisGd. Lard , prime western , In tierces ,
steady nt 27s 9d ,
R of Hrenil tiifT and Provlnlonn
LIVERPOOL. Nov. l.-Followlng are the
stocks of breadstuffs nnd provisions In
Liverpool : Flour , 1&5.000 sacks ; wheat ,
2,213.000 centals ; corn. 921,000 centals ; bacon ,
19,20 ! ) boxes ; hams , 3,300 boxes ; shoulders ,
l.UflO lioxt.s ; butter , 25,800 packages ; cheese ,
63.900 boxes : lard , prime western steam , 31-
200 tierces ; other kinds , 1,230 tubs ,
Toledo Murkot.
TOLEDO , Nov. 1. WHEAT Lower and
weak ; No. 2 cash. 70c ; December , 7H4c.
CORN Dull and easy ; No. 2 mixed. 31c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 23c.
UY'K ' Quiets No. 2 cash , CSc.
8I-3EDS Clover , dull and steady ; prime
cash , old , $4.70 ; new , $ IiO ! ; December nnd
March , $5,40.
Dulii'.h Uralii Market.
DULUTH. Minn. , Nov. l.-WHEAT-No.
1 hard , cash , 6Sc ; No. 1 northern , cash ,
C7ic ; October , G74c ; December , fflVtc ; May ,
71' c ; No. 2 northern , 61 4c : May. 71Hc ; No.
2 northern , G4i ; No. 3 spring. 61'4o ; to ar
rive , No. 1 hard , GSftc ; No. 1 northern , 67ic.
firnln Market.
Lower : No , 1 northern , C9S70C : No. 2 north
ern , GflHc.
RYE-Steady ; No. 1. BGfjCGlie.
BARLEY Easier ; No. 2 , 46'u47c ; sample ,
I'rorlu Market.
PEORIA , Nov. 1. CORN Firm ; No. 2 ,
OATS Inactive : No. 3 white , 23 4 i2U4c.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.21 for
llnlshed goods.
( irulit In Stori > nt I.lvrraool.
LIVERPOOL , Nov. 1-The. following are
the stocks of wheat nnd corn In store and
on ( iiinyH ( railroad nnd canal depots not
Included ) : Wheat , 2U25,000 centals ; corn ,
8S7.000 centals.
Collt'o Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. COFFEK-Optlons
opened steady , with prices unchanged to 5
points higher on covering on light local
buying nnd demand from abroad , Later
there was n further rise of 5 points on gen
eral support. Firmer Brazilian markets ,
light receipts nnd a liberal warehouse move
ment contributed to the better feeling.
Holiday In Havre restrained 'buyers hero to
some extent. Closed llrm at a net gain of
Ml'10 points. Sales. 12.250 bags , Including
January , $5.25 ; March , $5.40 ; May , $5.45 ; July ,
$5.65 ; September , $5.C5gi3.70. Spot coffee , Rio ,
llrm ; mild , flrm.
Wool Market.
BOSTON , Nov. 1. The American Wool
nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow :
The past week has been the most remark
able one In point of activity ever known
In the Boston wool market. For the flrst
time In Its history the weekly record has
crossed the 20,000,000 pound mark , the actual
union no far as wo can ascertain being
21.b57.500 pounds. This astonishing nhow-
inc la the result of an Intensely active
demand , largely from nil descriptions.
Consequently the tone of prices Is strontr.
Notwithstanding the radical ndvance which
lias occurred In American markets , prices
of wool In this country are still relatively
considerably lower than those abroad and
there are many who believe there Is to
bo no permanent relief until more wool
Is grown generally. The sales of the week
In Boston amounted to 19,067,000 pounds
domestic and 2,490.r > 0fl pounds foreign , mak
ing n total of 21,537,500 , against n total of
10,071,200 for the previous week nnd a
total of ! ,059ono for the corresponding week
last year. Sales since January 1 , 1893
amount to 270,002,800 pounds , against 102-
525,101 last year nt this time ,
ItnllroailH Fall Into llncUKroinul nnil
Inilnntrlnln Conic to the Fore.
NEW YORK , Nov , l.-Todnr's stock
market developed n decidedly spotty char
acter. The railroads fell Into the. back
ground Again and the highly speculative In
dustrials were brought forward Into ac
tivity. An effort wn made to continue the
campaign against the shorts In the Iron and
steel stocks , but the higher prices In this
group brought out such large sales that the
efforts to advance zirlces had to bo nbnn-
doned. The whole group , with the excep
tion of Tennessee Coal , phows net losses.
The latter stock , after dropping to 116'4.
rose strongly to 119 and held there.
When the movement in the Iron nnd steel
stocks proved abortive the bulls turned
their attention to Brooklyn Transit , which
was a favorite In speculation for the rest
of the day. The movtment In this stock
was again directed against the very heavy
short lnt\rest believed to exist In It nnd the
rapid advance Induced large covering.
AV htn the rise had extended to- above DO
enormous blocks were brought out , which
mSdo It difficult to sustain the price , The
stock rose > to J > 0 > 4 , yielded a point , rallied
again nnd again yielded n small fraction.
The New York Traction group was strong
In sympathy , The Leather stocks wtru
also taken tin for further aggressive nd-
vancc , the common touching 32 and the
preferred S3 % . Sugar was active and Ir
regular , hut shows a net gain. The To
bacco stocks were- weak early , but rallied
later. There were Isolated movements In
Missouri , Kansas & Texas , Cleveland. Cin
cinnati , Chicago & St. Lous ! preferred , the
Pacific. Coast stocks. Wisconsin Central ,
New York Air Brake nnd Standard Rope ,
which were nil strong. iMnltlng preferred
dropped 3 points. Otherwise the trading
was not very active nnd the movement of
prices was narrow , net changes btlnpr small
and mixed , Owing to the holiday In Lon
don pressure from that point wns relaxed ,
The call money market worked ntwe-
clably easier during the afternoon , Utter
having ruled nt 15020 per cent. Largo
amounts were loaned nt G per cent before
the close nnd the rate fell to 5 er cent.
The easier rate for money did not Induce
any large ventures on the Ions side In
stocks , but the bears were manifestly tin-
easy nnd anxious to cover short lines be
fore -stringency In money relaxes. To
day's advance In sterling exchange Is be
lieved to be evidence of a real relaxation
In the money stringency and Now York ex
change at Chicago nnd St. Louis was strong
to-day , showing a cessation of pressure from
those polntf. At Boston , on the contrary ,
there wns n sharp decline In New York
exchange. . Money continues to move to the
south from New York and the subtreasury
Is making drafts on the local banks ,
The bond market was quiet , aside from
an active demand for Standard Rope In
comes and Kansas & Texas seconds. Total
sales , par value. $2,075,000. United States
new 4s and old 4s , registered , advanced H
In the bid price.
The following are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the ' New York exchange
Atchlson 22 % Tex. & Pacific. . . 19 i ,
do pfd GG4 ! Union Pacific . . . . 47 > i
Baltimore & O. . . 52i : ) do pfd 7Vi
Canadian Pac. . . . 94 % Wnbash . . . . . . . . . 7 %
Can. Southern . . 5t do pfd 22' ' , *
Ohe . & Ohio 27iWheel. & L. E. . . 11 %
Chicago G. W. . . . 14 % do pfd 31
C. , B. & Q ISWiWIs. Central . . . . 19 %
Chicago I. & L. . 11 > 4 Adams Ex 112
do pfd 43 Am. Express . . . .149
Chi. & E. Ill 96',4 United States Ex. 50
Chicago & N. W.170',4 Wells-Fnrgo Ex..ISO
C. , R. I. & P 115 Amer. Cot. Oil. . . 45Vi
C. C. C. & St. L. 69U do pfd 95
Colo. Southern. . . 5 Amer. Malting . . 12
do 1st pfd. . , . 45 do pfd 46
do 2d pfd. . . . 16 Amer. S. & R. . . . 36
Del. & Hudson..122 do pfd 87
Del. L. & W ' 191 Amer. Spirits . . . . 4',4
Denver & R.'G. . 2Mi do pfd 17
do pfd 76V4 Amer. Steel H. . . 43
Erie 13 | do pfd 2U
do 1st pfd. . . . 37'/4 ' Amer. 8. & W. . . 47 } ;
Gt. Nor. nfd 174 I do nfd 93i-i
NCTF York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. MONEY On call ,
flrm at 6020 per cent ; last loan at 6 per
cent : rullntr rate. 20 per cent.
per cent.
tual 'business ' In bankers' bills at J4.869J for
demand nnd at $4,82J0'l.Si ' : for sixty days :
posted rates. J1.S1 nnd $1.83 ; commercial
bills. J4.S2.
SILVER-Certlflcntes , eSMSGD&c ; bar ,
BONDS Government , strong ; state , Inac
tive ; railroad , Irregular.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
New York Mlnlnix Ntockn.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The following
are the olllclal closing quotations for mining
shares :
Chollur 3j Ontario , 775
Crown Point 10 Oi > hlr 60
Con. Cnl. & Vn. . 14 Plymouth 10
Deadwood , , . < 0 Quicksilver 175
Gould & Currlc. . . 27 do nfd " 00
Hale & norcross. 2S Sierra Nevada . . . 40
Home take 6500 Standard 27S
Iron Silver , . , . . , , R3 Union Con 2 >
Mexican 20 Yellow Jacket . . 13
I.omlnn Money Mnrkrt.
LONDON , Nov. 1. I p. m. Holiday on
the London exchange.
MONEY 2US3 per cent. The rnto of dis
count In the open market for short bills Is
S iffil per cent nnd for three-months' bills
404V1 per cent.
BAR SILVER-Steady at 26d per ounce.
GOLD Premium ut 'Buenos Ayres , 119.W ,
gn Klnanolnl ,
BERLIN , Nov , 1 , On the bourse today
International were quiet ; Spanish 4s were
active owing to the strength of Spanish
rails In Paris yesterday ; local securities
were strong ; the feature being the buoy-
nncy of thft mines on the ordering by the >
Prussian State railway of $ .000 trucks ; bank
shares advanced nnd shipping shares were
In , Rood demand.
FRANKFORT , Nov. l.-On the bourse to-
uny the market was featureless ,
PARIS , Nov. 1. Holiday.
lloriton stock O.niilntlona.
BOSTON , Nov. l.-Calt lonns. 6,1i6 \ per
cent ; time loans , Sy6 per cent. Ofllclal
closing quotations of stocks , bonds and
inlnlngshares ;
' ' ' ' ' " West , Electric . . 4f.
do jifd' . . . , , . . . rt > $ ! WIs. Central . . . . 20
Alner. Butrar . . . ,15m Dom. Coal . 47
do pfd 117 > 4 do s fd . 117
7iell Telephone . .373' Atchlson 4s . 93
Hoston Aj A.,230 Advcmturp
ItoBlon Elevated. 107 Allotiez Mln. Co . 3i }
Hoslon & Mo 203 Atlantic I5V4
C , , n. & Q lTU ) Boston fc Monl..32l'i '
Fltchbllrs pfd . . .120 lUitte & Boston. . fi7
Gen. Electric . . . ,12U4 Cftlumel & Hcc..7.V ?
do pfd 139 Cnntennlnl . . 23
Federal Steel . . . fiVt Frankl'.n . 17
. .do pfd . SO Humbnldt . . . . . . . . U4
Mich. Tolophone.llXi lOsceolft . R3
Old Colony . 20T 'Parrot ' . . . . 44V4
Old Dominion . . . ESQU'lncy ' . 160
Rubber . 4. isanta Fe Copper. Ri }
Union Pacific . . . . 47tVTamarnck . 214
Union Land . 3-HIWlnonn , . 7W
West End . f)2Hi ) Wolverines . 40U
Weat Kmi nfd. . . .115 lutah . 3JU
! ? nnk Clenrlnnn.
CHICAGO. .Nov. l.-Clenrlngs. $22,053,220 ;
balances , $2.124.387 ; sterling exchange , $4.810
4.88 : New York exchange. 30c discount.
'NEW ' YORK. Nov. l-Clcnrlngi > , $240,027-
3SO ; balances , $9,933,286.
BOSTON , Nov. l.-Clearlngs , $27,803,563 ;
balances , $2,047,971.
BALTIMORE , Nov. 1. Clearing * . $3,219-
475 : balances , $467,790.
PHILADELPHIA , Nov , 1. Clearings ,
$16.12I,4 : 2 : balances , J.2,072,220.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. ] . Clearings , $3,414.011 ;
balances , $184,592 ; money , 4@S per cent ; New
York exchange , 60c discount bid , 30c dis
count asked.
Condition of the Trcannrr *
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. Today's state
ment of the condition ot the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $289,391,640 ;
gold reserve , $252,223.706.
fair demand ; prices lower ! American mid
dling fair. 47-.T2d ; good middling , 43-16d ;
middling , 4d ; low middling , 513-lfid ; good
ordinary , 3d ; ordinary , 37-16d. The pales
of the day were 12,000 bales , of which 1,000
were for speculation and export and In
cluded 11,100 American : receipts , 26,000 bales.
Including 21,600 American. Futures opened
quiet and closed steady ; American middling ,
1 , m. c. November , 35S-64J. buyers ; Novem
ber and December , 357-C4fT358-6ld , sellers ;
December nnd January , 3 56-64 ® : ? 57-6ld ,
eellers ; January and February , 3 53-64 ®
366-Gld , buyers ; February and March ,
355-64d. sellers ; March nnd April , April and
May , May and June. 3E4-C1IT3 5.V6M , buyers ;
June nnd July , July and August , 354-64d ,
buyers ; August and September , 362-Gld ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 1 , COTTON The cot
ton market made a. better showing today ,
as the ilguren showed a net gain of 7 points
on the lending positions. The opening was
steady , with prices 2Q4 points higher on en
couraging news from the English markets ,
rumors that the southern markets were
higher on energetic foreign buying and talk
of damage .to the staple In the Atlantic
Mates by the recent storm. Near the end
of the first hour wenkncs\s was developed
by profit-taking sales nnd an effort on the
part of loading bears to bring about gen
eral liquidation. But firm late cables and
the appearance of foreign buying orders
sent prices upward sharply before midday.
In the afternoon Investment buying was
quite active. Bullish sentiment flourished
on cold weather prediction ? , with frost
promised for the northern belt tonight and
official estimates for light receipts tomor
row. On the rise the south and Wall street
figured as liberal buyers , giving special at
tention to the January position , which , as
a natural result , showed relatively greater
rtrength than the rest of the list. Reduced
crop estimates nnd reports that the re
verses from the English forces In South
Africa were not so great as at first feared
were factors adding to the general firmness.
The market was finally pteady , with prices
showing a gain of from 4 to 6 points.
changed ; sales , 100 bales ; middling. 7c ; re
ceipts , 10.12.1 bales ; shipments , 7,572 bales ;
stock , So,643 bales.
Oil Market.
OIL CITY. Pa. , Nov. 1. OILS-Credlt
balances , J1.56 ; certificates , no bids ; offers
nr snips * : shlnmenta. Cfi.4,37 llbls. : avprnep.
S2.C39 bbls. ; runs , 117,419 bbls. ; average , S6.444
bbls.WILMINGTON. . Nov. l.-OILS-
Splrlts turpentine , nothing- doing nnd un
changed. Rosin , .firm nnd unchanged.
Crude turpentine , quiet at $1.502.SO. Tar ,
steady at $1.30. ' ' ! . "
SAVANNAH. Ga. , Nov ? l.-OILS-Splrlts
turpentine , firm at 4SQ-I8UC. Rosin , flrm
and unchanged.
BERLIN , Nov. 1. OILS Petroleum , 8
marks 15 nfgs.
LONDON , Nov. 1. OILS Calcutta lin
seed , spot , 17s 9d : linseed , 23s 6d. Turpen
tine spirits , 36s < 3d. Petroleum , American
refined , 7d.
LIVERPOOL , 'Nov. ' 1. OILS Cottonseed ,
Hull refined , November , dull at 16s 6d ; lin
seed , lo-i 3d.
NEW YORK , 'Nov. ' 1. OILS Petroleum ,
strong ; refined New York. $9.25 ; Philadel
phia nnd Baltimore , $9.20. Turpentine ,
steady at
Dry GoodN Mnrlict.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. The market today
has been decidedly quiet on the spot , two
days of bad weather affecting store trade ;
otherwise It hap not differed materially
from recent days. The tone continues
strong throughout , but no advances of Im
portance recorded. Advances In staple
prints are looked for ; print cloths firm , but
still Inactive ; woolen nnd worsted dress
goods continue in demand and tendency of
prices upward ; silks are quiet and consid
erable irregularity In wide piece silks in
Siiffur Mnrlict.
LONDON , Nov. l.-SUGAR November ,
9s ? 4d.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. SUGAR Raw ,
steady ; fair refining , T 13-lGc ; centrifugal , 93
test , 45-lGc ; molasses eugar , 39-lGc. Relined -
lined , steady.
Nciv Yorlc - Stock.
celptH , 3,205 head ; active for all grades ;
steers JOn higher ; bulls firm ; steers J4.65
5.70 ; tops. 16.00 ; oxen , J4.H ( > fS.OO ; 'bulls. J2.80
St4.1a ; cows , $1.75 (4.00 ( ; heifers , $3. < XVij:4.40. :
No changes In cables , Exports , G head cat
tle and 4,460 quarters of beef ; tomorrow ,
CALVES Receipts , 2,224 head ; veals
openfd slow ; weak to 25o lower ; closed fOc
lower ; gnicsers steady ; few lots unsold ;
veals , $3.0008.75 : grasserf , $3.00Q'3.50 ; south
ern calves , $3.37'/4.
SI1E13P AND LAMBS Receipts , 9 44
head ; common sheep steady ; top grades
firm ; lambs 15c higher ; about nil sold ;
sheep , $2.50fl4.25 ; selected sheep , $4.50 ; curls ,
$2.002.23 ; lambs , t3.005Tl.75 ; Canadian lambs ,
$5.50J7'-.75 ' ; culls. $1OOJT4.50.
IIOCiS Receipts , 9,054 head ; steady nt
$4.45(3 ( l.CO.
M City l.lvc Stock.
rolpts , 11,500 natives , 1,000 Texans ; brisk
demand for choice ami medium grades nt
steady prices ; common stuff lower. Heavy
native steers , $5.45f5.S5 ? ; light weights. $4.35
{ iB.35 ; stockers and feeders. J3.30Q4.50 ;
butcher cows and heifers. $3.0004.40 : canners -
ners , $2.40fi3.00 : western steers , $3OOQ5.20 ;
ToxaiiH. $3.23ii3.75.
HOGS Receipts , 14S > OOi market fairly
active about Et : lower. Heavy and mixed
$ l.021iiff4.0T , ; light , $1,05 4.10 ; pigs , $3.000
SHEEP RecelptH , 2.700 ; excellent de
mand ; prices steady to a shade higher.
Lambs. $1.50571.80 : muttons , $3.75fll,15 : stork-
era nnd feeders , SS.OOij . ! " ; culls , $2.00(53.00 ( ,
St. I.oulH I.lvcStock. .
ST. LOUIS , Nov. l.-CATTLE-Recelpts ,
4.200 head , Including 2,000 Texans ; market
steady ; nutlvtr shipping nnd export cattle ,
$3.00fffl.l5 ; dressed beet nnd butcher steers ,
$1.30 (5.20 ( ; steerp under 1,000 Ihs , , $ ? .35Q4.83 ;
stockprs and feeder- , ! .504,63 : cows and
holfrrs , J2.00i4.75j cannors. $ l,00fl . " 5 ; bulls.
$2.ft83.55 ; Texans nnd Indian steers , $3,40fJ >
4.05 ; cows nnd heifers. $2,65f(3.75 ( ,
HOGS Receipts , 10,700 head ; market
lower : plgp and lights. $4.0014.10 ; packers ,
} i.XM4.15 : butcher ? . Jl.10ft4.20.
SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts , 1,900
head ; market strong : nutlvn muttons , $3.60
04.25 ; lamba , $1.6 < W5.50 : stockers , 52.5003,10 ;
culls and bucks , .00e2,75 ,
St. .Inarnli llvr Slock ,
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Nov. l.-Speclal. ( )
The Journal quotes a * follows :
CATTLE-Reeeipts , 1.200 head : market ac.
live and steady to ctromt ; nat'ves , Jl.OOSS.t3 ;
Texas and westerns. $3.5005.65 ; OOWB nnd
heifers , $1.7504.50 ; bulls and stags. $2.0004.75 ;
yearllngH and calves , $1.00iI5.10 : stockers
and feeders , $3.2504.40 : veals , Ji.OOSfi.fX ) ,
HOGS Receipts , S.SOOhead ; market active
nnd 2'A'j5o ' ( lower : heavy nnd medium , $4.00Jf
4,10 ; pigs and light , Jl.O iQUO ; bulk of
sale * . $4.00fl 4.05.
SHEEP Receipts , SOO head ; market
strong ,
Stock III Hluht.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western' markus for October 31 :
Cattle , Hoes. Sheen.
South Omaha . " .CIS S.62I 2.3S3
rhlrago . IWO 3ooo n.ov >
Kansas City . , , II fM 14.MW 2.7M
St. Louis . . . , 4,290 10.700 1.900
89,315 72,131 82,953
Oattla of All Kinds Command About tin
Sama Pilesi as Yesterday.
Litter the Decline In nccorered Sheep
nnil Lnmlii In Active Demand nnd
StroiiR Kverj-tMnK In Cloicil
Out lleaftonnblr Knrly ,
Rtceipts were : Cattle , Hog . Sheep ,
Official Monday 6,657 4 , 91 3. J
Ofllclal TUNkUy 4 , 18 10,374 3.6B4
Official Wcdn iMlny J , 15 8,634 2,333
Three days this week . . . .15,100 S3,9W , 9.S9J
Same days last week..19.702 1S.407 S8.54J
Same dnys week before..20,356 14,071 10,189
Same three weeks ago..18,947 18,1W , 24.MT
Average price paid for hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
Indicates Sunday
. The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
< Utle/HoBs.Shce _ , , . H'ses.
C. . M. & St. P. nc 3
O. & St. L. Ry. . . . . . . 2 3o
Missouri Pacific Ry . . 5
Union Pacific Ry. . . . 41 23
? " 32 16
, 1
c. . st. p. , M. & o. . ii 1S
U. & M. R. R. R. . . . 46 42
C. , B. & Q. Ry 1
K. C. & St. J 24
C. , R. I. ft P. Ry , R 2
C. , U. I. & P. Ry. W . .
Total receipts . .167 121 S 81
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchalns the num
ber of head Indicated :
Packlnc Co 106 SSO
G. H. Hammond Co . . . . 529 2.361 210
Swift & Company 446 1,950
Cudahy Packing Co 567 2.0SS 210
Armour & Company 21 1,56 ! ) 507
O. P. Co. from K. C 653
R. Becker & Ocean 293 20.1
Vansant & Co 74
J. L. Carey 21
Lobman & Co 692
W. I. Stephen 75
Benton & Underwood , . . . 23.
Huston & Co s
Livingstone & Schaller . . 72
Hamilton & Rothschild. . 13
L. F. Husz 60
Other buyers 731 1,537
Held over 300
Total 4,586 S.S37 2,524
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were -way
smaller than yesterday , but still there was
; > , fair showing for the middle of the week.
I he market as a whole was In good shape
and not much changed from what It was
Fat cattle , both cornfeds and crassers ,
were In good demand nt just about steady
prices. The fat cattle market so fur this
week has shown little change. Receipts
have been rather light most of the time
and the demand reasonably good , there
were , however , more cornfcds today than
for some days back.
Cows , and heifers sold In about the same
notches ns yesterday and the market was
reasonably active so that just about every
thing changed hands In good season. The
market on bulls , stags , etc. , was without
Good feeders were In demand and sold
at steady prices. If the cattle were not
good buyers did not seem to be quite so hot
after them as yesterday , still they bought
them. There have been a good many stock
calves in this week and buyers seemed
to be rather well filled up on them and
the market on that kind of stuff was a
little slow and prices If anything not quite
so- good as earlier In the. week. While the
early market was all right , speculators all
of a sudden came , to the conclusion that
they were paying too much and thnt they
had enough cattle on hand , considering the
moderate country demand. They stopped
buying and the market closed very slow
and weak , in fact It might be said to have
closed "flat. " Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3..1116 $3 75 117..1220 $5 05 IS..1196 $5 30
4. . 940 4 00 38.1205 5 05 40..1230 553
2. . 950 4 00 S9 .1230 5 10 3 > i.,1470 5 55
1. . 9 < 0 4 00 20 .1214 5 15 40..1253 5 70
.2..1270 4 00 41. .1311 5 15 IS..1433 5 75
5. . 874 4 15 22..1311 5 15 44..1152 6 75
1..1000 4 25 20..1257 5 30 36..1294 6 90
1193 4 25 21. . 336 4 U. , 1096 5 40
1..1040 4 75 1..10IO 6 40 4.1420 5 GS
12..890 5 00 1..1120 530
9. . 93 2 GO 1..1010 3 13 2. . 925 3.55
L. 900 2 75 3. . 930 3 15 1..1060 3 55
1..1030 2 75 2..1100 3 25 4..1140 3 60
1. . 910 275 1..11SO 3 25 2..1070 3 75
1. . 930 2 85 1. . 980 3 25 6..1143 3 75
1. . 950 2 85 1. . 900 3 35 40..1114 3 90
2..HHO 300 5..1028 3-40 20.,1207 4 15
3..10SO 300 11..10S7 3 40
Z..10S5 3 10 1..11CO 3 45
1 COW 10M 3 25 9 feeders 790 4 23
16 steers..1162 4 CO 4 feeders 932 4 10
2E'teers..lOS5 4 25 1 steer. . . 810 3 25
1 steer 840 2 75
18. . 647 3 25 1. . 640 3 45 2 , , 6S5 3 65
14. . 784 3 20
7. . 780 3 70
2..1330 275 1..1650 3 00 1420 3 40
2..12SO 275 1..1500 3 40 1060 350
1..1440 3 00
2. . 110 6 00 L. 170 6 25 1. . 130 650
L. 170 6 23 2. . 185 6 25
146 3 60 1. . 260 4 23 1 , 190 5 CO
460 4 25 32. . 339 5 10
750 2 90 1..1010 4 60
426 2 60 L. S70 3 GO 1. . 940 325
650 2 75
1. C40 2 60 43. . 900 3 GO 1 , . 920 4 10
820 3 40 1. . 580 3 90
27 feeders , , 712 3 & ) 20 feeders , . 95S 4 25
37 feeders , , 950 423 V feeders. . 8S8 360
6 feeders ,
2 heifers ,
7 heifers.
1 cow. , . ,
1 cow , , , .
1 cow , . , .
1 cow. . . ,
1 feeder.
1 feeder. .
2 feeders
8 feeders
3 bulls
1 bull.
1 calf.
IctUf ,
23 steers..1034 4 40 1 cow 1030 3 75
17 stock hf. C09 3 90 27 feeders. G50 3 60
1 stock hf. 790 3 60 6 feeders , COO 3 40
1 stag C70 3 50
Buchanan Colo.
1 bull.1330 2 6i 11 cows. . , , 818 3 10
1 bull ,1120 2 65 1 cow 9CO .1 10
28 cows 910 3 50 I feeder , . , NSO 4 10
1 cow 1220 3 60 12 feeders. . 912 I 10
1 cow 1010 3 50 3 feeders.10m ) 4 10
1 feeder. . . ! 3 50 1 feeder , , , 91)0 ) 3 50
2 feeders , . 9.S3 4 10 1 feeder. . , 7'JO 3 M
1 fepder , . , 840 3 50 1 feeder , . , 780 3 50
2 feeders , , 670 4 25 iBtag , , . , , , 7CO 3 CO
1 feeder. , . 020 4 23
Captain W. H. Corbln Nob.
20 steers.1520 4 t > 0 13 cows 1240 345
31 Btecrs..137 : 480 12 cows..1100 300
O. H. Shols-Colo.
29 feeders. . 1087 423 Ibull 1610 240
11 feeders.1105 425 2 cowa 1210 3 GG
3 feeders. . 1220 320 3 stags 1350 3 CO
II. T. Church N. Mex.
4 Rtk , CVS. . 325 4 00 254 stk. CVS. . 232 E 10
2 stk. cvs. . 315 3 50 1 stk. calf. 210 3 25
Dody Uros.-S. Dak.
5 steers..1151 425 C cow.1021 325
5stectB..llM 425 2 feeders.1076 400
1 steer lOt'O 425 5 feeders..1WI 100
W. L. White-Neb ,
36 feeders , . 748 4 75
T. E. Wllllams-Neb.
J6 feeder * , . Wl 4 40 1 feeder.1060 < W
3 feeder. * . . WO 4 00 27 feeders. . > JS 4 25
Charles Knnpp Nfb.
51 feeders. . ( VO 4 10 U < fcctlcro. . 6S2 3 35
1 skcr. . . , , MO 2 60
H. II , Wntktns-Neb.
Bcows. . . . . W2 263 Bcows 1016 330
1 cow 910 300 1 feeder..1000 416
li feeders. . 821 4 15
K. 1 * . Sweeney Neb.
4 cows 9S7 350 1 feedfr. . . 660 3 7S
1 cow 11X0 3 CHI 4 feeders. . 800 400
7cowf. . . . . 032 290 7 steers.,1211 370
1 steer 750 340 2.S feeders , , 912 420
39 feeders. . SS9 3 65
Georco Pedroni Co'o ,
cowp.,1175 335 Scows 910 300
7 cows 10M 360
Thomns Pcdronl Cole ,
Wfccdrrn. , K6 410 33 feeders. , 981 410
Horsey Bros. Wyo.
21 cows 1013 ,1 75
E , F. Patrick-Neb ,
7 cows W2 360 12 feeders. . 656 470
11 feederr. , K25 4 40
Cobb K. Stroetor 8. D.
Mfeedem. . 973 395 Ibull 1310 305
21 feeders. . l 3 95 1 bull 1370 3 PO
1 heifer. . . . 720 303 Ibull 1630 303
" L. WMtc-Colo.
5steers.lioo" * 89 feeders. . 1065 2 70
14 feeders..1031 3 75
D. Aspcr Neb.
Id feeders. . $83 4 l ) .1 feeders. . fiSO 3 35
S feeders. . 631 365 2 feeders. . SCO 325
U feeders..1079 380 1 heifer. . . . 7,10 325
1 calf 110 6 23 1 COW SSO 3 00
2 cow 875 260 17 cows 939 340
1 COW 920 2 00
A. G. Brln-Utnh.
13 feeders..10M .ISO 1 feeder. . . 6SO 335
5 heifers , . . 70 355 Ibull 1160 2 no
1 heifer. . . . 570 365 Ibull 1240 290
1 heifer , . . . 830 325 1 steer 14SO 4 4ft
2 cows SCO 2 M 20COWS 1026 340
2 cows 9fO 3 00 .
A. L. Bernard S. Dak.
Scows 860 345 U steers..1192 445
10 feeders..10S3 4 20
A. D. Bodell-B. Dak.
9 cows 915 3 60
F. D. Arnot-Ncb.
80 fenders. . 921 42714 62 feeders. . 919 4 27V4
61 feeders. . 049 4 27J4 51 feeders. . . 936 4 27 > ALee
Leo Sage Wyo.
Scows 876 2 GS 1 steer 700 300
5COWP..102S 3 35
Riverside L. S. Co. Wyo.
44 cows 1055 370 6 cows 1035 3 03
12 cows. . 900 3 40 1 cow 1160 3 70
3 bulls 1340 2 60 1 cow 9GO 3 U
2 bulls 1265 3 00 1 cow 1060 4 10
HOGS-In spite of the lower mtirKet yes
terday the receipts were large again this
morning. Chicago sent out unfavorable re
ports and the market at this point opened n
shade lower , possibly 6c lower in some
cases. Then it improved under the In
fluence of the very good demand and became -
came almost as good as yesterday. \ \ hllo
the early sales were largely at $ i.00'tt4.02'/ <
the later sales were largely at Sl.02.04.l'r ! ' .
Then ns reports continued to como unfav
orable from other market points nnd as
the more urgent orders were tilled , buyers
seemed to come to the conclusion that
they made a mistake In raisins their hands
and the market acaln became v.'c.ik.
The market was active at the decline and
practically ull the early hogs were sold In
a very short time. There were some late
trains reported back which prolonged the
market somewhat. Representative sales ;
J Oil * * * * * * i > t U\l
7G 236 120 4 00
59 320 ICO 4 00 .292
89 200 200 4 00 .270
81 268 2SO 4 00 .286
61 25G 40 4 00 .282
11. .136 . . . 4 00 .280
10. .251 . . . 400 .286
Ill .295 JOO 4 00 .219
52. .256 I'GO ' 4 03 .246
60. . .277SO 4 00 261
70. .286 . . . 4 00 M 287
79. .203 SO 4 00 fil 282
60. . .258 . . . 4 00 20
GS : , .275 240 4 00 .329
65. .239 40 4 00
46. .253 . . . 4 03
GS. .344 . . . 4 00
98. ,213 120 4 00
100 .224 SO 4 00
65. .243 40 4 00
62. .259 SO 4 O1)
61. .2VI 240 4 00
23. ,2B3 40 4 00
54. ,307 SO 4 00
54. ,309 40 4 00
64. .309 40 4 00
59. ,2K2 160 4 00
53. .201 SO 4 00
79. .221 . . . 4 00
70. ,2SS 40 4 03
70. .261 . . . 4 01
RS. .283 SO 4 00
74. .2-18 SO 4 00
,2S ! ) 2-10 4 00
.263 2SO 4 00
.24 80 4 00
. . . 4 00 63 . 2l
.272 1GO 4 00 CS . 2Gu
4 00
SHEEP Receipts ) were not very large to
day and consisted mostly of feeders , with
a sprinkling of fat shee-p. The demand for
fat stuff on the part of local packers was
extremely guo.l and offerings of everything
that would answer to that description
changed hands early in the morning. The
prlcfft paid were Just about the same ns
prevailed on yesterday's market , so that the
market today could best be described as
steady to ptrong. There were , no fat lambs
of any consenuence In the yards.
The demand continues good for feeder
sheep nnd lambs and arrivals sell at satis
factory prices to all concerned.
Quotations : Good to choice grass wethers.
J4.orxT4.35 ! ; fair to good grass wethers. J3.EOtJ >
J4.00 : good to choice yearlings. J4.25fr4- & " :
good to choice grasp owes. J'i.EO'tp.iS ' : fair
to good crass ewes. J3.23f3.M ( ) ; good to chDlce
snr'nc Jambs' . W.OOR5.15 : fair to good spring
Inmbs. J4.8fVi500 : common Hnrlntr lambs ,
ll.30fN.fiO : feeder wethers , $3.GCf73.75 ; feeder
yearlings , f.75 ! < ff3.F5 ; feeder lambs , $4.30ft
4.50. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
10 ewes and wethers , W ) f3 03
5 culls . , 51 300
GOf wethers 102 4 15
2 < 0 westtrn wethers .t yearlings. 107 4 2 >
123 feeding lambs 62 42iV4
2V > ewes and wethers 109 4 40
113 Wyom'.ns ewes M 3 ( K >
61 Wyoming ewes 91 3 12V ,
10 ruIt lambs K 360
516 feeding lambs 62 4 30
IIIcli Crnden of Cntllf Hold Stroiijr ,
1'ooror ( liuilltlcH fJlvliiB Wny.
CHICAGO , Nov. l.-CATTLE-Tlu-ro was
n good demand for cattle today of n supo.
rlor duality ut firm prices , but the general
run of fair to middling grades moved off
slowly at n decline of 10c in values. Good
to fancy grades brought $3.50tiU.Ga ( : common
to medium , $4.2005.15 ; rows , heifers nnd
bulls , $2.0005.10 ; stonkers and feeders. $2.75
04.75 ; Texnns , $3.6004,70 : calves , $1.0007.M.
HOGS The supply of hogs exceeded the
demand and H further reduction In prlcos
rrr1 F-l- - . rlrr - ' 1 '
of 60100 wns sc ;
vj > Afr4.27'/4 : heavy packers , $3.,5T4.10 { ;
mixed , l.liU44.2iVa : biKunem. Sl.imi i.'ih !
light WPlBhts , $3.9304.25 ; pig ? . $ .1.W1,15 ! ,
SHEEP Them was a brisk demand in
sheep nt advancing prices , the recent dimln-
iBhed receipts enabling sellers to dlctnUt
terms. Inferior prime sheep sold at $2.23
f(4.60 ; western rnngers bringing $3sr,0
nnd yearlings $1.605(1.80. ( the rest HClllnis Go
higher tlmn heretofore. Lambs sold nt
$100f(5.85 ( for Inferior to choice , western
rangers brlnKln * tl.50f(5.M. (
Receipts-Cattle , 10,00) ; hogs , S8.000 ; sheep ,
JfiMES E. BOYD & GO , ,
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Nt : ' )
Dlrft wire * to Ubkafo n , . .Vttr Tore.
C iTuponiltnUi Jjb * . W trfn A Ca.
rent | VJ
epoH4maire&u > a. BRANCH
CHAJU MB. uncout ma
Read The Bee
Hero Is Whcro
You Will Find itill , iht
Principal Cities.
Jnme * M. Uoilard.
Klmbnll Home \crr 511
Publics Llbrnrr.
Vrndome llottl
Boiton rrma Clnb , 14 Docrrorth 04U
Graeme Hotel Neira Stnnd.
\Vm. Shield * .
Harrara Vuiremltr Library.
C. A. Losan. mu Went loth ML
Cherenne Club.
Auditorium Annex Norm Stand.
Auditorium Hotel \evr Snrid.
Grand Pacific Hotel X rr ! ! >
r.rrnt Northrcrii Hotel Tterra
Palmer Honne Nerra StanA.
Poitoflloe XCITB Stnnd , No , MT
bnrn Street.
Amoolated AdTertUer'a Club ,
tVaddell Ilaune.
fbe Hollenden.
Commercial Trareler * * Aa latlM
Miuonlo Temple.
Printers' Home.
nrovrn Hotel Norn Stnnd.
Hamilton < & Kciidrlck , DOO-Dl * ITth ,
MoL Iii. Pitt & Co. , 8.13 Sixteenth at.
Pratt Mercantile Co , . IIS1T Ixtrim r 81
The Ktntloncr Co. , ISth and LawrenM
Street * .
Wliitlnor Hotel Nevri Stand.
KOICB Jnoobi , nock IMnud Depot.
Y. U. C. A. Hendluf ? Room.
* Bennett , 214 IV. Snpcil * * St.
It oo iii
Inglaterra Hotel RendluB IloeBa.
Homolnln Hotel Hemline BoBB > '
W. A. Bio ore , Cth m-cime 4UB.A M lB ! .
Weleiui Pnbllo Library.
B re GIbion.
C. n. TVeaver A Co.
F. O. DoTlnp.
I * D. Cooper A Co. , G20 Central Av * .
Robert Reid. lo2 McQee St.
Cotttc * uou e \ rnStnnd. .
UUionrl nepiibtlcun Club , B4M Baltl *
more Ave.
Public Library.
niokiecUer Clvnr Co. , Oth and Walnut
. .oppoBlte P. O >
. Y. si. C. A. , room mi DaloB
Depot , Knn a Cltr , Mo.
Public Library.
T. M. O. A. Rendlnsr Room.
W. S. EdmUton , 112:1 : O 8tr l'DellT-
ery Ascnt ,
Oliver & Unities , 10U S. Spring * t ;
F. D. llanscom , 422 S. Main St.
Oaarlea A. GllilB' " Auierlcnn HxebftBBf
a Cocl | > nr St. , Trafalgar Be. , . AV.
MANILA , P. 1.
Andrew F. Schonn , Cor. P mt 4
Eaiinua and Uacoltn Streets
Pnbllo Lllii'iiry.
Hotel IVcvra Stand.
Cooper Union Lllirnry.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Nevrn SUuiA.
Fifth Avenue Hotel KirndluK He *
Empire Hotel ,
llrooine Struct Library.
Holland lloiine Hcndlnff nooMk
Horfiunii House.
Imperial Hotel NCTT * Stand.
Mechanics' ninl Trader * ' Free
No , 18 ICnnt Slxtcenih Street.
Pre Clnb , 12O .Vnncnu St.
We tmlniter Hotel Headlnv
Windsor Hotel neadluar no j .
r. U. C. A. , 23d Street luk * tli
W. Webb , 3405 WaihlM4rt *
W. O. Kind.
Kevr York Hernia lla.atmf
Ave. de 1'Opern.
Tko . Cnalc & Sou * , 1 AT * . A
& GcNtrom.
XV. E. Jonr , ltll Alder tt
Portland Hottfl Xcnm Stand.
tSercantlle Library.
f'ubllo ILlbrnry.
Public Library.
Santa Aim Free rnlitlo
It , V , II niii me I , LroBaia
Suit Lnko Nen-B Co.
Public Library.
EZaatern New * Co. , I ! 1(1 1-a
A. T. Luiidbcrir.
Georce F. Ward.
darrcttaon Hotel \eirn * '
. .londainlii Hotel Nrrr Stan4.
Hotel Vendnine Nevr * Stmafl.
Convrny & Knickerbocker.
I'alillc Library.
GuriilU Fltxclbbnn , TOO V * * tll
Hey Allen , 1121 Center St.
Y. M. C. A , Ilendlnir HOOK * .
John TV , Grnliniu 7UU-7M
llrnndovf'i Nerr * Stand , Tit B < mo > <
Janrtlou New * Stand. BOl § < M
Y. U. C. A. Ilendlnir Itoom.
I'fccM Clnb.
Wlndior Hotel.
a , J , Jett , son om * 4 ,
Planterr' Hotel N rr >
t'nbllo Library.
VVIIlard'p Hotel -\err Stan * .
VrlliiKtnn Hotel. i -i
Ooncreiclonal iJbrarT ,
Keuublioau Katluual