Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1899, Editorial, Page 24, Image 24

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Many Commodity Rates Abolished and Olats
Hates Substituted.
Shipment * of Thin llercrnRe 1VII1 Gout
Two Cent * I'cr 100 1'tinmlN Mure
Til 11 n nt PrcNPtit After o-
i ember ! > * ! .
An an Important factor In the advance ot
freight rates on nil classes of products comes
the announcement of the withdrawn ! ot a
number of commodity rates heretofore ex
istent anil the nubstltutlon therefor of clnss
rates. Authority to this end has been Issued
by the western trunk line committee and the
new order of rates becomes effective Novem
ber 15. Numerous articles thnt arc now be
ing transported at commodity rates will after
that date bring the rallroaita n. decided In-
crciifio of revenue when the claw rates nro
applied. All the railroads operating between
Chicago , St. Paul , St. Louta , Mississippi rl\cr
polnlH und Omaha and Missouri rhcr points
will abide by the authority ot the western
trunk line committee. Commodity rates , as
I : generally understood by all railroad men
and Hhlppcra , nro lower than claFfl rates , and
the ulltnln.itlon of the former In t > o far as
they affect a largo number of commercial
and manufactured articled la going to result
most beneficially to the railroads.
Ai an Instance of the ml\unce shipments
of apples may bo cited. The commodity rate
upon apples IB 17 cents per 100 pounds Un
der the new agreement they will bo shipped
as fifth class , with a rate of 22 cents per 100
I oiimln. One of the most Important advances
Is on beer , which has u commodity rate be
tween Chicago and Omaha and between the
Mississippi river -and Omahn of 23 cents and
20 cents respectively. Under the new clats
rates It will toil Just 2 cents per 100 pounds
more than at pre&ent to ship beer. The rates
cffectlvo November 10 will apply on ship
ments both cost and westbound In the ter
ritory covered by the western trunk line com
Among other articles which will be elim
inated from the commodity rate and receive
advances In class rates are muriatic and
sulphuric acids , barrel stock , earthenware ,
earth paint , galvanized Iron , limestone , malt ,
bhot , tar , paving and roollug articles , tin
pinto and white lead. The advance on all
shipments which will be changed from com
modity to clans rates varkt , from 2 to C
cents per 100 pounds.
Commodity rates will not be abolished en
tirely , hut all articles which will continue
to bu shipped at commodity rates will bring
more revenue to the railroads thnn at pres
ent , for these rates will be raised In about
the same proportion from 2 to 6 cents per
100 pounds Between Chicago and Omaha
the rate on pig Iron will bo raised from $3 62
to $1.12 Tier ton , and between Mississippi
river i > olnU and Omaha from $250 to $300
per ton. The rate on pipe couplings and con
nections will have an advance of two and
one-half cents per 100 pounds.
niscu&ilng this mattei , an Omaha
freight ofllclal stated : "This advantage In
rates Is something which all railroad freight
men h.ill with Joy. The advances will bo
Mifllclent so that It will mean a decided in
crease In freight earning ) } and the articles
affected In the main amount to u consider
able percentage of the shipments handled
by the various roada. There seems to be no
disposition among shippers who have boon
intoimcd of this change to rebel against It.
They are all making money and seem per
fectly satisfied to ace the railroads get their
Just share. "
mid Surucitt AVI 11 Hnvc Onl-
Mlilc Communication by Hull.
Work on the Burlington extension from
Arcadia to Urewster has been completed
19.4 mllcB west of Arcadia and beginning
November 5 freight and passenger trains
will run on regular schedule Into two towns
Comstock and Sargent which will have
for the first time railroad communication
with the outside world. Comstock Is 10 °
miles from Arcadia and Sargent 8.6 miles
beyond. Now folders are being Issued by
the Burlington passenger department which
will become effective November 5 and theae
nhow for the first tlmo the two towns men
tioned. The extension which Is now being
pushed beyond Arcadia was begun several
years ago when the grade was completed ,
but owing to the hard tlraco operations were
discontinued. At present the grade Is
being repaired and Improved and rails laid.
As noon as the track Is completed to the
towns along the route the operation of
regular train service will bo Instituted.
General Manager Holdrego lias Issued n cir
cular , appointing C. H. Wing as agent nt
Ilium-Kola in I'olliMt lotrn.
PULUTH , Minn. . Oct. 28. In the light of
the recent Iowa decision an effort will bo
made to overthrow the croee earnings tax
laws under which the railroads , express.
Blocking , telephone , telegraph and other
corporations In this state nro now taxed. It
Is held that the Minnesota law Is open to
the same constitutional objections as that
found to the Iowa law , viz. Corporations
should bo taxed on the eamo basis as Indi
viduals. The Duluth local nebC6fiors will as
sess the valuable railway terminals and other
property at the next valuation , thus bringing
the matter Into court.
Charmof lIlncUllHtliiK Uimuiitntiipil.
CHICAGO , Oct 2S , A verdict of not guilty
WOH returniNl today by the Jury In the biilt
ot Joseph O'Day for $50,000 damages ngalnct
the Northwestern Hallway company and the
Wnbash Hallway company for alleged black
listing. The specific- charges were that
throughout the country O'Day and others
who had participated In the American Hall
way union strike in 1894 should bo refused
employment unless they could secure per
mission " from the road 1/y which they were
last "employod ,
Itnllvtny NoteH ami I'pmonnlii.
1'rastuu Young , general auditor of the
Union I'aclllc , leave * for Chicago today
J. A. Munroo. General frcltht traffic
manager of the Union I'aclllc , has icturned
from an eastern business trip
Howard Hlllott , uenerul munaucr of the
Burlington linen In Aiiw > url , visited In
Omaha for n brlpf tlmo loii.iy
J. CJ Klojtl , commission clerk In the gen
eral iMflsonger department of the union
Pacific , has returned from a. visit In Tcrre
Haute , Ind
A Hpcclal car was provided by the Bur
lington today for nn excursion of students
from the Gmnlu Medical college to Hell-
vuo , where Uelluvuo college was visited by
< thu students
The Northwestern will run a special train
tomorrow from 'Milwaukee to Omaha to
accommodate Paul GllmorB's company.
The train is nchc lulel to make the run In
quick tlnui ami will reuch Omaha shortly
after noon.
Ilnxlun llro . Clour ,
The big store will close nt 1 o'clock Tuesday -
day In order that all may have a chance to
participate In Omaha day at the Greater
America Exposition ,
Sheridan and hard coal. We give trading
ptaraps. Victor White , 1605 Farnam street.
Climiico of Tlmo.
The fast train for Chicago via the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , formerly departing -
parting nt 6:45 : p. m. , now leaves the union
depot dally at 7.35 p. ra. , arriving Chicago at
9:35 : a. ra.
Wo repair cooks , ranges , heaters , furnaces
1207 Douglas , Omaha Stove Jlcpalr Works.
Newest stjles in neckwear , 60e , 75c. Kel
ler & Ho > Jea , ICth & Chicago. >
J'lrnt lllrupt Importation of 1C Id
( Jlovc * Into Oinnlm , Clenrrd , mill
DullpN 1'nlil < < > Ilio
Wns tnude thU week bv
They - ere bought In Austria by the Bcnlor
member of the firm , Mr. J. L , Brandcls , who
wan touring Europe in quest ot novelties ,
and the first to arrive Is a largo Invoice of
genuine lambskin gloves. They arc the first ,
Importation of kid gloves Into Omaha , nnd j
will bo sold Wednesday nt COc pair.
They are In white , cream nnd all the abso
lutely new colors , with the now backs , In
two , three and four-clasp. They ore now
displayed In our front show window , and
at G9o pair they are the greatest offering
ever made In the west. Sale be-glns promptly
at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning.
N . W. Cor. 16lh and Douglas Sts.
Keller & Jleyden for up-to-date men's
furnishings. Sixteenth and Chicago.
Mr. Clement II Shaw I * conducting the
music of an Institute of 00 teachers in
Wllkcsbarre , I'a , this week.
There will bo given a busking bee nnd
Halloween party nt the Hnnscom Park
Methodist church Monday night.
We dye anything any color new method.
Pantorlum , Hth nnd Farnam.
Opinion 1'rovnlln ( lint Xo &ucrcsnnr
to C ( MM-ml Henry M 111 lie
The prevailing opinion at army headquar
ters le that the Department of the Missouri
will bo assigned no commander in place ot
General Henry , deceased , but that General
Mcrrlam will continue In command of this
and the Department of Colorado for an In
definite period. Two brigadier-generals will
soon be appointed , one to succeed Henry
and ono to succeed Daniel T. Burke , re
cently retired. The Indications point to the
selection of Generals Lavvton and McArthur ,
now volunteer officers serving in the Philip
pines. It la not to he expected that ono of
these would bo recalled from active servlca
to take the command of this department.
Orders arc being prepared foi the removal
of Company D of the Seventh Infantry from
Fort Crook to San Carloo , Ariz. ; Com
pany L ot the Tenth Infantry from Fort
Crook to Fort McKenzle , Wjomlng , and a
company of the First Infantry from Fort
Lcavenworth to Fort Logan H. RootR ,
Ark. San Carlos nnd JIcKcnzIo are
new posts and the troops ordered there
are to form their garrlsono. Fort Logan 11.
Roots has been occupied for some time by
a small force , scarcely to bo called a gar
The abandonment of the former Depart
ment of the Gulf has resulted in the trans
fer of Clerks Paul B. Harm nnd Paul Kroe-
ber from the headquarters of that depart
ment to the headquarters In this city. Tbey
have reported for duty.
Via Union 1'nclflc.
Compare this time with other lines and
see how much quicker It Is.
Buffet cars , palace sleepers and chair cars.
City ticket office , 1302 Farnam street.
See our line imported overcoating and
suitings , fi. A. Linuqulst , 316 3. ICth st.
Hcjn'n Souienlr S1IU I"re.
With each new dozen cabinet phots or
larger pictures. 313-15-17 So. 15th St.
Work on CnniliiR Street.
The Barber company ha taken the risk of
being stopped by cold weather and has begun
preparations for paving Cumlng street from
Thirty-second to Fortieth. The Board of
Public Works has withheld the order for the
work to begin , deeming It unwise to com
mence operations on asphalt paving eo late
In the season. The work will be stopped by
the board whenever the state of the weather
Is such as to endanger the paving.
The company announce * that It Intends
to put an unusually largo force of men at
work Monday In the hope of finishing the
work before the weather Interferea.
Blank book and magazine binding. A. I.
Root , 1009 Howard street.
Octolicr IK the Union Pnolflo
will reduce the tlmo of Its fast train No. 1 ,
"Tho Overland Limited , " 3 hours and 16
minutes between Omaha and San Francisco.
Four hours nnd 15 minutes between Omaha
and Los Angeles.
Huberman , Jeweler , absolutely reliable
Lowest prices guaranteed ; cst. 1866 ; cor. 13th
and Douglas.
Hamilton Warren. M. D. . eclectic and
magnetic physician , has moved his office to
119 North 16th etrect , room 13 Special at
tention to all long-standing or lingering dis
eases nnd to diseases of women and children.
A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag
gage delivered. 1302 Douglas st. Tel. 177.
Tallin * , Attention !
No. 109 will elect delegates to nat con
vention Monday eve. , Oct. 30. Members are
requested to bo present.
JAMES BROPHY , President.
A. C. SMITH , Secretary.
liiillilliiir rrrmltn.
The followlns building permits have been
granted by the city building inspector :
George H. Lee , Thirty-sixth and Lincoln
Boulevard , frame dwelling , $3,500 ; George F.
Neckel , 1444 South Eighteenth street , re
pairs , $500.
Mortality Stntlntlon ,
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the office of the health commis
sioner during the past forty-elgbt hours-
. .THIS. .
has Inaugurated new train service and re
duced tbo tlmo of THE OVERLAND LIM
ITED , TKAIN NO. 1. beUeen OMAHA ,
Omaha and Los Angeles. FOUH HOUR3
Only 57 Hours
llutret SmoUluK
niul I.lliriir > - Car *
rrltli Ilurlirr Hliop.
Elegant 1'uluce Slcriiluu Cars.
Dliiliiir Cnr
Clintr Curm ,
J302 rarnanTStroet.
nirths S B Lake. 525 North Twenty-
fifth Avenue , boy
Deaths Mrs. Maggie McCormlck , C6 years ;
Chnrtco Dcvelley , 716 North Thirty-second
street , 10 years.
County ConiiiilNilonrri In
A lengthy meeting of the county commis
sioners jcstcrday was burdened with rou-
tlno matters. Numerous applications .for
correction of tax assessments were acted
upon , and It appeared to the commissioners
for \vhllc that everybody In Douglas county
hid an objection to flic
A resolution \vna adopted offering a reward
of $10 Tor the apprehension of any one who
defaces or otherwise damages tlng booths
In the coming election. The commissioners
took no action regarding the adverse opinion
of the county attorney relative to mandamus
irocccdlngs to force the city to furnish clec-
ton booths nnd n suit for damages -will bo
ho outcome. That Is the advice given by
ho attorney.
Illuliuiiy Holilicry on Hnrncy Street ,
Theodore Lawrence was assaulted anl
robbed by two negroes between Eleventh and
Twelfth on Harney street last night about
2 o'clock. Ho was walking wwt on Harncy
when ho met the two men. In passing , ono
of them threw his arm about Liwrcnce'a
neck and attempted to throwhim. . The two
grappled , nnd Lawrence was getting the best
> f the fight when thug number two came to
.ho reficuo and knocked out their victim
The two went through his pockets and
took JS.
Have rtobt nrlnt It.
Hands on
Our Throat
The Omixha , DHUQ TllUSrr is after us and
have their hands on our throats , but life is
not yet extinct and while wo arc In the
land of the living wo shall continue to acll
a fovv drugs and patent medicines and soaps
at the follow Ing UECOUU-BCAfTINO CUT
PIUCES. This sale will commence Mon
day morning and last till our goods run out
iiniMhe local combine shuts us off :
25u 4711 Whlto Rose Soap , wo sell , cake 9c
16o H. & H. Soap , wa soil , per cake . . . , ' 9c
( The above soaps will be sold three cakes
only to customers and 01 ON DAY AND
TUESDAY only .
TUESDAY only ) .
COc Uecf Dvtract ( Marshalls' ) we sell 2 * > c
60c Jevvsbury & Brown's Tooth Paite ,
wa sell 39a
COc Ilteger's Imported Soap we sell. . . , 29c
$1.00 Hard Rubber Atomizers we sell. . GOc
35o Cnstoila wo sell 2Jc
DOc Syrup of Figs we wll 40
25c Chamberlain's Cough Syrup we sell. 20o
25c Carter'a Little Liver Pills vvo Kill. . 15c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla vvo sell 75c
25c Mennea's Talcum Powder wo sell. . ICc
$1.00 Lydia A. Plnkhani'a Vegetable
Compound wo soil 75c
$1.00 JPIcrco's Golden Medical Discovery
wo ecll 750
$1.00 Plerce's Favorite Prescription wa
sell 75c
$1.00 Mlltia' Nervine wo sell 76c
$1.00 Palne's Celery Compound wo sell 7Gc
$1.00 Pe-ru-na we sell 7oc
GOo and $1.00 Stuart's Tablets wa
sell 40o and 80c
SOc Williams' Pink Pills vvo sell 40c
$1.23 Warner's Safe Cure we sell SOc
$1.00 Ozomulslon wo &ell 8'c
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root we sell. . . . SOc
25c Davis' Pain Klllar wo sell 20c
15c Pears' oecentc'd Soap we sell 12c
60o and $1.00 Pyramid Pile Cure we
sell 40c and SOc
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , ,
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
hat pins
for everything
They even pull cherries out of cock
tails with them , but vvhcu it cornea to
Lager Beer
the hat pin isn't in It. But Krug Cabinet
Is for women just as much as a hat pin.
It builds up a woman makes her strong
and healthy. As a tonic and stimulant
It can't bo beaten. Don't > ou want a
case eent homo ?
riiun KUUG iniimvi\G co. ,
Telephone . 1007 Jackson Street.
Boys Farewell !
SI Pnlno'n Celery Compound wo sell . iff
Wlno of Cardul f
; ? ood'fi 8ar niiarUlu 5 °
"e-ru-na < y
'yr.imld Pile euro " >
Oc Htuirt i DjsptpMi TablPtfl 4w
[ jydln. Plnklnim R Compound oo
Or Miles lUmedlei jjo
U'llllarn'i Pink Pills c
Warner's Safe Cuie
a. s
Duitv Mnll Whiskey
\vcr's Hair Vigor .
1 dozen 2-Rraln Quinine Cap niloi. | C
1 dozen 3-gruIu Quinine Capsules 10e I |
1 doen fi-prnln Quinine Cnpaulct '
Rvrui ) of rig-s J'OP
Ulrnev'B Catarrh Cure
Oem Catatrh Cure
Corner 10th niuJ Chicano.
Painters , white. . . 25c
331uevithout bib 35C
Brown Check. . . . 38c
Extreme heavy
weight , blue 40C
Duck Coats , lined 75c
Duck pants , lined 95c
Duck Vests , lined 50c
Full Duck Suits 2.20
Duck Ulsters 1.98
Rubber Loots . . . 2.2O
Clone to nennctt' . .
We have maxlc mnnv te ts between
the Acorn nnd other makei of bas > c
burners and In every case the Acorn
has provi-n itself n world be.iter No
matter what stnvo compared with , the
Acorn elves moot heat for the fuel
burned and IK more easily controlled.
The system of hot air circulation
used in the Acorn Is the best known
mid Is the only system that docs not
In any w.iv detract from the rnrtlatln ?
power. No matter what stove you
have used , you will snv with thou
sands of others , "There Is no Htovo
like the Acorn. "
Acorn Base Burners , J21.00 up.
John Hussie Hardware Go ,
2407-2409 Cuming St.
"If you buy It of Husslo it's right , "
* Bringing
S Clothing
Tbo statement that for this sale wo will throw off half the usual profits Is literally
and physically true and It means more hero than nt any clothing etore In Omaha because -
cause wo have the power of buying the beat and most stylish garments for from" 25
to 35 per cent Icsfi than other Omaha dealers. Wo buy In such largo quantities and
wo know how to buy , all our purchases being made direct from the most celebrated
and reliable concerns In the world. There IB no middleman's profit and you , can trade
here without a tinge of rlok. If there Is any dissatisfaction ivo will make an exchange
or refund your money anything within reason to win your patronage and your friend
ship. These opportunities are presented because the season Is backward and we want
to rapidly reduce our Immense stock ,
Men's Business Suite , made of fancy cheviots and casslmercs. In neat checks nnd
mixtures , also plain blue nnd black. In single and double-breasted ,
every garment honestly trimmed and lined , regular $10,00 values
on sale at
Men's Stylish SultB , made of such fabrics as blue Wnshlngton Bcrgcs , clay wor-
eteds , fancy catslmeres and cheviots , In all etyles of stripes ,
chocks , plaids and ] > laln blues and blacks , fashionably cut nnd $7.50
reliably made , worth $12.50 , on sale at
Men's Swell Suits , made of fine emoath finish blue serge , clay , unfinished and
nobby striped worsteds , casslinero and cheviots , In great va
riety of swell patterns , In all styles , with satin serge or Italian
cloth Jlnlng. with or without * llk facing , single or double-breasted ,
\csts , worth $1500 , our special prlco
Men's durable Overcoats , made of coverts and Washington t > ca\ers , In Wm , black ,
tan and light brown , with heavy Ironcloth lining , with or without
civet collar , pluth lined pockets , made to sell at $10.00 , our $5.00
special prlco only % .
Men's handsome Overcoats , made ol Washington ker CB , coverts and frieze , In
all wanted colors , with raw or stitched edges , with or without
velvet collars , In all lengths , with double warp Italian cloth lin $7.50
ing , worth JIL'.GO our special price
Men's swell Overcoats The greatest variety of up-to-dato Overcoats In O.naha ,
made of all the much wanted rough fabrics , In Oxfords , fancy back coverts , wUh satin
joke , kert-cys and frieze , with pure worsted lining and
satin joke worth fifteen dollars on sale $10
Will eoon be n necessity. After papering
nnd cleaning joit may want to do a little
painting , garnishing , and , nbovo nil , pol'sh '
the floors. We with to call jour attention
the the Ihitchcm preparations for pollthlng
llocrs. If the floor ha- never been waxed
npplj one or two coato of our No. 61arnlsh. .
which fill's the pores of the wojd and unkos
a smooth surface for receiving the wax
Then npply Butchers' Ploor Wax ( best on
the market ) With the application of .1
little "elbow grcaso" a beautifully polished
floor Is the result. H will surely please the
meet exacting ones. You can kctp the pol
ish bright by nn occasional application of
Butchers' Liquid 1'olUh Tor old fleers
thnt have been waxed use Butchers' He\lver.
before appl ) Ing the wnx We sell ButchcM'
Weighted Blushes for polishing.
No 61 rioor Varnish , per can Jl 00
BtUchen. Wn\ , per can f,0c
Butchers' Liquid Polish , per can 70c
Hutehora' llevlvcr , per can 7fc
Butchers' Weighted Brushes $2.50
J. A , Fuller & Co. ,
Cut Price Druggists ,
14th ami Douglas Sts
We Have Just Received
Direct from the manufacturers
a largo shipment of
Cutic urn Sonp
s J3o wafer
Colzo .Dandruff
Allan Foot JBase
IsnxativG JJvoiiio
\\hlc-li wo vvlllolTcrnt tin lowest iirlois oilier
Kootls 111 InrRO iiunnutles will follow soon.
ncnvin.L's let pleasant to taltc.
Prompt to relieve.
Snfo for nil ages.
Sure to cure
° attain the highest
mark in artistic slioemaklng , but to
give the best satisfaction in fitting the feet of our cus
tomers , and to sell the best shoes at the lowest prices.
And this we do.
N. R Corner 16th and Doualaa Sta.
The Furnishing
finds It's most favorable solution in
our store. The greatest tatlsfactlon Is
obtained by buying here. Our Great
Fall offerings are drawing the. crowds
gottlng the business keeping things
lively , demonstrating to scores of new
patrons that It pays to trade lore. If
you have any money to spend for kit
chen , goods , don't spend It until you
have seen our great collection of
kitchen necessities.
1519-15213 1519-1521
Douglas = Douglas
Street. Street.
Hoar 10th 8t. Hear 10th St.
Bargains Monday
Selling the Best Makes of Shoes at Lowest Prices , is the
Secret of Our Big Shoe Business.
Sale oti Ladies' Sale oti
Shoes Monday Men's Shoes
Ladies' Fine Brodks Men's fine Winter Tan
Bros. Rochester $4.00 Box Calf Shoes welt
Shoes made of finest solos , now English back stays
viol kid , turned tuples , newest and hull dog tons ; regular 84
style toes and qumitv.all bizea / 6 f\f\
tips , all fabob , and widths , J .UU
A to E , on ealo only
Ladies' Fine Broobs Men's Genuine Kangaroo
Bros. Rochester $4.50 roe Calf Shoes with
Shoes made with cork welt Boles , wide coin tooB ,
, latest stylo-
filled weltsoles.Ilnest vicl kid English stays
and now mannish all worth fully \ fO
$ ; t,00 , sale prlco I (
si cs , A to E ;
Btilo prlco 3.50 only
only Boys' Kangaroo Calf
Ladies' fine Felt Faust Shoes lace , with full
Slippers with fur double soles , wide coin too- > ,
trimmings very flexible Bl/cs 1to 2 , worth every
Boluiiogiilar where $1.75 -t S ( \
$1.60 quality 98c bale prlco J , j /\9
at only
Misses' Fine Donaola Kid Youth's Casco Calf S/ioes
Shoes AVitll full double fail' lucod , with bull dog too , aprlng heels
btltched solo , , wide coin tooB , kuMlps , . .Mf " to 13 *
Q §
mid spring heolt > a hlirh regular $1.50nlues Q
tfiiido shoe , worth $1' , sl/ea at
12 to 1 , on bale ai _ , _ . Little Gents Fine Lace Shoes
Child's Fine Kid Lace Shoes , i
nvifi ( 0i finest box calf
with double solos , . sprlnsr . . heolH _ ana wide IT1"1 , , , ?
coin tips , a flno bchool shoe English cut and double
sbos 8 to Hi , regular $1.60 worth 41.75 sulo 1.15
quality , nt . piicoonly ,
Child's Fine Kid Shoes with turned Boles , spring
heels and kid tips , sizes 5 to/8 ; worth § 1 , go at. .
We Sell the Best CE
Hard Coal *
Sheridan Coal Office , 1605 farnam St.
Victor White. Tel. 127.
to Omaha
Iv.ietninn Kodak Co. have Just decided
to reduce the prlco on all Kodaks
OXIJ.THIHD. These cnn be ob
tained In nny quantity nt our store at
ONIJ-TH1IU ) oft list prlco. Thrro Is
no cut prlco on nantmnn goods , oa this
company five * the retnll prlco on nil
articles of their nmmifneture.
See tlio new "Etching Xotto" plat-
mot ) po paper. Requires no toning.
he Robert
Dempster Co.
1215 Famniii St.
nuntlllc * .
Is an Inoitlmnblo lo" * * , robbing the face of
ono of the most attiactlvo fpnluics and
theluidj of nn Important function thnt of
miustliullnn We ropluce toctli so It will
IH > Impossible to dlLitliiKulili the ntUurnl
from the nrtlllcliil.
Crov HN Ijiri.OO
Mlvcr rillliiKM 75c
Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
151T Iloticlnn Street.
Ooy ! Two
Days More
In which you
cun buy
And hundreds of pretty
novelties in out- Booth in
the Manufacturers' Build-
Insit loss than wholesale
prices. Better take ud-
\antnRO of this If you wish
something to remember
the Greater America Ex
Oeo , W , Ryan & Co. ,
Jou-olcr Omaha 109. S. 10th St.
Warranted 22 karat , for M 00 , beginning -
ginning tomorrow and lasting until
Nor. llth , inclusive wo will make
gold crowns , heavy 22 kt. line , for
any tooth In the head ( or $4 00.
Como in within the next two weeks
and < aka advanlngo of thla offer.
Thcso crowns are no npeclal kinds ,
but are made tbo eamo aa ocy first
class dentist can make.
Dentist ,
Third Floor Paxton Blk.
Sixteenth Street Entrance.
Door Checks
Weather Strips
All kinds all prices.
1511 Dodge St.
Wood's ' Ice Tools.
At Japan Tea House , West
Midway , Exposition.
Largo bron/.e Koro , vnluo $ .5,000.
will bo Bold Monday evening.
to"BeTr Not to Be
wlso in the saving of money ? That's the
question , and you're the one to answer It.
Wo can help you , If you'll let u cell you a
box ot
You'll say you never had a better amok
and you'll tavo Just 100 per cent. They are
the < > qual of most 10-ccnt cigars. Can ire
get you to try one9
Paxton Block Cigar Store ,