THE OMAHA DATLT BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTl TOER 17 , 1300. COMING DOOM OF TIIE HORSE JBnidtDi of the Noble Animal Going to Motor Trucks and Carriages. THRESHOLD OF THE HORSELESS AGE GroiTlnn Deinnnd for Antomoblles nt Homo ixnd Abroad Whollr Sntis- fnctory nnd Trying Tent nt Liverpool. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 9. Whether It means the < loom of the horse as a draught animal lawhat all thlo part of the world Is wonder ing. Long ago Franco , England and finally America reluctantly made up tholr minds tliat the advance of tbo automobile would do away with our "gentle friend" as a mo tive poncr for pleasure and light driving. J ow on the hcols of the automobile cabs , and drags , and runabouts , and phaetons , and coaches , and no forth -comes the auto mobile truck. lor some years men have bollcvod that perhaps nteam , or electricity , or condensed air , or petroleum , or another UtM out , over all nortn of highways , for the Liverpool country road contest * . Two days WOTO given to this tinder the dragging burden of heavy loads , and the engines moved steadily along the route , barring ft few minor mishaps , at a speed varying from four to elx miles an hour. At present the law does not allow a greater speed to that class of engines. Two jndgen and follower ! traveled by special automobiles , the freight WTtgona being officially ntoppcdt on several of the ntoopcot gradre , both up and down , and the Umo wan telegraphed back to Liverpool from specified points. Besides the regular cargo of corn , the winning Thornycroft car ried eoven passengers , aside from lt driver , and led the way throughout. All the vehi cles received their stores of fuel and water before starting nnd were not permitted to taho on more , except that water was pro vided at fired points , If necessary. dnciitlon of Kconomr * Cost of preooat means of transport Is par ticularly evident In a commercial city llko Liverpool , where thousands of cotton bales , boxes of produce- and merchandise of all kinds are moved dally at an enormous ex penditure of money. Goods landed from ships have to bo carted from the quay to warohounca or railway sidings , transshipped upon the railway wagons , convoyed therein to Inland towns and carted once again , nnd MOTOU-iilUUK WITH TKAILEK CAUKYING FOUHTEEN TONS , ONE OF THE PRIZE WINNERS AT THE LIVERPOOL TRIALS. wholly mechanical motive power , might bo properly and successfully used In light truf fle , but they have looked to horsea for strong dialling. Certainly the hordes were never broil that could linvo accomplished In the name Umo and nt the same expense- what the "autotrucks" ( that Is the name which lias been given to them ) did the other day In their official trials here. To deliver merchandise direct from the ship to the shopkeeper , to do away with the many handlings and transfers now necessary In shipping goods ; to tie Liverpool more clcncly to New York and Chicago ; to bring all the world's centers of trade and Industry nearer and cosier these were the ultimate nlmn of the second contest between auto- truoka held by the Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic nssoodotlon. Flvo nysrtnms of heavy horseless vans wore given the severest tests possible , and they oorod In consequence the most notable suc- OOJDOH that tlho automobile has ever regis tered In nil the world as an Industrial ngent. People said It was Impossible that the mam moth autocars would ascend hills rising one foot lu nlno while bearing a total of more than soron tons In weight ; but It was done , and one system has two gold medals to prove that the autocar can rapidly 0o up and down rooky Btoapa with .heavy loads , where the strongest teams ol horace would nllp and atoll and fall. The Reverent of Tent * . , Hvorton Brow ta the steepest and most difficult hill In Liverpool and Its equal can hardly bo found In all the United Kingdom. It Is paved at different points with ma cadam , asphaltum , stone and wood , all of which are moro or leas trying In a test of this kind on a atocp gradient. In addi tion , It takes three turns , one at them be ing an acute angle , and hud the rood been made to order as a htll-terrlfler , It could hardly have better served Its trying pur pose. Three separate hill-climbing testa were inodo on the first of the three days ol trial. Aa a utartor each wagon -was eent np empty and down again. Then they were loaded with sacks of corn , and In each trip up and down the car was stopped by signal on the most precipitous part of the rise and descent. To add to the difficult under taking the hill was watered In Its steepest portions and on the sharpest turns. Some of the five contesting cars slowed around with tholr hind -wheels and skidded a bit on the difficult turns , and two of them had to make a double start before they getaway away for the climb. One of the heavy ve- lilclca throw the spectators Into a faver of excitement by a threatened bolt when on the most dangerous part of the hill , and a runaway , on upset and a uteam explosion Doomed Imminent for a minute or two. But the driver stuck plucklly to his fractious mount , and by whirling It In a backward circle Tvas at last able to bring the vehicle under control to try again , ami euccees- fully. It was the most exciting Incident o the contest , and proved the value of a good man In charge of the machine. Quicker Tluiii ITui-ne * nt Hturtliiir. At a whistle from the Judges the cars were etoppod going up and down , and the first complete arrest on the descent was made In cloven feet. The next driver kept his heavy van well In hand and pulled up In nlno feet , but the Coulthard machine beat thorn all In Its prompt response , which set the wheels motionless in olx feet after the whUtlcs sounded. It was quicker time than the best trained team could make. On the upgrade some of the stops were made In the space of eighteen Inches. Genuine freighting loads were carried. One of the medal winners weighed In Itself over three tons , upon which was loaded four tons , and a heavy trailer attached with two and one-half tons moro. Yet tt walked off easily with this heavy drag , nnd could evidently have done more. It Is a singular fact that motor cars are only successful hlllcllmbers when well laden , v If unloaded there Is not misfflclent weight upon the wheels for them to grip the earthen on a Bleep ascent , BO that there will , for the future , bo no economy In working light "to save the team. " Thirty-Ova miles and more was the course Unquestionably the best ( or tbe club , cafe or family board , 'BLATZ" poa- Eosaes an individual goodness that it appreciated by those who enjoy good Irving not essentially epicures or con noisseurs. Shall we send yon caws ? Omnha Branch , 1412 Douglas St. , Tel. 1081 VAL BLATZ IIKEWJNO CO. , Milwaukee sometimes twice to their destination. While such a tedious and expcnolvo journey may be Inevitable where the poods must bo con veyed for long distances It Is obvious that any method of transportation which would roodvo the goods In Liverpool and carry thorn over all sorts of roads right to their purchaser up to fifty miles away , would be a boon in economy to merchants nnd man ufacturers , thus also lessening the cost to the consumer. Tine American who travels in this part of England could almost imagine himself In the bustling United States by the signs of enterprise displayed In such towns as Liverpool , Manchester and Birmingham , in contrast to fogy old London , tramping along half a century behind the times. Brisk methods of business prevail hereabouts , and It did not take long for the keen businessmen mon of Lancashire and Yorkshire to see th possibilities which last year's autotruck dem onstrations opened up for tiho saving of time nnd money In the handling of goods. There fore , the supporters of this year's exhibi tion were uomo of tihe leading commercial people of this city , -who ore now aiming to tie Liverpool trade to Manchester and all the country round by putting on lines of freight ing wagons to give a cheap and rapid deliv ery nervloe from the wholesalers to Uielr provincial customers. Every 1'onnilile Tent Ittnde. Rigid tests were made at the Liverpool steamship docks on the ability of the driv ers to maneuver their wagons In such nec- oBnnrlly small spaces as are mat In directly loading and unloading vessel1) ) . A masked bay , about half as long again as a motor wngon , was arranged some twenty feet from and nearly opposite to a gate , Into which they mu t back. Entrance was mada successfully with two reverses by the roo&t of the contestants , who showed their careful - ful training as motorneers. The tendency Is to make the freighting care heavier and heavier , like the mam moth American railway locomotive * , nnd In this way a voetcr power and a greater speed may be expected to develop. At pres ent tbe government lays restrictions upon tbe weight of autocars and limits tbelr highway speed to six miles an hour , but a moro liberal enactment Is liopaj for to meet the changing conditions of auto matic traffic. Twenty-five tons < an be moved orer an average English road os readily us a fourth of that weight and if this ayetom of transport develops as rapIdly - Idly as It promises to do there will come ta some new problems In town paving and country road-making , It must revolution ize the prevent system , suited as It IB to comparatively light traffics. Lost year's tests In Liverpool eliowed the advantage of petroleum In fighter ve hicles and this year proved anew that eteam Is still the standard for heavy tractions. On the previous occasion the wheels and other working parts gave trouble by the severe strain and the vibration , but this year the tires and wheels were found per fectly sound at the end of the exhibitions , thus demonstrating the notable advance ment made in ono year. The Automobile In Euiflnnd. The British government la steadily nd- vanclng In Its use of the automobile for civil nnd military purposes. An official who wltntajed the late hlll-cllmblng and long distance road trials said ho would urge upon the war office an enlarged use of autocars for heavy artillery and campaign service , us a few hun dred of these will dispense with thousands of hones and be more of- fyetlve , ho think * . In the postal service motor oars have for some time been in sat isfactory use , and at the late Richmond show mall vann v\ero run up and dawn the steep hills along tbe Thames at high speed. One. Newcastle' car dashea up hill at thirteenj miles an hour. It Is said the rate of travel i for such heavy vehicles may be raised to fourteen miles an hour to make ooaalblo a L For this Iron Bedstead. Fine white enamel finish , with brass trimmings This same pattern Bedstead is now on New display in the windows of another store marked in special sale at f&ll 9O Novelties and that's a fair comparison of prices through out our stock. For Iron Bedsteads , Fall S2.25 EWEY & STONE Trade Wrlta for Catalogue , Just URNITURE Received. rapid cross-country postal delivery service. Such a ono Is operating now on the Lon don and Brighton route , which needs specd- dng-up to meet the requirements. Private motor car stage routes are being established about the country , ono of those lying be tween Bedford/- where lived and wrote John Bunyan , and Kempston , a neighboring vil lage. Ono day recently 387 passengers were carried the three mites for the regular faro of ( twopence , and the trade Is rapidly growing. The United States has definitely entered the competition In the world's markets against both the French and English makers. American machines ore now entered at nearly all contests In Europe , nnd western wheels are being ridden In Increasing num bers In Paris , the home of the automobile , as well as here. The artistic Parisian has been a long tlmo In getting lines of beauty onto his wares , although one can now see some real beauties in the show rooms of the Count do Dion and the other makers there. The American carriages are better covered In tholr working parts , and there Is evi dently more security to the rldor , as well as to the mechanism. The English tutocar is also being Improved by the Influence ol Ha onorgotlc American rivals , and the notorious rious ugliness Is being slowly worn away , with a plenty of room still for ImproiemenL American porting dogcarts are becoming especially popular for their llghtnesj on ) beauty and European manufacturers art more nnd more Bonding across the ocean for their fittings. Eveo such parts as rawhide pinions are being imported from Chicago. AB usual , the Germans are counterfeiting the American articles , and with their usual lack of success. Involution of the Automobile. The evolution of the light and graceful automobile of France into the heavy and still ungainly looking autocar of the British Isles is an Interesting study. In France the machine is one for pleasure and luxury , but in this country It has been rapidly adapted to the serious business of life. Among the hundreds of automobiles I have seen dash ing about Paris and through the Bola du Boulogne , there was rarely one that served Its owner other than In pleasure. On the contrary there are but a few hundred pleas ure automobiles in all the United Kingdom , and In the streets of London a rider of one ot thcfco Is etlll stared at as a curio. France IB , therefore , first in its adoption as a plea's- ure machine , while England leads tbo world when Eolld work and utility is under debate. While Europe la keenly watching the Amer ican development * , it Is not unlikely that the weat will be for some time a rival in the ueo of the machine generally , by the Inferior roads In most parts of the states. The League of American Wheelmen will likely find tbo automobile a powerful ally In tbo good roads agitation. All of these demonstrations are ex'ertlng a powerful stimulus to automobilLsrn in this country , and international races with the French art ) being held frequently. A few days ago , when I v\as at Blenheim palace , the young duke of Marlborough was dashing about for the first tlmo on a new machine , while hla youthful American wife ( Miss Con- euolo Vanderbllt ) and -the babies looked on approvingly from tholr goats upon the porch. Trips to the HmlU ot the land ar being taken almost dally now. John Stirling drove his motor dogcart from Edinburgh to Lon don lately , making ono day 170 miles , and the first long motor drive In Ireland has been performed by Dr. Colohan of Dublin , who made 122 miles In eleven hours over rocky reads and against heavy grades. Horseless cabs have not as yet proved a success In conservative London and the project Is temporarily abandoned , ostensibly by the lock of drivers to operate them. The company had a hard tlmo of It and their operatives suffered many indignities I from the ubiquitous hansom nnd "growler" cabbies , of whom there are more than 17- , 000 In London. Many of the horseless drivers gave up their positions , some of them to take private situations as auto mobile drivers , and the management has not yet been able , they say , to find capable substitutes. A deeper reason than all Is the evident aversion of the shilling-paying PARTIAL ROUTE or AUTO -TRVCKJ IN Lrvcapoou Tear , anowrrto GRAHCNT.S A \ rfr STB ifeift rti MIUC.S fir BNOLISH AUTO-TKUCKS AND THE UOAD THEY TUAV15LEU. public to riding In the ugly , noisy and vibrating motor cab as turned out by British shops at present. Its lines must notably Improve before public popularity Is gained. Progressive Englishmen who are lovers of clean streets and happy horses are awaiting the day when horseless omni buses will ply up and down the Strand , as l > y a present proposal ; when the Covent - vent Garden markets will be fed by me- chanlcaf vans , and when all the browera and other heavy teamntora will emulate the stout-brewing Guinnesses at Dublin by adopting this method. It would go a long way toward Bottling the crowded streets question , the most habitually troublesome problem before the London county council , BDWA11D PAGE GASTON. SO.UU LATI3 INVENTIONS. Dentists will appreciate a Mlssourlan's In vention , which will enable them to see their work moro clearly , consisting of a rubber dam for use in the mouth , covered on one side with a light-reflecting coating o aluminum bronze. Petroleum cannot be exploded In a new can Invented by a Belgian , the nozzle beIng - Ing Intersected near Its base t > y n flat strip of tin having a narrow silt , which will pre vent Che passage of flame , but which allows the oil lo flow freely. A handy gate has been designed which can bo opened without exertion , a pivot pin being sH in the side of a peat on which the gate is hung , with weights uuypondcd on an arm at the rear of the gate to coun terbalance it in any position. Street car conductors will appreciate anew now fare register designed for their use , and the coat to the company Is lessened by Its usr ) , the new apparatus being held in the hand , with a sliding yoke to be gripped by the thumb and depressed , registering the fare on a dial and ringing a bell , A summer street car has been designed which has windows on the sides for use in etonny weather , the window frame being pivoted on the roof supports and lilting tightly between them when lowered , with a curtain at the lower edge which completes the closure. A newly patented device for spinning a top consists of a wire doubled and twisted spirally , with a button at the top by which it Is suspended , a slotted handle being forced down over the pplral to Impart a turning motion to the rod , which fits at the lower end Into a slot In the head of the top. Playing cards can be rapidly and evenly Hhuftiod by a Boston man's device , which Is formed of. a circular box , fitted with a cen tral stem , on which It rovolvee , with a de tent arranged In the top of the box to in termittently hold back a portion of the tut Lhuv ravalvu. SUARE MEAL IN A CAPSULE Food of the Future Compressed lute the Convenient Form of Pills. RESTAURANTS MAY BECOME DRUG STORES Prospective Solution ot Vnrious Prob lem * that Vex Ilonnekcesern and Caterers Fentnrcn of tbo Promised Departure. The food of the future will bo concen trated or compressed. Science has already dona wonders In demonstrating the largo amount of water In all fiat we eat , and the possibility of getting rid of It , so as to have the food In the smallest compass possible. Already the housewife finds many of her problems simplified by utilizing the extracts which are Increasing In the market from day to day. Will this condensed food solve the servant girl problem ? It looks as If It would be largely Instrumental In doing so. When Instead of having to buy a eoup-bono , and soup-bunch , and cooking It for three or four hours , you have simply to swallow a little capsule or pellet as a plate of soup , and the matter of housekeeping Is very much simplified. But the scientists have done very much more than this. They can at the present moment save us hours of tlmo and endless rouble and expense by providing a dinner of seven courses that will all go on a din ner plate and can bo swallowed In flvo inlnutos. The best part of It all Is that you will bo better nourished than If you lad oat at the table for two hours , for all of | ho waste portions of the food have been extracted , and you swallow only that which rou can nnd will assimilate easily. When the woman goes shopping she need no longer sit and fume for nn hour walt- ng for the slow waiter to bring her chicken salad and Ice crcaim ; but she will simply ask for a glnes of water and a llttlo ealt , [ nit a lozenge of beef extract In It and Itavo a moro nourishing lunch than ever before , and that without losing a minute of the precious shopping time. When you come down to breakfast there need bo no question : "How do you like your eggs ? " but you will find a llttlo pellet at your plate , and , washing It down with a swal low of water , you will have eaten your eggs. Do you like milk for breakfast ? Have another little cube ; It goes down in a moment , and you have had your milk. If you prefer chocolate or tea , there are similar compressions of theeo liquids for the stimulating of the system. \Vnnte In tliu Kitchen. Only a housekeeper has any Idea of the tremendous mass of material that Is not consumed and wasted every day In prepar ing the meals. It Is a foot that a man MX feet tall eats seven times hlg weight In food during a single year. If he wcro to Tlvo on compressed food he would find that he consumed only one and a half times his size. Bo great Is the difference be tween the food of tbo past nnd the food of the future. But It Is easy to BOO how true this statement la by a elanco at the pictures of differed foods In their natural state and compressed. There Is nn egg , and Its equivalent Is hardly more than a dot In comparison , hardly any bigger than a bonbon. There Is a plate or soup , and Us actual food value Is only a good-sized pill. Tea is compressed so well that even the aroma Is preserved In the little half that stand * for a cupful , The condensing of milk has reached perfection only lately , and hero It la shown how small Is the actual contents of a glorcful of this nourishing liquid. You can "drink" a glass of min eral water by swallowing a Tittle pill , and , queerly enough , It will quench your thirst better than the original. It Is now stated that a man can swallow a cake ol mineral water the size of a visiting card and re quire no more , liquid for the whole day. The compression of meat has been accom plished to perfection , BO that you can have a slice of roast beef In the shape of a pill or a thin wafer of extract. This food of the future must make many changes In our mode of life , and largely con tribute to our health and comfort. When there Is no more marketing necessary , no more quarreling with the butcher over short weight and poor steak , when Bridget can't burn the steak to a crinp any more , and there Is neither need for the Ice man nor the gar- bagu man , living will be relieved of many of the terrors which have driven houBokeopera out of tholr wits. Atvuy vtltli the Dinner lluuUet. This compressed , prepared food will also be of great value to the worklngman , who will merely slip a lozenge or two Into his I pocket Instead of carrying a tin pall full of all kinds ot things that are a mess when It Is tlmo to eat them. It must be cheaper than the food of the present , for It will be pre pared In largo quantities and there will be no waste. All parts of the ox , for Instance , ore equally nourishing , and the neck will bo as valuable for this food as the tender loin. It Is Impossible to think of all the problems which this food may aid In solv ing. But of ono thing wo may bo certain , that It will bo of Infinite value to the ex plorer and the traveler. Polar expeditions will bo greatly simplified , for a man can easily pull on a sled all the food he will want for a year In the compressed form. There Is no more need for whole colonies of reindeer or dogs to drag the provisions ; each man can take all that he needs for a long tlmo to come. But undoubtedly the chief boon of this food of the future will bo In Its solution of the housewife's prob lems of help and supply. WA.NT&D VVXPJB who la not averse to her husband's full en joyment of his legal rights. That's what most unmarried men would like , nnd also one who could enjoy a glass of Q KRUG CAJ3JJVBT Then the two would enjoy life together and partake of the good things of this world to their utmost satisfaction. It's so health ful , pure and nourishing that If moderation is practiced naturally follows a full appre ciation of life's enjoyable features. F1113D ICIIUG immVING CO. , Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street. DR , CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS pro the only noeltlroly guaranteed romertjfdr the Prlnir Habit , Kervuusnces ami Jlolauclioly cuau > 4 U Mroni : drink. WK UIJAUAVTHK YOVJl EIOXICH tfl cure oiiyenM with n posltHo i rill PII guar- niitr nrrefuiM Ui munfly. and to dMtroUio appetite for Intoxicating llqtion , TIIE T Ui.nT.CAN BE OIVEN WITHOUT KNOWLDK1E OP THE PATIENT. I I101NI cmixexMUfry , Poverty ! UnlllriHiid l > ratli. Vpim rcoolct if 115 fO wn will mall jmi four [ * J Ixnea and PCMI- nitcii uni < riinl to cure ot mum ] , ) - a- „ ( „ f pi ft | u. , .n , niltoo limit Co. , Sole ABC At * , n ( h Hnd I'Briilllil. ( Huiilin. .Veil. SlXMOKTIISTREAM ' "ONEDOUAP In Tablet Form Pleasant to Take , Ji told tinder a bonafltle guarantee In Cure Kid. iiry nnd I.lier I > licu c , Krvrr mid Ague , ICheiimiillim , Hick uiiUervou lleuducbr , Ucrumin , Ury > lpelii > , Krmulr < 'OUIUHUI | | , t Htarrhi Inulcc llon Ncurnlvli i Ncrvou * ACTcctlou. llyiiuejiilu nnU 1'unillitutlon , At all drunEltU. Tlilrir day ' treatment tor tic. i 70 daji' treatment & 0o ; 8U innntju' treatment fl ( XI. W.liy' rwl/r . R. W. at. HUHU.IIA11T 121 K. SnvBiitli BtrwU ClntlnripM , OhlnT ' Ask biisine a men in PlttsburK. Omiiha. New York , San Fran cisco. RoBton , Chlca- po , any big city aBk _ . em about Ad Sense , They all like it. Published monthly : setid 25c for six months' trial pubscriptlon to The Ad Sense Company , 3 Fifth Ave. , Chicago. KDOCATIONAI/ . BROWftSELL HALL. Boarding : nnil Vny School for under the direction of lit. * Ilev. George WnrthliiKtMii , S. T. I ) . , IL. I ) . Fnll term beginning : Sept. 18 , 180O. One of the oldest and most succeoaful educational Institutions of the west Its high standard allowing It to compete with eastern colleges and schools. Buildings In complete order perfect steam heating , san itary plumbing ; collegiate and preparatory courses ; special students In music , the lan guages and art : competent corps of teachers. Every advantage offered as regards the moral , mental and physical training. Send for circular or apply personally to Mr * . L. II. Upton , Principal. "K. Ai. A. " The Kearney Military Academy , Thoroughly equipped. Steam Iloutcd. Second Year opens Sept 12th. Prepares for college and busl- noss. The popular school for Nebraska boys. Address E. Porter Chlttenden , Ph. JX , Keiirncy , Neb. Artistic Engraving We have Just added to our stock a complete line of Cath olic prayer books. There are numerous styles and oar prices are always right Just received , the only com plete Kipling on the market ; fine green cloth library bind ing , nicely boxed , $16.00 net , The newest fiction can al wayrt bo found on our coun ters. Megeath Stationery Co. , Tel. 234. I3O6 Farnam St. The grandest combination on earth for clearuilnff , puri fying nnd beautifying the kin and complaxlon la WOODHUnrfl Fa cial Soap and AVOODUUnY'S Facial Cr am No gclerutiflc truth waa ever mor wonder ful than the results accomplished by their use In the -'oPm nnd bath. Sold everywhere. FREE TO ALL suffering from nervous doWllty , varl- cocele , seminal weakness , loat man- mood , emiseions and unnatural dis charges cau&ed by errors of younirer doi-H. which. If not relieved toy medi cal treatment , is di > loraM on mind and body. body.DO DO NOT stjumr when suffering , ajt this leads to tosa of memory , loss of spirits , baihfu'.bes in society , pains In small of back , fright ful dreams , daric rlnjre around the eyeo , plmtpi'ii or bruakltigr out on face or body. Bend for our symptom blank. We can euro you , and especially do we Aesir * old and tried casts , & * \r charge nothing ( or a < Jvloe and give you a writ ten KU rant r to cure ihe worst 00.90 on record. Not only are the weak or gans r stor 4 , but all losses , dralna ad dlacharg s stopped. Send zo stamp and question blank to Dopt. B , , I1LOOD I'OIHON , it i , second or tertiary s'-s-te. "WB ! FAIL. No detefctlon from WrKe us for partlculaco. . B. IlHkii's f h ruiK Xi OinnUi XBtU Bd Viueutnu at * .