THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUXDAT , OCTOBER 20 , ISHH , SPECIAL NOTICES A < lvrrtl cmriit for tlirac column * 11 III lie ItiUrn until 12 m. for the rvenliii : edition nnd until Ht3l \ ) > in. lor in o r n I n K nnd Snnilii } ' edition , Itnlrx , 1 l-2c n word flrxt Insertion ! Jc n ivtird < licrriili T. .VHhtiiK tnkeii tor IfK * tlinii IS.'o f r the llrnt Ifmcr- tlnn , Tin-no nilvcrtlnctncntii nui t lie run riiiinrcilHvrlj- . AilVKrllncr * , liy re < | tir llnis n num- li rtil check , t'nn hctvc nii wer nd- tlrpuftcil In n iiuinlirriMl letter In cnre if 'I Inlire. . Aimtrrr * < > ndclrcpnioil Hill be ilrllvcrcd n prenentutlon of the check only. _ WA\Tii > -SITUAT10.VS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you wnnt pne please call up the Remington typowrUsr olllcc , 1CI3 Farnam Bt. , telephone " BTENOORAPHUR o 5 years' oxporlenco wants position with good law llrm ; inod- i-ratn nalary with use of library. Address N ta , Ht . A-Mi31 1 * WANTED , by experienced land examiner , position with farm loan co. In Nob. and iowa. O 4 , Ifee. A-MW9 30' WA * TI3I > MAI K HUM * . WANTED , Wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and npncnr- unco. C. F , Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. OFFICE boy wanted. 1521 Dodge. D-M211 COLLECTORS AND DETECTIVES , local or traveling. Opportunity to earn good Income whllo learning profitable profes sion. American Association , Box ! ; , Indianapolis , Ind. B-515 WANTED , a flrst-clasa painter. Address at once , L 17. Bee. P- 5 CHIMNEY SWEEP can get a big lob by addressing L 16. Bee. U fiii WANTED-MO men to harvest sugar beets. Apply to Standard Cattle Company , Ames. Neb. , 45 mllrsvest of Omaha on Union Pacific railway , B-M212-N-4 * SALESMAN to sell our full line of cholco tiurnory stock ; a printed guarantee that stock shall bo true to name given to e-aoh rtistomcr ; write for terms. Ml. l"pe | Nurseries. Lawrence , Kan. B-M277 Nit * WANTED. 1OW good dreaseri to wear our fine jnndo to ordnr clothing ; popular prices. Men pml women's clothes clenneil nnd repaired. Twin rity Tailoring Co. , 1STO Fnrnam st. Tol. 2337. B-M478 N20 WANTED , German boy with experience In buti-hir shop. Address X , ! ! < < ofllce , Council Bluffs. B SlTPl fl WANTED , gentlemen to call 1116 Howard to Investigate u snap ; small capital ro- qulrrd. H-MS17 29' _ WANTED , oil agents , rcllnblo , piiorKctlo men to sell our high grade lubricating nils and gronsi'H on commission , c-lthor cxcluslvi'ly or as n side ; linn , locally or traveling. The Cleveland RcIlnltiK CD. , Cleveland , Ohio. H _ CNr.INEERS and firemen send 23c for 21- page pamphlet , containing list of quua- tlons asked by examining board of 'n- glnoers. Goo. A. Heller , Bookseller. St. Louis , Mo. Mention this paper. SALESMEN to Hell patent medicines to dealers ; $100 monthly ami expenses ; ox- porlcnco unnecesmiry. Collins Bros , Mcdl- rlno Co. , Ht. Louis , Mo. B KNERGETIC salnsmcn ; school supplies ; country work ; $100 salary ami extras. U. O. Evans & Co. , Chicago III. B WANTE , men to sell best gasoline lamp , , , .ido , 100 candle-power , 20 hours for 2c ; big prollts to ngentH ; write quick. Stude- Imkur Lighting Co. , Kansas City , Mo.B . WANTED , salesmen to pell Imported nnd domestic liquors , principally line Kentucky whiskies and blonds , case and barrel goods , to jobbers and saloon trade ; good chance to the right man : salary or com- mlralon. Address R. S. Strader .t Son. 69 nnd 71 E. Water St. , Lexington. Ky. B JIEN nnd women everywhere to look nttcr spoclal work ; advancement after 2fi days ; salary nnd cotnmNslon ; permanent. Address - dross Dopt. Kl , The Werner Company , Akron. Ohio , 35 WANTED , , oxporlencod pnlnt salesman to work on rommtPrflon bnsls ; references ro- ( Itllred. 1212 Fiirnam St. B M932 WAXTED , salesmen ( calling on country trnd/t In nil lines ) to carry side line of line calendars : goods strictly up-to-date and prices right ; pnv 2.1 per cent commission ; big money can be mndo during November and December , best 2 months In the year ; 75 different styles. Include * everything de sirable. Wo have men traveling with this line exclusively , some making $ . " 0 to $75 per week. As side line nothing equals It. < 5lve references. E. 33. care Lord & Thomas , Chicago. B-921-29 * GOVERNMENT positions ; where they arP. how obtained , salaries paid and all partic ulars given free by writing to the Xa- tlonal Correspondence Institute , Washing ton. D. C. B-S37 29 * WANTED. llrHt-clnsa salesman of Integrity and good address. Box f > 2 , Detroit. Mlcii. SALESMAN wanted nvrrywrero to soil new Oil Gas Iturnfr ; IHs any love , cooks in > * n In or lioatH rooniH In half usual tlmn and PXPCIIHC ; no coal , wood or axlion. Prrfec-tlon Burlier Co. , D 721. C'lnc'n- null , O. H-S81 a * AGENTS wanted. S50.00 a week and linunl iidvortlslng sollcltorH prnforrod : $12.00 capital required. Diimont Mfg. < "o. , ! > 00 Perry nt. , Chicago , III. B-K11 St ! AVANTED , good resident iignnt li > Imndlo ono of the best llnox of domestic and lin ported woolens in the country on a com mission Im'dH. Adilross E. Giitwllllsr & Co. , 199-201 5th nvo. , Chicago , 111. ll-SKi 29 * ANYONE can easily earn $5 dally Introduc ing our goods ; needed In every home ; ox- elusive territory given ; samnlos nnd terms for ' M. Supply Co. , 1015 Lexington nvi' . . Now York. lt-hvj 29 * _ WANTED , manager to employ ngonls ; $7Ti monthly and commissions ; rnro oppor- tunlty to right man. Adilress O 16. BPO WA NTED everywhere , litiHtlorH to tnok signs * , dlstrllnilo c'rculnrH , etc. ; no can- vasslng ; peed pay. Sun Advertising Itiiritiu. Chlcngo , -i3l ! 29 * JiEARN to wrlto advortlsumonlH ; I > ! T do- maltd for good "ad" men. The 1'nire. IluvlH College. , Modlnall Toinple , C'h'.cngo , toachoH thlH profession thoroughly and practically by mull. Wrlto for procpocliiH. WANTED , specialty salesmen to * ell our line to the uenurnl niiUc , trade. Paying noBltlon tn rl rtt party. 'Bond ' rpqiilri'd. Box No. COS , St. IxitllH. Mo. B-9I5 29 fiALESMION pvorvwhore ; Brown's Tree Pa'nt ' keeps rnbbti ! . l irers nway : $ I.W n day sure. Globe Chi'inlcul Co. , Illonm- lllBton , 111. H-9II ! 9 5IALE HELP WANTED , reliable men to ihnmllo our line of high-grade lubrlrntlng oils , srieases and ciieclaltles ; salary or commission. Address Eastcourl lUlln'iig ' Co , , Cleveland. Ohio. U-007 29 * WANTED , baker ; single man profprrod. Fred Nnbel , Grand Island. ] ] SU ) GOVERNMENT positions ; don't prepare for tiny t'lvll service or census * examina tion without seeing our catnloguo of in formation ; sent free. Columbian Corru- spondenco College , Washington , D. c. I " iMai Jl MEN , at once-EO men to sell u nntonl mod- Iclno to the trndu. Lightning Medicine Co. , Muscallnc' . lu. Jl-SlOJi AVANTED onergetlo man as county super- Intomlent to manage our business hi your own and adjoining countlcH ; no ItiKi straight tnhiry. $ IS per wwk , and t x- iit'nsea ; yearly contract , rapid promotion , jjxceptlomil opportunity. Address * Manu facturers. P. O. Box 733. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED , n Rood flr t-clnss lior e lioer and general work man ; Rood wnges. D. H. Stewart , Iroton , In. H-WO I'J IIKI.I- , [ WANTED. J.OO clrla. 1K4 Dodge. Tel. S7 . 4 wAvrnn r : jiAM3 iiur.p. PREPARE FOR A PAYING POSITION ! , If you nr not holding a Rood position to day. It la because you are not prepared to i lo well something business men require to h.ive done. I A education and the place to get It. I Royles' f'ommerclal nnd Shorthand College , I IJee Building , Omnhn. | A school of the highest standard. Individ- j iial Instruction In business , shorthand , typewriting , English , preparatory and language courses , Day and night aemlons. Get a catalogue. H-311 29 * OIRL. general housework. 2020 St. Mnrv's Ave. CO OFFICE elrl , Hlxenbaugh. JOt Wnre block. C 276 Oct31 WANTED , nrst-class cook. 617 So. 15lh. C M479 150 nini S wanted ; all hind * work ; S3 to 17. Canadian Office , 1522 Dougln ; . LADIES wanted : homo work ; steady em- plovment ; good pay. Room 31 , Douglas block. C-MS7I 30 * WANTED Six ladles and Fix cents nf coed address having acquaintance In Omah.i. South Omnlin or Council Bluffs : good pay to right parties. X 59. Bee. C-7CO-29 * WANTED Girl who can cook , 220 ? Harney. C-797--29 * - - - WANTKD , competent girl for general housework ; good wages. 3131 H. 30th avc. C-MS03 30 ANY lady having 2 or 3 hours' snare time a diiy can make $5 weekly working for 11 ? at homo ; nothing to sell ; wild self-nd- drpssed envelope for free sample. Man hattan 13. ar. Co. , 101 neekman St. . X. V. C-920-29 * COMPETENT Hrl op woman for general housework : 3 In family ; wages $4. Apply at once , 2WJ 1'oppleton avo. C M95S WANTKD , Indies everywhere to secure nil- dresst * . mall samples and circulars , no- ply with self-addressed envelope. The Woman's Co. , South Uend. ln l.C C 910 19 * 1'OK It liJiT HOUSES. 1137 S. 2SIM , S-room , all modern , new fur- nare , newly papered. In line condition ; rent $30 per month ; really desirable resi dence and location. 2321 North 2Uh St. , C-room flat , all light , all modern , $15 , 2227 Spruce St. , I rooms , down stairs , $3. Vi S 29lh Ave. , 4 rooms , J10. 2512 Cumlng St. , 3 rooms , $4. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 10th and Douglas. D-S32 FOR RENT , brick barn at 1S10 Harney St. , lately occupied by A. D. T. Co. , In cluding .T residence rooms Upstairs ; $50 per month. A. P. Tukey. Board of Trade. D-.M783 31 IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Bencwa & Co. D MU1U CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. IFcnrv COL X. Y. Life. ' y B. Payne , 'Phone , 101 $ D-277 ELEGANT brick residence of lira. M Hell- man. 2405 St. Mary'a avo. D M233 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block D-278 MAGGARD van & storage , 1419 Dodge. Tel ' 149C. D-280 FINE resldonce. choice location , n rooms' all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls Paxi ton block. D 281 VOn RENT housese In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam street. D-282 _ _ CHOICE now 8-room modern flatn frontIng - Ing Hanscom park , rent $33 per month and water rent. Bemls , Paxton blk. D-M307 8-ROOM modern. 3027 Chicago St. . 125 ; oth ers. Rlngwnlt Bros. , Bancer blk. blk.DM9S1 D-M9S1 FOU KENT , 6-room cottage. 1810 Ontario St. . $9.00. 5-room cottage , 503 So. 33d St. , J10.00. 5 rooms , lower floor , separate entrance S17 South 21th Ave. , near Farnam , J10.00. 3 rooms at 3122 Leavenworth , $5.00. Woodman & Bay , 2S Barker Block. D-99 GOOD largo barn for rent In north part of city. Inqulro 2124 Locust. D 11616 5-ROOM. ist-floor , modern flat , barn and yard. 2121 Miami st. D-M371 FOR RENT-DWELLING HOUSES. 223j Farnam st. , 9 rooms and barn , $25. 1G10 North 21th St. . G rooms $13. JOHN W. HOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. D-M433 COTTAGES , residences. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. D-M429 TEN-ROOM house , all modern , 2206 Har ney at. D-MG27 N4 * HOUSES for rent In all parts or the city. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 219 South ISth street. D-282 FOR RENT , 7-room cottage , furnace , city and cistern water. 2207 Sherman Ave J27.00. Wm. J. Welshans , Agent , 309 S. 17th 0-593 NICE C-room house , detached , all modern conveniences. 721 S. 37th st. D-M372 N1J * SEVERAL. 30 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. D-917 IOUSICS for rent. J , II , Sherwood , 423 N Y. Life. Phone 3SS. D-726 3-ROOM cottago. 301 N 15th st. st.DM732 D-M732 29 * CHOICE new S-room modern flats fronting Hnnscom park. Bemls , Paxton Illock D 7 < M S-HOOM hoiipo , furnished or unfurnished 112 N. SCth st. D M790 29 10-HOO.M modern house , 2130 Blnney st. , $30 J. J. Gibson , 60S First Nat. Ilk. D-S01 FURNISHED , my rcsldrnco for the winter J. J. GlbBon , 50SFlrst _ Nat. Hk , D-802 FOR RI3NT , cottage of seven rooms , No , 2120 Humpy Ht. ; very handy to business. Inquire. IMS Knrbach blk. D-MS13 30 * FOR RENT , a brick house of 5 roomp for Hinall family. 1313 Cass. 13 831-29 C-ltOfM ) housp. cy ! | wilier In yard. 10M South 23th. Kpy In rear. D-978 29 IIOI'SES FOR REXT- 2.1111 I Hondo , fi rooms , $ f.OO. 1MU Ontario , C rooms , $ IMS MIIHIIII , 5 rooms , iwis Corby , ( i rooms , $ in. 0 , 13IS H. 2SIU , ! ) rooms , J20.00. 25(3 ( St. Mary's. 0 rooms. $30.00. GAUVIN 1JROS. . K13 FAUNA M. D 901 29 It. C. PETERS ft CO. , 1702 Furnum St. FOR RENT- S-ruom , all niodrrn house , Colonial style , now , In iixoellent cdiidltlon , 42S N. 41st Ht. Will rent cheap to tlm right party. 10-room house , all minimi , close In and In gooil neighborhood , 312 N. ! Sil ht. , $ .15. S-room IIOUHC , mndi'ril except fiirnnce , 2110 California st. Very reasonable rent. S-room , modern house , 1533 N. 17th Bt. . > 32. ! i-rnoin modern housi > on soulh nMe , $30. n-room hnuno , 40:10 : NMcliMlan St. , $1S. 7-room hi'iiKc. 3210 'aiH ) Ht. , 1U. 7-room hoiiHi' . 2101 llnrnoy Ht. , $15 , S-room house , modern except furnace , 1503 MndlHon avo. , $19. House and 4 acres , line location , cheap. C-room boiiHP , 2C9 ! Franklin st. , J12 , ( i-room IIOUHC , M S. Il.'M st. , $10. 4'i-oom houcf. r/a s. sr.a nt. , $3. ri.roinn Inivisc. 3327 Soaiildlnir nt. . IS. n-room IIOUHC , 332j Meredith avp. , JS. 5-room IIOUHO nnil burn , city water , 3211 Miiplo st. , $ S. 3-room housn. 1C2S N. 21st Rt. , $1.50. 5-room house , 1S3C N. 17th St. . $ S. R. O. PETERS & CO. , Ueo Hldg. . J702 Fnr- nnm at. D-911 19 * FOR RENT. M12 Mnroy St. . 10 rooms , moilern , good neighborhood. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Fariium St. D-.M917.30 CHOICE Inrgf" . mod. and barn , 620 So. 21st. 3jfi | Emmett , 4 rooms , brand new , $0.00. 4703Vakelry , 1 rooms , $1.50. $ Sfi U. S , llank lldg. D-330-29 iTrs. NATIONAL bunk blilp. , "several thousand dollars being : expended renew ing bide throughout. Inquire room US , sunui hide. D-929-29 FOR RENT , about Nov. 15 , n line 0-room IIOUHP with nil Improvements ; rent rca- H.inulilc. . 810 So. 19th 81. Inquire SI2 S. 19th. D-MS45 31 * 9-HOOM modern houxo nnd p.irn , Farnnm anil ' . .Hb , (20 ; S-room modern house and barn , Una lawn , 2i22 N. 2ltti , $29. Stringer , C31 Paxton Block. D-919 29 7ii\T iiotsns. S-R. II. , modern , 4215 Farram st. S-r. h. , modern , 1522 S Kth at. S-r. h. . well , 31S1 Fowler ave. 5-r. h. , city nnd cistern. 3017 California st. B-r. h. , city water n.nd barn , 2028 Pierce st. J. H. Parrotte , Douglas blk. D 915 0 HOUSES FOR RENT. i Elfennt modern brick house , 10 rcoms , I 2T01 CM * st ) j 10-room modern houee , good barn , I 1S2.1 Wlrt st 35.W 10-room house , hot water heat , I21S Hlnney st 27.JO 10-room modern house , 2533 Cali fornia st 25.0) S-room modern house , 2027 N. 20th st. . . IO.OO BRENXAN-LOVE COMPANY , Xo. 219 South 16th Street. D-S75 29 FOR RENT , 7-room modern house. In good repair , $70.00 , Thos. II. Fell , 313 Brown Ulk. D-955 29 * 6-ROOM houfc. S3C2 Burt. A. M. Anderson , 3202 Cumlng. D-SI4 2D TO RENT by the Byron Heed Co. , 217 So. 14th street : 230C Capitol nvcnue , 9 rooms , modern , good repair , tX > M. 617 North 20th street , 10 rooms , modern , good repair , $ M.50. 2121 Chicago street , 7 rooms , modern , $20.f ) . 1420 No. 2Sth street. 7 rooms , modern , $1S.W. 1019 No. 2.1d Mrcct. 7 rooms , good repair , } 15. 1513 So. 2Glh street , 7 rooms , modern , barn , m.oo. H ? Ii _ i SIX rooms on two floors , modorn. ] f C Sherman nvo. D-M Xi " 0 rou ni3.\T PuiiMsiinn UOOMS. NICE furnished rooms ; housekeeping. 1112 S. llth. E-M3C6 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man and wife. Rent taken in board. 319 N. 17th. E 193 r\VO well furnished rooms ; everything first-class ; private family. 210 N. 25th st. E-M712 23 * IOUSEKEEPING , first or second floor ; single room cheap. 1712 Jackson. E-75S Novl * DESIRABLE front room , modern con veniences , in private family , to gcntle- mc-n. 2.103 Douglas st. E-M7SO 'OR' RENT Nicely furnished room in South Omaha , southern exposure , all mod ern conveniences , centrally located nnd near car line. Address , Box 27 , Ilf-e Of fice , South Omaha. E-79S-29 * STEAM-HEATED rooms and bath , mod ern conveniences. Call 317 4 North 15th St. , flat E. E-MS03 3 'INK furnished front rooms In private family ; nil modern conveniences : board if desired. X 66 , Bee. E-S21 29- RENT , a comfortably furnished room , nil conveniences , suitable for one or two gentlemen , In private family. 222 ! Far nam St. E SC5-I9 'OR RENT , nicely furnished or unfur nished front room with alcove , with or without board , private family , references. O 13 , Bee. E-331-29 * FURNISITED or unfurnished rooms * for rent. 513 N. 22nd. E-079 29 LARGE room , furnished or unfurnished ; younj ; couple or two ladles. 842 S. ISth st. E-M975 3l TWO nicely furnished rooms for gentle men In private family ; modern conveni ences. Apply 2403 Capitol ave. E 074 31 * 234 FARNAM. for gentlemen ; steam heat , all conveniences. E M932 30 ONE large room , central location , to gen tlemen , alpo one single room ; references. Address O 5 , Bee. E-Si 23 VERY desirable furnished room for one or two young men : bath , hot and cold water , furnace heat ; close in. Address O 20. Bee. E S61 29 * FUH.MSHED HOOMS AND KOAUD. ELEGANT rooms & board. 1908 Capitol ave. F 285 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F 2S6 ROOM and board , $4 & $5. 1512 Davenport. F 727 N24 509 S. 25TII AVE. , rooms ; private family. F M756 Nov 25 * PLEASANT rooms with board. 1903 Capitol Avenue. F-S29-31 * TUB Schlltz Hotel reopened , thoroughly renovated and furnished new ( bent rooms in the city , steam heat , plectrlc light , niovntnr Knrvirf * ftffO offers Imliine- mcntH In rates for the winter. We invite inspection , F 8(57-29 ( ROOMS and board for a lady at 2203 Grant. F-933-29 * - - 516 N 23RD. front rooms , two large rooms , others ; modern ; board If desired. F 9G7 29 * FURNISHED rooms with board. 2015 Douglas. F M9G9 31 A DESIRABLE front room with an alcove , also side room adjoining. 2irS. | 25th Ht , F M951 FURNISHED rooms with board. 611 N. 18th street. F S47 29' FOR IllSST UNPUKSISIIISn ROOMS. FOR RENT , two unfurnished rooms with heard. 1&20 Grace. G M73S 29 * 4 ROOMS for housekeeping ; modern. 521 a 20th ave. G-S22 30 * SUITE of three rooms for light housekeep ing ; modern. 211 So. 24th , G-S23 29 * FURNISHED rooms for rent , several with private bath , heat , light and hot water ; Farnam car line and walking distance. Address O 12. Bee. G-M927-30 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping - keeping ; modern. 2635 Davenpcrt. G-MSS7 31 TWO or thrf furnished or unfurnshe ! < rooms , strictly modern , 811 South 2Sth st G MSS5 31 * 3ROUND floor of 3 rooms with range niu city water : modern. 3209 Farnam. Ci * * . 138 J 30 JU3XT STOHES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store in first-class location rent reasonable. Apply R , C. Peters S. Co. , ground floor Bco Bldg. I 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor ofllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. : splendh vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap Ply R. C Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee tullding. 1 267 FOR HI9NT , storeroom and basement. 12 No , 15th st , Thos , II , Foil , 313 Brown Blk 1-933 29 * ACJIXTS LIVE agents wishing to male * $ a day write to C. D. Meyer , Omaha. Neb. J-M40J N1S * AGENTS WANTED , for special Install ment works servlee paid In cash : no dc llvprlng or collecting : easy work ; big pay Write , slating experience , books handled dpgrco of supcess. etc. . or call at olllco N , D. Thompson Publishing Co. , St Ivouls , Mo. J-M697 30 GENTLE'MKN and lady agents wanted a counties lewd nnd Nebraska for one-vol umo cook book. Liberal commission. Ail dross F. H. Preston , 303-303 Dearborn st Chicago. I MSI I 31 "BEST" gasoline gas lamps : world's larg rst fn'tory ; agents wanted in every town Th "Best" Light Co. , 31 S. ISth. Omaha J-M812 Nov. 27 LADY or man wanted to travel and np point agents ; $60 per month salary an expenses. JCleglcr & Co. , Monon Bldic Chicago. J-MM7 29 * LADY cleared 10.30 each day In Soptein- , l > er introducing our ElictriP Garter. You can do It. or we pay salary $75 per month and expenses ; pamnhlet free : acentB winted. Electric MudlculGarter Works , Cincinnati , O. J AGENTS on ttalary or commission : The greatrat agents' seller ever produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys It on Klgtit ; 200 ta 600 per cent nrotlt ; one agent's Dales amounted to $020 In six days ; an other $33 In two hourn. Monroe Mfir. Co. , X 16. La CroBse. Win. J-MSOI 29 * AGENTS to take order ? for our famous Royal Standard Kernev Overcoats , Htrlctly to measure ; lined either with astrakan or : ilu h : indents make from $10 to $2S a day. Write for sample overcoat. Chicago cage Specialty Tailors , Olltce 204. 90 E. E2nd it. , Chlcaro. J-W 25' ACSHATS WAINTHII , $2VOO PER WEEK for gentleman or lady ' agent In every town In the United States to Introduce our nnv French Breakfast Coffee. NO experience necessary. Address with stamp , Parisian Coffee Co. , Parsons , Kan. J-M 2i- I WE pny $ t a day salary for n man with rig | to Introduce our goods In the country ; ; pend stamp for terms. Kansas Food Co. , I Dept. F. , 613 W. 5th St. . Kansas City , Mo. | J . j $75 MONTH , salary , expenses ; Ideal em ployment , men nnd women appointing | I ngcnts ; our general npcnts net as em- j ploycr. " . making work dlgnllled and agree- . ! nble. Manager , Drawer 2 ? , New Haven , Conn. J LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme. Yale * Health Remedies and Natural IlMiitiners. Intelligent ladles can make all the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos sibilities unlimited. Address at once. Mme. M. Yale. IS'J Michigan Ave. . Chicago. J AGENTS wnnted , specialties that ore. A. 1 selling rapidly , profits large ; secure agency at once ; $3 an hour made. Hnnrty Things Co. , Chicago. J-9I2-29' AGENTS , the new Incandescent ga = burner without mantle or chimney ; displaces nil other llchts on the market ; sample to agents 50c ; exclusive territory free. Roval Gas Burner Works , SI Washington St. . Chicago. Ji29 * AGENTS , don't forget oUr new saloon article. thom\-inds being sold ; sells on sight , big profits. It raves money. It saves time. Address 1112 Monadnork , Chicago. J-923-29 * AGENTS sure. $10.00 dally selling Williams' Flexlblo Doublf Tree ( patented ) ; team hauls 2o per cent larger load with half the oxertiCon ; sellsat - sight to every farmer , teamster nnd horsf owner , \\rlte oulPk for terms and choice of territory. Williams Sits. Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. J oS J PORTRAIT AGENTS , crayons nnd pastels at lowest figures : fine airbrush work. C. D Rintelman , 29G W. Water ft. . Mil waukee. WIs. J-SSI 29 * OUR rubber collars , cuffs and shirt fronts nr < great Hellers : write for liberal terms. Windsor Collar Co. , Chlcairo , III.j . j syjJ WANTED , agents to sell Uncle Sam's new holiday books' . Wrltw for circulars. Freight paid. Credit given. American Publishing House , Chicago. J MSQ6 29 * AGENTS , our Economic Gaslight Burner fits all kerosene lamps and produces bril liant gaslight ; new and different from all others ; best seller of the season ; write quick for sample , and particulars. The Economic Company , Mfrs. , 157 Washing ton St. , Chicago. J-913 29 * AGENT made $100 In one day , so can you ; 4 new patent * * ; premiums to every pur chaser , samples free. Braham Mfe. Co. , B SO. Cincinnati. O. Jt-SSO-29 * GENTS wanted Greatest proposition ever offered agents : one agent made $111 In ono month ; others mnkinc 575 ner week ; sell to business men onlv no books , no fake ; send 3c ( In stamns for samples , territory , Instructions , etc. American Advertising Co. , dent. K. Kan sas City. Mo. J-S99 23 , ADY acents wanted ; write Immediately for the greatest offer ever made you ; one lady made $2S first day ; no books , no fake ; send stamped envelope for full par ticulars. Carnbann Co. , dept. 8 , 1215 Mnln St. , Kansas City. Mo. J-89S 23 AGENTS , earn $10 a day practicing mag netic healing : we tench the famous "Weltncr Method" to ladles or sentle- men at home for $10. Address the Str4 ° School of Magnetic Healing , Carrollton , Mo. J-30fi 29 * WANTED TO HEXT. URXISHED room , centrally located , first or second floor. Address X 61 , Bee. K M7S5 29 VANTED , two furnished rooms for light housekeeping , close to 16th and Douglas ; steam heat. N 64 , Bee. K MSU 30 VANTED , rooms with board In private family : would like Bitting room and three Bleeping rooms ; must be large ; will fur nish If necessary ; board for four adults ; location must be. west of 27th street , Hanscom park district preferred : will pay liberally for good accommodations. Ad dress N 45 , Bee. K M818 29 VAXTED. two or three unfurnished rooms close in for gentleman. State price. O 1 , nee. K-S21 29 * > ADY wishes sunny , warm room and board In cultured family ; $4 per week ; references. Address O 11 , Bee Office. lV ooS J VANTED , 3 or 4 unf urnlnhed heated rooms with board , also bath room ; prompt pay. Address O 22. Bee. 15r9TGl9I _ VANTED , 3 rooms , furnished preferred , and board bv family of three adults. Ad dress O 14 , Bee. K 933 29 * JINGLE room for gentlemen between Fnr nam and Hanscom park ; fair price. Ad dress O 21 , Bee. K 965 89 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 289 WANTED TO I1UY. ALL kinds cf household goods , hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur- nltro Co. , 140tJ-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-291 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-M197 SAFE ; state make , size and price , nig Farnam. X M614 Nov. 3 WANT to buy coed homo or choice lot near Hanscom park. Address L 34 , Bee.NMS28 N-MS28 WAXTED , to buy for cash , ten second hand billiard and pool tables. N B3. Bee. X-755 29 * WANTED for cash , a first-class furniture nnd undertaking stock In town of 2,500 , or upward , Address Box COS , Cherokee , Iowa , X M813 l WANTED , second-hand gasoline or steam engine. 3 or 4 horre : must 'be guaranteed. ' E. B. H. Thleman. DcshUr , Neb.NSI9 N-SI9 29 * WANTED , 1o purchase 3 per cent new U. S. bonds. Address O 2 , Boe. N-SIS 29 * WILL pay S2 cents for small amount Omaha Savings bank books. Hcks ! , Board of Trade. N-970 29 * WANT to buy a Htrlctly modern 7 or S-room hoimo with lot In select neighborhood , ' within 20 blocks of poslolllce : price not to ! i exceed $1,000. Address O 19. Bee. X 902 roll SALK KUIIXITUUK. STOVES , STOVES ; no reasonable offer re fused. Nob. Fur. Co. , 1119 Dodge , Te-1. 149C. O-M43I REMEMBER , J. Levlne pays more money for stoves and furniture than any dealer In cUy. 301 N. 10th St. , corner Davunport , 0-500-N-20 - - - ARE YOU talking of stoves ? It you are , come to see our line of 2nd-hand stoves. The quality and low prices will astonish you. J. Lewis , 101 S. 14th St.0C33 0-C33 Nov. 3 FOLDING bed cheap. 2701 Howard. 0-.M7I1 30 * i FOR SALE , solid oak olllco desk , tub.e and chairs ; bargain. Eaton & Glover , Mfrs. Bldg. , Expo. O-MS50 31 * FOR SALE , ut once at a bargain , a com- plcto outllt for housekeeping ; 3 largo rooma , good location , close In ; rent very low. Address O IS , Bc-e. O-9SI 29 _ on ; MISCIIIA.MOUS. : CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing nnd hog fence. liOl Douglas St. O 715 SAFES Buy , soil , exchange. Ill S. 13th St. Q-295 B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vinton St , Tel. 776. Plants , cut llowcis. boquet ? , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly nik-a. Q--JW INDIAN rellca ; mounted heads. 1116 Farnnm. Q : J NEW sewing machines , $17.t.o'to $ ! . Re pairing a Ml lupplles. Omaha BIcvcle Co. Q-ICO PECOND-HAND typewriters for sale. Ne braska Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney. rou SAI.K-MISCIIIAXIOVS. FOR SALE , a double carriage. Inquire 1S26 i N. ISth St. Q-M477 | - j FOR SALE , furniture of 6-room cottage , j Will rent cottage- wanted. 50 > 3 Karbnch . blk. Q-M903 i FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents ai druggists. Une gives relief. Q-293 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me- Conncll Drug Co. , 1513 Sedge St. Q-197 2D-HAXD safe Cheap , Derlght , 1116 Farnnm. Q 301 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Co. Bluffs. Q-M311 ROLLER TOP desk nnd chair , nearlv new. Address X G7 , Boe. Q-MS 29 * FOR SALE , $ CO new Singer sewing machine , $23 ; latest pattern : mfrs' . 10 years' guarantee antee- goes with It ; will be shipped by freight , C. O. D. , privilege examination ; fre.ght chnrgts prepaid. Address Storage. Co. . 310-312 AV. Main St. , Louisville. Ky. Q-S59 29 * FOR SALE , rough-coated Collie puppies , 4 months old , out prize winning sire and dam. eligible to reclstratlon ; will b smld cheap. Omaha Collie Kennels , 31 Barker Rlock. Q 452 21) ) ' XEW nnd 2nd-hand sewing machines , re duced prices. H. E. Fredrlckson , loth & Dodge Q-SM FOR SALE or trade , upright piano , family horse , phaeton nnd red rend wacon. Ad dress Porneld , 214 S. ISth. Q-977 23 FOR SALE , new milch Jersey cow. 4 years old , and calf. Call at 2fG3 N. ISth street. Q-90S 23 * SHOW CASES : 300 for sale at cost of glass. Apply A. J. Bishop , War Museum. Government building , exposition. 23 * Q-939 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE Country dealers , 2d hand furn'tre & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1106-10 Dodee. R-303 CALENDARS for 1900. Burklcy Printing Co. R-332 O29 LIFE Insurance agents , who want a first- class general agency contract with re newals , should cnll at room 10 , Commer cial National bank building. R-M776 29 * FOR $2.00 we will set your wlucl , put antirust - rust on , store It for the winter. Xebraska Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th nnd Harney. R S29 Nov. 27 > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CLAIRVOYANTS. iE AND SONG RECITAL : LEE HARRIDEN. the great Occult i , win lecture this , Sunday , even ing. In Patterson's Hall. Kth and Far- i umiVVS" &l. $ ! ' m- Subject , "What Is ' " Christianity. G. BYRON BROWNE , the world's renowned baritone , will give a ? ? .nR ? ? lta1' nested by MP.S. FRANCES ARIGHT. . ASTOUNDING TESTS will be jr.ven from the platform by the DOCTOR and other strong mediums. S S77-25 * MME. GYLMER. „ „ ' OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. Rends , life by a method which Is recognized the world over as the only scientific one. hat uhe has accomplished in palmistry is unequaled by anyone In the profession , hhe has f.a nod L great reputation be cause of her extraordinary ability , and to day she Is known through the whole coun try as the greatest palmist of the age. She te Is P\ST. PRESENT and FUTURE , bhe also Rives Invaluable advice in love affairs , lawsuits , divorce cases , etc. If you are In trouble don't hesitate to see her. 'Parlors ' of Palmistry , 1C05 Dodge , so. 'iJde new P. O. Hours , 9 to 7:30 : ; Sundays 10 to 4. Send $1 and six questions an swered. s-918 23 DR. L. R. HARRIDEN CLAIRVOYANT , LIFE READER. r . , OCCULT SCIENTIST. FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE. BUT NOXE CAX EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits. etc. ; locates mines , buried treasure ; cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. UXITES THE SEPARATED. Never falls to cause speedy and happy marriages ; guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR. HARRIDEN diagnoses cases by simply touching the patient. Instantly locat ing the seat of trouble , and by his wonder ful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing QUESTIONS. ENCLOSING $1.00 PERMAXENT RESIDENCE , 1707 CASS ST. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL. READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES Best banks. merchants and business men In the city. 6-947 29 1IME. GYLMER genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge S-301 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S17 X. 16th S-303 MRS. DR. HART , clairvoyant and palmist. Her long residence has won for her many friends who can testify as to her abllltv to read life correctly. A vis'.t to her will convince that none excel her powers Reading by mall. Me. Send name nnd date of birth , Sunday. 10 a. m. to 7:30 : p m. ; daily , 3 to 8. 213 N. ISth st. S-93S 29 * aiASSAGlil AMI IIATI1S. MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths T M3SI N17 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited , 1(115 ( Howard , 3d floor. T M403 N1S MME. SMITH , room 2 , HSVa North 15th. T 122 X18 * LILLIAX HOWARD , massage ; baths ; Arabian treatment ; attendant. 3I3V4 X. 15th ; flat J. T-MG73 N2 * MRS. LILLY , newly opened both nnd mas sage parlors : beat In city ; lady attend ants ; first-class patronage. 21S14 North i 16th street. T-M707 31 * i MRS. BERRY , baths , massage , magnetic treatment ; lady attendants. 119 N. irth ; 2nd Iloor T-M775JST2G * ElTlTE PARLORS. 2023 Farnam , upstnlm nrst-class baths , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants , T-.M937 12 * IM3KNO.VA1' . DR. DAVIS , specialist , 16th and Dodge. FACIAL massage , 50o ; halrdresslng , 3Jc : shampooing. 35c , 50c. Miss llulihard. 415 McCogue Bldg. U-SS1 Nov. 8 NOTICE to property owners , all requlr- Inc llro escapes , cither outside or Inside , or automatic , will save money by calling J. JDerlght & Co , . "lOarnam . . PARTIES desiring contracts for remov ing earth In the construction of liew ditch n'.ne ' miles lone In Oodge county 1 and excavating and cleaning out of largo | ditch previously constructed please com municate with C. A. Manvllle , county "crk , Fremont. Neb.U-M3S3 M VIAVI Is voman's way to health. " 40 Bee Bldg. U-761 d. 40C.-212 X.C.h. . L. DR. MITTBLSTADT , dontls-t. 331 Bee Bld U M6oo NOVi BATHS , massage. Mme. Post. Sliiu S 15th. , IT ML3 ' PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & during - , ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1135N17. _ ' RUPTURE CURED. Wo cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from I business. Send for circular * . Empire Rupture Cure , 932 N , Y. Life , Omaha. U vi/4 OJ1 M MONHEIT , leading clilropodUt , treats : il ( ullmcntf of feet , hutli ladles & gontlcmvn. Jjxd'.es' hiurdrehslng. hair sootls and toilet I nrcparnt'ons. ' Treutmt'iits of scalp , tace. hands or feet ; 20 years' experience , lOytars in Omaha ; best equipped establishnitnt lu city. ISIS Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd lloor. U 757 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed ly electilclty. Hoom 12 , rrenzer block U 75S n"lTTER tofpltal ; confinement cases taken ; bablci adopted. 2211 Ueward. Tel. 22T ) . U M3iS u9 RUPTURE cured. Wo curt ; all forms of rupturu without pulu or detentlun from huflncsa. Send for circulars Emplro Rupture Cure , 32 N , ' / . Life. Omaha U 551 Osl * HIGHLY educated. hand omo German- American lawyer desires nciiunlntance of lady po se. . . lng mea'is ; object matrimony. Apply to Matrimonial club olllce. 101-5-5 Douslas blk. U-M743 29 SHORTHAND dictation and nil kinds of I 1 typewritten work. Room 6W Bee bldg. I Phone 1722. C M7I > N25 j WOMAN'S wlfar * within her own control ! by using Dr. Leon's "French Kymntlc ! i Cones. " the grentet blc. . lng ever ds- : i j i covert l for female Irregularities , wink- ! 1 i ness , te. Our booklet tells you all pnr- | tlculnrs. Stnt sealed for 2-cent stamp. Address , The Fnuvre Importing Co. . Co lumbian Bldg . 9in Market St. , San Fran- I clpco. Agents wanted. 1 WANTED. l > ooks for the Philippine ? , t wish to Inform the public that 1 would be pleatxl to receive old books , old mag azines , etc. . fcr the soldiers' libraries which are belm : established In this an.l surrounding towns. Send by mail nt do mestic postal rates. 1 will send to every contributor the full value of whatever they send In money. Philippine curiosities or relics of the present war , ns requested. Address John W. Stanford , Co. A. Sixth U , S. Infantry , Hello , Philippine Island * . ! _ L _ HZ _ LOVELY women want to marry ; many have menns ; new method ; select list 2c. Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo ; MusicAi SENSATION. vioin made easy. Lnte t nnd greatest method. Anyone can lenrn. Simple , sure , easy and Int ( resting. Parents are competent teachers for children with this method. Cost Is trilling. You can't afford to pass this by. Scrd stamp for Information. Box M ? , Pfttsburg , Pn. U-S5-3 29 * LADIES , your bust enlarged fi Inches ; fail ure lmpo s < lble ; harmless ; J10- ) cash guar antee : proof free. Leonard Medicine Co. , Kansas City. Kan. U S35 29 * MARRY ; ecnled l't of proposals , 2c ; many wealthy. Box &M , Denver , Colo.US5I U-S5I 23 * MIDDLE aged doctor. Income $9WO yearly , nice home , large practice , wants good- natured wife , no scolds need apply. Dr. John C. , 177 E. 40th St. , Chicago. 111. U-91S-23' FREE Absent treatment for the cure of disease , unhapplness nnd poverty. De scribe your case and Inclose 10c to cover expense of correspondence. L. H. Mtidse , Mtntnl Scientist , council Bluffs , Iowa. U-950 4 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , warts nnd moles permanently removed by oloctrlcltv ; con sultation free and oonlidrntial : nil worlc guaranteed. Miss Allender. 1C13 Douglas. I'-WG 2D * MORPHINE , opium , laudanum , eocalno. habit : myself cured , will Inform you of hnrmlpfs , permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin , Bex 1212 , Chicago. IT- AMIABLE , unencumbered , generous- hearted lady , with , a fortune , looks for happiness through husband and adviser. "Amiable , " 312 * ) Forest five. , Chicago , 111. U-90S 29 * PROMINENT business centleman MO ) , wealthv , refined , wishes to marrv J > pfoit . prng. ! Matrimonially inclined lady please address Millowner , Gano bu'ldln j , Cincinnati , Ohio. U MS 29 * PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas blk. U-S73 N2S WANTED to sell , small outfit for light housekeeping. cheap. enquire Manu facturer's Bldg. , Expo , grounds. U-S79-29 * MOM2Y TO IOA.III2AI , 13STATK , MONEY tc loan on Nebraska end Iowa farms : lowest rates. Co. , S19 t } . ICth. Om3lia. W 76S FIVE PER CENT money on or before five years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real estate. W. B. Meikle. 401 S. 15th Sc. $100 TO $2,000. ff. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas. W-765 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 X. Y. Life. W-769 2ND mtg. on farms. Prltchard , 216 S. ISth st. W M379 Nov2 $100.000,000 TO INVEST through Bankers. Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular. Investors' ntr ; t3ry. N. Y. W 167 J5.000.00 to place quick. Call If you want it. M. J. Kennard & Son. , Sulto 310 Brown Block. W C35 MONEY to loan on first-claEs Improved city property or fcr building purposes. Payne- Hardei Co. , K. Y Life. W-762 MONEY to lean on improved Omaha real estate. Brer.nan-Love. Co. . 319 So. 16th W 7H4 f PER CENT ; also private fumis. Chaa E. Wll'Umson. ' W-776 B , 5 4 , C per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. 3k. Tel. 1(518. ( W-77-1 310.NLI1 TO LOAiV UllATTUbS. MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HOUSES. CARRIAGES , WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATKd EASV PAVMENTS. You can pay the money buck In any amounts yoir wish and at any time , bach payment ro made lessens iho cost of carrying the loan. O.MA11A MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . _ LOANS MADE TO TA ARIED PEOPLE holding pennanenf. posit.o.ih on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity ; Btriclly conlldential , and at OMi-HALl. 'HIE UftUAL KATES , uefore borrowing FCC us , as you will flna It sreatly to your advantage ; wo are the oldest , largest and only incorporated lonn company In Omaha , F. W. Truax. Msr. , 119 ISoard of Trade Bldg , , 16th and Far- nam Sts. Telephone 2290. X 7S3 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , U. 8. Barker blk X 782 S1ONFY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with reapuiiH.ble concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments Toiman , 706 N , Y. I * Hide. X 7(7 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W , Farnam Smiti & Co. . 1320 Fa : nam. W 7i6 C PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1C13 Farnam W-770 WANTED , city and farm loana ; also bonds and warlanta. H. C. Peters & Co. , 1701 Fartum St. . Be.e Bldg. W-771 t. PER CENT money , Bemls , Paxton-Blk. W-763 WRITE u a | f yon wnnt a loan on your farm In Joiva , casltrn Xeb. or Mo. : It will tny you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L HONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycle * , diamonds , waiches , etc , ; payments unknown - known to ir'ends. Omaha Loan Hank , 141 * Farnam , uii-'talrs. X 7M MONEY TO LOAN"ON lilann.s. IIUI-HC * , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 4t > 3 Knrl.xic.Ji block , 12 to 0:15 : ji. m. MONEY LOAXD SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without ondorter , MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent posit'ons with ro- Bpincible firms without mortKUKu or ue- curity of any kind except tlielr own names on new plan , which Is a pure bulldlns and Irjan bystcm , wl.h easy pay- mfnts to suit yourwlf. Our bv lnes is positively private nnd confidential ; no one outs'dc ' of ourselves will know anything of the trnnsaftlon. American Loan Co. . Room C01. Uee bldg. X-7SI } iVA ; .flfAA11lcLA1RI'fEDIl . ] ] PLOVE holdlrnj n permanent poslt'on we will loan you any amount your f Itualion will Justify without endorser , mortgage or eourlt : . of any kind other than ycur name. Tlu fact of your holdlni , ' a position Is sufllclent guarantee to IIB tliat you will carry out any agreement Into which you may en- YOU VCANUVEPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OP. MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL BE maintained In nil our transactions with you , and you will receive the same cour teous consideration that Is accorded your empio > tT at h n bank OMAHA CREDIT CO. . C K Jennings , manager , suite 23-526 New York Life bldg. < SOMV TO I.OAX CIIATTUI.S , MONEY loaned on piano , " , furniturr. Jsw * tlry , horses , cows , etc. C. P. Reed. 319 B. U . * " " LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on tholr personal note without security Hntos ronsoimble. J.V. . Taylor , tn Knr- bnch Mock , 12 to 6 15 p. in. C-MW O2J MONEY loaned on household coed . pl.inos. rUs , Jewelry , etc ; easy payments , confidential. Peoole's l.otn Co. , room < . Cri-lghton blk. . 15th and Douglas. X-I LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN jiermnnen'ly nfraRCl with rosronslbl ? con. cerns upon their own names without se curity : no Inquiries made of their em ployer' : applications treated contldontlTl The HIO BUSINESS WP do demonstrntcs wherto co for nd ancfs at VERY LOW EST RATES ; repayments mad * In agree able Instalments either weekly or monthly to suit convenience of liorrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily mb."irrassed who de- cire above everything el. eto avoid pub licity arc the class we especially desire to serve. serve.OUR LOANS ARK CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You enn deal with us quickly and satis factorily. It will b to your advantage to call at our cilice before borrowing else where. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , Room 601. Bee IHISIMOSS CIIA.VCK ! . 1 WAGES , accounts and bad debts of all ! kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State- l ments nnd remittances mailed weekly. Hlchest commercial and bank reference * . OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , sultt1 511 , Flr t National bank building. 'Phone , 1351. Communicate with us nnd wo w'll send a reliable collector for your accounts , Y M7SI THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all kinds of debts nnd has n correspondent In every town In United States. Send your ac counts to 5th floor , Karbach Blk. . W. II. Green. President. Y MUS FOR SALE or trade , first-class newspaper printing outllt. Job preps type , etc. Ad dress P. W. White. Onawa. Iowa. Y-M4S3 BUSINESS chance , n good , clean otH-h of dry ioods and clothlne In good condition ; owner will fxchanpe for farm or city property. We bavp hardware , drugs , gro ceries and merchandise of n1 ! kinds. Write u ? . Merchandise Broker. 00 Karbach blk. Y M60I FOR SALE Furniture nnd lease of the lending $1 and $ l."iO day hot l In Omaha , doing a coed business. To the r.ght pnrtv ciod Inducements will be made. Address. C.iN ' " N ee. Y fiO JJ FOR SALE , the best livery business In southwestern Iowa , In first-class town of over Inhabitants , or will trade for good land in southwestern Iowa or oast- f-rn Nebraska. Call on or nddrcs * Henry Gibson , real cstnto brokers. Hod Oak , la. Y MfiS3 30 FOR SALE , brfck store building , nleo , clean stock of hardware nnd Implements ; also two peed dwelling hotisfs In good , live town In northwest Mlsourl. Will take pomp trade. Address A. Cunning ham. Elmo. Mo. Y M740 31 * CHANCE for n watchmaker to make money. C.ill at D. Michael , 2607 N street , South Omaha. Y 763 SO" LAXOE hotel for rent. Wishing to retire from business , T will plther rent my en tire hotel or retain the rooms and rent the dining room pepnrnte. Hotel flrst class and modern In everv respect. For par ticulars call at premises , 604 So. 13th s-t Y-M7S7 2 FOR n good pavlne Investment on a small capital call 1416 Howard. Y M7RO 29 * THE right man with $5.000 can obtain In terest in big paying business. N K7. Bee. Y-M774 2S ( PROFITS In toclr-i wheat and cotton , Marltey's Modern Methods Make Money. Wrlto for our free bonk. C. E. Mnckcy & Co. , 29 Broadway , New York. Y NEWLY patented novelty ; we are patent owners and manufacturers of a new hat fastener for Indies' hats , which takes place of ordinary hat pin. Simple and In expensive. but full of merit ; greater ! selllnn novelty ever put on the market. Partlen wanted to handle territory ; will give state rights to persons or concerns buying certain quantity of goods. Koru'gn patents for sale. Principals only. Novelty Co. , 1122 Broadway , X. Y. Y 92o-29 COMPLETELY furnished' IHO-room hotel 50 with hath , tiled lloors , steam heat ; responsible sponsiblepnrly can secure 3 or 5 year lease at reasonable rental Best f.O-room hotel In N. W. , clearing be- twfen $4.000 and $ : i,000 , year ; $7,000 canh will buy It. Money-making lodging house , 40 rooms worth $1.000. for Hale this week at $30,1. ' Weftern Hotel Brokers , room 101 Hee Bldg. Y-S53-29 _ _ $ ' 5.01)0 ) stock mdse. for sale or trade for llvo iitock. Would take good eastern land for part payment. .Mustell quYk. D. W. Butler , Broken Bow , Neb.Y . Y sr.S 23 * I ! GENERAL mds. stocks , one clothing snock. 2 shoe mocks. 2 grocery stock-s 3 diug ; HtorkH. 2 hardware stocks , cheap for cash ; some for good lands : all stocks In Rood location. Box 3H , Xebra'ka City , Neb. Y-860-29 * $10 FOH $1 , lorttines In stocks. Invest $5 to $100 anil get $1.000 for $100 flire ; rafn as a bank. Reeil .t Co. , 129 S. 5th SI , Phila delphia. Pn. , Y 920-29' NINETY per cent prolits made last week ; , you can [ .populate successfully under our plan from any dlslancn : send for frco book. "Successful Speculation ; " contains plan mid Wall st. methods. L. L. .Inek- KOII & Co. , 11 Broadway , N. Y. Y SHG 29 * HAVE you $10.00 which you wish to make money with ? If so j-ond to us to Invest In HtTicks ; our last Industrial Investment "deal" made $113,3. ! for every $10.00 In vested bv our customers : com ! us your nddrcsH for full particulars. Lane it Co. , 11 Broadway , New York City. Y SM 2fl' Ot'R safe method made during September $ HOI-.00 on every $2,000.0 < J Invested ; this Is the only safe plan In Invest your money In stock speculation ; wrltn us for full particulars ; small and large npiountH ac cepted ; highest references. Address Arthur. Adams & Co. , 35 Broadway. New York City. Y-Sfll 29 * NOW Is the time to make moijov , Invest ing on the New York Htnelt cvchaitire ; "good prollts for our customers" Is our motto ; by our system we have never made a lows ; send for circulars nnd state ment for September deals ; hlchest refer ences furnished. For particulars address HOHH & Co. , 32 and 31 Broadway , New York City. Y-KIO S3 * WANTED , department store stocks mrr- clmndlHp from $20,000 up. Address 'Mer- ' chnnt , Minneapolis. Minn. Y--SS3 29' BUSINESS man with 2f.OO dollars to buy half Interet't In good paying maiiufnotur- Ing plant ; $ V.000 ) can ho easily made In next llvo years ; goods used bv everybody ; investigate. Address O 17 , Bee. Y-951 29' DIAMOND Haloon fixtures ; price , $2W ) ; original cost. $21,000. R , C. Patterson , 205 N. Y. Life. Y-M9J2 31 FOIl SALE meat market and grocery , do ing a business of over $1.200 per month , few llxtuioH ; rout. $15.00 per month : price , J7 ioi or Invoice ; roai-'on for fell ing , nlokw . . Address M , He" OfflVc , Council Bluffs. Y 957 29 FOIl SALIC OR RENT , the only llrnt-rltun lintM in town bavins n good commercial trade. For nnrt'.c-ularu address Lock Box 9. Hooper , Neb. V .MOM 31 $37.50. OUR weekly average for Iho past three years on an Investment of $2j. Han never bpon equaled. Wo gladly glvo nil ,1'red Inforirnllon. ( irannun * Co. . 23G U , Fourth St. , Cincinnati. Y S7S 29 * FOH GENERAL merchandise. Blocks In all parti of Nebraska 'ind Iowa for xalo and ex > chaiiKe. If you want a tiado of any kind write M : rclmndU-u Broher. 508 Knrbach block. 15-M30J B , 10 AND 20-ncro garden tracts near So. Omaha to trade for city property. J , T. Cliirko , 219 Board of Trade. X.-M573 23 OSTHOPATIIY. JOHNSON. Osteopathlc Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johm-on. Di O. , ladles' dejit. ; Gld E. Johnson , usieoputhUt. tncr , AI--3S3 M E DONOHUE D. O , of Still uchool. KlrkBvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367.