THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMJIE11 10 , 1809. FOR SALE m : A L ESTATE. SALE BARGAINS : 2148 South 3ird St. , 37x140 , 8 rooms , modern , with barn , $2w > ) . 2503 Burdettc St. , 7 rooms , modern except furnace , a snnp at $1OUO.OO , 2102 North 29th , 8 rooms , B. front , corner , 65 ftet. elegant view , good ( hade and for V $500 IMS than house can be built for. $1,800. 716 North 23rd , elegant mat front lot , C6xl32 , fine view , good shad ? , 8-room modern house , within walking distance. $6,000.00. 879 North 25th Ave. , 60x127 , with 9-room modern house and good barn , like finding It for $2,600. In west part ot city , 4 blocks north of Far nam , we have ll-room , modern dwelling , B. front , with two lot , high nnd sightly ; price , $4.750. This is $1.000 less than you can put on the Improvements. VACANT LOTS : Alako 11.1 an offer on lots 8 nnd B , block " , , Brlgg'n Place , lying fine , on car line to Dundee Vluce. An elegant place for a good home. $1.760 buys one of the very best bargains In Hnnscotn Place on 31st St. $1,350 buys an elegant east front lot on 36th , close to Farnam. In Alamo Plnzu addition , on 36th and Far nam , wo have some very choice east and west front lots , that are bargains ; call us up about these. $2,600 buys throe lots , 198x121 , lying ns pretty as can be , on 3lth nnd Dewey. These are what most nny one would call snaps , too. For a country home we offer the finest piece of acreage , with large grove of trees , high nnd sightly , that can bo obtained around the city. We can show this any day and guarantee U to be as advertised. We nrc selling lots of property now days , ' and It IH the time to buy , If you at'itlcl- pate maklt.g an Investment , or buying a home. The good things are being picked up very fast. Prices nre certainly going higher , nnd it will pay you to call ana sec us If you want to buy , or If you have property tc tell. POTTER-SHOLE8 CO. , 310 N. Y. Llfa. Tel. 470. RE 361-10 $1B,000.00 FOR 13-room flno modern resi dence , barn , largo lot , on 39th street , north of Farnam. This price about one- half original cost of property. $1,600.00 for good G-room house , 1143 N. 18th Street. $1,030.00 for fi-room house nnd large lot , 2Sth near Pacific St. ; very easy terms. $1,250.00 for 6-room house 3421 Burt Street. $1,600.00 for 6-room house nnd large barn , corner lot 66x121 tent , Hi mile west of post ofllce. $2,800.00 for 9-room house nnd large corner lot. 35th nnd Half Howard. $1.120.00 for small house and 60-foot east front lot , 1028 S. 22nd St. Should none of these suit you , we have many other desirable places for sale and would tie Kind to nhow them. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE-M3S4-11 76x100 , A CORNER , 40-room hotel , In good location In HoVuh Omaha , only one block from street car , $3,000. A five-acre lot fronting on paved road and street car line , close to good school and church , nt the low price of $ 0. J. A. LOVGREN , No. 912 Now York Life Bldg. RE-M370 13 Nebraska's corn crop. 300,000,000 bushels. CORN LANDS. HARRISON & MORTON. RE-208-Oii * FOR BALE , 640 acres of land , worth $33 per acre ; will sell for $2-1 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. RE-M997 IF South Omaha real estate you want to buy or bill communicate with O'Nell's Real Esta'o ' Agency. RE M62S SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. . 314 8. 15th street KB-M659 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the ttmo to dlspoao of them ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE SC6 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.UE979 UE-979 HOUSES , lota farms , lands , loans ; also flra Insurance. Bemls. Pnxton blk. RE 47J HENRY B. PATNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-501 THE most desirable residence property In the west Fnrnam district Is on our list. Give us a caJl at once , as ilosdrnblfl lots are bolng rapidly picked up. WE SOLD the property on 39th st. north of Mr. Burt a residence last week , but have the following elegant properties left : Northwest corner 39th nnd Dodge sta. Southeast corner 39th and Dodgests. . Northwest corner 39th and Furnam sts. Northwest corner 37th and Fnrnam sA.i > . Southeast corner 38th and Dewey ave. Southeast corner 37th and Dewey ave. Wo nl o 1IAVF. 1 AUOB LIST of Inside lots In ame locality. If you WISH TO BUY property anywhere In the city GIVE US A CALL before pur chasing elsewhere. n. C. PEETRS it CO. . 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bide RE 365 10 LIST your property with me. I have the buyers. II. M. Christie , South Omaha. B M62 ! ) Oct. 3 FOR SALE My elegant home. 2020 Webster st. , small amount down , balance same as rent If desired. Address C. D. Blbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE M716 Sep2J FOR SALE or excnange. choice , rich pro ductive farms , largo and small ; also ten fine stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms , where crops nave never fulled. Crops average : Corn 43. wheat IS nnd oats 50 bushels per acre ; some of these lands can be traded for merchandise , dry goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Oco. W. Hutton , Colo- ridge. Cedar county , Neb. RE-12 O2 CHOICE INVESTMENT. Strictly Insld0 property , paying 6 per cent net on $18.000 , forsale this week at $9,001) . Hicks Real Estate Co. , 325 Board of Trade bldg. RE 105 10 * ( -ROOM modern homo. Inquire D24 S. 28th live. RE 904 Sep. 11 NO. 931 3140 Mason st. . 7 rooms , bath , etc. , ROCK ! Imrn , 60-ft. lot , paved st , , perma nent sidewalk , only two blocks from car line. No. SS7 Only & block from Hanscom park on 31st Bt. , 9 rooms .modern In every way , special taxes all paid. U. O. PEETRS & CO. , 1702 Furnam St. , Bee Bid * RE 369 10 WE CAN offer for sale this week the fine residence site at head of 82nd street , just north of Pacific , comprising a lot nnd a half , south front , perfect grade , sewer , water and gas , fine lawn , fence , shade trees , etc. ; no finer location In Omaha fern n quiet , beautiful homo. Price , $2,800. 1 licks Real Estate Co. , 323 Board of Trade bldg , RE (03 ( 10 * CHEAP garden land , 10 acres , near Omaha , a great bargain at $1.250 , Illcks Real Es tate Co. , 323 Board of Trade bldg RE-405 10 * 820 'ACRES Improved Knox county Ne braska , land to sell or trade for resilience or business property In Omaha. Geo. W Snow , Springfield , South Dakota. RE M257 10 * WANT lot to grade down In vicinity of Thlrty-llrst and Beward. Will do work cheap. Need dirt. William Thomas , 1400 Avenue J , Council Bluffs. RE 11274 u DESIRABLE rrddrncA of S rooms , fur nace , porcololn bath , closet , city water , new barn , buildings newly painted , lot 60x 130 feet , south front on brick paved street , all paving taxes paid ; a nlca property for $2,600.00. , Near HAiiBcom Park on paved street , a 7- room house , barn , lot MX 100 feet , paving taxes all paid , for $1.800.00. OARVIN BROS. , 161S Farnam , RE-J93-10 WANTED , IMPROVED AND VACANT OMAHA REAL ESTATE , ACRES AND FARM Ij-XNDS. HAVE BUYERS FOR BARGAINS , OARVJN BhOS. , 1613 Farnam. RE-292-10 COMFORTABLE rottnge , S room * , very slirhtly and In ifoou condition , located at SSU Charles St. RE FOR SALE'OR RENT , new store building , 25x90 , In good butlness town. H 67. Bee. RE-M226 10' KOIl SAI'B RUAIj ESTATE A BARGAIN1 , desirable ncr tract for pale at n bargain , 20th and Mlnma tin. , ripe for subdividing. R. C. PEETRS A CO. . 1702 Fnrnam St. . Bee Bide " - 10 FOR SALE , a highly Improved farm of 160 acres , 76 miles north of Denver , 2Vt miles from a prospcrolii village * of 3.500 popula tion , on the main traveled road to the mountains ; 115 acres unOer cultivation ; nn unfailing water supply for Irrigation pur poses , besides n natural lake , covering about 13 acrcR , stocked with fish ; 100 bearIng - Ing fruit trees nnd small fruits ; largo 9- room utone residence , well shnded by a grove of large trees : price $11.000. For further Information , address the owner , Thos. D. Stone , Box 927. Boulder , Colo. RE- GENERAL collection * , Nfb. , Iowa and Mo. ; wide experience ; rent and care for property. F. A. Stroup , 615 Pnxton block. RK-237-14 * MEUICAI. . DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women : have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to fl\ > days without fall ; t.o pntn. no danger , no Inter ference with work : by mail or office , $2 ; nil letters truthfully answered. Tha Mantlleld Remedy Co. , 1&7 Dcnrborn Bt. , room 614 , Chicago , 111. SSO 16 * LADIES , Chlchcster's English Pennyroyal pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchcster Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pn. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllce , 418 N. li. 481 EAGLE Loan Oilier , reliable , accommodat ing ; all buslne confidential. 1501 Douglas. 482 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , . $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 162 $ Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 473 WE RENT uhd sell the beat typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1612 Far nam. 474 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup. piles. 1B19 Frfrnam. 475 THE Oliver Typewriter , vlolble writing , heaviest Tunlfolder and cuts the finest stencil ; ecc ex.ilblt Liberal Arts bldcr. Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 31SH S. Fif teenth sUoet. Omaha. 476 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Furnam. M 991 ACI2TYIKM3 Gn\EHATOIlS , MONARCH generators have no equal In construction , operation or price ; hustling salesmen wanted. Address Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , 1022 Douglas St. , Omaha. Neb. M560 BepSO FOR SALE FAUMS. FARMS near So. Omnha and Lincoln for sale. J. T. Clarke , Board of Trade. Omaha. 870 Bei10 MAGM3TIC JIEAMNG. MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET. Weltmer sya- tem , 24th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th. -M466 Sept 12 * NICKEL PLATINO. BASEBURNERS replated ; all kinds of plat- Ing. Omaha Plating Co. . Bee Bide. 216 STAMMERING AKD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 Ramge Bldg. 4S3 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlo Institute , 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles' dept. ; Old E. Johnson , osteopathtst. mgr. M-686 M. E. DONOHUE. D O. . of Still school , Kirksvlllo. Mo. . 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1S57. 492 MATTIII3SS IlEMOVATIMG. M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlng. "Tel. 1331. 485 TICKET DIIOKISHS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H. Phllbln. new locations 1309 and 1605 Far nam. Est. 1SS9. Member G. T. B. Assn. M-100 COAL. BEST cooking , $4 ton ; hard coal , $8.60. Har mon & Weeth Co. . 16th and Charles. 232-Oct-8 LOST. LOST , a small gold scarf pin , shaped as n frog , with diamond setting. Return to Ed Rothery. llth and Harney. Liberal reward. Lost 280-1C * POUND. FOUND Watch ; call at Omaha Electrical Works , 619 So. 16th. J. Bortenlander. Found-233 10 * IIOUSK MOVI3U. W. COY , located at 1710 St. Mary's Ava. 480 TUir.VIC FACTORY. BEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Fnrnam. 662 OI6 CONTRACTORS AND IIUII.D4RS. HEALY & SONS. 1622 Clark street. MS85 Sept 20 * HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 $ per wnck ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sts. 4S7 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. HARRIS Abstract Cu. , 123 Bee Bulldlnir. DRESRMAKINn. IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M-706 Sep ; 29 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , EC ; cellars , 2c ; cuffi , 4c ; underwear , 6c. 1759 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. M4S5 SepH RANCHES. FOR BALE , cheapest and best cattle ranch , 00.000 acres. For description address Eu gene Williams , Waco , Texas.M203 M203 Sep. 16 * COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , 16&D'glas. -M140 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German , Spanish , $3 per month. Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 147 VOOAI. INSTRUCTION. E. D. KECK , Davdlge Building. 200-10 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF THE BITTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EXJUALJ- Z ATI OS To the owners ot the lot's , parts of loti and real estate described herein or abutting on or adjacent to the itreeti , alleys or avenues herein named , or situated In whole or in part within any of the dla- trlcti herein aneclned , and all being with in the city ot Omana , Douglas county. Nebraska , You and each of vou are hereby notified that the city council of the city of Omaha will * lt as a Board of Equalization at the council chamber In the city hall , Omaha , CITY OWIC1AL NOTICES. Nob. , t.ircs d.iys , from 10 o'clock a. m. until S o'clock , p. m. , commencing Tues day , September 1J. 1S. . at 10 o'clock . m. , for the purpose of considering nnd equallr- Inc the jroposcd levy ot ipeclal tnxev nnd iftseisments n * shown by ' 'Proposed Plans of Assessment , " prepared bv the city engi neer and approved by the Board of Public Works , and now on file In the ofllce of the city clerk , nnd correcting any errors there in and of hearing all complaints that the- owners of property so to DC assessed nnd taxed may mnkc ; tald special tuxes and assessments proposed to be levied being necessary to cover the cost of the several Improvements duly authorized to bo made and now completed , ns follows : To cover the one-half cost of grading Mason street from llth street to 13th utrfet , amounting to the sum of $8,273.S6 , which sum It Is proposed to as. eB upon the lots and real estate on both sides of Bald street pro rata per fool frontage nt the rnte of > .C5212t > per foot , nnd according to the usual dealing back places ? , ns follow ? : Lots fi. 6 , 7 and S , block 221 , City , nt $373.04 each . $1.49216 Lots 6. 6. 7 nnd 8. block 22. City , at $373.01 eACh 1.49216 Lots 1 , 2. 3 nnd 4 , block 229. City , at $373.04 pach 1,492 16 Lots 1 , 2. 3 nnd 4 , block 230 , City , at $373.01 Mcll 1,492 16 Strip of ground lying between the west line of llth street and lot 1 block 230 , City 118 05 Strip of ground lying between the WMt line of 12th street and lot 1 , block 229. City 19217 To cover the one-half cost of grading 16th street , from "B"k street to Phelps street , amounting to the fum ot $561.16 , which sum it is proposed to assess on the lots And real estatn on both sides of said street to u depth of 132 feet , more or less , or to alley , pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of $0.70S432 n r foot , nnd nccord- ing to thft usual scaling back process , as follows : Lots 1 tc 3 , Inclusive , block 7 , Hazel Terrace , nt $36.42 each $ 2S3 33 North 7 feet lot 9. block 7 , Hazel Terrace 4 fG Lot 16 , Oak Hill No. : 23 03 Lot 17 , Oak Hli NO. 2 28 48 Lot 18 , Onk Hill Ni. 2 17 23 We t k feet lot IS. Oak Hill No. 2. . . . 2 01 West 13. . feet tax lot 63 , sec. 34-15-13 1S7 03 To cover the total coat of grading 33rd street , from Davenport street to Cnlcnro street , amounting to the um of $167.71. which sum it Is proposed to assess on the lots and teal estate on both sides of snld street pro ratn per foot frontage at the rate of $0.337753 per foot , nnd according to the usual healing back process , nu follows : Lots 10 , 11 , 12 and 13. block 1 , Haw thorne Add , nt $16.64 each $ 6666 Lot 14. block 1. Hawthorne Add 17 30 Lot 10 , block 2 , Hawthorne Add 16 63 Lots U , 12 and 13 , block 2 , Hawthorne Add. , at $18.64 each 4993 Lot 14. block 2 , Hawthorne Add 1730 To c'lver the total cost of repuvlng 32nd avenue , from Davenport street to Dodge street , within Street Improvement district No. 645. amounting to the Bum of $3,690.81. which sum it I ; proposed to assess upon the lots und teal estate on both sides of iinld street * nd Included In said district , according to the usual scaling back pro cess , pro rata per foot frontage , at the rate of $2.867317 per foot , at follows : W. % lot 3 , block 6 , Hillside Add. No. 1 1 $ 3612 Lot 2. block S , Hlllsldo Add. No. 1. . . 84 31 Lot 1. block C. Hillside Add. No. 1. . . ISO 64 Lots 1 to 6 , Inclusive , Moraman Park , nt $129.03 each 774 ISLet Lot 12 , block 6 , West End Add 77 41 Lot 13. b'ock ' 6. West End Add 10319 Lot 14. block 5 , West End Add 206 49 Lots 15. 16 , 17 nnd 18. block 6. West End Add. , nt $143.36 each 67344 Lots 19 , 20 and 21 , block C , West End Add. , nt $143.37 each 43011 Lot 22. block 6 , West End Add 153 69 Lot 1 , block 8 , Went End Add 67 67 Lot 2 , block 8 , West End Add 143 37 Lot 3 , block 8 , West End Add 2W1 45 Lot 4 .block 8 , West End Add 103 22 Lot 6. block 8 , West End Add 77 42 E. 160 feel sub lots 2 and 3 , tax lot 7. sec. 21-15-13 , at $236.65 each 473 10 To cover the totnl cost of paving nnd curbing Dodge street from 31st Avenue to 34th street , within Street Improvement District No. 646 , amounting to the sum of $4,834.55 , which sum , except $34.42 for private driveway nt lot 13. block 9 , West End Ad dition. It Is proposed to assess on the lots nnd real estate on both sides of snld street and Included tn said district , according to the usual sealing back process at the rate of $2.902.95 per foot pro rata per ofot front- nge , except lots li and 14 , West End Addi tion , where curbing was laid by owner , which shall be assessed at the rate of $2.3271 per foot , as follows : Lot 1. block 3 , Summit Place Add. . . . $93 47 Lot 2 , block 3. Summit Place Add. . . . 78 82 Lot 23. block 3. Summit Place Add. . 78 74 Lot 24 , block 3 , Summit Place Add. . 90 41 Lot 1. block 4 , Summit Place Add. . . . 144 4i N. 12 feet lot 2 , block 4 , Summit Place 1949 N. 12 feet lot 17 , block 4 , Summit Place 1945 Lot IS , blc. k 4. Summit Place 141 20 Lot 1. block 6. Summit Place 12366 N. 20 feet lot 2 , block 6 , Summit Place 3307 N. 20 feet lot 11. block 5 , Summit Place 3326 Lot 12. block P. Place. 122 01 Lots 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , block 6 , West End Add. , at $138.86 each 65540 Lot 13. block 5. West End Add 11131 Lot 14. block 5 , West End Add Ill 36 Lot 1. block 6. West End Add 222 31 Lot 2. block 6 , West End Add 225 65 Lot 1. block 7 , West End Ada 227 96 Lot 2. block 7. West End Add 231 25 Lots 3 nnu 7 Inclusive , block 8 , West End Addition , at $137.60 each 6SS 00 Lot 8. block 8 , West End Add 13790 Lui3 a , iv. 11 anu a , DIOCK 3 , west End Addition , at $13S.S3 each 655 40 Lot 13. block 9. West End Add. , ( In cluding prlvnts drlvevay ) 173 27 Lot 14. block S. West End Add 138 91 Lot 1. block 10. West End Add 238 17 Lot 2. block 10. West End Add 2J ! ) 63 To ci/ve'1 ihu cost of paving and curbing 40th street from Fnrnam street to the north line of Jnckson street , within Street Im provement district No. 630 , amounting to the Bum of $5,919.42 , which sum ( except $67.14 , cost of three private npproaches. ) It is proposed to asses' ' upon the lots and real estate en both sides of snld street and in cluded in said dlstrct , accordng to the usual scaling back process , pro rata per-foot frontage - ago , at the rate of $3.32705 per foot , as fol lows : W. 23.5 feet lot 4 , block 14. High land Place $3597 Lot 6. block 14 , Highland Place 77 95 Lot 6. block 14 Highland Place 12034 Lot 7. block 14 , Highland Place ( In cluding private approach , ) 23743 Lot 1 , block 15 , Highland Place 24S 28 Lot 2 , block 15 , Highland Place 12040 Lot 3. block 16. Highland Place 8079 Lot 1. Highland Place Paddock's Sub lot 16 , Smith's Addition ( In cluding private approach ) 171 17 Lot 2 , Highland Place Paddock's Sub block 16. Smith's Addition ( In- cludlne prvate approach ) 174 43 Lot S , Hghland Place Paddock's Sub block 16. Smith's Addition , ( Includ ing private approach ) 17006 Lots 4 , 6. 6 nnd 7. Highland Place Paddock's Bub. block 16 , Smith's Addition , at $150.37 enoh 62548 Lot 8 , Highland Place Paddock's Bub D'ock ' 16. Smith's Addition. . . . 153 05 Lot 1. block 1 , Potter's Add 248 42 Lot 2. block 1 , Potter's Add 121 21 Lot 3. block 1 , Potter's Add 9316 Lots 7 , 8. 9 and 10. block 1 , Potter's Addition , at $166.35 each 66540 N. 22 tcet lot 11 , block 1 , Potter's Add 7320 Lots 2 nnd 3. block 17 , Smith's Add at $622.16 each $1,24432 Lot 1 , Tabor Place 153 05 Lots 2 to 7 Inclusive , Tabor Place , at $166.37 each 93823 Lot 6. Tabor Place 153 04 To cover thn cost of paving and curbing Mason street from 31st street to 33rd street , within Street Improvement District No. 663 , amounting to the sum of $4,870.61 , which sum It is proposed to assess upon the lota and real estate on both sides of said street , and Included in snld district , according to the usual scaling back process , pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of $3.48391 per foot , as follows : Loti 1 to 8 Inclusive , Clifton Place , at $174.20 each $1,39300 Lota 9 to 13 Inclusive , Clifton Place , at $174.19 each 87096 Lot 14. Clifton Place 17071 Lot 12. Bartlett's Add 2,43625 To cover the cost of repavlng and re setting curb on 32nd Avenue from Dodge Etreet to Farnam street within Street Im provement District No , 662 , amou/itlng to the sum of $1,213.94 , which sum ( excepting work on private approaches , $0.60) It is proposed to n.iscrs upon the lots and real estate on both tides of said street nd in cluded In sn'd district , according to the usual scaling back process , pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of $3.U9 per foot , us follows ; Lot 13. block X , Summit Place $126 28 Lot 14. block 3. Summit Place 294 C7 Lot 16. block 3 , Bummlt Place 15303 Lots 16 to 23 Inclusive , block 3 , Sum mit Place , at $163.07 each 1,221 6S Lot 24 , block 3 , Bummlt Place 131 90 Lot 1. block 4. Summit Place 21904 Lots 2 to 6 Inclusive , blocic 4 , Sum mit Place , at $210.13 each 1,032 40 Lot 7 , block 4 , Bummlt Place 21078 Lot 8. block 4 , Bummlt Place X94 67 Lot 9 , block 4 , Summit Place 126 28 Lot 2. block 6 , West End Add. , , , lit 84 Lot 1. block 7. West End Add. . . . 174 44 To cover the total cost of repavlng Capitol Avenue from 18th street to 20th street within Street Improvement District No. 665. amounting to the sum of $4,224.43. which eum It Is proposed to assess upon the lota and 'real ' estate , on both sides of eald street and Included In said district accordIng - Ing to the usual scaling back process , pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of $3.7989 per foot , aa follows : Lots 6. 6. 7 nd 8. block 79 , City , at $30.73 each $1,00282 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. Lot S. blocic SO. City iSo" Lot 6 , block 30. City 351 Oa Lois . and S. block W ) . City , at $250.73 each 60140 Lots 1 nnd 2 , block 83. City , nt $080.73 each 60146. Lot 3. block 6.1. City 3S1 tti ! Lot 4. block S3. City 0 44 Lots 1. 2 , : , and 4. block 81 , City , nt $550.73 each 1.002 S2 Strip of ground lying cas : of 19th street and adjoining lot 6. block 79 , City 6339 Strip of ground lylns west of 19th street and adjoining lot S , block SO , City 53 19 Strip of ground lying west -of 19th street and adjoining lot 1 , block S3 , City 6319 Strip of ground lying cnst of 19th street and adjoining lot 4 , block S4 , Oily M 19 To cover the totnl cost ot constructing cewor In Sewer District No. 132. on Ohio street between Shermnn Avenue and a point 145 feet east of 15th street , and 15th str st between Ohio and Corby streets , amount ing to the sum of $1,247.93 , which eum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots and real estate included in said district pro rnta per foot frontnge nt the rate of $1,10 per foot , a follow * : B & Sub. . . . $4987 Lot nzonJphson ; i Jl 1L 4-JTliAUII _ Ut > _ MVttnvti o kjuu. ] Lot 2 , Bcnzon & Johnson's Sub. . . ' Lot 3 , Benron & Johnson's Sub. . . 45 & 7 Lot 4 , Bcnzon & Johnson's Sui. . . . 3D 30 Lot 6. Demon & Johnson's Sub. . . 49 r.i Lot 21 , Bertzon & Johnson's Sub. . . E 65"feet"Tot 10 , Mlllard & Cnld- Wbll'fl Addition CO 60 W. 30 feet of E. 5 feet lot 10. Mll- lard & Cnldwcll'a Addition S3 00 E. 30 feet of W. S3 feet lot 10 , Millard - lard & Cnldwell's Addition & 3 W W. 65 feet lot 10 , MHUrd & Cold- well's Addition 60 uO E. 85 feet lot 10H. Mlllard & Oald * well's Addition ! * 29 N. 32H feet S. 42W feet E. 5 feet lot 11. Mlllard & Caldwcll's Addition 93 76 N , 33 feet 8. 75 Ufeet E. S3 foal lot il. Mlllard & Caldwell's Addition 36 SO W. 145 feet lots 6 nnd 7 , Mlllard & Cnldwcll'b Addition , at $82.77 each 185 4 E. 62 feet Sub lot 3. ot tax lot S , 67 20 station 10-15-13 Sub lot 4 of tax lot 8 , 'ccUon 10-15-13 So 20 Sub lot 6 ot tux lot S , section 10-15-13 3i 20 Sub jut 6 , of tax lot 8 o ( suction 10-16-13 63 M Sub lot 7. tax lot 8 , of section 10-1G-13 242 00 To cover the total cost of constmctlng sewer in Bewor District No. V34. on Cali fornia street between 27th Av. > mie nnd 30th street , amounting to the sum $1,418.66. which sum It Is proposed to assess upon .ho lots and real estate Included In enhl district pro rata per fool frontageat the rate of $0.669437 per foot , an follows : Lot 16. block 2 , Avondale Park $1674 Lots 17 to 29 Inclusive , block 2 , Avondale Park , at $20.03 each 26104 Lot SO , block 2 , Avondale Park 16 82 Lota 13 to 21 Inclusive , block 3 , Hill- aide Addition No. 2. at $33.13 each. . 301 32 Lots 22 , 13 ind 24 , block 3 , Hillside Addition No. 2 , at $33.47 each 10041 Lots 2 to 13 Inclusive , Sunnyslde Add at $33.47 each 40164 W. H of S. 106. ? feet tax lot 22. see- C9 86 tlon 16-15-13 E , > 4 ot S. 106.7 feet tax lot 22 , see tlon 16-15-13 6986 N. ' ,4 Sub lot 1 , tax lot 24 , section 18-1513 44 37 N. H Sub lot 2 , tax lot 24 , section 4824 16-15-13 N. H Bub lol 3 , tax lot 4 , section 16-15-1.1 4418 N. U Sub lot 4 , tax lot 21 , section 16-16-13 44 IS To cover the total cost of constructing sewer on Amee Avenue between 24th street and 27th street within Sewer District No. 235 , amounting to the Bum of $124.71 , which sum It In proposrd to assess upon the lots and real estate Included In said district pro rata per foot frontngo at the rate of $0.7760225 per foot , a follows : Lot 12 , block 1 , Isabel Add $97 39 Lots 1 to 6 inclusive , block 2 , Isabel Addition , at $34.92 each 209 62 Lots 1 to C Inclusive , block 4 , Isabel Addition , at $34.92 each 20952 Lot 1 , Karr's Sub N fc blook 8 , Isabel Addition 3104 Lot 2. Ka.r'a Sub N % block 3 , Isabel Addition 31 04 Lots 3 to 7 Inclusive , Karr'a Sub N. block i , Itiabcl Addition , at $29.49 each 14745 S. 132 feet tax lot 11 , section 4-15-13 486 67 S. 132 feet tax lot 15 , section 4-15-13 E12 18 To cover the total cost of constructing sewer on 39th street between Harncy street and Dewey Avenue within Sewer District No. 236 , amounting to the sum of $603.01 , which sum it Is proposed to assess upon the lots and real estate Included In said district , pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of $1.074884 per foot , as follows : W. "A lot 1. block IS. Smith's Add. . . . $100 BO Lot 4. block 17 , Smith's Adi 201 00 W. U lot 2 , block 18 , Smith's Add. . . . 100 51 Lot 3 , block 18 , Smith's Add 201 00 To cover the total cost of constructing DCrmanent sidewalks amounting to the sum of $1,180.33 , which sum it Is proposed to assess upon the lots and real estate along and adjoining which saH walks have been constructed , as follows : W. 33 feet lot 1 , block GZ , City $16 C3 Lot 1 , block 203 , City 30 84 Lots , Axford Add : 6955 Lot 7. block 2 , Boggs & Hill's Add. . 26 01 Lot 7 , block 4 , Boggs & Hill's 2nd Addition 2280 Lot 8. block 4. Boergs & Hill's 2nd Addition 3074 Lot 9 , block 6 , Boggs & Hill's 2nd Addition 2580 Lots 10 to 15 Inclusive , Block 6 , Boggs & Hill's Add. at S22.80 each 136 SO Lot 16 , block 5 , Boggs & Hill's 2nd Addition 3071 Lot 13 , block 17. Central Park 34 20 i-ot y. uiarK i'lnce 2375 Lot 1 , Coburn's Sub 4326 Lots 3 and 4 , Convent Place , at $28.60 each 6700 Lot 6. Convent Place 2473 Lot 1 , block 4 , Hillside No. 3 S3 07 E. 76 feet of N. 66 feet lot 8 , John son's Addition 39 46 Lots IS and 19 , block 12 , Kountzo & Ruth's Addition , at $23.75 each . . . . 4750 N. 23 feet lot 9 , block 9 , Kountze's 3rd Addition 4731 Lot 18. block 9 , Kountze's 3rd Add. . 4750 Lot 18 , block 8 , Kountze's 4th Add. . 47 81 Lot 6 , block 1 , Marsh's Add 63 72 Lot 12 , b'ck 2 , Phillips' Add CO C9 Lot 13. block , Phillips' Add 61 11 S. 82 feet lot 38 , Redlck's 2nd Add , . . . 46 72 Lot 6 , block 12 , Shlnn's Add . ' . . . 34 20 E. Vi tax lot SO , section 15-15-13 . . . . 82 45 To cover the total cost of constructing permanent sidewalks amounting to the sum of $3,571.85 , which sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots and real estate along and adjoining which said walks have been constructed , as follows : N. 22 feet lot 1. block 89 , City 13778 N. 60 feet lot 1 , blocic 72. City. 7029 S. 23.6 feet N. 114 feet lot 1 , block 72 , City 28 12 Lot 2. block 72 , City C9 31 E. 32.4 feet lot 6 , block 74 , City 68 23 8. 65,8 ft. lot 6. block 3I , City. . 77.17 E. 60 feet lot 7 , block 2 , Capitol Hill Addition . ! 4500 Lot 10. block 2 , Capitol Hill Add. . 64 00 W. 6 feet lot 12 , block 2 , Capitol Hill Addition 43 S. 33.9 feet lot 4 , Franklin Square . . 30 48 Lot 1 , Hawe'a Add ] 21 40 Lot 2 , Hawes Add 11571 E. 60 feet lot 7 , HRwes Add 45 W W. 41.6 feet E. 44.9 feet lot 19 , Hawea Addition 3744 E. 43 feet W. 83.6 feet lot 19 , Hawes Addition 38 72 Lot 1. blocic 12 , Highland Place . . . . 156 63 Lot 8. block 15 , Highland Place S3 93 E. 41.9 feet lot 10 , block 1C , High land Place 3143 N. 3 feet lot 3 , block 6 , Horbach'a 2nd Addition 25 Lot 4 , block S , Horbach's 2nd Add. . 64 00 tat 1 , block I , Jerome Park 162 18 Lot 20 , King's Addition 135 61 Lot 4 , block 1 , La Veta Place 3300 Lot 1 , block g , Lowe's 2nd Addition 20S 04 E. 95.6 feet lot 2 , block 6 , Lowe's 2nd Addition D4 65 Lot 1 , block C , Lowe's 2nd Addition. . 205 Cl W. 44.2 feet E. > A lot 2 , block 0 Lowe's 2nd Addition 4376 W. 60.3 feet lot 2 , block 6 , Lowe's 2nd Addition 6388 8. .7 feet lot 5 Morse & Brunner's Addition , 64 Lot 6. Morse & Brunner's Adddttlon 3S W ) Lot 7 Morse & Brunner's Addition 38 77 E. 118.2 feet lot 1. block 13 , Parker's Addition 11801 N. 148.7 feet lot 12 , block 4 , Park Place , . J34 93 Lot 1 , block 8. Poppleton Park . . . . 6593 S. 48.3 feet lot 8 , block S , Popple- ton Park 3984 Lot 9. block 8 , Poppleton Park 41 30 Lot S , block S , Poppleton Park 42 as Lot 5 , block 9 , Poppleton Park 41 * 0- ? ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " Lot 8' bfock 1 , Pot't'er's'Ad'd. . . ; . . ; ; 4960 N. 0.3 feet lot 9 , block 1 , Potter's add , 23 Lot J , Pruyn's Bub (23H ( Mlllard & Caldwell's ) 29 70 Lot 4 , Pruyn's Sub (23& ( Millard & CaldweU'ei , , , . . . 29 70 Lot 10. block 4. Shull'B Add m 43 N. UO feet lot 2 , block 8 , Smith's Add t , , . , 162 19 Lot 2 , block 17 , Smith's Add. . ! 20i J Lots 39. 40 and 41 , Stewart Place , at $40.43 each , . . m 23 N. 55 feet. E. 140 feet , lot 4 , block 8 , West Omaha (4 45 W. 34.6 feet , Bubdlv. 1 cub lot 7 , tax lot 6 , section 9-15-13 JO 93 E. 42.3 feet , Subdlv. 2 sub lot 7 , tax lot 6. section 9-15-13 K 03 E. 13 feet , SubcUv. 1 , sub lot 12 , tax lot 6 , section 8-15-13 93 W. 0.4 feet Subdlv 2. lot 12. tax lot 5 , section 6-15-13 J | Subdlv 4. Bub lot 12 , tax lot 6 , sec tion 9-15-13 , 8)66 Subdlv 5 , sub lot 12 , tax Irrt 6. sec tion 9-15-13 , . , J3 66 8. 30.9 feet , E. 140 feet tax . * t 25 , section 16-16-1S , M 69 To cover the total cost of abating ; nulsanca by turning oft water Bupcly At southeast t CITY ornciAijOTICUS. . corner of Farnam nnd Ninth streets on Davnnport street between Eighth nnd Ninth . trceti and at southeast corner of Pacific nnd Fourteenth streets , Amounting to ths * um of $18.90. which mm It Is proixwd to asw s upon the lot and real frstato opposite and Adjoining which Mid work WAS don * , the cent of which In ns follows : N. SI feet of n otrlp of ground lying east of 14th street and adjoining lot 4 , block 254 , city 13 SO Lot 4 , block " ( V1 city 3 40 Lot 4. block "a. " citv S 00 The "usual scnlliiK bacl : iirocrss. " to which references I * made In this notice , Is an follows : One- third of such pro rata coft upon the one-sixth part of the whole amount of the ground to be assessed abutting upon the street HUP along said Improvements. Onc-tHth ofmch pro rata cost upon the second one-sixth part of the whole amount of said grciind next adjacent. One-sixth of such pro rata cost upon the third one-sixth part of the whole amount of said ground next adjacent. And three-tenths of ald pro rat.i cost upon thp adjacent or remaining onc-lmlt of _ said ground You nre further notified that said "Pro- nftned Dan * of Assessment" are now sub ject to the Inspection nnd examination of any of the owners of said lots or pieces of real estate or of any other ocrfon Inter ested In said proposed assessments , nt the ofllee of the city clerk , and that It Is pro posed that , unless for good and suniclrnt cause It mny be otherwise ordered nnd de termined , thn cost of nald Improvements , respectively , bo assessed on th several lots , parts of .ot and pieces of real estate , as shown by said "Proposed Plans ot Assess ment. " You. and each of you. are hereby notified to appear before paid Board of Equaliza tion at the time and pluce aoove upeclllwl , to make nny complaint , statement or ob jection vou may desire concerning nny of said proponed levies and assessments of special tax ? * . Omaha , Nebraska , September E. 18 ! > 9. BEECHER HIOBY. City Clerk. I.KUA1.OTIC10. . UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. AUCTION. The following unclaimed baggage will be sold at public auction at the rooms of the Clay Auction Co. , 620 North 16th St. , Omaha , Neb. , commencing at 7:30 : p. m. . October 4. 1S99 , and continuing ut th same hour each day unt.l sold : Boxes marked Win. Thompson , Dr. 13. J. O'Cntlaghan , W. J. Nell. Klnc trunks markml , Oco. Barraclough. Mln M , A. Rockwell , John Purry , John Harper. J. T. Randall , D. C. CrUman. G. L. Mock. F. Bowman , J. E. McMahon , Winnie Westerbeck. C. E. Speesc , A. Len- steln. W. D. Snail , O. T. Spelty. Russet trunk marked , Mlxa D. Richards , S. A. Moore , Levl E. Dunn. Canvas finished trunk marked , Taylor Gleason. Kusset valises marked , A. L. Johnson , Martin Dooley , P. McKurlan , E. Gemlng , Joe Dyer , Eustace Hyde , L. Drentwcll , E. HofTmuster. Telescopu cases marked , J. F. Bonham , It. Miller. Joe Kvnns , R. C. Prulter. Black valises marked , F. S. Montgomery. Bundle marked , A. R. Lord , W. J. Thomas. Also 400 plecus of mlHcellaneous articles consisting of guns , bundles , blankets , valises , tiunks , boxes , ( -hosts , etc. , not marked. A. TRAYNOR , 33-ld-ll-U. General Baggage Agent. IIAI1AVAY T1.UI2 OAH1J. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" General Oltlcps , United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket office , 1101 Farnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a. 6:00 : pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pra Hastings , York , David City , superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewurd..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:2o am Fremont Local c 7:30ain _ a Dally b bally except Sunday , c Sun- day only. d Dally except Saturday. gCHICAGO & JORTH. western Rallwuy "The Northwestern L/lne" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am ail:55 : Pm Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Expresa. Dea Molnes , Marsholltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage all:05 : am a 4:06 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago ami East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pra Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:03 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:30 : am a Dally b Daily except Sunday. [ CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Ofllces , Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster _ _ Sts. City Ticket OHlce , 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. . , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Bloux City , Ponca , Hortlng- ton ajid BU > pmneld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a 6:65 : pra No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. gSIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Ofllces , United States National Bank Building. S. W. Corner Twelfth _ and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofhce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele- ghone , 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason treets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive , Bloux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a fi:00 : am a 8:40 : tm St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux City.a 6:25 : pm all:00 pm Bloux City Local a 7:4-5 : am a 4:20 pm a Dally " BUELINGTON & MIB- sourl River Railroad Buflingion "The Burlington Route" General Ofllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket OltlCB. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln. Denver , Colorado rado , Utun. California.a 4:20 : pm a 8:65 : pm Lincoln , Blaak Hills. Montana & Puget Bound a 4:25 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alOS5 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 8:00 : pm alO:35 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah & California a 6.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. St Jo seph & Council Bluffs Bulling * Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce. " 15W Farnam Street , Tele Joule" phone. 260. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310.Leave Leave , Arrive. Kansas City D.\y Ex . . .a 9:30 am a 6:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO16 ; pm a tM ; am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and Bt. Louis..a 4:65 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The liurllngton Route" Ticket Olllce. 1602 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phone , S10. Leave , Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- cial a 6:40 : am Chicago Ve.stlbultxl Ex.a 6.05 pm a 8OC ; am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & fit. L. Exa 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am Paclllc Junction Local..u0:43 : am Fast Moll a 2:45 : pm a Dally. and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl Rock Island and Route. " City Tick- t OBlce. 1323 Farnam 1 Route I- Telephone" ? * ? Htreets Telephone. De > Molnei Local a 7 : Vum bills' Chicago Express bll:15 : am a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm a 1:23 : om Bt. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:33 : ani Lincoln , Colorado Bpgi. . Denver , Pueblo and West . .a 1:30 : pm a. 4.-is pn > Dea Molntn. Rock Isl v and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a : is nm Colorado tt Texas Flyer.a 6:40 : pm a ) : W am K Dolly b DulJy except Bunday. HAH.W-4V TIME CA11D. UNION PACIFIC'-"THEOVhU. : land Route" Gereral Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fsriiftm Ptrecti. City Ticket Office. ISM Farnwn Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Street * . Telephone , te . LtveArrlve - "The Overland Limited" for Utah. Idaho , Mcn- tann , California , Ore- I con ami Washington 'point ' * * S:40 : am u 4SC : pm The Colorado Speilal ! for Denver and nil | Colorado points nltJ5 : pm a 6:30 : nm I Paclllc Express for I Denver , Salt l ike , | Pacific Coast and all I western points b 4:2J : pm a 6:30 : am I Lincoln , Beatrice and I Stromsburg Exuross . .b 4:55 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont. Columbus , Is'or- I folk , Grand Island nnd North Platte n 4JS : j.m b 4JS : pm Columbus Local b 7:30 : pm b 9:30 : am I North Platte Local. . . . . . a 1:10 : pm I South Omaha Local Pass. leaves. 6:2U : n. m. : 7:00 a. m. , 10:10 : n. m , ; 3:05 : jv m. Arrives , : n m : 8:30 : p. m. ; 5:25 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council 1 ! In ft * Local leaves , 5:2u : a. m. 6:40 : n m. ; 6EO : n. m , ; 7:15 : n. m. ; 9:30 : n. in. b 10:45 : n. m. ; 1.25 p , m. ; 2:1S p. m.J5 p. in. 6:23 : p. m. ; 6.65 p. m. : 8:63 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m Arrives , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : n. m. ; 8:15 : a , m , S:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : n m. ; 3:05 : p , m. ; 4:05 : p. m. 6:65 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p , m , 7:30 : p. m. ; 9:35 : p. m. 11:00 p. m : 11:66 : n. m. u Dally , b Dilly except Sunday. MISSOURI" PACIFIC RAH7 rondGencrnl Ofllce * nnd Ticket Oniccs Southeast Corner - nor 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone. 104. Depot. 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone ' _ . . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Lotils-nnKsns k Npb. Limited n 3:00 : pm al2:5pm : K , C.-8t. L. Express. . .n. 8:60 : pm a 6:00 : nm Nebraska Ixicnl via Wccplngv Water b 6:00 : pm a 6:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE .c. Paul Railway-city Oilicc , 1&04 I * ftrnii tii . . Telephone , 2SI. De- lenth nnd Mason Bts. Telephone. 629. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .n 6:4J : pin n efio n'm Cnlcaro & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : um Elou/ City t : DCS MolneB Express . . bll:00 : nm b 3:65 : pm u Dully li Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - ! road Omaha , Kntma city & Eastern Railroad-"Tha uulncy Route"-Tlclot of- nce , 1415 Furnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depo : . Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629. . , . Loave- Arrive , St. Louis Cannon Ball Express . . .a 4:50 : i > m n : S3 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 6:50 : am a 9:33 : pm a Daily. W ABASH RAILROAD- Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. S92. De pot , Tenth and Maoon streets. Telpchone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am a Dally llniitlxt. BETH -EDEN CHURCH. 819 SOUTH Twunty-ninth Avenue , Huv. C. B. Allen , jr. , Pastor Service's at 10:30 : . m. nnd 8 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon ; B. Y. P. U. , 6:30 : p. m. CALVARY CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH and So ward Streets , Rev. Thomas Ander son , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. nnil 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , THIRTY-FIFTH ANL' Farnam Streets , Rev. Vyrnwy Morgan , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. it- , and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:15 : a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. , 7 p. m. ; preaching services every Wednesday at 8 p. m. GERMAN CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH and Seward Streets , Rev. August Bolter , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at U:15 : u. m. GRACE CHURCH. TENTH AND ARBOR Streets , Rev. J. O. Staples , Minister- Services nt 10:45 : a. m. and S p. m. ; Sun day school at noon ; gospel meetings , Wednesday evening ; Young People's meetIng - Ing , Friday evening ; reading room open every evening. IMMANUEL CHURCH. BINNEY AND Twenty-fourth streets. Pulpit supplied temporarily ; BCI vices nt 10:30 : a. m. und 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. MOUNT PISGAH CHURCH. TWENTY- seventh and Cnss Streets , Rev. Robci-t January , Pastor Services at. 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt 12:30 : n. m. ; prayer meeting , Wednesday evening ; Young People's meeting , Friday evening. OLIVET CHURCH. GRAND AVENUE nnd Thirty-eighth Strqct , Rev. A. J. Flem ing , Pnstor-Servicen at 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt noon. SWEDISH CHURCH. 018 NORTH EIGII- teenth Sfreet , Rev. P. Swartz , Pastor- Services nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 9:30 : n. m. ZION CHURCH , 2215 GRANT STREET , Rev. T. T. Ward , Pastor Services nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday echuul at 12:30 : p. m. CIirlntluil. FIRST CHURCH , CORNER TWENTIETH Street and Capitol Avenue , Rev. D. D. Burt. Pastor Services at 10:30 n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Young People's Society of Christian En deavor nt < i:30 : p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7,0 : p. m. GRANT STREET CHURCH. TWENTY- slxth nnd Grant Streets , Rev. Charles Taylor , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. WALNUT HILL CHURCH , 4420 NICHO- Ins Street , Rev. Joseph Nichols , Pastor- Services nt 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 3 p. m. . CHERRY HILL CHURCH , 6011 NORTH forty-second Street , Rev. L. S. liimd , Pnstor Services at 11 n. m. ; Sunday Hchool nt noon FIRST CHURCH , NINETEENTH AND Davenport Streets , Rev. H. C. Herring , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m.j Y. P. 8. C. E nt 6:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school ut noon. Evening -service nt 7:3C. : HILLSIDE CHURCH , THIRTIETH AND Ohio Streets , Rev. Jacob Flook Pastor- Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon ; prayer service Wednesday nt 7:30 : p. m. PARK VALE CHURCH. 2314 CASTELLAR Street , Rev. Frank H. Anderson , 1'astor Services at 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. : Christian Endeavor nt 8 n. m. PILGRIM CHURCH , 102 NORTH FORTY- flrst Street , Rev. Frank D. Jackson. Pnstor Services ut 11 n , m. nnd ? :30 : p. in. ; .Similar school nt noon. PLYMOUTH CHURCH , TWENTIETH and Spencer Streets , Rev. Howard Mac- Ay.-ul , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m , and b p. m. ; Endeavor society nt 7:15 : p , m , ; prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday nchool at noon. BT. MARY'S AVENUE CHURCH , Twenty-seventh Street and Bt. Mary's Avenue , Rev. fl. Wrlglit Butler. D. D. , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school ut noon. SARATOGA CHURCH , TWENTY-FIFTH Street and Amos Avenue , Rev , L. 8. Hand , Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:45 : p , m. ; Sunday school nt ! :30 : p , m. Kplicuiutl. \LLSAINr8CHURCH , TWKNTY-SIXTH and Dewey Avenue , near Fnrnum , Rev. ThomuH J. Mackay , Rector Holy oom- tnunlon every Sunday in tne month , except the lltfit , at 7:30 a. m. ; sermon ut 11 n. m. ; vesper wrvlce , 4 p. m.j Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERT5 , Twentieth and Ohio Streets , Rev. H. Percy Silver , Rector Holy communion 8 n. in. ; Sunday school and rector'a bible class , 9:46 : ; mornlnir prayer and sermon , 11 ; eve ning prayer and sermon , 7:30. : BT. ANDREW'S CHURCH. CORNER Charles nnd Forty-first BtreetH. Rev. C. H. Young , Priest Services at 7:30 : a. m. . 11 a. m. and 7:45 : p , m. ; Hunday school ut 10 a. m. . Fridays at 7:45 : p. m. BT. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH. THIRTY- third and Francis Street * * Rev. W. If. Moor , minister In charge. Sunday Bohoo ! , 3 p , m. ; evening prayer at 4 o'clock ; holy communion at 8 a. m. , second Sunday in each month. BT. BARNABAS' CHURCH , 519 NORTH Nineteenth Street. Rev. John Williams , Rector Services at 7:30 : n. m. , 11 a. m , nnd 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:30 : n. m. BT. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH and Franklin Streets , Rev , W. B. How- rd , Priest Bervlces at 7:30 : nnd 11 a. m. , and 7:45 p , m. ; Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. : dally service * at 6:4S : nnd 7 o. m. nnd 4:45 : p. in : Wednesday * at 7:45 : p , m. ; Fri days at 7:30 : p. m. BT. MATTHIAS1 CHURCH , South Tenth Street and Worthlngton Place. Rev. J. E. Rllly , D. D. . Rector Holy communion nt 7:80 : a T. , Sunday nchool at 9:45 : : a. m. ; mornlnff prayer nnd sermon at 11 ; even- Inc P'fll'er and address at 7:30. : BT. PAUL'S CHURCH. 3211 CALIFORNIA Street Rev W. H. Moor , minister In charge. Sunday school , 9:46 : a. m , ; mornIng - Ing prayer nt 11 ; hoi/ communion nt 7 a , m. , flrvt and third Sunday In each month. CHURCH OF BT. PHILIP THE DEACON , Twenty-first Street , between Nlcho'an and J'nul BtreetB , R v , John Albert WlUlamn. Rector-Holy communion , \ a , mj sr.uvicKH. tne prayer , 10 30 n. m ; holy communion nnd rrmon. 11 a. m. ; choral evmcong nnd tcrmon. 4.15 p. in. , Sunday n-noo ! and Hlblp cl.isd , 2:45 : p. m. TRINITY CATHEDRAL. CAPITOL AVE. nnd Eighteenth Street , Rt. Rev. OrorRt Wurthtngton , S. T. 1) . , Bishop ; Very Hrv. Campbell Fnlr. IV D. , Denn Holy com munion , S .1. m. : morning prayer , 11 a. in. ; evening prnyer. 7:45 : P. m. KMANUEL CHURCH. 2 MARCT Street. Rev. O. J. Htrelcher. Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. niul 7:30 : p. m.j Kundny school nt 11J.10 n. m. FREE CHURCH. TWELFTH AND DOR- ens Streets , Rev F. H. W. Brurchert , Pnstor Services nt 10:30 a. in. anil 7:30 p. m. ; Sundny pchool nt 2:4S : t > . m. SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. 2S3 DAV- rnport Street. Rev. F. O. Hultmnn , Pas tor Service * nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday fohool nt 3:45 : n. m. ZION GERMAN CHURCH. 2622 SI'HAClUia Street. KPV. truest Mrhl , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n , m. nnd 7X : ! > p. in. ; Sunday nchool at 11:30 : a. in. J.nttirrnn , DANISH CIU'RCII , S19 SOUTH TWENTY- fppond Strpct , RPV. I. C. Poulion , Pastor Services ut 10.30 n , in. nnd S p. m. , ex- cppt lust Sunday In the month , when there nro no evening services ; Sunday fchonl nt 9SO : a. m. EMANUEL SWEDISH CHURCH , NINE- tecnth nnd Cass Streets , Rev. P , L. Svnrd , Pastor Services nt 10:45 : n. m. nnd 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. 1005 SOUTH Twentieth Slrest. Rev. K. J. Frose. Paitor Sprvlcrs nt 10:15 : n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ! Sunday school nt 2 p. m. GRACE CHURCH , TWENTY-BIXTH Strpft nnd Woolworth Avtnuie , Rev. Luther M. Kuhny , Pastor Servlccsi nt 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 : \ \ m. ; Sundny Pcliool nt 12:15 : p. m. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH , HI 6 North Twenty-sixth fitrpnt , Rev. J. Js. Anderson , Pastor Bervlces at 11 u. in. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:16 : ST. MARK'S CHl'RCH. TWENTY-FIRST nnd BurclettP fltrpptu , Rev. Leonard Oroh. Pastor Services nt 10:45 : n. m. und 7:36 : j ) . in. ; Sunday school at noon. St. PAUL'S GERMAN CHURCH. CORner - ner Twenty-eighth nnd Parker Street * . Rev. F. C. Knlef , Pnstor Services at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sundny school at 2 p. m. : evening , second nnd fourth Sunday In cnrh month nt 7SO : p. m. SALEM EVANGELICAL SWEDISH Church , ; tt9 Smith Twenty-third Street , Rev. C. E. Elvlng. I'UHtor Services t 10:30 : n. m nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sundny Mchool nt noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. ELEVENTH nnd Center StrcetH , Rev. atto E. Krlege , Pnstor Mervlces at 10:30 n. m. nnd:30 p. ni : Sunday school ut noon. HANSCOM PARK CHURCH , TWENTY- nlnth Street nnd Woolworth Avenue. Rev , F. M. SIsHon , D. D. , Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. MONMOUT1I PARK CHURCH. THIRTY- fourth Street and Larlmore Avenue , Rev. Frank W. Bros * . Pnstor Services nt 11 n. m. "uul 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH , 1613 North TwiMity-slxth Street , Rev. R.ismus Wllhflinspii , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:3 : ? p. m. ; Sunday school ut noon. ST. JOHN'S AFRICAN CHURCH. EIGHteenth - teonth and \\Vbster Strri'tx. Ruv. Jamua C. C. Owens , Pastor Services ut 10:45 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p in. ; Sunday school lit 1:16 p. in. ; Epworth league every Sunday evening ono hour preceding preaching ; prayer meeting overv Wednesday evening at 7:30 : ; class meeting uvury Friday at 7:30 : n. in. SEWARD STREET CHURCH , TWENTY- second and Reward Streets. Rev. A. C. AVelcli , Pnstor Services ut 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt noon. SOUTH TENTH STREET CHURCH , Tenth and Plorco Streets , Rev. George A. Luce , Pastor Services nt 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday uchool nt noon ; Junior league. 4 p. m. ; Epworth Icngtio , 6:80 : p. m. SOUTHWEST CHURCH , 6123 HICKORY Street , Rev. R. M. Henderson. Pastor- Services nt 10:43 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Bun- day school nt 11:45 : a. m. SWEDISH CHURCH , 515 NORTH E1OH- tecnth Street , Rev. Caii O. Karlson , Pan- tor Services at 11 a. m nnd 7:30 : p. ro. : Sunday 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. nt the rooms nt 114 South Thirteenth street. WEST OMAHA CHURCH , TWENTY- Heventh and Marcy streets. Rev. James Haynes , Pastor Services nt 11 n. m. and 7:80 : p. m. : Hunday school nt noon. TRINITY CHURCH. CORNER BINNEY and Twenty-first Streets. J. W. Jennings , D. D. . Pastor Services 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m ; Epworth League , 0:30 : ; Sundny school. 12 m. WALNUT HILL , FORTY-FIRST AND Charles Strepts , Rev. C. N. Dawson , D. D. , PuBtor Services at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt noon , J. M. Glllan , superintendent ; Epworth league at 6:34 : P. m. SOUTH OMAHA. FIRST CHURCH , Twenty-third nnd N Streets , Rev. J. A. Johnson , Pastor. ALBRIGHT. REV. J. Q. A. FLEHARTY , Ph. P. , j'astor. 1'rt'Nbyterlnii. AMBLTCR PLACE CHURCH. FORTY- vo end nnd Mnrlndn Streets Pulpit sup plied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : n. m. ; Sunday school , nt 11:30 : c. m. BEDFORD PLACE PRESBYTERIAN Church , 3015 Lalk Street , Rev. Goorce 11 , Lunn , Pastor Services nt 3:30 : p. m. ; Sun day Pcnool ut 2:30 : p. m. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH , TWENTY- fourth and Dodge Streets , Rev. Alexnn- der Gllchrlst , Pastor Services at 10:30 : v m. nnd 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon , CLIFTON HILL CHURCH , 4338 GRANT Street. Rev. James D. Kerr. Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. | Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , SEVENTEENTH AND Dodge Streets Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. 813 NORTH Eighteenth Street , Rev. Daniel Grlrdcr , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. in. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sundny school nt noon FIRST UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY- flrst nnd Emmet Streets , Rnv. Frank B. Foster , Putttor Services at 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon ; Chris tian union meeting nt 7 p. m. GRACE MISSION CHURCH. 607 WIL- llam Htrpot Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services nt 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Siindav school nt noon. ONTARIO STREET CHURCH. 1820 ON- tarlo Street Pulpit supplied temporarily. LOWE AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN Church , Corner Nicholas and Lowe Avenue , Rev. T. S. Hnwley , Pastor Preaching at 10:45 : a. in. nnd 7:45 : n , m , ; Sunday school at 12 m. , nnd Endeavor meeting at 6:45 : In the evening ; Wednes day evening , lecture nt 8 o'clock PARK AVENUE UNITED PRIC3BYTER- Inn. Corner Twenty-ninth avenue and Jackson Street , Rev. J. J. Thomson , Pas tor Services at 10:30 : a , m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath ttchoo ! at noon. ChrlaUa.n union at 7:16 : i ) . m. SOUTHWEST CHURCH. TWENTIETH nnd Leavenworth Streets Sunday school nt noon. KNOX CHURCH , NINETEENTH AND Ohio Street * , Rev. A. Christie Brown. Pftfctor Services nt 10:30 : u. m. and 7:30 : . in. ; Sunday school nt 12 m , ; Young P. 'popli ' 's m 'utmir at 7 p. m. SECOND CHURCH , TWENTY-FOURTH and Nicholas Streets , Rev. Samuel M. Ware , 1'nntor Borvl- 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. WESTMINSTER CHURCH , TWENTY- nlnth nnd Mason Streets , Rev. T. V. Moore , PuHtor Services at 10:30 : n , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon. Iloinnii CnUinlln. CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILT , Eighteenth und Izard Streets , liev. John Fltzputrlck , Pustor Services at 7 , 8 and 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Bunday school ut 2:30 ji , m CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART , Twenty-second and Blnnoy Streets , Rev , Patrick J. Judge , Pastor ; Rev. J. Me. Nainnrn , Aftslgtant Pautor Services at 7 , 8:30 : , 9:30 : and 10:30 : a. m. ; Bunday school nt 2:30 : p. in. ; week day moss , 7 and S a. m. BT. CECELIA'S CHURCH. 4117 HAMILton - ton Street , Rev. Timothy O'Callahan. Pastor BervlccH at 8 und 10:30 : a. m. ; Bun- day school ut 0 a. m , ST. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-FIFTH und California Htrcets , Rev. Martin Bronsgecst , B. J. , Pastor ; Rev. Patrick A. Murphy , H. J. , Assistant Pustor Scrvlcim ut U , 7 , S:30. : 9:30 : and 10:30 : a. m. ; Bunday school at 2:30 : p. m. ; vcniierH nt 7:45 : p. m. ST. JOSEPH'S GERMAN CHURCH. 8EV- entfenth und Center Struts. Rev. Mauri tius Baukkult , Pastor Services at K and 10:30 : n. m. ; Sundny echool nt 2:30 : p. m , ST , MARY'S ' MAGDALENE CHURCH. 1611 Douglas Street , Rev. George J , Glauber , I'UHtor Services at 8 and 10:30 : a. m , ; vea- " ' BT."rVilIL8MrE'NA'B CATHEDRAL , 404 South Ninth Street , Rt. Rev. Rlcharl Bcnnncll , Bishop ; Rev. P. McOovmu Pastor ; Rev. William Kcllv Assistant Pastor Bervlces at 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10:30 : , m. ; Sunday n-ihool nt 2:30 : p , m. BT. PETER'8 CHURCH , TWENTY- eighth and Leavenworth Street * , Rev. John E. English. Pastor : Rev. W. M. McNamara , Assistant Pastor Services at 7 , 9 und 10iO : n , m. ; vespers at 7:30 : p. m. : Bunday school nt 9:30 : u. m. BT. PATRICK'S CHURCH. 1404 CABTBL- Inr Street. Ruv. John T. Smith , Pnstor Bervlctn at 8 and 10:30 : n. m , and 7:30 : p. in. : Sunday school nt 2 p. in , BT , WENCK8LAU8 UOHEMJANrilURCII. 1432 Bouth Fourteenth Btrcet. Rev. John Vranek , Paitor Bervlces Et I and 10 n. m. : Bunday school nt 2 p , m ; vcrp r > at 2:30 : D , ra. ; w ek day mass ut 8:39.a : ,