Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1899, Editorial, Page 21, Image 21

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Tint Week in September Shows Up All
Bight AS Regards Trade.
Lire Stock Cnnlliincn to Coiniunml
High 1'rlcG.t lo SntUfncllon o (
( irimcrnVlillc Alllit Unt-
ern Coinjilnln l'oudl > .
During the month of August the general
retail trade of Omaha seemed rather dull
and the volume ot stiles , outslda of a few
largo business houses , small. With 1
the opening of September Improvement was I
noted , as the people who had absented
themselves from the city In July nnd Au-
Kust began returning , nnd trade st'enled lo
t ke on new life. During last week
strangers came to the city In larger numbers
bers , some on business connected with ,
either buying or soiling and others as ex
position visitors , which helped to give a I
little more Impetus to trade In general. As
a matter of uaurso no- great boom can bo
expected while the weather remains warm ,
or until the coming of frost , when the fall
trade may ba expected to open In earnest. i
At the present lime the demund is largely
for such merchandise as may be rcnulred to
ploco out the period ot warm weather , i
Local retailers have been expecting n good |
deal from the attendance of exposition
visitors this month and they still believe
that before thu gates are closed there will
bo a rush of people from the lountry who
will buy llbcinliy of winter goods. 1 his '
belief is based upon the assumption that
prices for staple goods are considerably
lower In the city than the country and
that there are always attruotlvo burnalns
to bo picked up at the large stores that
could not bo expected In the smaller coun-
Wlth the Jobbers the week Just closed was ,
entirely sallsfnctory , the demand for ; '
merchandise of all kinds having been very
large and the volume of business ot must
cratlfylng pioportlons. ffa a rule the Jobbers - I
bers of onmhu have been kept very busy <
end It looks as if they would have all that
they could attend to from now until the
end of the holidays. During the eaily part
of last week It looked a llttlo doubtful in
eorne quarters , owing to the prevalence of
hot winds. It was generally realized , how
ever , that the corn was so far advanced
that hot winds at the worst could only '
shorten the crop a llttlo and that there
would even then bo a large yield and sulil-
clent to maku business good In the state.
The coming ot cooler weather allayed all
fears and It would look now as If a very
large crop of coin was assured for the ,
etato. In .1 few localities , as Is always the ! I
case , there has been some little damage
and thn yield may bo a little short. With
the corn crop assured the futureof the
Jobbing trade will be good , beyond uuus-
tlon , for u year to come at least.
aieruliiuiillHU ViilucH Continue llluli.
Values on all kinds of merchandise con
tinue very high and still are. re
ported from day to day In the news col
umns of the dally pipers. Some of the ad
vances appear to be due to the very good
demand and othcra to be a combined eitort
on the pait ot manufacturers to limit the
output and force prices upward. In either
event values show no Inclination to weaken ,
but such changes ns take place are all on
the side of higher levels.
Down In the produce district there Is a
fair trade doing and the return of peep e
to the city and the tilling up of the hotels
und boarding houses. ' Is Increasing the con
sumption. Still It docs not Bconi as If the
demand Is ns largo us It ought to be , and
sometimes commission men usk themselves
what the people cut Is moat fortu
nately situated OH regards securing a good
fruit supply , being within easy reach of
the Pacllfc coast as well as the southern
fruit growing districts. While the wipply
of fruit In largo and the quality good It
seems ns It people do not buy us freely as
might bo expected , nnd hence the question
Is Bonietlmes usked aa to what people eat.
One thing Is certain , the people of Omaha
do not believe in eating anything that Is
very costly , and the minute any kind of
fruit advances to a point where It might bo
considered rather dear the demand ceases.
Bank clearings show a falling oft as com
pared with the corresponding time last
year , just why It Is hard to say. The only
explanation Is that Omahu was full to over
flowing'With strangers n year ago and Unit
the money spent by the exposition visitors
found Its way through the channels of
trade and through the clearing house.
MM In South Oniiilin.
At South Omiiha a very fair business la
doing and the live stock market Is In good
shape. Values on all kinds of Htock , cattle ,
hogs and xheep are high , and In consequence
quence there Is no appreciable change In
the price of meatH. l armors and stock-
growers generally nro well pleased with the
priced at Which Block IB selling , but not as
much can be said of meat enters , especially
these In the eust , who complain 11 good deal
of the high priced. There Is another class
of people who do not like the ruling high
prices , und It Is composed of those farmers
who have un abundance of corn and want
cattle to place on feed. It Is claimed by
_ i inoat every one that the prlco of stock cattle
"X is way too high and that the buyer takes *
J n big risk of never being able to get his
' money out again , but still the supply la
not large , while the number of those want
ing cattle IB great , HO that thu market holds
up pretty well. Last year a good many of
the farmers who bought cattle for early
feeding lost money , and seine Hcem to think
that the same thing will happen again thls >
season. However , there nro buyers for nil
the cattle , and the man who Is timid slin-
ply does not get the cattle , ns there nro
JF plenty of othera who have the nerve. One
* peculiarity of the cattle trade this season
consists In the fact that whllo during pre-
vloua ycara furmeiv have had to buy u
peed many cattle on time and be cnrrlnl
by the commission men or slock yurds i
liankf , thla year the country banks are
flush with money nnd are carrying almost
all the cattlu paper themselves.
Quotation * of < ln > ] ) ny nil Vurloim
NEW YOIUv. Sent. S.-FI.Ot'H-ncpolptg.
19,099 bbls , ; exports , 19.114 bills. : dull and
easy ; winter patents , J.l.MW3.7j : winter
Ptrulghts. J3.30O3.40 ; extras. $2.40 < Ir2 ; win
ter low grades , J2.2jQ-2.49 ; Minnesota pat
ents. J3Mi4,00 ; .M'.iuicsnt.i bakers' , $2.95f
8.20. Ilyo Hour. Ilrm ; good to fair , $3.00 ®
6.20 ; choice to fancy , J3.25fi3.45 ,
COnNMKAISteady ; yellow western , 74
C"5c ; clly. 76c ; Urandywlne , J2.1Sfc2.23.
HYE Klrm. No 2 western , O4',4c , f. o. b. ,
nfloat. spot.
HAULljy Steady : feeding. 42JT4lc. c. I. f. ,
JlufTalo ; malting , 4S(0&5c ( , delivered at New
decline , Influenced by hPurlHh rnblen and
heavy northwest . The
receipts. approaching -
ing , crop report cheeked speculation. Later
the market was dull nnd featureless , clos
ing easy at * < ffUo decline. May. 79J779HC ,
closed at "ll'do ; September , 735773 1-lCc ,
closed at 73c ; December , 76 % < f v7Cc , closed at
7to.COHNHecelpts. . 112.135 nii.t exports. 101
006 bu. Spot , easy ; No. 2 , 3Sc. f. o. u. ,
afloat , and 3Xc. elevator. Options opened
easy nt Uo decline and were governed by
moderate unloading , coupled with line crop
news. Closed easy at MiHI" not decline.
May. 34 11.16HJ31V4P. closed nt 3l ic ; Septem
ber closed at 37io ; December closed nt
OATS necclpts. 205.SOO bu. ; exports , 37.G6S
bu. Spot , quiet No. 2 , 2Cc ; No. 3 , 25 > ' .c ; No.
2 white , 27HQ2SO. No. 3 white. 27c ; track :
mixed weitorn , 2 Q27o ; track white , 2C1r33c.
Options , dull.
HAY Steady ; shipping , now , 50 < iJ60c ; good
to choice , new , KilHOc.
HOI'S Dull ; state , common lo choice ,
1S96 crop. 6 { | < c ; 1897 crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop
30 fl3c ! Pacific cnast. 1S6 orop , 4Q < ! c1W7 ;
crop , nominal ; U9S crop , lliflp. |
HIDES Steady ; Oalveston. 20 to K Ibs. ,
16V4W17c : Tcvas dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. , 12' M3o ;
California il to 23 Ins. ISWc.
LKATHICH S'oady ' ; hemlock sole. Huenoa
Ayres. llcht to heavyweights , 21ViQJ3Uc ;
nclil. 22ff23ijc.
WOOlr-SK-ady domestic llcece
; , ISJiilc :
Texas. KRlCe ,
PliOVISIONS-Iiepf. Ilrm ; family. J10.50
< ni.CO ; inets. 9 00 < iT9.50 ; beef hams. J26.51HT
27.50 ; packet. JlO.onti 10.50 ; city extra India
mess. J14 rftiflB.DO. Cut meats , steady ; pick
led bellies , J57C5T7.00 ; pickled shoulder * ,
J8.00J6.5 ; pickled hams , J3.75rno.tO. Lanl.
easy ; western , steamed , J5.G5 ; refined ,
CHEKSK-Flrmj large white ,
large colored , HHOHHc ; small colored ,
Eaas-Flrm ; state and Pennsylvania.
IS'tcj western extras , candle , ut mark. 13
TALLOW-Flrm ; city. 4H Tic ; ; country ,
4 uc ,
IIOSIN Dull : strained , common to good.
Tl'Hl'KNTINR-Steady at
UICE Steady domfstlc. fair to extra ,
4Hfr7ito : Japan , 4'i p c
UUTTEU-Stronifj western creamery , lift
0224c ; western factory. 13SlSHc ; June
| reamwy , is 20' 0 ; Imitation creamery ,
14'/tt/i7Hc ' ; state dairy , 150200 ; state cream
ery , KHtia'ic.
MOUASSES Quiet ; New Orleans open
kettle , ifoi'd to choice , 32g8flc.
MI5TAUS The brokers' prlco for lead Is
tt.49 and for copper JlS.fX ) .
OMAHA < a\iit.\t < MAHICCT.
Condition of Trnde ntnl Unotntloim on
Sin pic nml I'nnry Produce *
EGOS Oood stock at 13c.
BUTTRn Common to fair. 12Hc ; choice ,
14@15c ; separator , 20o | gathered creamery ,
POUIVntY-Hcns , live. T OSc ; spring
chickens , lOc ; old and stagey roosters , live ,
3H14c ; ducks and geese , live , J36e ; turkeys ,
live. Sc.
PIOEONS-Uve. per doz. , 75c.
VEALS-Cholce. 9c.
WATEIlMELONS-aood et&ik , crated for
shipment ( * , I4f/15c.
CANTALOUP- ! : Per doz. , crated , 3540o
TOMATOKS-Per crate. 257J30C.
I'OTATOES New. 20fl30c per bu.
OBI.KRY Per doz. 30B35C.
SWEET POTATOES-Por bbl. . J2.0032.2S.
PUIMS-Cnllfornln. per rratc. S1.3S01.SO.
fl90c ; : slings. _ _ „
APPI KS Per bbl. , J2.
GRAPES Na.1/09 , 150 per i.isket ; Cali
fornia. J1.2JO1.50.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy. : i.2oT4.SO ;
choice , California. J3.7504.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
J3.00P5.23. |
RANANAS Choice , crated , large Block ,
per | bunch J2.BOy2.75j medium-sized bunches ,
J2.00fl2.25. J
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7V4c ; No. 2
green ( hides , G' c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9cj No.
2 ; salted hides. 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
Ibs. ; , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 16 Ibs. , 8c. '
1. ; 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2',4o ; rough tallow , 140 !
white grease. 2V4Q3o ; yellow nnd brown
rcasc ,
St. Ion In firnln nml rrnvlnloiin.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 9. WHEAT Lower ;
No. 2 red. c.ish , elevator , 6S' c ; track , 69Hc ;
September , BSc ; December , 71Uc ; May ,
7Jic ! ; No. 2 hard , G7Q70c.
, CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 30Hc ! track ,
31Uc , > September , 30ic ; December , 26'Bi '
26c : May , 27c.
, oATS-lllgher ; No. 2 cash , 22'4c ; track ,
22'c ; September , 23V4ci May , 22-ic ; No. 2
white. 25c.
RYK Steady ; We.
MRTALS-Lcnd. quiet ; J4.BOif4.r,2H :
Spelter , higher ; J3.60.
POULTRY Firm ; chickens , old , 7c ; ,
young , SVic ; ducks , 6c ; geese , 5JT c ; turkeys ,
BUTTER Quiet- ; creamery , 17@21c ;
dnlry , 13 17c.
EQOS-Stendy ; lOUo.
FTX1UR Unchanged.
SEEDS Timothy , J2.003C.40 ; Haxseed ,
lower , Jl.OS.
CORNMEAL Steady , Jl.7Stfl.60.
BRAN Firm ; sacked lots , east track ,
llAY Firm ; timothy , JS.OOftlO.OO ; prnlrie ,
WHISKY Stoady. J1.22.
UAOOINO ( iifi6c.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , dull , eas
ier ; boxed shoulders and extra short cle\ar ,
Jo.SO ; clear rbs ! , J. > .n2'4 ; clear Bldos , J5.75.
Uncon , easier ; l > oxcd shoulders , J5.75 ; cxtr.i
short clear. JC.OO ; clear ribs. J6.12Vi ; clear
sides. JG.25.
RKClSHTS-rFlotir , 6.000 bbli. ; wheat ,
CO.OOO bu. ; corn. 40.000 bu. ; rmtn. 49.COO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 11,000 bbls. : wheat ,
20,000 bu. ; corn , 51,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
Liverpool Or/i In ami 1'rovlMlonn ,
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 9. WHEAT Spot ,
dull : No. 2 red western , winter , 5s9V4d ; No.
1 northern , spring , Cs Id ; No. 1 California ,
Cs HdSfOs Id. Futures. dull ; September ,
5s 9d ; December , 5s ll id ; March , 6s lid.
CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new
and old. 3s 5d. Futures , quiet ; September ,
3s4d ; October. 3sO'id ; November , 3s 5V d.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , firm at
7s 9d.
PBAS Canadian. lld.
PROVISIONS Reef , firm ; extra India
mess. 40s ; prime mess , 5Ba. Pork , firm ;
prime mess , western , aOs. Lard , steady ;
prime western , in tierces , 28s ; American re-
lined. In iiMls , 2Ss fid. Hams , short cut , 14
to 1G Ibs , . steady at 44s Gd. Dacon , steady ;
Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs. , SGs 6d : short
ribs. IS to 22 Ibs. , 32s ; long clear middles ,
light. 30 to 35 Ibs. , 32s ; long clear middles ,
heavy. 33 to 40 Ibs. , 31s ; short clear backs ,
16 to 18 Ibs. , 30s ; clear bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. ,
I5s. ! Shoulders , square. 12 to 14 Ibs , , dull at
27s Gd.
nUTTER-Flnr-at United States , 93s ; good
United States , 72s.
CHEESE Strong : American finest white ,
53s : American finest colored. 54s Cd.
TALLOW Firm ; prlmo city , 24s 6d ; Aus
tralian. In London , 15ia 6d.
ROSIN Common , Ilrm at 4s.
KIIIIKIIN City firnln ami 1'rovlnloiin.
December. 65c ; cash. No. 2 hard , 62H@
GS > , c ; No. 3 , 59'A063c : No. 2 red , UGS6ic ; No.
3 GOftfiSc ; receipts , 204 cars.
CORN December , 24'ic ; cash. No. 2
rrlxed. 2S4Q2t c ; No. 2 white , 29 > 4c ; No. 3 ,
OATS No. 2 white , 22Q23'/4c.
RYE No. 2 , 65c.
HAY Choice timothy , J7.25Q7.60 ; choice
, pralrlo. J5.75iG.OO. )
i BUTTER Creamery 20c ; dairy , 15c.
EGGS Loss on eggs during hot weather
In early part of the week was heavy and
a heavy loss will continue to be shown for
several days ; market firm ; fresh Missouri
and Kansas stock , firsts , ll'/4c per dozen ,
cases returned.
! I I Hiittvr MurUcl.
Creamer v , 20c ; dairy , ISc.
ST. LOUIS. Sept 9. BUTTER-Qulet ;
creamery. 174i21c ; dairy , 13ffl7c.
1 Firm ; fancy wn-tcrn creamery , 22c ; fancy
western prints , 23c.
NEW VORK. Sept. 9. BUTTER Strong ;
western creamery , 17Hf/2214c ; western fac
, tory. 1MJ15V..I' ; June creamery , ! S1j20c ; Imi
tation creamery , HHl/17' ' c ; state dairy , 15
y20o ; state creamery , 17'Xiff i/ic.
Mliiiirii ] > ollN Flour nnd < irnln.
store : No. 1 northern. September , GCVfcc ;
December , G' c ; May , 70'Jc ' ; old September
GSc On track : No. 1 hard , old , 70Uc ; No. 1'
hard , new , GOHc ; No. 1 northern , old , 09140 ;
No. 1 r.tirtht-rn , new , G7'ic ' ! ; No. 2 northern ,
old. GSc : No. 2 northern , new , Gl'.ic.
KLOITR Quiet and unchanged.
15 RAN unchanged.
Tiili-ilo Mnrkit.
TOLEDO , Scpl. 9. WHEAT Lower and
weak : No. 2. ciish , G9'ic ; December , 73Uc.
CORN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
RYK Dull and higher ; No , 2 , cash , 07c
SEEDS Clover , active nnd steady ; prlmo
cash , old , J4.25 ; Oclober , JI.85 bid.
OH Mlirlu-t.
LONDON. Sept. 9. OILS-Cottonseed ,
Hull refined , October , firm , ICs ; petroleum
refined. C-VS : linseed , 22s 9d.
' , , NEW YORK , Spnt. 9. OILS Cottonseed ,
Kendy ; yellow , 25HiCCc ; petroleum , firm :
renned. New York , J.40 : Philadelphia and
Ilaltlmoro , J .35 ; Philadelphia and Raltl-
more In bulk , J5.85 ; turpentine , steady ,
TOLEDO , Sept. 9. OILS-Unchanged.
OIL CITY. Pa. , Sept. 9.-OH 3-Credlt
balnncpH. J1.40 ; certificates , highest bid for
cash. J1.41H ; 'lowest , J1.41 ; closed. J1.41V4 bid.
No salfH. Shipments and runs not reported.
LIVERPOOL , Sept . OILS Turpentine
spirits , steady at 34 ; 6d.
Snuiir Mnrkrt.
S'EW YORK. Sept. 9-SUQAR-Raw.
. . .ay ; fair refining. 4T c ; centrifugal , 9test ,
' 4'ie ; molawes sugar , 6 11-IGo ; No. 7 , 4 9-16c ;
No , 8 , 4Uc ; No. 9 4 7-lCc : No. 10 , 4 5-16c ; No.
I i 11. 4 3-lGc ; No. 12 , 4Uc ; No. 13 , 4Ho ; No , 14 ,
4 ll-16c ; mould A , 4 9-16c ; standard A.
5 1-lfip ; confectioners' A , C l-lOo : cut loaf ,
5 11-lHe ; crushed , 5 13-lGo ; powdered , 6Hc :
granulated. 5 5-lQo ; cubes. C 7-16c.
Steady : rentrifuirnl , yellow , 4UJ4sic ; N'C-
ondp 2 y4ViC. Molasaes , dull : centrifugal ,
ConVii ? lnrl ; < * t ,
NEW YORK. Sept. 9-COFFEE Options
opened steady , unchanged to 5 points lower
and ufUr a momentary spurt of activity be-
cnino and unlntere tlni ; . Uqulda-
tloii caused by unfavorable European news
and Indifferent spot demand were responsi
ble for the decline at the start. Warehouse
deliveries were Inrcer than expected. SaUo ,
S.nCfl Imgs. Including October nt J4.30 ; No
vember. : December. J4.50 ; January ,
JJ.fiO ; March. J4. tJ4.70. Spot coffee. Rio ,
dull : No. 7 , JUo , J7.EO ; No. 7. Jobbing.
JO , Mild , quiet ; Cordova. J6.iggil.2j.
NEW YORK. Sept. -The dry goods
market closes the week with a strong tone
In nil lines of staple cottons and with a
good demand for brnwn and bleached cot
tons. No. change In prices. Colored cottons
are very firm , with occasional advances of
yc In ticks. Coton ( yarns strong , with n
troort buplnesH and advancing prices.
Worsted and wool yarns are also agalrut
Wool Market.
NEW YORK , Sent , 9.-WOOL-Steady ;
domestic fleece , 19f)24e ; Texas1 , 135/lCc.
ST. LOUIS. Sept 9.-WOOL-Unclianged.
Only Paris Kewa PrmnU Chicago Whcit
from Showing a Decline.
Increase In the European Visible nnd
1111 Iltiftftlnn Stock * AfTceti
Wlient In a
CHICAGO , Sopt. 9. The verdict In the
Dreyfus coae and consequent excitement in
Paris saved wheat from a decline today ,
the market closing unchanged for Septeni-
b'or and only a shade lower for December.
Domestic and European statistics tended
toward lower prices early in the day. Corn
continued to decline and closed Uo lower.
Oats declined Uo for September and un
changed for December. Provisions closed
about 2Vfcc lower.
Wheat opened weak at a decline of about
UiMio for December and September. Re
ceipts of wheat In the northwest were
much heavier than a week ago and Liver
pool was lower. The general trend of the
market has been downward for several
days and this sort of news cosily put the I
balance of trading on the selling fide. The '
selling pressure at noon was heavy , but the
demand wou so light that prices declined I ;
steadily , weakness being especially markud
In . the d&ferred futures. TJie market eon I
i got under puts and at that point bccamo
steady under fair buying against those
privileges ; but did not show signs of any
reaction until late In the session , when the
report of the verdict In the Dreyfus case
was posted and fears of excitement In i
Parts caused some covering by aborts. The
buying , however , was only sufficient to I
bring prices back to about yesterday's clo- -
Ing point. The market was affected In a
bearish way by the Increase of 150.000 bu. Iti
the European visible for August , compared
with a decrease last year of 7,800,000 bu.
The big Russian stock , 8,890.000 bu. , also
came as a surprise to traders nnd wa"s re I
sponsible for some liquidation , September , i
after the llrst selling , showed considerable
steadiness. Elevator people continued to 1
buy and this kept prices close to yesterday a
closing point. Northwest receipts were 916
cars , nenlnK 63S last week , and 1.1J9 a year
ago. Chicago receipts were 189 cars , 9 of !
contract grade. Total primary receipts
tvero 1,183.000 bu. . compared with 1,254.000 bu.
a ynr ago. New York reported a fair ex
port demand with about 30 loads engaged.
Toward the close the market was practic
ally at a standstill. Bearish statistics were
expected Monday and with this belief trad
ers wore d'slncllned to do much. December
opened MfffHc lower at TljmUc. It declined
to 70 ( ! B7074c and rallied to 71 c. where It
closed. September sold as h'srh as lO sQiO-fiC
and eloped unchanged at 70 ? c.
Corn was dull nnd heavy. General com-
mlsflon house liquidation was the feature
and prices dool'.ncd about Mo all around.
The market pot to both dally and weekly
puts and hnd some support on that ac
count. The brcaklno : of the droucht and
continued large receipts -were the factors.
UccelpN were 8K5 cars. December ranged
from 2S'/4c to SSVic and closed We lower
at 2 < ! > ic.
Oats were fairly active and Irregular.
Rarly In the sesVon there was a marked
dlsrxiPltlon to real'fco ' by loners and prices
declined. The llqulrtnton of September was
osncHnlly heavy. Tenter n firm foel'ng ' de
veloped , partly on the continued fxcellont
rash demand and the close wris steady. Rc-
r-olrjts wnrp 42i > care. Docembpr ranged from
! W4c to 3 > Wc nnd closed unchanged nt 20H ®
20Uc. fipptem'hpr closed Uc IOWPT nt 21',4c.
Provisions still showed thn effects of the
yellow fpver npw nnd ntlPil sllchtly lower
all round. Iy1n"ldatlon took place In all
products , hut the frond cnsh dPmnnd for
meats cau'cd somn rally late In the session.
At thp closp Octohpr nork was 2Uc lower at
JS.V ( > : October lard. 2' , c lower nt * " > 271,4 , and
OctoTipr ribs a rhnde IOWPT at $ S " 5.
Estimated rpeclnts Mondnv : Wheat. WO
cars : corn. C50 cars ; oats , 300 cars ; hogs ,
28.000 hPad.
T.pniUncftitnrPs rancpfl ns follows :
Articles. Opo . ' Hlch Low. ClOBO. Yesty
Sept. .
Doc. . , .
May . 749M
' Corn
Scpf. . waw S1H 31WSM
Doc. . . . MOK 2HS4 J8
May . . 20,14 JOH 2814
Sept. . . 21
Deo. . . . 20H
M.1JT. . . . S1J ! < SUCH
Oct. . . . 807H 807K 805
Dec. . . . 82(1 ( 8 2'Jtt 81A K20
Jan . . . B17H 0 62.4 U47K OS2
Oct. . 627H 62S G27H
Dee . . . 635 636 6 35
Jan. . . 545 645
Oct. . . . 630 520 625 C30
Jan. . . . 07H 197li ! )5 107H DOO
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.40 ®
3.50 ; straights. J3.10g-3.30 ( ; spring patents ,
J3.4003.70 ; spring specials. 54.20 ; 9traights ,
J2.SOil3.20 ; bakers. J2.2002.GO.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 6D0 8c ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , 31Hc ; No. 2 yellow. 32Hc.
OATS No. 2 , 21iO22c ; No. 2 white , 23Vi < 3 >
23'.4c ; No. 3 white , 22 iff23'/4c. '
RYE-NO. 2. 66V4 < frc6c.
BARLEY No. 2 , 36H < ff42o.
SEEDS No. 1 llaxseed , Jl.ll ; northwest.
Jl.12Jil.13 ; prime timothy seed , J2.25g-J.27i4 ;
cloverseed. J5.00S7.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl , , J7.23S >
8.03. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.05B0.30. Short
ribs sides ( lees > e ) , J5.15ft5.55. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) . J5.G2VfcQ5.75. Short clear
sides ( boxed ) , J5.05.70.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
gal. . J1.22 ,
SUGARS-Cut loaf , J5.83 ; granulated , J5.31.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour , bbls . 16,000 10,000
Wheat , bu . 125,000 29,000
Corn , bu . 748,000 C67.0W
Oats , bu . 467.000 425,000
Rye , bu . 12,000 1,000 .
Barley , bu . 61,000 2,000 ,
On the Produce exchange today the butter |
market was Jlrm ; creameries , 16Q20o ; i
dairies , 13JJ17C. Cheese , firm , IWiQllHo.
EBBS , Ilrm : fresh , 14tl4lic. Poultry ,
dull ; chlckfns , SVMflOVjC ; turkeys , S012c.
NCMV York' * Ilnnk Statement Hhovm
I.OH In ISxucHM of UxituctatloiiN.
NEW YORK , Sept. 9. Stocks showed
some evidence of firmness In the first hour
of the trading and up to the time of the
publication of the bank statement. The
movement In railroad Blocks was exceed
ingly narrow and the selling movement ,
though not very pressing , was sufllolent to
bring the general level of prices below
these of last night. Tennessee COR ! con
founded the beam by soaring an additional
7 points upward , and after reacting 3H , re
covered to within 2 points of the top , Colorado
rado Fuel continued to show close aymp-
athy and was up over 4 points before the
late reaction. Add to these a continued
largo demand for Manhattan and sympa
thetic strength In Metropolitan and nrook-
lyn Transit and good trains In International
Paper , Union Bag and Paper and Lacku-
wanna , the points of extraordinary strength
in the market are about exhausted. The
1/ondon exchange was closed for a house-
cleanlng and the recent depression from
that source was lacking. Paris was looked
to for a reflection of foreign sentiment and
the view there seemed to be a cheerful one.
In view of tlio pessimistic forecasts that
have been heard all week regarding the
bank statement , the bears hod a feeling
early In the session that a poor statement
had been more than discounted and were In
clined to cover , Rut the statement showed
a loss In cash quite J2.000.000 in excess of
the most unfavorable previous estimates.
The comparUon Is the average total of cash
for sixty days , with the average for the
preceding six business days. As the totals
have been on u descending scale the aver
age undentat < B the actual total. The con
traction of J0.01C.700 in loans Is reduced lo
reserve requirement by about Jl,500 000.
Otherwise , the uurplus above legal require * ,
menta would be below a million. It la be
lieved the treasury would consent to leave
on deposit with New York banks the pay
ments for taxes next week , but thin would
only partly relieve the drain as the demand
from the south will continue and no Inr
crease In cash reserves would result from
the measure Itself , It Is evident , therefore ,
thivt the process of loan contraction Is to
continue tor the Immediate future.
Wall street started the week after Mon
day's holiday with a disposition apparent
to contest the depressing Influences of the
shrinkage of surplus reserves In New York
banks and the gathering war cloud In South
Africa. Out the climbing of the money
rate and thn Billing of stocks for London
account proved efllcacloua arguments
against an Immediate further advance In
prlnif. General prices refuged to advance
at any time and remained Indifferent to the
wide upward movement In individual stocks ,
whether the Vanderbllts , or the volatile
specialties led by Tennessee Coal , or St.
Paul. The movement of St. Paul was
based on the publication of the annual re-
port nnd was most Influential In Ha effect on
the general list. The largo Increases in
nearly every branch of the exceedingly
varied trafllc of the great system , the ex-
tcnslva Improvements and betterments ef
fected during the yenr and the large surplus
of earnings carried forward even after the
generous allotments to cost of Improve
ments from current earnings made a mo t
hopeful showing of the conditions ot the
transportation Industry and had an Inevit
able effect on prices of all railroad
The conditions In thn money market have
caused growing cauilon during the last
week. The downward course of the cash
reserve , item of the Now York clearing
hotiFn banks has been made little of for
several weeks past. It has been argued
that there was plenty of money available
which did not show In the weekly clearing
house statement. The many new trust
companies which have been organized and
the insurance companies have been pointed
out ns sources of supply which arc not in
dicated In thn clearing house statement.
The fact that banks In western cities have
been bidding for mercantile paper In the
Now York market was cited as , evidence
that the Interior was supplied with money
to move the crops and need not call on
New York. The deposits of western nnd
southern banks In New York banks have
been transferred on a large scale to other
eastern cities , owing to the recently en
forced rule of New York banks to charge
for collections ot outside checks , and this
was expected to shift whatever demand
might come from the west nnd south for
money upon other cities. And the convic
tion has been general that gold exports
were an available means of relief whenever
It was desired to call home our foreign
credits. There Is ground for the prevailing
belief on all those points , but nevertheless
New York exchange at Interior points has
continued downward and the shipments of
currency to New Orleans have commenced
this week as usually at this period of the
year. The balanceof the currency movc-
inent has been largely In favor of the In
terior and tne subtreasury Is still making
large Inroads on the cash resources of New
York banks on account of payments of
taxes. The banks' surplus reserves , al
ready low , are thus tending fast toward tiio
vanishing point.
The sterling exchange rate showed no
disposition to yield until late In the week ,
In spite of the. hardness of money here , as
the London market was preparing itself for
the Increasing probability of war. If gold
Imports should be forced under these cir
cumstances It Is certain that American se
curities would be sent home to market on
a large scale. It will be remembered that
the treasury came to the relief ot the
money market Infct September by anticipat
ing the redemption of maturing bonds and
accruing inlereat and by increasing deposits
with depository banks. It Is the hope of
financial circles that some such measures
of relief will now be adopted by the trcas-
urv. Otherwise the Increasing demands on
the New York banks will cell ror a con
siderable contraction of liabilities on ac
count of loans.
The bond market has only been mod
erately active during the week nnd prices
have not ylcUed OH sharply us In stocks.
United States old 4s , coupon , advanced U
and the Gs declined H per cent In the bid
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today ;
Atchlson . . | .t Pacific . . . . SMS I
ilo pfa Union Pacific . 4GU
Pnlllmorc & Ohio. . . do pfd . 70
Canadian Pacific. . . . \Vabosh \ . 707V4
Canada Southern. . . do pfd . 22'i '
Central Pacific Wheel. & L. K . 12'.i '
flies. & OIUo do 2d pfd . 31U
Chicago Q. Vf. . . . . . . Win. Central . 17 %
C. , U. & Q A Jains Express . . . . 115
Chicago , Ind. & It. 10
American 12x . Iffl
do pfd 10WVi
Chicago i B. I. . . . , WVi Vntted States . CO
. . . . 135
. 10 Wells Fargo Ex.
Chicago & N. W.
Ainer. Cotton Oil. . . 44
C. , It. I. & I' , HS i
c. a c. & st. L. . MVi do pfd . 8 Vi
Col Southern > 5 Aincr. Malting . . . . 1 !
do 1st pfd , 46 do pfd . Oi',4 '
do Zd pfd is Amor. S. & P. . 4 < Hi
Del. & Hudson 123 Uo pfd . 90H
Del. I * & W 178 % Amer. Spirits . . . . . . 6',4
Denver & It. G. . . . do Pfd . SOU
do pfd Amer. Btecl Hoop. . . 40)i
Eric 15V4 do pM . S5a
Ericdo 1st pfd 37 Amer. S. & W . 55VS
at. Nor. pfd do Pfd . 119
Hocking Coal Amer. Tin Plate . . . 40V4
Hocltlnn Valley . . . 35 do pfd . BOVi
Illinois Central . . . . ,11414 Amer. Toba i . . . .IS ?
Iowa Central ' do pfd . 145
do pfd r > 7 Anaconda M. Co. . . ' 5
K. C. . 1' . & a ' nrook. llap. Tr. . . . .lll61T4 (
Lalio Erie & Vf. . . . ! 19' Col. Fuel & Iron. . . 61T4
do pfd 79 Con. Tobacco . 45 %
Lake Shore , 79MIH do pfd . 53V4
L. & N , SO Federal Steel . C05t
Manhattan L. , do pM . M',4
Met. St. Ily 210 % Gen. Electric . 122'4 '
Mexican Central . . . 15 Glucose Sugar . 6(11 (
Minn. & St. L 75U do pfd 10431V4
do pM , 9(3 ( Inter. Paper 31V4
MlBJ urI Pacific . . . iS do pfd . "C',4
Mobllo & Ohio , 47 Laclede G s WJ't
M. , K. & T 13Vi National Dlscult . . . 46M
do pfd i 41 ,4 do ptd . M
N" . J. Central 118 National Lead 31
N. Y. Central , 188 rtr. l fd 110
Nor. & Went , 2fl5 National Steel 53 ?
do pM , 70V4 do pfd 97'A
Northern Pacific . . . N , Y. Air Brake. . . 16112H
do pfd 76-4 No. American ' 12H
Ontario & Vf . 2CVi Pacific Coast . . . . . . . 48'i
Ore , Hy. & Nov. . . . , 44 % do 1st pfd 64Co'.l
do pfd . 7C do M pfd Co'.l
Pennsylvania .135 . Pacific Mull 42H
Reading , 22 People's Gas 115 %
do 1st pfil . > Pressed Bteel Car. . . MH
do SJ pfd 33 do pfd JOVi
n. a. vf . 3SV4 Pullman Pal. Car. .lC3
do pfd , 52 biandard n. & T. . 8
St. It. & S. F , 11 Suear 1MH
do 1st pfd , 70 do pfd 119
do 2d pfd . 30 % Tenn. Coal & Iron. .123
St. It. , Southw U. R. Leather 10 %
do pfd do pM 75' , < i
St. Paul ,134 U. S. Rubber 4D > i
do pfd ,178 , do pf llf.Vt
St. Paul & Omaha ,11 , ! ) Western Union . . . . 8814
Southern Pacific. . . , SfiW Republic T. & S. . . 20TS
Southern Hallway. , 121.4 do pfd 75H
Southern ny. pfd. . P. , C. . C. & St. L.
Offered. '
Tiovr York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9. MONEY On call ,
easier at 304 per cent ; last loan at 3 per
cent ; prime mercantile paper. 4UJJC per
aotual business In bankers' bills at J4.86M ®
4.SCVi for demand , and at m3tM.S3V4 for
sixty days ; posted rates , Jl.SldKSi'/i ; com
mercial bills. J4.82 ,
SILVER Certificates , 69S59&C ; bar , 69c ;
Mexican dollars , 47Hc.
BONDS State bonds. Inactive ; railroad
bonds , weak : government bonds , Irregular ;
! s reg. , 100V4 ; 3s , reg. and coupon , 10SVJ ;
new 4a. reg. and coupon , 130 ; old 4s , reg. ,
11PA : coupon , 113U ; 6s , reg. and coupon ,
i n u
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds'
L' . 8.-JH , rec M. K. AT. add 71M
U.S. as. roe . J084 K. k'l4H 1'4X
U.S. .Is , oouti . 10SH V. O. lets llil
U. 9. new 4erer. . .1IO ! N.J. 0. fia 1'JO
U. H. tlocouo . 1 0 . C. On 120
U S. old 4i. rer..lllM 4. 0. 4s ini
U.S. aacouD . 11HU No.Pacinn Inn . . . .llll
U.S. oi.rer . 111J No. 1'uoltic : is U6H
U a , tB.couo . lllVi No. Pucino 4 lOJlJ
117 N. Y. O.A.3U U 4s. . 108
Aliu.claii A ll > 0 ( N. fcW.con. It . ' . , USW
Alu.cla * U 10B N , iW.gen us. . . , 135
Aucliiifi ] ( 0 Oro. N. Ifii IIH
Alu. . Currency .100 Ore. N. 4s 10 : ) ' <
Atcntsan-ts O. S. L. Us I''OH
lo.nd ) . 4B . . . . H O. B. L , . Si 110
Can , so. ad ox-ln.lOH neuJlnir49 875 (
C. iO. * v < ex-ln. , ml U. O. XV. iBts 98VJ
O A O. As . Hfl Ht. U &I.M.i onBi liaii
C , fcN. W.ooti 7 . .145 Rt.L. SiS. r. nan. 0. 1'Jt
doS. F.dob. BB.120 tit. P.ConHOls 174H
filil. Tonns. . 4 . . . Uii St , P.O. A ; H. Uts ,1'Jl
I ) , ill. 0. IBIS . . .JUS. Bt. P. O. fc P. S . . .121
U. 4. 11.0.4s . 100J , Bt. Hv.aa lonu
EastTeun. Ht . . . .103 9 IV. iT. OB S7
Erla Qen. 4 . 1 % % Tenn. new * et KB , , OS
K , W , & D. 0. lots. , 7fl T. P. Juts HAH
Qen. Elec. ox-ln llil T. P. 'Jds 64
O.H.AB.A. a . JOa U. P. 48. . . 10SU
O. II. AS. A. 2d . , .10a Wab. IBts lift
II , i.T. Cent. n. . . . .Ill Wnb. va lOCli
11. J.T. O.oon. Os. . .111 W. Shore 4 11'JH
lowaG.lau . lid \YU. Cmit. UU . . . . 78'4 '
K , C. P. tiG , UU . . 73 Va. Crnturlns. . . . b7H
Ia. New Con. 48 , . . .10(1 ( Va. neforrod B
L. i ; N. ITnt. . PU1 Colorado 8outli'n4i > . fifli
Iluituu Stock .
BOSTON , Sept. 9. Call loans. 404U TXT
cent ; time loans , 4Q5 per cent , Closliif
prices for sucks , bonds and mining
blmres ;
ATT. & S. F 21J4 do pfd IIS
do pfd C H Wftstlnirli. Electric 49
Am r. Buifur 2H do pfd 69
do pfd HSU Wla. Central K
Ilell Telephone 359 AtchlRftii 4s 101
Hoston & Albany . .SOil Adventure . , SH
lionton Elevated . . .100U Allouez IIIn. Co. , . 61
lloston to Maine..200 Atlantic 50
C. , B , & Q 13 H lloiton & Mont. . . . m
G -n. Eloclrlo Ili..W5 Jiiitto & Itoston . . . CS
Kltchburg pfJ 121 Calumet & llccla. (03
Gen. Electric HIM Centennial W i
Federal Steel COVj Franklin in
do pfd 8Hi lluinboldt . . . . . . . . . . 2H
Mexican Central . . . IMi Ogceola 66
Mloh. Telephone..1(0 1'urrot 50
Old Colony MS Qulncy iw
Old Dominion 32 Kanta Ke Copper. . 14
Rubber 43 Tamarack KO
t'nlon Pnclflo 46'i Wlnoii * 1014
Union iJJid CVS Wolverine 4S'i '
Utah 40
London Mont1 } ' MnrUct ,
LONDON. Sept. 9.-MONEY-2 per cent.
Rate of discount In the open market for
short bills. 3'A per cent , and for three
months' bllU 2 > * .fiW , per cent. Gold to the
amount of 31COO was taken Into the Hank
of England today and 100COD was with
drawn for shipment to the cape. Holiday
on the Stock exchanue.
HAR SILVER-Steady at 27 3-lCd per oz.
Condition Ht the Trcn iirj- .
WASHINGTON. Sent. 9-Today'B Btatf-
ment of ihe condition of the treasury
nhows : Available cash balance , JiSlS6.OI2 :
gold reserve , 1263 900.S91.
Xcrr York Mining Quotation * ,
NUW YORK. Sept. 9. The following are
the ofllolal closing quotations for mining
shares :
CholUr > Ontario > 00
Crown Point W Ophlr m
Con. Cal. & V . . . . 175 Plymouth 1'
Dcftdnood 70 Quicksilver SOO
Gould & Currle. . . . 30 do pfJ SCO
Hale & NorcroJS. . . N Sierra Nevada &
Homewitake .GOOO Standard CO
lion Silver U Union Con 41
Motlcan 49 Yellow Jacket >
Wockljr Ilnnk Statement.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9. The weekly bank
statement shows the following changes :
Surplus re Mvc , decrease. J6,732,323j losns ,
d crcase. } S,016.700 ; specie , decrease , * 7,010-
700 ; legal tender , decrease , W.560,300 ; de
posits , decrease. J15.38t.700 ; circulation , In
crease , J3M.200.
The banks now hold $2,453,923 In excess of.
the legal requirements.
Ilnnk ClenrliiB" .
NEW YORK , Sopt. O.-Clonrlngs. J1S4-
327 , 4j balances , } 7,490,456.
BOSTON. SepU S.-Clewlnss , $21,237,498 ;
balances. J2.237.4M.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. fl.-Cicarlngs ,
$14,449,26) ; balances , )1.S04,1C4.
CHICAGO , Hept. 9. ClearlnRS , $19.003,133 ;
i balances , $1,603,322 ; Now York oxchiuicc.
GOo discount ; sterling cxchanco , $ l.SIIj4.S. > 4.
BT. LOUIS , Sept. O.-ClearlnBs , $4.281.075 ;
balances , $440,661 ; money , 4@7 per cent ; New
York exchange , Jl discount bid. 75o discount
PARIS , Sept. 9. Three per cent rentes ,
lOOt 70c for the account ; exchange on Lon
don , 25f 27c for checks ; Spanish 4s closed at
CO.C5. Business was quint on the bourse to
day , with a better tendency and a Roneral
improvement , afterward the market be
came Irregular , but closed steadier. Kaf
firs were strong1 nt the opening , owliiR to amore
moro favorable view ofthe Transvaal
crisis , though they were hesitating , con-
pldcrliiB the uncertainty In regard to the
trouble. Toward th closa there were nu
merous purchases and the market became
firmer , but closed Irregular nnd slightly
BIORLTN , Sept. 9. Prices on the bourse
today wcro firmer , owlmr to favorable nd-
vlccs In regard to the Transvaal dlfllculty
and continued covering purchases recov
ered a portion of yesterday's decline. Span
ish 4 , ? wore principally bought. American
securities wore supported , but business was
not brisk , owing to operators awaiting thn
vcrdlrt of the court-martial of Captain
ProvfUR at Honnes.
FRANKFORT. Sflpt. 9. On the bourse
today prices were Inactive but firmer. Sev-
ornl International securities moderately ad
vanced. Americans were steady.
Thirty-One Ncrr Cn ca nml Two
Ucntlix Ni'iv Ilccciit CnnoM llc-
liortcd froui New OrlcniiN.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 9. Surgeon General
Wyman has been advised by Dr. Carter , In
charge of the marine hospital service at Key
West , that up to last night 127 cases of
yellow fever had been reported at that point.
There were thirty-one new cases yesterday
and two deaths.
Advices from the Dry Tortugas report that
there are twenty persona detained there who
have left Key West and thirteen more were
expected to arrive there today.
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 0. No new cases
of yellow fever have developed since the
third was reported several days ago , and
there Is no change In the Texas and Ala
bama quarantine.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Sept. 9. The St.ito
Board of Health has received reports today
to the effect that there are nine new cases
of yellow fever In Key West and one death.
The dead Is F. McDonald. A corrected list
shons that to date there have been 135 cases
and ten deaths. The situation at Miami
shows no now developments.
ICccl DOTTII for Thirty-Four Crnft , Not
Including All.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 9. Admiral Hlch-
born's periodical report of the progress In
the construction of the naval vessels shows
that on the first of the present month
there were thirty-seven naval craft on the
list and with the exception of three torpedo
boats every ono of these vessels Is actually
advanced beyond the laying of the keels.
The eight big battleships stand In this order
of progress :
Missouri at Newport News , 1 per cent and
Ohio at Union Iron Works , 68 per cent.
The four monitors range from 2 to 22 per
cent advancrxl toward completion. The
cruiser Albany purchased from the Arm
strongs In England , is recorded at 85 per
Of the torpedo boat destroyers , the Law
rence , building by the Four River Engine
Company , stands nearest completion at 48
per cent , whllo the Bath Iron Works lead In
the torpedo boat class with the Dahlgren at
88 per cent. The submarine boat Plunger
stands at 85 per cent , failing to show any
advancement recently.
Industrial Commission OlUelal Denied
Standard Oil Churcea.
WASHINGTON , Sect. 9. Vice Chairman
Phillips of the Industrial commission was
the principal witness before that commis
sion today. Taking the Bland to reply to
Mr. Archbold ho said that he , as an officer
of the Pure Oil company and of the United
Pipe Line company , had not made any over
tures to the Standard Oil company within
recent years and that Mr. Archbold's state
ment was both false and slanderous. Ho
sold that the Standard company had made
on average of Jl a barrel , or about JBOO-
000,000 in the aggregate on the total quan
tity of oil marketed. II , H. Rodgers of
the Standard company was also heard.
Gnle Acromimiiieil liy Heavy Itiiln
Stir * Up TerrlUc HniN ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 9. Tbo weather
bureau issued the following special bulletin :
11 a. m. Hurricane center northeast of
Porto Rico , moving In the direction of
Bermuda. It will not roach the United
States coast. Island of St. Christopher ,
West Indies , experienced last night
maximum wind sixty miles an hour , terrlflo
seas and torrential rains.
Chief United States Weather Bureau.
Wnlcemnii'ii Retention Urucd.
WASHINGTON , Sopt. 9. Secretary Gage
In a letter to the president bag recommended
that Appraiser Wakeman of New York be
not removed from hla ofllce and the recom
mendation baa been approved by the presi
Vnatm About tliu Water-ivories of New
YorK'a Capital City.
Albany , N. V. , la the oldest northern
city and boosts the possession of a $20,000-
000 etato capltol , but these older wonders
do not overshadow In point of Interest the
new filtration plant of the city's water
works ey&tem. This plant Is Just com
pleted at a cost of J4BO.OOO. It was rec
ommended by the water commissioners In
February , 1897 , and for two years has been
under construction. Tbo water U rifted
eighteen feet from the Hudson river by
two centrifugal pumps Into a sedimentation
basin seven acres In or , with a capacity
of 16,000,000 gallons. The water passes by
gravity from this basin through pipes to'
eight filter beds. Each filter Is eevcn-
tenths of an acre , with n capacity of 2-
000,000 gallons a day , at thu usual rate ot
epeed of about five Inches an hour. The
water passes through four feet of sand
and sixteen Inches of gravel into subJralns
beneath the filters and thence Into a email
pure water reeervolr , one-fifth of on acre
In area. From this reservoir It is carried
through a ( steel pipe four feet In diameter
and 8,000 feet long to tlio main pumping
station , which Is on Quackenbuih and
Montgomery streets. From there It Is
pumped to the several distributing reser
voirs and delivered to the city. Allen Ha-
zen Is the chief engineer and George T.
Bailey , the superintendent of water works ,
the consulting engineer in charge of the
great work. This ie considered the great
est feature wblcb Albany baa to offer juet
at present , bolng the largest filtration
plant In the United States and the noet
modern in the world.
Light Oattle Receipts as Usnal on the Ltu t
Day of the Week ,
\ot KuniiRti Cnlilc on Sale < < > Mnkc n
MnrUct or l ntnlilUli lluotntloim
Itrcelptn of Sheep Alno
Snturduy'n Mnrket
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 9.
Receipts were : Cattle , llogs. Sheep ,
Olllclal Monday 4,003 l.KfO 7.s > ; 4
Olllcial Tuesday 6,269 4,372 9.600
Olllclal Wednesday 3,720 4,249 1,692 ,
Olliclal Thursday 6.314 3,343 3,336
Olllclal KriUny Ji20 4,239 8.966 ,
Olllclal Saturday 979 6.9SJ 61 j
Total this week 21,111 23,401 26,635
Week ending Sept. 2..20,749 2i,051 IW.JOij
Week ending Aug. 26..24,755 34,077 23,120
Week ending Aug. 19..1S.64S 31,601 9.147
Week ending Aug. 12..16,903 37,931 2S.h > 9
Week ending Aug. 6..12.4S7 32,669 10,4 5
Average price paid for hogs for the last
several davit with comparisons ;
i Indicates Sunday.
1 The Olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each roud was :
I Cattlu. Hogs. Sheep. HVs.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry 6
O. it St. L. Ry 1
Missouri Paclllo Ry. 20 3
, Union Paclllo System. 9 17 1 16
C. & N. W. ny 3
! F. . E. & M. V. R. R. . 1 30
s. c. & P. ny 3
C. , St. P. , M. & O. . . . 1 3
B. & M. 11. R. R 12
C. . B. & Q. Ry 1 4
K. C. & St. J 3
C. . H. 1. & P. Ry. . E. . . 3
C. . R. I. & P. Ry. . W. . . 2
Total recelpU . . . . 34 86 1 16
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , -tich buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 16 6S4
O. H. Hammond Co 53 841
Swift and Company 4 1,393
'Cudahy Packing Co 49 ' 0
Armour & Co 2 663
Cudahy , from K. C 601
Swift , from K. C 64
Lobman & Co 69
L. F. Husz 63
Other buyers 193 162
Totals 1,091 6,253 663
CATTLE Most of the cattle hero today .
were consigned direct to packers , so that
there were not enough on sale to make any
test of the market or establish quotations.
About all that could bo said of the trade
today Is to quote It as nominally steady.
Ueef steers , both corn-fed ana greasers ,
have been good sellers all the week and
values have not changed In any marked
degree. Receipts on most days have been
very moderate and extremely light on
aoine , so that with a good , brisk demand
sailers have met with very llttlo trouble
In disposing of their holdings at prlcea en
tirely satisfactory to them.
Cows and heifers , and In fact all classes
of butchers' stock , have been good sellers
all the week , the demand being reasonably '
active. The cow market at the very least i
could bo quoted at lOo higher for the week. ;
Right choice and good weight feeders
could bo called close to steady for the 1
week , as very few of that kind were re
ceived , while the demand was good. The
general run of feeders for the week were ,
considerably lower and the common light
and medium wr'.ghts were all of 1625c
lower. The decline was due apparently to
the fact that the receipts were quite large ,
while the demand seemed to slacken up for
sorno reason. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
L.1120 $3 25 16..1312J545 19..1223 J5 C5
20..1370 6 40
1..1090 2 85 25. . 994 3 20
1. . 910 3 00 1..1450 3 60
3. . 266 6 00
1. . S50 3 25 26. . 862 3 65 1. . 870 4 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 cows 1003 12 75 2 cows 990 J2 76
1 cow 1200 400 1 COW 1180 400
1 cow 1150 4 00 1 cow 1000 2 L
IS cows 918 3 t5 1 cow 930 3 25
1 bull ! 310 S 10 4 steers..1255 425
1 bull 1130 310 6 cows B28 325
3 bulls 1293 3 25 1 COW 1100 S 00
1 bull 1530 300 1 cow 770 325
17 cows . . . . 961 3 50
51 fewlers.,1100 4 35 66 feeders. . 910 4 35
1 feeder . .1150 3 60 16 heifers. . 938 3 45
25 cows 994 320 1 steer 1130 300
D. W. Owen Idaho.
42 feeders. 933 4 25 2 cows 970 3 >
14 feeders. . 885 4 25 3 feeders. . 630 4 10
14 cows. . .1037 3 90 fi feeders. . 790 4 10
HOGS The gradual Improvement In the
market during the last few days seemed to
have stimulated shipments and today's re
ceipts of hogs were the largest of any day
since Tuesday. August 29 It was , however ,
a Saturday , which shippers seemed to for
got. Possibly every shipper figured that all
other shippers would have too much sense
to send In many hogs on the last day of
the week and that he would find light re
ceipts and a good mirjtet. On the con
trary , they found heavy receipts and a weak
Good light hogs sold at Just about steady
prices , the best going at J4.40 , the same M
yesterday. Heavy hogs were weak to 60
lower , with packers Indifferent. Sellers
' could do nothing but take the prices , HH
no one could afford to carry over until next
week. BO that In spite of the fact that the
market was lower the hogs were practically
all sold In good season. Toward the close
a few loads that Just happened to bo
wanted to fill some certain order may have
sold a little stronger than early , but the
market really closeu very llttlo different
from the way It opened.
On Saturday , September 2 , the hog mar
ket touched the lowest point at which hogs
have sold since July 17. At the opening ot
the present week the market was 60 higher ,
on Tuesday the sales averaged 8c higher.
On Wednesday the market was strong and
on Thursday It was on an average 7o
higher. From Thursdy until the last day
of the week the change was very slight.
These advances at the close of the week
left the market a good 15c higher than the
close of the previous week , a very sub
stantial caln. The demand for hogs this
week has not been as brisk as usual and
the market In that rcspeot hardly satis
factory Receipts have also been unusually
light and sellers have not been entirely
pleased with the situation aa a whole. Rep
resentative sales :
No Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
61. , , .311 . . . J4 17V4 CO 302 120 4 30
42. . .366 . . . 420 58 2S1 . . . 4 30
71 80 ' " 66 237 tO 4 30
C4 120 Cl 263 ICO 4 30
44. 120 C3 260. t > 0 4 30
63. C9 256 40 4 30
tf > . 72 218 SO 4 30
78. 70..249 BO 4 30
CO. C7 237 120 4 30
C8. C5 271 120 4 30
63. CO 253 . . . 4 SO
63. 73 2CO 120 4 30
,44. , k8 230 120 4 30
14. 73 216 120 4 30
' , 61. C5 234 40 4 30
I , 61.M. . Gl 224 . . . 4 30
| M. El 231 fO 4 30
, 63. C3 2.19 40 4 30
lf,4. ' 69 2f,0 120 4 30
,23. 70 238 40 4 30
' 13. 72.
74. 70 _ - . . .
C5. ! H 230 120
SO. f,3
, M. 61
' 64. 94 227 'ISO
73 219 120
70. .
E3. .
f4. ,
67. . '
K2i !
72. .
79. .
ES. ,
68. . . . , .
IV i Ji > trt tola * * .v i TV
1 220 . . . 4 16 4 1C5 . . . 4 23
B 2a . . . 4 IS C U2 . . . 4
4 41S . . . 4 M
8HKKP Only a small number of
were on sale today , lc * than n full carlo.U ,
nnd the market did not show any vry ma
terial ch.xiiRo as compared with yesterday
While prices on both sheep and laiuM
this week have not been entirely lo tlio
Ilklnjr of sellers , the tendency since Monday
ban been high. No marked advAiiro 1 > T
been pooreil. but simply a gradual Btrcngth-
pnlmr. For example , lambs sold on Friday
ut $5 that brought only $1.70 earlier In the
week nnd toitnv some wethers and year
lings brought J3.S5 that wore of the PAIIIO
kind as brought J3.70 a few days ago
Feeders hnvo been peed sellers all the
week and the demand has been nct'vn
Commission men report having a K" ' many
orders on tile to buy when the right kind
can be secured.
Quotations : Prlmo native wethers , $ ,1 MT
4.00 ; peed to cholco gra s wcthcrn. $1 SOii1
3.PO ; fiilr to good grass wrthor . MCi < 375 ;
good i to oholco grass rwrr. $ .1 lofrt.eo. fn'r to
peed i graps ewrs , $ J.r Jff,1.S , ' ; good to rholco
spring i lamhs , $ l.iBp5.00 ! fair to good spring
lambs. JI.5Af/l.75 ; common tiprltic lamln ,
J4.CWf4.50 ; foodrr wethers. J3.WV3 70 : feeder
yearlings , $3.SOf3.90. llepicscntntlvo sales !
No. Av. Pr.
70 cull ewfn 91 J2 25
10 feeding ewes 93 2RO
M feeding ewes 9i > 5 DO
2 feeding ewes 7S 3 M
127 cull bucks f,7 3
4 cull wethers 75 3 r.o
til wethers nnd yearlings 101 3 fS
40 feeding lambs 4S 4 5
27 western lambs ( It 4 tlO
1 western lamb 70 4H >
\ot KnotiKli Cndli- for n MnrUot nml
Prlcion Prnotli'nlly Notiiliinl.
CHICAGO. Sept. 9.-CATTLK-Thcrc wfro
not enough cattla offered today to make a
market and prices for rll gradvs wcro prao-
tloally nominal. The few entile hero wcro
disposed of at yesicrdov's rullnir prices.
HOGS-Tlic. demand for the light run of
hogs was brisk and prices wore steady.
Heavy hogs sold at J4.2fHM.70j mixed lols ,
J4.35rr-l.7S : light , $1.33Ifl.7fl ; pigs , $350iTl60 ;
culls. !
SHEEP AND LAMHS-There was n fnlr
demand for nhecp nnd lambs nt the vrrnt
advance In prices. Hhwp sold at J2 001(3 ( 00
for culls' up to JI.2"iT4.60 ( for choice flocks ;
western ranges , J3.DWI.23 ; lambs , J3.S35i .iO
for natives and Ji.ljOy5.30 for western rnnno
RECUIPTS-Oattlc. 300 head ; hogs. 12,000
head ; sheep , 4,000 head.
KniixitN Clly Live Stock.
Receipts , 620 head. Offerings too light to
make a market and prices were largely
nominal. Itccetpta for week , 64.000 head.
Cholco drcfsed beef cattle advanced about
lOo during thn week. There In no material
change In prices on other grndrs. Heavy
native steers , Jn.KKTG.33 ; light weights J5.20JJ
$8.10 ; stockcrs and feeders , J3.75fi6.60 : butchfr
COWB and hulfcrs. $3.00Jr5.S.V c niH'rs . $2,23f ?
3.10 : western steers , J3.COirC.SO ; 'IVxans ,
HOGS Receipts , B.370 head. Trade opened
active , steady , to f > o higher : rlowd ol'nv ,
with advance lost. Hwivy , Jl.35tf4.16 ; mixed ,
J4.DW.4i ! ; lights , J4.30ff4.45 ; pigs. $4 ! Wf4.40.
SHEEP Receipts , 270 head. Prices tin-
There Is little change to note In condition
of trade thl week. Demand IP good , n'l
grades selling readily nt strong prices.
Iximbi brought Jl.OiVIiS.25 ; muttons. $3 K' < t
4.3T > ; feeding lambs , J3.fc01M.G3 ; feeding sho'M' .
J.I.BOfcM.lS : breeding ewes , J3.33'ir4.5 ! ! ; culls ,
St. I.onln l.lvc Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 9.-CATTLE Rcreiptw ,
GOO bend ; market steady ; native shlmilng
and export steers. J4.Strife.10 , with ranoy
heaw worth up to JG.W ; dressed beef ptei-iv ,
$ > ; steers under 1.000 pounds , JH.WV
4.GO ; cows nnd heifers. $ J.25fjf..OO ; rnnnors ,
J1.50 f2.7B ; bulls , Jl.MVfM.25 ; Texas nnd In
dian Htcers , JS.OOST-I.GO ; cows nnd hclfera ,
IIOGS-Uecelpts. 2,000 head ; market Ho
St. JoM ! > i > Ii l.lviStork. .
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 9. ( Special. )
Thn Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts. 800 head , mostly
stackers : market steady ; best grndco lOo
hlrher for the , week.
HOGS Receipts , 2.SOO head : market 60
lower : heavy nnd medium. J4.3&S > 4.40 ; light ,
" ' * " " * AJ " *
J4.37Lftfi4.45 : .
SHEEP Receipts , none ; demand utronff
for all kinds.
Slock lit Slirli < .
The following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for September 9 :
Cattlo. HOSTS. Shnen.
South Omaha 979 E.9S3 fit
Chicago sno 12.000 4,000
Kansas City C20 6,370 270
St. Louis GOO 2,000
Totals . .2,399 21 353
Diiliitli Market.
DULUTII. Sept. 9. WHEAT No 1 hard ,
cash , 70c : September , 70c ; No. 1 northern ,
cash , G7Hc : September , G7'/ic ; nccember ,
G7&c : December , C7',4c ; May. 71c ; No. 2
northern , COc ; No. 3 spring , Clic. .
On Thursday , Sopt. 14th , 1S99 , nt the
Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , wo will
Ecll to the tilghctjt bidder in carload lota
750 head of range homee. The consign
ments of horncfi for this sale have been uo > -
loctccl from the best bred range homes in
the west and are a flnu lot of individuals ,
constating of Morgans , Coachcrs , Nunnuiis
and Belgians. There will bo five carluadii
of Morgan bred drivers , the best ever
hewn ; al o several carloads of tinbrnndnd
sucking colts , yearlings and 2-ycar-adu. !
You can buy your horses cheaper at thin
oalo than you can buy them on the ratigo ,
and select Just what you wajit.
Telephone 1039. Onmlia , ISVj
BOA 01 * Tii\un ,
Direct wrr tu CliluiKn and NCK York.
CorrMpondrnUi John A. Warren A Co.
BRANCH 1030 H t
MAXA nrn uncoui nip.
of omall or large sums of money , can find no
th t will yit-ld them BO large and steady
an Income from money invested with
tqual to that we offer , YOU ASSt'MR NO
LIABILITY and run no risks. Send for
explanatory pamphlet , mulled true ,
tut rcfsrcncei.
are being made by Inventors In our Wheat
and Corn pools. Drop us u postal curd and
we will mull you , free , an Interesting trea
tise on trading entitled
which expltiliiH In detail the only feasible
plan ever dcvlned to always make largo and
regular profits In Wheat and Corn wl h ub >
volutHy no risk. Four yours of unbrcltcn
succ'cus. JIlfli-cIuHs Hank , Customers , and
Commercial reference * .
( Incorporated ; . Hlalto Uulldlng , L'hl at"o
BOD I'uii cK.vr C'AN 1119 JIAIH :
Ihrcueh lesltunau Stock .Simulation Inside
ot ulx weeks upon un Investment of Jitol/6 /
und over. Transactions ran bu consummate ! !
through your owi Uroker , us long a . * is
a reputable member of the Kx. haUB < s ,
Full particulars furnlihed uiiun limn Unto
application by mail only. Ijon't hr-tut | <
Addrtsu , Professional Operator. Kuiio too
Lords Court nulldlns , Now York ,
910 OPTIONS. llfNl iiiHIiiHl hluilk
uHCulutloii [ Margins $ ' 0 up. Wr'k fur
& CO , , Ollroui | u > - , > ViMr TurU.