r TUE OMATIA DATLY BIT , SUNDAY , 9LPTEMIIE . 8 , 1899. 8 HOT FlGIIT ON IN THE SIYTH Pops Will Bend Their IIeary Onna in Bnp port of Judge Ne'rilie. OUTLOOK IJOT AS ROSY AS IT MIGHT BE 4 governor Poynter itetnaes n Inn.ns 1 Itcauteltlon for nn Alleged ICId- nnping Cnse-1)cnth of LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept , 2.-Special-A ( ) delegation of popullets from the Sixth dls- trlct , headed by Judge William Neville , 'waa In Lincain today In conference with the populist state central committee relative to the politlcal elluation In the northwestern portion of the Mate. The plan is to open the campaign in that district immediately kith an army of populletio talent calculated to carry everything before it. W. J. Bryan , Stlaa A. Ilolcomb , "Coln" Harvey , probb ably Governor I'oynter , and several other 'well known fualonlata have been engaged to deliver Bpeochee ever the dietrict and as addltlonal attractions a number of barbo- ouee will be given. Popullnts from the Sixth district are not eo extravagant in their claims regarding the suocese of their congressional ticket ne tbey were several weeke ago. Thoeo who ! olatmed two weeke ago that Neville would ' be elected by at least 10,000 majority now admit that the lIght will be a close one and that their candidate will not have more than L000 votes to spare. The popullet central Committee realizes that the chanoee for the populist candidate's election are not as good ae they might he and arrangements > tavo boon made to open the elate campaign ! n that district. Governor Poynter bas been mentioned ae one of the apeakore , but on account of the very general dimatisfac- tlon existing in that section over some dt his otfctal acts it la poealble that his name , may be taken oft the list of epeakers. Alleged Kldnalting Case. Am tntorcettng case of alleged kidnaping was brought to the attention of Governor Poyntor this afternoon through a requlaitlon . 'rem ' Governor Stanley of Kansas , asking for the return of Mrs. Rachel E. Jones and Goargo J. Jonee , both of Bennett , Neb. After bearing the claims of tire defend- ante the governor declined to honor the roqutsttlon. ho ease Ia the result of a family quart - t i rel. 'It sootna that about eight years ago the mother of two little girls , then 2 and I e years of age reepocUvoly , died and the t children were placed under the taro of their grandmother , Mrs , Jones. At that time she l was hying In Kansas and near the chit- drone' fatbcr. The latter , it is asserted , saw theme often and often agreed that Mrs. Jonas might have them to raise. Lost winter Mrs. Jones moved to Nebraska with the children , being assisted in proparlnp for the trip by her brother George. As soon as the father hoard of this lie oommenced prooeedings for the return of the children. Governor Poynter heard the different ver- raione of the case and decided that the chil- dronwould be better taken care of by Mrs. Janos , and the requisition was denied. It Is thought that the charge of kidnaping was placed against Mrs. Jonas and her brother simply to got the children back to Kansas , where the father might eecure pos- seeslon of them. W. Q. Doll , an old .settler of Lincoln and Lancaster county , died euddonly this morn- tng at bta residence on C street Ho had boon ailing for some months , but was feet- log considerably bettor last night , and the physicians had strong hopes of his rocov- ory. Mr. Bell was a well known busineas man. Ho spent several years 1n the news- . vapor business and for several years has represented a number of the Chicago dailies ! n this city. , SUSPICION OF FOUL PLAY HELD. . I J. w. floe of h arvard Found Dead at a ICansaa Rondaldo. . HARVARD , Neb „ Sept , 2.-Spocial.- ( ) ! t telegram was received yesterday by the family of J , N. Roe , a traveling salesman , that be had been found dead by the aide n of the road where ho had been camping hear Agra in Phillips county , Kansas. The news was a great eurpriee to his family - ily , as they supposed that ho was at work ' fa the northern part of Hamilton county , ho having atarted for that place about ton days ago , and directed his wife to write and forward his mall to Phillips. Information as to how he came 1n Kansan - san is not oomplete , bttt a report is out that seems to be well founded that Mr. Roe wont to Grand Island and mortgaged his outfit , hired a livery and with the money procured had gene to Kansas for some purpoeo not yat fully explained. The authorities in Phillips county , Kim- ens , telegraph that an Inquest was being hold to determine it ; mseiblo the cause of death and that parties supposed to be with him , not known bore , ware being hold on suspicion awaiting the verdict of the jury. SOUTIIWESTI9ItN G. A. R. REUNION. Grand Tune F.xpeetrd at Cambridge IIt't Inning Tantarraw. CAMBRIDOE , Nob. , Sept. 2-Special.-- ( ) The management of the grounds and concessions - cessions arc leaving nothing undone in their sirorte to make the southwestern Grand Army of the Republican reunion a grand success. Tonto , booths , merrygo rounds and all that go to make up the essentials for a Brat-class reunion are here ready for business when the cannon open their husky , throats at sunrise Monday morning. Lav- onla park bus been remodelled with gravel walks and a flue cystom of venter supply In the center of the grounds. The natural advantages from tree and stream are hero in one grand combination and the old veterans and his friends will feel thrice glad that they have coins to spend a week with old cronies on the banks of Medicine creek , The program for Monday is Sunrise gun , tnformnl greeting of comrades , aesignnlent of quarters , pitching tents ; 7 p. nt „ address of welcome by Mayor Itaukln ; address by Rev , 0 , Ii. Beebe ; turning over camp to r veterans ; campfire address by General Gage and others , Ilullding llwrtn sit Cnuthrldge , CAMBRIDOE , Nab , , Sept , 2.-Special.- ( Cambridge Is now In the midst of a sub- elanlial building boom , Substantial because the non who are making the improvements are old settlers. Every street has now structures , sidewalks are being laid sixteen foot wide and a dozen now residences are under construction , C. M. Brown will invest from $8,000 to $10,000 in his now home , which swill contain all modern improvements , hot and cold water and a gas plant for lighting purposes , W , E , Babcock has also under construction a model homo , with similar conveniences at a cost of from $4,000 to $5po9 , 1' ' The Nebraska Telephone company has reached hero from McCook with their line sod will soon be in touch with the "Hello Centrals" of eastern cities. S lusret Ieatruys Sugur Sleets. FREMON'l , Neb „ Sept , 2.-Special-An ( insect which spine a web over the plants le reported as doing considerable harm to sugar beets. Tle : bug attacks thrifty plants end those which are starting up after being covered with water with thorough impartiality - tiality and destrays them by feeding on the leaves. The peat has been investigated by the Sugar Experiment station people at Ames , but as yet no adequate remedy is known. The Standard company has lost 800 acres of beets from the high water of the last month. Other farmers have also lost a oonalderable amount of beets from the heavy rains , MESERVE MAKES A REPORT Show. Inorense In Dalanoe In the Treaanry far the Past Three llontits. LINCOLN , Sept , 2.-Specln.-The ( ) quay ; terly report of State Treasurer Meserve , just flied with the auditor of public accounts , shows an lncresso in the balance in the treasury over three months ago of $154- 258.67. This increase comes almost entirely from the school and educational funds. From the permanent university and agricultural college endowment funds there have been no expenditures or investments during the last three months , the balance being increased - creased by the rocelpts , which amounted to over $10,000 , The general fund shows the largest decrease , there being over $29,000 less do the treasury under this head than when the last quarterly report was made up , Following Is the report in full , show- tag the receipts and expenditures of the various funds during the quarter , and the balance of each , both on August 31 and when the last report was made : ° I00' dO'OP 0 n l A m aa " odN a a 7 a ; a a. + N + .twla aNOwEJbLl ice. ice.n 8 ! 8 : 2Ii : 88 G 8o i d 8u" , 4.y N. . y ? NN : W ; : ; Q : a w , S : A2 : :041 : t Io . . yb7 WF 1 d N pGya µ y lo to'i { ; -irCiW iS lOBbm2 { OiJ4 ' 82OBi ion" FOUND DEAD IN HIS BUGGY Rejected Lover 'of Fairbury , Neb. , In Thought to Ilave Taken His Own Life. FAIRBURY , Neb. , Sept. 2-Speclal.- ( ) Al Lfghtbody , a young farmer living a few miles from the city , was found dead in his buggy this morning. Ho was at a neighbors - bors last evening , leaving there about 8 o'clock ! n the evening and at 6 o'clock this morning his horse returned to the same place and stopped near the house. Lfghtbody was loaning back in the buggy with his shirt front covered with blood and had evidently been dead for several hours. He had been paying attention for some time to a young woman , who was visiting at the house when he called last evening , but they had quarreled for some cause or other and his visit was to effect a reconciliation , but the girl aefueed to renew her former relations. The coroner went out this morning and the inquest will probably show if It Is a case of murder or suicide. Lfghtbody was about 21 years of age. His parents reside at Daykin , this county. The eoroner'e jury in the inquest over Lfghtbody returned a verdict of death by nis own hand. Ills ravolVer was found in the bottom of the buggy with one shell emptied and the girl he vistted the evening - ing before testified that he threatened to kill himself if she porslsted In refusing to marry him. His horse wandered around for several hours with the dead body in the buggy and then took it to the girl's house. Tarbox Will Rejected for Probnte , GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 2.-Special ( , ) -Thocountycourtln thomatterof the estate of Horace Tarbox , rendered its opinion and endings 1n the case this morning , rejecting the will for probate and record on the ground that the teetator was if unsound mind and was unduly influenced by Mary D , Tarbox , his second wfo. ! Quite a portion - tion of the testimony was reviewed 1n these columns at the time of the preecntation to the court of the same , and et may be remembered that the children of Ilorace D , Tarbox , who was nearly 80 years of ago at the time of executing the will , were entirely unprovided far out of an estate of $160,000 , consisting of property in this city , Freeport Ill , , and Gainesville , Fla. The children contested the will with the above result as far as the probate court is con- corned , Judge Garlow rendered a lengthy review of the case , quoting decisions of other oourts as to his Iludtnba , mid the opinion is considered about the ablest , as well us most important , aver rendered in the Hall county court. Rlle attorneys for the proponent , Mary D. Tarbox , of course gave notice of appeal , and , as elated pro. vfously , the same will undoubtedly go through the highest court of the state. DiannIrani of Cadet SOUIUt. IASTINGS , Neb , , Sept. 2-Special- ( ) The dismissal of Philip F , Smith of the third class of West Point from the United States service for "harassing and aaoytng a fourth class man , " proved a great surprise to his many friends in liastings. Cadet Smith fa the son of Attorney Hen Smith of Hastings and he hot always been considered - sidered a very bright young ratan with no bad habits and of quiet dlsposltlon. He raa appointed to West Point academy from tire Fifth district of Nebraska in June , 1S97. As Smith's dlemissal is final some other boy from the fifth district will have an opportunity- attend West Point , Iloy irownu lu Ilrpubllrnn Sliver. FRANKLIN , Nob. , Sept , 2-Spoclal ( Tele- grami-A boy named Charlie Becker was drowned here today in the Ilepubllean river. lie was about 16 years old , lie was with several other bays at the old mill dam fishing and in attempting to swim across a very swift and deep channel he went under and was in the water about flfleen minutes before he could be found , They took a rarge fish seine and got him the first trial , but lifo was extinct. About two years ago a man and his wife wore drowned at the same place. It is a very dangerous place for any one not a good swimmer , Polk County Mortgage Record , OSCEOLA , Neb. , Sept. 2.-Special.-- ( ) The record in the county clerk's ollce of hidebtedaerz for the month o1 August shows that the increased indebtedness for a the month amounts to $5,212.75 as follows ; There were seventeen farm mortgages flied amounting to $17,526 ; released , thirty , amounting to $29,155.70 ; city mortgages flied , eve , amounting to $2,220 ; released , eight , amounting to $2,705 ; chattel mortgages - gages flied , eighty'-sev'eu , amounting to $38,415.16 ; released , thirty-nine , amounting to $27,087.81 ; for the month of July the decooated indebtedness was over $2,000. + 7 , 9 I O O o 0 0 a , Y f v a O 0 ' - . R P ' s t I , P I ( r l 4 ' . , i.S o / t ' : ; ; . .s. . . . . . . - . . . . .rr. . . i1 \ . ) r r : : . . \ S ' ! 4. ! iw ° ta . , . I # \ \ - ' ' I t 1' . ( ) Does the Brunswick j ( Do know the you / ( keep n pootT .Yhyt man behind the gun ? ' I you you t ( Why that le Pieria I know It , keep ouit gtlot or I weigh a ton. t P t r ' as a mouse-i terra ( lie traveled years for P ' ' 1 the rhymer , runs the l The Dally Bee-went , ' ' hone. on the road in 7& / ; 0 I r 9 9q ' When you want a i That year , on the 1 little song , touch the Fourth of July , he 4 boll A BUght ding walked a rope five bong. When you 1 > stereos high , and next it and I want strong 0 . he went from Jeffer- I S. I hot , give the boll a I son Square , at least I a t 1 heavy .lief. ' i a mile tip in the air. I > t ( If you want it a In He went ballooning Klpling , glue the boll and caught a fish , . a sudden rippling. t 1 The story Is true and We will fix you up so i i you can wish far a swell-only stop at I ( ' I thousand ) ears to l our hotel. / , and a man who has t I , I ( ? c more of the YES , I $ THE HRUNSWICL CAN : ' rooms and suites ore 4 thmotls as the best ) He keeps the very In the city and the best hotel. He did it location is superb. before and did it well. We have steam heat , 1 , I spread m ) - blankets . . - free baits , dlevator , 1 ) I 1n the his same tepee. when You you do 1 u ( Ii 'iIIiIi ( : Ilif i 1 f1 iii , I III IIJIHJ ( I 1 Ii ! II ! : L iu rfa belle and a I parlor for commercial P l are sleepy. 1 I ; ; men's samples. JUST ? ( nd I I + I I fg I I I l TRY US ONCE , I II J < i - - _ _ _ ' - t ) . , - * - - . 4 t r i'S 1 t& . ' ' n . , b. . „ r C . . r - . - ( t ' H ? R . . , ; ' - , ' r 1 tt' ' Q t _ , t r t Some New f of the clean , and best people modern I. , --in Omaha find it are the three words ° " Hy the stomach we reach the Look at our rooms so neat and Men of commerce and the stage , cheaper t0 h a v e I Of the Brunswick . nice heart ; ; Men of youth and men of age , O Brunswick's aCcom- Our aim Is sure and we hit the Furnished now and note the Matrons , maids , the dude , the Are you nn A. F. & A. M , a > modations thtn ; t0 mark , price , sage , a G. A. B. or a C. L. man ? G Tree hOll6fl. Nl1 Table d'hote or a la carte , Servants taming in a trice , Write their names on our oaico 't'hen you have a brother p y All as sleek and still as mice , All day long and after dark. page. Wile 18 landlord of the © ' riot ( hire. Christina L. HayesIiouse , ) y0ll ( Chas , II. Pierce , Caterer. ) keeper. ) ( Mr. Guy : 'aylor , Clerk. ) Brunswick , Q P > Refitted and efuJl ° n > lshed Throughout-American or u ro peen. < > ® P1eraxteen $ an Jackson tenets r aa9 eras a. J Ann/1n n1n1nn1n1n / n/ A/\nnn-A - n _ v I O 'aA I I' MEEEIIt COUNTY JUBILEE Reception of Home'Ooming First Nebraska Boys at Oentral City. JUDGE RICE DELIVERS THE WELCOME Asaintant Secretary et War tleikle- john .YIII 3prulc al a Soldiers' Itecept Ion nl St. Ihdward Septeutber S. CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , Sept , 2-Special ( , ) -Merrielt county turned out in force today to celebrate the homecoming of the Merrick county volunteers. The parade was the finest ever seen in this city or county , con- slating of members of the Grand Army of the Republic , Odd Follows , Modern 11'ood- men of America , Royal ifigltlanders In costume - tumo , the Knights of Pytldas , a largo I float with Uncle Sam and the Goddess of Liberty surrounded by young women representing - resenting the states , volunteers and civilians in carriages , Twenty'-eight young women , an auxiliary of Company B of Fullerton , in handsome costumes , added much to the attractlvenoas of the parade , Central City , Palmer and Chapman bands furnished the music. Arriving at the City park the vast crowd dispersed and enjoyed an old-fashioned basket - ket picnic , after which the address of welcome - come was delivered by Judge Rice , with a response by C , Joflers , Appropriate toasts were responded to by J. C , Martin , Rev , Mr , Robinson , F , A , Marsha , J. YS' Sparks , C. 0. McDonald , henry Henton and Captain Good. win , W , D , Keyes was master of ceremonies. The Glee club sang patriotic songs and everybody bad a good time , There w'aa no accidents of any kind to mar the day's pleasures. During the parade Mayor Glat- felle ? had all church and school bells rung and all whistles blown , \'rn utnu Grove 1Yrlenntes a I'ritnt NEIVMAN GROVE , Neb. , Sept. 2-Spo ( cla.-Yesterday ) the Military band end ciii- zone turned out generally to welcome the soldier bays of Company F , First Nebraska volunteers , at the county seat , Madison. Last night also the band and the residents of this place went out in the country to the home of Simon Simonson of Company K , organized at Columbus , who went out to Manila and was wounded quito seriously in battle and like many others of the "Fight- log First" saw many hardships , NOT A SOLDIER IS MISSING Fulls City' Glvca tea Iloys 1t Sent Atvny n Itoualii % Velconte Ji0iuO. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Sept. .2.-Special ( Tel- egram.-Tha returning soldiers of the First Nebraska were given a rousing reception hero today. It was a holiday for al. Never before was the city so gaily decorated , A procession , made up of the band , Grand Army of the Itepublle , tine returned soldiers , and several secret orders , marched through the principal streets to the old fair grounds , where the exercises were held , A , J , Weaver l and C , F , Reav'1s delivered the principal ad- I dresses. Friday evening the young women of the city entertained the boys at Masonlo ball , Following are the soldiers who returned w 1t11 the First : Grant Boyd , Ed Fisher , Charles L. Gilbert , J , H , Downes , 0 , It „ Itosa , Fred Foehlingor , Ira Johnson , Emil Sant , W , P , Stockton , Art Moss , Herbert' Hedges , Jahn Smith , Joe Smith , Guy AI- bright , James Coakley , George Sears , Emil Oberst , Albert Wlec4t , James Frazer , Scipio I Stringfield , F , L. Gilbert and W. P , Snow , Several of the boys were wobnded while in the service , but every one that left here over a year ago returned and took part in the reception , Price Stockton has a vat- ' i uable collection Af war relics brought with hint from the Philippines , among them a Mouser rifle taken from a Filplno , , Ilaute ( III Ii i'iirioiigli. a HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. 2-Drum Major Theodore F , Knapp of the Thirty-second regiment , United States volunteers , arrived in hastings [ today from Fort Leavenworth , Kan. He is home on a furlough and says the regiment starts about the 19th of this month for the Philippines. Prepnruhulls nt St. Edtv.ird , ST. EDw'Altf , Ne11 , , Sept , 2-Spoclal ( , ) -St. Edward is making great preparations - tions to receive the boys of the "Fighting First" on September 5 , An elaborate program - gram has been arranged , Assistant Seera- tary of War MeikleJohn will be present to deliver an address. Delegatlona from Fullerton - ton , Genoa , CtAumbus , Cedar Rapids and Albion are expected. Among the relics tire soldier boys brought from the Philippines Is an old Mauser rifle , which is attracting considerable attention in thin locality , 1119110 IS LSCOIt'1'IlD 'r0 IiIS 110ME. Crelghtan Rreelves Ifs Solitary Sol- iilcr with Grant Untittisinsnt. CREIGHTON , Neb „ Sept , 2-Special ( Tel- egratn-At ) an early hoar this morning the enterprising merchants of Creighton might have been seen decorating their places of business with countless numbers of flags and yards of bunting to honor the rotura of Private Albert Gilbert of the First Nebraska - braska regiment. An hour before train time the entire population , together with country - try folks , assembled at the depot to welcome - come the young soldier home , and amid the ringing of hells , the firing of cannon and beating of drums the hero was escorted t0 his home , .VOepingW11tt r Wild with Joy , Y1'EEPING WATER , Nob. , Sept , 2-Spa ( rich-There ) were over 1,009 of our patriotio citizens assembled at the depot yesterday afternoon t t welcome the returned soldiers of the First Nebraska , Sergeant Leo Stoner and Private. Pierce unit Weaver were the heroes of the hour , 'file baud p'ayed some stirring music , but could not be heard , for everything that could produce noise was wound un. They wore escorted 1n a carriage - riago to Main street , where a tow aitresaes' : were made and a glad band extended them , Last night tine business men called a nleet- ing and made all itrraaenents ; for a formal reception for the Spanish-American soht'ers ' to be held la the city part : September 15. Itarvard ltreeives Iis Own. IIARVARD , Nab , , Sept , 2-Special- ( ) Sergeant Joseph Fell of Company F , First Nebraska , the only representative Harvard had 1n this regiment , found the greeting of friends of more interest to him than the reception given the regiment at Omaha and exchanged the good-by to his comrades of the "Fighting First" for the paternal and friendly greetings that awaited him 1n his home town , and stepped oft the train as It passed through our city on Tuesday last. Mr. Fell was nominated a few days ago at the combined democratic and fusion eon. vention of our county as their candidate for district clerk , against the present 1n- cumbeut , George A , Allen. I lutlntslgtsnt at Bloomington , BLOOMINGTON , Neb , , Sept , 2-Special ( , ) -At 9 o'clock last night the ringing of belle land playing of bands and Bhouting of many hundreds exultingly spread the glorious lid- lugs that the boys were ncariug home. At 9:20 : the vast throng at the lopot caught up the small 'boy's excited "tiers she comes ! " and swelled it into ono mighty roar of welcome - come , The war-scarred boroes alighted to meet and greet relatives and friends , who pressed forward with outstretched arias , At 9:40 : all marched , headed by tea Bloonington Cornet band , to the court house , whore a nice program of speaking and songs of welcome come wore rendered for the toys of Corn. pany B , There a spread lit for a king was tendered thlem , All the boys generally are in good spirits and are looking better than was expected otter a year of lighting , Sail ndt'rs Calmly Iluntealrudera , WAII00 , Nab. , Sept. 2-Special-Tha ( ) homesteaders of Saunders county held their annual feast in a grove on the farm of John J. Johnson , a tow miles northeast of this city , yesterday , Tile program consisted of some fine muelo and soma speeches by L. W , Gilchrist , Erie Johnson and J , C , Oreovor of this city and Randall II , Knapp of Cedar Bluffs and others , A choice basket dinner was spread at noon , Thu assocla- tion elected Samuel Woolley of Mariposa precinct pres'dlent and Jay Willey of Marietta seeretary , .Neat 1'olnt ituildtitg 11(1001 , WEST POINT , Neb. , Sop. 2.-Special.- ( The building boom is now thoroughly started to this city , Julius Thiole hue lot the contract for building a briclc livery stable to Derr & llartlino , The building will be opposite the Neligh houae , one of the most desirable locations in the city. The main part of the structure will ho 30x100 , with an addition facing Main street of 26x50 , which will be used for the storage of carriages. This will make a frontage of 61 feet of solid brick , Work on the build- lag commenced this morning , 111511110 Asyluat lmpr0veltenta , HASTINGS , Nab , , Sept. 2.-The work of constructing a boiler house , an engine house and a cold storage building at the Chronic Insane asylum is being pushed rapidly , Thu . . . . . . foundations are all in and yesterday twenty masons started laying brick. It is estimated - mated that air the bride work will be completed - pleted wllhln tbo next two weeks , ICrarnry County Itepublienna ; Ifcrt. MINDEN , Nob. , Sop. 2.-Special ( Tele- garm-At the republican county convention today J , L. MCPheoly was allowed to select the delegation for district judge , Thu ten delegates to the state convention were not instructed , It was the brat convention heel in many yedra and a strong county ticket was nominated , Two soldier boys are on it , Bronson for shorlif nod Jones for cleric of courts , No Llgnor nt Gothenburg , GOTIIIINBURG , Neb , , Sept , 2 ; ( Speolal , ) -The trial of Peter Schlasiagor for selling intoxicating liquors without a license came up before Rolf Johnson last night and this morning and was dismissed by Sohlofshuger paying all the costs and expenses of the suit , and agreeing to close up his temper- aneo hall and not run it any more , llityrs Center 1'uatotll(1e Itahbed , HAYFIS CEN'1'Elt , Neb „ Sept , 2-Spa. ( eie.-Tlio ) store building and postotllce wore broken open and robbed soma time last night by the prying open of one of the wlu dews. About $5 in change was taken and the money order blanic hook was found outsjde the building. As yet there is no clue to the robbers , Dry Wcuther hurts Corn , IIARVAIID , Neb , , Sept , 2 ; ( Spoclal- ) During the past week the weather has been exceedingly warm , the ground again becoming - coming so dry that ; plowing has largely stopped , Corn is dying so fast that the fields will produce many "small ears" of earn where large ouee were promised a tow days ago , fndependrut Candldnto ht Ohio. SPRINGFIELD , 0 , , Sept , 2.-U , H Ellis of Wayneavlllo has written Chairman B. S. Thompson of the union reform state executive committee accepting the nolnlus. lion for governor , Mr. Thompson says the initiative and referendum plank in the democratic state platform will draw u0 votes from the union reformers , as it 1s insincere. One Mluute Cough Ouro qutatny cures ob. atlnato summer coughs and colds , "I eon. aider it a most wondertul mediclae-quick and safe.-W , W. Merton , Mayhaw , Wis 5 ,