T1I13 OMAHA DAILY 1113E : SVNDAY , OCTOBER 29 , ISO ! ) . roil svi.nIIKI , IJSTITIJ. SOI Til OMAHA PltnPKRTY Hood lots near inn pifklni ? homns from $ lOj to $200 oh m < h bly pi mints George ft Com pany City Hall HldR South Otnnhti , or HOI Painam 9t , Umuha Hi ; M577-31 HAVI ) you some lot ? to sell' Now is The tune to dt pose of them , lot the peopio know that you want to dl po o ( it them llio H o reaches tile people who hnve the money Hh 550 FOH SALE CIO icr'js of land worth $ & per ncr" v 111 ffll for $24 per acre The Byron Uth Si IU3-33 * Itced Co. 212J3 _ A BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PAUK DisI TIHTEightroom residence , practically now , large lot. burn , not vynter heat , cis tern , modern plumbing. vv. Ill sell ut great sacrlnco Call 100 North 15th 'St _ I 1 * j SNAP'S in real estate . money to loan It \t \ John nn co . 314 S 15th street RB-310 CASH rCsOMKHS 1'OU FARM LAND7 'Iho Byron Rec-d Co , 212 3. Uth St HE 341 TWO POTTAGES near 20th and Vlnton , renting for { 21 per month , tit less than < 0st rf Improvimptit.s If sold flitrk. | E y terms 1.53. Bee. IU3-S72 29 FARM lands , Block ranches nnd business locntlons In the Corn Helt country. W. It. Clements , Lyons , Neb.Itn Itn M123 Novl3 IF IT IS South Omaha rc.il estate you want to buv or s ll communlcn'.o O'NoH's Heal 'Estate Agency KG 335 ron SALE handsome 10-room modern res idence , larpe lot anil shade tree * ; ( centrally located , cheapest lesldence In Omaiui , part trido considered Cill or address , If you mean business , iK ( N 15th street RK-tOl NEAR State fair ground * , " 0 acres with extra. Inreo house , smooth valley lund , price io.COO Jl.COO for 5-room house , lot 30x115 feet , city nnd clstein water , facing fast on 17th , south of Clark st , paving paid ; easy pay- mont" Nwir Yules' stone mansion , 3J < 1 and Dav- niiport * < ts , G-riiomvmoOern cotttiKo ; bar- miln at $2,230. John N. Frcns'er DPI old P O RE IS7 orn non CHARLES , B-room cottage , city water , lot WK127 feet Price , $95000. eas\ pay ments 2117 S 17th hi , fi-room dwelllne. cllvvater. . liarn lot 57xl5rj feet , u bargain Price. $1,600 00. Twenty uert"- , clear , fair Iinpiovemcnts , near Omaha , will trade for house tind lot. W orth about J2.500 00. Georgia five , cottage of 0 rooms ellv water and bath , nhade , paving tux all paid lol CO1.10 foot , icnts $ .10000 tier annum : a bar- gilln Price , $3,250 00. InveatlKnte VAC'ANT 1,018 24th and Ami's. $30000 : Davenport and 35th au$10000 near Vlnton , on 2llh. SGOOUO , 20lh and Van Camp avf , JIM 00ll.iriiey and 3.id. JI.WlOO , I'ark inc. , $180000 Call at our olllcevlll he pleased to show the above and other property GAiivix BROH. ids FARNAM ST. ni-902 21 _ _ J ONi : of the finest lots north of Hanscom pntlt .this w k for $1CO Mick * 325 Hoard of Trade hldg. FU3 1)71 ) 9 * A Oil CAT SNAP , good corni'i 10l7 east of iiith , between Kama in ami LcavonvvorPi : che ip nt $1250 ; price this week , $ S50 lllckS , 325 Board of Trnile hliln- RE-972 29 * OIUAT RAHOAINS IN LAND ADJO1NINH OMAHA. CIIOH'n ACKK LOT JiM outslda clt.v limit" nice shade trees , imcadamlzud slieet , tine place for poul- iry' tin . rive Acnns Lxtr.v choice land , splendidly located near line macadamized street , $67- TEN ACKHS , Clo e to both Omaha and South Omaha , Rriod for suhuiban home , fruit and poul try , $1,250 FOIITV ACHHR , Near fair grounds , just wist of cltv fine me it Inn , rlKht betwten Dodge and Center strqets. both macadamized , Use on F , 13 .t M V. It H ind .Missouri Paclllc sidetracks , fo.OOO ICO AOlmS. Tihreo miles from Union stock vards , South Omaha ; no liner land In Nebraska : woith $12. ) tin nrm We an offer nt $ SO nn acre HICKS IVUAL 13STATI3 COMPANY. T.23 Hoard of Tradn Bids UE 873 23 * 0-llOOM house , modern , West Farnam st . $2,000 S-i h , near now car barn , $1,100. -R-r h. modern , Ilanscom pink , $2,250. fi-r h nnd barn modem , $ l,2."iO fi-r h . modern , oheilp home , $1,100 I want 11 vacant lot to trade for 1-r house and barn , modern , anth nnd DodRo , must bt > close In. J H. Pan otto , Doimlas blk. 1113 940 2 ! ) _ _ SIX choice Improved farms , near Omaha H O. Patterson. 305 N Y. Life nn M94i 31 _ _ F1N13 modern IIOUMO.S ; vely select II C Patterson , 303 N Y. Life H13 M910 Jl STOIUSnOOM and 2 2-story dwellings S if coiner 1Mb and Le.ivenworth , at a bar gain. J. II. Parrotle , Douglas blk M-S7I 30 STORY and ( half house of C rooms , bath and- sewer , tlt > watt r , small bain , at In coed repa'r , near Kountrc Plate am Sherman avenue- car line , onlv $ l , li ) ) ; IMHJ teims. Rcntn for Jlti.50. K't ' > 7 , Hec , RI3-SCS 23 _ 100 FI3I3T tioutli and east front on corner of 3'Jth anil DnilRo HtK , Hoilth of Charles , H Plckens' now rosldeni o. This la thu very choicest property in that Ideality and Mnce wo sold Iho Mrs Ooimral Hawley - ley properly It Is the only east front prop. eity loft In that immediate \lelnltv For further Information call upon or tehi- phone R. C. PetcrH & Co , 17W Fnrmun ai . Ree bldff R13-30I 20 _ 40 ACRI3S on west Dodge si , 9-room house with barn , cattle Hind , Rood ynung 01 chard ot l.0o ! apple trees , nioo urovo , good water , high and KlRhtlv : can be sohl ver > cheap ; might take a little trade ; call ut otllce anil sen photograph of house and ftrovo R r Peters & Co. 1'iO.J Fnr- nam st , Ileo lildg RI3-.iOJ L"J YOI TNG RRM AN1 S ADDITION betvveen 13th nnd 14th s-trcets , jiibt fouth of the new houlrvaul , 13th street eat line passes In front of piopuity , lots are 5.U115 ft In s' e , lots frontlllK east on Uth street and on grade , $375 each , lots fronting west on 14th stred , $175 each ; tornih of payment reasonable Oeorsu & Comiianv , KOI Tur in m st UU-MC98 31 HOUSI3S , lots , farms lands , loans , also flro Insurance Remls , Paxton blk RK 23J TOR SALK. my elegant home. 2020 Webster St. , small amount down , balance same us rent. If desired Address C D Ulbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash RE-Mr.Z Nov. 3 FOR SAL13- Lots 1C nnd 17 , Second addition to West Bide $10000 Lot 1' ' . block 10 , Hertford Place , $5000 $ North 2U feet lot I , block J. South Omaha , JJOOOO Lot 3 block 1 Creston , $50000 Hoit'on ' 33-U-30 , Oovn County. Kancas , $1 f'20 Lot 1C. block 2 , Orotund 111)1 ) , pavcU street , $ H10 00 Lot 7 , block 5 Hoyd's addition. $25000. $ Ixit 13 block 13. Central Park , $100 00 LOIR 1 and Paik'a sub. of 91 , ( Use's ad dition tlOOOO Lot Ib. block 1 , Institute Place , $5000. T feet of west "i- lots 23 and 24 , Heauvalr Plate. $10000 , 4U acres 1'i miles north of rapltol building nt Cheyenne , S W. of 8 W. la-JI-flC. Lar- umle. county , Wyo , $2,00000 Kant 21 feet Of west 60 feet lot 7 block " 4 , Mouth Omaha , Neh , good building , rent $10 to per month. $1.00000 Lots 3 , I , H and 14. block 2. Wakely ndcll- tlon to Omaha , $300.00. Lot 20 block 2 Haker Place , $15000 SAMUI3L S , CURTIS , Receiver , 1SOS Iliir- ney at RI3-S2S 6 TOR SALI3 , 62x121 feet , ono lot fioin north- eiit e-orner ot Slicrman nvenuu anil Lo cust titrcct Address Tho.s ntzgerald , Independence , Mo , K1J TWO BARGAINS : One lot 33xl2S $30000 On < ? lot , WxlSl , $30000. North 24th , ono block north Ames Ave car barn Ad dress O 3. lice. RU-662-28' on svi.ii ini , isT.vri3. : H13.MIS' HAIKIAINS Now Is ihc time to purchase n home cull nl our otllc-e ( ind look over our bargains In hmi p * nnd lots which we hnvo In every part of the < lty. We will build you a hou e on a choice lot In txccllerit locution to still jour wlshei. \Vc also havrbirgains In cholie lots In choice location" In any and eveiy part of the city. We 1m f lots ranglnc from J1CO up to $2,000 vhlch you may wish to locate In. We ilso hnvo some of the bc l trackage property In or about the city of Omaha. U i loan money at per cent Interest on Kll'-fdget ! itai estate security Wf alt.o vvrlto lire , tornado and plate glass I'isumnte. IVlephone 5S5. ' ' Paxton Rlock. nnG3 sa MY CHOICI3 itnsmiiN'cn , In best port'on ' of Georgia avenue at a sacrifice of over $2K.O ( For a few weeks 1 will offer for alc my elegant home , comp'etrd about i vt-ur nye liv day labor , U rooms , hardwood finish , double floors , reception hull , ttatlon irv wash bowls , porcelain bath , furnace heat laundry In liaffinc-nt with ouflde entrance , strlctlv modern throughout , on a large and beautiful east front lot , asphalt pavenvnt all paid for , permanent walk Property- has cost me In the neighborhood of $7 500. If old soon I vv'll take $ > IV ) , $2,030 cash , bilnncc three year X 27 , Bee. nn-S70 21 FOR SAL13 , In Saunders & Hlmebaugh nd- dltlon lot i , block H. Intiulre of A H. Mccirtea. Hureka , 111. Ri-SC3-23 HOUSK for sale cheap , 200S Lake St. UK-Sbl-40 * ON tit count of old age and non-reildence , I di'lro to soil my 4 lots each CGxl32 with an S-room house needing some rip Mrs , ncir 21th ft Rlnney , at a great sacrlllce. Price $2 ooo , term" or cash. Abstract fur nished , taxes paid. O 7 , Bee.RES7129 RE-S71-29 ' ! LAKO13 lots , a Rood house , barn nnd out buildings , cherries plums , strawberries , lu'ipbcrrles , a nice home , close in for only $1,400 Buildings now worth price ot the property , C-toom house , bath , $1,500. $100 cash , bal. monthly. 5 roomp , 1515 No ISth St , $1,200 00. lift feet on Like St. near 20th , $250000 W. 11. Gates , CIS N Y. Life 'Phone 1211 Iin-SGG-29 Tlin Arthur S Potter residence , strictly choice home , 501 So 21th St UIIRO house and barn , all modern 30 U S. Nat'l Bank llldg ' --9- _ GOO BUYS a good lot Dodge and 2sth sts . woith $1501 , mupt sell this weds befoie leaving Omaha. O 15 , Bee. R13-950 29 WYMAN. SHRIVHR CO. , N Y. Life Bldg 1750 will buy a 62-foot , south-fiont lot , 5- icorn cottate , 21st near M nnder-on st " Gr.ice and 22nd st , 50 buvs a 35-foot lot on small cottage , sewer , city water , etc W&OO buvH a lirge lot , 3 large houses , 3 blocks from court house ; rents for 0 per cent on $20000. $1,00 will buv a corner on ISth and Grace , 3-room cottage $1,20) ) buvs an S-room house , two-story , CO- fo-ot , south front lot , on Spauldlng and 23th streett. Wo have- the largest list of genuine bar gains of any agent in the city. Call and see our list before buying elsewhere. RI3-9GO 29 MY I3LCOANT HOME , North , near 3 car line's , 7 largo rooms , all modern except furnace , lirge barn splendid location Once refused $4,300 ca h , nm leavlntr city and will sell for $ . : < " ) $1,100 cashb ilance easy. Im mediate possession. C 3 , Bee. R13 S69 20 A BARGAIN Four acres 40th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2600 ; easv lornm McCaitue In vestment Co , 1SOG Dodge. RD 069 $13,00000 FOR one of the best houses and nicest homes In the western nait of city. LarRC corner lot , about one-half orlslnal cost $500000 for 10-room modern houie : lot 75 feet , cast front , by 140 feet deep : Im provements alone originally cost about $7,50000. only one mlle west of ICth St. , near Farmm. $2 SOO 00 for 9-room house , modern except h at ; corner lot CGxl2t feet. 502 South 35th st $2iOO ! 00 for S-room house In flist-class con dition , barn , lot 52x150 , No. 2507 So. : (2d ( st. $500 00 for house and larRe lot on South 14th st , near the new boulevard $375 00 for 53 ft. east front lot on S 13th St. , near no- boulevard $22300 for 50 ft. lot on 42d near Nicholas Bt . in Walnut Hill. $75000 for 32x110 ft on Half Howard be tween list and 42d sts. $750 00 for 21-5 acres on Hamilton st. , 4 blocks west of c.ir line. $ BOOO per acre for ICO acres Improved , 7 miles N. W. of postofllco. near Military 2&oo 00 for SO ncrcs Improved , near Valley , In DoiiKlns county GEOROn & COMPANY. 1001 FARNAM ST LOT T > 0 feet on Park nvo , east front. 14 block north of park , for sulo chcaii , or exchange for Chicago propi-rtv at Rroit sacrifice by nonresident. Address Lv- iniin Waterman , N. Y Life bldu RI3 SJfi . ! 0 * FOR SALI3 cheap , large house and tot , eist 41 feet lot 2s mock 10 ICounUc- Ruth's addition , nuts for $200 ! per month , but would brine : more by making few repairs. Price $250000. G. B. Tzschuck. cnre Omaha Bee RH S35 80-ACRV3 farm 10 miles west , cheap N 02. Bee RI3-791 29 FOR SALI3 , at a snat sacrifice , Rood 40- room hotel In South Omaha inUKt be sold J. A. Lovgren , 912 N Y Life BldR R13 S33-G BIDS will be received to November 10th for sale nnd removal of street car barn at Sixteenth and Vlnton streets Omaha Street Ry Co , Twentieth nnd Hnrnny RC-SOO 29 * III3NRY B PAYNn , C01 N t. LIFK BLDCJ. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance RE 337 FoTTAGES , residences Patterson. 305 N Y Life RE MI2 IM3AUTIFUL uast front lot , 120 ? So 10th ; desirable site for modern department house or business. 1411 VlntonRES27 RE-S27 r. A GRT3AT bargain , Inside property for MibdlvHIon , Rood homes all around , close to car line , belongs to non-resident , must ho sold M J Kennnrd is. Son suite fiin Urnwn block RE 1DO AIISTH VCTS OK TITM5. HARRIS Abstract Co , , 423 Ree biilldlnc. MMM . MM L TYPEWRITERS for rent , $400 per month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co ] C25 Fainam St Telephone 12S4 310 WE RENT and sell the best typfwriters made , largest Mock of uppllea In Omaha. Uiiliea 7j pew rllcrA Supply Co , 1G12 Far- nam 3 < 7 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup. piles 1C19 Farnam _ 818 THE Olive : Typewriter , vls'ble writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the llnest stencil , gee exhibit Liberal Arts bldg , Greatetr America Exposition Tel 2279 J S Stewart , Special Agent , SISXS. . Fif teenth etrcet. Omahu , 319 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand 1115 Farnam , 360 MI3COM > .IIAM SI3Wr. \CIIIM3S WHHKLER & Wlleon $360. S'nger , $3 00 While. $1000 Whltehlll $ S 00 . High Arm , MOW . Improved. $2003 Household good condition , $1250 Nebraska Cycle Co Corner loth d. Harney S31-30 niuns AMI TA\II > IHM\ : . STOCK'S bird store. U03 LeavenworthCOS MP.DICAI. . . . i RarrnTes ? "Inonthly fesiilator" cannot fall. Mr B Rowan , Mllvvaukci' , WIs. M3IO Nib * LADIES. Chlc-hcster's English Pennvroyal pills are the best , safe , reliable , tnko no other , send 4c , stamps , for partlculais , I "Relief for Ladles , " in letter by return tnalJ At druggists Chlchcster Chemical Co. Philadelphia. Pi. RI'PTrRnTureil bv Ratbmalliiethnd , ono person free In cverv section For partic ulars address , Rational Co , 303 Ann St , Racine.VI - LADIES , the Periodical Monthly Regulator never falls , convince vourself ; write for free box New York Chemical Co Box 70 , Milwaukee Wls 119-29 * DR MANSFIELD S monthly regulator his brought hipplne s to hundreds of anxious womnn , hav never had a single failure , longest cnes relieved In two tn ( Ho days without fall no piln , no danger , no Inter- fcrem o with work by mall or office , J2 , all letters tnithfullv nnsvvered The flt-id Kemfdy Co. , 1C" Dearborn St , 614 , Chicago , III S-)7 ) 4 * i.osr. LOST , Fur collarette , corner or nrar 31st and Poppteton Reward for return 132G South 30th Ave. Lost-MG 29 LOST , Hne black New foundland dog : wears round choke collar , has mull white spot In breast Return to 103,1 8. 20th st. and get reward. Lost 930 29 * IllCYCMJS. NEW and second-hand bicycles at half price. Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol nve. M-527 NEW wheels , $15. 2nd-hand wheels , $5 up. Supplies & repairing Omaha Bicycle Co. 463- _ MIOHTIIVM ) AMI TYt'I3\VIlITI > r. . A. C. Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life AT OMAHA Bus. Collsse. 16th & Douglas. 311 _ _ BOYLE'S school ; court reporter prlnclpil , Bee Bids. . 345 PAWMI110ICI3HS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 418 N 10 SOI EAGLE Loin Office , rel'ablc , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Dougli" , 332 Ml'SICAI ' , INSTHI MFS1CAL SENSATION Violin plaving made ei j Anyone can learn Parents are competent teachers for children with this method Results are wonderful TrlllhiR co t Send stamp for full In formation. Box 539 Pittsburg. PaS37 S37 29 * INSTIirCTHl.NS TMVl'I.NO. . MRS ELLA A ITTNI3R , teache-r of oil and water color lulnting and charcoal drawing , specimens of work at Whli- more's Art Store , loslde-nco T002 Lake St. terms moderate. Clubie HmltCLl to llv c ' S61-29 * PHYSICIAN. DR SHEPARD , 312 New York Life , spe cialties , catarrh and kindred diseases ; consultation frco at olllco or by mall. Literature and question sheets sent everywhere. M 537 LAUNDRY. OMAIFA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towe supply shirts , 8c ; collars 2c : cuffs. 4c underwear , Gc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547 M : 319-Dec.l4 1MANO 1'ACTOHY. PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Sommer , 321 S 10 Tel. 2059 772-Dec. 25 DUJVTISTS. DU. MITTELSTADT , room 331 Bee building M-634 Nov4 DUIiSSM.VKINO. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Daven port. M 679 Nov. 5 * SCHOOL OP LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 353 FUHMTUItn PACKING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. COMMUHCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. . IG&D'glas. 3GO MCICI.U PI , VTINO. BASE BURNERS , lamps and chandnllera replated Omaha Plating Co. , Bee bids. 337 ALAMI'lO Stock Farm , West Dodge street ; hordes wintered , larpe box hinllb , $ t , per month , horhes called for and dc'llvcreil Address Clinton H. Brlggs , rooia 2Jt ! , Heo building. M GSl NG 1IIM.S roil ItU.NT. CREIGIITON Hail and Moral-id's Academy , 15th and Harney , for balls , ilub and Indgo parties , conventions and all social func tions , botli halls have been lonovatod throughout. Morand , Lessee and Managur. Ml Nov.-lS TRUMC FACTOKI. TRUNK travellni ? bags suit cases Trunks icpalred. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Farnam. -3S2-Dec-lG TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing al tered latest styles and cleaned Max Fosel. 307 S. 17th -M3S7 O.'U runs. H. E .S. E. Ht'BERMANN , furriers , furH made to order nnd repaired lib S J5th M-751 N > ' 5 HOTELS , TRY the Henderson Hotel , board and room $4 00 pur week , gap , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam ata 359 STAMM13HING AMI b'l'l"lTl3IUVJ. CURED , Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramue Bide. 3G1 blllUTMAICIIll ! ) . SHIRTS to order from $1 W to $3 Kelley & Heyden , men's furnishers. IGth QndChlcaRo M-2G2 TiriCUT IIIIOKI3HS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets excurs'on tickets bought and told p H PUllbln , new locations , 1309 and 1505 Far- nam. Est ! Si9 Jlember G T B Assn 353 rot NO. TAKEN up , ono bay horse , 3 whlto feet , > - mlle north of Kaat Omaha brldRe Antoi Clirlstluiibon Found M9I3 Jl . SOTIC13 TO CONTIIACTORS. SKALBD BIDS WANTED-Sealed b'cls will be received bv the Boaul of Educntloi ot PUittsmouth Nebraska from Nov 1 to 7 , Inclutlve1 , for the erection of u Jjlsl School Building , according to the plium UIK specitkatlons to bn found in the oflku of F A HennlRer. No 705 New York Life Build IIIR Omuhn , Nebraska , on and itftcr Nov 1 , 1&J9 Also pealed bids for the construction o the Steam Heating plant for ttu same Tito Board of Education leserves the rich to reject any and all bids Respectfully , C M BI'TLER Se reUry Plattsmouth , Nebraska , nrorrittu * SCHOOL DISTRICT BISECTION Proclamation nnd notice to the qualified ele < tors and legal % oters of the school dis trict of Omaha , in the ooim > of Dougl i . In the state of Nebraska , of a general eKe- tlon to be held in sild school district on Tuesday , the ? c\enth dn > of No\cmbjr. W for the pnrpo o if elettlnc the mem bers of the Board of Uduca Ion of said school dl rlct tone on said board from and Including th flrst Mond.-u In Januirj , l ! i until the Urn Monda > In January , 190.1 To thp qualllled electors nnd Ifcjralotcrs of the school district of Oimha. In the eounij of Douglas , In the state of Ne- bra Ka , I , II .1 Penfold , president of the Uonnl of 1'duc.itlnn of th ? "ohool district of Oinnhi. In the county of Douglas. In the state of Nebraska , do Issue this m\ procla mation and bvlrtue of the nu horltj vested In me as urh president , do herebv gl\e public notice to the qtnl'tiel electors nd legal \oters of the school dlstr ct of Omaha , in the eountof Douglas In he tatu of Nebraska , that a. general elpctloil vlll be held In said school district on Tups- ay , the se\iMith da > of No\ ember 1WJ , for the puritse of electing live members f the Hoar ! of IMueallon of said chool Us rut to fi\e nn said board from nnd ncludlnp the first Monday In Jtnunr1100 , until the tlrst Monday In January 1903 The ells shall be open on th > day of said lerllon nt eight (8) ( ) o clock in the morning and shall continue open until s(6) ( ) oiloik n the evenm of the ame day at the re- pectKeotlng places as follows IMHST WAHD First dlstrlrt , 1013 South Eleventh street , econd dl'tr'et ' 1704 South Tenth street , hlrd district 2505 South rifteonth street , "oitrth district booth not beast corner ElKllth and Pacllk streets , tlfth district , 703 South Tenth street , sixth dls'rlct , 2o4" South Tenth street , se\enth district , 1C01 South Sixth street , eighth district , booth lorth side of Center stieet , between Plfth and SKth streets SECOND WARD First district , jjlJ l eavennorth street ; second district , 819 South Nln ° teenth street , hlrd district , 2223 Leavenworth street , fourth district northeast corner Fifteenth and Williams streets , llflh dls'rlct , 114,1 South Sixteenth street , clxtl , iltstrlet 1421 South Sixteenth treet. seventh district , 2201 South Slxtfillth street , clKhth dlstrkt , 22 { South Twentieth street , ninth district , booth lorthwest corner 'lliliteenth and V'allev streets , tenth dlstilct , 170S Vlnton street , eleventh dlstilct 2TO7 Vlnton street. THI11D WAHD rirst district , 1(17 Jackson street ; Second district , booth north side of Hnrnev , be tween Thirteenth nnd rouiteenth , on vacant lot. Third district , llo North Thir teenth stieet , Pourth district. 311 North pnth illstrlrt. HOI Smith Tuvlttli stieot. eighth dlstilct 1120 Cnpltol avenue. Ninth district , 1JOJ Chicago street , Tenth district , 301 South Ninth street roruTii WAIID First district. 1C10 Cnpltol n\onue , Sscond district , 2T07 Da\enport street , Third dis trict , booth north side Davenpoit , between Twenty-fourth nnd Twenty-lltth streets , Tourth district , Iron booth , Karnnin Htieet nnd Twenty-llfth nvciuie , Tlfth district , 17U Farnam stieet. Sixth district , 4J2 South Rlghteenth street , Seventh dlstilct , Iron booth corner Seventeenth jnd I.eav- cnvMirth streets , eighth district , tmotn south sldo of Harney street , between Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth street * . Ninth district , lion booth east side of Tweiity-sKth stieet , 200 feet .south ot Dcwey avenue avenueFirm WAUD rirst district , booth east sldo of Sherman nvenue , opposite Mauderson street. Second district , 2 23 Shcinian avenue. Third dis trict , 2612 Sherman nvenue , Fourth district. 1S > 04 Sherman avenue. Fifth rttstilct. IViy I-ike street : Sixth district , HStl North iiKhteinth street. Seventh district , 171S Nicholas streetSIXTH SIXTH WARD. First district , northwest corner Thirtieth and Ames avenue ; Second district , 4 < U North Fortieth street. Third district. 1S10 Military avenue , Fourth dklilct , 3701 Noith Thirtieth street ; Fifth district , 320S North Tvventv-fourth street , Sixth district , booth southwest coiner ot Twenty-eighth avenlie and Corby street. Seventh district , I'llO ' North Thirtv-third streetr Eighth district , booth noithoust corner of Twenty-seventh and Burdette streets , Ninth district , south east corner TwenU-seventh and Franklin streets. Tenth dlstilct , 2JU7 North Mwenty- fourth street ; Klevenlli sllstiiU , I > v21 North Twenty-fourth street. SCVENTH WARD. First district , 2719 I eavenworth street ; Second district , 1312 South Twentv-ninth avenue , Third district , 3101 Lincoln nvonue ( Center street ) . Fourth district , 2322 South Twenty-ninth street. Fifth district , booth northeast corner Twenty-ninth and Hickory streets ; Sixth district , booth northeast corner Twenty-ninth street and Poppleton avenue. EIGHTH WARD Fir t district , 1J1S North Twenty-fourth stieet , Second district , 2001 Hamilton street ; Thltd district , Iron booth at northeast cor ner Twenty-sixth and California streets ; Fourth district , 2522 Cumlng street : Fifth district , 21it Turning street ; Sixth district , iron booth , TwemJlrst , between Cnss and -alifornl.i streets ; Seventh dlstiict , 91b Morth Sixteenth street , Eighth district , > ooth southwest corner of Seventeenth and California streets NINTH WARD. First district , Iron booth southwest cor ner Thirty-second and Cumlng streets ; Second end district. Iron booth northwest corner of Foitleth and Cumlng streets. Third dls- rlct , iron booth northwest coiner of For- icth and Farnam streets ; Fourth district , ion booth north side of Davenport street , one-half block west of Thlrty-bocond street ; 'ifth district , Iron booth northeast corner of Thlrty-flist avenue and Farnam street ; Sixth district , Iron booth northwest corner of Twenty-ninth avenue nnd I eavenworth s > treet. ( Signed ) II J PENFOLD , President Board of Education. Attest : J. M G1LLAN , O20 e&s2t Secretary. UAI1AVAY TIMLJ TAIILC. ISUEX-INOTON & MIS- sourl River Rallroad- "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllces , N W Corner Tenth and Far- nam Streets Ticket omco 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone 310. Leave. Arrlva. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:40 pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , U'nh , California.a 4:25 : pra a 3.55 pm Lincoln. Black Hllis Montana & 1'vset Bound a 4:25 : pm o 3.00 pn > Lincoln Local a 7.00 pm alO:23 : am Uncoln Fast Mall a i.00 pm alO.35 area Denver. Colorado , Utah & California a 7.30 am u Daily CHICAGO , HURLINGTON & qulnpy Uailrond--Tmj lluriinE'on Itouto" Ticket Olllce 1502 1-arn.un st Tel , 230. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets. 'Cele- phone , 310 Leave. Arrive. clal a 7:45 : am Chicago Express a 9.30 am a 4.05 pra Chicago & fit. L..jfix..a 7Mo pm a 6.05 am Paclllc Junction Local..aio.45 am KANSAS CITY. St eeph & Council RallrMd-Tle , nB. ton Route"-Tlcket Oirice 1602 Farnam Street. 'ivo. ; phone 250. Depot. Tenth aid Mason Streets. Tele" fihnniv .lift .liftLeave Leave Arrive. Kansas City Dxy Ex , .a U.So am a 0:45 : pm Kansas Chy Night Ex alO.15 rm a. ij.jo am fct Louis * J'ly r ii r St. Joseph and at , Louis , a 4:55 pm alll5 : am a Dally. UNION - . , , . land Route" Ger era ) Offices N. E. Cor. Ninth and I'arnuin tUreoto City Ticket Olllce , 1303 Farnam Btreet. Telephone , 310 Depot , 'lenth and Mason btreeisi lelepho.ie , G23. The Overland Limited a S 20 im a 7 15 pni 'Ihe Fasi Mall a SI5 : nm n 3-39 iim The Colorado Special all.55 pm a G.30 pm Lincoln , Beatrice and atromsburg Express b 4.33 pm b i 05 pm Pncltlc Expiess . . . . a 4 25 pm n G 39 am Columbus Local . . . b 7 30 ym b 3.jtf nm South Omaha Pass. Leaves , b 0.20 a m a 10 10 n m , 3 05 p m , b 4MO ji jn Ar riven a 7 15 a m , ID. 15 a. in. , b 3.10 p m a l > .13 p in Council Rltiffe Local Leav es. 5:50 : a m 6:40 a. m ; 7 15 a m ; 7 50 a. m ; 9:3j : a' m 10 45 a in , 1 3 p m ; i 15 p. m J.30 p. m , 3 40 p. m , 4.55 p. m ; E 25 p m 5.53 { > m " ' " p. Ill , S 15 p. 111. , 1U JO p Arrives 6 20 a m . 7 50 u. m . 8 a m . s 13 a. m 10 10 a. m , 10.30 11 m. . 3.05 p ill , 4 p in 4 10 p. in , 1 35 p m . 5 55 . p. . . . m . CJO . : . p „ , , 7.30 p m S.50 ( li m , U p ni . 11:53 p m. a Daily b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofilcea and Ticket OlliceH Southeast Cor ner 14th and DouirUs hts Telephone. 101 Denot. 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone ' . Leave , Arrive , LouU-anKsas & Neb Limited . . . , u 3.00 pm a2 53 pm K. C-Bt L. Express , .a 9 50 pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 5.03 pm a 9.45 are Dally , b Dally except Hunday , T\mns. CIMCAOO , ST PAUL. Minneapolis & Om < ih Hall A ay "The North- vrrsiern liine" Oentral Otllcea Nebraska Dlvl- plon , Uth and Webster ots City Ticket Olllce. 14M lariium St. Telephone , 561. Depot , loth and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrlva. Twin City Esprns ( for Sioux City St Paul & . Minneapolis ) am Omaha 'anenRir . . . a 7,00 pm Ulalr , Emerson Stoux City , I'onca , Hartlni- ton and Bloomfield .bl.OOpm b2lO : pro No. 2 Twin Ciiy Ltd a & .C5 pm No. 1 Omaha Limited a 9,00 am n Dally , o Dally "xceut Sunday.a I CHICAGO vii .NORTH , western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" Clt > Tl.kct onico. HOI Farnam Street. Tele phone 661 Depot , Tenth nd Mason Streets , 'lele- phone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Davlight Chicago Spe cial , . . .a O-iO am auV : > Pm Boone Passenger b 3:40 : pm blO:10 am Daatcrn Express , DCS Molncs. Mnrshalltown. Ceclnr Rapids and Chicago cage alO.65 am a 4.05 pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East a 4:65 : pm a 4:05 pm Faot Mall , Chicago to Omaha . . , . , a 2:45 : pm Omaln-Chlcago Special.a 7.30 pm a 8:00 : am Font Mall , 8:30 : am a Dal'y b Daily except Sunday. JS1OUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The Northwestern - western Lln < \ " General Olllces. United States National Bank Building , 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olhce , 1401 Fartmm Street , Tele phone. 5ol. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis a 6.50 nm a S.15 nm 6t Paul , M'nncapolls , Mankito & Sioux City.a Si2o pm nlloa : pm Sioux city Local a S:00 : am a 4:30 : pm a Daily. FRBMOKT. BLKIIOHN & Missouri Valley Uall- road "Ihe Northwestern Llne" General Olllcea United States National Hank Bldjr. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets. 'Icllet ' olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 501. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrlvo. Dlnck Hills. Deadwoofl , Hot Springs . a 3 ' 00 pm ft. C:00 : pm W > omlnR , Casper anJ Douglas . d 3.00 pm d 5.00 pm HflHtlnps. York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Seward . . .b 3 00 pm b 5.00 pm Norfolk , Verdlgre- and Fremont . b 7:30 : am blO:2S : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont . b 7:30 : am blo.2 am Fremont Local . c 7.30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday , c Bun- day only , d Dally excent Saturday. . ROCK 1SL. and & 1'aclnc llallroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick et Omce , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 4 3 Depot. Tenth & Mason btreots Telephone. GJ9 V AJCUVC. DM Molneg Local a 7:0t : > am ouao am Chicago Express bll:15 am n b.io am Chicago Fast Express..a 5 00 pm a 1:23 : nn , Bt. Paul Fast Express..a E.OO pm bll:35 am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo and a Daily b D..iry exceut Sunday. a Daily l > ' > . : ; ! : ; exceut SUnilay. OMAHA a ST. LOUIS RAlE"- roaa Omaha. Kansas Clti & Eastern Railroao "The Qulncy Route" Ticket of fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone 322 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. C23.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Loula Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a 8.35 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:13 : am a 8.50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam Stieet Telephone. 234. De- p > t. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , G29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 pm a 7 55 am Cnlcaro & Omaha Ex . .bll.OO am b 3.55 pn Bleu ir City & Des Molnes Express bll.oo nm b 3:55 : pu W A B A S H ItAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce. 1415 Farnara Street. Telephone' , S93 De pot. TejHh and Mason Streets. Telpehone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Bt "Louis "Canon Ball" Exprecs a 4:50 : pm a 3.35 am a Dally. SOMIJ LA'li : INVEM'IONS , . To increase the ea o of carrlaco-rldlni : i Florida man has patented a bhoiildei rns which can be attached to the side of th top and the back bv straps , the centra Iioi tlon being formed of n padded btrlp o leather , against which the rider leant ) . To dn away with the necessity formovln tipuwrltcT carriages I ) ick by hand when th end of the line Is reached a southerner ha patented a ptdal attachment for the stain having n. cord arranged to pass over pulley and connect with the shifting leve A combined tobacco pipe and whistle lui been patented bv an Englishman , havln the mouthpiece screwed into the end of tube , In w hleli a ball valve Is iil.iccd t clobo the opening when smoking , the ball rlsliiz vv hen air is forced in to blow the w hlstle The kev and knob of A door can bo , sicqirelv locked against turning by a Mmplo now- Invention , hlmpcd llko a pair of < om- tmsses , vUth u screw near the Joint which grips the 16gs around the knob Hplndle after the points have been Inserted In the head of the lie * . To Insure thi > complete closmc of a gas kov when turning out the light mi improved lock has been designed , comprising a spring wlie formed Into a double loop , which Is , pivoted In the tlxture and presses airalnst the sldo of thu kev to tone either nldo back atalnst Its shoulder A Murvhiml man has Invented u maclilno for the mixing of wand , cement and ( rushed stone to form condole , tlfo materials being placed in a hoppei In lave-rs , with a small opening at the bottom , thiough which the ingredients fall on u i evolving cone to mix. them A nowlj designed stieet sweeper has one of thp real wheels luplacpd by a largo drum , with nn opening In proximity to the end of the brush , the latter throwing the dirt Intu the drum , \vhonco It Is carried upwaid by the revolution of the drum and emptied Into the receptacle at the top To insuic a c-iit of the Hitmo depth on op- poslto sides of a boaul a now saw attach ment Is formed of two independent clump ing membois which an1 adjusted on the li u > k of Iho saw nnd extend toward the teeth , being feet to stop the c tilting when the MIVV has gomto the deslic'd depth In a newly designed srlf-lBiiltlne attach ment for ineanili'h'nnt gas burners tlm top of the rhlmwi } Is tlttod with .1 mica hood , having .1 hole In one Hide , In which n pleco of hp < ms > platinum Is suspended , with it lint plate balanced on a bar to b lifted by tin1 ga.s and close the hole aftc < r the gas Is lighted by the idutlmim iM > ivrin I-.VH uiArns. ! Chicago Nev.B To the father of twins lite seems but a spun. The talkative parrot Is merely an anl- in itd phonograph A friend In rcrd Is almost a nineteenth century rarity The slngfr 'e seldom missed until the understudy tackled it A receipted bill in always considered a gooil ( crtlllcate of honesty His satanlcal majesty smiles every time he encounters u Mingy man , Hut for adversity name men would never Know now little tnty can borrow. Storms of applause are apt 1o wreck the amateur apeakcr's train of thought Any joung man may bo a hero to a glr ) If he has the price of a box at the opera Love laughs lers at locksmiths thiin It does at papa vvlun ho pajs the locksmith's Mil ' Occasionally a barber combs a IH.UI'H hair UH he tombs it himself , but u tonuorlal aitltt never dc.cs , WJun .vQU tco n nrotty domestic In a homo It is a Huro sign thai the head of the family isn't henpiched The nvtrage man spends a lot of money for < sper turn and then gives other people the beiulit of It free of coarse If there Is one thing more annoying- than another U Is to have the man Bitting Just behind you at thu opera hum all the airs. I YORK OF OMAHA HOSPITALS nstittitions Where tha 8lck Are Nursed Back to HoaltU , MANY QUEER CASES ARE ENCOUNTERED ' < 'tn Nolan , \lcolioltc , ( ilx-n I'p to llo < hut lie sliiMtn the Doctors Tliiit llo linn : is > lt\nj nit n fat. In the hospital * of Omaha , as In every qthcr Hrgo city , is found n field of study voith cultlsntitig , net for the sclentlllc stu- lent alone , hut the general observer as well. Omaha has some of the best and most caro- illly kept hoapitala In the vveat. Hut ono wcutlarlty Is frequently remarked the ab- encp of a city hospital. Pcrlinrn no other ' City'of llko slzo In the countrj Is without n iiitinlclpal Institution for the care of Us eharRCs. In Omaha the city patronizes the various prlvato hospitals , paving for the Beivlco rendered , the eaine as an Individual \ould do lly this method the city patients ire scattered promiscuously. On account of accissiblllty the cltj doctors , as a rule , send heir patients to the hospitals meat centrally ocatcU. Some of theao have ambulances and that Is a feature of Importance , for city charges arc frequently linablo to withstand the Jolting of an ordinary wagon Prominent among the hospitals of this cltj are. Clnrkeou Memorial. 1716 DoclRO street , St. Joseph's. Tenth and Cnstollnr streets , Prcsbjtcrlan , 2504 Marcy street ; 2ounl ) , l"ortleth nnd Popplctou avenue , and n addition to these there arc several other nstltutlons for the cnro of the unfortunate , but which muiiot clabscd as hospitals. A trip through these hospitals is well worth the tltno It takes. Absolute cleanli ness , perfect ventilation and generally gooil sanitation are leading featuros. With re spect to these essentials , Omaha takes trout rank. St. Joseph's hospital Is one of the largest In the west and it is largely patronized , not only by Omaha people , but by others from n distance. The Sisters lu chaige have dc- voted their Ihcs to the work and thoroughly understand It. This hospital has on ai average about 150 patlenta all the time. The cases Include almost every disease cxcep contagious , it being a rule , as In inos other hospitals , to accept nothing of au in fectious nature. The C < miit > 'N IiiNtltiidoii. The county hospital is a largo Institu tlon. The cases sent there are these whicl have been given emergency tieatmeiit by the -city and which have passed out of th cltv'3 bauds. It Is In a place HKe this thi some of the queerest cases nro encountcre * llroken heads , splintered limbs , alcohol ! stomachs and a little of everything els are to be found shelved for repairs at th county hospital. At present there are cases of particular Interest from a sur glcal or medical standpoint , but it fre quently happens that some notable opera tions are performed. Clarkson Memorial hospital , by reason o Its central location , is one of the uios papular in the city. Many of the clt charge * are sent to Clarkeon. Itlustratln the queer cases that como under the ob serration of hospital doctors is the stor of Pete Nolan revealed on the records 1 the office ot Dr. Ralph assistant city phy slclan. It goes to show that a drunke man la liard to kill. Nolan had drunk t excess and was In a frightful condition He was unconscious when he came under ob servatlon of Dr. Ralph and could glvo n history of his case. Ordinary trcatmen for acute alcoholism had no effect on him and the doctors were puzzled. It was In cidentally learned that just before being sent to Clarkson as a guest of the city Nolan had fallen over a steep embankment. The doctors regarded his case as almost hopeless , but suspecting there was pressure on the brain caused by the fall they de cided upon a delicate surgical operation. "Only one chance in a hundred , " the doctors said as they sawed Into Nolan's skull. The operation was so successful that Nolan is now well except for the wound on his head where the doctors cut Into him. They diagnosed correctly , for thoio was brain pressure , and when it was re moved there was nothing for Nolan to debut but get well Ho looks upon It nn a Joke , claiming that a man in alcohol has as many lives as a cat. Carlne for .Side holillern. All the hospitals In Omaha did excellent work in the caring for soldiers who returned from Chloknmauga racked -with tjphold. Some of the larger hospitals had at one tlmo as many as 100 cases of this. kind. The pride of every well-regulated hospital is Its operating room. In this essential the Omaha Institutions are well fixed. St. Jo seph's and ClarXson Memorial , as well as sev eral others , have the latest and most scien tific arrangements for surgical cases. The day of the dingy , dark and gruesome operat ing room has passed , so far as Omaha Is con cerned. Ilrlgbt sunlight , cleanliness and Im maculate llxlurcs are features of the surgical rooms. The nurses are nil professional , having spent much tiuio and fctudy In perfecting themselves for their woik , Some of the heat physicians in Omaha are conno-tcd with the various hospitals , and the several religious organizations that lend their names to the Irstltutlona are energetic In advancing tholr usefulness In every pohslblo manner. FJow- ois are sent to the sick ones and homo-like attention ouloldo of the general treatment Is given While the service rendered the city by the dlflercnt hospitals Is satisfactory , If It wcro loft to the health dcpirtmcnt for decision there would bo a city hospital ns quickly as workmen could build It , The doctors In chaigo of the department would llko to see the city have a home of Its own for its sick , and the figures Indicate that the current ex- pence incurred under the present method would go a long way toward maintaining an Institution. STIRRING UP THE CRICKETERS vpi'cnl friini nn Vilmlrrr of Mir ( Innie flint Mori * Interest lie Ti-.Ucu. OrHO.t 2S To the Sporting IVlltor f The. Ilpo What Is the matter with thu ooal cricketers' ? Not a word of their do- nc has appeared In the lofn ! pro , a for lany weeks , PO prediiinabh the good old amo has been sadly negleotol of lite iirelj- the Omaha Cricket tlub li not golni ; o allox\ the gnitlo which the > have B ably epresonted for many > oars to sllilo Into oh- Klon. Omaha ha * alwnja ilono Itself proud \hcii pliisltig cricket against IMHIB rop- csetitlng such cities as ChlcitRo , Dwuer , U Paul and MluneniolK and It l u well vtiown fnet that the crack Canadian teams rom Wlnnepefi fear defeat from the locnl ilajers far tnoro than tboj do from tcamt \hlca "on paper" are mui-h stronger This > olng the c.ise , It would seem a great pity o allow the game to degenerate When cilled upon to entertain the North- \cstorn Cricket association at KB atiuual ottinanieiit In 1S98 the lin-Al club eamo to ho front nnd by the able way In which U entertained tholr Usltors and the plucky waj In which they fought for and won the liist 'honora In the field , they miulo a nanio for thetiHcl\es In the western cricket A\orld second to none , not even Chicago. Surely the success attained then should ha\o In creased the club's membership and playing strength t\\o or three tlmea o\cr , Hut such tas not proved to bo the case. On the con- rnry. Just now cricket Is at a lower ebb In Omaha than It has beeu sluco 1S93 H Is true that , It noeossary , the Omaha club can put a team In the Held today as strong , If not stionger , than It has c > or been since the local club came Into exist ence ; but this does not Indicate that the club Is prosperous and acthe The nv\l test Is the attendance at the Saturday afternoon Wines , and It Is a. well known fact that dur ing the Reason of 1S9U there ha been the greatest dllllculty In getting up a game at nil on these occasions , In fact , there ha\o been only one or two g.imen plajed when u full quota of Jiicn has been present on each side. The result Is that the few hnrd-work- Ing and enthusiastic members of the club who do put In an appearance BOOH lose their enthusiasm. Such a state of affairs did not exist a tow > ears ago. Why docs It exist now ? The following Is ono reason at least : There are without a doubt at least a thon- sind men In Omaha and South Omaha who can and ha\o plajed cricket , but who no\er take the trouble to piny or to encourage In any way the game they really 1mo better than any othei. Thete are about a dozen members of the club who for jcars have worked hard and glsen up time and money without stint to the Interests of the gamn and the fact of the matter Is that the Omaha cricketers as a class ha\o got It Into their heads that these men will continue to put up all the money and do all the hard "work that is necessary to keep the game going and the club In existence , so that if they e\er taUo It into their heads that they would like an afternoon's cxerciso the grounds and material , such as bats , halls , gloves , etc , which aio the property of the club , will bo at their disposal anyhow ; therefore they think it is quite unnecessary to put themscUea out about the matter at all. This stale of affairs cannot exist foro\er and the committee controlling the cluh' affairs should see to It that something ha done In the matter. In next Sunday's Dee the writer will endea\or to suggest soma practical scheme by which the commltteo can reach the many cricketers who at pres ent do nothing to support the game. These suggestions will be made with the sole Idea of assisting the committee to make cricket again popular and their club prosper ous and with no Intention of criticising ths present management of the club CniCKBTER. itifHiious. Thorp are 7,131 Sumliy schools In Ger many vvlth a membership of 831,017. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel TV III endeivor to raise $1,250000 in connection with Its bicentenary In 1901. There are only thirty-four chaplains al lowed in the army , eight are now In the Philippines and ten more have Just been ordered there. Rev. John P. Chldwlck , who was chaplain of the Maine at the time of the explosion , has been elected chaplain general of the Spanish Wnr Veterans' association. Rev Dr Cuyler .sayb : "The morepro - nounoed and emphatic every Christian Is In Ills aloofness from the coden and fashions and the sinful ways of the world , the moro peace and spiritual power will ho have- " The number of students at the novltiato of the Paullsts ( Roman Catholic ) In Washington lt so great that oven with the enlarged accommodations made by the ad dition to the liouoo last year they cannot all be provided for. The United Prchbytcrlan church In Scot land and America m ilntulns seven mis sion" , supports sixty-two ordained mis sionaries , twenty-one ordnlnod native" , sixtec'ii medical missionaries and forty- three zenana missionaries. Dr Wc'lldon , the new English bishop of Calcutta , has jUBt accomplished quite a. llngulstle feat by conducting , six months nftei hln arrival In India a full coiilli mn- llon service in the Bengali dialect at Ranaghat , In the dloccbc of Calcutta. Robeil Green , ex-piiKllhl , has been licensed to jiicach by this Calvary Baptist church , Shuwmut avenue , Boston , and Is ROliiR to enter the Baptist seminary at LyiichburiT. After being Ri.iduuted from It ho will lelurn to Boston to be orduliie-d The handsomest ihiircli In Detroit MIeh WRH erected for the Reformed EplHcopillans by Jnmi's 13 Scrlpps ut an cxptnne' of $75- OiX ) Gradually changes tame until now Ha rectoi Is a regulailv oidaliiid Episcopalian , and the builder nnd giver of the , church is a stranger there and womhlps in a ncm-by Prcfabyterlan church. ArchblsJiop Peter Hnurgnde of Santa Fo , upon whom the pilllum wax cnnfciml the other day , Is a natlvo of Franc c , where ho was ordnlneil to the priesthood | n 18G9 After coming to this country ho nerved ao priest at Yuma , Ariz. Han Ellzarlo , Tex , and Sliver City , N M In 1S83 ho was ordalnecl bishop nt Hunta Fo of DID dloccso nt Arlrona , and It wax the nblllty with which ho directed the church nffali * In his dloceno that brought him the appointment of arch bishop of Colorado , Ailyom and New Mexico llo IH a man of broad views and deep irainliig , speaking Fiolieh , Spanish and Englls'li fluently. Ills prudccoBsors In the urchdloKtio were- Archbishops J. u , Lumy J. B. Sulpolnto and P , l > Chuppello. FULL UP. \ Mrs , Kind Won't you have more pudding , Tommy ? Tommy Yes'tn In a box , please. 1