Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OarAJTA DATLY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMRE1 ? 0 , 185)0. ) 8
Hiirlan County Bankcr ( Sentenced for Five
Years to Prison , is Bsleascd.
Auditor Cornell nrjcctn Clntm of
Hoticrt AV. Purlin * for Ilnnncil
Stnto Pnlri | > roprlntloni
of IMIS nnd
LINCOLN , Sept. 8 ( Special ) Benjamin
D. Mills , the Hnrlan c tinty banker
who wna sentenced to the B'nto penltent'ary
about thrco jearg ago on the charge ot being !
an accessory to the unlawful conversion ofi
public funds , was today parole J by Governor !
1'oyntcr. Mills had spent abiut a year nnd
hnlf nf n fun.\r > fir s'ntcnco In the peni
Henjamln Mills was nt ono time one of the
leading republicans of Hnrlan county nnd
bond of n bank nt Republican City. The
Tfonse for which hi ? was convlctcl wns that
at borrowing public money from Ezra S
IVhltnty , treasurer of Ilnrlan county , whi
uns also convicted , sent to the p"nl cntluy
nil paroled about two weeks ngi. When
Whitney retired from onicc his books were
Inwpectcd nnd It was found that he wn-i short
over J'JO.OOO. On promise of Immunity for
Ills own diB.ionenty he trsllfled tint he hid
loaned $0,000 of the county money to M.l.s
Mills claimed ns a dcfcnso thit the n'oney
had been placed In his Institution ns n de
posit for the county , his binU being the
county ilcpooltory. IJoth the county tr ns-
urer and the banker wore convicted In the
district court , but Mills appealed his ca o
to the supreme court. The llndlnps of th-
lower court were approved nnd lu wns taken
In custody by the sheriff nnd conveyed to
the state prison Ills friends Immeillntely
began n systematic off rt to secure bis parole
or pardon on the grounds that he was an
old man nnd that to keep him In confine
ment would ( copnrdlzo the lifo of Mrs Mills
Members of the Grand Army were pnrt'cu-
larly nctlvu in his bchnlf.
When the parole of Whitney wns an
nounced the friends of Mllla renewed their
efforts nnd today J. H. llumpo of this city
and Mrs. Mills called on the governor nnd
appealed for the parole of the prisoner.
olltlcn n I''nctor.
The element of politics had a good deal to
do with the conviction of Mills , It Is
thought. In Hnrlan county the friends of ]
Whitney , who Is a populist , all fnvorcd his ,
conviction I
The law under which Governor Toyntcr
granted the parole reads ns follows : |
Thnt the governor shnll have power In
the case of any prisoner , who Is now or
hereafter may bo Imprisoned In the state
penitentiary under n sentence other than
murder in the tlrst or second degree , who
may have served the minimum term pro
vided by law for the crime for which ho
was convicted ( nnd who tins not been pre
viously convicted of felony nnd ser.'ed n
term In any penal Institution within the
United Stntos of America ) , nnd In the case
of any prisoner who Is now or hereafter
may bo Imprisoned under n sentence for
murder In the first or second degree , nud
who has now or hercnftor shall have served
twenty-live full years , to allow any such
prisoner to go upon parole , outside the en
closure of snld penitentiary , to remain whlla
on parofe within the state under the con
trol nnd In the legal custojj ofho gov
ernor , and subject nt any tlmo to bo taken
bnck within the enclosure of said Institu
tion ; nnd full power to retake and rclm-
prlson nny convict so upon parole Is nereby
conferred upon the governor , whoso written
order shall be a sufficient warrant , for all
officers named therein , to authorise such
otncers to return to actual custody any
conditionally released or paroled prisoner ;
nnd It Is hereby made the duty of all ofll-
cers to execute said order the same as or
dinary criminal process.
Cornell ItoJcctN ClnlniH.
Auditor Cornell has rejected the claims
of Robert W Furnas for tbo unused State
fair appropriations for the years 1S98 and
1899. Mr. Furnas , acting as secretary of
the State Board of Agriculture- , sought to
obtain this money , amounting to $4,000 , to
npply on the indebtedness of the associa
tion. Deputy Attorney Goncial Oldham
furnished the auditor with a written opin
ion this nfternoon , holding that the money
appropriated by the legislature could be
drawn from the treasury only for premiums
offered nnd paid by tha Board of Agricul
ture. As the board has held no fairs for
the last two years the money will there
fore remain In the treasury , The indebt
edness of the association is something llko
fiG.OOO and It was thought that the appro
priation might bo applied on unpaid pre
miums of previous years , The vouchers
filed by Mr. Furnas are ns follows :
Unpaid premiums duo after 1897 and for
services rendered for the Dcard of Agrl-
Dress Shirt
Prevents bulging. , . .
Assures a perfect fit
the fashion report for Autumn
and Winter , tent to those who
a kWrite care
Station U .CHICAGO
culture for 1S9S and 1SD9. J2.000 ; unpaid'
premiums duo for 1SD7 , J2.000
Deputy Attorney General Oldham held as
follows concerning the claims "It la my
opinion that there In no authority to draw
those warrants under the laws of Ncbraak.i
unices for premiums offered and paid or
for a fair held by the society for Ihc years
to which the appropriations were made. I
nm therefore of the opinion that under the
facts stated In jour communication you
would not bo authorized to draw the war
rants $ n thcwo vouchers "
The chairman and secretary of the free
silver state convention today certified to
the secretary of ntato the nomination of
Silas A Holcomb for supreme Judge , Dd-
son Itlch nnd J. L. Teeters for regents of
the State university. Mr. Illch hns also
filed with the secretary of state n stat
ment that ho expended no money In the
Interests of his candidacy ,
SM IIHilnim Killed.
D. S. Quick , n switchman employed In
the Uurllngton yards , was Ullled hero this
afternoon bv belnc run over by n frclcht
car. Ho had been employed by the road
In this capacity for a short time. Ho was
23 years old nnd leaves a wife nnd thrco
children. At the time of the accident n
aw Itch englno attached to n short string
of cars was at work on n repair track. The
unfortunate man wan standing on top of
ono of the cnrs , when It gave n sudden
lurch nnd throw him forward. Before ho
could regain his bnlanco ho fell to the
track and the wheels of the cnr passed
over him , killing him Instantly.
Attorney A. Cl Wolfcnbarger has Insti
tuted a sensational suit In the district couit
against Isaac D Hoblnson , seeking to re
cover J35.010 damages , alleged to hnvo
been buatalncd as a result of n severe '
horsewhipping ho was subjected to on O
street about two months nio Wolfcnbarger Ins I
\\ns the attorney for Mrs. Hoblnson In n I
dlvorco suit and during the trial of the case '
ho provoked the defendant husband to such j
an extent that the latter assaulted him n !
few minutes afterward with a rawhide , In
flicting several \\ountls about the face and
neck. This affnl" took place In front of the
Uurr block en 0 street nnd was witnessed
by several hundred people. In his petition
Mr. Wolfenbarger asserts that he expended
$10 for medical treatment and that alto
gether , Including the pain , Injury and hu
miliation and the damage to his name ho
hns suffered In the sum of $35,010. Mr , j
Wolfcnbarger Is a prominent temperance
advocate and reformer nnd a few weeks ago
a local anti-saloon organization passed res
olutions attributing the assault to the Influ
ence of the liquor power.
Superintendent Gordon of the city schools
proposes to enforce the compulsory educa
tion law na strictly as possible. The at
tention of nil teachers and patrons has been
directed to Its provisions nnd steps will be
taken to prevent the employment of any
person under the ago of fourteen jcnrs and
over eight except on the prcsentntlon of a
certificate from the board of cducntlon
showing that they have attended school the
required length of time. The law requires
children of such ago to attend school at
least twelve weeks each year.
llllli orxlty Adiloto * Active * .
The athletic association of the state university
versity has employed Captain IJranch of tha
j Williams colltge football team to look after
Nebraska's football Interests this year. Ho
comes highly recommended and Is snld to
be ono of the bo > t posted men In football
tactics in the country.
Lieutenant Lewis Ryan , recently com
missioned In the Forty-fifth United States
volunteers , has gene to Des Molncs to as
sist In recruiting his regiment.
Southeastern Ncbranka trotting circuit
races will bo held In Lincoln September IS
to 23.
Chaplain Matllcy of the First regiment
will speak to veterans of the civil war at
the fair grounds Sunday afternoon.
A public reception was held In the High
school building tonight for Superintendent
C. H. Gordon , Principal II. J. Davenport of
the High School , Prof. W. L. Sheetz , super
visor of music , and Prof. J. S. Nelllgh ,
supervisor of drawing , all of whom have
been recently elected by the school board.
All indications point to a largo increase
In the attendance at the State university
this year. Registration I'ocs nit commeuce
until Monday morning , I-ut for the last F-JV-
oral days the office force of the Institution
has been kept busy answering questions of
now students , supplying catalogues nnd other
Information concerning the work of the uni
versity. Many of last year's senior class
students have decided to enter the graduate
school , which also promises to have a
larger attendance than last year. The au
thorities of the university estimate the en
tire attendance at about 2.200 , or 256 more
than last year.
Iniiiroi ciiioiitB nt tlip Unl\er Itjr.
Extonstvo Improvements have been made
in several of the university buildings during
the summer. Now shelves have been placed
In the library and the other furniture re
arranged. In the main bulldlne one more
room has been appropriated to the use of
the college of law. Work on the armory
extension or chapel building will not be
commenced for several months. This delay
Is caused by a scarcity of workmen and
lock of building material , When the struc
ture Is comnlotod the room now used ns a
chapel will be given to the law department ,
The extensive subway system of steam pipe
conduits that has been In Drocess of con
struction during the summer is now nearly
complete. These subways are ample In size
for both crcscnt nnd future needs , being
6x8 feet square. Thqy are solidly con
structed , with brick bottom and side walls
and a tile roof supporting a waterproof
layer of ccncreto nnd cement. The steam
pipes nre arranged along the sides of the
tunnels and are so constructed that nil
water In them will drain back to the boilers.
The main conduit extends from the bollor-
house to the chemical laboratory , with
branches to the library building , the gym
nasium , the- main building and the shops.
All will be llshted with gas ,
At the state farm work on the ncrlcul-
tural building Is being rushed with nil pos
sible haste The excavntlns was finished
several days ago nnd the foundation has been
started The builders hope to have this
building finished before December.
Prof Morgan Hrooks of the department
of electrical engineering returned today
from Minnesota , whore bo sncnt the sum
mer months , dcllverlnc a number of lec
tures on the subject of electricity.
Miss Ada Caldwell , sister of Prof Caldwell -
well of the department of American his
tory , has been elected professor of art In
the- South Dakota Agricultural college at
I'rof W D. Hunter of the entomological
department hns returned from southwestern
Nebraska , where he spent considerable time
InvestlBnting the damage done by the nrmy
worm , an insect which attacks alfalfa , sugar
beets and garden crops. In some places
the damage done is great
Annthrr Honnntloii nt limiting ! .
HASTINGS , Neb , Sept. 8. ( Special Tel
egram ) A uovv sensation has just como
to light in Hastings , During the last three
jears Annie Lambert has been living In
Hastings and during that time she culti
vated the acquaintance of John Gates , col
ored , whom , it Is said , she claims took ad
vantage of her weakness and fiho now finds
herself In a troubled condition. Relatives
of the girl have inado an effort to send her
to the Homo for Unfortunates nt Mllford ,
but failed. Gates is still at large.
llt-lil to DUIrlft Court.
rAHinURY , Neb , Sept 8. ( Special. )
A man giving tbo name of John Fox was
bound over to the district court to answer
the charge of stealing a horse from Arthur
Wcddle of Steele City. It was shown that
Fox , who was badly Intoxicated at the time ,
unhitched the horse from where It was
fastened and rode elowlr down the road
until overtaken by the owner , who caused
his arrest Fox claims to live nt N'ashvllls ,
111 , and has been traveling through the
country with an "t'nclo Tom's Cabin'
troupe. Ho was unable to K'VC ' bond
Secrctnry Mclklrjnhn At-
to ml * Coniiinii ) tl'ii Ilfcciitlon.
FULLERTON , Neb , Sept. 8. ( Special )
The largest gathering of people ever teen
here met today to honor members of Com
pany B , First Nebraska , and the regimental
band Notwithstanding the rain , which con
tinued most of the day , there was an Inter
val from 11 n. in to 1 30 p in. , when the
sky was clear , and everyone became hopeful
the elaborate program prepared by the exeJU-
tlvo committee could bo carried out. The
procession which was to have been formed nt
10 a. m did not move until 12 30 p m ,
when It proceeded In the following order :
President of the day , with the orator of the
day ( W P. Gurley of Omnhn ) , In carriage ,
mayor ami city council In carriages , Fullerton -
ton band , auxiliary to Company 11. conslst-
Ine of twnntv-four vounc women In uni
form ; Company II , First Nebraska ; young
women companies In uniform from Geneva
nnd St. Edwards , Grand Army of the Re-
lubllc veterans , Fullerton fire department
In uniform , Knlchts of Pythias nnd Wood
men of the World.
Theprotesskn paraded the business streets
nnd then wended Its way to the picnic
grounds , about a half mile from town , where
the Woman's Relief corps had prepared an
elaborate spread for the returned heroes I
nnd the escorting auxiliary companies. For- |
tunatcly the tables were nlnccd In n largo
tent , for the guests had hardly been seated
when the rain again poured down In tor
rents and continued the rest of the after-
noon. Speeches were delivered by W. P.
Gurley , Rev Rny nnd Sergeant C. W. Mar
tin of Company D.
Just ns the president of the day an
nounced thai owlne to the Inclemency of
the weather there would bo no further effort j
made to carry out the program , Assistant |
Secretary o' War Mclklejohn , with his pro- '
verblal promptness , came through rain nnd (
mud from the nfternoon train to extend to
the bo > s his glad welcome Mr. Mclklejohn
said ho did not wish to make n speech , but
wanted to take the hand of each of the'bovs
who had so nobly done his duty In the far-
off Philippines nnd whose valor had been
sounded throughout the world.
The volunteers Immediately formed In line
and , marching past the assistant secre
tary , shook him by the hand.
The celebration this evening concluded by
the finest fireworks display ever witnessed
In this county.
HEBRON. Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
Last evening the returned members of
Company G of the late First Ne
braska were tendered n banquet by
about fifty of their old friends nnd
comrades. A few from Geneva were also
present. After a bountiful supper , the evenIng -
Ing was spenl In relating of stories and
music. Mayor White , who mot the boys
nt San Farnclsco , was present , but could
not bo Induced to tell any of bis camp ex
periences , except to stale that ho "was
treated rojally by the bojs.
EXETER , Neb , Sept. 8. ( Special ) At
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson last
night the Christian Endeavor society of the
Christian church gave nn Ice cream social
and Informal reception to the members of
the First Nebraska who belonged to Com
pany G and whoso homes nre here , or were
here. The guests numbered nearly 200.
Speeches were made and there was music by
the band.
T o I2x-Soliller for OfHcc Chrlity
for JllllKC Itt CicIieMI.
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
The Webster county republican convention
met today nnd made the following nomina
tions : Cferk district court , James Burdln ;
treasurer , C. E. Robinson ; county clerk ,
Clarence Reed ; judge , John May ; county
superintendent , Mrs. Eva J. Cose ; sheriff ,
Mert Adamson ; coroner. Dr. F. H. Hull ;
eurvejor , W E. Thorne.
Clarence Reed was wounded nt Santiago ,
losing the use of one arm , and Mert Adamson -
son was a member of the First Nebraska.
The following resolutions were adopted
by the convention by unanimous vote :
"Resolved , That we heartily commend the
administration for the successful prosecu
tion of the war with Spain nnd obtaining
nn honorable pcaco from the same ; also , for
the course the ndminlstrntlon has pursued
in the Philippines.
"Resolved , That wo fully sustain our sol
diers , regulars and vohintecrs , and wo fully
sympathize with them In their hardships
and sufferings , nnd we condemn the traitor
ous fire In the rear of Atkinson and his
"Resolved , Thnt wo condemn the action
of Governor Poyntor In vetoing the Joint
resolution commending the First Nebraska
volunteers for bravery and devotion to duty
In the Philippines. "
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Spe
cial ) Judge B. S. Ramsey has selected
twenty delegates to attend the democratic
judicial convention In Nebraska City , Sep
tember 12.
GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) The
republican district judicial convention met
yesterday nfternoon nnd nominated S. W.
Christy of Edgar , Clay county , for district
Judge ; T. W. Cole , Nelson , chairman , and
R. J. Sloan of Geneva , secretary.
liiif CiTi'iiioiilox Occur nt Bart
Couiity'M Principal Town.
TEKAMAH , Nob. , Sept. 8 , ( Special. )
The ceremony of the laying of the corner
stone of the new High school building In
this city occurred today by the grand lodge
of Masons of Nebraska.
The parade formed nt 2 o'clock on North
Main street nnd marched In the following
order- The Teknmah Silver Cornet band ,
, school children , Woodmen of the World ,
Modern Woodmen of America , Independent
Order of Odd Follows , Grand Army of the
Republic , mayor nnd council , Board of Edu
cation , Mnsler Masons , escorted by Knights
Templar , and proceeded to the depot to
meet nnd escort the grand lodge of the Btato
Mnsons from Dlnlr. The parade formed
again , and , led by the Tekamah band and
followed by the Blair band , marched to the
Hleh school grounds , where a large nudl-
enco had gathered to witness the Imposing
ceremonies. Hon W W. Koysor delivered
nn npproprlnto nddress. Hon. M. R. Hope-
well was In charge of the ceremonies nnd
marshaled the parade. The city was pret
tily decorated. All business houses were
promptly closed nt noon by the order of
| Mayor W O , Sears. The now school build-
Ins Is to bo built of brick nnd atone nnd
to cost $25,000.
from n Windmill.
TECUMSEH. Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special )
Yesterday Earl , the 5-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Versaw , who reside north-
cast of Tccumscb , climbed to the wheel
platform of a windmill and fell to the
ground. Betides being badly shaken up , his
right leg was broken between the thigh
and knee.
William Rhoden , n farmer boy residing
near here , was severely scalded about the
bead ono day recently in some manner nnd
as a result he will probably Icse an ejc.
II nil * nil n n I uilcr Arrritt.
WYMORE. Neb , Sept 8 ( Special. ) C.
H. MjtTs. until this week a brakemnn on
the B. & M , was arrested here yesterday
on a warrant sworn out l > y his wife , charg
ing him with choKIng and otherwise mis
treating her. Ho was arraigned In police
court , where Judge Southwlck assessed him
$10 and costs.
Pii1111 Full.
WYMORE , Neb , Sept. 8. ( Speclar. )
William ChrlBlIp , a well-to-do farmer , who
lives nine miles couth of here , fell from
the top of a windmill Monday and sustained
injuries from which he died yesterday. He
had climbed to the top of the mill to make
some repairs nnd while working there he
lost his hold nnd fell to the ground , forty
feet below Ho received both external nnd
Internal Injuries , and after cevcrnl days
of intense suffering he died yesterday. Ho
was well known all over the county. He
leaves a widow and three children.
Train I.nrtcn rrlth Fruit CrnRhrn Into
Freight mill I.ntler In Thrown
Into the Ditch.
SIDNEY , Neb. , Sept. 8 ( Special Tele
gram ) A wreck occurred on the Union
1'aclflc nt I'lno Bluffs , Wyo. , last night
Freight trnln No. 22 , outbound , with Con
ductor Smith nnd Engineer Henry Theme
In charge , had been nt the above-named
station switching for an hour.
There Is a sharp curve at this point and
n fruit Kpeclal , with Engineer Baldwin and
Conductor Ed Lelghton In charge , came
around the bend nt the rate of thirty-five
mlles an hour. Tbo freight had no signal
out nnd offered no warning for the fruit
special. The latter slowed down to ten
miles nn hour nnd struck the caboose of
the freight train and smashed It , together
with five cans of coal.
The fireman of the fruit train , Parr , was
slightly Injured , receiving n sprained side
nnd ankle. The headlight and smokestack
were Knocked off , the englno was derailed
nnd the track torn up for about 100 feet.
A wrecking crow from this point Is clearIng -
Ing up the debris.
In I.ornlltlt'H the Sliovvcrn Came- Too
I.ntc to Sin o I ! u nil lie Corn.
EXETER , Neb. , Sept. S. ( Speclnl. ) After
n period of almost unendurable suffering
front heat , dust nnd hot south winds , relief
came Inttt night In cool north winds nnd a
light rain. Corn Is past nil help from rain
In this section , nnd Is seriously damaged.
The late planted will not average ten bushelH
per acre , nnd the quality of tbnt will bo
very chaffy. There will be pieces of early
corn that will make forty bushels per acre ,
but most corn Is estimated at from twenty
to twenty-nvo bushels. Rain wns needed
to prepare the ground for sow Ire of ' "H
wheat. Most of the ground li plowed and
ready for the seed , but farmers are afraid
to sow. Some few have chanced It nnd put
the grain In.
SHELTON , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) The
hot , dry winds which have been blowing
from the oouth for n week stopped yester
day , when the mercury fell from 100 In the
shade to 70 , nud n plcnsnnt coolness from
the north prevnlls. Rain began falling nt
2 o'clock nnd continued nil nfternoon Th's
will help fall plowing and the wheat and
I I rye which hnvo been sown.
I FAIRBURY , Neb , Sept. 8. ( Special A
light rain fell last night , not enough to soak ]
the ground , but sufficient to stop the hot
I winds which have been badly drying the
I corn. Late corn Is considerably damaged ,
| but a few cool dajs will put most of tbo crop
' out of danger.
1 PONCA , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special ) Th' CT-
tremo hot weather and winds were displaced
last night by a severe thunder and rain
storm ana it rained the greater part of
BRADSHAW , Neb. . Sept. 8. ( Special. )
This section , which has been suffering for
several weeks from hot winds , dust nnd
drouth , was greatly benefited yesterday by
n fine rnln which began falling about the
middle of the afternoon and continued until
the ground was nicely soaked. Farmers will
be able to complete their fall plowing and
sowing of winter wheat which they have
been compelled to abandon on account of the
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
The long , hot , dry spell was broken this
morning by a fthow r , .accompanied by
heavy thunder and lightning. This nfter
noon another refreshing shower fell. The
total rainfall amounted to .62 of nn Inch
and the thermometer hns dropped forty de
grees. It Is reported here that during the
thunderstorm this nfternoon lightning
struck the Catholic church at St. Llbory ,
about ten miles from here , and It was
burned to the ground.
NEBRASKA CITY , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
A heavy rain fell In this section last night ,
I affording effectual relief from the extreme
heat and dust that had prevailed all the
week. Fall plowing will now commence.
The acreage of fall wheat promises to be
above the average.
CRE1GHTON , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
Another good rain fell here today , putting
a stop to the hot weather. The rain Inter
fered somewhat with the races scheduled
at the fair today.
WYMORE , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) The
drouth was broken here yesterday by as fine
a rain as could bo desired. The rain wns
preceded by several days of the most disa
greeable kind of weather , It being sultry
with hot winds blowing. When the
rain came tbo water fell so fast that the
sewers could not carry it away and the
streets were eolld sheets of water.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. )
The long drouth and extremely hot
weather of the last week were broken yes
terday by a splendid shower , which contin
ued Into the night. Although tbo corn crop
In this locality Is a failure tbo rain is wel
come to the many putting In wheat.
GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) Yes
terday an exceedingly small flno rain fell
which was Instrumental In lowering the
temperature from 100 to 50 degrees.
ST. EDWARD , Nob. , Sept. 8 ( Special )
A good rain fell at intervals all day yester
Otoo County Dlntrlct Conrt.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Spe
cial. ) Judge B. S. Ramsey of Plattsmouth
arrived hero last evening and convened
district court for Otoo county. The greater
part of today was spent In calling the
docket , setting cases for trial and arguing
motions nnd demurrers. The Jury will bo
called next Monday. Senator Hnyward ap
peared In court , the first tltno he hns been
out elnce his recent Illness , and was con-
gratufated upon his recovery , which Is now
almost complete.
CniiKht oil n CromilnK.
SUTTON , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) Last
night while driving home In n buggy , the
hired man of L. Lavlngton attempted to
cross the railroad track ahead of No. 3 nnd
was struck by the engine nnd thrown out
but not seriously hurt. The horse was killed
nnd the buggy wrecked.
Hum lliirnnl ,
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. S. ( Spe-
clal. ) A barn belonging to John Hearst ,
seven miles from this city , was burned yea-
torday , together with some farm machinery ,
harness and grain , The looa Is about $1,000.
No insurance. The origin of the flre is
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Spe
cial. ) The contract for building the gym
nasium at tbo Institute for the Blind was
nwarded to J. B , Mnuson of this city.
Forty-five hundred dollars was appropriated
by the laat legislature for the construction
of this building.
( in n nix GH to Ciiiiip.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Spe
cial. ) Company C , Nebraska National
Guards , leaves tomorrow for Lincoln , where
the Second regiment will be In camp from
September 3 to 14.
Johimon Lodgi-il In Jnll.
WAHOO , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special. ) John-
ton , the would-be slayer of Sheriff FarrU ,
was brought to this city and lodged In
jail laet night to await a preliminary ex-
| amlnatlon.
Tjpcnrlt T Inks Nrm tn Up So rin'ftl-
Jlcil Itintrnil of "Colors Con-
Oil , "
N'KW YORK , Sept. S The United States
general appraisers today handed down n de
cision that has been awaited with considera
ble Interest by typewriter concerns nnd deal
ers In t > pewrlter supplies generally.
In March last a firm Imported a largo
quantity of Ink for typewriter ribbons. It
was appraised under the tariff act of ISt *
as "colors containing oils and size" at 30
and 35 per cent adalorem nnd 8 nnd 10
cents per pound , according to quality. The
firm claimed that the Ink should bo classi
fied as printer's Ink at n 2ii per cent adnl -
orem dutj The appraisers sustained the
claim nnd class the product as printer s Ink
tiK TIIK rnt to Hi Itcllrf
Struck > n lln > \n > to MncUlnnvr
lloiniil Dim n ,
UKTUOIT. Mich . Sept S The passenger
steamer Stnto of Michigan | R nshoro at Ool-
Chester. Thp wrecking tug Saglnaw has
gene to Its roller
The Stnto of Michigan runi from Lake
Krlo points r.nd Detroit to Mackinaw , It
was bound down.
r.urklrir * vrtiicti Milvp ,
The best afvo In the worM for cuts ,
bruises , sores. ulcer , salt rheum , fc > er
sorei , tetter , ehappoil hands , chilblains
corn * , ntnl nil skin eruption * , ntul positively
cures piles or no pay u-qulrej It Is gunr-
anirril to give perfect < tnt' < fartlnn or money
refunded Trice 25 cents per box. l-'or sale
j b > Kuhn & Co
The Remarkable Experience of a Philadelphia
Architect With This iSalatlv.
Hny fever Is really ncuto catarrh excited
by minute emanations frutn lortnln grasses ,
flowering plants , fungi or dried vegetable
substances. It IB ver.v sudden in Its onset ,
nnd , without proper treatment , continues
until the season changes or the patient goes
to some favorable locnlllj. It hns nil the
sjmptoms of ncutu catnrrb bneerlng ,
nbundnut exudations of mucous , and thick
ened , reddened mucous membranes , some
times exciting spasmodic asthma.
Mr. J. N'aschold.
Mr. ' J Naschold , 426 West Mfe Pleasant
Ave , Philadelphia , Pa , recommends Pe-ru-
na for hay fever or endemic catarrh ( hay
fever ) . He wrlteo
"I have used your treatment for catarrh
of the head , none nnd throat , ns vou dlag-
j nosed it nnd hnvo four bottles of
le-runa whlih did accomplish nil the
Rood work 5011 claimed for > our vnlunblo
medicine nnd 1 cnn say truthfullv that 1 nm
entire ! ) cured 1 have for jenrs been n
surioror from this disease , especially ilurliiR
sprliiR nnd summer time , nrd never hnvo
received nny relief until very hot or very
cold wont her sot lu.
" 1 had tnKon these four bottles during
I cbrunry. Mnreb nnd Anrll uimn i n i nni >
felt tr itly better , but wns as the case
stnnds now , cured , for evtiry jenr for those
threp jenrs the nttnil.n relumed nlxnit the
middle of August nnd Insted until liccumbor
| HurliiE the critical month of SoMcmber 1
i have hnd only n slight nttack ef lm > fever
i or catarrh , which 1 get rid of bv taking
I about three-fourths of a Nntlp of Pe-ru-ru ,
while , for Instance , the mituinii of ' 97 , dur
ing which time 1 had onlv fodrofs to the
1 remedies then Known to me I suffered for
| inontliH 1 hnvo been entirely free from en-
tarrh this autumn with the exception of the
nbovo mentioned time.
I J Xnschold.
| Pe-ru-na Is n Riwclflc for liny fever and
, should bo taken during the whole senson
of the exposure to the cause ; for ns long
j ns the exciting cause remains , no cure cnn
bo permanent. People who nro unable to
chnngo their location during the season of
hny fovcr will nnd In
Pc-ru-nn n priceless
benefit to them , ns It me < its every dlsngrco-
nblo djmptam cxnctlj. It Is alwajs ndvis-
nble to begin the use of Pe-ru-na n week or
two before the expected attack of hay fever
In old cases , where the attack cnn bo fore
told , as this will often prevent entirely the
return of the disease. Address Dr. Hartman -
man , Columbus , Ohio for a free book.
The mlcrobfu that cause chills and fever and malaria enter the system
through mucous membranes made porous by catarrh. Pe-TU-na heals the mu
cous membranes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs , thus preventing and
curing then affections.
Remember the wonderfully successful specialists and treatment of this Institute com-
blno the two Kretittnt factors of the heallr s art known to toe medical profession ,
ELBOTIUCITY and MUD1CINK It IE the lirsest , most thoroughly and eompletelj
equipped Institute , both okctrically nnd medically , ever mtakllrfheil for the treatment
and absolute cure of all Ntrvous , Chronic and Private Discuses of MEN and WOM
EN. Honorable and Fair Dealing Accorded All.
These Doctors Can Cure You
Specialists for Diseases of MEN.
Specialists for Diseases of WOMEN.
The grout electrical nnd mtvllcal specialists of t hla Institute are far the best , mo t
successful and scientific the world IIBH ever known , all of whom are graduates of the Medical Colleges In the world , each having had long and suoce.soful practice
ELECTRO-MEDICAL I . . . . . . . .
benelltH of this hunt-ess ful treatment under the most nklllful and learned specialists.
B a. sured that if any power on earth can cure you theue doctors can Tliey have
effected complete and permanent cures after all others have failed. Homo doctor *
fall because of treating the wrong disease , others from not Juxrwinc the right treat
A cordial invitation is exte idtd to all phyoidanfl or npocloJltitw having difficult or
fttuVborn rases to brltiR theli .aaltnts to th t Inctituo for trcattnent , under UiU im
proved system
A perfect cure guaranteed in all cases accepted. Our special combined Elctro-
Medical Treatment for Nervous Debility Never Falls YOUNG. JUDDLE-AaBD
AND OLD MKN , I tu Manhood ' ' 'he nwful effects of Indiscretions In youth , Belt-
pollution or exceftBes In after life and th effects of neglected or Improperly treated
cases , producing lack of vitality , sexual weakness , undeveloped or shrunken organ * ,
pain In back , loins and kidneys , chest pains , nervousness , sleepleasneas weakness of
body and brain , dlzzlnesii , falling memory , lack of energy and confidence , despondency ,
evil forebodings , timidity and other dlstresxlnff eymptoms. Such cases , If neglected ,
almost Invariably lead to premature decay , Insanity and death.
by this treatment after all other means have failed
} "our trouble . * , If living nway from the city. Thousands cured at home.
kooki 'Childe to Health. " free.
JVCJCSi Ile t Hunk * nnd I.eudlnir flnilnras Men of thil Oltr *
Office Hour * From R n , in. to 8 p. in. huiidnj 1O n. in , to 1 p , m.
will find on exo llc > nt roctorntlva
for tbo fatlcuo of montnl overwork In
Horsford's ' Add Phosphate
Genuine bc.\rt name HonfoM't on wrapper.
Ami Women Dr. llciinrtt'n Klortrliv
licit onorn n ( Jiinrnnlccrt mill I't r-
innnrnt Cure lrunn Will Aot Cure
Thcj ( ) | i | " > r > utiirp Other licit *
Hum KrlKhtfull > .
To weak nnd debilitated men nnd
women t offer a fro * book If they will
onlv write for It It will tell > ou Ju t
wliy drug" will not euro nnd why Ulectrlc-
llyi \ now the crenteil rcnidlln ngnnt
known to modern in lento. 1 could give
tlruir ) If I wnnted to and mike iv
crent dcnl of money by doing so It
doe- ) not coil n cent to wrltn n : > rencrii > -
lion , but 1 could not give > ou drug
treatment nud lie honfut , for I know ilrupa
will not cure they onlv tiinporurll > stim
ulate. 1 am the Inventor or
DR ,
which In Indorsed
bv physicians und
roconunen d c d by
thousands of cured
Itntlents I worked so
Ions on tliln belt to
perfect It nnd studied
it EO imtlcntly that I
know exactly what
it will do. If my Belt
will not cure you I
will frankly tell you
to. I do not want a
I dteiatlsfled patient ,
i noi nm I going to have
one If ni > treatment
will not cur you I am
solnt to say to Do
you hnovv there nre
more drug wrecks than
alcoholic wrecks In
thU countrj It Is a fnct Don I drue
yourself to death The medicine that nifty
Bllshtly benetlt onu mnn will lltcra ly tear
down tbo comtltutlon of mother. KU-ctrlc-
Ity alone st.imls unnmall.iblf It Is the A It il
and Nerve Porc of every nnn and woman
It IB llf Itself When there Is n lack of
Electricity In the system > ou ore sIcK
My Belt Is to supply till * lost P.lectrlr tv
, Tbo only trouble heretiifnn- with electric
belts nnd batteries was thnt tin * current
did not penetrnto the S > SIM lint wns i
mined upon the surfnce i ihli
frlchlful burns nnd bllpfiI . I have tlonn
awny with nil thnt Mv 1 It Una soft ,
silken , chnmoln-covered uponn - electrodes
thnt lender this burnlmr .mil lumpilng a
pli > Jcnl Impossibility nml n.lowi the en
tire current to penetrate the ivst'in ns. it
should The electrodes on in > Belt test
moro to manufacture than the entile lii-It
of HIP old-at > le innkcEi Whin worn out
it can be renewed for onl\ i ! > contn r > .o
other belt can be rcnowtd for nny price
nnd when vvoin out Is worthless.
I guarantee mv Hell to cure Hexunllm-
potency , Lost Mnnhtiotl , Vnilcocnlc , Spcr-
rniitorrhoen and all forms of Sexual
Weaknesses In clthei sex , lestore Slirunk-
en und Undeveloped Organs and Vitality ,
cure Nervous and General Dobllltv. Klil-
nel.lver and Bladder Troubles , Chronic
Co"n.Htpntlon ! Dyspepsia , Ilhouiniittam In.
nny form. All fomnle complaints , etc. The
nrlccs of my Belts nre only about half
what I" nj ked for the old-stylo affairs nnd
I warrant mine to be four times stronger ,
" operates- current that you can In-
tantli fel
( . 'nil upon and write me today sacrefllv
conllilcntlnl Get symptom blanks anil
Ittpnture Write for niv New Uooic About
UlictrMtv My nioctrlcn' Suspensory for
the pernnnent cure of tbo various weak
nesses of mon Is PRKU to every miln
purchaser of one of my Belts Consulta
tion und advice without cos > l
Company ,
noomn 2O and ill Dnnarlni BIocK ,
Omaha , Xobr. , IClth and Dodv * Strretn.
RticGREW ,
Tr t ell Fc-mj of
22 Ytjn Experience.
UYeirslnUmah : .
JjfKDICAI , Treatment
rMir ! combined.Varlcocclo ,
Stricture , Syphilis , I < ossuf Vicor.iud Vltalit > .
Cnir.S ntUIUXTEEn. Cliarres low. IIOJIK
THEAT.VKXT. Hook , Crmuiliatlcm anil Ctaui.
liiati'in Tree. Hours , 8 a. m. ted ; 7111811 in
Suiiili7,91iil2 I' O. Iox76 < , Office , N K.
( or. 14 Uaud Pariiam Streeth , OMAHA. NCI ) .
Chlcbc trr-i iCnirllih Diamond Tirana.
Orlclnul nnd Only Crnulnr.
AFE , tl * 7 relltllU LADICB l
ll for nirHtilirt Lnfllilt Ilia ,
ran < < ln Itrit ao4 r.0U'
falrd wlih blu rlhboo
nootbrr , Refutt tlangtroui lutiititu *
liontanrl inltatloni AIDrUfcl'ti , orient 4 a *
lo ittfupi f r panleultri ititUtooUli and
"llrllcr for luillrN"inl'IUr t > ; return
SUM. lO.OUO1 tla > ODUIi K ntlaptr.
- .
loll tr til Urtl llm Iili I'll 1 1 , A II A. , I'A.
UMI UlcU for ilnnuturuJ
illBchamra. liittummuMuni ,
, Irrlutiuni or ulctratlunt
of m ti c o u a njcinbran' * *
. . J'nlnlfne , ami not aitrls-
iTHEEVVUCHEMICUCO. B11"1 or lolMinout.
hold by DrucBliU ,
11 r trnt In plain vrrnnnrr ,
tiy uprfi-d , prepaid , ( u ;
II 10. or 3 Lottln , 'TJ
( irruiar ieui uu rwjutir.
M Impossible without nrrn !
energy , ttionj ; brain power.
SEXINR PILLS insure this They ennbla
you to think clearly one
t.'crvmn Debility and banish all impel lections
caused by past errors Have you thnt bonndleii
energy which indicates perfect lieallb' $1 oo lloole
flee. Address "
Kor bale by Kuhn & CV > , or Wuldron ft
Results Tell.
The Bee
Want Ads
Produce Results. |
Morand's ' Dancing School ,
Creighton Hall.
Will rt-opcn for children Kalnrilii ) ,
he [ ill-in I ) IT : iUli. ( llPulnni-rH 111 u , in ,
aiHnnrr , V uuil 4 I' , in. Adult * Turi.-
ilay , hriilcmhrr - < llli , H | i , in. Oitrnlni ;
AnHiiultllfiiViMljuHilii ) , hi-iil. -dlli ,
S | i , ill. 1B ! ' .
Howel.'s Will turn (
. Colds , Ho.'irn'iii t.3
or Here Throat Always -
ways rtllalne I'or
bttlu by all ( Irit'- )
26c anil C/c
Wr DAVCASIIeach * > * lMil-.bu.Ki.
WO rAY If voueeliHUrk-j i > r .
JKUXS. Outfit obaolutelr free I DM U.K.l