THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 212 , 180 ! ) . CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers All Have Enough to Keep Them Busy Early and Late. COLLECTIONS GENERALLY SATISFACTORY ( cnrrnl TrnilPiicy of Vnlnrs I * Sllll Limnrd ivlth > i > Appnrcnt HlHiix of of I.etiili In VirjXcnr l-'ultirc MnrUi't on Co no try Produce. Local Jobbers In nil lines reported n Btcady trade for last week. Prices still continue to nrlvnnce nt n rapid rate , but jobbers say that prices arc no longer the most Important factor , as people seem to bo willing to pay for what they set. With wholesale grocers tlio situation Is much the same ns It was a week nco , but business If anything Is Increasing In volume. The market was comparatively steady , though Boveral Hlmrp advances have been re ported. Amont ? these Is the advance In coffco amounting to from fti to le per pound on the lower grades. The mlvanco is In Urnzll and Is caused by production beliiB equalized by demand. In the last few years there has been a surplus and urowcrs liavo been obliged to soil , Hn they say , at ntarvatlon prices. Tlio tea markut Is also \ \ \ n. very strong position , but no changes Hro announced. The sugar market Is iiiso In the damn position It was a werk nKo. rheeso , however , has been advanced again , tlio rise amounting to ' . Hc per pound , nnd Indications arc thought to be favorable for still blKher prlcc.t on October strtk. ) Canned goods arc still Ilrmlnp up nil along the line. In California fruits there lias been unite a material advance caused by light supplies. It Is snld that only broken lines are now obtainable and those from only a few packers , the majority of them being sold tip. Canned mushrooms are also being quoted 10 per rent higher on ac count of the light supply. The new pack of canned oysters Is now being offered on the market nt prices ranging from 5'n.74c ! per dozen higher than last season. Dried fruits are In the same position they were In a week aco. llurd\vnrc Hardware Jobbers say that all Indica tions tit the present lime point to this be ing the heaviest month they have ever cx- Iierlenccd. Orders are coming In from nil quarters for practically all lines nt such a rapid rate that It Is almost Impossible to get th i goods with which to Oil the orders promptly. Local Jobbers , however , are pretty well stocked up In most lines anil nay that so far there have been no serloils delays. The market Is In the snmo posi tion It has been all along that is , con- itantly advancing.Vlro nails and wlro have been marked up about IGc and the market la very linn nt the advance , wit no signs of weakness. Another Importan line which has been marked up during tlio past week Is stoves. The advance amounts to about D per cent and stocks are re ported as being rather low. There are lines too other advances on less Important numerous to mention , and the tone of the market In general la very linn with prices tendlnir upward. Dry ( JooilN Active , Dry ptoods Jobbers are also doing a rush Ing business. Every mall brings In a fresl batch of orders for Immediate shlnment no that goods nro being sent Into the coun < try at a rapid rate. Cooler weather woul undoubtedly have a tendency to stimulate trndo In the country , HO Jobbers nro lookIng - Ing for a Hood of orders to follow the llrs cold snap , The market Is In about tin Bamo position It was In a week ago. Price ; are constantly firming up and jobbers sny It Is a dllllcult matter to get stocks at any prices. Hosiery manufacturers are sold uj far Into the future and are obliged to re fuse orders. The same Is true of silk man ufacturers , many of whom are sold up tintl July 1 , Such conditions. It Is said , wen never known to exist before and sullen practically have things their own way The market on fancy silk ribbons , o ; course , Is not as tlrm ns on most othe. lines , but that Is duo to heavy riroduction and a decrease In the demand , brought about by the popularity of felt hats. Lo cally , however , the demand for rlbboni bas been unusually heavy and JobberH PU they have no complaint to make on thai score. \Vct Wont her Wiintcil. Boot and shoo Jolibcrs arc doing a good Bteady business and say that considering the time of year and the condition of the weather they are doing unusually well. A llttlo cold , slippery weather would give re tailers an active trade and also help out the jobbers. ( The game conditions would bp of advantage to the rubber goods men. but even UH It Is rubber goods are In good de mand and jobbers are well pleased with the Dutlook for a good winter's trade. The hldo market Is In a good strong1 po- lltlon , but quotations remain practically the iamo oa a week ago. Receipts are showing lome Increase , but nro still rather light lor this lime of the year. 1'rortuee. Krult nnil . Ths supply of fresh fruits and vegetables ) rapidly diminishing , and many lines for several K'hlch 'have been on the market had. East- bo eeks past are no longer to irn pears are out of the market and other Including California stock , are varieties , consequently trowing scarce. Quotations Ire a llttlo higher than they were a week Htoek Is worth from Igo. Oood shipping . The trade In grapes last week \2.3j \ < 82M. tonn extremely disappointing , as the qualIty - Ity of the stock , was the poorest yet Keen niv the market. The warm weather wilted and caused them to spoil before the grapes could bo disposed of. The Injured they Hock went at a low figure , but anything BIO : hat Is lit for shipping Is held at from 1SW the New ! 0c. It IB thought by many that with and , York season Is ahout over yoi trrapo sudden there will bo no morfl that all of a still quite California tokays are to bo Ivud and , are selling nt $1.1501.25. Apples plentiful quoted about the same as they nro ples has been although there < vero a week ago , the on brought stock deal of poor Rood & market during the last week , which always has a tendency to weaken prices , Peaehet practically out of the market , no good nro stock being left , Mexican oranges thlpplng lire now on sale at from $1.50'u5.00 per box. received and are ' about the tlrst I'lie-so are - . In the vegetable ' bo In good condition. Bald t'o . The left. there Is very llttlo etable line for watermelons and cantaloupe Is leanon over and tomatoes are growlncr scarce. The fatter nro quoted at from 53fif > T > c per orate. , ' has been little or no change during I'hero situation. Reports th last week In the potato that the country show ports from all over . The unusually heavy crop. [ hero Is an estimated Is yield for the whole country bushels which Is the lilnvcRt It 242,000.000 , trop since IBOfi. Celery Is now quite plenti ful nnd Is soiling all the way from 20 to the price depending 15 centH per dozen bunches , pending upon the pile. market declined the latter part The egg of the week and Is now quoted nt about IGc for good stock. There Is no change In poultry , supply nnd demand keeping alnut even. The supply of butter IB not very heavy , but prices remain about stationary. As anticipated , the supply of oysters has Increased and prices consequently nre > some what lower. Oame Is still In very llcht receipt , but owing to the wurm weather Uicre Is very llttlo demand for It. OMAHA CK\Kll.\Ii MAUICI3T. Condition of Trndtnnil Quotation * on .S topic null Funny Produce. KOOS-Rpcelpts. light ; good stock. 16c. POULTRY-Hcns. live. 7U = ; spring chick- rns , "He ; old and stngsy rooster * , Sve , 3V4 $ 4e ; ducks and eeese , jjve < 607c ; turkeys , live , We , RUTTER-Common to fair. He ; cholco , 10 ( STJi'i separator , 22023c ; gathered creamery , IMKOe. PIOEONS-Llve , per doz. . 75c. VEALS-Cholce. Oo. OYSTERS Medium , per can , SOc ; stand- nrds _ , per can , 24c " - - ; - bulk - - - standard - > " . , Tin' , per pxtr.'l gal. , fholce. JC f ) : lowland choice , straw , cholco. J5.50 : No. 3 corn. 27c ; No 3 whlto oats. 22140 ; cracked corn , per ton , 512 ; corn and oats , chopped , per ton. ; 'jran , per ton. J13 ; shorts , per ton. fH. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES-Por crate. 6i0G5c , SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , Jl.iaQ2.00. POTATOES-Per bu. . 20fii5c. CHANREURIES-Capo oil , ONIONS-Retall way. SOWCOc , CELERV-Per doz. , 2083JC. FRUITS. PLUMS-Orcgon , per crate , Jt.OJflLM. CALIFORNIA I'EACHES-NO ' goixi nhip- piiig stock. . . APPLES-ChoIco western shlpp ns to/ ; M:5 ; Johtmthans nnd nrmc\s' ! golden , W.SOy I M , jfow York Stock , f3.75fl"4.00. URAPES-New York , ISfciiOc ; Callfonilu IMCARS-W tfrn varieties. .KQ2.50. TROPICAL FUUITS. ORANOlMexIcan. . per box. JI.50fiC.00. LEMONS California fancy , fl.iaito.0- , ch.jfo . | California , $4.2304,75 ; Mcsaina , fancy , UAN'ANAS-Cholco. crated , large stock , per bun. h , 42 OOQ2.50 ; medium-sized bunches , 1.75 2.00. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. , HIDES-No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 preen hides , 7c ; No. 1 raited , hides. % c ; No. 2 salted hides. & > 4p ; No. 1 venl cnif , S to 13 Ibs. . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , So , TALLOW , OHEASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , S'lc ; tallow , No. 2. 3Uc ; rough tallow , IHcj whlto grease. 2-iB3',4c ; yellow and brown grease , 2 > 4Q3c. 4Q3c.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. HOXKY Per 21-sDctlon case , $3.00fi3.50. NUTS-lllckory nuts , per bu. , Ji.W. l-'IGS-Cnllfornla layers , per 10-lb. box , $1.15 ; Cnllforn.a carton , per 10-lb , box , (1.25 ( , MAPLE SUGAR-I'cr lb. . Oc. M-JW YOHIC CiE.vnilAL M.YItKUT. ( ItintntloiiM for the lny on Vnrloni Commodities. NEW YORK , OPt. Sl.-KLOL'R-RecelptP. 20.930 bbls. ; exports , 17.GC9 bbls. ; sales , S.OO * pkgs. ; dull and about steady ; winter pat- cuts. $3.001/3.70 ; winter straights , $3.40fJ3.50 ; j ' Minnesota patents , $3.9.Vf4.10 ? ; winter extras , $ i.5 $3.00 ; Minnesota baker ? . $3.0 > JT3.15 } ; win ter low grades , fZ 2592.40. Rye Hour , llrm ; sales , 30u bbls. ; giod to fair , $3.35fi3.40 ; choice to fancy , $3.45i3.75. $ Huckwheat Hour , llrm at $2.30. 13I'CK\V11EAT Steady at GOo c. 1. f , New- York. CORN'MEAL Dull ; yellow western , SOc ; city , 79i\Mte ( ; Brandywlne , $2.23fi2.3j. RYE Dull ; No. 2 western , 6Gc f. o. b. nllont ; state. W i-3e , car lots. IJAULEV-Feedlng , 41H043c c. I. f. IJuf- falo ; 'mailing ' , 4C < JiVc c. 1. f. Buffalo. 11ARLEY MALT-Qulet ; western , oSQGoc. WHEAT Receipts , 5I , , " > 53 bu. ; exports , 2V 410 bu. ; sales , 1.300 , ( KM bu. ; future * * , 200.COO bu. , spot ; spot quiet ; No. 2 red , 75V c f. o. b. nlloat , spot ; No. 2 red , $ \c , elevator. Op tions opened weak , following Liverpool cu- 'jlcs and attended by a very llglu trade , nostly local ; subsequently , however , price- * j ecovered on the strength in corn and closed Irm at a partial 'AC net advance ; Mies In- luded No. 1 ! nd March , 78 7-lC'd TSHc , closed t 7Sr > ! , c ; May , "sV'i < Ssi < ' , closed at 7Sc ; Deetmber 74f , closed at 7V , < , c. CORN Roielpts'U.uia bu. ; exports , 1,333 iu. ; sales , 70.WO bu. ; future * . 200uut > bu. , ! I > ot ; spot llrm ; No. 2 , 4UVatlout nnd ele- I , rator. Options opened easy with wluat nnd ) ii lower cables , but soon developed positive strength on coverings and slight country offerings and investment demand ; closed llrm and > c higher ; Alay. 37-1i't3 ! $ 1-lGc , closed at 3 > ic ; December. SSV wSS 1-lGc , closed ' OATS-Recelpts , 117,600 bu. ; exports , 17,150 liu. ; spot quiet ; No. 2 , 2S&c ; No. 3 , 2Se ; No. ! white , jOVWISi ; track , mixed wcHtern , IS'AfcSOc ; track whlto western , 30ji35c ; track white , state. 3Oii33c. Options quiet but steady , with corn. Il'AY Quiet ; sh'l'Plng. ' GoO'Oc ; good to choice , 75f | ! > 21iC. HOPS State , common to choice , G5I7c ; Pacillc ' coasi , 1S9G crop , 4iT6c ! ; 1S97 crop , notn- 'nal ; 1MS ) crop. IftgiSe ; ls3D ! crop , 12 l4c. HIDES Steady ; Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , 23c. LEATHER Quiet ; hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres " , light to heavyweights. 24j24',4e ; acid , fi24Vic. WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece , 21@2Gc ; Texas , 14fil7c ( , PIlOVISIONS-Reef , firm ; family , $11.0017 12.50 ; mess , $9.50 11.00 ; beef hnms , $21.00i ) 25.00 ; packet , Sll.50ftl2.00 ; city , extra India mess , $16.00 18.00. Cut meats , steady ; pickled shoulders , 7c ; pickled hams , S ic. Ijard. steady ; western , closed at $5.50 ; city , $3.30 ; October , $5.53 , nominal ; refined , quiet ; continent , $3.95 ; compound , $5.5 < Xg5.G2M : . Pork , dull ; mesfi , $9.00tfi9.f > 0 : short clears , $10.2- > ifH2.W ; family. $11.75Jjl2.00. POTATOES Steady ; Jerseys. $1.12Hffl.40 ( ; New York. fl.12Hffl.2j : Long , $1.22'T01.23 ; Jer sey sweets. $1.2&i-2.00 | ; southern sweets , 75c@ $1.05. $1.05.RICE RICE Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4 % ® 7Uc ; Japan , 4 % < Tt&ic. 'MOLASSES ' Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , 321i3Gc. CAUBAGE Dull ; Long Island , $2Q3 per hundred. METALS-1'lg Iron , quiet ; northern , $20ft 24 ; southern , J19.50g2I.OO ; copper , dull ; brok ers' . J1S ; lead , dull ; brokers' , $4.40 ; tin plate , steady. St. IjOiilo Grain ami Provlnlonn. ST. LOUIU. Oct. 21. WHEAT Receipts , 23,314 bushels ; easier ; No. 2 red cash , ele vator , GSic ; track , 71Jf711/4c ; December , 69c ; May. 74V4c : No. 2 hard , G7H < 5 SWc. CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 32c ; December , 29c ; May , 305iSSO- . OATS Firm ; Xo. 2 cash , 23' ' c ; track , 2lc ; December , 23c ; May , 25'ic ; No. 2 white , 26 ® HYE Steady at 5 SEEDS-Flaxseed , nominal nt J1.25. Tim othy seed , steady at $1.90 2.2 ! ; . COKNMEAL Steady at J1.731.80. 13KAN Strong ; sacked , east track , 63S1 Clc. Clc.HAY HAY Strong ; timothy , $10.00011.00 ; prai rie , $8.50 < j8.75. ? WHISKY Steady at J1.23. IHON COTTONTIES-J1.10. BAGGING Weak at 6iS ? 4c. HEMP TAVINE-9e. PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , Job bing , # > . Lard , firm ; prime steam , J5.15 ; choice , $5.17',4. Bacon , steady : boxed shoul ders , J5.GO ; extra shorts. J5.75 ; clear ribs , $5.S7'/4 ; clear sides , f6.12& . Dry salt meats , steady ; boxed shoulders , $4.75 ; extra shorts , J5.37V. ; clear ribs , J5.50 ; clear sides , $5.021 . I EAD Strong at JI.47UWI.50. SPELTKR-Btendy at fc.1505.20. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old , 7e ; young , T-M-c ; turkeys , 7 c ; ducks , irnnse. Til n. " RECBTl'TS Flour , C.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 23- 000 bu. ; corn. 'UO.OOO bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bblsj wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 125,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 ! bu. Liverpool Grain anil 1'rovlnInnH. LIVERPOOL , Oct. 21. WHEAT Spot , e'asy ' ; No. 1 California , Gs SdQGs 3'/4d ; No. 2 red , western winter , 5s 11H1 ; No. 1 north ern , spring. Gs 2d ; futures , steady ; Decem ber , 5s > IHid ; March , 6s * 4d ; May , Gs % d. CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new , 3s Sd ; American mixed , old , S3 Sd ; futures quiet ; November , 3s 7fd ; December , 3s % d ; January , 3s } id. FLOURr St. Louis fancy winter , dull at Ss. Ss.PEAS PEAS Canadian , 5s 9V d. PROVISIONS Heef , strong : extra India mesa , 72s Cd ; prime mfhs , B7s Gd. Pork , strong ; prime mess , western , 52s Cd. Hams , short cut , 14 to 1G Ibs. , dull at 17s. Bacon , Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs , , dull at 30n ; short ribs , IS to 22 Ibs. , dull nt 34s 9d ; long cle-ir middles' , light , 30 < o 35 Ibs , , dull at ,1rt ! Gd ; long clear middles , iheavy , 35 to 40 lbn. . dull at 31fl Cd ; short clear backs , 1G to. 18 Ibs. , dull at 31s ; clear bellies , 14 to 10 His. , steady at 37s. Shoulders , square , 12 to II Ibs , , pteady at 23s Gd. Lard , dull ; prime western , In tierces. 27s 9d ; American rei- tlmMl. In palls , 2te ltd. lluttcr , KKK nnil Cliir r Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2U BUTTER-Steady ; creamery. 19ff2l ? ; dairy , liyi'Jc. EGGS-Steady at 15c , LIVERPOOL , Oct. 21. BUTTER Finest United States , OGs ; good , 73s. CHEESE Dull : American finest white , C41' Gd : American finest colored. 5Gs. NEW YORK. Oct. 2l.-BUTTER-Qulot ; western creamery , 17 < 52lc ; western factory , lIHtfnc ; June creamery , UWlHc ; Imltn- tlon creamery. 15fr20c ; stnto dairy , ! Gl(21c ( ; Hlato creamery , 17Q24C. CHEESE-Steady ; largo white. 12S12i,4o ; small white. 12c ; largo colored , 12144/12 > 20 ; small colored , 12' e. EGGS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , SO ( fi21e ; western , ungraded at murk , lljflSe , KANSAS CITY , Oct. 21. BUTTER Croumery. 19 | 22e ; dairy , IGc. EGGS-Frcsh , He. KUIINIIH Clly Crnlii nnil 1'rovUloiiM , KANSAS CITY. Oct. 21-AVIIEAT-De- cember. 3e ; May. GSHc ; cash , No. 2 hard , CS'.iifJCSp ; No. 3 , 5S5Tf.3e ; NO. 2 red , G7c ; No. 3. filf/cnc / ; receipts. 1(52 ( cars CORN December , 2Gic : ) ; May , 2S\Jc ; cash , No , 2 mixed , 2S 4c ; No. 2 white , SOc ; No. 3 , 9\c. OATS No. 2 white , 2 V4c. RY1C No.2 , 51c. HAY-ChoIco timothy. $5.25tjS,50 ; choice prairie Sfi.75ift7.00. RECEIPTS Whottt , 97,200 , bu. ; corn , 25- , GOO bu. ; oats. 4.000 bu. SHlPMENTS-Wheat. bu. ; corn , 14,300 bu. ; oats , 10.000 bu. i'.iollx Whrnt nnd Flniir. MINNEAPOLIS. M'.nn. . Oct. 21.-WHEAT In store. No. 1 northern , October , G7c ; Dw.'mbcr ' , CfiMJCrtHc : May. 70 < g70Hc ; on track , No 1 hard. Cb\c ; No. 1 northern , CG'ic ; No. ' 2 northern , C4c. FLOUR NoUilng doing in Hour ; first pat ents. $3.751(1 ( 83Boiond patents , $3.53Q3.C3 ; llrst ele.jr. J2.50S2.CO. HUAN Unchanged nt $10.50JJ'10.76. IIHviinluiirulii .llnrUct. MILAVAUKEE. WIs. . Oct. : i.-WHEAT Weak ; No. 1 northern , G9Hff70c ; No. 2 north. em. . RYE Lower ; No. 1 , B7G58c. HARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 46Hc ; sample , Dnliitli DULUTII. .Minn. . Oct. 21. WHEAT No. 1 hard. cath. 68c ; No. 1 northern , cash. C7c ; October , G7c ; December , G7He ; May. 71' ' c ; No. 2 northern , C4c ; No. 3 eprlne. 60Hc ; No. 2 northern , Clc ; No. 3 spring. COVic , . PEORIA , Oct. 21.-CORN-Easlcr ; No. 2 , .c. OATS-Qulot : No. 2 white , 24i2IUo. WHISKY-FIrm , on the basis of J1.23 for tlnlshed goods. _ Cotton MnrUrt , ST LOl'IS. Oct. 21 CO'lTON Un changed : middling , 71-lCo , no Hales ; re ceipts , 4.652 bales , bhlinuciUa , 3.CC7 bales , stock , 77,226 bales. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Drops Delow Seventy Cents forTirst Time in Extended Period. BLACK OUTLOOK FOR BULLS FROM START MnrUct Tnkcn Slinrp I'ptiirn , lint [ I.OIIKH l.ncU C'onlldrnee to Siiiilnln | Hit llj ( II her Ci SlitMV Siilifltiintliil CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Wheat got below Uh < ; 70o mark for De-comber today , establishing i 11 a now low record for this option. Liquida I tion i Induced by steadily IncrtbrlnE stocks 1 In connection with an npaMiollc foreign de , mand caused the reduction in ; > rtcc. December I cember closed wluh a Iowa of 'WIVsc at 69" c , I Corn and cats were relatively stronc and closed a shade higher. Provisions ruled steady and closed a trllle up nil iirouncl. Wheat opened weak and for the llrst two hours cultivated' further heaviness. Ixiwer cables and Indications of n heavy Increase In the visible supply discouraged longs , who began to unload freely from the etnrl. The market showed considerable stubborn ness , however , yielding grudgingly and finally when the price got a fraction below "Oc tlio buying became so pronounced that a sharp upturn followed , the opening loss being fully regained. But the Improve- ment was only temporary , as the bulls lost c-ontlitenco. owing to a Hood of bearish sta tistics. Then liquidation end short selling began to wnlg'li ' the market down again and tlio murkest continued to slump until tiho end , closing weak nt the bottom of tin * day's range. Decemhcr opened Me lower ut Wiv 'O'Ac ' , diicllned to tiOHc , rose quickly to 70Uc and declined again to CS jc at the close. Chicago receipts were 1,11 cars , four of j which graded contract. Minneapolis and Dululh got 715 curs , compared with 8W for the corresponding day a year ago. The world's shipments to Europe during the were estimated at 7,600,000 bu. , nearly l.PW.UOO bu. In excess of phe weekly require ment ! ' . Indications from stock-taklaij cen ters were that tihe visible would increase over 2.000.0UO bu. during the 'week ' , while the amount on ocean passage showul u liberal Increase. Shippers spoke very dls- couraglngly of the prosjXMMs for export business , claiming that foreign bids were fartht'r ' from the market 4han ever today. New York reported 'but ' twenty 'boatloads ' sold for export. Atlantic clearances In wheat and Hour equaled 410,000 bu. Bullish country advices , moderate receipts and an exctllunt cash demand strengthened corn. There was a soft spot early owing to 'tiho slump In wheat , but us the session progressed the. market became broad , -with buying general and a substantltul gain was t'stnbllshed. ' Part of .this was lost , how- choice , $7.50 , PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.85 ( § 7.90. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.20tfr > .22'j. ' Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.75fja.lO. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , SG.OOQG.liVi : short clear sides ( boxed ) . $1,40(95.60. ( WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , $1.23. SUGARS-Cut loaf , $3.70 ; granulated , J5.1S. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls 15.000 17.030 Wheat , bu 132.000 7.00) Corn , bu 47G.OOO 4SG.COO . Oats , bu 327.000 350,000 Rye. bu 9.000 2,000 Barley , bu 107,000 45,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was dull but steady ; creameries , 15fi22c ( ; dairies. 13'/4 < 519c. Kggs , steady ; fresh , IGVzC. Cheese , strong ; creams , 12Q > 12Vic. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AND UONDS. llulln nnil ItfiirH JoNtle All Dny With out AITeutlnK the MiirU . NEW YORK. Oct. 21.-The traders in stocko were unable to Induce any noticeable movement in prices during- the two hours of trading. The bears were Inclined to at tack the industrial specialties when It became - came evident that the bulls were not In an aggressive mood. Sales for spot account were In evidence In the specialties , some of which dropped oft a point or over. Realiz ing was also manifest In Pullman and New York Central , but the decline In prices brought out no largo offerings of stocks and the bears had generally covered their con tracts before the bank statement appeared , bringing prlctn back to about last night's level. A nominal Increase in thp surplus reserves as seized upon by the bulls to rush up the price of Sugar In an attempt to In duce a following. They were ns unpucctss- ful as the bears and realizing caused a re actionary tendency In the whole list , which was very narrow In Its activity. The clos ing therefore was easy at trivial net changes either way. The main features of the bank s'tatement were a ropot'.tlon ' of those of last week. There Is nothing In Ute to encourage an expectation of eapler money , but as last week's similar state ment led to no renewal of money string ency , the stock market was Inclined to the view that thlp week's showing might lead to no worse result. It Is puzzling to ac count for the greater ease which has devel oped In money during the Ian watlc in face of loan contraction reported by the banks of $1,35(5.000. ( The stock market borrowers hope that money will ceuso to How to In terior points during the coming week. There nro Intimations of same large holdIngs - Ings of government bonds by lldurlary In stitutions , the anticipated Interest upon which will be applied for ijfxt week and so bo made available for the money market. The uneasy and undecided movements of professional stock operator * ' have caused a confuted nnd Irregular movement of prices during the week. As the profetslonals were mill largely committed to the short side , the closing up of accounts 1ms resulted in higher prices. That the short Interest lias been largely reduced as a result of th week's operations and the strength of Btockti thus technically weakened , la a unto assumption. The bears have had their pro fessional oppanents to meet , who wfre quick to bid up prices where they detected a de mand from a short Interest. The bears have sought to facilitate their covering movement by raiding Individual stocks and spreading alarmist reports In the hope of Inducing holders to sell. The growing de termination of holders not to sell at the lower level which prices had reached was , the source of the uiifaslncfs In the minds I of thn bears- Operations have been ulmcsi entirely contlned to there professional ' maneuvers and the public ; hod been o factor ' In the market. In the bond market iheru has been quite a steady absorption of long term , well-secured bonds at or below par nnd of 4 per cent denomination , indicating a prettniro for Investment for capital con tented with that rate of return , In spite of higher interest rates on money prevailing- I This development In Jiomtg gave a tlrm I undertone iho Mock market , where the level of prices In many cases at present dividend returns Is Inconsistent wnh tie : high Interest rates ruling. In the money market ul o I'-ndcre have shown some t ! eagerness to get funds placed on lime at existing ra.t3. . This desire Has led to con- , cessions for some periods. The Central Paeliio adjustment made very large de mands on Uie money market on Monday nnd the faot that the dwnands were tiKt without crea-tlng a Hurry ndded to the dis position of benrs to cover contracts in stocks. It wa xrgued also iihat t > he Insig nificant volume of applications for the gov ernment Interim offered In nr.'t'Iolpntlon of maturity , Indicated that the appearance of money stringency was somewhat exagger ated. The oinclnl compilation of the Sep- twnber 7 reports of tin' national banks of the whole country shows that the loans whloh had been called' In by New York banks had been put out again by other banks In the progress of the country's busi ness expansion. The N < lw York contrac tion from Juno 30 to September 7 of tlG.COO- 000 rcprcsentol spoculntive liquidation In Hie stock market , while th < < Increase In loans of outside banks of jso.000,000 Indicated in dustrial expansion. The exhibit cannot be called unfavorable even from a stock mar ket standpoint. If Intrinsic * values nre con- Blitemi lather than speculative boom values , That New York's loan contraction since that date which amounts to over $ I9,000H ( has diverted Into thn ame 'healthy ' cJian- nels there Is no room to question. The- Incidental throwing out of collatt"ral security of millions of doubtful Industtlal stocks has materially lessened their pos sible power for mischief In ease of price/ collapse. With an ctlvc demand for crddlts In business la which sterling exchange IB hovering near the gold export point , there sce-ms no likelihood of monc'y ' declining tea a point to invite active speoulxMon In 1 toeks. It would be a striking anomaly for gold to move outwards at this season , I whit h Is the usual period for Imports , In i face of the most prosperous year In the hls- I lory of our foreign commerce. For , while ! the excess of our merchandise exports over Imports for nine months this year Is about J7Gaw.OOO lews than last year , our net Im ports of gold for nine months this year nro j $113.ivi0 , ! < 30 less than lost year , according to tiho llgures of 'tho ' tnUsury bureau of nla- \ tlslics. The trade , balance In our favor un liquidated by gold payments , Is therefore over t37,000OM greater this year than last. Gold exports under these circumstances would mean that in spite of the world owing i us the largttst , de1 > t for a year In our his tory , we are still the better supplied wMh ' money nnd can afford to lend. Th. ' market for bonds has broadened out during the week nml prices have improved. U S. 2s nnd 4s , registered , advanced Uc In the bid price. The Commercial AdvcrtlseV's London financial cablegram says : The African ehuros were again the features of the mar kets today , Uie news of yisterday's victory over 'thn Hirers causing a veritable boom. The other markets were quiet , but they wOre Cheerful under the intluenee. and the rise of mines. Consols went up B-1G per cetvt. Americans were lazy , but they closed fractionally hlpher , with particular strength In N IW Yorle Centrals. Spanish bonds were quoted at CO- % and tlntos at 47-H , The latter were freely sold by operators who Intend to transfer their Interest to the African market. Then prices wont as low us 47 % . Ana/cond-as were quoted There were no gold transactions today. Money continued Idle , with rate-s nominal and unchanged , Thn following nro the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : ' Halo ft NorcrosV ' > Standard 300 llomenake G500 i Union con 30 Iron Silver 51 Yellow Jacket . . 20 , Mexican 20 ' London Stnclc ttnotnlloni. LONDON , Oct. 21. I p. m. Closing : " " Cons. , money..101 3-1G1N. Y. Central.TTTl2" account. . 104 5-lGiPennsylvania . . . . 671/4 / Pacillc - Reading . io > ; " Nor. Pnc. pfd. . . . 77' ' do "ist i > fd. . . . 37H'Atchlson ' 2Ki Illinois Central..118 Grand Trunk . . . . 7 > ,4 ' 7SV Loulsvr.le 65' ' < I' J . pfd i St. Paul , com..12S9i Anaconda . _ BAR SILVER Quiet at 2G IMC per ounce. MONEY 2i2'i per cent. The rale of discount In the open market for short bills ! UilU per cent ; for three month ? bills , 4H01H per cent. AVri'UI > IliinU Slnli'liieiit. NEW YORK , Oct. 21. The weekly bank statement shown the following changes : Surplus reserve , increase , $261,525. leans , decrease - c-rease J5.ti6OK ) ep "lo. d < icrtacc. $1 CG3.100 , legal tender * , Incrrase , J25,600. ( dejioslts , de. t-reuBCs $3.570.500 , circulation , IturcaKO , $140.- WO. The banks now hold J1,4U,075 ill excess , of the Ufcal rcqulremenu. O IAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Receipts as Usual on the Last Day of the Week. EVERYTHING SELLS REASONABLY EARLY Not KuotiKli Cattle to TeM tlio Mnrkrt J-lieep Senruv mill In ( ii'iinl l > c- innnil mi I'nrt of I'licUcrM ! ' ! ( ! I UK Sin-op Sell AVoll. , SOUTH OMAHA. Oct , 21. Receipts wore : Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday B.533 2,313 S , S2 Oltlclal Tucsdny S.GOJ C.2U 7.55S I Olllclal Wednesday . . . . S.21I B.1S7 3.96J | Thursday f.,534 6,031 7ST,1 i Olllclal Friday 1,651 , 3.SW 75 | Indicates Sunday. The ofllcial number of cars of stock brought In today by each roud wan : Cattle. Hoes. Sheer C. , M. , t St. P. Ry 3 Mo. P. Ry 14 3 U. P. system 1 4 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F. , E. & M. V. R. R 4 27 S. C. & P. Ry 1 C. , St. P. , M. &O. Ry. . .1 7 I U. & M. R. R. R 17 19 C. , H. & Q. Ry 6' K. C. & St. J I. . . 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , oast. . . . 5 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , west. . . . 1 Total receipts 37 7S 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hoqs , Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co. . 1S1 G. II Hammond Co. S33 tiivlft and Company . 79 1,003 Cudaliy Packing Co. . 11G l.fioS 023 Armour & Co Y 2,0 * 130 Omaha Pkg. Co. , 1C. C. . 397 " G. H , Hammond , K. C 225 Vansant & Co 3 W. I. Stephens 2 Benton < t Underwood , . 33 Other buyers 25S Held over 100 GO 100 Totals 9K5 5.372 1,153 CATTLE Receipts ofattic were light , as usual on the lust day of the wt k , and al most half of t'ho ' few here were direct to packers. In other words , there were not enoug-h cattle herd to make a market and the yards presented a holiday appearance. The cabtlo market this week hau shown some changes , mostly on the sideof lower prices , and atill the market its a whole , has not been In bad shape by any means. ' Under Uie Influence of the decline' at eastern points cornfed cattle that are not finished are 1015c lower , but prime cornfeds arc fully steady. The best grades of western grass beef steers ure fully steady , but the- common kinds are easier. Cows ami heifers sold In about the same notcihtte all the week and value-3 have shown little change. Receipts have been light , and that fact has helped to maintain Uie mar ket. One thing is noticeable. , nnd that Is that cornfed cows are not selling any too ivtll , for the reason Oiat they come Into Vlreot competition with the grass cows , vhlcJi are killing out pretty well. Interest has centered very largely this veek In stookers and fetMers , which con- tltute the bulk of the receipts. In regard o this class of entitle It may be said that oed fleshy cattle , of good colors as well ns > uallty , dehorned , art1 no lower , owing to he very good demand. The common to medium kinds of stockers are lOtfloc lower 'or the week and on some days they were 'dry slow sale. There 'has buon no time his yr when the medium kimls wore as ow as they are now. Some prntity fairish kinds of ca/ttle sold the latter part of the week at J3.SO. The * oattlci that are selling down to $3.00 are very common , In addition o being off colors. Renrcsentatlve sales : COWS. 'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3. . 730 $2 50 1..10(10 ( $2 75 53.1080 $3 55 2. . S30 275 1..12&0 300 HEIFERS. 8. . 740 3 03 2. . 705 3 25 BULLS. 1..14SO 3 00 1..14SO 375 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 711 2 00 1. . 530 2 85 1. . 310 3 40 1. . 030 2 35 B. . 740 3 10 CALVES. 1. . 320 500 1. . 110 GOO 1. . 140 050 STOCK CALVES. 330 4 CO 1. . 2SO 4 90 14. . 353 5 00 310 4 90 FEEDERS. 705 3 25 7. . 778 3 90 . . 550 4 25 5S8 3 60 3. . C50 3 90 MONTANA. 1 heifer . 740 3 00 21 heifers. 7CG 3 45 1 steer. . , .1070 1 10 20 feeders. W5 410 31 cows. . . .1111 375 43 cows 1073 375 COLORADO. 1 calf. . " ' . . 250 4 90 2 bulls H70 G calves . 173 G 25 3 bulls 1170 1 calf. . . . 200 5 25 7 feeders. . 'Mi 4 W 1 heifer. . 7SO 3 25 1 feeder. . . ! BO 3 10 29 c. & h. . . 721 3 25 29 cows 9G'i ' 3 20 HOGS The market opened weak to 2V4e .ower this morning , was fairly active at the decline and closed with the early decline recovered , or about steady with yosterdny'h market. For a Saturday the damana Bi'cmed to bo quite brisk nnd It was owlrut to the fact that there were not enough hogs to supply all demands that the market closed stronger. Everything was sold anil welched uu at an early hour. The tendency of the hog market this week has been lower , The week started nut lower nnd values tended steadily down ward until Wednesday , when the average price of all the hogs sohl was $4.10 , which was the low point of the week. Tlioro was an advance of 5c on Thursday , but the market from that day until tlio close was weak. The demand on the part of the packers has boon good " " 'i ' thn week , but ut the same time buyers have been on the bear sldo nnd have forced the market dow us much as poslblo still the market .u this point has been fully as good as east ern markets. It will bo noted that there has been a marked change In one respect slni'o a week ago. Light hogs are no longer selling at such a premium over heavy an v > ns the casn a short time ago. Light , heavy nnd mixed are at the close of the week selling very closely together , quality moro than weight determining tlio price. Representative sales : AV. Sh. Pr. . . $3 93 40 4 10 . . 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 121 4 12' ' , 4 12' ' 4 15 4 15 120 4 15 40 4 I ? 10 4 15 4 15 . . . 4 15 * 0 4 3 1GO 4 r , 240 4 5 40 1 7H . . . 4 V\ 210 4 7" , .147 4 20 SHEEP The sheep market shows some Improvement nt the "lose of the week owing to an improved demand and , i better outlook In eastern markets At the I'lo-v of the week It IB * afp to suy that good fat kUlTx are 151&20c higher , with loral pack ers all wanting them The feeling In the feeder market IP also better and during the lust two or thrco days the demand has picked up very ma- THIRD QUARTERLY STATEMENT , 1899 , FOURTH YEAR , ClIlCAC.f ) . October 2. 1SPO. Statement Showlnc Plvldfnds Wild on Wheat Pools nnd What Em-h lliv Invested January 1. 1S , Amounts to. Earnings Compounded October 1. ls ! < 9 : THE NET PROFIT ON EACH $100 INVESTED AND COMPOUNDED IN ISM WAS $747.67. Averntro earnings on Wheat pool Investments this yenr to ilitto have been 16 7-13 per cent monthly. Wo operate Special When the conditions nre favorable. First Special Corn Pool , Series 1S93 , Eiirued and P.\ld 17 per cent In 30 days. Second Special Corn Pool , Scries 1MW , Earned and Paid S3 per cent In .10 days. Third Special Corn Pool. Series lKl. Earned and P.ilil 21 per cent in 31 days. Fourth Special Corn Pool. Series 1fW9. Earned ami Paid 11 per cent in 15 days. First Special Oats Pool , Series 1SW. Earurd ami P.ild 21 prr cent In 30 days. Wo have received numerous Inquiries ot lute asking why wo did not p.iy larger divi dends when "So-niul-Sn1 'advertises to pay 40 per cent monthlv , etc. It Is perhaps unnneccssary to ofTer any explanation to our idd subscribers , who during thp lour years , every two woe-Its , have received dividends aveniMlttg ! ' per cent monthly from our company , have seen a number of concerns start up with a great blare of trumpets , advertising tii pay enormous dividends , only tti fall by Hit ! wavslde. Itut to those who are newcomers , wo wish to say that n careful Investigation of iho methods of these largo uromlslng gentlemen falls to dlscloso how they can earn 1 per cent monthly ( not to spenk of10 per cent ) with nnv degree ot safotv A review of the operations of the Combination Investment < ompiiny for the past nine months disclose" * the fact that at no time have wo been obliged to use over 20 per cent of Iho capital to the credit of any pool. The balance , Ml per cent , remained as a reserve fund to Insure the absolute sufoty of our operations. As events show , wo would have linen safe In using ft ) per cent moro of the Idle capital sot apart for each pool , thus earning GO per cent to 75 per cent monthly for our customers. HUT wn nu > NOT KNOW THIS HHKOKHIIAXH. Our operations will bo carried on In the usual conservative manner. WE DO NOT tise so-called "Inside Information , " which Is wrong nine times out ot ten. WE DO NOT "manipulate the markets , " because the manipulators usually end their days In the poor hou o If thpv keep at It long eiuiiiu'L- ' WE DO operate by the DOLLARS AMP SENSE method , flhlch Is governed by the laws of nature , and no human power can defeat it. It Is the only feasible plan of always making largo and steady profits In the grain markets with ABSOLUTELY1 NO RISK. You can Invest Sin and lunvards. Earnings are remitted semi-monthly. Principal nnd accrued prollts can bo with drawn on demand. Drop us n postal and wo will mall you our DOLLARS AND SENSE booklet , which explains the system In detail. Highest bank , commercial and customers' ' references. THE COMBINATION INVESTMENT CO. ( Incorporated ) Bank Floor , Rialto Building , CHICAGO , terlally. At the close of the week the liens are cleared. Quotations : Prime native wethers. J3.DO fM.OO : rood to choice grass wethers , $ ! i.70t ? 3.SO ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.GO@3.70 : good to cholco yenrllnps. SS.SOffI.CO ; good to choice grass owes. $3.tO'fJS.GO ' ; fair to good grass ewes , J3.00f(3.35 ; good to choice spring lambs , $ I.SOff4.90 ; fair 10 good spring lambs , SI.GOJfl.70 : common spring lambs , f4.00Ti 1.50 ; feeder wethers , ? 3.BOfi3.Gfi ; feeder ycarllnes , $3.GOif3.75 ; feeder laiiibs , J4.OW.2t ) . Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Pr. 5 Idaho yearlings 100 J2 GO 130 mlxod ewes and wethers. . . . SO 3 25 252 Idaho yearlings W 8 S5 G3G Idaho lambs G5 470 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET. Mttlc Trnile til Mve Stock OvrlnK < o the Mmllfd Itcecliitn. CHICAGO , Oct. 21.-QATTLE AND SHEEP Owing to the limited supply of eattlo nut ! sheep offered for sale today , trade watof little continence in both markets , with prices nominal. HOGS There was an active demand for hogs at unchanged values ; fair to prime los ! brought H22Vs'y4.4 ; ; heavy packers , J3.S5 < tN.M : ; mixed , $4.10fT4.40 ; lightweights , * 4.05ti4.42i4 : pigs , $3.SO4.30. RECBIPTS-Cnttle. 200 head ; hogs , 1G.COO "head ; sheep , 1,000 head. ICuiisiiN City I.tvc Slocl.- . KANSAS CITY , Oct. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts , 1,230 liead ; supply largely western feeders that sold readily at unchanged prices. Light supply this week strength ened prices , advance for the week amount ing to from 15e to 23c ; choice steers brought J5.40ac.33 ; lightweight sUecrs. $1.501/5.73 ; Mockers nnd feeders. $3.2of.00 ; butcher cows and heifers , $3.00fi5.00 ; canncrs , J2.HCH ? 3.00 ; fed westerns , $3.10fG.33 ; ; Colorado grassers. $3.KK/3.75. ( HOGS Receipts , 4,070 head ; trade active at a shade stronger prices ; heavy and mixed , 51.l2mpl.l7U : lightweights' , J4.150 4.22-Vb ; pigs , $ I.OOT4.10. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Receipts l.CW head ; market active ; advance In values for the week amounts to from 13c to 50c , best mutton grades showing mo. t strength lambs brouehl J4.2Gfju.UO ; muttons , . . 4.00 ; feeding lambs , t3.75T < 4.25 : feeding sheep , $3.25@3.S5 ; stock ewes , $3.IOF3.75 ; culls , $2 3. St. I.oiilN Iivo Stoolt. ST. LOUIS , Got. 21.-CATTLE-Rccelpts. 300 head ; market steady ; native shipping and export steers , SJ.WfiG.fJO ; dressed beef and butcher steers. JI.SM70.70 ; steers under 1.003 lb- . , ? 3.SOSjv5.00 ; Hlockfrx and feeders , f2.GOiT4.GO ; cows and heifer. " , J2.00f < T.fiO ! ; fan ners , Jl.OOf/2.75 / ; bulls , $2.00fi3.30 ; Texas and Indian steers , } 3,2o5.4.10 | ; cows and heifers , J2.G5aM5. : HOGS Receipts , 2,500 bend ; m rkt steady : pigs and lights. $4.25j l.liO ; packers , f4.15ft4.30 ; hutrhorf. } 4.30 < iI.IO. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts , SOO Head ; market stonily ; ntitlvo muttons , fit 255(4.15 ; lambs , $1501(5.50 ( ; stackers , J2.00f(3.15 ( ; culls ami bucks , } 2.00f(3.50 ; Texas sheep , ? 3.S5. St. Ji i < - : > li l.lvo Slock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Oct. 21. fSpe clnl. ) The Journal quote's as follows * : CATTLE-lUo.lpts , 101 head. Mur ] . , , , . . , , . . . , , . vi.--J. rn.i-ni.-in uim n.-u-rrH , JJ.2J1/4 GO ; veals , f4.nOQIi.50. HOGS RivHpts , 2,700 heid. Market steady to htrong ; ln''ivy and medium , J1.10fi4.20 pigs and light , Jt. 10ft 1.20 ; bulk of sales fl.l2V.fM.20. SHEEP Receipts , MM head. Marke .strong. XIMV York l.lvo Sloolc. NI3W YORK. Oct. 21-llEEVKS-Ro oelpts , 303 hend ; very llttlo trading ; cabli-i unchanged ; r-xports. 701 rattle and : , ; ; quartern of beef ; calves , receipts , 30 head steadv ; veals , Si.OOfrX.CO ; ; grashiirs , J3.30. SHEEP AND LASIBS-Reci-lntF. 1.07 : head ; rhecp llrm ; lambs , 25c higher , al sold : Blimp , Jg.TBff l.llli : lambs , f5.CWjfi.10 nn C.'inadlaii lambs ; culln. Jl.CO. HOGS Receipts" . : , GG7 head ; steady a .73 per lee Ibs. Stock In Slwlil. Following are the receipts nt the foil principal western markets for October 21 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha. 1,145 5,5)3 ! ) ito Chicago 200 10,000 ] , W Kansas City 1,230 4,070 1 m St. Louis 300 JM tO : Totals 2,875 28,163 4,321 , Wool .tlnrUct , LONDON , Oct. 21.-\VOOL-Durlng Hit last wu'k the Inquiry fur wool rontlnuH. but little business resulted owing 10 Ui < llrmni'KH of holders , f'rosp-breds w , re ii , fair demand and dllllcult to purchase at auction prices. The arrivals to date for Iho ' next serifs of auction tales number 379)1' bales , Including S.uOO forwarded dliert. Th week's Imports are an frillswf , : New South Wales , 725 hairs ; Melbourne. U hales ; Queensland. 731 bales ; New Zealand , 2,7I > 7 hairs ; Capo of Good Hope and Naml , 1,703 bales ; elsewhere. 9v > bales. 'I'olcdn Unrlcct. TOLEDO , O. , Oc ; . 21.-WirEAT-Aotlva and easy ; No. 2 cash , "Oc ; December , 7Jlc , CORN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33Hc. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 2tc. RYE Negltrted ; No. 2 cash , GOe. SEEDH-Clover , dull hut Hte.idy ; prime cash and October , $ G ; December und March , $5.45. XIMV York KtportN nod IniiiiirtH , NEW YORK , Oct. Zl.-The oxporU of sil ver from this jurt to all countries for this wei-k iiggroiMtKl $071.157 silver biu nnil coin , and $27.ov $ ; cold. The ImtiortH were $ Hi9 , > > l9 gold and { 73.553 sllv.r. The ImportH of dry good * and im-rchandiHe at the port of New York for this week were valued at $10,425.030. $ ( 'nllforiiln Drlcil Fruit * . .YOltK , Oct. 21.-CALIFORNIA INVESTORS Can obtain the HIGHEST rates ! of Income compatible s.ifcMy , from Investmeiitl In our "ARBITRAGE' ' ' department. Our system of Investment INSURES SAFETY to the In ventor and ( Urns for him an cxcello-nt In come. H afford * protection to confcrvntlva Investors who wish to avoid risk. Its prin ciples Involving NO ELEMENT OF SPEC ULATION WHATEVER. PER CENT Per Annum Guaranteed. Earnings distributed on 'the 1st and 13tli of every month. Investments subject 'to withdrawal without - out notice. Write or call for particulars. 1JAXK1CKS AM ) IIUOICEItS , STOCKS , 1IUMIS , ETC. , 65 S. 4th St. , Minneapolis , Minn. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Oct. II. 1839. A semi-monthly dividend or TEN PER CENT 'has ' th ! day been derlnred dii SPE CIAL PARTNERSHIP INVESTMENTS In our ARHLTRAGE DEPARTMENT. WARD & WATSON , < ) . .South Fourth Street. Avoid the nllurlnir announcements of profesilonal tipsters , who promise you un reasonable iirollts on so-called Insldo In formation. Our 20 years' experience In Wall street and .sound linancitil standing assures cus tomers of the carc-ful protection ot their interests. Tlio present market warrants us In ur lm ; you to communicate promptly with us respecting certain stocks that can be fnfe- ly benight on moderate margin for good prollU. Our market letter donllnt ; on the conlors should prove of especial value to you this week. AI.I. oitiiits i\icci'rin : : ON TIII ; \HW VOItK STOCK lO.VCIIAMiK. A. B. FGQTE & 00 , IH7 HHOADWAV. MOW i'OIIK ( MTV. BOYD & CO , , Tcleplionc 1(139. Onmliii , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS ISOAII ( ) OP TIfADH. IDIre t wtrrn tu Cliliug'i : * ti > tir Ynric. CorrrapundeiitBI JjbD A. Warrfr t * C& . H.R.PEHJ1E.Y&CO. . . . . fJOOH Hr LIFEBLDO. BRANCH 1038 ti t CMAMA MfB UI1COUI MC5\ Managed prnfltnhly for those who lack ex perience and the neiossary ilrnr , .ir . who nr ut a dlHiidvantuKo In not being In floso touch with the Brain and stock markois these are condln . . . . , . . . 8SC"iVnl Cost You Nothing muko u jirollt for you. Full In- fariniitlun mailed fr 'i > upon upnllcntlon. Profits in September 19 Per Gent , Advance Wire Information , Wrili' fur I'nrtliMiliirM , K , J. lllt\\'MiiC ( ) : , : tllt .V , . | | ] i St. St. I.oiilM , Mo. { "IXSIIH-3HS. " HUCCESSKl'I , HPECTLATION BIMPLI- KIED. VALl'AULE BOLDER MAILED I'HKK , SEALED. IN PLAIN COER. . Romcr < t Co. , U JJroudway , Now Vorlc. of small or U ? o sums of mon 'y. can find no OPPORTUNITY that will yltld them BO large and steady an Income from money invested with ABSOLUTE SAFETY cquul to that wo offer. YOU ASHl'ME NO l.lAHILITy and run no rlHk Hend for oxplanuiory pamphlet , mailed free. Jlluh- st rcf rentes ) . Investors Go-Operative Go , iot ; IIHOADU AV , M\V : n itic.