Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Ex-Policeman is Arraigned for tha Killing
of James Smith.
Mnlntnitin Hint llo Should llmo Horn
Inillrtcil lij u ( iriinil .Jury ami > > t
I'rm'codi-il AKiilnM liy Iiiforinii-
Uini Denied the KlllliiK.
The trlnl of Anton Indn , the policeman
charged with the murder of Jamca Smith , n
prisoner , August 13 , was begun In Judge
Hakor's tourt jcsterday. The opening of the
case was delayed several hours on account
of the preliminaries Incident to the swoirlnG
In of ft new Jury. Intla appeared In court
looklnK hopeful as to the outcome of the
The defense will set forth that the ar
raignment of Indo Is irregular for the rcn-
thnt ho hna never been Indicted by a grand
Juiy. The Information against him was i
sworn to by the county attorney , and the do-
fenpo qiieBtlotiH the constitutional right of I
mch pioceduic. The bame Issue was raised
In the case of Henry llolln , the defaulting
city treasurer , cad Hhould there bo a favor-
nl.1.3 decision It would liberate many In-
inntrs of the penitentiary who linvo been
convlMrd without grand jury Indictment.
Among the witnesses arc numerous women
of the half world. Smith was a night
routi lor , and It was In the early morning hn fell Into the clutches of I'ollccman
Inda. lie vva Htruck with some kind of n
weapon and died shortly after his arrest.
Inda denies that he committed the murder ,
advancing the theory Hint Smith had re
ceived his death \sound In souio of his
carousals prior to his arrest. The trial will
last ( several days.
: \r v I'riioriliin * In
P < > rTli < i u Nil nil- Dollar Suit.
A new turn was taken In the Mcrschclm-
Arrlens damage milt , on trial before Judge
Slnbaugh yrstenlny. The attorncja for
the defendant submitted a motion to dls-
tnlEh on the ground that the proof docs not
correspond with the pleadings. The motion
wa < i argued at length , and although the court
overruled It ho said ho would hear further
Argument. After the motion had been over
ruled Arrlens was placed on the witness
stand His testimony consisted of a gen
eral denial of the allegations contained In
thci plaintiff's petition , and ho was prompt
In answering all questions. IIo maintained'
calm demeanor throughout , and was posi
tive In his statements. There Is consldcr-
ublo testimony yet to come. Mr . Airlens
continues to bo nn Interested spectator. Mra.
Merschelm , whose affections arc paid to have
lieen alienated , sat In the court room and
ll < Ucne < l to Arrlens' denial. The testimony Is
widely conflicting. The bitf > Is of the argu
ment of the attorneys tor the defendant will
bo that Mcrachclm and his wife arc In a
conspiracy to obtain money from Arrlens.
The afternoon session brought out sub-
Btanllally a repetition of the testimony pro
duced nt the former trial. No new features
came up , and the proceedings were com
monplace. It Is expected that the evidence
will bo closed In another day.
Mr- * . KliiKVmiN ( DainniicN.
Mr . Kll/abelh M. King hus filed suit In
the district court against the Omaha Water
company , asking $15,000 damages on account
of Injuries alleged to have be-en recelv l In
a llro at the I'attcraon-Hreaslcr block , Sev
enteenth and Douglas streets , the afternoon
of March 21. Mrs. King was attending a
lodge session In the building , and she al
leges that the fire was started by employes
of the defendant company , who struck
matches In order to read a meter , the
matches Igniting a pllo of rubbish and caus
ing the lire , which shut olt the elevator. The
plaintiff alleges ] that In descending the stair
way to get out of the building she was seri
ously burned. This Is ono of several similar
fill It a.
Ocorgo U. Curry , who sued the city for
the recovery of arrearage in salary alleged
to be duo him a policeman , and who won
in Justice Billhead's court , muet defend his
cause In the district couit. The city has
taken nn appeal , and a transcript of the cvl-
dcnco In the justice court was filed in the
otllco ot the district clcik Monday afternoon.
The sum Involved Is JllC.CG. The dispute
ns to the salary came about through the
fact that Curry was suspended from the
force on the allegation ot conduct unbecom
ing an officer. IIo was afterwards declared
Innocent and now ho desires further vindi
cation by a. verdict allowing him pay for
the period of his suspension.
\ Induct Injunction Case Continued.
The viaduct Injunction suit , wherein the
I'axton & Vlerllng Iron Works company anil
others seek to restrain the city from main
taining a viaduct on Sixteenth street , wan
called before Judge Dickinson yesterday.
A continuance granted until next Krl-
day to permit the filing of certain affidavits
which It Is said will have a tearing on the
case. The purpose of the suit is to render
void nn ordinance recently passed by the
council , but which still lacks the signature
of the mayor.
Irnilirrn of tlio OrKimlrnUoii Full to
Ml fie li > Tlu-lr Agreement
on 1'rlue * .
Members of the Missouri Valley Whole
sale Cirocom' association , which Includes
the wholesale grocers of Nebraska am
weetorn Iowa , held an executive incetlnB a
< ho Commercial club rooms yesterday , the
purpose belnfi to ascertain why agreements
to sell goods at certain prices have not beei
U\ory few weeks the members meet am
atjieo upon prices at which they will sel
their Roods. They not only flx the prices
but the terms ns well. At a meeting a few
weeks ago it was decided Unit sugar ehouli
bo bold at u certain prlco so that a cortali
per cent of profit would roault. Within a
week after the agreement the prlco of sugar
was cut. This cut brought on another until
now , when it Is contended that sugar Is sold
nt a llguro that is below the factory price ,
oven If bought in carload lots. Who IB to
blanio for having cut the price on sugar Is
the question that the groccre are trying to
To these who < lrlnk whisky for pleasure ,
HAHPiH whisky adds zest to existence. To
tboos who drink whisky for health's sake ,
11AHPI2H whisky makes llfo worth living.
Jolilicrx anil Itctiillrru IMnti tu Mnkc
H Trip ( < > tli bunny
Members of the Commercial club are con-
Rlderlng an excursion to the south , and al
ready much of enthusiasm Is being worked
up. The matter is In the hands of Secre
tary Utt , who hopes to Induce from 150 to
200 Omnliii business men to make the trip.
The Illinois Central railroad will bo run
ning its train * into Omaha as early as
January 1 , and enon nfter tlila date it is
proposed to go on the excursion , with New
Orleans as the objective polut. As jet the
ofllclals of tbo road have not been communi
cated with otllcially , but It is Known that
they favor the project , and will offer low-
rates. Onuilia business men favor the trip ,
ccntcndlng that with the coming of tha
pow road territory that has never been
tributary to Omaha Mil bo opened up and
that It Is nertfnary to cultivate the ac
quaintance of the people reading therein in
order to compete for aoino of the business.
.Noted DlvlnoK Coming to AiMM 111
Conferring tin ? Cliuroli
Wednesday morning ! n Trinity cathedral
Ilev. Arthur 1 * . Williams , formerly rector of
Christ's church , Chicago , will bo consecrated
bishop coadjutor ot the Episcopal church [ or
the dloscso of Nebraska. In Episcopal
church circles this Is regarded as a most Im
portant event and consequently It Is bringing
many noted dlvlncf to Omaha for the pur-
poco of assisting In or witnessing the cere
Hcv. Arthur L. Williams was elected coad
jutor bishop nt the annual convention of tha
Episcopal clergy In this city last summer.
His election was brought about by reason
of the fnct that nt that meeting Bishop
\Vorthlngton gave notice that the dloceso
had grown to such nn cxcnt that ho was no
longer able to look after the spiritual wants
of the churches In a manner satisfactory to
himself , ns hla health was In a falling con-
The coadjutor bishop Is nbout 4."i years of
i age. IIo was born In Canada and when . " ,
> cars of age Ills parents removed to Mlchl- I
gan. Educated In the cast. Mr. Williams ;
! came \\est and engaged in railroading In j
Colorado. Whllo there he studied for the <
Episcopal ministry and later finished hla
] course In the Western Theological seminary
I In Chicago After receiving the holy order. ?
of the church he returned to Colorado and
, preached for a number of years , later being
called to Chicago to fill the pulpit ot Christ's
The services attending the consecration of
Rev. Williams will begin at 7 o'clock
Wednesday morning with holy communion ,
to be followed with morning prayer at 9
o'clock. At 10 o'clock the consecration servIces -
Ices will begin , with Bishop Worthlngton
presiding. Those who will assist will be
Dlshop Mlllspnugh ot Kansas , Dlshop Spauld-
Ing of Cfilorndn , Hlshop McLaren ot Chicago ,
Illshop iMsnll of North Dakota , Ulshop Mor
risen of Iowa , Uov. Pardco of Chicago , Ruv.
McKim of Hartlngton , Hev. Lccke cf Chicago
cage , Dean Fair , Hev. Marsh of TrinU ? and
Ucv.'Young of St. Andrew's churches , Omaha.
Hlshop Worthlngton , whom Rev , Williams
Is called to assist , was born In 1810 , and was
educated for the ministry , llo occupied pul
pits In cities of the east until 1SS3 , when he
was appointed bishop to China. This he de
clined , nod n year later was clcctol bishop
ot Nebraska. During all his life he has been
a great church worker. When he carao here
he took up the work commenced by Bishop
Clarkson and carried It to a successful ter
mination. Of his own money ho has given
$70,000 to the church during his residence In
Nebraska , and has had much to do In adding
strength to the church. He has always been
a great frlond of young men and has done a
great deal In assisting them In their labors
n their respective churches.
Sutrrnl IiiU > r < > MtliiR MectliiK" < < > He
Held lu Trinity Cnthcdrnl ThlH
Afternoon mill ISvriiliiKT.
The consecration services of Bishop
Coadjutor Williams on "Wednesday In Trln-
ly cathedral will be ushered la by prcpara-
oryservices _ this afternoon and evening.
This" afternoon at 3 o'clock In Trinity
chapel the women of the church in Nc-
jrahka parishes and mlsalone will hold a
special business session , when a review of
uUblonary work will bo presented and 1m-
lortant action taken. This meeting is llm-
ted to women of the church. At 1 o'clock
n Trinity cathedral a general meeting will
jo held to consider church extension. It is
open to all men and women inlerested in
Christian expansion. Several of tbo visit-
Ins bishops will address this congregation
and It Is expected that the bishop coadjutor ,
Hev. A. L. Williams , will for the flrst time
; mbllcly participate in the church work In
ills new dloceso at this service. At 8
o'clock In the cathedral a. most unique and
interesting , public masa meeting will be
iield , when bishops and clergy from various
parts of the United States will give short
iddrcssca upon clerical life , Its difficulties
and successes throughout our country. The
speeches will bo limited to fifteen minutes
for each speaker.
On Wednesday at 10 a , m. the consecra
tion of Hlshop Coadjutor Williams will lake
place , preceded by Ihe administration of the
holy communion nt 9 o'clock.
An Iiitcriiiitloiml Fill orl < < - .
The New York Tribune says : Apenta , a
Hungailan aperient water , bottled at the
spiing , Budapest , Is a purgatlvo water , but
of a mild and non-Irritating character , duo
to the presence of a largo quantity of sul
phate of magnesia , considerably exceeding
the sulphate of soda. Prof. Althaus of
London , author of "Tho Spis of Europe , "
says that this Is an excellent combination ,
rendering the water superior to the other
aperient waters which contain too largo a
proportion of sulphate of soda. Analyses
made nt different times by Profa. Lleberman
of Budapest , Tlchborno of Dublin , and
Pouchet of Paris , point to the constancy of
the constituents of Apenta , confirmed by a
certificate of Prof.on Fodor.
Proffi. Altliaus , Bogoslowsky , Lancercaux
and Llebrolch lay great stress on the medical
supervision of the Apenta Springs , and the
constancy of the water ,
The name of the Apolllnarls company ,
which appears on the Apenta labels , la In
Itself a guarantee of quality , but with the
additional endorsements of the scientific
and medical men quoted hero It Is easy to
understand why Apenta ranks so high as
a luxutlvo and purgative , and Iff used In all
the principal hospitals of Uuropo and the
United States.
In Soon nn Il < IV < > H u llonil.
United States Marshal Thutnmel , who
has recently been appointed clerk of the
United States circuit court , | q Htlll at hi *
homo In Orund Island , but will nrrlvo In
the city Tuesday. No ono hern knows of
bis ilium , but bis friends Ray that ho will
furnish u bond at once and Hint Imme
diately after Its approval will tnko up the
duties of the new position.
Model Suits and Costumes by Worth , Meyer ,
Felix , Doucet and Other European Artists.
A ( irniul Hit run I n Oinirniil | | ( < j In I'nr-
eluiiu VITJ Iiati'tt liuiiortvil ( "rpii-
UOIIM In Iml lei"ciirlnur AI > -
linrel nt Thlril lleul Value ,
The success of our cloak and suit depart
ment Is duo principally to the showing ot
high grade ready-to-wear goods. U Is be
yond question that we will show tomorrow
the lineal cloaks , suits and millinery over
shown In Omaha. Our main purpose of ex
hibiting tlit u high cost Imported costumes
Is to further establish the supremacy of J.
L. Urandels & Fens ns to value giving
ns well as being the real fashion center.
TO fiS.OO.
100 reception and dinner gowns , all model
gowns In both silk and cloth material , no
duplicates , being distinctive creations that
command admiration , not only for exclusiveness -
ness and style , but for their reasonableness
In price. Wo ask your Inspection of these
stunning models , and you will see what we
can sell you fiom $2. > .00 up to ? ns 00.
LADIES' COSTUMES , $19.00 , $2..00. $33.00.
7o tailor made costumes , a superb collec
tion ot man-tailored suit1 ? , In all the latest
materials , made tight lilting , In plain goods ,
checks and mixtures , all of them silk lined
throughout , on sale nt $19.00 , J25.CO and $3. > .
LADIES' SKIRTS , $10.00 , $15.00 AND $25.00.
50 new stjlo walking skirts , silk skirts
f,0 new stjle walking skirts , silk skirts ,
all the new style close filling , flaring at the
bottom skirts , on sale at $10,00. $15.00 and
SAMPLE COATS luc to Itfc.
100 Famplo coats In the automobile , plae-
tot and loose lilting Jackets , the 3-1 length
coat. These aio all exquisite Imported bam-
plo coats , on sale from $15.00 to $35.00.
Indies' silk house gowns on sale at $10.00 ,
$13.00 and $25.00.
$12.00 WAISTS. $5.00.
It Is Impossible to descilbo the beautiful
styles of these silk waists , ns there- are
hundreds of different styles , all the new
effects. The silk In each waist is worth
more than for the ? price for today. Choice
of the entire lot $5.00.
Wo make this Tuesday's sale an occasion
for great millinery demonstration. There
are imported and exclusive creations , and to
make tLls millinery s > ale doubly attractive ,
wo will positively sell $23.00 hats at $15.00.
$15.00 hats nt $ C.flS.
N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts.
A ii n o 11 ne em eii ts.
One of the greatest atlractlons ever of
fered by the Crelghtou-Orplieum Iheater Is
the renowcd operatlo star , Tavary , who
opened her engagement on the Orphcum
circuit at the Omaha house on Sunday , when
hho received a great ovation. Tavary has
a most extensive repertoire and slnga some
of the choicest gems. Her costumes and
jewels attract great attention , especially
from the ladles. The program throughout
Is made up of excellent specialties and the
entertainment this week Is ono of the most
enjoyable yet offered at this popular play
house. New and striking pictures are be
ing shown by the blograph this week. The
blograph continues to bo n very popular
feature. There will bo a matinee tomor
row and on Saturday.
o.M.r rr nouns TO PACIFIC COAST.
I October ir Hie Union Pacific
will reduce the tlmo of Its fast train No. 1
"Tho Overland Limited , " 3 hours and 15
minutes between Omaha and San Francisco
Four hours and 13 minutes between Omaha
and Los Angeles.
Attention , Mucciiliccn !
You arc requested to meet at 17th and
Farnnm Tucbday evening to make arrange
ments for the funeral ot Sir Knight Alfred
Fabcr. M. J. LAWLESS , Com.
J. W. DOnn. P. C.
SiUn It < vtiiKC ,
Nat Danger , who was recently icllevcd eCO
$ CO while gelling- acquainted with Omaha
.ifter midnight , has llled n complain
against Alvrtlo Scott and Flora Urown
chaiglns them with grand larceny.
To MuKr Your \ VlfiI.oie You
Buy "Garland" Stoves and Ranges * .
nir.i ) .
KELLY Thomas , aged 7S years and
Funeral Wednesday morning1 , October IS
nt S.30 o'clock from the family residence , 202
Bancroft street. High muss at St 1'utilck
church Interment nt Holv Sepuleher ceme
tery. Mr. Kelly lias lived In Om.ih.i for a
number of years and Is the father of James
Frank and John. Friends Invited. N
Wo have the kind with WIRI
Also tbo kind shown by cut vvhlc
are attached by rubber tape thes
are We for double and ICe fo
single add Cc if sent by mall
Write for Drug and Rubber Good
Sherman & McComiell Drug Co
J.1 1 ! ! Undue Mrcrl , Omaha.
This Is the name of the Iliullngton's faslctt and finest train D
from Omaha to Chicago. 8
U leaves tbo Durllngton Station , Omaha , at 7:15 : a. m. and
arrives at Chicago 9 25 p. m. SAME DAY there connecting
with trains for all points east.
The equipment is new thtoughout , and consists of a library e
car , a sleeping car , a diner and two reclining chair cars. o
The service U superb as good as that of ANY train on the H
continent. U
t H
H 9
B > \a \
Ticket onice IlnrlliiKton Station- *
a aH
r.oa rnrnniu St. . 10th anil JIiiHiiu SI * . ,
e H
Telephone U5O. Telephone 1110 ,
[ m EOH H HOH H8HOeiV8 B ae
: < i AVOMIJV * rimnr.s rr.nrnrT
.Vtiiorlcnn I.iuiy ( "firm * ! ( o.S
rittpr nnil nciimintriilor lloniulm
At the earnest requests of so many of our
patrons we have prevailed upon Mrs. Tcrgn- !
on , the greatest expert titter and demon-
trator of women's corsets , to remain ono j
eek longer nt our store. [
You will find her In the corset department ,
hero she will explain all there Is to know
[ jotlt the celebrated
KIT YOU nuc : or CHAitnn.
Recognizing the fact that It Is impossible
or a dress to fit unless the corset docs , wo
ordlally Invite you lo take advantaRO of
nr Immense- display nml sale ot corsets and
et fitted perfectly.
nosTON' sToun , OMAHA ,
N" . W. C'or. ICth and Douglas Sis.
Ickela will bo on sale by the Missouri Pa-
Ific lullvvny October 17 at half rates , plus
2 , for the rnmid trip , to points In the Hnnth ,
outhcaat and southwest. Tor full Informa-
lon address company's ofllccs , nouthrnst
orncr Fourteenth and Douglas , or depot ,
'Iftecnth and Webster streeU' . j
T. 1' . OODFIinY ,
J. 0 , PIIILUPPI , P. T. A. i
A. 0. F. & P. A.
See C. Hudson's real estate list In to- '
will Inaugurate now train service and will
ednco the time of TIIH OVBRLAN'I ) MM-
TKD , TRAIN' NO. 1. between OMAHA ,
HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. lletwecn
Omaha and Los Angeles , FOUR HOURS
Only 57 Hours
ItnfTct SmoUIiiK
mid I.llirnn Carn
tilth lliirher Simp.
rvcii'MC TOAST.
KlL'Kunt I'nlnco bleeping Cnr .
Dlnliu ; Curs
Chair CnrN.
1302 Farnain Street.
n v\nnv
TitoMK \ Mlk Snlr In Oil.
lllaek and colored rarconnc sllka , l c ,
black figured silk" , good and heavy , Jtic , 21-
ineh all silk taffetas , all colors , ! V > o , all silk
iblack satin dtioliMse , 4Uc ; fancv waist silk ,
worth up 1o $200 , at f.Oc , plain black all
silk taffeta nt ioc. The big sale on the flneJt
lot of high clnss black dre. a silks baa < au irl
n grP.U sriiMtlon. Just think of It , all kinds
and weaves ot best black silks , worth up to
$200 per jard , all go at less than half , only
fiSe. Wo are headquarters for the famous
Wluslow taffeta.
r.s noriis TO POIITI.AM )
Yin I tildii I'ncllto.
Compare this Unit- with other lines and
see how much quicker It I ? .
. Huffct cars , palace sleepers and chair cars
City ticket office , 1302 Parnam strcel.
for a person to claim that there la no other
! nerve tonic so good as
W J3&13J *
but In t-'omo cases It's true and It may be
In jour ease. I'urlty Itself a stimulant
recommended by phjslclans for all classes
of frail people recognised by phjslclans as
the brat possible beer for joung mothers
a milk producer unequalled and nn appetizer
of known mcilt , all go lo prove the high
standard of this celebrated malt extr.ict.
Wholesome , delicious , palatable hermeti
cally healed in quart or pint bottles. Try a
KKK : IIKHAVIM : < o. .
Tel.120. . 1007 Jackson Street.
Teeth foicver past when you have had teeth
extracted with VITLIZED AIR. as jotl feel
no pain , leaves no after-effects and can be
taken by any one. Only mace and given
by us In the citi.
r.\i-netltiK . ur.c.
Altnli/eit Air . r.Oc
' 1'eetli ( leaned . 7.iu
Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
l. > 1 Street.
Now is the time to buy one of those
beautiful Steinway , Ivers & Pond ,
Vose , Emerson , Steger or Pack
ard Pianos at actual cost.
$500 PIANOS AT $350
$ ; j)0 ( ) PIANOS AT $185
S275 PIANOS AT $1:39 :
'E also have a number of slightly iibqd Chicken-ing , Kimball and
other medium grade Pianos on bpccial hale. Square pianos and
organs from $ -5 upwards. Easy monthly rmvmonts. Every in
strument fully guaranteed as represented or money refunded. New
Pianos for rent. Pianos tuned , repaired , exchanged and moved. Lowest
rates. Telephone 1025. Out of town purchasers should write- for cat
alogues , prices and terms , and secure ono of these high grndo Pianos at
iv price never before quoted in Omaha.
Steinway & Sons Representatives. I3I3 FARNAM ST ,
Great sale on the famous "Brooks' ' Bros , " Rochester
make of Ladies' ' fine Shoes
iniiko Ladies' llnost
imiUo Ladies' I'\no
quality Vlci Kid
Vlci Kid Lnco Shoos , hand turned sliooH ,
flexible turn soles , lured , with newest
Now London kid tips coin toes , straight
kid tips , bilk top fiic-
made to soil for
ins and boil lining's ,
Si.00 , on sale this ,
made to soil for $1,50
week at Bale prlco this wool :
Ladies' ' Vici Kid Lace Shoes New stylish kid tips , single
flexible soles , stylish cut , made to sell for $3 tf J C&
Ladies' ' Fine Black Reaver FaitstsVitli fur trimmings and
nice felt linings and low heels , a line house shoe , OOfi
made to sell for $1.25 , on sale at OOt-/
Misses' ' Fine Jonjola Kid Shoes Lace , with double fair
stitched soles , coin toes and kid tips , a h'neschool tfjfl &h/k
shoe , made to sell at § 2.00 , on sale at © e * &P
Child's Fine Donuola Kid Lace Shoes With turn flexible
solos and patent calf tips , si/.es 5 to 8 , worth
fully $1.00 , on sale at ,
Infant's Fine Tan Kid Soft Sole Shoes In lace and button ,
sold for f > 0c everywhere , our sale
"Little Gents' " Fine Box Calf Lace Shoes Made on the ne
English last , with fine goat tips and spring heels , (
made to retail at $1.73 , sale price this week .
fc' '
for visiting the store. The fruits of our careful
buyers are showing up on imisso. The time is
opportune for lho shrewd buyer. There is new
ness and brightness in the gathering. In the
choosing of the store's stock , buyers have been
along lines that are sure to bring new triumphs
to its retailing.
The collection Is marked by a char-1 ffBp \ \ [ BIATQ
ncler of usefulness that the to can't < uULi IlI / I O
miss A stock that Hews anil ebbs
ceaselessly nlwnvs reaching to the The slock today presents a com
limits of your wishes. ahva > . Interest- pleteness that's surprising The richest
Inn In Its extent and completeness
est s-oit the 8on on will produce are
and now comes thn other side of the
In now and arc here at price reductions
Hlory the price fide.
tions that are lower than ever. To
Boys' 2-Piece Suits appreciate the offering take a few e -
nmples and let thcsu represent a
Double-breasted , medium and light hundred other * .
colors three otitsldi and two liiRlde
pockets the materlils of this null '
Ladies' fedoras
Is flr -class l In every sense , worth lu
most stoies $3 , hero
? 1 00. $1,0 $2 no all nicely trimmed
for .
all new and the lateat styles Wo
Others nt ? 2 25 , ? 2.oO , ? 2.7."i , $3.00
and up. aio showing today LADY'S FRDO-
K \S l'ancy pleated Persian silk
Boys7 Vestce Suits trimmed large quill worth all over
to-ii $ .1 2for s.ile In our/
Lirpo pquarp cut Sailor c"llar trlm- r2.00
nid with braid new hat Btore .
stajed pockets- - double
le seat patent riveted buttons In a
full assortment of pat- -g Ladies' ' Fedoras
terns , only . i
Velvet i.lcated iKinds larpro Wing
Boys' ' Vestee Suits satin lined sells in most stores for
? 3.M our prlco
Illuo wide wall Roods satin facing 2.90
. ,
i Icely trlmmeil voslco tilmmcd in V only
thape with combination trimming ' o
largo square cut h.illor Ladies' Fedoras
collar - I
" \Vldo black Ixind with
' Vestce and wing witln lined new
Boys' Suits and chic , only 2.25
In a choice line of patterns trim-
n cd with narrow silk cord braid on | Ladies' ' Neckwear
collar vestee and -sleeves The- fab
ric Is bright and strong coirerllj I No\\cht bits of neckwear for wom-
nnde worth $3.nO our i i en lace trimmed scarfs of mull ,
I pointed d'esprlt , chiffon , nnd oilier
Boys' Vestee Suits prctly effects , colored liberty silk ties
now nscots , puff l-ln-haud , etc.
Gems of beaut > Imported fancy
bulling nicely trimmed with braid Ladies' ' Collars
ornaments fancy vests latest style
dressey as well as dutable real Wo carry a complct line of ladles ,
value $7.00 hero
linen nnd block collars and at prices
about half what jou find elsewhere.
Wc'vo other vestee suits nt $3.00 ,
Tomorrow wo talk ladles' cloaks
? 3 HO and up the only question about ,
' It j-ou haven't made selection
jour boy's clothing Is where can you your
get the best values for the least to 'twill pay you to visit this depart
pay. ment.
New Waist The Best
Ladies' waists in the Town
made from the
Our $10.00
celebrated Skin
et , in till colors ,
ner's satin ; 10 rows Sldnnor's satin
of cording , form lined ; see them
ing a "V shape Malting the in our window
in front ; 12 rows worth $15.00 ; cut-
of cording in back Fur Fly Furs selected price $10.00 )
new sleevewar-
; - ed with
ranted lo wear such care Ludicb' hand *
shown only by us ! that we can guarantee every Berne suits in
made to .sell .11 $8.00 ; garment ; In such big assort prays , browns &
our Introducing ments that we can supply every olher mixtures it
price only want and at such favorable op plain colors ; inndo
portunities for spot cash that we to hell for $15.00 ;
can name prices unthought of ealo price
in the ordinary store. $10.00
Ladles' Sheared Cony Collarettes ,
ror 1.98
Ladles' Rlectrlc Seal Collareltes lined
Skinner's Satin , worth $3.00 , for 2.48
Ladles' niectrlo Seal Collarelteswith Muf-
lloon border and collar , made to Bell for
$10.00 , on sale at . 4.98
Ladles' -Marten Collarcttw , made to sell for
$1L'.00 , on sale for . 6.50
Ladles' Krimmcr Collarettes , very best qual
ity at . 7.50
Ladles' Stone .Marten Collarettes
at 12.98
Ladles' Heaver Collarettes , at J18.00 , $20,00
and . $25
Lidlch' Oentilno Seal Collarettes ,
at . 998
Ladles' .Muffs at Jl.CO up.
to $20
Ladles Astrakhan Capon nt ? in 00 $20 ' 00
$25.00 , ? 30.00 , J 13.00 and . ' $50
Selling more Furs than all the other
stores in Omaha combined
Millinery Sale
Another invoice of quills on sale at Ic each.
Ask to see our now Ostrich Tips. ' * vtt
A handsome line o.f new Fedoras on sale Tuesday.
At 7fic and § 1.25 , we are showing the swellest golf hats
oner brought to Omaha. Others are asking § 1.50 and § 1.75
for the name hats.
"Thc > lit ihe ( ict us r.amre Intended. '
.in\viss : uvr.iUMf suons
DrrNN I Infrc ( ( oiiitorhililj .
You have m-vir pni't > . < ) | , trft > ii f , .t-roni-
furl unit" * jou liav w jrn tm fair .8 "Jfii-
jicv Miller ' ShioH
'I IK j tun i > rn , iu I bunlanx mul rnaliK
} uii to walk un > 'll.-n.iii. ' i wl'huat ' jiUi
No other < lrul > r jma ' Jciiiicta Ml.l i
Shoes ur their criuui
If.'l.r.K I-air. i\lra : iiuiilllj , , ' . ( ! ( )
bliou Co. , I'J5 DuiiKlun bt ,
Chap Season Here.
Not the parlur chap , but the ono when
Iho ekln begins to roughen , tliu f.ico takes
a reddish tinge and the lingers feel sere
and track a little I'leasu re-member wo
lurry everything to relieve the above
COo Hind's Honey of Almonda 400 '
Uu Kurek.i Cream , , , , , 0o
2So Witch Hd cl Cream 20o
25o 1'roetllU , , . gOj
25c n&py'e Cream , , , , 200
f.Oo Milkweed Cream o
< j
26e Host-leaf I/itltn 20cj . - .
I 25o Paty Cold Cream oj a
| OUn OWN Cold Crearo , per ounce iQj " 0 , ? * ! >
viitv : NICU. 9) \ \
I HosettBter and Olycerlne , per pint COo
Tincture lienzuln , per ounce joe i
nf 4 i
Cocoa Itutter. per uunco io3
J. A , Fuller 6c Co. ,
Cut Price Druggists ,
14th ; uid Donglim StHt
Open All Night. l
t < 1