Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Supreme Court Affirms the Ruling of the
Low r Tribunal ,
Petition for I'crmnncnt Injunction
Agnlnftt Hip llonrd , IK Ilnniln cil
Au Hullim on CoiiNtlliitlou-
oC Stntc llonril.
LINCOLN , Sept. 21. ( Special ) The su
preme court this afternoon' handed down a
decision of the ca o of Iho Nebraska Tele
phone company against the State Hoard of
Public Lands and Uulldlngs , adlrmlng the
dismissal by the lower court ot the petition
of the company for a permanent Injunction
restraining the board from taking action
on the complaint of John 0 , Yclser , who
Bought to have telephone rates reduced. It
was thought the decision In the caoo would
touch upon the constitutionality of the vari
ous state boards provided for by statute ami
not by constitution , but this point Is not
decided. Following Is the syllabus of the
caito :
"A petition for equitable relief by In
junction where the allegations are of the
constitutionality ot the law , or laws under
ivhlch acts nro threatened or being done
ot which the complaint Is made , Is not suf
ficient to invoke the equity powers of the
court unless there are other allegations
fwhloh complete n statement of a case for
equitable rcllof. " The opinion la by Chief
Justice Harrison.
Judge Sullivan concurring , Bays : "I agree
to the judgment ot affirmance , but not to
the reasoning of the foregoing opinion. "
The opinion closes toy saying that "It fol
lows that the district court was right In Its
finding. The conclusion reached in this
branch of the case renders unnecessary the
consideration of the other questions pre
sented. "
"In an net of the legislature which too-
came by Its tcrma of effect July 10 , 1897 , It
mas in substance provided that the Board of
Transportation should have the power to
regulate certain rates of charges of telephone -
phone companies , the power and manner of
procedure , by the board to too the same
os possessed by It In regard to railroads.
( After the time Btnted In the act at which
it should become cffeotlvo a complaint was
anado and filed with the board In which It
Nvas alleged that the appellant company had
established or woa exacting rates for serv
ices In the etato of Nebraska and the city
of Omaha which were too high , unjust and
extortionate. The board was asked to In-
vcstlgatB the charges In the complaint and
grant roTlof. The appellant was served
with notlco Issued by the board
to appear and answer the com
plaint. The appellant presented
to the board objections to its jurisdiction
on the grounds that It was an unconstitu
tional body and of the unconstltutlonallty of
the act of 1897 under .the provisions of
which the complaint had been filed. The
( board by Its secretaries heard arguments
on the objections , overruled them and held
the matter for hoaxing on Its merits. The
appellant then commenced this action In
the district court of Lancaster county , the.
relief sought being to enjoin further pro-
coedlngs by the board or Its secretaries In
the matter of the complaint. Itwas asserted.
In the petition filed that the act by which
the legislature hod provided for a board of
transportation and Its secretaries was with
out constitutional authority or In direct de
fiance or was at feast an evasion of the con
stitution of the state ; also that the law of
1897 , which purported to glVo the board
I > oworover telephone companies , TV as un
constitutional and void.
"It was further alleged that the board
nnd Its rccretarlca pretended to have the
authority to hear the complaint , to call the
petitioner ( appellant ) before It , Inquire
Into Its business and business methods ,
anako It produce Its ibooka and give the In
formation apparently demanded by the com
plaint and to fix rates of charges for serv
ices performed by the company for the
public. That unless restrained the board
nnd Its secretaries would do these things ,
tor the doing of which It pretended to have
the power , to the great expense , loss ot
time , annoyance and unjust exposure of the
petitioner's business and will proceed to
establish and fix the rates to bo charged
by your petitioner In the prosecution of Ita
business aa hereinbefore sot forth to the
great nnd Irreparable Injury of your pe
titioner. " A temporary injunction was
granted. A demurrer was filed to the pe
tition which on bearing was sustained and
the action dismissed.
The finding of the district court In sus-
lalnlug the demurrer was that the petition
does not state a cause for action. The
question of those argued which wo deem
proper to examine IB of the auillciency of
the facts alleged In the petition to show an
Injury present or threatened which would
warrant or uphold an application to a
court for the cijultablo remedy of Injunc
tion. "
Cornell Pojnler.
It Is probable that the case of Auditor
Cornell against Governor Poyntcr , testing
the Weaver act , v > lU be argued before the
miprouio court at Its next sitting. When
the court today took up for consideration
the motion of Judge Ilyan , attorney for
Auditor Cornell , asking for an advancemen
of the case , Attorney General Smyth ap
peared and expressed his willingness to par
ticipate in the proceedings on behalf of the
governor. This action on the part of the
attorney general \\ns not looked for , as be
had heretofore sided ulth the auditor in
the Insurance controversy. The cour
granted the attorneys for the defendant two
weeks In which to file an answer to the In
formation of Auditor Cornell and Judge
The case wherein ex-Superintendent Ab
bolt of the State Asylum for the Insane
nought to recover | 1,000 from the state , nl
loRod to bo due him no salary , was sub
inlttcd to the court this afternoon. Through
nn alleged error of the enrolling clerk In
the state legislature of the session of 189'
the salary of the superintendent of the
asylum was cut down from $2,500 to J2.000
per year. Dr. Abbott accepted his salar ;
In quarterly Installments on a basis ot $2,00
per year and did not ask for the K > 00 fo
each of the two > oars until after ho wn
succeeded by Dr. Coffln , the present superIntendent
Intondent ,
The case of Scott against Flowers , a case
Involving the constitutionality of the re
form school act , which has been dragging
along In the courts Jn Lancaster county fo
several years , was argued and submitted to
the supreme court this afternoon A young
girl named Flowers wan charged In th
county court by her guardian with Incor
rlglblllty. After a hearing the girl wa
committed to the reform school , but wa
afterward released on an order from th
court , Friends of the girl brought suit fo
damages against the guardian , Scott , nn <
secured a Judgment for her for $2,600 , Thl
caiso was nprpoaled to the supreme court and
the point Is now raised that the entire re
form school law Is contrary to statute.
The case of the State against Baker , als
appealed from Lancaster county and invok
ing practically the same point of law , wa
consolidated with the Scott-Flowers case.
The court adjourned this afternoon at
Hull IiiMirnnre Compiiny.
Numt-roiiB letters of Inquiry have been
rocolvod at the attorney general's ofllce con
cerning the standing of a hall Insurance
company. The following letter explains al
that Is known conceinlng the company :
"LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 21. Olaf Nelson
Tender , Neb : Dear Sir I have jour letter
Ot September 20 , asking certain questions
concerning the Grain Growers' Mutual Hall
nsurancc association of Omaha , with re
spect to the financial fttandlng , whether or
hot nn action waa brought by this office to
prohibit the company from doing business
on account of lie poor financial standing
and past bad record , and If BO , whether the
action Is etlll pending. In reply thereto
permit to say :
"This oillco has no knowledge of , nor any
tray of ascertaining , the financial standing
of the association.
"At the request of two reputable lawyer *
an action In quo warranto was brought by
this office against the association on the
ground that It had not been organized In
accordance -with law. Wo know nothing
i bout the matter , except what was told us
ly the lawyers Jut mentioned. Afterwards ,
Dy consent of those lawyers and at their
request , the actlou was dismissed
"Whether the association Is doing bust-
In accordance with law or not the
Issued 'by It , In niy opinion , would
bo valid.
"Tho state has no power to prohibit the
tssoclatlon fro-in doing business merely on
the ground that It is financially unsound , It
It has complied with the law with respect
to Us organization nnd Its manner of doing
buslncsn. Very respectfully ,
"C. J. SMYTH , Attorney General. "
Join lit the Reception nml
PrntUltlc * nt Ilitt Id City.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
David City did not celebrate Fourth of July
hla year that It might ea\o Ita enthusiasm
'or ' n reception to Company E and all the
soldiers who enlisted from Butler county
n the Spanish-American war. On the
morning of April 27 , 1898 , Dn\ld City bade
Company E a fond farewell and yesterday
was the day set apart to formally celebrate
the homo-coming of the heroes.
Early In the morning people began to
como to town. Trains were all heavily
loaded and long before noon fully 20,000
[ > eoplo were on the streets. At 10 o'clock
the procesolon started from the high school
grounds with the fraternal organizations ,
fire companies from different towns In the
county , Grand Army of the Republic del
egations and GOO school children , acting an
escort to Company E , In line. Company 13
was conducted to the city park , where an
elaborate dinner , prepared by the Sanitary
and nolle * commission was awaiting It.
The afternoon exercises -were held In the
city park. There was music by Hagenow's
band of Lincoln and a chorus of 100 voices
under the leadership of Prof. A. L. Hughes.
An address ot welcome waa delivered by
Major Lester , Rev. J. H. Prcsson of Stroms-
burg delivering Uie address on behalf of the
Grand Army of the Republic. Chaplain
James Mallby ot the "Fighting First" re
sponded In behalf of the soldiers. The
chaplain gave a brief history of the reg
iment from the time It landed at Manila
until mustered out at San Francisco. The
chaplain's address was frequently Inter
rupted 'with ' applause.
The town was handsomely decorated with
flags and mottoes of various designs and
sentiments , such as "Tho Fighting First , "
"Welcome Company E , " "Welcome Home , "
"Honor the Dead Heroes. " Ono was n
sketch In colors of the soldiers of 1861-65
and 1808-99 clasping hands. In. the evening
there was a fireworks display In the city
park and a military ball at the opera house.
Captain Zclllnger was able to ride In his
carriage in the parade and he was loudly
cheered all along the line of march.
Wonmn Thrnnlicn Her Xe
HDMINGFORD , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) William Wlllmotto , a bachelor
farmer living fi\o miles west of here , re
ceived a sound thrashing today at the hands
of Mrs. Luke Phillips , a neighbor's wife.
The cause of the trouble seems to be that
Wlllmotto's stock were trespassing- the
Phillips farm and after 'bearing ' _ the annoy
ance for several days Mrs. PhlUlps penned
up the stock , Mr. Phillips being away from
homo. This aroused Mr. Wllhnotte's Ire
nnd when ho came after the stock he com
menced to call Mrs. Phillips vile names ,
whereupon she proceeded to give him a
good lashing with a strap which had a
buckle In the end. Wlllmotte made no
resistance , but "when " lie made good his
escape ho again abused Mrs. Phillips. She
fears ifurther violence from Wlllmotto nnd
came to town this evening with a view
of having him placed under arrest. Wlll
motto was examined by the board of In
sanity a couple of years ago.
Simrrern AVI11 Spur nt
HASTINGS , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) In response to Uev. Van DjKe
Wight's announcement In the state papers to
the effect that the prize fight at Hastings
had been called oft , Mayor Fisher and the
ofilclalB of the street fair association assure
the public the boxing contest will come off
as advertised , as It was never spoken of as
anything else except by those who tried ( o
make a prlzo fight out of It to discourage
I'rnlialilc Elopement nt I.ynn * .
LYONS , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. ) Rod
ney McCathcni , who has been for some time
a clerk at the Logan house , disappeared re
cently. Nothing strange would have been
thought of McCathcrn's departure had not
a waitress , Dolly Cranford , left at the eamo
time. McCathern Is a married man and has
a wife at Bancroft , Neb.
School Tcnchor IlecuiueH Innniic ,
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Spe
cial. ) Miss Mary N. Case , formerly of
Syracuse , but more recently a school
teacher In the western part of the state ,
became suddenly Insane hero yesterday , It
IB believed becaueo of overwork. She has
been taken to Lincoln and placed in the
AVnliTiiK-lon Snulnl nt ClnrUx.
CLARKS , Nab. . Sept. 21. ( Special. ) The
local lodge of the Sons and Daughters of
Protection gave a watermelon social on the
beautiful lawn of William Harris * homo last
night. There was an excellent musical and
literary program. Deputy W. D. Howard
of Omaha Is at work here In the Interest of
the order.
Accidental Shootlnir.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Sept. 21 , ( Special. )
While Roy Beera of Sargent , Neb. , was
llourlshlh'g n rifle at Charles Williams' place
west of Ashland the trigger caught , dis
charging a bullet Into his abdomen , but not
producing a serious wound ,
CuudiilntfHVlio Suit.
NEBRASKA CITY , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
Much satisfaction Is expressed by citizens ,
Irrespective of political belief , at the county
ticket nominated by the republicans at
Syracuse. Prospects are very bright for
the election of every man on the ticket.
Wonmu'M I ) " > ut Trcunmuli Pair.
TBCUMSBH. Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
Today was Woman's day at the Johnson
county fair and they shared in a largo part
of the program. The races wcro good and
attendance fair.
llr aii mill l'o > liter nt
ASHLAND , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
W. J. Bryan and Governor W. A. Poynter
are billed to speak In Aebland next Monday
AVIIIIum iinc-r' Muru M
NEBRASKA CITY , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
A valuable mare was stolen from the barn
ot William Elser last night ,
Ilullil ii StrnlKlituwii ) Truck ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept Jl.-The directors
of the Western Turf association have de
cided to ronsjtruet a six-furlong straight
away at Tanfornn imrk , which it in uro.
posed to make the fastest three-nu.irtera in
the world. It will be made * lde enough to
permit the blurting of twenty to twenti.ilvo
horses without the tightest Inconvenience
The straightaway course will be used I prf n :
clpally for the 2earold races. ( , o there will
ha no interference , aa is ihe case on a
" " "
circular track.
Day of the Eaot Sugar Town at th Street
Fair Brings a Thousand.
llccl Cloml Cniittiren ( lie Wntcr I'ltclit
TilIB in to lie Trn > plliiK Mcn'n
Jny Annril * of I'rcniluinn
to 1-nlr Kxlilliltom.
HASTINGS , Nob. . Sept. 21. ( Special Tol-
cgrnm. ) The fourth day of the Hastings
street fair and carnival opened this morning
with the booming of Rims , tooting of horns ,
bugle blasts and brass band music , and It
Boomed aa If everybody and overythlpg had
stayed awake nil night , for there was no
telling -where night ended and day com
There nro nearly 60,000 people In town ,
with hundreds coming in on every Incoming
train. This has been Grand Island's day
to shlno hero , as over 1,000 visitors from
that place arrived In Hastings on a special
train at 10 o'clock this morning. Mayor
Fisher , together with many citizens and a
brass band , -wore at the depot and escorted
them up town.
At 10:30 : the firemen's parade passed
through the principal streets. It was headed
by the Grand Island band , followed by Mayor
W. H. Platt of that city and Major Jacob
Fisher ot Hastings. Hundrc-ls ot Grand
Island people wore In line , cash one wearing
a badge with the following tnscilbed upon
It : "Hastings Street Fair , 1893. Grand
Island Fair and Harvest Festival , 1000. "
In the line of march were the Grand Island
hcso company , Hastings hose wagon , Hast-
.lngn hose cart , hook and ladder truck , brars
band and a long string ot volunteer firemen.
The procession proceeded to Fourth street
and Lincoln axcnuo.'from yhteh place the
Grand Island hose company maxlo a .100-yard
tun against time. The company ran COO feet ,
made * a coupling and then laid 300 feet ot
hose In 40 2-5 seconds. There wore plenty
of free amusements on the streets all day
which kept the test crowds In the very Lost
of humor.
lied Claud AVIim thp "Water Flnrltt.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon occurred the
water fight between representatives of the
Grand Island and Red Cloud fire depart
ments. WIndorf and Morgan held the noz
zle for Grand Island and Smelson and
Dlcdrlch for Red Cloud. There were fifty
pounds of pressure added to the regular
force from the standplpc.
The contestants stood twenty-five feet
apart and at a signal turned the water
on , pointing the nozzles In each other's
faces. Grand Island was somewhat handi
capped by WIndorf falling to the ground
as soon as the pistol shot gave the signal ,
for by the time ho had regained his equili
brium his opponents were close upon him
and had the advantage of getting the nozzle
located and a flrm stand. The fight lasted
nearly three minutes , when Morgan of Gram !
Island was driven back of the line and
WIndorf sank to the ground completely ex
hausted. The Red Cloud firemen were then
declared the prize winners.
Although this event was of short duration ,
It stirred up considerable enthusiasm and
The town was ablaze with electric lights
and red fire tonight. Fireworks and aerial
Illuminations were sent up from many parts
of the city , while the delegations from
various surrounding towns paraded the
streets In squads and shrieked their differ
ent yells.
Grnnd Inland Stnjii Intc.
Mayor Platt of Grand Island said .today
that ho was greatly surprised to find such
a splendid show. It was far ahead of any
thing he had ever seen of Its kind and
ho felt sure lie expressed the feeling of the
entire Grand Island delegation when he snld
the Hastings street fair was larger and bet
ter than had been anticipated. Mayor Fisher
tonight Informed Mayor Platt of Grand
Island that the kojs to the city were In
safe keeping and there was no danger of
anybody from the Dcet Sugar city being
locked out. They took advantage of this
and had their special train hold until after
the "wrestling" match had come off.
Tomorrow promises to eclipse all other
days for free amusements , as several new
features have been added to the progran
and the traveling men capture the city at
8 o'clock In the morning and If their forces
are strong enough they will hold It untt
the sun comes up Saturday morning.
Avuirilinpr of Premium * .
Following Is a list ot prize takers In the
agricultural display at Hastings' street fair
South Platte township , Hall county ,
first premium . ! " * 5222
Zero township. Ada-ns county , second. . 4000
Denver township , Adnms county , third. 3aOO
Unit bushel i-prlnK wheat , E. P.
Tromblv. llrst premium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Sample German mlllut , B. S. Dillen-
Tally potatoes , Herbert Warren . 200
Broom corn , W. B. Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Three tallest stalks of corn , I * Lewis. . 300
Best display of canned goods , A. Def-
fenbiugh , llntt premium . . . . . . . 300
Shelled corn , yullow. D G. Mjers. first. 300
Sample alfalfa , C. Christopher , II inU. . . ' 00
Three tallest stalks of corn , 1H. .
Woodworth , second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w
Twelve ears white corn , L. A. Carl ,
One-half bushel beets , F. C. LeFevro. . 200
Watermelon , W. II. I > ; llnc.v"VvVi : ?
Ash 200
Twelve ears vellow corn , Marshall
Second growth alfalfa. W. W. Phllleo. . 200
Half bushel onions , W.\V. .f'hlllco 2.00
Mammoth squash. W. W. Phllleo. . 300
Det display of fruit from 0110 farm ,
W. W. Phllleo 5.00
Best display canned goods from ono
farm , W. W Phllleo , sf-cond. . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
Pumpkins , llrst premium , C. H.
Crocker J
largest hand of cabl.age , first premium -
mium , S 15. Robertson -w
Vivo largust heads of cabbage , lln > t
premium , S 17. Robertson . . . . 2.00
One bushel Int. ) potatoes , Henry WIN
Hams , first premium -w
One bushel of oats , common , first pre-
mlum , Henry Williams. . 300
One bushel of oats. Russian , llrst pre-
mlum , Henry Williams , . . . . . . 300
Winter wheat , lltst premium , Henry
Williams . 30 °
Ono bushel tomatoes , llrut premium , I.
L Smith ; : ; " ; ;
Bugar beets , first premium , Hastings
college " " "
J. A.
Kaffir corn , rtrst premium.
' 'of'honey."h'rst'V'remlum. .
LeI'evre 300
F C.
One-half bushel of barley , llrst pre-
mlum , James B Conaway. . . „ . . . . , . -w
8 wcjot potatoes , first premium , a. J- > . a
" " ' " " ' "
Best Cill8p"ay "o'f""fruits' vegetabies ,
grains and grasses from one farm ,
llrst premium. W. W. Phllleo. . . . . . . . 300
Sweet corn , ilrst premium , J. C.oou -
ward . . . . . , . * yj
Popcorn , first premium , J. JI ° 'V" ' , , ' ,1
Sugar cane , Jlrst premium ,
college . , , , "w
Best display of fruit from ono farm ,
second premium , Fred Renz Jlv
One of the dlsplajs that coinca In for spe
cial mention U Irpm South I'latte township ,
Hall county. A largo number "f bchool
children in ibis township made a huge map
of Nebraska from grains and graus seed. It
artlsUc Rich county la
Is accurate and ,
properly placcul with drtorent ! colored grains ,
and each county seat located.
Varieties ot fine vegetables and fruits are
on exhibition by Hustlnps college , also by the
Adams county poor farm.
The Judgta who awarded the prlzws were
George A. Fields of Glltncr. Hamilton
county ; G. A. Wheeler of Spring randi. Cloy
county , and J , H. Casper of llellwood , But
ler county. There were 226 entries lu nil.
Friday's program follows ;
-Hand contest and parade of
9:30 : a. mHase ball und horse racing.
rating ( three c > entb ) .
3 p. m.-M ° rs8
2-SO p. inBase ball contents.
4:15 : p. mFoot ball contest at park.
10 p. -Wrestling match In big tent be-
odd man and winner of tlrat u > tnt.
JiTm. to D . m. Grand out-all-nlfht
parade of the "hobos. " "They toll not ,
neither do they spin. "
Thli IK n. Illsc IJny nt the Tnlr nml
Will Clone nidi Illtunlnntlon *
nml rireiTfirk * .
LINCOLN , Sept. 21. ( Special. ) There Is
no diminution In the elzo of the crowds at
the street fair. Rvery hotel Is overcrowded ,
nil of the merchants are enjoying an un
usually largo trade and everybody Is having
n ffood time. Tomorrow will bo anothcfblB
day nt the fair and Btlll larger crowds nro
"Tho street fair Is the blRgcst thing Lin
coln over had , " enlil George W , Bonnell of
the lliirllngton railroad this morning.
"Every Incoming train slnco the fair opened
has been crowded to Its utmost capacity antl
there Is no prospect of a let-up until after
the lost day. Even the State fair In Its
palmiest days never attracted such largo
crovuls of people as the street fair. "
Tfc'o usual vaudeville performances were
put on at the different stages In the fair
district today. This afternoon several hun
dred people attended the races at Lincoln
Tomorrow there 111 bo forty-five free cir
cus acts and In the evening a military pa
rade. The stress will bo brilliantly Illumi
nated with Incandescent lights stretched
overhead across the streets from the booths
nnd colored nro Vtlll add to the splendor of
the scene. After the parade there \\lll bo
n display of fireworks.
The Judges of yesterday's flower parade
announced their decision late this evening ,
the awards being as follows.
Claas A First prlzo , Mrs. II. J. Wlnnott ;
second , Mrs. C. A. Robins ; third , Mrs. Archie
Class B First prlre , Mrs. A. B. Coffroth ;
second , Mrs. Charles D. Miller ; third , Mrs.
Class C First prize , Mrs. W. C. Witt-
man ; second , Mrs. J. W. McDonald ; third ,
Mrs. John T. Dorgan.
Floats First , Mrs. WIttman's ; second ,
Mrs. Clarkson's.
Bicycles First , Mrs. Delashmcnt ; second ,
Miss Alllo Thiobault ; third , Will Alloway.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific com
pound halng the endorsement of eminent
physicians and the medical press. It "di
gests what you cat" and positively cures
dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron , Bloomtngdalc ,
Tcnn. , says It cured him of Indigestion of
leu years' plandlng.
Stirilor - < of < lic Civil Wnr Itcmcm-
I > erpil liy Hie < ! encrnl Government.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21.-Speclnl.-The ( )
follow ! HK western pensions have been
granted :
Issue of September C :
Nebraska : Additional Frederick L.
nibort , Belgrade , JO to J12. Increase Albert
O. Swift , Nebraska City , ? G to * 12 ; Jacob
Adams , Auburn , JG to $ S ; Isaiah Nelson ,
Bunvcll , JO to JS ; Tolbcrt Draper , Ord , $ G to
JS. Mexican war widows Eliza J. McCoy ,
Curtis , JS.
Iowa : Additional William Sabins , Adatr ,
$8 to $10 ; George A. Paddock , Llvermore ,
fS to $10 ; Thomas B. Ramsey , Coon Unplds ,
$2 to $6. Increase Robert Southwell , Gun-
der , $8 to $12 ; Albert Wright. Elliott. ? G to
SS ; William Kerr. Sioux City , JS to $10 ;
Thomas T. JlcWilllams , Mt. Ayr , $3 to $12 ;
John Vnnsant , Wayland , $12 to $17 : Caleb
Handy shell , Ottumwn , $14 to $17 ; William
Russell , Shambnugh , $8 to $10.
South Dakota : Additional James Mor
ton , Spencer , $ S to $12. Increase James
Morrison , Desmet , $ Gto $ S.
flcminn Mctli illnt Conference.
MINNHAPOiLTS.Mlnn. , Sept. 21. A special
to the Times from La Crosse. Wis . eays :
At today's session of the German
Jlethodlst conference Bishop Jojce of Min
neapolis presided. Chicago was selected as
the place for holding the next conference.
The following officers were elected : Secre
tary. Frank E. Hlrsch. Charles City , la. ;
statistical secretary , J. J. Klnley , Plitt-
vllle , Wls ; treasurer , R v. Frederick
Sehaub , Charles City , aa.
Abandon Ilrcyfun Meeting *
CHICAGO. Sept. 21. There will bo no
meeting at Central Music hall Sunday to
express the Indignation of the citizens of
Chicago at the conviction of Captain Drey
fus nor will there be one. to rejoice at his
pardon. The general cqmmlttce having the
affair In hand has decided that the libera
tion of the captain removed the occasion for
the meeting.
For l > rnNUa Indication * Arc for
Shower * iinil Cooler Frlilnj , Fol
lowed by I'nlr nnd Warmer.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. Forecast for
Friday nnd Saturday :
Tor Nebraska and South Dakota Show-
era ; cooler Friday ; Saturday fair ; warmer
In northwest portions ; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair Friday and Saturday ;
probably cooler Saturday ; variable winds.
For Missouri Fair Friday and Saturday ;
warmer Friday in eastern portion ; winds
mostly southerly.
For Kansas Fair Friday and Saturday ;
south to west winds.
For Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday ;
west to north winds.
Local Ilccoril.
OMAHA , Sept. 21. Omaha record of tem-
nerature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the past three
vcars :
1STO. 189S. 1897. 1895.
Maximum temperature. . . . SI 83 81 05
Minimum temperature. . . . DO CO 50IS
Average temperature . CC 74 67 Ed
Precipitation . 00 .00 .00 T
Record of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
Normal for the day G5
Excess for the day 1
Accumulated deficiency since March 1..11S
Normal rainfall for the day . 10 Inch
Deficiency for the clay . 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . . . 20.82 inches
rjcliclom * ' since March 1 . 4 0 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1898. . . 2.38 Inchei
Dellcicncy for cor. period , 1897. . 8bl Inches
IlciiortM From Stntlonn nt H 1 > . M.
t *
Omaha , cloudy
North Platte , cloudy
Bait Lalco City , patt cloudy , , , . .
Chuycnno , cloudy
Rupld City , cloudy
Huron , cloudy
Wllllston , clear
Chicago ,
fit , Louis , clear
Ht Paul , cloudy
Davenport , clear ,
Helena , clear
Kansas City , clear . , . , ,
Havre , clear
HUmarck , clear
Galveston , clear
T Indicates traco.
traco.LUCIUS A. WJ3LSH ,
Local Forecast Olllclal.
r Colored
I Splotches.
Mr. H. L. Myers , 100
Mulberry Street , Newark , N. J. ,
says : "I contracted a terrible blood
disease which broke out into sores
M over my body. I spent a hun
dred dollars with doctors but prow
worse instead of better. Many
blood remedies wore nlso used with
no effect , until I decided to try 8.S.S.
This remedy beemed to get at the
Beat of the diseneo and cured mo
completely and permanently. "
( Swift's Specific ) is the only cure for
Contagious Blood Poison : no other
remedy can reach this terrible disease.
Hook on self-treatment mailed free by
Bvvift Specific- Company , Atlanta , Ga.
* v \ S
Romrmber th * wonderfully * ncoo ( < ful spoclntlTtii and trcntmorrt of this InstltuU com *
bine Uio two frreaUat factors of lh hmllng art known to he moJiwU profmlon ,
ELBOTRJOITV ttivd MKDICIHE. ft i * the > .rr * rt. mo t thoroughly and oompl Uly
quipped Institute , both electrically and medically , ever otAbll td for the treattnont
grid absolute cure ot all Nervous , Chronic aivd Prlvatn Dla o * < of MEN and WOM
EN. Honorable and FiOr Dealing Accorded All.
These Doctors Can Cure You
Specialists for Diseases of MEN.
Specialists for Diseases of WOMEN.
The grroat electrical nnd medical specialists of t his InstKut * ara fr th b t , most
suooevsful and scientific th world haa over known , all of whom are graduates of the
b t Medical Colleges In the world. o oh bavins had long ami BUoeejsful praotlc *
In nil specialty and are achieving : r * ulta In ourlns the lck and < mrt rliig by
F ? ni.0i thelr OONI BIN ED ELECTRO-MEDICAL TREATMENT which wcnfld b
iHpoMlble to secure by eTtUer electrical or uisalcal treatiuont ulnuo. THE STATE
ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE is the only place wtoare you can Thrtafn tUJ
b neflta of this succes ful treatment under rthe most skillful and leorncd socialist * .
Be o , sured that U any power on. earth can curt you , these doctor * can. They haw
fCeotod complete and permanent euros after all others have failed. Berne iootori
fall because of treating the wrong disease , othere from not knowing the right treat
A cordial invitation IB x > tend d to all physicians or apeolalUtta havlwr dlfflcnR or
stubborn cases to bring their paUtnta to the Institute for treatment , under tills 1m-
Droved s > stnm
A perfect cure guaranteed In all cases accepted. Our special combined Blctro-
Medical Treatment for Nervous Debility Never Falls. YOUNG , MIDDLE-AGED
AND OLD MDN , Lost Manhood. The awful effects of Indiscretions In youth , self-
pollution or excesses In after life nnd the effects of neglected or Improperly treated
cased , producing lack of vitality , sexual weakness , undeveloped or shrunken organs ,
pain In back , loins and kidneys , chest pains , nervousness , sleeplessness , weakness ot
body and brain , dizziness , falling memory , lack ot energy and confidence , despondency ,
evil forebodings , timidity and other distressing symptoms. Such cases. If neglected ,
almost Invariably lead to premature decay , Insanity and death.
EASES OF RECTUM , PILES , 1-TISTULA , HEMORRHOIDS , etc. , absolutely cured
by this treatment after all other means have failed.
your troubles , if living away from the city. Thousands cured at home.
BookiGuiao t0 Health , " free.
Dent QnnkH nnd Lcndlnjr Vanlnc'mm Slcn of thl City.
Office Hours From 8 a. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays 1O a. n . to 1 p. m.
laparUrs end Jobber * of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
W esfern
Electrical Supplies.
Eleotrlo Wlrine Bolls and Gas
O. W. JOHNSTOM. Mcr W "owK"rd
Wholesale Hardware.
Oloyoloa and Sporting Goods , 1210-21-13 Hu-
ney Street.
and Iron Works ,
G. ANDREUtN , Prop.
Makes aspeolnlty of
&nd Burslar Proof Barns mm Vault Peers , etc
010 S. llth M. . Oiunlin , Nub.
. Haney Si Go.
tJTobbtrf ofLtathor , badAltvy Itarduiar * , JM *
We solicit your orders. 313-315-317 S. 13th ,
XVllcon At DrnUe.
Manufacturers bollera , amoko ntackn and
ftreechlnsB , premure , tendering , sheep dip ,
lard and water tanks , bailer tubes con-
itantly on hand , second hand holler"
bauRht and sold Pnorlnl nml promnl t
repairs In city or countrv Ilth nn < 1 r\ \ "
El s
r8@wed Shoe Go
Wfrs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
She Joaoph Bonigan Xtubbor Oo.
'h@ ' American
Chicory Go.
Orwen * 9 mtBUftoturcrt ( all fens * ol
Chicory Om b-ITrem0nt-O'N IU
Wo sell the famous CANDEB SU-
DALS and perfect-fitting spoclaltlca
on credit. Ask for Candeec. Wo also
recommend Jloyor Company , Joruoy
Company , etc. Write for new cata
logue of Rubber Goods , Mackin
toshes , LegglngH , etc ,
To Weak Men.
And Women Dr. Ilrnnett'M Klerfrln
Ilrlt offer * n ( lnnrniitrrd mill 1'rr-
tnnnctit rnre > DrtiKft Will Not Cnro
The > y OPIIOUP Nntnrr Oilier Helta
To vneak nnd debilitated men nnrt
Tromon 1 offer ft fr * book If they will
only write for It. It Mill tell sou Just
trtiy drugs will not euro ami why llleetrlo-
lly Is now the greatest remedial agent
known to modern science. I uoulrt R\O |
druri If 1 wanted to ami make n.
gr ttt d nl of money by doing * o It
uofis not cost a cent to Vtrlto a iire'orlp-
tlon : J > ut I could not give jou drug
treatment and l o honM , for I know drugj
will not euro they only temporarily stim
ulate , I am the Inventor ot.
OR ,
which In indorsed
l > \ - phrilclans and
recommend od l > v
thousand * of cured
UfcflenU. I worked so
long on Uiln belt to
psrfoot It and studied
It BO ixUlpntly that I
know exactly what
It will do. It my Bull
will not euro you I
wni franklr toll you
o. I do not vrant
dissatisfied patient ,
nor am I going to hava
one It my treatment
will not cure you 1 am
ffoinir to say so. Do
you know there are
moro drug wrecks than
alcoholic wrecks In
this country. It la a fact. Don't
yourself to death. The medicine that may
sllizhtly benotu one mnn will literally tear
down the. constitution of another. IJloctrle-
Ity alone stands unatnallnble. It Is th Vital
and Nerve Fores of every mnn and woman
it IB life Itself. Whan there Is n. lack of
Electricity In the syntem you are sick.
My Belt is * o supply this , lost Electricity.
The only trouble heretofore with eloctrlo
bclu and battorlto vrns that the current
did not pj'netrnto the systum , but wus rc-
tnlned upon the surface , wHlch caused
frightful burns and bllstnrs. I have done
away \vlth all that. My B lt has soft ,
ellkon , chamoln-covcrcd spongs electrode *
that render thin burning and blistering a
physical Impossibility and allows Iho on-
tlre current to penetraxc the -otem n It
hould. The electrodes on my Uelt ooet
moro to manufacture than the ontlro Celt
of the oldtylo makemVttrn worn wit
It can be renewed for only 76 cents. No
other belt can be renewed for any prlco
and when worn out -worthless. .
I guarantee my Belt to cure SexuM 1m-
potanoy , Lost Manhood , Varlcocela , Sper
matorrhoea nnd all forma of Sexual
WenknsiRCS In either sex ; restore Shrunk
en and Undeveloped Organs anfl Vitality ;
cure Nervous and General Deblllrv , Kla-
noy. Liver and Bladder Troubles , Chronic
Constipation , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism lu
any form. All female complaint ! , oto , Thar
orioes of my Bolts are only about halt
what ta asked for the old-style alTalra nnd
I -arrant mine to be four times stronger.
Qonerates a current that you can In
stantly fool.
Call upon and write me today sacredlv
confidential. Got symptom blanks and
literature. Write for my New Book About
Electricity. My Electrical Suspnnsory for
the permanent cur * of the various trajik-
n 8soa of men la FREG to evary mala
purchaser of one of my Belts. Consulta-
t6n and advice without cost.
Dr. Bennett
Hoomi SO anfl 91 Don l BInolc ,
Omaha. Ketar. . 10t and Dod Street" ,
suffering from nenrous debility , varl-
cocele , seminal weakness , loot man-
mood , omissions and uat tursJ dis
charge * caused by error * of younger
days , which , if not relieved by medi
cal treatment , 1 * deplorable on mind
and body.
wh n suffering , a * tills lead * to loeaof
memory , loss of spirits , bashfuhiess In
society , pains In small of back , fright
ful dreoniu , dark rlnga around the eyas ,
plrnpdiB or breaking1 out on face or
body. Bend for our symptom blank.
We can euro you , and * spdally do we
dartre old and tried caaea , a we charge
nothing for & 4vlce and xlvo you a writ
ten Kuarantar to cure wie worat caao
on record. Not only are th weak or
gans restart ) ! ] , but all losses. draJnn
jnd dlcchargeji stopped. Sertdio stamp
and Question blank to Dept. B.
First , necond or tertiary e * . ge , "WE
NDR FAIL. No detection from
business. Write us for particulars.
Copt. B.
Pharmnoy , Omnlm , Neb.
IBtb and Farnnm Stn.
Trulj ill Forms cf
22 Yean Experler.ct.
12 Years In Omaha.
EDILML Treatment
i njiiiii. comblned.Varlcocftlp ,
Stricture , Syphlllt.Losiof Vlfor and Vitality.
TnKATJir.NT. Hook , Consultation ami Exam ,
limtlnn Free. lloura.O a. m. toG ; 7 toil n m
Suiidav , 9 to 12. 1 . O. Itbx 766. Office , Jf. E.
Cur. Htli and 1'arnam StreetsOMAHA. MCIJ ,
and Cabinet
nro synonymous term . In union there la
etrongtb , and It's also in Cabinet. In Krug
Cabinet lager beer strength Is ono of the
strong points It Tnnkea the weak strong.
Resides , it's pure and a delicious ibovcragp ,
enjoyable alike to the \vcll. Frequently
the indisposed find Krug Cabinet a rapid
Invlgorator. It refreshen Instantaneous.
The gold modal waa awarded for purity and
otrcngth to Cabinet bottled beer at the ex
position over all other beers , If you dcslro
a mild , light , pleasant beer aa a beverage ,
you'll find Krug Extra Palo bottled beer
Just what you are after. It rocolvod the
medal over other light beers.
Kiinn ICUUG immviNfi < co. ,
Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson fit.
Howell's Cures Coughs ,
Relieves Inatantlj ,
AntiKawfCures you want.
Try U.
"In your walking and tlttlng so much
more erect ; In your Reneral health ; In your
convenatlon : In your way of ineeilnu' people
ple ; and In innumerable wayu ; I could gee
the benefit you are receiving from your
training and associations at Lnsell. All
thlB you must know Is very gratifying to
me. "
Thin lu what a father wrot to his daugh
ter after her return to school from the
Christmas vacation at home. It U unsolic
ited testimony as to La eir uuccesa In uomo
Important Hnou.
Places are now being taken for thu yenr
bielnnlnc September , ISM. Catalogue free ,
O. C. JJHA JW\ ,
a , Haul.