Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1899, Editorial, Page 21, Image 21

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General Business Situation All thtit Any
One Could Ask ,
Cooler AVcnthor nnd Stornm llrlnu nn
Inurcnitrd Demand for Mcrulmn-
C VnliK-B Shot * Mucli rirm-
ue un Must IjlliCN ,
Trade conditions with local Jobbers ha\o
been most satisfactory during the lust week
The demand on the part of rcmllers In
this section of the country continues hisivy
and consequently all tlabscs of goods nro
belnf shipped Into the country at n rapid
rule. Collections , too , arc unusually good ,
the tendency being to do business more
nearly on a cash basis than eNer beforu
Manufacturer ! ! are rapidly adopting the
thirty-day term njstem. which Is qulto dif
ferent from the concession they granted a
iew years ago. This chailgo In the credit
Bymcin , so nhu Jobbere suy , In due to thu
experlcncu of iho last ll\u or six jcars ,
when the evils of extended credit were \lsl-
bli to oviryone Munufncturcra nre In a
position now to put In force these reformed
buulnesH methods , us they call them , be
cause competition is not sh.irp and there IB
a market , for all the goods being manu
factured. ' 1 Menu changes on the pail o'
thu manufacturers of course necessltatu
jobbery making somu alterations In their
terinii of credit , but the general opinion
atems to liu that this tendency to reduce
bmilneta transactions more nearly to a
c-ash bnsls Is of advuntugo to all con
cerned , UH In the long run it la a hardship
to neither the retailer nor the Jobber. The
tendency of the market on practically all
lines la still upward and a. tew sharp ad
vances took place during thu last week.
Wholesale grocers report u good week's
buslne&s und pay thut trade Is moving along
in Just about the same channels li has been
for Rome time p\ist. The market was per
haps more stcaay last wet-k than of late1 , but
the tendency of prices Is still upwind und
eomo lines advancing. In the line ot canned
too J , corn nnd tomatoes arc nt present at
tracting the most attention , und
particularly Is this true of thu former. It
is claimed that not In a good many jears
liu-s thu market on thcso lines been In tmch
a strong position , with such light stocks so
close to the end of the packing season.
Farinaceous goods are very llrm , oitmeul ,
buckwheat Hour , beans , tuplcon ami sago
all being quoted a little higher than they
were a week ago. The market on sugar ,
dried fruits nnd coffee Is In practically the
eumo position it was n. week ago , but nuts
of nearly all kinds uro advancing.
I'rlccn Xenrluu the Top.
Hardware men uro also well pleased with
the way business la going They say theio
seems to be no lot up In the number or
6lze of the orders received , and nearly the
tmmo may bo uuUl of 'the ' number of ad
vances. Thu advances of last week , how
ever. wcro not of much Importance to the
general trade and were mostly confined to
the lesser lines. In speaking of the future
of the hardware market a prominent Jobber
uald that present Indications lead to the
opinion that prices on most staple lines
Imve pretty nearly reached the top notch ,
but that less Important lines will continue
to advance for Homo time There Is , how
ever , not the slightest Indication of weak
ness In the market for staples , but on
the contrary there Is every Indication of
strength. As un example of the general
confluence In future pi Ices It might bo
mated that the railroads have already
placed orders for 1,000 000 tons of rails , to
be delivered during the coming year. The
> rlce paid , so advices from the e\ist state ,
} s the present market value of $33 per ton ,
BO It Is evident thit railroad otllcutls are
not looking for . break In thu market. The
I total output of all the rail mills during the
Jiresent 3 ear Is estimated at not more than
SOO.OOU tons , which Is 400,000 tons less than
their contracts call for , and consequently
that much must bo carried over until next
jear. iFrom these figures It Is seen that
at the present time the steel roll mlllb have
contracted for next sear about 77 per cent
of their unnual capacity , which is con
sidered another good Indication that the
Iron and steel market will bo fully main
tained for at least another year.
fTho demand for dry goods In a wholesale
way continues to bo exceedingly heu.vy.
atomllers out through the country , and
typeclally In the far west where some
severe storms have been experienced , uro
dulng a big business and anticipating u ailll
t'renter demand. Local Jobbers consequently
uro kept busy lining the ouleia that are
coming in Irom every direction. The gen
eral tone of the market Is just about the
tame aw It has been all along. Print goodB
ure porhapa a Httlo stronger , but practically
nil lines are conutantly Jlrmingup , with , the
ticmand. far exceeding the supply.
Iliibber Goods Active.
Nothing particularly new waa reported by
thu boot und shoe men. There Is a good
ileady trade in footwear , much better , In
fact , than could be reasonably expected
considering the weather. Everyone Is look
ing for 11 Dig re-order busluety to net In OH
BOOH as the retailers' stocks are broken up
u Httlo more , which will not take long
after cold weather sets in. The rubber
t'ood.s trade hibl week experienced quite
a spurt. UH retailers arc- anxious to get
their stocks before the 6 per cent advance ,
announced for November i , gee Into effect.
Local Jobbers su > they have hud about ull
they could do to 1111 their orders and will
3jo kept busy for buverul days filling the
orders already iccelved. a hero has been
u heavy tiauo th.s reason In what are
called seconds , or llghlweight goodn , and
Jobbers are experiencing considerable dlf-
nculty In getting tnock fust enough to till
their orders , us muny of the largest manu-
luctutus are oversold. The exceptionally
heavy run on the lightweight goods is
owing to the tact that they are oueied at
ratner favorable figures ana also to the high
linco ot the heavyweight goods , 'iho ue-
jnand for legglns Is ulfco good this season ,
but snow is needed to 'uting them into
'Iho hluo market List week showed some
tendency to weaken In anticipation ot the
long-haired hldeB which will soon begin
to come. Receipts are on the Increase.
Triilt mill Produce.
Fruit und produce men found their city
trade rather quiet , lust wee'k. There Is In
reality but Httlo to bo handled Just ut
l > ronent as thu weather Is too warm to do
much in potaioc-ti und marke-t gurdenurs
monopolize much of the vegetable trade.
Cold wc-athei , however , will Imptove con-
iliilons nmt KKo commit Moil men their usual
iimount of business. 'Ihe thipplng tnulu has
Leon fairly good , but an impiovenienl Is
looked for in Hint as v\ell New York
trruium ure still .n good suppl } and the
quality Improved. C-ood shipping Htock Is
worth from 19c to A > o. New iork upples
for shipping are quoted about the same UP
nhey were u weuk ujo ' 1 ho warm weather
damaged the Block considerably , BO that a
good deul of It has to be sold at a low
Jigure , which naturally hah u tendency to
weaken prices on even ttie cholco tiudts
A few western peas uro left on the nmrkot
und are selling ut - ' 25Jj50. . Svvett potatoes
dire quoted ul $ . ' per bairel , which ! ' a
trlllo higher than list weckw prices
Celery Is selling nil the wn > from :0c to
4to ) , the price depending upon the size The
Kearney crop this > i-ur IB rathur Inferior
UB compared to what It usually Is Wet
weather eurlj In the > eui nnd too di >
ucathei Inter on made the Btulks. slender
und green ,
1 he egg market la considerably lower than
it was a week ngo oxMnt' to 1 borul 10-
celpu und not u. very heuv > demund , arid
ulso to declining markets In thu east. Good
stock is quoted ul IBMJICc Receipts of
poultry are ulso heavj and the market
weak. Hens arc wonh from tie to bVic , and
prlng chickens 7c. Uutter , on the con
trary , la not coming In veiy abundantly
end the market la llrm. Oamo 1s quoted at
the same prices , wilh both rccelpls and
demand light. There was no chungu In
oysters lust week the Increased receipts
being readily disposed ot nt the same
prices. ,
Quotations fur the nay on Vurloun
ConiiuodltU'i * .
NEW YORK , Oct. 2S , FLOUR-Recelots ,
B,5bS bbls. , oxpoita , 8.050 bbls , quiet nnd
barely steadj , winter patents , $3 W > ff3 S5 ;
winter straights , W10&350 , Mlnnefota pat
ents. $3956420 , winter extras , 5.55 ( j300 ,
Minnesota bakers' , $300i(320. ( winter low
prudes. $225 2.40 RNO Hour , llrm. good to
fair. $3 40I&3 15 , choice to fancy. $ J 45' 3 75
Buckwheat Hour , quiet. $2.8i > ii259.
HUCKWHKAT-Stendy , G14jt > ! c , c , I f ,
Now York
COHNMEAlv-QuIct. yellow western. SO ®
Ee. elty. WjiSlc , Unindjwlno. $ . ' 30JT2S5.
RYE-Dull No S western , C5c. f o to ,
ntloat to nrrlvo ; state , 0i63c ! | , c. I , f , , New
York car lots ,
UARLEY-SK-ady. feeding , llWJ42e , c I ,
f. . Huffalo ; malting. 10i60c | , P. I , f. , Buf-
HARLEY MALT-Qulc-t. western. 639630
WHEAT Recclptu , 133,750 bu Spot , easy ,
No. 2 red. 75 scf o , b , ullout ! No 1 nortlir
ern Duluth , 7i'4o , f. o. b , afluut lo urrlve ;
No. 2 red. 73 c. elevator Options opened
easier with cables , but later rallied on the
of corn , llnolly , however , the
market on ed off nsnln under liquidation
nnd rlo ed easy nt * ic net decline ; M , y ,
78 7-16fl7S ll-16c ; closed , 78HCJ December ,
7415-16fl753-16c ; Closed , 75c.
CORN-Recelpts. 77.276 bu. ; exports , 72-
SJG bu Spot , steady. No 2 , 4ihc , f. o. b .
afloat , 4' ' > * c , elevator. Options opened
steady nnd nas wall sustained nil the fore
noon on unfavorable crop news and light
offerings. Clo Pd steady and partially He
lower , Mny closed , 3S4c , December closed ,
OATS Receipts , 63,800 bu ; exporti , 1,750
bu Spot , quiet , No 2 mixed , 2,140 ; No 3
mixed , 2Sc , No 3 white. SOVic , No. 2 white ,
31Hc , track white , SOHflSSe , track mixed
western , 2SV4ft30c Options Inactive und
barely steady
HA V Dull ; shipping , 65870c , good to
choice. 75 52140 . ,
HOPS Quiet , state , common to choice ,
1S96 crop , 6t , l8flS crop , nomlnnl. 10313c.
Pacino coast 1S96 crop , 4fi6c. U97 crop ,
nominal , IStIS crop , llQltc , Pncillc const nnd
state. 1K)9 ) crop , 12 ( < JI5c
HIDEB-Flrm. Oalv'eston , 20 to 25 lb . .
17Hc. Texas dry , 24 to 30 Ibi. , 13c. Cali
fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs . 19HC
LEATHER-Stendy , hemlock "ole. Hueno < j
Ayres , light to heavyweights , 2124lic , ncld ,
WOOL Quiet , domeotlo fleece , 21S26Q ,
Texas , 14Q-1TC
PROVISIONS-Heef , strong , family. $1100
WOO. mess , $350 1000 , beef hams , $2300 ®
2450 , city , extra India mess , $16 " 0MS ( ! 00.
Cut meats , steady , pickled belllc-j , 6'407c.
llnnn. snws\c Lnrd. itcadv. western
iteftroed , $560 , refined , quiet , continent , $8 ;
S A , J6 DO , compound , S'y&SSc. Pork , firm ,
mess , $1 ( XXfJ ! 50 , short clear , $10 25012 00 ,
family , $11 75 12 00
Bt'TTER-rirm ; fnctftrv. 14 < 4 < S517c , .tune
crenincry. 17i22Hc } ; Imitation creamery ,
15li&20c : state dairy , 16HQ22c , state crcnm-
erv , 17fl24e
POTATOES Quiet ; Jerseys , $1.001 25 ; I
New York , $1.00 $ 1.25 ; Lone Island , Jl.ttVilP
150 , Jersey Sweeta , $1.5032 00 ; southern i
Sweets , J1.12W1.25.
IVLLOW ateady : city < } 2 per pkg. ) , 4Kc ;
country ( packages free ) , 4H@44o.
RICE Steady , domestic , fnlr to extra ,
4\i714c ' ! ; Japan , IHflB ic.
MOLAS3K9-8tcndy ; New Orleans , open
kettle , good to choice. 32f36c
METALS At the cloBo the Metal
exchange called pig Iron warrants
very dull nt $17.00 T1B 0) lake copper
quiet nt $17 50 : tin unchanged at $31 bid
and $31.20 a ked. lead unchanged at $1 it"\t
bid nnd $1.62 asked ; spelter weak , with
$1 bid nnd $510 nuked , 'Ihe brokers' price
for lead Is $4,40 and for copper $17.50.
Condition of Trnilo nnd Clnotnttnna on
fltnplc nnd FiiiiejPrndnce. .
EGOS Receipts liberal ; good stock , 15c.
POULTRY Hens , live , 6U'it6c ; spring
chickens , 7c ; old and staggy roosters ,
live , 3',44c ; ducks , and geese , live , 63 > 7o ;
turkeys live. lOc.
IJUTTER-Common to fair , 15c ; choice , 16
017e : separator , 22Q23c ; gathered crfamery ,
PIOEONS-Llve , per doz. , 75o.
VEALS-Cholce. 9c.
OYSTERS Medium , per can , 20c ; stand
ards , per can , 24c ; bulk standard , per gal ,
$125 ; e\tra selects , per can , 32c ; extra
selects , per gal , $175 ; New York Counts ,
per ran , 40e ! New York Counts , per 100 , $1.25.
HAY Upland , choice. $6 50 ; midland ,
choice. $ iiOO ; lowlanfr choice , $500 ; rjo
Htrnw , choice , $3.50 ; No 3 corn , 27c ; No 3
whlta cats , 824o ; cracked corn , per ton. $12 ;
corn nnd oats , chopped , per ton , $12 50 ,
bran , per ton , $13 ; shorts per ton , $14.
TOMATOES-Pcr crate , KHeie.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $200.
POTATOES-Per bu . 20S25C.
CRANBERRIES-Cupo Cod. $5.50.
ONIONS-Retall wny , 65ijf75c.
CELERY-Pcr doz. 20Q40c.
PLUMS Oregon , per crate. $1.00ftl 25.
ping stock.
APPLES Choice western shipping stock ,
$3 00 ; Jonathans and Grimes' golden , $3.50 ®
400 , New York stock. $375Q400 ,
GRAPES-New York , 20c : per 50-baskct
lots. 19c ; California Tokays , $1.150125
PEARS Western varieties. $2253250.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , $450
LEMONS California fancy , $1 75@5 00 ;
choice California , $4.25 4.75 ; Messina , $5 00
05 50.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per bunch , $2 00@2 50 ; medium-sired bunches ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 8c ; No. 2 green
hides , 7c : No. 1 suited hides. 9c ; No. 2
silted hides , 8 c ; No 1 veal calf , 8 to 13
Ibs . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibi , 8c.
TALLOW. GREASE. ETC. Tallovr. No. 1.
3c ; tallow. No 2 , 3Vio ; rough tallow. IVic ;
white grease , 23i4c ; yellow and brown
crease , 2H@3c.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case , $1 003 50.
NUTS Hickory nuts , per bu. , $1 00.
TIGS California layers. Per 10-lb. box ,
$1.15 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.25.
St. LoiiU Grain nnd
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 28-WHEAT-Lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 69 40 ; track , 71 ®
72c ; December , 6969c ; May. 74Hd ; No
hard. 67&e$1/4c ; receipts , 43,533 tou.
CORN No. 2 , cash , 31Ho ; track , S2Hc ;
December , 31'/ic ; May , 31Hc.
OATS No 2 , cash , 23V4c ; track. 24684 0 ;
DecenVber , 23V4c ; May , 25V4c ; No. 2 white ,
December , 23V4o ; May , 2Gc ; No. 2
white. 2flo.
RYE Steady at 66c.
TLOUR Dull anfl unchanged ; patents.
$3 45B3 60 ; extra fancy , $ J 1U3 20 ; clear , ? i.)0 ! )
4i3 10
POULTRY Firmer ; chickens , old. 6V4c ;
youngr , 7'/4o : turkeys , 7O7Hc ; ducks , SViQ c ;
geene 6HS6V4c. (
SEEDS-Timothy. firm at $1.8022G ; flax.
lower at $1 26.
CORNMEAl/-Steady at ll.7BJfl.80
BRAN rirm ; sacked , east Irack , 65Ji6Cc.
HAY Steady ; timothy , $90001050 , prairie ,
WHISKY-Stendy nt $1 24
1'ROVISIONS Dry salt meats , steadv ;
boxed Bhoulders. $450 ; extra shorts , $5 37H
clear ribs , $537H540 ; clear sldeB , $550
Rncon , steady ; boxed shoulders , $550 ; extra
whorls , $5 75 ; clcnr ribs , $5 S7'-4 ; clear Bides
$6 12'A
REf EIPTS-Flour , 4,000 bu , ; wheat , 44,000
bu ; corn , Ot > 000 bu. ; oals , 43,000 bu
SHIPMENTS-riour , 7,000 bu. : wheat. 29-
000 ibu. ; corn. 81,000 bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu ,
Liverpool Urnln nnd ProvUlnnii.
dull , No. 1 California , 6s 3d06s 3V4d ; No. 2
red. western winter , 5s 10'4d ; No , 1 northen
spring , Gs Id ,
CORN Spot dull ; American mixed , new
and old , 3s 7d ; futures quiet ; November
33 7'4d : December , 3s 8d ; Jnnuury , 3s 7' d.
riXJITR St. Ix > uls fancy winter , dull , 8 ?
PEAS Canadian , Bs 8Vsd ,
PROVIhlONS Ueef , strong , ext.u Itldla
mcst. , 7/B btl , prime mesB , 7is 6d , Pork ,
strong , prime mess , iMs 3d. Hams , thoit
cut , 14 to 16 IbB , steady , 47s. Bacon , Cum
berland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs , dull. 35s 6d ; short
ribs IS to 22 Ibs , firm , 34s 6d ; long clear
mlddlBi' light 30 to 33 Ibs , , steady , 35 , lolltf
clfar m'ddles , heavy , 35 to 40 Ibs. , 31s ; short
eleur backs , 16 to IS Ibs , steady , 30s , clear
bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs , , dull , 31s blumlder.s ,
cquaro M to H Ibs , firm , 3ls > 6d Lurd ,
steady , ptlme western , in tierces , 2Ss ; Amer
ican refined , In pal ! , 29s 9d
r.ui : nml CliroN < >
ST LOUIS , Oct 28-HUTTER-Steady ;
dairy , 15S20C , crenmerv , Uff24c.
IXJOfi-'riljudv nl 15Vc
KANSAS CITY. Mo , Oct. 23-EOCiB-Ho
higher , receipts moderate , demand heavy ,
fre-nh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts ,
14ljC per doz , cases returned
UUTTER Creamery , lfli/22c / ; dairy , 16c
celpts. 4021 pkgs . firm ; western creamery ,
17tf24" : Juno creamery , 19ff224cj factory ,
lil0jj17(3. .
CHEESE-Rccelpts. 1,774 pkgsv ; steady ;
large , while iSc ; smnjl , white m4c ; large ,
colored 1212'ic ; small , colored , 12J4c.
EGGS Recctptt' , 4,013 pkgs.j quiet , west
ern , HOlSc
KIIIIHH * City Ciruln nnd ProTUIom ,
comber 63'c , May 67Uo. cash No 2 hard ,
62WfiC3c ; No , S. cogC2Hc , No .2 red , I3e , No ,
3 C6 b8c ; leceipts , 159 cars
'CORN December. JSJ c , May. 29 o ; cash ,
No 2 mixed , 30e , No i white , 310315.C , No !
' 3-No 2 white , 25c.
RYK No Z 63i'
HAY-ChoIro timothy , $5 2SiJS.W ; choice
prnlr'c. ' Jt7fi700 (
RECEIPTS-Wheat , 95,400 bu ; corn , 29,200
bu : oats. 14 CCO bu
SHIPMENTS Whrat. 32,400 bu , corn ,
2,000 bu , oats , 4.COO bu
'Mliinrii'xillo AVIirnt nnd Plonr ,
.inrn. N'o 1 northern October. ( XAc De
rcmbcr 6 ? , ( S6 ' c. May , 70o On truck.
No 1 hard US c ; No. 1 nonhern , 66 4c. No
" FLOUU Trade quiel. first patents , $375
{ 73 S5. second putenls , $355 363 , first clears ,
t rivHn 70
BRAN-In bulk. $106001075
Toledo JlnrUot.
nnd steady ; No. 2 cash , 70Uo , December ,
"c'ORN-Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
OATS-Dull und steady ; No , 2 mixed , 2Sc.
KYIS Nominal : No 3 cash. B9c ,
SUCDS Clover , hicher ; prime cash and
October , J6i3 ; December and March , J5.1714.
Wheat Opens at a Decline and Saga Bonn *
w&rd Steadily.
( Icnprnnn Conntry nnjtiiR , IIonc > er ,
llrlnui Slrpnictli nnd Indlcntlonn
of Drrrrnnr In A lulble Supply
Stintnln * the Adinner.
CHICAGO. Oct 2S Wheat got down to
W iWic today for the December option
nnd closed with a. loss of He , or within a
frflction of the bottom. I ick of support ,
owing to an over-abundance In sight , was
inulnly responsible for the decline Coin
j was steadied by an lmpro\ed cash demand
I nnd closed unchanged. Oats advanced Ho
and proUHoos from 2M-674C
Trndlng in wheat commenced at a slight
I decllno nnd thcro was so little energy In
I the business that the market sagged stead
ily throughout the entire session. The news
was generally of n bearish car-t , but selling
on nnv extensive scale was held In check ,
owing to the belief that prices were apt
to bo s'.vcn n sudden Impetus on the out-
coma of the political situation abroad De
cember opened HQUc lower at 70H170V4C.
sold sparingly nt W'ic , declined to t9 * ( lf
> Hc and closed at 70c. Chicago received ,
nlnet-seven cars , nvo of which graded j
conduct. Minneapolis and Duluth got 9SI
cais. against 1,311 for the corresponding day
a year ago , but the effect of the decrease
was offset by predictions from that section
that the movement would show .1 decided
Increase In the near future Total western
receipts w ere ltM2,000 bu , against 1,512,000
bu. for the swmo day lust jear. Ideal
stocks during the week Increased over 500-
00) bu. . and Indications were that the vis
ible supply Monday would show an Increase
of nearli 2'W.W'O ' ru. Cash demand hero
was weak. World's shipments for the week
amounted to 7,200000 bu
Corn vvaa eai y early In sympathy with
wheat , but rallied under generous country
Imiucon by wet weather and moder-
uio reccipie. indications or a large uc-
crense In the world's visible supply , togc'ther
with nn improved cash demund , helped to
sustain the advance. Elevator Intercsta
during the latter part of the se < * > lon bought
treaty. Receipts , 344 cars , December opened
He lower nt 31'jic. declined to Sl c and ad
vanced to 31 ic at the close.
Moderate receipts and a good shipping
demand strengthened oats Trade was dull ,
but the market ruled strong within narrow
limits Receipts , 266 cars. December opened
Vic higher at 22c , eased oft to 22 4UiiKQ (
and closed at 22c.
A ilccicase In stocks ana higher prices
for hogz bltensthened provisions. There
was u fcoit spot early , owing to the weak
ness In grams , but the market eventually
became slioiig , with packers the principal
bujcrs Jnnui'T > pork opened SfaT'/fcc higher
at ? 9 65 January lard unchanged at JJ 3T1/ .
fcu.40 and Janiuiiy ribs 2V4c higher at $497
:5 : W.
Estimated lecclnls for Monday : Wheat ,
oil cait ; corn. " ! cars ; c 4s , 3UO cara , hogs ,
7,000 head
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Arllclesl OpenJ High Low ! | Yest'y
Oct. 68V 6S1J 6S-4
Dec. . 70 4 . . 70 701 ;
May . 73 % 7JV4 73Hfl % 74
Get. . 31W
Dec. 31H 31 } Z\-n
May 32 % 33
Oals )
Dec. 22 % 22 %
May 24 21"
Dec. 805 8 12H 8 05 8 10 803
Jan. 955 9 67H 9 55 9 65 3 60
Dec. S 2214 C22M , 5 20
Jan. 5 40 5 40 5 374 5 40 5 40
Dec. 4 S7V4 487V4 487 % 4 80
Jan. 5 00 4 874 5 00
NO. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
TLOUR Steady : winter patents , J3 60 ®
370 ; clears , J320S330 ; straights , 30P3 40 ;
spring specials. ? 410 ; patents , $3 4033 70 ,
straights , J2 9003 20 ; bakers' , $230(3275. (
WHEAT No 2 spring , S0tf72c ( ; No. 3
spring , G3ff 70c ; No. 2 red , 70ig71c.
CORN No. 2 , 33Uc : No. 2 yollow. 32ic.
OATS No. 2 23ij23iic ( ; No 2 white , 26c ;
No 3 white , 24H@25Vic.
RYE No 2 , 64Hc.
BARLEY No 2 , 39@44c
SEEDS No 1 flnxs-eed and northwest ,
| 128128'4 : prime timothy , J230 ; clover ,
choice , $7 50
PROVIBIONS-Mess pork , per bbl , $8 05 ®
8 10. Lard , per 100 Ibs , $5 25 ( 5 27V4 Short
ribi sides ( loose ) , * 4 75i9515 Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , K 755J6 S7& . Short clear
sides ( boxed ) . (5 35@G 45
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
B <
BUG-ARS Cut loaf , $6 70 ; granulated , Jo IS.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles. Rer-fclnts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour , bblg 19000 13000
Wheat , bu 154000 81,000
Corn , bu 354000 387.00J
Oats , bu 290,000 176,003
Rye , bu 7,000 z.uuj
Barley , bu 6,000 33.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was low nnd wenk ; creameries ,
15S22V4c ; dairies , 14@19c. Eggs , steady ;
fresh , 17c. Cheese , strong ; creams , 12@12c.
Fninrattlr SlionlitK of Hunk Stntc-
iiicnt TnUcH Hears by Siirurlne.
NEW YORK , Oct. 2S The favornulo
showing made by the bank statement was
a complete surprise to Wall street and ven
turesome bears were caught short. The re
sult was seen In some violent price changes
The expectation of nn unfavorable state
ment was so universal that the beurweie
very active In the first hour and the bulls
were llttlo disposed to push tholr ventuitrs.
The nrlj advance on buying by Lan on 1
arid .1 light oemnnd from outsiders tmojgh
romm'.i ' > lor. houses was complete/ ! wiped |
out nnd the industrial specialties /.hided
easily In sympathy with the vveaknesn
manifest In Steel und Wire , which dropped
to 454 on continued liquidation und uncov
ering of stoploes order" Pretty much ull
lliu stocks of. companies In the motnl in |
dustry wore especially vulnerable und Ihere
was profit-taking In the leathei stocks. Tliu
latter were supported by the recently uc-
tlvo pool -ind prices bid up shnrply. This
prompted some covering by the bears In
olher IndiiHirialB before the appearance I
of the bunk statement. But the Hcramble
for stocks Immedlutely upon the publication
of the stalenient showed that large bear
coitr.iclB lemulned uncovered The bulls
helped on Ihf nilvunce und bid prices up
fnslly. nnd l > > wide jump * In Ihe effort
lo luke the nmrket away from the hears
The eloping was feverish , but strong , nnd
showed u higher level of prices on thu duy
The southern nnd southwcslein rallioail
stocks mudo the be'st showing , ns on pre
vious days of the week.
Thu bank uiemont h completely mycti-
tying. A Ions In cash by the banko ' .is
taken for granted. None of t le prollml-
nnry estimates placed li under J2,00ov9i ) and
most of them .jut , t ul ovei S)3i > , * trt. In
stead , it U * S7 000 The Incrcnsed activity
In the stock market Indicated that ihu pro -
ens of loan contraction had been stoppcvl ,
Instead there Is a loan decrease of 4 f6u -
MS Ueai traders vvoro confident Urnri \ \
in Iho banks would fall below the legal
reservu requirements Jnttcad tile surplus
Is more than doubled by rt-ison of the re
duction In requirements cf loan contr.u-
tlont < No sallsfactory explanation Id avall-
nble of the surprising recuperation effected
by thu banks during the week ,
Dealings ! n ft.ocks have been on u greatly
titicu&tu tcaiu during the weelc , the total
sales running near 7UIOOO shares on several
days , against a prevailing dully average far
coma time past of less than 500W)0 ) The
market has broadened , the uc.lve list be
ing more than doubled In length and many
obscure sloi Us coming fornu < i Into activity
at advancing prices. The disposition has
boon to adva'ciln Dpi-OMnr 'ic'ors being
Ihe Mlffness , tf tlu * m < ney and the
\vcukneb3 of come of the ' 'green" ' Industrials
with no dividend record yet made. The
growth of a new demand for stocks during
the week tmn been availed of to take profits
by those who huvo been picking up stocks
during thfe recent depression and money
stringency The advance in prices since the
first vteek in October , when the lowest
rices were mude by the liquidation forced
C y the wholesale cnu'ng of loans , has been
from five to ten points In the majority of
prominent railroad stocks The profli Is
eulllclently attractive- have Induced some
extensive realitlng The effect of this grew
more marked as the v\eeK progressed and
ine jeur 01 n umuvurauiu iiunK riuiemeni
undermined Ihe confidence of bujers The
most Influential factor In the week's ud-
vnnce was the announced determination of
the rallromlst to advance their rates for
transportation This action promises very
imbntanttal benefits directly to s to'k holders
In railroads as the trattlc 1ms crown to
such proportions that n slight change * in
thu rate jier ton wouU riako n vast differ
ence In the njfrrernto return to the rull-
runds , But the Incident lia bee-n Blgnlllcu'it
In itt > wider bearings. rjmnetiUon for ra'l-
road buBlnem hus been no keen in Ihe lu t
few yearn that there Is no effort required
to secure business. The advance In rullroud
rates U Evidence that the tralllc na reached
such proportions that there Is enough lo
keep the competing companies all pioiitcbly
employed. It Is conclusive contlrn.titlon of
the significance of Intelligence received from
all quarters of the conjeste-d fre'ghl car
famines and eater demand for new railroad
equipment ? The announcement of the New
York Central's Intentions to devote the pro
ceeds of Its new stock Issue ot $16,00 , OiO
to acquiring urgently needed new wjuipmcnt
attracted additional Interest to the sub
Another Influence on the sentiment was
the announcement ot the closing of con
tracts by the great rnllrond companies for
steel rails next year to the extent of 1,500-
000 tons previous to the advance In price
Several of the largest railroads have de
layed these contracls apparently with Ihe
hope that the prices ot iron products would
relax. The decision to accept the present
level ot prices for so vast a quantity of
product bv nilthorlt'cs who o opportunities
for information It so far-renchlnir nnd
whose Judgment In large nffulrs Is so skill
ful gee * fnr to stengthen the general faith
In nn extension ot the period of prosperity
Ihe largo orders placed by rnilronds all
over the country for new freight ear lend
to tlu sanit conviction. The future demand
Is thus assured to counteract the theory
that Iron prices would react with those ot
copper , tin nnd other metals
'Ihe multiplying evidences of unprece
dented activity nnd prosperity In business
have caused relaxation of pressure against
even the "green" Industrials , which have
been much In dlsfnvor on account of dls
closmcj regarding the capitalization and
method of valuation of constituent com
panies There have been conspicuous * ex
amples of price collapse In this class during
the vveek , but Insiders have showed moro
Inclination to support the securities than In
other recent Instance * of a similar nature
Money has become easier at Interior points
during the week ind the piessuro upon New
\crk \ has f.imeMint telaxed , but has not I
ceased Rates for momy In New York
have consequently been very firm on uc-
count of the already depleted condition of
bank reserves.
The market for railroad bonds has been
active and broad through the -week and
prices are higher United States new 4s
and old 4s , coupon , advanced > i per cent ,
and new 4a and old 4s > . registered , .is and 5s ,
coupon , s per cent In the b'd prices ; 6s1 ,
reglslered. declined ' 4 per conl.
Iho Commercial Advertisers London
financial cablegram says : "The lone of the
markers hero was confident throughout 10-
day'H session , and the dealings were mod
erately nctlve. All departments were good ,
except thut consols were a shade 2i.sler.
Amctlcan securllles were firm all day , lln-
Khlnpvnll nv * r unrltv. Snlltrmrn Il.lllwaV
Issues re-ucted slightly on prollt-tnklng
eules. Good features were Northein Paclllc
and Norfolk & Western Issues. Spanish 4s
were 61 % Anacondas. 93-16"
The follow'nc are the leading quotations
for the leadlnc stocks o nine New York
exchange today ;
Atciilson 21'4 Texas & Pacific. 20
do pfd 651s Union Pacific . . . 47H
Bal. & Ohio 6J > i do pfd 77H
Canadian Pacific 95 % Wnbash 7 %
Canada South'n . 51W. do pfd 22H
dies & Oh'o. . . . 27A. Wheel .t L E. . . 11 *
Chicago. O. W. . . 11H do 2d pfd. . . 30
C. , B &Q 13TO WIs Centrnl . . . .17 %
Ohl Ind it L. . . . 1U4 Adims Ex . .114
do pfd. . . 42 American Ex. . . .14H < .
Ch'cngo . E I 9614 U. S Express . 52
CWcigo & N.M70 Wells-rnrgo Ex.139
C. R I , & P. . . 115 Amor. Cot Oil . . 45s
C. C. C. & St. L. 60 , do pfd . . . . 96
Cole Southern . . 5 'Amer. ' Malting . . 11 %
do 1st pfd. . . elo pfd 51
do 2d pfd . 16 Amor. S & R. . . . 34 }
Del & Hudson . 2211 do pfd 85Vi
Del L AsV. . . . . 194 i Amer. Spirits . . . 4
Denver & 11 , G , 22U do pfd 17
do"pfdT . . . . 77li American S H. . 42V4
Erie , 113Vi do pfd 82V4
do 1st pfd. . SSH Amer. S & W. . . 47H
Gt. Nor. pfd. . . .174 % do pfd 91
Hocking Coal . . 17'S ' Amer. Tin Plate. 3H4
Hocking Vnllev . 11 | do pfd 81
Illinois Central . .115'i Amer. Tobacco . .123 g
lown Central . . . . 13J do nfd 144
do pfd 69Vi Anac Mln Co . . 4H4
K. C. . P. & Gulf. S Brooklyn R T. . . Sfi
Lake ErJp & . W. lf > .4 Cole Fuel & I. . 55 %
do pfd 73 % Con Tolncco . . . 41
Lake Snore 198 do pfd 91'i
L &N S6 % Federal Steel . . .54 %
Manhattan L 11. ! % do pfd. . .
Met. St. Hy . . . .197 % Gen Electric
Mexican Central. 11 % Glucose Sugar
Minn. & St. L. . . . 719i , do pfd 93
do pfd. . . . 9IJi Inter. Pnper 27 %
Missouri Pacific. 4Si do pfd 70'1
Mob'lp & Ohio . 47 Lnclede Gns "SH
Ml" ? ourl , K < S , T. 12 % National Biscuit. 31V
do pfd 39 do pfd 93
N. J. Central . . .121 % National Lead . . 29
N. Y. Central..13S' do pfd 10SV4
Norfolk Ac W. . . . 27H Nat'onnl Steel . . 41
do pfd 71 % do pfd 91V4
Nor. Pno'llc 65V4 N Y. A'r Brake.142
do pfd 76 Nor. American . . 17V
Ontario & W 26H Pacific Const . . . . 51 %
Oie R. A.N 4. I do l t pfd . S8
do pfd 76 1 do 2d pfd. . . . 67H
Pennsylvania . . . .133 Pacific Mall Wi
Rending 21'i People's Gag . . .111 %
do 1st pfd. . . 61 'Pressed Steel C. 58
do 2d pfd. . . . 12 4 do pfd 89 %
Rio G. W 15 IPulIman Pal C .19-1'i
do nfd St'Alpiamlnrd R & T. 9
St. L & S r . . . 10'fc Sugar 1VW
do Irt : pfd. . . 70 | do pfd 117U.
do 2d pfd. . . . 16H Tenn Conl & L.HS'i
Bt. L , Bouthw. . . 13 II. S Lcnther. . . . 21 %
do pfd 3r > J do pfd R2 *
Bt. Paul 127VU. S Rubber . . . 49' *
do pfd 172 do pfd 112'i
St. P. & Omaha.120 IWertcrn TTnlon. . . S7U
Southern Pacific 1S % Republic I. & 8 24U
Southern Ry H * do pfd 69 %
do pfd. . 67 % P G C & St. L 74
] S'e < v York Monc > MnrKct.
NEW YORK , Oct 2S MONCY On call ,
easier at 5 per cent ; prime mercantile pn-
ilVl i U'(4 ' U 2 1/Cl % . - II
STERLING nXCHANGE-rirm , with nc-
tual buslne i In bankers' bills nt $4 82V1 for
demand nnd XI "I'i for slxtv duvs. poslert
rates , $4 E6f4 ( SSVs ; commercial bills , 54 F2 % .
SILVER Certlflcutes , bSVSi@COc ; bar , 57c ;
Mpxlcan dollars , 47' < c
BONDS State , Inactive ; government ,
firm ; 2s , registered , 100 % , 3s , reclsterod. .
107 ; 3s , coupoin 108 % ; new 4s , registered , !
129 ; " coupon , 130 , old 4s , registered HI'4. ; '
coupon , 112'i ; Cs , registered , 110 % ; coupon.
111 %
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
U S 2 . reg 100 do 4s . 93 %
U. S 3s , reg. . ,10 , V Y. Cen. is. . .112
U. S. 3s , coupon. 1 < V > V J C gen 5s 120
U. 8 new 4s , reg 129 N C. 6s . 127
do 4s , coup 13" do 4s . 101
U. S old 4s , reg 111' Nor. Pacific Is. . 113
do coupon.112' ' do 1s > < T %
U. 8 5s. reg . . . .110' do 4s 102'a
do 5s , cou.lllp NYC & 8t.L4s.10 >
D. of C. 3 rs , . .117 Nor & W. c. 4s. . 92 %
Ala class A. . .110 Mo gen 6s , . 115
* do ems' ' . B .110 Ore. Nnv. Is . Ill
do clasH C..101 do 4s . 101 %
Alabama cur'cy.100 Ore. Short L 63.123
Atch gen. 4s . . 81" : do consol 6s. , 115
do adj. 4s . . 87 Rending gen. 4s. 87 %
Canada So , 2s .108 Rio G W Is. . . . 87 %
Ches. & O 4s . 95 % Pt L & I M c.Ss.HOV ,
do 5s . 110 StL&SK.
C & N.W e. 7s m Pt Paul ron . . If9
do S P. deb 5s 106'/4 St P , C & P. IB 121
lliiNtiin Stoi-U Onntntloii * .
BOSTON , Oct 28 Call loans , 6HOS per
emit ; tlmo lonns , &ITO per cent , Olllelnl
closing minUUlons of stocks , bonds and
mining shnres :
A , T & S r Weil End pfd . .115
I do pfd , 66 Wentdnirli Elec , 47
' Amer Suirnr 151i do pfd . 66
do 11M 1174 Dominion Conl , , 44
i Bell Telephone 170 do pfd , . . . 117
Boston & Alb'y.249 Adventure . . B'4
Boston Klov . ,107 Allouez Mln Co. 4' {
! Boston & Maine 206 Atlantic 24
C B & O Boston & Mont 3'0
. Ed Elec III 201 Butte & IlOHtnn , 67
I F tchburg pfd 119 Calumel & Heo .741)
Gen Eleclrlc 121 Cenlennlal . . . 24' '
do pfd 119 Franklin l5Ti
Federal Ste l 54 * . Hiimboldt 1M
do pfd Parrot
Mich Telephone 107 Oulncy .151
1 nid Polony 2 < * i
BAR SILVER Steady nt 2CM per ounce ,
MONBV 232U per cent , the rate of dU-
rouitl In Ihf open market for short bllU.
3H pur cent , for three months' bills , 4Jp
4't. per cent
PorrlKn Fliiuntiliil.
BUBNOS AVRES. Oct. JS. The gold quo-
tntlrm nrlay was 12120
'IHRLIN. Oct 25 , The settlement paa ed
v' h ut n hlich and money on the bourse
tida > was carter but llrm Mine shares
utrn the Toature of the day's transactions ,
their strenglh resulting from the expected
Increase In the German navy nnd excellent
that the Rhenish Wei'tolulUn la-
ncrc growing In activity nnd the
rumor that the export of conl from hng-
kind had been prohibited Americans nnd
Cnnndlan Pacific v\cre firm Argentines
recovered , Exchange on Ixindon , iOm
26 > ipff for checks
t-ltANKFORT , Oct. 2S-Prices on the
bourse today were firm and there wns good
arbitrage buying
PARIS , Oet 23. Prices on the bourse to
day nnre firm nnd Ihere v\a * much coverIng -
Ing In view of the settlement SpnnUh li
vver ? In particular fnvor Rio Ttnto * were
quiet Knnirn itnrted nrm Afterward thcv
became heslt.UIng nnd Improved nt the
close Three per cent renter , loot &V for
the account txchnnge on London. SSf 21c
for checkt Spanish 4s closed nt 6232H
LONDON , Oct 2S American securlt'os '
opened nbovo parity level nnd remained
Mend ) during the icsslon. BuMne1 ? vvn-i
very restricted , hovvevfr , nnd at the close
the tone was dull Spanish 4s closed at
' \ Vookljllnnk Slntpiiicnl.
NKW YORK. Oct 88 The weekly bnnk
statement shows. Surplus reserve. In-
crenso , Jl.697.450 , loans , decrease. J4.765800 :
specie , Increase , JC62fiOO , legal tenders , do-
crcane , 1750,200 , deposits decrease S5 740 100.
circulation , Increase. JVi.OOO , TIui banks
now hold $3.03S,523 In excess of the legal
CHICAGO. Oct. -Clearings , Jl < 1 421,021 ,
bnlnnces , $1,740,000 Stcillng exchnnge } t SI
® M S3 New York exchnnpe , 45c discount
ST. LOUIS. Oct. -Clearings , J 162,933 :
balances , fW,341 ! , Mono. 4S per cent.
New York exchange , 9c discount tM. 7 > o
discount nskt-nl.
NKW YORK. Oct 2S Clearings , $137,174-
787 , balances , $12,210 5 > 73
BOSTON. Oct. 23 Clearings , } 22,76IS01 , ;
bilnnces , $1,631,902
I'inU\DCI > PHIA , Oct -Clearings
$ ir. tiOl 090 | balances. $1,701,2,14
RALTIMORC , Oet. 2S.-Clearlngs , } 3,237-
6SS ! balances , $ (01,403. (
York Uxportu mill Inuiortn.
NH\V YORK. Oct 2S The exports of sil
ver from this port to nil countiles for this
week aggregate $6r5SGS silver bars and coin ,
and f50,567 gold. The Imports of dry goods
und merchandise at the port of New York
for this wcfrk were valued at J10.223.S15 The
Imports of ipecle for this week wore J28.954
&old , and $34,173 silver.
Condition of Ilic Treasury.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28-Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $292,449,350 , :
gold resorv e , $253,358,101.
ST LOUIS , Oct. 2S COTTON Stendv ;
mldcllng 7c sales , none : receipts , 5,4J ?
bales ; shipments , 4017 bales : stock , 75,5 J
opening of the cotton market was steady ,
with near months 13J4 points hleher and
September 1 point lower The cables from
Liverpool were better than counted upon
and this fnct , In connection with a dis-
t'nctly bullish review by the Chronicle ,
sent shorts to cover. Europe mid the south
sent fair buying ordtrs , which demand ,
together vvllh room covering , sustained
prices during the first hour The usual
aggregation of bull news from the cot
ton belt put In an appearance. The mar
ket for futures closed firm , with prices
net 3fl6 points higher.
quiet and prices l-32d h'ghcr ' ; American
middling fair. 413-3&1 ; good middling ,
43-lGc ; middling. 4d ; low middling , 313-16d ;
good ordinary , 3Hd ; ordinary , 3 7-16d The
sales of the day were 8,000 bales , of which
BOO bales were for speculation and export
and Included 7,500 bales Amer'cnn Re
ceipts , 11,000 bales. Including 10 800 bales
American Futures opened steady ami
closed quiet at the advance ; American mid
dling , 1 m o , October , 3 bl-M3Z 5S-t > 4d. buy-
en ; October and November , -64@357-64d ,
buyers ; No\ ember and December , 366-61(3 ,
bujers , December and Jnnuarj , 3So-C4d ,
touyorn ; January and February , S 54-64d ,
bujers ; February and March , 3 53-64d , "buj- "
ers ; March and April , 353-64d , sellers , April
and Olay , 3 53-64d , sellers ; Mav and June ,
3&2-C4j353-64d , bujers ; June and July , 352-64
< ff3 53-04d , bujtrs ; July and August , 352-01(5' (
3B3-64d , buyers : August and September ,
3T50-64SC51-64d bU > ers
firm ; sales , 7,550 bales ; oidlnary , 6Vic ,
good ord'nary ' , 54c ; low middling , G-16c ;
middling , b U-16c , good middling 71-lCc :
middling fair , 7Hc ; receipts , 9,064 bales ;
Block , 290,556 bales Futures , steady ; Octo
ber , nominal , November , $ b 746 7fi ; December -
| cember , $679fifiEO , January. $6 SIlgN ! 85 ; Feb-
I ruary. $ b 87ilti 89 ; March , $690 < gC91 ; April
( $6H3a < 94 ; May , $695Q696 ; June , $697S69S ,
'July , $6993 .01.
Wool Market.
LONDON , Oct. 28. WOOL There have
been fair Inquiries for wool during the week
and speculative buying Is Increasing Fair
sized lots of merinos have been fold since
Thursday at prices ranging from I ( > yi6 per
cent above the last series The arrivals to
rintft for thp n xt series amniint to 51.251
bale ? Including 11,500 forwarded direct.
The imports during the week were : NRW
South Wales , 2,460 bales ; Queensland , 219
bales ; Melbourne , 1,683 balea ; South Aus
tralia , 4C1 'bales ' ; Capo of Good Hope and
Natal , 1,140 bales ; Bussorah , 793 bales , Rus-
e-la. 65S bales , Marseille" , 444 bales , elfco-
Where , 164 bales.
BRISBANE. Oct. 23-The third sale of
wuol this year was held here today The
sales amounted lo 7,653 bales. Competition
was keen and prices advanced % per ceni ,
Oil Mnrkcl.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28-OILS Petroleum
firm : refined New Yoik , J9 10 ; Philadelphia
and Baltimore , $9 05Phlladelphla ; and Haiti
more , In bulk , $655 Rosin , nulet : btralned
common to good , $1.2J'40125 Turpentine ,
steady , 51Vi < ff&2c. Cottonseed oil , quiet and
steady ; prime crude , 31iJ2c , prime hummer
yellow , 28c , prompt ; off summer vellow ,
7Hc ; butter grades , 30ff31c ( ; prime wlntor
yellow , 31(0320 ( ; prime white , 3tM30V4c.
OIL CITY , Pa. Oct. 28 OILS-Credlt
balances , $153 ; certificates opened , $1.53 ,
closed , nominally $153 bid ; no Hales
LONDON , Oct 23. OIL Linseed. 21s l'4d
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Oct , -OILS-Splrlts
of turpentine , firm , 4S c. Rosin , llrm nnd
Splrlts of turpentine , quiet , 4794fl1S > 'iC.
Rosin , firm 95cflJ1.00. Crude turpentine ,
tirm. $1.50fi2.SO.
Ir > UooilH
week closes without change of moment In
character of demand. The tone Is Htionir
throughout. Advances of ' 4c reported In i
four-yard brown sheetings Other brown
goods against bujnrs. Bleached cottons
tending upward. Wide sheetlngH stran , ,
but demand quiet. Coarse colored cottons
In steady request , but difficult to buy , Prints '
hnrden'ng In staple lines Print cloths
without change Cotton jams strong and
ilgher , with demand In excess , of nuppllcs I
Worsted yarns also etrong and auvariclng !
Jute yarns scarce and di'irer.
SiiK r Mnil.ct ,
market llrm ; fair refining , , H3-16c ibid , ,
centrifugal , & 6 test , 4 6-lCc , molneses sugar , '
39-lOc bid : reflnfd , steady and fa'rly nc-
tlve , No 6. 4&ej No7. . 47-16c ; No S , 4 ae ,
No 9 , 15-160. No 10 , 41-lGc. No 11 , 41-li'c.
No. 12 , 4c ; No 13 4c , No 14 315-lbc , mould
A , 57-lCc , standard A , 415-16c ; confection-
era' A , 415-lCc. cut loaf , 50-lCc , ciushed ,
59-lGc ; powdered , D'lc , granulated , 53-I6C ,
cuhea B5-lGc
rirm ; open kettle. ne , 4 ? c. centrlfu nl
new yellow 4leB1Hc Molnssta , tteady ;
new centrifugal , 32c , new cane syrup , 4lc
Cnllfonilu Drl.'d rrulU.
DRIED FRUIT8-.FJrm ; evaporated apples ,
common , C-tZTc , prime wire tray. 73 < 0So ;
choice , SU ? 8V4c Prunes 7ViJiV4c , Aprlcote.
Royal. i3Q15c ; Moor Park , l5flSc. Peaches ,
peeled , 20 < iScj ! unpeeled , 7W010C.
Milmiukff Crnln jrari 1 ,
Easier ; No 1 northern , 70&70M.C , No 2
northern , lu fe
RYE Easier , No 1. G7'ic
BARLEY .Steud > , No 2 , 46H6H7c ; sam
ples 39ij'ljc
I'l-orln VInrKc't.
PEORIA , Oct. 28-CORN-Firm ; No 2
OATS-rirm. No 3 white , 24024'lc. '
WHISKY Klrm on the basis of $1 ! 1 for
finished goods.
Diiliith Win-lit Mnrliet ,
DULUTH , Oct 28-WHEAT No 1 hard ,
cash , 6S'ic ; No 1 northern cash. C7VjC. Oc
tober. 67hc , December , 7VaC , Ai ! > 71'aC ,
No 2 northern , Cl'irc , No 3 spring 61c
AVIndoiv ( i I linn Coinliliic.
PITTSnuilQ , Pa , Oct 28 The Amer'can
Window Olagp companj has lasued a cir
cular no t If j Ing the Jobbers that H rebate
will be allowed to all who nurchauu ex
clusively from the combination It also
states that the new combination control *
65 per cent of the capacity of the window
class fuctorltu In the country.
Light Receipts AS Usual on the Last Day
of the Week.
OUR ' 'I'll Ioi\er Dnrlne the AVorU
lleef Cuttle Uptiiitlti St tlt > nni- > ,
AVhtlc PreilliiR Cnttli * Ail > nncu
Shoe I > Arc llluhcr.
Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs shocp.
Ofllclal Mondnj S.OSO 2t > SI 130 i3
Olllclal Tuesday . . . 5,216 S.500 7,4-tl
Olllclnl n'odiu-sdny . 6,37o 7,22.1 79W
Ulllclul Thursday . . . 4.4WJ S-.W1 . , lbi
Otllclul Friday 2,331 , 9,31:1 : bbl
OtflclHl Saturday 4S5 7,0 ! > 4 iJ
Total this week , . 29,954 43,670 32,301
Week ending Oet 21 2Sb 9 S .btS JJ.U57
Week ending Ocl 11. . I644 J5l , t J . iJ
Week ending Oct 7 31.W1 37.3JJ 3t > ,793
Average pi Ice paid for hogs for the lust
Indicates Sunday
The official number of cars ot stock
brought In today by eac-h reid was :
Cattle. Hogs H'ses
C , M. & St. P Ry 3
O it. St L. Ry 1
Missouri Pacific Ry 6 9
Jnlon Pacific system 4 20 2
C i N W Ry 5
T , E & M V II. R 21
S C. & . P. Ry
C , St P , M .to Ry 8
n & M R R R 29
C , B. Ac Q. Ry 11
K C & . SI J 1
C , R 1 & P Ry . east 2 .
CR I. & P Ry.west 1
Total receipts 12 111 C
The disposition ot the day's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers Cattle Hogs Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co 946
G H Hammond Co 1,017
Swift nnd Company G 1,879 51
Cudahy Packing Co 1,978 20
Armour As Co 2,064 . . .
Omaha Packing Co , K C 30
Cudahy Packing Co , K. C. 1J7
W. I. Stephen : 2
Huston & Co 2 . . . . , .
Whelan Bros 99
Dther bujers 20
Held over 480
Totals 197 SOG3 551
CATTLE As will be noted from the table
of receipts there were no cuttle here to
trnko u market and the yurds were prac
tically deserted
Considering the size of the receipts and
all other circumstances the cattle market
this week has been In fairly Batibfaclory
condition for ull parties concerned. Beef
cittlo were , easier earlier in the week and
then thov strengthened nn agiln , so that at
the close ot the week the market is not
much different from what It wns u week
ugo In other words , cornfod and gra s
beef steers ure selling Just about wheie
they were a week ngo
Cows und heifers have ieon fair sellers
all the week. They were a little easlei on
some dayf , owing to large receipts , nnd
btrongcr on others , so that for the. week
there is not much change. Good feeding
heifers seemed to be in a little better-de
mand toward the last of the week and
they might be quoted u little strongei
Bulls have sold In about the same notcheb
ull the week , both killers and feeders
Heavy feeding -itcors show a gnln over
a week ugo of lOJjlGo and good light cattle
15(5COc ( gain The demand for fecd'ng cattle
and especially Block cattle seemed to pick
up very much right after the rains reed-
Ing cows were also In good demand and
sold well the last of the week At the
clone of the vveek practically nil kinds of
cattle are disposed of and the yards com
pletely cleared Representative sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . 500 $3 50
n i f > n o in
2. . 100 C 00 1. HO 6 23
11..1055 300
No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr.
1 heifer . . 4SO $2 00 2 heifers . 060 $1 85
HOGS Today's hog market was steady
to a little easier thun yesterday's general
market nnd the clcwe was a little slow and
weak owing to the fact that It was the last
day of the week and the receipts were
liberal. Still there VN.IS a good demand and
the peno were cleared In reasonably gjod
Deuson As > was the case yesterday It was
laigcly a lOo market nnd the big bulk of
all the hogH of all weights sold at that
price nnd there were not many sule % ubovo
or below tlmt price.
The hog market has fluctuated
coiiB'dernbly this vveek. In the Hist place
viilucs made a little Jump the first of the
week , then dropped bnck on Tuesday , with
the market wenk ugaln on Wednesday.
Tl'cn vnluen took n still greater Jump on
Thursday , the market on that day showing
an average gain of 8c for nil the hogs sold.
On Prlduy all the guln und more , too , was
lost , so tha the week closed with the mar
ket n shudo lower than It was nt iho clo o
of the previous vveek The table of aver
age prices will ehow the exnct fluctuations
from day to day nnd will nlso serve to
give nn uxuct Idi-n of the market changes
since the beginning of the month. Rep
resentative nales :
T5 300 SO 4 10 95 2-17 12fl 4 15
5 < i 271 40 4 10 90 2(9 40 4 IS
67 247 . 4 10 74 222 . 4 1G
C7 2 2 < 0 4 10
StUJlsr Tliero were no freMi arrivals
> cre todny niul nothing to mnko n test of
iho nnrket While thcro lift * been n cooil
run of intnb * tlili v\eek nnd thn mnrket hut
ea ed off 11 llttlo , possibly lOsrHc thcro has
boon a marked scrtrclty. nf good tnuit MI
sheen anil tlio market on Hint kind Is 1 > rf
ZSc higher than n week nco Tioonl meUcrs
could have u ed several Ihousind more
sheep ttmnero received mid would hnva
been Kind to get them While the demand
for feeders Is not especially brisk H Is
about caual to lliei receipts , so lint the
yards liavo been kept pretty well cleared
out Quotation- flood to choice grass wethers
1 < OJ14l)0' ) fnlr to peed grnss vvothfrs. $3iOW
375. go > d to oholoe ye-irlliiKs 0jH18 :
good to choice grnss ov\rs HtKf1M ( , fair
to good grass tr J1 0003 n good In i holco
sprint ; Ininbs M 75 ® 4 JO , fnlr to good Kpi Ing
lnmb . $ l60 < { fl70 , common spring Inmbs ,
{ IOOJJ450 , feeder wethers. $1 SOUS60 , feeder
yearlings. J3 roff375 , feeder lambs , J4 50(34 ( 40.
Representative salts :
No Av Pr.
10 Angora kids 54 M T5
2C6 western ewes . . 74 215
riur\io uvu srooic MARKET.
MiirUct Practical ! ) n (
OvvliiK tn Mmltod Itcccliitn.
SHEEP Receipts of cattle nnd sheep to
dny were to slim Hint business In both
markets vvns nt a atnndstlll , with prices
HOGS Thorp vvns nn nctlvc doimnd for
hogs at n plight ndvnmo In prices Fair to
urlmn lots brought ? ! Il'lffl-10 henvv pack
er * . MWM420 , mi\i-d. $ ( 10JT4 1JU. imteJicra ,
S1WHIO llghtwo'ghts , JIOJliISS , nigs.
$ J i.vTi ( I 30
RECEIPTS-Cnttlo. 200 head ; hogs , 18,000
head , sheep , 1,000 head.
N City I.Ho Stank.
cclpts , 20 ( head , supply Inrgely feeders
that sold fulrly well at stcudv prices , trnds
eirly this week WUH slow und prices on ,
Intirlor grades sharply lower , the general
rnlns Inter Impiovcd the situation , us the
dcmund Increisod Iho supply d < vi : cased And
tirlcta arc now as strong ns tln > high tlmo
lust vveclt , hca\i nntl\o cuttlo lit ought
J > 40Ji615 , lightweights , Jl.fl)575 ) ; Mocker *
nnd feeders. W Sfatt Sit , butchers' CQVVB and
heifers , } 110fil"5 , eminent , J22.W3W , west
ern steerJ110 < iII75 , Texans , J3 OOiJM 05.
HOGS RecUpts , 5,000 head , thcro vvna
slight Increase In the. demand today , com
mon grades sold steady , while < holce kinds
sold 2'4o higher , henvv , mixed niwl light ,
J4 07'ViM ' 17'4 , pips , $1 ( f b4 10
9Him > Recplpt-j for week , 16,000 hiad ;
larlj" In wee-k tirlcea ruled 10flJ < V Wither ;
the advance wns lost on lambs later , clos
ing prices showed muttons ISQSOc hlifhcr ;
Killing lambs unchanged and stock ami
feeding grades aotl\o nnd a shade higher :
larr'bs ' sold from J4t > OfiGii ; muttoiiR , $325 ©
400 , stockers and feeders , $300Q4a ! ! , oulla.
$1 501f3 00
St. l.ouU l.lto Stnok.
ST LOUIS , Oet 28-OATTLn-Recelpts ,
DOO head , Including 300 head Texans , miuket
stcidnitlvo shipping and export stools ,
? 4"i > frtOO , dresspd be of und butc-her steers.
JIOOI1C50 , steers under 1XX ( Ibs , J3 ISftfl.lG :
stockers and fetders , Ji230175 , cons and ,
helfe-rs. J200-IS5 ( ) , cnnncrs $100i3flO ? , bulls ,
J230 115 , Toxns nnd Indlnn steers , J3 IB ®
400 ; cows nnd heifers , $3 KXp3 40
HOGS IKeelpts 3,100 head ; market
ntcndy , plga nnd llglits $ J 2'V ! ) ' ! 30 ; pncke-ra ,
J1 20fTi4 23 : butchers , J4 ICfl-l ! S
SllhCP Receipts , 100 hend ; market nom-
Innl ; nuthe muttons. JTWQ'420 , Inmbs , $460
( f5SO , stockers , $2000325 ; culls nnd bucks ,
$1600 00
St. JONC : > II ll\v Stork.
SOUTH ST JOSEPH , Mo. Oct. 2S-(8po- (
clal ) The Journal quotes as follows :
CATTI-.12 Receipts , too head , market
stendv. natives , $ IOOjGOO ; Tnxas nnd we < terns -
erns , $3258675 , cows and heifers , $2 00f4 50 :
bulls nnd blags , $2 Wl GO ; yearlings and
calves , $100JJ'i2r , stockers nnd feeders , $
© 4 50 ; veals , $1 OOQG 50
HOGS Receipts. 4,200 head : market
stendv to 2'4c higher ; heavy nnd medium ,
$4103(41714. ( pigs nnd light , JilOa4W4. bulk
of sales , fl 10(3415 (
SHJ3EP Receipts , none ; demand strong.
NI-TT York LlcStouk. .
ceipts , 144 head ; no trading , feeling steady :
cables unchanged ; shipments , 5311 head of
cattle and 50 hend sheep
CALVES Receipts , none ; no tradlnz ;
feeling steady.
SIinHP AND LAMRS RecelptB , 3,112
head ; sheep steadj , lambs , Blow and lower ;
sheep. $3 2T f)3 ) 87 : lambs , f > 20Q5 75 ; 1 cnr
Can.icH lambs , $555
MOOS Receipts , l.Gfil held ; one-halt car
on sale ; nominally lower at $4 G01 65.
ColTfe llcirkct.
NKW YORK , Oct. 2S COrPUC-Optlona
opened quiet at unchanged prices to u de
cline of G points and ruled Innctlva most of
the forenoon , with little variation. Weak
cables \\ere responsible for the early net-
back , although thov were offset In n measure -
ure by small Hrnzlllin receipts and freer
withdrawals from Amnrlpn" warehouses.
Closed barely steady , unchanged to 6 points
lower ; sales , 1,250 bags , Including : Jan
uary , $ r > 05JJ510 : February , $ ' 515 ; March , $520
< fir 2r > : April , $530 ; Juno , $140 ; July , $540.
Spot , Rio , firm ; No 7 Invoice , 61-lBc ; No 7
Jobbing , GO-lBc. Mild , firm ; good business
doing ; Cordova , C4011\c.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlre'-t wire" to an > Nur Vr-
CorrtiDondrnti : JJbn A. . YVimr. A Cf.
rwn * > 9 ir
Average monthly dividends earned and
paid for the past four years by our
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Send for our booklet fully explaining. Bunt
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Nothing Succeeds Like Success.
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a "MniVBl 4SI ? Cost You Nothing
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If BO , vnruilutn successfully Bend your
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