24 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUN DAT , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1899. BnrHngton Now is Abetd in th Packing House Bate War , SCORES A POINT ON MEMPHIS COMPANY Denlnl nt Ilrndannrlcm tlmt Tlilnl nnd Fourth Cut * llnrc Ilcen Made , lint Tlione Will Come Soon. Tboro wcro no now developments In the Burlington-Memphis differential wnr yester day , and BO far as official advices have been received the 8-ccnt differential Tor which the Burlington Is working IB now In effect , no notlco bavin ? been received from the Memphte road of any further reduction be yond the aecond cut of 3 cents already an- Jiouncod. An against this the IJurllnRton'8 third reduction of 3 cents Is operative. Pub lished advlccw from Kansas City In The Boo ycetorday elated that n. third nnd fourth cut had been made , respectively , by ttio Memphis nnd nurllngton roads , but tbJa statement la denied at local headquar- tom , although It Is admitted that such action will bo taken Juot na eoon as official notlco Is received from the Memphis that It has tfono beyond the 6-ccnt reduction already la effect. HVABAJMI BAUNINOS AIII3 OnOWINO. Dvor n Million Incrcniie In < 3ro * Ile- crlptn ICxpoiiHcn I.ari er. BT. LOUIS , Sept. 9. The tenth annual re port of the Wabash Uallroad company for the flacftl year ending June 30 , 1899 , has juat boon made public. Compared with that of the Dscal year ending Juno 30 , 1S98 , It ehow the following results : Grow earnings , $14.393,974 , nn Increase of 11,186,111 ; miscellaneous receipts , J185.031 , on Increase of $4,375 ; total receipts , $14- r > 79,005 ; operating cxponaca , $10,411,473 , an increase of $1,100,694 ; taxes , balance Joint track rentals and miscellaneous expenses , fl.228,100 ; net earnings , applicable to inter est , $2,839,481 , a decrease ot $256,6009 ; In terest on bonds and rental of Eel Ulvcr road , $2,091,495 , leaving a surplus of $147- P3S. Ilooinlna tlic AU-Snr-Ilcn. The Ak-Sar-Ben committee on merabor- uhlp mot at noon In the rooms of the Com mercial club to Inaugurate the last grand , rally of the present year's campaign. As I there are but three moro Monday nights i before the grand carnival , plans were d s- | cusned for a thorough round-up of the city for new members. It waa announced that next Monday nliht the commlttio appointed , to arranco the Hastings trip would make u i report at the Don. Ono of the committee | members Bald there were good prspects for I a largo crowd to go on the excursion , and a low railroad rate will bo made by the dif ferent llncB. I'roceoilH from the IMny "Cnlm. " Ida V. Tllden , treasurer of the Women's Christian association , baa completed her report on the financial management of the j > lny "Cuba , " given aomo tlmo ago for charitable purposes. The total receipts amounted to $073.t55 , of which $676.25 went for expenses and J297.40 was loft ns net proceeds. The sale of tickets waa not ns heavy as the women In charge had expected , bringing In only $818. but as all tbe money expended was ueod In the city , they are fairly w ll satisfied with the outcome. INDIAN WOMEN SIIOIU'INO. Kvlncc 31 any ot tlio ClinrnctcrUtlc * of I'nlcfncc Slntcm. If you watch Indian women shopping , says n. writer In Alnslee's Magazine , you will Bee feminine eagerness , caprlco and love for fine nnd pretty things. They cannot shop as other women do , poor things , for instead of flitting gttyly to any shop that pleasea they arc , In most coses , obliged to patronize one nnd that Is rarely the best. The reason for this goes deep Into governmental appoint ments and Indian agents and the question Is too delicate and reformatory to discuss. Women of the Sarah Barton class cannot epeak of It with patience. When the woman of the reservation goea chopping she does so only at such times as the government gives Its wards their al lowance. The Indian trades on credit , the ngcnt payn Urn store and not the Indian and the storekeeper sees that the bill of goods bought shall equal the amount of pension money duo his customer , even though ha Is reduced to selling half a yard of velveteen for $2 nnd common gilt tape at $1 a yard. And yet the women find shopping Infinitely amusing. In some of the larger towns shops reach a cheap imitation of the department etoro and the Indian women take varied and fomlnlne delight In sauntering from ono counter to another , feeling of dress goods and gazing at unattainable ribbons and pas- Bbmonteries. The shop's Interpreter g < > 3 with them , llko a courier , and lightly di rects their Eomowhnt doubtful fancy to un eatable goods. Tlioy nro timid nnd gny as children and most unlovely to look upon , for there Is an unhnppy Incongruity about tene ment-house gnrb and Mlnnehaha physi ognomy , TJioy ore very shy nnd show none of the dlgnlflod tndtffcreucu of the men , which Is Jlke that of a lion In captivity. In the shop they cling to tlio Interpreter with a faith that would appeal to any ordinary conscience but the Indian and his money are consid ered fair game In the territories. After the phop ID left the women follow closely on the Jieols of their lords until bundled Into the big box-wagon to drive home. I have never Boon one alone on the streets of a town , eo Great IB their timidity In the face of that civilization toward wdlch they nro Inevitably advancing. HKI.HilOIJS. nishnp Hanlon writes from Ugandu that 7.000 natlvos have been converfred to the Catholic church during the last four years. The conversions of Mormons to Cathol icism In Holse , Idaho , have been so numer ous as to necessitate the erection of n new Catholic church In thut city. The remarlcuulo statement Is made that Rev. II. II , Conwell has. during his pas. Locate at the Temple Baptist church In Philadelphia , haptUed 3.7S5 converts. Right sections at the I'nrls Universal ex hibition of 11)00 ) will bo devoted to "the his tory of the religions of tlio world , with the beliefs of air tbu known racts of men , past und prtBeiit. " The Outlook gives ns ono reason for an oversupply of clergymen In nny church that many theological studeniu nro too lazy or too unwilling to undertake any Kind ot vork nnd that some are until for most work , Ilov. Dr. Lawrence M. Colfelt , pastor of nn aristocratic Presbyterian church In 1'hll- Btielphla , Is the owner of one of the finest farina In Bedford county , Pennsylvania , and spends the greater part of his summer va cation behind the plow. The Reformed church In New burg , N. V. , Is trying to get rid of its pobtor , Ilev , /William Burton , a now nrrlvaf from South Dakota , because ho has denounced Governor Roosevelt and spoken fclightlngry of the Spanish war , Mr. Burton also stuttera pllgbtly , but the objection to him la based on the grounds above mentioned , The Salt Lake City Herald says the reve nues of the Mormon church from tlthea nlono were $900,000 In the year ending De cember 1 last , one-third of the amount beIng - Ing cash and two-thirds produce , which was distributed to the poor or paid as salaries to church employes. Kor the present year It expects a largo Increase , Us Cbtlmate be ing $700,000 In cash nnd $800,000 In produce , Ira D. Sankey explained the tardiness of Rev , Dr. L. G. Broughton to a Brooklyn congregation last Sunday by saying : "He took one of those new-fangled electric con veyances , although I told him ho bad bet tor stick to the old ways of transporta tion. " When Dr. Broughtou at last ar- rirod bo bald ; "I do not know how far uloug in the service you are , but a collec tion U always in order. " WAimtons OP AM. 5ATto ? s. 1 A Mllltnrjr Mnfitcrplccr Knnetcd by Ilcnl Polillrrw , Buffalo Bill and his large organization , composed of the Hough Hldere of the World , will be In Omaha , Septcmbsr 18 , and on the morning of tbo exhibition n. grand street cavalcade of all the famous hornemen of the new and old world will march throuph the different streets of I ho city. This free parade Intro-luces all the \ warriors from the different nations and Is headed by the famous Cowboy band. Kvcry pereon participate la a genuine represen tative. Six hundred of them are required. Colonel Cody Is a welcome visitor here and every year ho has many new features added to his exhibition nnd every ono of < them Is of an Instructive character nnd of Interest to both young and old. For the first time there will appear a contingent | of the residents of the Philippine Islands , who are exports on horseback ; also some of the queer characters from tbo recently annexed Hawaiian Islands , who not only perform feats In equestrianism , but also Introduce though the female representatives the unique and astonishing religious dances as they nro performed In their country when tha occasion requires , Cubans who have served in the lost war and who come here with vlslblo marks they have received In the different encounters ; Porto Ulcans , who ; Illustrate their native style of riding , In dians , cowboys , German and English cav alrymen , Cossacks , Arabs , Gauchos , Mex icans and others. A military masterpiece entitled the "Charge on San Juan Hill" will bo ahown for the first tlmo , This Is made as nearly realistic as It Is possible In the limited area. The management has spared neither tlmo nor expense to make thla the greatest effort of Its history and has gone so far as to engage a detachment of Uoosevjlt'j nought Riders , who were participants In this heroic event. nt Sioux City. SEPTEMBER 12. 13. 14 , 15 , 16. A GREAT RACE MEETING. $14.000 IN PURSES. 12 HARNESS , 12 RUNNING RACES. THURSDAY , 14TH. PATCHEN AND GENTRY WILL RACE TOR SPECIAL PURSE , $3,000. Every night a great carnival of sport Is provided. Including sparring contests be tween the best men In the country , and every other kind of sport over known. Ono faro on all roads for round trip. RIVERSIDE AMUSEMENT COMPANY. Notrn of the ConrtN. Sarah 3. Baker has been appointed guar dian of Annlo W. Jackson. Incompetent , by Judge Baxter. The preliminary hearing In the arson case of Woolf Zacharla nnd Philip Nathan has been continued by Judge Baxter until Mon day ( morning , when the defense will pre sent f Its evidence. Grace Seellg. arrested for larceny , has been , released on $500 bonds by Judge Baker to ( appear In court September 25 , her bonds men j being William Seellg , Mrs. Dana Gilmore - more , , Nato Brown and J. Lewis. Monday morning Judge Baxter will ap point a guardian for Frank Mclntyre , minor , whoso mother was recently burned to death. She left a $1,000 llfo Insurance policy payable to Frank. The personal and real estate left by her wlir bo divided be tween her other children. John Dotter has entered suit against Sam uel Stclner to recover $316. On Juno 35 Dotter took charge and assumed the man agement of the "Old Vienna" restaurant and saloon In the exposition grounds. His contract , so he alleges , was to run from that date until the close of the exposition , bis compensation to be half the receipts ot the establishment. On August 30 he says he waa relieved of the management of the place In violation ot the contract and he sues to recover $375 , salary for eeventy- flvo days at $5 per day , Toss $29 paid him. Friday evening he attached the property , which was subsequently released by Stelner nnd E. Truehaft filing a redellvery bond for $10,000. Now fall style candy-striped ties , 60o. Kelley & Heyden'e , 16th and Chicago Sts. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , has placed In the front window a beautiful "Rldgoway" blue dinner sut , only $7.75. Fall opening In millinery at Davles' , 1611 Douglas street , next Friday and Saturday. V. P. Cliloilu , The ladles' tailor , has returned from the east with a full line of the latest patterns of cloth for ladles' tAllor-mado suits. While In New York he secured tailors who are artists In their line and Is pre pared to do first-class work. Ladles are cordially Invited to visit the parlors , 1612 Capitol avenue. Have Root print It. Blank book and magazine binding. A. I. Root , 1609 Howard street. Fltcht Over I'rlmnry Ttcnultft. The sidewalk In front of The Bee building was transformed Into a pugilistic arena fern n few minutes yesterday whllq two voters ers of the Ninth ward settled In two rounds a little dispute regarding the result ot the election there. The contestants were John Patterson nnd Andy Wiggins. Patter son supported the regular ticket at the primaries nnd felt prety "keen" over the result. Ho was chatting with a party of friends when Wiggins took exceptions to a remark ho overheard and began to abuse him. him.Wiggins Wiggins admitted feeling a little sore over the way his ward went , nnd charged Patter son nnd his friends with being responsible for the outcome. "If It hadn't been for yon Rosewater muckers we'd have won out on a walk , " he remarked to Patterson , supple menting tbo statement with a few cholco oaths nnd a full-arm swing nt the face. Patterson dodged nnd the spectators llnod I up along the walk for round number 1. The fighters clinched nnd did not break j away until time was called. In the second Patterson had an easy tlmo and had to be dragged away from Wiggins , who bent a rotjeat with a badly battered countenance. ITcynn' Free Souvenir Thin Month , Wo are giving a beautiful water color of yourself ( mounted on a fine gold mat ) free with each now dozen platlno cabinets or arger photos. Hoyn , photographer. 313-15-17 S , 35th St. Fall opening In millinery nt Davles' . 1B11 Douglas street , next Friday and Saturday. HubermBnu's jewelry store Is the place you get your money's worth. 13th nnd Doug. P. J , Karharh & sons , carriage and wagon makers ; now location. 13th and Howard. Hard coal , $8.f,0 per ion , September de livery. R. M. McClelland & Co. , 2306 Cum- Ing street. Try the Her Grand hotel cafes , Open from 6 n. m. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on first Door and one grill room. Turkish nnd elec trical baths. Ladles' day , Tuesdays. Hamilton Warren , 41. D , , eclectic and magnetic physician , has moved his office to 119 North IHth street , room 13. Special at tention to all long-standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children. J , P , CoolvO & Co. , rubber stamp manufac turers , removed to 1112 Farnam St. Tel. HB5. A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Fall opening In millinery at DavifS * . 1511 Douglas street , next Friday and Saturday , Too ( iay for Sir , Murphy. John A. Murphy seeks a divorce from Lil lian Murphy. In the complaint filed In Judge Baker's court , the plaintiff charges Ills wife with visiting a mad house and there "nightly Indulging In high kicking , dancing the 'can-can * and 'cake walk , ' practicing In other 'athletic exercises' to the amusement of a large uuab/tr of men and women of questionable repute ? ' Tba unnamed co-ree- pondeut is a business man of Omaha , whom the defendant Is charged with meeting In Minneapolis , Minn. , and who gave her $76 In cash and spent $116 on wine and other drinka for her. UII2I ) . CANFIELD Qforge , September 9 , 1SS9 , at Sheridan , Wyo. Remains will arrive Monday , September 11. at 3 p. m. at the Burlington depot , Burial will be made direct from depot to Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend * invited. MAV9 PHYSICAL Cnrrcn Shoulder * , Armn , I < OKH nnil | Illl Ari ? ftitncronn. A man can be measured to the best ad vantage , tallora eay , away from n glaes. Standing before mirror he Is fllmcflt cer tain to throw out his cheat , If ho doea nit habitually carry It eo , nnd take nn attitude that ho would llko to have , rather than the one ho commonly holds ; whereas the tailor wants him , ns the protrnlt painter vantn his subjnct , In his natural pose nnd manner. With the man In that attitude the tailor can bring his art to bear If Unit Is required In the overcoming of any phys ical defect and produce clothes that will Blvo the best attainable effect upon the figure , ns they will be actually worn. The physical defect most common In . man , says the Now York Sun , Is unevcn- ' , ness of the shoulders. Ono shoulder Is j ] higher than the other nnd this Is a defect I often encountered , ! though the difference In j i the height may not bo so great na to be i ' noticeable , except by ono accustomed to I i taking note of such things. This la a dc- I | feet that Is easily overcome by the tailor , I when It exists In n comparatively moder ate drgrco. It Is done sometimes simply by cutting the cent to fit on each shoulder , the perfect fitting coat carrying with It the Idea nnd the appearanre nf symmetry. Sometimes , and this Is commonly clone In. cases of more pronounced difference , sym metry Is attained by the familiar method of building up or padding the lower shoulder. The Influence of the lower phoulder extends down on that side of the body , BO that some times It Is necessary below the arm to cut that sldo of the coat ehorter. Next to un- ovennoso of the shoulders , round shoulders nro pcrhapa the commonest defect. A very common thing Is unovenncss of the hips. A difference of half an Inch hero ' would not be at all remarkable ; It Is some-1 tlmco much moro. If a man finds one leg of his trousers the legs as he knows , being alike In length touching the ground while the other clears It , ho may reasonably con- I 1 ilder that there Is a difference somewhere n his legs. It may bo that one leg Is longer ban the other , but It Is moro probable that' | ' one hip Is higher than the other , or ono leg' ' fuller , so that It takes up the trousero more' I ' nnd thus gradually raises the bottom more. It would be a common thing If men were seen with their waistcoats off , to find PUS- icnders set at uneven heights. The vnrla- lon In the suspenders might be required , | o be mire , hv n. dlffprpnoo In ( ho Tiniili1 rR and not In the legs. It Is common to find men's arms of differ ent lengths. The difference may be so slight as to require no special attention In the making of their clothes , but It Is frequently necessary to make the cent sleeves ot differ ent lengths. The fact appears to bo that there nrp not many perfect men , that Is , men of perfect larmony of development nnd perfect sym metry of proportions , In which respect man s like all things else In nature , llko horses , for Instance , and trees ; but In the greater number of men thcao defecto are within such Imlts that they might bo described as varia tions rather than as substantial defects. A CIUCER COUPM3. Lived tinder Snmc Iloof for Yei ri Without SncnkliiK. With the palsy of ago upon them , Roger and Martha Colt , the tenants of the "di vided house" ot Roxborough , stood In tha j I i police court , reports the Phllvdelphta' ' North American. Ever so long ago , when the hillsides were furrowed by the plows and farm houses nestled where elaborate villas now stand , he took the woman to the cottage. Her hair is whlto now and very thin , as faded as her memory of happy dajs. Ho was a dairyman and she a farmer's daughter. Now and for a quarter of a cen tury back their home has rested under the shadow of a mysterious sorrow. They quarreled and ceased to apeak. Roger and Martha Colt refused to reveal the cause to the magistrate yesterday. Let those reason it out who think they can di vine what motive could make uttsr strang ers of lovers , could so steel the hearts of this man and wife that they have lived beneath the same roof for twenty-flvo years and never a word for each other. In what had been the dining room Roger Colt , after they quarreled , placed a stove , bought utensils , and thereafter cooked his own meals there , ate them there , lighted hia lamp and read there at night always alone. In tbe kitchen Martha Colt lived the same way. On the threshold of onu CHJ3JLP. Were showlnc a splendid line of toilet tissue paper In rolls nnd packages , at 6c and lOc per package. Wo are prepared to make very low prices to those who buy In Dozens and In cases. Era "Toilet Paper , " perforated , per case 100 rolls $3.75 Belvldcre ' Toilet Taper , " perforated , per ea.ee. 100 rolls $4.25 ( The Bolvldere Is a larcer roll. than the Era. ) I The Crescent square package "Toilet ! Paper , " per case of 100 packages.$4.26 Balsamic "Toilet Paper , ' ( medicated ) , very soft , full 1,000 sheets , price . . . . 25o Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , , 1513 DODGE ) STREET. of the two bo < lchamber npatnlrs RoRer Colt' ' never placed his foot. Once a week ho would kneel before the door and pu h some paper money under It. If husband and wife met on the etalrwny they looked straight Ahead and tried to avoid brushing against each other. Ten years ago Colt gave up his business. . Since then a small Income has been his , nnd he hao divided It with the woman. But1 for the last month ho had failed to pu h money under the door. She never spoke a word to him about It. At the fourth week she went to the police court her grocery- man advised this course and swore out a warrant charging her huaband with non- ' eupport. A Roxborough man had Informed hln honor of the queer ll\es led by the tenants ot the divided house. Cracked nnd wavering arose the voice ot withered Roger Colt : "I ain't got no wish to stop supportln' of her , " eald he. "But the money what I git every month were held back , nn' I won't Elt It for two weeks yet. Then I'll pay her name ns ever. I didn't think she'd want for nuthln' . Tbe storekeepers up In ROT- borough'11 trust her fer whatever she wants. They told mo they would. " , I "I tiln't wanted fcr nothing , " quavered ! Martha Colt. "I Jest thought ho had etopped j payln' mo fer good. " | "I'm discharged , ain't I ? " asked Roger Colt. "fee , " eald his honor. With the aid of a heavy stick In his ehak- Ing band , the old man -walked out. After a little the woman went. Lincoln Hey * Menl I'ooUct Knives. A Lincoln youth named Charles Love nnd a companion , Joe Harris , wire nrrctted Thursday night by Ofllcer Davis nnd lodtd In Jail on the charge of being suspicious characters. When searched at the police atntton the boys had a lot of now knives In their pockets and In telling how thsy cnmo to have them each told a different story. The eamo evening Nnthan it Co. , on Slx- tecnth street , reported the theft of a tray of cutlery from a showcase In front of the store. The goods were taken at noon while the clerk was enjoying a short nap in his employer's absence. Love waa released from the reform school nt Kearney three weeks ngo and the au thorities will send Tor htm Monday. Take Ilrlcf Kent. Local base ball fans will have an oppor tunity to reel their lungu and prepare for future "rooting , " as there will be no games Sunday of special Importance beyond the usual number of amateur contests. Buck Keith's Brewers have not quite recovered from the shock administered them when the Denver Gulfs bagged three straights , and they will take a layoff , so that Nonpareil park will not have Itn usual Sunday exhibi tion. Kidneys Not Working ' And you have trouble with them ? Take a bottle of CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE , follow directions and there Is no question but what you will be relieved. 75c bottle. 1 dozen 2-graln Quinine Capsules 7c 1 dozen 3-grain Quinine Capsules 10c 1 dozen G-graln Quinine Capsules 15c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno 15c Wlno of Cardul 7Bc AJax Tablets 40c S S. S 75c Pe-ru-na 75c Duffy Malt Whiskey ic Hlrney's Catarrh Cure 40c Lydla Pliikhnm'o Compound 75c Dr. Miles' Remedies 75c Pyramid Pile Cure 40c Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c Gem Catarrh Cure 40c Malted Milk 40c , 75c $3.15 Carter's Liver Pills 35o Palne's Celery Compound 75o I CUT PRICE I DRUGGIST. Corner 16th nnd Chicago. ECIFFO ECIFFO ECIFFO Guaranteed to exterminate ROACHES ROACHES ROACHES We sell it , 50c per can. J. A. fllLLER & Cut Price Druggists. ' Open All Night. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts TEETH EXTRACTED 25 CENTS. PA1NLBSS DR. EXTRACTION 4tb Floor Broitn Blk. , 16tb and Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O Gold Filling $1.OO and up Gold Crowns $5.0O Set Teeth . . . . $5.00 Best Teeth . $7.5O A POINTER Arrangements for your September vacation should uot be completed without first asking about O MAGNIFICENT TO ALL TRAIN WESTERN N SERVICE POINTS T the in nny E Cool Retreats ? & Union Pacific For full information call nt R City Ticket Office , 1302 Tarnam St. IT'S A liACOIIIXO SIATTKH to have your teeth extracted by us. Absolutely pnlnlrflS , because of our Improved methods. We are TKKTII EXPERTS and know the Ins and outa of man kind's masticators aa well as you know your A , n , C. We pride our- eelvoi on tbo many COMELY aiOUTIIS we have made. Let us give you our eclentlflo aid. Our teeth to order are winners , BAILEY , THE DENTIST , (16 ( ytara experience , } 1'axton 11 look , ICtb n4 I'arnnm. T l. 1085. Udjr Attendant. Cnnl of Tlinttlc * . Tb Sisters of the Good Shepherd are deeply grateful to their friends of North and South Omahn for their generous and substantial contributions of September S. The "pound party" vsns Indeed successful nnd may the Orwvt Good Shepherd repay In blessing those who m kindly remem bered the ixjor under the Sisters' caro. Dr. Shepard Hay Fever. 312 N. T. Life. Attention , O. A. II. ' Members of the 0. A. n. In uniform wish- InR to participate In the festivities at tbo Expedition Monday evening. Sepember 11 , will report nt 400 N. 16th ulrcct , between now nnd 11 o'clock n. m. Monday and re ceive complimentary tickets to the grounds. J. H. DIlICSnAOH Fall opcnlnu In mllllnory at DavlcV , 1511 Douglas etrwt , next Friday and Saturday , " ' ' i i j i.i i MI . . a w _ _ _ 'Boys' ' New School S Suits for Fall'99 ' , A. Grand Opening Offering Unequalled. Bargains. THE REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We have marked on our entire stock will make this sale the greatest bargain harvest ever inaugurated in Omaha. As every garment is of the highest standard you are safe in get ting reliable values , no matter how low the price. Two hundred boys , short panta Sults.wlth stylish double-breasted coats , real $3.00 val H.75 ues , In this sale at 325 boys' short pnnts Suite , double breast ed coats , made of very finest Dickey ker seys , In the now , nobby check * , In all shea 2.5O from 6 to 1C , positively $4.00 values , in this . ealo at Three hundred boys' very fine short pants Suits with double-breasted coats , made up from the newest worsteds In checks nnd Btrlpea , pants with double seat and knee , rlvlted patent buttons , excelsior wnlst bands the well known "Little Governor" make , a ault other stores would advertise na great value at $3.00 ; hero In this ealo at only. . . . Our short pants Suits at $3.95 , $4.50 and $5.00 are made of fine materials , are better trimmed and more perfect fitting than any ever shown before in Omaha. Others cannot equal them at less than $6.50 to $8.00. New Vestee Suits , with or without sailor collars , some with satin facings , others plain with bouble breasted vests , great assoitment to select from at all prices from $1.25 to § 5.00. Come and see these wonderful values in boys' clothing. 400 boys' nil wool cheviot caps , In the golf shape , regular 35o values , reduced to 2Oc. 876 boye' fine cheviot caps , stylish yacht shape a 40c cap on sale at 25c. Correct Styles In Fall Our new fall stock of footwear is now open and on our shelves and ready for inspection. We want to show it to everybody , for we know that we have some thing worth showing and worth looking at As usual , we are showing all the latest and most popular styles to be found , made from the best leather stock in the market and by the most reliable manufac turers , and we are selling them at the closest prices ; all of which means that the best values and most satisfac tory shoes are always to be found at our store. N. B. Corner 10th nnd Doualao Sts , If you are thinking of investing : in a new suit of clothes , make a Bee line for The Bee Tailor J607 Farnam street. There you'll find the handsomest stock of piece goods shown in Omaha There you'll find a tailor that will make you a perfect fit trimmed with best of trimmings and at a price that will be little more than an ordinary hand-me- down costs and all work done by the most skilful tailors in our own work rooms We'll take pleasure in showing you our goods. 1607 fARNAM ST. BEE TAILOR tYWWWW YWW THE 99-CENT STORE. Every caller comeo In expectant every customer gow away gratified and Botlafled. Every time you ex amine your china you will be pleased with It If you buy it here. The design * on our china are eo dainty and BO well burnt In that they will please yon a long as the china lasts and It will last until broken. Syracuse china baa been properly fired and will Bland extremes of beat and ootd. 1519-15 21 s 1519-1521 Douglas = Douolas Street. Street. 5 IN * . i tb at. " " MV MA It c fWWVVMWWMWA SALE OF Children's ' Suits , Ages from 3 to 16 Starts Monday. They nro nil fine wool , ( no shoddy ) ns nobby and stylish ns you cnn got anywhere. They uro worth up to $6.OO Your cholco ( or $1-98. Our two front tables nro piled un with thorn. Tnko a look whether you wnnt to buy or not ! yi just to find out how much you k cnn snvu. CAPITOL AVE. , N EAR I6TH STREET. Clone to Dennett' * . The Ideal Food Cutter ont raw er cooked meM better than nny other chopper and a.11 other sub- 'stnnccB just on well. For cutting raw " "d x > ked j meats , horse radish , nuts , fish , eta , and for puiverlilns dried bread and crackers It has no yiu < U. Wowill take pleasure In explaining thU machine to you If you'll call. Jas , Morton & Son Co , , 161 ! Dodge Street. THIS BS A PLACE y ° U " " * Bet ful1 moneyf vIue r ° r > 'our VtBe11 ° " 1 wnoll margin „ ; we are dolnir a largo enough ul CO. buslnesa to emvblo to do fnT ? ' " ? , ? .7 ? " " 5 , . n t charged Po-ru-na 7oc I ! ! . ' . ' . ' . ' ! . ' ! . ' 750 Via sare "ciTre" . : : : : : : ° rt : : : : : : : : BO ° sas. s ! Tea . . : : : : : : : : : : : 20 Pyramid ' "flo urn1. ! ; ; " " " " . " ; ; " ; Joe Avor's Hair Vigor Electric Bitters " " " ; ; ; ! ; " ; ; ; ; " ; CGc c inolAji SucrTv'fl. * * c DP. Miles' KemedVoV" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 75 ° OFflCIAL EXPOSITION SPOON The manufacture and sale of the official Souvenir Bpoon Is solely In the hands of Geo. W. Ryan & Oo. SterllnR Silver Five O'clock Teas. | 1.00. Five O'clock Teas , engraved bowl , Jl.GO. Tea size , 1.EO. Tea size , engraved bowl , $2.00. For sale by all jewelers. Deal ers supplied at wholesale > prices. "We make a pe < rfaJty of flni diamonds and our prices art way down. Ladles' gold filled Watches peed movement low aa VIM. Oenti' Watches $12.00 up. Friendship Heart * ZSo. we make a specialty of fln repairing. Gee , W , Ryan & Co. , Jeweler- Oinnha 109 S. tflth St I Wouldn't , Would Yott ! Some men do drop In to buy n. cigar , any kind , anywhere. I wouldn't , would you ! I would fro to a place that is not very far , where they keep the best brand * muny kind * . That place la the Paxfon Block Gar ! Store , JACOII JASKAMBIC , PROP. 10TII STIliaiST , NIOAJl FAIttfAM. jrANOV PIIMM AJfD SMOKING TOI1ACOOI A BPISOIAI/TY We have the boat clean manufactured. Box Trade a Specialty. Droyfus had two trials IVo only want one to convince yon beyond further doubt Umt nil our Kodaks and Cameras nre In * burl that MUI b pro- Wo have BOO ln tmment to chootm from nnd eon ndrlca you Jiut Avliut to THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO , , 01'IUCHV , decora In 1'hote