Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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"Santiago , " with Its Kaleidoscopic Figures ,
Qivon Monday Night.
Graceful DnncliiK n 1'rclnde to Ter-
rlilo Ilnttlc Scene Mimic , Slinin
Illittlo nnd llluli Diving
(2:00 ( : p. m. Dcllstedt's Concert band at Gov
ernment building.
3:00 : p. m.Ilgh ( living and destruction of
"Maine" at the LaRoon.
4:00 : p. m. Alfreno , champion high wire.
walker , acrog.t Lagoon.
4:30 : p. m. Indian sliam battle nnd wild west
nliow on Hluff tract.
7:00 p. m. Uellstedt's Concert band at
8:30 : p. m. Alfreno , champion high wlro
walker , acrogn Lagoon.
0:30 : p. m. Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben parade
through exposition grounds.
The chief feature for Monday at the ex
position was the production of the big tnu-
elcal spectacle "Santiago. " U was given for
the third time , but with BO many now
features and with eo much more smoothness
that It seemed like a now thing and. was
greeted with great npplauso by a largo
crowd. The graceful dancers at the begin
ning of the extravaganza mndo a delightful
beginning , and from that on to the grand
climax where the battle occurs thcro is a
gradual deepening of interest.
The battle Monday night was especially
good for the reason that the participants
have had rehearsals and know how to manage -
ago the affair. A pretty now feature was
tha addition of the city of tents , simulating
on actual field of battle , with the many
Eoldlcru standing about.
The sham battle In the afternoon drew a
fair audience. The arrangements there , too ,
have been changed somewhat , nnd they are
for the betterment of the show. In the be
ginning the Sioux are brought up In bands
on horseback to the strains of a march.
Bands of Porcupine , White Clay , Wounded
Knee nnd Medicine Hoot Sioux rode for
ward and the chief of each division rode
r alone to a bugle call from the band. There
was the usual fancy trick riding and other
wild western features before the battle. The
Indians simulated death and fell over and
rolled upon the ground as though they were
writhing In the death agony during the
fight , and the whole sccno was exciting and
full of Interest.
The high diving exhibition wns tha best
v- that has been given , and the blowing up
of the Maine was realistic. Alfreno gave
two very creditable exhibitions on the high
rope , the one in the evening being accom
panied by soaio fine fireworks. The concert
by Uollstodt'o band In the afternoon was
well patronized.
During all this week there will bo a sham
battle and high diving on the Lagoon each
day , nnd there will also bo a model of the
Maine blown up every afternoon. Other
special attractions will also bo shown in
honor of Ak-Sar-Ben week.
The Florida Exhibit at the
The last car load of Florida exhibits ar
rived last week and has now been arranged.
Visitors are cordially invited to visit and
inspect ono of the most Interesting exhibits
on the grounds , and are assured by the com
missioner that they will receive courteous
attention cither from him In person or from
his two assistants. Only Florida products
ore shown , and whllo many of the resources
of the state are not represented , there are
fine tobaccos , fruits , cotton , phosphates ,
plants and live alligators , together with a
flno collection of shells nnd curios , There
are cocoanuts In the bull that never cease
to bo an attraction to those who have never
had an opportunity of visiting the south.
Great bunches of these hang at different
places to show how they grow in the tropics.
There are also relics from the Spanish-
American war. This collection Is of great
interest to nearly every visitor. Some tlmo
during this week there will bo a cocoanut
eating contest by some of the darkies from
"The Old Plantation , " and the ono taking
oft the hull quickest will receive n prize.
Duo notice of this contest will bo given In
the dally program.
JK Mu Ionl I'ronrrnm for Todny.
K * 2:30 : p. m. Bellutedt's Concert band at
Government building.
March-Die oiler Der Nordsea
Overture llIrdB of Passage Hill
Koslta Porto nican Dance Mlseud
"Brownie's Bridal Dance" Bellstedt
Cornet Solo Selected
Mr. Charles B. Jones.
, * llogatquo of popular airs , concluding
\ with a rldo on the Milwaukee rail-
.w road Kcrker
Paraphrase on Melody In F Rubinstein
Gems from "The Bride-Elect" Sousa
7:00 : p. m. Bellstedl's Concert band at the
Alarch Ak-Sar-Ben Hausschlld
"Feast of Lanterns , " Chinese dlvertl-
nients Glover
Valpe Espunolc Lhon
Caprice Hcrolque , "Awakening of the
Lion" Kontskl
Solo for Cornet Selected
Mr. Herman Bellstedt.
Overture William Tell Rossini
Clems from "Tho Serenade" Herbert
Comic March Ye Merrle Bachelors.Gllmore
MliltvnrltcM Gcttlnif Home.
For the last week the Midway has boon a
forlorn place and thcro has been a percepti
ble diminution in the number of inhabitants
of that picturesque thoroughfare. The
reason of the attenuated population is that
eomo of the big shows have sent out repre
sentations to LIticoin and Hastings in order
to rnko In a few exjra dollars. Moat of
those who have been out on tbo dollar bunt
ing expedition returned Monday , but there
are still n few who will attend the street
fair at Aurora. Among the shows repre
sented at the out-of-town affair were the
Streets of Cairo , the Philippine village , and
the Hawaiian village.
Get It Out of Your Hcnd.
Headache. You can quickly , by using
Wright's Paragon Headache Remedy.
Twenty-Four Union Men Given Km-
Iiloymciit by Contractor * nt the
Scale of Wuuc Ucinuiidcd.
The carpenters were more confident yes
terday of forcing the contractors to accept
the terms demanded of them than they have
been at any time since tbo walkout took
place. The officials of the Carpenters' union
at Labor temple were notified that on two
buildings union carpenters were given work
at the scale demanded 35 cents an hour for
eight hours' work a day.
Fourteen men went to work at that ecale
for Butko , < the contractor , at Twenty-fltth
and Farnara streets. Foreman McCloud at
the Webster street depot employed ten
union carpenters at tbo enmo rate. Mem
bers of the union ( insert that there are not
twenty Idle men , and If tbo contractors want
to resume the work they have on hand they
cannot secure the necessary men , The car
penters say they expect the atrlko will bo
settled In a day or two and are confident Of
winning out.
The contractors declare that there Is noth
ing now in the situation. * Many of them
profess to bollovo the carpenters will glvo
In first , as they say they can afford to let
their unfinished Jobs stand till non-union
men can bo secured to complete them , A few
of the carpetcrs are leaving the city to work
In other towns.
Unexpected Movement of Home
Thrown Occupant of HUKPTJ' I.cnil- , KlllliiK Him.
A ccrap of paper blown across the road-
wajr near 1602 South Fifth street Monday
frightened a horse , causing It to Jump to one
side , unexpectedly cramping the buggy In
such a way as to pitch Its occupant to the
ground. The man struck head foremost ,
breaking his nock. He died1 twenty mlnutra
later In n nonr-hy residence , where ho was
carried for treatment.
The man who -was killed ( was Frank At-
bertson , tourist conductor on the Union
Pacific railroad. His run having allowed
him n day's stop In the city , ho was visit
ing a friend , Dr. H. D. Wilson , 1106 South
Tenth street , who ho was accompanying
whllo making his customary round of calls.
Having a patient at 1602 South Fifth
street , Dr. Wilson left hla friend In the
buggy to .watch the horse while ho niado the
call , but It stood near the middle of the
road. Albcrlson was In .plain . vlow of the
doctor , -who sat In a front room chatting
with his patient. Dr. Wilson noticed that
his friend waa sitting Idly holding the reins
loosely In ono hand.
At the sight of a bit of paper bounding
across the road the horse suddenly jumped
as If to turn and run. The vehicle was
cramped and It tipped a few feet , pitching
Albcrtson over the front .wheel. The doctor
saw him fall In a heap and ran to his n -
fllslnnce. When Albcrteon was picked up
there were symptoms of a broken neck and
ho died a 'few ' minutes later without hav
ing showed signs of consciousness.
Albcrtson Is a single man , thirty years
old. For nearly ten years ho made his homo
In this city , having loft In 1897 , when ho
accepted n 'position ' as tourist conductor ,
running between Doston and Los Angelea.
Whllo In this city ho had a host of friends ,
having belonged to the Knights Templar and
the Mystic Shriners. An effort la being
made to flnd and totlfy friends and relatives.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific com
pound having the endorsement of eminent
physicians and the medical press. It "di
gests what you cat" and positively cures
dyspepsia , M. A. Kotron , Dloomlngdale ,
Tonn. , says It cured him of Indigestion of
ten years' standing.
of Woodbine Led c 1'rovlilc
of AimiMcinciit lit Honor
VlMtlnj ? Locomotive Firemen.
'Labor Temple , -within whoso walls grave
questions of moment to the labor world
usually hold sway , was turned Into a scene
of merriment and gaiety Saturday night
when the ladles of Woodbine lodge. No. 73 ,
auxiliary to tho'Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen , tendered a sumptuous banquet to
the local railroad firemen and the visiting
firemen -who are in the city attending the
annual meeting of iho Union Pacific Pro
tective Board , It "was a decidedly pleasant
affair. There'was an abundance of good
things and the women entertained their
guoats in a moat charming and praiseworthy
manner. After the supper had been dis
posed of an evening of delightful amuse
ment wag passed. Dancing -was the prin
cipal feature , for .which Hiss Zimmerman
furnlshed the music. W. V. Doollttle , sec
retary of the Omaha firemen's lodge , was
voted to 'bo tha star dancer of the evening
end U. O. "Applegate of Cheyenne carried
away the cake after an exhibition of fancy
cako-walklng , to which a huge glass "dia
mond" added 'brilliancy ' and lustre. The
success of the affair -was largely duo to the
efforts of Mrs. Qua Hello , president of the
Ladles' auxiliary ; Mrs. George Updegraff ,
Miss Bryant and 'Miss Bock.
' * Arnlen Snlvr.
The best salvo in the world for cuts
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever
sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains
corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively
cures plies , or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For tmlo
by Kuhn & Co.
Proprietor of Slot Machine * Siild to
Have I'niiniielcil Laborer IJc-
ciuinc He IlroUe tlic Dunk.
Nella Anderson , a laborer living at 1101
South Twenty-fourth street , appeared in po-
llco court this morning looking like the
Wild Man of Borneo. His bushy hair was
tangled and matted and llttlo Maltese
crosses of courtplaater dotted his counto
nance. "I want Ilasmus Jensen arrested , '
was his announcement to the city prose
cutor. "Ho pounded mo so I can't brush
my hair nor wash my face. " Anderson waa
Invited to bo seated and tell his troubles ,
and then a complaint was Issued charging
Rasmus Jensen , owner of nlckle-In-the-slot
machines , with assault and battery.
Anderson said Saturday was his lucky day
and so after drawing his wages he sauntered
Into Pete Thompson's saloon at Twenty-
fourth and Leavenworth streets to play the
slot michlnes. Ho said It took him about
ten minutes to break the bank. The labor.
er's run of luck so angered the proprietor
of the gambling devices that instead of
paying to the man the winnings due him ho
is said to bavo hurdled the bar and given
Anderson a severe beating. In brooding over
hla troubles Sunday Anderson decided to ac
cept the advice of friends and have the ma
chlno man arrested.
Cook's Impcrlar Extra Dry received high-
eat award World's Columbian Exposition !
Medal and diploma for "An Excellent
Champagne , Agreeable Bouquet , Delicious
Flavor. "
Stcnm WliUtlcH Are to lie Illovrii nnd
Holla Arc to He Iluntr I'lenty
fif lYolnc.
Mayor Frank E. ( Moorce on Monday re
ceived a telegram from New York asking
him If he would give a public signal of the
arrival of Admiral Dewey off Sandy Hook If
advteed by wlie of the approach of the
Olympla. Mayor Moores responded that ho
would gladly do eu. U la his Intention to
request Chief ttodell to ring the tower belle ,
to ask Mr. Peters to blow the siren whistle ,
and to induce Mr. McConnell to blow Ills fog
horn whl&Uo at the shops. The mayor said
no woul < ( get a cannon to fire a salute of
seventeen guns. A reporter asked Chief
Kedell what ho thought about it and he re
plied : "If notified of the arrival of Dewey
wo'll bound the town bells loud and long.
Yes , sir ; glad to do It. "
'Jl The best aad most reliable timekeepers
' made in this country or in any other.
The "Perfected American Watcb , " an illustrated book of in
teresting information about watcbes , will be sent upon request.
American Wallbam Watcb Co. , Wallbam , Mass.
James M , Woolworth Atsntnes a High Posi
tion in the Water Company.
ChntiKC Announced liy lre liJCiil
AVoodburr In 1'cmoit-lnrreniic
111 1'uinnltiw Cnpneltr of
Florence IMiuil.
It 'has Just boon decided by the directors
of the Omaha Water company that hence
forth the company shall have a resident di
rector In the city and James M , Woolworth
has been placed' ' In that office. Mr. Woolworth -
worth la now also vlco president of the
This announcement made by Presi
dent Woodbury , who la In the city on ono
of his frequent trips of Inspection , His
present visit la ono of unusual Interest and
Importance , not only on account of the
change In the directory which ho announces ,
but on account of the addition to tha Flor
ence plant which has Just toecn completed
and now shelters the latest Increase In the
pumping capacity of the works. The con
struction of the new portion of the build
ing was begun over a year ago , but It was
not until this week that the Installation and
connection of the naw pump for which It
was built was completed.
Both the pump and the added part of the
building which contains It are an near per
fection as it is possible for money end skill
to make them. The new "wing does not
mar the architectural completeness of the
hulldlngns is so often tbo case with later ex
tensions , but balances the whole , and Is In
conformity with It to the last detail. It was
duo In largo measure to President Woodbury -
bury that so handsome and substantial an
addition was made so near the expiration
of the company's franchise and contract ,
when a cheap wooden structure might have
sufficed and was what most people would
have expected as the natural thing.
"Mr. Woodbury told the other members or
the company , " said Chief Engineer Reyn
olds yesterday , "that ho didn't want any
warts etuck-on the building , oven If It wa *
within a few years of the end of the fran
chtao and they didn't know 'what the city
would do. He didn't know whether the
company would ever get Its money back or
not , but toe said that If It didn't there woulo
bo the building , finished as it ought to be. "
Unlit Upon the Saml.s.
The now wing enjoys a distinction prob
ably limited to a few stone structures In
the world in that It rests on a quicksand
bottom. Captain Reynolds saya that quick
sand makes as good a bottom to build on
as any other , provided that it cannot got
away. To keep It from getting away there
must bo something to hold it , which In the
present case is simply the weight of the
surrounding earth. To go down beyond the
sand < woa out of the question. The exca
vation was carried down very deep , but was
stopped when It was realized that the weight
of the rest of the ibulldlng and the Immensely
heavy pumpo In It would make any further
digging eo close to them dangerous. So the
building -was built on that level. As It Is
the floor of the pump pit Is considerably be
low the surface of the river and there Is
some water on the floor In consequence , but
ample drainage arrangements have been pro
The new pump is not distinctly nn im
provement over the twenty-million gallon
triple expansion pump Installed nine years
ago , which Its makers still regard as the
acme of tholr achlovonenta , nevertheless It Is
a -wonderful piece of mechanism. ItTvasbuIll
to be a twenty-million gallon pump , but it
has boon run up to twenty-four million and
works "better " at that rate than at twenty.
It will therefore bo run at twenty-four mil
lion gallons , and will relieve two thirteen-
millfam gallon pumpo which are still prac
tically as good as now , but will be held In
reserve and used only In emergencies. It la
expected to do all the work that they have
been doing. It sucks water from
the river through a forty-elght-lnch
in-tako and fills the two monster
cylinders , one after another , without so
much as a murmur. So smoothly do Its
parts travel up and down on their ceaseless
Journoyu that it Is almost Impossible to real
ize its immense power. Neither It nor any of
Its fellows causes any perceptible vibration
or "pulso" In the engine room itself , but
far up on the bill , where are the basins that
receive the water , ono can feel the force
of the great waves of water that como surg
ing up through the largo pipes in the
ground that one elands on.
Nor does the rating of the pump
which is mentioned as twenty million
gallons , give the real force which it
exerts , for theeo engines all work
WorkliiK AsmliiNt Klre .Pressure.
against flro pressure , ' something which Is
done In the systems of very few largo cities.
And this makes a difference , which may be
appreciated somewhat when It is explained
that the new pump would have a capacity
of fifty million gallons Instead of twenty
millions if it were not lifting water against
flro pressure.
There are a good many remarkable feat
ures about the Omaha pumping station ,
among which Is the consumption of all
smoke , though cheap , dirty coal is used.
Every flro-pot is provided with a combustion
chamber , through which the smoke and
boated air are forced and which attains a
heat of from 3,600 to 4,000 degrees. The
plant develops as much power as all the
other power plants of the city taken to
gether , but from its smokestack there comes
only a thin ibluo wreath.
Another remarkable thing Is the fear , ever
present 4n the minds of the managers , that
the river may some day dig Itself a new
channel a mlle or more away and leave the
expensive iplant high and dry and useless.
To prevent this expensive
rlprapplng is going -
ing on on both aides of the river , on the
one side to keep the restless muddy monster
from coming too near and for a milo or
more along the other to keep It chained
down to its duty.
Physicians ore the friends of the family
Harper's whisky is the friend of the physi
cians. A most valuable assistant nnd one
that can be trusted.
Suiiiliiy School
SiiiicrlntPiiiliiiitH 31 * <
The regular monthly meeting of the Sun
day School Superintendent's association
called to order by Vloo President D , W
Mcrrow In the '
Young Men'tf Christian as-
soclntlon rooms ) Monday evening" "urn"
her of Interesting papers by prominent
members were preceded by a few Item" of
business. A constitution was reported by
the committee In charge and adopted. The
rolls were made out ,
the Including nearly all
superintendents In the city
The reading : ; of the various papers was
followed by discussions on the subject In
which all present were privileged to par
ticipate. The speakers and their tonics
HOIIHU ( iclH DIP Contract.
-ty a meeting of the Hoard of Fire and
r >
Police Commission Monday night the Clil-
cagro Hosw company was awarded the con
tract for furnishing th8 city with 3000
foot of rubber hose at 85 cents per foot
The city , under this bid. gets 3.M test of
hose , the successful bidders agree n" to
make the city a present of 459 feet over
the nuanWy ordered. The hose Is fur
nished nt that price without coupling.
? If' ° .r , * IO M | . I" announcing the award
said jhat It
was given In the Interest of
economy , It waa to the Interest of thu
taxpayer * to get OB much us possible for
their .money , although the hoard would
have liked to give a home cpncern the bene-
Jlt , it was not thought advisable to do so
when money might be saved otherwise.
Best remedy for coughs is the simplest
and cot-la five cents at druggiets. Dean men
tholated cough drops simply atop the Uckle.
Greater America Exposition
Special attractions every day during AlC-S lfBCtlV6Ck beginning Monday , Sept. 25th
Nothing like it in the way of Free Amusements ever offered at an Exposition.
3 p. ill. Daily Novel and sensational exhibition of
Life Saving and High Diving
' i. Hr BIT ? & . V
under the personal direction of Captain Billy Johnson and Captain Mathew Gay of the Volunteer Life Saving
Crew of Coney Island , New York.
The most startling feature ever witnessed a realistic reproduction of the destruction of the
Battleship Maine
A real ship blown into atoms by a submarine mine under the personal direction of that famous deep sea
diver , Captain Louis tiorcho , who assisted in. recovering the bodies of our brave boys after the explosion in Ha
vana harbor. The above takes place daily on the lagoon opposite government building at 3 Di Hli Dent miss it
Daily TPfc (5 & . " 1 2 will give his daring and marvelous exhibition of walk
4 p. m. P * X I * OT WJL , A .JLJLi Gil . . O infi ihe HIGH WIRE across the Lagoon from the dome
8p.m. of the Mines and Mining Building to the dome of the
Electricity and Machinery Building. A most wonderful act.
4.30 p. m.
Daily ioux Indian Sham Battle9
War Dance and Wild West
Indians under personal direction of Capt. Gr. "VV. Gaines. Wild West under personal direction of Ernest Mattox
Exhibitions will all take place in the open air and no extra charge will be made after entering the
THESE , neither will they conflict with the Ak-Sar-Ben Parades , all of which will enter the
Exposition Grounds and traverse the- Grand Court and Midway. The Exposition gates will remain
open until 12 midnight for the accommodation of visitors who may wish to visit the grounds after the
Parades are over. Exposition will close at 2 a. m. during entire week.
Other Striking Features PARADES , FIREWORKS AND SPECIALTIES-will be added
from day to day.
Judges Are Beady for Business that Does
Hot Materialize.
Juror * Arc Called liy JuilK * Hulccr nnd
Mnny Offering : KXCUHCK Arc
Allowed to Ituturii to
Their Hornet ) .
The regular fall term of the district court
convened yesterday with a fair sized
docket , but there were only a few cases
ready for trial. The Jury was called In
court room No. 1 , before Judge Uaker , and
out of the ninety men summoned fifty-five
responded. Of these , twenty-two offered ex
cuses which were accepted. Of the men ex
cused , nearly all pleaded work that is payIng -
Ing them better than serving on the Jury.
Of the farmers called nearly all desired to
bo permitted to return to their homes In
order to complete the garnering of their
enormous crops.
After disposing of the Jury , Judge Daker
took up the disposition of one or two minor
motions , and then called the case of the
state against Abe Johnson , charged with
shooting with Intent to kill. As the story
goes , one night last April Abe Johnson and
Gcorgo Duncan , both colored , met at Elev
enth street and Capitol avenue , nnd had
some hot words. After the discussion had
proceeded for n fo\v \ minutes Johnson
whipped out a revolver and fired at Dun
can. Uelng unable to furnish bonds ho has
Glnco remained in jail.
Three of the Judges are out of town and
will not return for several days. Judge
Scott is holding court In Sarpy county ,
Judge Fawcett In Washington and Judge
ICeysor In Durt , consequently nothing Is be
ing done in the rooms over which they pro-
There la a disposition to discharge the
Jury and adjourn court until next week , on ,
account of the Ak-Sar-Hcn festivities , which
begin this .evening. A petition la being
circulated among tbo attorneys , asking for
the adjournment. It Is being signed pretty
generally , and when sufficient signatures
are secured it will bo presented to the
In asking for an adjournment the attor
neys take the pceltlon that they are not
ready with their cases and to hold the Jury
here during the week will be on unnecessary
JVeiv Htninp Itooin Occupied.
The now stamp room at the postofDco baa
been put In condition and Is now occupied ,
The clerks moved In Sunday , vacating their
old quarters in the main office. The new
stamp room is on the first floor of the
federal building , east side. Just south of the
main entrance. The epace that was formerly
occupied .by the stamp clerks will now bo
turned over to the carriers , who have here
tofore been very much crowded.
The Troeadero Stock company opened the
eighth week of its ipermanen.t engagement
in this city Sunday night , presenting Charles
Lecocq's comic opera Glrofle-Glrofla. With
each succeeding week this capable organi
zation seems to gain popularity and no mat
ter what opera they sing or how old It
maybe , lovers of music patronize it most
liberally , knowing that it will be capably
interpreted. The offering for Ak-Sar-Deu
week is ono particularly well chosen for this
annual occasion of Jollity , being one of the
lightest and funniest comic operas ever writ
ten and therefore can be fully appreciated by
both the 'musically educated and those who
are not fortunate enough to possess knowl
edge of the different musical technicalities.
H has been carefully rehearsed and the dia
logue .brought . quite up to date. The cos-
tamed are all now and qulto elaborate , whllo
ttio scenery is well in keeping with the
balance of the creditable production.
Mlsa Mortimer sings the title roles and
her 'beautiful soprano voice Is heard to ad
vantage In each of them , although she Is
fiufferins from a ellght attack of grippo.
Her "drinking song" and "Dearest Papa"
won the ( hearty encores for 'her ' spendlft
rendition of them.
Jay Taylor Is a very pleasing "Marasquln"
and his solo , "I Am the Son of Marasquln , "
IB well rendered and makes a decided hit.
William HHoy Hatch offers a splendid
character study In the part of Mourzouk the
Moor , besides elnglng it acceptably. Wil
liam Hicks as Don Bolero la , as usual , de
cidedly funny. Miss Vane as Paqulta is very
chic , while Mlsa James as Pedro the page
is very acceptable. The chorua allows the
result of having been well drilled and their
work is commendable.
Mortality .
' The following births nnd deaths have
been reported to the olllco of the health
commissioner during the last twenty-four
hours :
j Births Louis IJoldt , Twentieth and I. ,
| streets , boy ; Charlew Uyors , 2302 Clark
street , boy ; Elln Hurrls. 2SO1 Dodge street ,
girl ; Joseph Wolf , 2310 South Twelfth
I street , boy.
! Deaths-Orvlllo II. Curtis , 2G31 Ersklne
street , 45 years.
HoilKli Killer ION < - n itoll.
Vivian Hughes , a young woman attache
of the \Vllil West show at the exposition
grounds , JHed a complaint Monday after
noon against Jack Hitchcock , charging him
| with the theft of her purse containing J17.
I The couple ihnd been drinking and Miss
Hnghos says that Hitchcock selected a time
when she went to sleep under the Influence
of the liquor to filch her purse , The par
lies live at SOS North Sixteenth street.
Hew $3.50 $ Fall Shoes
A special with UH for men's wear Box
calf , Vlcl kid and winter ians the best
you over saw for the price They're such
shoes that we are not afraid to put our
reputation back of them Then we've
added another line nt $3.00-D1 < 1 It after
long and careful consideration patent
leathers Now , of course , you don't ex
pect us to guarantee these any more than
we do the higher priced ones , but wo will
say this , that they have the same style
and are genune French Patent Calf.v
Drexel Shoe Co.
UptoBfe fllaoe ( ! * ,
'Intcrentlntc 1'uper iiy School Superin
tendent nt McctlnK of North
Side Improvement Club.
Instead of the regular buelnceg meeting
of the 'North ' Side Improvement club Mon
day evening there was a social session , with
th'a ' attendance Including nearly all tbo resi
dents of the north end of town Interested
In school work. The attractive feature of
the session .was an address by the superin
tendent of the schools. Besides there were
several musical selections , vocal nnd In
strumental , as numbers on ono of the most
entertaining programs the club has ar
President J. J. Smith called the meeting
to order , announcing that the club would
take eome action with reference to the
Florence boulevard , -which will eoon bo
thrown open for public travel. A resolu
tion was then offered and adopted author
izing the appointment of a committee of
six to visit the Board of Park Commission
ers for the purpose of urging it to proceed
at once with the work of laying cinders
and gravel on the boulevard from the north
end of the exposition to Miller's park.
Those who received appointments to the
committee are : J. V. Craig , Jacob Hess ,
C. II. Gratton , G. H. Payne , Thomas P.
Thornton and William T. Klcrstcad.
Among the first numbers on the program
wiero two songs by C. H. Gratton. The
subject of Superintendent Pearso's address
was "Tho Business 'Management ' of the Pub
lic Schools and the Qualifications School
Mumtjors Should Possess. " Superintendent
Pearso elated the sources of school njvenues
and the more Important expenditures. His
Information regarding the system of educa
tion In vogue was Interesting and In
structive. The speaker enumerated the
school's needs and expressed his views to
the effect that members of the school
board should be elected -with no regard to
politics , but entirely according to their
aptitude tor the position nnd its require
ments. He stated that to secure the best
results members should act aftsr their elec
tion without rofereajco to politics and that
teachers and instructors ought to bo chosen
toy the merit system and not by political
B. B. Turner , Compton. Mo. , waa cured of
plies toy DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salvo after
suffering seventeen years and trying over
twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeona
endorse it. Beware of dangerous counter
This Btylo "London Hoarlnjj Horn"
in 3 size * , each $ .VOO ,
Wo carry the Inrtfeot stock of in-
BtrumentB for the aid of deaf people
to be found in the west.
Larget Retail Draff Home.
1408 Farnam. OMAHA.
Ak-Sar-Ben Organ Week
One Berry & Thompson organ , nvlnut
case , $0,00. Terms , $2.00 cash and $1.00
per month.
Ono EuHtcrn Cottage organ , high top ,
solid walnut cnHo , $10.00. Terms , $ a.OO
cafih nnd ? 'I.OO pur inontn.
One Klmlmll organ , high wnlnut case ,
8 BtopH , $22.00. Terms , $3.00 cash nnd
$ . ' 1.00 per month.
One Packard organ , 0 ocatves , not the
latest style of case but an excellent In
strument , $32.00. Termn , $4.00 cash und
$3.00 per month.
We celelirntr our 2IJth builnrii nnnl-
veriurjr Oct. 23rd , 1800.
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas ,
The Lashes Talk No , 75
The good effects of ninny well selected
spectacles are entirely lost by the lashes
brushing against the gla H. It not only
HoilH the lenses , but Irritates the eyes
and lids. 1 give ( special attention to
fitting frames , as I am as particular
about this as about the lenses , if I
liuvon't u frame in stock that ills you I
take the measure of your face and order
ono made for you. I do not let the tem
ples cut the face nor the lashes brush
the glnss. I see that ihe eyes look ex
actly through the center of the lenses.
I want every pair of glasses I sell to
look well , lit well and wear well.
J. C. Hutesott ,
Manufacturing Optician ,
Kodak. , Camera * iron , .
nn l-
a aawii. . . 1521) ) DOUglaS Sti