22 THE OMAHA DAIT/r BEE : SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 10 , 1899. SPECIAL NOTICES AdverMneinrnt * for llicno column ) ) Yrlll lie tnkcn nntll 12 in. fur the evening rillllon nnil tinlll HltlO p. 111. ( or morning mill * Similar cillllon. Itntcn , 1 l-Vc ! n wnril Itrnt liiBOftlonj So 11 wonl llirrrnfJor. NntliltiK Inkcn ( or leas tlmn"c fur tin : llrnl limcr- tion. Tlicnc nilvcrtlncinentH must ho tun cnimrcntlvcl ) ' * AilvprtlRrrn , by rrcinmllnn n nnm- ttcrril cliccU , cnn linvc nnmTcrn nil- rtrcFird < o n ntiinlirrcit letter In cnro tat The Ilcc. AtiNwrm no nildrcaacit Yvlll lie delivered on iirencntntlon of the chock nntr < WANTED SITUATIONS. 'PMAHA ' Employment Bureau. 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A 125 VT.ENOORAPHER. [ When you want one please call up the Remington typewriter ofllco , 1619 Farnam St. , telephone lo.3. A 128 IMMEDIATELY , a position by competent lady stenographer well acquainted with mercantile work. Address J 5. Bc.e. 'JUARNESSMAKER wants a Job In good country shop or retail shop ; would like nteady work. G. W. Klahn. ycrRalllcs , Rio. A 304-10 'STENOGRAPHER , situation wanted , lady ; will work part or all day ; highest refer ences. Address J 22 , Bee , A-391 10 11 - WA.i .KD MALE 1IELI * . WANTED. We have steady work for a few good hustlers of good nab Us and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 HowanlJS ' COOD salesmen , salary or corn. HIS N. 16. WAN wanted. Hlxenbaugh. 600 Ware block. 3VANTRD. twenty first-class stone cutters nt Helena. Mont. : > S for nlno hours. Ap ply Montana Building Co. _ B 401 BAILSMEN for Potlt Ledgers Bill Regis ters and other ofllco specialties ; fine side lines ; quick sellers. Model Mfc. Co. . Box * B. South Bend. Ind. B-MS2S SepSO H7C..OO PER MONTH for rustlers. Ask * Frank , 1821 Farnam. B-M171 12 JWANTED , a JTilnaman to do laundry work at the W. ct A. hospital. CounelMNuffs. ELEVATOR conductor ( not boy ) , thor oughly capnble and faithful ; good pay. Addres-a It 66 , Bco. _ B-M231 10 WEN to learn barber trade ; only eight weeks required ; half-rate transportation furnished now : positions guaranteed. ( Moler Barber College. Chlcnno. 111. T > * ! * ! * * . 4 13 IWANTED , several good floor moulders ; utearty work all winter : good wages. The Lltchflcld Mfg. Co. . Webster ( WANTED , good nvm to travel In Ne braska. big pay. 633 Paxton 'UUSHKLMAN wanted Twin Cltv Tailoring B-M263 11 Farnam. - Co. , 1609 _ JWANTED. duck coat sleevers. King & Smcad. 614 Bo Uti St. _ B-2S4-10 tBOY In every city and town to distribute Samples ; good pay. Royal Gum B-303-10 Co. * , - - Chicago. _ { TRAVELING man ; permanent position ; $ GO month and expenses : references re quired. per Clark & Co. . 234 S. 4th St. . Phila * delphia , Pa. _ B-299-10 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't pre pare for any civil service or census examination . amination without seeing our cataloc-i. of information : sent free Columbian Correspondence College , Washington. T UliJUL l * * 'tWANTED. everywhere , hustlers to tnck signs. distribute circulars , samples , etc. ; no canvassing : good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau , Chicago. D 301-10 * { RELIABLE business manager for Omaha branch old established business ; refer ences and small capital or security re quired. Address J 10 , Bee. B-300-10 * tWANTED. for good position in Insurance business , a Jew acquainted in Omaha ; re ferences required. Address J 12 , Bee . * o l. * * salesman of chil tWANTED. a first class dren's clothing of long experience. Apply o J. BwarSon , CloUilmr Dept. . Hayden 1J .J7-1U Bros. 'TWANTED. a solicitor ; none but experi enced need apply. The- Bee Tailors 1607 Farnam St. _ B-M2&5-11 UJl prepared to privately teach , by mall , limited number of mon the profession of advertisement-writing , based upon my Tircsont successful method ; advertlsemont- iwrlters earn from $30 to $100 per week Page-Davis , Medinah. Temple. Chicago. 'tWANTED. ' a bright , active boy about 15 Apply after 10 .for general ofilce work. o'clock Monday morning 1113 Farnam 00 LADIES and gentlemen wanted for good paying clerical positions In Chicago. Ad dress Clerical Exchange. 225 Dearborn St. , Chicago. _ B 330 10 * tWANTED , salesmen to sell Imported and domestic liquors , principally fine Ken tucky whiskies and blends , case and bar rel goods to Jobbers and saloon trade. Good chance to the right man ; salary or commission. Address U. S. Strader & Son , C9 and 71 E. Water St. . Lexington , Ky. B-331 10 * _ _ fWANTED. manager on walary , successful life Insurance or building and loan men ( preferred. Apply with references to The Germanla Investment Co. , Cincinnati , O. B-329 10 * fWANTED , experienced raw fur buyers by an old exporting house. Address , with particulars and salary Leopold AVell & Bros. , 83 Mercer St. , New York.B32S B-32S 10 * ( SALESMAN WANTED , to toke state agency soiling stock food to dealers ; must ho experienced. Inquire of Capitol Food Co. , Tlllln. O , B-3G2 10 OTOU can earn good wages handling our Christmas specialties ; samples free. Ad dress John W. IlUt & Co. , 112 Wnbash Avc. , Chicago. B-300 10 * WANTED , a man to deliver and collect ; ealary. $60 per month ; security required ; must be willing to work wnall towns and country. Control , 3313 Market st. , Phila delphia , Pa. B-355 10 * TWANTED. Immediately , live , wide-awake representatives to show our line of staple household goods. More money can be jnadn working for us than at any other legitimate business in America today and rwo furnish a horseless carriage free. No representatives wanted in large cities. Address Standard Distributing Co. . P. O. Box 630S. Boston , Mass. 11 323 10 * [ WANTED , energetic man as county superIntendent - Intondent to manage our business In your own and adjoining counties ; no canvass ing ; straight salary $18,00 per week and expenses ; yearly contract ; rapid promo- tlon : exceptional opportunity , Address Manufacturers , P. O. Box " 33 , Phlladel- phla , Pa B-331 10 TWANTED. by reliable manufacturing com pany , Al business man ; salesman pre ferred , for Detroit , to handle their prod uct direct to the grocery trade ; $500 re quired for stock ; rare chance ; permanent ; prood references required. Address J 19 Ceo. B-378 10 * ( TRAVELING salesman ; no technical knowledge necessary ; a bright , active man of good appearance and address ; lib eral commission contract : exclusive ter ritory ; first-class line ; established house ; no boys or salary hunters need apply , Box l'.T7. Detroit. Mich. B-389 10 [ WANTED , portrait men and photogra phers ; wo make the tlnest , cheapest nml best portraits on rnrth , W. Hudson , t Co. , U30 West Van liuren St. , Chicago. B-30S 10 TWANTED , a man bjr an old established concern to represent us ; $150 a month over oxpen&va guaranteed ; permanent position ; ehanco for advancement. lCtl-315 Dearborn - born St. , Chicago. U-307 10 * SALESMAN , local and traveling represent ative engineers' and electrical supplies , lubricating oils , otc. , to handle as a side line a high grade specialty , endorsed by n ' factories ; no trouble to handle : $2.W to $10.00 a day extra made easily. Room , 103-1S5 Dearborn St. , Chicago , ' - D 305 W WAJITKU-MAI..E IIDLI' . A BUSINESS EDUCATION AND THE PLACE TO GET IT. FOTLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE , BEE BUILDING. Bookkeeping , actual business find banking , shorthand and typewriting , English branches. Students enter any time. This Is the Institution that business men are Interested In. Every graduate occu pies a good paying situation. Get a cata logue. B-M374 11 WANTED , good man to work In the real estate and loan business In southeastern Nob. Address J 13. Bee. B-2S6-10 WANTED , bright young man for bill clerk for thirty days or longer ; state salary wanted. Address J 4. Bee. B-3G9 10 \VANTF.n FI3MAI.E HEM' . INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for useful , profitable business. Call between 11 and 5. Mrs. E. E. Allen. 72.1 N. Y. Life. C-M137 Sept. 14' WANTED. 200 girls. JM4 Dodge. Tel. 87rt. C 723 GTUL ; gftierdl housework. 2020 St , Mar ' Ave. C-E27 GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C 635 WANTED , g'.rl for general nousework. 2215 Blnney St. C 69 WANTED , a cook , also a housemaid. Apply to 3120 Farnam st. C M994 GIRL wanted. A. Hospe. 315 N. 17th Bt. C-M230 10 WANTED , competent girl for general housework ; wages $4.00. 117 N. 37th. near Farnam. C 244 GIRL for general housework ; good wages for the right girl. 2122 WIrt st.C . C M250 10 * MONEY to lady canvassers. We offer lib eral cash commission for subscriptions to the Designer , the handsomest and most popular Fashion Magazine. It , ls easy work and very profitable. For terms and sample ropy apply to Standard Fashion Co. . 32 West 14th street. New York. N. Y. C M2B5 IE * WANTED General servant ; also second plrl ; highest wages paid. Apply 118 N. 39th St. C-2S1-11 . . BUSINESS woman to travel for wholesale house : salary and expenses. Address J 11 , Bee. C M2SS-11 WANTED , an Intelligent girl to do general housework for an elderly ladv. Mrs. Bertha Elguttcr. Ill Stafford Place. 13th and Vinton Sts. C 2S7-10 AM prepared to privately teach , by mall , limited number of women the profession of advertisement-writing , based upon my present successful method ; advertisement- writers earn from $30 to $100 per week. Pago-Davis , Mcdlnah Temple , Chicago. C WANTED , old and reliable firm requires services of intelligent lady ; $15 per week ; easy work : short hours. Address Dept. II , Glob0 Co. , 723 Chestnut St. , Philadel phia , Pa. C M336 12 WANTED , ladles wanted to sew for us at home : $3.00 a week guaranteed. Reply with stamp. Lock Box 938 , Chicago. 111. C-333 10 * GIRL for light housework. 1526 N , 26th st. References required. C 3SS 10 * WANTED , young lady , 17 years old desires a home where she can work for her board : will care for children ; willing to assist with light housework. Address J 21 , Bee. C-390 10 WANTED , a neat and experienced second girl. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy , 37th and Dewey ave. C-M40212 APPRENTICES wanted to learn the French and United States tailor fystem , latest Paris Ideas. Imported models and pat terns ; tailor made suits will receive prompt attention. Mile. Mercler. 303 So. 17th street. C 101 10 WANTED , a first-clans < rlrl for general housework ; small family , good wages ; call evenings. 1022 So. 30th ave. C-M366 12 TEACHERS WANTED , permanent , spe cial and grade membership free. Gun- ston Bureau , Hancock , Maryland. C-310 10 * WANTED , a lady stenographer to travel on the road : a good pofillon for tbo rlcht party. Apnly at once , Room 125 Her Grand Hotel. . C 309 10 * HELP WANTED. HOME emplovment. either oex , $10 to $16 weekly , working part time , day or even ing ; no canvassing ; easy , permanent ; en- olosp reply stamp. Excelsior Mfir. Co. , 109 E. 44th St. . New York.332 10 * FOIL nis.vr HOUSES. HOUSES. Benswa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St. D-730 HOUSES. B'OPW. Bcmls , Paxton block. D-732 FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street. D 733 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 736 MODERN 7-rc . house , 1009 N. 29th St. . $20. 605 Bee. D 739 FOR RENT , 10-room house at 813 Worth ington Place. All modern conveniences , including electric light , etc. ; neighborhood unexcelled : one block from Farnam car Apply II. J. Windsor. 1624 Capitol ave. D-872 WHY , certainly , save coal , gas. water and servant worries by having a home In the Brunswick hotel , heart of the city. D M420 Sep. 21 FOK RENT , large twelve-room house. N. wT corner 19th and Leavenworth. In strictly first-class modern condition. Steam heat. Apply to II. M. Rogers. 823 N. Y. Life Bldir. D-CM FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms , all modern ; excellent stable , liemls , Paxton - ton block. D M227 FOR RENT , live-room cottage , 423 South 26th st. ; modern except furnace ; newly papered ; outside now being painted ; large yard , with shade trees ; rent $23.BO. After Sept. 6 , seven-room house , 1812 N , 26th st. , will be put In good condition : all mod ern except furnace ; rent $20.00. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D-867 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 111 FOR RENT , 6G8 South 28th St. , 10 rooms , modern , good repair , The Byron Reed Co. . 212 So. 14th St D-737 FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street. D-M153 NINE-room house. 1406 Jonos. Jonos.DM234 10 6-ROOM house and barn , 2702 Decatur. D-M271 HENRY B. PAYNE'S Bargain List : 3-roorn flat , city water , only $7.00. 6-room , modern cottage , furnished. $22. 7-room , modern house. Walnut Hill , $22.50. S-room , modern house. Walnut Hill. $21.50. 7 and 9-room , all modern houses , close in , good repair , $23 and $27,50. 1342 So. 27th St. , S-room. all modern house , tine condition , only $2G , HENRY B , PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D M191 122 S. 25th st. . choice br. terrace , all mod. , water pd , , $35. 36 U. S. Bank bldg. D-M232 10 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell- man. 2403 St , Mary's ave , D M233 CHOICE modern br. flat , 9-r , $35. water paid , near The Merrlam , Inq. 36 U. S. Bank bldg. D-M373 12 COTTAGE , 9th and Pierce ; 14 rooms. Wal nut Hill , $15.00. If you don't rent , buy on Installment plan. S. llawver , 1S12 Daven port. D M277 GEN'L DANDY'S house and barn. 514 S. 29th ave. , are for rent to suitable party at $70 per month. Family with young vhlldren not acceptable. References. In- qulro at residence. D M273 13 1031 S. SOTH AVE. , 10-room. laundry , oak finish and floors , strictly llrst-class , mod- can in every respect , W , D. Mead , jr. FOH ni5NT HOUSES. FOR RENT , ft five-room cottage 219 Bcward street , $10. p-31110 * MAGOARD'S v n&storage 117 N 18. Tel 1496 D 735 SEVERAL desirable houses for rent. J. H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D-375 10 FOR RENT , two-story and bal cment. with elevator , corner 8th and Leavenworth ; good for small business. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. D M3CO 15 FOR RENT , a house with fl rooms with all modern Improvements. 2110 Lake st. 13 * D-M3S5 FOR UBNT. 102S South 2T > th tit , . 4-room cot- taRc. Also G rooms In a modern brick houpo. L , S. Skinner , 309 N. Y. Life. D-M379 10 * KOIl IlENT FDHMSIIISD UOO.MS. CLEAN beds , 60n week and up. 710 S. 14th. E-2S3-3-19 * THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture ? i1 t..neiV management , is the most de- Blrable place In this city. E-M419 Sep21 NICE rooms for rent. 314 South 26th st. E-M4S9 S24 Fy.RNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 1623 St. ' * 11 Mary's. E-902 FURNISHED room , suitable for lady ; use of bath and piano. . 1915 Chicago. E M193 10 * FOR RENT , cool , furnished front rooms , all modern conveniences. 317 4 North 15th St. , Flat E. E M197 Oct6 THE BACHELORS , family hotel : best $1.CO a day house In the state ; take Harney and Farnixm st. cars. E 864 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen ; ref. req. 1701 Cap. Ave. E 212-Oct.7 FURNISHED room , modern , private fam- lly. 613 N. 22nd st. E M253 11 * FRONT parlor , first floor , modern , well furnished. 2024 St. Mary's ave. ave.E M270 10 ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven- Port. E M276 OctS NICELY furnished room In private family ; references exchanged. 2532 Davenport st. E 312 10 * FOR RENT , nicely furnished rooms , modern house , private family ; references required. J 15. Bee. E 2S3-11 PUU.MSHED UOOMS AND HOARD. F-L.EOANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol ave F-41 ? THE Merrlam family hotel. 25th anrt n-'lfp F M592 FURNISHED rooms , with or without board 1518 Madison avo. F M884 NICELY furnished front room , private family. 702 S. 29th St. F 176 11 * NICELY furnished south front rooms with first class board. 1722 Dodge St.F . F 24M5 * WANTED , two yoiintr ladles to board and room In private family ; terms moderate. 2536 Chicago st , F 313 10 * FOU RKXT UNPunNisunn ROOMS. TWO unfurnished rooms with privilege of light housekeeping : man and wife pre- frrred who are employed during dav. Ad- dresa J 7. Bee. O M252 11 * TO MAN and wife , light housekeeping : also one front chamber. 2026 St. Mnrv'r avo. G M2 > 10 3 ROOMS at 608 No. 13th St ; references. G 279-11 * 4 T'MFITRVTPTIED rooms , ntncrls or en suite , modern , close in. chean to re sponsible parties. J 23 , Bee. G 392 10 * FOK RENT. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms suit able for light housekeeping ; modern. Ad- drfss J 18. Bee. G 383 10 * STTVEN elegant unfurnished rooms , first floor.modcrn , references. G24 No. 20th. G M338 11 * FOU KENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bea Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor o < Tlce. specially suitable foi real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Petere & Co. , ground floor , Bee Building. 1 267 FIRST-CLASS stores. $10 to $30. Furnished barber shop. 3 chairs , $10. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE. I M192 U. S. National Bank Building. T 37310 AGENTS WANTED. $40 TO $100 a month for bright hustler for special position ; good chance for ad vancement ; no capital or experience re quired. K. & K. .Manufacturing Co. . 58 N. 6th street , Philadelphia , Pa. J-M219 11 * LADY or man Canted to travel and ap point agents ; $60 per month salary and expenses. Zlegler & Co. , Monon Building , Chicago. J M263 10 WANTED , agents to sell Doctors Conger and Crane'b ( private ) Book for Ladles ; Just out ; beautifully illustrated , GOO pages. American Publishing House , Chicago. J M256 10 * "WHAT DEWEY DID" New book. Post paid 10 cts. ; a Brief History of the Hereof of Manila. Quick seller. Agents. D. T Mallett. 89 Chambers St. , N , Y. J-M266 11 * MUST have agents at once to pell Sash Locks and Door Holders ; sample Sash Lock free for 2c stamp ; Immense ; better than weights ; burglar proof : $10 a day ; write quick. Address Brohard & Co. , Dept. 42 , Philadelphia , Pa. J AGENTS WANTED , men and women , good address , to travel and appoint agents ; salary $75 month ; expenses ; rapid advance ment ; unusually brilliant opportunity. Address with references , Butler & Alger , New Haven , Conn. J AGENTS wanted. $8 a day easily made selling "Tho Life and Achievements of Admiral DeWey and the Full History of the Philippines , " by Everett , the great hlstonan ; new , complete , up to date ; Dewey coming home ; every one wants this book ; many agents making $12 to $18 per day : large book ; superb Illustrations ; wonderful low price , only $1. Outfit , in cluding complete copy , mailed postpaid on receipt of 36 2-cent stamps. An oppor tunity to make big money. Write today , The Bible House. 321 Dearborn St. , Chicago cage , 111. J AGENTS , start business yourself , wo furnish you a great household necessity , largo profits ; sample , terms and territory post paid for dime everywhere. Elmon- Bon's. 1229 Grand Ave. , K. C. , Mo. J-318-10 * AGENTS. Edison's Ink concentrates makes the only Ink that cannot be removed with chemicals , making the raising of checks and other alterations Impossible ; made In tablets , easily carried , sells OH sight ; only genuine agents send lOc for enough to make five ounces , three colors : get agents' proposition. Edison Chemical Co. , 6 Cedar street , New York. J AGENTS nr.ake $10 dally selling Neely's thrilling photographs of actual battle scenes "Fighting In the Philippines , " ICO vivid half-tone photographs from Manila ; CxS in. "Our New Possessions , " the best rollentlon of ICO photographs of the Dewey Islands , Port" Rico and Cuba. Outfit of either album , including complete copy free , for 12 cents coin or stamps ; both albums for 20 cents. Order quick , avoid ing unnecessary correspondence ; money refunded If not satisfactory ; albums must be seen to he appreciated , Six million books Issued yearly. Catalogue free. Authors' manuscripts promptly examined , F. Tennyson Ncely. Publisher. 259 Wabash Av. . Chicago ; 114 Fifth Av. , New York. LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme. YaJes Health Remedies and Natural Bnautlflers ; Intelligent ladles can make all the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos sibilities unlimited. Address at once. Mme. M. Yale. 1S9 Michigan Ave. . Chicago. J AGENTS , twentieth century wonder ; per fection plater will start you In business ; $30 to $50 easily earned weekly ; enormous profits In electro polishing cloths. Secret formula , $1 ; sample , lOc. New Century Mfg. Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J-25110 * AdKSTS WASTED. AGENTS , to sell the latest InvrnMon for producing a brilliant and cheap light ; the best IncAndwcent Vapor Uas lamps ; thousands bMng sold ; prices within reach of all ; largest factory of the kind In the world : exclusive territory given hustlers. The Best Light Co. . Canton , Ohio. J-316-10 * WANTED , good agent , lady or gentleman , to sell the s.mplMt and quickest selling Article on the market ; good money maker. Call at 210 N. 17th St. , at 6 to 9 p. m. J 317-10 * AGENTS. Slot Klnetoscopes ; big commis sion ( moving picture ) ; quick sellers ; ex clusive territory. American Klnetoscopo Co. . Washington , D. C. J-31S-10 * AGENTS , our money-making trade wrin kles rightly handled , can be made to yield hundreds of dollars. For full par ticulars write Wheaton & Co. , Now Bed ford , Moss. J-35610 * AGENTS , Do you want to make $1,000 a year sailing our household specialties ? New gods , big profits ; samples free con ditionally. Clipper Mfg. Co. , F. 17 , Cincin nati. O. J-35S 10 * NEW BOOK "Expanslonl"-by prominent leaders both sides , with authentic pic torial history now possessions and their people. Agents , quick ! Fall-Walker Pub- ilshlng Co. ( C ) . Chicago. J-342 10 * AGENTS Security Savings Society of Chicago cage have earned and paid every depositor a 3 per cent weekly dividend for more than six years. Gilt edge security. Cnn withdraw any time. Snap for agents everywhere. Reference free. Address Room 17. 182 Dearborn st. , Chicago. J 341 10 * AGENTS WANTED : 160 per cent profit ; new specialties that all homes must have. Illinois Cutlery Co. , Decatur , 111. AGENTS , enormous profits selling our "Harness Riveter ; " complete repair shop In one tool ; every horse owner buys : fail ure impossible. Write for sample. Lewis Mfg. Co. , Milwaukee. Wls. J 339 10 * AGENTS , enormous profits ; $25 weekly lowest estimate ; failure Impossible. Write for sample. Lewis Mfg. Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. ' J 338 10 * AGENTS , street men for Japanese Trans parent Mirrors , perfect pocket mirror , holding to light reveals Picture ; Illus trated catalogue and sample 10 cents. Transparent Mirror Co. , 18-30 W. Randolph - dolph St. . Chicago. J-337 10 * SALESMAN. We wont a. salesman in every locality to handle our line of hosiery ; sold direct to the consumer at factory prices. H. S. Blake & Co. , Dept. A , Racine , Wls. J-348 10 * EGG SEPARATOR , white from yolk In- Btantly ; exclusive territory ; sample and terms ; 25c prepaid. Farr , Roanoke. Chi cago. J-34710 * AGENTS WANTED , to sell the best gaso line lamp on the market ; exclusive terri tory : good contract. U. S. Garollne Light ing Co. , 184 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. J 346 10 * AGENTS WANTED. Specialties that are Al ; selling rapidly ; profits large ; secure ngency at once ; $3 an hour made. Handy Thing Co. , Chicago. J 345 10 * AGENTS everywhere make $3 to $15 dally soiling our new gasoline gas lamp ; bril liant Gas Lamp Co. , 48 Clark , Chicago. J 344 10 * AGENTS , Entirely new saloon article ; great time and money saver ; quick feller with big profits : it Isworth y your whole at tention. Address 1112 Monadnock. Chicago. J 343 10 * BUST developed s'jt ' inches' ' in six weeks ; absolutely perfect enlargement guaran teed ; personal attention of specialist given by mall until development Is completed : 2,000 testimonials ; send stamp for sealed Instructions. Mme. C. Hastings , Omaha Bldg. , Chicago. J 314 10 * AVANTED TO IVENT. COUPLE with child want light house keeping accommodations. South Omaha or vicinity preferred. Address J 24. Bee. K-403 10 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 90S- 910 Jones , general stonige and forwarding. 423 WANTED TO 11UY. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston FurtiltUM Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2233. N-425 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2WO.N N 426 1,000 BASE BURNERS ana other stoves wanted. Don1' sell before seeing Joe Le- vlne. Drop a ca.d and a man will call. Highest market prlca guaranteed. 304 N. 16th , cor. Davenport. N M263 Hep. 18 HOUSE and lot. Small house and small lot within a few blocks or walking dis tance of High school. II 63. Bee. N 121 HOUSE to move on vacant lot. Address H P6. Bee. N 142 10 * WANTED , to buy Soldiers who entered homestead befora June 22. 1874 , of less than 160 acres are entitled to additional land and can assign their right. I am paying the very highest price for these rights. Widows also entitled. Address Hiram A. Sturges , Douglas block. Omaha , Neb. N M200 10 * WANTED TO BUY , for cash. Interest In Bmo.ll Bteam laundry. Address J 14 , Bee. ( N-319-10 * WANT to lease vacant lots. J 20 , Beo. N M371 14 FOnTsAI.TE FUIIN1TUHE. STOVES. STOVES and furniture bought and sold ; best prices made ; see us before you deal. Neb * Furniture Co. , 1419 Dodge , 0-879 Oct-10 FOR SALE , at private sale , the. household goods at 514 So. 29th ave. This furniture consists of everything necessary to fur nish a house complete. Will be sold all together ui separately. Also ladles' side saddle , new , and two-seated , open car riage. O M189 13 WE CARRY the largest line of secondhand - hand stoves & heaters. You can buy them for little money. J , Lewis , 104 So. 14th. O MS55 8ep30 FURNITURE , stoves , shades , etc. , nearly new , of S-room house for sale ; house for rent. $25. Enquire 624 So. 2Uh Avo. Q-290-10 FOK SALE HOUSES ANIVEHICIKS. . OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport P-423 A BARGAIN , a good two-seated phaeton and light double harness , 1313 Park ave nue. P M255 U * BARGAINS In second-hand carriages ; one 2-seat extension top carriage for $75.00 , and one light phaeton for $33.00. Ask Drummond Carriage Co , about them on Jlonday. P 291-10 FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. . FLAG poles ; rawdust , caoapetx and beat hog fence , 901 Douglas. Tel. 453. y 4 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. St.Q439 HOG. poultry , lawn and Held fencing ; ail wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St. St.Q 431 FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper , good for batten or laying under carpets. Umuha Bee prtas room. Q 271 13. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 77J : plants , cut flowers , boqueta , hall , real- dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly nued , Q Ul JD-HAND eafe cheap. Deright , 1116 Farnam Q 435 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S , 13th St. Q-437 CASH register , nearly new , cheap , lllii Farnam. Q MS63 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggiste. One Elves relief. Q 434 ICE for sale in car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Counnl Bluffs. Q-M311 FOR SALE , heavy timbers from 16th St. viaduct , Inquire 219 New YorK Life Bldg , Q-213-10 * REPAIRS ana parts for every eewlng mar chine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. Q-M1SS OctS FOH SALE MISCEI.LANEOUS. INDIAN fellc i mounted gamehrads. nit Farnrri. Q-M9S ? FOR BALE , fancy Jersey cow with calf by side , at 71S South 28th. Call after o o'clock p , m. Q 214-10 NEW wheels , J13.SO up ; 2nd-hand wheels. $5 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-M463 FOR SALE. 100,000 red cedar posts. J. P , Browcr. Texnrkana. Ark. Q-MSiS IS * BHEEP FOR SALE. 1,500 head good me- rlnos , ewe * , and GOO lambs. E. C. With- row. Sterling. Colo. Q-M223 11 * FOR SALE , largo frame building In south- wept part of city. George & Company , 1001 Farnam st. Q-M363 12 MISCELLANEOUS. BEST fall heateM and cook stoves at low est price * . Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. R 427 NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 14W-IC Dodge. R (33 ( CLAIRVOYANTS. PALMISTRY A SCIENCE Too deep for the ordinary life reader to master. Only one exclusive palmist In Omaha today. Mme. Gylmcr Is the only person In thc city who tells the past , present and future by a method which la recognlzod the world over as being correct , This celebrated lady has bee-n in Omaha for the past three years and for seven years prior to her removal to Omaha she resided In Council Bluffs , which Is practically 10 years In this vicinity. The fact is very apparent that Mme. Gyltner is held in high esteem by the people of both Omaha and Council Blurts ; Judging from her dally patronage one could not help but arrive at this conclusion. Mme. Qylmer la a lady whose , propensities are such that she Invariably makes favorable impressions on persons with whom she comes In contact. Her thorough educa tion. combined with natural ability to demonstrate palmistry , has aroused an In tense Interest In the minds of a great many who have be-en inclined to In vestigate the past , present and future and the satisfactory results obtained hav > been the sole cause of this wonderful lady's achievement , being regarded as phenomenal. Mmme. Gylmer Is situated In what are. known as the Parlors of Palmistry , which arc. finely equipped and very conveniently arranged. She can bo found there at any time between the hours of D and 7MO ; Sunday , 10 to 4. Her readl.igs are reasonable and sacredly con- lldentlal. 1605 Dodge , So. side new 1' . O. S-295-10 CLAIRVOYANT AND SPIRITUAL MEDIUM. MME. PALMER. The Occult Wonder. Permanently located ftt 1623 Dodge street. It Is not what she has done for others , but what she can do for you. She is a living connection between the unseen existence and this world. She can read the inner most thoughts of souls , see the Past , Present and Future as In a mirror and by her Mysterious Power can tell how to avert evil , how to succeed In business and obtain good fortune. She locates mines , lost friends , etc. Concerning business affairs she gives re liable and Important advice nnd Informa tion on all matters of interest in business transactions , law suits , contested wills , divorces , gold mining , adventures and speculation. She truly predicts the success or failure of new enterprises. If you Intend to make any chang , buy or sell on the Board of Trade , don't fall to consult her. Her ad vice may save or make you thousands. Komember your prospects of today may ? ° , iyoVr , fortu.ne tomorrow If rightly understood. She gives truthful revela tions of love affairs , husbands , wives and i , ° risi runltedJf , y ° u are In trouble of any kind come and she will guide and nd- vse you. with a certainty higher than J ? ET61' " AU bus'ness ' sacred and confidential. Six questions answered by B 381 10 * MRS. DR. MOSS. The celebrated spiritual medium and I voyant'11an | 1 consulted dally on all affairs of life. She Is regarded as the most accurate life reader who has ever been In Omaha and her predictions in re ference 10 future events are simply marvelous. If you are In doubt about your future welfare see Dr. Moss she can instruct you and alleviate the anxiety. She can give valuable Information on any subject. Her advice regarding love mar riage , divorce Is always satisfactory. She can positively locate lost or stolen articles. Her readings are strictly private. If you have not as yet seen Dr. Moss. see her before she leaves the city. Parlors Ii04 Capitol Ave. S 320-10 * DR. LEE HARRIDEN , CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. President of Polytechnics. ! college of Washington , D. C. Author of "PSYCHAL RESEARCH , the book which recently electrified scientific circles and kindred psychological subjects , begs to thank the public at largo for the unprecedented pat ronage they have bestowed upon him since his RETURN TO TOTS. CITY. He is acknowledged by pre. s , clergy , medical fraternity and the most eminent scientists as the leader and bright star of Ills pro fession. MANY IMITATE BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advlco to make you successful In lovo. business , marrlag-e. divorce , law suits etc. : locates mines , burled treasures cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences etc UNITES THE SEPARATED NEVER FAILS To causa speedy and happy marriages. Guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR. LEE HARRIDEN diagnoses cases by merely touching the patient , instantly locat ing the Peat of trouble , and by his wonder ful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing the cause ; a speedy euro Is the result in all cases. Thousands who were unfortunate have been started on the road to success , and are now enjoying health , peace and happiness , being brought from poverty to prosperity. REMEMBER. DR. LEE HARRIDEN HAS SEVEN DIPLOMAS 1 testifying to his talent and worth. Ills honorable dealing ? during his residence In this city have won for him the good will of press , clergy , medi cal fraternity nnd public. PERMANENT RESIDENCE. 602 SOUTH I6TH ST. , COR. JACKSON. All who cannot call upon this gifted man , write. Inclosing ptamp for particulars. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady attendant. OPEN SUNDAYS. B-M377 12 _ FREE TEST ! FREE TEST ! Good news , for all. So sure am I of my powers of tcjllnb' the past , present and future I will give n few free tests to nl who wish a reading ; skeptics Invited Prnrf en ° ? ? fafltr"l ° KjBt. palmist Prof Elmer Hall. | Known from ocran to ocean as the White Ma'hutma ' ; asking no nuest-ons , he tells name of your future husband or wife ; whether the ono you love is true or false. Seventh son and has the power of any two mediums : tells you what your trouble Is ; every hidden mys tery revealed ; when you will marry ; what Is needed for success In business , Jove. marriage , speculation , chane-ps , divorce losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thousands of my patrons have been made happy that I have never seen. Stamp Insures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1615 Chlcaco st. H-399 10 * THE lost week of the famous Dr Hart's special offer of life readings for 50c.no- membpr this Is positively the last chance you will have to consult thla gifted cJalr- yoyant palmist nt the above price. Dr. Hart hns a gift which enables her to tell nny and all events of the past life , give a correct revflatlon of the present and arciirato predictions of the future. . Her advice on love , marriage , divorce or rpec- ulatlon Is simply remarkable and have always proven satisfactory. In locating lfJ ? Bt < ? Ien ar/lcle ? , ' ? "as no eni "f Readings mall. by Rend date of brt ! I pex , whether married or single. 1707 Cass Bt- R 393 10 * ' PAI'MJJLW11 | hold parlor circles Tuesday and Thursday eveningH. Admis- elon. 2a cents. 1C23 Dodge st. S-M3SO 10 * MME. GYLMER , genuine palmtst.lf.03 Dodge S M477 MRS. FR1TS5. clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th. S-M710 VIENNA t'ortun * . teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. B 909 O : WOODMAN & BAY , Insurance , surlty bonds rentals , mortgage , loans ; ranches , farms , city property. 28 Barker block. 8-29 MO JIASSAGI2 AND IIATIIS. MRS. BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE. Parlors teat equipped In city. Porcelain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. 16th. opp. P. O. , 2nd floor , T-M648 826 * MME. AME& , R. 2 , { 07 S. 13 ; massage bathi. T-239-Sep. 17 * MASSAGE AND IIATIIS. ELITE PARLORS , 20C5 Farnarn , upstairs first-class baths massage , magnetic treat' tnent. Lady attendant ! ) . T--M3S3 25 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnolia treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-clnss patronage solicited. 1611 Howard , 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17 MME , SMITH , room 2. 11SH North 15th" T-177 12 * MME , Lee , baths , madsare , parlor. 3(12 ( N. 16 , T M19S OetC * 1'EUSO.NAL. M. MONHE1T. leading chiropodist , treats al ntlmcnts of foot , both ladlej & gentlemen , Ladles' halrdrcsstng , hair goods ft tollel preparations. Treatments on scalp , face , lianda or teet ; 20 years experience , 10 yean In Omaha ; best 'quipped establishment Ir city. 1516 Furnam ; Uko elevator ; 2nd floor , U-C66 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frcnzer block. U 441 1'IUVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur ing coUincmcnt ; bnblrs adopted. 1136 N 17. U-440 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthncll block. U 345 VIAV1 is woman's wny to health. 316 Bee Uldg. U 412 1UTTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2314 Sewnrd. Tel. 22J3. U MI16 Sepia RUPTURE CURED. We cure all form of rupture without pain or detention fron business. Send for circulars. Empln Rupture Curf. . 832 Now York Life Hulld- Ing. Omaha. Neb. U MS52 SepSO BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 31 U S. 15th , U-M173 MISS MAYER,8URGEON-CH1ROPOD1ST , manicure , halrdresMng ; instruction In abovu profuiiitotui reasonable. 400 1'axton bile. U 247-Oct. 7 WANTED , bids for steam heat of the Reed Hotel. Apply at Reed Hotel , South Omaha. U M259 11 WANTED , lady to represent me In Omaha or outside towns. To suitable party will teach manicure , chiropody , facial treat ments free. Call room 17 , Midland Hotel. U-M254 10 * WILL marry you. AVhole United Stales to select from ; lists , three months , 10 cents. Ihe Hymen , Auburndale , Wls. U LOVELY women and honorable men want to marry ; many rich : lists ( descriptions , residence2c. . Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. u AMIABLE , unencumbered , sweet-tempered lady , independently wealthy , seeks busi ness manager and husband combined. "Agnes , " 8126 Forest Ave , , Chicago , 111. U-S.4-IO ' * AM 25 , worth $80,000 , wish to marry honora ble gentleman ; Induced by successful friend to try this method. Miss Mount , 762 Lex Ave. , N. Y. C. U 323-10 * REFINED , wealthy gentleman , $30,000.00 annually , good character and generous , will marry kind , amlo-ble wife. Mr. Mc- Klnley. 2S3 W. 70Lh St. , New York. U 322-10 * ACTIVE lady for permanent paying busi ness ; also lady for outside towns ; call for one week. Room 17 , Midland Hotel. U 321-10 * LADIES Your bust enlarged six inches ; failure Impossible : harmless ; $100 cash guarantee. Prof free. Leonard Medicine Co. , Kanras City , Kan. U 325-10 * VICTORY of science over disease : cancer baflllng Beneral practitioner's skill , yields readily to our scientific methods. Mason Medical Co. , 121 W. 42nd St. , New York. Book and advice free. u FACIAL massage , 50c ; halrdresslng , 35c ; shampooing. 35c and 50c. Mi'Hubbard ' , 415 McCagUe Bldg. U M397 21 * SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles per manently removed by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 1613 Douglas. U 335 10 * MISS WRIGHT of New York , who understands - stands thoroughly the corresponding nnd matrimonial business , has opened parlors 204-5-6 Douglas block and will be pleased to meet all Interested. U 391 10 * NELLIE F. RYLEY. manicure , chiropodist : 415 McCague bldg. . IBth and Dodge. U M396 24 * MONEY to loan on llr&t-ulaiu Improved city property or for building purposes. Jfayiie- IJarder Co. . N. Y. Life. W 44S 6 PER CENT money. Uernla. ruxton Blk. W-447 MONEY to loan on improved Um < Uiu real estate. Urennan-Love Co. , 219 Bo. IGtli. W IIS J103 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead. . n & Douglas. W 449 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farm * . W. Furiuun Smith & Co. . 1320 Karnam. W 450 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money unould write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa forms ; lowest rates. Urcnnan-Love Co. . 219 S. 16th. Omaha , W 452 LOANS. Potter-Sholeo Co. . 310 N. Y. Life. W 454 WRITE us If you want . loui on your farm in IOWA , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay vou. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W 43S C per cent loans. Garvlii Bros. , 1613 Kurnam WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703 Faruam St. . Bee Bldg. W 457 D PER CENT money on or before E years on Nebraska lands nnd Omaha real es tate. W. B. Melkle , 401 8. 15th st. W M774 5 5H , 6 per ct , loans In Omaha. So. Omaha , 'W. H. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1611 W 160 _ MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Urown Block. F'PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. _ W-M6CO KISSING BIG. Greatest mechanical novelty ever Invented ; fun for everybody ; 4,000 sold in a day : wimple , lOc ; special prices to agents. Address Metropolis Co , . Dept. 19. Station B. Chicago. _ W 349 10 * ii ONE Y TcT IMA. N Cll ATTfriLir " MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , ZOii SOUTH 1BTH STREET. X-C69 _ LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without Indorsement or secur ity ; Htrldly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL KATES ; before borrowing tue us. us you will find It greatly to your advantage ; wo are the oldest , largest and only Incoiporatcd loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Msr. . 119 Board of Trade Blrtg. . Kith and Far nam 81s. Telephone 2235 , X-463 _ MONEY LOANED SALARIED I'EOPLB confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments , Omaha Credit Oo. , C. E. Jon- nines. Mgr. . suite 625-526 N. V. Life Bide. X ttu MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 461 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13. X 4 Co holding a permanent position we will loan you any amount your situation will Justify without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind other than your name. The fact of your holding a position la sufficient fuarantee to us that you will carry out nny agreement into which you may en- YOU CANUSR'EPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL BE maintained In all our transactions with you , and you will receive tho. same cour teous consideration that Is accorded your employer at his bank. OMAHA CREDIT CO. . C. E Jennlnes. manucer , suite 525-S26 New York Life bldtr. TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles" diamonds , walc'ics. etc. ! payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. ! 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 464 LOANS i MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their person.il nole without security , Rates reasonable , J. W. Tnylor , 403 Knr- bach block 2 to 6:30 : p. m. X M7M SI9 * MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cows , etc J W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 2 to 6:30 : p , m. X M703 Sep. 29 * LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN permanently r-ngngcd with res > i > ons.lblc con- ccrns upon their own names without se curity ; no Inquiries made of their em ployers ; applications treated conlldentlnl. The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates where to go for advances at VERY LOW EST RATES ; repayments made In agree able Instalments cither weekly or monthly to suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily embarrassed who dc- Mro above everything olfso. to avoid pub licity are the class we especially desire to serve. serve.OUR LOANS ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You cnn deal with us quickly and satis factorily. It will be to your advantage to call at our oltlco before borrowing el e- whcro. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , Room C01 , Bco bldg. I1USIMCSA ClIAJVCKfl. IF YOU are a caterer and want to make money you loose ths chance of a life time If you mlM ths Brumwlelc Cafe. Y-M41S Sep'l MERCHANDISE stock , a clean clock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothIng - Ing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1104.Y Y M717 FOR 8/Vt.E. a gilt-edge first mortgage for $4,000.00 , on Inmdn Improved property , bear ing 5 per cent , Interest payable Peml- nr.mially. II 03. Bee. Y 184 DRUG buslnrai for nalo ; established IB yenrw. Owner obliged to leave city. 1BC5 N. ISth Ht. Y M225 10 * FOR SALE or trade , cigar , tobacco , fruit and candy store. Call 320 Pa. 10th. Y-218-Oct. 7 * FOR SALE , only billiard room In city of 20,000. F. J. Downing , 636 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Y M272 10 BIG profits In operating or handling the latest and best six-way automatic color machine ; promoters and operators oppor tunity. Write to Bower Machine Co. . Chicago , 111. Y 327 10 * WANTED-Partner to take half Interest In established provision and meat bimlncns ; best location. J 8 Bee. Y 326-10 * FREEI Valuable money making book on patents. Tells all about patents and how to secure them at low cost. Gives 1W mechanical movements Invaluable to In ventors and mechanics. Tells how for tunes have been made from simple inven tions that others have laughed nt. The little pocket dime bank made o\rr $2WOOO. Gives letters of wealthy manufacturers who want good inventions in their line. Send us rough drawings of nil your new ideas or Inventions. No charge for our opinion as to their being new and patent- nblc.Advlce free. Tells how to capitalize and organize Joint slock patent right com panies. Tills valuable Inventor's guide book mailed free to any address. It Is overflowing with Invaluable money mak ing patent information. - . , . . BIG BOOK FREE. O MT3ARA & CO. . Patent Attorneys ° PP ; Talent Ofllce. 855 G St. , Washfng- ton. D. C. Y-S57 10 * _ iISv V-13' Otli of thc flneBt restaurants the Exposition grounds. Address j 17. Y 384 10 * Erocery , st ( > r < : and meat ninr- . . ' , a B0 ° a Piylng trade ; new fix tures : cheap rent ; at a bargain for rash } ' ? " ' Artdre8s G. Bee Olllce , rmin n Council Bluffs. Y 3S,1 10 Chicago hotiPe wants dc miln VW fcw thousnn'l ' 'ollarH ' cnnltn , , , capital to establish and carry on branch business ; $200 per month and SptracsJ also special profits ; term of years ; high-class - : tr ° 0'Js wWcly ' { nown : Bo"a fo ? per year or better. Enquirers to SS tfT10 ? mllflt 8tato i ount of a'nlso ' : " .nnAT , "PProjclmnto financial - . c-onditlon , and name references. Henry Wade , Boyco bldg. , Chicago. Y-351 10 * F ° 1 S , , , - - om 'cBtnbHrt on principal thor- Apply 1318 Y 367 10 , S NGl "Wr'te ' I a letter. Love. " ll ts our case nnd our free book on nmnr'n trading fits yours. Send for it. Howard Crosby & Co. . C2 Wall st. . N. Y. Y-352 10 * ° , vrhcro are ° ? ll'Ytweinty mor ° mcn can secure an In- ? l ° "V established coffee SO li bor Petition In Mexico , ijy making small investments of $10 per month ; enormous profits an- ? nlnH < : 'T , trees llnw Plant . and cleared , houses built , mirnorleH estab lished , pineapples , bananas , vanilla , etc worui " ; Best ' "vestment In ho Wrto | at for A' once full particulars ? ni - ° si"Ciaon. ? ' > I > any' C2 ° Ful'wton ' build : nip , m. JjQUls . , Mo. Y 353 10 * SAI.I3 only ilruff flora nt UnntTlilT wrlto c- DPNTIRT'S practice nnd outfit for sale or leoso in good western town ; fine location " " ' > " competition. Addro's Box "o" nrk. Npl > . Y-M406 16' ' _ FOR E.VCIIANfiH. FINE 12-room residence , beautiful irround near Hanscom Park , to exchange for lands or city lots. Address H 23 , Bee. _ _ _ _ _ 5C-M853 FOR SALE or trade , a fine cottage. nx | rooms and closets. Best location in city Address Box 15 , Council Bluffs 7.-M273 10 _ I WILL exchange a good Improved farm In one of best eastern Nebraska counties for Omaha residence. Address J 36 Bee , X-387 10' _ TO TRADE , ICO acres clear , fine quary , tim ber. extensive cuille range , for hotel or business In country town. Address J 26. Beo. X-408 10' SHOIITHAND AM ) TYl'KWlllTINO , ' READ LAST WEEK'S RECORD of the NEB. BUS nnd SHORTHAND COLLEGE BOYD THEATER BLDO ' Eight calls In two days last week for our graduates Wo filled only three for the want of operators. Stenographers and jookkecpera who have no positions and these partially unqualified would do well to call on us Ono experienced stenographer we secured a position for after being in our school Icsa than a week. It pays to alte up shorthand or bookkeeping wliero u position awaltu you. Olllclal Court Reporter A. L. Warrlck , ) rlnc4pal shorthand department. Prof , J T Jalley , the "Master Penman , " principal business department. A. C , Ong , A. M. L. L. B. , President. M 116 A. C. Van Baal's School. 717 N. Y Life. 4S3 _ AT OMAHA Bus. Collece , 16th & Douglas. 4sa _ BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal ; Beg Bldg. _ 4M I1ICYULI2S. ANDRAE bicycles , VM. 1116 Farnam.M9M -M9M _ HLOSINO out ' 99 Tribune bicycles less than cost , $20 lash. Loula Fleschcr , 1C22 Cap. Ave. 90S 9 _ CLOSING out ' 69 Tribune bicycles less than cost , $30 cash , Louis Flescher , 1622 C'apl- tel ave. M-101 16 TAIMIIII.Vi ; , WHO'S your tailor ? See thu Twin City Tailoring Co. ; fall line now ready for In- upecUon ; prices right , lew Farnam ut. -313 SI9 _ LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , altered In latest styles and cleaned. Max Foicel , 207 S. 17th. M-7J '