Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Flagr&nl Familiarity Batweon Certain Eoadi
and Chicago Scalpers Precipitates War ,
JAncit IlcncIititR Onmlin Follow I/pnit
of Alton In CnttliiK Hnlf to Knn-
MIIH City Xo AilvnnliiKP to
Traveler * lloiinil Hunt.
The compact snld to bo existing between
certain railroads and ticket scalpers In Chi-
CORO , along \vlth other methods of doing
business equally questionable , has precipi
tated what may develop Into a lively wor
on westbound passenger rates. The threat
ened trouble began last week when the Chi-
cngo & Alton announced a rate of $10 to
Kansas City from Chicago , which Is n re
duction of $2GO In the regular fare. The
Chicago , Burlington & Qttlncy and the Rock
Island route * , upon receipt of notice of the
Alton's action , Immediately Instructed Us
ngonts to ucll tickets to Omaha at the name
rate. The rcducej rates apply only on west
bound business and the traveler from Omaha
bound for the cast pays the u.imo faro as
formerly. This fact Indicates already that
the reduction was made owing to the pres
ent unsatisfactory condition of the passenger
situation In Chicago.
In Chicago officers of the roads which have
mode the reduction assert that these slashes
nro made to meet the competition of rival
lines In other forma , -which Is a polite way
of accusing the "other llnt > s" of dealing with
the Bcalpera or working for business In other
than legitimate channels.
I An officer of the Hock Island In discussing
the matter In Chicago said : "Wo are tired
of the methods pursued by several of our
competitors In business from Chicago des
tined to Missouri river points ando arc
Going to protect ourselves. During the last
Xow weeks the Chicago scalping market has
been full of Chicago-Kansas City and Chi
cago-Omaha tickets of other lines' Issue ,
while our business lias been open to Inspec
tion. " The action of the llnea In making n
reduction gives the benefit to the traveling
public and not to the ticket broker. As a
result , too , the scalpers who have been
thriving In Chicago during the last few
months will receive a decided check In their
volume of business.
It Is expected that all Chicago-Missouri
river lines will meet the reductions .an
nounced and It will not bo surprising If the
rate fulls considerably below the $10 mark ,
as the prediction Is freely made by some
well Informed railroad men that bad blood
will undoubtedly bo engendered by reason of
the Alton's Initial cut.
Innovation In Itiillroiiil Clrclcn.
Railroad men are congratulating the Elk-
liorn officials upon the successful surprise
they gave the crowds who filled the two spe
cial trains from Hastings Saturday night by
serving a delicious lunch on the cars. And
to the congratulations of railroad men are
added the expressions of approval and ap
preciation from a number of the passengers
who came In on the trains , so that the gen
eral olllcora of the Elkhorn are more than
pleased with the experiment , which was
Btmothlng of an Innovation In railroad
affaire. The lunch consisted of delicious
sandwiches and claret lemonade , followed by
fragrant cigars for the men. It was served
under the direction of Homo Miller , all the
expenses being met by the Elkhorn.
K Completed.
Ono of the biggest undertakings ever at
tempted by the Burlington railroad was suc
cessfully completed last week when the
mammoth Sheep canyon , on the Black Hllla
division of this road , near Edgemont , was
filled up. The canyon was 800 feet In length
and 127 fcot deep and to fill It 350,000 cubic
yards of earth , representing 2,000 train loads ,
were required. The work has been progressIng -
Ing day and night for the past four months ,
and In Its completion Uio Burlington feels
well repaid for the enormous outlay neces
sitated , by reason of the marked Improve
ment In the roadbed.
llnllwity A'otcM nml IVrHoiinln.
General Agent Fred Nash of the Mil
waukee has returned from a visit to
"Nick" Vnndcrpool. northwestern pas-
ponger agent of the New York Central at
Chicago , Is a visitor in the city.
General Passcncer Agent Buchanan of the
Elkhorn Is In Chlcaso attending a meet
ing of the Western Passenger association.
" \V. E. Dauchy of Chicago , who recently
succeeded W. K. McFnrlln as chief engineer
of the Hock Inland , is an Omuha visitor.
George E. Abbott , city passenger agent
of the Union Pacific , has returned from
Denver , where ho attended the annual
mooting of the Traveling Passenger Agents'
A special car , provided for a number of
traveling passenger agents who had been
In attendance upon the annual gathering at
Denver , came in from the west over the
Burlington yesterday and proceeded cast-
ward via the Northwestern.
The Hock Inland road was represented
In Omaha Sunday by a number of ofllclalR
who spent the day here. The party was
composed of W. I. Allen , Chicago , assistant
general manager ; K. W. Thompson , assist
ant general passenger agent at Topeka : E.
11. Duncan , traveling passenger agent at
Topcka , mid A. K. Swift , Chicago , super
intendent of telegraph.
Through the enterprise of Mr. Thomas
Boocham , propretor of the world-renowned
Boccham's Pills , Photo-folios of public
.buildings , natural scenery , etc. , of the
British Isles may now bo obtained for the
nominal price of D cents from the Inter
national News company , Duane street , New
York City.
To these who have not visited the places
of historic Interest which are portrayed in
these books the photographs will bo of extreme -
tromo Interest ; England , Scotland , Ireland
and Wales Jmvo all received tholr attention
nt Mr. Beochatn's handu and the books will
jirovo very Interesting and Instructive.
"InnfTered the tortnrnoftlie damned
with protruding piles lirotipta on by constipa
tion with which I was mulcted for twenty
joirs. I ran across your CASOAHKTS in the
town of Newell , la. , and never found anything
to equal them. To-dny I nm entirely free from
piles nnd feel llko a now man "
tt II. KEITZ , lit ! Jones St. , Sioux City , la.
Pleasant. PaliUbln. Potent , Taste flood , no
Good , Merer Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe. lOcSic , We.
8Utll t ltia.KJf tcafttl , Dtluit , H.'trol , HtwTtrk. 311 Bold and iir nt - < J bj all drug-
HU I U'lSllb
cists w dimTobacc
U >
The Iinmenur Sneer * * nnd Orent At
tendance nt Unr flrnnd Opening 9nlo
Have Indused Us to
nemembw this Is & sale of absolutely
the very newest nnd latest styles of every
thing for fall wear. The newest of new goods
at a remarkably low price.
| 1.00 fancy ellk and wool novelty dross
goods , 29o yard.
$1.60 plain and fancy suits , 40e yard ,
12.00 Imported dress goods , 9Sc.
$2.SO black dress goods , $1.25 and $1,49.
$1.50 fall novelty silks , 3 ! > 3 and 49c. all Bilk satin duchcsse , 89c.
$2.25 corded crepon silk , $1.39.
$1.75 fall novelty taffetas , 9Sc.
$22.50 new fall man-tailored suits , $12.50.
$18.00 new all wool homespun suits , $13.50.
$10.00 ladles' new tailor-made suits , $3.93.
$6.98 English mohair boucle capes , $2.50.
$7.00 silk seal piueh capes , $3.50.
$12.50 ladles' winter melton cloth jackets ,
$8.00 misses' double-breasted Jackets ,
Imported pattern hats by famous artists
at $15.00 , $17.50 and $25.00.
Duplicates of expensive pattern hats at
$5.00 , $7.50 and $10.01) ) .
Special sale of trlmmod hats from our
own work rooms at $1.95 , $2.50 nnd $3.98.
50c Smith's tapestry Brussels carpet , 39c.
Cue all wool , cotton chain , Ingrain carpet ,
50c extra heavy union Ingrain carpet , 25c.
$1.15 best grade rooquette , Axralnstor and
velvet carpet , 85c yard. .
All the oilcloth and linoleum , worth up to
$1.00 yard , go at IGc and 25c.
Shelf oilcloth , 2Hc yard.
Table oilcloth , 60 yard.
Single crib blankets , 15c each.
Cotton blankets , 39.2 . pair.
$7.50 all wool California blankets , $5.00 pr.
$5.00 plaid blanket ? , $3.50 pair.
Twilled roller toweling , 2c yard.
$1.50 extra largo slzo all linen napkins ,
7Go dozen.
50c all linen Scotch table damask , 25c.
25o Turkey red damask , 12c yard.
25o and 35c satin damask , knotted fringe
towels , 15c.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Miniioiiotn. AVoninn Unable to Find
Trnco of Children Ieft tvitli
1'ollcc Four Ycnrn Alto.
Two small boys Jeft by a destitute mother
In charge of the matron at the city jail
four years ago have been lost and there Is
no track of them on the police records. The
mother visited the station yesterday to
get her boys , supposing they were In the
custody of the police or In an orphans' home ,
having been placed there by order of the
police department. A thorough search was
made of the records , but no trace of the
mlestng children could bo found.
Mra. .Annie Qarbacz came' from Madison ,
S. D. , four years ago for treatment at one
of the hospitals. She brought with her two
sons , Edwin and Charles , 8 and 6 years old.
The mother became too 111 soon after her
arrival to tend to the children , BO they were
cared for by the matron at the Jail , Mrs.
Cummlngs. A few weeks later Mrs. Garbacz
feared she was about to die , and not wishing
her husband to know where the children
were she gave assumed names for them.
Theodore and Toflad Gwog were the names
she gave the police.
When the woman partly recovered from the
Illness she was taken by relatives to Ord ,
Neb , , and later to her former home , Madison ,
S. D. During the time elnce then she has
lived in South , Dakota and Minnesota ,
but has not 'had ' enough money to
send for the chldrcn and , although
she has written often to learn of
tholr whereabouts , the letters were
never answered. The police are making
every effort to find some trace of the two
boys , but so far they have been unsuccessful.
The Garbaczs are poor people and the mother
Is nearly distracted with grief because she
has not been able to find her boyu.
Siinvcct In Tukeii In.
The police took into custody yesterday
a barefooted negro tramp from Cleve
land , O. , on suspicion of being a dangerous
man. The name he gave was Joe Watson.
In Gross' pawnshop , 518 North Sixteenth
street , ho sold a pistol for $6 which ho said
was bought the day before In Iowa for $9.
The police think the weapon was stolon.
Aak for Dent's Toothache Gum , original
and only genuine. All druggists , 15 cents.
Samuel Burns , 1318 Fanrnm , Is onaklns
special prices lor ten days on dinner ana
toilet sets.
Via < U < ; ClilciiKo , Milwaukee & St. 1'nul
II n I Mr ay.
Omaha to New York and return , Sept. 25 ,
20 and 27 , $41.00.
Omaha to Washington and return , Sept
20 and 30 , $40.33.
Omaha to Chicago and return , Oct. 2-9 ,
Omaha to Chicago , Oct. 2-9 , 17.75.
City odlce , 1504 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH , .
General Western Agent.
Via ( In * Ilurllnnli'11 II011(0.
To Now York and return , ? 41. Septembro
2C , 2C , 27.
To Washington and return , J40.35 , Septem
ber 29 and 30.
To Chicago and return , $12.75 , October 2
to 9.
To Chicago , $7.75 , October 2 < o 9.
Ticket ofllce , 1602 Farnam street.
Start from Uurllngton Station , Tenth and
Mason streets.
Via MliNOiirl I'uvlllu Railway.
Kansas City. Sept. 27th'UTOct. 7th.
Now York , Sept. 25th , 20th. 27th.
Washington , Sopt. 29th , 30th.
St. Louis , Oct. 1st to Cth.
For further Information call at Mtuourl
Pacific otllcea , S. B. Corner 14th and Douglas
sis. , or depot , ISth and Webster 8ts.
J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. O. F. & P. A.
Attention , Sir
All Sir Knights of Mount Calvary Com-
mnndery No , 1 , Knights Templar , are re
quested to meet at their asylum on Wednes
day , September 27 , 1899 , at 9:30 : a , m. , to act
as escort to Capitol Ledge No. 3 , A , F. and
A , M. , at the funeral of Sir Knight Richard
Smith. Sojourning knights Invited. Per
order of A. P. Brink , commander.
Attest : EI3BN E , LONG , Recorder.
Attention Cnpltol I.oilKe Xo. It , A. V ,
rand A. M.
Tha members of Capitol Ix > dgo No. 3 are
notified to meet at Masonic Hall Wednesday ,
September 27 , 1899 , at 930 ; a. ra. prompt , for
purpose of attending funeral ot Brother
Richard Smith. All eojournlng Master
Masons are respectfully invited to Join with
us. Iy order ot the Master.
Round $41.00 Trip ,
Sept. 25-26-27 ,
Call at the Company's New Office * ,
1401 and 1403 Farnam SU
Crn y Jinn with StrntiRO Storjr of n
Murder Semli Detective * on
AVIIil-Jno e Clmnc.
William BrnmTt Is a man with n delusion
who escaped from the Lincoln asylum last
j I week. Ho was sent there at the Instigation
I of the police department of this city three
, months ago , as ho was considered n char
acter too dangerous to bo at largo. Brandt Is
a man of largo stature , appearing to bo In
perfect health. In ordinary conversation ho
shows no symptoms of Insanity , but ho ha * >
queer beliefs and can not refrain long from
talking about them.
Brandt visited the police station about
three months ago , nnd after securing a pri
vate audience with Captain Donahue In
formed him that a stranger had been mur
dered In a restaurant on lower Farnani
street and his body burled beneath the cement -
mont floor of the basement. Pcoplo con
nected with the restaurant had robbed the
stranger of $50,000 , Brandt said , nud so
earnest was his demeanor that the captain
believed every word of the remarkable story
and detailed several detectives to make an
Immediate Investigation.
The proprietor of the restaurant supposed
the police < \\ero crazy when a squad of five
called at his place of business and asked to
bo allowed to search the premises for traces
of a murder. The hunt was undertaken ,
nevertheless , and every nook and corner ot
the building was carefully examined with
out the discovery of a single suspicious cir
cumstance. Then the detectives , one ? of the
number keeping the proprietor under sur
veillance , reported the result of the Investi
gation to the captain.
While closeted ) with Captain Donahue
Brandt added another weird Incident to his
story ot the murder. Ho asserted that the
restaurant owner was Infatuated with his
wife and kept her chained In the same basement -
mont where the murder was supposed to
have been committed. At this statement
the captain began to detect signs of whirlIng -
Ing wheels and had Brandt confined In a cell
till he visited the restaurant himself.
It was afterwards learned that Brandt was
a stranger In the city and his marvelous
story ot the restaurant crlmo was a fiction.
Arrangements were then made to have him
taken to Lincoln. Brandt escaped from the
asylum last wceki Thursday ho appeared at
the offlco of Chief White wid rcpoated the
same story. The chief eont him to the
police station with the assurance that the
captain In ohargo would visit the restaurant
with a shovel and file , dig the body up and
frco the wife. When Brnmlt called at the
station ho wa again locked up , word of his
Intended visit having been telephoned by
the chief. Brandt will bo taken back to
An advertisement appearing In these col
umns , referring to Mcrara. George Barrio &
Son's edition of Balzac's Human Comedy ,
contains n quotation from "M , W. H. " ( the
famous reviewer , In the Now York Sun ) ,
who devoted nearly a whole page of that
paper to a close analysis of this author's
works ; which Shows that ho has evidently
carefully noticed each novel In detail ; nna
In so doing practically presented a complete
bibliographic synopsis of Balzac.
Our readers \\lll bo particularly Interested
In Mr. Hazcltlno's comparison of the several
translations now published , In which he cm .
phatlcally proclaims the superiority of the
Barrio edition over that of all others.
Snttirilnr , September 3O.
$1.10 cfor tfie round trip.
Special train leaves Burlington station 8
n. m. Get ticket from members of committee
or at station morning of excursion.
To Chicago.
To Chicago and Return
October 2 to 9.
Thfso reduced rate tUkcts are good on
limited trains
6:40 : am , 8:15 : pm.
Lv. Omaha 4:55 : pm , arrlv. Chicago 7:45 : am ,
7:05 : pm , 9:30 : am.
New City Offices 1401 and 1403 Farnarn 3t.
Ak-Snr-Ilen I'llrmle.
35 , 60 , 75c.
Eighteenth and Farnani streets. Order
There are
Trains Daily for
ONEOFTHENl LEAVES AT &fJlAT 81:55 : p. m ,
Finely Equipped , with Palace Sleepers , Chair Cars ,
Buffet , Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Car Service.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Si. Telephone 316
Sept. 25 , 26 and 27. Good to return leaving
New York not later than October 4.
Burlington trains leaving Burlington station
at 6:40 : a. m. and 5:05 : p. m. make close con
nections at Chicago with fast trains for New
York. Berths can be reserved NOW.
Rate of $40.35 to Washington and return in
effect September 29 and 30.
Tlclret Ofllee Darllncton Stntlon
tnO2 ITnrnam St. , 10th und MtiNnii Stu. ,
H Telephone -ISO. Telephone ttlO.
OB i ® ® ® ® < S1BH h
Special shoe bargains for "Ak-Sar-Ben" week that
will save our customers big money. Out-of-town buyers will
find it to their interest to visit our big shoe
department and see the greatest bargains
ever offered ill good shoes.
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' $2.75 Kid
Lace Shoes * $1.98
Ladies' § 3.50 Yici Kid
Lace Shoes
Ladies'4.00 Vici Kid
Lace Shoes
Girl's Shoes
Misses' $1.50 Kid Lace Shoes ,
sizes 11 to 2
Misses' § 1.75 Kid Lace Shoes ,
sizes 11 to 2
Child's § 1.25 Kid Lace Shoes ,
sixes 9 to 12 . . . . 8Sc
Child's § 1.50 Kid Lace Shoos ,
sizes 9 to 12 $1.10
Men's Shoes
Men's $2.00 Satin Calf
Lace Shoes . $1.25
Men's $2.25 Austin Calf
Lace Shoes . $1.50
Men's $2.60 Crack-Proof
Lace Shoes
Men's $1.00 Hand Sewed ( CO A A
Box Calf Lace Shoes ipO VfJ
Boys' Shoes
Boys' $2.00 Austin Calf
Lace Shoes . $1.50
Boys1 1.76 Satin Calf | Little Men's $ Calt
Lace Shoes Lace Shoes
deii Bros.
4O Men's ' lints Woman's Hats
Now fltylcH present - '
Our Nebraska
sent thomaolvcs to |
Special now full view dully , the difi i
filmpcs , rcnl value foronco in prtco Is i f
$3 , our prlco ono half you find i
elsewhere , ? 2 ones I
i $1.50 WE TAKE IT $1.00 I
That there was never a better , greater , more business inspiring collection of outer
garments than is found here and the saving runs just as strong and stronger than
over. The advantage of ready cash tells of purchases that have been advantaged by
twenty-five per cent at least.
Men's ' Clothing.
Men's fine rail Suits-
Black cheviot , round or
square cut correctly tailored
lined throughout reinforced - .
ced with body cloth fine
quality serge lining work
manship iirst-class sewed
throughout with silk , this
same suit sells most places
1 Men's Tall Suits
Brown plaid cassimeres lined
with triple warp Italian lin
ing sewed with silk latest
and nobbiest patterns re-enforced satin
piped lapel pockets every garment
made and finished throughout with the ut
most possible care this suit is sold by
other houses for $9 and $10 ,
on sale here for , . . . .
Men's Fine fall Suits
| Blue diagonal serge , double and single
® breasted , fine wool serges guaranteed not
* to fade , wide wale , re-enforced , satin
* piped , tailored in a perfect manner , ac-
1 tual value 810.00 , our
* price only. . „
2 Men's fine fall Suits
f Brown and gray cassimeres , stripes and
< ? checks made up with great care , lined
f with fine quality serge lining , these suits
2 cannot be duplicated in any store for less
X than § 13.50 , our O OO
S Men's fine fall Suits-
Gray striped cassimere you can't tell 'em
from merchant tailored goods , except our
name plate is on the coat , that's a guaran
tee that it's a better bargain than any
tailor can furnish you , fine quality lining ,
and satin piped ,
Wo are prepared to furnish .Mineral Water
In pint elzo whenever such -water Is bottled
by spring. Wo mention a tow which we can
furnish strictly fresh :
Waukesba Hygela , pints and splits.
Doro Llfhla Hygela , pints and splits.
Sulpho Sallno , pints.
Apolllnarls , pints and splits.
Ozonato LlUiia , pints.
Hod Raven , splits.
Carabann , pits.
Carubana , pints.
Congress Water , pints.
Colfax Water , pints.
Our waters are all fretsh and genuine , aa
wo buy direct from spring. Special prices
on case lots of water.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , ,
1513 Dodge Street. Omaha.
can find nmplo
comfort in the
Shoe *
I'lio only wo
man's shoe con
structed on hy
gienic principles
that combines
comfort and
AVe nrc sole
n ROD t s.
I'UICR , fjlH.BO.
Oxfords , $ . ' ! .00.
Extra quality , ? 5
Howe Shoe Go ,
1515 DonRlnn St
On Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
o ? purity.
Swift and Company ,
Chicago , Knnnns City , Omaha ,
St , Louis , St Joseph , St. Paul ,
re *
4th Floor Broun Blk. , Ifltb and Dou l §
Gold Alloy Filling $1.OO
Gold Filling $1.OO and op
Gold Crowns $5.0O
Set Teeth . . . . . . . $5.0O
BtstTeetli . $7.5O
Women's Clothes ,
Women's New fail Coats-
Swell , double-breasted box-
front effects , fine quality ,
in black or blue , nicely
tailored , worth else
where no less than
$7.00 , our
price . .
Women's New fall Coats-
Fine quality Kersey in
black , blue and tan , silk
lined , double-breasted , now
and nobby this same coat
brings elsewhere no less
than $9.00 ,
our price only' '
Women's New fall Dress Skirts
Women's Dress Skirts , made
of good quality cloth , in blue or black ,
water-proof , and velvet bindings , nicely
lined skirts that sell around town for
§ 2.00 and $2.25 , on sale in
our new Suit Department. . . .
Women's New Fall Dress Skirts
Made from the latest style black crepon
effects cloths , heavy novelty weaves , skirts j ;
that are selling around town * * > * " * * * f- * *
for § 3.50 , here cio
Women's New fail Suits ; ;
Finely tailored homespun suits , light and < >
dark gray mixtures , new shaped fly front
Jackets , nicely lined with good quality
taffeta silk , newest shape skirt , would be
a big bargain at § 15.00 , our CflO * * 7CS
price in the new Suit Dep't. .W s A 3
Women's New fall Silk Waists
The finest collection Omaha has ever
witnessed 200 of them $4.50 and up.
Worth double.
Cloaks , Suits and Jackets.
The greatest economy now is that - whichwas once considered the greatest
extravagance buying ready-made suits. If prices , such as wo make on this
lot of ready-made garments , can be maintained , Itwill put cutting , fitting
and stitching out of the question for all time to come.
red , cadet and mode ; mode to sell for $1B.OO |
on sale at only $10.00.
Our $10.00 suit Is the best value we ever A lightning seller. Ladles' all wool Jack ,
had. They come In grays , blues , browns , ets of caterpillar cloth , lined throughout-
tans and black ; made to sell for $17.50 ; at made to sell for $10.00 ; at only $4.98.
$10.00. 270 Jackets in kerseys , whipcords , In the
200 ladles' hlgl latest styles , silk lined throughout ; Jacket
class tailor made made to sell for $10.00 ; on sale at $6.50.
suits , in new whip 200 high class Jackets , trimmed with braid '
cords and Imported martin and Persian lamb trimmings. Skin-
Venetians , waists ner's satin lining , direct Imitation of foroici
taffeta lined models ; made to sell for $25.00 ; on sale a
throughout , skirts $16.50 each.
porcallne lined and
' Interlined , In tight
fitting or box front
effects ; made to eoll
for $20.00 ; our price
only $14.98.
250 ladles' suits
In gray , brown and
blue homespuns ,
Jackets lined with
Mercerised foulards ,
the best valua In
America ; made to
Bell for $10.00 , for
only $4.48.
Silk Waists.
200 ladles' taffeta
waists , in pink ,
blues , cerise and
200 Jackets , nges 4 to 14 , that were bought
black 30
plain " , to sell for ? 2.00 , will bo on sale this week
rows of cording forming a "V" In front ; for 75 cents.
made to sell for $7.50 ; on sale at $4.98.
200 Jackets 4 to
, nges 14 , In fancy mix
200 ladles' wal ts In taffetas and fancy
tures In boucles
and friezes
, , bluea
silks ; made to sell for $5.00 ; on Bale at $2.48. and tans bought to , reds ,
grays , sell at $3.00 , at
Ladles' silk underskirts , with three and $1..59.
four ruftloe , in fanciefl and colored silks ; 300 children's Jackets , with or without
worth $8.00 to $10.00 ; for only $3.75 Sat Bailer collars , In heavy mixtures and plain
urday. goods , nicely trimmed , with braid , bought
Ladles' Eiderdown dressing sacques , BOO of to soil for $4.50 , on sale at $2.98.
them , In blues , pinks , reds and grayo , 32 to 295 children's Jackets , In plain kerseys ,
44 ; made to soil for $1.25 ; at only 69o each. blues , cadets , rods , browns and greens ; also
100 Jackets In fancy "mixtures , bought to
sell for $ C.50 , on nalo at $3.98 each. '
Latest in Jackets. 200 children's Jackets , with sailor collar ,
trlmmod with fur , very pretty garments for
Our $10.00 Jacket Is the talk of the town. the llttlo tots , bought to sell for $8.50 , on
It is made of Washington Mills Kersey , with sain at $5.00. Wo defy competition on the
strapped seams , trimmed with largo and above garments. Your money back If they
small pearl buttons. In black , blue , tan , ore not satisfactory ,
The Most Successful
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