Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1899, Page 8, Image 32

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    A TF A TT.T.TTarpT ? A rr Tm September 10. 1809.
Gold Medal
Chocolate 1,2 , : i
and 5
Bon Bens pouiul
(10. ( : a
W. S. Hulduir , 1JV2U Fiiriiuiu , Oiiialm
A Ladies'
Shoe < "
no money
wo want
you to see
the Hlioe bo-
fnro you buy It.
Wo will to any
nddruss for Inspection and
If you do not pronounce It the best shoo in
vestment you ever made , you many return
It to us without a cent of expense. If ac
cepted you pay express charges.
Tills la No. 30915 in our Great Fam'.ly
Mall Order Book of ECO pages and Is but one
of 10,000 equally us peed money saving bar
gains. The shoe Is nnndsome nnd durable-
built on graceful lines , conforms easily to
the contour of the foot nnd gives a dressy
nppearnnco at all times. Bettor In every
respect than the advert'sed $3 oboes. Made
from Foerderor's best Viet Kid. Well fin
ished in every respect. L-aco or button ,
WldthH A to KB. Sizes nnd half sizes
2'/4 to 8. Bo sure to mention size and width
when you order. Drop a postal for our
fiGO 1'ngo Fnm'.ly Mnll Order Book. It will
bo sent free. MABIB , WHHELBR & CO. ,
200 Mndlson St. , Chicago , 111.
For olllce. store or llbrnrj' .
It gives in CENTS the amount of postage
riMiulred on letters , Books , Merchandise
and Newspapers.
The now "Columbian" Postal Scale weighs
up to 2 HIM , by Vi oz < 3.
Beautifully made in steel , japanned , or in
brnn < , nickel plated. Warranted accurate.
"Time IH money , " u.avo both by using the
"Columbian" Scale. Send for catalogue
Pfliiiixo HcMilf A M'f'lC Co. ,
133-139 So. Clinton Street. CHICAGO.
A Catalogue
Containing half-tone Il
lustrations of every
style and kind of leath
er the celebrated
are mndo up in ,
bo mailed free to any
one sending name ami
address. These shoes
are 1110 acme of high
grade footwear , am :
by buying from us
you get the same qual
ity shoo others chaVgo
$5.00 and SO.OO for our
prices , f.60 ! and 13.50
We guarantee a fit.
Regent Shoe Co.
205 South 15th , Omaha.
Write for Illuitrat d Catalogue.
Uncle Sam's Nev
Fruit Garden
( Continued from Seventh Pago. )
1,875 plants , which should bear annually
nero than 890,000 bananas. Now , suppose
ho bananas net one-tenth of a cent each ,
which la certainly low. and you have an
annual Income of $890 out of every eighteen
acrcfl of land. I have scon other figures
which scorned to prove that banana planta-
lens might not $300 per acre , but I should
10 afraid to assort this as a fact.
Among fruits which might pay to culti
vate are the guavas. Factories have been
established for making guava jelly for the
markets of the United States.
The probability Is that our eastern cities
will soon got their winter egotablcs from
Porto Hlco. The now potatoes , onions and
cabbages which come to us from the Ber
mudas should bo grown here. You can eeo
all sorts of fine vegetables ID the Porto
RIcan markets all the year round. I have
seen egg plants In San Juan as big as
pumpkins and luscious tomatoes the size of
your fist. There are squashes of all kinds ,
and , In fact , every sort of veuotnblo.
I understand that the Agricultural depart
ment will soon establish an experimental
hod been torn by shot and shell from the
Alabama. Dut it was necessary to hurry
home from the luncheon in question , for
many of the ship's company were to dine
with us , and go In the evening to hear
Adellna Pattl in the over popular "Barber
of Seville. "
This Indeed was no ordinary event. Pattl
had been booked for the first time ( and for
one night only ) In Marseilles ten days before
the arrival of the Kearsargo , and all the
siats to the utmost limit of the opera house
had been sold. The boys were wild to hear
Pattl , for wo claimed her as an American ,
but admission without seats could not be ob
tained. What was to bo done ? Pattl , the
divine , arrived In the city. Mr. Van Home
and mystelf went to call on the famous
diva at the hotel. She seemed so glad to sc
us , and was most cordial and demonstrative
We found her to be a loyaly llttlo woman
with velvety black eyes , a profusion of soft
dark hair , Intensely scarlet lips , one of those
pearly colorless complexions , and dazzling
teeth. Her voice and conversation were like
liquid music. When she heard of our di
lemma , she turned to her manager and
brother-in-law , Strakosch , and told him that
he must make room for tbo offlccro of tne
Koarsnrge. Ho replied that It was simply
Impossible , and emphalszed ila words with
shrugs. Pattl remarked , "No seat0 , no
etation In Porto Rico. It will test the
Island as to all kinds of fruits and vegetables
nnd will do everything to develop it along
these lines. Uncle Sam has a large amount
of property hero which has come to him from
Spain , Including thousands of acres of land.
Some of this land will bo turned Into ex
perimental farma and within a few years wo
shall know just what Porto Hlco Is and what
U can do.
liivcHtnifiitN for Siunll CapltallHtH ,
ThU letter has been written for the man
with smalt capital. It seems to mo that
the best opportunity for him hero Is along
the lines of vegetables and fruits. He can
not do much , however , without ho has
money to employ labor , nnd ho should
not como to Porto Rico unless he can buy
his land , stock It and afford to wait a few
years for the big profits which , If his in
vestment is properly managed , are sure to
I see it stated that there are good op
portunities hero for American mechanics.
I doubt it much. Labor is very cheap , and
while the Porto Rlcans nro perhaps not
as good workmen as our mechanics , they
know what the people want and can satisfy
them at wages upon which an American
would starve.
In short , no man who has not at least
$5,000 of clear cash shoutd think of com
ing to Porto Rico , and however much the
capital , ho should not make any invest
ment without visiting the island nnd lookIng -
Ing Into the matter for himself.
Dewey and Patti
Mr. George W. Van Homo was one of
Abraham Lincoln's consuls In Europe. Ho
was In the city of Marseilles , Franco , from
1801 to I860. Ho was perhaps the youngest
man In the consular son-Ice , being only 27 ,
\\hllo I , his wlfo nnd the writer of these
luomork't ) , was but 18.
In the month of January , 18CG , the boom
ing of cannon In the oiling told of the ar-
uvnl of some foreign man-of-war. In the
Lourso of a oouplo of hours v group of naval
ulllcors entered the consulate , the spokes
man introducing himself as Lieutenant
George Dewey , stating that the Kearsargo
was In i > ort , that ho and his companions
had como to pay their respects to Undo
Sum's representative nnd that others of the
ship's ofllcors would follow.
Lieutenant Commander lm\oy was a man
of Homo twenty-eight years , of middle
height , with black hair , eyes nnd mustache
and n dark skin. Enwgy was shown In
every jiiovemont , Ho had a kind smile , but
for the most part was grave and serious.
I liked him from the first , he looked so
good , so trustworthy. Hlu extreme neat
ness , too , Impressed one. He was "natty"
from head to toot.
The Kenrearge's ofilcers were mostly
young fellows of twenty-two nnd twenty-
three , full of life and delighted nt being on
shore. Lieutenant Dewcy was like an elder
brother to thorn In everything and they
looked up to him accordingly.
Wo lunched one day on board the Kcar-
eurgo nnd were shown over the ship , tUo
placw being pointed out where the vessel
opera. " And she meant It , too. It was
finally arranged by Patti herself that the
party from the ship wore to have seats on
the stage behind the scenes. On cur bid
ding her adieu , she thanked us effusively for
the privilege of conferring a fxvor on our
sailor boys , and gave me a warm kiss and
her photograph , both of which I dearly prize.
Mrs. Morse , the vice-consul , and myself
went to eeo the mayor , a personal friend , to
try nnd procure a seat for Lieutenant Dewey
in the mayor's box. An a great favor he let
us have two for that evening , Dewey shar
ing It with the mayor nnd hia wife. It fell
to mo to do the most talking , a ? D.wey
( modest then as ever ) did not seem lnclln ° il
to air hlB French. Wo looked from the box ,
which was In the seccnd tier above the
stage , and waved our hands to the bays
below us and heird and saw Pattl at her
Answered His
Own Letter
A certain young railroad man who has
charge of a department In the auditing
branch of his company's business had occa
sion'recently to dictate a letter to the head
of a corresponding department of another
rend , relates the Chicago News. There was
11 point in dispute between the two rallrrotds
involving money and this young olficlal nad
taken a stubborn ground that the other ofll-
clal was totally at fault and advanced what
scorned to him unanswerable arguments to
piovo it. A short tlmo after ho had for
ward CM ! the letter ho received a proposition
from' headquarters of the other railroad ,
which ho accepted , and within a few days
ho became the head of the department with
which ho haU boon In dispute. The first
letter which ho found on file ready to bo
answered was his own on the point In ques
tion. There was only one thing to do. Ho
immediately dictated an answer to his own
loiter , refuting and repudiating Its argu
ment , and wound up by a heated insinuation
that the writer of it was an unmitigated
donkey. Of course , the letter was ad
dressed to himself nnd signed by himself ,
but In his enthusiasm for the Interests of
his now employer ho did not mind n llttlo
thing llko that.
Grounds for Action
Chicago Trlbuno : "Let us understand you
clearly. You want a divorce from your wife.
Is she dissipated ? "
"No , your honor. "
"Has she abandoned you ? "
"No , your honor. "
"Has any other man won her affections
from you ? "
"Not BO far aa I know , your honor , "
"Does she neglect the famllv ? "
"No , vour honor. "
"On what grounds are you applying for a
divorce ? "
"On account of the way she amuses her
self , your honor. "
"How does she amuse herself ? "
"Pounding me with a broomstick , your
honor , "
Wblslrt/bearlnrlheiume "Schwtyer" It foarantce ol the belt-none to delicious-money
Wo nro tlm only Distillers in America s ? n.yJ ? *
vaula 1'uro Kyo to consumers direct. B s in mind.
The prime old \vlilskey prescribed for
medicinal nnd general use. . .
The famous Pennsylvania Rye , for 27 years i
double copper distilled nnd need In wood under ,
porsonnldirrcUonofMr.JolinSchwcycrhimself. I
Never less than 8 years old , most of It 10 nnd j I
la years old when first bottled. Sold direct to ,
llio consumer from our distillery nt uio <
low price of $3.00 for four full qtinrts that ( I
cannot bo bought elsewhere for less than $0.00. ( ,
$3.00 for four full quarts. This iq thofinpstryonroldryp * Express
. Wo eave you over drank and cannot bo duplicated for loss than $ o.OO. Prepaid
' . prnutenmlKiinr- all middlemen' P WorofortonnyOnmmerclnl Aconcv. Bank or Kxpross Company In United States.
I nnteo absolutely JOHN SCHWEYER & CO. , DISTILLERS ,
Address all orders to Warehouse BP 609 , Git. 613 W. 12th St. . CHICAGO. '
I without ndultor- Onlnra for Ariz.Onl.Cn1..Idaho , Mont..New Mox..Nev..Orp.tJtnh\Vaeh.Wyo. , |
atlon. imiRtcnllfnrZOfiimrtsfrplBlit prcpnld , or wrlto for Imrtlrnlnrs boforn rrmiHlIni ?
and wo will ship you this
which U 27 Inches wide. 72 Inches long.
buttoned top with 3 rows of buttons , spring The clock Is guaranteed bj
edge on front and foot * heavy fringe , rosette the manufActurera for one ;
and tassel on each side of bead , the bent of oil year. FlnlHhed Inold Kotimn
tempered nirln | , not the cheap email kind gold , 18 Inclien hlRh.H Inched
which do not lnt , upholstered with the bent of wide , Hindu of MI Mil metnl ,
moss and tow , noeicel lor u ed j covered In anr weighs nine pounda. nnd U :
color you choose of ( Jorduroy , Velours or never unld In retail otores for
Tapestry , and packed in burlap Examine it lexnthnn Fire Dollnrn.
carefully at the depot mid if you are entirely
satisfied It is the greatert bargain you ever saw or heard of. for the price , pay
the fre'ght agent the balance. t7tV > , and freight charge * nnd take the couch
and the clock free. Or en h with order 2fic le s and
money refunded if good * are not entire ! ) satlnfnc-
iryoar couch catalogue I UnitrMlngM other dwlens
Bent tree , together with samples of coverings.
The Palace Office 13uilding.
( ) i > l > a Few are Vacant , Aiiiily to II. C. I'ETBHS t CO. , Ground Floor.
Mm. WIii li T'n Soatbinir Syrup.
Ku been use-d for over FIFTY YEAHS by
CURES WIND COLIC , and In the best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold-by Druggl * ! *
In very part of th world. Be ture and a k
for "Mr * . Window' * Soothlnr Syrup , " and
take no other kind. Twcntr-fiv * c nt a
oottl * .
Ignited or Gentle *
PER YEAR auil appoint local
WITH ALL EXPENSES , fopi'iarRJ ' { > k2ur
fiend lUmp for application blank with I all psrtlrn.
Ian l > i ir U < i lr < l in hnndln "l.lfu of Dowe "
andVhlllpnlneWarllook. ] llg l' r.
The lllblell.m.e. . .li'.Munui. IIIL. . rlilc.yo. III.
atlt t nauia f re to new cu > tom rs. Bnd icht
3l ttimp forcure > tilofu < cUuilliiourl > ift r
( ilnil l.owtoorder. . Merrb.t. It-rU cnHrUjn , .
c rjroril rlor l l m eottt you nnihlnr HI
upviicri ua MUn. lilllibO. IU.
THE quality of all our
| work is of the best * '
' that is to be obtained and
It the result of a combi
nation of Brains , Skilled
Workmen and a Finely
Equipped Plant. The
price Is always just right
* ample of our press work.
1609 Howard St. "OMAHA. "
I Join our ifouer Strttf
MONEY 1 League tad iecara 10 per
ont. Inurtit , 10 per ct.
dlTldendi , udTwo I > ol
. . . i
. H.WILCOX ft CO.Brok ri , 628 Brosdwir.NewYork.