Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Auditor Cornell Still Holds Up ths Claim of
tha Food Commissioner ,
"Will nKln MnnilnniUM 1'rocccdlnun nt
Once If the Cliiliu In > t 1'itltl
Todnj Di-tnllB lit the
LINCOLN , Sept. 5. ( Special. ) Auditor
Cornell still refuses to Issue a warrant on
the salary claim of Deput ) Food Commis
sioner HIbbard. When Mr. Hlbbard wai ap
pointed by Governor Poyntcr the auditor an-
uounccd that he would not allow cla'nis '
made against the appropriation for the ex
penses of the food department and It now
nppiars as though he means' to Keep his
word , notwithstanding the fact that he ad
mitted last week that the appropriation
legal and that the claim of Mr. Hlbbard
would be paid. It was announced In Xhe
auditor's olllco last week that the claim
of the deputy commissioner had been signed
nnd that the wariant would be Issued the
following da > When Mr. Hlbbard applltd
for thu warrant ho was Informed that th < j
auditor was still In doubt as to the consti
tutionality of the appropriation for the food
department and that he would have to wait
lor his salary until the attorney general
gave an opinion on the subject.
Auditor Cornell has since given the mat
ter no consideration nnd has not even asked
the attorney general for an opinion regardIng -
Ing the food commission law. This uftsr-
iioon Governor Po > ntcr took the matter up
and It Is stated that If the claim Is not
llnally allowed tomorrow mandamus pro
ceedings will be commenced at once.
Auditor Cornell's first contention re-
Carding the constitutionality of the appro
priation was that It was not siieclllc , boldIng -
Ing that the legislature could not provide
for an expenditure of state money beyond
the present blennlum. The pure food law
appropriates annually for an Indefinite pe
riod Deputy Attorney General Oldham has
Leld in an oslnlon In another case that un
npproprlatlon to bn legal must meet three
requirements. Flist. that It musbe for a
Hpcclflc amount or have a iloilnltc limit ,
iccond , that It must be from A specified fund ,
nnd , third , that It must bo for a legitimate
nnd beneficial purpose It Is admitted thru
the pure food appropriation meets all these
requirements , but the auditor has raised
another objection , bated upon hlawn con
struction of an atiiclo In the constitution ,
uhlch movldes that an tct of the leslsla-
ture authorizing or directing the cxptndl
turo of state money for olficers1 salaries
rhall contain no provisions other than thcso
which relate directly to the appropriation.
Is provided for
The pure * food appropriatbn
In the law creating the < ie'v department and
It Is for this reason that the auditor ic-
fuscs , so ho asserts , to allow the claim of
the deputy commissioner In an opinion
rendered by Judge Max-veil In a laso where
this point was raised the section Is construed
BJ as to refer only to appropilatlons for the
Balarles of olllclals pro-ld-xl for by the
conbtltutlon. As the deputy food comrofs-
filoncr is appointive and not elective. It is
the general opinion that the objectim of
the auditor does not fit the case.
Attorney General Smyth today assured
Jlr. Hlbbard that so far as he kncv. there
naa no reason why his ililm should not bo
allowed. About the only cxnlanatlon cd-
vanced is that the auditor slmoly deplres
to take advantage of an opportunity to op
pose the governor and to cause him , If pos-
Blble , to carry the case Into the courts.
Xndonnl OtuTil TriiiiMiurlnUoii.
The last legislature , In making the ap
propriation for the support of the Nebraska
Rational" Guard , made no provision for the
transportation of the troops to and from the
annual encampment. It Is thought that
this was an overblght , for provision was
made for subsistence and pay for officers
and rr" > n while in camp. Tbo total appropri
ation tor the National Guard Is $23.853 52.
Of this amount $5.467 Is allowed for armory
rent. Including troop , battery , band and
company headquarters ; $11.710 for salary of
men and officers while In camp , and $2,400
for subsistence. On one or two
occasions In previous years the railroads
have presented their claims to the legisla
ture for reimbursement , and as they cannot -
not bo paid this year from any other fund
they will probably bo compelled to wait
until the next session for the allowance of
their claims.
Orders were Issued to each company com
mander today for the transportation re
quired and there is but little doubt that
they will bo honored by the railroads. Ac
cording to the provisions of the National
Guard appropriation It would seem that It
ivns not the Intention of the legislature to
have two encampments. Adjutant General
Barry Is of the opinion that the appropria
tion Is large enough for two regiments of
militia and he proposes to organize a First
regiment before the first of next } ear.
Silos A Holcomb has fllod a statement
with the secretary of etato showing the ex
penses of his candidacy for the nomination
for supreme judge. As shown by the state
ment the total amount expended was $830 ,
divided as follows Subscriptions to Noncon
formist , $8 , stationery and stamps , 75 cents ;
railroad faro from Lincoln to Omaha and
return day of convention , $1 65. Frank G.
Hamor , candidate for nomination In the
Twelfth Judicial district , has filed a similar
statement , showing an expenditure of
The continued hot weatbor over the state
has lessoned the supply of water In the
Platte river and other streams. Secretary
"Wilson of the Irrigation board said today
that If the present weather continued many
moro daya the Platte would run entirely
dry ,
City Attorney Webster has decided not
to accept the position In the law division of
the Interior department tendered him while
ho was In Washington recently He will
resume his practice in this city ,
The Burr block , the largest office build
ing In the city was sold at sheriff's sale
thLs afternoon to satisfy a lien for $96,000 ,
secured four months ago against C C. Burr
and others by the Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance company of Milwaukee. The only
bidder was the mortgagee , the consideration
belue $107,000 ,
MOST OF TIII : n\my coicv s\i'-n.
Hot , lrcalluT Ill | > < * iilni7 ( lie Crop
Too Itaplill ) III Some SrrtloiiK.
LINCOLN , Sept. B ( Special ) The
Weekly Crop Bulletin , Issued by Director
Jxiv eland of fto State Weather bursau ,
eajs :
"The last week has been very warm , with
a few llghl , scattered showers in central
and northern counties. Tlui average ex-
cons In temperature has varied from 10
degrees In the southenstc-'i counties to
7 degrees in the western The dally maxi
mum temperatures have been above 90 de
grees on live Java ot the week and at many
nations above 90 dcgreea on each day
The rainfall of the week has been very
light. On the 3l3t of August scattered show-
Hody , Hralii mill Vt-rvti Tonic.
To Ocrooniu
Vortralta and endorsements sent postpaid.
SlAHIANI i ; CO. . 62 W. Uth St , New York ,
ers occurred In the touthwcstern , central
nnd northern counties. In Holt county tha
rainfall exceeded an Inch , nnd In a few
adjoining counties exceeded one-half on
Inch In only a few other placet did the
rainfall exceed a quarter of an Inch , and
In the southeastern counties practically no
rain fell.
"Oood progresa has been made with hay
ing and threshing during tha last weeit.
The hot , dry weather has been favorable
for corn In a large portion of the north
eastern part of the state and In some south
eastern counties , where the moisture was
sufficient , It caused corn to ripen iilcely.
In most of the rest ot the slate the dry
weather has caused corn to ripen too fast ,
and the late corn hai been materially In
jured. Most of the early corn Is now rip
ened beyond danger of damage by frost.
Plowing and seeding have been delaed by
dry weather. Pastures are suffering flora
the drouth. "
MIIHsicv SCHOOI , OIT.MMJS. trrttnnlniii'f In Mont Towim
VnnlKiiinrntM of Tcnclipm.
EDGAR , Neb , Sept. 5. ( Special ) The
Edgar public schools opened yesterday with
an unusually largo attendance Nearly an
entire change has been made In the corps
of Instructors The teachers for the present
} ear are Prof , C R Atkinson , superin
tendent , Miss E B Moyers , principal , Mlis
Eatelle Pine , assistant principal , Miss M
Ramsdell , grammar department , Miss V
Hokes , first Intermediate , Miss P. Edging-
ton , second Intermediate , Mlsi Grace Mon
roe , primary. Mlsa Mary McParland h
principal of the South Side school and Miss
Vlolu Kirk , assistant.
CREIGHTON , Neb , Sept. C. ( Special )
The schools of Crelghton have opened with
the following corps of teachers Principal ,
V P. Newport , assistant principal , Miss
Magulro ; grammar room , M. C. Bowman ;
second Intermediate , Miss Alta Bagley ; first
Intermediate , Miss Mathews ; second pri
mary , Miss Johnson ; first primary , Miss
Eva Varnall.
DUNBAR , Neb , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
School opened here with a smaller attend
ance than last } ear. Prof. Hanlon Is prin
cipal and the Misses Lelth aud Blooming-
dale , assistants.
DECATUR , Neb . Sept. 5. ( Special. )
The Decatur schools opened with a good at
tendance , and the following teachers In
charge. Prof. Ernest Smith of David City ,
principal ; Miss Lottie Hamilton of De
catur , grammar department ; Miss Ruby
Ralph of Oakland , Intermediate depart
ment ; Miss Julia Hamilton of Decatur nnd
Miss Mabel Preston of Wayne , primary de
Cuiiliilii Moore for SlicrllT nn l lileii-
triiniit HeilcrcocU. for Clerk.
NELSON , Neb , Sept. B ( Special Tele
gram ) The republican county convention
1 held here today was most harmonious and
the following ticket was put In the field ,
which all feel will bo a winner : Clerk of
' district court , J. B. Conner , Ruskln ; county
clerk , Lieutenant J. A. Hedercock , Nora ;
treasurer , T. H. Christy , Lawrence ; sheriff ,
Captain W. K. Moore , Nora ; superintendent ,
| W. T. Bottonlleld , Nelson ; Judge , W. W.
Hopper , Superior ; coroner , J. W Foster ,
Oak ; surveyor , A. W. McReynolds , Nelson ;
commissioner , third district , Theo Mcnke ,
Lawrence. Captain Moore and Lieutenant
Hedercock are both returned officers of the
righting Tirst Nebraska , the others are all
old residents of the county.
Resolutions were adopted reaffirming loyal
and undivided support of the republican
party and Its leaders. The able administra
tion of President McKlnloy was eulogized
and the skill , courage and patriotism of the
Fighting First and especially Company H.
It Is believed the party will meet with suc
cess this fall In Nuckolls county.
NCIY Cron In NortliTFCMt Xelirnnkn.
CORDON , Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Special. ) Rais
ing onions In large quantities for market In
the northwest Nebraska Is a new venture
made this season by Arthur Weir , a young
printer , who left Chadron and went down
to Cordon and rented a patch of fifteen acres
of bottom land that Is under the Irriga
tion ditch and well tilled. Mr. Weir then
put In all the onions and hired a horde
of the town boys to spend a month weeding
onions , swimming and fishing. That army
of boys made the crop. It Is a new Indus
try hero that many farmers next } ear will
follow. Weir has made a few thousand
dollars and the cash Is in sight.
I'mlnc MortunKP" nt Columbn" .
COLUMBUS , Neb , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
The farmers of this part of Nebraska con
tinue to pay off mortgages and the record
shows several thousand dollars to the good
for August. Twenty-seven farm mortgages
were filed , aggregating $24,672.31 , and thirty-
eight were released , amounting to $32,320 97.
There were no deeds In foreclosure during
the month. For eight months ending August
31 , the real estate mortgages filed In this
county amounted to $343,709 , and the amount
released aggregated $508,037.04 , reducing the
mortgage indebtedness $165,000 In two-thirds
of a year.
f Reunion Open * .
CAMBRIDGE , Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
The Grand Army of the Republic reunion ,
which opened here today , promises to be of
largo proportions. All the tents v.111 betaken
taken by tomorrow forenoon , but there Is
ample room to accommodate moro people.
I Tonight General Gage will address the
j campflre nnd there will be other prominent
speakers. The Ladies' Relief coips of Mc
Cook and Arapahoe will bo here tomorrow ,
numbering about 100. Many visitors arrived
today In wagont. prepared to stay all week
Dlinic'c to Follow nil nioiioiitont.
j HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept , 5. ( Special Tel
egram ) W , A. Fitzgerald has filed suit for
divorce from his wife Ida , alleging miscon
duct. Mrs Fitzgerald , who was formerly
Ida Cook , was a domestic In the Fitzgerald
home at the time of the death of the plain
tiff's first wife , something over a year ago ,
and ran away this summer with Dr. Rea ,
who spent several weeks In Hastings.
Hot Wlnil DIMM nur n < Unillinr.
DUNBAR , Neb , Sept. 5. ( Special , ) Late
corn Is much damaged by the hot winds of
the last three da)8 and fall plowing Is about
over with till rain falls , the ground Is so
hard. No fall wheat can he sown In the
cornfields , as the wind of August 10 blow
so much of the corn down It Is Impossible
to got between the rows with a seeder.
Oll > riiiler on Iliiiuiil Otrr.
STANTON , Neb , Sept. E. ( Special. ) The
preliminary examination of Oliver Anderson
for the killing of his half-brother , Andrew
Johnson , ar. , which occurred Sundae , August
27 , was held today before County Judge Vln-
Ing and the prisoner waa remanded to Jail
to await trial In the district court , which
convenes September 25.
Not Too Hot for I'lolllr.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. B. ( Special. )
Although the roads were dusty and the
mercury stood at 98 In the shade today , the
Methodist Sunday school , chaperoned by
Superintendent Cliff Wescott and former
superintendent went picnicking to Goose's
grove , two miles south of town.
lloml Flrnt Into Shallow AVnter.
CAMBRIDGE , Neb. , Sept. 6 , ( Special , )
J , J Bennett of Hastings while bathing
yesterday dove Into shallow water and re
ceived serious Injuries.
Stiitlonnr ) KiiKliiCLTH nt tit , Loiiln.
ST LOUIS , Sept. 5 Potween 200 nnd 300
delegates , representing more than 18,000
stationary engineers , met here today and
began the eighteenth annual esslon of the
National Association of Stationary Engin
eers One of the chief features of the con
vention Is the Interesting exhibits madi by
manufacturers of goods that every engineer
la compelled to use.
Columbus' ' Reception to Company K to
Exceed All Former Celebrations.
Untlil Cllr Orcetn Cnptnln Zclllnircr
an Ilctumcil from the Oond Uun-
bnr Uut ( c > lleeclie Itlch-
iiril .lumen.
COLUMBUS. Neb , Sept. 6. ( Special. )
All Indications today point to the fact that
tomorrow's reception to Company K will
bo the biggest event of the kind ever seen
In 1'latto count } . A largo pavilion has been
built near Frankfort park and over 200
i Invitations have been Issued for a banquet
, It Is expected that the crowd will exceed
I that of "Columbus" day In October , 1892
I Mrs Bertha JaesKl of this city has com
posed a song entitled ' To the Boys In Blue"
and dedicated to the first Nebraska volun
teers. Mrs. W. A McAllister has arranged
the words to the music and It will be sung
I at the reception tomorrow. Following la a
copy of the song
Though nbler pens have sung their praise.
and others thought It true ,
let I nmj give m > meed of praise to thebes
bos that wear the blue
Should honored bards all raise a song In
measures strong and bold ,
And chant their valor far and wide , the
half Would not be told.
On ! Our gallant boja are coming homo ;
they-\e crushed the Spaniards pride.
No moro he'll rule In western lands , nor
roam the ocean wide.
There's not one. of the number but would
answer dutj'a call ,
And light to free the suffering , though he
knew that > ie would fall :
Jbor Hearts line theirs ne'er falter and the
cannon's opening roar
Is but a call to victory more glorious than
But peace now smiles upon our land , Qed
grant sh0 e\er may ,
Tor the hearts at home grow weary while
the boja are far awa > ;
For earth has not a battlelleld but a crim
son stain can show.
Each has Its sacred mound of earth with
a bravo heart mute below.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
The return of Company B has aroused un
bounded enthusiasm and jesterday when It
was announced that Captain J. F. Zelllnger ,
who was left at San Francisco sick , had
arrived In Lincoln and would soon reach
home , the feeling was greatly Intensified.
Early In the evening crowds began gath
ering at the Durllngton depot to welcome
the captain. It seemed all Butler county
was there. As the train pulled Into the
depot the band plajed "A Uoyal Welcome
to Our Hero , " whistles were blown , bells
rang and thousands of voices shouted a
welcome. Captain Zelllnger was able to
walk from the train to a cab and a pro
cession was formed , headed by the band
and Grand Army of the Republic veterans ,
and Captain Zelllnger was escorted to his
Captain Zelllnger was taken sick at Ma
nila and came home on the hospital ship.
It was reported that he had died on the
way , but upon the ship's arrival at San
Francisco this was learned to be an error.
1 Ho Is jet very weak and was accompanied
from San Francisco by his wife , who has
been with him since his arrival from Ma
DUNBAR , Neb , Sept. 5 ( Special. )
Richard James of Company B , First Ne
braska , who was wounded near Malolos , was
greeted on his return by 300 citizens There
were speeches , followed by a supper. James
will enter the State university , from which
he enlisted.
Time n < St. Edwiiril.
ST. EDWARD , Neb , Sept. B. ( Special
Telegram. ) One of the largest crowds ever
congregated at this place met today to do
honor to the men who served In the Spanish-
American war.
Early in the morning the business houses
began to decorate their buildings and windows
dews and a very attractive showing wai
made. By noon nearly four thousand people
ple had arrived from Albion , Cedar , Rapids ,
Fullerton , Genoa and Columbus The
parade , headed by the First Nebraska band
of Fullerton , was formed on Second street
and marched to the grounds north of town
where a large tent and bowery had been
built. At noon the St. Edward band met a
large delegation from Albion , Including Com
pany M , National Guards. At the bowery
speeches were made by R. F. Williams and
ex-Senator W. M. McGan. When the mess ,
call was made over three hundred guests sat
down at the tables loaded with good things
provided by the mothers and frlenda of the
soldier bos. After dinner an exciting ball
game was played between Columbus and
Newman Grove teams , resulting in a victory
for the latter nine by a score of 3 to 7.
Company T , coosod of forty St. Edward
young women , gave an exhibition drill which
was commented on very favorably by the
crowd. Company M also gave an exhibition.
In the evening a blcclo paiade was made
through the principal streets and a dance
was given In the opera house
SCHUYLER , Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Citizens of Schuyler turned out
enmasse to the reception In Janecok's Opera
house tendered Sergeant S. W , McRae of
Company K of Columbus. Corporal Painter
of Schuyler , who fought In the South Dakota
regiment , participated In the reception with
Sergeant McRao. C. J , Phelps presented each
with a gold watch and chain , and Major J. N.
Klllan of Columbus made an address also.
Sergeant Harry H. Rightmlre and Henry
Oleson of Wahoo , members of Company K ,
were present. The reception was Instigated
by Company K , N. N. G , nf Schuyler and
was In charge of that company's newly
elected captain , E. H. Phelps.
Uitiimoilcl > rn UR Volunteer Shoim
Ul Knnnim neiierul In
THEMONT , Neb ; Sept. B. ( Special. )
One of the returned soldiers from the
Philippines Klvcs a decidedly different \er- ,
slon of runston's famous feat of swimming
a rher. This man. who , ov\nw | to certain
i reasons , Is unwilling to havu his name pub-1
usnea , says he was an ejwltness of the
affair , together with a larBro number of
other members of his company ,
Ho sa > s the Kansas regiment came up to
the rher and halted , On tha ether bide
the Filipinos were in full forcn < mil their
ilflos coinmandeU the rh r and also a strip
on either sldp. He says thru ho s&w two
private soldiers first jilunt-e Into the river ,
carrylnc between thsm a rope , that Tun-
ston had hold of the rope au < J was towed by
them across the rher , only swimming
enoutrh to keep hlmsslf alloat. When the
other side- was reached the privates helped
him out of tha water.
He says he never hearl t'ie namoj of the
two privates and does not think their brave
deed was ever particularly mentioned He
eays that some thirty or forty of the sol
diers of his reRhnaat sa * the whole thins
nnd that It Is an open secret among a part
of the Kansas regiment anil one company of
his own regiment that Funston did not plvo
credit to the men .vhj were entitled to It.
Ho ram that the river episode Is bound to
come out when the Kansas boys nra mus
tered out and the facts will be found to he
as hn has stated
Llojil Strainer IlrcaU * IterorU.
NEW YORK. Sept , 5. The North German
Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wllhelm Der Groese
arrived this morning from Bremen ,
Southampton and Cherbourg after a r cord
r-nssago of five days , eighteen hours nnd i
fifteen minutes , bMtlng Its txst previous
westward Cherbourg passage by two hours
and flfty-threo minuted ,
The Kaiser covered a distance of 3,040
knots at an average speed of 22.OS knots
per hour. This Is over the northerly , or an
It Is called , the short course , and It has
made less average speed than on the record
broken , which was 22.31.
Mr . Jntncnolllp. .
Mrs. Neville , wife of James Neville of this
city , died this mornlnc In St. LoiiK De
tails concerning her death have not jet
been received , but aa she was In compara
tively irood health when she left for St
Louis about two weeks ago , It Is believed
that her end came suddenly. Her husband
has but lately left for a trip to Uuropc.
and is now on the ocean or has Just landcl
on tha other side. When ho loft his vvlfo
for a vojace for pleasure and heilth , she
was apparently well enough for him to
leave without any apprehension She was
visiting relatives of her husband In St.
Mrs Neville was an old settler In Omaha ,
'having ' como here nearly thllty je-ars ago.
i Her maiden name was Hamsdell , and Rho
has a sister of that name living In the city , i
j Tor the last four or five years 111 health
has troubled her creatly , and of late has
affected her mind. The family has been
'very ' well known In the cltv , Mr Neville' '
having been Judge of the district court , and
United States district .attorney. Ho Is not
actively practicing his profession at present ,
but gives his time to his numerous property
Interests. The homo Is at 1300 South
Thirty-second street.
The remains will probably bo brought to
Omaha , but no definite arrangements for the
funeral have yet been made.
lr. P. M. Holilm.
WYMORE. Neb , Sept. 5 ( Special. ) Dr.
P. M. Hobtw , one of the most prominent
and best known physicians In southern
Nebraska , died at hli hccno here last night
with stomach trouble. Dr. Hobbs was
once mayor and served sovcrat years In
the city council. Ho was an active mem
ber of nearly every secret Boclety. The
funeral will be held at St. Marj's church
Thursday morning. Dr. Hobbs leaves a
widow and three children.
CoriiornI Oeor e Illrnt.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb , Sept. B ( Spe
cial. ) Corporal George Hirst of Company
M , Second Nebraska regiment , died at _ 4
o'clock this morning of appendicitis after
an Illness of over three months. When the
company returned from Chlekamauga to
Omaha Hirst was taken sick with typhoid
fever and after a long and severe struggle
again fclf 111 In Juno and underwent two
MrVlllliim T. Vn .
PLATTSMOUTII. Neb , Sept. B ( Spe
cial. ) Mrs. William T. Vass , aged OS , died
today after an Illness of four weeks She
was born In Monroe county , West Virginia ,
and came to this city In 1S68. She leaves
a husband , two sons , Robert J. and George
W. , and three daughters , Nannie , Mrs Marj
Kelthley of Kansas City and Mrs Mattlo
Williams. The funeral will bo held tomor
TrniiU Ken n > ' rtuiprnl.
WAHOO , Neb , Sept. S. ( Special. ) The
funeral of Prank Koutny , who Oled near
this city , occurred this morning from St.
Wenceslaus' Catholic church , Rev. Bar olil-
clatlng. Mr. Koutny was a Moravian , com
ing to this country twenty-three years ago
At the building of St. Wenceslaus' church a
few years ago he contributed liberally.
Clinrlen Alexander.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. G ( Spe
cial ) Charles Alexander , aged 36 , died last
night. The funeral .services. , \ > ere held In
the Christian church .today . , v Rev. R. M.
Dungan officiating. The deceased was a
member of the Maccabees of Glenwood , la.
To Unltlmore for Ilnrlnl.
ARLINGTON. Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
Mrs. J. T. Wade left this afternoon for Bal
timore , Md. , with the body of her late
husband to be burled there beside other
members of the family.
Monroe Pioneer Dlen.
MONROE , Neb , Sept. 5. ( Special. )
Mrs. Nicholson , one of Monroe's oldest citi
zens , is dead.
Trolley Cnr Accident.
JAMDSTOWN , N. Y. , Sept 4. A trolley
wire broke as an electric car started down
Main street today and the loose wire wound
around the car causing a brilliant display of
electric lighting. A panic ensued among the
passengers , who Jumped down the swiftly
moving car and several were badly Injured.
Among those seriously hurt areMrs. . James
Helsted , Elburn , 111. , back o head severely
bruised and concussion of the brain , condi
tion serious. Mrs. Boyd Hart , Bradford ,
Pa , arm badly Injured , face and body
Oeiiornlly Tnlr for iXebrnnkn. nnrt
Probnblyot Quito So AVnrni ,
Tilth Variable AVIiidn.
WASHINGTON , Sept , 5. Forecast for
Wednesday and Thursday :
For Nebraska Generally fair Wednesday
ami Thursday , probably not quite so warm
Thursday : variable winds.
Tor Iowa Generally fair Wednesday and
Thursday , probably not qulto so warm
Wednesday ; variable winds.
For Missouri Fair , continued warm on
Wednesday and probably Thursday ; south
erly winds.
For South Dakota Generally fair
Wednesday and Thursday ; variable winds.
For Kansas Fair , continued warm on
Wednesday and probably Thursday ; south
erly winds.
For Wyoming Fair on Wednesday nnd
Thursday ; probably not quite so warm
Wednesday In northeast portion ; southerly
I.ocnl Record ,
OMAHA , Sept , 5 Omaha record of tem
perature am' precipitation , compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1891 ISVt 1837. 1S9S
Maximum temperature . . 80 81 DS 67
Minimum temperature. . . , 74 BS 78 62
Average temperature . 8(1 ( 71 SS CO
Precipitation . 00 .03 T .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day ami blnco March 1 ,
Normal for the day . 71
Kxeebs for the ilav . 15
Accumulated deficiency since March 1. . 131
Normal rainfall for the day . , . , ,10 Inch
Deficiency for the day . , . .10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 . . .20.50 inches
Deficiency since March 1. , . 2.76 Inches
Deficiency for cor period , 181S. 2 87 inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1S97 . 8,60 inches
Ht'iKirl * from Stutlnim lit B i > . in.
Statistics Collected from the Great Corn
Belt of the West ,
from WlirnsUn Show mi
Incrcnie ofNriirlj Ono lluiulrril
1'cr Cent Ot t-r Crop
of 1SUS.
Reports to the Chicago Tribune Indicate
that all previous high records will be broken
by the corn crop production of the United
States of 1S99. A canvass of the light
states which ralso the bulk of the -orn
of the United States warrants an estimate
above that of 1S9G , which heretofore has
been the record , and there Is much In the
advices received to Justify a prediction that
the crop will approximate 2,500,000,000 bush
The first corn crop of the count ? } to
reach In round numbers 2,000,000 bushels
was that of 1S > 85. Including the ciop now
to bo harvested , only nine crops of 2,000,000
bushels or over have been produced.
Conditions at the time of planting were
not at all favorable. A great deal had to
bo replimtcd , In some cases several times ,
and the crop during the early growing
period was unusually uneven The late
spring and earl } summer weather was ,
however , of the forcing kind , with abundant
moisture , and the crop made up lor the
early delay. It then came to bo generally
recognized that , barring accident * , the
greatest crop on record would be produced.
Correspondence from Texas and the "sur
plus states" gives the following table.
shed In Bushels In
1819 1S9S .
Ohio 1100001)00 ) 102,8 ,419
Indiana IWOO.OW lsJ'i4iSil ? !
Illinois 230.000.000 199,95 ,810
M'ssourl ' 190000000 a6l.731.4S6
Killl'BS 340000HOO 13iSU,048
Iowa 200,000,000 2S19t9.bW
Nebraska 310.000 MW 15S.7ol.Gei ,
fuxas 133,000,000 105,336.00 .
Totals 1,723,000.000 l,23S,607r.71
The reports from Nebraska aie as fol
Aurora Hamilton county will have a fair
corn crop. Some coin has been badly in
jured by hot winds The general crop Is
slightly damaged. The crop will bn about
the same ns last year probabry better.
Bassett Corn In Rock count } will yield
twenty to forty bushels Ten per cent is
damaged The total crop Is 20 per cent
better than last } car.
Beatrice Gage county In 1SS7 produced
12,000,000 bushels of corn , about 7,000,000
bushels last } ear , nnd will produce from
13,000,000 to 15,000,000 bushels this } t\ir.
The entire crop Is practically out of danger
Beaver Clt--The Furnas coiintv corn
} leld Is about 800,000 bushels 10 per cent
better than last year. The crop has been
Injured In the last two weeks , but Is past
further damage.
Blair The prchpcctlvo corn crop Is the
best In the hlbtory of Washington county
and 20 per cent better than last year. The
entire crop Is out of danger except from
Broken Bow The corn crop In Custer
county lost > ear was 2,214.000 bushels. The
acreage this jear is 119,670 acres. Thu
prospective } ield a week ago was 33 per
cent better than last } ear. Seventj-flve pnr
cent of the crop Is safe A damage of 20
per cent Ins been sustained by the late
planted corn from dty weather. The } leld
will approximate 2,700,000 bushels.
Burwcir The estimated corn crop of Garfield -
field count ) is 650,000 bushels about 50 per
cent of last } car's crop. Nearly all is out
of danger.
Chadron The total corn vleU ror Jjawes
county will be about HOO.OOO bushels , nu In
crease of 20 per cent over List jear. All
Is out of danger unless frost comes within
the next ten days.
Clay Center One-fourth of a corn crop Is
the outrook In Clay county this jear : about
eight bushels to the acre. The county had
about half a crop last year.
Dakota City Dakota county's coin acre
age Is one-third greater than last vear , and
from present appearances the yield will bo
better. Most of it out of danger.
David City Duller county's corn yield
average last year was about thirty-five
bushels ; this year it probablv will be
forty , possibly fifty. Three-fourths of the
crnn It out of daneer.
Falls City Richardson countv looks for a
totaF jleld of 12n6JOO ( bushels of corn. 25
per cent better than last year. Practlcall }
all Is out of danger.
Fremont The corn yield In Dodge county
Is the largest ever known , nearly one-third
larger than last year. H Is estimated at
4,500.000 bushels Three-fourths of It Is out
of danger from frost.
Grant The total corn yield of Perkins
county is estimated at 75,000 bushels , about
SO per cent of last year. All Is out o ! |
danger from frost.
Hastings Adams count's corn crop this
year will bo 3,290,250 bushels. This -ftIII be
a decrease of 25 per cent as compared with
last vcar All corn is out of danger
Hebron Thayer county will have about
4,000,000 bushels of corn. The prospective
average jleld Is twenty-five bushels to an
acre , against last } ear's eight bushels Two-
thirds of the crop Is safe
Imperial The corn yield Is estimated at
200,000 bushels for Chase county , about the
same as last } oar. All Is out of danger.
Kearney The corn crop of Buffalo county
will reach 3,125,000 bushels Compared with
last } ear the yield will be slightly better ,
with an Increased acreage , although contin
ued dry weather with hot sun Is baking the
I ears now In the mllK. Less than 23 per cent
I of the crop Is out of danger.
Lincoln Nebraska's corn crop this year
I will bo 250,000,000 , as estimated by expert
I grain men and agricultural authorities
Some place It at 25,000,000 more Tin- yield
i a year ago was 158,000,000 bushels. Earl }
I corn Is hardening , but the cars In a few
localities arc small and the kernel shrunk
en , due to lapk of moisture. The late corn
Is the best , and future weather conditions
will not affect It , though a good rain within
a week would help out the ears The best
estimates of the crop In Lancaster county
Is 5,500,000 bushels , 1,300,000 more than last
year. Future weather conditions will make
little change.
Loup City Corn IB fnlrlv good In Sher-
How Mrs. Pinkham
"I am very grateful to you for your
Idndness and the interest you have
taken in me , and truly believe your
medicines and advice are worth moro
to -woman than all the doctors in the
world. For years I had female troubles
I and did nothing for them. Of course
I became no better and finally broke
down entirely. My troubles began
with inflammation and hemorrhages
from the kidneys , then inflammation ,
congestion and falling of the womb
and inflammation of ovaries.
" I underwent local treatment every
day for some time ; then after nearly
two months the doctor gave me permis
sion to go back to work , I went back ,
but in less than a week was com
pelled to give up and go to bed. On
breaking down the second time , I de
cided to let doctors and their medicine
alone and try your remedies. Keforo
the first bottle was gonu I felt the ef
fects of it. Three bottles of Tydia TJ.
1'inkham's Vegetable Compound nnd a
package of her Sanative Wash did mo
more good than all the doctors' treat
ments and medicine.
"Tho first remark that greets mo
now is 'IIovv much better you look1 ! nnd
you may be sure I never hesitate to tell
the cause of my health. " Una , E. J.
man county , and out of way of f nt The
jlcld Is estimated at twenty bushels to the
acre , ft total for the countv of 800.000 bush
els , and one-third farger than Init joar If
dry weather cotulnura there will be homo
chaff ) corn In the country.
Madison Madison count } ' * average } lcld
of corn will bo thlrU-flvo bushels , 10 per
cent better than last ) car. The acrcngc It
03S7 ! > . and 60 per cent Is out of danger
of frost.
McCook The total } lcld of corn In Red
Willow county will bo about 500,000 liU'heK
a larger crop nnd of better quality than
last season. Practically all of It Is out of
Nellgh The corn crop of Antelope countv
Is estimated at 400,000 bushels , and nt least
a per cent better than last vear One-third
of the ciop It bovoml danger from frost
Nelson Nurkolds county has the largest
acreage of corn this 5 ear In Its hlstorj
The Mold will bo nbout " 5 per cent of a
full crop , with qualltv bettor than in 1SS
The crop Is out of danger of frost. A small
percentage Is damaged slightly by recent
dry weather Over 1,000,000 bushels v\eie
marketed at this station In IS'iS.
Ord Valley county h corn crop of 700.000
bushels compares favornblj with last year ,
which was also short A normal erop
would bo over 2,000,000 bushels. Corn Is out
of danger
Oscooln Ths corn vleld in Polk county
will ho thp largest c\cr produced , nud will
reach 3,500,000 bushels This Is full }
! UOr 000 bushels nbovv last year. The di-
I'M' crop Is nut of dniiccr
Papllllon The corn jleld for Sarpy countv
will bp 2,250,000 bushels , about 20 per cent
hotter than last } ear. There Is lltllo il inger
from frost
Pawnee Pawnco count's total corn } lcld
Is 2,208,220 bushel's , 75 pi r cent greater tl-an
last } ear The crop Is out of danger , bar
ring hall and fiost.
Pierce Estimates place Pierce count's
corn } lcld at 5J5.000 bushels , IB per cent
better than last } ear. Twenty-five per cent
Is out of danger
Plattsmouth Cass count'H corn crop
prospects prohahl } aio 25 per cent bet'er
than last } car , promising nn HVCTORO "I
fort-five bushels an aqrt1'ii'ic Is 5 ? sr
cent greater acreage. Tlfty p r flit Is out
of danger of frost , and the remainder Is
ilpcnlng rapldl }
Red Cloud The total corn } lrld In Web
ster county was 3,000.000 bushels last } oar
This } ear It probably will he 35 to 10 per
cent larger , with all the crop out of danger
Rushvllle Sheridan count'R corn } leld
Is above an nveiage Though not all har
vested most Is out of danger
Seward In 1S8S Suward county had 103,481
acres of corn averaging thirty bushels an
acre , a total of 3,104,520 bushels. The
acreage this } ear Is 100805 , and It Is esti
mated the average } leld will bu Ilftv bush
els , vn acre , a total of R 040,2iO bushels.
The crop is piactlcally out of dangw.
Stanton The total corn acreage of Stall-
ton county Is 86,113 , estimated avoiage } leld
thirty-nine bushels , 20 per cent over last
} e1ir , which was 10 per cent above nn aver
age crop
St. Paul Howard county's 1S91) corn crop
easily will double that of 1SOS Warm ,
dry weathei hns cut slightly , but Is put-
Ing It out of danger of fiost
Tecunibeh The total corn acreage of
Johneon county Is 117,000 The crop will
I aNerago lift } bushels an acre The acreage
j Is 25 pet cent larger than last } ear nnd the
I \Ield nearly double Practically all the corn
Is out of danger
Tekamnh Hurt county will } leld 4,000000
bushels of corn The crop Is 10 per cent
bettor than last } ear , and 30 per cent will
be out of danger by ScptemBer 10
Wahoo The total } lcld of corn In Saunders -
ers count } will be about 11,000,000 bushels ,
150 per cent greater than lost year. The
crop practical ! } Is out of danger.
Wane The corn } lcld of Wavno coun'v
will be 2,006,000 bushels , with nn average of
thlrty-fho bushels an acrf. Torty per cent
Is out of danger of frost The } leld Is 10
I > er cent less than last } ear.
Wilbur The corn acreage In Sallno
county Is one-fourth greater than last } ear ,
but the yield Is not so good It will behalf
half of an average crop. Ninety per cent
Is out of danger.
VllllDOMI'll ( "oilNlll of Dl-OT fill.
JOPLIN , Mo , Sept. 5 Abe Dreyfus , aged
35 years , said to bo a cousin of Captain Al
fred Dreyfus of Trance , Is dead bore of
typhoid malaria. He came to Joplln from
Payettevllle , Ark. , two weeks ago to clerk
In a clothing store.
AiiothiT riilliintt-nrllllii Victim.
BARBOURSVILLE , K } , Sept. 5. A
courier from Manch st"r brings news that
AVashlngton ThucKer , a deputy sheriff of
Clay county , has been shot from ambush
and klled. Thacker recently testified in
court for the Philpots in the Phllpot-Grimn
feud raider case.
Reference That , is Surely Worth
Looking Up. j
An Omaha Man Who Tells His
Friends What Done Him j
Much Good.
Wo will tell you what will cure the worst
kind of a case of backache caused from the
kidneys. We will not only tell you , but will
refer you to people In all walks of life In
the city of Omaha who have used Kld-ne-
olds with the best results. Wo ask you to
1 read this statement from Mr. G. II , Parker ,
Engineer City Jail , who U"cs at 2518 North
19th street , who says : "It any person Is
doubtful or skeptical regarding the power
of Morrow's Kld-ne-olds to relieve or euro
kldnoy backache , rheumatism , nervousness ,
restlessness , Indigestion or bloating of stomach
ach , hot flashes and chilly sensations and i
other symptoms of disordered kidneys I
vvoud advise a fair trial of KId-no-olds. I
suffered from , and was greatly annojcd from
tbes and other symptoms of kidney trouble
for a long time. Now I am entirely free
from kidney troubles. Tills wonderful change i
IP my physical condition was accomplished
by Kid-no-olds , and It Is the only kidney j
lomedy that I will recommend"
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds are rot pills , but
I Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box
I at all druggists and by the Myer's-Dlllon
Drug Co ,
Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured
by John Morrow & Co , Chemists , Spring- I
flnld , Ohio.
Little Boy'3Terrible Eczema. Mass
of Sores from He.-ul to Foot.
Not an Inch of Body Unaffected.
Skin Came off \vltli Bandages.
Screams Were Meart-BrcaKlng ,
3 Doctors < T < Institute no Avnll.
Mv littlebov tiroUonntulilintiltrhlugriMt.
I tried thrco dm tor * nttd mrilii tl oolli go but
ho kept netting MOMO. Tin re wvi tivt OIK
( ; inrrnii A < r < tiuoa AMirAobmlyunaffulnl
He wnonoitUMof imrc' ' , .in I thoMtnch WIM
frlclitlul At the Unto 1 was Inclined lottv
CUTU i rrnuMllr'i ho Min bat ! that Iliad
tuont lil < hair nil olT.attd put the ( ( Tin HA
( olntinruP 111 him on lamlacc * . . it wns lin-
] im lliU < to torn h him w 1th tln < Imto hind. In
rcmoUnt ; the bindaRri the\ would t.aKo the
skin with till-in , and the poorchild'i'x ream *
Mere heart littMMiu : . After the "ciond nppll-
ration of ft TU i HA ( ointment ) / MID tigntf \
mpnnnnflift ami the tores bi'K.ui to dr > tip.
HI Klni > icliMl irf twrntv limes but now /icf
tntirrta rumI u rd CtTK t nv 111 iil V fVT
for Mi blood , and a sttoncir mill healthier
bov von tuprwv th in ho Is trwla\
110 T \ \ ATT.V.M , 47.U Tmk bt , C hluipo , III.
Begins with the Blood and Ends with
Tlio Skin and Scalp.
That letoimj , t'l TIOUII * lt otvK > Tpnrlflcdtho
lilooil ntulrlrcutiUhiK Hullol1 111 siuullKi Mi.nml
tlinn rimoxis tlin eitutt , wlillo wnrm bulln with
CITICLB * hJAi-niiilijciitlo in olnthiKS with Cert-
emu ( ointmentKrc'ntrJt ) ofcimilllc nl'Kmcurcp ,
rlcnntc the rkin nnd nolp cf crusts unit united ,
n1l ) Itchlnir Intmlng , ami Intliuiiinatlon , rootlia
nnil lunl lli 9 ro aprcilllj , prnnnnrntly , nnj
economically curril tlia ino t torturing , illsnunr-
InK Inunofi of tlia nkln , nrnlp , nnd blooil , with
Ions ol Imlr , nlien tha best ] > hlcliuu ! nnd Ml
other rcmtillc * full
SoMtlirouBhontthiMTorll 1'otTitn D AKnr.Conr. ,
Vn p * , Million llontnt lireToitiltingHktli lllic citreo
VnilR QiflM nil nn.l llnlr I > T nslns
TUUlV CMN CuTirinnM * !
Best Dining Car Service ,
gu irantee
that nij Kidney Cure
tvlll euro 00 per cent ,
of nil f mils of kidney
ootuplalnt and In
jimay Instances the
nu-.t Merlons forms of
might's ( Unease. If
the dlscnbe Is conv
pllcati-d send a four-
ouncu Tlal of urlno.
We Mill analyze It
nnd advise you free
what to do.
At 111 dniCElits. 25c. a rliil Gultle to IIfaith
nd mfdlcftl mi lco froa IROS Arch lit rhU . _
sult-erlnir from nervous debility , vnrl-
cocele , seminal weakneits last mon-
mood , emlsalons and \mnatural dis
charges ciiuucd by errors of youncer
dais , which , If not relieved oy : nedl-
cal treatment , la d j > loratoo ) on mind
and body.
when suffering , ne this loads to lees of
memory , loss of spirits , bashfu'npns In
society , pains In small of back. frlnht-
ful dreams , dark rlnga around the eyea ,
pinupl-8 or breaking out on face or
body Send for our Bmpt < im blank.
We. can euro you , and especially do we old olid trl d casts as we chareo
nothing for uJvlce and give } ou a written -
ton Kuaruntor to cure the worst case
on record Not only are th weak or
gans restored but & 11 losses , drains
nd dUclMrgea stopped. Send Zo uttmp
and question blank to Dept , B.
First , second or tertiary Blase. WE
NDVOR TAIL. No detection from
butlncsrj Write ui for particular ! ) ,
Dept B.
IIulm'N I'Cinrinnpy , Oninlin. Neb.
18th anil Fnrlinin Sin.
tTX.'H.ll + i : * * u * * .ap tVf Jl lTf am K
1 and Onl7 Gf nuluo.
. „ IJI rtU t > lr LAOIISAtk ,
' Drafglrt for fjMfhttfm rntfUtlt IHa Q
ion //nmti ID } t ( ( l > Aj f , M rn utio\ !
_ , " ftt ftlwt will ! line rihlin Titlin
9 v > Pnof > ( hnr. llitn ttangtnna tulititu.
fff tout an J ( n < r Jwu At pnvKitd , rK
uV in lumv * IT i rttoulari , ickUmcDli
1)5 * * ) " f" ll f for J.n tie * , " m Irjur I f mtaru
if VlJ'MlOy \ \ 1 * tlmoDl li tfnit lnf r ,
Bold IT- -A.
To Dr. Deanett TU ! tra yitu forward TOO br rotnrn man Hta
book. "Tho Flndlnr of tha Fountain of Eternal Totrtfc4
eymptom blanks , cto. You trill receive lota of good , -nhoJo-
4rlc whotber you bocin inr treatment or not ,
Rostorea the health , Htrength an < l vigor of youth ; create *
new fluid and brain onottor by purtfytn * Oj btood , featorizur
the fullest and most TJroroiis corulltloDa at robiut h oHh of
body and mind so that all the dutlea of llf may be pureoed
Trlth confidence ft rwl jJwuiuru. IB today Uw beat known agent
for applying ICloctrlclty to the human oyatom ; endorocd by
phyelcJani and reoounnonded br 10,000 cured paUoUk I &ur-
&nt * It to cure Sexual Inrj > otencr , Jx t Manhood , Vorlcocvilo
and all Sexual Dtaetuoa ; restores Shrunken aad Undeveloped
ParU and Lost Vigor ; cure Kidney , Liver and Dlikddcr
Trouble * , OoDatlpaUoa , Dyupcpjl * und all Female Complaint * .
My Bolt bu pott , llkon , chfin -oovortd iiouge eloo-
trodM that cannot hum and blletor , nt do tha bore ia tal
electrodes iwjad on c-l | cttier makes of bolts , Tabcro oloo-
trodea are my icluslvtr patent. There are ohee > p tokatlom. Do not ba misled. Got
the genuine My Belt baa made curen in ovary U > wn and city In the nttto ,
Be ure and wlt or call today and Bet any book , testlnxmlate , etc. My Hloo-
trlcU Suspensory for tha radio * . ! cure of the various weaknewei of men ii FJtHE
to every male purohuor < J one of my Ilolta