' 12 THE OMAHA DATLT BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 14 , 189 ! ) . POLICEMAN MS TOOCE FIGHT Sturdy Youth ResieU Arreit and Sings Offl oar with Paving Stons. BOTH PARTIES BRUISED AND BATTERED Momlier of GnriirVlilcirilcnt Dctcct- Ivc .TorecHon n Yenr ARO Trie * Jo I/ny U Third Wnril Vn- trulninn , bnt Knll * . "Daddy" Ryan , the patrolman who on- dcavom to preserve order In tbo Third ward , hnd a UTO tussle on "the lino" yesterday with one of a , notorious gang of toughs. Paul Urban , a lltho , strapping youth , with shoulders llko nn ox , resisted arrest and a Atrugglo ensued between him and the po licemen , In which both wcro badly battered and bruised. Whan Urban was finally beaten Into nub- Jootlon and dragged to the Jail ho was blooding from half a dozen cut * nnd his clothing wan eaturntod with blood. The officer had a dwelling on ono cheek bono that looked llko an egg plant. The other waa nearly bare of akin. Both fighters re sorted to the use of weapons , Urban having rolled on a paving block and the omecr on bin club. Urban had In low a farmer named W. H. Ware. Ho visited a resort at 023 Dodge Btroct and mode a proposition to two colored womnn named Ksslo Richards and Maud Hughbanks to relieve Ware of hla roll and divide the spoils. The trio was unable to como to nn agreement OB to the just ratio of division , < md as Ware was already In the liouso and too drunk to olfor much resist- nnco , the women told Urban they would count him out of the deal. When Urban ob jected ho was pushed out on the sidewalk , and the door shut In his face. Officer Ryan eaw Urban beating the floor to gain admlttanc * and arrested him. With out warning Urban emote the policeman on the cheek. The two clinched and after a brief wrestling match In the gutter , Urban manage * ! to slip away from Ryan's grasp. Ho Jumped to his feet nnd ran , followed closely by the patrolman. A crowd of spcc- tatora watched the race down Dodge street to the railroad tracks. Urban kept his lead until ho reached the Dccrlng Implement storehouse , when ho probably thought ho had a good opportunity to punish the police man , without fear of assistance from other members of the force , nnd ho stopped. Urban picked up a paving stone and as the oillcor mailo n grab for his arm , slugged him on the check with It. Then Ryan re sorted to his club nnd pounded Urban over the hood until ho signified his willingness to submit to arrest. Officer Dan Baldwin wont to Ryan's as sistance In answer to a telephone call from ono of the Ninth street saloons , but the fight was over when ho reached the scene and Urban was walking peaceably along. Urban belongs to the gang which as- sauVtod Dctcctlvo Jorgeson and laid htm up for a month last year. Members of the gang llvo In the vicinity of Sixth and Pa cific streets. The patrolman on that beat n year ago was Pete Klowltz , who was ns- eaultcd ono night by Joe Nachnobol , ono of the toughs. Jorgceon was sent to arrest Nachnabol and had to fight to do It. Nachnabel'a friends , who stood watching the fight , took a hand when they saw Nachnabcl needed help , and pummeled the detective to tbolr hearts' content. There were nearly fifty In the gang. They pi-shed Jorgeson Into a coal office at Sixth and Paclflo street , where the arrest was attempted , and n desperate fight followed. AH the furniture was broken , the steve tipped over , and after the officer was knocked senseless , some of tbo toughs held Ills hands on the redhot coals till the flesh was cooked. Half a dozen arrests re sulted. The men remained In Jail a month watting for a trial , but they escaped punish ment on technicalities. Announcement ! ! . Major Burke , avant courier of Colonel Cody's exhibition , Is at the Mlllard. He reports the season's success this year to be beyond the most sanguine expectations of the management. From the opening night In New York City last March Immense crowdi have welcomed Buffalo Bill and his Congress of Rough Riders dally and nightly , culminating In a grand furore in Chicago ( two weeks ago , when the receipts exceeded $70,000 In ono week. The extraordinary com bination of races and nations , the now colonial nial representatives and the genuine Roosevelt velt Rough Riders In the battle of San Juan nro the additional features added this year that create renewed interest In this favorite exhibition. Major Burke , speaking of the cosmopolitan character of the aggregation , yesterday said : "Thoro is a missionary clement about the Wild West that is not generally appreciated nnd la very apropos of the czar'9 peace con ference at The Hague. The 'one touch of nature makes the whole world kin' Is most beautifully exemplified In the harmony that jirovnlls In that aggregation of diverse na tionalities gathered from the four quarters of the globe that constitutes Buffalo Bill's Wild Went and Congress of Rough Riders of the world. Hero wo find the white man nna the Indian fraternizing at the same lunch counter ; the Frenchman nnd the Ger man , with their Inherent enmities , repeating the campOre. Jokes of 1871 ; the Russian Cos sack and RlUlan Arab forgetting differences engendered by centuries of hatred and becoming - coming the firmest of friends ; Cubans , Porto Rlcans end Filipinos rubbing shoulders and Bmoklng cigarettes In good fellowship with Mexicans and Spaniards ; soldiers of various nationalities playing their gomes , drinking their beverages and socializing with the ether an though no jealousies or rivalries Chad ever existed. "The assimilation of taste nnd the adop tion of habit ono from the other , as well as the oonelant efforts < o teach and bo taught the peculiarities of each other's language , as Jlluatratod In this company , proves the truth of the axloDi that 'ono touch of nature makes the whole world kin. ' H Is a great nchool of human kinship that Colonel Cody ind Mr. Salisbury have established and keep la existence , and It Is a. school to which the { public at largo la Invited to , come and to Bbudy their fellow-men by comparisons not offered in nny other part of the known /world. / "Tlheae people Illustrate as truthfully as nature itself their various pastimes and pur- uultB , both In peace and war , in their native countries , nnd a most interesting entertain ment and Instructive exhibition Is given at every performance , " Buffalo Bill's Wild West , with all of KB old and pleasing features retained nnd with tile addition of many now , exciting and atartllng Items to their" popular program , will 'bo in our city In a few days , and their coming will be a holiday for both old and young. Of Miss St. George JIuesey and her play , which opened at Boyd's theater last Sunday afternoon and remains the entire week , one of the loading papers of Syracuse , N. Y. , Ihoa the following to say : "But all Is over shadowed by Mrs. O'Shaugbnessey , Inter preted by Mlw St. George Huesoy , the won derful exponent of true Irish character , who baa no equal In nor part. Miss Huesoy la n true artist and a woman of more than ordinary intelligence and attainments and widely traveled. Her specialties were very clover and heartily applauded. " Author Hoyt has made several changai In the dialogue and situations In hla comedy , "A Milk White Flag , " nnd It goes without Baying that ho has improved It. It sparkles with wit , pretty girls galore participate in Ha action , end effects that border on the ppoctuoular are introduced. As is well known It Is a gatlru on the mllltlo , and an AX- trom ly diverting piece of work. Theater goers who desire unlimited and harmless fun will do well to tee "A Milk White Flag , " which comoi to Boyd's theater for two performances only , Sunday afternoon and evening , September 17. It is conceded by musical critics generally that for brilliant , tuneful music nnd beau tiful ensemble harmony , there are few , It any , of the latter day opera * that can bo compared with Balfe'fl Immortal "Bohemian Olrl , " which la being nting by the Trocadcro Opera company this week. Those- who admlro emotional nctlng should not miss the opportunity of seeing Idaleno Cotton at the Crelghton-Orp-hcum - , Impersonate senate Mrs. Leslie Carter as Zaza in the fourth act of the play of that name. The thrilling and sensational scene between SJaza and her lover Is depicted In a won derfully artistic manner. In the comedietta , "Managerial Troubles , " Mlsa Cotton Impersonates senates several well known persons and types of character , and Is assisted by Mr. Long. The Impersonations of eminent men by Mr. Lee are also attractive features of the bill , which is an excellent one from beginning to end. The attendance this week has been uniformly large. A NHW AOHNCY. The Mutual Mercantile A oncr of jVevr York City I/ocntcK Itn Onmlia Olllce nnil IlrRlnM Active Operation * . Omahfi Is soon to have a branch office of the New Mutual Mercantile agency. The prospectus of the company shows It to be Incorporated under the laws of New Jersey with a capital stock of $2,000,000 and Its gen eral offices are located In Now York City. The Hon. Franklin Edson , ex-mayor of Now York , Is preddent of the company and Hon. Daniel N. Morgan , former treasurer of the United States , Is treasurer , Tbo board of directors1 also Includes a number of well known and equally strong men , such a the Hon. Darwin R. Jones , president of the Now York Board of Trade ; Gilbert B. Shaw , a Chicago banker , and Charles II , Decro of the Deere Plow com pany. Mr. Eraetus Wlman , who ha * had many years experience and Is known to the trade as a pushing , practical mercantile agency man , Is managing director. As a basis on which to begin operations the company sue- coodcd to a number of trade agencies that had been many years established and thus not only united the different Interests , but secured to the now organization a number of leading agency men whoso names also appear on the board of directors. Mr. Robert Magruder , formerly president of the Union Credit company , Is vice pres ident of this now company nnd during the past six months has been very active In or ganization work. Ho recently visited Omaha and while hero appointed Mr. W. O. Taylor manager at Omaha for Nebraska , Wyoming and other territory. Mr. Taylor Is well known to the trade nnd needs no Introduction to Omaha jobbers , he having successfully managed Bradstrcet's business here for nearly twenty years. .Wo learn that the company has already secured a number of experienced reporters and correspondents fof this district and haa completed arrangements to locate its Omaha offices in the Merchants' National Bank building before October 1. The new agency proposes some most Important changes , It being Its express pur pose to establish a more complete system for obtaining and communicating special re ports. While Incidentally it will issue Improved reference books nnd other credit matter the chief endeavor of the company will bo to raise the character of informa tion on which credit is based. It has boon ono of the main objects of the National Credit Men's association to make more perfect the reports on which the vast volume of credits under their control is founded , and wo learn this new agency will conform to every reasonable requirement of the association. It also appears that the company's oper ations will not bo confined to the United States and Canada , as it already baa an active foreign department and proposes to extend Its system abroad wherever American enterprise can penetrate. It will also pub lish a foreign reference book of ratings that will contain gazateer matter , route * , tariffs , trade regulations and other data of value to exporters. Tired of TJiclr Hualmml * . Mary Slavik seeks legal separation from Frank Slavik , whom she married In Cleve land , O. , Nov. 15 , 1877 , alleging cruelty and an attempt ito 'take ' nor life with a knife. She further asks for $500 permanent alimony. In her petition for a divorce Alice M. Codwaller alleges that Wilbur R. Cadwaller , whom she married Dec. 22 , 1880 , 'has ' treated lier cruelly , and she asks for the custody of their children and financial aid In supporting them. Ida L. Weeks has cued Levi F. Weeks for a divorce on the grounds of desertion , and asks for the custody of their children. An injunction haa been Issued restraining Weeks from Interfering with his wife's buolnesa. She conducts a boarding house at 522 North Twenty-third street. Ilrnnmcii n llaiilcrnjit. Henry Oliver of Lincoln has filed an ap plication in the office of the clerk of the United States court , asking to bo adjudged a bankrupt , Ho places his liabilities at $101,898 and his assets at $24,016. The ap plication Is verified In Texas , where Oliver Is now staying. Oliver waa regarded as ono of the wealthy men of Lincoln , owning the Lansing theater and considerable city and farm property. InnnoiiHt * Nrbrnilta Apple. D. Lonergan of Brlggs , Douglas county , is showing to hie friends a monster apple , the product of his own orchard. The fruit Is of tbo Wolf River variety , a kind Mr. Loncrgan has been growing for ten years and measures fourteen Inches In circum ference. H IE the largest apple grown In any of the neighboring orchards and Mr. Lonergan is justly proud of It. ICodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific com pound lining the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "di gests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketrbn , Bloomlngdale , Tenn. , says it cured him of Indigestion of ten years' ( landing. BOSTON STORE CLOAK SALE Grandest Bargains in New , Stylish Tall Oloak , Jackets , Capes and Suits. ON SALE TODAY ONLY Anil Flrnt Orcnt Snlc t.iulle * ' , mid Clillilron'n Underwear nt Prlrp You Will Not Duplicate I.ntcr In the Scannn. $8.60 LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS , $2.98. 350 now winter weight sample suits , In cluding two-toned boucles , new mixed nov elties , new two-toned English mohair , col ored new wide Wale serges , new two-toned worsteds , new basket weaves , now honrl- etta cloth. Some of these suits with Jacket Hoed with heavy eatln , some taffeta lined throughout , worth $8.60 , go nt $2.98. $7.50 SILK SEAL PLUSH CAPE , $3.50. Ladles' new silk seal plush 24-Inch capes , heavily beaded and braided , edged with thllxrt fur , new high storm collar , lined throughout with heavy serge , regular price $7.50 , on sale Thursday , $3.50. $7.60 BOUCLE JACKET , $3.98. Ladles' three-quarter lined English mo hair curl Jackets , now combination storm and turn down collar , lined with extra heavy silk serge , a splendid winter gar ment , worth $7.60 , special price for Thurs day , $3.98. $5.00 ENGLISH BOUCLE CAPE , $1.98. Ladles' nuw superior $5.00 quality heavy Interlined English Boucro capos , 24 Inches long , fine now close curl effects , now her ring bono weave , special for Thursday , $1.0 $ . ELECTRIC SEAL COLLARETTES , $2.98. Choice now electric seal collarettes with astrackhan yoke , lined throughout with new changeable silk lining , at $2.98. Cold typo falls to do justice to this bargain. LADIES' NOVELTY SKIRTS , $2.98. A big lot of assorted styles novelty skirts , such an clay worsted , serge , camel's hair and fine cashmere ; full circular shape , vel veteen bound , new plaids , new checks , now color combinations , $2,98. LIGHT WEIGHT JACKETS AT 1-2 PRICE. All of our now light weight and medium weight Jackets in covert cloth , meltons , kersey and flno Venetian , In now tight fit ting and double breasted styles , go at 1-2 price Thursday , $15.00 , $22.50 and $29.00 garments for $7.50 , $11.25 nnd $14.50. BIG BARGAINS IN EARLY FALL UNDER WEAR. 1,000 dozen children's Jersey ribbed , fleece- lined vests and pants , go nt So each. 35c quality misses' natural gray nnd Egyptian cotton , fleece lined , Jersey ribbed vests and pants , all sizes , go at lOc each. All the children's , boys and girl's under wear , Including heavy fleeced , natural wool , camelhatr , medium and heavy weight cotton underwear in all sizes go at lOc , 12 > 4c , 15o lOc nnd 25c each , regular price up to 50c. 500 dozen ladles' Jersey ribbed , early fall vests and pants , go at lOc each. Big lots of ladles' medium weight , silk trimmed , Jersey ribbed vests and pants In gray and Egyptian colors , all go at 15c each ; regular price up to 35c. 1,000 ladles' perfect fitting union suits in flno Jersey ribbed , fleece-lined , natural gray and Egyptian cotton , go in this sale at 2Bc suit. suit.AH AH the ladles' finest underwear , including Peruvian cotton , saxony wool , etc. , go in this sale at 25c , 39c , 49c and 69c , worth up to $1.25. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Notice to F. U. A. Member * . Banner lodge No. II , Fraternal Union of America , will give a boat excursion Thurs day evening , September 14 , 1899. Boat leaves foot of Douglas street at 8 o'clock sharp Thena will bo good music , refreshments an < dancing. All members and friends of the order are cordially Invited' ' to participate in this , our last trip of the season. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , is selling a white and gold toilet set , $5.50. Hard coaf , $8.GO per ton , September de livery. R. M. McClelland & Co. , 2306 Cum- ing street. See C. F. Harrison's special real estate ad. In today's paper. Sanliorn CoiillriiiH the Sale. Judge Sanborn of the United States cir cuit court has approved the proceedings In foreclosure suit brought on the mortgages against the central branch lines of the Union Pacific Railroad company and haa confirmed the sale made by Special Master Abbott on Juno 7 last. Ho has also ordered that deeds to the property issue. At the sale these lines that are affected were bought In by the reorganized Union Paclflo Railroad company and have now become a part of the great system. free Sept. to the woman who has turned in the great est number of White Russian soap wrappers since Sept. 1st. They must be In by 2 o'clock Sept. 15. These wrappers will also bo counted In the prand contest ending Dec. 20 , 1899. Turtles out of town may send in the trademarks cut from White Russian soap wrappers. These contests , at present , open only to women of Nebraska and Council Bluffs , Iowa. Jos. B. Kirk & Co. , 300 S. 12th street , Omaha , NOTICIC , It' not a cheap vehicle you want , but a good one cheap. The genuine Columbus Buggy CO.'B and my own make are standard. Cut prices on everything , Including ; repair- ing. A. J. SIMPSON. HM-11 Dods St. 9 Route : TAKE THE ST. LOUIS FLYER .Bouthbouiid travelers who \rant the best there Is should tttUo the Burlington's St. Louis Flyer , leaving Omaha 4:55 : P. M. , and arriving at St. Loula 7:10 : next morning. Through sloopora and chair cars few stops good meals a high grade train for high grade travelers. Ticket Office Dnrltnuton slnllon IBOa Fnrunnt St. , loth uud aiuion lit * . , Telephone 2150. Telephone 310. I „ ! n.VYimiv tmo.s. Sprclnl HnrKnltiH Tliiirnilny. Ladles' twits , regular 20c quality , at 7 > 4c ; ladles' rfRular JWc how at 15c ; ladle * ' $1.60 kid gloves at K9c ; ladles' $1.00 Rowns , 4De ; ladles' and children's hose In black nnd tan , regular 20c quality at lOcj men's neckwear bow , string nnd teck , regulnr EOe tlM , nt 25cj special corset * , worth tip to $2.BO , at 49c ; the I , C. nnd P. D. French makes nnd the Warnrr nil at 4 ! c. SILKS THURSDAY ! S1LKS1 Another big lot of those splendid silks In all colors , 25c ; those beautiful liberty satins nro the talk of the town : nil ehndos anJ only 39c ! 24-ln. wide taffetas In nil the latest fall tints , very special nnd only 40c ; our Wlnelow taffeta ellks for fall nro now all In ; the over Incrcnnlng demand Is due to the fact that experience has taught buyer * of taffeta thnt the Wlnslow Is the most trustworthy. Wlnslow taffeta docs wear. It has stood the test of time. SPECIAL ON DRESS GOODS. Venetians , nil wool , 42-ln. wide , regulnr 79c qunllty , only 39cj French Venetians , 66- In. w4do , extru heavy nnd extra fine ; others nsk $1.75 ; our price , only 9Sc. The Hnost French Venetians sold elsewhere ns bar gains , at $3.00 ; here for only $1.60 ; French Venetians today < it $2.60 "that cannot bo equalled In Omaha nt nny price. Bradford Venetians , heavy enough for men's over coats , nil shndfB , nt $3.98. Tailors nsk $5.95 for them. English kerseys , broadcloths , etc. , from 39c to 75c yard ; double-faced golf cloth , 98c , $1.60 , $1.98 up to 75c yard. The largest line of zebcllncs and high grade plaids for skirts , dresses and children's dresses at 19c , 25c , 39c , 49c , 76c , 98c up to $4.50 yard. HAYDEN DUOS. Another lux | i mini on. It will bo of Interest to the readers of The Boo who use SlcElrco's Wlno of Cardul in their homos to know thnt the ealo of this remedy has so Increased during the past year , that the manufacturers have again had to increase their capacity by the ad dition of another largo building. It has often been said that an article that ilnds favor with the ladles Is sure to achieve great success. No more striking example of this could bo found that the history of Wine of Cardul. From thousands of ladles' letters received by the manufacturers , the following are selected : From Mrs. Jlary Pankowski , 3S Rose street , Chicago , 111. : I have taken a bottle of Wine of Cardul < xnd feel much better than when I wrote you. I did not have any pains at my last monthly period. Frc n Mrs. M , A. Thompson , Kalamazoo , Mich. : I suffered from what was supposed to be tumor of the womb , but I have token flvo bottles of Wine of Cardul and am almost cured. Prom Mrs. J. L. Todd , Stalvey , S. C. : I do not think I would have been living if I had not taken Wlno of Cardul. Wo desired a child very much , and I now have a baby seven months old. From Mrs. W. S. Harris , 716 Walker street , Kansas City , Kan. : I have tried Wlno of Cardul and found It to bo the greatest medicine on earth for female troubles. Ilnyclen'o Frldny 1,000 pieces best quality Drees Calicos In blue , red , gray and black and white , ou sale Friday at lc yd. 600 pieces double fold fancy twilled wrap per goods worth lOc yd ; on sale Friday at yd. HAYDEN BROS. it.vvnnv nuns. Ilrnrt Tlim > ( Jroorrr lrlcr . 20 Ibs. grnnulntnl sugar for $1.00 ; parloi matches , ono dozen In package , 6facj II bars Diamond 0 , Kloss or nny other brnnil of the best Inundry o p , for ISc , 8 rmml' white hand-picked navy beans , 13c ; new French rnieln cured prunes , per pound , 3cj new California lemon cling peaches , 7 4c ; Brcakfnst oatmeal , Inrgo package , 3V c : 2-pound cnn fancy sweet sugar corn , 6c ; cold wntor Rtnrch , pr package , 4c ; prepared French mustard , per bottle , 2c ; mustard or oil sardines , per can , 2Hc , CHEESE AND BUTTER. Fancy full cream cheese , per pound , 7,4cj neufchatel crcnm cheese , p r package , 2c | now Cnpo Cod cranberries , per pound , 6c ; fancy Messina lemons , largo nnd bright , 9V5c ; extra fancy separator creamery but ter , ICc ; fine fresh country butter , 14c ; gooc cooking butter , per pound , 12Vfcc. MEATS ARK DOWN. Picnic hams , 5c ; Diamond pork , 4c lb. ; best brand bologna , 3'4c , potted meats , 3c ; pickled tripe , 2c ; 3-lb. cans boat Uvrd , ISc. HAYDEN BROS. Try the Her Grande hotel cafes. Open frora 6 a. m. until1 12 p. m. Three cafes on flrsl floor and ono grill room. Turkish and cloc' trlcnl baths. Ladles' day , Tuesdays . To tlir Voter * nf noiiulim Comity. I hereby announce myself n candidate foi the ofllco of sheriff , subject to the actloc o the democratic ! convention. WILLIAM H. BELL. Dr. Shcpnrd Hay Fever. 312 N. Y. Life. Itov. Mllli-r Hlcotcil ClmiieHlor. TIFFIN , O. , Sept. 13.-Rev. K. E. Miller , odltor of the Christian World nt Dayton wns elected chancellor of Heidelberg uni versity today. linid and Matron Wear "Jcnncss Miller" Hygienic Shoes Mtulo on lasts that preserve the natural beauty of the foot. Wo nre solo agents. 1MUCI2 , ljin.no. OxforilM , ? ; UO. ) Ultra qunllty , Ifn.OO. Howe Shoe Go , 1515 Douglas St , A POINTER Arrangements for your September vacathra P should not be completed without first asking about O MAGNIFICENT TO ALL I TRAIN WESTERN N SERVICE POINTS T the many E Cool Retreats ? & Union Pacific For full Information call nt City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Absolute Value In EARLY FALL Offerings of such decided merit that you cannot afford to miss them. The covert line is made up in elegant fashion. The assortment is too extensive to be described hero. You will find all the desirable shades and every known top coat fabric in this great showing. Extra Specie ! Sales this Week , 0t i oo all wool Venetian covert early fall overcoats , sizes 84 to 42 , real $7. 50 values O 11 fiS sale price * J J. O Lot 2 125 herringbone covert" overcoats , and strictly all wool gray clay worsteds , in the box style , also regular lengths , not one in the lot worth less than § 8.50 and some CS f f\ as high as $11.50 , on sale at. . : . . . -J V/V > Lot 8 75 very finest light weight over coats , in the new tan shade , made up with the very best Italian cloth body lining , Skinner's satin sleeve lining , retailed everywhere at $15 , in this sale while they last at only Mothers of Boys , "We want you to examine our new 1899 fall styles in ves- tee , double and single open front vests , satin faced coats ; fashions entirely new in this market in all sizes for little fol lows from 3 to 8 years old , over 75 different styles and patterns to select from. Our stock of double breasted knee pant suits comes in sizes to fit boys from 6 to 10 years old , including The Stout Lads. 8-piece knee pant suits in great variety. All pants of our knee pant suits are made with double seat and knee , sew ed with silk and linen. A new suit if one fails to give satisfac tion. Prices range from Si. 50 to $5 , and are 25 to 80 per cent lower than equal qualities can be had from any other house. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. M ea. Or a little head , or a mod him sized head , all the sanio to the hat man. llo can fit the pate of anybody , man or boy. Tis a matter of importance to you to look at our stock of Fall Jlcadffcar. prior to purchasing a hat You can't half appreciate the now styles un til you've seen our collection of such. But having done this you'll surely bo able to se lect something out of no ample an assortment. "Qualities ? " As high as are obtainable. "Prices" away below the hatters. Women's Shoes. Wo never discount our shoo business by absurd claims , simple , plain truth serves our purpose best , so the mutual benefit between us and the public keeps the sales growing. The shoo man says , your ad yesterday caught quite a number of people who know a good thing. Everybody who sees our woman's welt shoes , made on the medium and mannish last , can't help but admire them. You c/in get a fit for your foot , aa to e. The Trunk Man Says open up on trunks ; so we have opened up a new window lull. You' can grip the situation as you glide past our fifteenth street window I Wo carry all kinds of trunks except swimming , and elephant trunks ; and we can direct you where to get these. We've professional trunks , steamer trunks , canvas trunks , combined bureau trunks , trunks that are hand riveted , trunks with rubber bumpers. The Trunk Depart ment has doubled its space in the last few days , and the new trunk store is located , on the third floor the elevator will run you up , 'aid while you're there you can get a glimpse yf the new department of Ladies' Cloaks and Suits. Soys' ' School Suits Prudent parents under stand the marvelous money-saving chances of this great boys' department we are cloth ing the little folks with correctly made cloth ing at a reasonable price and the line to se lect from is the largest in Omaha you may start with your youngest boy and pay from $1.25 up every suit worth the price we ask for it and besides our guarantee goes with it , that if you're not satisfied bring 'em back and get your money. IPs foolish to pay more for your collars and cuffs than The Nebraska asks you when / f you buy a collar here you pay for the linen in them not for the name if you want to save your money on iieck dressing look through our collar department The name inside doesn't cost you one cent Our linen collars at 15c are as good as any 20c and 25o collars you find elsewhere. What could the poor girl do she wanted a new Fall hat and only had two dollars to pay for one one store tried to sell her a last year's one at half price the milliner wanted $2.50 ior a hat but when she came to The f "Nebraska and found just her idea of a hat for $1.40 late style , new fresh stock she exclaimed "why didn't I come here in the first place" well why didn't she will next time Where do you buy your millinery ? \ Tomorrow we'll talk about clothing. IT'S A Z/ACaiUNO ZUATT&n to bavo your teeth extracted by M. Absolutely painlces , beoautt oC our Improved methods. Wo are TEETH EXPERTS and know the Ini and outs of mta- Itlnd'n masticators aa well aa you know your A , B , 0. We prldo our selves on the many ' COMELY MOUTHS wo hare made. Let ua giv * you our scientific aid. Our teeth to order are winners. BAILEY , THE DENTIST , (1C ( yoara xperleucc. ) Paxton Block , ictb and Farnua. Tel. J08B. Lady Attendant Poland Spring Water Wo ore jut 4n receipt of a large shipment of the above mentioned water , which comes direct from the springs in Maine. We are prepared to make the very lowest price on this water when taken In full case lots. WE ARK TUB DRUG CUTTERS. We have thousands more at as low prices. Regular price. Our Price. il.OO Palno's Celery Compound 7Gc tl.OO Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound. . 76c 60o Syrup of Figs < 9o Jl.OO Scott's Kmulslon 75c il.OO Wine of Cardul 7Do 11.00 Pe-ru-na - - 25 ° v-- + \ : \ ' Bitters 7Bc (1.00 ( Hostettor'H Stomach 11,03 Kllmer'B Swamp Root 75c 11,00 Dr. Mile's Nervine rT 75u (1,00 ( Maltlne Preparation 85o 35c Castorla 'u (1.00 ( Malted Milk 75o (1.25 ( Warner's Safe Cure. Me 25o Laxative Brorno Quinine 15c 26c Carter's Little Uver Pills 16o [ 1.00 Pierco'B Favorite Prescription. . . . . . 75c WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , , 1613 DODQE STJIEET. TEBTfl EITHACIED 25 CENTS. PAINLESS DR. MASON , * > DENTIST I1XTH ACTION 4tb If lee r DroiiD Blk. , HUj tad Doug lit Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O Cold Filling $1.00 and np Gold Crowns $5.0O Set Teeth . . . . . . . . $5.00 BestTettb $7.50 IT PAYS When buyinpr a rait to Kot u good ono. Wo inalco & ep o- ialty of GOOD SUITS Garments made of materials that will wear well , made right and loteat accepted etyles. Our prices are the loweet for gar ments of this kind , Now Suits , New Qolt Sklrtfl , New Wool Waists , and Mimes' Jack * eta just received , We invite Inspection. lOAI&SUITCO. 1510 Douglas St. rure , Fragrant. The unnatur * ' odor from perspiration and all other lm > purities are Kpeedlly and com * pltttoly removed unJ the entire body given a pur * , healthy , fragrant tone toy tht dally uio , in ( olltt and buth , of WOODBURY'B Faotal 6op and WOODBUIIY'S FaoUl Or cam.