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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : TUESDAY , OCTOBETl 3 , 3890 , WILL FLY WITH THE WIND ] New Throngh Taat Train Batween Chicago and Ooast a Oertainty. TIME IS TO BE REDUCED TO THE MINIMUM IVorllitTcntrrn , Union lnrlflu nnil Southern I'acino Will linn Trnlnn lletitecn C'hlcnuo nnil Snn Franel i.'o In 71 ! Itoum. The assurance Is officially given that the now fast through train from Chicago to Ban Francisco to bo operated over the Chicago cage & Northwestern , Union Pacific and Southern Pacific systcmn will without fall be placed In service October 15. Officials of the tJireo great systems Interested In this matter have been In conference In Salt Lake for several days and It Is under stood that the ochcdule of time has been agreed upon and everything definitely set tled. General Passenger Agent Lomav , one of the representatives of the Union Pacific , has not returned from Salt Lake , but Is expected nt his office today. General Man- oger Dickinson and Mr. Buckingham , super intendent of transportation , returned yes terday. The exact dotnllo of the now arrange- men ! for the running of the fast train have not been given entire publicity , but It has been definitely agreed upon that the new train will bo nn addition to the present passenger train service and will bo estab lished both cast and westbound between Chicago and San Francisco. The plan Is for the westbound train to leave Chicago dally nbout 6:30 : p. m. , arriving in San FrancU co about 5:50 : p. m. the third day , and the east- bnund train leaving San Francisco about S a. m. , arriving In Chicago about 9:15 : p. m. the third day. This will make the run between Chicago and San Francisco in ap proximately Bovonty-two hours. This Innovation In western railroading will be watched with Interest. That It will prove a success there can be no ques tion. The three systems backing the plan have entered It prepared to make It win , and there can bo no doubt that It will prove popular with the tmvcllng public. 1m.- provcd train service In the west Ifl de manded now , railroad officials say , because of the trend of travel In that direction. An Increase In travel over the territory covered by thc-ie three railroad systems has already been marked and Is awlgned chiefly to the accession of the Hawaiian nnd Philippine Islands. With the greatly Improved service furnished by these fast trains the railroads expect to divert from other transcontinental llncf , especially those Bklrtlng the northern boundary of the United States , enough business to make the ex periment a profitable one. IiitiTi'MlliiK Humor. In Salt Lake an Interesting rumor regard ing Uio new plan was current to the effect that the Southern Pacltlc actually dictated the whole schedule to the officers of the Union Pacific nnd the Northwestern. It Is asserted that the Southern Pacific went Into the conference1 practically agreed upon Its schedule , showing a reduction between Ogden - den nnd San Francisco of about four hours , but refusing to consent to It unless an ad ditional through fast train should bo placed In operation. The Union Pacific , It Is Bald , would have been pleased to arrange a BChodule 'by ' which one of Its present through trains should bo put through on better tlmo nnd went Into the conference consid ering a now train merely as a possi bility. It Is altogether likely that this move of the Northwestern , Union Pacific and Southern I'aclfic will result In the lessen ing of tlmo on all the railroads operating between Chicago nnd the coast. The Rio Grande Western , one. of tno feeders at % Ogden of the Southern Pacific , -will be compelled to adopt a. schedule of faster runlng In order to compete with the Union I'aclfic for business to Ogdon. But to do tills a schedule conforming with any changes which It may make will toe neces sary on the part of Its conectlons , which nro the Burlington , Rook Island , Denver & nlo Grande nnd the Santa Fo. If all of these roads enter Into the spirit of the thing nnd begin reducing their tlmo there will too n repetition of the tests made last year when the railroads were racing ngalnst tlmo with the government mall con tract hung up as an Incentive , BURLINGTON STANDS PAT Hoyvolt 1y ICmiKiiN City MerclmiitN AVI 11ot CliiuiKC ( he Hoiul'N Ituie. The persistent efforts of the Burlington to reduce the Omaha-Kansas City differen tial on packing house products to 3 cents Jias caused the Kansas City merchants to unite on n boycott against that road. Wfille the Burlington's rate only favors packing house products all classes of Kansas City merchant * ) are concerning themselves on the ground that tliln road might discriminate against other interests at any tlmo. Olllclals nt the Omaha headquarters say this will effect no change. In their effort to maintain the 3-cent differential , "It lias now become a light , " eald a Burling ton man yesterday , "between this road nml all Kansas City. It Is wonderful how llttlo Interest Omaha Is taking in this mat ter. The Burlington has undertaken to favor this city and It Intends to continue the flght. " Iliirlliiictini'x Annual Stntcmrnt. CHICAGO , Oct. 2. The annual report of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad * wns made public today. Green earnings for the year were { 43,389,424 , as compared with 542,800,102 las * , year. Operating expenses nvoro $28,253,939 , an Increase of $325,579 over 1SOS , and $5,238,370 were paid In dividends , leaving a surplus for the y ir of $1,489,929. The report glvre the total mileage of the liytem as 7,249 , nn Increase of ninoty-nino inHce over last year. 1,01V HiitrH to Chlcnnrn. The Milwaukee , Burlington , Hock Island nnd Northwestern railroad" have agreed upon a one-way rate of $7.75 , or round-trip late of $12,75 between Omaha and Chicago for the present week. These low rates are niailo on account of tbo Chicago autumnal restlvltlefl nnd each of the roads glvo a five-day limit on the tickets sold. Pneumonia Always leaves the lungs v/eak. Weak lungs are breeding grounds for the germs that cause consump tion. Chronic bronchitis also often follows pneu monia. If you have had pneumonia the germs of consumption are at work. Don't let them get a foot hold ; begin at once and take SCOTT'S EMULSION , it will drive out the germs by making the lungs stronger than thcr arc. TIIKV nnaix * o COMB 15. The Plr Trro CnrloruJ * of < fie Itnll- roitrt Wrecked Cnrpct Are Sort AND WILL BE ON SALE WEDNESDAY AT I10STON STORE. They are opening up beautifully , only ellRhtly wet on the edges. Most of them all sound nnd perfect. Morp than a carload of nil kinds of rugs. So far we have received CO rolls of tapes try brussrlfl carpet , only slightly wet on the edgon , worth 0c nnd 7 c ; wo nro going to sell them Wednesday nt IBc ynrd. 110 rolls of nil sound and perfect body brussela and tapestry brussels carpet , wo will sell Wednesday at 20c yard ; most of these are worth $1.25. All the velvet carpet , nearly sound and perfect , some rolls nbsolutely sound nnd perfect , not a spot on them , we are going ' to sell Wednesday at 39o ynrd. All the moquotto carpet , wllton carpet and ! axmlnster carpet , the greater proportion of I these are nbsolutoly sound nnd perfect , will go on sale nt 49c , worth up to $1.BO. All the floor oil cloth at lOc squnro yard Wednesday. Smlth'fl moquetto mnts at 25c Wednesday. Largo size straw matting rugs Wednesday nt 25o oach. Largo size , 36x72 , moquotto nnd wllton rugs Wednesday nt 9Sc each. All the damaged rugs received so far will bo sold Wednesday for 25c each. Most of them worth $1.25. That Is all wo have received today. Wntch the papers again tomorrow for the next shipment. This will undoubtedly be the greatest car pet event Omaha has over known. The sale will bo Wednesday morning. BOSTON STORK , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. FOR THE PARIS EXPOSITION UmiMiinl nnil ItiHtruoUrc Hxhllitt of ( lie O in ah u City SuImolN .Shipped to Alhiinj- . The exhibit of the Omaha public schools Tor the Paris exposition has been shipped to Albany , N. Y. , whore the school exhibits of the country nro being collected for ship ment abroad. The ono from this city was designed to be somdthlng different from what the other cities will probably send. The major portion of the collection consists of portfolios showing the method of teaching geography outsldo of the use of text books , with material of all kinds , largely Illus trated , gathered by the pupils themselves. Railroad 'folders nnd booklets are a valuable source , as are also magazine articles. This method originated In Omaha. Bound exercise books , taken from those n dally use In the schools and not specially prepared for the occasion , are a part of the exhibit. By these Is shown the aim of all written work , to teach the pupils to make an accurate legible record without having to put It down and then copy It. These books n the collection , as explained in a circular accompanying them , are like thousands of others filled during the year , and a great many others just as good were available. The pupils who used them did so In the reg ular course of school duties and had no knowledge that their books were to bo ex hibited. In addition copies of all blanks used in the school system , whether In the classroom or In the secretary's office or the custodian's storeroom , will be exhibited. Theao will give nn Insight Into the way In which the schools no a great business establishment are carried on. MUTUAL HKSEUVI3 FUM ) IIIUXGS SUIT ChnrKcn Tint Snatnlnoil liy Ofllclnl In- The Mutual Reserve Fund Life association has commenced proceedings against the dis missed officers and employes who "have " been circulating charges against the Institution and Ite management , and It proposes to vigorously prosecute all concerned. The charges In question were filed with the New York Insurance Department during Its recent thorough examination of the Mutual Reserve Fund Life association's affairs , and the report of the De partment did not sustain ono of them. FallIng - Ing In official sources , the authors of the charges have just made them public through the press. Immediately upon their publication , Presi dent Burnham placed the matter In the hands of Colonel Edward C. James , the emi nent lawyer , with Instructions to prosecute everyone making or repeating the charges. Process has been served on both J. D. Wells and J. M. Stevenson , and the complaints against them and others ore now being printed and will be actively pushed. Announcement ) ! . Theatrical ; nnnagcre nil over the country are moro or less Interested 'In ' the engage ment of "At Gay Coney Island" nt Boyd's theater. It Is not BO much the success of the company they are Interested In as the suc cess of the peculiar booking the engage ment being for ono week , beginning on next Thursday and running over Into the follow ing week. It has always been regarded as on Impossible thing for an attraction to continue Us draught Into a second week excepting , of course. In those cltlos where attractions can play for a period of several weeks. It Is a flno compliment to the "At Day _ Coney Island" company to be booked by ( Manager Burgess In such a manner. U certainly Indicates confidence on his part In the attractiveness of the play and thu com pany. AppiMil for riotliliiK mill Shoen. Demands nro now made upon us for winter clothing and shoes , especially for children. Would the ladles of our city remember us when looking over their wardrobes at this season ? Telophore 1735 , or drop a postal card and wo will send our wagon. JOHN LAUQHLAND , Secretary , 1810 St. Mary's Avenue. See C. F. Harrison's list today. .Hu jir tril of lliirKlury , Sunday night the police took Into custody a man Who guvo thu mime o-f Herman Jo sephs and said he lived In Red Oak , lu. Joseph : * wnn lini'ilng from the effects of a plhtol-shot wound In the tlcwhy part of his leg. Ho asserted tlmt he had been held up In thu Union Pnc'tlr rallroud yards by three nesroef , and when lie attempted to miiko his escape lie was shot ) > y one of thu trio. The ollluern do not believe the story , us Josephs Is not dres ed like a miin who would ho likely to huve money on his per son. His description corresponds closely to that of one. of the burglars who were cMUpht entering the residence of Chaunoy Wilson , Twenty-second and I streets , South Omaha , Sunday night , and ehot by one of the neighbors The police believe he Is ono of the men Implicated In the attempted burglary , .llortulltStnllHtluii. . The following blrtlm and deaths have been reported to the olllce of the health commissioner : Mirths H. J , Nelson , 308 North Twcnty- peventh avenue , boy : Kred Legeson , twG Hamilton street , girl : SI. P. Murphy , 10M South Thirty-sixth Htreet , boy ; W. M Vic- tor. 3021 Lake street , boy ; A. I. Waters , 2iW South Twentieth street , boy , Colu I'en- nlmaiin , 1G28 North Twenty-second street , Kirlj Daniel Qrleder , 170S Ciark street , boy : Vlto PaBcale , 4021 Cumlng street , boy. Deaths Mrs. Mary Buchanan , 1C03 Izard Htreet , 45 years ; J. H. U-irey , 2303 South Eleventh street. 73 years ; Thomas 8. Fer guson , Fifteenth and Howard streets , OS years. llull n > - .Nuli-M mid 1'rmonnlH , Edward Dickinson , general manager of the Union Pacltlc , returned yesterday from a trip through the west , B. T. Kului , commercial agent of the Mexican Central railway , is visiting In tJio city. DoWlU's Little Early Riser * permanently cure chronic constipation , biliousness , nerv ousness and -worn-cut feeling ; cleanses and i regulate the entire sybtem , Small , pleasant , ' never gripe or sicken "famous little pills. " | BOSTON STOKE BARfc Todaj Qrandtit Bargains It Una Erar Been Oar Good Portnns to Offer. $3,00 NEW SILKS 69C YARD r.Oo Dnnblt fold Wool DrcKN ir.p Good ( Iriulr OutliiK Flannel , - a J.tfc lOc IIIcnHiiMl Mtifllln Ho Vd Urn nil lliti-Riilim I" CLOAKS. 10,000 yards McCrccry's $3.00 silks , Includ ing all the highest grades and newest utyleo , In j : waist patterns and skirt lengths , on Bale today at 69e a yard. Entire dress patterns , each containing Boven ynrds dross goods , worth up to $1.00 per yard ; go at $1.88 for entire pattern. New novelty suitings go at 39c and 40c ynrd. COc double width Mercerized dress goods , 16c yard. RADIUS' CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT Ladles' $6.60 homo spun skirts , $3.98. Ladles' $4.00 plush capes , $1.98. Ladles' $15.00 Melton jackets , $8.50. Ladles' $9.50 Kersey Jackets , $6.60. Ladles' man-made tailored suits , $17.50 , Ladles' $37.50 Imported broad cloth suits , $22.50. BASEMENT UAHOAINS. SVic nil kinds outing llanncl , 2 > < > c yd , T > o white shaker Hanoi , 2Vic. yd. lOc bleached muslin , 5c yd , lOo quality 30-Inch percalev 5o yd. Go unbleached muslin , 2\c \ yd. 7c full standard comfort prints , 3c yd. COc all-wool eiderdown , 25c yd. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sta. LOW HATES EAST VIn ( he CIilciiKo , .Milwaukee t St. Paul Ilnilwrty. Omaha to Chicago and return , Oct. 2-9 , $12.75. Omaha to Chicago , Oct. 2-9 , $7.75. City office , 1604 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , General Western Agent Kxi'iiminim. Tuesday , Oct. 8 , at very low rates to points south , southeast and southwest via Missouri Pacific Ry. For pamphlets , rates and fur ther Information call at company's oulces , S.E. . corner 14th and Douglas , or depot , 15th and Webster sts. THOS. F. GODFREY , J. 0. PHILLIPPI , P. and T. A. A. G. F. and P. A. LOW HATES. Via Itnck Inland Rnntc. September 30 , Lincoln and return , $1.10. October 1 to 7 , Dca Molnea and return , $4.50. October 2 to 9 , Chicago , $7.75. ' October 2 to 9 , Chicago and return , $12.75. \ Call at 1323 Farnam street. To the I'lihllu ! I The milk men of Omaha have decided to soil 16 quarts of milk for $1.00 from October 1 to May 1. , By Order of the Milk Men. I E. & W. Collars and Perrln's Gloves are eold by Kelley & Hoyden , loth and Chicago. DIED. M'ARDLE James H. , aped 74 , McArdle precinct. Funeral Tuebday morning : at 9 o'clock , St. Cecilia church. HALF tlATIES. Vin Omnhn A St. lnnln nnil Wnl h Itnltronil , St. Louis and return on sale Oct. 1st to 6th. Special one way and round-trip rates to the cant on sale Oct. 2nd to 9th. Homeserkors' half ratco ( plus $2.00) ) nouth on Oct. 3d and 17th. For rales and all Information call at Qillncy Route omce , 1416 Farnam St. , Pftxton Hotel block , or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. $7.74 To Chicago. $12.76 To Chicago and Return October 2 to 9. These reduced rate ticket * are good on limited trains via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE , 6-40 am , 8:15 : pro. Lv. Omaha 4-65 pm , arriv. Chicago 7:45 : am. 7:05 : pm , 9:30 : am. New City Offices 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. CouyjlWinjer. But not If you use LA GRIPPE COUGH SYRUP. This syrup Is sold In 25c and 50c bottles and the FIRST DOSE YOU TAKE WILL , HELP your cough. It goes right to the spot and stops the tickling sensation In throat and bronchial passages. The "Night Cough" can bo stopped with one dose of IA nilUM'H COUCH VVIMII' . And one dose taken before going to the theatre , concert or church will keep you from disturbing the audience with n con stant hacking. Remember the niunic LA QniPPE COUGH SY11UPthe price 25c and EOc. SAMPLES FREE. , . Sherman & McConnell Drug Go , , 1513 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. Middle of Block. TEETH EXTRACTED 2S CENTS. PAINLESS DR. HflSOH , DENTIST EXTRACTION 4th Floor Brotrn Blk. , 16tb and Doujtn Gold Alloy Filling $1.OO Gold Filling $1.OO and up GoMCrouns $5.OO SetTeetfi -$5.00 BestTeetli S7.5O THE NAME OF On Lard , on Ham , on Bacon is a guarantee of purify. Swift and Company , Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha. St. Louis , St Joseph , St. Paul , 57 Hours is the time made via the UNION PACIFSG Compare It with ether lines and see how much quicker tlmo la made via this routo. Through Double Drawing Room Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Car Service. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Telephone 316. , * Pi * MiW IOI8BOO toe toe H $11.50 TO S O H Da ST. LOUIS AND RETURN Dat Via the Burlington Route from today until October 6. Tick ets good to return until October 9 , The beet Omaha-St. Louis train leaves the Burlington Station every afternoon at 4:55 : o'clock , arriving at St , Louis at 7:19 : the next morning. Cheap rates are also now offered to Chicago and to Kansas City by the Burlington Routo. Ask about them. Tlolcet Office Iliirllimton Station 1BO2 Fnrnnui St. , Ifltli nnil JIii no n MM. . Telephone 200. Telephone JUO. | H B H H 91. H > 9MOHOB HO Before buying got our very low prices on the finest stock of pianos ever shown in Omaha. 200 instruments to select from. STEINWAY IVERS&POND VOSE PACKARD EMERSON JEWETT and other standard 1 New Pianos $139 and Upwards. I Slightly used Pianos , $25.00 and upwards $3.00 , $4.00 , $5.00 $ , $7.00 and $10.00 monthly payments. Emerson Square , . $35.00 Hayden Upright $105.00 Knabe Square ( good condition ) $50.00 Cabinet Grand Upright $123.00 Fine Pease Square , carved legs. $65.00 Kino Sample Piano $168,00 New Pianos For Rent. Instruments Repaired , Exchanged and Stored , Phone 1625 , Write for catalogues , prices and terms , Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER , Steinway & Son's ' Representatives , 1313 Farnam Street. LARGEST PIANO DEALERS IN THE WEST. ' &GOCHGKXO & ) ( All attempt to tell a correct style story of the outergarments for fall , fails , the resources of the designs nro too great and productions too tangling. There's Rome wonderful lessons to be learned about the difference in construction the quality The style and the price of the garments that are gathered hero. Ladies' Men's Clothing Wo are | Jackets- in the very midst of activity words of praise of a most fruitful season m from every fem our clothing department and inine m o u t h we can account for it in a about our cloak few vrordB scllinff honest clothing - and suit stock. ing at honest prices. By daily addi tions the stock Men's Fall Suits All has reached a wool cheviot suits made and magnitude o finished thoroughly with ul- surprising beau most care reinforced , Back ty newest style a suit that brings best cheapest. in most stores $8.00 our price $ E50 Ladies' Black Kersey Jackets- only * - * man tailored , fancy linings , satin piped , jackets that sell around town for A 50 Men's Fall Suits All wool , fancy $7.00 , are here for * * plaid cassimere , lined with good double Ladies' Black Kersey Jacket- warp Italian lining , reinforced every lined Avith silk serge , silk velvet collar , care taken in the construction ; latest style man tailored , lly front , four rows of and made for our trade ; this suit will bring stitching around the bottom , a jacket in any clothing store outside of The that brings elsewhere § 8.50 , S O Nebraska , no less than $10.00 ; $ is here for . . . . . . our price only Ladies' Tailor - Made Suits- made of line quality homespun , double Men's Fall Suits Made of all wool breasted tight fitting , silk lined Jacket , cassimere herringbone pattern , latest cut ; skirt percaline lined , man-tailored , fin made by the most expert tailors and lined ished throughout in first-class manQ75 throughout with fine quality serge ; this real value § 12.50 . . ner , , our price. same garment is shown elsewhere $ O50 Ladies' Dress Skirts Black and for § 12.50 , is here for * * blue serge , full sweep , latest back , "J 75 worth § 2.50 , for A Boys' School Suits Double breasted Ladies' Underskirts in good well made choicest fall patterns ; every quality skirting , deep ruffle , suit guaranteed all wool ; constructed to with cord , full sweep , reg. Sl. give the boy extra good service ; stylish as Ladies'Silk Underskirts Taffe well as durable , and can not be duplicated ta silk , corded and deep ruffle , ' ' 590 anywhere for less than § 3.50 all colors , worth $5.50 , here for. . on sale here for Men's Fine Grey Shirts and Drawers covered Mens Sanitary Wool Shirts nnd Drawers fine qual seams , good \veicht fop early fall , real ity , nicely made nnd finished , soil around town value 5Uc our price for $1.00 per garment , our price Men's Elastic Kibbcd Shirts and Drawers one of Mens Derby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers fine the best thinps in the market for those who quality , soft linish , drawer supporter , ribbed nrc out in all kinds of weather , real value ankle , shirts finely finished , regular $1.25 'TCJ/-t for - * * - ' * ' KSQQQQQQQQ They lit the feet as nature Intended , STYI.ISH "JBXXKSS MIM.ER" IIYQIK.VIC hllOUSI The new fall styles of "Jenne-ss Miller" shoos have arrived. IMade bettor , look better and fit better than ever before. Wo control .them . for this city. 0x1,1. 9r > < ' * " * Ilifive Shoe Co. , IBIB Donelnn St. it's victuals and drink and cannot bo excelled as n tonlo or beverage for cither Invalids or well people. Cabinet ? Is made from the finest Bohemian ( Imported ) hops nnd selected malt , with no other Ingre dient that makes the best beer , and It's lager , too. Do you know what that means ? Some people do they are the onea that are our icgulnr year In and year out cubtomcrs , Don't } ou want the beer man ? Fnnn icitt' < > nnnwiAfJ en. . Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street. Suffered Pain When you had your teeth extracted ? Well , not o when you take vitalized air , for wo warrant that you will not feel the slightest pain and la perfectly eofe to take. Mudo fresh at our odlce every morning. Extracting . . . 25o Vitalized Air . . . . . 50c Silver Killings . 75o Tad's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , ir.l" btrcot. SWEET m Wood- RESTFUL SLEEP follow * a bath -with WopDHURY'S neck , rm nd Sean nnd the face , r niwed toriutlfulty whlU , soft and mo t with WOOUnURVS 1'ACUU Crwun. J ovemnhcrfc. 7 Ladies'Suits ' , Jackets Waists & Collarettes 50 per cent cheaper here than last year and that in the face of a rising market. Early purchasing in largo quanti ties for spot cash gives us advantages possessed by few. Every garment just as advertised. No. 132 Is a ladles'bouclo Jacket , Bilk lined throughout , rnado to sell for $8.60 , Tuesday , $4.98. No. 823 Is a ladles'Jaoket made of Washington mills Kersey lined throughout with heavy natln ; In blues , tana and blocks ; exactly llko cut ; made and marked to sell at $10 ; Tuesday$0.9S. No. 154 made of finest quality Imported English Kersey , lined throughout with taffeta silk , finished -with strapped seams , with C rows of stitching at bottom ; In blue , brown , tan and mode ; made and marked to sell for $12.50 ; Tuesday at $7.98. No. 7C1 , exactly llKe cut , Is our famous "talk of the town $10.09 Jacket. They are lined throughout with Skinner's gatln with a two year's guarantee on It ; made to soil for $15,00 ; Tuesday at $10.00. 200 OP OUR NEW SUITS JUST IlECEIVED FROM NEW YORK GO ON SALE TUESDAY. No. 403 Is a ladles' suit In light nnd dark gray mixtures. With these we Include 25 aamplo ( suits ; they are worth $15.00 to $20.00 ; Tuiwlay at $9.98. No. 207 Is a flno covert cloth suit ; they come In tight-fitting , medium and box fronts , Jacket lined with taffeta silk throughout , with velvet collar ; uowest style habit skirt , percallno lined nnd Interlined ; made to sell for $25.00 ; Tu idny thin suit for $16,00. 2u high class sample suits , silk lined throughout and made up in the newest stylen , for $20,00 , $25,00 and $35.00. COLLARETTES Bettor assorted nnd larger quantity than over before , Ivadlra' electric fleal collarettes , line' with Skinner's satin , made to uell for $5.00 , TUM- day at $2.48. ladles' electric seal collarettes with astrakhan yoke , satin lined , made to sell for $8.00 , at $4.'J8. made to neil for $8,00 , at $4.98. Ladles' combination collarettes with long tabs , made of two ana three kinds of fur ; roade to soil for $12.00 , nt $0.98. Ladles' n lrakalmn capes , war ranted two years , lined with heaviest quality Sklnnw's satin , 27 , 30 and 30 Inches long , ai $15.00 , $18.00 , $21.00 and $25.00. Our Misses' and Children Jacket Department wo take personal pride In. They'reP \ \ selected , well made and wo guarantee a saving of 23 to CO per cent on-thcm. / The Busiest Cloak Dept. In Omaha. \ FREE ADVICE by our iitytlcUni nnd a FREE SAMPLE of our medicine-lino Free - . - , - , - Treatment " no-p uu fluitr t d book do- scribing nyrnptvBi * and came of dl > e t i wllh uejt treatment , lie waay rulu receipt ! und preicrlptloni to plain language. * a vlng you heavy doctor's bills ; nsk for It Dr. Kay's ' Renovator Cures the very worst cases ofIJy i > cp la , Constipation , Ilcodacha. Palpitation of tlturt , KJdn y and Llvtr Dliensetf and bad rtnults of La Orlppe. Btnd tar proof it it. Writ * UB about all your symptom * , Sold by drurxtau don't acc pt uny ruV tltut , but eend us 2&cti. or II.W and tie will send Dr. Kuy'u Henovator by return mull. JIt. B. J. ICAr SIICDIOAI , CO. , Snra < OKa fiprluid , K. Y. l.'OJt bAl-Ii ItV iUlUUIA.V JL McCO.NAUM , UltUti CD , , 1G1U UOUU1S bT ,