rv\i A TT A swnt. HTT ircr A"V cj i7T ! > pr'TflAr ' nTTT ! ? in isou COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Three-MilHon Increase to the Viilble Brings Ohlcaffo Whaat Lower. PROVISIONS CLOSE WITH LITTLE CHANGE Corn ntiil Onln Ilcnmlii Slnlloiinrr Clonlnir of Tliri'i .tlllllon llnnhcln nt Wlicnt liy One irirm AtTccIn .llnrkct. CHICAGO. Sopt. IS. The addition of over 8XWO.OOO bu. to the visible supply of wheat ovorHhadowcd In Influence everything clso today find caused a decline of ? sOV4c. Corn and o < it3 were nrm , corn closing unchanged end oats US-He higher. Provisions closed without material change. Wh it oponcd nt an advance of MSHiiC . from Saturday's closing price , with a good Bcnoral demand at these ngures. The cause 1 of the advance was the strength of cables en account of the critical South African nltuatlon and some rather liberal covering hy shorts was done during the flrst halt hour's trading. The demand was readily hujiplled , but though plenty of bearish news iwun at hand In regard to crop movement and seeding conditions the market held up well until near the noon hour. After the flrst rush of buyers had been accommo dated trading became dull and prices kept within a narrow range , December easing oft slightly from opening figures. Septem ber In the meantime was decidedly strong on a narrow nmotint of trading. very Jlttle was offered for sale and elevator noople were moderate bidders , prices In consequence advancing sharply early. Be fore noon December began to weaken , partly on account of the we.ikncM In Wall fitreet , but principally on the indentions of nn enormous Increase In the visible the flgurod of which were finally put nt 3lil.- Oi ) bu. The heavy selling was done by one flrm supposml to be In the way of liquidation of a long line. Most of the wheat wan offered at under 71c for Decem ber. It was estimated that fully 3,000.000 ) bu. was disposal of by this flrm and It 1 Imrt considerable effect on the market. : General raino were reported throughout the west and southwest and conditions were reported aa now favorable for fall needing. Primary receipts were heavy. 1.CSR.OOO bu. . compared with 1,489,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts w-ro 1,452 COTS , against 1,236 last week and I 1,993 a year ago. Chicago receipts were -17 cars S3 of contract grade. Atlantic port clearance of wheat and flour amounted to SS4 000 bu. A better cash demand de veloped on Uio break and CO loads were rc- norted worked for export at the. seaboard , with 100,000 bu. sold here. The break in December brought more liberal offerings of enptomtoer and that option also declined. The market closed weak all around. De cember opened at 71@lJ4e. It declined to 70M07OTHC and closed % c lower nt iO-c. September ranged from 71c to 714c ; and closed % o lower at 70c , Corn was quiet and steady. Shorts were trooJ buyers of September early In the day , affected by Uio strength of wheat , and ue- comibor wtis also In fair demand. Sllgnt advances were ultimately lost. Receipts boavy. 1.216 cars , and an Increase of 490,000 tra. In the visible was reported. The cash rtemand continued good. December ranged from 2S ic to 2ST429c and closed unchanged at S2 ic , selling as high as,33Hc. Oats wna flrm and fairly active. There was a largo cash demand , at le-ast 2uO,000 ibuTbelns worked all rail. Shorts were good buyers of both September and De cember and prices ruled slightly higher all nround. Receipt- were 541 cars. December ranged from 21VS6214c to 21 o and closed Ho higher at 21 j21&c. , September closed The rade.ain" provisions was unimportant. There was an excellent cash demand for sneatfl and packers wore moderate buyers of Oetobor products. The range was nar row. At the close January pork was un changed at J9.53 , January lard a shndj ? Jowor at J5.45 and January ribs a Bhaae ° KsUmaioii receipts for Tuesday : Wheat , 3G3 cars : corn , 1,300 cars ; oats , 530 cars ; ttu > ga , 24,000 heatl. Leading futures ranged afl follorra ; Articles. Opoo filch tiowT Close. Yea'dy 71H 70 70M S ® ! 70H 74 73W SS K 32 = 8 2'JH 29fiffl 22 sm 21H 2U 23 VJH 22H 007H 700 70S 707W 810 BOS 810 H 10 B57M 1)50 ) ues 8S7M 630 636 6 SO 630 636 635 637H C47H 646 647H C15 S 20 SIB 6 17H 6 17W 4U7H * U7H . Cosh quotations were as follows : FIXHJH Steady ; winter patents , J3.50 ® S.CO : utmtKhto , t3.10W3.3S ; spring apeclals , 54.10 ; spring patents , J3.40S3.70 ; straights , J2.SOS3.20 : bakers , J2.20Q2 CO. WHEAT No , 3 sprint66V4S70o ; No. 2 ed , 7071c. COKN No. 2. 324.1c ; No. 2 yellow , . 2. 22UJrc2i c ; No. 2 white , ftftj. 3 whlto , 23'.ifi-J4Hc. ItTK No. 2. 67940. j3ABi > rar NO. a , ssyjf Hc. SEEDS No. 1 flaxsced , J1.11H ; northwest , fL12 A : prtino timothy Beed , JS.SSQ'S O ; clover , . . . PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . J7.30ff 8.00 Lord , per 100 Ibs. . $5.1Rff5.30. Short ribs pidtii ( loose ) , S5.05 n.3S. Dry salted shoul- i4eni ( boxed ) , JC.OOSO.12Vi ; ehort clear sides , . K&lVinSKYDIatlllers' finished goods , per K&l . , . . SUGAH8 Cut loaf , J5.S3 ; granulated , J5.31. Tlie following are the receipts and slilp- for today : necciptp. Shlpm'ts. tmour , W > lB . 15,000 17,000 Wheat , bu . 12OUO ! 20.0JO Corn , bu. . . . . . . . 741,000 493,000 Oatu , bu . 460.000 311,00) Dlye. bu . 14,000 1,00) Barley. t > u . C4.000 40,00) On Uio Trodtico exchange today the butter niarkot wa llrm ; crcuniurlua , l&S Viic ; dairies. ISWISc. Cheeae. easy at 10 i < ffll ; c. KITKU. 'Irm ; fresh , 15c. Poultry , quiet ; turkey , SHilOc ; chickens , 9Vz510V4o ; ducks , JY12W YOHIC Ci\131lAI. MAIIICKT. iiiu < utloiiH of tli Diiy on YORK , Sopt. 18. FLOUK Receipt * , 81.391 Wjls. ; oxpoi'ts , 0,757 bbls. ; weak and lower to sell following wheat ; winter pat- citto , J3.KVjj-a.7T. ; winter Btralghts , { 3.30 3.40- ; oxtra.1 * , $2.4 < X5' ' . ' > .SO ; winter low gra < lcs , J2.3ji & 40 ; Minnesota patenta , J3.85O4.00 ; Jllnne- nota bakcra , W.95tf3.20. Ilyo Hour , llrm ; irood to fair , JS.ISQ'S.SO ; choice to fancj- , lUlOJlt Bpot. Sy Strong ; fpedlng , 41ff43o ( c. 1. S. , Buffalo ; malting45ftOOo , doliverc < lat D.HW York. UAHI > KY MAI/T Stc-ady ; western , K0 3c. \\'JIEAT lteeelle | , 209.000 bu. : exports , S1.05S bu. ; spot weak ; No. 2 red , 73Jo f. o. b. uiloat , iwot ; No. l northnrn , Uuluth , 7S'io rf. o. l > . alloat , to arrive ; No. 1 hard , Duluth , 61c , to nrrlvo ; No. 2 red , 72'AC. ' elevator. Op- dona opened lower following Saturday's ] curb docllno , but rtUllttl l ion cables , sub- Hoquontly oold off Ic under Increase in vli- I Jbly pupply , dlBturbiMl Transvaal conditions , i big r coilms nnd disappointing export dt- iiuvnd ; closed euuy at "hifllc " iu-t decline ; ! DIuy , 7RUij791-lSc ; closed , 7S'.to : September , , WiQ73ic ; oloaed , 72V4o ; December , 756-lt/Q ) IIN Hi'cclpts , MJj bu. ; exports , si. . i Oil bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 , 394r f. o b. i ullout 3SVjc , elevator. ; Oinlona aliened un- . ohanKod ami ruled qulut and a shade rasicr ; ' decline cht'ckcd by furiher talk of content- ! ixlated Seiitember corner nt Chicago , c-lotvd quiet nt unchanged prlc ja to Ho net lower ; 1 Slay , 85 < t3dc | ; closed , 35Bc ; September cJobvd at 38V ci December closed at SoTic. OATS Receipt * , 169DOObu. ; exports , 75.375 l > u. ; spot flrm ; No. 2 , 204o ; No. 3 , WUe ; No. V whlto , ) c ; No. S white , Ite'c ; .trotk , mixed western , 'JiJ'.iJj'JSo ; track , white , 27 > iij33o. Optlona inactive ) but steady on cash de- ciand. HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , 1836 crop , 60 ; 1S97 crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop. lOijlSc ; Paclllo co.ist , U9v crop , 4&tic ; 1S97 crup. nominal ; 1SUS crop , HftHc. JiAY Steady ; ehipplng , new , 5QCOc ; good to cliolce , new , eiijMv. IIIPES-FIrm ; Oalveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. , J7o : Taxoa dry , 24 to SO Ibs. , 12V4013c ; California. 21 to 15 lb . , lS 7 < ffl9e. LISATJ113K Firm ; hemlock sole. Iluenos t yrea , light to heavy wolghta , 2fi'J3He ; acid , . COAISteady. . l'UOVISION6-Beof. flrm ; family. J10.GO humu , 2 .SO : pnrkft. $10.00'&tf.tO ' ) : rtty extra India , mew , J14 6otn8.oo. Out meats , steady : pickled - led bellies , Jfi.76Cf7.GO ; pii kled rhouMers. J6.r ; plrkled hamfl , J3.76R10.00. l rd. iti Mid y ; western Steamed , JS.fio ; Sep. tf-mber , J5.60 , nominal ; continent , J5. 3 ; South America , Jfl.Mj compound , Jl.87\i iM refined , qulfit. Pork , steady ; mess , fS.7Ca9.fiO ; s-hort ! clcnr , J10.25fill.75 ; family , ni.60frlJ.fo. CHBESli Woik ; large wp'c ; small whlto , HUtJU'.ic ' ; large colored , 11 Q > HV4c ; small colored , llUiBll'jic. KOOS Firm ; United Htatw and Canada. US20c , IOPS off ; western , ungraded at mark , . TALLOW Dull ; city , 5foc ; cotmtry , 4 ® 4c. HOSIN Steady ; strained , common to g < KAi , ji.aryr/L27H. UICE-Stcady ; domestic , fulr to extra , 4Hfi7Vic ; Japan , 4 7J.'Jsc. MOLASSKS I'lnn ; Now Orleans , open ki > t'tle ' , good to choice , SiiJSCc. METALS Tlio local mMal market exf hlblts little of the strength shown some weeks ago and lucks the snap and activity In trade o characterMlc at that time , Speltor ami 'tin ' were neglected and w ik ; the rest of thp list wan dull and nominal , ! i There was nothing In news to materially alter the vli-wp of 1hR local trade. At the ploso the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants nominal at J17.00 ; lake copper , l very qu'et ; Ipflil , very nulot at J4.B7H 1 > M ; and JI.B2H asked : spelter , weak at J5.CO bid and J5.CO a ked. The brokers' price for lead Is J1.10 and for copper JlS.fX ) . OMAHA ( ilO.Vr.UAI. AIAUKKT. C'linilltlim of Trnilr mill Qitntntlnnn nit Stnt'l' * nnil Knni1 } ' 1'roiliice. EOOS Good stock at 14c. | IUITTEK Common to fair , 18c ; choice , i 155I16c ; separator , 22o ; gathered creamery , i 19 20c. 1 POTJLTIIY liens. ' live , 7Hc ; spring chickens , Dflfl' ' c ; old and stnggy roosters , live , 3 ? < ENc ; ducks and geese , live , G07c ; turi keys , live , 8c. I'lOUOXS-I.lvc. per doz. , 75c. VEALS-Cholcc , Sic. VEGETABLES. WATEUMELONS-Good stock , crated for Bhlnmepts. H'fflSc. CANTALOUPE Per crate , Rocky Ford , 12.00. TOMATOES-Por crate. 30ff33c. SWEKT POTATOES-Per bbl. . J2.00. POTATOES New. 2ftf2oc | per bu. CELEUY Per doz. , 2jii.50o. PIIU1TS. PLU.MS-Callfornla , per crate , SUoigi-BO. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Freestones , | APPLES Per bbl. , $2.23 ; crabapples , per bbl. . * 2.25ff2.EO. GRAPHS Natives , ITIflSc ; Ohlos. 17i California , Jl.25ffl.50. TROPICAL FRUIT3 LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , W.OOJfG.GO ; , choice California , $4.60U6.00 ; Messina , fancy , , to.OOW6.00. . BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock. ner bunch. $2.0l > 3'2.50 ; meHllum-Btzed unches. J1.7u'IJ2.00. ' HIDES. TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7&c ; No. 2 green hides , 6Vfce ; No. 1 salted hides , 9cj No. 2 salted hides. Sc ; Mo. 1 veal calf , S to 12 , , Ibs. . We : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . 8c. i TALLOW. GREASE. ETC. Tallow , No. ' 1. 3c : tallow. No. 2 2 > , ic ; rougn tallow , IHc ; i white grease , 2'/4it3c ; yellow and brown grease , l&G Wc. OIVISIHLE SUPPLY. Considerable IncrcmicH In All Stocks 13xcept Unit of Hurley. NEW YORK. Sept. IS.-The following Is a ' statement of the vteiitblo supply of grain In store and afloat on Saturday , September 16 , as complied by the New York Produce exchange : Wheat. 39.322,000 bu. ; Increase , 193.000 bu. Corn , 8,107,000 bu. ; increase , 490.000 bu. Oats , 6,689,000 bu. ; increase , 87,000 bu. Rye , IM < | , I/\AS ULt . ; Increase , 40,000 bu. Barley , 618,000 bu.J"unchanged. . St. IronlM Grain nml I'rovIjiloiiK. , ST. LOUIS. Sept. 18. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red , cosh , elevator , GS@6SV4c ; track , 69H@70Hc ; September , 67Hc ; December , 70Hc : JIay. 74Uc ; No. 2 hard , 66-SGSc. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , SOV4c ; track , 31R32c : September , SlUc ; December , 27&c ; May. 27T4c. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 cash , 22 io ! track. 22 % i23c ; September , 22 4c ; May , 23 % ; No. 2 white 24&c. RYE Strong ; B5Ho to arrive. FLOUR Quiet and easy ; patents , J3.40 ) 3.55 : extra fancy , J3.10Q3.20 ; clear , J.2.7503.00. SEH3DS Timothy seed , steady at J2.00fl > 2.25 , with prime worth more ; flaxseed , higher at Jl.OD . COR/NMEAL / Steady at JL75@1.SO. BRAN Steady ; sacked lots , east track , COc.HAY HAY Quiet and flrm ; timothy , J6.00@10.00 ; prairie. J7.00S7.25. " WHISKY Steady art J1.22. IKON Cottonties , J1.15. HEMP Twine. 9o. EGGS Strength continued , with an ad vance likely. Eggs arriving in better con dition ; fresh Jllssourl and Kansas stock , firsts. 13c per dozen , coses returned. PROVISIONS Dry sal't ' meats , nominal ; boxed shoulders and extra short clear , 5.50 ; clear riba , $ r .G2H ; clear sides , $5.75. Uacon , nominal : boxed shoulders , $5.75 ; ex tra short clear , $6.00 ; clear ribs , JG.12VS ; clear RECEIPTS Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , CO.OOO bu. ; corn. 171,000 bu. ; oats , 78,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour 9,000 bbls. : wheat , 26,000 bu. ; corn 76,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. IJiiUer MtirUct. CHICAGO , Sept. 18. BUTTER Firm ; cr imorieB. Ift522',4c ; dairies. 13fil8c. ST. LOUIS. Sopt. 18. BUTTER Firm ; creamery , 19J23o : dairy , 14@18c. KANSAS CITY. Sept. IS.-BUTTER- Creamery , 21c : dairy , 16o. NEW YORK , Sept. 18 , BUTTER Re ceipts , 9,778 pkgs. ; flrm ; western creamery , lS5I23o ; June creamery , IS' Qiac ; factory , ISJilGc. ELGIN , III. , Sept. 18. BUTTER Firm at 22Hc ; all offerings not wlUadrawn , 30 tubs1 , sold at that prico. I.lv riionl Rruln nml ProvinIoiiH. LUTDRPOOL , Sept. 18. LARD American reiir.ed. In jxills , firm at 2S 9d. WITEAT Spot , No. 2 red western , winter , steady at &s 9d ; No. 1 northern , spring , rteady at 6s Id. Futures quiet. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , flrm at 3s 5d ; September , 3s 5d ; Dece-mber , 3s lld ; JIarch , 6s % d ; American mixed , old , flrm at ! 3a 5V d. Futures steady ; September - tember , 3s 5id ; October , 3a 6id ; November , 3a Cd. Mluiieniinllii AVlifiit itnil Flour , MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 18. WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern , September , December , 67'/lc ; May , 69c ; old , September , C9c. On track : No. 1 hard , G94@70 ic ; No. 1 northern. C9'iSC714c ; No. 2 northern , GSU | FLOUR Firmer ; flrst portents , J3.7W3.80 : ' second patents , t3.WjC3.10 ; flrat dear , J2.603I BRAN-J10.OOiriO.50. ' oil-do Murkrt. TOLEDO , O , . Sept. 18. WHEAT Lower and weak ; No. 2 cash , 6SHc ; September , G9c ; Docomber. 73V4O asked. CORN Dull < md lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33V4c. OATS Dull lint higher ; No. 2 mixed. 22c , UYB Dull but st uly ; No. 2 ca h , 6Sc. HBED8 Clovornet < l , lower and easy ; prime conn , old. J1.40 ; October , J5.00. Diilnlli < ; rii I n .tlnrkrl. DULITTII , Sept. 18. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 70',4o ; September , TOVic ; No. 1 northern - ern , cimli , 674c ; September , G79ic ; Decem- her , G7'l4c ; May. 71V4c ; No. 2 northern , GSVic ; No. 3 spring , Gl 4c. 1'uorlii JlarUct. PEORIA , Sept. 18. CORN Firm ; No. 3 , 31c. 31c.OATS OATS Firm ; No. 2 whlto , 23 > 4fi 3 c , de ll verod. WHISKY Steady , on the basis of J1.22 for flniHhod goods. MV13MIJ.\TS ) OK STOCKS AM ) I1O.VUS. I'olli vliiuu 'I'ri-nii-iHloiin llrar Unlil ( lif > lurl < < .SliM > llocuvery. NEW YORK , Sept. 18. There waa a fur- ther ilraivtlo liquidation of fipociilattve ac- counts on the Stock exchange In response to the continued contraction of credits by the banku , which entered upon a struggle to maintain their reservf * within the legal limit. Since Friday more than encugh money has gone from the t uiks to the stib- treasury and the Interior to wlpo out the Insignificant surplus shown by Saturday's bunk Htatenicnt. Aa only a half hour wo * afforded after the appearance of the utatr- ment on Saturday for the liquidation of ao- counts a very large vuluine of Belling or ders from all quarters hail accumulated In brokers' hands when the market opened today. Prices took a downward plunge on opHilng transactions throughout the list. The profeadonal traders * were very bold on the bear s ! dn and helixxl on the decline uu large tales for ehort account , T-lie highly spoculattvo Indu-trlal special' ties allowed the moat serious lodsva , the opening tale aliowiiif anywhere from 2 to over 5 points clipped from Saturday's lit-t prlcea for pretty much all of the active Industrials. The New York munlo'pal ' stacks , Sugar , Tobacco , the Iron and steel stocks and the so-called Flower stocks , as a group , led In the dellne. Rock Island , as a member of the latter group , fell tt',4 ' points. Declines In the railroads otherwise were not ns violent aa In the apoclaltiM , but extended very irentirully between l unit 2 polnto. Thu BeJUng waa In thousand eharu lots and upwards .n ' practically all stocks dealt in in the flrst few minutes. The hears TVWO somewhat daz < nl by thflr own succf-s and almost ImmMliatcly pro ceeded to toke quick profits by buying to cover ehorts. Ralllcx of S to 3 points re- tfulted In mnny stocks. Hut her re noon pressure wag renewed , when n il tig , of Brooklyn Rapid Transit was poured upon the market. The New YorK traction nnd g s stocks moved In close sympathy. Brooklyn Rapid Trnnslt dropped an tx- tremc D'.i ' points , Metropolitan fi 4 polnis , Consolidated Uas 7 points , Manhattan 3 > i po'lntiTh'.nl ' Avenue 47j points and Br.i k- lyn Union Gns 6 points. The lowest prices of the day g i6raily were touched on tnla movement. St. Paul extending Its loss to ; tpoints. . I The very violence of the movement In I vited BOino recovery nnd coon after I o'clock pr.cea generally had turn d upward. ! The evident relaxation of the pressure to | liquidate 1 warned the bears that tiuy a < l oversold the market and the buying demand - mand became rather urgent. Prices of the flpt-clalties recovered from 2 to over 4 points. ' The nbiorptlon of railroad stocks became quite conspicuous , New York Central espe cially moving up 3H points from the .ow- est and many others rallying from 1 to 2 points. Slight gains over Saturday's prices were recorded for New York Central , AtchIson - Ison 1 preferred. BurJuKton , Union Paclllo preferred , Reading flrst preferred , North western nnd I > ackawanna. Best prices were not maintained nnd the market c.osed easy. The late rally In prices was ass'.Ftcd by nn oa-nlng of the rate for call money to 7 per cent. After ruling at 10 IKT cent a sharp drop of H per cent in the actual rates for demand sterling and cable transfer - fer nnd the marking down of posted rnt s Mr per cent nlso had nn Influence In re- i llevlng the strain on the stock market. Ru ! mors were circulated of a conference of . bankers I to take measures looking to the relief of the money market by an Increass of circulation , but these -were ilenu-d and bnnkcm eefined free from anxiety over the outlook. Only one bank took out addi tional t circulation , according to reports from Washington , and that t& the extent of only about J200.0W. Since the first of the montii the New York banks hive Increased their circulation loss th.in $1.000.000. London sold heavily In t'hls ' market on nc- i count of the Transvaal crisis to too ex tent of about 40.000 shares and no gold i movement from that quarter seems likely ; , for the Immediate future. The October . coupons of United Stairs 4 per cent bonds of 1007 were payable today at the sub- tronsury and some slight relief was af , forded to tihc money market by that means. No roUaulp estimate Is possible of the ex ; ' tent to which loam were liquidated today , . but Chat repayment * to the banks were very heavy Is the testimony of all authori , ties on the subject. . Bonds were wait in sympathy with stocks and liquidation of the speculative Issues were on n Inrce scale. ' Total sales , pir value. J2.277.000. United States 2s and j old 4s. coupon , advanced Vi per cent , but the < old 4B. regli-tercd , lost H per cent In ; * ' ' ' The' Commercial Adverts T's London i I financial ' cablegram sayc : There was uni . versal flatness In the markets hero today , , j especially ' In the first hour , nnd they c.osed . I without material recovery. The Transvaal [ war Is now regarded as certain , the only question being will the Orange Free State j Join in H. Consols foil 7-16. Americans i ' opened , % under parity nnd weakened nil I day. closing at the won't on monetnry ap- prelienslon. , Spanish 4w were 59J. Coppers l were weak ; Tlntos , 46 ; AnacondaR , pi ! Utahs 74 : Boston. 17-1G. The fortnightly statistics , show stocks decreased I.o62 tons and ' supplies are down 862 tons. Ihe bink : bought 74.000 In gold bars Bll.g . were > nominally firmer at 3 , but there was no bus'-ncfn to test rates anil the bank dis - counted freely nt 3H per cent. The Austro- Hungarlan bank has raised Its minimum I Account rate from 4 to 5 per cent. The following are the closing nuot 1 for the leading stocks on the New ! exchange today : ' ' ' " i „ i 4 i 4 ' * 130o discount. Sterling exchange , JI.S4IT HUSTON. Sept. IS. Clearings , n7,19S.4S6j balances , $163S9S. UALTI.MORE. seiit. 18.-Clearlngs , J2SVJ- ST,4 ; balances , $139.271. , . PHILADELPHIA , Sept IS Clearings , J12.42S.3S5 ; balances. $1,555,484. ST. 1JOU19. Sept. IS.-Clparlngs , W 91,1Z3 | balance ? , $7H,75S. Money , 4 { ? § per cent. New York exchange , SOo discount bid , 25c Ulrcount asked. Iunion MnrU Uiiotnlloim. LONDON. Sept. IS. 4 i > . m.-CIofflng ; _ Lon ! ls , "money. . 104 S-16 N. V. Central 130 do account..104 7-11 Pennsylvania WU Cnrmdlnn . 91 No. Pncllle pfd . ? V4 < ln 1st JIM jfs AtchUon . Wi Illinois Central . . . .lit | \ : V. pfd n"4 Ornn-l Trunk . 7k I St. Paul , common..131 Anaconda . 104 ? BAR 9II/VKR Wf'flk at 27 l-l&d per ounce. MONKY l iB per cent. Thu rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 3V4S < tH per cent ; for three months' bills , 3 % per cent , York .MlnliiK ( liiontlonn. NKW YORK. Sept. IS.-The following are nlllclal closing iiuottitlons' for mining f hares : Ontario KQ LYorni Point 17 Oi.lilr 10T. i'nn. Cnl & Va im Plj-anouth 10 Dcndwool ft ) Qulrksllver IPO OoiiM & Ciirrlc. . , . M , ln pM CM ) ' Halo . < t Nnror.w * . . . . M Storm Novndd 74 IlomcMakc C500 Union Con 44 , Iron Silver M Htnnd.ml M Moxlcnn 43 Yfllmv Jncket 21 1'ori-lun I'liiniiclnl. LONDON. Sept. IS. 4 p. m. The market for Anit'rlraii securities moved downward all day on bull realizing and weak advices from New York. Tinllnal tone was weak. Spanish 4s closed nt 59'do. Amount of bill- llc-n taken into the Hank of Knclnnd on Imlaiicp today , 74,000. HRHMN , Sept. IS. Business opened Hat on the bourse today , owing to the plsslmlsm of the HrlUsh press regarding the Trans- vnal crisis and the sharp decline In mine shares on the Ix > ndon Stock exchange. Americans and Canadian I'nclllc wcro weak. Internationals were depressed , espe cially Argentines. At the close of the market - ket there was a recovery. Exchange on London , 20 murks 4 % pfgs. for checks. The weekly statement of uio Imperial Bank of Oermariy shows the follbwlng : Cash In hand , deorense , 3,760,000 marks ; treasury notes , increase , 120.000 marks ; other securl- ties , Increase , 9"f,0OW : , marks ; notes in circulation. Increase , 9.1CO.CKX ) marks. PARIS , Sept. IS. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentes. 1UO francs 22'i ' centimes for the ac- count. Exchange on London. 25 francs 2CW centimes for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 6T.90. 6T.90.VnANKKOUT , Sept. IS. On the bouroo today prices started weak as a result of the unsatisfactory political situation. Later they became somewhat steadier hut Inac- live. Locals and foreigners were easier. Americans , with the exception of Northern Paclllcs. were fairly steady. , 1 VIENNA , Sept. is. Prices on the bourse today ww adversely affected > by the rise In the bank rate and the unfavorable outlook - look In regard to the Transvaal dllllculty. BUENOS AYRES , Sept. IS. The gold > quotation today was 133. ' Comlltloii of the Tn-nnnry. WASHINGTON. Sept. IS.-Today's state- mem of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J2S4,1GO,564 ; gold reserve , J2iu,237.467. , Oil .tiirkc ! H. ! LONDON , Sept. IS. OILS Calcutta lln- seed , spot , 39s llUd. Turpentine , spirits , 36s 6d. , TOLEDO. Sept. IS.-OILS-Unchangcd. NEW YORK. Sept. IS.-OILS-Cottonaeed , ' steady ; prime crude , nominal : prime crude , f. o. b. . mlls17JflSc ! \ ; prlmo summer yd- low , 25ijft126c : off F.ummer yellow , 25c ; butter - , ter grades , 29f30o ! ; prime winter yellow , i SOffSlc ; prime whlto , 2SJJ30C. Petroleum , , firm ; refined , New York , $8.65 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore. J8.60 ; Philadelphia and Bal timore , In bulk , J6.10. Turpendne , flrm at CO&SIWc. OIL CITY. Sc-nt. 18. OILS-Credlt bal ances , $1.45 ; certificates , no bids or sales ; shipment , " . 16th. Ifith and 17th. 248,90 bbls. ; i average , 80,224 bbls. ; runs , same dates , 192- 9S3 bbls. ; average , 79,104 bbls. j .Market. LONDON , Sept. IS.-SUGAR-Beet , September - ' tember , 9s lO'&u , NEW YORK , Sept. IS. SUGAR Raw , quiet nnd barely -steady ; fair refining. 3c ; centrifugal , 96 test , 4c : molassce sugar , 311-lCc. Renncd. quiet ; No. 6. 4c ; No. 7 , 4 9-16c ; No. S. 4 , < , c ; No , 9 , 4 7-lGc ; No. 11 , 43-16c ; No. 12 , 4l4c ; No.-13. 4Uo ; No. 14 , 4 l-16c ; mould V.5,9-1CQ ; standard A , 5 1-lGc ; confectioners' A , &l-lGc ; cut loaf , 5 ll-16c ; crushed _ _ . , 513lGcpowdered . . ; . . , 6c ; gronu- ii.i f r n- Miti.'v.i K f 1 lated. 56-lGe cub > B . - : . 7-16c. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 18.-SUGAR Steady ; centrifugal , 414f'l4c ( ; seconds , 2 4 i ? 4Hc. Molasses ; Bteodyi centrifugal , 6 _ ) i4c. ; | Xrw York IJry ( iooiln. NEW YORK , Sept. IS. DRY GOODS There hap been a full demand for staple cottons. Bleached goods' ' are strong. Heavy brown cottons not easy to buy. Coarse col ored goods tending against buyers. Print cloths unchanged in both regular and odd goods. Fancy calicos are Irregular. Amer ican Indigo blue prints reduced Uc. Other staple lines arc steady. No change In ging i ham ? . White goods well enld for spring nnd prices firm. Woolen and worsted fab rics without change. AViiol Mr.rk < > ( . NEW YORK , St-pt. IS. WOOL Steady. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 18. WOOL Strong , with nrlccp tending upward , but not-quota- bly Mpher : medium grades , 14nRlc ! ? ; light fine. 13tl6 c : heavy nnc , 10@15c ; tub washed. 19B20V5C. CHICAGO MVK STOCK aiAIUCET. Good neiiuiiiil for ne lrnlilp Cattle mill Mtciulv rrliM-H for Kimli. CHICAGO , Sept. 18. CATTLE There was a good demand for desirable cattle today and prices for such lots were steady. Common and medium gradou were gener ally about lOc lower ; good to choice cattle sold at $5.70S6.70 ; commoner grades , $4.35 ® 6.Co ; stockers and feeders , J3.10BS.OO ; bulls , cows and heifers , J2.00fi5.40 ; Texaa steers , $3.5004.25 ; rangers , J3. 5g5.35 ; calves , $1.603) ) 310. HOGS Prices for hogs were steady with an active demand from packers and ship pers. Heavy hogs sold at $4.15S'4.70 ; mixed lote , $4.3JS6.75 ; light , $4.354.75 ; pigs. $3.70 ® 4.00 ; culls , $2.0054.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS An unexpectedly small supply of Bhcop and lamUs resulted In a strong market , prlmo nocks ruling at _ least lOc _ higher. , _ _ Sheep , fold at . J3.7&04.30 „ „ - rt,0 C- An # n .lA n * fl/l natives brought $6.25. RECEIPTS-Cattle. 23.000 head ; hogs , 33- 000 head ; ahecp , 13,000 head. City I.lvc .Slock. KANSAS CITY , Sept. IS.-CATTLE-Re- ceipU' , 8Mfl natives , 3,500 Texana ; supply of chalce killers meager , few offerings aell- ng steady ; good butcliern steady ; plain , light weight western Bteors , Bluule lower ; leavy choice rftecrs , $5.20S6.00 ; light weights. J3.5W4.S5 ; stockers and feeders , . $3.50S-l.i > C : butchers' COWH and heifers , $3.00J5 i ° Gcanncra , J2.30f73.00 ; western t'teers , $3.55 4JC.15 ; ToxaiiH , $2.90(23.90. ( HOGS Receipts , 3,200 head ; market oponc-d active and steady and cloned higher ; heavy , $ l.3SJ.42Ji ; mixed , J4.SOfj > 4.40 ; light , $4.2GiT1.40. SHEKP AND LAMRS-necelpts , 4,600 head ; good , active demand ; all offerings quickly absorbed at nrm prices ; lambs , J4.35J/6.SG ; muttons , J3.S08 4.10 ; feeding sheep , t3.60Q3.S5 ; Htockera , J3.00ft3. 5 ; culls , $2.20 ® 3.00 , _ _ _ SI. I.oniH I.lvu Stock. ST. LOU1B. Sept. IS.-CA'TTLE-necelptB , 6,100 head , including 6,600 Texans ; market stcttdy for natlvea , with Texans lOfflSo lower ; natlvn Blili > plnK and export steers , I J1.SOIJO.35. with top gradd ) worth up to W.70 ; i dressed beef steers , J4.30S . j ; steers under 1.000 ! ! > . , J3.SOQC.65 : Htockers and jfeeders , $3.40S'1.CO ; cows and heifers , J2.20iiO.00 ; canners - ners , $1.5032.75 ; bulls , J2.55f4.0 ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.1oa .lOi cows and helfors , 12 ifwpi 00. HOGS Receipts , 4,109 head ; market steady for medium aiid heavy hogs , others 5 < ; lower ; plg8 and lights , J4.GOr .60 ; i ack- t-rs. Jl.40ij4.6f. : butchers , J4.5Sft4.05 , SHEEP AND LA UJS-Heceipts , 700 head ; market riteady to Btrong ; natlvo muttons , fl.anH. X > ; lambs , $5.50 < 5.Wj stockoro , $3.40i ' 3.60. _ SI. .Jon.-jili Live Hlock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 18. poclal. ) The Journal quote * : CATTLE RecdptB , 2,200 lieiid , Including I.IJUi UUI.n Ulllt BUItiP , f . tli-.u nnd calves , J4.0CK36.00 : Hockeru era. $3.40i 4.C5 ; voals , * l. < a7. ) . HOGS Receipts. 1,800 head : market steady to llrm ; nil modiumtf , celling at 14.33 Q4.42H ; bu.k , J1.37H84.40. SHEEP Receipts. 2,900 head ; market oc- tlvo and Bteudy , Stock III .Sljfllt. Record of receipts at the four principal western markota for September 18 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , South Omaha 10.357 2u79 3 M Chicago 23,000 33,000 13,000 Kansas City 12.0M 8.2 < iO 4 , 0 8t. Louis 6,100 4,100 7W Totals ,61.457 42,979 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARRhT Light Hog R caipW as Usual on the Tint Day of the Weak , HOG MARKET SHOWS A SLIGHT DECLINE Cnttlo IlcrelptM InrKm ( In Illntnrr of Siinlli Oinnhn JlnrUol Ciirnfeil Cnt- llc StoniljKptdorn Ioi'r Hliccp Active nnd Higher. BOUTH OMAHA. Sept. IS. Receipts ver * . uaii.e. HogSheep. . lU-cdpts today 10,337 2,679 3,690 Same May last week 8,326 2.279 3.4U Same day week before. . 4W9 1,270 7S 1 Hfime Uiree irecks ago. . 4OW 2,469 8,628 Average price , ialu iur liu s for me msi several dayt. with comparisons : , Sept. 4 M t 61 3 Ml 277 53 Sept. 4 14 3 6 > 4 07 | 2 81 4 31 6 23 Sept. 3 66 4 07 2 SI 4 XI 6 r Bcpt. 4 19 * 4 041 2 71 4 21 6 61 6 31 Sept. 4 22 3 62 I 276 4 13 6 K S 44 Sept. 4 93 3 03 4 20 E 51 S 45 Sept. 7. 4 30 3 53 4 02 , 2 78 4 22 6 57 i 63 ' Sept. S. 4 30 3 60 4 00 2 81 G 6S 5 Hept. 0. 4 3 3 91 4 21 5 7 i Sept. 10. 3 63 3 93 4 W 5 GSi Bept. 11. 4 29 3 84 2 S8 4 09 r > w Sopt. ; 12. 4 22 3 77 2 791 4 061 B E01 E 71 Sept. ; 13. 4 25 3 78 3 82 , 4 00 6 73 6 70 Sept. ! 14. 4 30 MI ; i 'i I * 4 B nB \ 18 ] Sept. 15. 4 33 S 72 3 871 Sept. ; 16. 3 34 ! 3 ( 68MI 3 Sl | , 2 73i 4 U [ * i 6 0 Sept. ' , 17. I 3 68 861 2 661 4 03 ] B 871 * Bcpt. ' IS. 4 32I 34 2 71 4 Oil C Gl B DO , ! Sunday The otTlclal number of cars of Block i brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r'fl. C. . M. & St. P. Ily. . . 3 1 . . . . .Missouri Pacific Hy. . 6 2 . . . . Union Pacific Bystem.154 C. & N. W. Ily 1 1 K. , 13. & M. V. R. H . 72 11 1 2 C. , , St. P. , Jil. & O. . 1 3 B. & M. \ \ . U. H 139 13 60 19 C. > , 11 , & Q. Ily 1 1 C. , , R. I. & P. Ily. , W. 1 I Total receipts 337 36 14 27 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyora. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha ' Packing Co 33fi 2i6 O. H. Hammond Co COS 631 Swift and Company 738 5S3 1,219 Cudahy ' Packing Co 1,111 CM 230 Armour ; & Co I,0t52 B34 1436 H. Becker & Degan 476 Vansant & Co 97 J. L. Carey 437 Lobman & Co 606 W. I. Stephen 7 Hill & Huntzlnger 143 Ben ton & Underwood. . . 21S Huston & Co S7 j. Livingstone & Schaller . 213 'N. Norris 531 Hamilton & Hothschlld . 4C7 Other buyers 1.C9S 85 664 Held over 7W Total 9,614 2.C59 3,469 CATTLE AU records ror single day's receipt * at South Omaha were broken to day. Until today October 4 , 1S98 , Wig the big day , when 322 care were reported In. or S.bie head , but that number was exoooded by a very comfortable margin by today a run , as will be noted from t'fte ' table of re ceipts above. Almost ail the cattle hero were rangers , about tlfty loads of grass beef , sixty loads of cows and heifers , ten to twenty loads of cornfeds and the balance s.tockers and feeders. The offerings of cornfed cattle bedng light and the demand good the market on that kind was steady. Good grass beef also soid in about the same notches as last week , one bunch of big , heavy cattle going as high as $5.25. The receipts , however , wore so large and Chicago did not report any too good a market , that buyers showed some disposition to bear 'the market a little where they could. The offerings of cows and heifers were the largest of the season and buyers took advantAge - vantAge of the situation to take off as a rule lOc on the general run of oow stuff. There were so many here that In spite of the fact tlin-t the demand was of very fair proportions It was late before a good many cattle were even shown. As the most of the cattle on sale were stockers and feeders that branch of the trade absorbed a good share of the at tention. 'It h ( hardly necessary to remark that all kinds were lower , au that might be inferred from the size of the receipts. The general run of pretty decent cattle , even w'hiere they had some weight , sold lOc and even 15c lower , while common kinds were practically unsalable all the morning. Buyers went around the yards nnd llrst picked up the choice heavy cattle , and until they were disposed of they would not look at anything , light weight or of. Inferior quality. "Wo want good heavy cattle , " wns what all of them wore saying. Yearlings , even when right good , were also very Blow and lower. Ropreseu/UiUve / sales ! BEEF STK1DRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1020 $3 75 27. . SB7 } 4 45 1..1150 $5 00 1..1190 375 10..1164 446 20..1203 660 ci iwn J if. 1 90ft R no SR..119 * ! 6 GO No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. 1 cow 1100 $2 25 2 cows 930 J3 00 7 OOWS 908 3 00 36 feeders..1007 4 15 30 feeders. . 397 4 38 64 feeders. . 940 3 95 2 COWE 1195 3 00 42 feeders. . S88 S 95 14 cows 1067 3 30 49 feeders. . 888 4 20 40 cows. . , 90S 4 20 NEBRASKA. 1 cow. . . . 9K > 2 25 2 oowa , . . . 955 299 1 cow. . . . SO 2 GO 1 cow. , . . .1000 3 25 1 cow , . . . 910 2 GO 1 cow. , . . . 890 2CO _ . .1020 2 GO 1 cow. , . . . 9SO S 00 1 cow 1170 3 00 GO feeders , 914 4 35 IK feeders. . R27 4 30 3 feeders , , 740 4 30 27 htlfers. . 680 3 40 2 heifers. . R05 3 00 1 feeder. . . 740 4 25 30 feeders , . 907 423 2 feeders. . 907 3 M 4 feedWB.,1007 4 05 1 bull 1220 3 35 1 bull 1250 8 10 2 feeders. . 715 3 76 4 feeders. . 900 4 : G B cows 103S 2 90 19 cowa 1010 3 26 3 bulls. . . . M 3G5 1 cow 760 3 10 34 feeders. . i < 46 3 CO 9 cows. . . . 933 3 10 39 feeders. . 855 3 90 42 cows. . . . 770 5 30 32 feeders. . SS1 ! 4 10 8 feeders. 863 3 30 0) feeders. . 854 4 10 3 feeders. 8SO 3 20 27 feeders. . 661 4 60 L feeders. . SS8 SCO G cows. . , . 713 3 40 1 hcdfor. . . G50 275 1 cow. . 050 3 00 Ghflfers. . 8SS 3 60 9 feeders. . SCO 3 85 2 feeders..1105 4 1:6 : IDAHO , 1 stag 1080 3 45 4 steers.,1100 4 40 IbulV. 1610 290 B2 steers. . . .10S7 4374 1 bull 1660 2 90 1 bull 1470 4 60 JO feeders..1121 4 25 23 feeders , . 884 4 23 1 fteer 1280 4 35 11 feeders. . 99C 3 2C 48 steers..1211 4 40 5 hulls 1374 2 90 lf > 3 COWB..1023 3 V > 10 bulla 1448 299 G cows 1020 3 IB 3 bulls 1290 2 90 1 cow 820 3 75 29 hoi f era. . 6S * 3 IK ) 1 cow 1410 4 00 1 cow 1220 3 25 1 cow 970 3 25 11 cows 1047 3 Gi > 1 hotfor. . . 970 325 2 heifora. . 700 3 SS COWH l 72 275 1 Btag 1020 a 33 3 feeders. , ina 4 30 2 helrnrs. . 815 3 60 1 cow 1010 3 20 1 cow 1150 3 20 3 feeders. . 593 17 fwdera. . G53 4 30 G COWH. . . . 92tl 2 BO 3 feeders. 9X3 260 . 3 heifers. 64G 1 30 ' " ' 220 C 00 SOUTH DAKOTA' . ' 23 mixed. . . 664 8 Rfl 7 feodera , . 01 3 flo acowa 94 3 33 1 oow 8fiO 2 75 1 cow 11W 3 (0 ( 1 Bieer 1040 4 65 . SI steers.-1203 4 10 20 steers..1310 4 10 7 nteer8..mO 4 G5 COLORADO. 24 COWB 1002 3 10 SlBteers , . . . 918 4 40 MONTANA. 42 feeders. 969 340 7 feeders..1014 360 39 feeders. 9S5 3 40 15 feedera.IOCS 4 35 WYOMING. 22 COWB 934 300 Gcows 298 4 00 Kendrlck & Burrows Neb. iBteer 1245 400 33 steors..12f.fi 4 Gu . ' . . .1243 4 03 3 steers..1176 4 65 . . . . 400 42 steers.,1243 4 05 7Bteers..J240 4 00 S9teers.l2)5 ) 4 GS 46 teor-.i2&9 4 65 3 steers..1138 4 65 Dan McGlnnls Idaho. 21 steers..1W3 4 1B 17 steers..1291 4 40 W. Ray-llont. U feeders , . 927 4 05 64 feeders. . 911 4 06 8 , P. Mile * Neb , B6 feeders. . f ) 4 30 39 feeders. , 7SO 4 30 Bam Garvln Mont. Isteer SCO 400 19 feeders.1145 4 20 HSO 400 47 feeder1128 4 20 | 66 steers. 938 3 55 J. A. Church Mont. 1 steer . 1070 360 1 etocr . 1620 6 25 1 steer . 1210 6 25 67 steers. . . .140G 6 26 1 steer . 1450 6 25 A. J. Hanson "Wyo. 22 cows . 1053 3 60 4 feeders. . 890 4 10 J B. Kendrick Wyo. 6 cows . 1021 325 16 steers. . . .1180 4 25 31 cows . 1030 3 50 19 steers. . . .1304 4 60 S9 helfars..ll3l ! 4 30 Charles ThexVyo. . 19 steers. . . .1320 4 90 F C. Hudson. 16 steers. . . .1170 4 iM 8 cows . 1077 3 65 George Perry South Dakota. U heifers. . . . 812 320 Knapp & Palmer Colo. 15 cows . 1066 325 Howes & Crowoll "Wyo. 20 feeders. . 1032 3 GO A. P. Howes Wyo. 13 steers. . . .1210 4 40 B. M. Burnett Idaho. 23 feeders. . 1037 3 90 13 feeders. . 1213 3 90 14 cows . 1009 3 20 2 cows . 1230 3 20 32 cows . 9u6 3 20 1 cow . H10 2 75 4 cows . 1070 320 1 bull . 15CO 275 14 fofrders. . 671 4 30 2-1 feeders. . ' 672 4 SO HOGS Only th1rty-elx cars of hogs were reported in the yards tills morning , re ceipts txring lisrht as usual on the flrst day of the week. The fact of the light receipts , however , did not help matters any , as the advices from other selling points were lower , while a still further bear Influence was the expectation of large receipts for Tueaiay. The result wae that the market oi > ened 2V4c lower and flow and draggy at the decline. In some cases sellers reported that they had to take off 5c. The big packers seemed to feel that there were not enough hero to bother with , and the mornIng - Ing was well advanced before a clearance was effected In s > plte of the fact that there were so few loads on tale. The heavy hogs sold largely at J4.30.g ) 4.32V4 , mixed loads at $4.32j > 1.35 and the light loads at H.SS'iN.ST'/i. There did not appear to be any good light loads in the yards. It vriU be noted from the table of average prices at head of column that the present week Plarts out with the market jtjst about f > o higher than the market was at the be ginning of last week and about 12'Ac higher than two weeks agt > . Representative sales : No. Av. 3k. Pr. M 24S 40425 92 231 40 4 3i 59 33 23 480 ia .286 40 430 iaM .281 4 80 M , .203 4 30 74 , .2T79 4 M 3 430 3C4 C4 776 2RO 4 30 62 200 . . . 4 34 G2. .294 40 4 30 G2.DS DS 298 120 4 30 10 7 4 ! * > 1C 261 430 M 215 4 30 G2 276 4 94 61 273 484 C 274 4 80 87 240 4 10 IX 241 4 i S 1 . WO 4 20 2 . 3 0 4 SO 2 . 20) 434 S . VA 430 SHEEP Only fourteen loads , all told 1. were reported In the yards , and as there was a good buying demand the offerings were all taken early In the morning. Owing to the liifht receipts and active demand values were stronger all around and an a rule a. peed IBc higher. A omall bunch of native lambs sold at JG.EO and westerns at JCOO. Buyers claimed that they boueht Ju t as good lambs the low dnyji last week at J4.7fiAs high a $4.a3 vra paid for Hhoep -which looked eon id < rably hlglier , The supply of feeders waj too miall to talk about , but It Is "i'o to say t'hwe is no immediate dantjnr of there beinur any ' too many for pome lime to com , as orders \ are coming in freely nnd there aru a good l many more buyers than whoop. Quotations ; Prime native wetnora , H.COra 4.2S : good to choice grass wftthorn , I3.Wfp ! 4.10 ; fair to good srawi wethers , .7&y3&S ; peed to choice yearlinps , J4.OCXtf4.15 ; good to choice grass ewtm , 13.4033.10 ; fair to good j I gram ewes , J3.00tf3.35 ; good to choice jiprlnc ' lamb * . J5.CK > 56SO ; fair to good nprlng lambs , $4 80S5.00 ; common spring lambs , JI.007f4.DO ; feeder wethers , J3.C&63.SO ; feeder yearling" , , , No. Pr. , 11 ewe 76 225 ( Q wesrtorn ewe 73 225 | t-j cull oweu 71 2 W ! 2 bucks 50 ? 9 i Sfl westerns , mlxod. f2 3 i5 28 weuterna , mixed 110 s 75 I 26 western yoarlliiKT 64 3 i ? 4 western yeurllngs < -5 3 .o . i 231 western folding wethers . . . . SS J3 9o ti ) western ytarlliifs 41 4 i 2M wotherH Jj 425 GS7 ycarllntf wothert ) 94 425 4 western mixed GJ 4'a , G western mixed o 4 > . 34 wfHtern mixed 4 Jo 20 wemern mixed G.I 4 i 100 western lambs 57 4 M i EG3 wetitern lumbs J3 6 00 11S2 weatorn lambs ol 6 ' 10 lambs f j * 7 lambii * * * " u > M weetern lambH 88 660 ( Should be read dally by all Interested , an changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mails for the week ending Ben- tember 25 , IKfl. will closa ( PHOMPTLY In all cases ) at the general poatofnce as fol lows : PAHCELS POST MAILS clone one hour earlier than closing time ohown bo. low. Trniin-Afluntlo Hull * . TUE5SDAY At 7 a. in. for KUHOPE , per 8. B. Trave * . via tJouUiamplon and Ure- WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplement ary 9 a. m. ) for EUUOPK. ner s , * St. Louis * , via Southampton ; at 9 a. in. ( sup plementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for.EUHOPE , per a. s Oceanic * , via Qut-fenitown ( letters must bu directed "per n. o. Oceania" ) ; At 10SO : n. m. for ItHUtfUM dlrftot. per n. s. Kensington ( letters must bo directed "ner s. * . . Kensington' ' ) . TlttmSDAY-At 7 n. m. for KUIIOIMC , per , \ f. s. l-'tipMt Blflmiirek * . via. CharbourR , Southampton and Hnmhurg ; nt G:30 : n. m. - \ for AZORES ISI AND9. per 8. s. Tartar Prince. flATURDAY-At fiJO : n. m. for t > cr f. f. Lucnnla * . via QtleetiRtown ilet- tpr.i for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain Portugal , Turkey. Egypt nnd Hrltlsh In dia must be dim-ted "per s , s. I.uc.anln" ) ; nt C..V : > a. m. for PRANCE. SWIT7.KU- LAND. ITALY , SPAIN. PORTfOAL , . ' Tt'HKKY. KOYPT and BRITISH INDIA. V nw p. s. La Bretnune * , via Havre ( lel-'JlV- trra for other parts of Europe must be directed "per n. s. LA Uretsgne" ) ; nt S n. in for NKTHtmLANDS direct , per s n. Spnnrndam , via Rotterdam ( letter * nnmt bo directed "per H. s. Hpaarmlam" ) , at 9 n. in. for ITALY , per . n. Aller. Via Naples , at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , ucr f. s. Kurnessla ( letters must be directed "per g. a. Furncusla" ) . Printed Matter , etc. Oerman steamer * railing on Tuesdays takb printed matter , etc. . for CJormany ana specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. American and White Star steamers on Wodnedayi , German steamers on Tliursanys. and Cunard , French nnd Gorman stcnmcrs on Huttir- days tnke printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they ore advertised to carry m ' 5. After the closing of the supplementary trans-Atlantic malls n.imed abovo. nddl- tlonul mipplemwntnry nmlls anopanrd on the piers of the American , Kncilgh , Prenrli and Oennan teainern , nnd re main open until within ten mlnnUa of the hour of sailing of atenmei * . Matin for South mid Crntt-nl Ainrrlrn , AVont Inilti-H , IJte. TITESDAY-At 12 m. fro RIO DH JANI3- 1RO nnd SANTOS , per s. K. Roman Prince : at I p. m. for PORTO HICO. t > er s , s Evelyn , via San Juan ; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Bos ton WEDNESDAY At ! > : .TO a. m. ( supplement ary 10:30 : a in. ) for CENTRAL AArER- ICA ( except Co ta Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Athos. via Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be directed "ner R. s. Atho "J ; at 10:30 : a. m. for PORTO RICO , per II. S Transport , via Ban Juan ; nt 12 in. for BRAZIL , via Pernambuco nnd Santos , per s. B. Capri ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Ca pri" ) ; at 12 in. for BRAZIL direct and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. f. Cole- rMKc. via Poruumbuuo. Bahla nnd Rio do Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must bo directed "per s. s. Coleridge" ) ; at 12:30 : P. m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. CRO1X. ST. THOMAS. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. a. Pre toria : at 1 p. m. for Ct-'lJA , vln Havana , 'J also CAMPECHK. YUCATAN. TABASCO - & BASCO and CHIAPAS , per a. s. Yucatan * S. ( letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Yucatan" ) ; at 1 u. m. for MEXICO , per s. s , city of Washington , via Tnmplco ( letters mu t bo directed "per s. s. City of Washing ton" ) . THURSDAY At 1050 a. m. for HAITI , per B. s. Print ) Wm. Ill , via Port au Prince ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must be di rected "per B. B. Prlns Wm. Ill" ) ; nt i / p. in. for SANTIAGO nnd MANHAf - NTLLO. per s. s. Clenfunsros ; at 9 p. in. for JAMAICA , per Blenmer from Dnsrnn. FRIDAY At 1 p. in. for BKL155E , PUERTO CORTES ! and GUATEMALA , per s. B. Themis ( letters must be directed "per n. s. Themis" ) . SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI and SANTA MAR THA , per s. s. Alps ; nt 10 a. m. ( supple mentary 10:30 : a , in. ) for FORTUNE ISL AND. JAMAICA , SAVANILLA nnd CAR- THAGENA , per o. 3. Allegheny ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany" ) ; nt 10 n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for BERMUDA , per . s. Trinidad ; nt 11 a. m. for CUBA , per fs. . Mexico , via Havana ( li < ters must be di rected "per B. s. Mexico" ) ; at 11 a. in. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for PORTO RICO , via San Juan , also VENR/UELA , CURACAO , SA..VILLA and CARTIIA- GENA , via Curacao , per s. s. Philadel phia. Walls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllce dally at S:30 : p. m. ( connecting close here every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this oillce dally at 8:30 : p , m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa. Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this of- flce daily ( except Monday ) at * 7 a. m. ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednes day nnd Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami. Fla. . and thence by steamer , close at this ofTU-e every Monday , Tues- dny and Saturday at " 2-M a. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , over land unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer , close at this olllce dally at 2:30 : n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortex and Guatemala , by rail to New Orlenns , and thence by steamer , close at thlu olllco dally at ' 3:00 : p in , , connecting closes hrro Sundays and Tuesdays for Conta Rica arid Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala. Registered mail closes at 6 p. in. previous day. Rejrlsterpil mall closes at G p. m. second day before. Trniix-I'iicillc Mull * . Mails for ChlriP. Japan and Hawaii , via j San Francisoo , close here dally u.t G:30p : . m.r . up to September * 24 inclusive for despatch ' \ per s. s. CopMc Mails for Society Isl ands , via San Francisco , coo ! here daily at 6:30 : p. m. up to September * 25 iiclus'vn for despatch liy Khlp Tropic E'lil. MaiU for Australia ( except Wert Aufitm.Ua ) . New /ealnnd , Hawaii , FIJI and S.Tjnoan Islands via San Francisco , close here dally at 6:30 : p. m. after September * 15 and up to September * 29 inclusive , or on day of arrival of s. s. Campania , due at New York September 29 , for dnspntch per B. a. Marlposa. Mails for China and Janan , via Vancouver , cloPfl here dally at G:30 : p , m. up to October * 3 inclusive for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. Mails for Ha waii , via Sun Frcnclsco , closni here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to October * 13 inclusive for despatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australasian Colonies ( except West Aus tralia , which goes via Europe , and New Zealand , which goes via Snn Francisco ) , Hawaii , nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , close here dally at 6:30 : p. m. after Sep tember * 29 nnd up to October * 13 Inclusive for despatch per s. s. Aornngl. Trnns-Paclfln malls nre forwarded to port of Balling dally and tne schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlnnd transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Pmtofllce , Now York , N. Y. , September 15 , 1859. HEALTH IS WEALTH DR. E. C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT lilt OXIOINAl , AIL OIIIERS IMIUIIIW. I solil under positive Written Cuurantoa by uutliorlzna aitonu only , to euro WeiK ; Memory , UlzzliiKim , Waknrulnesn , Pltti , Hysteria. Quit- . neen , Hljilit LoBbuu. Dvll Ire uiH. Luck of Coiitl- denoe , KorvotisnenH , Lansltuilo , nil Drains , Youth- fill Krrore , or lixccHitlvo Una of Tobacco , Ouluin or Llnuor , which le-dn to Mluery , CoimuinpUon Iiinsiillj- and Dentil , At Btornor by mall , $1 ; t box : ix for tsi with written Ktiarnntoo to euro or refund money , sample puck- n o , contaliiliiiIIvu tjuyV tnintinoia , wlin fullliiatructlonu , 15 cuntB. One aaniplu only uolil to each tximon. At toro or uyinall , 3)"Kcd Label Spc- l < 'or Inipotency , Lot * of Power , Lout Manhood , Hterlllty or Ilarruiuik * , i far 95 , wltb ' _ .jstfiro or by mall. w r 4 CM AIyer , Ullluu Druw Co. , Sole \tft-iitm , lOlh aud Fariiau , Oiniiliu , N b. JAMES EQOYD & 00 , , Tclcplianu 103 ! ) . Onmhu , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS unU STOC'v i UOAII ( ) OF THADB. Dlrft wire * to ChiMigu njveir TVJI Cemtpondrntd JUD 1- Warren A a. " JL. UIvAJj BRAT1CH 1030 HAT OrtAKA niD. UHWLrt NEB ,