Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1899, Editorial, Page 22, Image 22

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Aelt ( rtlflcnirnt * for thcne column *
trill lie taken tinlll 12 ni. for the
> enlnjr edition nnd until tii'.W p. m.
lor niornliiK nnil Sandnr edition *
Ilntr * , 1 l-c a Trord flrnt limcrtlom
Ic n rroril tlirrrnttrr. NothliiK tnUcu
for lean tlinn ! ! Se for the Ilmt Inser
tion. Thpc nil * ertUementu mii t he
run ronncctill eljr.
AiltcrtUprK , l > > reqnpntlni ; n nnm-
beri-tl clicrK , run hn-vc niiinTern ntl-
ilrcNNPiI to n iiniuhcrril letter In cnrc
of The Hoe.nntTern NO nitilreniieil
lll lie ilellten-il oil presentation of
the chec'i only.
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one
please cnll up the Remington typowrlisr
onicc , 1C1S Tarnam St. , telephone 15,3
A 2,3 ,
WANTED , position by young 1 < U. < 'x-
porlcnrtxl In newspaper work bookkeep
ing nnd Ketieril olllio work Splendid references -
ferences Address N 23 , Hoc A 603 22 *
WANTED , position ns housekeeper for
vvldowor or bachelor , can furnishrefer
ences 1515 Davenport A MjQ2-23 *
i , , WANTED. WP have st ndy work for a few
i } good hustlers of peed habits and nPr > car- ,
uncc. C. P. Adams Co. , 1613 Howard St.
B :
OFFICE boy wanted. 1521 Dodge. . , . .
or trnvcling. Opportunity to parn good
Income while lonrnliiR protitabln Profps-
nlon American Association , Box 4Mj ,
Indianapolis , Ind. 11-615
WANTED , a first-class painter. Address
nt once , L 17 , Bee. B GTS
CHIMNEY SWEEP can get a big lolli by
addressing L 1C. Bee. B-C37
WANTED-A Rood , strong boy. The-Omnha
Box Co , East Oni.ihu B 945
WANTED B < JO men to harvest sugar bom * .
Apply to Standard Cattle Company Ames ,
Neb , 4S miles west of Omaha on Union
Pacific ralluay. , B MS12-N-4 *
SALESMAN to soil our full line of cbolco
nursery stock ; a printed guarantee that
stock shrill IIP true to name Riven to each
customer : write for terms Mt llopo
Nurseries , Lawrence , Knn H M277 N14 *
WANTED , two first-class solicitors for II-MV
publications , just out ; $60000 per year
salary N 11. Bee B-117 2J * _
ENERGETIC men In every town In U S
can make -from $20 to $40 wpr > klv Tor
pirtlculirs address Continental lleslstry
Co , n P corner Broad nnd Arch sts ,
Philadelphia. B M4I3 26 *
WANTED coopers for hooping1 of tleroes
nnd pork barrels , also slack coopers for
making lly tights Applv at once to the
Omaha Cooperage Co , South Omalia
B-M4S3 23
A MICHIGAN manufacturer of pints ,
shirts , overalls and children's wash suits
wants traveling salesmen on commission
basis for Nebraska , Arlron i. Dakotas
Iowa , Wisconsin and Minnesota Address
N 20 , Uee B M49325
WANTED 1,000 good dressers to weir our
fine mnelt' to order clothing ; popular
prices Men and v\omen's clothes cleaned
and repilrcil Twin City Clothing Co , If09
rarnam st. Tel 2V57. B M478 N20
WANTED , mesi to learn birber trade by
mall or attend our nearest college Chl-
( ice St I uls , Sun rnineNco or Minne
apolis Eight weeks required. Expert In
structions , piactknl experience. tvvoj oars'
apprentleeMn'p saved Catalogue free.
Molcr College , Chicago , 711. 13 M472 26 *
WANTED , registered drug clerk : state
salary N 19 , Hee. B M470 27 *
YOUNG man for general office work , must
be a good penman : give1 reference , ago and
state salary wanted , N IS , Uee
H M4G9 22 *
TAILORS wanted , $1 00 a rt.iv foi tillers In
our bushellng room Continental Cloth-
Ins Co. B-tSS 22"
WANTED At once , city shipping cleric
Wo want a thoroughly posted , energetic ,
honest < ipib'.e man to take eh irge of our
cltv ilPllvorj service Must be able to
superintend men and take re"i > on lblllty
of the ilcpartment Oood salary to right
man Answ r > U onco. st itlng cxper'ence ' ,
salary expected and names and addi esses
of references , state whether married or
single Address , N 27 , Bee B-109-22
rTEMI'ERATE man for traveling position
$12 weekly , besides expenses and commis
sion , permanent , references Enclose -self-
nddressed envelope. 701-33G Dearborn St. ,
Chicago B-5G3-22 *
ADVERTISING solicitor : for till * city for
high class , now. advertising device ;
( patented ) , stale rights for sale. 11 Trad
ers' Bldg . Chicago B 364 22 *
WANTED , energetic man ai county Miper-
Intendent to mmige our business In your
ovMi and adjoining counties , no canvass
ing , straight Hulary , { IS w ) per week am !
expenses , yearly contract , rapid promo-
lion , exceptional opportunltj Address
Jlanufacturcrs , P. O. Box 733 , Philadel
phia , Penn B
13NERGETIC salesmen ; school supplies ;
country work , $100 salary and extras R
O , Evans & Co , Chicago 111. B
WANTED , planning to visit every home in
thn towns nnd vllnges of America , pre
senting the merits of our magazine , wo
will lequlro the services of Intelligent per
sons to show Dimples , Liberal compensa
tion nnd 51 special awnrels amount * * , ; to
$1,000 will bo ( , lveii Write for imrtfciilnt * ,
Fending two references. Self Culture
Magazine , Akron , O. B
WANTED , salesmen to sell Importer ! nnd
domestic liquors , pilnclpally line Kentucky
whiskies and blends , ense nnd barrel
goods , to jobbers ind saloon tiadp , gaod
c'lianeo to the right man , salary or eom-
ml slon Address R , S Stiader & Sou , C9
nnd 71 E Water St , Lexington , Ky B
KNO1NEERS nnd lliemen send 25e for 21-
pngn pninphli't , containing list of CIUCM-
tlons asked by examining board of en
gineers Gee A Keller , Bookseller St
Louis , Mo Mention this paper. B
WANTED. " stenographer- ! for rnllroad
work , 1 bookkeeper nnd 2 shipping lerks
Southern Buplness E\c-hange , Cor 21nt
W.nkot St , G.ilveston , Te\ns B 007-22 *
SALESMEN vvintod , good monev for hustl
ers , ttoiul r < quired , write Equitable Mfg
Co , Iowa City , lovvn B uflo-22 *
WANTED , salesman , loenl or traveling ,
wedkly salarv , peimanent. Perry Nur
sery Co , Rochester , N Y B iOl-22 *
pare for any civil service or census ex-
amlnntlon without seeing our tntalo ue
of InformaUon. sent free Columblnii Correspondence
respondenco College , Washington , D. C
B M50j-2l *
, WANTED-OfI1eor or private late In Phllli )
pines to travel with lecturer and descrlb
Philippine virus Give full Informatioi
of self sal.irv wanted and refeionce
Pi of Townsend Ooidon , O B 511 22 *
J6I 50 WKUKLV Iiitroduc'ng ' nnd Belling
brand now gaslight burneiH for kfrosi u
lamps , no ihlnnu-jH , no smoke , llts , in >
lamp ; easllv bold In ever } house , t-nmnle
fieo O It Perfection Mfg Co , Cln
< Iniintl. O B-510-22 *
\ \ ANTED , men to sell best griholine lam
made , 100 candle-power , 20 bourn for io !
big profits to agents , write quick Btude
baker Lighting Co , Kansas Clt > , Mo
JALPSMEN to sell patent medlclnea t
dealers. J1W monthly and expenses , ex
perlenco unnecessnrv Collins Bros Modi
i-lno Co . St. Louis , Mo B
HEN and women ever > v > hero to look afte
special vvoik , advancement after 2i ! davs
salary nnd commission , permanent Ad
ilress Di'Pt. Kl , The Werner Comnanj
Akron. Ohio. B
VANTED , oil aRcnts. reliable , energetl
men to bell our hitch eradc lubrkatln
oils ami iircases on commission ellbo
exclusively or ns n slclo line , locallj o
traveling The Cleveland llellnlng Co
Cl \ eland , Ohio II
531'TTER liujcr und salesman experience *
Jit liundUnff and sell'.nK butter , state age
experience , vvnses txpected , references
i innrrled r Magic Answer tit once Ad
tlrevsa N U7. Bee n-M5t 23
TRAVELING saK'sman ' wanted for hlg
gniclo rtaplo line of tlrv goods and gen
eral trade contract for balance this vea
nnd nil of next If sales are satisfactorj
American Standard Jewelry Co , Betrott
I jn-u. . _ _ B-t03 22 *
ow OPI.V.
es. the fall term Is now open In the day
and evening sessions of
nd jet It Is not too Intel to enter. "Better
late than never. " Make your arrange
ments without delay , and get the tnontn.1
drill and discipline that will double jour
earning cninclty.
Vpply for catalogue. Bed building.
B-S2222 *
"IHST-CLASS stenographer with experi
ence wanted at olllco of Atiltmnn , Miller
A. Co , 13UI So. Main St. , Co. Blurts.B649
VANTED , man to travel nnd advertise ,
age , If ilxperlencccl. Address N 35 , Bee
B-.MU2I3 22 *
0 TEAMS nnd 20 men wanted for county
work. Hoff , Ul S. 15th U G21 22 *
EXPERIENCED book agent with J1V ) to
take charge of ollhxt in good cits N T7 ,
Bee. B 819 22 *
VANTED , saJe man to represent us In Me-
lirtiskn line espec-iallv adapted to holiday
tiadc , position permanent. Liberal guar
antee anil commission Eastern Mfg Co. ,
313 Dc.irborn St. , Chicago. B 5UU 22 *
VANTED , a manager for n. restaurant ,
Address N 23 , Bee. B-M5S5 23
AGENTS WANTED , J5000 a week nnd
board , advertising solicitors preferred ;
$1203 capital required Dumont Mfg Co. ,
UOJ Perry St , Chicago , 111 B 5t > 3-22 *
VANTED , first-class salesmen who know
a good thing when they see It. We li.tvo
no books nor fnko articleto sell. To
men In a position to sjlve their entire
timeto our business we will submit a
mono } malting proposition. Address D
12 , care of Lord & Thomas , Chicago.
U-562-22 *
are how obtained , salaries paid , and nil
pirtlcuhirs given free by writing to the
National Coirespondenco. Institutes , Wash
ington , D C. I ! M1-2J *
IAN to travel ami appoint ngcnts to sell
our goods , ? 1S a week mid t'xpenses ,
> early contract made with competent
person. Address the American Co , 132
N. 12th street , Philadelphia , Pa
B-560-22 *
WANTED , salesmen to selrour line1 of flue
lubricating oils nnd greases ; s ilary or
tommis-slon. M. A. Hulburt & . Co , Cleve
land , Ohio B-550-22 *
WANTED , manager on salary , successful
life Insurance or building and loan men
preferred. Apply with references to The
Ocrm.inla Investment Com pan v , Cincin
nati. Ohio. B 55S-22 *
SALESMEN , everywhere ; Brown's Tree
paint keeps rabbits , borers avvaj ; f I a day
sure. Globe Chi'mlcal Co , Bloomlng'.on ,
111 B-557-22 *
WANTED Bright young man for whole
sale and retail store Address , N 34. Bee ,
giving experience and references
WANTED Two honest hustlers of good
appearance , capable of calling on business
men , steady work Address , N 33 Bee
B-SS7 22 *
WANTED Active man for this community ;
$13 weekly. State age and former emplov-
ment. Globe Co. , 723 Chestnut St. Phila
delphia , Pa B M595 23
WANTED Experienced gas titter0. Apply
Omaha Gas Co. . 425 N. 2Hh St. . South
Omaha. B-593-22
WANTED-Mlllrlght and tinners. Apply nt
west gate. Swift < S. Co , South Omaha ,
Neb B-5S4 22
SALESMAN wanted to call on doctors only
on bch ilf of the leading llrm in the trade.
Position permanent Applicant must be
Intelligent , indefatigable and of good ap
peal ance State experience. Addre = s , P.
O Box 1552 , Philadelphia. B-5SJ 2J
CHEESE man lxperien < .e < l man
'to sell cheese Must be well posted , ex
perienced , alert. State age , experience ,
jvages expeuted married or single , refer
ences , etc. Address N 27 , Bee
B M601 23
HARDWARE bujers and salesman. .Must
have experience and be TV ell posted In
the hardware business , not afraid to work
active , energetic , wide .awake , Give ex
perience , age , references , married or
single , wages expected. Address N 27 ,
Bee. B MG02 2i
PURNITUUE buyers and salesman. We.
want experienced man to sell furniture
Must have good reference * and be well
posted , in the. business State age , ex
perienced , wages expectcVl. married or
single , nnd give good references Ad
dress N 27 , Bee. B MCOO 23
SALESMEN : This year's groatePt patent
No G2C021 Look It upWlll | control the
Axle Ore.iso trade Wo have complete
Una mill supply specialties , Including
Stenhenson Bar Belt Dressing Tree
pocket samples sell it. Exclusive terrltor >
Commissions advanced on accepted or
ders Olvo reference for pirtlculars E
A. Kellogg , Treasurer , Albany , N. Y.
B-4533 22 *
WANTED , agent" ladles or gents , in every
town to take orders for our made-to-order
underskirts Largo commission. Call on
or write us for particulars. Omaha skirt
Co , 612 So. 18th st. B-629 22 *
AMBITIOUS men and women make hand
some salaries ns agent" for our photo
medallions nnd photo Jewelry , copied from
any picture Our easy plan free. Date-
Manny Mfg Co , Austin , 111.
-567-22 *
WANTED. 500 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel 876.
GIRL , general housework. 2020 St. Mary's
Ave. C C69
girl. Hlxenbaugh , 500 Ware block
WANTED , an experienced lady to do gen hourework , family of four Anply
2920 North 25th C M431
WANTED , girl for general housework
mnall famllv , good wages , Mrs , Gco M
Reed , 1111 So 30th nve C M44S 22
WANTED for general housework , competent
tent girl or woman for family of three
Wages 51 2C02 Poppleton Ave , C 459
GOOD girl In family of two. 125 S 36th St
WANTED , first-class cook. 617 So ISth
C M479
WANTED , good plr ] to work for her board
good home N 25 , Ileo C 4")2 2J *
WANTED Ladles to do embrolderv , homt
work , steidj employment. Cill Room 11
Douglas Blk C-M516 23 *
WANTED Men nnd women to work for us
at home steadv emplojment good wages
paid , work mailed on reiolpt of tampcd
envelope Imperial Supply Co , I O O P
Bldg . Philadelphia C-515-22 *
WO.MKN to do pln'n ' sewing nt home , $150
per day , four momlis' work guaranteed
Send btnmned nddres'vd envelope for par
ticulars R W. Hutton i Co Phlladel-
phla. Pa C-5H-22 *
WANTED Uady experienced In selling
homo tie.atment for ladles , t-alary or com
mission Rare opportunity Address
Vltco. Cleveland O C-513 . ' 2 *
WANTED Lady to travel In Nebraska ; JT 0
monthlv nnd all exp nse . permanent 'po
sition if satlffnctorj. self-addiessed en
velope for reply Amer'can Literary nnd
Musical Abb'n , 35S Dearborn , Chicago
12 22 *
151 GIRLS wanted , all kinds work , J3 to $7
Canadian Off'ce , 1522 DouglasCM5
C-M5 % N2I
COMPETENT girl for general housework ,
good wagea paid. 1131 S 30th avenue
C-M615 21
WANTED , lady to exchange work for
course In dressmaking. Brunswick Hotel ,
blllto 10. C-G ! > J 22 *
WANTED lady agents Barclay corret *
give ladles beautiful bust Sell on sight ,
large profits Write for booklet Barclay
Corset Co. , 49 Crosby St. , New York
. i- . , , . . . , .f . _ C 31 21
roit UIMT nouses.
P YOU your houses well rented
place them with Renown. & Co D-M ( > 10
CHOICE house * , cottages , stores. Hcnrv
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , jois
ELEGANT brick residence of JIrs M. Hell-
man. 2 < 05 St Mary'n nve. D-M233
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block "
MAOOARD van & storage. H19 Dodge Tel
- -250
FINE residence , choice location , rooms"
all modern , excellent stable , n'.if/0.0.13.
ton block. D-231
FOR RENT , housese In nil parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co , 1505 Farnam street ,
IOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city.
Brcnnail-Lo\o Co. , 219 South 16th street.
TEN-ROOM brick , furnace , gas ,
dry , not basement plan , not for boarding
house ) 2601 Capitol Avo. D 130-20 * I ,
CHOICE new S-room modern lints frontIng -
Ing Hanscom park , rent $35 per month
nnd water rent , Bcinls , Paxton blk
_ _
[ ROOM modern , 3027 Chicago st $25 ; oth-
ers. Rlngwnlt Bros , Barker blkDMDS1
FOR RENT , 6-room cottage , 1810 Ontario
St . $900
room cottage. 509 So. 33d St , $1000
5 rooms , lower lloor , separate entrance , 217
South 21lh Ave. , near Parnam , $1000.
rooms at 3422 Leavenworth , $100
\\oodman & Bay , 2S Bnrkcr Block.
_ _ _ _
FOR RENT. Bachelors' Hotel , 20th and
i arnam , 60 rooms , furniture for nlo
cheap. The Byron need Co. . 212 S 14th st.
FOR RENT , S-room detached modern hou = o
with barn. IG11 Pierce. D-COJ
GOOD largo barn for rent In north part
of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. D-M616
SEVERAL. 36 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
HOUSES , J5 up. Chris Boyer , 2123 Cumlng
t *
137 S 2STH , 8-room , nil modern , new fur
nace , newly papered , In line condition ;
rent $30 per month ! really desirable resi
dence and location. Omaha Loan and
Trust Co , 16th and Douglas. D-M199
TOR RENT. 7-room cottage furnace , city
and cistern water. 2207 Sherman Ave.
$27.00. Wm. J. Wclshans , Agent. 309 S. 17th
NICE B-room house , detached , all modern
conveniences. 721 S. 37th st.
D J1372 N13 *
5-ROOM , Ist-floor , modern flat , barn nnd
jard. 2124 Miami st. D-M371
EIGHT rooms , modern. S23 South 20th.
D-31S 30 *
2218 BINNEY St , 10 rooms modern house ,
hot water heat nnd barn , $2750
2531 California St , 10 rooms , modern house ,
barn , $25
2021 ? North 20th St. , S rooms , modern house ,
$2000 |
1914 Burdette St. , 10 rooms , modern house.
242T Lake St. , 7 rooms , modern house , $15.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th Street.
| - -
FOR RENT cheap , a good 6-roomed house.
2123 Blnney St. D-419 22 *
COTTAGES , residences Patterson , 303 N.
Y. Life D-M429
22tt rarnnm st. , 9 rooms nnd barn , $30
2235 Parnam st , 9 rooms and barn , $25.
2548 Davenport st , S rooms , $20
1610 North 21th st , 6 rooms , $13
D M432
503 S 33rd. 7 rooms , city water , good con
dition , $1200
2105 Miami 8 rooms , bath , city water , els
tern , $1800
131S S 2Sth , 8 rooms , bath , closet , furnace ,
2563 St Marj's nve. D rooms , bath , closet ,
gas furnace , $32 50
D M43S 22
TOR RENT , 6-room cottage , barn , cistern ,
well , largo ard 2117 Davenport. Inquire
Jos. Goldsmith , 1205 Farnam D M4C3 2J
811 SO 35th ave , 6-room modern cottage ,
be'ng thoroughly repaired and papered , all
new , for $20 Henry B Payne , C01 N Y.
Life. D M4SO 2T
THREE 10-room nil modern houses veiv
close In , being thoroughly repaired and
papered new throughout ; low rents. See
Henry B Payne , sole agent , at once , 601
N. Y. Life. D M4S2 21
SIS SO 33th ave , fine S-room up-to-date , all
modern house In best repair. Henry B.
Pajne , 601 N. Y. Life. D M4S1 23
FURNISHED or partly furnished 10-room
modern house , with barn ; desirable loca
tion , near West rarnam. Will rent for
six months or longer to right party on
reasonable terms. I , 47 , Bee. D M4fiS 23 *
NEWLY papered 7-room house , $11 00 'UK
So. I2th. D-400 23 *
TKN-ROOM house , all modern 22M Har-
ney st. D M627 N4 *
FOR RENT , a brick house of 5 rooms for
small family. 1313 Cass. D 195 22
FOR RENT , 6-room cottage , mi B Ibth.
Apply 1618 Harney. D-4S9 22
9-room house. 2462 S. ICth St , bara and
large lot , $2500
0-room house , K02 S. 35Ml St. , $25 00.
6-room house. 27th ami Dunont , Sts , $750.
Grooms , 4302 C'umlng St. , $1000
3-room 'house ' 1433 S 16th St. , $7.50.
Small store room 2129V& Farnam St , $1000.
George and Company , IbOl Farmm St
D M57S-2T.
POR RENT Ten-room modern houre , fur
nished , 1B17 C.TS St , $7i ner month ,
Howard Ranck , agent , 1610 Chicago
rt'RNISHED nine-room hou < v nnd barn ;
elegant homo ; nlrelv furnished , to de
sirable tenant onh2117 Wlrt. J. J.
Gibson , 511 First National Bank
r > C92 22
TOR RENT , to desirable party , an S-room
detached house ; modern except furnice.
In first rl si condition' coed location will
rent partly furnished If desired Call be
tween 9 and 11 30 a , m. 716 N 21rd St
D M517-2V
R. C PETERS & CO . 1703 Fnrnam.
Tor rent , 10-room , modern house , close In ,
$ V
R-ioom , modern houpp , nfw J22
f-room , modern house , 1R23 N 17th ft , $12
S-room house , modfrn except furnnce , 1508
Madison .avenue , J20.
S-room house , rrodern except furnace , close
In , $27 ' > 0
S-room Ircuse , with barn , modern , 1530 S
2'Hh ' Ft , 5
House and four acres , suitable for two
families or will rent to one. This Is a
10-room furnished house , barn nnd tivo
acres Inquire' ' for terms
10-room furnlhhf'l house , modern , $15
9-roorn hoiiFo modern except furnace , 4030
Nicholas $18
7-room house , 1210 Pac" . $19
room house , 2101 Hnrnev $ l = i
6-room ihouse 2i. > 9 Franklin $12.
S-room , modern house , near Hanscom park ,
Also on 6-room , three 5-room and one 3-
room house ,
Bee Bide , 1702 Tarnm
D 605 22
SEVERAL dnslpnnlo house for rent
close tn. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N Y Life
D-607 22
i.ROOM house 421t > Farnarn , modem , $2001
i-room house , 2211 We > b ter , and barn , f27fo
S-room house , 31S5 Fowler avenue , and well
7-i oem housn' ' , 1522 So 2 * > th. modern , $1850
5-room house , 1703 Manderson , modern
u-room hcutc. 1047 Callforn-i , city and cs- !
tern water. Jll 00
4-room house 2 > < ll Casslus st , well , $500
I-room mil , $ S 00
3-room Hat , $1000 J. H. ParrotteD
D 597 22
CHOICE 9-r brick terrace , modern In
every way storm doors and windows al
over US B 23th fctiect 35 U S Bank
bulldlnc D-C14 22
FOR RENT new house of 7 rooms , > h
Dodge street modern except furnace ; .w
per month W A Spencer 103) ) N Y
Life D-M609 23
9-ROOM hnu < e , all modern Imirovements
256J Pouclas , J10 D M63S 2S *
FOR RENT new 6-room house 102S Smith
25tfc it. Key Ja rear. D-635 n
KOU HUNT rriiMsiitsii IIOOMS ,
3 NICE furnished rooms , housekeeping
1112 S llth. E M336
PLEASANT front room , modern , In private
fnmllj , for on < > or two young l dies fi03
S. mh K M k > 34
3 ROOMS housekeeping , furnUheil or tin-
furnished 1712 Jnckson E M449 J2 * j
Pt'RNISHED rooms modern. C21M , So 1'ith
St E 1
3 rURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for '
man and wife. Rent taken In board. | |
319 N 17th n I'JI
LARGE , wnrm room , hath , hot nnd coKI
water. Imitilre 2010 Parmm St
ITRNISHED room , small fnmllv , with or
without board , references required Ap
ply 1MI No 17th st E-GI1 22 *
1TRNIS11ED or unfurnished rooms Inr
housekeeping ; nil convenience" 21503
DodL'ist E-M6I9 S.I *
roil RENT , one or two furnished rooms.
No 2ii36 Parnnm st E-f.17 22 *
* OR RENT , furnished stcnm heated room
cheap , private famllj. G10 S 17th avenue.
E 625 2.2 *
i6 ! N 21D , pleasant rooms , modern
E-M627 22 *
ELEGANT rooms . board. 1903 Capitol ave.
THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge.
609 S. 2GTII AVE , rooms ; prlvntp famllv
F-M113 Oct 23 *
VICE room nnd board , reasonable 2406 Casa.
r-217 Oct. 26 *
NMCE alcove room for two. 311 S 2fith st
F-M4H 22 *
"URNISHED rooms and board 2013
Douglas F-M440 22 *
PERSONS dco'rlng llrst cli s hoard nnd
rooms in the thoroughlv renovnttvl , Rte < im
heated house on dhe spacious grounds at
the nortlnvcpt torner of 19th nnd Leaven-
worth Sis' should nnnlv nt once to Mrs.
E L Wodd , 521 No 23d SU F M320-25 *
NICELY furnished south front room , first
class board 1722 Dodge F M519-J4 *
AIARR1ED counle or 2 gentlemen will nnd
romfoi tnblo home , private famllv 706
Park nve F 613 22
DESIRABLE rooms , first-class board 2".SI
Hnrnev F-Mfill 2 *
FOR imM' irNrimfisiinn noons.
THREE unfurnished room" for light house
keeping ; modern. 2633 Davenport
G (341 ( 22 *
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Applv R C. Peters &
Co , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266
FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc ; splendid
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C , Peters & Co , ground floor Bee
Bulld'nR. 1 267
"BEST" gasoline gas lamps : world's larg
est factory ; agents wanted In every town
The "Best" Light Co , 318 S nth Omaha
J M220 Oct 27
LIVE agents wishing to make J3 10 a day
write to C. D. Me > cr , Omaha Neb
J-M409 N1S *
AGENTS on s ilary or commission. The
greatest .agents' seller ever produced ,
every user of pen and ink bujs , It on sight-
200 to 500 per cent prolit ; one agent's rales
amounted to $620 in six davs another $32
in two hours. Jlonroc Mfg Co , X 16 Li
Ciosse , WIs. J M473 22 *
LADY or man to travel and appoint agents
$00 per month salary and expenses. JCIeir-
ler it Co , Jlonon Bldg. Chicago
J M4S6 22 *
SALESMEN OR AGENTS local or travel
ing , in cverv eltv of 10,000 or more , those
having a line of trade with trro < prs , con
fectioner * and drugg'sLs preferred , to c"J ]
Peptonlred Almond Peanuts , a delicious ,
nutritive confection , send references with
application. Met ! ample nackaqp sent
upon rcf'pt of 10 cents The Menlon-
Walton Co. Cincinnati , O J-525-22 *
AGENTS wanted for fast selling household
specialties , etc' substanti il , attractive ,
useful goods Circulars free. Rnndnlnh
Mfg. Co , Oak Park , 111 J 526-22 *
AGENTS. Whe.iton & Co , New Bedford ,
Mass , furnish reliable , practical and up-
to-d ite tiade sivrets , formulas rcce'jiis ,
etc , for manufacturing useful , salable
and profitable goods. Write them for
particulars J 521-22 *
AGENTS wanted to sell the Suv lo G is
he itcr and cooker , applied to any gas
burner without change of fixture , novel ,
practical , rcadv seller ; retail $1 00 Suvio
.Mfg . Co , 40 Wall St , N. Y Cltv
J 523-22 *
AGENTS , salary cr commission ; $2- > dally
guaranteed 4 new patents , overvbodj
iisi1 ? sample free Braham Mf.-r. Co B
14 , Cincinnati , O J.2722 *
EXPERIENCED organizers for Missouri ,
Oklahoma , Ind Ter or Ark. This is a
progressive order , making good paving
contracts with experienced solicitors
Acme Fraternal Un'on , Sedalla , Mo. J
AGENTS WANTED , men and women , good
addipss to f.ivel and appoint agents ;
salary $75 mon'b , expenses ; rapid advance ,
ment ; unusually brilliant opportunity.
Address with refeiences , Butler & Alger ,
New Haven , Conn. J
WE piv $4 a day salary for a mnn with rig
to Introduce our goods In the countrv ,
rend stamp for terms Kansas Peed Co ,
Dept. r. , 613 W. 5th St. Kansas City , Mo.
Yalcs Health Remedies and Natural
Beiutlflers , Intelligent ladles can make
all the v ay from $25 to $50 a week or
more : al depends on the person : pos-
slbll'tles ' unl'mlted Address at once. Mmo.
M Yale , 1S9 Michigan Ave. , Chicago. J
$71 MONTH , salarv , expenses ; ideal em-
plov ment , men nnd women appointing
agents ; our general ncents net as em-
ployeis. making work digniflednn 1 agree
able Manager , Drawer 2' , New Haven ,
Conn .1
AGENTS wanted to srll corn buskers' halve ,
Imgp profit ; enclose stamp for particular *
Columbia Chemical Works , Rcmbr la
J r 22-22 *
AGENTS One good , reliable man In tnch
town to act as our special repre-cntatlve
Everv business man needs our goods and
can be umdn a pprmnnent customei No
monev asked No competlon Edison
Chemical Co , New York J C32 22 *
\.vrnn 10 unvr.
\\ANTED. ilcslrnblo board and rooms fcr
family of three ; private fnmllv , vicinity
of Lothiofi school liberal price piompt
pay , reference Address N 9 , Bpe
K-39222 *
WANTED , to rent fi or 7-room house' all
modern , north of Lnko street ureferred
Addicss N 10 , Bee K M107 22 *
WANTED to rent within walkljig
dUtnnco High school modern house " to
10 loomsfurmcf or neam heat rifn-
ences furnished N 30 , BeeK 510-22 *
T\VO or threii furnished or unfurnished
rooms with bonrd for mnn and vi'fe ,
prhat" famlli preferred A < Idrc < - N 26 ,
Bee oince K 52S-22 *
WANTED-Sniall flat , furnl"hed. or three
or four rooms , furnished , for light housekeeping -
keeping , on or near Farnam Mrcet cars
Address N 2S , Bee K-529-22 *
PACIFIC sTorage and Warehouse Co . 912-
914 Jones , general storage und forwarding
ALL kinds cf household goods , hotels etc ,
In large ur smill quantities Ch'cago Fur-
nltl ro Co , 1490-10 Dodge. Tel 2020
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Havings hank accounts. Brennan-
Love Co , 219 S. 16th fat. N M197
SAFE , state make , size and price mo
Farnam N M61I Nov j
WANT tojjuy good homo or choice lot near
Uanacom iurx. Addrcu L 34 , Bee.
.VV TI'I _ TO Ut Y.
BARGAINS. C. I" . Harrison A Geo. T.
Morton N-U5-0-H *
WANTED n range nnd hot water bollnr
nnd connections nt Child Saving In-
Ktltute. 501 So ISth street Any friend * of
the work knowing of A favorable oppor
tunity to get them arc requested to report
same to the Institute N 100-20 *
SOLDIERS who entered homestead before
June 22 , 1874 of less than ICO acres are en
titled to adillt'onal ' land nnd can as lgn
their right t am ivijinp the very highest
prltc for these rights Widow * nlso en
titled. Address Hiram A Sturges. Doug-
Ins block , Omaha , Neb N-M40x 22 *
HARD conl heater and kitchen ranee N 7 ,
N-M375 22 *
Bce. -
W 'ILL pnv S2 cents for small amount Omaha
Sumps bank deport books H'tk ' , 123
Board of Trade building N-M467 22 *
HAVE customers for building on Expo
grounds Tel 1137 N-M613 2G
WANT leases on vacant lots Tel 1437
Foil bAi.i : riiiiM rtntiJ.
ARE YOU talking ot stoves ? If you nrc ,
come to see our line of 2nd-hanu stoves
The quality nnd low prices will astonish
jou. J. Lewis , 101 S. lUli St.
St.O 633 Nov. 3
STOVES , STOVES , no reasonable offer re
fused Neb Fur Co. , 1119 Dodge. TCI 14H5 !
O M43I
REMEMBER , J Levlne pnvs more monev
for stoves and furniture than anv dealer
In cl v. 304 N 16th St , corner Davenport ,
AUCTION At 10 o'clock a m. , Tuesday ,
October 24 , we will sell nt public auction
the entire contents of a modern twelve-
room rcsldeiue nt S20 S 21st st mantel
folding be < ls , .1 verj line sldeboatds , bed
room sillies matttetses , springs , lion beds ,
tapestry , Ingrain and velvet carpets , chin v
clowets , chair * rockers comforts , bedding ,
parlor fuinlture , extension tables , etc , etc ,
Clay Auction Co , Auct'oneers. '
O M590-23 *
PUBLIC AUCTION-On Wodncsilnv , Octo
ber 2" at 10 a m , will be sold the elegint
furn'shlngs of a private residence at Jiul
Douglas Si consisting of Iron bed" , mat-
tressef , spilngs , dressers , commodes cat-
pe s , matting , extension tables , chairs ,
locKeis , centei tables , etc Clay Auction
Co , Auctioneers O M5'J1 21 *
FOR SALE , household goods , cheap Call
Monday between 2 and 5 p in. 21JO Hat-
ncy. : O-M7 22 *
FOR SALE. 2 billiard tables , also bil
liard room gas chandeliers F. J Down
ing , 353 Frank St. , Co Bluffs. C-650 22
FOR SALE furniture of a 5-room cottage.
Can rent house. Cnll 2901 Farnnm st
O 62S 22 *
rou : .nisoEta.AM ous.
CHEAPEST nnd best onk cribbing and hog
fence. 901 Douglas St. Q 745
SAFES-Buy , soli , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
! Q-295
_ _ _
B HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. lei. 77b.
Plants , cut flowers , boquots , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mail or express promptly tilled.
ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Co Bluffs.
FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cent" at
druggists. One gives relief. Q 29S
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell -
Connell Drug Co . 1513 Dodge S . Q 197
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 rarnam.
INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Farnam.
INDIAN ponies Inquire Georgia building ,
Exposition grounds Q M451 20 *
NEW sewing machines , $1750 to $25 Re
pairing and supplies Omaha Blcscle Co
Q 160
FOR SALE , a double carriase. Inquire 1826
N. ISth sit. Q-M177
SECOND-HAND Smlth-Prcmlei and Yost
tv pewrltej-s , cheap for cash. Nfb Cjclc
Co. cor 15th and Harne > . Q M476 23
Singer $ 5 CO
Wheeler & Wilson 1 5u
Ainerk-in 7W
Wheeler & . Wilson 400
White 500
Singer , high arm 1000
White , 7-diawer 10 W
Singer , hlfrh arm , good as ntiw 2350
Domchtlc high arm 1000
Cor. 15th and Harney.
Q-M475 21
HOUSE for sale cheap ; must be removed.
2007 Lake St , Q-532-22 *
FOR SALE Bar fixtures , cash register and
best saloon stand In Omaha. Address ,
Room 3 , 220 & 15th St. Q-531-22 *
FOR SALE $350 piano ; slightlv used 1915
Chicago St. Q-M5SO-22
LARGE quantity of secondhand brick and
ruble stone for sale cheap Klngman Im
plement Co , 12tn and Jones St ° .
Q 5S9 22
FOR SALE J90 oak combination bookca e
folding bed and wardrobe , furniture and
sot of A , B nnd C clarinets , cheap 217
N. 24th St. Q-5S6-22 *
FOR SALE , furniture of 6-room < ottnge.
Will rervt. cottage ! If wanted 50ti Karbich
blk. Q-MCT1
FOR SALC , solid oak office desk , table anil
chairs' b.'rgnln. Eaton & . Glover. Mfrs ,
Bldg , Expo. Q M617 21 *
NEW piano to rent private family In-
ijulro 211 So. ISth or 2775 Webster at
Q G31 22
HARDMAN piano slightly used 211 ho.
ISth , opp , city hall. Q-.r.l 22
PARTY moving will sell furniture at 1313
S. 29th ave. , Monday , Oot. 23.
Q 618 22 *
NOTICE Country dealers , 2d hand furn'tra
.t stoves nt lowcbt prices , carload lots or
less , Chicago Furniture Co , 1400-10 Dodzo.
CALENDARS for J900. Burkley Printing Co.
R 332 O29
STACK'S bird store. 1C03 Leavenwnrth
Glvei nihleo to make > ou hutcessful In
love , business , mirilage , divorce , lawsuits ,
etc- , jocates mines , burled tit isure , cur s
drunkenncB" . bad habits evil influences , etc.
Never falls to cnuso spceUy , , tid happy
niiirr agf s Kiiariint-fH HIKCC.SS in nil cases
DR 1IARR1DEN diagnoses eases b\-
( "Imply touching the patient Install Ij locat
ing the at of trouble nnd b > hid wondti-
ful power of OCCULT he'lE.NCE removing
thu i anne n sptid > i lire is the rct-ult In all
REFERENCES Best banks merchants
and business men in the clt >
S-M 336-23 *
_ _
has flncp the public itlon of the city of
ficial's letter to her. which was commend
ing highly her gift .mil abllltj as a I fo
reader been thn meunp of nn unllmlud
amount of tomm nt among ( Jrnahu people
This wonderful woman df-in > nstratei1 thor
oughly In this that hhc was absolutely
capable of locating. lost articles This is
onh one of many cases where people
came to her ami shown their Brateftilncis
nfier Phe has done them good Ii is well
known that Mme G > liner stnndH at the
head as a life reader nnd an > one who
should call at her parlor would be Im
pressed that such Is true bj seeing the
many who ire waiting to obtain her ad-
vii-f She pofl'lub ' tellH the past piesent
and future and gives Informat'on on all
affairs of life Parljrp of Palml8tr > 1C03
Dodge south side new postofflie Send $1
and six questions answered S 5h23
MME IULMER clalrvojant and spiritual
medium , full life readings this wcf-lt 50c
Parlors 1023 Dodge Bt. 6-533-22 *
tIVllf\ \ VNTS.
FREE TESTS' Ptoe linmtlnn : Dr Hall ,
nsirologer and iiipillum , for Nebraska ,
Iowa nnd Dakotn , for J"X1 Ge d Itii k to
all who enter here Is truthfully told of nil
who have v ' 'fted this gifted mm , to
plea e nil nnd yet ttll all the bad as well
us the- good show he Is no ordlimrv
medium Ninety-nine In 100 advertised
seers tell from cheap books His uce ( s
niiics from the fact that IIP t ll fails
nnd he inn hplp you If v speculator , he
has made n foi tune for quite a few spec
ulators Over IPO young people IIIUP
found whit thcv were adapted for No
one ean pall them Inry now He Is re-
pen Mblp for unl'liig over 100 couples In
holv wenllock Marriage 's not a failure to
Hum ThPV have their nlllnltv He Is 110
lly-by-nlght A man of his word to the
sick All my stnl. no imurnhlp diseases
diagnosed ft mil lock of hair lie tplN full
nnnip of one vcm will mniry. U In trouble
do vou wish for in it PS i in business specu i
lations changes , tllvorce oti . si mi tamp
for teat nnd answer Pnrlot , 1618 Chicago
St. S-M5-22 *
DR HART Pnlmlst nud Clairvoyant stlil
continue to do u large business , lmplv
bccau p she has the power to read life
coireitlv nnd In every t i e g'vps ' entire
satisfaction This wonderful woman tills
the past , pre nt nnd fuiurp , nl o glv s
adviip on nil nffalrs concerning life He"
PHdli tlonn log.irdlng the future are sine
to h cortect. If you are In trouble Di
Hart i in help vou Many homes have
been restored to a bappv pollution through
the power of this remarkable 1 aly She
un'tes ' the eparnted and aid vou lo re-
caver lost or stolen articles Reading by
mall , JOc- Parlors , 211 N 1'th St
S-5"l-22 *
MME GYLMER genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge
MRS. FR1TVJ , clairvoyant , S17 N. 16th.S305
DR LEE HAUR1DEX the great occult
scientist , will lecture this Sundav evening
lu Patterson hall 17th and Fiinam at S
o'clock Subltct "Skepticism nnd Hum
bug ' Tests given nnd questions
answered Giod music All mediums In
vited N B , Iealou"v Is ever til"- homage
which IGNORANCE pays to TALEVT
S-337-22 *
- -
Pallors best equipped In city. Porcelain
tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp P.
O , 2nd lloor. T M212 Oct 26 *
ELITE PARLORS , 2025 rnrnam. Upstairs ,
lltst-clnss baths , massige. magnetic
treatment. Lady attendants.
T M927 23 *
LILLIAN HOWARD , massage , baths
Ariblan treatment , nttcneTant rffjif , > ? '
loth , lint J T M9S3 22 *
MRS LILLY , newly opened bath and mas
sage pnrlois , best In city ; ladv attend
ants ; first-class patronage , aigij North
16th street. T j'lSxl 21 *
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; mnssTcre baths
T M3SI N17 *
MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mns-
s.age , magnetic treatment , expert attend
ants ; Ist-clnss patronage solicited 1615
Howard , 3d floor. T MI01 N1S
MME SMITH , room 2 , 11S < ( . North 15th
T 422 N1S *
DR. DAVIS , specialist , 16th nnd Dodge
U-M400 O31
FACIAL massage , 50c ; hairdresslng 33c-
shumpoolng , 15c , 50c. Miss Hubbard , 415
McCague Bldg. U SSI Nov 8
NOTICE to property owners , all requir
ing fire escapes , eithci outside or Inside
or automitlc , will save money by calling
on J. J. Derlght & . Co , 1110 Farnam st
IT MOT Vrt.r . U
PARTIES desiring contracts for remov
ing earth In the construction of new
ditch n'no miles long In Dodge county
and excavating und cleaning out of largo
ditch pievlously constructed please com
municate with C A. Manville , county
clerk , Fremont , Nob. C M9S3 2G
VIAVI Is voman's way to health. 346 Bee
Bldg. U-761
SHOES half-soled , S5c. 504 S. 13th
FOR money see Pleosants , 54 Barker blk.
U-MSSS O22 *
DR. M1TTELSTADT , dentist , 334 13ee Bldg
U MC33 Nov4
BATHS , massage , lime. Post , 319 % S 15th.
U M171
_ _
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babl's adopted. 111G N 17.
FINE haraxvood floors , parquetry work ,
guaranteed , best reference in town , right
prices. Frank Scvlck , 193S S ISth , Omhni
U-501 Oct. 13
RUPTURE CURED. Wo cure all forms ot
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circular ? . Empire
Rupture Cure. 032 N , Y. Life , Omnba
U-534 031
M MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treats all
aliments of feet , both ladles , gentlemen
Lad'es' ' hatrdrosslng , hair goods und toilet
preparations. Treatments ot sc-ilp , lace ,
hands or feet , 20 years expT'cnce , 10 y tars
in Omaha , best equipped establishment In
city. 151i > rarnam , take elev ator , 2nd lloor '
DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous
hair removed by electiIcily. Room 12 ,
Frenzor block U 753
PLEA'llNG and pleated skirts of all kinds
M. Goldman & . Co , 200 Douglas blk
U-2GS Oct23
R1TTER , confinement cases taken ;
babies adopted. 2211 Seward Tel 2213
RUPTURE cured We cure nil foi mn of
iiipturo without pain or detention from
business Send for pit culms Empire
Rupture Cure , 032 N. Y. Life , Omaha
I' 551 O31 *
WOMAN'S welfare wilhln her own control
by using Di Leon s "Flinch Xymcillc
Cones , ' the grcitc"-t blessing ever d's- '
coveied for female Irregul irltles , wcnk-
m1" ' , etc Our booklet nils you nil pir-
tlculnrs Suit soiled foi 2-cent stamp
Addiess , The Fnuvro Importing Co. Co
lumbian Bldg , Olfi M irket St , San Fran-
clseo Agents wanted.
VICTORY of sclcneo over disc ise. cnilefr
baflllng general practltlonor s skill vlilds
ieidllto GUI sclellllllc mrthods M ison
Medical Co , 121 W 12d sticet , New York
Book anil ndvleo free. U
WANTED , books for the Philippines I
wish to inform the public thn I would
bo pleased to receive old hooks old m.iL-
IU'IIPH , etc , fcr the hoteliers' llhr.iiln
which m ( i lielng rst.ibllsheil In this and
iiinound'ng ' towns Si nil by mill nt elo-
nipstlp postal r.itc I will send to OVOM
contributor the full v line of whate-vrr
they send In monoj , Phlllpp'ne curiox'tic ' <
or rc-lles of the present war , ns rpquos'rl '
Addresi John W. .Stntifonl , Co A , felxih
U S Infantry , Hello , Phll'pplnu Islands
LOVELY women want to marrv , many
have nipans , now inrthud , select IIH 2c
Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo
AM 5" ) , wealthy but lonolv , vslll mnki homo
hanplext sprit on outli to upjrre'clntlvu
wlfi "Mr CJ&nerous , " 3120 Forest Ave ,
Chicago. Ill I'-RIO 22'
LADIES your bust onlarceel fi Inclips fall-
lire lniin"lllp | ) hnrmlc" H J1TO i ( i li iiui- ;
nntee. pruof fre-e Lconaid Medlc-lne" Co ,
Kansas City , Kun _ 1' J
'AMIABLE ' , culture il maiden ! ll , dnnrps |
fiom iirope-rty $ ! 0X ( ) annuully worth tffi
000 will marry nu'tablo gentlenmn Mlsu
C'lllton , euro BtrKor ( J15 Le.xlnnlon
AVP. N Y llifilr : !
PLAIN Kowlng done at EOS So 21th Ave
Children's clothes a spet'lauy. Price a IPI.
mumble IT-SI3 22
J130 WILL buy ns liand otne n 'ulr of
lady's J2.V ) snlltalrn diamond eanings as
I can bo found , white. Moms , each l'i
carat , private p irty Address N ! J ! I IPO
SUPERFLUOUS hair , vvnrts and moio
permfliic'iitly rc muvcd bv cleetrlcllv ion-
sultatlon free and e'infldcmlnl nil work
guaranteed Miss Allendir , 10H D'iua'i ' '
HI Mltl ,
I Fiifiply hlr < s v ol'nrs 2 ( ( UffH 4 < ,
underwear Cc 17jJ Lcavenv\ortb T.I 517
M I'J l > t II
AM OIID10N I'l.i : VI INC. .
MRS. A C MARK , 17lll and Farnam 8 K
1 120-O23 *
Mosr.v. 'to LOAN in : vi , I'.s i
MONEY to loin on nr t-c1 M Improved clt/
property or fcr luillJIng purposes. Payne-
Hardei Co . ? ; . Y Life. W .62 .
MONEY lo loan on Improved Omaha rotl
kstutc. Brer.nnn-Lovo Co , 319 So. 16tt
W 5b4
WR1TC us If y oo want a loan on your farm
In lono. eastern Neb. or Mo. , It will nay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Ca , 315 N Y L
6 PER CENT ; also private funds
E \\ll'lHmeon ' W 776
MONEY It loan on Nebraska r.nit Iowa
farms lowest rates. Brcnnan-Lovc I'o ,
819 ri 16th. Omaha. W-76S
FIVE PER C E NT m"oney on' or be f ore nve
years on Nebraska lands and O inn ha real
estate. W. B. Mclklc , 401 S. 15th 9i.W71
8 , EH , C per ct loans In Omaha So Omaha.
W. 11. Thomn ? , 603 1st Nit. Bk. Tel. 164 $ .
t PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
(1 ( 000 nnd upwards to loin on Improved city
property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith
S. Co. 1320 Fainam. W 7tJ5
f PER cent loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 Fnrnnm
Vv ANTED city and farm lonna ; also bonds
nnd warrants R C Peters & Co. 1703
I-arnjm St. , Bpe Rldg. W-771
J100 TO J2.000. 1 * D. Wcad , 16th & Douglas.
LOANS. Potter-Sholcs Co. , 310 N. Y Llfe
2ND mtfj. on farms. Prttchard. 210 S ISth st.
. W M573 Nov 2
$100 $ 000 000 TO INVEST through" Bankers ,
Brokers , Promoters , "end for circular.
Investors' n't " * iry M y W-167
fj 00000 to plncc quick. Call If you wniit it
M J Kennard .t Son , Suite 310 Hrowi
Block. W 553
! ? ! .9TI.Y.T ? _ . TO LOAN ONMONEY
amounts you wish ami at any time. *
Lath payment ro made lebsens the coat
* ot tanyinL the loan
! , , _ . ? * fcOU'lli Ib'lll S'iUL'LT *
Holding permanent posit.ons on their perK -
K > n\l note without endorsement or secur
ity , strictly confidential , and nt
Before borrowing .o us , as you will find
It greatly to yuur advantage , we are the
oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan * ,
company in Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , \
119 Board of Irade Bldg. 16th and Far- '
Tin tn Sts Trtlrtl. . . . _ r nr \7C1
Telephone 2293.
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horue- " ,
cons , Jewelrj. Duff Green , R. S , Baiktr blk
X 7S2
MONEY loaned salaried people hold'ng per
manent position with respons.blu concerns
upon theit own names , without security :
easy payments lolman , 706 N. Y. U Bldp.
X 777
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , blcjcles.
diamonds , watches , etc ; payments un
known to fr'eiuls Omaha Loan mnk , 1418
Farmm , upstairs. X 781
plinos , noises , cows , etc J. W. Ta > lor ,
403 Karbach block. U to 6 30 p. m
X-M355 029 _
confldontlally , holding permanent positions ,
on their ow n name without endorser ,
mortgage or security of an > kind Cn re
pay in en y weekly or monthly payments.
Omaha Credit Co C K Jennings Mgr ,
suite 623-52 N Y. I tfe Bldg. X-7SO
holding permanent po&lt'ons with rc-
bponslble firms without mortgagi or e-
curltv of any kind except their own
nimes on new plnn , vihlcb Is a pure
building and loan svstem , with easy pa > -
mt-nts to suit jour"elf Our bVHlncss 1
positlvel > private and confidential , no ono
outside of om = elvcs will know anything
of the transaction. American Loan Co ,
Room 601. Bce bldg. X-7SI
MONEY loaned on piano \ furniture kw-
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 119 S 13
on their personal note without pecurltv.
Rates reaponablc J W Tavlor 4f1 Knr-
bach block 12 to 6 M p m X M1SC U29
MONEY loaned on household cootls ,
plinos , rigs , Jevvelrv etc , ensv payments ;
conflilentlal People's Loan Co , room 7 ,
Crclghton blk , loth nnd Douglas. X 231
permnnenilj fiigaged with resrons'blo con
cerns upon their own names without -
curlty , no liiiilrlea | made of their cm-
plojeis , .ippllc itlons treated conlldentl il.
The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates
wher to go for advances at VERY LOW
EST RATES , lepnvments mndo In aijroi-
ab'e ' Instalments elthei we kly or monthly
to suit convenience of borrower
Persons moment irlly mbarrissed who de-
sirn above evcr > thing els& to avoid pub
licity arii the class we especially desire to
You cm deal with us quickly and satls-
fnctoilly. It will b > to vour advantage to
call nt our office before borrowing clse-
w hci e.
Room bOl , Bee bldg
holdl'ig a permment poMtlnn we will loan
5011 any amount > our situation will Justify
without i n lorser. moitg.iKP or security of
any K'ml other than your name. The fact
of voui holding a position Is hiimclent
guarantee to us that vou will cany out
any agucmcnt Into which > ou may en
ter v lib us
maintained In nil our transactions with
jou nnd vou will receive the same cour
teous consldeiatlon that Is accorded vour
< mploji r at h s bank
OMAHA CREDIT CO. C. E Jennings ,
manager , hullo 525-520 New York Life hlUif.
Is the only company that collects all hlndi
of debts and has a correspondent In every
town 'n United States Send your ac
counts to 5th floor , Karbach BIK W II.
Green President. Y MHS
POR KALE the best llvory bUHlnes7 7n
southwestern Iowa In flr t-elnss town of
over com Inhabitants or will trade ) for
good land In southwestern Iowa or e > iist-
cril Neb , call on or address Henry K. Olb-
bon , rial estate brokers. Red Onk , lejw i
Y-313 22
LANCiE hotel for rent. Wishing tn ic-tTro
fiom miHlMOH I will either rent my en-
tliej hotel or iota n the IOOIIIH nnel rent the
Uln'ng loom separate Hotel first class
mil ] modem In evciv respect For par
ticulars call at premises , COI go nth st
Y H | 22
WANTED imilncr wilh $2f/0 / and Hervlces
to litke hnlf IntercKt In peed paving bus-
Ine H In Council Bluffs Bears clo.seHI in-
\f-Hilirnlloii AdilrehH F Bto ofllee Coim-
cii jijiiiTs In11'123
FOR SALE or tr.idc , llrst-cliiHH ncubimmr
pr'ntliiK oiitlli , Job press type , Ptc Ad
dress P W White Onawu. IOWH
Y-M4 < . >
$ l t Invesiled by my "Haff > Mcthnd" In
grain or clocks has paid profit In
thirty dn > s rtfcrenct > s gurnlHhid wrlto
for ptiit'culart' Rlihird Oliver B inker
and Ilroker Chic tun Stock Hxehiinic'
Chlcagj , and 63-CT. Wall St. New York
City -570-22 *
.MONEY innlly made with Illtlp risk MiieciIT
In HPT from any ellHtuue uiidci uui pi in
N know U lire necefiH.iry Si ml for free
book , containing plan and Wnll s'lce.t
incihoils Corrtynondriipc Invited. L L
J tckson fi Co , H Broadway , Ntnv V irk
Y-SW-22 *
PROFITS in stock and e iTtoiu
Mukiy < MejiUin Me'thoels Mike Monc-y
\\rltu f r our free bonk C E Maeltoy
& Co 29 Dioaclwuy New York Y-
I'ult HAI 1 Gojd f toi k of ml'llncrv ' goods ,
> h , i | > a ( , 'iuel t haute If take-n ( it once :
la u. lively town. N 21 , care Bee-
w _