THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER ,1. ISOf ) . STCCWLJOTjCK Ad > rrilNriii'MitN for III mo column * will * In tnUen tmlll 12 in , fur the fvcnliiw cilUlon nml until HillO p. m. tor tiiornliiK nml Stinilnv edition. Rn i' , 1 i 2c n trciril llrnt Inxcrtlont lo n word ( lutrcniiur. Autlilnu Inkcti for ICHM ttin 11 liftu for flic flrnt Inner * tlon. TICMO ) intvcrtliiciiiciitB must bo run coiiHcuutlvely. AilvcrtlniTit , lir rrnnestlnn ft num- Iiprcil check , cnn iinvc nn wcm ml- tlrii'il to n niiinliercil letter In euro The Ret1. AiiNwerii no nililrcuncd ll lie delivered uii prcNcntntlon of the ehrvk on I jr. WANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel. 11U. Help furnished , positions procured. A 125 A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call up the Remington typewriter ofllce , 1619 Farnam. St. , telephone J6i3. A < 2S WA. * i2n MALE HUM' . BUSINESS men continue to call on Boyles College , Bee Building , for stenographers. It Is no experiment. Tel. 19SI. B-19l-Oct.2 .WANTED . , Wo have steady work lor n few /rood hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. P. Adam * Co. , 1619 Howard St. OFFICE boy wanted. 1521 Dodge.B B M214 A GOOD coat maker wanted. Graham Bros. & Co. , Auburn , Neb. B MSOo "WANTED , coat and pants makers. 1507 Farnam st. B-M373 3 * HEN , our Illustrated catalogue explains how wo teach barber trade in eight weeks , mailed free. Molcr Barber Col lege , 6hlcago. III. B-M371 6" WANTED , salesman to call on grocery trade In this and surrounding towns for ji Chicago house ; one having established trade or grocery clerk preferred ; must give bond. Address D 11 , euro Lord & Thomas , Chicago. B M1G8 7 * SALESMEN A good salesman In every town to sell Gramophones , scnles , etc. Write for particulars. CARLISLE MFG. CO. . Chicago. B-M419 4 * \ WANTED , twenty first class carpenters , 33c an hour , steady work. Enquire at 17th fi Davenport , nt loth & Howard , at. Metz Bros. New Brewery or nt my olllce , 429 Ranigo Block. Henry Unman. B-M417-3 * W 'ANTED. a good blacksmith. B. C. Wal ter , Norfolk , Neb. B-M510 7 * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't prc- H tre for nny civil service or census ex amination Without seeing our catalogue of Information. Kent free. Columbian Correspondence College , Washington , D. C. B M50S 3' COLLECTORS AND DETECTIVES , local or traveling. Opportunity to enrn good Income while learning profitable profes sion. American Association , Box 43C , Indianapolis , Ind. B CIS WANTED , five good press bricklayers nt Blair High school : six weeks work. Blair High School , Blair , Neb. B-237-30 WANTED , experienced lln < n salesman Apply at Boston Store , Omaha. B 574-3 WANTED , broker or specialty salesman to handle folding paper boxes , for clothIng - Ing trade. Address L 10 , Bee. B M575 WANTED , a shipping nnd b'lllng ' clerk ! jnust have experience. Answer with ref erence. Address L 12 , Bee. B M5S3 3 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 723 GIRL wanted. Hlxenbaugh , 500 Ware block. C-M266 INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for useful , profitable business ; call between 11 and 6. Mrs. E. E. Allen , 723 N. Y. Life. C-MB21 Octl4 WANTED , an energetic , tnorough business man nnd woman with small capital to manage nnd hold supplies for n state olllco for an eastern wholesale house. Rooma BO nnd i > l , Brunswick hotel. C-M&IG 3 * WANTED , good dining room girl nt Emmett - mett House , 1521 South Sixth street. Coun cil Bluffs. C M533 3 WANTED , girl for general housework small family. Call nt 828 S. 21t st. C-537 2 * WANTED , experienced cook nnd Inundress In smalt family. 2037 Dodge St. 5 C-245-30 COMPETENT girl for general housework 3 in family ; wages $4 ; good steady place for right girl. 2002 Poppleton Avo.CS72 C-S72 3 WANTED , a good dressmaker to work in the IIOUHO : call betweton 11 and 2 nnd i and 7. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. C 573 3 COOK wanted. 2211 Howard. C-6C6 S WANTED , n girl for general housework , Apply morning. 2(11 ( Capitol ave. C-M578 6 YOUNO lady attendant. Apply nt once n The Now Hygiene Institute , 220 Bee bldg C M594 3 * WANTED , ten teachers or smart , ener getlo business women wno mean bus ! ness , to travel or open offices nt Sal Lake , Kansas' City nnd Dullim. Room CO Brunswick hotel. C < M5SS 5 * FOR HUNT HOUSES. , CHOICE houses , cottages , stores , Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life , 'Phone , 1016. D-733 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell man. 2403 St. Mnry's nvo. D M233 HOUSES , s'oiet. BcmU , Paxton block. D-732 HOUSES. Benoiva & Co. , 106 N , 15th St. D-730 MACGAUU van & storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel 1496. D-735 FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms nil modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Pax ton block. D-M2J7 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of iclty The O , F , Davis Co. , 1603 Furnam street D 733 FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. 11th street D-M153 I R. CHOICE , near tha Morrlam. 36 U. S Bunk bldg. D MS53 HOUSES for rent In all parts ot the city Bremmn-Luve Co. . 219 Houth 16th street. D-411 FINE.12-room residence , nil modern con venlences , Finely finished , hut wnto fiytem Mealing ; on motor lino. 413 N. 25th J. T. Clarke , 819 Bd. Trade. D-825-Oet.-4 D-KOOM house for rent. S2S So , 2Jd Street D-151-27' FLAT , 6 rooniH. 417 So , llth St. 314 Flr8 Notional Bank Bidg. D-152 HOUSES. J3 up. Chrla Boyer. 2123 fuming D-.MbSI 022 * E-ROOM house , 1931 So. llth St. D-23S.Q1 * 1137 S. 2STH. S-room , nil modern , new fur naee , newly papered , In fine condition rent $35 per month ; really desirable real deuce anil location. Omaha Loan und Jl'ruat Co. . 16th and Douulaa. D-M193 NEW 9-room residence , very 11nent mmleri improvement ! , , gas anil electric light heated by latest hot wnter system , ho and cold , city und soft water , laundrj cement calling and walks , 2I1S Hamilton rent , J35.00 ; apply next door ; positive ! the best equipped home In Omaha. D-270 Oct3 PARTV leaving city will rent their 10-roon t modern brick reasonable to right tenant ' H conveniences and strictly first class 1031 So. 30th.-Ave. , W. D. Mead , Jr.D391 D-391 FOR RENT. 7-rooin cottage , furnace , c'.t ' and cistern water. 2207 Sherman Ave 27,00. Win. J. Welshana , Agent , SOU S. 171 ( ROOM cottage , barn , large yurd. we and cistern , 2117 Davenport st. Inqulr Jos. Goldsmith , l&G Furnam at.D . D M63i 6' KOIl IIHXT HOUSES. I-OR RENT , S-room modern house : cen tral location. Inquire luffl No. Ifith. D-M5S1 4 'OR RENT , 8-room modern house. 42S Xo , 41st , 22. -room house nnd barn , 2764 Grant st. , in. room house nnd barn , 3211 Maple at. ; will repair ; $10.R. R. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Fnrnnm st. D-M577 1 'OR RENT , 4-room cottage on Sth St. , near Bancroft st. , ; . , A. P. TUKEY , Board of Trnde. D M5i6 4 i-ROOM house , close In. Inquire 1512 Dnv- cnport. D 65o3 FOR Hi\T KUIlMSlinU ROOMS. HE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best J1.50 house In Neb. ; take Harney or Farnam car ROOMS , with or without b ar Davff. "URNISHED rooms tor gentlemen ; rcf. rcq. 1701 Cap. Ave. E-212-Oet.7 T1IIIEE furnished rooms for housekeeping ; man nnd wife ; rent tnkcn In board. 313 ROOMS. 1900 Capital Avenue. E-190-2 * STEAM ITEAT , furnishes ! front rooms , nil mortal n conveniences. 317H North 15th St. . Flat E. E-M197 Oct6 1 MEALS for 14.00 fit the now Brunswick Hotel Cafe. E MG71 O16 ROOMS , modern. 25SO Harncy st. E M376 13 * OK RENT , furnished pnrlor ixnd tietlroom ; strain liPnt ; free baths ; for gentlemen , 917 > 4 S. 13th. E-M423 3 * THREE nicely furnished rooms. modern , for light housekeeping. 1550 Sherman nvc. E M45fi 3 * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2C23 : St. Mnry's avenue. E MB50 10 * DESIRABLE room ; modern conveniences ; In quiet family ; to gentlemen only. 2303 Douglas St. E-5IS FOR RENT , nloely furnished rooms , mod ern ; board , 1C desired. 510 N. 23rd st. E-M5S2 3 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ELEGANT rooms & hoard. 1003 Capitol nvo. F 740 THE Morrlam family hotel. 23th and Dodge. F-M592 ROOMS and board , steam heat. 1C-18 Hnr- ney. F-M742 O17 BRUNSWICK Hotel Cnfo Is now open. F-MCT4 O16 509 S. 23TH AVE. , rooms ; nrlvnto fnmllv. F-M113 Oct. 23 NICE room and bonrd , reasonable. 2100 Cass. F-217-Oct.25 FOR TU5XT. room nnd board In private family. C23 N. 20th St. F M42i ( 3' FURNISHED rooms with board. 31fi South 26th street. F M4G4 7 * FOU RENT IJNFlJRNISIIEn ROOMS. 2 FRONT rooms , light housckeenlng. Kill Lenvenworth. G M230 OctS * TO man and wife without children , 2020 St. Mnry's ave > Q 2S9 TWO ROOMS , light housekeeping. TO Mnrcv. G-M54 ! ) 3 * FOH RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FIRST-CLASS store * . $10 tn $30. Furnished barber shop , 3 chairs. $10. HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE. I M192 FOR RENT , sto'e In first-class location : rent reascnablo. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground Boor Bee Bldg. T 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vnult built for life of city treasurer. Ap ply R .C. Peters 4 Co. , ground floor. Bee Building. T 267 AGENTS WANTED. "BEST" gasoline gas lamps ; world's larg est factory ; agents wanted In every town. The "Best" Light Co. . 318 S. 15th. Omaha. J M220 Oct. 27 EXPERIENCED organizers for Missouri , Oklahoma. Ind. Ter. or Ark. This Is a progressive , order , making good paying contracts with experienced solicitors Acme Fraternal Union , Sedalia , Mo.J J 1 WHY NOT MAKE $30 PER WEEK ? Salesmen are making $30 to $75 a week with our beautiful new panoramic albums , "Fighting In HIP Philippines , " nnd "Our Now Possessions" You can easily do so. Each nlbuni contains ICO magnificent largo photographic reproductions of stir ring , pathetic and humorous scenes of camp and battlefield , portraits of promi nent war heroes , native pictures , noted points ot Interest , scenery , etc. Thomas M. Anderson , brigadier general , U. S. A. , says : "The engravings are both faith ful and picturesque. " Heavy Ivory-finish ipnper ; handsome covers ; exquisite works of art. One man sold 150 first day Everybody buys It ; generous commission. Ono complete album ( paper cover ) , 12 cents : both albums , 20 cents ; cloth bind ing , 33 cents each : both , CO ccntK. Order new ; don't waste time In correspondence ; money refunded If not absolutely satis factory. Catalogue free. Manuscripts promptly examined. F. Tennyson Nccly , publisher. 111 Fifth nvc. , New York. J-M5S9 3 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. Wn want one good ngent , either man or woman , In oery town In the United States 10 take orders for men's , women's and children's waterproof mackintoshes and raincoats , also ladles' waterproof skirts and capes. Men and women make $10.00 tc $50.00 a week In their own tovyn taking orders for our waterproof gar ments. Wo furnish large samples , beauti fully Illustrated sample book and com plete outfit. Instruct you how to do the work hiid piiy you once a week In cash. For particulars mall this notice to the Dundee Rubber Corporation , Chicago , III. J WAXTKIJ TO HKNT. GOOD six or seven-room flat ; prefer walkIng - Ing distance from postofllce ; also stenm heat ; references. K 67 , Bee. K Ml9.1 I * A YOl'NG man desires n plnco to work for board while attending HChool. I11. . Bee , K M5SO PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage nnd forwarding. 741 WAXT131J TO IJUY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur. nlture Cu. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N743 N-743 WANT to buy a choice AVtst Farnum st. home. Address J 37 , Bee. N-M626 WANTED , to buy a house and lot In south part of city , east of 21th st. Address J 42 , hee. N-M562 W \NTED. email amount of Omaha Sav ings bank accounts. Address L 7 , care Bee. noon , stating price. N 559 1,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le- vlne. Drop card and man will call. High est market price. 301 N. 16th. cor. Dav. N-MS03 019 WILL purchaBC a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan- IMVO Co. , 219 S. 16th st. N-M197 BARGAINS. C. F. Harrison & Geo. T. Morton. N-1S5-O-25' WANTED TO BUY-Soldlers who entered homesteads before June 22 , 1874 , of less than 160 ncres are entitled to additional land and can assign their right ; I am paying the very highest price for these rights ; widows also entitled. Address HlrHin A. Sturges , Douglas Block. Omaha , Neb. N-238 Oct2 1 WANT to buy n second hand dray. Ad dress N. P. Brown , Box & 2 , ItogerB. Neb , N-M501 3 GOOD folding bed cheap for cash ; state price. L 8 , Bee. N-5S7 2 * 1I1CYCMSS. NEW und second-hand bicycle * at half price. Louis Fk-schcr , 1S22 Capitol ave. FOR SAMS KU11MTUUI3. STOVES. SOTVES : see Us before you deal Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1496. I 0-S11-019 UK CARRY the largest line of second hand stoves nnd hcnters. You can buy them for little money. ' J. Lewis , lul South 14th. O-S31 O31 SMALL range , good ns new. 1712 Jackson. 0-M5934 * KOH SAIICIIISI > S AM ) Vr.lllCl.liS. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. i - " " 741 A NICE black mare , coming 5 years old ; weight 1,230. 1203 Howard st. P-M520 3 FOR SALE , fine family mare , harness and nearly new phaeton. K 62 , Bee.PM1IO3 P-M1IO-3 * FOR SALIC MISCEMA.MOUS. CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing nnd hog fence. D01 Douglas St. Q-745 FINI3 Stelnway upright piano for snlo cheap ; cash or time payments. Address J 47. Bee olllce. Q-MS82 Oct. 16 SAFES-Buy sell , exchange. "iHSriSth , . St. B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 , Plants , cut flowers bouqcts , hall , resi dence , wedding nnd grave decorations. Ordcri by mall or express promptly filled. Q 151 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & llcConnell Drug Cfo. , 1513 Dodge St.Q Q ,46 FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for B cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q i5Z ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Co. Buffs. Q M311 INDIAN relics ; mountcfl heads. 1116 Farnam HOG , poultry , lawn nnd field fencing ; nil wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St.Q Q 747 ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1116 Farnnm. Q ,48 REPAIRS ana parts for every sowing ma chine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. . 16th nml Harney. Q-M1S8 Oct6 FOR SALE , 12-gnugo hammerless Rcm- mlngton , nearly new. K 61 , Bee. Q-M4I1-3 * NEW bicycles , $15.00. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th nnd Harney , Q M4S2 7 FOR SALE , a very line Jersey cow ; Just the thing for n family : Just fresh ; also a Jersey cow 4 months fresh nnd n bull calf 4 months old. At 2S2G Webster St. St.Q670 4' SECOND-HAND Sewing Machines : Domestic , good condition , $12.50. American. $8.00. White , $12.50. Singer , High Arm , $10.00. Wheeler & AVIIson. $5.00. Standard , perfect condition , $13.00. Singer , $3.00. White , $5.00. Wheeler & Wilson , $3.50. White , $10.00. Union , $ S.OO. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th & Hnrney. Q-MI77-3 NOTICE Country dealers , 2d hand furn'tre & stoves nt lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. R 755 CALENDERS for 1900. Burkley Printing Co. R 392-O29 CLAIRVOYANTS. DR. L. R. HARRIDEN CLAIRVOYANT , LIFE READER , OCCULT SCIENTIST. FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE. BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful in love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. ; locates mines , buried treasures ; cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil influences , etc. UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never falls to cnuse speedy nnd happy marriages ; guarantees success In all cases. cases.RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR. HARRIDEN diagnoses cases by merely touching the patient. Instantly lo cating the seat of trouble , nnd by his wonderful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing the cnuse ; a speedy cure Is the result In all cases. PERMANENT RESIDENCE , C02 S. IfiTH ST. , COR. 'JACKSON. ALL WHO CANNOT CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN WRITE , INCLOSING STAMP FOR PARTICULARS. Hours , 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. : lady attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. OPEN SUNDAYS. REFERENCES : Best banks , merchants nnd business men in the city. S M5S6 3 * VIENNA lortunn teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S 909 OJ 1IM13. GYIiMER , genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge S 756 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th. S-M710 FREE TEST ! FREE TEST ! Good news for nil. So sure nm I of my power of telling the past , present nnd future I will give n few free tests to nil who wish a rending ; skeptics invited. Seer , phrenologist , nstroloflst , palmist , Prof. Elmer Hull. Known from ocean to ocenn ns the White Mnhntmn ; asking no questions , ho tells name of your future husband or wife ; whether the one you love Is true or false. Seventh pen and has the power of nny two me diums ; tells you what your trouble ) Is ; every hidden mystery revealed ; when you will marry : whnt is needed for HUCCCSS In business , love , marriage , speculation , chnnges , divorce , IOBFCH , wills , pensions , etc. Thousands of my pntrons have been made happy that I have never seen. Stamp Insures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1615 Chicago .st. S-500 1 JIASSAlilS AND 1IATII5. MRS BERRY , BATHS , MASSAGE Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp. p. O. . 2nd floor. T M212 Oct. 26 * 1IME. AMES , R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths ' T-M717 O17 MISS DE CAMG , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ittt-class patronage solicited. 1G15 Howard , 3d floor. T M7B4 O18 MME. Lee , baths , massage , parlor , 302 N. 16 T-M19S Oct6 ' ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnarn , Upstairs , flrst-class baths , mnssnge , magnolia treatment. Lady attendant ! * . T M195 OctlO * MME. SMITH , room 2. 118& North I5th. T-219 Oet 3 MISS JUNE , massage ; baths : Arabian 'treatment ' ; attendant. 313& N. loth : Mat J. T M500 12 * PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U-769 M. MONHBIT. leading chiropodist , treats all dllir.anta of feet , botn ladlea & gentlemen. Ladles' hnlrdresBlns. hair goods & toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp , face hands or feet ; 20 years experience. 10 years in Omaha ; bent equipped establishment In city. 1510 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor U-757 VIAVI Is roman'a way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U-761 MISS MAYER.HURGEON-CHIROPODIST" manicure , halrdresalng ; Instruction In above professions reasonable. 400 Paxlon blk ' -247-Oct. 7 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluoua hair removed by electricity. Hoom 12 Frenzer block. U-753 FINE hardwood floors , parquetry work Guaranteed , beat reference In town right prices. Frank Sevlck , 193S S. ISth Omhaa * TT vn\ \ , > . " _ . * NIU _ * U-5CH Oct. 13 BATHS , massage. Mine , Post , 319H S. 15th U-M173 IlELIABLF home for ladles before and during confinement , and treatment of nil troubles peculiar to women. Address P O. Box 757 , Omaha. U-M5JS Octl5 ' FOR money * ee Pleosants , 51 Barker blk. U-AISSS O22 TRU.MC KACTOIIV. BEE OUR trunk traveling bagi , ault cases. I Trunks repaired , Omaha Trunk factory , I 120 } Farnam. - 602-016 1'niiso.v.u. . f JOHN , If you will buv me a doi. banltters ' (25c ( ) I will meet you at the Brunswick , Hotel Cafe nnd all will b forgiven. Mnr > ' . JJ-M673 016 FACIAL mnssnge , Me ; halMresMng , 3Sc ; shampooing , S5c nnd 50c. Miss Hubbnrd , 415 McCngUR. building. U-M141 OS FOR PARTIES , etc. , engngo Edison's Grand Concert Phonograph , with 50 selec tions nnd operator , $8 per evening. Leave ordero 3 days In ndvnnco with the Omaha Phonograph Co. , 319 N. 16th , dealers in phonograph i chords nr-d supplies. Write for catalogue. U M175 Oct. 25 WILL exchange sewing machine for bicy cle. Nebraska Bicycle Co. , 15th and Hnr ney. U-M225 01 PLEATING nnd plcnted skirts of nil kinds. M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas blk. U-268 Oct2S RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; bnblca adopted. 2211 Sewnrd. Tel. 2233. U-M3S3 023 DR. DAVIS , specialist , Idth nnd Dodge. RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Empire Rtipturo Cure , P32 N. Y. Life , Omnlm. U-551 O31 MONI2V TO I.OAX HKAti 11STAT12. MONEY to loan on flrst-class Improved city iruperty or for building purposes. Payne- larder Co. . N. Y Life. 1V-762 MORTGAGES. Wallace. 314 Brown Block , W-773 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 319 So. 1CU. W-7M BROKERb , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting enstetn money should write for clrculi.r. Investors' Directory , New York. W-167 6 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. W-77B MONEY to loan on Nebraska snd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 768 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In lown , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.V.L W-772 FIVE PER CENT money on or before five ycari on Nebraska lamia and Omaha real estate. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. 15th St.W775 W-775 5 , 64 , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1643. W-774 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk , W-763 6 PER cent loons. Garvln Bros. , 1C13 Farnnm W-770 Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smltr & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W 7b6 CHEAP MONEY. HARRISON & MORTON. W-750-O-17 * $100 TO K.OOO. V. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas. W-7G5 WANTED , city and fnrm loans ; also bonds and warrnntB. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnjm St. , Bee Bldg. W 771 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W 769 2ND mtg. on farms. Prltchard , 21 S. iSth st. W-M579 Nov2 fllO.MiY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without- endorsement or secur ity ; strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing see us , ns you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only incorporated loan company In Omaha , F. W. Truax , Msr. . 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 10th and Far nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 783 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker blk X 782 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. OmahnXoan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 781 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 70S N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horseo , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 12 to 0:30 : p m. X M3S5 O29 MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES , CARRIAGES , WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. i ou can pay the money back In any amounts you wish nnd at nny time. Each payment BO made lessens the coat of carrying the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 30G SOUTH 1CTH STREET , MONEY -MONEY X 101 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser , mortfr or security of any kind. Cn re- pay Jn cany weekly or monthly payments , Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jenntngs.MBr. _ . suite 625-526 N. Y . "LTf'o Bldg. X 780 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with re sponsible firms without mortgage or KC- curity of nny kind except their own names on new plan , which Is a pure building and loan system , with easy pay ments to suit yourself. Our business la positively private nnd confidential ; no one outside of ourselves will know anything of the transaction. American Loan Co. Room C01 , Bee bldg. X 781 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13 , Jw 779 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Knr- bach block , 12 to C:30 : p. m. X M3S8 O29 1IUSIM2SS CIIA.VCKS. MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1204. FOR SALE or rade , cigar , tobacco , fruit and candy store. Call 320 So , 10th. 25C BUYS a doz. banltters , a doz. oysters or any meal at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe , Y-M070 O10 THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all kinds of debts and has a correspondent In every town In United States. Send your ac counts to 6th floor , Knrbach Blk. . W. IT. Green , President. Y M118 HAVE cash nnd Eastern Nebraska Im proved farm to exchange for county banking business. Address K 42. Boe. Y-M193 Oct. 10 FOR SALE , stock o ( hardware , good itown , good business , for Cufth. Address 1C 49 , care Bee , Y M254 Oct. 6 * TO PHYSICIANS A reputable well estnh- llshcd and paying specialty business In Omaha for sale. To a phynlelan with means this is a rare opportunity. Ful Investigation Invited. Reason for selling , falling health. Address K 51 , Omaha Bee. Y-M370 3 * .MNGI3 I'0'6' ' ' t ° r re- Wishing to retire from business , I will either rent my en tire hotel or retain the rooms nnd ren the dlnlngroom separate. Hotel nrpt class end modern In every respeet. For par ticulars call at premises , 601 So. 13th St. Y-39I-O13 BUSINESS demanding my attention else where , would sell my book , btatlonary am music business ; good chance to rgh ! party. J. L , Ogden , Grand Island. Nob. Y M44S-7 * WANTED , a business man with tnct am energy to take the Plate rights for ni article of necessity ; endorsed nnd used bj the largest corporntlonB In the country small capital required ; particulars at In- tt-rvlew. L 9. Bee. Y-5C8 3' FOR SALE , established biiflncta. 70S N Ifith. Y M592 No , 2 FOR EXCIIAKGU. WILL trade choice , large business lot on Vlnton st , , 54x160 ft. , for good Inside Im proved property with good Income am will pay difference In cash , BcmU. Pax ton block , Z { 41 roii SAM : REAL ESTATE. SELECT BARGAINS ( Oct. 2. ISM. ) $11,000 , wist front , 9-room hoilfe. fronting Ilnnscom Park .lot SO x212 , on corner , house built right. East front , full lot and S- room house , Georgia Ave. , $ loOO. S-room modern house , Georgia Ave. , very attractive , near Park , $1.000. $6.500 , fine S-room house near park , $6,000 , 9-room house near the park. $ " ,600 , 9-room house near the park. $1,500 for line lot 33rd St. . near Hanscom Park , paving paid. $700. full lot near llanscom Park. $1SOO , G-rooni house near the park. $1,500 , 6-room house near High school. $2.000 , fine lot Farnnm Hill. $2,200 , lot 3Sth near Fnrnnm. $2,000 , cor. lot on Curtis Park. $1,300 , full lot 30th near Farnnm , $100 , lot near Saratoga school. $900 , 2 lots Dwlght & Lymans. $200 , full lot Lcavenworth car line. $ S50 , east front , 31 , near Mnrcy. $3,000 , new 7-room house , same locution. $2,500 , elegant 6-room cottage , 41st St. $1,600 for 2 lots Lowe Ave. ridge. $3,600 , 8-room house Lowe Ave. ridge. $100 , good lot Dundee. $20,000 , business block on Farnam. $9,000 , business block on Fnrnnm. ! . F , . HARRISON AND GEO. T. MORTON. 912 & 913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 314. Special ; $20,000 , business block Farnnm RE-S65-2' HENRY B. PAYNE , 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals. Loans , Insurance. RE 791 IF IT IS South Omaha real estate you want to buy or fell communicate with O'Nell's Real Estate Agency. RK 7S7 FOR SALE GIO acres of land , worth $35 per acre ; wlU sell for $21 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. RE 785 BARGAINS , real estate. Chris Boyer. 2123 Cumlng. RE MSS3 O22 $500 FOR 97x351 feet , fronting east on 30th street and Miller park. (500 ( for Farnam street lot near 42nd street , 48x128 feet. $950 for five-roi in house and 104x123 feet , southwest of Hanscom park. (3,300 ( for two houses and 53xSl feet , north east corner 2Clh nnd Cumlng streets ; ren tal $350 per year. Submit offer. $3,500 for nine-room modern house , barn , on West Farnam street. Fnrm lands within 23 miles of Omaha from $20 to $50 per ncre. JOHN N. FREN55ER , OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M173 COTTAGE nnd lot COxCO. $330. 10-r. house , modern , barn , full lot , Hans- corn Place , $3,000. F. D. Wead , 1621 Douclas. RE 151 DELIGHTFUL modern nomc , fronting park , Hanscom Place ; 9 rooms ; must be sold , owner leaving city. M. J. Kennard & Son.C suite 310 , Brown block , RE 632 HAMILTON SQUARE , on Locust & Maple Sts , between 18th and 19th Sts. , $330 for sou'th fronts , $450 for north fronts ; satis factory terms ; will divide to suit pur chaser. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 23 ? LIST vuur property with mo. I have the buyers. II. M. Christie , South Omaha. RE-MC29 Oct. 3 FOR SALE or excnange. choice , rich pro ductive farms , largo nnd small ; also ten fine stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms , where crops have never failed. Crops average : Corn 45 , wheat IS and oats 60 bushels per acre ; some of these lands cnn be traded for merchandise , dry goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Gco. W. Hutton. Cole ridge. Cedar county. Neb. RE-912 O2 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is the time to dispose of thorn ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE $66 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 790 SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co.,314 S. 15th street. RE 7SS CORN LANDS. HARRISON & MORTON , Nebraska's corn crop , 300,000.000 bushels. RE-20S O14 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. They Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. RE-7S9 CHEAP , 146x133 , 24th , near Mason. In quire 1020 So. 23d. Re M550 3' FOR SALE , my elegant home , 2020 Webster St. , small amount down , balance same , as rent. If desired. Address C. D. Blbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE M593 Nov. 2 IMPROVED nnd vacant residence prop erty In Council Bluffs for fitock of hard ware or Greene county , Iowa. land. Box 05 Jefferson , Iowa. RE M5S7 3 * ABSTRACTS OF TITL15 , HARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building. 810 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C25 Farnnm St. Telephone 1284. 792 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. 793 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Fiirnam. 794 THE Oliver Typewriter , vlslhlo writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J , 8. Stewart , Special Agent , 31SJ4 S. Fif teenth street , Omaha. 795 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnnm M 79C FOR SALE , Dens nero machine , almost new. Apply 431 Bee Bldg. M691 5 LOST. LOST , Friday evening about fi o'clock , a pocketbook containing money nnd key , Re- wnrd If returned to Genernl Manager's olllco , B , & M. Headquarters. Lost-390-O2 J5 REWARD to nny one returning lost canary to Mine. Gylmer , 1603 Dodge , Lost 569 3 IXST , lady'n enameled watch , between Crclghton college nnd Deentur street. Reward for return 2720 Dccatur si. Lost-M5S5 3 SHORTHAND AXI > TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sf.nt's School. 717 N. Y. Life. 793 AT OMAHA Bus , College , ICth & Douglas. 00 BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal , Bee Bldg. SOI VAN SANT'S night nchool of shorthand nnd bookkeeping begins October 2 , Mon day , AVodnesdny and Friday evenings ; $3 per month for either branch ; touch typewriting given speclnl uttcntlon. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON , Oateopathlc Institute , 516 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. , ladles' dept , ; Gld E , Johnson , oateopathlst. mgr. M 7 7 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school. Klrksvllle , Mo. , COI Paxton blk , Tel , 1367. 798 LAUNDRY. OMAHA BTEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply : shirts , Sc : collars , 2c : cuffs , 4c ; underwear , Cc , 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. M-519 Decl4 NICICUL PLATING. BASEBURNERS replated ; all kinds of plat- in if. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. SOI MEIMCAt , . LADIKS Free , harmless monthly regula tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Mllwnu- ' kee , Wig. C52-O-16 * ' DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly rcgulntoMins brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had n single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by ma'l ' or office , $2 , nil letters truthfuly answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614. Chicago , 111. M-457 7 j LADIES , Chlchestor's Kngllah Pennyroyal pill * are the best ; Mfe. reliable ; take no other ; send 4e , stamps , for particular. * , "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by return mail. At druggists. Chlchestcr Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pn. PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 41S N. 18. "L , EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , iiccommodatj j ing ; alt business confidential. 1301 Douglas. S06 .SIIIRTMAKERS. SHIRTS to order from $ l.f,0 to $3. Kclley & lleyden , men's furnishers , 16th nnd Chi cago. M 262 1MIYSSCIAX. DR. SI1EPARD. 312 Now York Life , spe- elnltli' * , catarrh nnd kindred diseases ; rnnsultntlon freent otllco or by malt. Literature and question sheets pent everywhere. M 637 TICKET IIHOICKIIS. CUT RATE railway nnd steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought nnd sold. P. H. Phllbln. new locations , 1309 nnO 1503 Far nam , Esit. 1SS9. Member G , T. B. Assn. S03 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. SOS MAGNETIC HEALING. MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET. Weltmer system - tem , 21th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th. S79 Octl2 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board nnd room $1.00 per week ; gas , st&am heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sts. 09 COAL , . BEST cooking , $4 ton ; hard coal , $3.50. Har mon & Weeth Co. . 16th and Charles. 78a-Oct-8 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , al tered latest styles and clt'imrd. Max Fogel , 307 S. 17th. -M3S7 O2i ) COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , MHO SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 147 ACCORIJieJN PLEATING. MRS. A. C. MARK , 17th and Farnnm st. 120 O23 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED , Julia Vnughan , 430 Ramge Bldg. S07 -II LAV AY T13112 CARD. BUP.I.IKGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Routo" General Offices. N. W. Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam - - Street , Telephone , 2.V ) . Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Tele phone 310. Leave. Arrlva. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah. Callforma.a 4:25 : pm a 3:65 : pm Lincoln , Black HII/s. / Montana & Puget Bound . . . . . a 4:25 : pm n 8:00 : pro Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mail a 3:00 : pm a 10:35 : arc Denver , Colorado , Utah & California & 0.30 am a Dally. gr j CHICACJO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Kallroad-"The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce 1502 Farnam St Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets , Tele- phnne , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- cial a 6:40 : am Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex.a 5.05 pm a SOG : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & fit. L. Ex..a 7:45 pm a 8:05 : ama Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St Jo- Bpph * Council Bluffs Mm HallivMd-"TUe Burling \ . ii ; > 3rf. S9JS.- . , ton Route"-Tlcket onice. 1502 Fanam Street , TelePhone - Phone , 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets , Tele phone , 310.Leuvo. Leuvo. Arrlvft Kansas City D.iy Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a. CM5 nm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : pra a U:30 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallwav-Pif Ticket Olllce. JCOI FaTniim Street. Telephone' 281. D pit , Tenth and Mason sts Telephone C29. ' Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 6:13 : pin a Arrive 8:20 : , am Cnlcaro & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm Blouic City Des Molncs Express bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pM a Dally , b Kally exeunt Sunday , W A B A S II RAILROAD- - Ticket Office , His Fdrnam Btreet. Telephone. 692. n ? ! I9l- ? . Tenth and Mason Tolpehone , C29 Leave. Arrive. , . , "Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pra a 8:35 : am u Dally ulHUAGO , ROCK ISL. " urBII and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl Rocklslantj and Route. " City Ticket - et Ofllce , 1323 Farnam Street , Telephone , MI Depot , Tenth & Mason Btreeta Telephone , ( K8 ' Leave. Arrive. Des Molnes Local a 7:0d : am bll:35 : am Chicago Express bll:15 : am a blu : am Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm a l2a ; pm 8t. Paul Fast Express.a 6:00 : pm bll:35 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spga. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 4:26 : pm Des Molnes Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : pm Colorado & Texas Flycr.a 64U ! prn a 9:00 : am a Dally b Dclly exceut Sunday , UNION PACJFIC--THEOVER- land Route" Gereral Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Pa main Btreeta. City Ticket Olllce. 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth and Maaon Street * , Telephone , 629 , Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Utah. Idaho , ilcn- tana , California , Oregon gen and Washington points a 8:40 : am a 4:35 : pm Tim Colorado Epuhl for Denver anu all Colorado points . . . . . . . .allC5 ; pm a 6:30 : am Pacific Lxpresa for Denver , Salt Lake. Pacific Coast and all western points b 4:25 : pm a 0:30 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stronibburg JJxuress . .b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Iblanu anil North 1'latie . . , , a 4:23 : i-m b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local . . . . . . . .b 7:30 : pm b 8:30 : ara North Platte Local a 1:20 pm South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:00 : a , m. . 10:10 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. ui. Arrive * , 10:4C : a m. : 3:30 : p m. ; 6:25 : p. m.j 6 p. m. Council BlufTs Local Leases , b'M : a , m , : G40 ; a in. ; CW : a. m , ; 7:35 : i _ m. ; 9:30 : a , m. ; b 10:45 : a , m. : 1.23 p. m. ; 2:16 : p , m.4:55 ; : p. m. ; 6:25 : p. m. ; 6:55 : p. ro. ; 8:65 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives. C:20 : a. m , ; 7:20 : a. m , ; 8:16 : a. in. ; 8:45 : a. m , ; 11:30 a m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. in. ; 6:65 : p. in. ; 6:30 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. m , ; 9:35 : p. m.j 11:00 : p. m ; 11.55 n. m. u Dully , b Dally except Sunday. ItUliWAY T1MIJ JT. PAUL. Mlnnrnpoll.i ,1 Om\Iii Rn II way "The North. ucstorn Line" Genfrnl Olllccs , Nebraska Divi sion. 15th nnd Webatir _ . Sts. City Tlckt-t Ollk-i 1401 I'urnani St. Telephone , 61. Depot. IV i and Webster St . Leave. Arrive Twin City HxprrM ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) . a ( KM am Om UiA Putiengur . a 7:00 : pra Blair , ISrncrson , Sioux City , Poncn , ItartliiB- ton nnd Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b3:10 ! : pm No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a 6U : pra No. 1 omtvha Limited. , . a 8:00 : am n Dully , b Dally except Sunday. _ CHICAGO fc : < X > RTH. western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce , 1101 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot. Tenth _ und Mason Streets. Tele phone , CU9. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . . . a AIO : am aiiM : pm Carroll Local . b C:2u : pm blO:10 : nru EABtern Express , Dea Molncs , Marehnlltown. Cednr Rapids and Chicago cage . . . . nll:0u : am a 4:00 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East . a 4:55 : pm a 4:06 : prn Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha . . . a ! : : pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:05 : pm u 8:15 : am Fast Mall . 8:30 : am a Dal'y b Daily except Sunday. FREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad - road "Tho Northwestern Line" General Offices , United States National Bank. Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far nam Streets. Ticket olllce. 1101 Farnam Street. Telephone. 6il. ( Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Ivcnve. Arrive. Black Hills. Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglaa . * . d 3:00 : , pm d 6:00 : pm Hnntlngs , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Howard..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:2S : am Lincoln , Wahoo nnd Fremont . . . .f..b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local o 7:30 : am n Dally b Dally except Sunday , e Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. B1OUX CITY & PACIFIC ! Railroad "The North western Line" General 'Jillcoa. United States National Bank Building. B. W. Corner Twelfth _ _ and Farnam Streets. Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 5C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 6:50 : am a 8:40 : cm St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Ploux City.a 5:25 : pm alliOO pm Sioux City Local a 7:46 : am u. 4:20 : pm a Daily. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Dotifrlua sta. Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone 1433. . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-anKsas & Nob. Limited it 3:00 : pm n2:53 ! : pm K , C.-St. L. Express..a 9:60 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 5:05 : pm a 9:45 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- roao Omaha , Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket of fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : nm Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm a Daily. liOVKHXMKXT NOTICI5. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WAREHOUSE. Laundry Machinery nnd Building Ma terials. Department of the Interior , Office of Indian Affairs Washington , D. C. , Sept. 12 , 1SOU. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro posal for Warehouse , Genoa. " and ad dressed to the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , will bo received nt the Indian Office until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday , Octo ber 12 , 1S99 , for furnishing and delivering the necefary materials and labor required to erect nnd complete one brick warehouse at the Genoa Indian School , Neb. , In strict accordance with plans and specifications and Instructions to bidden ) , which may bo examined at this ofllce , the offices of the "Nebraska State Journal" of Lincoln. Neb. , "Tho Boe" of Omaha , Neb. , the Builders' At Traders' Exchange , Omaha , r ei > . , the Northwestern Manufacturers' association , St. Paul , Minn. , and at the school. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Build ing Material , " and addressed lo the Super intendent of the Indian School , Genoa. Nob. , will bo received by him at ald school until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday. October 12. 1SD9 , for furnishing and delivering ns may be renulrcd n. quantity of brick , lumber , lath , shingles , doors , windows , etc. , a full list nnd specifications of which can bo ob tained from the superintendent. For fur ther Information apply to J. E. Ross , Super intendent India" School , Genoa , Neb. W. A. JONES , Commissioner. S-ll-d-18-t-m FORCING EMPEROR TO RESIGN DoiriiKur Orailiially I'orfcol- the : IlvliillM of the Plot. VICTORIA , B. C. , Oct. 2. The steamer Oljmpia has reached hero from Yokohama with over 200 native and four white pao- sengcrs. A dispatch from Poking to the North China News says that arrangements for the dethronement of the emperor , Killing HHU , are proceeding apace. The empress dow ager's cholco has definitely fallen upon Pu Tsuun , the 9-year-old son or Duke Tsnl Lan , to succeed Kuang UBU as emperor ot China. This Imperial candidate can only apeak the Manchu dialect and knows no Chinese. Kuang Hsu hau already been urged to draw up n memorial to the empress dowager , ask ing to bo allowed to resign hln throne , ow ing to his chronic Illness. Pretense will bo made toy the cmprms downgor to refuse ac ceptance ot the resignation nnd to consider the matter again. This will bo done tlirco times , and at the third time the reslKnntlon Is to be accepted as ( showing that the em peror Is really anxious to resign. The troops of Prince Chlng nnd Jung Lu will bo under arms on the occasion of the dethronement In case something untoward should happen. Duke IVml Lm ; In a close friend of Prlnco Clilng , nnd there are doubts whether the Jung Lu party will 'ho ' satisfied at this further strengthening of the Chlng faction liy the appointment of the now em peror , There are rumors that perhaps Hun- sla will have eomethlng to eny 'before ' the dethronement takm place , as Chinese ofll- ficlals in Fang Tlon have recently elated that RuHslaim are preparing to Bend a large force to 1'okln In a few days. WOMEN FIGHTFIRE ALONE _ IljTlielr Work 1'art of the Town o ( Striitroril , Afu. , in Savril In tli AliNciicu of the .Mi-ii. SPIUNOFIELn , Mo. , Oct. 2. The little town of Strafford , ten miles cast of here , was practically destroyed by flro early Sun day morning. Nearly all the male popula- tlon was In Springfield attending n meeting of Woodmen and the women bad to Unlit the flro almost alone. Drouth had made water acarco and the town was very dry. At times every build ing In the city would ho afire. The women saved several resldenccH by the use of wet blanket * * . Hanson & Thorson's nrm , gen eral merchandise , loss $20,000 , was the heav iest loser. Insurance light. /Inn .111 n c Mini HUM n , JOPLIN , Mo. , Oct. 2. Ninety per rent of the zinc producers In this district have hut down In compliance with nn order from the Missouri find Kansas Hlnc Miners' association , In an effort to force the ? mHt. OH to pay n nchedule of prices laid down by the association u few wecku since und to whlc'h the emeltcrH have thus for re fused to ncct'de At Webb f.'lty alone l,5 < Kj miners will bo tnrown out of work tempo rarlly Ask ( or Dent's Toothache num. Take no substitute , AIT drugKUts , 15 cents.