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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SKl'TKftllVBK n , 1S)0. ! ) Prices Talk Saturday Louder , Stronger and More Forcibly Thau Ever More Value for Yoiir Money Saturday at "Boston Store" Than Words Can Describe. To Give a Practical Illustration of the Remarkable Bargains Our Buyers Have Recently Shipped to Us , We Hold a Sale Today Satur day That Will Pill the Whole Town With Astonishment. * * s- * v < j * * * * < > * * * * < MEN'S ' NEWEST STYLE ' Stiff High grade Negligee Men's Hats SILK FRONT "nerbv9"itinlltlionow colors anil blnck SHIRTS WORTH $1.50 FOR GOc SPECIAL &REAT BAh6AINSNEW FALL STYLE MIGHTY BARGAINS IN THIS IS THE SHOE SALE THAT'S GIVING EVERYBODY SOMETHING , Grand Special Sale THING TO THINK ABOUT. and $3.50 Rttgs This is the frrcntost opportunity of the ycnr to buy your For Knell. boy a suit. Today vvo will Ml fox ) large slzo $4 $ Boys' ' Knee Pants Suits for $1,98 Smiths Moqtlcttc ItURR that would bo , it bargain at f3 50 each , in nil the new pattern * nnd colon , they nro Ages 8 to 15 years. piled high on one Immrnso bargain square and KO us long a * they last Thousands to pick from in all wool nobby oustonuT. at toe each , not inoio than two to n smooth finished cassimeres , plain and colored 1 ' B iii M BMwaHMdwnai _ .luat to start the lucio curtnin on si- ed cheviots , etc. , best reliable - nose for the fall season , wo w 111 ol- ble tailoring and just right of for Luce to sell Curtains I,0n0 pairs , for Fall wear , special thos.0 are subject to price Saturday slight impnrfectlons , cents for your choice of thousands they range in price from $1 to W.fil ) a pair $6.50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits for $3.98. sands of pairs of Ladies' ele but go on Mile , as loni > Boys1 highest grade knee pants suits , in pure all gant hand-turned sowedplain as they last at each. wool worsteds , best casalniorc fabrics , etc. , perfect fitting1 , high and fancy silk vesting top , est ems * worlcmunshlu , newest fall styles , a hiph grade Jtf.oO black and , Ian Oxford Ties 10,000 yds. of the finest suit to convinuo you of the superiority of our boys' Cloth , , gmdo Simpson's Silk- 86,98 $7,50 Mohair & Boucle 2,50 ing Department , Saturday at Langtry Oxfords , etc. , etc. Drapery - $12.50 Winter Jackets , Capes , . , , Tor your tl-olce ot thousands of the finest OlillB , these are in very fS Made to retail this Ladles' winter Jackets , made of heavy The cholco of o\cr COO ladles' medium Youth's Long Pants Suits for $2.50. summer shoes for Ladles' wear that were o\cr seen long mill remnants IP "Washington Mills Kersey In black , navy , weight , English Mohair curl , or boucle For Five Dollars a Pair : In Omaha. The cheapest shoe In the whole , castor ntylc. , lined tan ana throughout red. in double \ > - - breasted capes , 30 Inches long , lln- Boys' and youth's long pants suits , ages 11 to 19 For Four Dollars a I'air. lot wja never made to sell less than two nnd go on sale 11 u g\ Rlth the finest natln , " cd throughout with the black blue and fancy cheviots , checked For Throe Dollars a I'air. and a half , and most of them \\ould cost us long ns tlioy last , I strapped soamn , double best quality Skinner satin years , , For Two Dollar a I'air. > ou from ut , ytircl . . . . rows of stitching , with -regularly worth $750 on and striped cabsimores , etc. , good sewing and lining , a the newest fashionable sale Saturday , another particularly good suit for boys day , All every goat eleeves , heavy storm col extra Bpeclal bargain rouijh wear , Saturday at S3 to $5 a Pair All tlio Time Is that have boon dit > - lar , extra special Satur at at , playcd in the window w.ll bo tin day bargain * $3 98 Knee Pant and Vestee Suits at $1.25 There nto the most beautiful and unique sale today at lot * each. Thosoaro Ladies'817.50 Suits $7.50 SI , 50 Ladies'Misses ' Wash Skirts , 33c Hoys' knee pants and child's vestco suits , apes 3 to 15 years. Every fancy , shoes bilk , \ rich eating In scroll design patterns nnd effect handsome as all friiiRo linen towola satin and hardly damask , kimttod Ladles' nne. nil wool , home spun suits , j Ladles' ard misses' wash skirts , heavy medium weight suit left on our tables inn t be sold Saturday , including well as the plain shoo that contains the any thorn worth less than , lined $2.60 , * a.60 aiul S'1.98 suits , regardless of value they all must go Saturday with fly front or tight iHtlng jackets white Pique , with navy highest art In shocmaklng. Hoc. mofet of thorn would throughout with the best " - i strap trimming , nlso flno Thcic are all sizes and all widths and bo a bargain ut f > 0cus quallty of taffeta , full crash and llnon shins. The very Greatest Bargain of all Your Choice of our positively all new. up-to-dato stjlo toca In long as tlioy last , they circular tunlo skirt , button or soutnche brnld light , hand turned soles , medium weight fro at , each worth $17.50 , go Saturday trimmed ; choice ns Ions entire stock of ( autumn weight ) soles and welt soles , blacks and tans. BgMBWaPBMU m IlihH us an extra special an out the quantity holds Your choice fft f rt ft worth today forenoon barg.iln for of any pair \ e ! U any where" else Saturday , in the lot. 91 B U U iU.50 to $6 pair. onlywe will sell $8 Ladies' Fine Skirts S3.98 Ladies' ' $7,50 Venetian Suits , $4,98 10.000 yat-dB Table Oil Tour choice of ever 600 ladles' regular ladles' fine , Venetian Suits , lly front and Cloth , li yards wide , S 00 skirts , Including a full assortme-nt double breisted Jackets , lined throughout 2000 Pairs a , yard ' , line with vtJvet bound sklrtB , m camel's hair plaids llti'-d with extra qualityv Sample Shoes brllllantlnes , serges , home percale. This suit IsM ) Bpuns , etc. , mostly habit strictly man tailored" For Big 1,000 Framed Pictures - luck , every skirt In this throughout and worth of the "Bos ' tures and Medallions $7 50 , but go on sale Sat The entire stock Boys' , , price lot worth wo ask double the baigaln urday , , an at extra . . . ) special for for men's for men's ton Ease $5 Shoe Store , " Girls , and worth $1 , § 18 , 20 and the bottom Little go at Men's 815 & $16.50 every pair stamped on GREAT SALE GOLF SKIRTS-Immense lots all wool and § 25 all wool tom every pair made for this ones of ' $10 and § 12 suits , including winter's trade the at Saturday afternoon only ladies' line golf skirts , some reversible , some black clay fall and vvoilltoll threes catiCd openablo entirely down the front , in extra fine , all wool worsted ing the finest finest straight $5 man's shoe , Just bo = t gradeWliitc N.iin- double faced , all wool materials , handsome plaids and nolid colors , early fall in America in plain drill lining about seek Cloth and , worth Englisli J2ic Lout ; eklrta with habit back with 8 JO and 12 of , hip pockets or , , rows weight suits Htlichinp , skirts that generally sell up to $15 , go in two lots at ing or leather lined , all go at HALF PRICE. for , yard . . . in the house. 83-00 and 33.50. Grand Hosiery Sale-ROOdozen la dies' misses children's and boys fa" t black , full seamless hoe In plain and heavy ribbed .some slightly Imperfect , worth 25c , go at , pair 2So quality ladles' and misses' extra flno lisle llnlshed , fast black hose In plain and line ribbed , lOc pair til sizes' . RO nt , LIRE A SCENE IN VENICE Beautiful Water Speotaolo Repeated on the " * Lagoon. DOUGLAS COUNTY HAS ITS INNING TODAY I'lmtiioiiiMl line-on Arc lluii nmlcw Cnril for Toilii } Piuicm for the Snlo of HulIilliiK" Are Muile Out , The old but always now Venetian carnival on the Lagoon waa repeated Friday night with moro than usual success. The music nnd Iho brilliant lights made up au cnlcr- talnment that was pleasing , not only to the ear but to the eye as well. Bellstedt's band gave a program of music suited for out of doors , and the Hawaiian slngerd In the gondolas made moro good music that was thoroughly cnjojed. Bellstedt's band wab Btallonod at Iho government building. An excursion of about 200 people from points in Missouri were on the grounds all day , and scorned to enjoy the show Immensely. The races postponed from Wednesday were run otf In the aflernoon Adulmuuns lund played several spirited selections. Ono of Iho boat thing ? on Iho racing pio- was the lecture given the Jockeys be fore the races were Blurted. The "bojs. " us Ihey nro familiarly called , have been In dulging In all sorls of misbehavior fur eomc tlmo , fouling and falling lo gel off from the poxt without Innumerable delays. Mr. Uus- Boll told them that he would line them If they did not gel away sooner , and also warned them that any more fouling uoulJ tie punished severely The u-d-letter race ( or the afternoon was the one mile novelty , Iho on the caid Iloblnson won every quarter In this , thus pocketing the whole puree ot $100. The liorso was mounted by Johnson , the colored Jockey , who has proven himself to ho Ihi1 test rider of Iho racing meet. Time , 1 30. The scvcn-tilghtlu ot n mile dash was a l > rolty go , MUs Chambers came out In the lead with Spoloska closely follow Ing , nnd Vaseline third Tlmo. 1.37. Tim last race was n seven-sixteenths of n mlle dash , or once around the track. Forget-me-not won and Dandy Jim was second. Time. 0.4S hale of lliillilliiKN t'oiillrninl , Representatives or the Chicago House- Wrecking company were In conference wllh members of Iho executive committee a greater portlcn ol the day Friday , and the transfer of the Imposition buildings was finally made They nro now the property of tha wrecking company nnd are lo be lurued over NovcmbPi t A consideration of cash tvas paid to bind the deal , and It Is under stood that the committee Is flO.OUO rlchei elncu the papers were made out. The bal ance of the $50,000 U to bo paid Kovcm- I ber 1. , A Today U designated as "Douglas County T Da > " and there will be appropriate exer cises on the buttlc'uhlp "N'ebiaska , " in the west end of the Agriculture. building. Adlcmann'8 baud will play ut 11 o'clock , and there will bo n program In which Dr. Miller and others will make addresses. In the af ternoon there will be a good card of races ga tbe course. BOO dozen men's slllc plated , full regular made , half hose In blnck and fancy colors , worth J5c , e" it , pair All the fine Imported , Swiss embroidered lace edged and pure Irish linen handkerchiefs , worth up to Wo , KO In one lot at , each bCn.M3S Al.O.NG Till : MIDWAY. The full In Hie Mcruiiry I for u Larger Attendance. After three hot , sweltering nights and ono cold and rainy , last evening turned out to bo a most perfect one , and the townspeople took advantage of their opportunity by hcid- Ing for the Exposition and the Midway. During the afternoon there wan quite a crowd of spectators to bo seen on the grounds and In the buildings and , combined vv'th the local crowd In the evening , succeeded In making It ono of thn best da > 8 In p ilnt ot altendancc , tto management has experienced for some time. The strangers aeemcd to ba Atou.8 otio it ] > [ oo ) pun pasBOd | uuijj ojoui after another , evidently Intent on seeing all and then judging of Ihelr merits to null themselves , nut with the homo people , they only visited the most reliable ones ones that they had all seen tlmo and ngaln and the Philippine Village , no doubt , got the largest aharo of the crowd , for tha people never ocem to lire of seeing these clever llttlo people , listening to tbclr music , watch ing their native dances , their swimming and acrobatic antics. The members of Company Ij , Tlmrston Itltles , derive any amount of pleasure In renewing acqualntan c wl h t' ess pcpple , whom they met In far-olf Manlli. The Water Carnival has been taking cars of tholr sharn of the visitors since th- > ad vent of Mr. Matt Gay , the champ on high and ocrqjiatlc diver of this country. Mr Clay' has been giving exblbltl > ns nt the faraoui wnteilng places In the east the ptst summer , but has bcc'ii engaged by Mr. R/mdy for the balance of thu season and ran be scon nl every performance , The Arllat's Studio , wllh Us s nMM mil posing , the Scenic Railway , with Its lUttlo of Manila and dark tunnel , the deep s > a diver In the act of recovering drad h dies nnd rahlng ainken warships , the Merry- go-ilound , "lib Its familiar music and laugh ing children , all come In for n great dial of attention. 11 a m Adelmann's Omaha band at the Agricultural building 2:30 : p. m Uellstedi'a Concert band nt the Auditorium M irch Hhlorado . Herbeit Hi'U'otlon 131 t' . Sousa i \Villt7 See B iw . Crowe Patrol Our Ciack Itcglment . Tobanl Solo for Coinrt . Selected II rman Itellstcdt. Medlev of Popular Airs . Bcjer i O\crturc Poet nnd Peasant . Suppo Mexican Serenade La Poloma . . . .Yradltr I 3W : p m , Four running laces. Indian [ pony mces and foot races , with Adel- I m inn's Omnhi band at the Haco Course. 7 D. m BoIUU'dt's Concert band nt the Grand Plaza I Ovfiture Olieron . . . .Weber Andnnte nnd Hondo Cuprlcclopo . Ave M.irla . Schubert Soemi Plltorosnue . . .Massenet 1 ( a ) The Proof nalon. ( b ) Air ilt > Billet , d ) I Angelus ( after Mllleit ) , ( d ) Thi Festival. Medley of Popular SongH Introdiirlng I "Fh ? Was nred In Old Kentuckj" aa a Con.ei Solo by Herman Bcllslcdt , itnd "All 1 Want Is Jin Chicken" .llejcb DIIIHC Macabre . Silnt-Saens This csociiiilvi'lj weird though picturesque con'Doallloii \ the v.ork of the giraUst IKIiiK musician It describes in unmix- tnkable lo-ies nil that Its title "The Dance of the Skeletons" would Imnly and uhKh brlflly Is us folloun : The dock striking the hour of mldnUht the skeleionti urn heard abaembllng far their KhHstly rfvelry , which , continuing with unntmted vUor till the duwn. U ubruptb teimliiHU'd b > the craning uf Ihe cot k Uluette The Swullow ( Jobbaerts Piccolo Ubllgdto b > Moos. Chexre March < 3rea. republic Thlele S:15 : u m.- New Klectrlcal Fountain with Serpentine Dance and Franz Adelmann a band on tl.e Lagoon. Extra Special Prices in Hand kerchiefs 1,000 do/.on Indies. ' and gents' line , sheer , hemstitched handker chiefs In plain white nnd fancy col ored l > order , all widths ot hems , regular 25c quality , all go at 3Uc and 9 9 9 O VO SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Yeslerday the teachers of the public schools mot with Superintendent Wolfe and talked over the plans for Ihe coming school jear. Nearly all Ibe leachers were presenl , Ihe majority having returned from their summer vacations. The schools open on Seplember 11 and ever } thins possible la being done by Superintendent Wolfe nnd the committee on buildings and grounds to Dlnco the schools In proper ehaoo for the reception of pupils. It Is expected that the attendance will be unusually larce. and for this reason the Board of nducatlon has taken steps to provide all the additional room possible- . When the new school house at Twentieth nnd O utieels Is completed tha number of pupils at the Ceulral and Hawthorne schools will be reduced , but until this time Iheso buildings may be over crowded slightly. There Is no help for this , as the dclajt , Incident to the erection of thu uo\v building could not bo avoided. Wuril .iNteNHorM < lie Nnnifil. With the near approach of Ihe fall elec tion the old question of electing assessors has como up , and there Is some discussion on the difference In the calls of the repub licans nnd the democrats. The official call of the republicans calls for the election of ono assessor for South Omaha , while the democrats call for ono assessor for each wnid It Is generally understood that nno assessor from cneh ward is to be nominated by each party , bul Iho error of Chairman Burbank of the republican committee has caused considerable ccmment. According to the existing law one assessor Is to bn named for each ward , Iho same as wns done lasl jcnr nnd Ihe yeir baforn. Cnndldiles for assessor nro being suggesled by those i most Interested and It Is particularly de I sired In some circles that each ward name Its candidates for assessor. I Residents In Iho eastern pnrllon of the city nrn still complaining about the condi tion of the sidewalks and the lack of elec tric lights It IB particularly desired by Iho people who nre building residences In this district that the Intersections of streets bo well lighted , and numerous petitions to the city council ha\o been prepirr < l With defective sidewalks and a deficiency of lights the east-rnders anpear lo be having a hard time of It , and they want some atlentlon paid to tho'r ' complaints It Is understood that some lighls for the district mentioned are to be oidcrod by the council at the next session. If the promises made are carried out there will be no need of a special meet ing of Ihe Kast Side club , but If not there U talk of calling a mass meeting to discuss the neccibslty for the Improvements desired. Dflllll'lMMlt Tilt I.Int. nty Treasurer Ilroadwell elated jpacrday that delinquent taxes were being paid every day and that more had been paid on this ac count within the last few months than over before In the history of the city. The de linquent tax list must be In the bands of the co .nty treasurer on September 15. and In order to properly prepare this Treasurer Uroadwell has been compelled to employ ad ditional help In his olllce It Is expected that the records will be completed by the time designated On account of boiler tlmca the lltt from South Omaha will be smaller this year than ever before Taxes are being paid more promptly than last jear , and 10,000 plain nnd fancy pique pull ties , white and all colors , go ut , each One largo baignln square with thousands of silk , satin and chiffon slock collar ? , plain and fancy bows , worth up to $100 , gp In three lots at , each , more owners of property are calling at the treasurer's office and settling for back taxes than ever before. I'lirnc for \cln Mmlncii. Nels Madsen , ono of the Janitors employed by the Stock Yards company , has had a streak of hard luck recently by reason of the Illness jf several members of his family and the death of his daughter. In order to show their appreciation the Janitors nt the Exchange building , assisted by the management , raised a purse for Mad- son , which they presented to him yester day. The gift was gratefully appreciated and Mr. Madsen desires to acknowledge his thanks for the same. Ilromliicr AttemptM Suicide. Tom Brondner , a plumber who lives in the east portion of the city , took a dnso of car bolic acid yesterday with suicidal intent. Brondner had been having a llttlo trouble with his wlfo and In order to put nn end lo his earlhly career ho drank Iho contents of a bottle of the acid. The fact that his stomach was full nt the time probably saved him. Dr. C. M. Schlndel attended with his stomach pump and after pumping out the poison , left the patient In a fair way to recovery John Corcoran Is now employed In the city treasurer's oillcc. Ted McGee , one of the well known men about town , Is quite sick. Street Commissioner H BS Is engaged In repairing defective sidewalks MFS | Jrtsln Flowers is suffering from nn attack of sciatic rheumatism. Counly Commissioner Hector has relumed from u business irlp to Chicago. Several canes ot diphtheria have been re ported within the Fast day or two. Orln Merrill , eon of A II. Merrill , will attend the Stale university this winter. Two of the children of Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas Biondncr aie 111 with diphtheria , j Charles Henkcl nnd wlfo , Twenty-third i and I' streets , report the birth of a daugh- i tcr. I George Schmidt wns out yesterday for the ' first tlmo elnco hla severe attack of lung j fever. ' Since Ihe hented term Is about ovvr awnings are being placed on the city hall building. | John P. Flnley Is back from his eastern trip nnd Is looking around for real cstata , Investments. L A. Davis , the architect , has com pleted the plans for Herman Krltlenbrlnk's new $5,000 residence. ! Invitation * nro nut for the wedding of i A C Denny and Maullno Laur , which will ' be celebrnled on Spptember " 0. i John P. Schultz hns returned from Wash- 1 Ington couniy. where he has Just com- pleled the erection of three large ) bulld- I Ings. Sneak thieves nro prevalent at the stock yards nnd Chief Ambler proposes putlln < u couple of exlra men lo work In order j to keep Iho grounds clear of objectionable I characters ! ClllMC llf I 111i. . \ . H. IvIH-llllllmifllt. 1 PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 8 The feEtlvI- lles attending the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic wilt bo brought to a close today with the naval i pageant on the Delaware river. The crowd ( A rapidly dlml'ilehlng , each outgoing train 1 carrying as many visitors and velcraiu as It will hold Thousands of veterans spent the day sailing on the Delaware. Camp Sexton , in Falrmount park , was broken up today Clearing out nil the summer Cornets , nado perfect flit tig , best quality , it net. In all lengths , regular price up to 75c , all TO at , each 5.00D boys' shirt waists , made of the flneat French percale nnd fine whiter goods , pleated , laundered and unlaundered :25c laundered , worth up to C5c , : oil go at HEARD ABOUT TOWN. V. S. Tlsseiu , tea exporter of Celyon , will bo at tha Mlllard for a few days while In the city arranging for the Kale of his pro- c'ucts in the middle west. Mr. Tlsaera was one of the Indian commissioners to the World's Talr , having been In charge of the Indian agilcultural exhibits there. Although a young man , ho has been in the tea busi ness for fifteen jears , and his ancestors have been proprietors of largo plantations for several cenlurlcs. Mr. Tlssera said he accepted an appoint ment to the World's Tair comralbslon In tending to visit the United States and learn something of a country that was strange to him. Having been very favorably Impressed by the trade outlook , ho decided to locate h re , nnd besides arranging for the distri bution of teas from a blanch house at Chicago cage , ho hns been engaged In the business of expoitiiiR commodities from this country , I Mr. Tlshera sajs most of his trading bos , been with implements nnd machinery. He has sent a great many bicycles back to India and alwn > s found a ready sale for thorn , The tewing machine Is another Im plement the people of India buy from Americans. Mr. Tiesera says ho believer Iho Americans aio pursuing the wrong course with respect to the Klllplnos. Ho believes they are well able lo govern them selves , and ho thinks the people ot this country can lead all other nations In Ihe matter of cominorco without acquiring torrl- * orv. Mr. Tlbsera Is well prated on qucr tlons regarding territorial goveinmcnt , hav ing studied thoroughly the methods of the ilngllsh In governing India. I'l'l NIMIIll Mrs 0. W Bockwlth ef , Beatrice IB visit ing friends In the city John Bass and Julius Walxol of Mann- helm , Germany , nro In Ihe city. Klmcr Chatlleld , n ranchman from the Big Horn basin , Wyo. , Is In the city , visiting at the exposition. W. Oland Hood of Lincoln IB In town. Ho Is a member of the Phi Kappa Psl fra- lernlty nnd is also the basso In the Unl- \en > ity Male quartet , F. Harris nnd F. A. Pfanmueller left Friday evening for Chicago. They will re turn In a week to remain during the re mainder of the exposition. The families of J3. Pollak , Cincinnati , and I. Block , Chicago , are In Ihe city visiting Die exposition , having stopped vhlo ] returnIng - Ing home from n summer's outing In Colo- railo. Hev. T. V. Monroe , pastor of the West minister Picsbyierlan church , Mason and Georgia avenue , has relurncd from hla vaca tion and will occupy his own pulpit at both bonlces next Sunday. Lleutenanl Lesllu A I Chapman , ap pointed from civil life lo bo second lluulen- nnt of the First ca\alry , has reported at army headquarters for assignment Lieu tenant Chapman was appointed from Iowa J Waldere Kirk , known the counlry oiror ns the be t dressed traveling man on the load , Is at the Mlllard Mr Kirk ID ac companied by Mre. Kirk , who Is making her first tour with her husband. Mr. and Mrs Kirk were married th | summer In St Louis , the lady being a fiermau bar- onaea Dr and Mrs II II i\erett ot Lincoln urc In the' city tutting friends and taking i In the bights at the exposition Dr. Kver- flt Is a ) tnmg pbjslcian and has been mar ried but a ver > nhort time , bo bating been wedded to one of the belles of Sioux Clijr SELLING THE KID 6,000 pair ladles' fine Imported French kid gloves. This Is the ginndest lot of line gloves that we ever had on sile They were bought direct from the Importer and consist of his entire sample line of Klo\r , The resulni price would be up to Jl 75 , all go on bargain squares at 63c pair during the summer. TIe Is well known In unl\crslty circles at Lincoln , where ho be gan his education.Vhllu In college ho made an enviable reputation as an amateur artist , the junior annuals each jear usually containing a number of sketches from his pen or pencil. Mrs. L. i : . Childs of Vllllsca , la. , has been In the city for several da > s visiting Mrs. Al Huseell. Mrs Childs Is a horse woman and has been associated with horse racing for some time. She attended the races at Vllllsca this summer and wan also I an Interested spectator of the races at the exposition white she was In the city. Slio left Thursday evening for her homo. At the Her Grand1) Miller , Fremont ; S. W. Erlckson and family , Ashland ; 13 13. Tomllnson , Kansas City ; Frederick Pease , Meriden ; Winiam J , Bexter. New York ; 11. W. Austin , F W. Scott. Chicago , K. N. Breltung , Louis Lovassen , Marquctto , n. Doutbch. Chicago ; It. F McGarvln. New York ; T. B Aldons , Chicago , William Iluck , St. Louis. H 13. Welsman. Now York ; II. L. Rrdman. Mrs. F U DnMnln , St. Louis ; Charles II. Sceman , Cincinnati ; 11. 13. Field , Chicago ; Charles 13. Gre < > no nnd wife , St. Joseph ; Nat Baker. Lusk ; H. S. J. Townor , Chicago ; II. II. Gabel. Kan- baa City , S. K , Osborn and wlfo , W. K. Uotirdnmn. W. II. Davis , I. Wcntnorth . Chicago ; C I' . Fortner , New York ; H. J. Malloux , H. A. L.ingsdorf , St. Louie. At the Mlimnl D. Schwab Frank Hand- wltz , L. H. Colin , J Waldero Kirk and wife. Now York , C II. Lindsay , Jr. , F. J. I O'Brien , B. 13. Nauglo , B. Lundlwrg. I. Hlock and family , O. A. Jewell , C. I ) . Crounch , V. 13. Ciounch , C. 13. Ilurd. Chi-1 cage ; F L Oawuld. Salt Lake , Dan Joseph nnd wife , Columbus , Ga ; J. T. Hobln.son , Phllndelphli ; O. 13. Tinker. Coii"oid , X. II , T. II. Caufer , Dea Moincs , O. M. Lambart- ' HOD , Lincoln , II. H Wmlo , Sponccr , la ; K. Pollack nnd family. Cincinnati , 0 ; John W ' Lacoy. Cheyenne ; II , Hazelton , St Lou In ; ' C. M. Martin and wlfo , Greenville , Ky. ; ' J. H. Ager , Lincoln. J. B. Murray and wlfo , Arapahoe ; T. II. Pago. Springfield , I Mass ; II. 13 Protl and wlfo , Los Angelas , Cal ; Jesslo AVyland , Harlan , la : L N Gallup and wife , Iowa ; George W. Hog , Adol , la ; 0. II Daughorty nnd wlfo , Cedar Ilnplda , Neb ; H W. Seaman , Cllnlon , la. ; 13. C. Lort n , NVbrnsLa Cily ; G. H. Campbell - boll and wlfo. San Francisco ; L. W. Snow , David City ; J. O. Doslal and wife , Den ver ; J. P. IMIey , Miss M , Greene , San FranclBco. DoWllt's Little Rarly Risers permanently cure chronic conxtlpatlon , biliousness , nerv ousness and worn-out feollnu ; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small , pleasant , never grlpo or sicken "famous llttlo pllla. " LOCAL BREVITIES , A marriage license was issued Friday to James Pronley , Omaha , ago 25 , and Miss Lottie Dlckson , Lemurs , la. ago 3. The Builders' association has rented a mit | of rooms In the Paxton blotk , and after next week will hold Its mecllngs tlicro In stead of In Washington ball. Wolf Lukowitz and H SUioenBtedt , charged with a&xault and attempting to net 11 ro to the dwelling of B. Cohen were dis charged after a hearing In pollro court , the judge having found thcro was no evidence against them. City Treasurer 1Mwards has Issued a call i for warrants on cery fund in the city i treasury. Warrants on the sinking , library I and Htrcxt cleaning and sweeping funds aie all called for. These warrautu will ccasu to draw Interest September 11. Arthur Tunica , the young man charged with EIand larceny bccauce of the theft of a diamond ring from Brown'u Jewelry btore , had a hearing before Judge Gordon Thurs- I day afternoon and was discharged A com plaint alleging petit larceny was filed To this Tunica rleadcd guilty and was lined flS and costs. LUCKY NEBRASKA NATIONAL JI-CO > TN 95,0 < > O of KN MlMNliiK Money nml AV1I1 Now Ione .Nothing I > y Coiielniiil'H Theft. Eventa took a decidedly unexpected turn jcstorday morning In the Nebraska Na- llonnl bank robbery whim $5,000 , half of the money missing from the bank , \vau found among the personal effects of Ned II Copeland , the Burlington railroad teller , whose whereaboutH nre unknown That k was the Identical money taken frojn the bank WIIH almost conclusively Bhown by the fact that tie | package of bills , In denominations nnd otherwise , corro fcpondwl with the descrlpllon of the mUfilng money in the possession of the bank. The officers of the liiHtltutlon hay that the bank will now lose nothing , as Ihn ether half of Iho defalcation will bo mnde up by the bonding company by which Copeland wai bonded. U la undcistood that the bank , not being a loner , will leave the ) prosecution of Copeland - land to the- bonding company , which , It Is reported , already has detectives at work on the case. Tuoso who have had the best opportunities to know every circumstance uf the affair are as much at n lota us anyone ono else to account for Copeland'a doings on Iho theory that ho uauUM to rob Iho hank. In Iho lli t placeho could ha\ tnkon a much larger um had he wished , and , In the second place , ono deliberately planning lo defraud Iho bank would scarcely have put half the money where ) It was easily discovered. It would have been discovered before had any ono had the cu rloslty to open Iho package In which It was. Long Felt Want It Is Supplied nt Last in Omaha. Good nattirod people arc often Irritable , If you knew the reason } ou would not be Hurprlfced. I3vor have Itching ple ) ? Not tick enough to go to bed , not well enough to be content , The constant Itnhlne fecnsallon. Hard lo bear ; harder lo get relief Spoils your temper ; nearly drives yon Itm't rullof and cure a long-felt want ? You can bavo lellef and euro If you fol low the advice of a local citizen. Mr. Janut Grace , lineman for Iho Thornp son-Houston Uleclrlo Light Co , living at 207 N. 17th btrc'el , sa > s- "If everybody rccelvea an much benefit from uolng Doaiia Ointment as I , I certainly udvleo thorn in use It. What doctors treated mo , ( och nnd all guaranteed n euro , but they , did not even relieve me. IJoun'n Ointment pro cured at Kuhn & Co 'H drug store , corner IGtti and Douglas streets , much to my sur- prlHo and moro to my gratification , has up to date EO far allayed ( ho annoyance from Itching heniorrholdw that I nm practically cured. " Doan's Ointment for sale by all dealers Price , CO ctmte. Mailed on receipt of pries by Fowter-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N y , solo ogenta for the United States. ItemombKr thei name Doan's and tak no tubstltute.