1UIKI irTTJfirnA TED Foot Ball at Nebraska State University t. TEAM IN LINE , WITH TUKBY OF OMAHA AT Ql'AKTKIl. IIAL.FDACK DEN MAKING DROP KICK KOK GOAL * * "y | * * y f , ifj. > > . ifj . * v i' " i' i v- * ' vtf * * * i 3Lr3t'j " * v AN END IlUN BY THE HALFBACK. Foot Ball at Nebraska State University Each successive year adds to the develop- inont of the great collese game of foot ball , and this Improvement Is no more noticeable In the east than In the west. Under the guidance of experienced men from the big eastern tennis the standard of excellence has boon raised In the western Htatcs to a degree limited only by the ability of the players themselves. Nebraska university has been especially fortunate during the last four years In securing ns coaches men of ununual pblllty. and while their methods differed greatly they were successful In ob- tabling the dewlred results. This year the 'varsity team will depend entirely upon straight , hard foot ball. In [ WIN BRANCH , COACH UNIVERSITY [ F NEBRASKA FOOT BALL TEAM , 1899. respect there will bo a decided change Ftho playing of the team. Coach Edwin fanch has made a study of foot ball from ( scientific and theoretical standpoint anil already demonstrated hie ability to put fs Ideas Into practical use. The team rep resenting i the State university was severely handicapped 1 this year. Most of the ma terial I was green at the beginning of the season. t All of the candidates lacked beef and they were slow In coming out for prac tice. | tice.The The coach of the Nebraska team ban had extensive ( experience In foot ball. After playing | a year with the Phillips Andover college i ho entered Williams college and at once , secured n position on the foot ball team i , playing loft halfback for three suc cessive ( seasons , the last one as captain. Ho ; was also at Harvard one year , but waa prevented , from playing by his college work. Coach i Branch has won the confidence of his men nnd so far has had excellent success with the team. Nebraska will depend largely upon good team work and will not rely upon unusual strength In one direction to make amends for real weaknws In another. The lout Boason of foot ball has furnished evidence to prove that a strong line Is not all that Is sufficient to success. Nebraska's line Is a little weak , but efforts ere being madp to strengthen It and the prospects for n good all 'round team are considered good. American Farming in the Topics ( Continued from Sixth rage. ) freights to the Philippines and will allow our goods to go to Asia at a much less coot. ' "What I would like to know , Mr. Score tnry , " said I , "Is how this Is going to help the American farmer ? " "It will help him all around , It will help him In his homo market. It will glvo Inwl ness to the factories and the men who work In the factories will have to live. They llv off the farming. Our market In the bet * market In the world nnd our farmers ar now In goad condition because times ar good. Tiny are getting high prices for wha they sell and they arc happy. Why , today beef Is bringing t ! cents a pound on foot pp-k nnd mutton are proportionately blgl and horses are double what they were a year ago and everything that la offered fo sale has a purchaser. I have been all eve the United States during the present year nnd I don't think the farmers wore over In bolter condition. The Increased trade ivhlch we nrr > having abroad means nn In creased demand for nil farmer supplies. It means money for nil of us and especially for ho tiller of the soil. Wo want to continue this condition and that Is what the Agricul ture department Is trying to do. It Is our business to show the farmer how ho can get the most for his work nnd the most out of his land. Ho Is the man wo nro trying to iclp. I mean the fellow who works In the field with his coat off. " Cnlilc I" Culm. 'Is the department doing anything as to sending cattle to Cuba and Porto Rico , Mr. Secretary ? " "Not much now , " was the reply. "We can't do anything until we pet money from congress. Tlio government has authorized the importation of no.OOO cattle of our boat breeds Into Cuba without paying tariff. These , I suppose , will bo shipped. Porto Rico might get the same If It wanted it , I venture. There Is danger In sending cattle - tlo to the West Indies. The animals there have the fever tick and cattle that have not been accustomed to this disease are liable to get sick and die. Wo have had the disease In Texas and I suppose Im proved cattle will be eent from there. It seem rather strange to some of our people to think of fine cattle belnr ; raised In such hot lands as the West Indies. The fact is that Porto Rico has magnificent stock. 1 have seen pictures of the animals and they arc as line as any raised In this country. It is sold that they were originally Imported from Spain. The animals are large , big- boned and as clean-cut as a Jersey. " "I suppose you will establish experiment stations on the various Islands , Mr. Sec retary ? " "Wo are going to a k an appropriation from congress for the purpose , " was the reply. "I have no doubt we can do a great deal of good. We should have experiment fitntlnns In Cuba. Hawaii and the Philip pines. So far , wo haven't even a station In Hawaii. We should begin work In Porto Rico at once. We want to study the cof fee plants. Wt- have them , of course , h our green houses here , but our work shouli be done on the ground. Java , you know le one of the greatest coffee countries o the world. Its people live off of coffee ant Its exports of coffee amount to millions o dollars a year. A few years ago the coffe trees In Java wore afflicted with a bacteria disease , which destroyed every tree , am the people had to plant anew. Our scientist In such a case would bo able to report a once as to what the trouble was and how I should be cured. "Wo want to experiment on fruit raisin In Porto Rico nnd also make investigation of the sugar Industry there. ' "Speaking of sugar , Mr. Secreraty , should think our new possessions would de stroy the beet sugar Industry of the Unite States. Cannot cane sugar be rained nior cheaply than beet sugar ? " "I pent ono of our experts to Porto RIc to Investigate the cost of raising cano euga there In order that I might consider tha problem , " replied Secretary Wilson. "H reported that the cost of producing a poum of cano sugar was 2 cents. The cost o producing a pound of beet sugar here I 3Vi cents , but our beet sugarmakere fin that by feeding the refuse of the beets t cows they can make enough out of the hi iroduct to reduce the cost as low as that of j ho cane sugar. " FRANK O. CARPENTER. Tommy Atkins' Tobacco We hear a lot about the plpo of jie.ice. but old soldiers toll many u true tnk > about tin plpo In war time , for tobacco Is ono of tin greatest comforts that must soldiers lum In the course of heavy campaign duty , s.ilii nn old sergeant cuajor , whose broad chest bears many medals , to a London Mall re porter. The matter of Tommy Atkins' tnlucro sup ply la very well looked after nowmlajs. for the authorities know what n terrible deprivation privation the loss of tobacco , ovei : for a cln > or two , Is to the soldier , but nmnv a time dining the Crimean campaign the \\rltor ha- seen a plug of tobacco exchanged for a good ring or other actually valuable trinket , nnd once during an awful winter's night lie heard a refusal to take a gold watch In oNchange for n lump of chewing tobacco twist Tim craving of wounded men for tolucco Is very pathetic. At Inkerinan a u > rporal who had been frightfully mangled Implored a mate to give him a lilt of toluern , nml when the cake was put between his lips h bit nt It as esigerly as a chllil iloeH at toffee Scores of eases of the sanuo kind li.ivo oc- uried. Including n great many where mem i the trenehoM were shot down mill fell deal 1th the pipe still held firmly between thel. eeth. The writer has seen men K > Int etlon with a cutty between their lips , novel o speak of the men \\liti , while \\illug : to go Into action , chewed at their iiulds ai hough they were tearing at an enemy. A well known cheerful Irish lad at th tornilng of the Redan had n iclaj pipe bow shot awny from the stem , which still n- nalned In his mouth , and ho coiuiiUo. ! hi comrade * who were near him by pretending o lei K for the nnsntokcd tobacco which had In the broken bowl. bowl.Men's Men's ' Ideal Footwear For Btylu , lit iinil lln lull , no slioo romimri1' with the Regent $3.50 Shoe.- AVe inaltLtlii'in In all the popular shailus cf tan , and all kinds o leather , Int'linlliiK pnt out leather the price- never c $2,50 Your Choice $3.50 The Regent Shoe Co , 2O5 South 15th Street. THIS ELEGANT GONDOLA COUGH $1075 | UnsorpasJcd In value. A barzoln without a parallel. liilraSlic | U D miduxtru < juullly. It n. T , In. long. III ) In. ulili' , full i ; < iiuliilii liupi- , autumn Uriliolttcreit In trirei tone'l Kalier pluili , hand ilrrri lilirult tuttcil 1 Luttoni luannlceil not to llv out. htullol with fin tow mul IMUII. full lit ( it ll'llnm ' In lirxi , nine anil ir t. Kaniplci of material an < l colon I'lllX. , HANDSOME PRE8Ern > .gh purchIIr c ( „ , , , cmlch „ , „ , „ , , , . fy , . , , „ „ fiariiliuini , ilown | < llluw , with whir dammed Itortlrr , itinwu In Illuitrn lion. Thli , In H'Millon to tha lo Jirlct Itt the ftiucli tl a uon'lrr i > IIrr 3O DAYS' FREE TRIAL L'IMt luiiirlKUi t.uih mi.l ili i.lllov . , will U icnl FICKK I thirty iliyi * trial to til Inteii'llnn ' will iinrl in their relglit a < ] ( lrv i ar.'l tclinlil Batltfutt err rcfertnrci a to th lr reipoutl fcllllr. AMor thirty < lni ) remit u , l I.7r ! > . If MtithH that tin couch num. . alone-1i worth every rent o If not all you exiwtted return to " ut uur i' \ \ a cannot it" m re than 1 id to now our Mlef In ttie ci utility n < l | rlre r > f nrpr , , , , | , Uehaterouifceiatall | > rlcea , lit our I' ) 75 couch wo told mer IO.OKI la l > ear. JL | > ubUl eirtl will tucur * our u * fall a , M ! wlnt r catalogue of rourhei ancl uplioliterurl furniture. KetlllllUlilMl 1 NT * ? * P.LOUIS SCHULTZE'8 SONS. I05I-IO33 Mllwnttkne Avo. , CHICAGO , ILL. HIGH GRADE. GUITARS WATCHES , , CD IT IT CAMERAS , MANDOLINS. BICYCLES T I1..U..U You can quickly earn a premium ! > y , ftelljntr , a few luneft nf oCD srrade Toilet Soap to your frit nils ami ntlKuborn. > 'o MONP.V ItKUUIIIKII IN AIIVANUK. Our plan the bott eren llojt anil ( llrli do well. Our iiremlunm ai good a > money will buy I.ariri > lllii8trati l UntlncludliinBowlnn MachlriCB , llrf Hklrtii , Jackets , Oaiica , Staekllitotlin , Uuim , etc. . mallfil KltllK Wrltu liHlav Mr full t > arllcularii. DAWHON MIAI * CO. , r.ll KIKTII AVK. . IIKPT. I 18 , OIIIOAliO , 11.1. . Jjp(6)pdpfptp ( } ( ( S > ( & ( & ( &dpjPfptfpd-Pfopdpl& ( ( { rfp ( fp ( fp dp ( fo if 9 ( < 0 ( ft ( fp fjp ( tp iff ) ( fp dp ( fp i WE MAKE PLATES 1 ALL KINDS AND ALL GOOD I WE ARE ALSO DESIGNERS AND ILLUSTRATORS JUDGE OUR HALF TONE WQ-RK BY THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THIS PAPER. THEY ARE ENGRAVED BY THE "FRANKLIN. " 3 4 3 5 ' D K A - CHICAGO. . . . ILLINOIS fckptptedptplpctptplpilpcptpipkto ( ( ! ( ( ( ! ( [ ( ( [ All Hit * IiitilU-M Kill ( iolll Mcilill Chocolate Bon bens lly KiiircNM. I , - , It anil 5 I'oiiml HOVCN , lillr it iMiiiuil W. S. Bfildiiff , 1K1O KM rim nt SI. . O nut tin. TftlLOR HflDE SUIT SR IB ' THE SUIT ' , ' "VJuXl'f-m ! . i- r r ll'"l All M'oul rnaH'iilur "ll.llilliVrlolh fainwii for III llcli. foil Mouiii nn.t hcaulllul n | iwaramu. I In ; , rkrl li tunilo In l liat .liiflii. . liriaiM ilo , iil.i-tlily tlluiiiii'.l llli Illi" .alii ; lmn.li. lii-iiiilirnll ) 111riiyil ; iinjl flfUiiiitl ) llni'il with rtiiUri'iuh r.111. . llio Viill > ll f.l anaiiilcrlliiwl , Imi liuWiy "Cllo.l nnlin. new tjlo liuck. cut full l.ltli ami liaiict tiraicfiil ' ' ' ' ' IVl'l.ir imi lo'n'n.l n'nr'lli I'nlli * ll > .00. I li.ilioithliifl. nrliliiKcol.il. SEND NO MONEY ' "J "Vil1 ! ! Ki'iiil I r tiu liiiliu itiiiniltnil'tlio < : nlli un.liinr 111 : : Ciiliiliiici'fKl r hulti .tin kiln l | Hinn. | hkliti.urwii.l i c I , Itli i"l. < r > ti nlti'it Kliu I'likl ii I i\.li t III ! Illll. ' l.llclll of llhllt llnlMI fri'iilfr .in .Kntl'.iii ' I In lii.tliini mil OllC\ir.MlllOillll | III SOU I'IMI. tiit.liit I" ux.imliintloli lrn It ntrhi-j.'vaiiiliio itinictiilll.trj II nn , ni' < 'thill II III" inrl'ii'l , tlirn | 'ny llm ttl'li'is ' rigi'iit tlm I ! nnmitl 'ilunl uiitt > uiKFi M-iiil lniln\ itiiltU I'nr IVi v diinilil" iiEFEiiE ESrT1'r',1.t'V,1 , , . ; , , 6. I" " J"a . > Tailor-Mado Skirts # I.I K r.nm I'rfiiiild fur lliln ti nn uluuniiUUuii'il ' llliicK lliiliiilrlnllnr. | iOO iimVluHklilnctimllywoitMI.CO. IVi " fi | | iiolliiliiKlnt 'rIliii'ii , atiiii ! | > it ciinl liliiclliiK , ult m-miiHCf ( ) jt lulronli , ! | iiu | ircj > ttlil pl.yO All \\f < iul lIoincNpiin HUlrt , llKlil'iriixliuil Kiuj.nrw l > 'iiK > lintuill riuliMiiTt < T' > KxpiuiH iirt'piilil p7i I'uru Itliicl * ItroiMiilril Hllk HUrl , nuw iliHi. ! ! * , Intent nljlu , ( live Mulct ninl li > iiKlli iMt'AHmi' * Mmiuy n'Cuml- mil mil ( * ini i'n inry * - I'rozrcsa Tailorlnz Co. , ZOO Monroe' > ! . . Ik-nl V . Chicago The ftbovo flrin la rcllnblo Billtor. lie most Hiwcrlul fi.rcc.if nitiircr lyiuyincili.xl JIHIC.III Ic.itri In llypiii.lljo iiinlewliouik lime , without leavfnir yuur Hilliioinnil | * rurlil all nf tlic imny marvelous fc.m tliat are | uissll > le to I ho I III mil lit. tlinniililly { | > iiriiiin yoilcan euro iliicjic. cniiiiur | | nlu. win reluuaiit nircctlim , cratlfy jour .iiiililtluni , nm ! pro- ilucc aiiiuKinenl by Ilie liuur It costs j mi nuthlnt ! to Ini'l < " "H al1" " ' " , ' luvo just Issunl hi lnmk finrn .1 liiniHiiolli ill us- ualnl LESSON r kej to lli > < > H > in , | ili h liiliy cM'lJiiis tlic niyttcrics an.I ic- crclsnf the Alt. It tuntain ) Imn.lrcil ? nl iK-nutllul ami ortMic cnvravlnus , arvl It the most rUlimatc anil exjicnsive t' ' of ttie kind ever iiiildt licil I or a iii inaLMiifictriit wink AtlBO * . I will also Incluile ' ' of ntlicr valujlilr , liitcicillnn ami lll.uli.ilcil . literature without iharKe KcrucinlwrallIhlirnstsyou iiotlmitr A | " 'st.il aril will 1'iinir ' It Order lo iliy ami l < M"i to I lyi. . nll > e It is a tlumc of a llf..tliue. AiMrcss , I'UOK. I , . . . IIAIIIUIIIIN , BY EXPRESS PREPAID ALL WOOL CHEVIOT TROUSERS .Made to jour measure for $2.50 , express - press prepaid. Calalouuo , haniploH , lai-o - line , Hi ! . , FREE. Anoints Wanted. AILORING CO. , 200-201 MtinmoSt. , Clilcaxo , Ills. MI-N , U liiNhm'N Soolliluu S.vruu. HUH been IIHLM ! for ov r KIKTY YHAIIS liy MILLIONS of MOTMI3UH for their OIIIL- imiCNVI1ILIO THKTIIINO. with IM3H- FI5CT Ht'GVKBS. ' It SOOTIIUS the CHILD , SOKTIONS the OHMS , ALLAYS nil I'AIK. ri'KKS WIND COLIC , and IH the best ruin cdy for WAIWHOI3A. Bold by UrilKKlHtw In every purl of the world Ho Hiiro and iHlt for "Aim. WliiHlow'H Soothing Syrup , " and take no other Kind. Twenty-live cents u bottle HAVE ROOT PRINT IT THE quality of all our work , is of the but that is to be obtained and h the result of a combi nation of Brains , Skilled Workmen and a finely Equipped Plant. The price is alwys just right. The "OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BHI : " is a .ample of our press work. A , I. ROOT , PRINTER. 1609 Howard St. TOMAHA