OMAHA ILLUSTHATHI ) BEE. Octolicr 'Jl ! . 1874-18QQ Business Anniversary - * > Vy Mi M\J U U RJSC an ( | progress of A , llospc's Great Music anil Art Establishment. Phenomenal Growth Displayed in its Present Mammoth Proportions. Doors of the establishment at 1 5 13J J 5 15 Douglas street to be thrown open to the public Monday afternoon and evening , October 23 , to celebrate the event with a grand promenade concert , with souvenir distribution. Souvenir Distribution On Monday afternoon ami evening , October 2.1 , the doors of tbo linmen-e establishment which \\lll bo beautifully decor ated throughout , will bo open to thi' public for a general good time. Musi , ' ulll be d > s ( . nursed by Kaufman's binil on the Btmo lloor , the Smith Fain lly will play on the Audit rluin stage while the organ nxxn will bo enlivened with automatic or A. HIINPU'N Picture Km me Factory , 1(11-1 ( Iznril Street. chestral mimic. I.ady visitors \\ill each receive a copy of the Silver Anniversary March , composed for the occasion by Win. S , Ilaxtor , and a hands-oni < souvenir will hidl trlou l to their gentlemen es-eorts The evening promenade will begin at 7 o'clock. Over S'.OOOoiuenlrs will nleo be distributed by null to patrons now on the books of this house. To few young men \\liu embark In a business career ever comes the opportunity to look backward over u quarter century's record of Uninterrupted success , yet such has been the wondeifnl career of Mr. A. llospe \\lio , coming to Omaha in 1871 , just out of his teens , endowed with an abundance of pluck and energy , and gifted with that rarer qualification known as business judg ment has succeeded In building up what is now universally conceded the largest musir and ait emporium In the Tiansnilssissippi region. Mr Hospe , who is still a young man , has Indeed reas n to be proud of ills achieve ment for what greater or higher tribute e ulil a hiiKlncM man receive than that writ ten in the immense growth of his ostabllsli- ment , testifying In tbo loonllniious and un- st In ted patronage of the public through so many years What bitter testim nlal of his ability and fltnes to meet the demands of tbo public than this marvelous growth in the midst of so long u period of business \lcl slt\nles that has wrecked and bin led hosts of rivals and left the few silivlvors in c mparatlve obscurity. The fact of an Institution's growth Is the strongest argument and highest evidence of Its merit a compliment far superior to all praise composed merely of words , and this fact cannot be more emphatically Impressed A. HIINIU-'N Kiting Dt-iuirtiiieiit l < 'nct < > ry. platforms to facilitate- loading and unloading carload .shipments. The building Is 3HXS2 feet , containing a bntoment and two floors In which is carried the largest stock of pic ture moulding , pictuie bucking , picture glass , picture matting , picture frame una chiller ) and all picturefiaino hardwnio used by the picture- frame dealer. Not only are frames manufactured lure , but alto moul I Ings , supplying the west , cast , n rth an 1 nmili \n ide.i if the growth of this business can be bettor Conveyed when It Ib stated that an many IIH 10 people are engaged In its service Six as traveling salesmen Over 000 instruments were Hold in 1SOS , the volume ( f Us art and music buslnos for that ) reaching the sum of $170.000. CuiieidiTlng thld enormous growth of bust ness Mr llospe has much Indeed to celebrate and his plans for celebration contemplate doing tills in a bee lining way. Alieady con giatiilatiotm aio pouring In from all aides o\i'i' IIvo hundred having been received fiom his eastern correspondents alone At the Exposition At the oxpuhlti n auditorium the IlclUtedt band will play the- Silver Anniversary March both afternoon and evening of Mouda > October 23. the. ladles In attendance receiv ing copies of this lovely march , bound In an elegantly designed cover. „ „ „ , „ . A * HOMIIC'M I'tniio Itooiu. than through a visit to Mr. Hospo'tt establishment or In lieu thereof by a glance at the accompanying Illustration , taken fiom i i.oto- graplm which give at least a hint of the magnitude ofMr. . HospeV fiumous music and art emporium. Mr. Hospo located In Omaha October L'll , 1871 , on the side of Fifteenth ntrrot , between Ioiigln and Dodge streets , removing n year later to the north side of Dodge , between Fifteenth and Six tcentli streets. In 1879 ho removed to the south sldo of Dodge , be tween Fifteenth mid Sixteenth streets , and In 1SS5 to the present location , 15111-1515 Douglas street , where he. occupies three lloors and a basement , the latter containing oigan rooms , sheet imisK stock rooms , piano tuner's material , picture frame ordois ami the China tiring kilns. The first , lloor contains the retail art , retail musical Instruments , piano room , slux > t miBlo department and the omen. The sucond lloor contalim the auditorium , art and music studios , and the wholesale musical Instrument block. The third lloor contains the totall plctuio frame shop , the art Institute and musical Instrument manufactory , together with art studies. The auditorium , on the second lloor Is lighted by electricity and contains one hundred and fifty oak folding opera chairs. Its stage In the Houth end Is lilted with grand pianos and It Is provided with a droning room for the accommodation of Its visitors. The walls are hung with line palntlngH and water colors , cuaklng It a pretty loom for recitals , musicals and lectures. The organ room In the basement contains over fifty Instruments A. IhiHiiu'N Ht'tllll Art m > iiir < nit > ii < . A. lloHiie'H llooiii. of the well-known Kimball manufacture and those of his own make. This room Is made very accessible by a Dread stair case leading from the main floor , and is lighted by gas and electricity. The retail art department is on the east sir.e of the building and is crammed with fine gold and natural wood f ramies , manufac tured in the establishment , and others Imported from all parts of the world. The manufacture of frames Is a Hpoclalty in which Mr. Hospo has been engaged for twenty-five years. The piano room on the main floor contains upwards of eighty pianos , representing the leading makes , such as Klmb.ill , Kranlch & Bach , Knabo , Hallet & Davis and Hospe pianos. Hero also are the cases for scarfs and stools in great variety. In connection with this subject It will bo of interest to note that the Klnnball Instru ments have been represented by this house for twenty-live ycais The retail musical department on the west side of the building on the ground lloor , is filled every Inch of space with Instiu monts of every description. Including music boxes , sheet music and books a stock conceded one of the most connplcto In the west. Many cf the Instruments hero alluded to come direct to the port of Omaha in bond. The art Institute on the third lloor Is used for art students who work from casts , still life and living models , under the supervision of Prof. Albert Uothory , whoio painting In oil , water color , crayon and pastel Is taught. To such an extent and magnitude had the plcturo frame buslnes' of this hctiBo grown that six years ago , when the whole country wi > stricken with business depression , Mr. llospe was- obliged to orU a separate plcturo frame factory at 1C14 Izard street. The fact Is built on the railroad tracks , latter being connected to the bulldl'r \ . HOMIC'M llelull Mimlcul Dciuirlniuiil