TttE OMAHA DAILY BE 13 : THURSDAY. SlSPTJaamEIl 1-L. 180D. SPECIAL NOTICES AilrnrttNOindttK for Ilioio column * Trill lir InUen until IS rn. for tlio evcnlnit cillllnn niul until HiltO p. in. lor inornliiK nnil .Ittnilnr edition. ItiiicN , 1 l-2o n wont llml Insertion ) lo it tvoril thnreniirr. AntlihiK ( illicit tnr ICHM Ilinn U.tu for tlie first Inncr- tlnn. Tliexo nilvrrtlitL-niciitii nttiHt lie run cnnnrciitlvol ) ' . AdvcrllmTK , reiiuoxdiiK n tinm- lioroil titirck , cnn hnvn niisM-rr * nil- < lrexed in n lunnliiToil teller In euro nt The llcp. Ansurrr.l o niltlrcmieil M-lll lie ili-Ilvcred on prcxciilnllon ( tli > nlirclc onlj- . I SITUA'rill. > S. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 110 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A STENOGRAPHER ? AVhen you want one please call up the Remington typewriter onice. 1619 Karnn-n St. , tclephono Ioi3. A ' 25 WA. . > JiD MAMS HUM' . YOUNG MAN \V1IO IS POOtt OR BACKWARD IN HIS EDUCATION need not lieyltato to enter that excellent nchool BOYLES' ' COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE , Bee Building. Ho will find kind nnd courteous teachers who tnke un Interest In the students and assist them to the education they need. Complete business course. Complete shorthand nnd typewriting course. Complete English course. Get u. cntnloguo. B-177 WANTED. AVe have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and nppear- ance. C. I ? . Adams Co. , 1C19 Howard St. GOOD salesmen , salary or com. 1118 N. 16. B-72S WANTED , twenty first-class stone cutters nt Helena , Mont. : $5 for nine hoilrs. Ap ply Montana Building Co , B 401 SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers. Bill Regis ters and other office upcclaltles ; fine side lines ; quick sellers. Model Mfg : Co. . Box H , South Bend. Ind. B-MS25 SepSO * "WANTED , n Chlnnmnn to do laumlrv work at the AV. C. A. hospital. Council Bluffs. WANTED , several good floor moulders ; steadv work all winter : coed wages. The Lltch'fleld Mfg. Co. . AVebstcr rlty. la. B M261 14 WANTED , exncrlenced elevator conductor. Enquire at Boston Store. B 419 13 WANTED , traveling man to handle calen dars. Burkloy Ptg. Co. , Omaha.B . B 417 13 WANTED , experienced bookkeeper nnd rtenogrnpher ( mnle ) for Interior town , Addresi J 27. Bee ofllce. B 416 17 WANTED , sutrnr salesman also advertis ing distributer * : ralnry. Trlumnh Information mation Co. , Dallas. Texns. B M437 14 * TAILOR wanted nt 621 Broadwny , Council Bluffs. B-M442 14 I WANT five salesmen to assist my speclnl agents In tb lr work among the farmers nnd feeders In Town In the sain of Stnnd- nrd Food. These men must be straight nnd honest , good salesmen , good workers nnd hnve some knowledge of stock. These positions cannot be filled except bv men of the highest Integrity , but to such men who cnn meet the requirements otherwise these positions w'.ll pnv a fair salflrv nnd expenses and give a chance for advance ment. Addresi , stntlnit age. exnerlencc , last employment and salarv wanted , with references. F. E. Sanborn. Pros. , the F. E. Ranborn Company , Manufacturers Rtnnd- nrd Food , Omaha , Neb. B-444 18 AVANTED , a doorman In blacksmith nhon ; teadv emplovment. Address J. T. Phil lips & Co. , 607 Douglas St. , Sioux City , Iowa. B M455 14 * WANTED , n. few ftendy men to work on wagon. Apply 621 S. 16th. J. Haglnge Intt. Co. ' B-481 13' TVANTED. office mnnncrcr nnd bookkeoner ; must furnish $1 nnd bond ; salary S100.00 per month : must bn exnerlenced and give best references. J 32 Bee. B-M4S5 14 * WELL known Chicago house wnnts desir able man with few thousand dollars cnpl- tnl to establish and cnrrv on branch busi ness : $200 per month and expenses , also aneclal profits ; term of years ; high class buslne'sgoods wldelv known ; rood for $3,0V ( ) per year or better. Enquirers to receive attention must stnto amount of rash capital , also approximate financial condition nnd name references. Henry AA'arle , Boyce Building , Chicago. B-M492 11 * "WANTED. Immediately. I've , wlde-awako representatives to show our line of stnplj lioimehold coods. More money cnn bo mnde worldlier for us. than nt anv other legitimate business In America today nnd we furnish n horseless carriage freo. No represent" lives wnntnd In Inrire cities. Address Stnndnrd Distributing Co. , P. O. Box 6303. Boston. Mnss. B M491 14 * CLOTHING salesmen who nre out of em ployment can make * 25 a week 1jy calling on E. Levy at Kiel's Hot" ! . Pound ! Bluffs. B-M19S H * AVANTED. reliable nli'rnliern a ad st'am- flttcrs. Address J .13 , Bee. B-M197 15 \VA\TK1I-KKMAI.B IIISI.I * . INTELLIGENT mildlc-aced ! women for useful , profitable business. Tnll h twe n 11 and 5. Mrfl. E. E. Allen. 723 N. Y. Life. C M1J7 Sept. 14 * WANTED. 200 girls 1B2I Dodge. Tel. S7fi. C-729 GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami , C 59S WANTED , n cook , also a housemaid. Apply lo 3C20 Fnrnnm st. C M994 AA'ANTED. comnetent girl for itenernl housework ; wages $1.00. 117 N. 37th. near Farnam. C 241 MONEY to lady canvassers. AVe offer liberal - eral rn h < omm'sson ! for stibserlpMons to the Dei ! ner the handsomest nnd most popular Fashion Mii f > r.lnp. It Is easy work nnil very profitable. For terms and sample copv nnnlv to P nmnrr ! | Fn'hlnn Co. . 32 AVcst 14th street. New A'ork. N. Y. C-MM5 15 * A GOOD elrl wanted for n'nln wnsh'mr nnd Ironing nt the Creche. 13th and Tiarnev. C 115 II * AVANTED. nt once , ten good prnct'cnl nurses to give bnths , ton btn'ness women to travnl , tfn teachers to five l soni 'n Illustrated ln'7lene nnd physical culture. Flat 9 , Dnvld p Block. C 414 13 * WANTED e'.rl for e-neral housework. An- ply 2201 Spencer St. C-M130 AA'ANTED , girl for general housework. R09 So. IQtli. C-M42I 15 GIRL wanted. Hlxenbnugh. 500 AA'nre. lilork. C-M2 < iS AN Industrious womnn w'lh ' bu lnc s ex perience wnnted : must hnvp rood edu cation nnd references : ormortunlty for ad vancement , Address J 29 , Bee C-M46I ] 14 ' WANTED , experienced snlestidv In lice nnd trimming department , BoMon Ptnre , Omaha , C MIC7 15 EARN blar ni < > nebv making nn effort. See Frank. 1831 Farnam. C-MIH9 19 * WANTED , ceneral servmt ; also second clrl ; highest wages paid. Ap-ilv US N. 39th Bt. C-M468 15 WANTEp For nfldre""lng envelopes , Re- nly In own handwriting. Address J .11 , Bee , C-475-13 AVANTED. peed girl for general housework. K In family , wages $1 , Apply nt once , 2TO2 Poppleton uve > C 479 WANTED , a comnetent prl ! for central hourowork. 1S12 Sherman aye. C 4S2 16 * WANTED , n ro-d rook nnd housemaid , "Mrs. " E , A. Cudahy. 37th nnd D wev nve. C-M495 16 WANTED , competent slrl for rcnernl housework. 21J B. 36th j ireet. 0 Mlfll 16 GIRL AA'ANTED. one that can rook. T A. Patterson. Scrlbner , Neb. C M4SS II * WANTED , a comnetent n'rl ' to do cooking end laundrv work- In family MM , David A. Bunm 101 Bo. S2d avenue , CM496 16 * FOR RUST HOUSES. HOUSES. Bcnewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. D 780 HOUSES , s'otes ' , Bemls , Paxton block. D 732 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Fnrnam street. D 733 FOR RENT largo twelve-room house , N. AV. corner 19th nnd Leavenworth. In strictly first-class modern condition. Steam heat. Apply | r H. M. Rogers , 923 N. Y. Life bldg. D 693 FOR RENT , five-room cottage , 423 South 26th St. ; modern except furnace ; newly papered ; outside now being painted ; large yard , with shade trees ; rent $23.60. After Sept. ( f , seven-room house. 1312 N. 26th st. , will be put In good condition ; nil mod ern except furnace ! rent $20.00. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas , D-867 HOUSES for rent in nil parts ot the city. Brennan-Love Cj. . 219 South 16th FOR RENT , 66S South 2Sth St. , 10 rooms , modern , good repair. The Byron Reed r.n. . 212 So. llth St D 73T FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms , nil modern ; stable. Bemls , Pox- ton block. D-M227 FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street. D-M153 FOR RENT , 10-room house at 813 AVorth- Ington Place. All modern conveniences. Including electric light , etc , ; neighborhood unexcelled ; one block from Farnam car. Apply 11. J , Windsor , 1621 Capitol nvo. D 372 WHY. certainly , save coal , gas , water and servant worries by having n home In the Brunswick hotel , heart of the city. D-M420 Sep. 21 G-ROOM cottage , line condition , large yard , shade , fruit. 2772 Lake. D-M470 14 * ! II01CE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , COI N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. r rTOO IAGGARD , van & storage. 1419 Dodge. D "i35 ROOM house and barn , 2702 Dcca .f:27. IENRY B. PAYNE'S Bargain List : room flat , city water , only $7.00. room , modern cottnge , furnished , $22 , -room , modern house , Wnlnut Hill. $22.60. l-room , modern house , AVnlnut Hill , $21.50. ' nnd S-room , all modern houses , close In , good repair , $25 find $27.60. 1312 So. 27th St. , 8-room , all modern house , line condition , only $2S. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601-N. Y. klFE. ILEOANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell- man. 2103 St. Mary's ave. D-M233 COTTAGE , 9th nnd Pierce ; 14 rooms. AAal- nut Hill. $15.00. If you don't rent , buy on installment plan. S. Hawver , 1512 Daven- 031 S. 30TH AVE. , 10-room , laundry , onk finish and floors , strictly first-class , mod el n In every respect. AV. D. Mead , Jr. D 31376 FOR RENT , two-story and bosemont. with elevator , corner 8th nnd Leavenworth ; good for small business. potter-Snoleg Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. D-M360 15 FINE modern 12-room residence on motor lino. 413 North 23th street. J. T. Clarke , 219 Board of Trade. D-446 18 TO RENT , party desiring to leave city offers for rent to reliable person a nicely furnished eleven-room brick house , centrally located ; modern In every re spect ; several rooms now rented : will sell furniture If desired ; very reasonable Ad dress J 30 , Care Bee. D 4o2-13 * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN beds , 60o week and up. < 10 S. 14th. E 283-S , 19 THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture and new management , Is the most de sirable place In this city. E M419 Sep21 NICE rooms for rent. 314 South,6sM1sft ; FOR RENT , cool , furnished front rooms nil modern conveniences. 317V4 North loth St. , Flat E. E M197 OctO BACHELORS family hotel best THE , ; T house In Neb. ; take Harney or Farnam car E 864 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen : ref. rcq. 1701 Cap. Ave. E 242-Oct.7 ROOMS , with or without boarl1lll1,2-PoVtesn" : _ , - ( FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 262 ; St. Mary's. E-440 21 * ROOMS. 1906 Capitol Avenue. E 147-18 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND 11OAH1I. ELEGANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol ave , F 740 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge , FURNISHED rooms , with or wlthou board 1518 Mndlson ave. F M884 NICELY furnished south front rooms with first class board. 1722 Dodge St. FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FIRST-CLASS stnros , $10 to $30. Furnished barber shop. 3 chnlrs. $10. HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. MPR FOR RENT , sto'e In first-class location rent renscnaUe , Apply R. C. Peters & Co. . cround floor Bee Bldg. 1-266 FOR RENT a ground floor ofllce , special ! ! suitable for real estate , etc. : splendU' ' vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R .C. Peters & Co. , ground floor. lie- Building. - AOKXTS WANTED. $1,000 GIVEN away ; are you willing to do a title work for us for which you will bo paid and also share In the dlslrlbutlon of $1,000 among our ngenls ? No harm tr find out what we offer you ; It costs noth ng except a letter asking for full partlcu lars. Address The Home Monthlyi 88 Pur chaio SI. , Boston. Masp. J M431 17 * AGENTS AVANTED. MEN AND AVOME AVn want one good agent , either man o woman , In every town In the Unltei States to take order * for men's , women' and children's waterproof mncklntoshej nnd inlnconts , also ladles' waterproo skirts und capes , * Men and women mak- $1000 to $50.00 n week In their own towi tnk'.ng orders for our waterproof gar monts. AVe furnish large samples , boailtl fullv Illustrated sample book and com nlc-le outtlt. Instruct you how to do the work nnd pay you once n week In cash For particulars mnll this notice to th < Dundee Rubber Corporation , Chicago J M400 H * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and AA'nrehouse Co , , 912 914 Jones , general storage and forwardjng , WAXTKIl TO IlU.Vr. AVANTED. to buy wolves , mountain Hon. or any kind of wild animals. Inquire o manager Hagenback's Animal Show North Midway. N M422 13 HOUSE nrar 18th and Ohio to move. Tele , phone 1137. N-M464 17 2ND-HAND furniture bought ft Boston Furniture Co. , 1411 Dodge. Tel. 2231 ALL kind * of household goods. hoUls , etc. In laree or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlture Co. 1106-10 Dodge. Tel , 203.N N 743 N M263 Sep. 13 HOUSE and lot. Small house and umn. lot within a few blocks or walking ills tance of High school. H S3 , Bee. N-121 WANT to lease vacant lots. J 10 , Bee. N-M371 14 AVANTED. good clean stock drugs In live town. Iowa or Nebraska , not over two thousand dollars. Address Allen. 1513 South 23th st , . Omaha. N M4S6 16 * FOR SALE F AVE PA11RY the largest line of second hand Btove-s & heaters. You ran buy them for little money. J. Lewis , 101 So. Hth. O Mt > 53 Sep0 FURNITURE for aal at W7 South 20th" 0-474-16 * FOR SAI.n-IIOUSKS AMI VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles , Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P 714 FOR SALE , cheap , horse , harness and top buggy. Inquire 1720 N. 33d St. P-430 13 * FOH 5AI.I2 FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest nnd best hog fence. 001 Douglas , Tel. 4iS. Q-745 HOG , poultry , lawn 'and field fencing ; nit wire. AVIre Works , 1617 Howard St. Q-717 CUTTERS of drug price * . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.Q Q 74G FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents ixt drugglstc. Ono gives relief. Q 752 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Co. Buffs. CJ * JI311 REPAIRS anu parts for every sewing ma chine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 13th nnd Harney. Q-M1SS Oct6 NEAA' wheelc. $13,60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels. $ S ; up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q M4G5 FOR SALE-Cheap ; heavy wrapping papt-r ; good for batten or laying under carpets. Omaha Bee press room. Q 271 B. HAAS , Florist , lS13 Vnton ! St. Tel. TS6. Plants , cut flowers bouqets , hall , resi dence , wfddlntf nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q 751 2D-HAND safe ciTenp. Derlght , 1116 Fnrnam. AFES Buy pell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q 743 JASH register , nearly new , cheap , 1116 Far nam. Q 750. NDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Fnrnam Q M933 FOR SALE. 100,000 red cedar posts. J. P. Brower. Tcxarkana , Ark. Q-MSS3 IS * 'OR ' SALE , ? cholarshlp In best business college In city. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney Sts. Q M429 1 > MtSCKI.LAXROIIS. BEST fall henters nnd cook stoves nt low est prices. Boston Furn'tre Co. , 1414 Dodge II 75I 'OTICE Country dealers. 2d hand furn'tro & stoves nt lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1106-10 Dodge. R 75o CLAIRVOYANTS. DR. L. R. HARRIDEN , CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. President of Polytechnlcnl college , of A'nshlngton , D. C. Author of "PSYCHAL RESEARCH , the book which recently lectrlfled scientific circles nnd kindred isychologlcnl subjects , begs to thank . the lubllc at large for the unprecedented pixt- onago they have bestowed upon him since his RETURN TO THIS CITY. He Is acknowledged by prees , clergy , medical raternlty and the most eminent scientists is the leader and bright star of his pro- esslon. MANY IMITATE BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives ndvlco to make you successful In ove. business , marriage , divorce , law suits , etc. ; locates mines , burled treasures , cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. UNITES TITO SEPARATED. NEARER FAILS To cause speedy and happy marriages. Guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR. LEE HARRIDEN diagnoses cases by merely touching the patient. Instantly locnt- ng the peat of trouble , nnd by his wonder ful power of OCCULT SCIENCE emovlng the cause ; n speedy cure e the result In nil cnscs. Thousands who were unfortunate have been started on the road to success , and nre now enjoying health , peace nnd happiness , being brought from poverty to prosperity. REMEMBER. DR. LEE HARRIDEN HAS SEVEN DIPLOMAS , testifying to his alent nnd worth. His honorable dealing ? during his residence In this city have won for him the good will of press , clergy , medi cal fraternity and public. PERMANENT RESIDENCE. 602 SOUTH 6TH ST. , COR. JACKSON. All who cannot call upon this gifted man , write Inclosing stamp for particulars. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 > . ra. Lndy attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES. PRIN CIPAL CITY BANKS. TEL. 1851 , S M463 15 * MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist , 160C Dodge S 756 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th. S-M710 VIENNA lortunn teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S S09 Ot TRANCE medium arrived ; Dr. Hall , known from ocean to ocean. So sure am I of my txmors of telling every event of past nnd future , of nil , will give your full name In frae tests , nnd the ono you marry ; send stamps for test and answer. 1C15 Chicago. S-161 Oct 4 MRS. DR. MOSS , celebrated spiritual me dium and nrognostleator. can be consulted on all affairs of life ; readings confiden tial : prices reduced for this week. 1701 Caplto ] avenue. S M436 IB * MRS. DR , HART , famous' palmist and clair voyant. Removed from 1707 Cass to 213 N , 18th. S 476-16. 'SIRS. ' DR. MOSS , celebrated 'spiritual me dium and prognosticate can be'consulted on nil affairs of life ; rendlngs confiden tial ; prices reduced for this Week J701 Capitol avenue. . . . SM3616 * AND 1IATIIS. MRS BERRY , BATHS , MASSAGE , Parlors best equipped In city. Porcoial. . tub : lady attendants : 119 N. 16th , opp. P. O. . 2nd floor. T M648-S26 * MME. AMES , R , 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths T-239 Sep. 17 * ELITE PARLORS , 2023 Farnam , upstairs , first-class baths , massage , magnetic treat ment. Lady attendants. T M3S2 25 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited. 161fi Howard. 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17 MME. Lee , baths , massage , parlor , 302 N. 16 T M198 Oct6 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SJ4 North 15th. 'T 48319 : * M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats dl ailments of feet , both ladles & gentlemen Ladles' liulrdresulnf ' , , "air goods & tolle preparations. Treatments of sculp , face hands or feet ; 20 yfars experience , 10 years In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In city. lulti.Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor U-707 VIAA'I Is roman's way to health. 310 Bee Bldg. U-7C1 MISS MAYEirsURGEON-CHmOPODIST manicure , halrdreaslng ; Instruction In abov professions reasonable. 400 Paxton blk. U-247-Oct. 7 FACIAL massage , oOc ; halrdresslng , 33c shampooing. Sac and COc. Ms | Hubbard 416 McCague Bldg. U-M397 21 * NELLIE F. RYLEY , manicure , chiropodist 415 McCague lJ'"Er. ' . 16 < and' Dodge. U M396 24 * AVANTED. household goods or furniture for California points to help make up carloads : write to the American Forward Ing nnd Mercantile Co. , Rooms S01-5U- Northern Olllcu Building , Chicago , III ! nols. U-M43S 14 * DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and auperfluou hair removed by electricity. Room 12 Frcnzer block , U 758 PRIA'ATE hospital for ladles before & dur Ing conllnement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17 U-769 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no electricity ; no instrument used , Room 4 AVlthnell block. U 7ix , IUTTBH hospital ; conllnement cases taken bubles adopted. 22U Sewftrd , Tel. 2i3S. U M716 SepJO RUPTURE CURED. AS'e cure all form * o rupture without pain or detention fron business. Send for circulars. Emplr Rupture Our * . 632 New York Life Build Ins. Omaha , Neb. U-M&52 SepSO BATHS , tnaitaxe. Mne. Post , 319Vi S. 15th U-M173 MONIY TO LOAX-IIKAI , IJSTATU. MONEY 10 loin on flrtt-claua Improved city jiruperty or for building purpose * . Payne Harder Co. , N. Y. Ldfe. AV-J62 MOMSY TO I.OAM HI-JA1 * KSTATK. fi PER CENT money , Bemls , Paxton Blk. AV 763 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brer.ran-Love. Co. . 319 So , 1611. $100 TO $2.000. tD. . AVead , 16th & Douglas. W-765 BROKERh , tiromoters , mortgage dealers , wanting tnstcrn money should write for i circular. Investors' Dliectory , Newt York , | MONEY tc loan on Nebraska ami lown > farms : lowest rates. Brcnnan-Love Co. , i 219 ri. 16lh. Omaha. AV-768 , $1,000 nnd upwnrds to loan on Improved city propert1 nnd farms. W. Fnrnnm Smltr & Co. . 1320 Fninam. W tot LOANS. Potter-Sholcs Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. AV-769 AVRIT13 us If you want n Iban on your farm In Iowa , eastern Nob. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L AV-772 11 AVANTED. city and farm loans : also bonds nnd warrants. II. C. Peters & Co. , 170J Fnrnjm St. , Bee Bldg. W 711 , . | | FIA'E PER CENT money on or before five years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real estate. W. B. MflUle , 401 S. l th St , W-775 PEH cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Fnrnnm AV 770 EH. 6 per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. W. H. Thomns , 503 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1618. AV-7J4 IORTGAGES. AVallnce , 311 Brown Block. AV 773 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chns. E. AVIl'lamson. ' W-776 MO.VIJV TO IOA.CIIATTI3LS. . MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOAV RATKH-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH' 1UTH STREET. .OANS . MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity : strictly confidential , nnd at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing pee us , ns you will find U greatly to your advantage ; we nro the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg , , 16th and Fnr nnm Sts. Telephone 2293. X 7S3 IONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Cn re pay Mi enry weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co , , C. E. Jennings Mgr. , suite 523-521 N. Y. Life Bldg. iJt 780 IONEY loaned on plnnos , furniture , home ? , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Bnrkcrblk _ "MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 310 S. 13. X 779 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bnnk , 1416 Fnrnnm , upstairs. ' X 781 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J. AA' . Taylor. 403 Knr- bach block. 2 to 6:30 : p. m. X M70I S29 * MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses ? cows , etc J. W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 2 to 6:30 : p. m. . X-M703 Sep. 29 * MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 700 N. Y , L. Bldg. X 777 TO SALARIED PEOPLE- MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES WITHOUT SECURITY. PRIVATELY. QUICKLY- TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy'weekly or monthly aayments to suit convenience of .borrower. Mo Inquiries of ther | em'ployer or mends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN' CO. ROOM 601. BEE BUILDING , X 784 1IU.SIXICSS CHANCES. IF YOU are a caterer and want to make money you lose the chance of a life time If you miss the Brunswick Cafe. Y M41S-Sep-21 MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods nnd clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1201. Y-M717 FOR SALE , a gilt-edge first mortgage for $4.000.00 , on Inside Improved property , bearIng - Ing 5 per cent. Interest payable soml- annunlly. II 63 , Bee. Y-18 * FOR SALE or trade , cigar , tobacco , fruit and candy store. Call 320 S * . 10th. Y 248-Oet. 7 * DENTIST'S practice and outfit for sale or lease In good west.rn town ; fine location and no competition. Address Box 702 , York , Neb. Y M406 16 * HOTEL snap : $1,600 cash down , balance $25 per mo. will get It ; clears $200 per mo. ; best h6tel in town 20,000 ; Investigate quick. Western Hotel Brokers , 104 Bee Bldg. Y M428 17 FOR SALE , restnurant , lunch'room and soda four tain , doing splendid business , cheap. Address N , B. Newcomb , Red Oak , In. Y M465 NO AVE DON'T run any jiools or schemes , but. wo cnn execute your orders In grainer or stocks on the N. Y. exchange. Send for free book. Howard , Crosby & Co. . 02 AVnll St. N. Y. Y-M48D 14 * FOR EXCHANGE. FINE 12-room residence , beautiful grounds , near Hanscom Park , to exchange for lands or city lots. Address H 21 , Bee , Z-M853 ACETYM3NI3 GE.YISIIATOIIB. MONARCH generators have no equal In construction , opfcrntlon or price ; hustling salesmen wanted. Address Monarch Acetylene Gas Co , , 1022 Douglas st. , Omaha. Neb , MSeo Sep30 FOH SALE HKAIj ESTATE. Nebraska's corn crop , 300.000,000 bushels. CORN LANDS , HARRISON & MORTON. RE 208-06 * FOR SALE-640 acres of land , worth $33 per acre : will sell for $24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St. RE-783 IF IT IS South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Ncll's Real Estate Agency. RE 787 SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co,314 S. 16th street. RE-7bS CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND They Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. RE 789 HOUSES , Jots , farms , lands , loans ; also nre Insurance , Bemls , Paxton blk , RE-700 FOR SALE , my elegant home. 2020 AVebster St. . small amount down , balance same ns rent. If desired. Address C. D. BlbblnB , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , AVash. RE M715 Sep29 GENERAL collections. Neb. , Iowa nnd Mo , ; wide experience ; rent nnd care for property. F. A. Stroup , 015 Paxton block. HAA'E you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dlspouo of them ; let the 'people ' know that ycu want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who hnve the money , RE SCO FOR SALE or excnange. choice , rich pro ductive farms , large and small ; also' ten line stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap nnd on easy terms , where crops have.never failed. Crops average : Corn 45 , wheat IS nnil oats 50 bushels per acre ; some of these lands can be traded for merchandise , dry goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Geo. W. Hutton. Cole ridge. Cedar county , Ngb. RE 012 O2 HENRY B. PAYNB. 601 N. Y , LIFE BLDQ. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-7W LIST your property with me. I hav the buyers. H , II. Christie , South Omaha. RE-MG2U Oct , 3 AA'OODMAN & BAY , mortgage' loans , 28 Barker block. UE-M493 li FOR SAl.K-HRAI , USTATI5. C. K. HARRISON AND GEO. T , MORTON , 912 AND ! > 1.1 N. V. LIFE. TELEPHONR 314. SPECIAL WEDNESDAY AD. ( Sept. 13. ) | Lumber , labor nnd other materials have so advanced Mint ready-built houses nre nt ft premium. Some of the following will . j' Interest the close buyer. Nebraska's corn crop of 300.000,000 bushels has given sta bility nnd permanency to our prosperity. Farm ] lands , of which wo make n specialty , are the best polld Investment now , nnd our list ] will Interest land seekers , HOUSES. 7 rooms , nil modern , on grade , Just about completed , nt 31st nnd Marcy , $3,000. AVIII rent It. $3,500 , S rooms , nil modern , 2Sth nnd AVool- worth , rental $300 n ycnr. Elegant small house nenr this , wo think nbout the best bargan on our list. $1,330 ; I rental , $150 n year. 8-room house , SOth st. , one block from Hanscom Pnrk , with Ionic pillars nnd the whole house up-to-date In all respects , $1,000. Perhaps the llnest lot In the city , 60x242 , fronting cast on Hnnseom Pnrk flower gar den , with elegant 6-rootn cottage , renting for $3CO n year , paving paid by the city. Owner In foreign land , wants money ; $3,000. n-room hotiee on corner fronting east , near Hnn com Park , asphalt paving , good barn , house modern , $6OOC. 0-rooin house nenr tnc nbove , well built nnd strictly modern , $6,500. One close to this ngnin , $6,000. 12-room house on Park nvenue. built on honor by days' labor ; In good times , costIng - Ing $1SWO , barn costing $3,000 ; heated with steam ; 2 bath rooms , stationary wash tubs , and everything In keeping , $15.000. Will consider offer or will rent It. The llnest homo In Hanscom Park neigh borhood , fronting cant on llaiiscom Park , built like , a mm bridge , solid , rooms large nnd housu up-to-date In every wiiy , ulmost now , $11,000. , 8-room house , Georgia nvenue. near Pop- pleton , house elegantly furnished nndi com fortable , owned by prominent business man leaving the city , $1,500. ' Largo elegant house nnd grounds , near St. Mary's Ave. church , $12,500. Fine palatlnl residence nt Florence , 4 ncres of land , overlooks Omaha , house cost y.OOO ; price $1,000. Four or five renting Items on large Jot In ieart of the city , being fair interest on 10,000 ; price $9,000. 4 renting Items , close to buMncns , largo > leco of ground , bringing now $103 a month , could be doubled l > y small outlay , now led up In the court ; cnn bo bought way down ; nominal price $20,000 ; might consider some trade. 2 or 3 other large flat properties , well ocnted , well built nnd well rented , taken u by trust companies who wish to reallzu on their assets ; no reasonable offers re fused , and In some cases trade considered. LOTS. $300 for 2 In Dwlght ana Lyman's , fronting on 32nd avenue , south of H'unscom Park , several fine houses nenr by ; the next ad vance will touch this country. East fronts on Hanscom Park , pavement n and paid for by the city , $3,000. Fine lot on 40th , near Farnam , overlooks big area of country ; the coming best prop erty , $1.COO. Lot on 3Sth , near Farnnm. finer than the above , $2COO. Fine trackage lot on the U. P. In Imme diate vicinity of th'e big agricultural houses , Into purchase , where trackage Is getting scarce , small Improvements bringing $300 a year ; all kinds of chances to make mbney on this , $12.000. Several other trackage lots In the same vicinity ; also some very cheap on 20th st. and on the North side. AA'ant offer on business lot near the Millard - lard hotel , E. Douglas st , A lot or two way lielow what they are worth on Farnnnvftreet , near Farnam Ter race , with Improvements will make as good a paying property UB Farnam Terrace , which Is one .of the best In Omaha. Fine lot on Farnam Hill for $2,000 ; no money required If purchaser builds. 06x132 , Douglas , near 20th , small house , price $100. a foot. On the North side wo have 1C lots In a bunch to offer at $330 each , or a single .lot at $400. As these lots adjoin Kountze Place on the south the lowness of the price Is extreme. $700 buys a lot In Hnnseom Place , on car line and paved St. , clear. AVe have a large list of lots on AVcst Farnam Hill , some owned by non-residents who want to realize a low price ; two sightly lots north of Raymond's place , very cheap for a week. Corner 40th nnd Lowe ave. , ' 100x155 , wll } make 3 good lots , $2,500. _ " . U- East fronts at 31st nnd M arcy , graded , ready to build on , $850. A'ery good lot , Dundee , $100. Lot on Leavenworth , $200 ; ( on car line. ) Lots In Dundee , $10. Brlges Place. $300 and $300 , FARMS AND ACRES. 150 acres near South Omaha , Its location excellent for n South Omaha man ; ought to bo worth $100 an acre easy ; price , $7,600 200 acres near Omaha , a large portion the Oncst land I have ever seen , $50 an acre. AVe have In Sarpy Co. , acknowledged to bo the best In Nebraska , 2,000 acres , rang ing In price from $30 to $30 an acre ; one place of 200 ncres is especially fine , 1ms probably 1,000 bushels of apples and the llnest crops , well Improved ; price $10,000. Nice 40 In Sarpy for $1,000 ; large farmer will rent It for 6 years for $60 a year ; tnx on H nbout $6. Several 10-acre pieces In Sarpy , near So. Omaha ; owners have advised us to cloae It out at a low price. SO acres not far from So. Omaha and Hanscom Park , we will cut Into E or 10-acre pieces and sell to PUlt purchasers , giving long time ; price , $2JO to $300 an acre. Some very fine 20 and 40-acre pieces near the new Fnir grounds at $110 to $160 an acre ; one piece , possibly , at $100 nn acre. 10 acres near Florence , , owner advises us to make very low price on. An excellent 80 In Burt county ; this stands next to Harpy , $30 an acre. 1.000 acres In Burt , $10 an acre. Nice U In Knox , $3,200 , > , i In Red AVlllow , $250 ( snap , ) 2,000 acres In Merrick , $20 un acre. Epitome of best things offered In above list to save your time in looking- over entire list.Ve have a few things not advertised as good ns those advertised. t lots , Dwlght & Lyman's , $900. 60x242 on Park , $5,000 , Cottage , 2Sth and AVoolworth , $1,330 , 5 cottages , rent $300 $ u year ; $1,200 , for the 6 Acres near Fair grounds , $110. 40 in Sarpy , MiOOO. 80 In Burt Co. , $2,400. Fnrnam S * . property , $20,000. Lots Joining Kountze Place , $100. 40th und I-owe avenue , $2,500. 3Sth and California , full lot , $700 , Douglas and 27th , corner , $1,100. 10 acres near Florence , C. F. HARRISON AND GEO. T. MOATON 312 AND 913 N , Y. LIFE , TELEPHONE 314. p. 8-Partles having something genuinely cheap mid wanting It punned , can have I punned by listing with ua. R&-4U 13 * tIOHTIIANI > AM > TYrUWHITIMCJ. READ LAST AVEEK'S UKCOIID of the NEB. 1JU8 nnd SHORTHAND COLLEGE , BOYD THEATER HLDG , ' Eight cnlls In two days lost werk for our graduate | * . AVe filled only three for the wnnt of operators Strnogr.iphera nnd 11 bookkeepers who have no petition * nnd those partially unqualified would do well ( o , call on tit , One experienced stenographer we secured n position for nfler being In . unr school less thnn n week. It pays to I take tin shorthand or bookkeeping where ' n Million nwnlls you. ; ! i . Oinelftt Court .Reporter A. I. AVnrrlek. 1 principal sliorthmvl department. I'rof. J. T. Jallev. the "Master Penman , " principal uslnc * * department , A. C. Ong , A. M. , U I * , n. . President. M-116 . . , _ - ' . . C. Van Want's School. 71 * N. Y. Life. i 799 VT OMAHA. Bus. College , 10th & Douglas. sw lOA'LKS' school ; court reporter principal , nee Bldg. SOI LOST. , OST lllnck moollo row. Reward for return - turn to C. Chrlstcnsen , 4314 Ktnmett St. Lost-173-13 * /5ST , Inrge red pocketbook containing large sum of money , between 2Sth nnd 3 > th Stn. nnd I.envenworth nnd Mason streets ; liberal reward for return to 1913 Farnnm. Lost-119-14 * , OST , Irish setter bitch , tag Ml. Return to II. O. Jackson , 1713 Nicholas St. Hcwnrd. 1.03t-478 11 * .OST , last Saturday , n diamond cross brcnstt > ln. lleturn to this otllce nnd get rewnrd. Lost IS1 13 , OST , a Rllk poodle white dog with yellow spot on back nnd shoulder If fotind re turn to Mrs. Ida Bonds , -US N. 1. < Uh st. Lost M1S7 II * MEDICAL. n. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of nnxlous women ; have never hud n single fnllure ; longest cases relieved In two to five dnyj without fall ; to pain , no dHtiRcr , no Inter ference with worn ; by mall or ofllce , $2 : nil letters truthfully answered. The Manclleld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room Oil. ChlciiRO. III. -SSO 1C' : * ADIES , Chlchcstcr's ISngUsh Pennyroyal pills nre the best ; safe , reliable ; take m > other ; send Ic. stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mat' . At drugclits. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pn. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON. Osteopathlo Institute , 515 N. Y. Life nidR- , Alice Johnson , D. O . ladles' dept. ; Old E. Johnson , ostcopathlst. mpr. 51-707 V. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still f-chool , Klrksvllle. Mo. , COI Paxton blk. Tel. 1317. 70S IlICYGIiES. VNDRAE bicycles. $20. 1110 Farnam. S02 CLOSING out ' 99 Tribune bicycles less thnn cost , $30 cash. Louis Fleschcr. 1022 Capitol tel nve. ' M-IOI 1G TAII.OR1NO. WHO'S your tailor ? Bee the Twin City Tailoring Co. ; ( all line now ready for In spection ; p-Iros rlRht. 1609 Farnani St. 343-S19 , ADIES JACKETS , men's clothlnR , nltcrcd In latest styles and cleaned. Mnx FORC ! . 307 S. 171 h. SI 719 Sep2y 1'AAVNimOKEHS. TEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce , 41S N. 10. E05 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , iiccommodat- Ins ; all business confidential. 1301 Douplns , see TYI'B WRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for wit , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , K-2J Farnnm St.f Telephone 1231. 732 WE RENT nnd sell the beit typewriters made : largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1012 Fnr- nam. 793 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1610 Farnam. 7t ! ) THE Oliver Tvnewrlter. visible wrlllnir. heaviest manlfolder nnd cuts the Hne t stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldir. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 227fl. .T. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 31SV& S. Fif teenth street. Omaha , 795 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnam , M-795 MAGNETIC IIEAI.INO. MR. AND MRK. A. GILLET. Weltmer sys tem , 24th and Cumlng ; entrance on 2Hh. 472-22 * PI.ATIXO. BASEBURNERS roplated ; all kinds of plat- Ing. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bids. 601 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED , Julia Vnughnn. 430 Ramge Bldg , S07 MATTHI3SS RENOVlTIXr. . M. S. AVALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 SOS TICKET IlllOICiUS. CUT RA'TE railway nnd steamship tickets excurnion tickets bought nnd sold. I' . H Phllbln. pew locations , ISOfl nnd 1505 Far- nam. Ebt. 1SS9. Member G. T. B. Assn. S03 COAL. BEST cooking. $4 ton ; hard coal , $8.60. liar- mon & AVeeth Co. . 16th and Charles. 2Sa-Oct-S HOUSE MOVI2H. AV. COY. located nt 171G St. Mary's Ave. COKTIlACTOnS AN1I HEALY & SONS. 1622 Clark street. M-3S5 Sept. 20 * AT1STUACTS OK VITMS. HARRIS Abstract Co , , 423 Bee Building. 810 IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport M-706 Hep. 29 IAUM)11Y. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , Be ; collars , -c ; cuffs , 4c underwear , Cc. 1750 Leavenworlh. Tel , E457 M-1C5 8ep 14 IIA.NCIIK.S. FOR SALE , cheapest nnd best cattle ranch 300.000 acres. For description address Eu , gene AVllllamB , Waco , Texas. M-203 SeplC * TUIJXIC IMOTUIir. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit pases , Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 12W ( Farnam. . C02-O16 IIOTI2I.M. TRY the HenderBon Hotel ; board and room $ l.t)0 ) per week ; gas , steam heat and baths Ninth and Karnam fits. 09 COMMRHOIAI' OM. Com'l Col. Kohrbough BroB. , IG&D'qlaa M140 SCHOOL Olf IAXOUA I3. FRENCH , German. SpnnUh , $2 per month Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theatur. H7 NOTICI- : . PROPOSALS FOR BRICK AVAREHOUSI3 I aundry Machinery and Building Ma terials , Department of the Interior , Otllce of Indian Attalra , AS'oshlngton , U , C1 , Sept 12. 1SS9. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro poeal for Warehouse , Genoa , " nnd ad dressed to the Commissioner of Indian Af ( airs , will be received at the Indian Office ( Continued. ) until two o'clock i > . m. of Thur d y. Octo ber 12 , > 1W ! , for furnlshlnR anil dfMvrrlnir the t neoesjinry materials nnd labor required to t erect nnd complete one brlek wnrehoiuo nt the Genoa Indian Srhool , Neb. . In strict nepordnnco with plnns and specifications f nil Instructions to bidders , whlrh may be > examined nt this otllpe. iho ofllces of the "Nebraska State Journal" of Lincoln , Neb. , "The Itee" of Omaha , Neb. , the nullder.i' & Traders' KxehnnKe. Omaha , Neb. , the Northwestern .Manufacturers' Association , St. Pnlil. Minn. , nnd nt the school. He.iled proposals , endorsed "PropotU * for BuildIng - Ing f Material , " nnd nddressed to the Super- Inien'ilent | of the Indian Srhool. Ucnoit. Neb. , will be reoflved by him nt said school until two o'cloek p. m. of Thursday , October 12 , IS'.fl , for furnishing nnd delivering ns nifty be required n quantity of brick , lumber , lath , shingles , door , ' , windows , etc. , n full list nnd specifications of which can bo ob- tntned from the superintendent. Kor fur ther Information apply to J. K. Ross , Supfr- intendent Indlnn School , Oenon , Neb. AV. A. JONES , Commissioner. S-14-d-lS-t-m ci : xo'i'ien. ( Should \ > f read dally by nil Interested , ns changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign mnlls for the week ending Sep tember 16. 1S9D. will close ( PROMPTLY In H ) at the general postotllce as foi- ows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ono our earlier thnn closing time 4ho\vn been - on- . Trnni-Allnntlc Mnllm. IU'RSDAA'-At 7 n. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Columbia * , via Cherbourg. South ampton nnd Hamburg ; at 12 in. for AZORES ISLANDS dlrtot , per s. s. Pen insular SATUKDAA'-Ai 7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWlTHKItLA.VP. 1TAI.V SP\IN l > 'K- TL'GAL. TUHKHY KHYPTiid 111:1 : P- ISH INDIA , per . s. GascoRUP' , via Havre ( letters for other pirts , .f l-Mrono must be directed "per H. s. Li GuscoRnc" ) ; nt S a. m. for NETH EH LANDS direct , per s. s. Mnnsdam , via Rotterdam ( let ters must be dlr-H-ted "per K. . . Mnns dam" ) ; at ! > a. m. ( supplementary 1030 ; n. m. ) for KUUOPE , per s. s. Unibrla * . via QueonMown ; nt 10 n. m. for SCOT LAND direct , ppr x. s. Anehorla ( letter * must be directed "per s. s. AiichorlA" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. ThliiKvalM ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Thlngvalla" ) . Printed Matter , ftc. Oermnu steamers nailing on Tucf dnya talsi- printed matter , etc. , for Germany nnd specialty nd dressed printed matter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. American and White Star Htc'iincrs ' onV > dne. days , German steamers on Ttiurs.rays , and Cunard , French nnd German steamers on Satur days tnke printed matter , etc. , for all rountrlcH for which they are advertised to carry mn'l. Vfter the closing of the supplementary traiiR-Atlnntlc mnll. < < named nbove , ndd- ! tlonal supplementary mails are opened MI iho piers of the Amerlcnn , English , French and German M earners , nnd re main open until within ten mlnutc of the hour of sailing nt steamers. Mnlln fur South null CoiilrnI Ainerlcn , AVc-nt InilloK , Ht . THURSDAY-At 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU. OUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO , per s. H. Saratoga ; nt S n. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Boston. 'RIDAA'-At ' 3 p. m. for BARBADOS di rect and NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. CnmPtfnsp. via Tara and Manaos. SATURDAV-Al 9 a. r.l. for LA PLATA. COUNTRIES , per s. s. Homer ; at 10 n. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct , per B. s. Orinoco : nt 10 .1. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : li. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAA'ANILLA , CARTHAOENA nnd GREYTOWN. per s s. Alene ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene" ) ; nt 11 n. m. fir CUBA , per s. s. Havnna. via Havana ( letters must be dl- rrctcd "per B. s. Havana" ) : at 12 m. for PERNAMIMTCO and SANTOS , per s. s. Tnormlna ( letters for other parts of Bra zil must be directed "per s. s. Taor- mlna" ) ; at 1 P. m. ( or NUEA'ITAS. GIBARA. VITA , BARACOA and PUERTO PADRE , per s. s. Lnlienburn ; at 1 p. m. for BELIZE. PUERTO COR TEX nnd GUATEMALA , per H. F. Themis fl tten < must 'jo directed "per s. s. Themis" ) SUNDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIKHRR M1QUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Nor'll Sydney , and thPiice by steamer. rlo nt this otllre dally nt S:30 : p. m. ( conncc'lpir ' close here evcrv .Monday , Wednesday nnd Satnri'ny. Mnlls for Miquelon. by. mil i.o Boston , and thence by steamer. < lo" > nt this ofllce dally f < 8:30 : p.n. . Malls fitr Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa. Fin , nnj thence by steamer , close nt th | of fice dally ( except Monday ) at * 7 n. m. ( the connecting -Icci-s Tire on Sunday. Wedn'- ! day nrid Friday. Mnlls for Cuba , by rail to Miami. Fin. , and fhence by steimer , close at thlJ ofTVe every Monday. Tues day nnd Saturday nt * * 2:30 : a. in. , ( the connecting closes are on Tu day and Saturday ) . .Malls for Mexico City , over land unless spec'niy ' : ntldressrd for dis patch by stenmrr. close , u this oltlce daily nt 2:30 : .1. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. Mails for Costn Rica. Bc'.lec. Puerto Cort'z nnd Guatemala , by ra'l to New Orleans , nnd thence by Pteamer. at Mils ofllco dally at * 3:00 : p m. . connectlnt ; rinses h'ro Sundiys and Tue dTiv for fostn Rica nnd Jlnnrtns-s for Del'.ze , Puert" Cortez nnd Guatemala. 'ReKlsicred mnll closes at 6 p. m. previoiif lay. * Rpj : ' l'r ( d mnll closes nt 0 p , m. second 'Jay b fore. rnrlllcJtnlln. . Mnlls for Chlnn. Japan nnd Hawaii , via San Franclsuo , rlose here d- " ' at GSO : p. m. up to September * 11 lncl-ve ( or rfPHimteh per s. s. City of Hlo cle uiifielro and up to Bcntemher * 24 IncUislve for despatch per s. s. Coptic. M.iIIs for Hawaii , vln San Francisco. POM ! > here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to September * 15 Inclusive for despatch per . s. Australia. Malls for Auntralla- slan Colonies ( excfpt West Auntralin , which goes via Europe , nnd New y.i'alsrd. which goes via San Francisco ) , Hawaii and Fill It.lumlR. vln A'anrouver , c'.ose here dallv nt 6:10 : i > . m. after September 1 nnd up 10 September * 15 Inclusive for despatch per s. s. Warrlmoo. Molls for Socletv iBlimcis , via San Francisco , close here dallv at 6:20 : p. m. up to September 23 Inrlurlt'A for despatch by ship Tropic Bird. Mnllx lor Australia ( njcep' ; Wf t Austrnlla ) . New Zealand Hnwnll. Fiji and Samoan Islands , vln San Francisco , close hero dally at 0:30 : p. m. after Sep lember * 15 nnd up to September * 2' I elusive , or on day of arrival of H. s. CJin. panla. due at New York September 2D , for despatch per s. s. Marlpooa. Mnlls for China nnd Japan , via vnncoiiver , close here dally at ( ! :30 : p. m. up to Goober * 3 Incluslvo for deantch | per B. n. Empress of India. Trans-Pnclllc malls nre forwnrd to port of sailing dnlly nnd Ine sclicrlnl or rins ing ! s arranged on HIP prp.iu ! n"'on of their unlnterruptpil overlnnd trnislt Reglstcrpd mnll closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN OOTT. IVj--VKI t , Postollleo , New Yoik , N. Y. , September S , 1SD9. free Sept. to the woman who has turned In the great est number of White soap wrappers since Sept. 1st. They must be in by Z o'clock Sept. IB. Thwo wrappers will also bo counted In the grand contest ending Dec. 20 , liSO , P.irtlrs out of town may send In the trademarks cut from AVhlto Russian leap wrappers. These contests , at present , Open only to women of Nebraska and Council Bluffs , lown. Ja * . S. Kirk & Co. , 308 \ ) , 1'J h street , Omaha. Donor * of inlver : ly lliiliainu * . SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 13.-H In stated that Mrs , Phoebe Heant will erect at least two of the bulldtnb'H of the new University of California at Berkeley. One of th se , the School of Mines , will be a. memorial to her husband , whu wa u mining man , ami the other will probably be devoted to the purpose of women. The statement Is alto made that Mayor Phetan and Mlns Jfnnl Flood will each defray the expentie of uu KtructliiK ono of the Una bulldlnlKn provided for In the plans of Architect Bernard. Kill * HI * 1'urcBln. SOUTHBRIDOB. MajB . , Sept. 13.-At Flskedalu , about ten miles from here , John King nnd his wife , an aged couple , wrre killed last night by their on Petrr. who wa crazed from liquor. The vkull * of both wera crushed. The murderer also attempted to kill his brother , Thomua , but only succeed' < l In Inflicting sovera wounds. Peter wan nr- rested. He became unconscious and may die. 12. E. Turner , Campion , Mo. , waa cured of piles by DoVVItt'B Witch Haiti Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies , rbyilclani and gurgeoni endorse U , Bewtre of dangerous counter feit * .