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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1899)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SATtmDAY , SEPTEMBER 0 , 1800. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL wheat in Chicago Heavy , for Fntu s , But Steady for September. CORN LOWER ON RAINS AND COOL WEATHER tTrnnnvnnl War Iltimora Hnve Slcndy- UJTrot oil Wheat , Hut All Other Llnr * Mnlce Decline. CHICAGO , Sept. 8. Wheat wns heavy to- flay for the deferred futures and compara.- Hvcly steady for September. Klevntor coin- tietitlon helped the latter , whllo futures de clined WQHo on the heavy receipts nml llKht demand. The break In the drouth cutie io off the price of corn. Oats closed about 1 J4o lower and provisions GQlnc lower. He.vy receipts In the northwest and In difference of forelijn buyers were Influences * et the opening In wheat wIHch caused nn Initial decline of U'a ic and which resulted vln a heavy market throughout the entire jiCMslon. The early Liverpool cables showed ( about Hd decline and reported a very slack cash demand there. Heavy receipts at ( Kupslan perm were also reported and Ar- .fccntlnc shipments were liberal. The fact [ .that the Transvaal situation did not Itn- Improve the forelsn demand apparently ' ( brought traders bark lo the old basis of cupply and demand and thp continued Barjro receipts at primary points and thor r mall cash demand resulted In more or l"ss 1 liquidation by longs In all the deferred fit- ( lures. Septwmbor , however , wan In good ' demand from elevator people. At times Mliere was brisk competition from that eour.'o nnd prices were steadily maintained , liehortly before , noon a more rosy aspect was ljlven the situation by reports of Rood ex- import engagements at New York and by the .onoro serious tone of Transvaal advlros. TThla resulted In a contraction of the. sdl- ' Inc movement and Induced some covering Iby shorts , a slight rally In prices roHUltlng , but by noon the market had fallen back , nto Its old rut and the slight advantage was soon lost. Thn real feature of trading .Was Us extreme narrowness. Prices all May kept within > 4c range and trading wad iilinnst entirely professional. The market Vor quite loni : periods was absolutely at n standstill. Heaviness prevailed to the * nd. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were J621 cars , ag-iinst .03 lost wek and 844 a vear ngo. Chicago receipts were 91 cars , : of contract grade Total primary receipts rtvere 1,057,000 bu. , compared with l,3i > l,000 Aiu. a yeai ago. Atlantic port clearances of wheat nnd flour aggregated 317,000 bit. [ New York late In the afternoon reported iG loads for export. The shipping business ( here , however , showed no Improvement. During the latter part of the session the wnly support that the market received was ? lic , whern ft closed , September sold as "high as 70sc and closed unchanged at 70He. Corn was weak and lower. The breaking yof the drouth 'throughout ' the corn belt nnd cooler weather helped the bears and iftmiUKlit considerable long corn onto the /market , resulting In a gradual decline In mrlces. Selling of deferred futures , were especially free. The shipping demand wns .jrood and export engagements were placed nt CO loads. Ileoeipts here were COO cars. December ranged from 2S rC to 2ST4c and closed % c lower nt 2Sc. Oats acted Independent of other grain jmarkotn. Some uneasiness was shown In ( September but deferred futures were ntcady and In good demand. Elevator people ple were free buyers of September , but frthero was quite free selling of that future bond prices sagged a little. The urgent cash tidemanJ was the prime factor In the steadl- Siesa. Receipts were 323 cars. December Pranged from 20U < ji20c to 20V4520c and closed a shade lower at HWSMOVic. Sep- itenVber closed % c lower at 21ttc. Provisions were slow and weak. There m-as steadiness early on the firm hog mar- 3cet and on the continued cash demand , but Jater In the session there was quite general realizing and prices declined all around. 1 The close was heavy. October pork 13c .flower . at SS.OTVi. October lard TVfcc lower ut ' * ! i.27V4 and October ribs 00"Vic lower nt t S 27Hif(5.30. ' Estimated .receipts Saturday : Wheat. KO cars ; corn , i5 ! cars ; oats , 300 cars ; hogs , head. futures rnneed as follows : Artlelos ttpan. Hlch. Low. Oione. Yos'dy ppt. . 7 OX 70U 70H 71W6tW 714 71 ® V < 71U 71M 74H 74SS am 31K-S2 2RU H8' ' 20 BOH 2UJt-30 Hnpt. . . 2114 cm 21M A > S 21 22HT 21U-22 B20 807K H20 H30 R rj' ' 820 BOO Ut , ! ) OfiO 0(1 ( B S''t C27K H27H fiR2V < A 4(1 r. 4' . fi M5 6Hfi ODD 645 645 611) C.12 B3S 837M r. so 602k BOB BOO COS f No. 2. Cash quot , tpns ( were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , t3.50 < 8 > il.fiO : Htraightn , J3.10ff3.15 ; spring patents , . < M(170 ; spring pjvcials. { 4.20 ; straights , J2.SOff3.IO ; bakers. J1.90JJ2.GO. WI1T3AT No. 3 Hpring , ( MBCSHc ; No 2 , rcd , 72ff72Hc. CORN No. 2. 'H c ; No. 2 yellow. SSHfiMe , OATS-NO. 2 , 2ii < ; i22'ic : NO , 2 wliito , 23U © < E4c ; No. 3 whitp , 22'/U23V'C. ( HYR No. 2. 57c. nAUMOY No. 2. 3flJN2c. BKED8 No. 1 ( laxxoed. $1.14 : northwest. Sl.lG : prime timothy Beed , J2.25 ; clover , fSMfn.on. P11OV1SIONS MCSH pork , per bbl , , J7.20J ? .10 , I inl , per 100 Ibs. . $5.20 < iT5.35. Short ( ribs Hides ( loosw ) , tu.lGffiS.GT . Dry Baited iliouldors ( box < tl ) . tu.50f(5.8aV4 ; hort clear widen ( boxed ) . $8. < Xu.70. ) WiriSICY DlBtlllers1 nnlshed goods , per , Bal. , Jl.22. SUOAU Cut lonf. unchanged. The following are the receipts and shlp- _ . , . . . for ( Ouay. Tlecolnto. Shlptn'tn. . bbls 13,000 7,000 Wheat , bu M.OOO T.7000 C'orn , bu G2G.OOO M7.000 . OdtM , bu 394OnO 563,000 atyc. hu 9.000 parley , bu 27.000 35,000 On the 1'roduco exchange today the butter Siiarkot WIIH llrm ; creameries , lii20c' ( inlalrlea , 13ffil7c. Cheese , llrm , IWJHllHc . 3''KB . Hrm ; frmh , HfJHlic. 1'oult'ry , .steady ; turkeys , flftlOc ; chickens , S'/'WlOVtc ; Mucks , 7',4Sl > c. YOUIC ( ilCMCUAI , MAHICIST. of the liny tin VnrloiiH ( -'oniiiinilKK'u. NEYV YORK , Sept. 8.-FIOUR-Recelpts , 47,145 bblu. ; exporlB , 10,627 bbls. ; Inactive j and easy but not quotably lower. Rye , flour. Btron er ; ( 'ood to fair , $3.10fl3UO ; , Aliolcn to fancy , J3a(3.40. ; ( i CORNMEAISteady ; yellow wpHtro. 74 ija76c ; city , 70o ; lirandywliift , 75c. KYE-HtroiiK ; No. 2 western , C4'4c ' , f. o. b. . ' , tloat : 8tat , 6 000 ! : , o. 1. f. , New York i ( car lots. ' IIARM'JY ' llrmer ; feedlnif , 42ff4lc , c. I. f . . Buffalo. i o. li. allout , to arrive ; No. 1 hard , I3u- .tith. kl"Hic " , to arrive ; No. 2 re < l , 731.0 , ele vator. Options opened barely steadv and i unchiinKed. ilerltnlinf positively later'in the k day under huavy northwestern receipts , flower cables and unloading. A short aft 1 ernoon rally occurred on better export re ports and wai talk , but renewed selling closed the markat weak at a partial Uo net dclinpS1U' | ' 7 " - ° i St'ptt-mber. 73V&C. closed at 73Ho ; December , 7ti'AflICHe , closed at ' ' CO'RN-Reoelpts , 91.705 bu. ; exports , 16- PC6 bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 394 ! . f. o b. , uttoat. and iSUc , elevator. Oiilons ] opened 1 easy on liberal rains in the corn belt de- idlnlni ? laur from active liquidation in face 'ftt ' large clearances. Closed weak and * ij ? , -u not decline. September closed nt sic : JJocember. SS OSo c , clostvl at 35Uc. OATS Hei-elpts. 2S9.SOO bu. ; exports. 376 Jju. : salea , 75,000 bu. Spot , dull ; No. 2 JSc Options , nulet and easy. CHEESE StroiiK. Urife white. lU1011 ic ; pniall whlt x , ll'.iiillHi ; ; largo colored , llV4u ; mull colored. U&ftllftc. EGGS Firm ; western candle extras at murk. J3BllGc. ' I'OTATOES-Steadyj Jerseys , 1.0Vffl.37H. ( TAIjIXiW Steady. ROSIN-Qulct. RICE Steadj- MOLASSES Julet. METALS The market In neneral shows less atablllty , Spel'.er a shade lower under Jlght selling pressure and a temporary withdrawal of buyers , prompted by disap pointed cables. The Metal exchange at the ' ( clone uuoted pis Iron warrants unchanged at $16.W , lake copper , quiet at { 18.60 ; tin , y with bid ; lead , unchanged with H.60 bid and J1.6JH ft.ikM ; spelter , easier with 15.80 hid nnd Ja.fiG askivl. The brokers' price for lead Is (4.40 nnd for copper J18.W. HOPS-qulet. WOOl -Stendy. I'KOVISIONS-noef , nrm : family , M0.50 ( SI1.50 ; beef hams , * 26.60fl27.50 ; packet , J10.00 ( fUO.60. Cut mpatu , steady ; pickled btllle * . W. 75 77.00. Lard , nominal ; wratern steamed , Jo.SS'SS o ; refined , quiet ; South America , JS.50 ; compound , $ I.87H36.00. Pork , nrm ; me.i.i. { 9.00ft9.bO. HAY Steady ; shipping , GOC 5c ; good to choice , new , 65f/SOc. HIDES-Stendy ; Clnlveston. 20 to 25 Ibs. , l 'j 17c ; Texaj dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. . W.ifilSc ; California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , 1SV4C. 0. > IAIIA ( JIIMCHAI. SIAHKRT. Condlllnn of Trndp nml Quotn lon on SJnplc nml Kntioy I'rodtico. EOnS Good stock at 13c. HIITTER Common to fair , 12V4o : choice , 14gi5c ; separator , 20e ; gathered crenmory , POULTRY Hens , live , 7HOSc ; spring chickens , lOc ; old and stnggy roosters , live , 3'i@4c ; ducks and geese , live , JS6o ; turkeys , live , Sc. pfoEONB-Llve. per doz. . 75c. VEALS-Cholce. Sc. VEGETABLES. "WATERMELONS Good stock , crated for shipments , 14fil5c. CANTALOUPE Per dor. . . crated , 35@40c. TOMATOES Per cmte. 25 J39c. 1'OTATOES Now , SOWSOo per bu. CELERY-Per doz. , 30fl3oC. SWEET POTATOES-1'er bbl. . 12.0032.25. FRUITS. PLUMS-Cnllfornla. prr crate. 11.3501.60. CALIFORNIA I'EACHES Freefone , 85 fi60c : Hllng ? . SOJJSSc. APPI.EH-Pcr bbl. , J2. GRAPES Na .1/09 , lie per inskot ; Cali fornia , J1.25Q1.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Callfornla fnncy , * 4.25tt4,50 ; choice California , J3.7604.00 ; Messina , fancy , J5.00ft6.23. UANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch $2.502.75 ; medium-sized bunches , 12.0002.25. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7".c ; No. 2 green hides. 6Vc : No. 1 salted hides , 9c : No. 2 salted hides. 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to IS Ibs. , lOo ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , Sc ; tallow. No. 2. 2Uc ; rough tallow. iy.c ; white grease. 2' tf3c : yellow and brown srous * l'2tC. St. I.onU Grain ami Provision * . ST LOUIS , Sept. S. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 6SHc ; track. 69 nfiOc ; September , C9Uc ; December , 71'4c ; Hay , 76'c ; No. 2 hard. C7V > < S69c CORN Ixiwcr ; No. 2 cash , SOVfco ; track 31'ic ; _ Septembe.r , 30TAc ; December , 27-Hjc ; OA'TS-Lower ; No. 2 cash , 22c ; track , r , 22Hc ; May , 22 ; c ; No. nYE Flrn.63c. FLOUR-Stendy and unchanged. SEEDS Timothy seed in demand at J2.00 COUNMEAL-Steady at $1.751.SO. r-JIS AStrong ; Backed lots , east track , 61 CC'wl c. ! tlmothy J6-BO ® o. pMVfofft5onif ! > - ' WHISKY-Steady at'Jl.22. . IRON COTTONTIES-J1.15. HEMP TWINE-flc. n A GOING Gififiajc. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meat . lower ; boxed shoulders nnd extra Bhort clear , J5.50 clear ribs. ? , i.K2 ; clear sides. J5.7S. Bacon lower ; boxed shoulders , J5.75 ; extra short clears , J6.00 ; clear ribs , $6.12ii. ; clear Hides , 3G.25. POULTRY Firm ; chickens , old , 7c : young , Sc ; turkeys. DfflOc ; ducks and gees ( . nUTTER-Qulet ; creamery , lS017c ; dairy , 3lfllC. ! ) EGOS-Qulet. VflAc. RECEIPTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. : wheat , 59- iJi'fi-.fS. ' ' S3'000 bu' : oat946000 bu- , ASIfIPMENTS-FIour , P.OOO bbls.wheat : 30,000 bu. ; corn. 114,000 bu. ; oata. 81.000 bu. l.lvprpnnl Gniln niicl Provlnlonii. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 8.-PROVISIONS i ctln > .Cumberland cut , llrm at 86s 6d : short ribs. 32s ; long clear middles , light J2s : heavy. 31s ; short clear backs , 30s : clear , , ! ? ? f , > S.i wllo l < lers , dull : square , 27 6d. WHEAT-Steady ; spot , No. 2 rod west ern , winter , 6B9Hd ; No. 1 northern , spring. fs Id. Futures , steadv ; September , Cs 9Wd : ' December. Ssll d ; March. 8s ld. CORN-FIrm : spot. American mixed , new , SsEd : old. 3sM. Futures Btejidy : Sepiem- I'er. 3s4d ; October. 3sCV4d ; November , 3s GWd. Recolnts of wheat during the last three days. 371,000 centals. Including 273,000 cen tals American Receipts of corn during the last three days. 100,300 centals. Wfather lino. KIIIIIIIIH City Oralii nml ProvlNloim. KANSAS CITY. Sept. WHEAT Decembsr. BS o : cash , No. 2 hard. C3@63Wo ; No. 3. OOTiCSc ; No. 2 rod. . 69S71c ; No. 3 62 ® CSc : rocclpte , 297 cars. CORN-Dcember. 24o ; cash. No. 2 mixed. 2S-iif29K'C ; No. 2 white , 29c ; No. 3 , "OATS-NO. 2 white , 220. RYE No. 2 , 63c. BITTTER Creamery , 20p ; dairy. 15o EGGS--FIrmer ffellng : fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , HUc per doz ' cases returned. Toledo SInrl t t. TOLBDO. O. , Bept. 8. WHEAT-Lowsr nnd Hteady ; No. 2 ca h , 69Hc ; December , TT'/iti. CORN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed 34o OATS Dull anu higher ; No. 2 mixed , RYE Dull and steady ; No. 3 cash , 60Uo SEEDS Clover , active nnd lower ; prime caBh or October , { 4.85. Ilntter Market. CHICAGO , Sept. 8. BUTTER Firmer- creameries. ICQSOc ; dairies. 1371170. vST. LOUIS , Sept. 8. BUTTER Steady ! creamery , 17@21c ; dairy , 18 17c. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 8. BUTTER creamery , 2flc : dalrj' . 15c. NEW YORK Sept. 8.-HUTTER-Flrm : factory , 13f/lDHc ; state dairy , 15Q20c. 5IliiiifiinIU 1'lour anil rirnlii , MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. S.-WHEAT-In Btore : No. 1 northern. September. 69c ; De- ? ovnbelX CT15ic ; , MajV TOHc : old September , 69 > ic. On track : No. 1 hard , old , 70ic | FLOUR First patents , J3.6503.75 : second putentH. J3.45fi3.55 ; Ilrst clears , J2.60fi2GO BRAN-In bulk , JlO.OOfl 10.50. Tliiludi Mnrl. < - ( . DULUTH. Sept. S.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard , cash. 70Vc ( ; September. 70'io ; December ( Oe ; No. 1 northern , cash. 67c ; September. 67c ; December , GSc ; Miiy. 71 > Sic ; No 2 northern , 65Ue : No. 3 spring , 61Tic ; to ar rive , No. 1 hard , 70Uc ; No. 1 northern , 67c PEORIA. Sept. 8.-CORN-Stendy ; No. 8. 30 4 c * . I Firm ; No. 3 while , 21ffl21 , Jo. ' WHISKY steady , on the basis of for llnlslied goods. Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. S.-WOOL-The Commer cial Bulk-tin tomorrow will say of the wool market : The activity of this week in wool has been ronflneil mainly to the last day or two and has been shared In by a few rather than the general list of dealers. Business In general has been quiet though satisfactory , but at the same time a few of 'the ' big dealers have negotiated large sales of territory nnd unwashed lleecea , which have swelled the volume of the sales for the week to a very respectable figure. The sales referred to wore made at prices which leave the market in llrm condition and the | outlook IB healthy nnd prosperous. A much larger quantity of territory could have been sold If the disposition of the holders had not been BO confident that higher values must prevail. Foreign news Is of n most hopeful character. The London auction sales are looked to for an advance of 10 to 15 per cent. Bids have /hee-n made this week on a lot of Australian cross-breeds 1 held In bond here for shipment abroad nnd one sale of 60,000 pounds was effected with i others likely tu follow In case the foreign prices continue to go up. The sales for the ' wet-k were np follows : ,6 , ! < 59.0fO pounds do- , mesllc nnd 291.000 pounds foreign , a total of 6.250.0W ) pounds for this week , against a totnl of 4.796.000 pounds for last week and a total of 2.433,0110 pounds for the corresponding spending week last year. Thp receipts to date show nn Increase of 272. W5 pounds do mestic and a decrease of 37.561 pounds for eign , as coii.p.irrd with last year. The sales to data slioAan Increase of 93 , 593. COO pounds domestic nnd 13S61,400 pounds for eign. ST. LOUIS , Sept. S. WOOL unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. S. COTTON The cot ton market opened steady ut a decline of 405 points and further declined 607 Mints under somewhat general selling so far as the future list was concerned , although It was understood that /and exportersand Amer ican uplnners were buyers in the southern spot markets , thus weakening the force , to home extent at least , of bearish cables * and large receipts. The early weakness was In creased by the fact that the English mar ket did not respond to our advance of yes- rrrday. Several times the market milled , but appeared to lack Inherent energy nnd was finally left to itself by the local bulls and became very quiet. During the afternoon there was some Irregularity on conflicting : accounts as to the crop outlook i and the prospective movement. The mnr- ket WBJ finally enfy nt n net loss of 9JJ13 iwlnto. the lowest of the day. I'MtutTS closed Nisy ; September , J3.81 ; October , Jfl.Di ; November , J iW , ; December , $6.09 ; January. ia.13 ; February. JS.16 ; March. $0.19 ; April , J6.22 ; May , W.26 ; June , J6.29 ; July , J6.32. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 8.-COTTON-Un- chnnged : middling , 6 ! 5-16c ; sales , none ; re ceipts , IM bales ; shipments , 873 bales ; MNEW ORLEANS. Bept. 8.-COTTON- Steady ; nles , 2.300 bales ; ordinary. 4Hc ; good ordinary , 4Hc ; low middling , 6o-16r ; middling , 616-lfic ; good middling , 6 3-16c : middling fair , 69-lGc ; receipts , G.OOS bales ; ntook , 140.658 baleP. Futures steady ; Sop- temlKr. J5.72 bid ; October. Jo.720/.73 ; No , . . . . . J6.0I0 .0 > 5. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows n total of 2,591.232 pounds , ngnlnjt 2,007.915 InM week , 1,909,004 laM year and 1.S61.S90 year before last : of this the totnl Amer ican cotton Is 1.9M.13S pounds , against 1.- 972.DK last week , 1.375,054 last year and S02- GOO year before InPt. Movnitiifivrs OF STOCKS AXD IIOMIS. Hour XPITH Mnkrn Stiinll llrcni'lii-w 1" Prices StPflliiK IS&rlintiKC Down. NEW YORK , Sept. 8.-Consldemblo stock was thrown upon the market todny ns a result of the bear news between Great Britain and the Transvaal nnd the condi tion of the local money market was n con tinued cause of unoaslncBs. The market took the offerings very well nnd so no very wide breaches were made In prices. Mrst prices of a number of the Internationals were the lowest of the day. notably Kansas & Texas preferred and Norfolk & \ \ estrrn preferred , which fell ! % nnd 1 , respectively. Dccllncp were not down to the London par ity ns a rule and vigorous support wns forthcoming nt the decline. Knnsas & Texas preferred nnd Norfolk preferred re covered their losses and there was a rally all along the lino. Near noon there wns renewed weakness on the circulation of alarmist rumors re garding the outcome of the British cabinet meotlng. The general level of prices fell lower than on the Ilrst dip. There was a movement to cover rhort contracts when authentic reports were received of the bet ter feeling engendered In London after the cabinet meeting. About the fame t mo Manhattan wns taken In hand nnd marked up over 2 points. Metropolitan Street Rail way. Sugar and Brooklyn Transit rose s.m- ultaneously. The general level of prices rose a largo fraction , miinclent In many cases to wipe out earlier losses. There were some subsequent wide movements In special stocks , but the general market con tinued quiet and dull and prices were not again materially changed. Tennessee Coal rose aggressively to 117 in the final dealings and Manhattan touched 116. the specialties generally showing some response. Pacific Mall suffered a loss of nearly 4 points on the statement of a de crease In July earnings , but rallied after- Other Blocks to show acute depression were Tin Plato. American Hoop , the To bacco stocks. Third Avenue. Metropolitan , West Side Elevated preferred , Leader pre ferred nnd National Steel , and among the railroads Erie first preferred. Colorado & Southern first preferred. Northwestern , Omaha , Lacknwanna , Hocking Valley pre ferred , Fort Worth and Rio Grande and Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis I * orrcf The time loans were held nt 6 per cent and U1 loans for the most part ranged from 5 and up to 6 per cont. The late fall in call loans occurred after the needs or most borrowers had been met and was without significance. A further decline In surplus reserves In tomorrow's bank statement is a foregone concluBlon. The movements of currency by express Indicate a net lops to the Interior by the banks of considerably over J3,000.000 and the sub-treasury has gained from the banks , including payments for taxes and deposit. for telegraphic transfer to the In terior , Jo.636,000. No set-off is apparent against this loss of cash of upward of JS- BOO.OOO. Sterling exchange In New York fell a eharp fraction this morning in splto of higher discount rate-s In London , but the bankers' rates for demand sterling partly recovered In the afternoon. The recent firmness of sterling exchange Is attributed to a demand for bankers' bills to cover short bulls made against cotton blllH. The bond market showed a yielding tendency on n moderate volume ot transac tions. Totnl sales , par value. $2,010,000. United States bonds were unchanged In bid ' London The Commercial Advertiser's financial cablegram says : The markets hero were stagnant today awaiting the decision of the caWnet this afternoon on the question of war with thn Transvaal republic. Opinion WUB much dlv ded nnd business was most meager. A slight rally Ex-Dlv. Stoi'U ( lliolutloiiii. Korrlcii Fliiuni-lnl , LONDON. Bept. 8. 1 p. m. The market for American securities after a weak openIng - Ing b oca me steadier on u better feeling. The final tone was flrm with a light de mand. Oold at Buenos Ayrcs. 133.W. Gold to the amount of C3,000 was taken Into the Bank of Kngland today and GOO.O > was withdrawn for shipment to the Cape PAUIS. Sept. 8 HiiHlnesH on the bourse today opened weak under the influence of the crltlrnl situation In the Transvaal and largo realizations During the afternoon there was a slight recovery , but at the j close of "the " day dullness predominated , al- though prices were eomewhat tendler. Spanish 4s closed decidedly firmer. Rio tln tos were Hat , but partly recovered , nnd Ivafllrs were very ngltated until nenr the close of the mnrket , when they becnme. dtendler. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 62Hc for the nccount. Excnnnge on London , 26f f > cf' > r checks. Spanish 4s. 6065. BERLIN. Sept. s. Prices on the bourse today were weak , owing to the dispatch from Johnnneaburg published todny by the London Times in regard to the Trnnsvnnl crisis nnd thp heavy fall In Knfllrs. Locnl securities were especially affected. Inter- nntlonnls were fairly maintained. KRANKKORT , Sept S.-On the botirsft today prices were flat In consequence of the grnvo political outlook. Ixjcnl securities declined heavily. York Moiier Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sept. 8. MONET On call. firm at 2 < IjG per cent ; last lonn at 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER - 4',4fi5 ' per cont. STERLING EXCHANOU-Kiuder , with actunl business In bankers' bills at J4.SG't { M.S6& for demand nnd nt J4.S35T4.S3tt for sixty dnys : posted rates. J4.SIIT4.87'.4 ; com- merrinl bills , J1S2. SILVER-Cortlflrntefl , 69Jf59ic ; bnr , D9c ; Mexican dollars , 47' > c. BONDS Government bond * , steady : stnto Clcnrlncn. CHICAGO , Sent. 8. Clearings , J20,404,973 ; balances , $1,847.774 ; New York exchange 65c discount ; sterling exchange , J4.S45j4.S7V4. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 8. Clearings , JG.219.401 ; balances , J409.495 ; money , 4(37 ( per cent ; New York exchange , $1 discount bid , 90c dis count asked. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 8. Clearings , J147.02o ; balances , $2.417,325. NEW YORK. Sept. 8. Clearings , J19S.6S2- 316 ; balances , J7.493.0S4. BOSTON , Sept. S. Clearings , $10,898,489 ; balances , $1,524,235. BALTIMORE. Sept. S. Clearings. $3,443- B9S ; balances , $524,034. Conilltliin of tile Treniiury. WASHINGTON ! Sept. 8. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury Hhows : Available cash balance. $280.967,566 ; gold reserve , $253,055,400. \VHI31CIA" t'bT'l'ON STATE.IIHN'T. Mom Cotton , ImiK < * r llccciptn fiiitl ,11 ore TnkltiKN Than u Your AUTO. NEW . . Hes ORLEANS. Sept. S.-Secretary ter's weekly cotton statement shows the amount brought Into sight is 150,103 bales , against 79,179 bales for the seven days end ing September 8 last year , 127.C11 bales year before last and 187,503 bales same time in 1S95. Receipts nt all United States ports since September 1 were 115,771 , against 60- 9GG bales last year , S3.520 talcs year before last and 131.IGS same time In 1S > 9G. Overland across the Mississippi , Ohio and Potomac rivers to northern mills and Canada , 10.293 bales , against 2,390 bales last year , 255 bales year before last and 5,108 bales uamo time in 16D6. Foreign exports for the eight days , 24 114 bales , against 34,13 < i bales last year. The total takings of American mills thus far for the sonson have been 60,12(5 ( bales , against 3V.G35 last year. These Include 23- BGO balea by northern spinners , against 10- G65 bales last year. Including amounts left over In stocks at porta and Interior towns from the last crop and the number of bales brought Into sight thus far for the new crop the supply to date Is 796.597 bales , against 354.5SO for the same period last year. Coffee Miirki t. NRW YORK. Sept. S.-COFFEE-Options steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points nnd ruled Inactive with a barely steady undertone. Business was checked by an absence of Brazilian news , holiday nt Rio and Santos ; closed quiet and un changed to 5 points lower ; sales , 6,750 bags , Including September , $4.30 ; October. $4.So ; December , $4.50 ; January , $4.60 ; March , $4.70 ( S4.75 ; July , J4,90JW.93 ; August , $5.00. Spot , Rio , dull and nominal. Mild , dull and barely steady. Oil Market. LONDON , Sept. 8.-OILS-LlnPCPd. 21s 6d ; Calcutta linseed , spot. 40s Gd. NEW YORK , Sept. 8. OILS Cottonseed , quiet ; petroleum , llrm ; turpentine , quiet. OIL CITY , Pa. . Sept. S.-OILS-Un- changed ; credit balances. $1.40 ; certificates opened at $1.10 bid ; highest , $1.12 bid ; closed Ut $1.41 bid : rales , 2 bbls. caslv at $1.12 ; shipments. 90,239 bbls. ; average. kOS67 bbla.j runs , S7.5CS bbls. ; average , 79,323 bbls. SiiKiir Murlii'l. LONDON , Sept. S.-SUGAR-Mnscovado , HB ; centrifugal , 12 * 3d. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 8.-SUGAR- Steadler ; centrifugal , yellow , 4US-154c ; seconds ends , 2'.sfllIBC. MOLASSES Duller ; centrifugal , GUo N13W YORK. Sept. S.-SUGAR-Raw. dull nd nominal ; fair rellnlng , 3T c ; centrifugal. DG test , 13-H'c ; molasses ) sugar , 311-16c ; re fined , dull and barely steady. Dry CIooilN Market. NRW YORK. Sept. S. DRY GOODS-An advance of % c Is reported In Dwlght and Triilt of the Loom sheetings ; no other changes In quotations. Brown and bleached cottons ore strong. The Jobbing trade is active and large sales In all departments. Llnrns are In good request ann tending against buyers. Burlaps are strong and murkot bare of stocks. California Krled I'riiHN. NEW YORK. Sept. 8.-OALIFORNTA DRIED FRUlTS-Sieady. Evaporated ap ples , common. 7'so ; prime wire tray , 8i ! © Mfec ; choice , Saii(9c ; fancy. 9i/9Vie. Prunes , SUfjSc. Apricots , Royal , 14c ; Moor park , 11 i16c. Peaches , unpeeli'd. SftlHie. * ln ShailiMV of Itouk , PAIUS , Mo. , Sept. 8. Tom Gritton , who Is engaged In hauling rock from Allen creek , In the Middle Grove neighborhood , whllo removing a largo rock , discovered a skele ton of a man , which had evidently been hid den for a number of years past. It Is said that this flnd was made near the place where Alexander Jester camped the night before young Gilbert Gates' mysterious disappear ance first causoj a thrill of horror in Monroe county , thirty years ago. It Is thought that this flnd may form another link In the chain of circumstantial evidence against the old man. charged with the murder of his young traveling companion. Murilt-riuiH .tlnnlii SolcfN Miiuliliilnti ST. LOUIS , Sept. S. A special to the Post- Dispatch from Hannibal , Mo. , Bays : M. H. Roberts , a machinist , killed Ills son , Sid ney Roberts , at his homo today and then shot himself , Inflicting a mortal wound. The son was killed while asleep. Sidney Roberts woa Bent to the insane asylum about four years ago , but was released as cured several weeks ago. The elder Roberta threatened the life of hu son upon the young man's return and was undoubtedly Insane when the deed was committed. The murderer Is a promi nent member of the OJd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Beoaipti as Usual Toward tbt Last of the Week , EVERYTHING SELLS REASONABLY EARLY Hog * llrlnir Stcnclr < o Strong I'rlcru Href Cnttle In Dcmnnil nnd Jlnrkct Vullr Slendy LlRhl Feeder. Continue Very Sloir Snlc. Total reccJpts 70 62 16 . .TjLeiP ° ? ' 9n.t the . . . . . . H. Hammond Co . 78 774 Bwlft and Company . 121 82 $ Cudahy Packing Co. . . . . . . 304 1,113 Armour & Co . ' ' ' ' ' 1,138 Cudahy. from K. C. . . . . . . 829 Swift , from K. C . 23 Swift , from country Armour , from K. C . 20 8iiiBSclYr & Deran. . . 137 Hill & Huntzlnger . 39 Hamilton & Rothschild. . 33 L. F. Husz . Layton . . , , Other buyers . ? oo 35 2,050 4,314 3,235 ' ,0 Cattle of a" klndB todn > * . only fifty loads rly and latcr nrrlvals above that mark. AH th y. a go < Ml many of inlsf h ere ? ere fcedf" , and the offer- caftln fattIe wer ? "Kht- Good killing of " iLCmft d and the few ' ° ads tobc hud were disposed of at ' Uuyers wo"ld y flrm ° -ne b"nch of ' " " 'e ' good ttt ln same notches kind the demand for that kind . was vwj"fa'r - = and { er\lavlrtkhet \ "nclli"W- . wa f no ed ye > tenlaj' , there seems to be an nccumulnflnn of common llirht , + n LV "Vr L.mliIatI0.n oiiorn BEEF No. Av. Pr No. Av."Pr" No Av Pr ' * ° ' ; ? " -1"8 WK S' ? ! S ? Si - 930 4 18 ii : : 8 i 5o : : ] $ S | g SMS 6 5 H 95 20. . DS3 490 75..1243 835 "iKl 6 05 flo 118 AN ° "BI RB. 4..1225 1. . 670 2 CO 1..1230 s'oO 21. . Ml S fO 1. . 670 2 60 1. . 950 3 00 SO. . 996 S 63 5" S12 r'2 1--U' ° 3 10 S - - 1. . 880 3 C5 1. . 870 2 75 8. . 890 3 20 1..1030 4 00 1..1070 2 75 2. . 815 3 25 2..1W5 4 25 2. . 940 2 75 9. . 9S2 3 30 2..1270 4 EO 5..102G 285 1..1250 330 2. . 800 4 50 1. . 980 300 14..1142 346 2..1323 4 65 1. . 810 g 00 3. . 773 3 46 HEIFERS. 11. . 3 , . . 531 HEIFERS. 1. . 680 3 70 . . 905 3 45 4. . 634 4 00 4. . 603 3 35 3. . 440 3 50 BULLS. 1..1310 3 40 1..1330 350 1..1240 3 60 1..1010 3 40 CALVES. 3. . 343 " " MI 6S ° * " 15 ° 6 50 1. 340 6 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDER1 ! ? 660 ' 6S9' 3 50 7. . 581 4 00 31. 809 4 25 630 3 60 10. . SS5 4 OS 28. , 975 4 35 . . . SM 55. . 761 4 03 4. , 567 4 CO 2..M10 3 75 1. . 6GO 4 20 * > O. > 793 5 00 S3. . 560 3 85 1. . 430 4 20 45 , < 840 500 26. . S90 3 90 7. . 602 4 20 , 610 6 00 1. . SSO 4 00Av. 26. . 601 4 40 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 2 feeders. 940 $2 75 9 feeders. . 890 $3 90 ' D cows. . . . 9S3 3 30 1 feeder. . . 430 4 20 3 heifers. . 140 360 1 feeder. , . 600 4 20 1 feeder. . 630 3 60 7 feeders. , 602 4 20 10 feeders. SS3 4 05 64 feeders. , 762 4 05 1 feeder. . WYOMING. cow . 1170 3 25 1 feeder. . . 930 4 30 James Phelps Wyo. 2 steers. . . .1125 4 25 1 steer . 127 fO 4 75 3 feeders. . 1056 t 30 Tomas Casio Wyo , 57 feeders. . 778 3 " 0 42 feeders. . 792 3 70 HOGS Light receipts , combined with a good demand to effect nn early clearance of the pens and everything was sold und weighed up at an early hour. The prices pa'.d did not show iuiy material change an compared with yesterday , and the general market cuuld only bo quoted ae steady At the same time In spots It may have shown n little more strength. Packers were claim ing that the quality wus not i good as ynsterday nnd that. Inking that fact Into consideration , the hogs cost them moro today. It will be noted from the table of average prices that the market is now a good lOc than a week ago and 15c higher than the close of last week. Representative- sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. 61. . . .359 SO $4 15 G2. . . .301 40 4 20 57. . . .297 ICO 4 23 10G. . .266 40 4 23 in. . . .2X1 160 4 27'A C7. . . .302 120 4 27V | 40. . , , .322 120 i 27 63. . , , .320 120 4 271,4 G.I. . .320 120 4 274 46. . . .283 SO 4 27V4 63. . . .237 120 4 27U 93. . . .223 IM 4 27 IMSO 63. . , .314 SO 4 27'4 31. . . .2S5 40 4 27U 101. , .202 80 4 27'4 ' Co. . , .278 . . . 4 2714 70. . , , .297 120 4 30 .251 . . . 4 30 70. . . .211 $0 4 30 6G. . .2W3 . . . 4 SO . . . .214 SO 4 30 C3. . . .259 40 4 30 70. . . .260 . . . 4 P,0 65. . . .227 40 4 30 47. . . .264 SO 4 30 121. . .24I > 200 4 30 03. . . .2S2 432 4 SO 39. . . .262 . . . 430 101. . 233 120 4 30 CO 225 SO 4 30 SHEEP Receipts ghowed un fairly well on paper this morning but of the number in there were six consigned direct to a i packer , so that the nctuM offerings on the market were quite moderate. The demand for mutton grades wns good nnd values on that kind were steady. The sheep did not get In until late , and there WHS n good deal of porting up to bo done , so that It wns late before very much wns nccompllfhed In the way of clearing th pens. The demand continues good for feeder yearlings nnd wpthors. but feeder lambs If anything , sold n little lower. The de mand scfnied to bo light for the lambs. Quotations : Prime native wrthors H.SOJ ? 4.00 ; good to choice grain wethers j.l.SOR ) S.M : fair to good grns < < wethers. H.C.IJM.TS : good to choice grans rwe t3.40tt3 50 : fair to good gra < ewes , S.I.Oiin.l.Xi ; good to choice spring lambs. J4.75fl6.00 ; fair to good spring lambs , $4.50iif4.75 : common pprlng lambs. t4.00ff4.50 ; feeder wethers , I3.60J13.70 ; ffcdcr yearling * . W.Off3.W. Iloprrcntativp sales : 100 feeding lambs fi.1 3 j > \ 91 cult Inmbs if 4 is 2ir , cull lambs M 4 15 10 cull Iambs 55 s fiO 121 feeder lambs if , 4 in 211 I'tnh feeder lambs M 4 2i 2f ewes M 2 W I 112 cwcs 102 3 4fl 4 wethers 75 3 M IJOTwethers S3 410 102 wethers M COO CIIH'VCO MVIJ HTOOIC MAUKKT. K iv OfforliiKn nml < Jo < id 1'rlccn ItUK" Slronu ; milt lIlKlirr. ritlfAOO. 111. , Sept. J.-CATTLE There were few offerings of cattle today to make much of a market. Good prices prevailed and the market wns well cleaned up. Rood Ito cholco cattle "old at Jf 7offfi S3 ; com moner grades. l4.ftVfr5.70 : stockers and feeders - . ers , J30i > T4.75 ; bulls , sows nnd helfrrs , J2 00 fif > 40 ; Texas Rteers. JS BO/iTI.23 ; rangers , J3.60 Jifi 33 : calves. J4.KV7.2J. ( HOns Prices for hogs were strong nnd fully 5c higher. There was a good demand nnd n light supply. Heavy hogs sold nt JI.15fl4.fiTi : mixed lots. J.301 ) > l.70 : light , )4.3o ( S4.75 ; pigs , JSSOfW.riO ; culls , J2.00if4.10. SHEEP AND bAMBS-Ilccolpts of shepp and lambs WPIO. largo for Friday and priors were somewhat easier for lambs. Sheep sold nt J2.0073.00 for Inferior to Jl / ; for prime yearlings , with western rangers selling at J3.60IM.2o ; Inmbs sold at J3.50G1 G.30. G.30.URCEIPTSCattle. URCEIPTS-Cattle. 1,500 heed ; liogs. 15,000 head ; ehpep , 10,000 head. Kan nun City I.lvn Stock. KANSAS PITY. SIo. . Sept. S.-r-ATTT,13- Ilecelpts , 4.2iiiV head , 1,200 Tcxanc ; grossors alow ; good grades nt-tlvp and Mrong ; hrcivv native steers. J5.KKTfl.10 ; light weights , J5.20 Stft.'u ; stockers nnd feeders. J3.75t5.00 ? ; butcher cows and hclfprs , J3.0035.10 ; cnn- ners , J2.23ff3.00 : western steers , J3.DOJJ4 W ; Texnn PteprH , J3.OOTi3.Ml. HOGS-UecelptH , 5.M ) head ; market opened strong to Sc higher , closed slow , with nilvnncc lost : hravj' . JI.37Hir4.60 ( ; mixed. J4.30T/4.4G ; light. J4.32HfJ4.60. SHEEP Receipts , 2 < ' 0 head ; small supply quickly absorbed nt strong prices ; no oholco grades ; common Inmbs , J4.25574.50 ; muttons , J3.50Tj3.7Ti ; stockers nnd feeders , J3.004.00 ; culls. J2.50ff3.00. St. Loiiln I.lvp S opU. . . ept. S.-CATTLia-necelptfl. 700 head. Including 200 head Trxnns ; mar ket steady to strong ; native shipping nnd export steers. J4.755ffi.40. with top grades worth up to J8.R5 ; dressed beef steers. JI.25 < 5G. < W ; Rtoers under 1.000 Ibs. , J2.75iff5.2 , ' ; ; stockers and feeders , J2.25fN.45 : cows nnd heifers , t2.00fl5.00 ; cnnners , Jl.50JT2.7o ; bulls , S2.35fJ4.15 ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.Gf > ff 4.05 ; cows and heifers. J2.20jf3.70. HOGS-Hecelnts , 1,900 head ; market strong to 5c higher ; pigs nnd lights , J4.60Jf 4.60 : butchers. J4.50fj-l.70 SHEEP Receipts. 400 head ; market strong and active ; native muttons , J3.75ff 4.25 ; lambs , $4.CKMJ6 50 ; stockers , J3.10ff3.GO ; culls and bucks , J2.00JT4.00. St. .Tnxriili I , Ire Slock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 8. ( Speclnl. ) The Journal quotes : CATTI-E Receipts , 1,400 head , Including COO head In quarantine ; steady to strong ; I natives , J4.75jiC.OG , Texas and westerns , J3.50 I ( JfG.Oa ; cows and heifers , J2.10fi-I.G5 ; bulls and 1 Htngs. J2.25H.K5 ( ; yearlings and calves , JI.10 ( jT > o.20 ; stockers and feeders , J3.OOIT4.So ; veals , ' J4.00JT7.00. HOGS Receipts , 2.SOO head ; market 5fI7 vC lilgher ; hpavy and medium , J4.40iJ4.60 ; light , J4.45fT4.55 ; pigs , J4.35JJ4.45 ; bulk of sales , J4.42 fN.47H. SHEEP Receipts , 2,000 head ; active and steady. Stock In Following aie the receipts nt the four principal western markets for Sept. S : Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 1.671 4,339 3.9 tt Chicago . 1,500 15,000 10,000 I Kansas CHy . 6,400 C,3i0 ; 250 St. IxJllls . 300 1,900 40i ) Totals , -j 9,471 26,5.19 14.61U ItItxleoH finicrnl StiifT Incvr Vnrlc. NEW YORK , Sept S. Among thw passengers - sengers who arrlvi-d today on hoard the Ward liner Seguranca , from Havana and Mexican ports were General Canton nnd staff of the Mexican army. The general Is governor of Yucatan. The Sosuranca also brought the body of Frank C. Ives. the bil liard expert , who died recently in Mexico , WHEN OTHERS . . .CONSULT. . Scarles 6. Searles OMAHA , NEB. Specialists In Nervous , Chronic & Private Diseases ( If Men and n'umen. We guarantee to cure all raises curable of Cnlanii , All Intense * of tl * A'ow. Throat. Uiett , Stomach , Hon-tli < I/H ( HvJHydrotclt , tnrl tonic , Syphilis , O'iii < /n/ii'iii. NpniniiQ rVohHfTii A"J a" lta a tt " " " ( . ' flU VOUb UuUUILU ailiueulB , amonir louiitf AIlMlc Aucit ( tiut Old Men Rlr r\rl nnrl QHn l > i" ' - ' > < i" . SOTCH , SJH > U , DIOOU dllll Ol\ll ! p.miJos . , Scrnlula. Tumors - mors , Tetter , Jlcifemn , and lllop < l 1'olson , tlior uu"lily clraiihnl from lliesymeni ; also Wo.iU- ncssof Organs , IiillaiiiuialloiiK ptures , JMlus , Flktula.iitc. Throa' , I < imes , l.lvcr , Dy pe | > fcl3 amlallb wclanJilomaclilroul > li' ( > hu < i cnicful and H | > cl.-il atleullui for all their many allmeuls. WRITE y" < < r troubles. If out of thp city curuU ill Uuiiiu \ > y curia > p adenct , Or. Searles & Sc.irles. Ill S. 14th ! . . O-naha , For thu cure of all murders - . j < . * c-tornach , Liver , Bowels , Kidneys. Bladder , Nervous Diseases , Loss of Appvtlte , Headuehu. Con stipation , Costlveiiesg , IiiilKMtlon , Bilious ness , Fevr , Inflammation of the Bowels. Piles and all derangements ot the Internal Viscera. Pur-ly vegetable , containing no mercury , minerals or deleterious drugs. OBSERVE the following symptoms resulting from Dis ease of thu Digestive Organs. C'unstlpj- tlon , Inward Piles. Fulliuaa uf the Blood In , the Hf-ad , Acidity of thu Stoinuch , Nauneu , \ Heart burn , Disgust of Food , Kullneis or ] AVelght In th Btomach , Huur Krutilons , | Sinking or Fluttering of the Heart , Chuk- ing or Suffocating- Sensations when In a lying poitur'- . Dimness of Vision , Dlzzinus.'i on rising suddenly , Dots or Webs Befuro the SliiW. Ft-ver and pull Pain In thu Head , Deficiency of Perspiration , YellownoHs of the Skin and Eyts. Pain In the Side , Chest , Limbs , and sudden Flushes of Heat , liurn- i Ing In the Flcch. i A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will I free tlio system of all the above-named disorders. Price 26o per box. Sold by all druggists , or ent by mall upon receipt of price , RADWAY & C'O. . K Elm St. , New York. JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS DUAHI ) 01' TUADH , llri"t wire * lu York. C rripondrntir. A Warrtc Oc. HRPEMNEYaca SfKS ROOM4hrUFEBLC < i. BRANCH l03Qt4J&T ' 6HAHA nta unccui nta TrnvoHajj Read The Bee Hero Is Where You Will Find it lu the Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnn > 31. ( Indnrd , ATLANTA. OA. ICImbnll ItouinCTT fltaud. BOSTON. I'nbUo I > llirnrr. Truiloute llu ( l Boitou Prcm Club , 14 UosTrorth It. I1UPPALO. G nr oo Hotel ABTT Ktnnd. BUTTU. Wm. Shield * . CAMBRIDGE , MASS. nn.rritrd omit jI.lbrnrr. . CHEYUNNE. E. A. , l'ia Went lOtta M. Ohcrnue Club. CHICAGO. Audltorlniu Annex Kern Stand. Auilltorlniu Hotel . IT KnniL. Qrnnil Pncltlu Hotel ! Vm. . nlnnil. tirent A'orthnrn Hotel Tlerm BUind. I'nJmor llou e NOIT * fltand. l > o lotn.cerT Stnud. Ko. 31T bnrn Ntreet , Auooluted AdrertUer1 * Club , ra Uotue. CLEVELAND. TdueII Haime. Vb llolleudem. Commerolnl Miuionle Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. I'rlntar * ' Uotue. DENVER. nroin. Hotel l rw Stivn.l. llnmllton A Kendrlok. UOO-Oia tTth i. MoLnlu , l ltt A Co. , 833 Sixteenth Bt. Pratt Mercnntlle Co. . 1517 Ixirlmvr St. The Mlntlonrr Co IBth iul Lo.Trrcu trcet * . Wlndcur Hotel New * Stand. DBS MOINES. tttntrm Jncobn , Rock Ixlcuid De ot. Y. M. C. A. IlcBUluu Itoom. DULUTH , MINN. W1U A Dennett , 214 IV. Superior BU FORT SMITH , ARK. HL O , A. Ileadlna Iloaiu HAVANA , CUBA. Hotel Ileadlafr HONOLULU , H. I. Honolulu Hotel Ileadlna noosn. HELENA. W. A. Moore , ( ttk UTCUUC and Main Bt < Uelenn 1'ubltc L HOT SPRINGS , S. D. George Gibnou. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. H. AVeuvrr & Co. F. C. llovliift. L. D. Cooper A Co. , O2O Central ATO. KANSAS CITY. Robert Ileld. 1OUU McKee St. Coo.te uoaieoirii iHnnU. tllHBOurl Itepiibllcan Club , OOO BaltN more Ave. I'tiMIc ribrarjr. nickieckrr Ctnr Co. , Oth and 'Walnut _ O ] > po ltv I' . O. UnllTTny V. M. C. A. , room 3T Union Depot , Kitn nn Cttj' , 3Io. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. C. A. IlcndliiR Kooin. LINCOLN. XV. S. Edn > l toii , 11 ; t o Street , cry Aeent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Ilalnua , JOG -Spring at. F. 11. HnnHrom , 422 S. Slnlu Ht. LONDON , ENGLAND. Ohorle * A. GIHlK' ' American 2 CoeU jlir St. , TrnJnlBmr Stj. . , B.V. . MANILA , P. I. Andrew F. Sulioiia , Cor. Paent * da Eapaua and Kocolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public IJbrarr. \Ve t Uotelerr Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union library. Fifth Avenn Hotel KeirB Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel Ilradlns Il Q te Empire Hotel. Urouuio Street Library. Holland Hou Head In a Uoom. HafTman HoUHe. S , . Imperliil Hotel Nevr Stand. T Sleohanlo * ' and Trader * ' Kre * EJbntny No. 18 Kant Sixteenth Street , Pr - Clnb , l O .Nnxxuu St. WoatmlUBter Hotel Heading TVlndnor Ilntrl Hendlnc lioof Y. M. C. A. , 211.1 Stree-t amd 4tk OGDEN. \ V.Vebb , 2-1OS W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. New York Ilcruld Hraillnjr n Av s de I'Opera. The * . Coolc A Son * , 1 AT . da PONCE. PORTO RICO. Zorre * Gvatrom. PORTLAND , ORB. IV. 13. Joi.r. , 01 Alder St 1'ortlnnd Hotel JVcwii Stand. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. I'ubllo Library. SAN FRANCISCO. I'ubllo Library. BAU JUAN , PORTO RIC * , Ilotcl faulaterru Heading Uoozt. SANTA ANA , CAL , Snot a Ana Frrv I > ubllo SALT LAKE CITY. I F. Hnwiinol. Lroeuui Salt LnUe N ir C * . Public Llbrnry. SEATTLE EuMern Novm Co. , I11O 1-B A. T. Luudberur. CJeorue K. Ward , . SIOUX CITY. Oarrclt o Hotel > < - > v Mondiiinln Hotel ! Sev Stand. HotuI Velidome JV vr * H turn A. Coinrur < & ICulckerbouUar. I'ubllo Library. GL-ruld Fltculbkou , TOO r mvtb Ut , Hey Allen , Ml Center St. Y. M. C. A. lluudlnir HOOBM SPOKANE. John IV. Orahuta TUS-TSB BUverilo. Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. ttr nrtov ' New * Stand , TM BAntontf trcet. Junotlou New * Stand , KOI Y. M. C. A. Heading Huota. ST PAUL , Minn. I'reM Club , Wludior Hutel. ST. tOUlS 13 , J , Jett , SOU Ulll k . flimler * ' Hotel X w * I'ubllo Llbrury. WASHINGTON , D. O. WllUrd1. Hotel New * HtatUU Arllniffou Hotel. Doiiureiilonal LJbrnry. . AirrUulturul I > * pa > tuirut r Ucvubllcuu National CuuuallU