Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1899, Editorial, Page 16, Image 16

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    THE ( XMAHA DAILY 11I3K : SVNHAY , OOTOliETJ CJ2 , 1800.
BY 6en. has.King.
( CopvrlfTht , ISM , by I" Tennyson Nccly ) . , of 1'rctM-illiiK CliiuiUTH.
The Mory optni with a srcnp In the ri'Bl-
mentnl ciimji on 1'roslillo HelRhK over-
looklnt ? Snn rrnnel ro harbor Humor * ot
moving ordnrs to Manila and the. arrival
from Now York of hidv Minors nt he-id-
Mimrtcrs varv the inonotnnv of cnmn
routine The vNtor- ) are In search of a
runaway hey who li believed to nave
entered the nnnv. nnd l.out ! < nant Gray , the
ino-st popular > omiK olllcir In his regiment ,
through a suppo ed ueiiuulntnmp vvlth one
of tlir vliltlnt ? pirty lllns Atnv Lawrence ,
Is cinlpil hv his fellows The partj ,
nrorte < l by Colonel Armstrong , "ttpnds a
review on the drill grounds and Is disturbed
5iy the sight of a > ounn prisoner , who
breaknwn > from his guards nenr them ,
ind bv n collision itnionK thp carrlnRos
Mrs Garrison , an old acquaintance ot
Colonel Armstrong is hurt. 1'rlvate Mor
ton IH nrrestcd on a chnrso ot iteallnR
snonoi HP appeals to Uewenant Gra > ot
Oils fniturnitj. for help and Qrnj semri-s
* ho dotnll of Kimrd over him The troops
prepare to all for Manila Mrs Garrison
joins the Hcil Cross society and .ibslsts ut
the emuarklnK 'iotinif Morton nnd three
other prisoners escape through a tunnel
Gra > Is arrpsted , charged with niium ?
nlded the prisoner * AI NNost Point , the
summer before. Mrs Garrison und her
younccr slbter , Nlta Tcrrlss , had caused
much taJk. Nlta fell In love with a prom
inent cadet. Pat Latrohe , but Mrs C.urrl-
fion took her nvvnv In time to prevent an
elopement and marrlaKe I.atrobo deserts
anil his friend , Clouvernour 1'rlme , who
had been Infatuated with M" = Garrison ,
runs awiv to loin the army t San I rnn-
clsco Nlta mnrrk.- Colonel Trost nnd
Latrobe follow oil her from plnco to place
Becking an Interview , until ho Is located In
San Kranctsco and suspiottd of being vvltli
Morton \nluablo package ot letters has
been lost from General Uraytoii H tent.
Latrohe Is a nephew of the general Colonel
Arm-irons defpnds Gray it the trial nnd
secures his release. Gray's icglmcnt sails
for Manila.
nut Armstrong know much less than ho
himself believed. Hastening back to camp
nnd ordering his horse , ho was eoon speed
ing up the slope to the wlmls\vept heights
overlooking the Golden Gate The morning
3iod opened fines as silk , but by noon the
eky was hidden In clouds and the breath ot
the sea blow In salt and strong. The whitecaps -
caps wcro leaping on the crest of the
Burgca driving In through the straits and
the surf bursting high on the Jigged rocks
at the base of the cliffs. A little coast
steamer from Santa Barbara way came pitch
ing and plunging In from eea. nnd one or
two venturesome craft , heeling far to lee
ward , toro through the billons and tossed
far astern a frothing wake With manes
nnd tnlls streaming In the btlff gale , the
troop horses ot the Kourth cavaliy wcro
cropping at the scanty herbage down tbo
northward slope , and the herd guard near
est the road lost his grip on his drab cam
paign hat ns ho essayed a salute , nnd gal
loped off on a slern chano down the long
ravlno to the cast , as the colonel trotted
briskly by , OHO keen glance o\cr the bay
ncjond rocky Alcatraz bad told him the
China was not > et nway from her pier. Ho
might have to send a dispatch by that swift
steamer , and even then It would bo slv days
getting to Hawaii. If the department com
mander should by that time bo on his homeward -
ward Joutnoy the Information would still
bo of Interest to the general commanding
the new military district at "tho Cross
Iloads of the 1'aclflc , " and of vast benefit ,
possibly , to his late client , Mr. Gray. Ho
wondered what Canker's grounds could bo
tor saddling so foul a t > us.plclon on the boy's
good name. Ho wondered how long that
poor lad would have to struggle with this
attack of fever and remain , perhaps hapully ,
unconscious of his latest Indignity. He
wondered If Amy Lawrence yet knew of that
serious seizure , and , If euo did , what would
bo her , sensations. Down the winding
eloping road ho urged his wa > , Glcncoc , his
pet charger , marveling nt the unusual gait
The cnpo of the sentry's overcoat whirled
over the eentry'8 bend and swlehcd his cap
off aa ho presented arms to the tall soldier
spurring past the guardhouse. "I envy no
one who has to put to sea this clay , "
said Armstrong to hlnihelf , ns ho turned to
the right and reined tip In front of a little
Drown cottage peeping out from a mass of
vines and roses , shivering In the wet wind
Half ft. dozen strides took- him across the
narrow walk and up the wooden steps.
With sharp emphasis ho clanged the little
gong bell screwed to the hick of the door
nnd waited Impatient of the servant's com
ing. There was no answer. He rang nguln
and still ngnln , and no ono came A glance
it tbo windows told that the \\lilto lace cur-
tnlns hung there draped as prettily aa ever.
Fresh ( loners stood on the window sill. A
thawl and a pillow , the litter Indented as
by a human head , lay In the lounging chair
on the llttlo porch. Another chair stood hut
a tow feet away , There was oven a fan ,
Ihouch funs In n 'l-'rlmo summer nru less
needed than furs ; hut nowhere fcaw ho other
ilgn of the tomporarj mlstrow of the house
Ho went round to a side window and rapped.
No answer. Then ho turned to the walk
tgnln , and , taking the reins , bade the orderly
Inquire next door It Mrs. Gairlson could be
round Yes , was the answer ; bho went
Brblng to Golden Goto park wlih Mrs. Stock
man nu hour ago , and Mrs. Stockman wns
to leave lor Ix > s Angeles that night Odd !
° ITS !
Omaha Branch
1412 Douglas St. , Tel. 1081.
\.vi , m.ITimnvMNr. co. ,
If Mr Garrison drove to Golden Gate pirk
the easiest and best way was that along
which ho came , nnd he hod met no carriage.
In fact , not since that night nt the I'ahcc
hnd ho set e > es on .Mrs. Garrison , or until
the coming of this sorrowful news nbout
Gray had ho cared to. Prom all thit he
heard Mrs Prank was cno > ing herself at
the Presidio. Cherry having gone one way
nnd her devotee another , Mrs. Prank speedily
summoned n , chum ot old garrison daja to
como nnd keep house with her for a while ,
nnd Mrs. Stockman , whoso lord had left her
at the call of duty , nnd gone to ManlU
with his mon , right gladly accepted and
much enjoyed the fun nr\d frolic that went
on night after night In Mra. Prank's cozy
parlor , or the mild flirtation , possibly , In
the recesses of Mrs. Prank's embowered
porch. The last expedition had borne oft
almost all the "regular" element at the
post , but had not left It poor , for , fast ns
camp grounds could bo made ready for them ,
vastly to the disgust of the saloon keepers
nnd street car magnates who had reaped rich
harvest from Camp Mcrrltt , regiment after
regiment , the volunteers came marching over
from the malodorous sand lots and settled
down In sheltered nooks about the Presidio.
So cavaliers in plenty wcro still to bo had ,
cavaliers whose wives and sweethearts , as
a rule , were far awaj , and Mrs. Frank loved
to console such aa wcro so bereft. The
chafing dish and Scotch and soda were In
nlghtl } request , and even women who didn't
at all fancy Jlrs. Frank , ana spako despitefully -
fully of her among themselves , were not
slow to come In "for just a minute , " ns they
eald , as the evenings were on , and to stay
and chat with varloua visitors It was so
lonesome nnd poky over homo with the
children nsleep and nothing to do Women
there were who never darkened Mrs Garri
son's door after the first formal calls , hut
they were of those , who deeply felt the
separation from all they held most dear , and
who , forbidden themselves , heard with envj
and even dlstre'S her gay Assertion thfft she
would sail for Manila the moment the Queen
of the Fleet was ready. From what source
or circumstance did she derive her in
fluence ?
Hut with the edict that no more troops
should bo sent came comfort to the souls ot
these bereaved ones Transports would not
go without troops , and Mrs. Prank could not
go without transports , the Journey was far
oo expensive. They wished her no evil , of
ourse , but , If they were themselves for-
Idden , hojv could they rojolco that she
hotild bo permitted ? They were actually
eglnnlng to feel a bit charitable townrd
er when the Queen of the Fleet herself
amo In from Honolulu with the latest news.
The lirth expedition had been halted there
nd put in camp. Billy Gray was down with
iraln fever , and there had been a curious
ceno between him and his peppery colonel
cforo the breakdown , nnd by the same
teamer Mrs Garrison had got a letter that
made her turn whlto and tremble , as Mrs.
stockman saw and told , and then shut hcr-
elt up In her room an entire day. Now , for
icarly a fortnight , the lovely guest had been
ally tinting that she really must go home ,
'dear ' Wltchle" was surely tired of her , and
Vltchle disclaimed nnd protested and
owed she could not live without her de-
otod friend. But then had come thnt letter
and with It a change of tone , and tactics.
Vitchlo ceased to remonstrate or reprove
Mrs Stockman , and the latter felt that she
must go , and Wltchlo consented without
In no pleasant mood Armstrong mounted
ind trotted for the east gate. The road was
Inert with camps and lunteers nt drill.
Vehicles were frequently moving to and fro ,
) iit the sentry nt the entrance had kept track
of them , and In response to question an
swered promptly nnd positively Mrs. Gar
rison's carriage had not como that way.
'But , " said he , "tho wagon with the lady's
> aggago did. I saw the name on the trunks. "
The colonel turned in his saddle and coolly
survejod him. "Do you mean Mrs. Stock-
nan's name' " ho nskcd , In quiet tone.
'How many trunks were there ? "
Oh , eoino of them might have had Mrs.
Stockman's name , sir , but the two or three
hat I enw wcro marked M. G. "
This wns unlooked-for news. To her
io\t-door neighbor Mrs. Garrison had said
nothing about going awny with Mrs Stock
man and Armstrong hnd grave need to see
icr and to sco her at once. The train for
Angeles did not leave until evening ,
Possibly they were lunching somewhere
spending the nfternoon with friends In town.
: Io rode direct to headquarters. Some oi
ho etnff might be able to tell , was bla the
ory , nnd ono of them Justified It.
Did I happen to meet Mrs. Garrison ?
Yes , I Just saw her aboard the China. "
"Aboard the China' " exclaimed Armstrong ,
with a sudden thrill of excitement. "D'you
nean eho Is going' "
'Didn't ask her. They were hustling
everybody oshoro and I had only tlmo to
glvo dispatches to Purser , but she was on
ho deck with friends when I cnmo away. "
People wondered that day at the speed
with which the tall officer , followed by his
orderly , clattered away down Market ttreet.
n lcs.s than ten minutes Armstrong was al
the crowded pier and pushing through the
hrong to the China's stage Too late !
Already It was swung aloft , the lines were
cast IODHD nnd the huge black mass was Just
jcglnnlng to back slowly from Its moorings
The rail of the promcnado deck swarmct
v.lth fnceb , some radiant , eomo tearful
Words of adieu , fluttering kerchiefs , waving
liands , toeing ( lowers were there on eveiy
sldo. Two officers , Honolulu bound
shouted ArnuUiong'H name and a cheery
oodb > , but he did not seem to hear. A
scntlo voice , the volco of all others ho
longed to hear , repeated the name
and strove to call attention to his
gesticulating comrades on the upper
deck , but ho wns deaf to both
Eagerly , anxiously , Incredulously ho wa
searching along that crowded rail , and u !
on n sudden ho saw her. Yea , there aho
stood , nil gajcty , grace and animation ,
styllshl ) gowned and fairly burdoiicd with
roses , nnd It was right at him s-bo was !
gazing , DOddlng , smiling , all gweetuefs , all
confiding , trusting Joy , with JuK a little ;
triumph , too , and a tinge of sentimental
sorrow In the parting Apparently , It was
all for him , fur her blue e > ea never fal
tered till they fl\ed his gaze , and then kiss
after kits she thiew to him with the daint
ily gloved little hand , ntid , leaning far
down over the rail , lowering It toward him
as much aa possible , the finally tossed to
htm , standing there stern and spellbound ,
a bunch of beautiful roses she had torn
from her corsage. It fell almost at his feet ,
for In his astonishment and rlelng wrath he
mailo no effort to catch It. A man , stooping
quickly , rescued and handed it to him.
MoBhanlcnlly ho raid "Thank jou , " and took
U , n thorn pricking deep Into the flesh aa
ho did so , nnd still his o > ea were fixed on
that fairy forcu now surely , swiftly gliding
awa > , and over him swept the conscious
ness of utter defeat , of exasperation , of
dismay , even aa ho "stroveto fathom her
motives In thus singling him out fir such
conspicuous ev en nffoctlonate demonstra
tion Triumph and de-light ho could have
understood , but not , not this semblance of
confidential relations , not at least until he
felt bla arm grasped b > a cordial band ,
heard his name spoken bj n friendly voice ,
nnd Mr. Prime's pleasant inquiry : "Have
you no greeting tor other friends ? " Then
.he hot blcod rushed to his face and
showed even through the bronze as , tuni
ng , his troubled eye < i met full the clear ,
ilacld gaze of Amy Lawrence.
enrrmi MV.
Mid October The Queen of the Fleet , the
Inest transport of the Pacific service ,
hrongcd with bojs In blue at last or
dered on to Manila , laj nt the wharf at
Honolulu , nwnlttng her commander's orders
to cast loose. In strong force and with sten
torian voices the Primeval Dudci Joined In
rollicking chorus to the crashing accom
paniment of their band , ruid , when they
could take tlmo to rest , the crowd ashore
set up a cheer. The Hawaiian National
band , In spotless white , forming huge and
melodious circle on the wharf , vied with
the musicians from the states Ui the spirit
and swing of their fatlrrlng airs. "Aloha Oe !
Aloha Oe ! " chorused the surging throng ,
afloat nnd ashore , as wreaths and garlands
the lets of the Islanders were twined or
hung about some favorite officer or favored
man. The troops still held to service In
Hawaii shouted good will and goodby to those
ordered on to the Philippines. The Dudes
of the Queen nnd the lafls from the prairies
and the mountains on other transports an
chored In the deep but narrow harbor yelled
soldierly condolence to th - . condemned to
stay. The steam of the 'scape ' pipe roared
loudly nnd belched dense whlto clouds on
high , swelling the uproar. Dusky llttlo
Kanaka boys , diving for nickels and pad
dling tireless about the ship , added their
shrill cries to the clamor The captain , In
lila natty uniform of blue and gold , stepped
forth upon the bridge to take command ,
and raised his banded cap In recognition o
the constant cheers from the host ashore
and the throng of blue shirts on the tore-
castle head. Then arose another shout , as
a veteran officer , In the undress .uniform of
a general , appeared upon that sacred bound ,
nnd , how Ing to the crowd , was esrorted by
tha captain to the end overloo lng the
animated seenu below , and then the nlgnal
was given , the heavy lines were cast oil and
hauled swiftly In , the massive screws bt'xan
slowly to churn the waters at the stern ,
anil gently , almost Imperceptibly at flrnt ,
the Quocn slid noiselessly along the edge
of the dock , to the accompaniment of a
llttlo volley of flowers and garlands tossed
from eager hands , and a cheer of
godspeed from the snarm of up
turned faces , And then there uprose an
other shout , a shout of mingled merri
ment , surprise and npplause , for all on a
sudden there darted up the stairway frcni
the crowded promenade deck to tha sacred
perch above , defiant of the loitered warn
ing , "Passengers are not allowed upon the
Bridge , " a dainty vision In filmy white , and
all In the next moment there appeared at
tbo general's side , smiling , bowing , blow
ing kisses , waving adlcux , all sparkle , ani
mation , radiance and rejoicing , a bewitch
ing little flguro In tbu airiest , loveliest of
summer toilets , The Ilexl Cress nurses on
the dock below looked at ono another and
gasped Two bravo army girls , wives of
wounded ameers In tbo Philippines , who by
special dispensation , were making tbo voyage -
ago on the Queen , glancoJ quickly at each
ether and said nothing audible. The general ,
lifting his cap , hut looking both depreca
tion and embarrassment , fell back und gave
his place at the whlto rail to the new ar
rival , and colored high when she suddenly
turned and took his arm The captain , try
ing not to see her or to appear conscious ot
thla Infraction ot a stringent rule nnd In
vasion ot his dignity grew redder as ho
rapid orders and swung liU big ,
beautiful ehlp well out Into the strenm
Thp guns of the Ilennlngton boomed n deaf
ening "alute ns the Queen turned her fhirp
nose toward thp open sen , and almost the
last thing Honolulu snw of her humnn freight
was the tlnv , tlalnty , winsome little figure
In white , waving a pollws kerchief ai In
tend farewell Once clenr of the narrow en
trance the big troop ship headel westward
toward the setting sun , shcok free- the reins
as It vvcire , anil , followed by les favored
iraH , sped swiftly on her way , Wltchle Garrison
risen , tlio latest addition to the rnwenger
list , entirely nt home , It not actually In
Leaning on the general's nrm an
hour Inter and deftly piloting tint be
wildered vctcrnn up and down the
breezy < lel > , she ctme , Just as
she had planned to come , face to face once
more with Stanley Armstrong. Well Bho
knew that under the escort ot that exalted
rank uho wns Bate from any possibility ot
cross-question or Interference.cll she
knew that had ho heard of her sudden deter
mination to go to Honolulu she could not
hove escaped stern Interi'gallon , possibly
something worse , and her heart failed her
when shu realled that the man who had
giiuncil her shallow nature vo.ars before no
held n lash over her head In the shape of n
paper that mad vanity had prompted her to
write and send to the olliccr of the guard
the day that Stewart sailed. What madness
It was , im'ced , jet how could she have
dreamc-d It would fall Into the hands of the
man of all others she feared nnd respected
the one man who , had ho but.cared coull
jcars ago have had her love , the man who ,
becaubo he cared not , bad won her hate !
And , new that ho held or had held this
paper nothing less than n forged order in
her husband's name as aide-de-camp to
General Dravton sbo could hnvo cowciort
at his feet in her terror of him , > et braved
him with smiles , sweetness nnd gajetj , with
arch merriment and Jo > ous words , quitting
for the moment tl'o general's arm that she
might extend to him both her little white-
gloved hands. Gravel ) he took the left In
his left , whllo with the right he raised his
forage cap In combined salute to the woman
close to his battoml eldo nnd who hnd vlr-
tially taken possession of him In the fnc-p of
nn envious nnd not too silent clrrlo of her
own BJC. Truth to tell , the chief would
rather have escaped Ilo wns but an In
different pallor and the Queen slong , Inry
roll over the ocean surges wai exciting In
his Inner consciousness n longing for crarked
Ice ntul champncnc. Ho hnd known her but
the few da > s the Queen remained In part ,
coaling ami preparing for the onward vojngo
ncriKi the broad Pacific , but a great func
tionary of the general government had told
him a pathetic tale the very day
of his first peep at the Ho > nl Hawaiian
hotel , had given him a capital din
ner nt that famous hostoln , whereat she.
appeared in charming attire , and In a flow
of spirits Blmplj Imelftlble Her sillies of
wit had made him rcnr with delight ; her
mimicry of ono or two conscientious but ac-
Ululated dames who hnd como over on the
Queen , bound ns nurses for Manila , had
tickled him to the vcrge > of apoplexy ; but
when later rho backc-d hlni into the coolest
comer of the "Innnl" with the pla&h of
fountain close nt hand , and the sweet
musl ct Ilcrger s famous band Moiling softly
on the evening .air , nnd told him how her
.father had level to talk of his , the general's ,
das.h nnd daring In the great laj of tho' '
great vvnr , nnd led him i to tell of his
nnd to his superior olllcer. Gravely and
almost Instantly ho released It nnd listened
In helpless patience to hei torrent of play
ful words , but hl e > c wcro on the gen
eral's face ns though ho would ask could
he , the gineral , know the true character of
the woman ho had honored above all her
sisterhood on board In thus taking her to
the bridge whereon neither oillccr nor manner
nor nurco nor army wlfo had presumed
to set foot on all the six dnja' run fiom
San Francisco , na though ho would nsk If
the general know Just what she wes , this
blithe , dainty , \\lnsoino llttlo thing that
nestled so confiding ! ) indeed , BO snugly
campaigns In the Shcnandoah nnd the
west , listening with dilated cjes and parted
lips , the campaigner himself was captlvatej ,
and she had her will. A great senator had
told him how she had come thither to nurse
a gallant young olllcer In her husband's reg
iment , how she had pulled the boy through
the perils of brain fever until he was now
convalescent and going on to rejoin his com
rades In Manila , and she , she was pining
to reach her husband now serving on Gen
eral JJrayton'i stall. Other women were
aboard the Quean ; could not General Crabb
Irad loom for her ? It is hard for a soldier
to refuse a prettj woman or a prominent
member of the committee on military af
fairs. There wns not a vacant stateroom on
the ship Officers wcro sleeping three or
four in a room , so were the Red Cress
nurses , and the two army whet , alreidj
aboard Ind been aEslsned a llttlo cubby-holo
of a cabin in which only one could dre s
at a tlmo There were only two apartments
on the big craft that were not filled to their
capacity the room occupied b > that sea
momich , the captain , and that which , from
having been the "Ladles' Boudoir , " hnd
been fitted up for the accommodation of tlu
goneial. The piano had been wheeled out
on deck , the writing table stovvld away ,
and a fine now wldo biasa bedstead , with
dainty whlto curtains and mosquito bar , a
largo bureau and a washstand had been
moved in , and these , with easy-
chairs , electric fans , electric lights and
abundant air , made it the inoH de-
slrablo room ou the ship. Even Armstrong ,
colonel commanding the troops aboard ,
was compelled to shire his little cabin with
his adjutant , and the general's aides wcro
bundled into a "skimpy" box between decks
There really seemed no place for Mrs. Gar-
I rlson aboard , especially when It was founl
that the passenger list "Was to be Increased
by three , a surgeon nnd two officers going
forward from Honolulu ; nnd one of these
wns our old friend and once llght-hcartcl
Billy Gray , now nearly convalescent , but
weak and , aa all could see , feverishly eager
to get on to Manila ,
All this was explained to the senator. It
wns oven suggested that there was room
f r Mrs Garrison on the Louisiana , a safe
old tub , if fiho was slow , but Mrs. Prank
lookol so pathetic and resigned when this
arrangement was suggested that no ono had
the hardihood , to actually dwell upon It , and
the senator said It wtm a shame to think
of It. With whom of hen- own sex could
sha npsoclato on that long , hot \oyago
abend ot them ? Why not transfer some of
the Red Cress nurses to the Louisiana'
Mrs Ganlson had no objections , but they
had , and the surgeon In charge made
prompt and vigorous protest. Ho knew
Mis , Prank , and sbo knew him and did not
in tha least despair. Sbo still had a plan
There was a cozy dinner ono evening Just
the ovenlng be/oro the departure of the
Queen , ailil the gallant captain of the ship ,
the veteran general , the quartennofater in
chargu of transportation , the member of
the senate military committee , some charm
ing girls but none HO charming as Mrs.
Gnnlson weio of the party , There was
some sentiment and much champagne * , us n
result of which nt 1 a. m. the big-hearted
Foa monarch aforementioned swore by the
bones of his anccstois In tlm
fillmy Kinsp of Davy Jones that
that sweet llttlo woman shouldn't have to go
Yott a
Tonic ?
The World famous Tonic
Since 1S03 , Endorsed by Modicnl Tnculty.
immediate lusting efficacious agreeable
Sold at All Druggists Everywhere AVOID SUBSTITUTES
for arcommodnilons < n his sh'p '
If the general would rnmUsicnd to move Intj
his room , bv thunder lie d sleep up In his
foul-weather den ne\t the chart room and
Mre. nanism ) God bU oi hei' could taKr
the general s room nnd bo queen of the ship
( tuctin of the Queen queen of queans -b >
Jupiter ! and here's her health with all
honor ! A soldier , of course , could bo no liss
gallant thin a sailor , especially as thp cap-
tain's room was a bit better than the
"Boudoir , " nnd had an Ice chest and con
tents tint the veteran campaigner was bid
den to conilder his own. The nstcement
was clinched that very night befoo the
patty broke up. and llttlo Mrs. I'nink ulied
tears of gratltudo upon the general'- ) coat
hlecve and throw klas after kiss to the Innd-
some sailor as she hung over the bilustcts
of the bio-id veranda and waved them away
In tluilr swift-running cabs , and then dinced
off to her room ami threw hcrsolf on the bed
aftoj a mad pliouettto nliout the spiclous
apartment , and laughed and laughed until
reil tears trickled from her ejcs , and then
gave orders to be called at 7 o'clock She
meant to be up and aboard that ship w Ith
all her luggage before sense and repentance
could comu with the morning sun before
cither soldier ot bailer could chance his
To thonmizeof the women already nboird ,
to the grave nnnojnnce of Colonel Arm
strong , to the Joy of poor Hilly Gra > and
the mischievous merriment of several jouug-
sters on the commissioned list , Mrs TianU
Garrison , the latent arrival , became sole oe-
tupnnt of the finest room on the hhlp , and It
was a bower of lilies and tropical fruit nnd
flowers the breezy daj hho sailed away from
the bar of Honolulu
Xo time need be wasted In telling the
effect of this "assignment to quarters"
I Prolific a source of squabble as is the custom
nshcro It becomes Intensified alUat and whnn ,
! coupled with It , cime a shaking up and le-
1 arrangement of sells nt table all hope of
I harmony vanished on the instant The two
I brave joung arm ) girls still retained their
i seats at the captain's table , but two most
estimable joung women , Hcd Cross nurses ,
were dropped therefrom and transferred to
that of the second officer on the port side ,
much to the comfort of n rather large per-
I centago of their sisterhood who had regarded
their pievious elevation with feelings of not
I unmixed gratification. Then officers who
had been seated with the general's staff had
' to vacate In favor of Mrs Prank and Dr
j ' Probcr and Lieutenant nill > Gray , whuse
father and the chief wcro long-time chums ,
nnd the Red Cross nurses who had been at
the first officer's table fell back to that of
the third It was every bit as good as the
other , but It didn't KOUIH ! so , and the >
couldn't see it , nnd there were faces eour
as the product of the ship's baker when
that evening all hinds went down to dinner ,
and the silence maintained , or the ominously
subdued tone of the talk , it the other tables
was In marked contrast with the hllirlty that
prevailed where sat the gray-haired , ruddy-
cheeked old chief nnd the laughing coterlo
tint listened to the fun tint fell from thn
lips of Wltchlo Girrison Armstrong silent
and somber , at the captain's right , lonkl ig
forward from time to time.saw only one
face nt the general's tnble that was not
lighted up with merriment , It was the face
of the boy ho envied , if envj of this klnl
over entered into hla heart , and ho won
dered as he looked nt Hlllj's curly held
what could have como over that glad > oung
Ufa to leave so deep a shadow on his hand
some face
Ono night. Just one week later , Arm
strong's ejcs were opercd. More than once
In the meanwhile ho had Invltod the joung
olllcer's confidence , and Hilly , who thteo
months earlier had been all gratitude and
frankness , protested there was nothing on
bis mind Ho had been very 111 , that was
nil. As to Cinkcr's charges they were
simply rot Ho hadn't tha faintest Inkling
what had bpcomo of the purloined letters
any more than ho had of the whereaboutB
of his Delta Slg friend , joung Morton , now
officially proclaimed u deserter Hut Arm
strong heird moro talcs of Wltchlo's devo
tions to him In lila Illness , nnd the slow
convalescence that ensued , noted how the
boy's ojes followed her nbout the deck , nnd
how many a time ho would fcppk her side ,
even when other men were reading , walkIng -
Ing or chnttlng with her Armstrong looked
with wonderment thnt was close Tilled to
Incredulity nnd pain Was It possible that
this blithe lad , who had won such a warm
Intrrcat In the heart of ouch n girl as Amy
Lawrence , could bo forgetful of her , fnlth-
less to her , and fasrlnntcd now by this
splflsh nnd shallow butterfly ? It was In
credible !
Hut wns It ? The dajs had grown hotter ,
the nights clo or , and the air between decks
was stifling when the noa rolled high nnd
closed the ports Officers had taken to BIIO < V-
liig up on deck In gteimer rhalis Hy an
unwritten law the port tide of the pr mo-
nado deck wns given up to thirn ift r PI\ ! n
at night but the womni folk 1ml the run
i Strong iifruik is Death
prothonnlrfinilihPl ? mmranuiM remedy lor the
liiliik Hit it , > i\uiiiticuiuvt ) JlcHncholyc.iu ui
h'Minng drink
ivi : uiKi > Trii ruvit itoxKK
locnra.mypi < m\it in n Mtl\tMt illti 11 iu" -
HII ( . ' or n Inn 1 ilio iiimiej , nnd todtstru the
ai'pi'tlio for tntiix'catltie ' liquors
KNOttLO'OU OF Till : 1'ATir.M <
< ' pninn'uMUiTi. '
JTDfHE ! 113'iJJl I'atrrtr
OlriUNO UHrtl\n | l i | .nili. t vjTculrt
irfioronflwlllniiil ) mifonr4 | ] hoseam" posl-
mo itiiiii'ii K i i iiiiii > to euro 01 ronmj
Myrrn , Dlllnn l > ruii Co. . Sole Aicant * ,
illllli llmi I'lli mini. Untiilin. .Null.
suff > rlni : from nervous debility , varl- 1
cocele , seminal weakneas , lost man-
mood , emissions and unnatural dis
charges caused by errors of yotinuor
dais , which , 1C not relieved oj medi
cal treatment , IB deplorable on mind
and body.
11O > O1' MUIIIY
wh n Buffering , nn this leaas to loss of
memory , lois of spirits , bashfu'neBS In
society , p\lns In small of back , fright
ful dreams , dark rlniru around the tjo.s ,
plnvpl-8 or breaking out on face or
body Send for our symptom blank
We can cum v ou , nnd 'specially do we
ieslre old and tried cases oa we charuo
nothing lei u-lvUe und give > ou n written -
ton Kuarnntar to cure the worst careen
on record Not only aie th weak or
gans restored , b-.t All losses drains
j.nd discharges stopped Send 2o fetump
and question blank to Dopt. I } ,
First , Becond or tertlniy S'HR , WE
NI/v ijai TAIL , No dttcr.tlon frc-m
business Write u for particulars. B.
Phnrrnney , Otnnlin , Neb ,
nrid rnrnnin Stfi.
A safe m d \ jwcrful remci./ ! for functional
troubles , dclij , pain , nnd irrtguUiruics , is
MI cs fullv tire < rril > eil by the Mr-best Mcd cal
Spc njisis. I'n ei -H.f r ciwulcs S lulyall I1 ttfr e 1 ( > 1 x 3 ° l , N. ' \ ,
Thnt soft , smooth , rose-
tinted fnmplex'on ' HO in ich _
de ire < l t in be obtalnc-d by thu HUB of
\voor \ > nUKY'S racial Soap and TuLial
Creim The > prsv is mxrvelous power for
hrlcrhtenlng the rolor , giving n'n life and
tone to th < > Uln , boautlfjlnfr and preserving
11n p i v 1 | i
of the starboird side at any hour when the
i-revv wcro net washing down decks Arm
strong had been fir forward about i o'clock
ono breathless night to ECO for himself the
condition of things ID the hospital under
the forecastle The main deck was crowded
with sleeping forms of roldlers who found
it imposdblo to stand tbo hrat below , BO
on his return , Instead of continuing along
the gaimwaj , he decided to climb the Iron
ladder from the main to the promenade
deck It would land him nt the forward end
on the stai board side. There ho could smoke
a cigar in peiro nnd quiet , U was high tlmo
overjbody wns nslecp
Hut as hh head and c > c'3 reached the
level of the duck ho bo nrao suddenly aware
of , i couple huddled lose together In the
shelter of a canvns screen , nnd under the
steps leading nloft to the bridge. Ho know
Oraj's voko nt once , und Graj waa plead
ing Ilo Knew her tones cf old , nnd she wa
Imperative , and listening with obvious Im
patience , for almo&t nt the Instant of hl <
arrival she spoke , low , jot distinctly. "Do
as I hn > , do as > I beg jou when wo teach
Manila , nnd then cuno nnd > eo how I can
reward. "
( To bo Continued. )
Ilili'Klru'niulca Suite.
The best hilve In the world for cilia ,
bruises , sores , iilcern , halt rheum , fever
Bores , tctitr , chapped hands , chilblains ,
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I have used McElree's Wine of Cardui long enough to know what it will do. About seven years azo I was taken
down with La Grippe. Neuralgia later set in and our family doctor said I had stone in the bladder , rnd that the
only cure was the knife. 1 suffered for seven monihs. I think , myself , the mam trouble was ncuralpia of ( he
womb. The pains would start in my face and teeth and run down my back , finally settling in my womb. Then
I woujd get cold and stiff from the knees down and would have to go to bed. I heard of Wine of Cardui about ( hat
time , and commenced to take it. After wing it for a few days I felt very much belter , and am now as well as I
ever was in my life. I am certain I would have been in my grave before now if I had not taken Wine of Cardui
and Black-Draught. Mrs. MARY BOOKER.
Mrs. Mary Booker's experience is a common one. McElree's Wine of Cardui 1ms many tunes saved
a suffering woman from a surgeon's knife and from an untimely grave.
The-physician of to-day treats so many different ailments that he cannot give adequate investlcnUoii
and correct treatment to all. Simple irregularities of the female , if neglected ,
organs or imtironerlv
treated , frequently result. in permanent ailments of the most cotnpl.cated . kind. When a physician fails to correctly diagnose such
o he
too often resorts to uunecssary operations , with distressing results. The deaths on the operating table reported uithe [ and ill
, .
of ' newspapers iuiiu inc.
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f A J"e ° * Card i lias not come into popular use too soon. Mrs. Hooker's trial of Wine ELREB'J
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lor advice in cases requiring special directions , . address , giving symptoms , "The
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Wine of Cardui is sold bv all druggists at $ J.OO per bottle.