in MM.S ( HAM is. : | $ K < 0 r AN mak" > m $ i ooo In .1" days. We. " > IHLVC pr > Mtlliiformnllnii whor * yxir | tinfl'q arr. sure ! > ' n't hc ltat1. I'arilrii- | 1 ir < ft-i e. Frnnk Kcrtlnx ft Co. . r iiml - FIOII M. rdmnts , V > \ Omaha IlldR. , Cnlcnijo , OR HA Li : . Interrsl In enlnbllMhod real - ' ' man preferred. A-i- t -li'i' ( agency ; young lrj N 17 , Oma MI HBB olllre. Y all 22 * ' $ 'o'r | > u $ | ; invo t Jlf ) In xtOfk * and get $1 in" r. r $ U ) surrife : ns a bfink. P.eed j & ' , 128 S. 5Ul 81. , Plillii. . Pn. "V-oll * , t AGENTS , manufacture your own goods ; ! bcink < if 4W Kccrit formulas by professor | "f < 4ic > mlrtry , ecntanlnc mnny ccretfl cn ting TSn ; prlre 20c. Now Century Mrg. Co , Hi. Loill * . Mo. Y-521-22 * ! sft TO ri-TT1 loTt clNT ld o NT 111 .Y on your I1M.K MDNKV. iln yen want to know how HIM ran PCWITIVI'LY IIM DONE ? Write 'or our book "firLDEN GAIN , " It Is VM1KTNtiilonnl Investmfnt Co. , Suite t"Ifi7 Dearborn St. , Ch'.cugo. III. Y GJl-22' rompb'te ' on h grorery stork In city , also meat market , llxture ; partv Jenvlng city N 21. UCP. Y-619 22 OI'R snT methnd mude durlnc Scp MW1ofi on every 2.000M Invested. Is1 the only snfd plan to Invest your money in stock Hperulatlftn. Writeus for full parUcuhirs. Small nnd largo amounts n-iTited ; hlg-hrHt - refnrences. Addrcrs Arthur. Adams & Co. , 35 Broadway , New- Y-54S-22 * York ritj _ $ rr,0 , olTU werkly average for tin ; last ot J2.i has three yrnrn on an Investment ; liover been ecpuilrd ; we gladly glVf all desired Informiillon. Grannan .t Co. , 2M B Fourth St. , Cincinnati , O. Y 550-22' IH'SINKSS nhiinria good , clean HtK'k of dry goods nnd clothing In good condition ; owner will ( 'xchange for farm or city property. Wo have hardware , drugs , Ki < > - i-prli's iind mprcbundlse of all kinds. \ \ r o ur. Merchandise Broker. 50il Karlmdi blk. i * Iv TH l3 Knp Simile I . . Her l' " . will sc-ll their bUFlness cheap If taken at once all Jill New York Life. _ V- < - ; OLD established grocery huslnexi In South Omaha for Male ; proprietor must < iult on aecount of sickness ; . A No. 1 chnncp to make tnnney. Imiulre of 11. l'Uslli\r.LN' ! : : -Mbl2 Zl' York Life. - _ _ THE llneHt lawful double slot maehlnes for nil kind of merchants ever out ; mnoblneii for salt * , territory prclteetod , trial irlvon. big money makers. Shcrer , St. James hotel. \-52l 22' MAN with business experience and $150 can make from $75 to $150 uer month. N SS , ' ' nee. l hiO - FREE ! Vnlunhle Money Making Book on PatontH. Tells all uboul Patents ami how- to Ferurc thnn nt low cost. Gives UK ) Me- chanli-al Movements Invnluable to Inven tors nnd Mechanics. Tells how fortunes have hern made from Pimple Inventions ihat others hnvo laughed nt. The IHllo Porkct Dime Hank made over J2.-ACOO. Gives lellrrs of wealthy manufacturers who want gnotl Inventions In their linn. Rend UH rough drawings ot all your NKW ilPKAS or Inventions. 'No ' charge for our - onlnlnn as to' their being new and patunta- bl > Advice , FREE. Tells how to ciltal- ( | Izi-'nml organlw Joint Stock Pnti-nt Right compan'.es. This vabiable Invcntotn Guide Hnuk mailed FREE to nnVAdrtress. U I" overlliwlng with Invaluably money- tmiklnif paiput Information. H1O HOOIv FREE ! O'Mcnra .t Co. . Patent Attorneys , oup. Patent olllce , S."i G St. , Washington , D. C. Y 515 22 * PLENTV OF MONEY made In stock ex change t > peeiilntlnn by my positive Inside advance Information anil progressive s-ys- tem. Place IrndcH with your own broker. Pay me 10 per cent of not prollts for sup- ply'lnp : beat advice obtainable. Handle vo'ur 'llnanre.s. Send for valuable partlcu- mrri ( free ) . "Investment Specialist , Suite 419 , 27 Williams St. , New York. Y 516 22 * HAVE YOU $10.00 which you wish to make money with ? If BO , send to us to Invent In stocks. Our last Industrial Investment "de'al" made $113.33 for every $10.00 In vested by our customers. Send us vour nddresw for full particulars. Latin < fe Com pany , 11 Broadway , Now York ritv. FOIl I2XC1IAIVGU. GENERAL merchandise stocks In all parts Of Nebraska and Iowa for sale and ex change. If you want u trade of any kind write MTchundlso Broker , COG ICnrlmch blOL-U. ' , ' . M302 A FINE new modern Omaha residence , -JSt'.ng ! $13.00 , for good farm land. $100- 000 splendid paying Iowa coal plant for timber land or cattle ranch. It. C. Patter son , 310 N. Yi Llttt , Z M4.TO.22 HALF Internet In big paying patent medi cine buHin'sH ' for real estate. Address N 31 , Bee - / 371-24 WHAT have you to trade for good piano ? N 32. Bee. / M579 21 TO EXCHANOE for mcrchnn-llse , 1SS acres In Ncnuihn ' < > . , Neb. C.lvo thorough des cription with price. Ixvck 'Box ' % I'cru , Nb. . . X "i2-22 a. 1'i ' AND 20-ricro garden tracts near So. Omahli In trade for city property. .T. T. Clarke ; 21:1 Hoard df Trade. / M573 23 KOH XAI.H HHAIj 13HTATI3. R' . C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Farnum St. , Dee mag. ' , - ' DWELLING MOUSES. No P31. f-rooiii hOU. = < 1' . 'batli ' , gas , permanent -sidewalk , barn , TiO ft. lot at 3110 Mason ft.Harg'ain at $2WX > . No. 70. ; .Modern , 7-room bouse , newly papered Inside ) und out. Only $2,500. No. 100 Lot fiOxlS'.1 , with two houws. 7 and 0 rooms respectively. Rents for $38 per month , 'with few rejxilrs would rent for $10 to $ CO. Must bo sold. Price only $3bOO. No. 092 Ono 5-room house and two 8-room hotiEC at corner 27th and Howard sts. Rent for $10 per inoivlrti. Special taxes all paid. Price , only $3,200. No. J2.V > Seven - roomhouse1 , lot S2x57 , line premises. Price , $3,000. Nr > . 12o 'r fi-room house and barn , at 112 N. 37th wt. A bargain at $1,500. No.IS ! * 7rivommodern house , nt 2103 I/ > - cust st. Price , $2,300. VACANT PROPERTY. Lot 11 , block 40 , So. Omaha , east front on Stith at. , near "K" St. , only $600 if eold soon. ] /ot L' , block 32 , So , Omaha , east front on 2Sth. near "E" ! . . only $50J. CO ft. lot on Dodge , near 33th st. , about four fet't ubove. street. This Is one of the bert biirgalim in that locality. Price , $1.000. South front on Webster st. , cast of Sth. for $ suo. 1W ft. east front on a'tli st. , north of 'Mr. Wattles' residence , only $ ii,600. 100 ft , northwest corner PiDlh ami Doalgo nt , Elegaut loc.itlon for lineresidence. . Price. I7.0M. 1702 Farnum St. , Ilee Bldg. RE COJ 2J SO I "PI I OMAHA PROPERTY : fiood lots ncnr the packing houses from $100 to J200 on monthly payments. Oeorgu & Com pany. City Hall Bldg. . South Omaha , or 1001 Fnrnam Bt. , Omaha. UK 11577-31 VOR SA LK-BA RC A 1 NS. lli'autlful , now 7-room house and full enst front lot In Ilanscom Place , near the park. $3,700. $ NU'c S-room hnu o on Ix > we Ave , , $3tA > . 7-room tioMxe and lot , Ocorgla avenue , near Pnclllp , $3.500. corner lot In Hansecmi park vicinity , J1.2W. 2 beautiful lot In gootl location for Jl.snfl ; iiheapust dfalrablft building site Ir. the city. Hood rotiMeiiCft In Colorado Springs to ex- for rcBldence. In Omuha. . will buy one of the llnext f.irms In Uouglns county , adjuln'.ng1 Waterloo , con sisting of 215 acrr under u < hlgh state of Cultivation ; KOO.I Improvements and the land especially adapted to the. growth of fcepJs , JOHN'W. . ROBBI.NS. 1S03 FAllNAM ST. HI5-57J-M STORE ROOM and two 2-story dwellings. K E. rorner isth ami I. < uvenworh. | nt a bargain. J. H. Pnrrotie , Doiislun block. RE-M576- FAHAI FOR SALIJ , Burt -ounty. Neb. . 10) a < res best valley grain land. 1J2 In crop. Ar'zomi. village , tiuin h , nchxoi , ono mile. 11. K. Wurtoii , Ttkaniah Neb J V ij"lj i > ! * KOH SAM : uuAii IST\TK. < V > itl HALE. RixIZl fop ) , no lot from north- cast enrner of Sherman nvonuc nnd Lo- j ciii niroct. Address Thos Fitzgerald , Independence. Mo. IIU i POIl . house. motltrn , f'n \ \ > t Farnntn .M. . $500 down , bnl. s-nmc ns rent , $2 , < > CO. 0-r. hojise , brtrk , near .Urtrwi-m park , $250 down , but. mm < ' ns ronl , JI.TW. 8-r. house , well nnd two 1ot ! , near new rnp barn , ? 2 down , 1ml. on time , $1,050. 7-r. hnti.-f , modern , In Hansom Place , owner out of city , must sell. $2.430. 5-r. houce. motlern. anil burn , a. nice home parly leaving city , nonr KmintZf' ' Place , 5-r. hnufn. modern , ITttJ Munri'orson , a chcnp pl.tce , $ I,1W. t want ti lot clo o In for n clear property , f-r. modern and Imrn , near 23th nnd Far- nnin ft J. II. PARROTTK , Douglas blk. . 'phono , 15' . " RE 59S 22 " W. II. OATHS- OH N. Y. Life. ' Phone 12)1. ) 10-rnom modern house , northeast' corner 23d und Chicago ; $1.500 , S-room modern lionso ; barn ; BOxiJi ; . .is Oriint street ; * 2,7M. 7-rnom , modern ; 30 < i2 Chicago ; ISifinn. fi-rnom , modern ; 11221 Poppleton,7UO. ; . 7 rooms , bath , Kns burn ; near corner 2 < Hh nnd I'apltol uvctnio ; $2,750. 7 rooms , modern , oak lintsli ; corner sail uml Mason ; ? 3.fi04. s rooms , inn N. inth , $2.000. r. rooms , 2MV ) Hrl.Mtol , $1MO. 5 rooms , 1J1S X. Bth street , $1.201. IMS-fill 22 A FEW SPECIAL HAROA VACANT LOTS. * , rinc corner lot , Kith anil Jones , mily $ S.r > 0. lea\itlfiil lot north of Ilanscom park , (1,450. 13 feet frontage. rlKht on Farnatn , JUiw. IMPROVED. Nice tottngo and Int , Manscoin Place , $1,300. ! ) -room hiiuao , good location , $2,2."A Fine house , till modern , Ilanscom Place , $1.600. ( 'HEAP ACRES ADJOINING OMAHA. Cholco arro lot , Just West of city , nice shade , line place for poultry , * lfi."i. Five nores. extra choice garden land , $ iUU. Ten ixcres. choice location , only * 1,25'J. ' FARMS ANI1 RANCHES. flood ICW-acro farm , Howard county , Neb. , house , burn , well , etc- . , $7.50 an acre. 160-Hcro farm. Madison county. Neb. , fairly Improved , ? 9.00 an acre. Improved farm -5 > 0 acres , Howard county. Neb. , only S12.W an aero. Kino Improved farm 210 acres. IJuflalo county , Neb. , a bargain at $12.50 an acre. CJood stock farm 175 acres , Oospnr county , Neb. , nearly 200 acres wood plow land , running water , timber , etc. , KOO an acre. Fine Huffalo county farm W acres , alt fenced , 4SO acres under cultivation. Rood btdgs. , biggest bargain In Neb. , $10.00 an c iv. l.ftn acres northern Neb. , line stream water , for cattle or sheep ranch , J 1,500. HICKS REAL KSTATK COM PAN V. 325 Iloard Trade Rldg.1M3C40 1M3-C40 22" NEAR State fair grounds. 20 acres with extra liirgo house , .smooth valley land , price $ , BOO. f 1,010 for G-room house , lot 30x113 feet , city nnd cistern water , facing e.-mt on 17th , Hotith of Clark nt. , paving paid ; tinny pay ments. Near Vales' stone mansion , ,13d nnd Dav enport sin. , G-room modern cattiiKo ; bargain - gain ut $2,250. John N. Frenzer. Opp. old P. O. RE 4b7 O30 RAROA1NS. Sll Farnnm. 22x11(2 , at a = ucriflce. flood S-r. dwg. , 23th and Spencer , cheap. S'xlSO at ICth and Ohio , wltht two see < l ( ' . 'WKH. ' , J1.300. . Ti-r cotUiKu , SOLh nml1 Franklin , $700. u-r ! cottaue , Sftll California , cheap. Mentis pk. , t.iwt front , $325. Demls jiarK , south front , * I23. Ilcmls i > ark , south front , $130. All line and can be sold on payments. A. F. CONNIiTT , SOS N. Y. Ufo. HE C2J 22 * FOK SAT.K , 4-room house and barn. 2125 N. 13th St. Thompson , UK 3GO ia Il'AVK you Rome lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the. people know that you want to dispose of them. The Hoe reaches the people who have the money. UE S6G FOR SAMS. CIO acres of land , worth $3S per acre ; will fcell for $24 per acre. The Byron Heed Co. . 212 S. 14th St. HE-33S A nAUGAlN IN' UANSCOM PAHK DIS TRICT Klght-room residence , practically new. lartte lot. barn , hot water heat , cis tern , modern plumbing. Will sell at great sacrifice. Call 100 North lath St.RE14C RE-14C- I3AHGA1NS , real estate. Chris Boyer. 2123 Cumlng. HE MSS3 O22 1IOUSKS , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Bomls , Paxlon bile. RE 33D SNAPS In real estate. ; money to loan. I * L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE 310 FOR SAL.E , my elegant home , 2020 Webster St. , small amount down , balance same as rent. If desired. Address C. D , Blbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE 11:33 Nov. 2 A BAUOAIN Four acres. 40th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2GOO ; easy terms. McCnguo In vestment Co. , 1WW Dodge. RK % 9 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The * Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. llth St. KE-311 FARM lands , stock ranches and business locations In the Corn licit country. W. If. Clements , Lyons , Neb.REM123 RE-M123 NovlS IF IT IS South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Nell's Heal Estate Agency. RE 338 FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modern res idence ; largo lot and shade trees ; ( centrally located ; cheapest residence In Omaha ; part trade considered. Call or address , If you mean business , 108 N 15th street. RE-C01 * II. PAYNE , C01 N. T. LIFE HLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. UK 337 COTTAGES , residences , Patterson , 30G N. Y. Life. RE-M42S FOR SALE CotfciRfc and large lot , Sth and Bancroft Sts. , $1.7) ) ; easy terms. Sixteen lots on Locust and Maple Sts. , $3-50 to $450 each. Modern C-room house , 4214 Patrick Ave. , $1,450. Four-room cottage , -121 ! ) Patrick Ave. , $ SM. Tlir < lroom l cottage , 4258 Patrick Ave. , $000. T\vo-ntorv S-room modern houpe , finished In oak , with line .stable , ut 4320 Hurdctto St. , $3,000. Vacant lot Just north of Farnam St. on 42nd , only 1150. Fifteen acres on North Sherman Ave. , very cheap and on easy terms. Lot 2 , block S , Read's First Add. , $1,000 A. P. TUKKY , Board of Trade. RK-45S- FOR SALE Wo offer special bargain In eight-room houpe on Park avenue , now belmr repainted , papered and thoroughl > repafred. Tills ls 11 modern , well built homi ? . I-rfH Mxl42. Streets and alleys paved nnd all paid for. Can glvo Im mediate possession. Price , $5.300 , In Orchard Hill wo offer good seven-room two-story house , lot 60x150 , all modorr except furnace , only two blocks north car line. Price , J1.500. Either of these properties are cheap homes well worth your consideration. Call am lot UP ilrlvo you to them. POTTER-SHOLES CO. . 310 Now York Life RE-501-23 - - A GREAT bargain , Inside property for subdivision , good homes all around , clost to car line , belongs * to nnn-roHldent , mus be Hold. M. J. Kennard & Son. milto 310 , Ilrown block. UK 1 ! > 3 210 ACHES , well Improved. Polk county sell or trade. Box 793 , Lead , S. R UE -OT 20' AHSTHACTS Ol'UTI.K. . HARRIS Abstarct Co. , 423 Bee Building. 333 TirivKT llltOKKItS , CUT RATE railway nnd steamship tickets ; I excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H. Phllbln. new locations , 1309 nnd 1505 Far- num. Est. 1SSD. Member G. T. B. Assn. , 353 1IIOYCI.KS. NEW and scond'hnnd bicycles nt half price. Louis Fleschcr , 1C22 Capitol nve. M-527 NE\V wheels , $15'ndhniid ; wheeU , $5 up. Supplies & repairing. Omaha Bicycle To. 465 HAI.I.S FOIl HUNT , CREIOHTON Hai | and Mornnd's Academy , ISlii and Harncy , for balls , club and lodge parties , conventions and nil social ftinc * tlorn. both halls have been renovated throughout. Morand , Lessee and Manager. Hl-Nov ' MP.D1LAI- . LA Ol KS , harmless innntlily regulator . cannni fall. Mrs. U. Rowan , Mlhvnuke" , WIs , MIHO N1G 1 > U. .MANSFIKLD'S rneTnthly rosulator tin ? brought happiness to hundreds of nnx'.ous women ; have nevrr had. a single failure ; longest it < < rellovtl ( In two to five days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or olllce. $2 ; nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansllcld RomiVly Co. , l 7 Dearborn St. , room C14 , ChlcnRO , III : ' ft7J ! ? LADIKS. fhn Perlodleul Monthly Regulator nevftr falls rnvlnoeyourself , write for free lx > x. New York Chemical Co. . Hex 'ft , .Milwaukee. W'.F. B71-22 * . Chlfhester's Ungltsh Pennyroyal pllis are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no othfr ; send 4c , stamps , for pnrtlculars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter bv return mal ! At drupclsts. Chlchester Chemical Co. Philadelphia. Pa. rPTfUU cured by national method : one. person froIn evorv section. For partic ulars address , Rational Co. , 503 Ann St. , Racine. NVIs. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. i 310 AVK RENT nnd sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. Unlicu Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012 Far- nam. 317 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup- piles. 1619 Farnam. 3lg THE Olive : Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder and ruts the finest otoncll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bide. , Hreatetr America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 31S',4 S. Fif teenth street , Omaha. 319 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Fnrnam. ' .150 SHORTIIAM ) AI ) TYIM3WIIITING. A. C , Van Sanfs School. 717 N. Y. Life. 343 AT OMAHA Bus. CoUesc. 16th & Douglas. 314 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal , Ben Bldg. 345 VAN SANT'S night school of shorthand and bookkeeping begins October 2 , Mon day , Wednesday nnd Friday evenings ; $3 per month for either branch ; touch typewriting given special attention.M . M 538 DIIRSSMAICI.VG. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2218 Daven port. M C7D Nov. 5 * lEHC'HANT tailor dress cutting , most simple and perfect method In the world , taught by the Do Lamorlon Tailoring Co. , Brunswick Hotel , suite 10. 045 22 * OSTROPATIIY. JOHNSON , Ostcopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y. I.lfo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles' dcpt. ; Gld E. Johnson , oatoopathlst. mgr. . M 353 Af. E. DONOHUE. D. O , , of Still school , Klrksvllle. Mo. , G04 Paxton blk. Tel. 1S67. 351 LOST. LOST , Monday forenoon , Odd Follows' charm. Maltese cross ct-hter of blue enamel. Three links with F. L. T in center of cross. Return to Bee otilce. Lost-556 22 * PAWMIIIOICUHS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 418 N. 16. 351 3AGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 352 I'HYSICIA * . DR. SHEPARD. 312 New York Life , spe- claltle.s , catarrh and kindred diseases ; consultation free at olllce or by mall. Literature and question sheets sent everywhere. til 537 MUSICAL. MISS GEIL WHITE , teacher of planw pupil of Wm. II. Sherwood. Studio 301 Sheely block. Reception days , Tuesdays and Saturdays. 553 22 * I.VSTHUCTIOXS IX I'AI.Vn.VG. MRS. FLLA A. ITTNER. teacher of o f and water color painting1 and clmreoa drawing ; specimens of work atVJilt - more'.s Art Store ; residence , 3002 Lake St. terms moderate. Classes limited to live STAMMI3IlIXfi AND STUTTBHIXG. CURED , Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg 361 XICKMO I'liAl'IXG. BASE BURNERS , lamps nnd Chandeliers replatcd. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee bids 357 LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , al tered latest styles and cleaned. Max Fogel , 307 S. 17th. M3S7 O29 SHIRTS to order from $1.50 to $3. ICelley & Heydcn , men's furnishers , ICth and Chicago Tit ere HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room Jl.O ) per week ; gas\ steam heat and baths. Ninth nnd Farnam Sts. 339 DI3XT1.ST.S. DR , MITTELSTADT. room 331 B o building. M-C54 Novl SCHOOL ( ) ! ' LAXfilJAOH. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 35S FlHI.VlTini ; : I'ACICIXG. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng , Tel. 1331. 80S UOMMUHCIAL COLLUDES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. . 16&D'glas. 3CO THI'XIC FACTORY. TRUNK traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks icpaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 12W Farniun. 3t2 ! Doc-14 1'IAXO Tr.ACllIXO. MISS ELLEN ETHEL FREE , piano studio 2025 Howard. M370 24 * CITV OI-TiriAL XOTICUS. SC1IOOL niSTIlCT ELECTION. Proclamation and notice to the < | iiulllcd ! electors nnd legal voters of the school ilia- trict of Omaha , In the county of Dougl.i ? , In the state of Nebraska , of a general ek'C- lion to bo held In said school district on Tuesday , the seventh day of Novemb. r , U99. for the purpose of elc ilnK ( Ivo mem bers of the Board of EduraUon of nald Bchool dUrlft. to serve on Bald board from nnd Including the llrst Monday In January , J900 , until the llrst Monday In January. 190,1. To the nualllleU electors and legal voters of the school district of Omaha , In the county of Douglas , In the state of Ne. braska , I , 11. J. IVnfold. preslilent of the Hoard of Education of the rchool district of Omaha , In the county of Douglas , In th state of Nebraska , da Ibsue this , my proi lu- matlon. and by virtue of the authority vested In mo as such president , do hereby glvo public notice to thqualltled electors und legal \oter of the .school district of Omnhn , in the county of I > ouglas. in 'hn state of Nebraska , thftt a general election will bo held in said school district on Tues day , th Bf\onth day of Novumbc-r , H9) ) for tin- of - live tinpuriise elei-tlng membprs of the of Educullon of said school ill .ri'l : , 10u'vu en said boanl from and Including the llrst Monday In Jttnuary JS'ji ' ) , until the llrnt Monday In Jun.iary. 19i : i TlH poll uluill be open on the day of'tald tlettlon ut eight ( M o'clock In the niurnlng and shall lantlmic open until s'x ( Gi o'cluck In the evening of ih < > tame day ut the re- D-iti\e | voting places as follows : FIRST \\'AUD l-'Irst district , 1013 South Eleventh street ; < < f.-0'ia dl 'r ! 17iM Siiutli Trivh third illstr'rf Vni > 5 South Flftt.-titn Fourth dl trl' t booth iL.r'h'-nct ooriifr Eighth and Paolllc streets ; tlftb ilutrlct , 17M South Tenth Jtreel ; sixth district , 2 > li South Tenth street ; seventh district. 1201 South S'xth street ; eighth dlMrlct , beoth m/rth side of Center street , between Fifth und Sixth sircots. SECOND WAUI ) . First district. loKi l/cavnworth street ; ? ocond dLttrlct , SI3 South NlnHeentU street ; thirl district. 2223 Leavenworth street ; fourth district , northeast corner Klflucnth and Wllllnms streets ; tlfth district , 1141 South sixteenth street ; s'.slli district. H2I South Sixteenth Street ; seventh district. 2201 South Sixteenth street ; eighth district , 2332 South Twentieth stree : : ninth district , booth northwest rorner Thirteenth nnd Valley streets , tenth district , 170S Vlnlon street ; flcveiilh district , 2107 Ylntnn street. TIURIl WARD. First district , 1117 Jackson street ; Second district , booth north side of Ilnrncv , be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth , on vacant lot ; Third district. 110 North Thlr- eentli street ; Fourth district. Sll North 'Iflfunth street ; Flltn district , rmotll out h west corner Fifteenth and Hurt IreetHj Sixth district , booth northeast corner Twelfth and Jackson streets ; Sev- nth district. 3n ; > South Twelfth street ; Ilgbtli district , 1120 Capitol uvenup ; Ninth llstrlet. lam Chicago street ; Tenth district , 01 South Ninth street. FOfRTH .WARD , First district. IGlo Caplml avenue ; Second ll lrlct. 2307 Davenport street ; Third dls- rlct. booth north side Davouporl , between rwonty-fnurth nnd Twenty-tlflh . streets ; ourth dl lrlet. Iron booth , Farnam street mil Twenty-llftb avenue ; Fifth district , 712 Fnninm street ; Sixth district , 422 South Eighteenth street ; Seventh district , ron booth corner sWontcentU nnd l.eav- ciuvorth streets ; Eighth district , nnotli outh s > ble of Harney street , between Pwoniloth and Twenty-fourth streets : Ninth district , Iron booth east side of Twenty-sixth street , 200 feel south or ) ewcy uvenue. uvenue.FIFTH WARD. First district , booth east side of Sherman ivenue , oppositeManderson street ; Soconit llstrlet. 2vr > Sherman avenue ; Third dls- rlcl , 2C12 Sherman avenue : Fourth dlstrlet , SOI Sherman avenue ; Fifth district. 1SWI Lake street ; Sixth district , Ililfi North Cluhteenth Btreet ; Seventh district. 171 ! > Nicholas street. . SIXTH WARD. First district , northwest corner Thirtieth nnd Ames avenue ; Second district , 4irJ North Fortieth street ; Third district. IS10 Military avenue ; Fourth district. 3701 North Thirtieth street ; Fifth district , , .nans North Twenty-fourth street ; Sixth district , booth southwest corner of Twenty-eighth avenue iml Corby street ; Seventh district , 11110 North Thirty-third street : Eighth district , booth northeast corner of Twenty-seventh md Burdette utrccts ; Ninth district , south east corner Twenty-seventh and Franklin Btreets ; Tenth district , 1EI07 North Twenty- fourth street ; Eleventh district , 1 > 21 North Twenty-fourth street. SEVENTH WARD. First district , 2711) ) Leavenworth street ; Second district , 1312 South Twenty-ninth avenue ; Third district , 3101 Lincoln nvemio ( Center street ) ; Fourth district , 2322 South Twenty-ninth street ; Fifth district , booth northeast corner Twenty-ninth and Hickory streets ; Sixth district , booth northeast corner Twenty-ninth street and Poppleton avenue. EIGHTH WARD. First district , 1318 North Twenty-fourth street ; Second district , 2001 Hamilton strc"t ; Third district , Iron booth at northeast corner - nor Twenty-sixth and California streets ; Fourth district , 2522 Cuming street : Fifth district. 2123 Cumlng street ; Sixth district , Iron booth , Twenty-tlrst , between Cans and California streets ; Seventh district , 91 'A North Sixteenth street ; Eighth district , booth southwest corner of Seventeenth and California streets. NINTH WARD , First district , Iron booth southwest cor ner Thirty-second nnd Cumlng streets ; Second end dlsUlct , Iron booth northwest , corner of Fortieth and Cumliig streets ; Third dis trict , iron booth northwest corner of For tieth nnd Farnam streets : Fourth district , Iron booth north side of Davenport street , one-half block west of Thirty-second street ; Fifth district. Iron booth northeast corner of Thlrty-llrst .avenue and Farnam street ; Sixth district. Iron booth northwest corner of Twenty-ninth avenue and Leavenworth Street. ( Signed. ) II. J. PEN FOLD , President Board of Education. Attest : J. M. G1LLAN , O20 e&sl2t Secretary. RAILWAY TIM 13 TAllLi : . UUF.LINC5TON & Mis souri Ulvcr Railrond- "The Burlington Rout. ; " General Olllces , N W Corner Tenth and Fnr ms nam StrPKs. Tlckpt Office IBM Farnam _ Street. Telephone , 250. De pot Tenth and Mason Streets , Tcie- phoneSlO. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook . . v---a , 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln. Denver. Colorado rado , Ulah. California. a 4:25 : pra a 3:56 : Dm Lincoln. Black Hll/s. Montana & Puget Bound . a 4:25 : prn a nm Lincoln Local . a 7:00 : pni am Lincoln Fast Slail . 3:00 a : pin alO35 aic Denver. Colorado. UtaJi a7:30am : CHICAOO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burllng'.on Routo" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnjin st Tel. 250. Depot Tenth Chicago Spec- clal a 7:45 : am Vcstlbuled Bx.a 5.U5 pm Chicago Express . a 9:30 : am Chicago & St. L. Ex. . . . a 7:45 : pm Pacific Junction Local. , ulO:45 : am KANSAS CITY , gt Jo- Railroad ° * ? "The .9.u"cll Burling Bluffs ana Mason Streets Telo phone , 310. Leave. Arrive Kansas City D.\y Ex . . .a fl:30 : am a B ' 45 pro Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : rm a o'tt ) am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis , .a 455 ; pm. all:15 : am a Dally. . ST7 PAUL" Minneapolis & Omaha Knllwny "The North western Line" Genera Olllces , Ncbruaka Divl Blon , lath 'and Webste - , et8City Ticket Onico HOI tarnam St. Telephone , CC1. JJepot , lot ! and Webster Sta. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) . a. 8:00 : am 3irmlm Parsenger . . . a 7:00 : pm uiair. Emerson , Eloux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and l > loomlleld..b 1:00 : pm bI210 ; Dm No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a 6 ; 5 pm No , 1 Omaha Limited. , . a 0:00 : am a Dally , b Dally -ixcept Sunday , . ISl7 Paclllc Railroad "The Great Rock Isi and Route. " CUv Tick et Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. ? S5.P9 > & Maso , Btreets Telephone. Des Local" . . a 7WVn ? Denver , Pueblo and and and Chicago . a 7:25 : pm a Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6:4U : pm H o Dally b Dylly exceot Sunday u Dally t ! > - " . ; exc-cii ; Sunday. atrecta. Telpchono 629 Leave. Arrive. Bt. 'Louis "Canon Ball" Express , a 4:50 : pm a 8:3J : am u , Dally OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAuT- roaa Omaha. Kansas city 'i ' & Eastern Rallrajn "Th Uulncy Route"-Tck.t ! or- nee. 1415 Farnam Street Telephone. 322. Depot , Tcntli I and Mason StreeU Tte. | ' phone. C23. Leave. Arrive St. I/ouis Cannon Ball : Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a 4:59 : pm a S33 ; im Kansas City And Qulncy Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm a Dal.v. S1ISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllces and Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner Hih und Douglas Bts. Telephone. 101. Dupot. 16th and Webster Sets. Telephone ' . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. LouU-nnKsas Sc Neb , Limited u 3:00 pm aJ2:55 pm K. C.-Bt , L. Express. . .a ! > : W pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Ioca I viab Weeping Water , . . -b 6:05 prrt a 9:45 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , FOSSIL FINDS IN THE ROCKIES Recent Discoveries in the Geological Won derland of Americai COUNTRY RICH IN , ANCIENT .BONES ° K lrlil 1,1horn uf ( be i\ttfdUlbii ln i > IlieVllilrrneiHn uf Wj omliin | j"yt Id oner uf Inlaitit Xrn * nnd IltiKC Aiiimnl" . The stale of Wyoming Is n geological won derland , wrllrn louls E. Van Normnn In tlui _ Independent. H is new land , tho'n'cwrat laud on the continent , geologically npcnUIn } : . In Uio prehistoric ngcs , but nearer to the limp of the ndvctil of man thnn that at ' wiil'cli any other American land appeared , It not after his advent , thla part ot the Uuitpil StiUcs nroso out of the prlmdval waters. Upfro this time there had been nn Inland sea , or several seas , over all western North America from the Quit of I'oxlca clearuuwnrd , to the Arctic ocean , 'ho outllncH of this primeval sea can be -aced almost nil over the great plains irougli the Dakotas , Montana , Wyoming. 'oloraJo , Arizona nnd New Mexico , by the rssll remains which nre scattered throiiKh- ut this vast area In great profusion. The nng ages suboeuucnt to this uprising of the and , the mreozolc tlmo of the geologist , uivo also left rich deposits to mark them , roni the lltllc Invertebrate ammonites to 1c glntit vertebrate dinosaurs of the Jurassic go , Uio largest land animals that over lived. The natural surface formations all through Ills vast region are magnificent from a cento point of vlo\v \ and marvelous from ny stamliolnt. The Had Lands , or lava ehls of Dakota , the geysers , boiling springs nd vividly colored rock formations or the Yellowstone national park , the tremendous anyons through which the great Tlvers .avo cut their way to the ocean , the nlkall akca and deserts and the rich mineral vcalth so conparatlvely near the surface all Iheso' attest the youth of the earth's rust at this point nnd Indicate some of th narvclous transformations which are being oasolcssly carried on In nature's vast lab oratory. Sfnall wonder , then , that this region Is ho paradise of the geologist. A number of scientific expeditions have explored these dalns notably tliu early ones of Dr. F. V. laydcn , from 1S34 to 1S5 ! , and those of Vofessor Marsh In the early seventies. The after made inoro thnn twenty trips aeroso ho mountains and discovered more than 200 new species ot animals , But the fossil fields of Wyoming scorn to le practically In- cxjinustlblc. For. the past two .qr thxoo year.s ? rof. Heed of the University of Wyoming has "been prospecting through6ut the eta'tn and last year he made several highly Im portant discoveries. About ninety -miles northwest of Larainle he came upon the jones of the most colossal nnlmnl ever taken from the earth's strata. This was a huge dinosaur , a , monstrous llzzard , vneasurlng over 120 feet In length , the petrified skeleton alone , It Is estimated , weighing moro than 40,000 pounds. The labor of removing this giant Is so enormous that the skeleton Is still In KB natural resting place , but It Is calculated by the university authorities that , by next sprint , they will be entirely.exca vated , OrKiitilziiUoti mid Euiiliiiitcitt. What is without doubt the most thoroughly "organized scientific expedition wj lch has ever entered our great western domain haa just finished its field labors. Led by Prof. W. C. Knight of the University of Wyoming , eighty scientists , mostly professors ot geol ogy from the great universities 'and colleges all flvcr tbo country and their assistants , have spent "forty days In the wilderness" exploring , examining fossil exposures a > nd gathering specimens. The expedition was thoroughly organized and equipped. Seventeen teams , with tents , paraphernalia and provisions , with seven cooks and a dozen cameras , left Larainle. the seat of the State university , on July 20. Three secretaries , Prof. Collier Cohb of the University of North Carolina , Prof. E. H. Barbour of the University of Nobraflka ami the writer , kept a systematized account of what was being done and gave Information to the press of the more Important finds. Everything poEslblo was done to secureox - HAIIiWAY TIME TAIJLES. . FREMONT. & JIbaourl Volley Rail , road "The Northwestern Line General Offices United States National Bank Dldj } . , Southwest Corner Twelfth and 'Kr- nam Streets. Tlclcet olllce. 1401 Farnam Street ; Telephone , 6G1. Depot. < * 15th land Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458 , . Lcave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dcndwood , - ' ( . < Hot Sprlnga ai3QO : proa 6:00.prn : Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 : pm - d 5:00 : pm Hustings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and tewarU..b ) 3:00 : pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am. Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally b Daily except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Dally oceot Saturday. iciiicAGo & . "NORTH- western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket onice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. GC1. Depot , Tenth _ _ snd Mason Streets. Tele , phone , C28 , Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial , a 60 : nm au53 ; pm Boone Passenger b 3:40 pm blO10 am Eastern Expreaa , Des Molne.s , Marshalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . ! , alO:55 : am a 4:03 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East. . . . , a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . , a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am Fast Mall 8:30 atn a. Dal y b Daily except Sunday. B1OUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The Northwestern - western Line" General CJtllccjj. United Slates National Bank Building. H. W. Corner Twelfth and FanmmStrefcd. . . . , . - - . Olllce. 14in Farnam Street , Tele , piiciiie , iil. Depot , Tenth and llason Btreeta. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Mankatn & St. Paul , Minneapolis .a D:50 : am a 8:15 : nm St. Paul. M'nneapolls ' , Mankatn & Sioux City.a 525 ; pm nJlQO : pm Sioux City Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 : pm a Daily. UNION I'AOIFIC-"TIIIQOVRH. land Route"-aereral Ofllcea , N. B. Cor. Ninth and Tarnain Streets. City Ticket Ofllcc. 13W Farnam Street. Telephone SIB. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Btreel * . Telephone. < sa. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited..a 8:20 : am a 7:15 : nm The Fast Mall a 8:45 : am a 3:30 : prn The Colorado Special..ull:55 : pm a 6:30 : pm Lincoln , Beatrice and Htromsburg Exprcbs . .b 1:33 : pm b 1:05 : pm Pacific Express a 1:25 : pin .1 6:30 : am Columbiu Local b 7:30 : pm b 9:30 : am South Omaha Pass. leaven , b 0:20 : u in. a 10:10 n. m. ; 3:05 : p. in. ; b 4:10 : p. m. Ar rlvi-H. a 7:15 a. m. ; 10:15 a. in. : b 3:40 p. m a 5:25 : p m. Council liluffo Local Leaves liKO : a m 0:4(1 : ( a. m. ; 7:15 : n. m. ; 7:00 : . m. ; O.-S" ) a. ' m 10:15 : a. m. ; HUG p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; oXO : p m < 3:10 : p. m. ; 1.V : p. m. ; 5:2. : ' ) n. m. ; 5:65 : p n ! 7:30 : p. m. ; b:15 : p. m. ; 10:30 : j > . m. 'Arrives 6:20 : a. in. ; i:50 : n. m. ; i > a. m. ; SI5 : a. in. 10lu : a. m. : lu:30 : u. m. ; 3:05 : p. n. . ; 4:05 : p m 4:10 : p. m. ; 4:3) : p. in. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 0:30 p. m 7:30 : p. m. ; > > :5ii : p. m. ; 11 p. m. ; 11.55 n. ni. a Dully , b Dally except Sunday : CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & Bt. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce liOl Farnam Sticet. Telephone. 231. De li > ; , Tenth and Mason Bis. telephone. C29. Sii Leave. Arrive. Cliltigo { < Llmltd Ex . . . .a7:35pm : n , : iS am Cfllcuj-o & oniulM Ex . .bllM : am b 3:5j : um Bleu * City ADtu Molnee r > " , ; ; blliOOarn b 8:55 : pw ccllpnt and pcrmanrnl record of the results of the trip. Kor the photographer * dark room , or , more properly , n dark tenl , was provided , and every ne\v move and scene was recorded on i dozen plat . The route lay through southern and western Wyoming , with the grand canyon of the I'.latte river as the chief , objective point from n ncenlc point of view , The progress of the party has been sy - UnlnMlully planned befornliand. tto take place EO Uml tlio fcmlls might be found In order , frm the lower to the higher , from lovcal Invertebrate to highest vertebrate. Ammonites , baculltcs , beleninltea but there is no tiao going over the lint of clen- tlflc names. Mnny beautiful mid nlmrfit rerfect specimens of these mollusks were found nnd Ehlpped back to the various universities \\hcsc reprcsentntlves were with the parly. A number of slabs of car- botilfurotis samlMono were obtained with sllpple marks and very bceiutlful Impres sions ot leaves on them , BOIIIO of the latter as exquisitely limned im though carved with anfngraver's tool or cut by the photoR- rapher'H lens. Of course , however , the gnat objective of the trip was the vertfl- brato rcnulns , found llrst at Lake ( " 01110 , Aurora , In the massive ledges of sandstone which.rlfo In successive tiers nt thla point. The landscape seemed familiar to UR as we cnhiped at the foot of the ridge ono hot , dusty evening nt about C o'clock. Then we remembered. Professor Mnreh look out his great dinosaur ( now in rcatoratlon at Yale ) oin this exposure nnd afterward painted 10 suroundliiRs. The dinosaur was A Mlulily I.Unril , 'hoso reiiialtin are found plentifully peat- ereil throughout the cretaceous and Jurassic nland seas of Wyoming. It was probably land animal , though possibly It lived mphlblously on land and on frrsh water wamps , and perhaps even along the Hhorcs t the fjilt oceans. Prof. HIV | . in speaking f the monster discovered by him last year , aid : "An accurate Idea of ft living dinosaur Is traetlcally out of ( lie question. According o my oplulcn I should fay that the nnlmnl now being brought to light weighed In life ibout elxty tons , that he had a neck thirty eet In length and a tall perhaps sixty feet n length. Ills ribs are about nine feet In eiiRth and the cavity of his body , with the ungs and entrails out , would have made a lall thirty-four feet In length , sixteen feet n width nnd arched over probably twelve ect In height. Such a space , If properly arranged , would scat at least forty people. A round steak taken from the hum cf the animal would have been at least twelve cct In diameter , or moro than thirty-five eet in circumference , and would have had % solid bone lu Uio nilddlo twelve by four- oeu 'Inchco , with no hollow for marrow. V set of tout in cavalry could easily have Idilou < abreast 'between his front and hind egsprovided he had not objected. Every Imo Bo put his foot down It covered moro ban a square yard of ground and must lave- fairly shaken the earth. The small- icss of the head of this animal Is n peculiar thing. I should say that the head of this iilghty dinosaur was probably not larger than a ten-gallon keg. He must have been n very-'sluggish creature , as his brain cavity would .certainly not warrant the belief that that organ weighed to exceed four or live pounds. " ' Oilier Freak * . RemaUis of a number of other animals , mostly reptiles In tbelr nature with a few primitive mammals and 'birds are to bo bund In great profusion in these mesozolc : beds of the west. It is believed by scien tists that these animals Inhabited the an cient lakes and swamps by the myriads and , In dying , sunk In the mud. Their bones were covered over with other de posits nnd became petrified. All through the long geological ages they lay sinking deeper and depper , until icovored with perhaps 20- 000 or 30,000 feet of solid rock. Then , in the titanic process of tbo birth ot the Rocky oiouritalns , the great surface "beds were tilted and twisted and bent upward , and , by erosion , the bones nro brought to light. Owing to its masslvcncss and ImrdncfS the bone most frequently found In the case of almost all fossil animals Is the femur , although rlb , skulls and vertebrae are also plentiful. Tlio second day cf the camp at Aurora the expedition icamo upon its first dinosaur bones. Mr. Edqulst and his as- ? lstaiUs. of Gustavus Adolphus college , Min nesota , discovered a great femur , six and n. half feet long , which they wcro able , by arduous and protracted labor , to excavate without much damage. A number of others bojies of all descriptions were obtained on tha expedition , the lull value of which cannot. , bo accurately estimate- ! until the pclcntistB.1 return to the laboratories and bo- Sin diS''woVk ot .restoration. Quito au In teresting and valuable collection of mineral specimens wcro also secured. There was n taxIdcrmlBt with the party , nnd ho can show a fine sot at specimens ot the bird llfu encountered on the trip. Mr. J. E. Cameron of Co'o college , Iowa , acted as botanist to the expedition nnd went homo laden with a collection of the rare and beautiful ( low ers which K row the prairies and deck the mountain uliltu. As a camping : trip what a splendid , de lightful SUCCCPS It was. Thtt fine , tonic air , tha magnificent ecenery , all the charms nf outdoor life , In the finest game and fish country In the world , made the- days pass hilariously and full of enjoyment. Mvrly SiMirf. In closing I cannot resist the temptation to relate a llttlo Incident , As tlilo Is "on" the narrator as well as others , I presume ho will bo pardoned for the telling. Let me preface the story by ( toying that up to the time of the occurrence I refer to our ac quaintance with coyotes , those small wolves of the western plains , had "been coudnod to hearing thorn howl most dismally and blood- curdlnsly at about 4 o'clock in the morn ing not BO very far from the tent. The day I speak' , three of the party a man from California , n man from Minnesota and the writer , who hails from the "effete east , " wore exploring an old unused coal mine , In deed , only a hole in the ground where the railroad had been prospecting for coal , Tha California man had n. SprlnKllold rifle nnd a belt fairly bristling with cartridges , the man from .Minncnota wn equipped with a double- barreled whotgun and the other fellow had B six-shooter In his hip pocket. As wo crept along the low gallery o low In plscca that wo wcro almost forced to go on nil fouro suddenly there was a terrible howl which echoed throughout the narow spaces till It eoundod HKe a whole legion of demoiiH and something white and furry , with gleamIng - Ing cyra and red jmvu , dashed by UH out toward the entrance to the mine. The mighty hunters , guns , revolvers , and nil tumbled over ono another In headlong rout. Thu revolver went off promptly , with the result of causing the armor platlni ; pardon the stiff corduroy trousers of the deponent to be bent outward like the armor nn the ill-fated Maine , Upon our hurried exit wo wplfd a very tmall coyote , probably much nioro frightened tban we rscuddlng off over the plain. Then we redeemed our sportsmanship. Three firearms rang out Mmultancously though what was accom- pitched by the sbutKini and the revolver U IB hard to determine and Mr. Coyote went to Join the great company of former citizens cf Dearth whoso bleached nkelctons whiten the"trail from Wyoming to Utah. MlnNiiiir ! .Town I ndcr ( liiarnnlliii- . OALKNA. Kan. , Oct. 21. Mayor Allen today - day promulgated a quarantine against Jop- llu , Mo. , whure , hu allege * . I here exlsta twenty-five c c of smallpox. ' The MemphlR end 'Frisco railroads have been ordered to [ hiop at Oalena and Mayor Allen lias appealed - pealed to Governor Stanley for protection. LOOK FOR FORTUNE IN ZING Uncqiuled Activity in Minim ; Circle * it Southwest Missouri , PEOPLE FLOCKING IN BY THOUSANDS Vnlur oTlitr linn Alumni llnulilcd nnd ' 1'liln Pnct In llm | > nitNll > lo for ( lit limit Iiitrroxt Arimncil HUlorj ( lie o ( .Milieu. In scenes of excitement and ltt lerctt the 'boom' ilnys which come to evorj mining c. mp , Joplln , Mo. , now enjoys th distinction of behiR about the llvcllwt town In lite middle wept , " pays Charlcn h. Thomas who had just returned from a short buslners trip to the Mlnuourl clly. "Joplln , nnd Us tributary towns of Webb City , Ualcn.i , Cartcrsvllle ami Carthage , are all flotirlshlliK little cities and arc the ce n- merclal Centers of the zinc and lead inln- IIIB districts cf southwest Missouri. In their tinmcdlnto vicinitythe greater part of the world's production of zinc Is initial. The rapid Increase in the value of zinc within the part few months during which time It , has doubled In value IP responsible for the grrnt activity In Joplln and surrounding towns. "AH the. characters attracted by etorlea of fabulous wealth to bo gained by tbo zlno miners , and who usually Hock to n mining camp ot any description , are. to bo found In Joplln. Some ot them have inotipy , but moro frequently the 'boomers' are suf fering from a limited po-wssloii of this ne - eRsary article. In the towns , however , money Is frco and easy. The bar-rooms arc runiilnR three nnd four shifts during the day and night , short hour shifts being neccsmry lest the men who deal out the liquid refresh ments bocpme physically disabled from overwork , ( iambllng Is run wide open , and the click of the chips Is. hoard at every corner. "Whllo I was In Joplln It was practically Impossible to get a bed , ami the ; hotel land lords were Voppltig' out all kinds ot coin. People nro living In tents and nro glad to accept any kind of shelter. One thing 1 no ticed was the presence of a Rmit many most of whom are well-to-do young men , tha sons of wealthy easterners , who are out In MlFBOiirl Investing their wc.ilth and they nro 'being shown' everything they want. Thcro nre many Ocnaha people there , E. A. Benson , A. C. Foster , Ed Howell - ell and Frank Carmlchacl being among ; the number. "It Is not generally known , but Is a fact that Missouri produces nearly three-fourths of iho zinc consumed In the United States. The principal output cornea from the two cotmtlea of Newton ntul Jasper , in which are located Webb City , having a popula tion of fi.OOO ; Oalena , 10,000 ; Joplln , 28,000 ; Cnrtcrsvllle , 4,000 , and Carthage , 8,000. Thcso places nro connected by street cars , and with the population adjacent there Is a total reaching about 03,000. Ileppiit Uldeovcrlen , "Tho zinc mines ot Missouri are only re cent discoveries. Fifteen years ago the slto Of the principal mince ot Webb City wan offered , for $15 per acre , but the wife of the owner refused to sign the deed. Now the royalty on forty acres of this tract amounts to $50,000 per year at the rate ot 7 % per cent. On tlila same mineral belt there are slnglo-ncro loU of 200 feet square that have produced In royalties , with no expcnao to the owners , over $100,000. A single mine , nlno years ago , sold for $325. Three years ago It sold for $14,000 , and the present own ers have Just refused $000 per aero for the forty acres. "At .Galena , about ten miles from Webb City , the entlro tract was traded for a pony not many years ago. Eight acres of thla have paid the owner a royalty ot over $200- 000 nnd nn olRhty-acro tract adjoining has made the owners Immensely rich , having paid them over $500,000 royalty. This la by no means the exclusive territory of the cor poration and the mining capitalist. It liaa been well named , 'Poor man's country and the rich man's paradise. ' Without exception every dooryard Is a dump pile a shaft in the center , with rope and windlass. Shafts are worked at a profit on lots 25x100 feet. "Tho production of zinc ere In the Joplln region has responded well to the active do- tnund and high price * and has shown a very considerable Increase. For the thirty-six : weeks of the present year up to September 9 "tho quantity of zlno ere marketed was 2C8,021,500 , pounds , an Increase of CO,100,300 pounds , or 21 per cent over the correspond ing period o 1808 , Thl output represents about 110,000 short tons of ppeltor and Indi cate * : a very largo output of the metal , Prices of ere have been well maintained nnd the producers have generally adhered to the schedules adoptad by tha Missouri and Kan- KUS Zinc Miners nnHodatlon. The nttompta of the smcltert ) to break down the associ ation have not been successful , and Its rates , based on thu ( idling price of spelter In St. Louis , practically govern the market , "Lead ere has not Increased its output la the same proportion that zinc has. The demand for property In this region Is still very active and sales of ere landH to out- ( ilderB are numcroua. Owners of land and leusecs are realizing high prices. Buyers , Indeed , secmi to bo exercising very little discrimination , and while como are doing well others will find themselves owners of barren wastes or worked-out tracts when the boom IB over. There Is nl o much risk of overcapitalization ot many of the mining companies. Many .Mlnex C'liim-il -iiiiiirnrlly. . "Tho Miners' association JIUH cloved down SO per cent of thu zinc mines and Intends to keep them closed for at leaat thirty dayi or until the mneltcrs pay the price. Qxeil for ore $43 $ for top-grade . Several sineltcTii have already cloned down , and , under tha circumstance , it la probable that moro will have to do the snir.o thing , as the quantities of ere on hands are light. In consequence , higher prices nro asked , but consumers have not BO far entered the market to any great extent. AH ouppllcs are no limited , ilia probabilities are that higher values will be established , "Joplln will hold a Hired , fair opening on tlm 23d , which promised to bo the largest nnd best organization of any held lu the west this year. The two fair iiianugero are well known In OmAha. George I ) . Nickels , who lookn after the Elks' Interest , wni manager of Mnnawa for one ucation , and Mrs , Hattlo McCall-TravlH , who IH ttflslat- ant maiiiiger , and who Is also getting up the flower paradela the woman who man aged the Flower parade ftatlvltlcH nt tha 'fi-annnlsslbslppl Exposition In Omaha laat year. "Tho electric fountain , which wan In tha lagoon part of this caaon , together with nlc of K. S. Uundy's shows , will form part of the Joplln Midway. The report that tha street fair has be-on called off by rranon of the appearance of wmallpox In the town , la not true , .Mr. Oundy writes to a friend here. Two cases nf smallpox have been discovered , hut the people are not at nil dl turbcd nnd the festivities will be carried out according to program. " President King , I'T ' rr-cr a Dank , Brooklyn , Mich. , has lined DoWIU'u Llttlo Early Riser * in hit , family for yearn. Sayu they are the best. Tbe * > o fame < jn llttlo plllo euro con stipation , bllloUEuere and all liver and bowel tioubles. T\vo Found Drmlty ItoiiilHlilr , LAWRENl'EBl'IKJ , K > - , Oct. 21.-Buck- ner McKt-e , a prominent furmor. and Mrs. John M WlUon. u widow , were found deid ; by the roadside near tbl ? < -ly | tudny. Ilolh had been phot , but whether II was a ot murder or faukldo IB not known.