Tins OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 22 , 1800 , Irjlght Offloials Contend that ? Arbitration Must Bo Effected. ASSERT FUTIU1Y OF FURTHER LIGHTING LJHntc-mrnt In Mmlr Hint In Solely for Armour Iiullrnlc I. nek of lutcri-nt lij 1'nrkcrn , jOfflclals of various railroad freight depart- I wonts contend that the difficulty 'between ' ftho fiurllngton and the Memphis lines Is 'V-tlll ' as far from Kcttlem nt as ever. They 'assort that the trouble li spreading and that the entlro rate situation Is endangered They demand n discontinuance ot the war Ilcal- 3lr > K that the fight which the Uurllngton has ibocn making really would be of advantage to Oils city they have clung to the forlorn Jiopo that the differential might bo lowered to 3 cents nnd thu Burlington come out vic torious In Iho fight. They hoped that this . would IK ) accomplished long before- the rates wore entirely 8v\cpt nway nnd all freight shipments for the notitheaat naturally dl- \ortcd from every line except the Burllng- ton , because of Miolr disinclination to do ImsInoM at Its rates. i Now they arc demanding arbitration by I Iho appointment of an arbitration committee * consisting of n representative from Omaha , jono from Kansas City and a disinterested third party connected \vlth some railroad In nn ofllclal eapaclt } . In case this cannot bo done they Insist that a compromise bo effected. Conservative sentiment In Kansas City Is Bald to favor arbitration nnd the belief Is general that In thla way the differential be tween Knnsn Qtty and Omaha will be ro- Cuccd to a point which will In part compen- wito Omaha for the long and bitter conten ' tion. Newspaper readers familiar with this differential fight have been Informed of the cutting nnd slashing- until the rate on packIng - Ing IIOUBO products fell from a figure where there was n revenue In handling the busi ness until It reached the very bottom. Then all the lines In the southeast withdrew and left the llurllngton to handle the business. Those ether lines asset ted that It was none of their fight , that the llurllngton had In- titltutcd It , and they did not feel compelled to do business at an actual loss when they Ind nothing at stake. That the differential was lowered from C cents to 3 cents on the order ot George B. 1 Harris , second vlco president of the llurllng ton , Is known , but whether or not the- fight was Instigated wholly In behalf ot Omaha has not been clearly defined. I'lirUurii PitII < o Support IltirlliiKton. The noticeable lack ot enthusiasm In the euppoit received by the Uurllngton has boiled the natural supposition that In a fight being waged In the Interests of the packing house Industry as a. whole In Omaha the packers would rally to the support of their champion nnd turn to It at least the bulk of their business. Had they done this the Burlington would have received sufficient additional revenue on shipments Into terri tory where the rates wcro normal to offset the loss on-tho southeastern business. It Is asserted , however , that the Burling- ' ton's business has only been Increased In southeastern territory , nnd this competing roads refused to handle nt existing rates. The reason for this attitude has como to light. Representatives of the packing houses refuse to discuss the affair , but their actions nro Belt-explanatory. The Burlington , so it Js stoutly maintained by certain railway officials , Inaugurated this fight solely In the Interests of I > . D. Armour. The Armour Tacking comp.ii y. uuliku the other principal packers In Omaha , has no Kansas City cstab- llshmant. With the differential as between Omaha and Kansas City lowered the south eastern territory would be opened up to tetter advantage to the Armour company for operation from Us Omaha plant. A railroad ofllclal blzcs up the situation ns follows : "P. D. Armour stands high In the councils of the Burlington railroad. When ho said ( . 'fight' the Burlington Immediately proceeded ' ' " to 'fight' It Is cited In point that ono of the best territories In which the Uurllngton and its connections operate Is Texas. Tor the week lending October 14 shipments of packing ' liouso products to Texas points amounted to Itwonty-elght larloads. The shippers were feudally , Hammond , Omaha Packing company nnd Armour. Ot this number the Burlington received only flvo carloads. Tour of these represented the entire business of the Armour company In that territory nnd ono car came from the Omaha Packing company. ( Almost half of the entire total number of cam was shipped by the Cudahy company nnd not ono over the Burlington. ' Another suggestive Incident comes to light from Kansas City In the showing ot carload llotw ot packing house products from that ' city to Tnxas points. Out ot a total of twenty-four ears bhlpped by the Swift com- fpany ten cars wore routed over the Kansas City , Fort Scott & . Memphis the line which Is engaged In the v\arfaio with the Burling ton. If the Swift company , which has n plant In Omaha and ono also In Kansas City , wcro anxious that the differential bo lowered [ in accordance with the contention of the Bur lington , the proposition Is advanced that It would divert Its business from the Memphis line , and by BO doing indicate Its moral sup- jort for the Burlington. ' SOUTHWIJhT WAIl SI AY 1IU AVnilTED ' Differential of Six Coii < AVIII lu All t J'riiliitlillUj- I'ruNorv cd. The Southwestern Freight committee , which has nominal supervision of freight [ rates In the territory covered by the com- ( tnUtoe , rccognUca a differential of 0 cents existing between Omaha nnd Kansas City on packing house products to Texas and jOthcr southwestern points. Consequently , the new rates to Houston nnd Oalvcston , made posslblo by the combination ot locals from New Orleans to Texas points , added to the low rates from Omah.i nnd Kansas City to Memphis , will bo 45 cents from Omaha nnd 39 cents from Kansas City. Railroad oinclals express themselves omphatlcally In declaring that there will bo no cutting ot rates to this territory so far as the differ ential Is concerned. Humors are rife , however - over , that ono of the strong lines operating dn that territory Is getting nway with the < bulk of the business by making n reduced rate. This , It Is believed , will bo nipped In the bud buforu the general rate situation Is effected. The new rate to Houston and Oalveaton becomes effective on the 25th Inst The combination of local rates from Omaha to Now Orleans , computing the 1 cent rate to the Ohio rUer , is 18 cents , nnd from Kansas City 10 cents. The rate from New Orleans to Houston Is 2C cents. By adding 'together three combinations it gives Omaha n rate ot 45 cents and Kansas City a rata ot 42 cents , thus making n 3-ccnt differentia because of the 3-rent differential existing to the Ohio river from Memphis , Authorltj to reduce the rate from Kansas City to > Houston to 30 cents Is given by the South western Trelght committee , nnd cense fluently the announcement that this rate vvtl a into effect on the 25th Is not construct to mean n fight tor a 3-cent differential to the southwest. DOOMS mo nviiAVAV mrnnpiusn I'll n ii m IT leu 11 llouli' Promoter * Ile- iunmArtlvlt ) . CHICAGO , Get 21 A special to the Chronicle from Austin , Tex , Ba > s : P 0. ifiaundcrs , a prominent American capltaluU , living In the City of Mexico , Is expected here ln a day or two to consult-with ex-Governor Hogg relative to the Immediate Inaugura tion ot work on the Inter-Continental rail way , -which Is better known ns the Pan- amorlcnn road. Mr Saundcrs Is looking nfter the Mexico end of the transaction and Governor Hogg Is ono of those Interested from this end as the representative ot large Interests In the east. The present vMt Is with n vlow of summoning oil possible financial aid to the scheme nt once The proposed road will have a capitalization of J23,000,000 and will bo constructed from Matamoras , on the Rio Grande border , along the gulf coast to Guate mala , thcnco along the border and down through the South American statcn to the Pacific slope , thcnco along said coast , mak ing a thread line through from North to South America , 5,000 mlleo long. Mr. Saunders Is confident that the plan Is feasible , hence his visit to this city nt the present time. After this consultation both men will probably proceed to New York to make all financial arrangements for the In auguration of work at a very early date. coxrnunNcn COMKS MOMIAY. Iliirllnutoii Olllctiiln to Meet Clly Commercial Men. A mass meeting of the commercial Inter ests of Kansas City was held Prlday night to discuss the dllTlcuKlei existing by reason ot the differential warfare. Officials of the llurllngton railroad wcro Invited to attend , but were unable to do so. Second Vlco President George II. Harris notified the com- mlttei ! having the meeting In charge that he was confined to his room , and Howard Kl- llott , general manager of the Burlington- Missouri lines at St. Louis , was called to Chicago by a previous engagement to meet the officers and directors ot the Burlington 6 > stcm. Messrs Harris and Elliott stated their willingness to moot with the Kansas City Tuslneas and commercial men on Monday , and a Joint meeting will be arranged for that day. This consent of the Burlington and Memphis officials to moot a representa tive body of Kat.sas City business men and , discuss the controversy Is taken by many as' an Indication that a speedy settlement of the existing difficulties will bo arranged , In all likelihood toy means of arbitration. It has been pointed out that the stand taken by Kansas City In the matter and the dec larations of Its several commerclil bodies will not allow It to recede , while the Bur lington Is In precisely the same position , and it Is claimed that the only logical settlement of the vexed question Is by arbitration. MOVKMUNTS OK TUB GOL'I/D 1'AUTY. Mnkp a Short Stou lit ICnnnno City , Then ItcNinne Tour of Inflection. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 21. The train bearing Miss Helen Gould , Prank J. Gould and other officials ot the Missouri Pacific sjstem arrived hero this afternoon from Osawatomic , Kan. , Avhcro last night was spent. "Wo have within mind many Improve ments for the Missouri Pacific system , " Bald Mr. Gould to a reporter. "Wo are well pleased with what wo have seen. " A committee of Springfield ( Mo ) citizens boarded the party's private car here and urged the extension of the Missouri Pa cific to that city , guaranteeing that Spring field , Dallas county nnd Jefferson City would give ? 250,000 to have Sprlngfleld on the Gould line. The party remained in Kansas City only ] etweea trains and will return In a few dajs to St. Louis by way of Omaha. Improved Tourlnt Cur Service. Ono ot the advantages resulting to Pacific coast travelers as the result ot the shortened Imo on the Southern Pacific from Ogden to ho coast Is a. greatly Improved tourist car service. The tourist cars which heretofore ran between Omaha and the west laid over n Salt Lake City for twelve hours. Now they are enabled to go right through to the coast without delay at Salt Lake. They reach 3an Francisco thirteen and a halt hours earlier and Los Angeles seventeen and a lalf hours earlier 'than ' formerly. It Is be- leved that this Improvement will result In an Increased popularity ot the tourist sleepers. J. W. CMunn. chief clerk in the Elkhorn laesengcd department , is In Chicago on nislnoss , A. T. . 'Blcham ' , assistant ticket acent ot the Vandalla Penns > ivanla lines at Terre Haute.1 Ind , Is In the city. W. J. Stono-Burner , superintendent ot transport.itlon ot the Quincy lines at Stan- b.rry. ( Mo , Is a visitor In the city. Ilnllviuy > ote anil 1'ernonnln. W. C. Barnes , traveling passenger nsent ot the IMlsstsiirl Pacltlc , has b ? n in St : ouswhere - IIP went to accompany the Thirty-eighth regiment from Jefferson Bir- racku to Kansas City. The Mlcsourl Pa cific received thrt contract for the Initial laul ot this regiment and the Burlington carried it westward from Kansas City. FACTS ABOUT THE CREAMERIES Ccnmin Ilurcnu Sciiillncr Out Circular * to MnmiKorn of Snch Entcrnrlno. WASHINGTON , Oct. 21. The census otnco Is sending out a largo number ot letters and circulars Intended to perfect the work of making a complete census of dairy products. Hitherto the annual cbnnge of managers , owners nnd directors which takes place In eo mnny cheese factories and creameries has rendered practically Impossible the v.ork o securing accurate dairy statistics. As this Is the season during which factories and crcamerlcfl close up the year's business , Di rector Merrlam suggests that before doing so they prepare a detailed statement of the quantity of milk or cream purchased and the amount paid for It ; the amount of but ter or cliecso produced ; the amount received from the sale of each ; the amount of capi tal Invested In plant and machinery , and the amount paid for v < agcs. The Hems should bo varied properly to lit cniies where factories or creameries nro co-operative. As tlutio statistics , which must cover the year 1809 , vvlll not bo gathered by the enumerators until Juno 1. 1900 , tie director stated In an Interview today that ho "bopet factory managers or owners would preserve the statements ho Is asking for until the enumerators shall arrive to use them , ncxl Juno. " MncUIntoxli mill nd'rpronf Snip , Wo are going out of the rubber busl nwis and nro offering our Immense stock at one-half actual value , and ns the rainy season Is fast advancing It vvlll pay you to visit our store while this great closing ou sale Is going on , OMAHA TCNT AND nUIJDGR CO , 1311 Kiruara St. Army .NotvN , Captain Divls of the headquarters Is In receipt of a letter from General Henry , who li.ia recently boon assigned to the commnm of tim Department of the Missouri He falls to Btato when he will reach Omaha The contract for moving the members o the J'V > rt.eth regiment from Kort Itlley to San Francisco hns been awarded to the Union I'acille Hullvvav compan > The men will start on October 30. Colonel Godwin Is In command of tilts regiment Tin ) in u Mii | l a Cornfield. A man named Thomas appeared at the police station tbarly yesterday with a long stor > about how ho had been drugget and robbed of )35 last night and he state that when ho regained consciousness h was IjInK uncomfortably In a cornfleli north of the exposition The police Investl gated the matter and found that Thoma haii ttpent his jnono > for drink and whtl intoxicated had wandered Into the cornlleh and gene 10 sleep IXUUNI > In Sulttelriit. MACON , Mo , Oct. 21. After a brief < le liberation the Jury In the cane of 8 Grugln Indicted for murder In the first lejreo fo Killing Jeff Hadley. In May , IWo. brough in a verdict of not guilty today 1 ladle had wronged Grunln's 16-i car-old dautrhter Almu , anil Grugln admitted ttmt he liac killed Hudley In December. l ! > i T , Gru l v\u found eullty and sentenced to nfteu j ears' Imprisonment. The case was r munded by thn supreme court , with ui result reached today , DEAD FROM ASPHYXIATION _ II. fli Wnllncp , n Woilcrn 8lirp - licrilrr , Found Dcnd In 111 * llooni n ( .Mrrnlinnt * A sheepherdcr from Casper , Wyo , named H 0. Wallace , was found dead In hlfl room nt the Merchants hotel yesterday morning as n result of asphyxiation. The night porter , A J Scott , detected the odor of pna while passIng - Ing through the hallway about S o'clock nntl tiaced It to Wallace's room. He forced open the door nnd found iho room nlled to suffo cation with pas and Wallace l > lng In bed ns though sleeping. Doth windows were closed. ) n examination Scott found the man had > een dead for some time and he reported It t the hotel ofllco. The city authorities were otlfled nnd the body was taken In charge > y Coroner Swnnson. Wallace , who was about 47 years ot age , ime to the city yesterday afternoon with load of snoop from Casper and registered t the Merchants nbout supper time- and as given n room. 1'rlday was pay day lor I in and he received $1GO from hlo employer , "HUnm H. Oable. who Is at the same hotel. ) urlng the afternoon heepcnt the greater > art "t tins money among the Omaha stoics , seemingly laying In his winter supplies. In 10 evening ho was seen nbout the hotel cor- dors once or twice and It was noticed that 10 bad been drinking considerably Ho re- rcd about 1 30 In evident good humor and Ith no apparent Idea , of ending his life Nothing Is known of the man's relatives , ut It Is nald that ho Ina a father nnd icther living In Junction City , Kan. , and ord has been telegraphed there by Coroner w anson. The coroner states that an Inquest will not jo necessary , as the death was plainly accl- ental. Wallace had very likely either blown out ho gas , or In turning It oft had accidentally urned It on again. MILLARD DENIES A RUMOR N Tint ttoinfc to Ktirnpe , nnd 1V1II Itemnlii I'renliletit of Omnlm 'National Ilniilc. The fact that Mr. J. H. Mtllard has dls- losed of bis Interest In the South Omaha Na- onal bank and hns resisted the presidency t that Institution has given rho to a rumor lat ho Intends to resign the presidency of 10 Omaha National In order to go to Europe or a rest from business carco for a time. Vhen asked about this rumor Mr. Mlllard aid : "I have simply closed out my South Omaha ntcrcsts because I was ottered a profitable rice. It was elmply a tn.ittt-r of business , reatly to my pecuniary advantage. As to ny resigning the presidency of the Omaha 'atlonal , there is not avord of truth In the tory. I am not going to Europe , although would very much like to do so , but my bus- ness Interests and the Interests ot others ntrustetl to my care will prevent my enjoy- ng any such luxury for some time to come , am going to New York on Sunday , to bo ibsent about two weeks on business mat ers. " IlomolcNM Children. Homes for adoption wanted for boys , ges respectively 14 jcars , 13 years , 12 years , > ears , 7 jcars , 4 months , 3 months and 2 months. Permanent homes on farms also / v anted for ono boy 15 years of age , another i boy 14 years old and two other boys 10 ears. Several girls also want homca , one of hem 12 years old , but not for adoption. Child Saving Institute , 604 So. 18th street. P. C. , wife of Henry Newell , < 1Ixl at their residence , ISOfl N. 10th. nt 0:43 : Thursday evening. runeral from family residence Monday Tnornlns at 10 o'clock. CAN'T STOP THEM "Here comes the rirst Nebraska and all i 1 can't stop them" applies to us In this fight against the peta , plungers and "cum- ilne. " Just think ot It these dubs trying o force the Ueutscher Apothokor to sell AVost's Brain and Nerve Treatment for ? 1.00 nstcad of 33c. Sflinefer'M CniiKli Cure 2Oc nliie'h Crier } Compound 73c lood'N bnrHiiiiiirlllii 7'e Ciirtcr'n I.lior 1'IIln ir > c Stiinrt'N Ij Nici > HliL Tnblvia lUc j rum lit Pile Cure lOc St-ott'H niiiulNlon. r e lilies' IlvniiMllvn 75c 'Ifrcc-'M Iteiiiocllos 75 < ! JultVx ' 31 iiIt Wlilnlcc- S5c S. .S. S 7 < * > G tuitl I- . ' 'o/7oiil'fi Ponder U , * > u 1'ctlow'M SwilllNdllMll IfiC "XViirucr'n Safe Cure < . , . .UOc AVInc itt Ciirilul 7r > o CUT PRICE [ DRUGGIST. Corner 16th and Chicago. Look this list over and you will flnrt something to start your hair grovvlnK somcthlnir tliat will keep It erowlnif and nt the same time .strengthen It something that will keep the dandrult out maklnir the hair have a rich , smooth , Klossj- appearance o the nat ural ulmde. $200 Globe llalr Rcstoratlvo W.OO (100 ( Austin's Hair Grower ( will cure dandruff ) Jl.OO [ 100 Aver'.s Hair Vlcor 70c 00 Ilall'H Hair licnovvcr 7So iOc Parker's HHr Ditlsam 40c > OQ nurnc'tl'H Cocoulno 4Sc iOo Lvon's ICnllmron 40c (100 ( Qulnlno Tonic , larpo 73c DOc Quinine Tonic , sinull 4Uc 25c Mason's Hair Dye ) o noc liuckliiRliiiin Whisker Dye 40c ? 1 00 Bachelor's Hair Ujo bOc J. A , Fuller & Co. , Cut Price Druggists , 14th nnd Douglas Sts , FASTER THAN EVER . .T1IU. . "UNION PACIFIC" tins Inaugurated new train service and re duced the time of TUB OVERLAND LIM ITED , TKAIN NO. 1 , between OMAHA , COUNCIL BLUFFS and SAN FRANCISCO , 3 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. Between Omaha and Los Angeles , FOUR HOURS AND 15 MINUTES , Only 57 Hours MIShOUHI IllVnit TO 1'ACiriO COAST. IIiiftct Siniilcluir mill Iillirur ) Cure vi Uli llnrhcr hlicip. OM UIA TO SAX rilANriNCO AND I'OHTIAM1. I ) \II.V TO AMI FUOJI 1'ACiriC COAST. l'iilu T Slrriilne Cam. Dliiliie Cum Chair Cum. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam Street. A AcnI'lrm. . The Columbia. Granhophono Co. hav6 opened a complete line ot graphophoncs , phonographs , records nnd Fiippllrs at 1515 Farnam street nnd Invite the public to come In and Inspect their stock They have bought the stock ot the Omaha Phonograph Co and have put the whole outfit on the bargain counter Machines given away. Hamilton Warren. M. I ) . , eclectic nnd magnetic physllr\n , has moved his office to 119 North 16th tr8t. room 13. Special nt- tentlon to all long-standing or lingering dis eases and to 'llseases of women nnd children , We d > o anything any colof new method. Pantorlura , 14th and Farna-.n. of Tlinr. The fast train for Chicago via the Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul railway , formerly de parting at 5 45 p. m. , now leaves the union depot dally nt 7.33 p. m. , arriving Chicago at 0:35 : a. m. Sheridan nnd hnrd coal. Wo give trading stamps. Victor White , 1605 Farnam street. Have noot piint It. RS IIUI'HH TO IMIItTljAMD Vln T'lilnn ' 1'nrlflo. Compare this time with other lines and sec how mtirh quicker It Is. Buffet cars , palace glccpora and chair cars. City ticket onicc , 1302 Farnam street. W repc.lr cooks , ranges , heaters , furnacM. 120 ? Douglas , Omaha Steve Ucpair Works. We deslro to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and members ot the 1C. 0 T M for the kindness and sjmpathy ehown us duiing the sickness and death ot our beloved son and brother Mil. FAllEK AND FAMILY. Blank hook nnd mngizlno binding. A , I. Root , 1609 Howard street. Fine unlaundered white shirts , COc. Kcl- ley & Hoyden. 16th nnd Chicago sts. Auction sale ot Jnpinesp art goods nt Japan Tea liouso on West Midway , Expo sition grounds. Kntlro stuck of high gride brlc-n-brac and himl-pilntod chlnnwaroa will bo fold nt a genuinemrtlon sale. Sale begins 2 nnd 7 p in. dally. The Faces in These Shoes Are not in the shoes wo sell , but they repre sent the beauty , style and superior quality that all our goods possess in the highest degree. We deal in shoes exclusively and give you all the advantages of a specialist in our line per fect fitting , high grade , fashionable shoes , at the lowest possible cost. t P. Cart N. R , Corner 10th and Douaiaa Sts. , ' witsw - THE 99-CENT STORE , Careful Handling Ol tableware la the xceptlon rather" than the rule. If you would have jour china closet always look well , buy jour china Inun us. Wo cannot insure against breakage , but wo will guarantee to give jou the best that can bo had at any price. The best does not break as easily as the other kind. SPECIAL LAMP SAX.E. Mondaj' wo place on sale a manu facturer's sample line of Lamps at 50c on the dollar of real value. See them In our west show window. 1519-1521 1519-1521 Douglas Douglas Street. 9 Street. * * 10th ft , Hear l tk M. egeitt $3.50 Shoes for the men's Ideal shoos wear . , . , , . , , , raado up in the height of fashion and include every well known and popular style and leati.cr the same reliable quality of leather used , as in the shoes you are asked S3 nnd $6 for of other dealers our price for your choice of any Btyle or leather , Including patent leather , viol kid , kanparoo , calf , onaraol si- any color of tan $2.50 and $3.61) ) . Shoes Hold direct from the factory * We make the bold claim that thebc are the great est and absolutely the best bargains in . . . _ < JCSBAtv e > w M ens Suits vercoats Wo bought this clothing when the prices for woo ) nnd manufactured material were fully 10 per cent lower than now , when the mado-np product vsas at least CO per cent less than at present , nnd wo paid less than regular factory prices when wo made the purchase because wo placed such nn Immense order. Inspect this list of our Incompar able money-saving opportunities. Men's strictly all v\ool business suits , In a great variety of Htyllsh patterns , In all the most popular colorings , made of the most durable and best wearing fabrics , such ns Reliable Tricot Lawn , Tancy Casslmero , Nobby fwced , Very Stylish Cheviot t made In a most careful manner , with deep French facings nnd heavy oerge linings , In slnglo nnd double breasted sack styles suits that will look well , wear $5 well nnd give the best of satisfaction special at , Men's very fine heavy weight suits , in the greatest variety of owell patterns over shown , In stripes , checks and plaids , also plain colors , lu all the much wanted colorings , made from all the most desirable fabrics , such as ninck and Colored Clay Worsted , Most Styllah Strlpo Worsted. 20-oz. Indigo niuo Serge , Swell India Spring Cassl- mere , made In the height ot fashion In all st > lcs and sizes , with slnglo or double breasted vests , lined with Skinner's guaranteed satin , serge or Italian cloth , every garment In this lot WOH made to sell at $10 , only . . Men's very finest heavy-weight suits , In all the swell patterns and colorings , In stripes , oxfords and plain colors , In single and double breasted Hack and cutaway frock styles , made from flnut fabrics , both foreign and domestic , such as Globe Worsted Stripe , Swell Oxford Vicuna , Imported niuo Serge , Imported Clay Worsted , all made trimmed and lined In a thorough custom manner , In alt styles and skes , with hand made buttonholes and hand padded ehoulders made In every $15 ' way equal to a'f35.00 custom-made suit , now , . Men's medium and heavy-weight overcoats , In nil the correct shades , In all sizes , styles and length , made of fabrics which are known for their good wearing qualities , such ns Men'a Durable Heaver Overcoats , Men's Handsome Covert Overcoats , Men's i\erlaEtlng Melton Overcoats , Men's Popular Kersey Overcoats , made In a reliable manner , with or without velvet collar , deep Kren h facing , with heavy &ergo lining and Iron cloth tleeve lining , plush lined $5 pockets , worth $7 50 , now for OXI.Y nr iiorns TO PACIPIO CO\ST. October If. the I'tilon I'nolno will reduce the timeof Its fast train No. 1 , "Tho Overland Limited , " 3 hours nnd 15 minutes beUeon Omaha nnd Sun Francisco Pour hours and 15 minutes bctwetn Omaha and l.os Angeles. A. D. T. Co. , messengers furnished , bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Snutcnlr Still With each new dozen cabinet photoa or larger pictures. 313-15-17 So. SSth St. Hubcrmann , jeweler , absolutely reliable. honest prices guaranteed eat. 1S66 cor. 13th and Douglas Set > our line Imported overcoating nnd suitings. 0. A Lindqulflt. 316 S. ICth st. high Class Dental Work , AT POPULAR PRICES. For the benefit of those whoso menus arc limited , \vo quoin the following' j prices , peed until Oct. SI , Inclusive. Good sot tooth $4.00 Host sot tenth 7.00 Gild Crowns..s 4.00 Bridge-Work , per tooth ll.oO Alloy Fillings 7ii Sih or Filling f,0 Tooth cleaned 60 Teeth Extracted Pninlobsly ' . ' 5 Wo do just nsve advertise. Wo guar antee our work. Contracts nuido now , peed sit any future time. New York Dental Company , 115 S. 16th Street. 1)11. OMHMMEK , MQI5. Gorman spoken. Lady attendant. You can't even < chew the rag If you don't have good teeth. And you know who would wear the pants If > ou didn't always have the last -word. word.Why Why don't you get your teeth In shape BO you can chew and chow and chow the rag ? or boarding house Btoak ? or biscuits like jour mother didn't us d to make ? or ten-penny nails on occasion ? or any other like delicacy ? Why don't you ? And why don't you see a first-class dentist about It ? Hero's his name : Bailey , PAXTON . . . BLOCK. the Sixteenth St. Entrance. Give Us Exercise It's good for our health. We are ex perts In climbing io.\\ \ ladders , don't' ' hesitate to atk to see something because - cause Its' on the top shelf we are will ing to pull mir goods down to ehovv and explain whether jou wish to buy or not. You can't keep house without our goods. Sugar and coffee are a luxury , but tacks and nails and ham mers are necessities. Of course any , old hardware store sells these things , but they all don't sell 'em as cheap and as good as JAS , MORTON & SON CO. , ' 1511 Dodge St. Agents for Wm. T. Wood & Co.'a Celebrated Ice Tools. ! Need a Parent i Your need of n heating steve must bo apparent to you now , oven though the wcuthe-r Is not in jot very cold You know the kind of vvf.itber wo are liable to get almost any day now. To be prewired for cold weather you should Buy a Royal Acorn j The Royal Acorn In the host hard \ coal Htnvu made Very Htrong licnter , A vc-ry economical In UHO of coal , IOPH | s not cruek and every size Is a powerful I dnublo boater without nxtru cost , j Acorn Haso liurncis from J21 upward. * John Hussie Hardware Go , 2107.2401) ) Cuming St. \ "If you buy It ot Husslo It's right. " \ -JfnmJL T * * jr- + * * * ' * * * -m * * * * Here's a Good Place to Buy Your Medi cines. Our stock Is nlwavs kept fresh because our sales ale large Our gixids .iro good beiaubo wo make It a rillo to 1'uy nothing Imt the bt"V und we live up to oui rule religiously Our pnwcrlptlon < lB | > jrtment IH oarefully handltVl by graduates of pharinicy , vrhote skill and .science lire unqutatlomd On these grounds wo ask for > our vatron- ago Wo can save you some money on every article > ou bio hire' ' v\o t-arry nothing but the purest drugs and Htand.ird midUlnctt Wo serve IMII courteoiJhlj 1 > , carefully and promptl ) BUY DRUGS QUICK. H < pretty nrarl : a settled fact now that the ilriig trimt will swiillow up < ° small ll li In thu line In Onmha and IIOSM- folv Mime of tlio ' hirk < < ' You had better Inv in u "iiitpls of n itrnt medicines vn'lo ' you inn get them at llie o tirlcoi. Mail orders prompllj attended to. Terms , SPOT CASH. Uojulnr Our Pi ic o. Price 25c Mennen'H Talcum Powder. IS 2oc Parker's Tur Soup 15 Siu 1'lrrcc n Pleasant Pttrgatlvo Pel lets 20 fl.Oi ) Pierre's Pnvoiltp Pnscilptlon . 75 Jot1 Piitti-iirliio Dontlfrke 20 ! > 'tc ' 1'ond'n ' Kxtrm-t 10 $1 00 Port Wine , wood ( iii.irt bottle 69W $1 IK ) Shrrr > VS Inc. good iiuurl bottle . W 25c Hubiroam for Totth 20 Me Plmuid'H Kan Do Qulnlno Jl Oi Plrnuid s Dull lo quinine . . . . fl ( X ) Plnaild \cKotnl ( violet , lilac ) . .til Me Pozzonl'H Powder ( fiesli , vvlilto ) S3 fine PvrnmUl Pile Cure $1 00 Pjrntiild I'lle Cure VU Me Iladwn.v s llendv llrllof 60c Seven Butlurlund Slsteis * Hair Grower CT.c SlH'tlU-ld s Dentifrice . so Jl 00 SUnrn t Wine of Cod l.lver Oil MoSviup of I'MRs ( Roitlilnol 40 $1 00 Swift's Sjphllltlc Specific- .73 50c Stuurfx h > pop < la Tablets . 40 r > 0c Scott's nnulNlon Cod I.Ivor Oil i3 $1.00 Scott's imtilsl : < in Cod l.lver Oil. 73 BOc Sc'liirrmun's Asthma Cure . 40 "Be Sozodont . 40m ROc St Jncob's Oil m fiOc Tnrrunt'H Holtror Aperient . . . 45MJ $1.00 Tun ant's Holtzer Apeili-nt . ! MJ 25e Tetlow a Swans Down Powder. 13 23iTrnsk n Mngnotlc Ointment. . . . .20 lOc Vaseline , plain 2-oz bottle 21i White Ilo o Soni | (47tl ( ) ! 25e Wlnslow's ( Mrs ) Soothing Sirup0 r,0o William's Pink Pills ttl fl 2J Warners Safe Cure ! ) J $1 00 Wine CiinUlt < McKlrec's ) 35c Warners Utthla Salve ' - > 2Sc Witch Hazel Salve " 0 2Sc Woodbun's Facial Soap 13 $1.00 W.uiU'olo's ' Cod Liver Oil ( taste less ) " > $1 00 Madam Yale's Hoods 73 J" > c Humphrey's Sp < cities - ' ) 2T > e Munyon's Hcinedlcs 10 $1 00 I.lstcrlno rgcnulne ) "J Me Hilton's Specific 3 $1.00 Brome Seltzer 76 Write for catalogue nnd buy quick. Sherman & McConnell Drug CO. , 1513 Ilodcc Street , Omnlm. MODERN DENTISTRY Is a revelation. Teeth arc saved by scien tific treatment of roots , protected by crowns today that formerly would have been hope lessly lost. All tooth , cannot bo saved and such we PAINLESSLY extract with VITAL IZED AIH , which leaves no sere gunis , no bad effects and can bo taken by any ono. Vitalized Air . CiOo Cold 1-llllnKn . 91. BO Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 15 IT Uousclns Street. Duck Coats 75c Duck Ulsters $1,98 Fancy Worsted Suits. . 4,00 All Wool Plusli Back Underwear 75C Chinchilla Caps 25c Checked Overalls with bibs 38c Rubber Boots $2,20 Fur Overcoats $6,90' GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. , CAPITOL AVE. , NEARI6TH STREET Clone to Hen act t'a. THEY TASTE RIGHT Cigars that nro bought at our store tbat'a ivhy wo have such a. magnificent trade. Our cigars not only taste right , but they burn right. And when It comes to a good smoke , you want to try OUR FIVE CENT JERSEY It's the best elgar sold In Omaha for the money. Lota of dealers don't sell aa good a cigar for ten tents. Paxton Block Cigar Store , j ( i ni sritnur , MSAH \H.V\M. . J \roil JAMCtMJJC. 1-HOI' . Diamonds Wo have Junt received a new Importation of the pret tiest diamonds ever nbown In Omaha-wo'd like you to see them we'll mount them In uny setting desired. \ 'i HI : orriciAi. hi-ooiv. Sterling silver Five O'clock Tcan , | 1 Klvo O'clock Toan , engraved bowl , 1.50. Tea tire. II CO. Tea size , en graved bowl , fa 00 Wo have n full line of Uxposltlou Souvenirs Unli-li Ili-inlrliiir. Y UsjHiclally llnu watches la a special feature -with us we've got on expert natch man Gee , W , Ryan & Co. , Jeweler Oiimlm KM ! S. lUth St.